ActivitiesDirectory 2019-2020 Fall/Winter - City of Edina

Page created by Kimberly Tucker
ActivitiesDirectory 2019-2020 Fall/Winter - City of Edina
Edina Parks & Recreation

2019-2020 Fall/Winter

                           REGISTRATION BEGINS
                           8 a.m. Monday, Aug. 19, 2019 for Edina residents
                           8 a.m. Monday, Aug. 26, 2019 for non-residents

                           Braemar Arena
                           Fall class registration opens at noon Aug. 20 for Edina residents
                           and noon Aug. 27 for non-residents.

                                                                              Edina Art
                                                                           Center classes
                                                                         begin on page 39.
ActivitiesDirectory 2019-2020 Fall/Winter - City of Edina

                 2019-2020 Fall/Winter
                                                       CITY OF EDINA DIRECTORY                              EDINA PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT                   YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS
                                                       Parks & Recreation Department                        Perry Vetter, Director                                Edina Girls Athletic Association
                                                       952-826-0367 • 4801 W. 50th St.                      Joe Abood, Braemar Golf General Manager     
                                                                                                            Tiffany Bushland, Recreation Supervisor
                                                       Braemar Arena                                        Janet Canton, Administrative Coordinator              Edina Basketball Association
                                                       952-833-9500 • 7501 Ikola Way                                                                    
                                                                                                            Amanda Clarke, Recreation Supervisor
                                                       Braemar Field                                        Chad Eischens, Braemar Arena and Braemar Field        FIGURE SKATING
                                                       952-833-9512 • 7509 Ikola Way                                       General Manager                        Braemar-City of Lakes Figure Skating Club
                                                                                                            Nicole Gorman, Edina Senior Center Recreation
                                                       Braemar Golf Course                                                 Supervisor
                                                       952-903-5750 • 6364 John Harris Drive                Patty McGrath, E
                                                                                                                            dinborough Park and                  Edina Hockey Association
                                                                                                                           Edina Aquatic Center General Manager
                                                       Centennial Lakes Park
                                                                                                            Vera Norine, Administrative Support Specialist
                                                       952-833-9580 • 7499 France Ave. S.                                                                         BASEBALL
                                                                                                            Tom Shirley, Centennial Lakes Park General Manager
                                                                                                                                                                  Edina Baseball Association
                                                       Edina Aquatic Center                                 Tom Swenson, Assistant Director – Parks & Natural
                                                       952-833-9543 • 4300 W. 66th St.                                   Resources
                                                       June 1-Aug. 18: 952-833-9560                         Susan Tarnowski, Edina Art Center General Manager     FOOTBALL
                                                                                                                                                                  Edina Football Association
                                                       Edina Art Center                                     EDINA CITY COUNCIL                          
                                                       952-903-5780 • 4701 W. 64th St.                      James Hovland, Mayor        Mike Fischer              LACROSSE
    File Photo

                                                       Edina Historical Museum                              Ron Anderson                Kevin Staunton            Edina Lacrosse Association
                                                       612-928-4577 • 4711 W. 70th St.                      Mary Brindle                                
                                                                                                            PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION                         SOFTBALL
                                                       Edina Senior Center                                                                                        Edina Softball Association
                                                       952-833-9570 • 5280 Grandview Square                 Greg Good, Chair            Koren Hawk Nelson
                  TABLE OF CONTENTS                    Edinborough Park
                                                                                                            Matt Dahlien, Vice-Chair    Julie Strother            Edina Girls Fastpitch Association
                                                                                                            Rick Ites                   Pat Willette    
                 Youth Programs & Camps          5     952-833-9540 • 7700 York Ave. S.
                                                                                                            Eileen McAwley              Zoe Lelas, Student        SOCCER
                                                                                                            Brenda McCormick            Member
                                                                                                                                                                  Edina Soccer Association
                 Braemar Arena & Field           10    HEARING ASSISTANCE/ACCESSIBILITY                     Mike Miller                 Bryn Osborne, Student
                                                              Sign language interpreters are available                                                            Edina Soccer Club
                 Braemar Golf Course & Dome      16           to help residents who are deaf or hard                                                    
                                                                                                            PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION
                                                       of hearing participate in City of Edina activities                                                         VOLLEYBALL
                                                       and meetings. Some programs, meetings and            MEETINGS
                 Family Events                  20                                                                                                                Edina Girls Athletic Association
                                                       special events are also equipped with a hearing      The Edina Parks & Recreation Department     
                                                       assistance system. For information, call Amanda      welcomes any suggestions regarding City of            Edina Volleyball Association
                 Adult Activities & Athletics   28     Clarke at 952-826-0433.                              Edina programs and facilities. The Parks &  
                                                                                                            Recreation Commission meets at 7 p.m. on the
                                                                                                            second Tuesday of each month. These meetings          SWIMMING
                 Adaptive Programs              34     Cover photo by Suzanne Wortham-Ressemann                                                                   Edina Swim Club
                                                                                                            are open to the public. Meetings are broadcast on
                                                                                                            Edina TV 7 p.m. Mondays, 3 and 11 a.m. Tuesdays,
                 Edina Art Center               39                                                          10 p.m. Thursdays, and 6 a.m. and 2 p.m. Fridays.     WRESTLING
                                                                                                            They can also be viewed online at        Edina Wrestling Association

ActivitiesDirectory 2019-2020 Fall/Winter - City of Edina
How To Register
DATES                                                            ON REGISTRATION DAY                                                Go online to search classes
8 A.M. MONDAY, AUG. 19, 2019                                     •    Go to and click on “Activity                      by age, date or location!
Registration begins for Edina residents. Also Art Center              Registration.” Or go to
members and Senior Center members may register for          
specific offerings at those facilities.                          ––   Search for the classes you wish to take.
                                                                 ––   Please note: Placing a class in your cart DOES NOT
8 A.M. MONDAY, AUG. 26, 2019                                          reserve your space in it. To ensure your space, you
Registration begins for non-residents.
                                                                      must finish the registration and payment process
Braemar Arena                                                         for that class.
Fall class registration opens at noon Aug. 20 for Edina          ––   If you are concerned about getting into a specific
residents and noon Aug. 27 for non-residents. Winter                  program, we recommend you add and pay for one
class registration begins noon Dec. 10 for residents and              class at a time.
Dec. 17 for non-residents.
                                                                 ––   Registrations must be done online unless otherwise
                                                                      noted in the listing.
BEFORE REGISTRATION DAY                                          ––   You will receive an email confirmation of registrations.
    Log into or create your              account   online   at   ––   If a class is full, you will be put on a waiting list. We                                            may add classes/sessions to accommodate more
                                                                                                                                                           Go to:
    Verify your password works.
                                                                 ––   If you experience trouble registering online, please
    Double check the birthdates of children are entered               call 952-826-0367. Calling will not ensure your
    and correct. Some classes won’t let you register unless           space in a class.
    the age information is on your profile. Adding it on
    registration day will delay your ability to register.
                                                                 HOW CHARGES APPEAR                                               POLICY
    Verify your other account information is correct.            Please note that the charge for classes or activities will       Refund requests will be assessed a $5 administrative fee.
                                                                 appear on your bank or credit card statement as “Edina           Full refunds are given only when a program or reservation
    If you have trouble setting up your registration, please     Store.”                                                          is cancelled by the Parks & Recreation Department. No
    call 952-826-0367. Do not wait until registration time.                                                                       refunds will be given for cancellations requested less
                                                                                                                                  than five business days prior to the start of a program
                                                                                                                                  or reservation. Under the discretion of the Parks &
           NEW! Look for this icon next to                                                                                        Recreation Director, partial credit will be considered if
           Preschool classes.                                                                                                     cancellation is due to injury or serious illness.

                                                                                                                                         2019-2020 FALL/WINTER ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY           3
ActivitiesDirectory 2019-2020 Fall/Winter - City of Edina
Connect Card Helps Families Enroll in Activities
       The City of Edina wants to ensure all residents and those     Who is eligible?
       who attend school here have an opportunity to participate     Any child whose family situation qualifies them for free
       in classes and activities for fun and education.              or reduced-price meals at schools or any person whose
                                                                     financial hardship prevents full payment of a program. This
       To help make that happen, all City Parks & Recreation         can apply to people with a short-term financial crisis such
       programs featured in this guide accept the Connect Card, a    as medical expenses.
       card available through a program administered by the Edina
       Community Foundation and made possible in part through        How do I apply?
       a grant from the Walser Foundation.                           You can apply online at under the
                                                                     “Ready Set Connect” section or download an application,
       What is the Connect Card?                                     available in English, Somali and Spanish, and submit it.
       The Connect Card gives residents in financial hardship        People also can call 952-833-9573 to obtain an application.
       a dignified way to access scholarship dollars for various
       activities. It’s a one-stop process, with the card accepted   How long does it take to be approved?
       for City programs and also for the Southdale YMCA, Edina      It usually takes less than a week for an application to be
       Basketball Association, Edina Baseball Association, Edina     processed. You will receive a letter and your card in the mail.
       Football Association and Edina Girls Athletic Association.
                                                                     Does everyone see my financial information?                       SUPPORT THE CONNECT CARD
       More community programs could be added in the future.                                                                           PROGRAM
                                                                     No. Only one or two people will view your application
                                                                     information to verify it and issue you the Connect Card.          To make a tax-deductible donation to the scholarship
       What does it cover?                                           The programs where you use the card to enroll will have no
       Free enrollment or a variety of discounts are available,                                                                        fund, send a check payable to the Edina Community
                                                                     details about your financial situation.                           Foundation to 5280 Grandview Square, Edina, MN
       based on each association’s standards.
                                                                                                                                       55436; put “ECF Youth Scholarships” in the memo line.
                                                                     If I have a card, how do I register?                              Or donate online at
       Currently, the card gives each family $300 per year for
                                                                     Card holders can register for most programs in this guide by
       Parks & Recreation programs, which include everything
                                                                     calling 952-826-0367.
       from Edina Art Center classes to Playground Programs to
       Edina Aquatic Center season passes.
                                                                                                                                       EDINA GIVE AND GO
       Using that credit does not lower the amount available for
       another partner program. We encourage people to use the                                                                         Another program called Edina Give and Go aims to
       benefits from all Connect Card partners.                                                                                        remove financial barriers so all Edina Public Schools
                                                                                                                                       students can participate in art, academic and athletic
       See details about the benefits from each partner online at                                                                      programs in the community. To learn more about this; click on “Ready Set Connect.”                                                                               program, visit or call 952-848-GIVE.

