Page created by Jeanne Doyle

                                                   SUMMER HOLMES
                                                                                                 Good afternoon all.

                                                                                                 Welcome to our fantastic new home ground here at The
                                                                                                                                                                    DAN McNAMARA
                                                   CONTENTS                                      New Bucks Head. Firstly, I would like to thank all the staff at
                                                                                                 Bucks Head including Luke who have done their upmost to
                                                   3     Dan McNamara
                                                                                                 make the transition across to Telford as smooth as possible.
                                                   4     Anna Price                              The facilities are first class, and we now play at one of, if
                                                                                                 not the finest stadium within the Women’s National League         “we now play at
                                                                                                                                                                    one of, if not the
                                                   5     Tom Warren                              which is a great privilege for the players and staff.
                                                   6     Destiney Toussaint
                                                                                                 I also extend that welcome to Issy and her staff and players

                                                         Helen Dermody

                                                         The History Girls
                                                                                                 who are today’s opponents. After a difficult start to the new
                                                                                                 campaign, I am sure they are raring to get going today to          finest stadium

                                                                                                 kick start their season. After an excellent second half of last
                                                   13    Loughborough Lightning                  season, they have proved they can beat anyone on their day
                                                                                                 so we must fully focus if we are to get the points today.          within the
                                                                                                                                                                    Women’s National
                                                   14    Stat Pack
                                                                                                 After a really difficult summer I have been delighted to be
                                                   PROGRAMME TEAM                                back in the dugout for the opening game of the season.

                                                   Mike Capewell, Jenny Wilkes, James Orotayo,
                                                   Ed Martin, Tony Leighton, Megan Garbutt,
                                                   Jack Thomas, Synaxis Design Consultancy
                                                                                                 It’s been a really disjointed pre-season for various reasons
                                                                                                 but the players’ application and commitment has been
                                                                                                 excellent. After the disappointment of the play-off and
                                                                                                 the extension of our season well into May, we knew how
                                                   Printed by
                                                   kazoostore.co.uk                              mentally tough the opening few games would be. The
                                                                                                 players have risen to that challenge and 7/9 points after
                                                                                                 three very tough away days is a tremendous effort from the
                                                                                                 players. The Mentality Monsters are back and ready to go

                                                                                                 Finally, I would like to place on record a personal thanks to
                                                                                                 all the staff for their application during my time away. A
                                                                                                 personal thanks goes to Karl Milgate whose time with the
                                                                                                 club will be coming to an end in the coming weeks. Karl has
                                                                                                 been superb in his dedication and commitment to giving
                                                                                                 the players all they needed whilst I was away. Delivering the
                                                                                                 County Cup trophy to the club for the first time in years and
                                                                                                 representing the club to the highest standards in one of our
                                                                                                 most successful seasons to date. I hope Karl can look back
                                                                                                 on his time here with pride and feel a sense of achievement.
                                                                                                 Thanks for everything mate.

                           print solutions                                                       So, for the first of hopefully many times over the coming
                                                                                                 years here at The New Bucks Head, let’s hear you get behind
                                                                                                 the girls and start to make this a fortress like we all did at

                                                                                                 Thanks for your support and let’s make some more
                                                                                                 memories together.

      Proud supporters of Wolves Women                                                           #DaretoDreamContinued


         sales@kazooprint.co.uk         01543 366 411
Unit 14 Cedars Business Centre, Avon Road, Cannock, Staffordshire WS11 1QJ
CAPTAIN                                                                   RESERVES MANAGER   Good afternoon everyone.

                                                                                              Here we go again! I think that probably sums
 ANNA PRICE                                                                TOM WARREN         up our collective feelings ahead of another new
                                                                                              season, the reserves included. Every pre-season
                                                                                              naturally brings along a period of transition with

“With the success of                                                     “Pre-season has    players moving on, some new faces, and players
                                                                                              making the transition from the RTC into my
                                                                                              group. However, for us our goals for the season

 last season it was                                                        been positive
                                                                                              remain the same:- to support Macca and the
                                                                                              firsts in any way we can, support the progression
                                                                                              of players into the first-team setup and finally

 really important       It’s a big welcome from all of us to
                        AFC Telford.                                       with some really
                                                                                              to be as competitive as we can within our own
                                                                                              fixture programme. Looking back on last season

 to keep the squad
                                                                                              I’m confident we ticked all those boxes but this

