YEAR IN REVIEW - Thinktank

Page created by Bruce Willis
YEAR IN REVIEW - Thinktank

The pandemic has battered the economy for nearly two years, but it also helped drive a property
boom. Twelve industry leaders share their thoughts on 2021 – and what 2022 might offer /14

                                                                                                                                   ALSO IN THIS ISSUE…

                                                                                                                                   Big deal
                                                                                                                                   How Better Choice helped a Morgan
                                                                                                                                   Brooks client out of a tricky situation /24

                                                                                                                                   Real estate market analysis
                                                                                                                                   Boss Money’s Tom Uhlich says house
                                                                                                                                   prices have outpaced wage growth /26

BNK Banking Corp picks interim CEO      Housing prices predicted to fall by 2023      New tech tools to speed up loans             In the hot seat
Broker channel favourite Allan Savins   ANZ forecasts property price growth to slow   Simpology CEO Kate Gubbins says digital      Bloom Capital’s Rachel Farrell is named
is appointed as BNK’s interim CEO /04   in 2022, then drop by 4% the next year /10    innovations will help lenders, brokers /30   as a leading broker to watch /34
YEAR IN REVIEW - Thinktank


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MOST READ ONLINE STORIES IN 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             THE 10 BEST SUBURBS TO INVEST IN SYDNEY IN 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Investing in property in Sydney is an absolute no-brainer. Australian

BACK AT 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Broker surveyed the property market to find the best suburbs to sink
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               your cash into, with Narrabeen, Collaroy, Bardwell Park, Fairlight,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Cronulla, Petersham, Bexley, Coogee and Kensington making the list.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             TWO BANKS SLASH INTEREST RATES DESPITE WIDESPREAD RISES
The shadow of the pandemic has loomed                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Despite the current trend of lenders raising interest rates, two lenders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               have decided to slash their rates in a play for the key refinancing
over the Australian economy for a second                                                                                                                                                                                                                       market. Fintech UBank has taken 0.1 off its three-year fixed rate, with
year. Australian Broker talks to 12 financial                                                                                                                                                                                                                  owner-occupiers with lower than 80% LVR now paying as little as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1.85%. Bank of us, one of the biggest banks in Tasmania, will offer its
services industry leaders, who reflect on the                                                                                                                                                                                                                  customers 1.79% on a one-year fixed rate home loan.
challenges and achievements of 2021 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CBA RAISES INTEREST RATES IN KEY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA
share their expectations for the year ahead
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CBA has changed its Home Loan Assessment Floor Rate, raising it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15 points to 5.25% p.a. Its interest rate buffer will not change and has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               been fixed at 2.50% p.a. CBA put the move down to a reassessment
             in the mortgage finance       “For some lenders, this served as                                                                                                                                                                                   of home loan affordability in the sector. The Home Loan Assessment
     PEOPLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Floor Rate is the method by which CBA and other banks assess the
             industry have barely       a catalyst for greater innovation,
been able to catch their breath this    but specialist lending is something                                                                                                                                                                                    ability of customers to repay a loan.
year, having been buffeted again by     Liberty has offered for nearly 25        Barry Saoud, general manager mortgages and commercial lending, Pepper Money         John Mohnacheff, group sales manager, Liberty
the fierce winds of COVID-19.           years,” Mohnacheff says. “And, with                                                                                                                                                                                  HOW THE COLLAPSE OF EVERGRANDE COULD IMPACT
  Widespread lockdowns                  extensive experience in this space,                                                                                                                                                                                  AUSTRALIA’S PROPERTY MARKET
and closed borders hurt small           our unique business model has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The impending collapse of Evergrande, the second-biggest property
businesses, employment, education       enabled us to help business partners      “If we can avoid any major               more efficient as well as improving      customers’ decisions. An informed           expected brokers would receive a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               developer in China, has spooked markets in Australia and beyond,
and construction. But federal           support customers with a range of       hiccups, there is significant              customer experiences,” she says.         broker makes all the difference             major boost on the back of COVID,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               with fears that our property sector could feel the shockwaves.
and state government financial          complex needs.”                         opportunity for brokers to support            “It’s also never been easier for      when it comes to customers feeling          and that’s what happened, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Australian Broker spoke to experts to gauge the impact.
support mitigated the worst                He says the pandemic has affected    those looking to ramp up their             customers to communicate and             in control and confident in their           brokers writing a record $78bn in
impacts, helping many workers and       the Liberty community in many           existing businesses or perhaps             work with their broker. For example,     decision-making.”                           the June quarter of 2021 alone – a
businesses stay afloat.                                                                                                    normalising digital signatures might        La Trobe Financial senior vice           50% increase year-on-year.                   IS PROPERTY A GOOD INVESTMENT IN AUSTRALIA?
  The property market boomed,                                                                                              seem like a small advancement            president and chief lending officer            He says these “tailwinds” for
with prices surging more than           “We’ve witnessed record growth in                                                  during the pandemic, but the             Cory Bannister says 2021 will               non-banks and brokers were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Brokers have a duty to introduce their clients to the potential to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               increase their property portfolio and earn in the long term. Property
20% nationally. Increased demand                                                                                           efficiency and time gained for           long be remembered as being a               blowing well before COVID, when
was fuelled by record-low interest      the alternative and non-conforming                                                 brokers will be enormous.”               time of uncertainty, complexity             the major banks simplified their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               investment factors include future property market growth, more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               stability than stocks, tax deductions, long-term investment, security,
rates. This was great news for                                                                                                Mitchell says when the pandemic       and challenge.                              strategies and vacated the “complex            greater control over decisions, and equity.
brokers and lenders as clients          space, and all signs point towards                                                 took hold in 2020, initial reactions        “Where there is complexity               credit” space after the banking
sought loan options to fund their                                                                                          were survivalist, but it soon became     and uncertainty there is often              royal commission.
property goals.                         this remaining strong”                                                             clear it was a time when customers       opportunity; and particularly for              “However, there are a number of
  Technology, mergers and                                                                                                  would need brokers the most.             non-bank lenders, along with                segments of the lending landscape
acquisitions, open banking, industry    Barry Saoud, Pepper Money                                                             “The discussion soon turned to        brokers, that has certainly been the        that have been left with little support   of Australia’s total lending market      really needed them.”
regulation and diversification were                                                                                        how do we – as an entire group –         case,” says Bannister.                      or credit availability at a critical      compared to about 20% pre-GFC.              Felton says this resilience and
important trends in 2021.               ways, requiring ongoing effort to       explore new avenues,” he says.             manage the overwhelming demand.                                                                                                   Mike Felton, CEO of the MFAA,         commitment produced incredible
  Australian Broker asked 12            continue to provide “the standard          “Let’s not forget, with months of          “Throw in the acquisition by                                                                                                says 2021 presented many                 broker market share results – the
industry leaders about the issues       of service that our brokers and         delayed purchases and investments          REA Group, as well as combining          “While no one expected the year to                                                    challenges, and “our industry’s          latest figures show 66.9% or two
that shaped the year and what they      customers need”.                        in certain parts of the country,           the Mortgage Choice and Smartline                                                                                              resilience and flexibility helped us     thirds of all new residential home
believed 2022 would bring.                 “With our head office located        there is now likely to be an influx        businesses, and there’s been a lot of    bring such uncertainty, the industry                                                  rise above them again”.                  loans were written by brokers.
                                        in Melbourne, early lockdowns           of customers eager to make up for          change for every stakeholder over                                                                                                 “Brokers’ adaptability to change         “The fact that we achieved our
COVID-19                                taught us many important lessons        lost time; whether it’s a new home, a      the past 24 months.                      has remained as resilient as ever”                                                    and focus on customers proved            highest market share result to date
Liberty group sales manager             about how best to navigate these        new vehicle or even a major holiday,          “What I have learnt most is that to                                                                                         once again to be the keys to success     during a year when customers were
John Mohnacheff says the learnings      challenging circumstances.              customers are ready to get back to         meet the challenges in our forever-      John Monhacheff, Liberty                                                              over the past year as our industry       under so much pressure, approval
from 2020 served the financial          We know that a one-size-fits-all        their regular lives and are seeking        changing world, you have to be                                                                                                 remained agile in the face of COVID-     times were very challenging and
sector incredibly well this year.       approach simply doesn’t work, but       funds to take the next steps.”             constantly communicating with your          “And that’s because non-banks            time for the Australian economy.          related process changes and the          new regulations were implemented
   “While no one expected the           by exercising compassion, flexibility       Susan Mitchell, CEO of Mortgage        network. Listen to their concerns        are ideally suited to providing             This includes SMEs in particular.         commencement of the single biggest       is inspirational.”
year to bring such uncertainty, the     and innovation we continue to           Choice, says the biggest change has        and ideas, and let them know when        credit appropriately throughout                “This gap is now being filled          legislative change our industry has         When COVID first hit, says
industry has remained as resilient as   grow stronger as a business and as      been “increasing capacity within           and why you’re taking action.”           this period, due to the custom              in part by non-banks, which are           faced in more than 10 years: the best    NextGen.Net head of broker
ever,” he says.                         a brand.”                               our respective businesses to manage           One of the biggest challenges         nature of our credit assessments            all stepping in to fill the void for      interests duty,” Felton says.            partnerships Renee Blethyn,
   One of the most notable changes         Mohnacheff says while the            the unforeseen record levels of            is lender turnaround times,              and our willingness to take the time        customers that would ordinarily be           “I’m very proud to say we have also   the leading fintech moved its
brought about by COVID that             unemployment rate is higher than        mortgage activity”.                        says Mitchell.                           to fully understand a customer’s            taken up by the major banks.”             remained true to the customer-first      ApplyOnline user training online
the non-bank specialist lender          desired due to ongoing lockdowns,          “The broking industry has                  “It’s absolutely critical that our    unique position and then provide an            Bannister says he doesn’t see this     ethos that sets our industry apart.      to educate the broker network on
has seen is the increased demand        there are signs of a promising return   invested heavily in technology,            support staff and brokers are across     appropriate tailored solution.”             trend reversing any time soon, given      Brokers continued to put customers       the latest digital tools to help them
for flexible lending.                   as we head into the holidays.           and it’s making broking platforms          the details because it will impact          Bannister says La Trobe Financial        that non-banks represent just 5%          first at a time when Australians         keep working.

