WHAT'S WORKING TO CALM HEARTS WORLDWIDE? - Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World

Page created by Jeremy Fischer
WHAT'S WORKING TO CALM HEARTS WORLDWIDE? - Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World

Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World
WHAT'S WORKING TO CALM HEARTS WORLDWIDE? - Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World

3 | INTRODUCTION                         14 | GERMANY                                 27 | MEXICO
Julie Exner                              Michael T. Schröder                          Yazmín Rojas
IPREX Global President and Senior Vice   Managing Director and Owner – ORCA Affairs   Senior Account Executive – Dextera Comunicacion
President – Fahlgren Mortine
                                         Maritza Kompatzki                            Liliana Sotelo
                                         Consultant – ORCA Affairs                    Account Executive – Dextera Comunicacion

5 | AUSTRALIA                            16 | GREECE                                  30 | POLAND
Benjamin Haslem                          Effie Lazaridou                              Jakub Zajdel
Managing and Founding Partner –          Media Relations Specialist –                 CEO – More Communications Agency
Wells Haslam Mayhew                      Reliant Communications
                                                                                      Kinga Karelus
                                                                                      PR Strategy Manager - More Communications Agency

8 | CYPRUS                               18 | INDIA
Yiannis Antoniou                         Xavier PRabhu                                32 | SWEDEN
CEO – Alfa Dimiourgiki                   Founder and Managing Director – PRHUB
                                                                                      Sami Tahir
                                         Sumathi M Chari                              Account Manager – Spotlight PR
                                         Director and Senior Partner – PRHUB

Anthon A. Nødskov                                                                     34 | UK
Senior Advisor – Operate                 21 | IRELAND
                                                                                      Mike Perls MBE
                                         Jim Walsh                                    CEO – MC2
                                         Executive Chair – Walsh:PR
                                         Ann-Marie O’Sullivan
                                         Chief Executive – AM O’Sullivan PR

12 | FRANCE                                                                           36 | USA
Laurance Gabriel
CEO – Gen-G
                                                                                      Bill Utter
                                                                                      Vice President of Public Affairs – Grisko
François Ramaget                         24 | JAPAN
Strategy Director – Gen-G                Keisuke Maeda
                                         CEO – Asoviva

WHAT'S WORKING TO CALM HEARTS WORLDWIDE? - Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World

For the first time in most of our lifetimes,                         BY-COUNTRY OVERVIEW
we are watching one common crisis play
out across every country in the world.                               AUSTRALIA
It’s a unique opportunity to study how                               Australia’s Prime Minister entered the crisis with slumping
different cultures and different approaches                          sentiment based on handling of the bushfires in late 2019.
                                                                     Early action, a compliant population, cooperation between
fare in dealing with a common crisis.                                the states, territories and federal government, and relatively
                                                                     low urban population densities all played a role. However, his
This report includes perspectives from IPREX partners in
                                                                     consistent, regular, realistic, and easily understood messaging,
14 countries – examining how these countries’ leaders
                                                                     mixed with genuine concern and generous government assistance,
communicated with the public and the level of public support.
                                                                     won Prime Minister Scott Morrison a tremendous amount of
It covers the period from February to July 2020. These real-time
                                                                     goodwill (37% to 68% approval).
case studies on communications best practices, provide a unique
comparison of how different countries responded                      CYPRUS
to the pandemic.
                                                                     All published polls have given the President of Cyprus and
The power of perspectives from around the world is part of the       the Minister of Health a positive rating over COVID-19 crisis
power of IPREX. Together, we share experiences and counsel across    management. The Health Minister activated a crisis management
time zones the same way we would across hallways with our office     plan, while the Ministry of Health and the government as a whole
mates, to the benefit of agencies and clients. Some interesting      adopted the slogan “We will succeed.” Cyprus put an end to
themes emerged:                                                      restrictions and gradually opened the airports as of mid-June.

CONTROLLING INFECTION                                                In Denmark, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen took a personal

RATES IS POSSIBLE                                                    approach to the announcement, even predicting she would make
                                                                     mistakes given the unknown territory. All political parties coalesced
                                                                     around the shutdown she oversaw – Denmark has been hailed as
Take Japan. As our partner explained, Japan’s highly collaborative
                                                                     first-in, first-out of shutdown, a broader shutdown than in other
culture combined with masks already being a part of their lives
                                                                     European countries. It seems unity played a major role in the
helped the country to keep the virus largely in check. Their per
                                                                     country’s success and the 85% satisfaction rate with the measures
capita rates are a head-turning 232 per million as of July 27.
                                                                     the government took.
On July 23 Ireland had a mere 7 new cases. Our Irish partners
attribute that to regular consistent communication, strong           FRANCE
leadership, and canceling events such as the St. Patrick’s
Day celebrations straight away. Culture played a role, too.          Our partners in France were proud to report that the country had
For example, in the spirit of togetherness, postal carriers took     avoided nearly 700,000 deaths, thanks to President Macron’s health
on the responsibility of checking on seniors at their doors.         measures, and that France had the most lives saved in Europe.
This tactic is heart-warming, especially as we fight about masks     At the same time, the President’s approval rating has risen by only
amid high-five-digit daily new case counts in the U.S.               3%. Our partners cite France’s culture of criticism for this chasm.

RESULTS DON’T ALWAYS                                                 Chancellor (and scientist) Angela Merkel calmed the country early
                                                                     in the crisis with a rare televised address. Her statement that
TRANSLATE TO FAVOR                                                   became famous: “This is serious. Take it seriously.” The country’s
                                                                     leading virologist discusses COVID-19 issues on a daily podcast,
You’d think thwarting the spread of the virus would automatically    showing science leading the way and experts out front. The German
mean increased approval of a country’s leader – the individual       Minister of Health was praised for his modern crisis management
ultimately charged with the country’s well-being.                    – especially his understanding of modern means to reach young
                                                                     people, namely, through non-traditional channels, such as apps
The two aren’t always correlated. France stands out for its very
                                                                     like TikTok and Telegram. A healthcare system poised to handle
modest approval increase and Japan for its precipitous approval
                                                                     the crisis and even to take on patients from other countries helped
ratings fall, both despite significant successes.
                                                                     Chancellor Merkel’s approval ratings.

