Your Gameplay Says it All: Modelling Motivation in Tom Clancy's The Division - arXiv

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Your Gameplay Says it All: Modelling Motivation in Tom Clancy's The Division - arXiv
Your Gameplay Says it All:
                                         Modelling Motivation in Tom Clancy’s The Division
                                              David Melhart∗ , Ahmad Azadvar† , Alessandro Canossa† , Antonios Liapis∗ and Georgios N. Yannakakis∗
                                                                         ∗ Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta

                                                                 {david.melhart, antonios.liapis, georgios.yannakakis}
                                                                              † Massive Entertainment a Ubisoft Studio

                                                                        {ahmad.azadvar, alessandro.canossa}

                                            Abstract—Is it possible to predict the motivation of players      gameplay data—and her motivation. In particular, we assume
arXiv:1902.00040v1 [cs.LG] 31 Jan 2019

                                         just by observing their gameplay data? Even if so, how should        that solely behavioural data from a player’s gameplay would
                                         we measure motivation in the first place? To address the above       yield accurate predictors of motivation in games. To define
                                         questions, on the one end, we collect a large dataset of gameplay
                                         data from players of the popular game Tom Clancy’s The Division.     motivation we rely theoretically on Self Determination Theory
                                         On the other end we ask them to report their levels of competence,   [13]—a well-established positive psychological framework
                                         autonomy, relatedness and presence using the Ubisoft Perceived       for motivation—and examine four core factors: competence,
                                         Experience Questionnaire. After processing the survey responses      autonomy, relatedness and presence, which is often associated
                                         in an ordinal fashion we employ preference learning methods,         with the theory in the domain of videogames [1].
                                         based on support vector machines, to infer the mapping between
                                         gameplay and the four motivation factors. Our key findings              To study motivation quantitatively we are grounded on
                                         suggest that gameplay features are strong predictors of player       recent developments in motivation measurement tools, namely
                                         motivation as the obtained models reach accuracies of near           the Ubisoft Perceived Experience Questionnaire (UPEQ) [14],
                                         certainty, from 93% up to 97% on unseen players.                     which was developed as a game-specific tool observing player
                                            Index Terms—Self determination theory, affective computing,       motivation. To infer the relationship between player motivation
                                         digital games, player modelling, preference learning
                                                                                                              and gameplay we collect data from more than 400 players
                                                                                                              of Tom Clancy’s The Division (Ubisoft, 2016). We process
                                                               I. I NTRODUCTION
                                                                                                              and aggregate this data and collect surveys on the players’
                                            The holy grail for game design and development is to create       motivation in relation to the game independently. We use
                                         engaging experiences for the players. Players who are self-          the UPEQ questionnaire to measure players’ general levels
                                         motivated to return to the game and keep playing are critical        of competence, autonomy, relatedness and presence in the
                                         for a game’s success [1]–[3]. The central role of motivation         game. Given the subjective nature of the reported notions we
                                         for the design of games, and the experiences they elicit,            adopt the second-order data processing approach [15] and
                                         has been highlighted by a growing number of studies which            we process the reported UPEQ Likert-scale values of the
                                         adopt psychological theories of motivation within games [4]–         players as ordinal data, and not as scores. We then apply
                                         [8]. Such studies, however, follow a top-down integration of         simple statistical rank-based models and preference learning
                                         phenomenological models of motivation, which aim to identify         [16] methods based on support vector machines to infer the
                                         and explain stereotypical player behaviour. Over the last            function between gameplay and reported factors of motivation.
                                         decade, games user research and industry-based game testing          Our results suggest that factors of reported motivation can be
                                         has shifted its focus towards quantitative approaches based on       predicted with high accuracy just relying on a few high-level
                                         player analytics [9], [10] with the aim to shed more light onto      gameplay features. In particular, the nonlinear machine learned
                                         the understanding of player behaviour and experience. These          models manage to predict the four motivation factors of unseen
                                         approaches focus mainly on either clustering players based           players with at least 93% accuracy; the best model reaches an
                                         on their behavioural patterns or predicting objectively-defined      accuracy of 97% for presence. The obtained results add to the
                                         aspects of their gameplay behaviour for monetization purposes        existing evidence for the benefits of ordinal data processing
                                         (e.g. churn prediction) [3]. In that regard, the majority of         on subjectively-defined notions [15] and they also validate
                                         approaches that aim to capture aspects of player experience          that motivation can be captured qualitatively with supreme
                                         (such as engagement or motivation) based on player analytics         accuracy in the examined game only based on behavioural
                                         remain qualitative, given the complexity of measuring subjec-        high-level data of playing.