                                                                                              year it’s a clean slate and time to do it again.
                        We can’t wait to play in front of our fans for

 together to continue
                        our first home game of the season. It has been                        With the successes of last season, it was obvious

                        a tough start, three away games, against very                         we were going to have teams in Tiers 3 and 4
                        tough opposition. However, we have stuck                              interested in our group so we had some long

 to build on what we
                        together and to have seven points out of nine,                        conversations with individuals on what’s best for
                        we have got to be proud of.                                           their careers in the game. Some of those have led
                                                                                              to retention and others to allowing them to move

 had achieved.”         With the success of last season, it was really
                        important to keep the squad together to
                        continue to build on what we had achieved.
                                                                                              on and go and play first-team football elsewhere.
                                                                                              We’ve said farewell and good luck to Kenzie
                                                                                              Haydn-Jones, Emily Turner, Sophie Perkins, Thea
                        We have also had three great signings this                            Clearkin, Dani Staley, Izzy Redding and Chantelle
                        pre-season with Destiney Toussaint joining us                         Teare. A special mention to Lauren Riley who has
                        from Coventry United, Lizzie Bennett-Steele                           left on slightly different terms to go and study
                        from Stoke and Marianne Taho from MK Dons.                            and play football on a scholarship in Florida. All
                        This has added to the strength and depth of                           of them are great characters and players so I
                        the squad, and it is as competitive as ever,                          wish them all the best.
                        which only pushes us as players to be the best
                        we can be.                                                            With the outgoings means some great
                                                                                              opportunities for new players. We have Liv
                        A special mention goes to Castlecroft, our                            Bellamy, Erin Griffiths and Skye Owen progressing
                        previous ground. It will always be a special                          from the RTC along with Abby Dadson and Jess
                        place for us as players. What we achieved there                       Wallace who have joined from West Ham.
                        last season and the support we had will never
                        be forgotten, however what a ground to now                            Pre-season has been positive with some really
                        be playing at. We are excited to make new                             competitive games along with the majority of
                        memories at AFC Telford and we hope you                               the squad having a prolonged period of training
                        continue to join us in our quest for that.                            and playing with the firsts which is fantastic for
                                                                                              their development.

                        We all hope you enjoy the game and as always                          Good luck to Macca, his staff and players for
                        thank you for coming to support us.                                   today’s game. Thanks for reading.

                        Anna Price                                                            Tom
Destiney Toussaint was announced as Wolves Women’s first signing this
                                             summer. The 33-year-old is a hardworking right-winger with a plethora of
                                             experience in the FA Women’s Championship with Birmingham City and
                            I will run all   Coventry United.
                            day and I see
                            myself as a      Following Wolves’ agonising ending to last
                                             season Toussaint will look to add to the
                                                                                                  How would people describe you?
                                                                                                  “I’m quite an outgoing person, I like to lead
                            bit of a ball    impressive, attacking talent in the squad and         when leadership is needed, I’m not shy in
                            carrier for      has already settled in well with the players.         speaking up but also I have my moments
                                                                                                   where I get in the zone and I like to just
                            the team.        “I feel I’ve started to gel with the team and
                                              the club as a whole has been very welcoming.
                                                                                                   be in my own space for a few minutes.”

