Welcome inside Dulwich Prep Cranbrook

Page created by Gene Wilson
Welcome inside Dulwich Prep Cranbrook
See page 3 for                    Dulwich Prep Cranbrook

                     Welcome inside
our new 'behind
   the scenes

                                      Issue No.7| 4th March 2022

              World Book Day                                           Senior School

   The children had so much fun this week celebrating         The Senior School announcement
   World Book Day. See page 2 for more photos.                presentation and FAQs are now available
                                                              to view on the iNet. Your feedback is very
                                                              welcome, so we would be very grateful if
                                                              parents could take 10 minutes to
                                                              complete the iNet survey.

                                      The Ukraine crisis
                                     With the situation developing in Ukraine, children may be asking
                                     questions which you are unsure of how to answer. Here are two
                                     online resources which help to provide advice on discussing war with
                                     children: First News and ChildNet.

                                      How can we help
Miss Spearink is volunteering at the Youth Club       In times of crisis, often money will enable those
building in Staplehurst this Saturday on behalf of    most in need to receive immediate support. The
the Red Cross Ukrainian Crisis Appeal. If anyone      Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) brings
would like to donate items such as warm clothes       together 15 leading UK aid charities and is
and bedding, they can be dropped at the Youth         currently leading the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
Club between 10.00 am and 3.00 pm.                    Please click here to find out more and to make a
Welcome inside Dulwich Prep Cranbrook
World Book Day


Welcome inside Dulwich Prep Cranbrook
Behind the Scenes
 In this week's special edition, our Upper School children have offered some insight into experiences
 which they are grateful for. Meanwhile, our staff have also observed acts of kindness from the children
 which are worthy of mention. Please do contact us about further acts of kindness, for inclusion in next
 month's Behind the Scenes edition: newsletter@dulwichprepcranbrook.org.

 "Mrs Sarton has hosted and organised all of the School Council meetings, including helping
 to encourage the children to ask around about any new ideas. The school council of Dulwich
 has decided to help by organising a charity event to raise money for the poor citizens of
 Malawi, it has delighted me that every member of the school council voted to help. I'm glad
 we are focused on such a worthy cause." - Ben C

                     "Special thanks to Mrs Seal for
                                                                 "We have some new
                     providing a hot chocolate break for
                                                                 books that have come
                     the Y8s to come and enjoy a delicious
                                                                 into the library
                     drink and an informal chat in Manor.
                                                                 recommended by some
                     We all had a lovely time together
                                                                 of our students. Mrs
chatting to a lovely member of Place To Be about the
                                                                 Potter always loves to
exams and all the things that were happening to us that
                                                                 hear the children’s
week. We all want to say a massive thank you for your
                                                                 recommendations and
time talking to us." – Abigail R
                                                                 requests!" - Rosie H

Very impressive: Leo enjoyed a                                                               "Thank you, Mrs
Y6 comprehension so much that                                                                Potter, for organising
he decided to read the book it                                                               another wonderful
was based on. He then went on
                                                                                             author talk!
to recommend Mrs Potter
                                                                                             What I enjoyed most
purchase the book for the
Library.                                                                                     about Konnie Huq’s
Here he is with our brand new copy! If any other Y6s              talk was her showing us the homemade bird
enjoyed the extract from The Snow Merchant: do come               feeder: She made the bird feeder out of a milk
and borrow the whole book!                                        carton and a stick for birds to sit on which I
                                                                  thought was very creative. Her books are very
The Upper School Office team have observed                        funny and so well written. I wonder who will do
two wonderful acts of kindness this week. The                     our next author talk?" - Bonnie T
first was from Amelie W, who has been a
wonderful help in delivering lunch to Sophia
whilst she is on crutches.                                                        "Mrs Carter in our drama
                                                                                  department has been a great help in
The second is Molly M and Freya W, who                                            rehearsals for the senior play. We
were so thoughtful in taking the Estates team a                                   can’t wait to see the senior
lovely card, thanking them for fixing a flat                                      production and we all appreciate the
minibus tyre whilst they were playing a match                                     effort and time she has been putting
at Derwent Lodge. The card was signed by all                                      into it for and with us!" - Rosie H
the girls involved in the match.
Welcome inside Dulwich Prep Cranbrook
Upper School

NEWS                          Artist
                          OF THE WEEK
                                                      World Book Day
                                                                                     Our language seniors
                                                                                     went to Little Stream to
                                                                                     celebrate World Book
Year 6 have been inspired by contemporary                                            Day with the younger
American artist Peter Anton known for his hyper-                                     children. Delilah, Esme,
realistic sculptures of sweets and cakes, to create
a delicious looking array of individual chocolate     Aedan, Frieda, Hattie
paintings. The children worked hard to use their      and Natasha spent
knowledge of tone and colour-mixing to produce        some time on Thursday
a 3D looking chocolate treat on a square canvas.      reading stories in French
Congratulations to Phoebe, Tommy, Victor and          to Years 2 and 3 students
Oliver for their paintings, which look good           and they even prepared
enough to eat.                                        some great activities to
                                                      practise their French
                                                      skills and learn about
                                                      clothes and colours. We
                                                      all had a lot of fun, merci!