ActivitiesDirectory 2019-2020 Fall/Winter - City of Edina
Youth Programs & Camps
                                                                                                         SOCCER SHOTS CLASSIC
                                                                                                         Ages 3-5 (Pre-K)
                                                                                                  Using creative and imaginative games, weekly sessions focus on basic soccer skills like
                                                                                                  dribbling, passing and shooting. Instructors also highlight a positive character trait each
                                                                                                  session such as respect, teamwork and appreciation. Soccer Shots will expose your child
                                                                                                  to the fun of soccer and provide the foundation needed to get started in the sport. Jerseys
                                                                                                  are not included.

                                                                                                   CLASSIC FALL SESSIONS – CORNELIA SCHOOL PARK
                                                                                                   Session:   Days:          Dates:             Time:                    Cost:   Course No.:
         Soccer Shots is the national leader                                                       One        Saturday       Sept. 7-Nov. 2     9-9:30 a.m.              $128    PR2610.201

                                                                                     File Photo
          in youth soccer development for                                                          Two        Saturday       Sept. 7-Nov. 2     9:35-10:05 a.m.          $128    PR2610.202
              children ages 2 through 8.                                                           Three      Saturday       Sept. 7-Nov. 2     10:10-10:40 a.m.         $128    PR2610.203
                                                                                                   Four       Saturday       Sept. 7-Nov. 2     10:45-11:15 a.m.         $128    PR2610.204
                                                                                                   Five       Saturday       Sept. 7-Nov. 2     11:20-11:50 a.m.         $128    PR2610.205
         MINI                                                                                      Six        Saturday       Sept. 7-Nov. 2     11:55 a.m.-12:25 p.m.    $128    PR2610.206
         Ages 2-3                                                                                  Seven      Wednesday      Sept. 11-Nov. 6    10:10-10:40 a.m.         $128    PR2610.210
                                                                                                   Eight      Wednesday      Sept. 11-Nov. 6    10:45-11:15 a.m.         $128    PR2610.211
Soccer Shots Mini is a high-energy program introducing children to fundamental soccer              CLASSIC WINTER SESSIONS – BRAEMAR FIELD
principles such as using your feet, dribbling and the basic rules of the game. Through
                                                                                                   Session:   Days:          Dates:             Time:                    Cost:   Course No.:
fun games, songs and positive reinforcement, children will begin to experience the joy
of playing soccer and being active. Jerseys are not included.                                      One        Wednesday      Jan. 8-March 11    10:05-10:35 a.m.         $138    BF2612.201
                                                                                                   Two        Wednesday      Jan. 8-March 11    10:40-11:10 a.m.         $138    BF2612.202
                                                                                                   Three      Thursday       Jan. 9-March 12    3:20-3:50 p.m.           $138    BF2612.301
 MINI FALL SESSIONS – CORNELIA SCHOOL PARK                                                         Four       Thursday       Jan. 9-March 12    3:55-4:25 p.m.           $138    BF2612.302
 Session:       Days:           Dates:            Time:                Cost:   Course No.:
 One            Saturday        Sept. 7-Nov. 2    9-9:30 a.m.          $128    PR2610.101
 Two            Saturday        Sept. 7-Nov. 2    9:35-10:05 a.m.      $128    PR2610.102         SOCCER SHOTS PREMIER
 Three          Saturday        Sept. 7-Nov. 2    10:10-10:40 a.m.     $128    PR2610.103         Ages 5-8 (Grades K-2nd)
 Four           Saturday        Sept. 7-Nov. 2    10:45-11:15 a.m.     $128    PR2610.104         This program is for children who are new to soccer or who want to build upon what they have
 Five           Saturday        Sept. 7-Nov. 2    11:20-11:50 a.m.     $128    PR2610.105         learned in Soccer Shots Classic. Focusing on individual skill, fitness and sportsmanship,
 Six            Saturday        Sept. 7-Nov. 2    11:55 a.m.-12:25 p.m. $128   PR2610.106         each session provides an opportunity for kids to be challenged through fun games and
 Seven          Wednesday       Sept. 11-Nov. 6   9-9:30 a.m.          $128    PR2610.110         team competitions. Children will also be introduced to tactical elements of the game as
                                                                                                  they prepare to play on competitive teams. Jerseys are not included.
 Eight          Wednesday       Sept. 11-Nov. 6   9:35-10:05 a.m.      $128    PR2610.111
                                                                                                   PREMIER FALL SESSION – CORNELIA SCHOOL PARK
 Session:       Days:           Dates:            Time:                Cost:   Course No.:
                                                                                                   Session:   Days:           Dates:             Time:                   Cost:   Course No.:
 One            Wednesday       Jan. 8-March 11   9:30-10 a.m.         $138    BF2612.101          One        Saturday        Sept. 7-Nov. 2     11:55 a.m.-12:25 p.m.   $128    PR2610.301
 Two            Thursday        Jan. 9-March 12   2:45-3:15 p.m.       $138    BF2612.102

                                                                                                                                               2019-2020 FALL/WINTER ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY       5
ActivitiesDirectory 2019-2020 Fall/Winter - City of Edina
Youth Programs & Camps
                                                                           HALLOWEEN CRAFT PARTY                                         HOLIDAY ORNAMENT-MAKING
                                                                            Park your broom at the door and                              PARTY
                                                                      come on in! Together, you and your                           *All New Ornaments!
                                                                      child will create an adorable picture of
                                                                      a swirly, starry night scene, complete                       Join us for an ornament-making
                                                                      with spooky ghosts. This project even                        party. We will set up four stations,
                                                                      glows in the dark! Kids are welcome                          each with a different ornament
      PRESCHOOL                                                       to wear costumes to class. Children                          project. These ornaments will make
                                                                      must be accompanied by a caregiver.                          great keepsakes or holiday gifts! This is a great class for
      PROGRAMS/EVENTS                                                                                                              siblings to attend together! Come and create ornaments
                                                                                                                                   right along with your child. Children must be accompanied
                                                                        Date:           Saturday, Oct. 26
                                                                                                                                   by a caregiver.
                                                                        Time:           9:30-10:30 a.m.
                                                                        Location:       Edina Senior Center                          Date:           Saturday, Dec. 7
                                                                        Cost:           $15                                          Time:           9:30-10:30 a.m.
                                                                        Course No.:     PR2018                                       Location:       Edina Senior Center
                                                                                                                                     Cost:           $15
                                                                                                                                     Course No.:     PR2020

      Parent and Child Classes                                             TURKEY TIME
      Ages 18 months-6 years                                               Those      pilgrims  sure    were
                                                                           crafty! The kids will celebrate
           LITTLE MESS MAKER’S ART CLASS                                                                                                 TICKLE MONSTER
                                                                      Thanksgiving by creating an adorable
                                                                                                                                          You and your little one will giggle the class away
            Your little mess maker will have a blast in this hands-   turkey that is sure to make you giggle.
                                                                                                                                   as we create a silly Tickle Monster! We’ll explore different
      on class! Children will enjoy many artistic, mess-making        Come to class ready for mess-making.
                                                                                                                                   art materials and have a messy good time. In this class,
      moments as they create marvelously messy masterpieces.          The kids will use their handprints to
                                                                                                                                   you’ll create right alongside your child. Children must be
      We plan to paint, sculpt, scribble and giggle our way to        paint this jumbo-sized bird. What a wonderful keepsake!
                                                                                                                                   accompanied by a caregiver.
      discovering mess-making at its very best. These are not         Come and create right along with your child. Children must
      projects to tackle at home. Leave the mess with us! Come        be accompanied by a caregiver.
      ready to get messy while you play right along with your                                                                        Date:           Saturday, Feb. 8
      child. Children must be accompanied by a caregiver.
                                                                        Date:           Saturday, Nov. 16                            Time:           9:30-10:30 a.m.