WHAT'S WORKING TO CALM HEARTS WORLDWIDE? - Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World
GREECE                                                                   SWEDEN
Greece has seen very favorable public sentiment, as good                 In what has widely become known as “the Swedish experiment,”
health is so strong a value, it’s part of their basic greetings.         Sweden elected to apply the principle of the ‘herd immunity’ during
Our partner credits this – along with the country’s family orientation   the initial stages of COVID-19. Opting for softer restrictions, the
and their esteem for their oldest residents – with the nation’s          government enjoyed highly favorable ratings despite its higher
embrace of early and restrictive lockdown. 86% of Greeks were            infection rate relative to its neighbors. Our partner attributes it
satisfied with the government’s handling of the crisis. Our partner      to the trust the government showed in its people playing well
explains that Greece has performed better than any other country in      with the Swedish culture, and the country’s relatively good
Europe by taking early containment measures.                             economic performance.
The WHO’s data that Greece has had 402 cases per million
population supports that claim.                                          UNITED KINGDOM
                                                                         In the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s approval ratings, boosted
                                                                         by daily briefings, consistent, simple messaging, economic support
India’s exceptionally popular Prime Minister, Narendra Modi,             for those furloughed – a common theme in most countries – and
saw a rise (76 to 82%), then fall (75%) in approval ratings.             a campaign in support of healthcare workers, rose from 47% to 66%.
Our partners attribute the fall in part to a lack of a clear, cohesive   A vacuum in communications after Johnson went into intensive
communications strategy. More specifically, they cite the absence        care with the Coronavirus, then later when he stood by one of his
of a centralized messaging framework, communication that has             officials who seemingly flouted quarantine rules while he had the
not been inclusive of all people – which is most notable in a country    Coronavirus himself, brought them down to 52%, and they have
where 400 million people are illiterate – and the government             since declined further.
working to curb media freedom instead of utilizing the media
to amplify messages.                                                     UNITED STATES
                                                                         Mixed messages have been a major factor in the U.S. as President
                                                                         Donald Trump initially downplayed the virus. As cases grew
Politically, the Government’s handling of COVID-19 has proven            exponentially and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) began
to benefit the country but also the Fine Gael Party and its leader       issuing warnings, Trump changed his tone and method of delivery,
Leo Varadkar (who enjoyed a satisfaction rating of 75% in June).         holding regular briefings on the subject. But he soon seemed to
                                                                         drop the subject and move on. By mid-June, his approval ratings
The strategy had a number of success factors. All decisions were
                                                                         slid to 41% with 55% disapproval as he ceased the medical
driven by medical and scientific evidence or advice, and were
                                                                         briefings, the virus spread, and other issues dominated the news.
primarily communicated to the public by health professionals.
Ireland was also one of the first countries to report cases in a
completely accurate manner. This enabled the government to
establish the public’s trust and ensured their communications            CONCLUSION
were taken seriously.
                                                                         As one U.S. partner said, “No doubt the story is still being written.”
JAPAN                                                                    This pandemic will likely continue for some time. In some countries
                                                                         restrictions are being reinstated shortly after they are lifted,
Our partner reports approval ratings of Japan’s Prime Minister
                                                                         as outbreaks begin to resurge. At the same time, governments
Shinzō Abe and his cabinet fell to its lowest – 29% – in May, although
                                                                         simultaneously fight the virus and the economic havoc it has
May saw some of the best daily COVID-19 new case rates the country
                                                                         wreaked. So far, what has prevailed, independent of infection rates,
has seen – mostly under 100. When you consider counter measures
                                                                         is decisive action and clear, simple and consistent messaging. Even
were a request, not a mandate like in so many other countries,
                                                                         in the crisis of near-unprecedented magnitude, those simple tools
the country’s success is even more impressive.
                                                                         have proven the most effective and will continue to be in the many
                                                                         months ahead of us.
                                                                         Julie Exner
Mexico stands out for the wrong reasons, with press briefings            IPREX Global President
building up to four per day, contradictory messages, and advice
from the president that outright counters science, like encouraging
hugging. However, on several occasions President López Obrador
has boasted about his approval ratings and the support he
has from a majority of the population, a fact that has been ratified
by different polls. It is also true that a lack of sensitivity and
numerous contradictions in the response to the pandemic have
cost him plenty in terms of popularity. At the start of his term, he
enjoyed 77% popularity, which had fallen to 56% as ofJune.

From an early stage, the pandemic in Poland was overshadowed
by the presidential election. The situation that finally took place
was surrealistic – due to Coronavirus, the election in May was not
cancelled but there was also no opportunity to vote, in any form.
It was finally held in June (1st round) and July (2nd round). The
final results gave a slight victory (2%) to the incumbent president
and showed how divided the Polish society is. In general, the
government has shown inconsistencies in both its actions and
communication. Initially high support for the decisions quickly
began to melt due to chaos and many ambiguities.
WHAT'S WORKING TO CALM HEARTS WORLDWIDE? - Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World


        Country:                                Government:                              Country leader:                          Change in                               IPREX partner
        Australia                               Liberal Party /                          Scott Morrison                           approval ratings:                       assessment:
                                                Nationals coalition                                                               37% in January                          Wells Haslem
        Region: APAC                                                                                                              to 68% in July                          Mayhew







          This data comes from Morning Consult Political Intelligence and is based on an average of over 3,000 weekly interviews. The latest data is based on surveys conducted July 1-7, 2020

SCOMO’S SUMMER                                                                                        In early December 2019, Morrison was riding high in the
                                                                                                      opinion polls. ScoMo led the Australian Labor Party’s leader,
                                                                                                      Anthony Albanese, as preferred PM by 48% to 34%, according
OF DISCONTENT                                                                                         to an opinion poll in The Australian newspaper.
                                                                                                      Then it all went pear shaped.
Any analysis of the performance of Australian Prime Minister,
Scott Morrison, (known colloquially as ScoMo) during the COVID-19                                     Inexplicably, as fires raged, Morrison went on a family holiday
crisis requires a brief look back at how Australia’s 30th Prime                                       to Hawaii a week before Christmas. Worse, he didn’t bother to
Minister managed the Government’s response to summer bushfires,                                       tell the Australian people. Pictures of Morrison posing with Aussie
widely considered the worst to affect Australia since European                                        tourists appeared on social media on the same day two volunteer
settlement in 1788, which preceded the pandemic.                                                      firefighters, both young fathers, were killed.