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YEAR IN REVIEW - Thinktank

                                                                                             sectors, and continued to pay all       in small businesses turning to          stimulate new applications, lowered       have moved either within their
                                                                                             drawdowns for existing clients as       brokers for support with funding        interest rates and created new            own or to another state or territory
                                                                                             required,” he says.                     and opting for longer-term loans.       specials for the self-employed.           because of COVID and are not
                                                                                                Growth in the property market           “OnDeck Australia notched up a          “At a time when cash flow had          planning to return.
                                                                                             has been record-breaking in spite       significant milestone, writing 76%      taken a hit in most industries, we           “We continue to see strong
                                                                                             of lockdowns, financial stimulus,       more broker-originated loans in the     ensured our specials had great            momentum across all segments of
                                                                                             interstate migration and strong         first half of 2021 compared to the      interest rates, no application fees       the property market. NAB is very
                                                                                             prices, Arentz says.                    2020 calendar year. Average loan        and, as always, no LMI and no risk        much open for business with great
                                                                                                He believes brokers need to be       sizes also increased by 20%, rising     fees,” says Gair.                         SLAs, products backed by highly
                                                                                             across the major challenges in          from an average of $52,000 in 2020         Sharon Piening is treasurer            competitive pricing, and offers
                                                                                             property development.                   to $62,000 by mid-2021,” says Reily.    of CAFBA and a director of                for every customer in the market,”
                                                                                                “While property prices are              Contributing to this growth          commercial and asset finance              Waugh says.
                                                                                             appreciating strongly, some supply      was the launch earlier this year of     brokerage The 500 Group. She says            “According to CoreLogic, investors
                                                                                             chain interruptions as well as rising   OnDeck’s The KOALA Score™,              the industry has changed in many          are the fastest-growing sector of the
                                                                                             construction costs have presented       an innovative credit assessment         ways due to COVID.                        market, with plenty of upside still to
                                                                                             a new construction landscape for        algorithm, and Lightning Loans,            “Remote working and the use            go. NAB is well positioned to help
                                                                                             property developers to navigate.”       which delivers up to $100,000 in        of the office is the most obvious         investor clients grow.”
                                                                                                Developers need to carefully         fast, unsecured funding.                and prevalent change,” Piening               Waugh says NAB has seen great
                                                                                             review their building contingencies,       Ryan Gair is CEO of self-            says. “Many brokers have had to           loan growth, with application
                                                                                             with respect to both timing and cost.   employed specialist and mortgage        invest heavily in the technology to       volumes increasing significantly.
                                                                                                “Valuations for end product are      manager Rate Money. He says one         facilitate remote working … it will be       “We want to make the experience
                                                                                             on the move as well, but they’re        thing his team has learnt is that       interesting to see what happens in        of buying a home simpler for all
                                                                                             historically based; up-to-date QS       Australians are a resilient bunch.      the future as many brokers and their      our customers and to support them
                                                                                             reports are essential.”                    “Life as we know it has certainly    staff are very keen to get back to        with the confidence of an approval
                                                                                                OnDeck national channel and          changed, but what wasn’t going to       the office at least a few days a week.”   as quickly as possible, regardless
     Phil Waugh, executive – broker distribution, NAB
                                                                                             partnerships manager Nick Reily         change was the spirit and resolve          Using technology to engage with        of channel.”                               Susan Mitchell, CEO, Mortgage Choice
                                                                                             says the pandemic has been a            of self-employed Australians,”          clients and referral sources has also        Process changes are having a
                                                                                             challenging and uncertain period        Gair says. “We knew that as a           increased – a trend that’s likely to      positive impact by ensuring that
                                                                                             for many small businesses.              business we had to continue to fight    continue as funders become more           NAB’s service is stable and consistent.
   “We hosted webinars every                      employed was lockdowns affecting                                                                                           comfortable with platform security.          “Some of these changes are part           To maintain the fast turnaround      customers in the first-half period
month; in FY21 we trained more                    their ability to trade.                                                                                                       Piening says that after two years of   of an ongoing review of our entire        times and excellent service Liberty     either purchase or refinance a
than 7,000 brokers online. In 2022,
we’re going to keep our monthly
                                                     “They may have experienced
                                                  lower trading, no trading at all, or
                                                                                             “Our latest broker Net Promoter                                                 lockdowns there’s a pent-up demand
                                                                                                                                                                             from business owners for finance.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       end-to-end broker experience, which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       we are determined will make us the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 is known for, Mohnacheff says,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 internal processes have been refined
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         home, or secure asset finance, a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         record in our 21 years of business.
online training going, but we
also plan to continue to support
                                                  even the opposite with a spike in
                                                  trading. Because of this, historical
                                                                                             Score saw an increase to +10, which                                                “The key opportunities will be
                                                                                                                                                                             in commercial and asset finance,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       most reliable bank for all brokers and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ensure consistent service across all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to achieve maximum efficiency and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 avoid delays.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         As we exit 2021, we continue to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         see application levels trekking well
both brokers and lenders through
partnered training sessions to raise
                                                  financial information may not
                                                  present a fair reflection of current
                                                                                             demonstrates that we are moving                                                 particularly those local businesses
                                                                                                                                                                             which can take advantage of supply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       channels,” says Waugh.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          “Our latest broker NPS saw an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “We have also extended our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Melbourne-based team to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         above pre-COVID, setting us up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         well for 2022.”
awareness of new ApplyOnline
services,” Blethyn says.
                                                  and future performance.”
                                                     This is where Thinktank’s               forward in the right direction”                                                 chain issues that have been created
                                                                                                                                                                             by COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       increase to +10, which demonstrates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       that we are moving forward in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 that there is always someone               Mitchell says homebuyers were