        Date:           Saturdays Sept. 7-28                            Time:           9:30-10:30 a.m.                              Location:       Edina Senior Center

        Time:           9:30-10:30 a.m.                                 Location:       Edina Senior Center                          Cost:           $15

        Location:       Edina Senior Center                             Cost:           $15                                          Course No.:     PR2021

        Cost:           $56                                             Course No.:     PR2019

        Course No.:     PR2017

ActivitiesDirectory 2019-2020 Fall/Winter - City of Edina
Youth Programs & Camps
      TWINKLE TOES DANCE                                                             PRINCESS DANCE
      Ages 2.5-4                                                                     Ages 5-7
Platinum Dance Center will introduce children to basic                               Platinum Dance Center instructors will lead children in
dance movement. Instructors will help children explore                               dance movement while incorporating favorite princess
basic dance steps throughout the six-week program. A                                 themes. This six-week program will help your child
performance for family to attend will be held on the last                            discover the creativity and joy of dance. A performance
day of class. Classes are held in the Grandview Room of                              for family to attend will be held on the last day of class.
the Edina Senior Center.                                                             Classes are held in the Grandview Room of the Edina
                                                                                     Senior Center.                                                                                                     REGISTER
Session Day         Dates             Time          Cost Course No.
One       Thursday Sept. 12-Oct.17    4:30-5:15 p.m. $60   PR6200.102                  Session Day           Dates            Time           Cost Course No.
Two       Tuesday Feb. 4-Mar. 10      5:20-6:05 p.m. $60   PR6200.100                  One      Thursday Sept. 12-Oct.17      5:20-6:05 p.m. $60     PR6200.103
                                                                                       Two      Tuesday      Feb. 4-March 10 4:30-5:15 p.m. $60      PR6200.101

      Ages 3-5 years                                                                         MONDAY FUN DAY AT BRAEMAR
This program is popular with 3- to 5-year-olds. Little
Dippers has a “dance for fun” philosophy. Through                               All Ages
stretching, moving to music, learning basic ballet dance
steps and other creative activities, your preschooler                           Join us for some active fun in the dome. We will have                             F U N , FIT NE SS , FR IE N D S!
will look forward to each theme-based class session.                            inflatables and open dome time.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Ages 1 to 17
Taught by instructors from Eleve Performing Arts Center.
Minimum 5, maximum 10 per session.                                                     Date:              Monday, Jan. 20 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
                                                                                       Time:              1-3 p.m.
 Dates:           Tuesdays Sept. 24-Oct. 22
 Course No.:      EP091004                                                             Location:          Braemar Field
                                                                                                                                                                   Apple Valley                   Eden Prairie
 Dates:           Tuesdays Nov. 5-Dec. 3                                               Cost:              $10                                                     Off Johnny Cake & Cty. Rd 42   Near Shady Oak Rd. & Hwy 212
 Course No.:      EP11122                                                                                                                                           (952) 431-6445                 (952) 920-5342
 Dates:           Tuesdays Jan. 14-Feb. 11
 Course No.:      EP010202
 Dates:           Tuesdays Feb. 25-March 24
 Course No.:      EP020302
 Dates:           Tuesdays April 7-May 5
 Course No.:      EP040502
 Time:            10:15-11 a.m.
                                                                        File Photo

 Location:        Edinborough Park Amphitheater
 Cost:            $60/child/course

                                                                                                                                                                     2019-2020 FALL/WINTER ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY                 7
ActivitiesDirectory 2019-2020 Fall/Winter - City of Edina
Youth Programs & Camps
          REVOLUTIONARY SPORTS FLAG                                                        REVOLUTIONARY SPORTS                                                      REVOLUTIONARY SPORTS
          FOOTBALL                                                                         BASEBALL                                                                  BASKETBALL
    Ages 2-9                                                                      Ages 2-6                                                                    Ages 2-6
    This is a fun, active class that teaches you how to play                      RevSports instructional baseball class maximizes the                        This is a fun, active class that teaches you how to play
    flag football. Join your player in learning America’s                         time a player spends developing individual skills. Each                     basketball. The class requires parent involvement to
    most popular sport. The class requires parents to assist                      day will focus on a skill that builds on the previous skill,                assist in learning. Each day will focus on a topic that
    in learning. Each day will focus on a topic that builds                       including catching, throwing, baserunning, batting and                      builds on the previous topic. Topics include learning the
    on the previous topic. Topics include running with the                        more. Class starts with a game of catch with parent,                        rules and ball handling, shooting, defending, passing,
    ball, throwing, receiving, defending, learning different                      followed by baserunning and batting practice and ends                       teamwork and more. All ability levels are welcome. Cost
    positions and more. All ability levels are welcome.                           with a game. All ability levels are welcome. Offerings are                  is $55 and takes place at the Todd Park basketball court.
    RevSports Flag Football is held at the Rosland Park                           parent-involved classes. RevSports Baseball is held at the
    baseball field. Cost is $55.                                                  Rosland Park baseball field. Cost is $55.                                     Ages:         Days: Dates:             Time:             Course No.:
                                                                                                                                                                TotStars      Monday Sept. 9-Oct. 7 4:30-5 p.m.          PR6000.316
                                                                                                                                                                (Ages 2-3)
     Age:         Days:      Dates:           Time:          Course No.:                Ages:          Days: Dates:               Time:         Course No.:
     TotStars                                                                           TotStars T-Ball Tuesday Sept. 10-Oct. 8                                 PreStars
                  Thursday Sept. 12-Oct. 10 4:30-5 p.m.      PR6000.315                                                           4:30-5 p.m.   PR6000.314                    Monday Sept. 9-Oct. 7 5-5:45 p.m.          PR6000.317
     (Ages 2-3)                                                                         (Ages 2-3)                                                              (Ages 3-5)

     KinderStars Thursday Sept. 12-Oct. 10 5-5:45 p.m.                                  PreStars T-Ball Tuesday Sept. 10-Oct. 8                                 KinderStars
                                                             PR6000.312                                                           5-5:45 p.m.   PR6000.310                    Monday Sept. 9-Oct. 7 5:45-6:30 p.m.       PR6000.318
     (Ages 4-6)                                                                         (Ages 3-5)                                                              (Ages 4-6)

     MightyStars Thursday Sept. 12-Oct. 10 5:45-6:30 p.m. PR6000.313                    KinderStars
     (Ages 6-9)                                                                         Coach Pitch    Tuesday Sept. 10-Oct. 8    5:45-6:30 p.m. PR6000.311
                                                                                        (Ages 4-6)
                                                                                                                                                              FIREARM SAFETY TRAINING
    ADULT/CHILD TEAM GLOW DODGE                                                                                                                               Ages 11 and older
    BALL                                                                                                                                                      The Edina Parks & Recreation Department offers the
                  Ages 8-12                                                                                                                                   Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Firearm
                                                                                                                                                              Safety Training to youth ages 11 and older and adults.
              We’re offering Glow Dodge Ball with a twist:
                                                                                                                                                              Parents of students are encouraged to observe the class.
           parents are coming! We will have a DJ, sound
        equipment and special lighting gear. Wear or bring a
     white T-shirt you can write on! Registration includes one                                                                                                                 Session 1 – Tuesdays April 14-May 19, 2020
    child and one adult. Register by Feb. 1.                                                                                                                                   Course No. PR1010
                                                                                                                                                               Dates:          Session 2 – Wednesdays April 15-May 20, 2020
                                                                                                                                                                               Course No. PR1011
      Date:               Monday, Feb. 17 (Presidents Day)
      Time:               6:30-8 p.m.                                                                                                                                          There will be a mandatory field trip Sunday, May 17.

      Location:           Braemar Field                                                                                                                        Time:           7-9 p.m.
      Cost:               $25/team
                                                                           File Photo

                                                                                                                                                               Location:       Edina Senior Center – Fireside Room
      Course No.:         PR7102
                                                                                                                                                               Cost:           $7.50 (for residents and non-residents)

ActivitiesDirectory 2019-2020 Fall/Winter - City of Edina
Youth Programs & Camps

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                   2019-2020 FALL/WINTER ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY   9
ActivitiesDirectory 2019-2020 Fall/Winter - City of Edina
Braemar Arena & Field
                                                                                                                                            PICK-UP TOUCH FOOTBALL
                                                                                                                                            Ages 16 and older
                                                                                                                                                      Players ages 16 and older are invited to join
                                                                                                                                                    us for a friendly game of pick-up touch football.
                                                                                                                                                  No organized team practices are allowed.

                                                                                                                                              Date:          Fridays Nov. 1-April 24
                                                                                                                                              Time:          3-4:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                                              Location:      Braemar Field
                                                                                                                                              Cost:          $5/session; Buy 10, Get-One-Free punch card,
                                                                                                                                                             $100 individual season pass
 File Photo

                                                                                                                                            ADULT EVENTS
                                                                                                                                            Braemar Arena                                   ARENA
              ADULT EVENTS                                                  ADULT OPEN SOCCER
                                                                            Ages 18 and older                                               ADULT OPEN HOCKEY
              Braemar Field                                                 Men and women 18 and older of all abilities are welcome         Ages 18 and older
                                                                            to play drop-in soccer. New this year, we are offering          Braemar Arena offers adult open hockey sessions for
                                                                            games just for women on Wednesdays!                             players who seek lunch hour fitness and pick-up hockey.
              Keep up your walking/running routine in the colder                                                                            Skaters must be 18 years of age or older. Open hockey
              months in our heated dome. Covered November through             Date:          Mondays-Thursdays Oct. 28-April 23             is typically scheduled Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
              April, our turf track is almost a quarter mile per lap. See     Time:          11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.                              when ice is available. Visit for current
     for the current schedule. Free!                                                                              times and dates. Schedule subject to change.
                                                                              Location:      Braemar Field
                                                                              Cost:          $5/session; Buy 10, Get-One-Free punch card,
              WALK/RUN CLUB                                                                  $100 individual season pass
                                                                                                                                              Date:          Sept. 4, 2019-June 5, 2020
              Join us for free coffee after your walk or run. Bring a                                                                         Time:          11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
              friend or make a new one.
                                                                                                                                              Location:      Braemar Arena
                                                                                                                                              Cost:          $5/skater; goalies free
                Date:          Tuesdays and Thursdays Oct. 29-April 23
                                                                               Braemar Field Punch Cards can be used for ANY
                Time:          7-8 a.m.                                        paid program – open soccer, pick-up touch football,
                Location:      Braemar Field                                   Fitness on the Field, Tot Time and Family Night.
                Cost:          Free