The natural disaster ran from September 2019 to February 2020
and affected every state and territory, burning 186,000 sq. km.
of vegetation, destroying 2,779 homes and claiming 34 lives.
WHAT'S WORKING TO CALM HEARTS WORLDWIDE? - Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World
Morrison cut short his trip and apologised. However, on New Year’s
Day, he hosted a garden party for the Australian and New Zealand
cricket teams at his official Sydney residence, overlooking Sydney         TWO DAYS LATER, IN AN UNPRECEDENTED
Harbour. The day before, massive fires had laid waste to coastal           MOVE, A NATIONAL CABINET OF THE PM
communities along much of the New South Wales (NSW)
South Coast and in eastern Victoria.
                                                                           AND STATE AND TERRITORY LEADERS WAS
                                                                           CONVENED TO MEET WEEKLY.
The next day, Morrison declared the bushfires were “something
that will happen against the backdrop of this (Cricket) Test match”.
Visiting the fire-ravaged southern NSW township of Cobargo, a local
woman refused to shake the PM’s extended hand – so he grabbed            This decision was not only taken for pragmatic reasons (only
her right arm with his left hand and clutched her right hand in his.     the states can implement some laws and regulations and test
The public backlash was brutal.                                          for COVID-19) but also to reduce the Federal Government’s
On 13 January, an opinion poll in The Australian newspaper               political risk by placing some of it on the shoulders of the States
had Albanese as preferred PM, satisfaction in Morrison fell              and Territories.
eight points and dissatisfaction increased by 11 points.                 By mid-March, with confirmed cases of COVID-19 beginning
                                                                         to mount, Morrison announced that 6.5 million people on
                                                                         government benefits would receive up to AUD750 each in
COVID-19                                                                 cash payments.
                                                                         On 22 March, unemployment benefits were doubled. Many
By late February with flooding rains having extinguished the fires       businesses were also provided tax relief of up to AUD100,000.
and global attention shifting to the looming coronavirus pandemic,
                                                                         On 30 March, Morrison announced the JobKeeper wage subsidy
Morrison’s and the government’s polling numbers had improved
                                                                         of AUD750 per worker per week for small- to medium-sized
only marginally.
                                                                         businesses that could demonstrate a loss of earnings, at an
The Prime Minister began holding regular media conferences from          estimated cost to taxpayers at the time of AUD130 billion.
the last week of February to outline his government’s response to
                                                                         What surprised many was that a politically conservative government
COVID-19. He was joined by his Health Minister, Greg Hunt, and
                                                                         was prepared to spend large sums of public funds propping up
the nation’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Brendan Murphy.
                                                                         businesses and jobs, knowing it would create a budget deficit that
Daily briefings were held by the Health Minister and the CMO             could potentially take a generation to pay off, if at all.
or his deputy from the nation’s capital, Canberra.
                                                                         Government spending was matched by tough physical distancing
These briefings made use of infographics and easy to understand          measures, implemented by states and territories. At one point,
charts and graphs, with a strong emphasis on “flattening the curve”.     people were banned in most states and territories from
                                                                         congregating in groups of more than two. Only five people could
Morrison’s tone was serious but empathetic. His focus was that           attend weddings; 10 at funerals.
Australians faced a challenge unlike any since the second world
war, that it would last for months and that many people would            Playgrounds, gymnasiums; restaurants (except takeaway); pubs;
suffer. He was quick to emphasise that Australia’s State and Territory   beauty therapists and schools were closed. People found travelling
governments (Australia is a Federation) were working cooperatively       outside their local area without a reasonable excuse were fined.
with the Federal government, despite several being led by Labor
                                                                         The States of Queensland and Western Australia closed their
administrations. Partisanship was put aside. Pundits expressed
                                                                         borders, while South Australia, Tasmanian and the Northern
amazement at the level of cooperation between the two levels
                                                                         Territory forced arrivals from interstate into quarantine.
of government, who usually endured frosty relationships.
                                                                         People were permitted to visit retail outlets such as supermarkets
The core message was that Australia needed to manage both
                                                                         and pharmacies, but strict limits were placed on the number of
the health crisis and the economic crisis, and this required
                                                                         shoppers permitted in each store based on its square meterage.
discipline and sacrificing some personal freedoms, but it was
a collective effort.                                                     Most people worked from home, where they could, and strict
                                                                         limits were placed on public transport numbers, based on the
Morrison never appeared to be trying to generate political capital
                                                                         one person per four-square-metres rule.
out of the crisis. The Federal Labor Opposition was careful not to
be overly critical of the government’s response, focusing mainly         Morrison and his CMO regularly thanked people for their efforts
on the lack of income support for casual workers and the arts sector.    and gently chastised those who flouted social-distancing rules,
                                                                         particularly younger people.
The CMO’s and the Health Minister’s briefings were factual but never
dry. The fact people were dying was never glossed over but nor was       On 6 April, the Daily Mail published a poll showing Morrison
messaging mawkish.                                                       had recorded the highest approval rating for a PM in more than
                                                                         a decade.
By 11 March, Morrison was once again preferred PM and his
disapproval rating had fallen to 49%, according to a poll
on the Guardian Australia website.
WHAT'S WORKING TO CALM HEARTS WORLDWIDE? - Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World
The Lowy Institute conducted a poll between 14 and 27 April
and found 82% of Australians were very confident or somewhat
confident in the federal government’s response to the pandemic.        THERE IS LITTLE DOUBT THAT AUSTRALIA’S
By late May, the number of daily new COVID-19 cases in Australia       RAPID AND SUCCESSFUL RESPONSE TO
were regularly in single figures, the country was beginning to         COVID-19 HAS RUBBED OFF ON THE PM.
phase out the stricter social distancing rules, and people were
slowly beginning to return to workplaces.
On 2 June, a Guardian Australia poll showed Morrison had won
                                                                     At the time of writing, 189 Australians have died from COVID-19
the approval from 89% of the Coalition voters, 53% of Labor voters
                                                                     and there have been 16,295 confirmed cases. However, a recent
and 41% of Greens voters. Less than half the sample had rated
                                                                     spike in infections in Australia’s second-largest city, and the State
Morrison as a capable leader (45%) in January. By June this was
                                                                     capital of Victoria, Melbourne, has health officials concerned and
up to 70%.
                                                                     led to Victoria closing its borders.
At the end of June, Morrison’s personal approval rating, according
                                                                     Early action; a compliant population; cooperation between
to Newspoll, had reached a new high of 68%, with dissatisfaction
                                                                     the states, territories and Canberra; Australia’s relative isolation
at its lowest ever 27%.
                                                                     and relatively low urban population densities all played a role.
Morrison’s turn around has been extraordinary. From ham-fisted
                                                                     But Morrison has performed well. Consistent, regular, realistic,
and tone deaf to widely respected in six months.
                                                                     and easily understood messaging mixed with genuine concern
There have been some minor hiccups – the government                  and generous government assistance have won him and his team
overestimated the cost of JobKeeper payments by a factor of          voter approval.
about 100% and the disembarkation of a cruise ship in Sydney
without testing for COVID-19 – but overall Australia has managed
the pandemic remarkably well.

