Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet Term 2b - Cowley ...

Page created by Wayne Salazar
Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet Term 2b - Cowley ...
Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet
                 Term 2b

• Please complete 2 lessons (4 slides) per week as shown on each slide
  as well as the tasks that follow.
• Please write answers on paper or submit via Teams - Assignments
  (this booklet is also on Teams electronically).
• Keep your answers safe to be able to bring back to school once
  completed, if done on paper.

                        • STAY SAFE !
Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet Term 2b - Cowley ...
Lesson 1 Term 2b
Sain ou malsain?

There are four slides in this Lesson 1

1.   Retrieval task to ‘warm up’ your memory
2.   Activity
3.   Reading task
4.   Translation task
Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet Term 2b - Cowley ...
Slide 1 – Retrieval
Categorise the foods below.
Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet Term 2b - Cowley ...
Slide 2 – 2 Activities
Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet Term 2b - Cowley ...
Slide 3 –
Reading task

     Match the 1-3 to
     the correct
     pictures on the

 Make a note of any new
Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet Term 2b - Cowley ...
Slide 4 – Translation
               Use the previous activity to help.
1.   I have been vegetarian for three years.
2.   Fast-food is bad for your health.
3.   My friends eat a lot of fast-food, but I eat lots of fruit and salad.
4.   Obesity is a big problem in our society.
5.   I eat lots of chocolate – I love it!




Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet Term 2b - Cowley ...
Lesson 2 Term 2b
Sain ou malsain?(2)

There are four slides in this Lesson 2

1.   Retrieval task to ‘warm up’ your memory
2.   Activity
3.   Reading task
4.   Translation task
Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet Term 2b - Cowley ...
Slide 1 - Retrieval Task
              Healthy foods in French
Give me 5 …

              Unhealthy foods in French
Give me 4 …

              Positive adjectives
Give me 3 …

              Time markers
Give me 2 …

              Sentence using the conjunction ‘parce que’
Give me 1…
Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet Term 2b - Cowley ...
Slide 2 – Activity – Vocabulary builder

                                  Match up the French
                                  and English phrases
                                  and then write 3
                                  sentences using the

                                  ‘il faut’ – you have to
                                  (il ne faut pas …)
                                  ‘on doit’ – you must
                                  (on ne doit pas …)
Year 9 French Lessons and Work Booklet Term 2b - Cowley ...
Slide 3 –
Slide 4 – Translation task
  Translate into English
Lesson 3 Term 2b
Manger sainement

There are four slides in this Lesson 3

1.   Retrieval task to ‘warm up’ your memory
2.   Activity
3.   Reading task
4.   Translation task
Slide 1 - Retrieval Task
          Conjugate the verb ‘manger’

Slide 2 – Activity

Now write 3 sentences with the following verbs:
                 1) Manger
                  2) Boire
                 3) Adorer
                  4) Aimer
Slide 3 – Reading
                The words in red are all

                The words in green are giving

                Parce que = ________________

                Je crois que = _______________

                Pour être comme moi =

                    Now translate the passage.
Slide 4
      Translate the following 5 sentences into French.

1. I drink too much wine.

2. I hate vegetables and fruit.

3. I eat too much fast-food.

4. I eat a balanced diet.

5. I believe I am in very good health.

                                               The previous slide may help!
Lesson 4 Term 2b
Manger sainement (2)

There are five slides in this Lesson 4

1.   Retrieval task to ‘warm up’ your memory
2.   Activity
3.   Reading task
4.   Writing task
Slide 1 - Retrieval Task
           Can you crack the code? Look back at your
                 work from last lesson to help.

1. J M E – I eat a balanced diet.
= _______________________________________________________
2. J C Q J S E B F – I think I am in very good health.
= ________________________________________________________
3. J P D S R – I do sports regularly.
= ________________________________________________________

               You have been given the first letter of
                    each word in the sentence!
Slide 2 – Activity

                 Activity 1

                 Match up the
                 descriptions 1-7 to the
                 correct food items A-G.

                 Activity 2

                 Translate the
                 descriptions 1-7.
Slide 3 – Reading

1. Read the adverts 1-3
   and match to the
   pictures A-C.



Slide 4 Reading activity – Part 2
Is each statement true, false or not mentioned?
SLIDE 5 - Writing

   Look back at the previous slides and think about the language we have
 covered in the last three lessons. Write 10 sentences about what you eat to
  stay healthy. Ensure that you use a range of conjunctions and opinions.

