Weekly Update August 19, 2022 - Nassau Bay

Page created by Lester Garner
Weekly Update August 19, 2022 - Nassau Bay
Weekly Update
                                                                    August 19, 2022
                      Welcome Back to School, Clear Creek ISD!
The City of Nassau Bay would like to wish all of your students a safe and happy 2022-2023 School Year. To
celebrate the first week of school - here are some of our very own kiddos who have headed off to school.

                                             Space Center Houston to host Artemis
       in this issue                            Launch Watch Party - August 29
                                         Plan to attend a very special Artemis Launch Watch Party at Space
                                         Center Houston on Monday, August 29 beginning at 5:15AM.
     Administration - Page 2             Join Space Center Houston for a morning full of fun activities,
                                         giveaways, and more celebrating humanity’s next giant leap! Watch
      City Secretary - Page 3            the livestream of NASA’s Artemis 1 mission launching to the Moon.
                                         Live coverage will begin two hours prior to the launch and will be
      Public Works - Page 4              broadcast in the Main Plaza.
                                         The launch is expected to take place at about 7:33AM.
          NBPD/EMS - 5                   Visit the Facebook event page for the Launch Watch Party here.

Weekly Update August 19, 2022 - Nassau Bay
                                     August 22nd Budget Workshop
    The City of Nassau Bay will host a Budget Workshop on Monday, August 22nd at 6:00pm in the City Hall Council
    Chambers. At this meeting, Mayor and Council will hold their fourth discussion regarding the City Manager’s
    proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2023. This is in preparation of the Public Hearing and Budget Adoption that will
    occur at the regular City Council meeting on September 12th.
    Additionally, Council will discussion the City’s Utility Rate Study establishing water and sewer rates. Lastly, City
    Council will convene in Executive Session for a consultation with the City Attorney regarding potential litigation
    for a property located at 18410 Kingstown, Nassau Bay, Texas 77058.
    For more information, including the meeting agenda, and to view the live broadcast stream, visit www.nassaubay.

                                 HCMCA August Meeting at Transtar
    Councilmember Ashley Graves attended the August
    meeting of the Harris County Mayors’ and Councils’
    Association (HCMCA) on Thursday, August 18th.
    The meeting was held at Houston TranStar, where
    members were invited to participate in a private tour
    of the facility.
    Additionally, the program for this meeting was guest
    speaker Meteorologist Jeff Lindner, Division Director,
    Hydrologic Operations & Meteorologist at Harris
    County Flood Control District (pictured first from
    the left).
    Houston TranStar is a unique partnership of
    representatives from the City of Houston, Harris
    County, METRO and TxDOT who share resources
    and exchange information under one roof to keep
    motorists informed, roadways clear and lives safe in
    the fourth most populated city in the United States.

                                 August 15th Budget Workshop Recap
    The City of Nassau Bay held a Special Meeting & Budget Workshop meeting on Monday, August 15th in order
    to hold a discussion regarding the City Manager’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2023. During the workshop,
    Council discussed the Capital Improvement Plan, water and sewer position allocations, code enforcement, and
    Additionally, City Council took action to receive the Tax Year 2022 No-New-Revenue-Rate (FY2023 0.620089)
    and the Voter-Approval-Rate (FY2023 0.739803) calculations. The City received the completed Truth-In-Taxation
    No-New-Revenue-Rate and Voter-Approval-Rate worksheets and calculations based on the estimated taxable
    value from the Harris County Tax Assessor Collector on August 9, 2022. Per Tax Code Chapter 26.04(e) the City
    needed to submit the calculated rates to City Council as soon as practicable after August 7th.

Weekly Update August 19, 2022 - Nassau Bay
city secretary
            RFQ 2022-02 Legal Notice Publication
The City issued a Request for Qualifications soliciting qualifications for projects
funded through the Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program.
The Request for Qualifications will be published on Wednesday, August 24th and
August 31st. This request is related to the 2022 FMA Program, specifically seeking
services for grant development, grant administration, and project management
Sealed bids in duplicate will be received by the City Secretary until Thursday,
September 8, 2022 at 2:00pm at Nassau Bay City Hall, 1800 Space Park Drive, Suite
200, Nassau Bay, Texas 77058, and then publicly opened and read aloud.

 emergency management
                Review the Updated Hurricane Preparedness Webpage
Just in time for Hurricane Season, the City of Nassau Bay has updated its Hurricane Preparedness webpage,
accessible on the City website at www.nassaubay.com/prepare.
The page includes a wide range of information and resources to help prepare your home and family for Hurricane
Season, including an annual outlook provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Visitors to the page will also have access to:
• Emergency Essentials Kit
• An updated City handout
including QR codes to City social
media accounts and the Swift911
emergency notifications signup
•    Hurricane     Preparedness
information from Ready.gov
• Hurricane Evacuation Routes
• A Zip Zone Map
• A Hurricane Tracking Chart
• Tips for creating a Family
Disaster Plan
We encourage all residents to
check out the page and to utilize
the content throughout Hurricane