                                              I think we’ve had a good and strong pre-            Any pre-game rituals?
                                              season and hopefully, we can take the good          “Before every game, I tie my shoelaces and I
                                              things we’ve been doing into the league.”            get out there but no matter what, no matter
                                                                                                   how tight or perfectly tied they are, I always
                                             What was it that stood out to you with Wolves?        have this thing where I want to undo them and
                                             “The club direction. I’ve heard nothing but          retie them one more time before we kick off.”
                                              good things about the club, I followed their
                                              journey for the last couple of seasons and I        How will you use your experience at a
                                              think they’ve been doing really well. I think the   higher level to benefit the other girls?
                                              set-up is great and it’s a club that cares about    “I want to bring my experience and share
                                              their players. They have a great community           my knowledge with the team and the
                                              and are united and a family club and I think         younger ones especially and hopefully I
                                              they’re going to go from strength to strength        can bring that little added extra from what
                                              and I see a bright future ahead for them.”           I’ve learnt from playing football for years at
                                                                                                   a higher level and help raise the standard
                                             Have you had time to explore the city yet?            even more at the level that we’re at.”
                                             “Not yet no. I don’t know the city too well but
                                              I have been to my first men’s game and that         What will you bring to the
                                              had an electric atmosphere. I loved that and        team as a wide player?
                                              really enjoyed it and hopefully, we can see some    “I’m a player that’ll be nonstop working. I will
                                              of the fans down at the women’s games.”              run all day and I see myself as a bit of a ball
                                                                                                   carrier for the team. I like to get forward, I’m

                                             How welcoming have the girls been?                    quite direct but also, I’m not shy of defending.
                                             “They’ve been very welcoming. I know a               Hopefully, I can be for people like Maz
                                              few of them from playing at previous clubs           [Gauntlett] and Amber [Hughes] a striker’s best
                                              but I seem to fit in well and get on with            friend, putting the ball in the danger areas
                                              everyone. We’re a close-knit team and                and hopefully getting a few goals myself.”
                                              hopefully, that can benefit us on the pitch.”
                                                                                                  Any personal goals for this season?
                                             Is there anyone you’ve got on                        “The team goal is to win the league first and
                                             well the most with?                                   foremost. Get ourselves in the playoff and
                                             “Mazzy G. She thinks she’s funny so I kind           hopefully go into the Championship. I know
                                              of go along with it and let her have the             that’s a long way off but why not have the

                                              laugh but she knows who the real funny               mentality from the start. If you believe it, you
                                              person is. I’ve known Maz for a really               can achieve it. And for me it’s just being a
                                              long time and we get on really well.”                team player. Hopefully I can contribute to the
                                                                                                   team and add onto the excellent talent we
                                                                                                   already have and hopefully bring some goals.”

                                                                                                  Thanks to Tom Alston.

Sharp-shooting midfielder Helen Dermody was described as a “coup signing”
when manager Dan McNamara brought her to Wolves in the summer of 2021.
the away matches were on parks pitches,” notes            “Then one of the men in the pub challenged
                                                                                                                           Spilsbury, “ a lot of them without a blade of grass.       me to a contest and I beat him. Then they
                                                                                                                                                                                      said they were waiting for the bee’s knees of
                                                                                                                           “We once had to change in a barn, on another              drinkers to come in from his work shift and he’d
                                                                                                                             occasion in somebody’s bedroom and more                  challenge me – and I beat him as well! I don’t
                                                                                                                             than once in a mini-bus as we were travelling,           know how I did it and it was a one-off, but it
                                                                                                                             and with people on the streets staring in at us          was an unforgettable night for all the girls.”
                                                                                                                             and wondering what the heck was going on.”
                                                                                                                                                                                     Back to football and switching to the West
                                                                                                                           Away days may have been a bit hairy but did not           Midlands League in the 1988/89 season,
                                                                                                                           prevent Wolves Ladies from having a fine first            Wolverhampton ended their first campaign as