   Peter Vala, general manager                    Mid Doc loan product comes in.             Phil Waugh, NAB                                                                    “Business confidence is fragile,       right direction.”
partnerships and distribution at
Thinktank, says that despite another
                                                  It relies on a self-certification
                                                  declaration and one other form
                                                                                                                                                                             and governments at all levels across
                                                                                                                                                                             Australia will have a key role to play,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mohnacheff says despite the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       challenges of a crowded property
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “The broking industry has invested
disrupted COVID year, the efforts
of the lender’s team and the support
                                                  of support, such as two BAS or
                                                  six-month loan statements or an
                                                                                               “But we have been impressed at
                                                                                             how many OnDeck customers have
                                                                                                                                     and to support these people. Whilst
                                                                                                                                     the world around them lacked
                                                                                                                                                                             providing support and creating the
                                                                                                                                                                             right environment to ensure the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       market, first home buyers have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       remained a key demographic, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 heavily in technology, and it’s
of its broker network enabled
Thinktank to record a very busy and
                                                  accountant’s letter.
                                                     Vala says the impact of COVID on
                                                                                             pivoted into new revenue streams to
                                                                                             survive and even thrive,” Reily says.
                                                                                                                                     stability, we knew that was exactly
                                                                                                                                     what we had to provide.”
                                                                                                                                                                             economic recovery and bounce-back
                                                                                                                                                                             are sustained.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       savvy buyers taking advantage of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       First Home Loan Deposit Scheme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 making broking platforms more
successful 2021.
   “The learnings and changes
                                                  some SMEs and the self-employed
                                                  may not be fully realised until the
                                                                                               OnDeck was quick to recognise
                                                                                             the challenges of lockdowns and
                                                                                                                                        Rate Money decided to prioritise
                                                                                                                                     supporting its broker channel
                                                                                                                                                                                Piening says CAFBA has listened
                                                                                                                                                                             to feedback from members and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and the First Home Loan Super
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Saver Scheme.                             efficient, as well as improving
implemented through 2020,                         later part of 2022.                        social distancing for the small         during the pandemic.                    continued to advocate on their               Understanding the challenges
from significant technological                       “We expect a number of businesses       business community.                        “We kept a very consistent           behalf to government, regulators          first-time buyers face, Liberty works     customer experiences”
advancements to flexible working                  may be facing various finance                “We were absolutely on the front      approach to all our lending policies;   and lenders.                              closely with its business partners
arrangements and agile policy                     covenant compliance issues, even           foot delivering valuable support not    we agreed that we also wouldn’t            “For example, through our              to provide flexible solutions to help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Susan Mitchell, Mortgage Choice
adjustments, provided us with the                 though they may not have defaulted         just to our clients but to the small    bring in COVID restriction policies     relationship with the Council of          customers reach their goals faster.
tools to respond effectively to the               on their facilities. For this reason, it   business sector more broadly.”          requiring additional documentation.”    Small Business Organisations of              “As well as low-deposit home           available to help provide customers     on an emotional rollercoaster in
many obstacles we all faced again in              is critical brokers remain close with        Reily says OnDeck launched,              Just because an individual           Australia [COSBOA], we advocated          loans, we accept gifted deposits,         and business partners with fast         2021 as they watched prices soar
2021, resulting in further significant            their clients that have annual reviews     and continually updated, its            business client doesn’t fit into a      for clarity around ongoing support        and we can also look at building          answers to any questions that arise     20% across all capital cities.
growth in broker engagement and                   due over the 2022 year.”                   online COVID-19 resource hub,           certain box, it doesn’t mean they’re    for SMEs and supported COSBOA’s           LMI into the loan structure. These        along the way,” he says.                  “Brokers have had to really set the
lending volumes,” Vala says.                         Clinton Arentz is the head of           which kept small businesses             not a good customer, Gair says.         Business Rebuilder Proposal.”             options can make a powerful impact           Barry Saoud, Pepper Money’s          expectations around what exactly
   “We were not alone in our ability              lending and property assets at             informed on stimulus measures              “At Rate Money, we pride ourselves                                             on a first home buyer’s borrowing         general manager mortgages and           borrowers can afford and how much
to ride the bumps of the last two                 non-bank lender Trilogy Funds.             and state restrictions and              on always weighing an application       Property market, loan demand              ability,” Mohnacheff says.                commercial lending, says, “We’ve        they’ll need for that all-important
years, and it is pleasing to see                     “Despite the pressures and              provided educational content            on its merits. Small businesses were    NAB executive – broker distribution          “With greater need for flexible        witnessed record growth in the          deposit,” she says.
the lending industry as a whole                   constraints caused by the pandemic,        and inspirational small business        struggling enough without us making     Phil Waugh says the pandemic              lending options across the board,         alternative and non-conforming            The focus was again on refinancers
continuing to remain strong and                   throughout 2020 and 2021 we                stories. In September, the lender       it harder for them.”                    has fundamentally changed how             Liberty’s loan growth has continued       space, and all signs point towards      who were keen to get a better deal
gain momentum.”                                   continued to write new construction        launched a four-week repayment             To support its branch principals     Australians purchase a home.              on an upward trajectory, and we           this remaining strong.                  or to take advantage of ultra-low
   Vala says one of the biggest                   loans across the residential,              holiday for customers.                  and customers, Rate Money                 The latest NAB research suggests        are well placed to help customers            “Our originations hit a milestone    interest rates. Mortgage Choice
challenges for SMEs and the self-                 industrial and commercial property           There has been significant uplift     regularly released specials to          that almost one in 10 Australians         achieve their goals.”                     by June; we’ve helped over 27,000       data shows that, in the 12 months to