                                         tive notions of user experience in games [11].                          This paper is novel in a number of ways. First, this is
                                            Motivated by the lack of quantitative studies on the relation-    the first time player motivation is modelled computationally
                                         ship between motivation and play, in this paper we introduce a       only through gameplay data in games. Second, we introduce a
                                         data-driven player modelling approach [12] by assuming there         second-order [15] methodology for treating Likert-scale scores
                                         is an unknown underlying function between what a player              which are used frequently in game testing and games user
                                         does in the game behaviourally—as manifested through her             research at large. The ordinal approach we adopt compares
Your Gameplay Says it All: Modelling Motivation in Tom Clancy's The Division - arXiv
the subjective scores of all players with each other and hence      use Yee’s [34] player motivation typology to enhance churn
generates combinatorially very large datasets based only on         prediction, while Shim et al. [35] use motivational survey data
small sets of participants. The approach is also effective in       to model player enjoyment. Birk et al. [36], also incorporated
eliminating reporting biases of respondents, thereby better ap-     motivational survey data along with top-down personality and
proximating the ground truth of reported motivation. Third, we      player profiles to model enjoyment and effort. Although Birk
model aspects of player motivation using preference learning        et al. include high-level telemetry of progression (game stage)
based solely on a small number of key gameplay features.            as a control variable in their experiments, they rely mainly
Finally, for the first time we evaluate the method in Tom           on survey data. In contrast to the above studies—which apply
Clancy’s The Division (Ubisoft, 2016) on over 400 players           motivational survey data as top-down domain knowledge that
and the predictive capacity of the motivation models for this       forms the input of enjoyment models—we instead focus on
game reach near certainty (i.e., over 93% of accuracy).             predicting motivation based on game metrics alone. Similarly
                                                                    to this study, Canossa et al. [5] applied regression models
    II. BACKGROUND : M EASURING AND M ODELLING                      of telemetry to predict psychological survey data; however,
                    M OTIVATION                                     that study was not aimed at player motivation modelling but
   This section gives an overview of related research on player     instead used the Reiss Motivational Profile [37] as a tool for
modelling and motivation studies in games (Section II-A)            personality profiling based on personal motivational drives.
and then it introduces the fundamental principles of Self           In this paper we focus on the structure of motivation by
Determination Theory (SDT) and the notion of presence within        considering four of its core manifestations but our models do
the framework of UPEQ (Section II-B). The section ends              not rely on personality profiles of the players. Instead, we
with a discussion on the strengths of preference learning for       only focus on and try to infer the unknown mapping between
modelling subjectively-defined psychological constructs such        gameplay features and motivation.
as motivation (Section II-C).
                                                                    B. From Theory to Measures of Motivation
A. Player Modelling and Player Motivation                              The self-determination theory (SDT) is a well-established
   Player modelling is one of the primary foci of AI research in    positive psychology theory of the facilitation of motivation
the field of videogames [3] and generally concerned with the        based on the work of Deci and Ryan [38], which has been
prediction of player behaviour or other cognitive and affective     adopted to a wide variety of domains, including education
processes. As games offer a complex yet constrained environ-        [39], job satisfaction [40], parenting [41], health and exercise
ment for modelling dynamic interactions, user modelling is          [42], and videogames [1], [8], [43], [44]. The core theory was
also gaining more and more traction among industry practi-          developed to contrast earlier frameworks of motivation as a
tioners, who use analytics-based player modelling methods to        unitary concept [45], [46], by focusing on the dichotomy of
inform game design, development, and stakeholder decisions          the intrinsic and extrinsic locus of causality behind motivation
[11]. Player models, among many uses, can inform and shape          [47]. The latter is facilitated by external or internal rewards,
the monetization strategy of a game, they can be directly           pressures, and expectations, while the former is based on
applied as drivers of personalised content generation [17], [18],   the intrinsic properties of the activity itself, namely how
and they can equip agents for believable user testing [19].         well it can support the three basic psychological needs of
   Among the many aims of player modelling within game              competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Videogames include
development, one can distinguish the two core tasks of clus-        a fair amount of pressures and rewards which can promote
tering and prediction [3]. The former is based on unsupervised      extrinsic motivation [48], and yet they are generally regarded
learning methods with the aim to cluster players within groups      as good facilitators of intrinsic motivation [44]. Even when
of common behavioural pattern; approaches include k-means,          short-term shifts in motivation are observed during gameplay,
self-organising maps [9], matrix factorisation and archetypal       games support the necessary psychological needs for the
analysis [20], [21], and sequence mining [10], [22], [23]. The      facilitation of intrinsic motivation on a higher level [8]. In
latter uses supervised learning approaches to predict patterns      the context of videogames, Ryan et al. [43] describe the basic
of playing such as completion time [24] and churn [25]–[27].        psychological needs underlying intrinsic motivation as:
When predicting something about the player a distinction can           1) Competence or a sense of accomplishment and a desire
be made between the prediction of the player’s behaviour (i.e.,            for the mastery of an action, which manifests through
what would a player do?) [28] and the prediction of aspects                the proximal and distal goals of the players. This need is
of the game experience (i.e., what would a player feel?) [3],              generally tied to self-efficacy and a sense of meaningful
often using behavioural data but also other modalities of player           progression. It is supported through the interactions the
input such as physiological data [29], [30], independently or              players have to master in order to complete the game
in a multimodal fashion [31], [32].                                        but not completion in itself.
