2020-2021 NSPE Committees, Task Forces, and Interest Groups Charges and Appointments - September 2020

Page created by Adam Nelson
2020-2021 NSPE Committees, Task Forces, and Interest Groups Charges and Appointments - September 2020
2020-2021 NSPE Committees, Task Forces,
          and Interest Groups
      Charges and Appointments

             September 2020
Table of Contents
Establishing NSPE Committees and Task Forces ............................................................................................................ 3-4
   Bylaw 23 – Committees and Task Forces .............................................................................................................................................. 3
   Operating Procedure 12.1 – Authority and Confidentiality within NSPE Committees, Task Forces,
   Interest Groups/Advisory Groups ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Standing Boards and Committees ................................................................................................................................. 5-17
   Board of Directors ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
   Executive Committee ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
   Audit Committee .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
   Board of Ethical Review ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
   Budget & Finance Committee ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
   Candidate Screening Committee ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
   Council of Fellows Executive Committee ............................................................................................................................................ 12
   NICET Board of Governors .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
   NSEP Education Foundation Board of Trustees .................................................................................................................................. 14
   NSPE-PAC Board of Trustees .......................................................................................................................................................... 15-16
   Past Presidents Council ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Ad Hoc Committees, Task Forces & Interest Groups .................................................................................................18-30
   Committee on Policy and Advocacy .................................................................................................................................................... 19
   Continuing Education Committee ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
   Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Advisory Committee .............................................................................................................................. 21
   Emerging Leaders Program Task Force ................................................................................................................................................ 22
   Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee ............................................................................................................................... 23
   Executive Director Search Task Force .................................................................................................................................................. 24
   Honor Awards Committee ................................................................................................................................................................... 25
   Leadership Engagement and Effectiveness Task Force ....................................................................................................................... 26
   Legacy Interest Groups ........................................................................................................................................................................ 27
   Membership Committee ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28
   NSPE/ACEC New Professionals Risk Mitigation Task Force ................................................................................................................. 29
   PECon 2021 Planning Task Force ......................................................................................................................................................... 30
   Thought Leadership Council ................................................................................................................................................................ 31
Appointments ................................................................................................................................................................. 32-38
   MATHCOUNTS Foundation .................................................................................................................................................................. 33
   National Engineers Week Foundation ................................................................................................................................................. 34
   Liaison Societies .............................................................................................................................................................................. 35-39
Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................................ 40-46
   NSPE Strategic Plan – July 2019 ...................................................................................................................................................... 41-46

Page 2 of 48                                                                                                                          2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
Establishing NSPE Committees and Task Forces
The creation and filling of NSPE Committees and Task Forces is governed by NSPE bylaws and operating
procedures. Below are relevant excerpts pertaining to the creation and authority of NSPE Committees and Task
Forces. The complete NSPE Policy Manual, detailing committee and task force member liability, conflicts of
interest, and travel reimbursement, is available online in the Governance section of the Leadership Toolbox.

Bylaw 23 – Committees and Task Forces
The NSPE President shall create and fill Committees and Task Forces (except as defined below) with NSPE
members, SSEC representatives and National staff to better fulfill the mission and strategic plan of NSPE. A
Committee shall be formed for a critical need that is so vital to the mission and function of NSPE, that it requires
continuing existence throughout the foreseeable future. Task Forces shall be created to meet specific needs of
the programs and projects necessary to support the Strategic Plan and meet member needs. The President
may assign an NSPE Officer or other NSPE member to direct and supervise the efforts between various
Committees and Task Forces, to foster coordination and avoid duplication of efforts to serve the membership.
Committees and Task Forces shall sunset and/or change membership upon the completion of the Annual
Meeting or July 1st, if an Annual Meeting is not held. Committee and Task Force functions are defined in the
NSPE Operating Procedures.

Operating Procedure 12.1 – Authority and Confidentiality within NSPE Committees, Task Forces,
Interest Groups/Advisory Groups

ADOPTED: September 2006
LATEST REVISION: February 2011
NSPE CONTACT: Board of Directors

It is the policy of NSPE that each NSPE Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group is charged with
the responsibility to address specifically defined positions, policies, procedures, and issues related to the
programs and activities of NSPE.

In the course of performing these functions, each NSPE Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group
and its members have the responsibility to conduct their affairs with full account of and regard to NSPE’s official
current positions, policies and procedures to any individual organization outside of NSPE and/or its State
Societies and associated groups, and while giving due respect for the positions and views of each individual
member of the Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group.

Consistent with these principles, NSPE Committees, Task Forces, Interest Groups/Advisory Groups shall be
governed under the following guidelines:

Committees, Task Forces, Interest Groups/Advisory Groups:
•  Each NSPE Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group operates under the authority of NSPE.
•  No NSPE Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group may take a position or express a view to
   any individual organization outside of NSPE and/or its State Societies and associated groups that is
   inconsistent with existing NSPE positions or policies.
•  NSPE Committees, Task Forces, Interest Groups/Advisory Groups seeking modification of an existing NSPE
   position or policy shall make a formal recommendation for such change to the NSPE Board of Directors.
•  Unless authorized, NSPE Committees, Task Forces, Interest Groups/Advisory Groups shall communicate only
   to external organizations under the name and authority of the NSPE President.

Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group Members:
•  NSPE Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group members serving on a NSPE Committee, Task
   Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group shall conduct themselves as a representative of NSPE.
•  No NSPE Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group member shall, as a member of the NSPE
   Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group, take a position or express a view to any individual
Page 3 of 48                                                                  2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
organization outside of NSPE and/or its State Societies and associated groups that is inconsistent with
        existing NSPE positions or policies, unless the Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group
        member clearly states that he/she is expressing his/her opinion as an individual and not as a Member of
•       No NSPE Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group member shall, as a member of the NSPE
        Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group, improperly represent or imply either internally or to
        an external organization that a particular position constitutes NSPE’s position or policy.
•       All NSPE Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group members have an obligation to respect
        NSPE communications, correspondence, reports, and other written materials provided to them as
        Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group members specifically identified in writing or
        communicated orally as confidential.

To avoid misunderstanding, all NSPE Committee, Task Force, Interest Group/Advisory Group chairs shall
communicate this policy at the beginning of each administrative year with each NSPE Committee, Task Force,
Interest Group/Advisory Group member.

Board Liaisons to Committees and Task Forces

As described in Bylaw 23 above, “The President may assign an NSPE Officer or other NSPE member to direct
and supervise the efforts between various Committees and Task Forces, to foster coordination and avoid
duplication of efforts to serve the membership.” If you have been assigned as a Board Liaison to a committee,
below are some details about your role and the expectations of President Tricia H. Hatley as you carry out these

    •     Participate in committee or task force meetings as an active member.
    •     Support the chair by:
              • understanding of the strategic plan and ensuring alignment with proposed committee efforts.
              • sharing information and knowledge of related activities already in progress or planned to avoid
                  conflicts or duplication of effort between committees.
              • Encouraging the timely submittal of committee reports that adequately reflect the progress

   • Touch base with chair prior to meeting, as needed, to review agenda and keep discussions on track.
   • Attend meetings, participating in discussions but without dominating or interfering unless necessary.
   • Alert the NSPE President or staff as appropriate if redirection or assistance is needed to keep the chair
      and members focused on accomplishing the charges given.

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Standing Boards and Committees

Page 5 of 48                     2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Board of Directors
                                                                       Board of Directors
 Composition (Bylaw 14)
 The Board of Directors consists of the NSPE Officers, State Society
                                                                       Tricia H. Hatley, Chair
 Executives Council (SSEC) President, the NSPE Education               President, 2020-2021
 Foundation Representative, the National Institute for                 Rick J. Guerra, President-elect, 2020-
 Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) Representative,     2021
 and 10 Directors. The total number of members on the Board,           Britt E. Smith
 including Officers, cannot exceed 19 members. Each member,            Vice-President, 2020-2021
 except the Secretary, the NSPE Education Foundation                   David P. Martini, Immediate Past
 Representative, and the NICET Representative, who serve as ex-        President, 2020-2021
 officio members, are entitled to one vote on the Board. The           Susan K. Sprague, Treasurer, 2019-2021
                                                                       James A. Buggs, Director, Central
 President only casts a vote to break a tie vote of the Board.
                                                                       Region, 2019-2021
                                                                       Breck R. Washam, Director, North
 Purpose & Authority (Bylaw 14)                                        Central Region, 2020-2022
 The Board supports and furthers the mission of NSPE by:               David L. McCullough, Director,
 • interpreting all questions of policy and administering the          Northeast Region, 2019-2021
                                                                       Michael C. Harris, Director, Southeast
    affairs of NSPE under the Bylaws and the general provisions
                                                                       Region, 2020-2022
    of the law under which NSPE is incorporated.                       Zia A. Yasrobi, Director, Southwest
 • directing the investment and the care of the funds of NSPE          Region, 2019-2021
    and making appropriations for specific purposes.                   James S. Baker, Director, Western &
                                                                       Pacific Region, 2020-2022
                                                                       Brian P. Malm, Director, Membership-at-
                                                                       Large, 2020-2022
                                                                       Bregger A. Garrison, Director, New
                                                                       Professionals, 2019-2021
                                                                       Randal J. Braker, Interest Group (PEG)
                                                                       Representative, 2019-2021
                                                                       Megan J. Schultz, Interest Group (PEC)
                                                                       Representative, 2020-2022
                                                                       Adam B. Jones,
                                                                       SSEC President, 2020-2021
                                                                       Paul J. Inferrera, Chair, NICET Board of
                                                                       Governors, 2020-2021
                                                                       Harvey D. Hnatiuk, President, NSPE
                                                                       Education Foundation, 2020-2021
                                                                       Wendel Stewart, Interim Executive
                                                                       Director, Chief Operating Officer and

                                                                       Supporting Staff

                                                                       Kelly Ann Gull, Sr Manager,
                                                                       Governance & Executive Office
                                                                       (Staff Liaison)
                                                                       Mary Ann Cannon,
                                                                       Manager, Executive Office