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YEAR IN REVIEW - Thinktank

October 2021, about 39% of loans         ask for special treatment, just a level                                                                                                                                                                                                                       they have in their property.
written were for refinances, followed    playing field for broker customers.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “No doubt the future may be
by customers buying their next home         Blethyn says NextGen.Net                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   digital, data and technology driven,”
(27%) and first home buyers (19%).       was able to support lenders and                                                                                                                                                                                                                               he adds, “but the essential role of
   “Since April we’ve seen a slight      broker groups through its Industry                                                                                                                                                                                                                            brokers remains crucial.”
uptick in investors re-entering          Benchmark Reporting Service,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Felton says new technology will
the market. However, APRA’s              providing trusted insights and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                continue to play an important
increased interest rate buffer may       analytics on key data points,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 role as the industry finds ways to
slow this activity,” says Mitchell.      including turnaround times.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   more efficiently attract and engage
   It’s been an incredible year for         “We also worked closely with our                                                                                                                                                                                                                           with customers in an increasingly
Mortgage Choice, she adds.               partners to maximise automation                                                                                                                                                                                                                               digital world.
   “We saw loan settlements grow         and digitisation to improve                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      “With Consumer Data Right
29% to almost $13bn in FY21, and         processing efficiencies and help                                                                                                                                                                                                                              [open banking] rules being
we settled more than 37,000 home         deliver faster turnaround times.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                             rewritten to allow consumers to
loans over that same time – an              Arentz says growth in the value                                                                                                                                                                                                                            share data with mortgage brokers
increase of 25% year-on-year.”           of the Australian residential                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 as trusted advisers, it’s important
   Lender turnaround times had           property market over the past year                                                                                                                                                                                                                            that brokers and aggregators have
improved but were still not where        surpassed expectations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       appropriate capability, or third-party
they needed to be, so in February           The pandemic has been                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      service providers, to allow them
Mortgage Choice launched its own         notable for driving a strong shift                                                                                                                                                                                                                            to leverage the opportunities open
white label product, Mortgage            in consumer sentiment towards                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 banking presents.”
Choice Propel, delivering a verified     lower-density living, and also for                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Arentz says Trilogy Funds has
home loan approval in rapid time.        causing a flight from capital cities to                                                                                                                                                                                                                       a tailored portfolio forecasting
   Felton says the MFAA                  regional areas.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               platform designed to monitor
understands that loan volume can            “However, easing border                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    individual loans and the loan book,
impact turnarounds. “But our data        restrictions and the eventual return                                                                                                                                                                                                                          with the ability to scenario-test a
demonstrated some banks’ branches        of overseas students, immigrants           Cory Bannister, senior vice president and chief lending officer, La Trobe Financial     Mike Felton, CEO, MFAA                                     Renee Blethyn, head of broker partnerships, NextGen.Net         large number of possible outcomes.
operating on two-to-five-day             and hospitality workers, as well                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “It is interactive, dynamic and
turnarounds, whilst brokers’             as businesses and nightlife, are                                                                                                                                                                                                                              multipurpose,” he says.
customers were forced to cope with       expected to reverse this trend                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The platform is used for current
turnarounds in some instances of up      and boost demand for city                    At Rate Money, Gair says                     Technology                              activation and usage among brokers     their customers’ lives easier.              loans up to $250,000.”                   and forecast loan assessments, loan
to 40 days and more.”                    accommodation,” Arentz says.              property market growth most                     Saoud says technology is creating       to improve conversion and create          “The difficulty they’ve got is the           Reily says digitisation is being     progress, cost to complete and to
   The MFAA played a crucial role           “Australia’s residential property      certainly defied expectations.                  remarkable opportunities in             new opportunities in new segments.     variance between the lenders and            driven by its ability to lower unit      monitor broader liquidity trends
in elevating dialogue and bringing       market is now settling into a period         “The demand that we saw at                   alternative lending, and Pepper            In 2021, the PPS provided a         what’s available to them, so it’s           costs; faster response times for         across the loan portfolio and fund.
greater attention to this differential   of somewhat slower growth in our          Rate Money was phenomenal.                      Money is reimagining how it delivers    mortgage solution to over 13,000       important for lenders to invest in as       brokers and customers; elimination          “It enables us to provide quick
                                                                                   In the last 18 to 24 months our                 value to its customers and brokers.     customers, and 5,300 customers         much automation and as many tools           of the ‘slow no’ that many small         turnarounds and agile responses