   The literature involving theories of motivation as applied to       2) Autonomy or a sense of control and a desire for self-
games concerns primarily theoretical models that inform the                determined action, which manifests through meaningful
design of experimental protocols instead of defining target out-           choices, tactics, and strategic decisions the players can
puts for predictive modelling. Indicatively, Borbora et al. [33],          take. It is supported through rule systems and different
Your Gameplay Says it All: Modelling Motivation in Tom Clancy's The Division - arXiv
game mechanics that both structure the play experience        processes—e.g. anchoring-bias [56], [57], adaptation [58],
        but allow for a high degree of freedom and meaningfully       habituation [59], and other recency-effects [60]—that help
        different outcomes.                                           them evaluate their own experience internally.
   3) Relatedness or a sense of belonging and a desire to con-           During recent years there is growing evidence supporting
        nect and interact with others, which manifests through        the strength of preference learning for modelling emotions
        interactions with other players and believable computer       and user experiences both on a conceptual [15], [55] and a
        agents. It is supported by multilayer interactions, believ-   technical basis [61]–[64]. Conceptually, treating subjective-
        able and rich non-player characters, narrative design, and    defined ground truth data as ordinal variables brings the
        even interactions with other players outside the games        representation of data closer to the players’ underlying true
        as well.                                                      attitudes [55]. This is based on the observation that one’s
   4) Presence or the feeling of a mediated experience is             affective state is always relative to a certain adaptation level
        a main facilitator of both competence and autonomy,           [15]; i.e., emotions have a shifting baseline based on previous
        and can be viewed as having physical, emotional, and          experiences. Even though traditionally psychological data is
        narrative components [1], [43]. Indeed, the feeling of        treated as nominal categories [65], by now there is ample
        presence or the pursue of immersion can be a driving          evidence suggesting higher validity and reliability when labels
        force behind the motivation of gameplay [8], [49], [50].      of emotion or experience are treated as ordinal [61], [66], [67].
        Based on the strong relationship between STD and pres-        Indicatively, Martinez et al. [61] compared classification and
        ence, both the Player Experience of Need Satisfaction         PL across a number of modelling tasks found that ranking
        Questionnaire [43] and UPEQ [14] use it to measure a          yields more robust models than classification. A number of
        level of involvement with the game which can facilitate       other studies compared the processing of affective annotations
        other positive psychological needs.                           as both ratings (e.g., Likert items) and rankings and found
   It is important to note that the above factors are not             that 1) first-order data processing (i.e. ranks) yields higher
contributing equally to the formulation of intrinsic motivation;      reliability and inter-rater agreement and 2) second-order pro-
while competence or relatedness are regarded as the core              cessing of the absolute rating values was also beneficial
catalysts, autonomy generally plays a supporting role in the fa-      with regards to both reliability and validity [15], [62], [63].
cilitation of motivation. Nevertheless, in absence of autonomy,       Recently Camilleri et al. [32] applied PL for obtaining general
motivation can only be considered introjected or compulsive           models of players across games and Melhart et al. [64] showed
[51]. Within games the main drive of intrinsic motivation is          that ranking Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are more robust
generally competence because of how the activity is structured,       than support vector classifiers in predicting arousal across
while relatedness contributes to enhancing the experience [1].        dissimilar affective corpora.
   In this paper we rely on SDT and recent advances on                   Given the above theoretical framework on the ordinal nature
measurement tools to quantify the four above-mentioned as-            of experience and the large body of recent empirical evidence
pects of motivation. For that purpose we use UPEQ, a game-            on the benefits of the ordinal modelling approach [15], in this
tailored questionnaire designed to measure the factors of SDT         paper we view player motivation as an emotional construct
as affected by the gameplay experience. UPEQ was developed            [1] with ordinal properties. As a result we compare player
by researchers at Massive Entertainment [14] specifically to          feedback on relative grounds and use PL to model the ranking
predict gameplay outcomes relevant for industry designers and         between the levels of reported motivation in players as mea-
stakeholders. Earlier work [14] has demonstrated that UPEQ            sured by the factors of UPEQ. In that regard, we do not focus
is able to predict playtime, money spent on the game, and             on the internal validity of the survey data—as this has been the
group playtime based on measured factors of SDT. Beyond its           focus or earlier work [14]—and we instead consider the UPEQ
utility, UPEQ also addresses the limitations of prior domain-         scores as the underlying ground truth we need to approximate.
specific SDT questionnaires, such as the Game Engagement              After acquiring a general score for all the measured factors for
Questionnaire [52], BrainHex [53], and the Player Experience          each participant, we return to analysing and modelling the data
of Need Satisfaction [43], while focusing on the adaptation of        as ordinal values, thereby following a second-order modelling
the Basic Need Satisfaction Scale(s) [54] into a survey specific      approach [15].
to videogame play. The result is a reliable and consistent
                                                                            III. P REFERENCE L EARNING FOR M ODELLING
assessment tool with a strong theoretical foundation in SDT.