Page 6 of 48                                                           2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Executive Committee
                                                                    Executive Committee
 Composition (Bylaw 14)
 The NSPE Executive Committee consists of the President,
                                                                    Tricia H. Hatley, Chair, President, 2020-
 President-Elect, Vice President, Immediate Past-President,         2021
 Treasurer, a Director (elected by the 10 Directors), and           Rick J. Guerra, President-elect, 2020-
 Secretary. Each member, except the Secretary and SSEC              2021
 President, who serve as ex-officio members, are entitled to one    Britt E. Smith, Vice-President, 2020-2021
 vote. The President only casts a vote to break a tie vote of the   David P. Martini, Immediate Past
 Committee.                                                         President, 2020-2021
                                                                    Susan K. Sprague, Treasurer, 2019-2021
                                                                    Zia A. Yasrobi, Director, Southwest,
 Purpose & Authority (Bylaw 14)                                     2019-2021
 The Executive Committee supports and furthers the mission of       Adam B. Jones, SSEC President, 2020-
 NSPE by:                                                           2021
 • acting on behalf of the Board between Board meetings. All        Wendel Stewart, Interim Executive
    such actions shall be ratified by the Board at their next       Director, Chief Operating Officer and
    scheduled meeting.                                              Secretary
 • reviewing and recommending changes to staff employee
    benefit programs to the Budget Committee.
                                                                    Supporting Staff
 • reviewing total staff salary allocations and recommending
    adjustments to the Finance & Budget Committee.
 • reviewing annually the performance of the Executive              Kelly Ann Gull, Sr Manager,
                                                                    Governance & Executive Office
    Director and advising the Board concerning reappointment.
                                                                    (Staff Liaison)
 • establishing annual compensation for the Executive Director.     Mary Ann Cannon,
 • considering other administrative matters as appropriate.         Manager, Executive Office

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NSPE Audit Committee
                                                                         Audit Committee
 The Audit Committee is chaired by the NSPE Treasurer and
                                                                         Susan K. Sprague, Chair, Treasurer, 2019-
 consists of the officers (President, President-Elect, Vice President,   2021
 Treasurer and Immediate Past-President) and the chairs of               Tricia H. Hatley, President, 2020-2021
 NSPE’s two, controlled subsidiaries: the National Engineers Week        Rick J. Guerra, President-elect, 2020-
 Foundation (DiscoverE) and the NSPE Education Foundation.               2021
                                                                         Britt E. Smith, Vice-President, 2020-2021
                                                                         David P. Martini, Immediate Past
 Purpose & Authority
                                                                         President, 2020-2021
 The Audit Committee supports and furthers the mission of NSPE           Amy Barrett, President, National
 by:                                                                     Engineers Week Foundation Board,
 • Ensuring that the annual audit of the financial statements of         2020-2021
     NSPE are competently prepared and timely, as required by            Paul J. Inferrera, Chair, NICET Board of
     Bylaw 12.                                                           Governors, 2020-2021
                                                                         Harvey D. Hnatiuk, President,
                                                                         NSPE Education Foundation, 2020-2021
 Standing Charges
 1) Meet with the external auditor and appropriate staff
    members via conference call to review the results of the
    audit and discuss any issues or questions identified as a result     Supporting Staff
    of the audit.
 2) Meet with the external auditor via conference call (in               Wendel Stewart, Interim Executive
    executive session with neither the Executive Director nor any        Director and Chief Operating Officer
    other member of staff present) to discuss any matters                (Staff Liaison)
    related to the financial management and audit of the
    Society’s affairs.
 3) Present annually the audit to the Board of Directors for
                                                                         For foundations included in the
    discussion and acceptance within 9 months of the
    conclusion of the fiscal year.                                       audit:
                                                                         Kathy Renzetti, For DiscoverE
                                                                         Stacey Ober, For NSPE Education
 2020-2021 Charges                                                       Foundation
 1) Present the annual audit to the Board of Directors no later
    than March 30, 2021.

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NSPE Board of Ethical Review
                                                                             Board of Ethical Review
 Composition (OP 12.2)
 The Board of Ethical Review (BER) consists of seven licensed Members
                                                                             Susan K. Sprague, Chair, 2020-2021
 of the National Society each of whom are appointed by the NSPE              Mark H. Dubbin, Southwest Region, 2019-
 President in conformance with the following requirements:                   2022
 1) there shall be one member from each of the administrative                Jeffrey H. Greenfield,
     regions and one additional member;                                      Southeast Region, 2018-2021
 2) all members shall be appointed for a term of three years;                David Kish, Central Region, 2020-2023
 3) no member shall be appointed to succeed themselves for more              Kenneth L. McGowan,
     than one term; and                                                      Western & Pacific Region, 2020-2023
 4) the chair shall be designated by the NSPE President, shall serve as      Craig N. Musselman,
                                                                             Northeast Region, 2018-2021
     chair for one year and shall not be eligible to succession as chair
                                                                             Hugh Veit, North Central Region, 2019-
     for more than one year.                                                 2022
                                                                             William D. Lawson, At-Large, 2020-2023
 Purpose & Authority
 The BER supports and furthers the mission of NSPE as the authoritative
 expert in the ethical practice in engineering by:                           Supporting Staff
 • rendering impartial opinions on questions of ethics.
 • interpreting and suggesting revisions to the NSPE Code of Ethics.         Rebecca A. Bowman, Sr Director, Ethics
                                                                             and Professional Practice (Staff Liaison)
 • developing and publishing materials related to engineering
                                                                             Mary Ann Cannon,
    ethics.                                                                  Manager, Executive Office
 • conducting studies related to engineering ethics in order to
    enhance the value of licensure.

 Standing Charges
 1) Publish 8-12 NSPE BER Cases for use in the NSPE On Ethics Column
    in PE magazine and for use in the NSPE Engineering Ethics Forum.
    a) Place specific emphasis on identifying case studies in which
        emerging technology is a key element.
 2) Provide input in response to ethics matters put forth by members
    on an ongoing basis.
 3) Assist with the development of the fall and spring ethics webinar
 4) Assist with the development of articles for the PE Magazine on
    ethical issues facing the professional engineer.
 5) Ensure that BER activities are appropriately communicated to the
    NSPE Board and core constituencies.