      The history girls
                                                                                                                           season – they won promotion to the league’s top           Division Two champions. Twelve months later,
                                                                                                                           division, won the Vice-President’s Cup and reached        as Division One runners-up, they were invited to
                                                                                                                           the semi-finals of the Midland Ladies’ Cup.               join what was to become the National Women’s
      by Tony Leighton                                                                                                                                                               League in its inaugural season of 1991/92.
                                                                                                                           The following season saw them playing on                  Set up by the Women’s Football Association,
                                                                                                                           their new home pitch, basing themselves at                this was the first nationwide league for women’s
                                                                                                                           the excellent Wednesbury Tube sports ground               football and stipulations such as stadium
                                                                                                                           and in the process changing the club’s name to            facilities and adequate financial resources had
Wolverhampton Wednesbury Tube Ladies 1979                                                                                  Wolverhampton Wednesbury Tube Ladies.                     to be met by teams wanting to take part.
Back row - L-R: Jay Adams, Tracy Gibbons, Jackie Powell, Jane Hill, Linda Reynolds, Carol Waddington, Gill Spilsury, Fay
Smith. Front row: Lesley Dayus, Hilary Kent, Jackie Pickup, Jill Shinton, Val Hickman, Yvonne Addison.
                                                                                                                           “Jane and me both worked at the Tube,” says Pickup.      Wolverhampton’s response was a watershed
                                                                                                                             “We didn’t (as a club) have enough money to pay for     moment in the club’s history. “We needed more
In front of a packed Wembley five weeks ago, England’s Euro 2022 final victory                                               the use of a pitch for matches so the Tube facilities   money than we had to meet all the requirements,”
                                                                                                                             were the ideal solution. The pitch and pavilion we      says Hill, “so we contacted Wolves and were offered
over Germany sparked mass celebrations around the country and accelerated                                                    used were first class – so good that they were used     a meeting with (vice-president) Rachael Heyhoe-
the already rapidly paced momentum in the growth of women’s football.                                                        for a (Women’s) FA Cup semi-final one season.”          Flint and (club chairman) Jonathan Hayward.

Big rewards lie ahead for today’s professional                 when I was 18. I saw an advert in the Express               The team now had their first formal manager in Les        “They asked us in that first meeting to come up
female players. But as the Lionesses celebrated                & Star asking if there were any girls interested            Bryan and were faring well in the league while in Cup      with a business plan, which we did, and in the next
their triumph, several of them paid tribute                    in playing football – and I definitely was!                 competitions were taking on stronger opponents –           meeting with them we showed them our plans
to the pioneers who had laid the pathway                                                                                   some of them, like Cheshire side Foden’s, too strong.      to start Under-12, Under-14 and Intermediate
to the unprecedented boom: pioneers like                       “I couldn’t go to the first session, but when I went                                                                  teams to encourage young girls in the area to
Wolves Women founder members Jane                               to the next one the bloke who was organising               “They had five international players in their side        play football and to strengthen us as a club.
Hill, Jackie Pickup and Gill Spilsbury.                         it had disappeared. He had left the girls with a            and were far too good for us,” remembers Hill,
                                                                strip though, so a few of us including Gill and             who was in goal that day. “I must have saved             “They gave us £10,000, which we had to spread
You may not have heard of this football-mad                     Jackie started playing together regularly.                  at least 20 shots, but they still hammered                over several seasons but it meant we could
trio, and none of the Lionesses are likely to                                                                               us 8-1 and could have scored more.”
                                                                                                                                                                                      join the new league. We were put into the
know their names either. But without them,                     “Girls like Jill Shinton and Linda Reynolds, who                                                                      (second tier) Division One North and started
and many like spirits around the country                        became important players for us, were also part            Salutary days such as that one were few and far
                                                                                                                           between as the team matured and improved,                  using Bilston Town as our home ground.”
following the 1971 lifting of the FA’s 50-year                  of that first group but there were only about
women’s football ban, the game would not                        seven of us to start with so we used to play three         enjoying good FA Cup runs that took them
now be in such a vibrantly healthy state.                       or four-a-side matches between ourselves.                  as far as the quarter-finals via long trips to            That initial tie-up with Wolves was followed
                                                                                                                           face clubs such as Brighton and Dartford.                 by another landmark in 1993, not just for the
It was in 1975 that the Wolves-to-be club was                  “By 1975/76 though, we had enough players                                                                            burgeoning club but also for women’s football as
formed under its original title of Heathfield                   to enter a league, so changed our name                     They also enjoyed their time off the pitch, forging       a whole with the Football Association taking over
Rovers, named as such simply because Heathfield                 to Wolverhampton Ladies – not that I                       friendships that are still strong today through fun       the running of the game from the Women’s FA.
School was just down the road from the parks                    knew at that point that a women’s football                 occasions like Spilsbury’s infamous hen night.
pitch on which the team played its early matches.               league existed until I saw one mentioned                                                                             As that changeover was taking effect Wolverhampton
                                                                in a Saturday morning TV programme!”                       The long throw specialist, whose mighty hurls             Ladies were making their final name-change,
Sat around a pub table poring through pictures                                                                             into the penalty area led to a good number of             officially becoming part of Wolverhampton
and press cuttings from those early days, Hill                 The Midland Women’s Football League consisted               goals, was also – unbeknownst even to herself             Wanderers FC and celebrating by winning
recalls: “It was in 1974 when we first came                    mainly of clubs in the Eastern half of the area             – a specialist of an entirely different kind. “We         Division One North in the 1993/94 campaign.
together, but it had all started a year earlier,               – and with a varying degree of facilities. “All             were in a pub and I was challenged to drink a
                                                                                                                           yard of ale,” she says, “and I managed it ok.
TODAY’S OPPONENTS                                        
                                                                                                                 LOUGHBOROUGH LIGHTNING
                                                        Vice President’s Cup
                                                        winning team 1975/76

