We're ready for storm season. Are you? - Egyptian Electric

Page created by Linda Shelton
We're ready for storm season. Are you? - Egyptian Electric
JUNE 2021
               1732 Finney Road • Murphysboro, IL 62966 • 800-606-1505 • eeca.coop

We’re ready for storm season. Are you?
   Summer is now in full swing, and
we all welcome the opportunity to
be outdoors and enjoy the warm
weather. Summer months also
make conditions right for danger-
ous storms. These potential weather
events can cause destruction to
our electrical system, but we want
you to know that Egyptian Electric
Cooperative crews always stand ready
to respond should power outages
occur in our area, large or small.
   When major storms knock out
power, our crews take all necessary
precautions before they get to work
on any downed lines. Sometimes a
storm pops up or changes direction
without any warning, while other
times it is forecast days in advance      When a storm hits                        After the storm
and follows its predicted course. In       If outside, never seek shelter             Once the storm is over, follow these
either case, knowing what to do right       under an isolated tree, tower or       safety tips from Safe Electricity:
before, during and after a storm can        utility pole, since lightning tends     Never step into a flooded
help to keep you safe. We encourage         to strike tall objects. Immediately       basement or other standing water.
you to practice safety and prepared-        vacate elevated areas such as hills,      The water could be covering
ness to protect your family during          mountain ridges and peaks. Get            electrical outlets, appliances
major storms and outages such as            away from ponds, lakes and other          or cords. Never touch (or use)
up on a three-day supply of non-            bodies of water. Stay away from           electrical appliances, cords, wires
perishable food, including canned           objects that conduct electricity,         or switches while you are wet or
goods, hygiene supplies, First Aid kit,     including wires and fences.               standing in water.
household items (especially flash-         Pick a safe place in your home,         After a storm, a downed power
lights and batteries), and a portable,      away from windows and doors, for          line could be covered by standing
battery-powered radio or TV.                family members to gather during a         water or debris. Never go near a
                                            thunderstorm.                             downed line and warn others to
                                           Know the difference between a             stay away. If you see a downed
                                            watch and a warning for extreme           line, call 9-1-1, and a crew will be
                                            weather such as a tornado or severe       dispatched to de-energize the
                                            thunderstorm. A watch means that          power and address the problem
                                            the weather is possible in and near       safely. 55-13-0031
                                            the area. A warning means that          The same safety know-how applies
                                            severe weather has been reported          to a downed power line you might
                                            by spotters or indicated by radar.        encounter while driving or after
                                            A warning is more serious than a          an auto accident. In either case, do
                                            watch and means there is imminent         not get out. Instead, call 9-1-1 to
                                            danger to life and property.
                                                                                                             Continued on page 20B

                                                                                          JUNE 2021   • ILLINOIS COUNTRY LIVING      20A
We're ready for storm season. Are you? - Egyptian Electric
1732 Finney Road
               Murphysboro, IL 62966
            Business hours/After hours
          24/7 Automated Pay-by-Phone
                                               Continued from page 20A
        Office hours 8 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. M-F
                 www.eeca.coop                   report the downed line (pull over          a small generator, make sure it is
                                                 first if you are driving). If you must     rated to handle the amount of power
                   Board of Directors            exit your vehicle after an accident        you will need, and always review the
              Paul Pyatt, President              because of a fire or smoke, make a         manufacturer’s instructions to oper-
            Paul Hicks, Vice-President           solid, clean jump out, landing with        ate it safely.
         Kevin Liefer, Secretary-Treasurer       both feet together. Then make                 Listen to local news or a NOAA
                  Rick Asaturian                 solid hops with your feet together,        Weather Radio for storm and
                   Kevin Bame                    hopping as far away as you can.            emergency information and check
                Randall Campbell                If your home has been damaged              Egyptian Electric’s SmartHub app
                    Ken Jarrett                  by a flood, turn off the power to          and Facebook page for power resto-
                    Steve Prest                  your house if it is safe to do so. Do      ration updates.
                                                 not turn power off at the breaker             After storms, avoid downed power
                                                 box while standing in water or in          lines and walking through flooded ar-
                                                 damp conditions.                           eas where concealed electricity issues
                                                If the wiring, electrical system or        could be located. Allow ample room
                                                 appliances have been damaged by            for utility crews to safely perform their
                                                 water, have your home inspected            jobs, including on your property.
                                                 by an electrician; also, have                 Planning for severe storms or
                                                 appliances serviced by a qualified         other emergencies can reduce stress
                                                 technician before using them.              and anxiety caused by the weather
                                                  In the event of a prolonged power         event and can lessen the impact
                                               outage, disconnect major appliances          of the storm’s effects. We hope we
                                               and unplug TVs, computers, and               don’t experience severe storms this
                    Shane Hermetz              other sensitive electronics. This will       summer, but we can never predict
                     General Manager                                                        Mother Nature’s plans. At Egyptian
                                               help avert damage from a power
                                               surge and will also help prevent             Electric Cooperative, we recommend
        Choose your payment option!            overloading the circuits during              you act today because there is power
                                               power restoration. That said, leave          in planning. From our co-op family to
        • At our office lobby, drive-thru,                                                  yours, we hope you have a safe and
                                               one light on so you will know when
          drop-box, or payment kiosk                                                        wonderful summer.
                                               power is restored. If you plan to use
        • Mail to: 1732 Finney Road,
          Murphysboro, IL 62966
        • Set up recurring bank draft or
          credit card payments                                                 Every month we will have three map location numbers
        • Use SmartHub portal, online
          or mobile app                             MEMBER                     hidden throughout our Egyptian Electric News section.
                                                                               If you find your location number, that corresponds to