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NSPE Budget & Finance Committee
                                                                      Budget & Finance Committee
 The NSPE Budget & Finance Committee is chaired by the NSPE
                                                                      Susan K. Sprague, Chair,
 Treasurer and consists of the NSPE Executive Committee and the       Treasurer, 2020-2021
 NICET Chairperson and SSEC President, who serve as ex-officio        Rick J. Guerra, President-Elect, 2020-
 and nonvoting members. As appropriate, the Committee                 2021
 involves the chairs of NSPE’s two, controlled subsidiaries: the      Adam Jones,
 National Engineers Week Foundation (DiscoverE) and the NSPE          SSEC President, 2020-2021
 Education Foundation.                                                Paul J. Inferrera, Chair, NICET Board of
                                                                      Governors, 2020-2021
                                                                      Tricia H. Hatley,
 Purpose & Authority                                                  President, 2020-2021
 The NSPE Budget & Finance Committee supports and furthers            Brian P. Malm, Director, Membership-at-
 the mission of NSPE by:                                              Large, 2020-2022
 • ensuring budget decisions are in line with the NSPE Business       David P. Martini, Immediate Past
                                                                      President, 2020-2021
     Plan and in the best interests of NSPE’s core constituencies.
                                                                      Britt E. Smith, Vice President, 2020-2021
 • developing, in consultation with NSPE staff, a fiscally
     responsible annual budget.

 Standing Charges
 In consultation with the NSPE Executive Director and staff:          Supporting Staff
 1) ensure the budget reflects the priorities set forth in the NSPE
     Business Plan.                                                   Wendel Stewart, Interim Executive
                                                                      Director and Chief Operating Officer
 2) identify non-dues revenue resources for NSPE and, where
                                                                      (Staff Liaison)
     necessary, bring forward recommendations to the NSPE
     Board of Directors or NSPE House of Delegates for approval.
 3) review and approve the annual budget and midyear

 2020-2021 Charges
 1) Present for approval the proposed FY 2021 mid-year budget
    update by the February Board meeting.

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NSPE Candidate Screening Committee
                                                                     Candidate Screening Committee
 Composition (OP 12.8)
 The NSPE Candidate Screening Committee (CSC) is chaired by
                                                                     David P. Martini, Chair, Immediate Past-
 the Immediate Past-President and is composed only of                President, 2020-2021
 individuals holding the Licensed Member grade and consists of       William Atkinson, Northeast Region,
 one member from each of the regions plus the Chair. No other        2020-2021
 NSPE Officer is eligible for membership on this Committee. The      Lee J. Czor, Southeast Region, 2020-2021
 House of Delegates approves the members of the Candidate            Bradley R. Fristoe, Western & Pacific
 Screening Committee at the annual General Assembly.                 Region, 2020-2021
                                                                     Anthony Grgas, Jr., Central Region,
 Purpose & Authority (OP 12.9)                                       Travis B. Scott, Southwest Region, 2020-
 The Candidate Screening Committee supports and furthers the         2021
 mission of NSPE by:                                                 Gary D. Strack, North Central Region,
 • reviewing and revising the Vice President and Treasurer           2020-2021
     position descriptions when appropriate.
 • screening nominees for the Vice President and Treasurer
     positions, ensuring candidates are qualified to provide
     strong, focused, informed, dedicated, and committed             Support Staff
     leadership in these roles.
                                                                     Kelly Ann Gull, Sr Manager,
                                                                     Governance & Executive Office
 Standing Charges                                                    (Staff Liaison)
 Following the prescribed candidate screening timeline:
 1) affirm or revise existing candidate guidelines and
 2) encourage NSPE leaders to seek qualified nominees and put
     forth their nominations.
 3) prepare an unbiased screening process to carefully review
     and evaluate each candidate’s background, qualifications,
     leadership experience, commitment to service and abilities
     as a skilled and effective communicator.

 2020-2021 Charges
 1) Engage with State Societies in identifying and encouraging
    future national leaders.
 2) Work with staff to organize a webinar with a panel of NSPE
    board members and officers to discuss the roles and
    responsibilities for National positions in an effort to remove
    some of the unknowns and concerns with running for a
    national position.
 3) Assess NSPE leadership development opportunities and
    make recommendations focused on increasing the diversity
    and inclusion of our leadership as well as preparing
    volunteers for service at the national level.

Page 11 of 48                                                        2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Council of Fellows Executive Committee
                                                                    Council of Fellows Executive
 Composition (OP 10.2)
 The NSPE Council of Fellows Executive Committee (COFEC)            Committee
 consists of a chairperson and six members, one from each
                                                                    Amy Barrett, Chair, 2017-2021
 region. Only members of NSPE who already hold the Fellow
                                                                    Craig S. Sisco,
 grade shall serve on the Council of Fellows Executive              Western & Pacific Region, 2020-2023
 Committee. Appointments to the Committee are made by the           David B. Conner,
 NSPE President with input from the chairperson from the            Southwest Region, 2018-2021
 executive committee of the Council. It is recommended that         Josephine L. Emerick,
 the terms be three years. The terms should be staggered with       North Central Region, 2018-2021
 the goal of replacing two members each year.                       George S. Hamilton,
                                                                    Southeast Region, 2019-2022
                                                                    Howard R. Jones,
 Purpose & Authority (OP 10.2)                                      Central Region, 2018-2021
 The NSPE Council of Fellows Executive Committee supports and       Andrew R. Yarmus,
 furthers the mission of NSPE by:                                   Northeast Region, 2019-2022
 • recognizing licensed members of NSPE who have
     demonstrated exemplary service to the profession, the
     Society, and the community by serving at the chapter, state,
     and national level.                                            Support Staff
 • annually reviewing applications for NSPE Fellow-grade
     membership as submitted by State Societies, Interest Groups,   Erik Schonher, Chief Engagement
                                                                    Officer (Staff Liaison)
     and affinity groups and rendering decisions regarding