                                                                                           M OTIVATION
C. The Ordinal Nature of Motivation                                      Preference Learning (PL) is a supervised machine learning
   In the proposed methodology for this study we opt for pref-        technique [16], in which an algorithm learns to infer the pref-
erence learning (PL) methods because of the strong connection         erence relation between two variables. PL is a robust method,
between this ordinal machine learning paradigm and how                which relies on relative associations instead of absolute values
player experience operates in games. In essence, PL models            or class boundaries and is instead based on the pairwise
certain psychological processes by focusing on the differences        transformation of the original dataset into a representation of
between occurrences instead of their absolute values [15],            the differences between feature vectors in the query [68]. This
[55]. This approach falls much closer to the players’ cognitive       transformation of the dataset reformulates the original problem
A. Tom Clancy’s The Division
                                                                               The data we analyse in this study is in-game behavioural
                                                                            data (player metrics) and survey questionnaire responses from
                                                                            players of Tom Clancy’s The Division (Ubisoft, 2016), here-
                                                                            after The Division, collected between 2016 and 2018. The
                                                                            Division is an online multiplayer action-role playing game
                                                                            (Fig. 1), that combines a character progression system with
                                                                            third-person, cover-based, tactical shooting combat mechanics.
                                                                            The game is set in a post-apocalyptic New York which is hit
                                                                            by a smallpox epidemic. Players, as government agents, have
                                                                            to work together (and against each other) to scavenge and
Fig. 1. An example of the gameplay of Tom Clancy’s The Division (Ubisoft,   investigate the city, which fell into chaos in the aftermath of
2016). Image taken from: No copyright    the pandemic and the rise of organised crime activity.
infringement intended.
                                                                               The core of the game is a progression system, in which
                                                                            players gain new levels by participating in different in-game
                                                                            activities including story-focused and optional missions to un-
in a way that a binary classifier can solve it. In our new dataset,
                                                                            lock new abilities, and gain new equipment including weapons
we associate the direction of the preference relation with one
                                                                            and armour. The strength of a player can be measured by their
of two classes. As an example, we observe the preference
                                                                            level (up to 30) and the quality of their equipment is expressed
relation: xi  xj ∈ X (xi is preferred over xj ) based
                                                                            in Gear Score points. In the player versus environment (PvE)
on their associated output: yi > yj . Through the pairwise
                                                                            sections of the game, players can group up and complete
transformation two new features are created: x01 = (xi − xj ),
                                                                            missions together. The game also features a competitive player
associated with y10 = 1 and x02 = (xj − xi ), associated with
                                                                            versus player (PvP) area—called the Dark Zone—which has
y20 = −1. This comparison between each pair of feature
                                                                            its own progression system. In this special area players can still
vectors provides X 0 ⊆ X×(X−1)  2      new datapoints. X 0 is a
                                                                            group up to complete missions for better equipment; however,
subset of all possible unique combinations because a clear
                                                                            they can also turn on each other and become Rogue by
preference relation is not always inferable.
                                                                            killing other players and taking their rewards for themselves.
   This study uses ranking Support Vector Machines (SVM)                    After reaching the maximum level, players can participate in
[69] as they are implemented in the Preference Learning                     Incursions, which are particularly difficult missions for groups.
Toolbox1 [70], which is based on the LIBSVM library [71].                   Ubisoft also released a number of expansions for the game in
We choose SVMs in this initial study as they have proven                    the form of downloadable content (DLC), which added new
their ability to yield robust models even with a limited amount             areas, equipment, and both PvE and PvP content to the game.
of data and input features. SVMs were originally employed                      The game was not only well received (80/100 Metacritic
to solve classification tasks by maximizing the margins of a                score on consoles2 ) but was also the best selling game of
hyperplane separating the datapoints projected into a higher                Ubisoft at the time of its release3 . As the game integrates
dimensional feature space [72] but were later adopted to solve              different systems from massively multiplayer online role play-
PL tasks as well [69]. We use both linear and non-linar SVMs                ing games and multiplayer shooters and supports different
with radial basis function (RBF) kernels. Unlike linear SVMs,               play styles and interaction modes (i.e. player-environment and
which aim for a linear separation between datapoints, RBF                   player-player), it provides a rich and complex game test-
SVMs emphasize the local proximity of datapoints, fitting the               bed for research on motivation. As the popularity of online
maximum-margin hyperplane in a transformed feature space                    multiplayer games is on the rise and the second instalment
[72]. For tuning our algorithms, we rely on the C regulariza-               of The Division set to release on March 15, 20194 , a study
tion term which controls the trade-off between maximizing the               on how the gameplay of The Division shapes the motivational
margin and minimizing the classification error of the training              factors of its players is both timely and relevant.
set, and—in case of RBF kernels—the γ hyperparameter,
which controls how each comparison between datapoints is                    B. Dataset and Preprocessing
weighted in the non-linear topology by limiting the variance                   The collected data consists of aggregated information on
of the similarity measure between points.                                   the in-game activity of players over a long period of time and
                                                                            their corresponding UPEQ survey scores. These two types of
                   IV. T HE G AME AND THE DATA                              data were collected independently, with the gameplay features
                                                                            recorded between 2016 and 2018 and the survey data collected
  In this section we first present the examined game in detail
and we then discuss the nature of the collected data and the
ways we pre-processed it for modelling motivation.
  1                                   the-division-2-pc-features-specs-detailed/
through a web interface separately in 2018. As such, the survey
data measures a general disposition of the players.