Braemar Arena & Field
ADULT LEARN TO SKATE                                                            FAMILY EVENTS                                                    FAMILY EVENTS
Braemar Arena offers beginner and intermediate skating
classes for adults who want to learn or improve their                           Braemar Field                                                    Braemar Arena                                           ARENA
skills. Online registration for the fall session opens at
noon Aug. 20 for Edina residents and noon Aug. 27 for                                TOT TIME                                                    HOLIDAY POPS
non-residents. Winter session registration opens at noon                                                                                         Enjoy the Holiday Pops exhibition on ice! Listen to your
                                                                                Run, jump and play on the open field during Tot Time at
Dec. 10 for Edina residents and noon Dec. 17 for non-                                                                                            favorite holiday songs while enjoying the talented skaters
                                                                                the Field. Age-appropriate toys provided. Bring a friend
residents.                                                                                                                                       of the Braemar-City of Lakes Figure Skating Club. Bring
                                                                                or make new ones!
                                                                                                                                                 canned goods and money for the bake sale to support
Fall Sessions
                                                                                  Date:           Mondays and Wednesdays Oct. 28-April 22        VEAP, the local food shelf.
 Dates:         Tuesdays, Sept. 17-Dec. 10 (No class on Oct. 15 and Nov. 26)
                                                                                  Time:           9-11 a.m.                                        Date:           Sunday, Dec. 8
 Cost:          $148 for 11 weeks
 Level:         Time:                       Course No.:                           Location:       Braemar Field                                    Time:           4:30 p.m.
 Beginner       9:15-9:45 a.m.             BAF 301                                Cost:           $5/session; Buy 10, Get-One-Free punch card,     Location:       Braemar Arena
 Intermediate   9:15-9:45 a.m.             BAF 302                                                $100 individual season pass
                                                                                                                                                   Cost:           $5 with charitable donation; children under 12 free
 Dates:         Thursdays, Sept. 19-Nov. 21 (No class on Oct. 17 and Nov. 31)
 Cost:          $112 for 8 weeks                                                FAMILY NIGHT
                                                                                                                                                 NATIONAL SKATING MONTH OPEN
 Level:         Time:                      Course No.:                          Stay active as a family under the dome. Walk or run laps,
                                                                                                                                                 SKATE AND TALENT SHOWCASE
 Intermediate   7:30-8 p.m.                BAF 401                              play in the open field or take a turn in the batting cages.
                                                                                                                                                 Celebrate National Skating Month at Braemar Arena with
 Dates:         Saturdays, Sept. 21-Dec. 14 (No class on Oct. 19 and Nov. 30)   Children must be supervised by an adult. No organized
                                                                                                                                                 free skating and jump-and-spin demonstrations by the
                                                                                team practices or games allowed.
 Cost:          $148 for 11 weeks                                                                                                                Braemar-City of Lakes Figure Skating Club.
 Level:         Time:                      Course No.:                            Date/Time:      Wednesdays Oct. 30-Dec. 18 6-7 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                   Date:           Sunday, Jan. 19
 Beginner       12:30-1 p.m.               BAF 501                                                Fridays Jan. 3-March 27 4:30-5:30 p.m.
                                                                                                  Wednesdays April 1-22 3:30-5 p.m.                Time:           1:40-3:10 p.m.

Winter Sessions                                                                   Location:       Braemar Field                                    Location:       Braemar Arena

                                                                                  Cost:           $5/session; Buy 10, Get-One-Free punch card,     Cost:           Free
 Dates:         Tuesdays, Jan. 7-March 31 (No class on Feb. 4 and March 24)
 Cost:          $148 for 11 weeks                                                                 $100 individual season pass
 Level:         Time:                      Course No.:                                                                                           SKATE WITH THE HORNETS
 Beginner       9:15-9:45 a.m.             BAF 601                                                                                               Join the Edina High School girls and boys hockey teams
 Intermediate   9:15-9:45 a.m.             BAF 602                                                                                               on the ice for open skate, autographs and photos. Skates
                                                                                                                                                 are available for rent.
 Dates:         Saturdays, Jan. 11-April 4 (No class on Feb. 8 and March 28)
 Cost:          $148 for 11 weeks                                                                                                                  Date:           Sunday, Jan. 26
 Level:         Time:                      Course No.:
                                                                                                                                                   Time:           1:45-3:15 p.m.
 Beginner       12:30-1 p.m.               BAF 701
                                                                                                                                                   Location:       Braemar Arena
 Intermediate   1-1:30 p.m.                BAF 702
                                                                                                                                                   Cost:           Free

                                                                                                                                                           2019-2020 FALL/WINTER ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY                    11
Braemar Arena & Field
     BRAEMAR ICE SHOW                                                 OPEN DOME                                                            PRO’S ICE
     The Braemar-City of Lakes Figure Skating Club and                Play catch, kick a ball or take a turn in the batting cage.          Pro’s Ice is for advanced figure skaters to work one on
     Edina Parks & Recreation present the 54th Ice Show               Children under 14 must be supervised by an adult. No                 one with a certified, insured coach. Visit BraemarArena.
     filled with theme-based music and amazing talent! This           organized team practices or games allowed. The facility              com for current times and dates. Schedule is subject to
     showcase of award-winning skaters of all ages will leave         is also open on non-school days. Visit              change.
     you feeling proud of the community and its great talent.         for times.
     Current Skate School participants are invited to perform.                                                                                Dates:         Monday-Friday
     Tickets will be available in advance or prior to the show at       Date/Time:      Wednesdays Oct. 30-March 11 3:30-5:30 p.m.
                                                                                        Wednesdays March 18-April 22 3:30-5 p.m.              Time:          Afternoons
     Braemar Guest Services.
                                                                        Location:       Braemar Field                                         Location:      Braemar Arena

       Date:           Friday, April 24, and Saturday, April 25         Cost:           $5/session; Buy 10, Get-One-Free punch card,          Cost:          $15/session; Buy 20, Get-One-Free Punch Card;
                                                                                        $100 individual season pass                                          $300 individual monthly pass
       Time:           6:30 p.m.
       Location:       Braemar Arena
                                                                                                                                           DEVELOPMENTAL ICE FOR HOCKEY
       Cost:           $12 Adults, $7 Child
                                                                      YOUTH PROGRAMS AND CAMPS                                             AND FIGURE SKATING
                                                                                                                                           All ages
                                                                      Braemar Arena                                                        Developmental Ice gives young athletes the opportunity
     YOUTH PROGRAMS AND                                               EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS NON-SCHOOL-                                     to work with their coaches one on one at an affordable

     CAMPS                                                            DAY YOUTH OPEN HOCKEY                                                rate. Visit for current times and
                                                                                                                                           dates. Schedule is subject to change.
     Braemar Field                                                      Dates:       Monday, Sept. 30
                                                                                                                                              Dates:         Monday-Friday
                                                                                     Thursday, Oct. 17
     DROP-IN FIELD TIME                                                                                                                       Time:          6-9 a.m.
                                                                                     Friday, Oct. 18
     Athletes looking for additional training time on the
                                                                                     Friday, Nov. 1                                           Location:      Braemar Arena
     field are welcome to drop in anytime the field is not
                                                                                     Spring Break Week - March 23-27
     rented. Click on the “Facility Schedule” button at                                                                                       Cost:          $8 resident/$10 non-resident; Buy 10, for times and dates.                              Times:       1:30-3 p.m.                                                             Get-One-Free Punch Card $80 resident/
                                                                        Location:    Braemar Arena                                                           $100 non-resident. Coaches are free.
       Date:           Oct. 28-April 26                                 Cost:        $5/child
       Location:       Braemar Field
       Cost:           $5/session; Buy 10, Get-One-Free punch card,
                       $100 individual season pass
                                                                         BRAEMAR ARENA OPEN SKATING SCHEDULE
                                                                         Visit for current times and dates.           Beginning Nov. 8
                                                                         Schedule subject to change.                                   Friday Night Skate on the Backyard Rink 8-9:30 p.m.
                                                                         Beginning Sept. 15                                            Open Skating Rates: $5/session; Buy 10,
                                                                         Sunday afternoons and Tuesday and Thursday                    Get-One-Free punch card, annual passes starting at
                                                                         Lunch-hour Skates                                             $110, Skate Rental $3

Braemar Arena & Field

BRAEMAR SKATE SCHOOL                                                                                                          SNOWPLOW SAM LEVELS 1-4
                                                                                                                              Ages 3-K
                                                                                                                         These introductory classes are designed to teach children age 3 through
                                                                                                                         kindergarten the basic skills of skating while having fun! Beginning skaters start at
                                              GROUP SKATING             2019-2020 SKATE SCHOOL
                                                                        ONLINE REGISTRATION                              Snowplow Sam 1 and progress through the four levels. For specific curriculum, visit
                                              LESSONS                                                           and select “Learn to Skate.” All lessons are at Braemar Arena.
                                                 Ages 3-Adult
                                                                        FALL SESSION opens at noon                           FALL SESSIONS
File Photo