 Standing Charges
 1) Encourage appropriate leaders to nominate qualified
    members for NSPE Fellow membership grade.
 2) Review nominations and submit to the Board of Directors for
    approval at its spring meeting a report recommending
    nominees for Fellow-grade status.

 2020-2021 Charges
 1) Work with Chief Engagement Officer to communicate with
    state leaders via membership tier meetings to encourage
 2) Work with Regional Directors to communicate with state
    leaders and encourage nominations.

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NICET Board of Governors
                                                                     NICET Board of Governors
 Composition (OP 9.3)
 The National Institute for Certification in Engineering
                                                                     Paul J. Inferrera, Chair, 2020-2021
 Technologies (NICET) Board of Governors consists of eight           Susan K. Sprague, Treasurer, 2019-2021
 members appointed by the NSPE President. Seven of these             Christine Anderson, Public Member
 persons are qualified and knowledgeable in the field of             2020-2023
 engineering and engineering technology and one person is a          Michael E. Aitken, PE Member, 2019-
 public member. The nonpublic members of the Board consist of        2021
 three licensed members of NSPE and four NICET certificants from     Curtis A. Beck, PE Member 2018-2021
 the engineering technician and engineering technologist             Linda M. Biernacki, CET Member, 2018-
 populations, with at least two certified engineering technicians    2021
                                                                     Randall S. Over, PE Member, 2020-2023
 and one certified engineering technologist as members of the
                                                                     David Madole, CT Member 2019-2022
 NICET Board of Governors at all times.                              Glenn Waite, CET Member 2020-2023

 Purpose & Authority (OP 9.3)                                        Support Staff
 The NICET Board of Governors supports and furthers the mission
                                                                     Wendel Stewart, Interim Executive
 of NSPE by:
                                                                     Director and Chief Operating Officer
 • overseeing rigorous testing and voluntary certification           Chip Hollis, Sr Director, Credentials &
     programs for engineering technicians and technologists          Administration (Staff Liaison)
     across a range of technical disciplines.                        Carla Graham, Executive Assistant
 • ensuring the integrity of NICET certifications and all matters
     pertaining to the definition, administration and granting of
     NICET certifications.

 Standing Charges
 1) Provide appropriate oversight and direction to development
    and maintenance of certification job analyses, exam
    content, eligibility requirements and recertification
 2) Adjudicate all certification appeals and disciplinary actions.
 3) Ensure that all certification decisions are made in the best
    interests of the integrity of the certification program rather
    than any competing interests and treats all candidates
    ethically and fairly.
 4) Maintain and assure compliance with NICET policy and
    operating procedures governing certification program
    development, maintenance, compliance and

 2020-2021 Charges
 Continued participation in and support of NSPE Strategic Plan
 implementation, including:
    1) Evaluation and development of new certification
        programs to grow NICET revenues and to enhance the
        engineering team concept.
    2) Governance restructure
    3) Opportunities to more deeply engage NSPE State

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NSPE Education Foundation Board of Trustees
 (Separately incorporated and autonomous entity)
                                                                        Education Foundation Board of
 Composition (Bylaws Article V)
 The NSPE Education Foundation Board is empowered to                    Trustees
 nominate and elect its Board. NSPE‘s role is advisory only. The
                                                                        Harvey D. Hnatiuk, President, 2018-2021
 Board of Trustees consists of the NSPE Treasurer, 11 At- Large
                                                                        John M. Parisi, Vice President, 2020-2021
 Trustees, a PEHE representative and voting trustees from               Susan K. Sprague, Treasurer, 2019-2021
 MATHCOUNTS, EWeek, and NICET (these trustees are not                   Wendel Stewart, Secretary
 respective NSPE Board members). The President and Vice                 Michael Basta, Trustee, 2020-2023
 President serve one-year terms but are eligible for re-election; all   Nikhil U. Bodhankar, Trustee, 2018-2021
 Member-At-Large Trustees serve a three-year term. In order to          Russell C. Devick, Trustee 2019-2022
 promote continuity terms are staggered.                                Peter W. Livingston, Trustee, 2020-2023
                                                                        Marguerite McClam, Trustee 2019-2022
                                                                        Robert S. Miller, III, Trustee, 2016-2019
 Purpose & Authority                                                    Wayne Nelson, Trustee, 2020-2023
 The NSPE Education Foundation is a separate, 501(c)(3)                 Randolph A. Petersen, Trustee 2018-2021
 corporation operating under its own articles of incorporation,         Eric L. West, Trustee, 2020-2023
 constitution, and bylaws. The Foundation raises money to               Nadir Yilmaz,
                                                                        PEHE Representative 2019-2021
 support educational scholarships and community-related
 programs and initiatives supporting engineering and the
 engineering profession.
                                                                        Support Staff
 Standing Charges                                                       Kathy Renzetti, Trustee, DiscoverE
 As established by the NSPE Education Foundation Board of               Kristen Chandler, Trustee, MATHCOUNTS
 Trustees.                                                              Chip Hollis, Trustee and NSPE Sr Director,
                                                                        Credentials & Administration
                                                                        Stacey Ober, Director, Marketing and
 2020-2021 NSPE Requests for NSPE Education Foundation                  Outreach (Staff Liaison)
 1) Work with staff to finalize bylaw changes.
 2) Implement fundraising committee recommendations to
    develop more unrestricted funds allowing the Foundation to
    further leverage resources for programs which complement
    the NSPE Strategic Plan.
 3) Work with the Emerging Leaders Program Task Force and
    staff to better leverage the funds dedicated to supporting
    this program.
 4) Continue efforts to more deeply engage the State Societies
    with the Foundation scholarship and other educational