“There are segments that have                                                      average loan size has grown by
                                                                                   over $150,000,” he says.
                                                                                                                                      “We are not interested in
                                                                                                                                   providing a generic digital offering.
                                                                                                                                                                           with Resolve.
                                                                                                                                                                              “Sage is now processing over 20%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  as possible for brokers to improve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  straight-through processing,” she says.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              businesses experience; and the ability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to gain a more holistic view of a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to brokers, and to direct borrowers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and loan updates in the current
                                                                                      The company knew it had to                   We want to give our customers and       of our mortgages volume, combining        “When lenders utilise digital            business’s credit risk rather than a     fast-paced property environment.”
been left with little support or                                                   grow with the market, Gair says.                brokers a digital experience that       our cascading credit model with        tools services such as ApplyOnline          rear-vision approach.                       Piening says the finance sector
                                                                                      “We are a big believer in                    complements and accelerates the         a customer’s credit history and an     ‘eSign’ and the in-built Document              At NAB, Waugh says more than          has embraced new methods, using
credit availability – this gap is now                                              reinvesting back into the business              strong service they expect,” he says.   automated property valuation to        Verification Service, the application       93% of its customer interactions         tech tools such as video conferencing
                                                                                   in order to better ourselves.”                     Pepper Money is focused on           expedite approval. And Solana has      process becomes much easier for             now occur through digital channels,      platforms to ensure consistent
being filled by non-banks”                                                            Rate Money was heading                       process efficiencies and streamlining   increased our capacity to assess       the broker.”                                and the bank’s research shows            service, while some lenders have
                                                                                   into 2021 with 11 branches                      with increased automation, and on                                                                                          that one in five Australians use a       introduced DocuSign to their broker
Cory Bannister, La Trobe Financial                                                 predominantly in NSW and                        continuing to enhance its platforms                                                                                        banking app every day. He says           network to boost efficiencies.
                                                                                   35 people across its network.                   and build better customer and           “Brokers’ adaptability to change                                                   Australians are looking for ways to         “The majority of lenders and
that has made it harder for mortgage     mind. Nonetheless, it continues to           “Fast-forward 11 months and                  broker experiences.                                                                                                        take greater control of their finances   aggregators also shifted their focus
brokers to compete, says Felton.         provide compelling opportunities          we have 21 branches, with another                  “Our multi-experience focus is       and focus on customers proved                                                      following the pandemic.                  to online education and digital
   “We told the story via select         for experienced developers who            four ready to open in Q1 next year.             all about bringing these things                                                                                               “Over the last 18 months, we have     PD days. These have drawn a large
media, but also followed up with         know where to look and how to             On top of that, we now have over                together so that our customers and      once again to be the keys to success”                                              responded to changing customer           audience, and we expect the trend
meetings with lenders, regulators        successfully deliver their projects.”     100 people in the network, branches             brokers can get what they want,                                                                                            behaviours to be more digital and        to continue.”
and government, including ASIC,             He says industrial property has        in three states, soon to be four,               when and how they want it, no
                                                                                                                                                                           Mike Felton, MFAA                                                                  to help customers to better manage          Digitisation can save time,
Treasury, the Treasurer’s office, the    been largely immune to the falling        as well as settling $1.5bn for the              matter the channel.                                                                                                        and have control over their money        reduce bureaucracy, and lead to
Chair of the Standing Committee on       rents and vacancies affecting the         calendar year.”                                    “With record applications and        consumer loans by automating              Reily says many fintech lenders          every day.”                              far better outcomes for all parties,
Economics, Assistant Treasurer and       commercial and office and retail             Rate Money and its funding                   originations this year, Pepper Money    enquiry through to settlement with     such as OnDeck have embraced                   A review of the NAB customer’s        says Piening.
Minister for Housing, and finally –      sectors, with soaring demand for          partners have heavily invested in               maintained our industry-leading         digital identity verification.         the use of data in their lending            home loan journey has focused               “COVID pushed brokers to
and importantly – with the ACCC.”        warehouse and logistics space driven      credit, credit staff and processes.             turnaround time of one business            “Our broker network can expect      decisions.                                  on giving them greater flexibility       accelerate digital strategies within
   Felton says the improvement over      by e-commerce growth and supply              “We didn’t want our SLAs to                  day, illustrating how our unique        us to continue supporting them to         “By harnessing the power of data,        and control by allowing more             their businesses, or in some cases to
the year has been pleasing, but work     chain restructuring.                      blow out to 20, 30 or even 40                   platforms support scale to onboard      offer alternative lending options in   OnDeck has not only been able to            self-service options.                    create them for the first time.”
still needs to be done.                     Arentz predicts the strength           days as we’ve seen throughout                   a record number of customers with       the most consistent, transparent and   streamline loan applications; we               Waugh says recent updates to             Piening says commercial and
   “Customers with similar               of demand and rapid increase              the industry, and they haven’t.                 speed and efficiency.”                  innovative ways,” says Saoud.          have also been able to introduce            the NAB app now enable a home            asset finance lenders have typically
complexity of circumstances should       in residential construction will          We have remained in single                         Saoud says there are plans to           Blethyn at NextGen.Net says the     Lightning Loans, which we can               loan customer to immediately fix         been slow to adopt technology for
not receive different service levels     eventually ease due to supply chain       figures for every single product we             enhance the Pepper Product Selector     broker community is extremely          decision in as fast as 30 minutes,”         (or refix) their interest rate, amend    identifying borrowers and signing
based on the channel they choose         pressures, further labour cost            offer, and that’s something we’re               (PPS) tool and cloud-based solution     open to new digital tools – anything   he says. “We’re also one of the             a direct debit, vary key aspects of a    paperwork, but “we are already
to engage the lender with. We don’t      escalation and rising land values.        extremely proud of.”                            Pepper Resolve, targeting increased     that’s going to make their lives and   fastest in the country for unsecured        loan, and work out how much equity       seeing a move towards it”.

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                                                                                             “Businesses looking to diversify     banks cannot say,” he says.                self-regulated, which has delivered
                                                                                          will need to ensure they understand        With credit growth running at           great customer outcomes. CAFBA
                                                                                          the markets they are moving into,       about 7% and annual property               successfully campaigned years ago
                                                                                          and that is where education and         market price growth of 20%, APRA’s         to ensure responsible lending (RL)
                                                                                          mentoring will become increasingly      tightening of loan serviceability          did not apply to business lending,
                                                                                          important. CAFBA’s Education            buffers from 2.5% to 3% for APRA-          but Piening says over time elements
                                                                                          Council has been established            regulated lenders was “probably            of RL have crept into commercial
                                                                                          to ensure these needs are met.          right to take some steam out of the        finance, reducing accessibility to
                                                                                          Education and mentorship are vital      engine”, says Bannister.                   finance for SMEs.
                                                                                          to ensure customers continue to            “It might reduce borrowing limits          “We support the proposed changes
                                                                                          receive the right outcome.”             by around 5%. We think it’s more           in RL and are campaigning for the
                                                                                                                                  designed to be a ‘shot over the bow’       Senate to accept them.”
                                                                                          Industry regulations                    to signal to the market that things           Commercial and asset finance
                                                                                          The biggest regulatory change in        probably need to cool a little … if        brokers are self-regulated, Piening
                                                                                          2021 was the introduction of the        not the regulator has foreshadowed         says, and this has delivered great
                                                                                          best interests duty.                    additional levers are available.”          customer outcomes. CAFBA
                                                                                             “Whilst the best interests duty is      While some banks want to extend         is currently reviewing the self-
                                                                                          a significant change that was not       the serviceability limits to non-ADIs,     regulation model as it seeks to
                                                                                          easy to implement, it represents        Bannister says the non-bank sector’s       bring in a recognised professional
                                                                                                                                                                             qualification for commercial and