        • By phone at (844) 759-3977, using
                                                                               the one on your bill, call our office and identify yourself
          credit card or checking account
        • Off-site kiosks located at 2301 N                                    and the page that it is on and you will win a $10 credit
          Reed Station Pkwy in Carbondale                                      on your next electric bill.
          and 1306 N Market in Sparta

We're ready for storm season. Are you? - Egyptian Electric
Brownouts: What are they, and why
do they happen?                                                                     Why are my lights
    The lights flicker and dim. The        potential damage caused by power
television suddenly reboots. Your com-     sags and surges. As a rule, these             Along with reduced illumina-
puter screen goes dark. As soon as you     types of devices cannot regulate the     tion from brownouts, lights can
start to wonder when or if you clicked     amount of power they receive.            flicker or blink for other reasons.
save, the lights become brighter and     • Installing point-of-use surge            The problem may be:
everything seems to return to normal;      protectors. This type of affordable      • Light bulbs. If just one light
except, perhaps, that document you         surge protector plugs directly into          is flickering or blinking, check
were working on.                           an outlet and works by cutting the           that the light bulb is not
    When these events occur simulta-       power when excessive voltage is              loose. A light bulb may also
neously, it could mean that you have       detected. While most appliances              flicker if it is not the proper
experienced a brownout, which gets         are typically unscathed by dips and          voltage for the fixture or if
its name from the way incandescent         eventual surges in voltage levels            you plugged a standard bulb
light bulbs dim and the light appears      caused by a brownout, damage can             into a dimmer switch. The fix
brown. But what exactly is a brownout,     happen, and these devices add a              may be as easy as replacing it
and how is it different from a blackout?   layer of protection.                         with the proper bulb.
    Where a blackout is a complete       • Considering a whole-home surge
shutdown of power, a brownout                                                       • Electrical wiring. If the light-
                                           protector, which helps protect all           ing in the entire room or the
means energy is reduced by 10 to 25        your home’s electrical devices. While
percent. Brownouts typically occur                                                      whole house flickers, it could
                                           more of an investment than the               be a sign of a larger issue.
when outdoor temperatures are              plug-in variety, it works by diverting
extreme, causing a significant spike                                                    Hire a certified electrician to
                                           power from appliances and elec-              inspect your home to make
in energy demand. This heightened          tronics through a home’s ground-
demand can cause electricity produc-                                                    sure your electrical wiring
                                           ing wires. It can also help protect          system and connections are
tion to be near or at capacity. The op-    appliances from spikes related to
posite action, a temporary reduction                                                    up to date. 43-01-0007
                                           lightning strikes and other electri-
in the voltage of electricity (a brown-                                             • Appliances. If the flickering
                                           cal issues. This type of whole-home
out), can help avoid a total shutdown                                                   seems to coincide with a ma-
                                           protection should be installed by
of the electrical system.                                                               jor appliance drawing power,
                                           a qualified electrician directly into
    When energy demand is at its                                                        such as a refrigerator, the
                                           your home’s electrical panel(s).
highest, Egyptian Electric and Safe                                                     issue may be an overloaded
                                         • Unplugging unessential appliances.           circuit or the appliance itself.
Electricity recommend:                     Taking this simple step can help             Have your appliance inspect-
• Unplugging computers and high-           reduce the amount of power your              ed to make sure it is wired
   end electronics to protect them from    home uses. If done in multiple               for maximum ampacity and
                                           homes, it may help shorten the               that the circuit is safe to use.
    WHAT IS A                              length of the brownout.
                                         • Being prepared for an outage.
                                                                                        (Ampacity is the maximum
                                                                                        amount of current that a wire
   BROWNOUT?                               Unfortunately, brownouts are not
                                           always successful in reducing the
                                                                                        can safely carry.)
                                                                                    • An overloaded circuit.
                                           load. Keep your home stocked with
                                                                                    • Meter box or main service
          A BLACKOUT                       emergency items in the event of an
                                                                                        connection issues.
             is a complete                 extended power outage.
                                                                                    • If the whole neighborhood
                                         • Having fully charged portable
        shutdown of power.                 power bank, phones and mobile
                                                                                        is experiencing problems,
                                                                                        contact us to report the issue.
                                           devices on hand. If the power
                                                                                    • For more information
         A BROWNOUT                        goes out or a brownout lasts more
                                                                                        on electrical safety, visit
                                           than a few hours, you can use your
     means energy is reduced               communication devices to let us              SafeElectricity.org.
        by 10 to 25 percent.               know about the issues you are