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NSPE-PAC Board of Trustees
 Composition                                                            2020-2021
 The Board of Trustees must consist of at least eight voting            NSPE-PAC Board of Trustees
 members; the eight must be professional engineer members of
 NSPE-PAC. Six Trustees are elected under the provisions of Article     An internal review is underway in 2020-
                                                                        2021 to work with Trustees to revise
 XIII of the Bylaws and two Trustees serve in an ex-officio
                                                                        bylaws, board structure and operating
 capacity—the liaison officer from the NSPE BoD and the
 Chairman of the Committee on Policy and Advocacy. The
 Board may consist of up to 11 voting members, including
 representatives from the NSPE Government Relations                     Jeffrey Elliott, Chair & Central Region,
 Department, the State Society Executives Council and the               2012
 Young Engineers Advisory Group.                                        Harold Cobb, Southwest Region, 2015
                                                                        Michael Dean, Treasurer and Western &
 The term of office of the elected Trustees is two years and            Pacific Region, 2013
                                                                        TBD, Northeast Region Representative
 coincides with the PAC administrative year. The terms are
                                                                        David Martini, North Central Region,
 staggered so that three Trustee positions are open for election        2014
 each year. An elected Trustee shall not serve more than two            Randal Riebel, Southeast Region, 2015
 consecutive full terms. Term of office of the ex-officio Trustees is
 one year and coincides with NSPE's administrative year.                *All are well past their service term
                                                                        window and need to be replace.
 Only the elected Trustees of NSPE-PAC shall be eligible to be
 officers of PAC. Officer positions are: Chair, Secretary-Treasurer,    Support Staff
 Trustees and other officers as considered desirable by the
 Trustees. Officers are elected annually by the Trustees and each       Rebecca A. Bowman, Sr Director, Ethics
 officer shall serve until a successor is named. The Chair and          and Professional Practice (Staff Liaison)
                                                                        Stephanie Hamilton, Manager,
 Secretary-Treasurer shall not normally exceed two terms in
                                                                        Government Relations and Advocacy

 The Trustees shall appoint a Nominating Committee from the
 voting members of NSPE-PAC who shall nominate professional
 engineer members of the NSPE-PAC as Trustees. The Nominating
 Committee shall be chaired by the first available Past Chair and
 may not nominate one of its own members as a Trustee. Upon
 the written petition of 25 or more voting members of PAC, the
 name of an additional nominee for Trustee is to be placed on
 the ballot.

 By action of the NSPE Board of Directors (July 22, 2017), due to
 the adequacy of existing NSPE-PAC reserves to meet the current
 Federal legislative needs to which they are restricted, the NSPE-
 PAC was assigned a lower fundraising priority, with emphasis to
 be given to the NSPE Legal Fund and the Protect the P.E. Fund.
 (The NSPE-PAC Board of Trustees may not operate or control
 these activities, which are unrelated to its legal purpose.)

 Purpose & Authority
 The NSPE Political Action Committee is a separate segregated
 fund established by NSPE and subject to regulation by the
 Federal Elections Commission. The NSPE-PAC is restricted by law
 to funding by individual NSPE members’ personal contributions,
 which can only be used to support federal candidates for office
 (Members of the US House of Representatives and US Senators).

Page 15 of 48                                                           2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE-PAC Board of Trustees (continued)

 Standing Charges
 As established by the NSPE-PAC Board of Trustees.

 2020-2021 NSPE Requests for NSPE-PAC Board

 1) Staff charge: Evaluate the NSPE bylaws and operating
    procedures governing the PAC and propose revisions to
    minimize governance requirements.
 2) Staff charge: In the context of Strategic Plan
    implementation, assess and recommend strategies and
    tactics to address NSPE interest in expanding the role and
    impact of the NSPE Legal Fund and the Protect the P.E.
    Fund. (The NSPE-PAC Board of Trustees may not operate or
    control these activities, which are unrelated to its legal