   The dataset consists of one datapoint per player and, in
total, 443 players participated in the above-mentioned data
collection process. Approximately 51% of the subjects were
young adults, between 18 and 34 years old, while 9% were
underage (15-17), 34% between 35 and 54, and 6% above 55.
Country-wise, 23% of the respondents were from the United
Kingdom, 15% from Australia, 14% from Sweden, 9% from
Denmark, 5% from Finland, 5% from Norway, 1% from New
Zealand, with the remaining 28% not providing an answer.
   The dataset is cleaned of datapoints with missing values,
corrupted entries, and outliers to prevent skewing any statisti-
cal analysis process. An extensive pruning was necessary due
to outliers distorting the distribution of general game metrics
(see Section IV-C) and due to noise generated by the data
logging service which inflated playtime. After the cleaning
process the dataset contains 298 players.
C. Extracted Features
   To represent computationally the player’s behaviour within
the game, we ad-hoc design 30 high-level gameplay features.
While most of these are simple aggregated game metrics             Fig. 2. Rank correlation matrix of the game metrics, play style classes
describing the time allocation and progression of the player,      (motivation model input), and motivation factors (motivation model output).
4 of them are exclusive categories of distinct play styles
based on sequence-based profiling of the player’s in-game
                                                                          and treat these scores as ordinal data through pairwise
activities [10]. Additionally, the dataset contains 4 Likert
                                                                          comparisons across all players.
scores that represent the four motivation factors of each player
as measured by the UPEQ survey. The three types of data            D. Ordinal Dataset Processing
considered in this study as detailed as follows:                      As the original dataset contains one datapoint per player,
   1) Game Metrics: These features can be categorised as re-       individual feature vectors used for the preference learning task
       lating to general playtime (Days Played, Days in Groups,    are independent.This means that during the preparation of the
       Days in the Dark Zone, Sessions, Playtime, Group            PL experiments, each datapoint is compared to every other
       Playtime, Dark Zone Playtime, Playtime as Rogue);           point during the pairwise transformation of the dataset. This
       completion (Non-Daily Missions, Daily Missions, Side        transformation applies a preference threshold (Pt ) parameter,
       Missions, Days with Incursions, Incursions); progres-       which controls the margin of significance under which two
       sion (Gear-Score, Dark Zone Rank, Level, Early Level        datapoints are considered equal. The purpose of a threshold Pt
       30, Reached Level 30); early gameplay (Level < 30,          is to counter the noise in the ground truth data which can skew
       Early Playtime, Early Group Playtime, Early Dark Zone       modelling results. Additionally to translating the relationship
       Playtime, Early Playtime as Rogue); and DLC game-           of datapoints into preference relations, this step also creates
       play (Underground Playtime, Survival Playtime, Season-      new datapoints for the machine learning task. The size of
       Pass).                                                      the dataset is nearing a quadratic proportion to the original
   2) Player Types: The 4 different player types are named         dataset, with 64, 705 training and 775 testing points on average
       Adventurer, Elite, PvE All-Rounder, and Social Dark         depending on the ground truth and the optimal Pt parameter
       Zone Player. These types have been derived through a        (see Section VI-A). Furthermore, because each pairwise com-
       traditional k-means clustering of highly aggregated data    parison creates two new datapoints—describing the preference
       and have been discontinued.                                 relation in both directions—the transformation balances the
   3) Motivation Factors: UPEQ scores the four factors of          baseline of the classification task to 50% accuracy.
       motivation in the form of averaged Likert-scale values.
       While computing the mean of ordinal data can be prob-                 V. D ESCRIPTIVE S TATISTICAL A NALYSIS
       lematic conceptually [15], [63], average survey scores         In this section we present a descriptive statistical analysis
       are a wide-spread method of using Likert-like data as       which offers a first overview of the properties of the dataset.
       they can still show certain tendencies within the scores    In particular, we use Kendall’s τ to explore connections
       (e.g., a higher score is assumed to correspond to an        between individual input features (game metrics and play
       overall more positive response). As mentioned in Section    styles) and the four corresponding target outputs (motivation
       II-C, we adopt a second-order modelling approach [15]       factors measured by UPEQ). We choose τ over Spearman’s
ρ because of its lower gross error-sensitivity and asymptotic       former describes a form absorption by the game world, the
variance [73]. In the analysis of this Section we use two           latter often requires communication outside of the game.
statistical significance thresholds (α) of 0.005 and 0.001.            While the above results showcase the descriptive capacity
   As evidenced by Fig. 2, the data yields significant cor-         of UPEQ to a good degree, the limited number of significant
relations between and within game metrics and play styles,          effects obtained for the four reported factors of motivation
however, there is little to no linear relationship between          highlight that the mapping between gameplay and reported
these features and motivation factors. The analysis finds that      motivation is complex and far from linear. As more sophis-
between 88.30% (α = 0.001) and 91.07% (α = 0.005)                   ticated methods are needed to capture that mapping, in the
of the observed correlations are significant within the game        remainder of this paper we present experiments using machine
metrics, which is not surprising given that most of the data is     learning for deriving both linear and non-linear relationships
focused on the time players spend on different activities. As       between gameplay features and motivation factors.