                                       Braemar Arena                    Aug. 20 for Edina residents and                      Dates:             Tuesdays, Sept. 17-Dec. 10 (No class on Oct. 15 and Nov. 26)
                                 offers lessons year                    noon Aug. 27 for non-residents.                      Cost:              $148 for 11 weeks
                                 round for beginners                                                                         Level:             Time:                       Course No.:
                                                                        WINTER SESSION opens at noon
   through advanced skaters. Our instructors are                                                                             Snowplow Sam 1     9:45-10:15 a.m.             BAF 303
                                                                        Dec. 10 for Edina residents and
   professionally accredited in both hockey and figure
                                                                        noon Dec. 17 for non-residents.                      Snowplow Sam 2     9:45-10:15 a.m.             BAF 304
   skating and use the Learn to Skate USA Program.
   Learn more at Schedules are                     Skaters registering for two classes                  Snowplow Sam 3     9:45-10:15 a.m.             BAF 305
   subject to change.                                                   during the same session will receive                 Snowplow Sam 1     1:15-1:45 p.m.              BAF 306
                                                                        a $15 discount on the second class.                  Snowplow Sam 2     1:15-1:45 p.m.              BAF 307
                                                                                                                             Snowplow Sam 3     1:15-1:45 p.m.              BAF 308
                                                                                                                             Snowplow Sam 1     1:45-2:15 p.m.              BAF 309
                                                                                                                             Snowplow Sam 2     1:45-2:15 p.m.              BAF 310
                                                                                                                             Snowplow Sam 3/4   1:45-2:15 p.m.              BAF 311
                                                           PARENT/CHILD CLASS
             FALL SESSION SKATE                            Ages 3-6
             SCHOOL KICKOFF                                                                                                 Dates:              Saturdays, Sept. 21-Dec. 14 (No class on Oct. 19 and Nov. 30)
                                                      This is a class for the young skater who is apprehensive              Cost:               $148 for 11 weeks
             Here’s your chance to get on the
                                                      and would like a parent on the ice with them. (Parents                Level:              Time:                       Course No.:
             ice and meet the skate school
                                                      can rent skates for $3/pair per class.) All lessons are               Snowplow Sam 1      10:30-11 a.m.              BAF 503
             instructors. If it’s been a while,
                                                      at Braemar Arena.
             you can have an evaluation to                                                                                  Snowplow Sam 2      10:30-11 a.m.              BAF 504
             make sure you are placed in the                                                                                Snowplow Sam 3      10:30-11 a.m.              BAF 505
             correct class. General Sports will         FALL SESSIONS - $148 for 11 weeks
                                                                                                                            Snowplow Sam 1      11-11:30 a.m.              BAF 506
             check skate fit and make sure              *No class Oct. 19 or Nov. 30
             your skater is ready to go for the                                                                             Snowplow Sam 2      11-11:30 a.m.              BAF 507
                                                        Days:           Dates:             Time:           Course No.:
             first week of lessons.                                                                                         Snowplow Sam 1      11:30 a.m.-noon            BAF 508
                                                        Saturday        Sept. 21-Dec. 14   10:30-11 a.m.   BAF 502
                                                                                                                            Snowplow Sam 2      11:30 a.m.-noon            BAF 509
                                                        WINTER SESSIONS - $148 for 11 weeks
              Date:      Saturday, Sept. 14                                                                                 Snowplow Sam 1      noon-12:30 p.m.            BAF 510
                                                        *No Class Feb. 8, 9, March 28 or 29
                                                                                                                            Snowplow Sam 2      noon-12:30 p.m.            BAF 511
              Time:      11 a.m.-noon
                                                        Saturday        Jan. 11-April 4    10:30-11 a.m.   BAF 703
                                                                                                                            Snowplow Sam 3/4    noon-12:30 p.m.            BAF 512
              Cost:      Free skating
                                                        Sunday          Jan. 12-April 5    noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 801          Snowplow Sam 1      12:30-1 p.m.               BAF 513
                                                                                                                            Snowplow Sam 2      12:30-1 p.m.               BAF 514

                                                                                                                                                                  2019-2020 FALL/WINTER ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY     13
Braemar Arena & Field
        SNOWPLOW SAM LEVELS 1-4 (continued)                    BASIC SKILLS LEVELS 1-6
        WINTER SESSIONS                                        Grade 1 and older
                                                               These classes are designed to teach children in first grade and older the fundamentals of ice skating. Beginning
                            Tuesdays, Jan. 7-March 31
         Dates:                                                skaters start at Basic 1 and progress through the six levels. For specific curriculum visit and
                            (No class on Feb. 4 or March 24)
         Cost:              $148 for 11 weeks                  select “Learn to Skate.” All lessons are at Braemar Arena.
         Level:             Time:             Course No.:
         Snowplow Sam 1     9:45-10:15 a.m. BAF 603            FALL SESSIONS
         Snowplow Sam 2     9:45-10:15 a.m. BAF 604
         Snowplow Sam 3/4   9:45-10:15 a.m. BAF 605                         Tuesdays, Sept. 17-Dec. 10                   Thursdays Sept. 19 – Nov. 21                   Saturdays Sept. 21 – Dec. 14
         Snowplow Sam 1     1:15-1:45 p.m.    BAF 606            Dates:                                        Dates:                                       Dates:
                                                                            (No class on Oct. 15 or Oct. 29)             (No class on Oct. 17 or Oct. 31)               (No class on Oct. 19 or Nov. 30)
         Snowplow Sam 2     1:15-1:45 p.m.    BAF 607            Cost:      $148 for 11 weeks                  Cost:     $112 for 8 weeks                   Cost:       $148 for 11 weeks
         Snowplow Sam 3     1:15-1:45 p.m.    BAF 608
         Snowplow Sam 1     1:45-2:15 p.m.    BAF 609            Level:     Time:              Course No.:     Level:    Time:              Course No.:     Level:      Time:              Course No.:
         Snowplow Sam 2     1:45-2:15 p.m.    BAF 610            Basic 1    3-3:30 p.m.      BAF 312           Basic 1   7-7:30 p.m.       BAF 402          Basic 1     11-11:30 a.m.     BAF 515
         Snowplow Sam 3/4   1:45-2:15 p.m.    BAF 611
                                                                 Basic 2    3-3:30 p.m.      BAF 313           Basic 2   7-7:30 p.m.       BAF 403          Basic 3     11-11:30 a.m.     BAF 516
                                                                 Basic 3/4 3-3:30 p.m.       BAF 314           Basic 3   7-7:30 p.m.       BAF 404          Basic 2     11:30 a.m.-noon   BAF 517
                            Saturdays, Jan. 11-April 4
         Dates:                                                                                                Basic 1   7:30-8 p.m.       BAF 405          Basic 4     11:30 a.m.-noon BAF 518
                            (No class on Feb. 8 or March 28)
         Cost:              $148 for 11 weeks                                                                  Basic 4   7:30-8 p.m.       BAF 406          Basic 5/6   11:30 a.m.-noon BAF 519
         Level:             Time:               Course No.:                                                    Basic 5/6 7:30-8 p.m.       BAF 407          Basic 1     noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 520
         Snowplow Sam 1     10:30-11 a.m.       BAF 704
         Snowplow Sam 2     10:30-11 a.m.       BAF 705                                                                                                     Basic 2     noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 521
         Snowplow Sam 3     10:30-11 a.m.       BAF 706                                                                                                     Basic 1     12:30-1 p.m.      BAF 522
         Snowplow Sam 1     11-11:30 a.m.       BAF 707        WINTER SESSIONS
         Snowplow Sam 2     11-11:30 a.m.       BAF 708
         Snowplow Sam 1     11:30 a.m.-noon BAF 709
         Snowplow Sam 2     11:30 a.m.-noon BAF 710                         Tuesdays Jan. 7 – March 31                   Saturdays Jan. 11 – April 4                    Sundays Jan. 12 – April 5
                                                                Dates:                                         Dates:                                       Dates:
         Snowplow Sam 1     noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 711                         (No class on Feb. 4 or March 24)             (No class on Feb. 8 or March 28)               (No class on Feb. 9 or March 29)
         Snowplow Sam 2     noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 712             Cost:       $148 for 11 weeks                  Cost:     $148 for 11 weeks                  Cost:       $148 for 11 weeks
         Snowplow Sam 3/4   noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 713             Level:      Time:             Course No.:      Level:    Time:              Course No.:     Level:      Time:             Course No.:
         Snowplow Sam 1     12:30-1 p.m.        BAF 714
         Snowplow Sam 2     12:30-1 p.m.        BAF 715         Basic 1     3-3:30 p.m.      BAF 612           Basic 1   11-11:30 a.m.     BAF 718          Basic 1     12:30-1 p.m.      BAF 809
         Snowplow Sam 3     12:30-1 p.m.        BAF 716         Basic 2     3-3:30 p.m.      BAF 613           Basic 3   11-11:30 a.m.     BAF 719          Basic 2     12:30-1 p.m.      BAF 810
         Snowplow Sam 1     1-1:30 p.m.         BAF 717
                                                                Basic 3/4   3-3:30 p.m.      BAF 614           Basic 2   11:30 a.m.-noon   BAF 720          Basic 3     12:30-1 p.m.      BAF 811
                                                                                                               Basic 2   11:30 a.m.-noon BAF 721            Basic 1     1-1:30 p.m.       BAF 812
                            Sundays Jan. 12–April 5
         Dates:                                                                                                Basic 4   11:30 a.m.-noon BAF 722            Basic 2     1-1:30 p.m.       BAF 813
                            (No class on Feb. 9 or March 29)
         Cost:              $148 for 11 weeks                                                                  Basic 5/6 11:30 a.m.-noon BAF 723            Basic 4     1-1:30 p.m.       BAF 814
         Level:             Time:              Course No.:
                                                                                                               Basic 1   noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 724
         Snowplow Sam 1     noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 802
         Snowplow Sam 2     noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 803                                                            Basic 2   noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 725
         Snowplow Sam 3     noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 804                                                            Basic 3   noon-12:30 p.m. BAF 726
         Snowplow Sam 1     12:30-1 p.m.       BAF 805
         Snowplow Sam 2     12:30-1 p.m.       BAF 806                                                         Basic 1   1-1:30 p.m.       BAF 727
         Snowplow Sam 1     1-1:30 p.m.        BAF 807                                                         Basic 2   1-1:30 p.m.       BAF 728
         Snowplow Sam 2     1-1:30 p.m.        BAF 808