Page 16 of 48                                                    2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Past Presidents Council
                                                                      NSPE Past Presidents Council
 The NSPE Past Presidents Council consists of all NSPE Presidents
                                                                      Michael E. Aitken, Chair, CO, 2018-2019
 who previously served the Society. The second Immediate Past-        David P. Martini, Board Liaison, MN,
 President, unless otherwise arranged, presides over the Council.     2019-2020
                                                                      Bradley F. Aldrich, VT, 2008-2009
                                                                      Timothy R. Austin, KS, 2015-2016
 Purpose & Authority                                                  Bernard R. Berson, NJ, 2007-2008
 The NSPE Past Presidents Council supports and furthers the NSPE      Howard N. Blitman, NY, 2002-2003
 mission by:                                                          Daniel D. Clinton, Jr., TX, 2001-2002
 • offering all NSPE Past Presidents a forum to consider subjects     Robert C. Gibson, VA, 1988-1989
     on which he or she may desire to offer advice to the current     Kathryn A. Gray, IL, 2005-2006
     NSPE president.                                                  Robert A. Green, MS, 2013-2014
 • undertake special projects on behalf of the Society.               Samuel W. Grossman, CO, 2009-2010
                                                                      Michael Hardy, OR, 2010-2011
                                                                      Jack D. Hinton, OK, 1996-1997
 Standing Charges                                                     Thomas "Dudley" Hixson, LA, 1993-1994
 1) Continue developing content to be incorporated into an            Harvey D. Hnatiuk, NJ, 2014-2015
    update to the history of NSPE through 1984 previously             Herbert G. Koogle, NM, 1984-1985
    prepared by Paul Robbins. This may include an outline of          Robert S. Miller, III, VA, 2006-2007
    text chapters, sources for content, interview notes, and          Monte L. Phillips, MN, 1994-1995
    summaries of historical moments or activities that should be      Teresa A. Ratcliff (Helmlinger),
    memorialized in an update.                                        NC, 2003-2004
                                                                      Thomas C. Roberts, KS, 2017-2018
 2) Arrange for the current NSPE President and President-Elect to
                                                                      Christopher M. Stone, VA, 2011-2012
    meet with the Council during the annual PE Conference.            Kodi Jean Verhalen, MN, 2016-2017
                                                                      Kenneth B. Walch, AK, 1997-1998
 2020-2021 Charges                                                    J. David Waugh, SC, 1999-2000
 1) Work with NSPE Officers to identify candidates for various        J. Dan Wittliff, TX, 2012-2013
    available positions with leadership potential, willingness, and
    ability to serve, and alignment of thought with the NSPE
    strategic plan.
                                                                      Support Staff
 2) Continue to advocate for the profession and for NSPE
    wherever and whenever possible.                                   Kelly Ann Gull, Sr Manager,
 3) Act as a resource to the NSPE Board providing historical          Governance & Executive Office
    context for decision-making.                                      (Staff Liaison)

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Ad Hoc Committees, Task Forces & Interest Groups

Page 18 of 48                          2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Committee on Policy and Advocacy
                                                                     Committee on Policy and
 The chairperson and members of the Committee on Policy and          Advocacy
 Advocacy (COPA) serve at the pleasure of the NSPE President.
                                                                     Timothy R. Austin, Chair, 2020-2021
                                                                     Patty Mamola, Vice Chair, 2020-2021
 Purpose & Authority                                                 Rick J. Guerra, Board Liaison, 2020-2021
 The COPA supports and furthers the mission of NSPE by:              William Atkinson, 2020-2021
                                                                     Kasey Anderson, SSEC Representative,
 • developing public policies and position statements that
    affect the public health, safety, and welfare as it relates to   Brian Coon, 2020-2021
    the professional practice of engineering and engineering         Martin E. Gordon, 2020-2021
    licensure.                                                       Howard R. Jones, 2020-2021
 • influencing NSPE advocacy efforts.                                Shelley Macy, 2020-2021
                                                                     Karen L. Moran, 2020-2021
                                                                     Leanne H. Panduren, 2020-2021
 Standing Charges                                                    Craig S. Sisco, 2020-2021
 1) Continually review, revise, and create NSPE position             Britt E. Smith, 2020-2021
    statements and policies ensuring they remain current,
    relevant, and comprehensive.
 2) Engage NSPE’s core constituencies to identify, assess and        Support Staff
    monitor challenges and/or threats to professional licensure
    and certification.                                               Rebecca A. Bowman, Sr Director, Ethics
 3) Identify subject matter experts and create and engage task       and Professional Practice
    forces as needed to address emerging areas of engineering        Stephanie Hamilton, Manager,
    and their impact on the profession.                              Government Relations and Advocacy
                                                                     (Staff Liaison)
                                                                     Margaret Edwards,
 2020-2021 Charges                                                   Policy and Advocacy Associate
 1) Develop strategies and policy documents using working
    groups on the following subjects:
    a) Licensure mobility (including state continuing education
       requirements and multi-state compacts)
    b) Industry exemption
    c) Climate change
 2) Focus on developing an overall advocacy strategy for NSPE
    which looks at:
    a) How to promote advocacy opportunities
    b) Increased engagement of NSPE members
 3) Work with staff to develop and review presentations and
    other promotional materials used in educating the public
    and elected officials on the public health, safety, and
    welfare issues involved with emerging technologies and the
    need for involvement of qualified engineering teams.