                                                                                          “It is pleasing to see the lending                                                 asset finance brokers, similar to a
                                                                                                                                                                             CPA or a CA.
                                                                                                                                                                                “This is an exciting opportunity
                                                                                          industry as a whole continuing to                                                  for the industry, with a working
                                                                                                                                                                             group looking at the opportunities
                                                                                          remain strong and gain momentum”                                                   available to us. Recommendations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Clinton Arentz, head of lending and property assets, Trilogy Funds   Nick Reily, national channel and partnerships manager, OnDeck
 Peter Vala, general manager partnerships and distribution, Thinktank                                                                                                        will be provided to the board over
                                                                                          Peter Vala, Thinktank                                                              the next few months,” says Piening.

Mergers and acquisitions                      how similar their foundations are.          an unquestionable positive for          market share of 5% is not enough to        Open banking                             NextGen.Net is excited to be                 rules are fit for purpose.                   the most consistent, transparent
There have been plenty of mergers             It’s these shared values that form          every consumer who obtains credit       cause systemic risk, and it’s unlikely     The introduction of open banking       delivering open banking solutions                While open banking has limited             and innovative ways to meet their
this year, including NAB’s 86 400             the strong base for operating under         assistance through a mortgage           the regulator will act.                    in Australia last year, starting       through ApplyOnline to its                     impact on commercial brokers,                customers’ evolving needs.”
with UBank, REA Group with                    the one brand,” says Mitchell.              broker,” Felton says. “In so doing,        “This ensures borrowers that are        with the big four banks, is a          customers and users, Blethyn says;             Piening says overall the benefits               Waugh says the opportunity to
Mortgage Choice and Smartline,                   Reily says mergers and acquisitions      the duty differentiates the mortgage    creditworthy are not marginalised or       game changer for the financial         this will help the broker see a more           will include differential pricing and        diversify into commercial lending
Lendi Group with Aussie Home                  are to be expected as lenders look to       broking offering from the credit        turned into ‘mortgage prisoners’, as       services industry.                     meaningful and accurate financial              new products.                                is real, with strong momentum in
Loans, and People’s Choice with               achieve economies of scale, but bigger      assistance provided through lenders’    non-banks can appropriately provide          “Open banking offers an              picture of their client.                         “Customers with a good credit              the regional and agricultural sectors
Heritage Bank.                                isn’t always better.                        proprietary channels.”                  credit at this time.”                      opportunity to streamline the            Mitchell believes open banking               history will be able to leverage their       and increased capital city demand
   Mitchell, who now leads both the              “Scale can also mean losing the            The MFAA also engaged with               Vala says brokers will need             lending process by addressing major    will allow the broking industry to             standing to a greater degree than in         for equipment finance solutions to
Mortgage Choice and Smartline                 human touch that is so important            regulators on behalf of the industry    to consider ADIs’ tightening                                                                                                     the past,” he says.                          support advanced manufacturing.
broker groups under REA Group,
says financial services businesses will
                                              in the lending process. OnDeck’s
                                              research shows that 60% of small
                                                                                          regarding remuneration changes,
                                                                                          reference checking, breach
                                                                                                                                  policies, and APRA’s move to lift
                                                                                                                                  serviceability rates, which is likely to   “We see great opportunity in further                                                  Diversification
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “Assets such as industrial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                land and warehousing are also
always look for opportunities to scale        businesses say a key driver of trust in     reporting, remediation, and design      result in reduced borrowing capacity                                                                                             While small businesses have                  in high demand. This increased
up and set their future direction.            a lender is having people to speak to.”     and distribution obligations.           of about 5%.                               diversifying our loan book and                                                        struggled this year, as pandemic             demand provides brokers with an
   “At a time when there are plenty of           Reily says this is why OnDeck              Felton says the changes have             “Debt-to-income limits could be                                                                                               restrictions ease and the economy            opportunity to approach the needs
disruptor businesses, those that are          takes a “high-tech, high-touch”             ensured that the interests and          implemented in the near future. It’s       helping more brokers and developers                                                   rebounds, SMEs are looking to                of their customers holistically, using
well established must be strategic            approach, with BDMs selected                expectations of brokers and             important brokers work with lenders                                                                                              access finance, which is good news           multifaceted funding solutions,”
to ensure their future place in the           for their small business lending            consumers are aligned, conflicts        who are constructively aware of            with niche projects”                                                                  for brokers.                                 he says. “Fast and easy access to
industry,” says Mitchell.                     experience and brokers encouraged           have been mitigated and there is a      these issues and their ramifications.”                                                                                              “There’s so much business                 funds is critical for small businesses
   She says REA Group’s acquisition           to reach out if they have queries.          greater focus on information sharing       Waugh says NAB welcomed                 Clinton Arentz, Trilogy Funds                                                         and growth potential among the               as they bounce back.”
of Mortgage Choice is part of the                Piening says mergers have been           and reporting of misconduct.            APRA’s move to increase the                                                                                                      new and upcoming generation                     As the nation’s largest business
group’s ambition to accelerate its            driven by technology, competition             “This leaves our industry well        minimum interest rate buffer,              pain points for lenders, brokers and   advance towards completely digital             of underserved borrowers, the                bank, NAB has hired an extra 134
financial services strategy and               and the need for scale. New, nimble,        placed to proudly and confidently       and the bank has now begun to              customers,” says Blethyn.              brokers and brokerages.                        rebounding small business sector,            SME bankers across 60 locations
create Australia’s leading retail             tech-driven entrants have challenged        face the impending 2022 review          implement the changes.                        NextGen.Net research reveals           Felton says it’s really important           and the growing self-employed                this year and introduced its Secure
broking business.                             the major players by demonstrating          by the ACCC and Council of                  “We see this as a sensible change      that brokers are most excited about    that brokers were included in open             market that are looking for                  Lend product, which allows small
   “REA aims to deliver increased             a different and more cost-effective         Financial Regulators.”                  of policy considering the broader          the data they can access, enabling     banking to avoid a competitive                 products and options that are built          businesses to borrow up to $2m.
value for brokers, customers and              way to do business.                           Bannister says the impact of          environment for house prices,” he says.    them to engage with their clients      disadvantage going forward. It was             to accommodate their real-life                  Felton says commercial lending
business partners by leveraging                  “M&A is also likely at a broker          BID has been neutral because               Mitchell believes APRA’s                earlier, to better tailor solutions,   pleasing that earlier in the year,             circumstances,” says Saoud.                  remains a significant opportunity
the vast consumer audience on                 firm level. We have already seen            most brokers were already               tightening of interest rate buffers is     and to deliver ongoing services        following three years of advocacy by              As more consumers with                    for many mortgage brokers who are, as well as its             activity in this space. This is likely to   operating to a standard that met        likely to have a modest impact.            beyond home loan applications.         the MFAA, Treasury acknowledged                diverse financial backgrounds                looking to diversify income streams
property market insights and data.”           continue with brokers either looking        BID requirements.                          “Brokers are likely to see the most        “With mortgage brokers now          the importance of including                    seek someone who understands                 and protect themselves against
   Combining Mortgage Choice and              to grow via acquiring competitors             “We feel that BID will have           impact occur for customers that are        included as trusted advisers under     mortgage brokers, followed by                  them and is willing to look at their         possible future property downturns.
Smartline to operate under one                that service the same markets as            certainly played a part in supporting   on the fringes of being approved for       the CDR, it’s amazing recognition      alterations to the open banking                unique situation, he says brokers               “Whilst MFAA data shows
brand and platform was a carefully            them, or by acquiring broking               growth as brokers can now say to        home loans.”                               of the value they deliver and          rules, which were originally too               will become more vital.                      that more than 4,700 mortgage
considered move.                              businesses that service different           their customers, ‘I must act in your       Piening says BID does not               will also give open banking the        onerous for brokers to meet.                      “Our broker network can expect            brokers are now writing
   “The great thing about bringing            market segments as they seek to             best interests as I am obliged to       apply to commercial and asset              best chance of delivering better          The MFAA will continue to work              us to continue supporting them to            commercial loans, this means
together these two businesses is              diversify,” says Piening.                   by law’, and that is something the      finance lending. The industry is           outcomes for consumers.”               with the Treasury to make sure the             offer alternative lending options in         there are in excess of 12,500 for