Braemar Arena & Field
                                                                                                                                                                  HALLOWEEN OPEN SKATE
                                                                                                                                                                  Ages 3-8 with adult
                                                                                                                                                                        Bring the kids to Braemar Arena for a fun
                                                                                                                                                                       dress-up skate. This event will include skating,
                                                                                                                                                                    cookie-decorating station, music and trick-or-
                                                                                                                                                                 treating around the rink. Register before Oct. 23.
File Photo

                                                                                                                                                               Date:           Thursday, Oct. 31
                                                                                                                                                               Time:           10-11:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                               Location:       Braemar Arena’s West Rink
                                                                                                                                                               Cost:           $10
             Ages 4-15
                                                                                                                                                               Course No.:     PR7007
             This one-hour class is for skaters who are interested in advancing their figure skating skills. Skaters will begin learning
             the skills to incorporate jumps and spins while developing their skating skills. To enroll, participants must have passed
             Basic 2 or have a coach’s recommendation. All lessons are at Braemar Arena.
                                                                                                                                                                  MELT THE ICE EVENT
              TUESDAYS No class Nov. 26, Feb. 4, March 24 or April 21                                                                                             Family Event
              Session                       Dates                      Time               Cost                         Course No.
                                                                                                                                                                       Bring the kids to Braemar Arena’s Backyard
              Fall – Session 1              Sept. 10-Oct. 15           7-8 p.m.           $148 (6 weeks)               BAF 315
                                                                                                                                                                      Rink for one last skate before the ice comes out.
              Fall – Session 2              Oct. 22-Dec. 10            6:20-7:20 p.m.     $170 (7 weeks)               BAF 316
                                                                                                                                                                   This event will include skating, cookie-decorating
              Winter Session                Jan. 7-March 3             6:20-7:20 p.m.     $192 (8 weeks)               BAF 615
                                                                                                                                                                station, music and painting the ice. No registration
              Spring Session                March 10-May 19            7-8 p.m.           $214 (9 weeks)               BAF 616

                   USA HOCKEY                                                           USA HOCKEY
                                                                                                                                                               Date:           Saturday, March 7
                   LEVEL 1: Ages 3+                                                     LEVEL 2-4
             Learn basic hockey skills through skating exercises and                    This class will focus on skating skills for hockey, including          Time:           10 a.m.-noon
             drills. Participants must have passed Snowplow Sam                         strides, stops, backwards and edges. Skaters must                      Location:       Braemar Arena’s Backyard Rink
             2 or Basic 1 to enroll, then progress through the four                     have passed USA Hockey 1 to enroll. Stick, helmet and
             levels. Stick, helmet and gloves are required. See hockey                  gloves are required. See hockey curriculum charts at
             curriculum charts at for specific                for specific skills at each level. All              BRAEMAR ICE SHOW
             skills at each level. All lessons are at Braemar Arena.                    lessons are at Braemar Arena.                                        Current Skate School enrollees are invited to be part of
                                                                                                                                                             this annual ice show. Registration and fee information will
              FALL SESSIONS: $148 for 11 weeks                                           FALL SESSION: $86 for 4 weeks (Mite Hockey Warm Up)
              No class on Oct. 19 or Nov. 30                                                                                                                 be distributed in class.
                                                                                         Days:             Dates:                Time:         Course No.:
              Days:              Dates:                 Time:             Course No.:
                                                                                         Saturdays         Sept. 21-Oct. 12      1:10-2 p.m.   BAF 524
              Saturdays          Sept. 21-Dec. 14       12:30-1 p.m.      BAF 523                                                                              Date:           Friday, April 24, and Saturday, April 25
                                                                                         WINTER SESSION: $148 for 11 weeks
              WINTER SESSIONS: $148 for 11 weeks                                         No class on Feb. 8 or March 28                                        Time:           6:30 p.m.
              No class Feb. 8 or March 28
                                                                                         Saturdays         Jan. 11-April 4       1-1:30 p.m.   BAF 730
              Saturdays          Jan. 11-April 4        12:30-1 p.m.      BAF 729                                                                              Location:       Braemar Arena

                                                                                                                                                                       2019-2020 FALL/WINTER ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY          15
Braemar Golf Course & Dome
                                                                                                                                                 GREEN HORNETS
                                                                                                                                                 Ages 5-7
                                                                                                                                                 The Green Hornets class is designed for young children
                                                                                                                                                 with or without previous golf experience. Basic rules and
                                                                                                                                                 etiquette will be introduced with special attention given to
                                                                                                                                                 safety and following directions. Golf skills taught include
                                                                                                                                                 putting, short game, irons and drivers. They will also
                                                                                                                                                 learn how to play on teams and share. The youngsters
                                                                                                                                                 will also have a chance to get on the Academy 9 course
                                                                                                                                                 and play. Maximum 6.
                                                                                                                                                 Learn and Play

                                                                                                                                                  Event:         Day:              Date:          Time:
                                                                                                                                                  Instruction    Tuesdays          Sept. 3-24     4:15-5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                  Play           Saturdays         Sept. 7-28     9-10 a.m.
 File Photo

                                                                                                                                                  Location:      Braemar Golf Course
                                                                                                                                                  Cost:          $125

                                                                              LITTLE HORNETS                                                      Course No.:    BG4000.151

                                                                              Ages 3-6
                                                                         The Little Hornets is the first class in the Braemar Junior             Instruction Only
                                                                         Golf Program series and is made up of four 45-minute
                                                                         classes. It is designed for youngsters with little or no golf            Day:           Dates:            Time:          Course No.:
                                                                         experience. A parent (or another responsible adult)                                     Nov. 2-30 (no
                           BRAE MAR
                                                                                                                                                  Saturdays                        9:30-10:15 a.m. BG4000.152
                                                                                                                                                                 class Nov. 23)
                                                                         MUST attend each class with their child to help with
                                                                         safety and organization. This also gives each parent the                 Saturdays      Jan. 11- Feb. 1   8:30-9:15 a.m. BG4000.153
                             GOL F COUR S E
                                                                         chance to learn how to teach their child. Class content                  Saturdays      Feb. 22-March 14 9:30-10:15 a.m. BG4000.154
                                                                         will include very basic skills such as putting and driving.
                                                                                                                                                  Location:      Braemar Golf Dome
              YOUTH PROGRAMS & CAMPS                                     We will also include some coordination exercises like
                                                                         jumping and running. Cost is $60. Maximum 6.                             Cost:          $75
              Our youth programs and camps have a new look! The
              classes have been redesigned to develop junior golfers      Day:       Dates:          Location: Time:               Course No.:
              of all ages. They will help juniors progress and become     Saturdays Sept. 7-28       Golf Course 9-9:45 a.m.       BG5000.158
              strong golfers. Participants do not need to bring clubs;
                                                                          Saturdays Nov. 2-30 (no
                                                                                    class Nov. 23) Golf Dome
              equipment will be provided.                                                                         8:30-9:15 a.m.   BG5000.159

                                                                          Fridays    Jan. 10-31      Golf Dome    8:30-9:15 a.m.   BG5000.160
                                                                          Saturdays Jan. 11-Feb. 1   Golf Dome    9:30-10:15 a.m. BG5000.161

Braemar Golf Course & Dome
                                                                  I - INSTRUCTION
JUNIOR LESSONS AND                                                Ages 8-13
LEAGUES                                                           The Instruction class will continue to review material from
                                                                  the previous levels. Along with this, students will learn
E - ENCOURAGE                                                     about goal setting and pre-shot routine. They will also be
Ages 6-8                                                          introduced to course strategy. We will teach scorekeeping
                                                                  and track scores to show improvement. Instruction will
The Encourage class includes similar content to the               be offered in the spring and summer of 2020. Look for
Green Hornet class. However, more time will be devoted            registration information in the next Activities Directory.
to etiquette and fairness and more detailed instruction
will be given. The Encourage classes will learn how to            N - NEXT STEP
pitch and hit sand shots, along with putting, driving and         Ages 10-14