WHAT'S WORKING TO CALM HEARTS WORLDWIDE? - Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World


        Country:                         Government:                         Country leader:                         Change in                       IPREX affiliate
        Republic                         Democratic Rally                    President                               approval ratings:               assessment:
        of Cyprus                        (Right Wing)                        Nicos                                   Small increase                  Alfa Dimiourgiki
        Region: EMEA






                                                      Retail Zoom (online poll for Politis Newspaper), published 31/5/2020

Even though the epicenter of SARS-CoV-2 epidemic was Wuhan                                An action plan was drawn up on January 25 to better organize
Province in China, which is very remote geographically from                               all services involved and measures went into effect. To start with,
Cyprus, the Ministry of Health’s Epidemiological Surveillance Unit                        strict measures were implemented at entry points of the Republic
was in constant communication as early as January, monitoring                             of Cyprus for all passengers arriving from any part of China, not
developments and adopting necessary measures based on                                     only from Wuhan, long before the first cases were recorded in
guidelines of the World Health Organization and the European                              European countries.
Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

WHAT'S WORKING TO CALM HEARTS WORLDWIDE? - Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World
  AND A QUESTIONNAIRE HAD TO BE                                        STRATEGY
                                                                       The Ministry of Health and the government as a whole adopted
  TO TAKING THE TEMPERATURE OF ALL                                     the slogan “We will succeed” with the country’s mainstream
  PASSENGERS FROM CHINA.                                               media, along with organizations and corporations following suit.
                                                                       The general public joined forces with government efforts and kept
                                                                       encouraging doctors, nurses and other health professionals in
Similar measures were taken at checkpoints with the northern
                                                                       public hospitals.
area of Cyprus which has been under illegal occupation by Turkey
since 1974.                                                            Scientific experts in the field were the ones to announce live
                                                                       on television, at 6 p.m. daily, the results of new cases, deaths,
At the same time, Health Minister Constantinos Ioannou activated
                                                                       hospital admissions and discharges. A special website,
a crisis management plan and was at the head of the ministerial
                                                                       https://www.pio.gov.cy/coronavirus/en, was created where
committee while President Nicos Anastasiades, who comes from
                                                                       all announcements, decisions and general information about
the liberal Democratic Rally party, regularly attended set meetings.
                                                                       the pandemic was recorded.

A TOTAL LOCKDOWN IN CYPRUS WAS IMPOSED                                 All published polls have given the President of Cyprus and the
                                                                       Minister of Health a positive rating over the crisis management.
IN MID-MARCH. EVEN HOME GATHERINGS WERE                                Moreover, Cyprus put an end to restrictions and gradually opened
BANNED.                                                                the airports as of mid-June.

Following consultations with the World Health Organization and
the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Cyprus
also enforced a very strict strategy providing for a large number
of diagnostic tests and a thorough tracking of contacts of all
individuals who were positive for the virus. This strategy led to
the prompt detection and isolation of suspected cases before
these could spread out to the community.

WHAT'S WORKING TO CALM HEARTS WORLDWIDE? - Perspective from IPREX Partners Around the World


        Country:                                 Government:                             Country leader:                          Change in                               IPREX partner
        Denmark                                  Social Democrats                        Mette Frederiksen                        approval ratings:                       assessment:
                                                                                                                                  Increase                                Operate A/S
        Region: EMEA

                                                                                                                                   





       This data comes from Morning Consult Political Intelligence and is based on an average of over 3,000 weekly interviews. The latest data is based on surveys conducted May27 - June 2, 2020

Prime Minister Frederiksen has been a dominant figure in the                                          Minister for Health, Magnus Heunicke, and Head of the Danish
Danish national response to the coronavirus pandemic. Frederiksen                                     Health Authority, Søren Brostrøm, also became prominent figures
became Prime Minister in June 2019 after a solid election victory                                     and were granted a series of exceptional authorities on March 12
for the parties left of centre in Danish politics. The election                                       through new legislation unanimously approved by all political
allowed Frederiksen to form the first one-party social democratic                                     parties. The following day, borders closed, and all international
government in Denmark since the early 80s, supported by the                                           travels were advised against by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
socialist and social-liberal parties in Folketinget.
                                                                                                      There has been some public debate as to whether a complete
Beginning March 11 with the national shutdown, Frederiksen was                                        shutdown was recommended by health authorities or not, leading
front-and-center in a series of defining press conferences. Referring                                 Frederiksen to say on May 22 that it was ultimately a political
to scenes from Italy, Frederiksen took a personal communicative                                       decision – and not directly recommended by authorities.
approach when she announced the massive national shutdown:
“We are in unknown territory. We are in a situation unlike anything
we have tried before. Will we make mistakes? Yes. Will I make
mistakes? Yes.”
However, during the shutdown, politics were pushed aside, and           This has also marked the beginning of the final phase of restarting
all political parties supported the shutdown. In addition, the Queen    the economy, starting with an almost unanimously supported
of Denmark gave a rare address, in which she mentioned the Prime        agreement with exemptive fiscal policy actions.
Minister directly:
                                                                        All in all, end results in these following phases were the same
“This concerns us all. The Prime Minister has just had to announce      as during the shutdown: Unanimous decisions in Folketinget
even harder decisions. We need to make our contribution, each           and strong initiative from the government. However, the personal
and every one of us.”                                                   focus on the Prime Minister has faded as there are no longer
                                                                        central press conferences and as the discussion turns from
Conclusively, the Prime Minister personally took charge of a wider
                                                                        strong-leader issues, such as disaster-handling, onto more divisive
shutdown than seen in other countries, and political parties, the
                                                                        issues of exemptive fiscal policy – such as taxation, government
Monarchy and the Danes largely supported this approach initially.
                                                                        subsidies, etc.