such, many of the more general features (e.g., Days Played)
should correlate with the frequency of specific activities (e.g.,             VI. M ODELS OF P LAYER M OTIVATION
Completed Daily Missions) and vice versa. Looking at the               This section presents the results of the machine learned
correlations between game metrics and play styles, we observe       models of player motivation based on different feature sets.
fewer significant connections, between 46.15% (α = 0.001)           As the extracted play styles are more complex descriptors of
and 52.88% (α = 0.005). The Adventurer and the PvE All-             the player behaviour than the aggregated game metrics, we
Rounder are the play style categories which have the most           examine their capacity of predicting motivation independently
significant correlations with the game metrics. This result         (see Section VI-C and VI-B) but also in fusion (Section
makes intuitive sense as the Adventurer class denotes novice        VI-D). Before delving into the details of the obtained results
players with generally lower amounts of playtime and PvE All-       we outline the validation and parameter tuning process we
rounder represents players with high completion rates, group        followed for our PL models.
playtime, and participation in endgame content.
   High correlations between game metrics and motivation            A. Validation and Parameter Tuning
factors are not as frequent: only between 10.57% (α = 0.001)           All PL models are validated with 10-fold cross validation.
and 17.3% (α = 0.005) of the observed correlations are sig-         To prevent data leakage, the training and test folds are sep-
nificant. The motivation factor correlated with the most game       arated before the normalisation and pairwise transformation
metrics is relatedness. As evidenced by Fig. 2, relatedness—        of the data. We apply z-normalisation to both the training
a motivation factor related to connection and interaction—          and the test set before the transformation. To preserve the
reveals higher correlations with features denoting both group       independence of the test set, we assume that it is drawn from
play (e.g., Group Playtime) and PvP actions (e.g., Playtime         the same distribution as the training set and apply the same
as Rogue). Autonomy is also correlated with a number of             transformation to the corresponding test set as well.
gameplay features, but mostly with completion (e.g., Daily             The optimal parameters of the RankSVMs are found
Missions) and early play (e.g., Playtime as Rogue) aspects of       through exhaustive search within value bounds. In particular
gameplay.                                                           we search exhaustively the triplets of C, gamma and Pt values
   Given that play styles are conceived as high level distinct      that yield the highest 10-fold cross-validation accuracies. The
clusters of behavioural patterns, it is not surprising that the     C regularisation term is searched within C ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
number of correlations within the group are low (33% (α =           the gamma RBF parameter in γ ∈ {0.1, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2}, and
0.001) and 50% (α = 0.005)) and only separate Adventurer—           the optimal preference threshold in Pt ∈ {0, 0.5, 1}. While
the novice—from the other classes. Correlations between play        the best gamma parameter was found to be 0.5 over all
styles and motivation factors are between (6.25% (α = 0.001)        experiments, C and Pt were more sensitive to the topology of
and 18.75% (α = 0.005). The Adventurer and the PvE All-             the data; see Fig. 3. The C and Pt parameters selected were
Rounder are the classes that correlate with competence and          C = 2, Pt = 1 for competence; C = 1, Pt = 0 for autonomy;
relatedness, suggesting that these factors are easier to predict    C = 4, Pt = 1 for relatedness; C = 3, Pt = 0.5 for presence
linearly via play styles.                                           for linear SVMs and C = 3, Pt = 0.5 for competence; C = 4,
   Finally, there is a high number of correlations between          Pt = 0 for autonomy; C = 4, Pt = 0 for relatedness; C = 2,
the motivation factors (66% for both α values). The only            Pt = 0.5 for presence for RBF SVMs.
correlations which are not significant are between relatedness
and autonomy and between relatedness and presence. This             B. Models Based on Play Styles
result supports quantitatively the theoretical assumption—             In the first round of experiments we only use the four play
see Section II-B—that the catalyst of intrinsic motivation in       styles as input of the SVM model to test their predictive
games is the competence of a player; both player autonomy           capacity of motivation; Figure 4a shows the final results
and relatedness appear to have supporting roles as factors          obtained. Despite the low dimensionality of the input feature
of motivation. As the UPEQ questionnaire measures mainly            set, both linear and non-linear models are able to surpass the
spatial presence [14], it makes intuitive sense that there are is   50% baseline respectively with 3.7% and 3.57% accuracy on
no effect between presence and relatedness because while the        average across all models. Although the best models surpass
(a) Play styles

Fig. 3. Test accuracy sensitivity of models based on all available features to
two core RankSVM parameters: C and Pt . When RBF SVMs are used, γ is

the 60% threshold, the obtained performance on average is not
impressive. We can safely conclude that the four play styles on
their own are baseline-level predictors of player motivation and
they do not suffice for building accurate models of motivation.