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YEAR IN REVIEW - Thinktank

whom this remains an untapped             years, targeting niche sectors, and                                                                                                                                                                          Felton says the MFAA is               5% to 10% over the year.
diversification opportunity.”             providing asset and commercial                                                                                                                                                                            approaching 2022 with confidence            As the Smartline and Mortgage
   The MFAA offers its members the        finance brokers with many                                                                                                                                                                                 and pride in the industry.               Choice businesses integrate over the
most comprehensive support provided       additional options for their clients.                                                                                                                                                                        “As we prepare for 2022 and           next 12 months, she says there will
by any association, Felton says.             “Awareness of these new providers                                                                                                                                                                      an impending regulatory review           be significant milestones to achieve.
   This year the MFAA ran its             in the general business market is                                                                                                                                                                         of broker remuneration, I believe           “Change is difficult for people and
commercial education program              limited, however, so brokers have                                                                                                                                                                         the industry is in the strongest         businesses at the best of times, and
virtually, covering all business and      a key role to play in educating                                                                                                                                                                           possible position to confidently         whilst there are similarities, there
commercial lending. The program           clients to consider options beyond                                                                                                                                                                        face this scrutiny.                      are differences too. It’s about us
and webinars will continue in 2022.       traditional channels,” says Piening.                                                                                                                                                                         “We have incredibly strong            taking the time to understand
   “We’ve also produced two                  “Small businesses are going to                                                                                                                                                                         industry data on our side – data         what those differences are and
essential e-books for brokers new to      require finance to rebuild their                                                                                                                                                                          that demonstrates mortgage               then working with the networks
commercial lending, and delivered         businesses, employ staff and take                                                                                                                                                                         brokers continue to support              to identify how we bridge the gaps
several webinars,” Felton says.           advantage of opportunities as                                                                                                                                                                             competition and produce positive         and move forward as one.”
   Bannister says SMEs are the            they arise.”                                                                                                                                                                                              consumer outcomes. It’s our firm            Reilly says the OnDeck team, like
engine room of the economy,                  Arentz says non-bank lenders such                                                                                                                                                                      belief there will be no case for         all Australians, are looking forward
accounting for about 35% of               as Trilogy Funds work in an agile                                                                                                                                                                         change to remuneration in the            to life getting back to normal.
Australia’s GDP and employing 44%         way with brokers and developers,                                                                                                                                                                          upcoming 2022 review.”                      “High vaccination rates should
of the workforce.                         and focus on a developer’s relevant                                                                                                                                                                          Felton says the MFAA will             make lockdowns less of a possibility
    Given that the events of the last     experience, reputation, business                                                                                                                                                                          also be backed by the powerful           in the future, and that’s good for
18 months meant an uncertain and          quality and marketing plans.                                                                                                                                                                              combination of the self-                 brokers, small businesses and
complex path to finance, La Trobe            “We see great opportunity in                                                                                                                                                                           regulatory and legislative reforms       the broader lending community,”
Financial believes brokers are best       further diversifying our loan book                                                                                                                                                                        implemented over recent years,           he says. “We are also excited
placed to help small businesses           and helping more brokers and                                                                                                                                                                              ensuring a strong position ahead of      by the opportunity to partner
navigate that path.                       developers with niche projects such                                                                                                                                                                       the review.                              with more brokers to fund more
   Bannister says brokers will have       as service stations, medical centres                                                                                                                                                                         “We will continue our advocacy        small businesses faster and more
opportunities to help thriving SMEs       and disability accommodation.”            Ryan Gair, CEO, Rate Money                                                        Sharon Piening, treasurer, CAFBA                                              on behalf of the entire industry to      efficiently than ever before.”
build their businesses and to assist         Arentz says Trilogy Funds is                                                                                                                                                                           ensure we have a level playing field.”      Piening says CAFBA faces a
those needing to restructure to get       well versed in both urban and                                                                                                                                                                                Arentz says Trilogy Funds’            number of challenges, including
through a challenging period.             regional areas across Queensland,                                                                                                                                                                         lending team is excited to continue      ensuring ready access to finance to
   “Customers long remember who           New South Wales and Victoria,            through SMSFs will continue in              “Fast turnarounds alone aren’t        new tools that will offer some great    “The process will enable greater       to diversify its loan book with a        assist businesses and individuals
helped them in their time of need.”       with flexible funding solutions for      2022, providing brokers with a           enough; we are relentlessly focused      new efficiencies for brokers.           use of technology, minimising          wide variety of property projects        to recover from the pandemic.
   With La Trobe Financial offering       developers needing fast finance.         significant opportunity to diversify.    on delivering fast turnarounds with         NextGenID, a digital VOI             potential for errors and rework, and   across residential, commercial,          CAFBA also wants to keep
a product suite covering residential,                                                                                       consistency and transparency in our      service, will eliminate face-to-face                                                                                    professionalising the industry