Weekly Update August 19, 2022 - Nassau Bay
Public Works
                     Weekly Public Works Activity Report - August 12-18
    • Increase in Water Breaks: Due to the extremely hot         concrete. To date, nine out of 15 areas have been
    weather conditions, as well as the age of the water lines,   completed.
    Public Works is experiencing an increase in major            • CIP Storm Water Line Repairs: Staff has begun
    water line breaks. This is normal during extreme heat        evaluating outfall drainage lines throughout the city.
    or drought conditions. We appreciate our residents’          This project will assess the conditions of the drainage
    patience during these periods. Public Works crews are        lines for repair and replacement needs. A priority will
    dedicated to restoring water service as soon as possible     be given to older, galvanized lines. After the assessment
    when a leak occurs.                                          is completed, lines will be televised to determine the
    • Water Leak Repair: On August 12, crews repaired a          condition of the pipes.
    water leak at 18515 Point Lookout Drive.                     • Storm water pump station weekly checks were
    • Water Leak Repair: On August 15, crews repaired a          completed.
    water leak at 18220 Upper Bay Drive.                         • Lake Nassau: Rubberized sealing is being replaced on
    • Water Leak Repair: On August 18, crews repaired a          spillway access doors.
    water leak at 18715 Point Lookout Drive.                     • Water Plant Operations: Normal operations. Lead and
    • New water line switchovers from the old water system       copper water sampling collections are in progress.
    to the new system were conducted in two (2) areas of         • Wastewater Plant Operations: All operations are
    the city.                                                    normal.
    • Due to the number of leaks that have been repaired,        • Sanitary Sewer Jetting: Approximately 500 linear feet
    heavy equipment and pumps were washed, and                   of sewer lines were jetted along Surf Court and Space
    preventative maintenance was performed.                      Park Drive to improve flow and capacity.
    • Water meters re-reads were conducted for Utility           • All City facilities have been mowed and trimmed.
    Billing.                                                     Irrigation repairs continue at parks and on medians.
    • Texas Water Development Board Sewer Line                   • Queens Court Landscaping: All irrigation is
    Rehabilitation Project is in progress. To date, 8,818        operational, and mulching is in progress.
    linear feet of sewer line has been completed. Please be
                                                                 • Staffing: A new Street/Drainage Field Operator and
    patient with the contractors installing the new sewer
                                                                 part-time Animal Control Officer began employment
    line. They WILL return and clean up the property and
                                                                 last week.
    make any repairs to fencing or flowerbeds. Please call
    Public Works at 281-333-2944 with any questions or           • Staffing: Interviews were conducted for a Park
    complaints and the Project Manager will visit you to         Maintenance Worker on Wednesday and Thursday.
    discuss your concerns.                                       • A Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting was
    • Texas Water Development Board Water Line                   conducted on Wednesday evening.
    Rehabilitation Project: Contractors continue to install      • Animal Control: Currently, the Shelter is at full
    new water lines, along with water valves and new             capacity with eight (8) dogs and 14 cats. Adoptions and
    hydrants. To date, contractors have installed a total        fostering are highly appreciated.
    of 9,818 linear feet of new water lines. As a reminder,
                                                                 Please call Public Works at
    site clean-up and property restoration are a part of the
                                                                 281-333-2944 to learn more
                                                                 or set up an appointment to
    • CIP Street Improvement Project (15 areas): Street          meet an animal in need of a
    contractors have continued to work in multiple               forever home.
    locations in the City on demolition and re-pouring

Weekly Update August 19, 2022 - Nassau Bay
Police department
Nassau Bay               Two NBPD members celebrate
PD Weekly                 employment anniversaries
 Statistics          Congratulations to Officer Jacob Arnesen who
                     recently celebrated his two-year anniversary with
August 12-18         Nassau Bay PD on August 10.
                     Officer Arnesen also received his Intermediate Peace
 • 100 calls for     Officer Proficiency Certification from the Texas
      service        Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). TCOLE
    • 9 reports      awards certification levels based on an officer’s years
• 36 traffic stops   of service combined with the number of training/
  • 9 citations /    education hours. Officer Arnesen has total of 2,426
   25 warnings       training hours.
    • 3 arrests      Corporal Mike Cavazos will celebrate four years with
    (1 felony/       NBPD on Saturday, August 20. Cpl. Cavazos grew
2 misdemeanor)       up here in Nassau Bay. He is the weekend night shift
                     supervisor for the patrol division.

         Are you interested in joining the Nassau Bay Police Department?
                     Interested in becoming a police officer or know someone who is? Nassau Bay PD is
                     accepting applications for position of Patrol Officer. Beginning salary of $52,600.00
                     plus a possible $5,000.00 signing bonus for qualified applicants with two or more years
                     of experience. For additional information or to submit an application, visit www.

    EMS Weekly                         2 Elderly Falls; 1 Difficulty Breathing; 8 Sick Persons;
      Statistics                          4 Chest Pain; 2 Medical Alarms; 3 Unconscious;
    August 12-18                                 2 Public Assists; 2 Traffic Collisions

                              City Council Budget Workshop
                              Monday, August 22nd, 6:00 PM @ City Hall Council Chamber
                              Coffee with the Mayor and City Manager

    city                      Friday, August 26th, 9:00 AM @ City Hall Council Chamber
                              City Administrative Offices Closed in Observance of Labor Day
                              Monday, September 5th
  calendar                    City Council Meeting
                              Monday, September 12th, 7:00 PM @ City Hall Council Chamber

Weekly Update August 19, 2022 - Nassau Bay Weekly Update August 19, 2022 - Nassau Bay Weekly Update August 19, 2022 - Nassau Bay Weekly Update August 19, 2022 - Nassau Bay Weekly Update August 19, 2022 - Nassau Bay
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