CULTURAL AND                                                            HIGHEST SATISFACTION
INSTITUTIONAL FACTORS                                                   WITH GOVERNMENT
HELPED GOVERNMENT                                                       MEASURES IN THE EU
EFFICIENCY                                                              Conclusively, the consensus is that the Danish measures have
                                                                        proven effective relative to other countries in handling the
The widespread shutdown, nonetheless, immediately created               coronavirus pandemic as well as the economic consequences
concerns of economic disaster. However, already on March 15,            of the shutdown.
a defining agreement was reached in the Danish tripartite
cooperative labour market system.                                       85% of Danes are “Fairly satisfied” or “Very satisfied” with
                                                                        the measures that the Danish government has taken so far
Among other things, unions, employers and the government                against the coronavirus pandemic. That is the highest number
agreed on a government compensation of 75% of any given                 in all of the EU, where an average of 56% are satisfied with
employee’s wages (max 30.000 DKK a month) if the employee               government measures.
is sent home, as well as compensation for a range of fixed costs.
                                                                        In addition, the strong government control of the measures
Although certain industries (such as tourism, hospitality, consulting   shows itself in public surveys. When asked whom they trust to
etc.) has complained that the agreement does not cover their            inform them about the coronavirus pandemic, a very high share
expenses sufficiently enough for them to survive long term, the         of Danes, relative to other countries, choose health authorities
compensations have contributed widely to the positive public            and the government.
response to the shutdown.
                                                                        This also shows in public support of the Social Democratic
Furthermore, political scientists argue that the world-leading high     government and the Prime Minister specifically.
level of social trust in Denmark allows the government to achieve
efficient public behaviour changes without drastic measures such        As of March 4, 31% of Danes preferred Mette Frederiksen as prime
as curfews, as seen in France, Italy and Spain.                         minister, whereas 22% preferred the centre-right opposition leader
                                                                        Jakob Ellemann-Jensen who took over the second largest party,
                                                                        Venstre, following the election defeat.

FOCUS ON PRIME                                                          Since then, support for reelecting prime minister Frederiksen
                                                                        has risen 20 percentage points to approximately 50% on April 20,
MINISTERS FADE AS PARTY-                                                however Jakob Ellemann-Jensens support has remained stable
                                                                        around 20-25%.

POLITICS RETURN                                                         Another survey found that Frederiksen had an approval rating
                                                                        of 39% and a disapproval rating of 23% as of March 4. A month
                                                                        later, her approval rating was an impressive 79%, whereas only
The political unity and national support for government measures
                                                                        5% thought she was doing a bad job.
were helped by the fact that the strong initial response produced
positive results. Infection numbers and deaths from the coronavirus     Meanwhile, the support for Frederiksen’s Social Democratic Party
fell sharply in the beginning of April.                                 has risen seven percentage points since the beginning of March
                                                                        to approximately 34%, drawing support from many other parties.
The sharp fall in coronavirus cases and deaths meant that the
“reopening phase” began faster than expected. On April 15,
Denmark was the first European country to partly reopen public
schools. While politics returned during this “Reopening phase,”
with broken negotiations between political parties, most parties
have worked together in reopening or scheduling the reopening
of most sectors, institutions etc., by mid-June.


        Country:                                Government:                             Country leader:                          Change in                                IPREX partner
        France                                  Centrist                                President                                approval ratings:                        assessment:
                                                (LREM)                                  Emmanuel                                 Small                                    Gen-G, Paris
        Region: EMEA                                                                    Macron







         This data comes from Morning Consult Political Intelligence and is based on an average of over 3,000 weekly interviews. The latest data is based on surveys conducted July 1-7, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis tested the popularity of all governments. While                                   Figures provided by the Morning Consult Institute on the approval
it enabled them to assert their leadership under extreme conditions,                                  ratings of the leaders of 10 major countries reveal the widely
it has above all highlighted the value they place on the human and                                    dispersed effects of COVID_19 on public trust. Some leaders
economic aspects when making difficult decisions dictated by the                                      managed the crisis to consolidate their stature as protectors of the
virus, during a six-month period that was totally unprecedented in                                    nation, while others were heavily disavowed by their people. But in
the history of our societies.                                                                         France, we have observed a fluctuating confidence over the weeks,
                                                                                                      leading in fact to very little change in the traditional mistrust French
                                                                                                      people feel towards any form of institution.

MISTRUST,                                                                  SPRING’S BEAUTIFICATION
A FRENCH TRADITION?                                                        As the epidemic finally began to recede, the President took the floor
                                                                           again on 13 April to set a deadline for the lockdown, the date of
The figures here provide us with valuable insights, both into              11 May. He paid tribute to the healthcare staff and announced the
our national tropisms and the relevance of our President’s                 continuation of economic support measures - and on that day it still
communication.                                                             met with broad approval from the French people. Employees were
                                                                           teleworking, companies were getting a breath of fresh air, and the
France is characterized by its culture of criticism: At the beginning      country was maintaining its confidence. And this revival continued
of this year, with an approval rate of 28% (Morning Consult),              until the end of May.
President Macron ranked last among the 10 leaders in this study.
He barely improved his ranking at the end of the semester by
obtaining 31% approval, beating only one of his peers, the
Japanese Prime Minister, on the scale of distrust.                         A COMPLICATED WAY
Thus, 3 years after his election, it is as if the core of his supporters
was still essentially his electorate of the first round of the
                                                                           OUT OF THE CRISIS
Presidential elections. The crisis nevertheless brought him a short-
lived revival in popularity, peaking at 36% in the first half of April.    As the day of deconfinement loomed, the President’s approval
But how can we explain these variations in confidence?                     rating deteriorated. The cause was certainly the fear of layoffs
                                                                           and of companies failing, despite the state aid, events which were
                                                                           predicted by the Minister of the Economy himself (22 May). At the

TWO MONTHS OF                                                              same time, decision-makers were talking about the need to “work
                                                                           more” to relaunch the economic machine. And this was a difficult

