Welcome to Back to School Night! - First Grade 2021-2022 We are so excited to have your little ones in our classes this year!

Page created by Derek Burgess
Welcome to Back to School Night! - First Grade 2021-2022 We are so excited to have your little ones in our classes this year!
Welcome to Back
  to School Night!
                      First Grade

We are so excited to have your little ones in our classes
                       this year!
Welcome to Back to School Night! - First Grade 2021-2022 We are so excited to have your little ones in our classes this year!
Let’s Meet the Teachers!
               There are many familiar faces!
 We are looking forward to getting to know each one of you!

     Mrs. Elizabeth Aniotzbehere: 1st Grade; Room 5
           Mrs. Karen Butler: 1st Grade; Room 1
         Mrs. Kate Manjarrez: 1st Grade; Room 2
Mrs. Lauri Vaughn: 1st and 2nd Grade Combo Class; Room 4
Welcome to Back to School Night! - First Grade 2021-2022 We are so excited to have your little ones in our classes this year!
Mrs. Aniotzbehere
                               Room 5
Married to Nick Aniotzbehere for 13 years
1 son; Speed (8), and 1 daughter; Izzy (11)

I have been teaching for 15 years; this is my third year
at Cedarwood: GO HAWKS! I love teaching, having fun with
my students, and helping them feel successful in class.

I am ready to take on this school year with you and your
                                                              Contact Mrs. Aniotzbehere
student. Together we can do great things!                               E-mail:

                                                                  Phone: 327-6000
Welcome to Back to School Night! - First Grade 2021-2022 We are so excited to have your little ones in our classes this year!
Mrs. Butler
                                  Room 1
This year marks my 36th year of teaching in Clovis Unified! I have been teaching at
Cedarwood since our school opened in 1996. Prior to that I taught at Mickey Cox.
I have been married to my husband for 36 years and we have two grown children. Our
family has grown this past year! Our daughter was married in June, so we now have a
son-in-law. Ashley and her husband, Matt live in Altadena. Our son, Ryan and daughter-
in-law , Ali had a baby boy in October. Brayden is now almost 10 months old. He is the
sweetest little guy and keeps me on my toes. Being a grandmother is simply the best!
 I am so excited to spend this year with your child. I know it will be great!

                                                                        Contact Mrs. Butler:

                                                                    E-mail: karenbutler@cusd.com

                                                                          Phone: 327-6000
Welcome to Back to School Night! - First Grade 2021-2022 We are so excited to have your little ones in our classes this year!
Mrs. Manjarrez
                                    Room 2
◈   Family:
     - Married to a 4th grade teacher.
     - We have 2 sons, Levi (5) and Miles (almost 1)
     - We have a dog named Duke. He is an English Mastiff.

◈   Teaching:
     - 14th year and I love every minute of it.
     - I have taught Kindergarten to High School
◈ Love of learning
◈ My family and I love to travel.

◈ Looking forward to this year with your sweet
                    Contact Mrs. Manjarrez:
                         Phone: 327-6000
Welcome to Back to School Night! - First Grade 2021-2022 We are so excited to have your little ones in our classes this year!
Mrs. Lauri Vaughn
                             Room 4
I have been married for 29 years to Greg Vaughn. We
have a son named Christian who is 23 and working on
his Masters in Computer Science. Our daughter Taylor
is 25 and currently working on her Doctor of Physical
Therapy Degree. We got a puppy this last year named
This is my 28th year of teaching, and I have been at
Cedarwood since the first day it opened...27 years ago!
I have taught first grade through third grade
                                                          Contact Mrs. Vaughn:

I’m looking forward to an amazing year with your                  E-mail:
awesome kids!
                                                            Phone: 327-6000
Welcome to Back to School Night! - First Grade 2021-2022 We are so excited to have your little ones in our classes this year!
Your child
Your child is precious to us. We already love them because
they are a first grader at Cedarwood Elementary. We will
do all we can to make this years experience fun, engaging
and educational. We are eager to get to know your child
and family. Please trust that we are here for you and your
child. If you need anything or have any questions, please
contact us. We usually respond within 24-48 hours and if
we do not know the answers right away, we will work hard
to find. out. We love what we do each year, teach the
young leaders of tomorrow! Let's have a great year working
together to find joy in these special circumstances.
Suggested Learning Supplies
   These are voluntary, optional donations for
classroom supplies. We appreciate you.
◈ Cleaning wipes
◈ Baby wipes
◈ Kleenex
◈ Hand soap
◈ Paper Towels                                       It would be helpful for your child
                                                     to have access to the following
◈ Black EXPO brand markers                           for homework completion.
◈ Pre Sharpened or Regular Ticonderoga pencils
◈ Glue sticks                                        ●    Crayons
◈ Astro Bright Paper Reams (any color)               ●    Pencils
                                                     ●    Glue Stick
Teacher will provide your child with supplies used   ●    Scissors
during the school day.                               ●    Counters (beans, cheerios, etc)
                                                     If you need help supplying any of these items,
                                                     please let your teacher know.
Daily Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday            Wednesday