commercial, SMSF, development,                                                                                              credit decisioning.                      onboarding and enable brokers to                                                                                        through self-regulation.
rural, aged care and non-resident;        “We pride ourselves on weighing                                                      “We know how critical real-time       capture and verify ID requirements      “COVID pushed brokers to                                                           “Education’s role cannot be
removing barriers to entry for many                                                                                         approval confidence and credit           digitally at point of sale. Access                                                                                      overstated. CAFBA welcomes new
specialised products; and providing       an application on its merits. Small                                               decisioning is to brokers, and we        Seeker will give brokers upfront        accelerate digital strategies within                                            entrants to the market and will
customised training and education,                                                                                          have recently launched with a            access to consumer credit                                                                                               help them satisfy their clients’
Bannister says the company is well        businesses were struggling enough                                                 major aggregator – with our goal to      information held by credit bureaus      their businesses or, in some cases,                                             expectations. We must continue
placed to help brokers diversify.                                                                                           continue rolling this out across the     within the ApplyOnline application                                                                                      to guarantee our sector can
   The lender anticipates a surge of
demand for commercial finance,
                                          without us making it harder for them”                                             aggregator industry.
                                                                                                                               “By leveraging existing and
                                                                                                                                                                     and allow a broker to update and
                                                                                                                                                                     refresh the information in real time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             to create them for the first time”                                              assist borrowers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                “I’m looking forward to a year
especially light industrial properties.   Ryan Gair, Rate Money                                                             future technology, streamlining             Bannister says the broker            Sharon Piening, CAFBA                                                           without lockdowns and working
   “We experienced a steady demand                                                                                          processes, product innovation, and       industry will receive a major boost                                                                                     closely with my clients to help them
for commercial SMSF loans secured            Thinktank is known as a               Looking ahead to 2022                    strengthening our distribution           on the back of COVID in 2022            provide faster processing times,       industrial and retail sectors, and       bounce back from COVID-19. It
against commercial property,              commercial property lender, but          “In line with Liberty’s ethos, we        footprint over the next year, we’ll be   and beyond.                             which is great news for brokers        expand its geographic reach.             promises to be an exciting and very
typically from SMEs looking to            Vala says it has expanded its product    continue to listen to feedback           providing scalable and accelerated          “We expect to see broker share       and customers.                           “Not all lenders are the same.         rewarding 2022!”
purchase the premises they operate        offering to include residential and      from our community, and we’re            growth for brokers’ businesses.”         continuing to grow, targeting the          “NAB will continue to be the        In addition to a competitive rate,           Gair believes the industry will
their business from,” says Bannister.     SMSF loans for PAYG, self-employed       committed to exploring new ways             Blethyn says she’s excited to         70% milestone, and we hope to see       bank behind the broker.”               I would also suggest working with a      continue to see the strong resolve of
   Piening says brokers are               and SME borrowers.                       to help more people get financial,”      see brokers in the driver’s seat as      NBFI market share heading back             Vala says the Thinktank team        lender who has deep experience in        the Australian people.
diversifying their businesses,               One of the emerging trends            Mohnacheff says. “And with some          they continue to be consumers’           to 10% and beyond.”                     are optimistic about what 2022         the industry, funds available when          “Due to the complexity of small
and with some being exposed to            is the demand from SMEs and              exciting new projects and increased      number one choice and optimise              Bannister says La Trobe              holds for the industry and are         you need them, personal service          businesses’ financial situations
the risks of a limited number of          the self-employed for residential        capabilities in the pipeline, we look    new technology to deliver a better       Financial is looking forward to         looking forward to working             and the ability to tailor the loan       throughout the past two years,
income sources, “it made to sense to      lending products, he says.               forward to getting digital with you in   service to their clients.                helping Australians achieve their       alongside brokers in opening up        to your project.                         I expect to see the demand for
create others”.                              “Although commercial did slow         the new year.”                              “The technology available for         dreams of homeownership and             new opportunities for growth and         “We are confident in our loan          non-bank lending continue to
   “CAFBA welcomes this                   marginally during 2021, it still            Saoud says as Pepper Money            brokers was so accelerated by            financial independence.                 helping their clients strengthen       product offering and look forward        increase as it has done over the past
diversification but cautions against      remained relatively solid, and we        heads into its 22nd year of business     COVID-19, which has meant the                NAB’s commitment is to deliver      and prosper.                           to continuing to fill those gaps in      24 months,” he says.
doing it haphazardly as it can lead to    expect this to strengthen with border    in 2022, the company has an              broker proposition far exceeds           a simple and digital home lending          “Whether it’s about diversifying    the construction lending space as           “I’m interested to see how the use
poor customer outcomes.”                  and social restrictions easing further   exciting opportunity to leverage its     anything that they could have            experience for both brokers and         into commercial lending or             accessible, reliable and experienced     of technology continues to change
   Piening says the CAFBA                 in 2022 … brokers who are able           core competencies through data           possibly imagined three years ago.”      customers, says Waugh.                  seeking SMSF accreditation,            construction funding specialists.”       the landscape of lending. What I’m
Education Council can assist broker       to provide lending options across        insights and in-house technology.           She says one of the most                 “We’re on track to make              we encourage brokers to contact          Mitchell says as property supply       most excited to see is the hard-
businesses that are looking to            commercial and residential will be          “We have significant headroom         exciting things to look out for          unconditional approvals in less         us via their aggregator or one         increases and demand slows,              working self-employed people of
diversify into a different market.        well positioned for growth.”             to extend, connect and grow our          is NextGen.Net’s ApplyOnline             than an hour the norm with our          of our relationship managers to        she expects price growth to slow         Australia begin to prosper again
   CAFBA has observed specialist             Vala adds that growth in              real-life loan options for even more     Financial Passport, which includes       new loan origination platform           start a conversation about how we      again in the first few months of         after what has most definitely been
lenders emerging over the last two        commercial property funding              Australians,” he says.                   ‘NextGenID’ and ‘Access Seeker’ – two    kicking off in early 2022,” he says.    can assist,” says Vala.                2022 and overall prices to rise by       a challenging 24 months.” AB

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