                                                                           proposition knowing the treatment of this crisis had required the
                                                                           injection of € 500 billion in public aid to that point.
                                                                           Yet, according to Imperial College researchers, France had avoided
President Macron began the year with a strong note of mistrust,            nearly 700,000 deaths thanks to health measures as of May 4 - and
linked to the discontent of a large part of the population. Yellow         it is the European country where the most lives have been saved.
vests movement, transport strikes, hospital malaise, there is no           At the same time, the President’s approval rate has risen by only 3%.
shortage of discontent as China discovers the first official cases
of a still unknown disease. The first cases were reported in France        For sure, communication has not always been very fluid in
on January 24th, but the virus still appears to be a distant threat.       this period of extreme tension and the “new world” looks very
                                                                           complicated. With the need to upgrade working conditions for
As a result, the Minister of Health resigned on 16 February in an          many categories of staff, while maintaining the competitiveness
attempt to seize the Paris City Hall, while the government focused         of companies, communication will still be a tough exercise.
on pension reform, which should then be decreed without a                  But COVID-19 will have confirmed that the French are decidedly
vote (29 February). Even before the virus entered the scene, the           the leaders in terms of critical thinking.
President’s approval rating was at its lowest on 3 March. But the
virus was spreading and disrupting priorities. On 12 March, the
President solemnly took the floor to announce not only the closure
of schools but also the controversial continuation of the first round
of municipal elections.                                                      ACCORDING TO IMPERIAL COLLEGE
                                                                             RESEARCHERS, FRANCE HAS AVOIDED NEARLY
                                                                             700,000 DEATHS THANKS TO HEALTH MEASURES
WAR ON THE VIRUS                                                             AS OF MAY 4. AND IT IS THE EUROPEAN
                                                                             COUNTRY WHERE THE MOST LIVES HAVE
March 16 marks a turning point in the history of this crisis with            BEEN SAVED.
the address of the President who hammers the word “war” 7 times
to announce the lockdown, the rules of social distancing and the
freezing of the economy. Accompanied by radical measures to
support employees and companies, this decision is welcomed by
a dizzying increase in the President’s approval rating, which rose
from 25% to 36% between 10 March and 7 April.
It is true that the government is sparing no effort with the full
compensation of reduced-hours work (13 March) and the launch
of a massive program of state-guaranteed loans to companies
(25 March). In spite of the incessant debate about masks, the
French people were ultimately much more broadly in favor of a
policy that gave priority to health while preserving all the players.


        Country:                                Government:                              Country leader:                          Change in                               IPREX partner
        Germany                                 Coalition Government                     Chancellor                               approval ratings:                       assessment:
                                                                                         Angela Merkel                            Rise                                    Orca Affairs
        Region: EMEA                            (Christian Democrats
                                                and Social Democrats)







          This data comes from Morning Consult Political Intelligence and is based on an average of over 3,000 weekly interviews. The latest data is based on surveys conducted July 1-7, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is a test for all governments, without                                       and Spain started to hit the news - forcing the German government
exception. However, the consequences and outcomes vary greatly                                        to reassess the dangers posed by the novel coronavirus. From this
from one country to another, the successes and failures of a                                          point forward, the government’s crisis task force has met with
country’s leadership reflected in their polling numbers. The spread                                   increasing frequency, a ban on large public gatherings was imposed,
of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany began on January 27, 2020, brought                                           and the Robert Koch Institute (Germany’s centre for disease control)
on by a workshop with international participants in Munich. To this                                   started providing daily briefings on the increase in cases - and soon,
day, Bavaria remains the German state most affected by the virus.                                     fatalities. One by one, German states started shutting down, and
                                                                                                      nationwide contact restrictions soon followed. Public life in Germany
Like many other nations, Germany underestimated the gravity of
                                                                                                      was reduced to a minimum.
the situation at first. A month of limited government action passed
until footage taken in overwhelmed hospitals in northern Italy

                                                                            THE ADMINISTRATION’S MEASURES ARE
RISING APPROVAL                                                             ALREADY PROVING EFFECTIVE: GERMAN
                                                                            UNEMPLOYMENT IN MAY OF THIS YEAR
The outbreak initially strengthened the German public’s                     WAS ONLY 1.2 PERCENTAGE POINTS
confidence in their government, like it did in countries across
the world. But unlike many other countries, as the pandemic                 HIGHER THAN AT THIS POINT IN 2019. 6
continued to rage on, the German people’s confidence in
their leaders continued to rise. To date, it has increased
significantly compared to 2019 with approval even doubling
in East Germany.1                                                     At a European level, a 540 billion euro solidarity package was
                                                                      launched to counteract the economic collapse that has occurred
According to initial surveys conducted at the end of March,           across the continent as a result of the pandemic. Merkel’s strict
59% of Germans were satisfied with the government’s                   austerity measures, once a hallmark of her tenure in office, now
response to the crisis.2 These approval ratings coincided             a thing of the past.
with Germany’s highest reported daily case numbers.
Compared to her colleagues – Boris Johnson (UK) and Donald            While there was a general upward trend in support for the
Trump (US) – Angela Merkel’s approval ratings were already            two ruling parties as a result of their response to the pandemic,
a step ahead in the early days of the COVID-19 crisis - but while     Angela Merkel’s own popularity ratings are at historic levels.
approval of the government’s response continued to decline            In June of this year, a survey revealed that 84% of Germans
in the UK, and never passed 50% in the US, her approval               are satisfied with her work as Chancellor.7 Once again, Merkel’s
rose steadily.                                                        crisis management has - like it did during the 2015 refugee crisis
                                                                      - proven to be both effective and persuasive to voters. Germans
                                                                      appreciate her calm, objective, and matter-of-fact approach to
“THIS IS SERIOUS.                                                     a crisis, and that she does not fall victim to populist rhetoric or
TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.”                                                   It remains to be seen how support of Merkel’s administration
                                                                      and its measures to contain the spread of coronavirus will hold
A factor that shouldn’t be ignored when weighting these
                                                                      up throughout the duration of Germany’s lockdown and spikes
numbers: to date, the German health care system has yet
                                                                      of new cases across the country following attempts to relax
to face collapse or even reach capacity. Thanks to quick action
                                                                      measures. What is clear, however, is that Germany has been
by the administration to increase the number of ICU beds,
                                                                      able to brace the initial impact of the pandemic comparatively
even patients from neighboring European countries could
                                                                      well by international standards, and that confidence in the
be treated in German hospitals. The government never once
                                                                      German government is stronger than it has been for a long time.
gave the impression that it was overwhelmed by the huge
                                                                      Whether this is due to the strength of Germany’s health care
challenge it faced, and seemed to be in control of the situation
                                                                      system, Merkel herself, or women in leadership positions
at all times. Chancellor Merkel, in a move remarkably unusual
                                                                      in general (suggested to be a factor in the responses of countries
for a German leader, even gave a rare televised address to
                                                                      like Norway, South Korea and New Zealand) continues to be
the nation in late March. Her simple line that would become
                                                                      the subject of intense debate.
famous: “This is serious. Take it seriously.”3