                                                        Back row - L-R: Jean McAleice, Irene Austin, Jane
                                                        Hill. Front row: Jan Turley, Val Hickman, Jackie
                                                        Pickup, June Pierce, Joyce Pattison, Yvonne
                                                        Addison, Gill Spilsbury, Tina Gallagher. Missing
                                                        from photo: Elaine Stanley, Jill Shinton, Fay Smith,
                                                        Gill Ashford.

But playing in what was now branded the FA              Reaching the semi-professional Championship
Women’s Premier League, after their hard earned         is now the aim for a team that these
promotion, proved too mighty a task for Wolves.         days is completely integrated into the
                                                        Wolverhampton Wanderers family.
Facing line-ups packed with international
players – among them Arsenal, Liverpool                 The women’s section, including the club’s Academy,
and Doncaster Belles – a first season finish in         shares the men’s Premier League team’s top class
the bottom-but-one place was followed with
                                                        Compton training ground facilities – including
1995/96’s bottom spot and relegation.
                                                        sports science, analysis and physiotherapy
“It was too early for us to go up,” says Pickup. “The
                                                        – as part of the Wolves ‘one club’ ethos.
second season especially was very, very difficult.
But we had some great experiences over those two
                                                        And with a new home ground this term, Telford FC’s
seasons, like playing against Arsenal at Highbury.
                                                        excellent 5,500 capacity New Buck’s Head, all is
                                                        set fair for Wolves to make progress in parallel with
“They smashed us, but after the game (England
                                                        the expanding horizons of the women’s game.
 striker) Marieanne Spacey popped her head
 round our dressing room door and gave us some
                                                        Looking ahead to what she hopes will be a bright
 complimentary remarks which was nice.”
                                                        future for the club which she helped to form and did     Lightning are the youngest team in the FA Women’s         The Foxes and the university had enjoyed a long-term
                                                        so much for in its first two decades, Hill says: “It’s   Premier League, however, they do have history in the      relationship until formally merging in the summer
Since that 95/96 relegation season Wolves
                                                        great to see the way the game has grown, how the         competition. The team was formed in the summer of         of 2021 to become Loughborough Lightning under
have never reached the top flight, though they
                                                        players are getting the recognition they deserve         2021 through the merging of Loughborough Foxes            Head Coach Issy Martin, taking over the Foxes’
came mighty close when finishing second in
                                                        and how so many young girls are playing football.        and Loughborough University who had both featured         Northern Division place.
the Northern Division – and so missing out
                                                                                                                 in the league over the past years.
on the one available promotion place – in the                                                                                                                              The 2021/22 season was a difficult one for them,
                                                        “Back in our day there were so many girls who
2001/02 campaign under the management of                                                                         Loughborough Foxes were formed back in 1999 and           ending in 10th place and narrowly avoiding
                                                         couldn’t afford the subs to play for a team or
former Aston Villa captain Denis Mortimer.                                                                       worked their way through the local leagues before         relegation. It was a tough start up until Christmas
                                                         had parents who couldn’t afford to drive them
                                                         all around the Midlands to play in matches.             reaching the Premier League in 2014. They captured        with the team only picking up a total of four points
Fortunes have ebbed and flowed in the 20 years                                                                   the Midlands Division One title that first season but     ahead of the break.
                                                         We lost a number of players like that.
since, particularly in the last decade with the                                                                  found the Northern Division the following term rather
club promoted three times and relegated twice,                                                                   more difficult and suffered relegation. However, they     They found their form in the new year though,
                                                        “It’s such a different and much better story today;
managers James Astle, Tim Dudding and Dan                                                                        quickly regained a spot in the third tier where they      producing some fantastic performances and results
                                                         but for all that I wouldn’t swap the time I had in
McNamara leading successful campaigns.                                                                           remained.                                                 to ensure they retained their Tier 3 status for the
                                                         football for the world – I just loved every minute.”
                                                                                                                                                                           2022/23 season, finishing on a total of 23 points.
Elevation to the FA Championship agonisingly                                                                     Meanwhile, Loughborough University team had               Lightning have made some key signings over the
evaded McNamara’s side last season, when the                                                                     been active for several years, playing in the British     summer to develop the squad as well as welcoming
the Northern Premier Division was won but – once                                                                 Universities and Colleges Sports League. Their players    Director of Football, Rebecca Sawiuk.
                                                                                                                 were also encouraged to play outside of their studies
again with only one promotion place up for grabs
                                                                                                                 for other teams.
– they lost out to Southern Division champions
Southampton through a 1-0 play-off defeat.              Thanks to Tony Leighton.
   & LINE-UPS 2022/23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LEAGUE TABLE 2022/23