          Oliver G        Phoebe T

                                                      Ojibwas Tribe Fundraiser
          Victor H         Tommy T
                                                      SAVE THE DATE: Monday 21st March 2022 for
                                                      the Ojibway Tribe Fundraiser. Wear yellow and
World Book Day Challenge                              bring £2 plus extra cash for the cake bake sale at
                                                      morning break under the Morrison Gallery.

                                                      Please DO NOT buy anything yellow for this event
                                                      … if you don’t have yellow in your wardrobe it
                                                      doesn’t matter, the fundraising for those in need is
                                                      what matters most.
Upper School have been working all week to
complete the World Book Challenge set by Mrs          More information to follow …
Potter and Mrs Alonso. Results TBC so watch this
Welcome inside Dulwich Prep Cranbrook
Little Stream

 NEWS                                                   Informal Concert
World Book Day in Little Stream                         Thank you to all those children in
                                                        Years 3 & 4 who performed in the
The children and staff in Little Stream made such       Informal concert this week and to
a fantastic effort with their costumes for World         all those audience members who
Book Day this year. The day started with children       were in attendance.
being read to by various different teachers, with a     Mrs Pepler would like to say a personal thank you
visit from Mr David and Mrs Whiting from                and well done to all the children for performing so
Upper School joining in. Mrs Prynne created a           well. Very impressive!
treasure hunt at break time (See page 2 for

 A trip to the Greek Taverna
 Year 2 took an imaginary
 trip to a Greek Taverna for
                                                        Star Artists
 breakfast this week. We
 enjoyed a feast of olives,                             Linking in with Year 2’s work topic of
 feta cheese, bread, honey,                             Ancient Greece, the children have
 figs and Greek yogurt. It                              studied the mythological story of
 was delicious. Our                                     Medusa. The children were shown how
 breakfast entertainment                                to draw Medusa using mathematical
 was provided by Jessica                                proportions, firstly in pencil, then adding
 who performed a Minotaur                               colour and texture with watercolour and
 rap!                                                   coloured pencil. Congratulations to our
                                                        Star Artists Max H, Rose R, Molly B,
 Young Animators' Club                                  Ellora H, Jess L & Eva B.
 Years 1 & 2 had their first go at
 stop motion animation this week
 in Young Animators' Club. Using
 the iCan Animate app, the
 children made a glass

 pebble travel across the table by taking a series of
 photos and then playing them back at speed. You
 can find their work on the iNet.

Tuesday 8th March – Young Shakespeare Company performing The Tempest for Years 3 & 4
Wednesday 9th March – Author Sophy Henn visiting Little Stream
Thursday 10th March – 8.50 am 2C Form Showing – coffee will be served at the servery beforehand
                       6.00 – 8.00 pm Specialist Teachers Parents’ Evening – online
Friday 11th March – 8.50 am 2B Form Showing
Welcome inside Dulwich Prep Cranbrook
Nash House

NEWS                                                  Visit by Dr Cunningham
                                                      A special thank you to Dr
                                                      Cunningham for visiting
Form Showings                                         the children in Nursery to
Well done to all the Nursery children for their       talk about how doctors
fantastic Form Showings this week. It was lovely      and nurses care for us and
to be able to welcome so many parents into the        how we can all keep well
classrooms. The Nursery photo stories are             and stay healthy. The
available to view on the iNet in the Nash House       children were fascinated to
News section on the Resources icon.                   hear about the role of a
                                                      doctor and were very
                                                      keen to put into action all they had learnt when
Past and Present                                      playing in their Health Centre role play area.

Reception have been learning about the school
in the past, and looking at the differences           Shrove Tuesday
between then and now. Our School Archivist
                                                      Pancakes galore were enjoyed by all in Reception
visited the children to tell them all about how the
                                                      on Shrove Tuesday with some delicious pancakes
school has changed over the years. The children
                                                      being made.
loved trying on the old style uniform and really
liked the zipped jackets! Please visit the iNet to
see more photos.