                                             8:40-10:30 ELA and
8:40-10:30: ELA and Morning Learning         Morning Learning
10:30-10:45: Recess                          10:30-10:45: Recess
10:45-11:40: ELA/ Writing                    10:45-11:40: ELA/ Writing
11:40 - 12:30: Lunch                         11:40 - 12:30: Lunch
12:30 - 2:00: Math                           12:30 - 2:00: Math
2:00- 2:30: P.E.                             2:00: Dismissal
2:30 - 3:30: Science/ Social Studies/ ELA
3:30: Dismissal
◈ Call 327-6000 to clear child's absence. You can use
  the CUSD app or email to clear absences as well. ☺
◈ 5 or more days of a planned absence? Independent
◈ Students MUST attend class all day and on time.
◈ It is important for your child to attend school
  because learning is happening every moment of the
◈ We completely understand if your child is absent
  for illness. It is important to keep our entire first
  grade family healthy.
Helpful TIPS for a Successful Year
1.     Sit at a table or other learning space when working
     on homework and reading.
2. Establish routines including a reasonable bedtime,
  breakfast before school, and a set time to complete
3. Take time to read with your child each night.
4. Be sure to sign up and check class Dojo and our
  website regularly for updates.
1st Grade Testing and Assessment
One of the many important parts of first grade is getting to know
what your child knows already. We know that every learner has a
unique set of skills and abilities. It is our goal to meet the
educational needs of every learner in our classes. In order to do this,
we will need to conduct several assessments to see where our
students are academically.

Examples include: Letter and sound recognition, Sight word
recognition, Number recognition, Math facts, iReady Math and
Reading Diagnostic test, DRA Reading tests, Writing tests, etc.
Sight Word Book
Each child will receive one sight word book to take home and practice.
Keep this book in a VERY safe place so your child can practice
 ◈ Practice one list at a time.

 ◈ Teachers will be testing during the week.

 ◈ Students have a visual bubblegum chart to keep track of lists

 ◈ This is a list to READ the words. All words are sight words.

   Although some of the words will be on our spelling tests, you do
   NOT need to have you child write the words.
Math Facts
Children will be completing math fact sheets regularly.
60+ Addition: Complete 4 times with 100% accuracy in 3 minutes.
60- Subtraction: Complete 4 times with 100% accuracy in 3 minutes.
100+ Addition: Complete 4 times with 100% accuracy in 3 minutes.
100- Subtraction: Complete 4 times with 100% accuracy in 3 minutes.
Earned Big 4 Award!
Mixed Facts (maybe): Complete 4 times with 100% accuracy in 3 minutes.
Earned Big 5 Award!

Practice Math Fact pages on our First Grade Website.
First     Grade         Grades
Students in 1st grade will be evaluated by standards based reporting. Here is a sample report card.
What will my child learn this year?
◈   English Language Arts:
-   Reading and re-telling stories
-   Identifying Main Idea and details in a story
-   Writing opinion, narrative and informative stories.
-   Phonics, fluency, print concepts, grammar
-   Speaking and listening: Participate in conversations, ask and answer
◈ Mathematics:
- Addition, Subtraction, Word Problems, Place Value, Length and
  Measurement, Composing and Decomposing Shapes
◈ Science, Social Studies, PE, and much more
Positivity Project

◈   Social and Emotional
◈   Other People Matter
◈   Daily Character
◈   Great discussion can
    be had at home about
    character qualities
Birthday Treats ?
◈ We will celebrate your child on or near their birthday. Sometimes
  people like to bring a little snack or small token to share with their
  friends. This will be allowed, but NOT required. We are encouraging
  items other than food, like a pencil or small eraser. If you choose to
  bring food, it MUST be manufacture sealed and in individual packages.

                 Snacks and Water
◈ Students will get to eat a small snack at their morning recess. This
  should be small as they only have 15 minutes to eat and play at
  morning recess.
◈ Please send your child with a full, labeled water bottle that will
  NOT leak. Each teacher has a different procedure for this.
  Students will be allowed to access water in their classroom.
◈ Please sign up for each teacher’s Class Dojo account.
◈ Look for emails sent by teachers. (Make sure your email is
  accurate in Zangle Parent Connect, please)
◈ Cedarwood Website: cedarwood.cusd.com
◈ First Grade Website: https://tinyurl.com/CWDgrade1
◈ Please BOOKMARK both pages
Parent Teacher Club
Cedarwood has an AMAZING
Parent Teacher club
◈ It takes a village!
◈ Lots of small jobs
◈ Please join and get involved.
◈ With your help, Cedarwood can continue the
  traditions that make this school so special.
◈ Look for fliers coming home soon.
◈ Spirit Wear, PTC membership drive, carnival, golf
◈ New App
Fill out Quick Survey
Please remember to:                • Fill out a super quick
◈ Bookmark First Grade               survey at:
   website and visit often.        • https://forms.gle/Usdq74F
◈ Sign up for your                   dLV1SXg7dA
   teacher’s Class Dojo
◈ Label everything with
   child's name.

                              Scan QR code with
                              your QR Reader to go
                              to our survey too!
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