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lizzie Bennett-Steele
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Destiney Toussaint
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Summer Holmes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pos Team                          P   W    D   L GD PTS

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Helen Dermody

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Marianne Taho
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Amber Hughes
                                                                                                                                                                             Maz Gauntlett
                                                                                                                                                              Tammi George
                                                                                                       Anna Morphet

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Katie Johnson
                                                                                        Laura Cooper

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Lowri Walker

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Beth Merrick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bec Thomas
                                                                                                                                   Emma Cross
                                               (FAC) – Emirates FA Cup

                                                                          Shan Turner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1   Wolves                        3   2    1   0 10      7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Amy Dicken
                                                                                                                                                Ria Elsmore
Home fixtures in CAPS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Kelly Darby
                                                                                                                      Anna Price

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ellie Butler
                                                                                                                                                                                             Jade Cross
                                               (CC) – Carabao Cup
  Own goal l l l l l Used substitute

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ali Miller
                                         n – Yellow card
l Unused substitute l1Goal scored                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2   Nottingham Forest             2   2    0   0    8    6
                                         n – Red card
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3   Burnley                       2   2    0   0    2    6
                                        RES POS ATT                 REF        1             2              3             4            5            6             7               8             9           10 11 13 14 15                                                        16 17 19 20 21 23 24 28 30
   August                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               4   West Bromwich Albion          3   2    0   1   -2    6
   21   Liverpool Feds                  1-1     6      180       Z Ahmed   l                                 l             l            l            l             l            l ll
                                                                                                                                                                                                               l            l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             l1                          l                           l              l                                                                   l                                 l                l            5   Huddersfield Town             2   1    0   1    1    3
   28   Huddersfield Town               5-0     3       89      B Brighton l                  l              l             l            l                       l
                                                                                                                                                                   l1          l
                                                                                                                                                                                l1 l1                         l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                l            l1                          l1           l            l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     l              l                                          ll
   30   Stoke City                      5-0     1      225       M Korpal		                   l              l             l            l                         l
                                                                                                                                                                    l          l 1
                                                                                                                                                                                l l                           l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                l            l1              l           l            l              l              l1                                        l 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               l                                                         l 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          l                             6   Stoke City                    3   1    0   2   -3    3

   September                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7   Liverpool Feds                2   0    2   0    0    2
   4    LOUGHBOROUGH LIGHTNING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          8   Brighouse Town                1   0    1   0    0    1
   11   Northampton Town
        (FAWNLC Determining Round)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      9   Derby County                  2   0    1   1   -1    1
   18   Nottingham Forest
   25   AFC Fylde
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10 AFC Fylde                      2   0    1   1   -2    1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11 Loughborough Lightning         2   0    0   2   -6    0
   2    BURNLEY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         12 Boldmere St Michaels           2   0    0   2   -7    0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Last updated prior to Wednesday 31st evening games.
   23   Derby County