                                                                                         JUNE 2021   • ILLINOIS COUNTRY LIVING   20C
The Power of Operation Round Up
                              By Adam Schwartz

         It started as a simple idea at one      can change their minds about             about the programs that have been
      co-op in South Carolina - just rounding    participating. Once folks see the        successful. Operation Round Up is a
      up the co-op member’s electric bill        good work the program does in their      perfect example of that cooperative
      to the next dollar, and then use it to     communities, they almost always          spirit. Please consider joining our
      do good work in our communities.           keep contributing. Once we have          efforts today! 49-13-0059
      Today, hundreds of electric co-ops         enough funds accumulated, we
      throughout the country, including          will be accepting applications from
      Egyptian Electric Cooperative, use         organizations in our communities
      this idea to help members and              where those funds would be useful.
      organizations close to home.                  Over the years, millions of dollars
         All co-ops adhere to the seven          have been collected and distributed
      cooperative principles, including          for a wide range of activities. This
      “Concern for Community.” The               can include stocking the local food
      Operation Round Up program is              pantry, providing funds for the
      the perfect embodiment of this             local fire department to purchase            Operation Round Up, where
      core principle. The average co-op          a needed piece of equipment and            together we make the difference!
      member donates $6 with a maximum           dozens of other humanitarian efforts                 www.eeca.coop
      possible contribution of $11.88 per        that bring electric co-ops even closer
      year. This may not seem like a large       to the communities we serve.
      amount, but when combined with                While each co-op must respond
      over 12,000 members, it adds up            to the needs of its members, one of
      fast to make a significant impact.         the great attributes of co-ops across
         The program is always voluntary,        the country – and the world – is their
      and at any time, members                   willingness to share information

                       2021 Annual Meeting                                                  New Director Mary Homan
                                   Thursday,July 15                                                                Mary Homan
                                                                                                                   of Chester was
                                                                                                                   voted in as our
                                                                                                                   newest board
                                                                                                                   of director
                                                                                                                   on April 13,
                                                                                                                   2021 to fill
                                                                                                                   the vacancy
                                                                                                                   of Larry Ebers
                                                                                            of Steeleville, at his retirement,
             The 83rd EECA Annual Meeting of the Members will be held drive-                the end of 2020. She has been
         thru style on Thursday, July 15, 2021. Boxed hot dog and chip dinners
                                                                                            employed by Chester National
         will be given and a $20 bill credit to each registered member. Gates
                                                                                            Bank for 38 years, and has been
         open for registration at 4:30 p.m., with the business meeting beginning
         at 6:00 p.m. Scholarship and door prize drawings immediately                       part of the Executive Team as
         following. Full-time and soon-to-be college students can now apply                 Treasurer/VP for the past 20 years.
         for one of 10 opportunities to win a $1,000 EECA Annual Meeting                    She is resides in Chester with her
         scholarship! Applications are due July 6, and can be found on page 4,              husband, Kevin, and together
         in office or online at eeca.coop.                                                  have one daughter, Danielle.

2021 Annual Meeting Scholarship Application
        Ten - $1,000 Scholarships to be awarded by drawing and announced following the Annual Meeting on July 15, 2021
             „ The applicant must be a member in good standing of Egyptian Electric Cooperative, or is the depen-
               dent of a member of the Cooperative who is in good standing, and must have been a member for
               one year prior to July 15, 2021.

             „ All applications must be signed by the applicant and parent or legal guardian (if a dependent).
               Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applications must be returned to the Cooperative
               by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 6, 2021. Applications will be accepted by mail, fax to (888)
               554-8181, email to bguthman@eeca.coop or by submitting it in our after-hours dropbox.

             „ The Annual Meeting will be drive-thru style with the business meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m.
               Scholarship drawings will take place following. Attendance for student and/or parent is optional for 2021.

            „ The applicant must be enrolled, or have applied for enrollment, in a full-time undergraduate course of
              study at an accredited two or four-year college, university or vocational school for the Fall 2021 term.

            „ Scholarship winners will be notified by email provided on application. Winners will have until July 30,
              2021 to produce verification of enrollment. Scholarship funds will then be sent directly to recipients
              upon verification of enrollment to the Cooperative.

            „ Prior scholarship recipients are ineligible. Prior applicants are eligible.

    Applicant Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

    Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________

    City: ____________________________________________________                                 Zip Code: _____________________________

    Phone Number: ___________________________________ E-mail Address: ____________________________________

    Date of Birth: ______________________________________________ Age: ___________________________________

    College/School Attending Fall 2021: ____________________________________________________________________

    High School Graduated From: ___________________________________ Year of Graduation: ____________________

    Parent/Legal Guardian Name(s) (only in case of dependent): _____________________________________________

    EECA Account Name: ______________________________________________________________________________

    EECA Account Number: ____________________________________________________________________________

    By signing this application you hereby agree the information provided is true and correct, and permission is granted for Egyptian Electric
    Cooperative and associated organizations to use your information and your photograph for publicity purposes.

    Applicant signature _________________________________________                               Date_________________________________

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