                                                      Thank you
                                                      A special thank you to Arian, Serenity and
                                                      Sapphire’s grandparents for the extremely kind
                                                      donation of brand new children’s pants and
                                                      tights for Nash House.
Welcome inside Dulwich Prep Cranbrook
Nash House

World Book Day and West End in
The children in                                 Monday 7th March
Nash House were
treated to a                                    The Reception classes will be participating in
drama workshop                                  Cycle Ready throughout the day. Please could all
by West End in                                  Reception children have their waterproof all-in-
Schools as part of                              one suit, over trousers, school coat, Mac-in-a-Sac
their World Book                                and PE trainers in school on Monday. Our
Day celebrations.                               thanks go to the Friends for kindly providing this
There were some fabulous costumes and we all    opportunity for the Reception children.
thoroughly enjoyed listening to our favourite
stories. Please visit the iNet to see what an
amazing day we had!                             Tuesday 8th March

                                                Woodland Reception Form Showing, 9.00 am –
                                                9.30 am. Refreshments served from 8.30 am.

                                                Parent and Toddler Group will be enjoying soft
                                                play from 2.15 pm – 3.30 pm. For further details
                                                regarding Parent and Toddler Group, please
                                                contact nhoffice@dulwichprepcranbrook.org
                                                or call Sue Coles on 01580 713043.

                                                Wednesday 9th March

                                                Orchard Reception Form Showing, 9.00 am –
                                                9.30 am. Refreshments served from 8.30 am.

                                                Friday 11th March

                                                Star of the Week Assembly, 9.00 am.
                                                Refreshments served from 8.30 am.
Welcome inside Dulwich Prep Cranbrook
Calendar - Week 8

Monday 07 March 2022
Cycle Ready for Reception (tbc), Nash House
9.00am               Friends of Dulwich Prep Committee Meeting, Henley Room
4.00pm               Football Girls-U13A, Girls-U11A v Vinehall School, A
4.15pm               Health and Safety Meeting
5.30pm               Extras to the Bursary

Tuesday 08 March 2022
9.00am-9.30am    Woodland Reception Form Showing to parents, Nash House
9.00am-11.15am   Young Shakespeare Players, JLH
1.15pm-3.30pm     Young Shakespeare Players for Years 3 & 4, Little Stream Hall
4.15pm           Year 8 staff meeting for all staff who teach Year 8 children

Wednesday 09 March 2022
TBC Lacrosse Girls-2nds v Saint Ronan's School, A
9.00am-9.30am      Orchard Reception Form Showing for parents, Nash House
1.00pm             Lacrosse Girls-1st v Kent Championships, N
2.15pm             Cancelled Hockey Sevens Boys - 3rd VII v Claremont Preparatory School, N
2.15pm             Hockey Sevens Boys - 1st VII, Boys - 2nd VII v Claremont Preparatory School, N
2.15pm             Hockey Sevens Boys-U11A v Rosehill, A
2.15pm             Hockey Sevens Boys-U11C, Boys-U11D v Rosehill, H
2.30pm             Lacrosse Girls-U11, Girls-U10 v Marlborough House School, H
2.30pm             Lacrosse Girls-2nds v Marlborough House School, N
2.30pm             Football Girls-U11A v Radnor House Sevenoaks, A
3.00pm             Hockey Sevens Boys-U11B v Rosehill, A
3.00pm             Hockey Sevens Boys-U11E, Boys-U11F v Rosehill, H
4.00pm             Little Stream Staff Meeting

Thursday 10 March 2022
Senior Play Rehearsal All Day
8.50am            2C Form Showing, 2C
2.15pm            Lacrosse Girls-U9A v Marlborough House School, H
2.15pm            Lacrosse Girls-U9A v Saint Ronan's School, H
2.30pm            Hockey Sevens Boys-U9 v The Mead School, H
6.00pm            Year 8 Parents' Evening- all forms
6.00pm-8.00pm Little Stream Specialist Teachers Consultation Evening, Little Stream Hall
Welcome inside Dulwich Prep Cranbrook
Calendar - Week 8

Friday 11 March 2022
Deadline for submission of dates for next term's calendar
8.50am           2B Form Showing, 2B
9.15am-10.15am 2nd HPV vaccinations for Year 8
10.30am-4.00pm Thomas Trophy Cross Country Event, Sevenoaks
12.00pm          Cross Country Mixed-U9A v Thomas Trophy, A
12.00pm          Cross Country Boys-U13/12, Boys-U11/10 v Thomas Trophy, tbc
12.00pm          Cross Country Girls-U13/12, Girls-U11/10 v Thomas Trophy, tbc

Saturday 12 March 2022
3.00pm         Swimming Girls U11 Squad v Kent Primary Schools Swim Competition, A
Welcome inside Dulwich Prep Cranbrook
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