   January                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              OTHER LEAGUE FIXTURES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Burnley vs Huddersfield
   February                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Derby County vs Boldmere St Michaels
   5    Loughborough Lightning
   12   NOTTINGHAM FOREST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Nottingham Forest vs Liverpool Feds
   22   STOKE CITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Stoke City vs Brighouse Town
   5    AFC FYLDE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       West Bromwich Albion vs AFC Fylde
   15   West Bromwich Albion
   19   Burnley

   2    Boldmere St Michael’s
        Brighouse Town
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        GREATLY APPRECIATED

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Admission to Wolves Women games at the New Bucks Head
                                       League apps                           2  2  3  3   3		 3     3  3   3  3  1  2 2   3  3			 2    1		 3   1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        is free for Wolves and Telford United season ticket holders.
                                       League goals                          0  0  0  0   0		 1     2  1   0  3		 1 0     0  1			 1    0		 1   0
                                       WFA Cup apps
                                       WFA Cup goals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        For non-season-ticket holders, tickets can be bought online in
                                       League Cup apps                      																							                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     advance from the Telford United website for a reduced price
                                       League Cup goals                     																							                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of £4 for adults, £3 for concessions and £1 for under 16s.
                                       B’ham County Cup apps
                                       B’ham County Cup goals               																							                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Payment is also accepted on the gate via card or cash with
                                       Season Total apps                     2  2  3  3   3		 3     3  3   3  3  1  2 2   3  3			 2    1		 3   1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        entry costing £5 for adults and £4 for concessions.
                                       Season Total goals                    0  0  0  0   0		 1     2  1   0  3		 1 0     0  1			 1    0		 0   1
      Scan here for the                Career Total apps                    31 32 78 334 196 22 75 18 201 21 31 71 39 38 41 12 32 63 2 1 20 36 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        To see our fixtures please scan the QR code to the left or visit
   latest fixtures, results            Career total goals                    0 2 26 61 3     0 23 11 153 5 28    0 10 4   1  3 7 32 1  0  2 11 0
     and match reports.
                                                                               1             2              3             4            5            6             7               8             9           10 11 13 14 15                                                        16 17 19 20 21 23 24 28 30
WOLVES                                                            LOUGHBOROUGH
Manager Dan McNamara                                                        Manager Issy Martin

1.   Shan Turner                                 1.                              Kiya Webb 1.
2.   Laura Cooper                                2.                             Lauren Taft 2.
3.   Anna Morphet                                3.                          Abbey Hateley 3.
4.   Anna Price                                  4.                            Laura Steele 4.
5.   Emma Cross                                  5.                          Grace Walters 5.
6.   Ria Elsmore                                 6.                           Emily Sharpe 6.
7.   Tammi George                                7.                         Kate Middleton 7.
8.   Maz Gauntlett                               8.                          Kayleigh Hines 8.
9.   Jade Cross                                  9.                           Nicky Russell 9.
10. Helen Dermody                                10.                           Chloe Young 10.
11. Amber Hughes                                 11.                         Sophia Bonser 11.
13. Bec Thomas                                   12.                          Anna Renken 12.
14. Amy Dicken                                   13.                     Monique Robinson 13.
15. Kelly Darby                                  14.                  Melissa Turton-Burrell 14.
16. Summer Holmes                                15.                         Harriet Petley 15.
17. Katie Johnson                                17.                      Jessica Richarson 17.
19. Ali Miller                                   18.                             Ella Powell 18.
20. Lowri Walker                                 19.                            Emily Gunn 19.
21. Destiney Toussaint                           20.                       Georgia Stevens 20.
23. Lizzie Bennett-Steele                        21.                           Sophia Poor 21.
24. Ellie Butler                                 22.                         Olivia Edwards 22.
28. Beth Merrick                                 23.                    Ciara Albas-Martin 23.
30. Marianne Taho                                24.                      Doris Greenwood 24.
                                                 25.                             Ella Smith 25.

                            NEXT AT THE NEW BUCKS HEAD
                                       Burnley Women
                             Sunday 2nd October 2022 | Kick-off 2pm
                                 FA Women’s National League
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