The survey results regarding the German government                    1 https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/675140/umfrage/bewertung-der-arbeit-von-angela-
(especially those of the two governing parties) immensely
                                                                      2 https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1106354/umfrage/zufriedenheit-mit-den-reaktionen-
benefit from Merkel’s tried-and-proven crisis management.                der-regierung-auf-die-covid-19-corona-pandemie/
More than two-thirds4 of those surveyed were either “satisfied“
                                                                      3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YS20YQbVE4
or “very“ satisfied. Similar sentiments can be observed when
it comes to the public’s reaction to lockdown measures. At least      4 https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1109262/umfrage/corona-krise-umfrage-zum-
half of all survey respondents expressed that they found the
                                                                      5 https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1116180/umfrage/-un-zufriedenheit-mit-der-strenge-
measures to be just right5 - neither too restrictive nor too loose.      der-massnahmen-gegen-die-coronavirus-pandemie/
German Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, was also praised for
                                                                      6 https://www.destatis.de/EN/Themes/Economy/Short-Term-Indicators/Labour-Market/arb210a.html
his modern crisis management - especially his understanding
                                                                      7 https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/675140/umfrage/bewertung-der-arbeit-von-angela-
of modern means to reach young people, namely, through non-              merkel-als-bundeskanzlerin/
traditional channels, such as apps like TikTok and Telegram.

Germany’s top virologist, Dr Christian Drosten, even won awards
for how he communicated issues to the public throughout the
crisis - on June 25, his daily podcast (“Das Coronavirus Update
mit Christian Drosten”) was awarded the prestigious Grimme
Online Award, honoring excellence in digital journalism and
information services, in two categories.

Additionally, the German government launched an enormous
federal aid program worth 819.7 million euros intended to
support the health sector as well as families, small businesses,
the self-employed and freelancers. In order to help keep
Germans employed and avoid mass redundancies, short-time
working allowances were increased and extended.


         Country:                          Government:                       Country leader:                             Change in                        IPREX partner
         Greece                            ‘New Democracy’                   Prime Minister                              approval ratings:                assessment:
                                           (Conservative,                    Kyriakos                                    Rise for the Prime               Reliant
         Region: EMEA                      Right Wing)                       Mitsotakis                                  Minister. 64% -                  Communications
                                                                                                                         November 2019,
                                                                                                                         67% - July 2020


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The coronavirus outbreak could have been a disaster for Greece.                          But Greece has avoided the worst, with under 200 deaths and
The country has the second oldest population in the E.U, it is a                         less than 4500 confirmed cases so far. And why is this? Greece
significant tourist destination, its health sector has been damaged                      took early steps ahead of most of Europe, becoming an example
by austerity measures with only 550 ICU beds for the entire                              of successful crisis management.
population and a devastated economy due to the three bailouts.

Handling of a crisis requires an effective communications strategy          time” to better organize the national healthcare system. He declared
along with efficient operations. Furthermore, handling of the first         the biggest gain is the trust towards the state, the government
hours of a crisis can define its outcome. Greece handled successfully       and fellow citizens. In his fourth televised address, announcing
the first horrifying period by taking immediate actions and giving          the end of lockdown and gradual reopening of life and economy,
its citizens the sense of safety. In the midst of a crisis, it is crucial   Mitsotakis thanked the people and made the nation proud of its
for people to feel that the administration (or the crisis manager)          accomplishments. He stressed the state’s ‘reforms’ (digital public
is absolutely capable of handling it. So, Kyriakos Mitsotakis’              administration, the civil protection, the healthcare system) in the
conservative government was considered capable from the very                faces of the small heroes – the everyday people who work together
start. His crisis team (consists of specialists in health and civil         and respond to social responsibility. “Thank you for setting an
protection sectors) assessed all elements, evaluated the threat,            example for our country around the world.”
composed the management plan and communicated its actions
                                                                            The plan worked. The lockdown measures have been greeted
to its audience, the Greek citizens.
                                                                            with widespread support by the citizens, while the whole
However, besides the proper risk assessment, Greece is a country            communications strategy made the people proud of successfully
where health is a common good which has to be protected. Hygeia,            beating the invisible enemy. In April, in two different polls,
which means health in Greek, was the goddess of health, and all             Greek citizens said they are satisfied by the government’s
the wishes and good words in Greece end with a phrase for good              overall handling of the coronavirus pandemic crisis by 85.7%,
health. Greece is also a family-oriented society and old people -           and also a 79.9% respondents believe the conservative
grandmothers and grandfathers - are the beloved ones who have               Mitsotakis government’s management of the crisis so far
to be protected.                                                            is “surely or probably positive.”