                                                                                                                                 File Photo
chipping. Proper grip and posture will be reinforced. All         The Next Step class will include activities to mold
classes are held at Braemar Golf Dome. Maximum 8. Cost            exceptional athletic golfers capable of excelling in golf at
is $125.                                                          the high school level and beyond. This class includes two                   HORNETS AFTER-SCHOOL
                                                                  hours per week of instruction and one day of league play.
 Day:        Dates:            Time:                Course No.:   Statistics will be kept to spot weaknesses and evaluate
                                                                                                                                              INSTRUCTION AND PLAY
                                                                  improvements. Next Step will be offered in the spring                       Ages 8-11 or 12-14
 Saturdays   Jan. 11-Feb. 8    10:30-11:30 a.m.     BG2000.182
                                                                  and summer of 2020. Look for registration information                       This after-school class is for beginner and intermediate
 Saturdays   Feb. 15- March 14 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. BG2000.183
                                                                  in the next Activities Directory.                                           juniors who are looking to continue working on their
                                                                                                                                              games this fall. These sessions include one hour per week
                                                                  A - ADVANCE                                                                 of instruction at the Braemar Academy and one hour per
D - DEVELOP                                                       Ages 12-16                                                                  week of league play on the Academy 9 course. All classes
Ages 8-10                                                         Juniors in the Advance class should already possess solid                   are held at Braemar Golf Course. Maximum 8. Cost is $150.
                                                                  fundamentals and have the desire to improve their game
The Develop class will expand upon what was learned in                                                                                        Instruction and Play Ages 8-11
                                                                  with the hope of future competitive play. Instruction will
the Encourage class. Full swing, short game and putting
                                                                  include activities to mold exceptional athletic golfers
will be taught. Golfers will be challenged to think of ways                                                                                    Event:         Day:         Date:             Time:
                                                                  capable of excelling in golf at the high school level and
that they can set a “personal goal” outside of golf. All                                                                                       Instruction    Mondays      Sept. 9-30        4:15-5:15 p.m.
                                                                  beyond. Advance will be held in the spring and summer
classes are held at Braemar Golf Dome. Maximum 8.
                                                                  of 2020. Look for registration information in the next                       Play           Thursdays    Sept. 12-Oct. 3   4:15-5:15 p.m.
Cost is $125.
                                                                  Activities Directory.                                                        Course No.:    BG3100.118
 Day:        Dates:            Time:                Course No.:   THE TOUR
 Saturdays   Jan. 11-Feb. 8    11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. BG2000.184   Students in The Tour will learn how to effectively practice,                Instruction and Play Ages 12-14
 Saturdays   Feb. 15- March 14 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. BG2000.185
                                                                  prepare for competition and manage time. Increasing
                                                                  amounts of individual attention will be provided to                          Event:         Day:         Date:             Time:
                                                                  Advance League students as well. An emphasis will be                         Instruction    Mondays      Sept. 9-30        5:30-6:30 p.m.
                                                                  placed on goal setting. Statistics will be kept to spot
                                                                                                                                               Play           Thursdays    Sept. 12-Oct. 3   5:30-6:30 p.m.
                                                                  weaknesses and evaluate improvements. Classes are held
                                                                  at the Braemar Academy. League dates consist of play                         Course No.:    BG3300.104
                                                                  at the Academy 9 par 3 course. The Tour will be held in
                                                                  the spring and summer of 2020. Look for registration
                                                                  information in the next Activities Directory.

                                                                                                                                                      2019-2020 FALL/WINTER ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY              17
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Braemar Golf Course & Dome
These classes are for intermediate to advanced players                                                   BRAEMAR GOLF DOME
who are looking to play on the junior high or high school                                                The Braemar Golf Dome practice facility is open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. daily Nov. 1 until mid-April.
golf team. We will work with each student to prepare                                                     The dome is one of the largest and longest-hitting in the Twin Cities area with 46 tee
for the season, and help the juniors know their swings.                                                  areas on two levels and a large practice putting green.
Classes are held at Braemar Golf Dome. Maximum 8.
                                                                                                         Braemar Golf Dome has 10 TrackTee dividers. The TrackTee calculates the distance and
Cost is $300.                                                              BRAE MAR
                                                                              GOL F DOM E
                                                                                                         speed after each shot and the result is displayed on the easy-to-read screen on the
                                                                                                         TrackTee divider. TrackTee is great for golfers of all skill levels to help improve your
 Day:                   Dates:          Time:        Course No.:                                         practice experience. Braemar Golf Dome is located at 7420 Braemar Blvd.
 Mondays & Wednesdays   Feb. 17-March 11 4:30-6 p.m. BG3500.100
 Tuesdays               Jan. 21-March 10 4:30-6 p.m. BG3500.101
                                                                   ADULT ACTIVITIES AND ATHLETICS
Braemar’s PGA Professionals are available to fit your child        ADULT GROUP LESSONS                                                     GOLF 202: NEXT STEP
for a set of US Kids Golf Clubs. To set up an appointment,         Whether you are new to golf, looking to improve or simply               Golf 202 is the next step for people who have little to
contact PGA Head Professional Jay Meyerhoff at                     want to enjoy playing golf more, we have a class for you.               intermediate golfing experience. This is the next step
952-903-5759.                                                      We offer three levels of classes with a variety of options              in the Braemar Adult golf program and will introduce a
                                                                   to fit your schedule.                                                   more in-depth look at the full swing, chipping, pitching,
                                                                                                                                           putting, bunkers, and how to practice and complete drills
                                                                                                                                           on the range. Cost is $125. Maximum 8. Each class is one
                                                                   GOLF 101: FIRST STEPS                                                   hour and either meets once weekly for four weeks or two
                                                                   The purpose of Golf 101 is to introduce the game of golf                times weekly for two weeks.
   PRIVATE LESSONS                                                 to all individuals who have little to no experience at golf.
   Our PGA Professionals provide lessons for all ages              We will create an atmosphere of fun and learning at each                  Day:          Dates:        Location:          Time:       Course No.:
   and skill levels, all year long. Private golf lessons           session. In this class, you will learn the basics of the                  Thursdays     Sept. 5-26    5:30-6:30 p.m.     Golf Course BG1100.153
   are one hour in length and rates vary. Lessons can              game: gripping the club, posture, stance in the full swing,
                                                                                                                                             Wednesdays Sept. 11-Oct. 2 10-11 a.m.          Golf Course BG1100.154
   be scheduled by contacting our PGA Professionals:               chipping, pitching and putting. Cost is $125. Maximum 8.
   Jay Meyerhoff,;                          Each class is one hour and either meets once weekly for                   Mondays       Jan. 6-27     6-7 p.m.           Golf Dome BG1100.155
   Savannah Smith,;                             four weeks or two times weekly for two weeks.                             Wednesdays Jan. 8-29        10-11 a.m.         Golf Dome BG1100.156
   or Tommy Koehler,
                                                                    Day:         Dates:       Location:       Time:         Course No.:      Mondays and March 9-18      11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Golf Dome BG1100.157
                                                                    Mondays      Sept. 9-30   10-11 a.m.      Golf Course   BG1000.153
                                                                                                                                             Mondays and March 9-18      5:30-6:30 p.m.     Golf Dome BG1100.158
                                                                    Mondays      Jan. 6-27    10-11 a.m.      Golf Dome     BG1000.154       Wednesdays

                                                                    Wednesdays   Jan. 8-29    6-7 p.m.        Golf Dome     BG1000.155
   No refunds will be issued to those canceling four                Mondays and March 9-18                                                 GOLF 303: TO THE COURSE
                                                                    Wednesdays                10-11 a.m.      Golf Dome     BG1000.156
   or fewer days before the start of the class.                                                                                            Golf 303 is the next level for people who have intermediate
                                                                    Mondays and March 9-18                                                 golf experience. Participants will continue in-depth work
   Registration begins Aug. 19. Register online at                  Wednesdays                6:45-7:45 p.m. Golf Dome      BG1000.157
                                                                                                                                           on skills, practices and drills on the range, and will then                                                                                                                        take it all to the golf course. Golf 303 will be available in
                                                                                                                                           the spring and summer of 2020. Look for registration
                                                                                                                                           information in the next Activities Directory.

                                                                                                                                                    2019-2020 FALL/WINTER ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY                        19
Family Events

                                                                                                                                   NEW BRIDGES
                                                                                                                                   Take a stroll through
                                                                                                                                   Centennial Lakes
                                                                                                                                   Park and cross
                                                                                                                                   the ponds on the
                                                                                                                                   two new stone
                                                                                                                                   façade bridges.

                                                                                                                                                       File Photo
                                                                                                                                   The old bridges
                                                                                                                                   with narrow stairs
                                                                                                                                   are gone, replaced
                                                                                                                                   by new ones that are part of a wide, smooth path
                                                                                                                                   that’s easy to cross for people with strollers or
 File Photo

                                                                                                                                   wheelchairs. The new bridges also make a perfect
                                                                                                                                   backdrop for wedding or prom photos.

                                                                                                                                   The $1.1 million project, which started in
                                                                                                                                   September 2018 and wrapped up this summer,
                                                                                                                                   also included lighting for the bridges and new
                                                                            CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK                                  landscaping. Park visitors greeted the new bridges
                                                                            RENTAL INFORMATION                                     with rave reviews.
                                                       events               Host your next event at Centennial Lakes Park,
                                                                            where there are plenty of opportunities for fun,
              2019 GAMES AT CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK                           unique experiences! Overlooking a sparkling         2019 FARMERS MARKET
              TENTATIVE CLOSING DATE: SEPT. 29                              10-acre lake, the Hughes Pavilion is perfect        From 3-7 p.m. each Thursday in the summer and fall through
                                                                            for receptions, parties, meetings and events        Sept. 26, along the beautiful walkways of the central
              Group Outings                                                 for up to 120 guests. Nearby, the Maetzold          park, roughly 30 vendors will set up shop for the weekly
              Organize your own tournament or call ahead and we             Amphitheater is a perfect spot for a ceremony       Centennial Lakes Farmers Market. Come out and get some
              will be happy to assist you with all of the details of your   and can fit upwards of 300 guests, depending        delicious, fresh goodies from our local vendors! Vendor
              event. Afterward, visit any of the great restaurants along                                                        information available online at
                                                                            on seating arrangement. Rental space is only
              our lakeshore, or retire to the Hughes Pavilion where
                                                                            available between March through the first
              you can have your caterer serve up a special meal.
              Call 952-833-9583 for more information.                       week of December. Please call 952-833-9583
                                                                            to inquire about rental availability, pricing and
              Please note that group reservations on the putting course
                                                                            rules and regulations.
              are only available Monday through Friday until 5 p.m. No
              reservations can be made for weekends or evenings.