C. Models Based on Game Metrics                                                                              (b) Game metrics
   In the second round of PL experiments we train the models
only considering the 26 game metrics as model inputs—as
discussed in Section IV-C. As evidenced by the bar plots of
Figure 4b, game metrics are fairly successful in predicting the
reported motivation factors. In particular, linear SVM models
are successful with an average accuracy of 65.89% across
all models while the best models for individual factors are
performing at almost 80% accuracy on certain folds: 79.66%,
75.62%, 71.69%, and 79.68%, respectively, for competence,
autonomy, relatedness, and presence. Relatedness appears to
be the easiest factor to predict for the linear models, which is
not surprising given that relatedness correlated with the most
individual game metrics during the statistical analysis. On
the other hand, linear SVMs struggle with autonomy, which                                                     (c) All features
can be explained by the low amount of correlations between
                                                                                 Fig. 4. Average accuracy of the best linear and RBF SVMs. The dotted line
autonomy and the other features found during the descriptive                     shows the baseline. The error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.
statistical analysis of the data.
   Non-linear kernels further improve the model’s performance
to a 75.62% accuracy on average across all models. The                           D. Models Based on All Features
best individual models vastly outperform the corresponding
linear models reaching almost 90% accuracy (competence:                             We assume that high level play style profiles can enhance
86.73%; autonomy: 89.31%; relatedness: 89.95%; and pres-                         the predictive capacity of game metrics by adding domain-
ence: 87.60%). Compared to linear models, RBF SVMs appear                        specific information. As it is evidenced by Figure 4c, including
to be more robust across any motivation factor as they manage                    all available features for the PL task, improves the accuracy of
to improve greatly even the poor-performing linear models                        the non-linear models beyond the capabilities of models based
(i.e., autonomy. Unlike the poor performances obtained with                      on game metrics alone. On the one hand, the linear models
the models based solely on play styles, models based on game                     are only reaching 65.92% on average across all tests (79.66%,
metrics are very accurate and robust across all four factors.                    70.94%, 71.79%, and 76.52%, respectively, for competence,
autonomy, relatedness and presence) which is comparable to           competence—there are observable patterns within the distribu-
the performance obtained by the models based on game met-            tion of playtime between high and low tier players. While low
rics. On the other hand, models using a non-linear RBF kernel        tier players are spending their time in groups and focusing on
reach acurracies of 82.36% on average and achieve accuracy           PvE content (i.e., spending little time in the Dark Zone; not
values above 93% in their highest performing folds: 93.01%,          playing as a rogue), the high tier players are focusing more on
94.35%, 95.02% and 96.83%, respectively, for competence,             PvP action even during the early game. These players are also
autonomy, relatedness and presence.                                  spending their time more diversely on average, experiencing
   Interestingly, despite relatedness being one of the easier fac-   more options that the game has to offer, and thus having
tors to predict for linear SVMs models, the RBF kernel SVMs          better completion rates. Daily Missions, which are recurring
yield relatively lower accuracies on average. Nevertheless,          but optional activities for extra in-game equipment, also appear
similarly to non-linear models based on game metrics, RBF            to be much more prominent in the top autonomy players.
SVMs trained on all available features show a comparable                The top and bottom ranked players based on relatedness
predictive capacity across the four different motivation factors.    is shown on Figure 5c. The order based on relatedness is
Among the four, autonomy seems to be substantially more              mainly affected by player-player interaction, which manifests
difficult to predict when using linear models.                       as either group play (e.g. Group Playtime, Days in Groups,
                                                                     Incursion Days, etc.) or PvP action (Rogue Playtime), while
E. Visualising the Motivation Models                                 other features remain comparable between the top and bottom
   This section demonstrates the applicability of the models for     tiers. Interestingly, highly ranked players are not possessing
game design, by re-examining the features describing players,        a season pass for DLCs (save for one), while almost all the
ordered by the predictions of each model. To create a rank           bottom 10 players do. Because these players have no logged
order between players, the models are refit to the whole dataset     playtime with the DLC content, however, the effect can be
with the best parameters. We then create the global order            attributed to a latent variable and not the DLC content.
across players’ motivation by comparing the output of the               Finally, the order of players based on predicted presence is
best obtained SVM models through a round robin tournament            depicted in Figure 5d. The order of the feature vectors appear
among all players in the dataset. We run the tournament for          to be uniformly distributed when ranked by presence as there
each of the four motivation factors separately. Finally we order     are not many observable features that differ between the top
the players based on the outcome of these tournaments and—           and the bottom players. Of note is that higher tier players
for the sake of readability—we visualise the feature sets for        show more involvement in the social activities of the game,
the top 10 and the bottom 10 players in the order for each of        mostly in terms of time spent in groups. Moreover, lower
the four motivation factors (Fig. 5).                                tier players are more focused on progression and expansion
   As evidenced by Figure 5a, the global order of predicted          content. Since the UPEQ questionnaire measures physical
competence suggests that most of the top players ordered             presence [14], it is not surprising that activities which require
by this factor are playing more in general, team up early            extra-game coordination such as interaction with other players
(and generally spend more time in groups), and have higher           can decrease this factor.