PHASE 1 – THE CRISIS                                                        PHASE 2
MANAGEMENT                                                                  The second phase, COVID-19’s effect on the economy, is more
                                                                            challenging. The country faces a nearly 10% recession in 2020 due
Before any fatality was reported (first death on March 12), the crisis      to the global lockdown, with lack of tourism being the main factor.
team was already assessing the situation daily, and rapidly made            Government has a communications plan for this too.
all corrective moves to cope with the spread of the pandemic. At the
same time, the government personalized the crisis administration
“putting a face” on its crisis team. The coronavirus briefing was
                                                                              THE SUCCESS OF THE COUNTRY’S RESPONSE
a daily, 6 p.m., televised event by the heads of the crisis team
(infectious disease specialist Sotiris Tsiodras and Deputy Civil              TO CONTAINING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC
Protection Minister and operations crisis manager Nikos Hardalias).           IS A FACT. GREECE HAS PERFORMED BETTER
It has to be noted that Sotiris Tsiodras became the most popular              THAN ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN EUROPE BY
Greek for the 94.6% of citizens.                                              TAKING EARLY CONTAINMENT MEASURES.
Furthermore, a campaign was launched (#stayhome) to keep                      THE SUCCESS STORY IS PUBLISHED AROUND
the public informed, to advise on self-protective measures, and               THE WORLD, MAKING GREEKS PROUD AND
for severe restriction of activities. All communications were a strong
                                                                              ALSO LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS FOR A LESS
warning for elderly and vulnerable people to stay home and also
for thorough implementation of hygiene measures “to protect our               CATASTROPHIC TOURISTIC PERIOD.
beloved ones.”
The restrictive measures escalated rapidly, from cancellation
of mass activities and carnivals on March 1, to closure of schools          The global campaign to promote tourism focuses on the motto
on March 10, and closure of restaurants, cafes and suspension               ‘Greece is a state of mind’, practically urging travelers to keep
of shopping, entertainment and travels on March 13. By March 23             Greece in their calendars, whether they visit this summer or not.
a total lockdown was imposed on all movements of citizens.                  Furthermore, based on the “safe country” motto, Greece has
                                                                            released an open invitation with the Prime Minister’s video message
The step-by-step restrictive measures were communicated mainly              from Santorini calling on travelers to enjoy their Greek summer.
by the Prime Minister himself, who addressed the nation four                Opening the tourism sector after lockdown, Prime Minister Kyriakos
times during the two-month lockdown. In his first two messages              Mitsotakis said “I do not want to make Greece the No.1 destination;
during the early stages of the lockdown, Mitsotakis declared that           I want it to be the safe destination.”
“we are at war” with an enemy that is “invisible but not invincible”
and argued in favor of the strict restrictions for the protection of        In July, the positive opinion for the government is still high (67%),
the most vulnerable. His third message came just before Greek               but also led by fear of the future economic status. However, fewer
Easter holidays and urged the public to self-restriction with social        people state they are worried about the coronavirus. Kyriakos
responsibility and said the restrictive measures “won us precious           Mitsotakis remains the most approved leader by 67%.


         Country:                               Government:                              Country leader:                          Change in                               IPREX partner
         India                                  Bharatiya Janata                         Narendra Modi                            approval ratings:                       assessment:
                                                Party                                                                             Slight drop                             PRHUB
         Region: APAC







          This data comes from Morning Consult Political Intelligence and is based on an average of over 3,000 weekly interviews. The latest data is based on surveys conducted July 1-7, 2020

India had many unique advantages (in our opinion) relative to other                                        blood cells in our body that provide the first line of defense
nations going into the COVID-19 crisis:                                                                    against viral infections. They’re also relatively more exposed to
                                                                                                           microbes that keep the immune system primed.
• S
   tarting February most of India excepting high altitude zones
  becomes a warmer tropical region; progressively it gets warmer                                      • I ndia is among five nations who isolated the virus strain, a leader
  in March, April and May; June begins warmer but ends in rain;                                          among the vaccine efforts and also the world’s largest distribution
  as studies show, warmer/humid climates diminish virus’s                                                player in Serum India.
  transmission rate.
                                                                                                      • It
                                                                                                         imposed the most stringent of national lock-downs starting
• A
   gainst world average of 16% youth population, India has                                             March 24th until June end (starting June 8th this was relaxed
  close to 20%; a huge advantage considering young have higher                                          in a phased manner across India, but there is lack of clarity
  immunity levels and lower mortality rates                                                             on whether relaxations will be rolled back partially or fully
                                                                                                        and nationwide or selectively)
• I ndia is the largest producer of Hydroxychloroquine and has
   significant production levels of paracetamol to be able to help                                    • I t had a leader who is hugely popular, charismatic and had
   other countries without shortage occurring                                                            among the highest popularity rating of any world leader at 76% (it
                                                                                                         peaked at 82% before dropping to 75% by mid-June)
• I ndians are known to have more genes (than the Chinese and
   Caucasians) that enable natural killer (NK) cells, a type of white
MILESTONES                                                             With 1.3 billion citizens spread over 736 districts in 28 states
                                                                       (many of which are the size of countries) and 8 union territories,
                                                                       thousands of dialects, even larger cultural variations and a
First case                                                             democracy, crisis communication in India is among the most
January 30th, student in Kerala who returned home for a vacation       complex. Compounding this is the fact that the literacy rate in
from Wuhan, China                                                      India is 69.1% i.e., a whopping 400 million are illiterate.

Spread of cases                                                        Early affected states prepared their own response to in the absence
                                                                       of clarity/direction from the federal government. Few imposed
March cases spread beyond to different parts                           curfews-invoking section 144 of the Criminal Procedure code.
First death                                                            March 19th, the federal government came into the picture with
March 12th, 42 days after the first case was reported in India         the Prime Minister calling for a Janta curfew on 22nd march.
                                                                       While his initial two televised addresses were widely acknowledged
Case number increase                                                   and boosted public morale, there has been criticism that it lacked
Starting early April further accelerating towards end May/early June   clarity and detail.

Deaths increase                                                        States like Kerala and Maharashtra did implement a comprehensive
                                                                       and holistic crisis communication strategy by clearly and repeatedly
End May/early June
                                                                       communicating official statistics, respective governments’ action
100,000 cases                                                          plans and also precautionary measures to be observed. These
May 19th                                                               interactions, though repetitive, minimised the scope of any undue
                                                                       panic among the public. The state of Tamilnadu has done the most
                                                                       testing and Delhiis doing aggressive contact tracing.

MAJOR GOVERNMENT                                                       At the central and state level, in the absence of a centralized
                                                                       messaging guideline/framework, there have been different
ACTIONS                                                                approaches used in conveying timely and accurate information
                                                                       to the public, a key requisite of effective crisis communication.
                                                                       For example, the federal health ministry had a daily briefing
6th March                                                              until May 11th. Post that, daily briefings were stopped and a daily
                                                                       statement issued instead. Also, a representative from ICMR
International passenger screening at airports starts
                                                                       (Indian council of Medical Research), which is among the triad
10th March                                                             of organizations tasked with Epidemic handling, has been missing
                                                                       in these briefings since April. NCDC, the Indian equivalent of US’s
Airlift of Indian citizens from global COVID-19                        Center for Disease Control (CDC) has had little to no role or say,
hotspots begins, starting with Iran and Italy                          constrained by personnel shortages due to budget cuts and lack
13th March                                                             of clarity on its role.
Non-essential traveller visas suspended

16th March
Land border crossing by passengers suspended

22nd March
Domestic air travel stopped

22nd March
One day Janta curfew

24th March
First nation-wide lock down imposed, which
was extended multiple times until May 31st

25th May
Domestic flights restart

8th June
Phased relaxations implemented nationwide
with curbs in COVID-19 hotspots

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