Family Events
                                   SKATING AT CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK                                Special Events
                                   Complementing the rink is a cozy, rink-side warming house,
                                   complete with indoor and outdoor fireplaces, restrooms,         WINTER ICE FESTIVAL
                                   concessions and skate rental.                                   In celebration of winter,
                                                                                                   Centennial Lakes Park will
                                   Skate rental is available for $6 per pair, with sizes ranging   host the 27th-annual Winter
                                   from children’s Size 8 up to adult Size 13. Ice sleds may       Ice Festival 1-5 p.m. Sunday,
                                   also be rented for $7 per hour. Photo identification must       Jan. 12, 2020. Visitors to
                                   be given as a deposit for all rentals. There is no admission    the park will be able to have
                                   charge for skating.                                             their faces painted and ride
                                                                                                   on a horse-drawn wagon.

                                                                                                                               File Photo
                                   The rink is typically open from mid-December through mid-
                                                                                                   Ice skates and kick-sleds
                                   February, depending upon the weather. Please call 952-833-
                                                                                                   will be available for rental at
                                   9586 for updates.
                                                                                                   the Hughes Pavilion, which
                                                                                                   serves as a warming house and concessions stand during
File Photo

                                                                                                   the winter months. Those who have their own skates are
                                                                                                   welcome to bring them and skate for free! An ice-sculpting
                                                                                                   demonstration will take place behind the Hughes Pavilion
                                                                                                   during the festival.

             Eagle Ridge Academy is a tuition-free public charter school serving grades K-12. We inspire joy in
             learning, citizenship in action, and virtue in character. Learn more at
             Recognized as a U.S. News & World Report Top 5 Minnesota High School ◦ 952-746-7760 ◦ 11111 BREN ROAD W., MINNETONKA

                                                                                                          2019-2020 FALL/WINTER ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY            21
Family Events

                                                                                                                                       Dates:            Thursdays Sept. 19-Dec. 12

                                                                                                                                                         Sept. 19   Westwood Hills Nature Center
            ‘NOT SO SCARY’                                                                                                                               Sept. 26 Will Hale and the Tadpole Parade
         HALLOWEEN PARTY AT                                                                                                                              Oct. 3     Teddy Bear Band
          EDINBOROUGH PARK                                                                                                                               Oct.10     Carol McCormick-Storyteller
                                                                                                                                                         Oct. 17    Brodini
                                                                                                                                                         Oct. 24    The Jolly Pops
                                                                                                                                                         Oct. 31    Mary Hall & the Pipsqueeks
                                                                                                                                                         Nov. 7     Bob the Beachcomber
                                                                                                                                                         Nov. 14    Brian Richards

                                                               File Photo
            Start your Halloween weekend off with a party
            at Edinborough Park! Trick-or-treating, games,                                                                                               Nov. 21    Richardson Nature Center
      special kid-friendly entertainment, and crafts round                                                                                               Dec. 5     Music with Kernsey
      out this exclusive annual family event. Costumes are                                                                                               Dec. 12    Westwood Hills Nature Center
      encouraged, but not required, and admission price                 CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT
                                                                                                                                       Time:             Noon
      includes full access to Adventure Peak and the Great                  Join us each week for music, stories, puppets,
      Hall play areas.                                                                                                                 Location:         Edinborough Park Indoor Amphitheater
                                                                            dancing and nature! A full listing of children’s
      Pre-register for the Halloween Party by midnight on                   performers can be found at             Cost:             Free
      Thursday, Oct. 24 (online) or in person at Edinborough                or on Edinborough Park’s Facebook page.
      Park by 9 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24 for a discounted
      admission price. Adults are free with paid child

      admission. Please note: The park will close at 5 p.m.
      to prepare for the evening. Annual memberships and                                                              We are holding our annual New Year’s Eve Party on the Eve of New
      10-admission passes are not valid for this event.                                                               Year’s Eve! Start a new tradition by ringing in the New Year early

                                                                        New Year’s Eve
                                                                                                                at Edinborough Park with your family. This very popular annual event at
                                                                                                                Edinborough Park provides a wholesome atmosphere where everyone

        Date: Friday, Oct. 25                                                                                   gets to join in the fun. We will continue to celebrate “kid style” by offering
                                                                                                                dancing with a DJ, photo booth and full access to Adventure Peak. Noise
        Time: 6-8 p.m.
                                                                                                                makers and party hats will be given to all the kiddos, too! All children must be
                Pre-Registration by Oct. 24                                                                     chaperoned by an adult. (Adults are free with paid child admission.) Advanced
                $10/child (includes tax) for Ages 1-12                                                          registration is strongly encouraged.
                Day-of-Party Registration                                   New Date and Time!                  Please note: The park will close at 4 p.m. to prepare for the evening. Annual
                $11/child (includes tax) for Ages 1-12                                                          memberships and 10-admission passes are not valid for this event.

                                                                                                                Date:     Monday, Dec. 30
                                                                                                                Time:     5-7:30 p.m., Countdown at 7 p.m.
                                                                                                                          Pre-register online by midnight or by 9 p.m. in person at Edinborough Park on
                                                                                                                          Dec. 27 $10.50/child (includes tax) for Ages 1-12
                                                                                                                          Evening of Party Registration (Starting at 5 p.m.) $11.50/child (includes tax) for
                                                                                                                          Ages 1-12

Family Events
Batsman to bowler: learn the
basics of cricket. Participants will
be introduced to the sport through
instruction from the Strykers                                             Edinborough Park
                                                                          C   I   T   Y     O   F     E   D   I   N   A

Cricket Club. Experience the fun
of one of the most popular sports
in the world. Join us 1-2 p.m. Sept.
8 on the turf field at Pamela
Park. All are welcome to this free
introduction. Must be at least 8
years old; anyone under 18 must be
accompanied by an adult.

                                                                                  at the park

                                                                          6:30 p.m.                                         Spaces available for the
                                                               Bring the whole family for an evening                         2019-2020 school year!
                                                               of bonding over a movie and playtime
                                                               at Edinborough Park. Food specials at                        for program details please visit
                        BRAE MAR                                the café will make the evening even
                          C O U RT YA R D
                                                              easier when you eat here! If the kids get
    OKTOBERFEST ON THE                                        squirmy, they can run it off in Adventure                         contact us at (612) 926-8043, or
                                                              Peak. Everyone will sleep well after this
                                                                much fun. Movie titles will be posted
    Join us for a fun afternoon of lawn games,                     at and
    pumpkin painting, live music and hayrides. Food             Edinborough Park’s Facebook page.
    and beverages will be available for purchase
    from Red River Kitchen.
                                                                 Days:            Fridays
       Date:           Saturday, Oct. 5                          Dates:           Oct. 11, Nov. 8, Dec. 6, Jan. 10
       Time:           4-7 p.m.                                  Time:            6:30 p.m.
       Location:       Braemar Golf Course Courtyard             Location:        Edinborough Park Amphitheater
       Cost:           Free; food and beverage not included      Cost:            Regular admission fees
                                                                                  to the park apply: $8/child, adults are
                                                                                  free with paid child admission

                                                                                                                                2019-2020 FALL/WINTER ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY   23
Family Events
     Lace up your skates and hit the ice for some fun outdoor
     ice skating. Weather permitting, there will be 12 outdoor
     ice rinks at local parks beginning Dec. 16. Each park                   COCOA & COOKIES AT CORNELIA
     will have a hockey rink and pleasure skating rink. Visit
                                                                             Winter break is on! Join us for an afternoon of ice skating for up-to-date information about openings.
                                                                             and grab a free cookie and hot chocolate while supplies last.
     The Parks & Recreation Department will accept applications
     beginning Sept. 1 for ice rink attendants. Apply online at                Date:             Friday, Dec. 27 You must be 16 years or older to apply.
                                                                               Time:             noon-4 p.m.
                                                                               Location:         Cornelia School Park outdoor ice rink
       Dates:               Dec. 16-Feb. 23
       Rink Hours:          4-9:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
       		                   9 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Saturday
       		                   1-8 p.m. Sundays
       Holiday Hours:       noon-4 p.m. Dec. 24 (Christmas Eve)
       		                   Closed Dec. 25 (Christmas Day)
       		                   Noon-9:30 p.m. Dec. 23, 26, 27 and 30
       		                   Noon-4 p.m. Dec. 31 (New Year’s Eve)
       		                   Noon-9:30 p.m. Jan. 1 (New Year’s Day)
       		                   Noon-9:30 p.m. Jan. 2-3
       School Holidays:     noon-9:30 p.m. Jan. 17, 20, Feb. 17 and 18
       Locations:           Arden, Cornelia School, Countryside, Creek                                     Edinborough Park
                                                                                                           C   I   T   Y        O   F          E   D   I   N   A
       		                   Valley, Highlands, Lewis, Normandale, Pamela,
       		                   Strachauer, Todd, Walnut Ridge and Weber parks
                                                                                           Every day is a great day to visit Edinborough Park!
                                                                                           Featuring one of the largest playparks in the country for
                                                                                           kids, a swimming pool, a running track and fitness area
                                                                                           for adults, this park has just what your family needs
     OUTDOOR RINK FAMILY SKATE NIGHT                                                       for a day of play. There is something for everyone at
     Gather the family and bring your skates for a fun night of                            Edinborough Park!
     skating at Pamela Park ice rink. Skate Night includes skating,
     a DJ, hot chocolate and glow gear while supplies last.                                           PLAYPARK DAILY ADMISSION
                                                                                              Daily Admission                                                      $8/child
       Date:           Friday, Jan. 10                                                        10 Admission Pass                                                        $75
       Time:           6-8 p.m.                                                               Save money! Purchase a 10-Admission Pass or an Annual Membership.
                                                                                              For a full listing of fees for the playpark or the swimming pool and track,
       Location:       Pamela Park outdoor ice rink                                           visit

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