completion and progression rates compared to the players that           Across all motivation factors, the feature varying the most
rank at lowest competence. This is particularly evident in PvP,      between the top and the bottom ranked players is the com-
end-game PvE, and daily missions. It is not surprising that          pletion of Daily Missions, and PvP activity (either spending
the players topping the competence rank are mostly associated        time in the Dark Zone or going Rogue). While early gameplay
with the PvE All-Rounder play style, whereas the players at          alone is rarely a strong predictor, game metrics in general seem
the bottom tier have been classified mostly as novices (i.e.,        to be appropriate predictors and useful for both analytics and
Adventurer). An interesting observation is that players rushing      player modelling efforts. It is also largely evidenced that even
through the content (Early Level 30 coupled with lower general       in cases of no obvious linear relationship between individual
playtime) report lower competence than players building their        features and motivation factors, non-linear PL techniques can
characters more slowly. The connection between features and          provide efficient methods for predicting motivation and offer
predicted ranking, however, is not always observable in a linear     an insightful qualitative tool for game design.
fashion. As players rate their experience without an external
frame of reference, higher values in certain features do not                               VII. D ISCUSSION
necessarily mean higher ranking as well. As an example, the
model selects to place three Adventurer players at the top of           In this study we applied preference learning via SVMs to
the competence rank. While these users have no end-game              model psychological constructs that make up self determi-
experience (no completed Incursions), they spent more time           nation theory and demonstrated the supreme efficiency and
in groups and playing in the Dark Zone (i.e., the game’s PvP         robustness of our models to predict motivation factors of play-
environment), than novice players in the bottom rank.                ers based solely on their in-game data. We showed that these
   The players ranked by predicted autonomy are illustrated          models can be used directly in a games user research context
in Figure 5b. While playtime in general does not have such           to predict factors of players’ motivation based on aggregated
an effect on the order of autonomy—as it has on the order of         data, collected through multiple play sessions, which can be
The Division and defined motivation quantitatively using the
                                                                              UPEQ questionnaire. We converted the Likert scores to ordinal
                                                                              values using a second-order data processing approach [15]
                                                                              that yielded data corpora of over 60, 000 samples, representing
                                                                              the differences between players’ UPEQ Likert scores in pairs.
                                                                              We predicted each player’s levels of competence, autonomy,
                                                                              relatedness and presence with more than 80% accuracy on
                                                                              average, whereas the best models achieve accuracies of at least
                             (a) Competence                                      The presented research offers insights for game industry
                                                                              professionals and stakeholders, who aim to leverage and en-
                                                                              hance the positive psychological effects of gameplay but also
                                                                              for researchers in affective computing and game user research.
                                                                              The paper offers a novel approach that utilises a machine (pref-
                                                                              erence) learning approach to model psychological constructs
                                                                              such as motivation by treating the subjectively defined notions
                                                                              as an ordinal phenomenon. To the best of our knowledge,
                                                                              this is the first study, which attempted to quantitatively model
                                                                              and predict constructs of STD based on player behaviour in a
                                                                              commercial-standard game and with that level of success.
                              (b) Autonomy                                       A core limitation of this work is posed by the processing of
                                                                              the motivation factors (i.e., the ground truth). In particular, we
                                                                              opted for a simple experimental design and took the aggregated
                                                                              UPEQ scores at face value; aggregating Likert scale scores in
                                                                              this way, however, poses a number of methodological issues.
                                                                              The most important of these limitations is the processing of
                                                                              ordinal values as interval data [63]. As the distance between
                                                                              ordinal points is arbitrary, their mean value is not necessarily
                                                                              meaningful and introduces subjective reporting bias to the
                                                                              measurements [55]. To address this issue, future research
                                                                              should focus on new ways of transforming Likert-like data
                              (c) Relatedness                                 to preference relations. One possible approach would be to
                                                                              observe how individual player’s baseline shifts through the
                                                                              survey and scoring the 4 observed factors depending on
                                                                              significant changes in the responses.
                                                                                 Another limitation is posed by the nature of the dataset. As
                                                                              the dataset contains aggregated gameplay data, we cannot ob-
                                                                              serve clearly how each player’s motivation changes over time
                                                                              and thus the relationship between the player’s “lifetime” and
                                                                              a one-time post-experience survey is rather broad. Although
                                                                              this type of data is easier to handle in a qualitative analysis,
                                                                              machine learning models are able to handle larger datasets
                                                                              with a higher dimensional feature space. Future research could
                                                                              focus on collecting a new dataset, recording multiple sessions
                                                                              and questionnaires per participant, and creating models which
                                                                              can predict temporal changes in the player’s motivation.
                                                                                 It is important to note that the ordinal data processing
                                                                              method we propose in this paper yields large datasets which
                                                                              are generated through the pairwise comparison of all players.
                               (d) Presence
                                                                              As such, the method is feasible in current game development
Fig. 5. Feature sets of the top and bottom 10 players ordered based on
predicted motivation factors. Each row represents a player and each column
                                                                              settings since it only requires a small sample of player expe-
is a different input feature. The colour shows the normalised distribution.   rience annotations—such as those usually available in qual-
                                                                              ity assurance departments of game studios. Although SVMs
                                                                              already showcased high levels of efficiency in predicting
the subject of further qualitative analysis. In particular, we col-           motivation on sets of several thousand datapoints, it can be
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