Lesson 5 Term 2b
Les sports (1)

There are four slides in this Lesson 5

1.   Retrieval task to ‘warm up’ your memory
2.   Activity
3.   Reading task
4.   Writing task
Slide 1 – retrieval task

1 point                        2 points                     points

Translate                      In my opinion =              I prefer swimming
faire de la natation – to      _______________              =

Translate                      However = ________________   I love horse-riding
penser – to _____________                                   =

Translate                      Twice a week =               I don’t like playing basketball.
Se relaxer – to ____________   ________________             =

 How many points did you score?                   16+ Gold 10+ Silver 7+ Bronze
Slide 2 - Activity

   Les sports traditionnels                Les sports extrêmes
Le football                     L’escalade
Le golf                         Le windsurf
Le canoë-kayak                  Le parapente
Le rugby                        Le snowboard
Le basketball                   La voile                         Activity 1
Le tennis                       Le saut à l’élastique            Translate the sports.
Le handball                     Le parkour
                                                                 Activity 2
Le judo                         Le zorbing                       Add another 4
L’équitation                    Le canyoning                     sports to the list.
La pétanque                     Le base-jump
                                                                 Activity 3
La natation                                                      Choose 5 and write
La danse                                                         an extended
                                                                 sentence about each
La gymnastique                                                   using a conjunction
Le volleyball                                                    in each sentence.
Slide 3 – Reading

  Translate the following sentences into French

  1. I think I am quite active.
  2. I hate tennis.
  3. We go swimming every week.
  4. I played hockey yesterday.
  5. When I was younger I played tennis.
Lesson 6 Term 2b
Les sports (2)

There are 5 slides in this Lesson 6

1.   Retrieval task to ‘warm up’ your memory
2.   Activity
3.   Reading task
4.   Writing task
Slide 1 – Retrieval
Slide 2 - Activity
Slide 3 – Reading (1)
                         Int: Alors Alain, tu fais beaucoup de sport?
                         Alain: Eh oui, je suis assez sport. Je fais du sport chaque jour.
Read through the
                         Int: Qu’est-ce que c’est ton sport favori?
interview with Alain.
                         Alain: Mon sport préféré, c’est le football. Je joue au foot trois fois par
                         semaine; le mercredi, le vendredi et le dimanche.
                         Int: Tu fais d’un autre sport aussi?
                         Alain: Oui, je fais aussi du judo et je l’aime beaucoup parce que mon ami
                         en fait et c’est bon pour la santé.
                         Int: Tu fais du judo combien de fois par semaine?
                         Alain: J’en fais le mardi et le samedi.
                         Int: Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais faire à l’avenir comme sport?
                         Alain: Je voudrais faire du yoga parce que ça détend et je vais en faire de
                         temps en temps avec mes copains.
Slide 4 – Reading (2) Complete the gap fill using the words below.
Alain est assez _________. Il fait du _________tous les _____.
Son sport _________, c’est le football. Il joue au ______ trois
_______ par __________. Il fait aussi du _________ parce
que c’est _______ pour la ________ et son ami en _______.
Il fait du judo _______ fois ________ semaine. À l’avenir, il
voudrait faire du __________ parce que ça ________. Il
va en faire de _________ en temps.

détend       temps        semaine             foot

favori       sport        judo         fois          par

yoga         deux         fait         bon           jours

santé        sportif
SLIDE 5 - Writing – Use the grid to write the following:

1.   I love playing rugby because it’s a team sport.
2.   I have played cricket since I was 5 years old.
3.   When I was 4, I started playing football.
4.   I train every Monday and I have a match once a week.
5.   I have done dance for three years.
Lesson 7 Term 2b
Les sports (3)
Slide 1 – Retrieval –
Slide 2 – Reading                                  En général je ne suis pas très sportive mais j’ai
                                                    découvert le volleyball il y a trois ans. J’ai commencé
                                                    par le beach volley sur une plage quand je suis allée en
1) Read through the text.
2) Write down 10 details in English.                vacances au bord de la mer. Et en septembre quand je
3) Choose the correct ending for each sentence in
                                                    suis retourné au lycée il y avait un club de volley, donc
   the box below.
                                                    j’ai décidé d’y aller avec ma copine. On a des
                                                    entraînements tous les mardis soirs et des matchs tous
                                                    les weekends. Au début on était nulles et on n’a jamais
                                                    gagné de matchs. Mais le weekend dernier on a fait un
                                                    tournoi et on a fini premières, c’était génial.J’aime ce
                                                    sport parce que c’est un sport d’équipe.J’adore jouer
                                                    avec mes copines parce qu’on s’entend bien mais c’est
                                                    aussi très physique. Je pense que c’est super de faire
                                                    du sport parce qu’il est important de rester en forme et
                                                    que c’est bon pour la santé! L’été prochain lorsque j’irai
                                                    en vacances, je ferai un stage de beach volley.
Slide 3 – Activity – Choose the
correct word
Slide 4 - Translation
1. When I went to France I discovered volleyball.

2. I like football because it’s a team sport.

3. It’s good for your health.

4. I like playing with my friends because we get on well.



Lesson 8 Term 2b
Les sports extremes (1)
Slide 1 – Retrieval
1 normalement         A every day
2 d’habitude          B from time to time
3 de temps en temps   C always
4 souvent             D rarely
5 rarement            E normally
6 toujours            F never
7 never               G usually
8 tous les jours      H often
Slide 2 –Activity – Match the English and French
                                     What are your top 5
                                     that you would like to
Slide 3 – Reading (1)

                        Give 10 facts about the
                        sport that Pauline is
                        interviewed about.
                        Remember, you don’t
                        have to understand every
Slide 4 – Reading (2)
Slide 5 – Writing/ translation
Use the reading activity to help you formulate the following sentences:

1. You need to be healthy and not have bad eyesight.

2. It’s a risky activity.

3. Physical strength is not important.

4. He encouraged me to try it.
Lesson 9 Term 2b
Les sports extremes
Slide 1 – Retrieval – Trouvez les paires

Can you find the pairs?
Slide 2 -Activity
Slide 3 - Reading
                                              Can you find the following

                                              Which sport? Le barefoot/ le saut
                                              élastique / le wingsuit?

Le barefoot   Le saut élastique Le wingsuit
Slide 4 – Translation

Lesson 10 Term 2b
Les sports extremes (3)
Slide 1 – Retrieval
la compétition
le confort
le danger
la détente (= la relaxation)   Which of these words do
les défis                         you associate with
l’eau                           ‘les sports extrêmes’?
la neige
la tranquillité
le vide
la vitesse
Slide 2 -Activity

Slide 3 - Reading
Faut-il interdire les sports extrêmes?    Does this person think we should ban extreme
Ce qui me pose des problèmes, c’est
que faire de telles activités peut        Give 4 details.
mettre en danger d’autres personnes,
voire entraîner leur mort. Suite à un     1
accident de canyoning, par exemple,
ce serait les sauveteurs de montagne      2
qui risqueraient leur vie pour venir au
secours de quelques personnes             3
irresponsables et je trouve ça
inacceptable                              4
Slide 4 – Writing/ translation
                                                                  Tu es pour ou contre
                                                                  les sports à risques?

                                                                  Use this grid to write
                                                                  the sentences below.

1.   I am for it, because it’s exciting and good to take risks.
2.   I am against it, because there are too many risks.
3.   Me, I’m for it, because you can test your limits.
4.   4 I’m for it, because I like challenges.
5.   I would like to try climbing.
Lesson 11 Term 2b
Slide 1 – Retrieval – give your opinion on the following
using the grid below to help:
                                             1. Le zorbing – c’est
                                                vraiment superbe!

                                             2. Le canyoning

                                             3. Le surf

                                             4. L’escalade
Slide 2 –Activity – Past tense                    A= interviewer
                                                  B = You

                What did you do at the weekend?
                                                       Answer the
                                                       saying what
                                                       you did at the
But it’s …                                             weekend and
                                                       give your
                                                       opinion using
                Yes, maybe but …/ But no …             the text boxes
It was
                                                       to help.
Slide 3 - Reading
Slide 4 – Translation into French

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