Page 19 of 48                                                        2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Continuing Education Committee
                                                                   Continuing Education Committee
 The chairperson and members of the Continuing Education
                                                                   Matthew Kruse, Chair, 2020-2021
 Committee serve at the pleasure of the NSPE President.            James S. Baker, Board Liaison, 2020-
 Purpose & Authority                                               Jeffrey H. Greenfield, 2020-2021
 The Continuing Education Committee supports and furthers the      James T. McCarter, 2020-2021
 NSPE mission by:                                                  Jennifer M. Nolan-Kremm, 2020-2021
                                                                   Verneta J. Simon, 2020-2021
 • developing and providing a comprehensive program of
                                                                   Eric G. Strack, Chair, Emerging Leaders
    relevant and valuable continuing education to NSPE             Task Force, 2020-2021
    members.                                                       Christopher S. Butler, Co-Chair, PECon
 • coordinating with the annual PE Conference planning task        2021 Task Force, 2020-2021

 Standing Charges                                                  Support Staff
 1) Identify educational content and speakers for continuing
                                                                   Erik Schonher, Chief Engagement
    education opportunities including webinars and the annual
    PE Conference.                                                 Kimberly Granados, Sr Director,
 2) Solicit and review webinar presentation proposals.             Membership, Marketing, and Content
    Presentations and speakers should be screened by the           (Staff Liaison)
    committee for quality assurance.                               Latisha Harrison,
                                                                   Manager, Continuing Education
 2020-2021 Charges
 1) Evaluate the effectiveness, method of delivery, usage and
    cost of current NSPE continuing education offerings
    including but not limited to PECon, PE Institute, and
    Emerging Leaders Program.
 2) Verify that educational offerings are consistent with NSPE’s
    Strategic Plan and support the goals and objectives.
 3) Work with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory
    Committee to develop a series of Diversity based webinars.
 4) Work with the BER to deliver the fall and spring ethics
    webinar series.
 5) Work with staff and NSPE officers to deliver a webinar
    specifically for each of the non-integrated states.
 6) Assist staff in becoming a Sponsor Organization of the
    Practicing Institute of Engineers (PIE) in order to be
    accredited for NY PDHs, attend a Sponsor Workshop, and
    serve as approved evaluators of content.
 7) Provide a recommendation to the Board by the March
    meeting regarding NSPE’s annual programs including the
    preferred method of delivery, timing and use of outside
    resources. This should include PECon, ELP, volunteer
    leadership development and the Ethics Webinar Series.

Page 20 of 48                                                      2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
 Advisory Committee
                                                                     Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Advisory
 The chairperson and members of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion    Committee
 Advisory Committee serve at the pleasure of the NSPE President.
                                                                     Jacquelyn R. Brooks, Chair, 2020-2021
                                                                     Rick J. Guerra, Board Liaison, 2020-2021
 Purpose & Authority                                                 Zohaib Alvi, 2020-2021
 The Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Advisory Committee supports      Kenneth J. Discenza, 2020-2021
 and furthers the mission of NSPE by improving the profession        Richard B. Easley, 2020-2021
 through strategies designed to promote diversity and                Kerrie L. Greenfelder, 2020-2021
 tomorrow’s engineer.                                                John R. Hall, 2020-2021
                                                                     Austin Lin, 2020-2021
 • By advocating for and supporting a climate of diversity,
                                                                     Joseph R. Rapier, 2020-2021
     equity and inclusion.                                           Vatsal A. Shah, 2020-2021
 • Through ongoing and effective partnering, training,
     programs and outreach, actively work to ensure that
     membership in our organization reflects the ever-changing       Support Staff
     demographics of our society.
                                                                     Wendel Stewart, Interim Executive
 Standing Charges                                                    Director and Chief Operating Officer
 1) Advise and consult the NSPE Board of Directors on                (Staff Liaison)
    development of strategies and tactics in furtherance of the      Kelly Ann Gull, Sr Manager,
                                                                     Governance & Executive Office
    strategic plan’s focus area: “Promoting Diversity and
    Tomorrows’ Engineers,” and design of activities for
    consideration for incorporation into NSPE business and
    operational plans.
 2) Assist and provide guidance to volunteers and staff on
    leveraging impact of ongoing activities (e.g., online
    communities, published content, educational offerings,
    outreach, advocacy efforts, etc.) related to DE&I.

 2020-2021 Charges
 1) Assist and advise staff in updating membership
    demographic data and developing graphics to be used in
    presentations/publications to help create an understanding
    of our current state of diversity.
 2) Support efforts to expand diversity training in our continuing
    education portfolio.
 3) Develop a list of vetted/high quality speakers who can
    present on diversity and other engineering topics, which can
    be made available to state societies and other interested
 4) Foster and support dialogue with membership and NICET
    customers on diversity and inclusion.
 5) Develop recommendations for the Board regarding
    collaboration with other engineering associations to
    maximize mission impact.

Page 21 of 48                                                        2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Emerging Leaders Program Task Force
                                                                   Emerging Leaders Program Task
 The chairperson and members of the Emerging Leaders               Force
 Program Task Force serve at the pleasure of the NSPE President.
                                                                   Eric G. Strack, Chair, Emerging Leaders
                                                                   Task Force, 2020-2021
 Purpose & Authority                                               Brian P. Malm, Board Liaison, 2020-2021
 The Emerging Leaders Program Task Force supports and furthers     Zohaib A. Alvi, 2020-2021
 the NSPE mission by:                                              Ron Black, 2020-2021
 • Developing and providing leadership development training        Bregger A. Garrison, 2020-2021
                                                                   James Gonya, 2020-2021
     for young professional NSPE members
                                                                   Kiel N. Johnson, 2020-2021
 • Coordinating with the Continuing Education Committee to
     ensure that the program developed fits within the overall
     portfolio of NSPE continuing education offerings.

                                                                   Support Staff
 Standing Charges
 1) Develop and implement an annual leadership development         Erik Schonher, Chief Engagement
    program for young professionals which includes personal        Officer
    leadership development in addition to enhancing their          Kimberly Granados, Sr Director,
    knowledge of NSPE and engagement with the organization.        Membership, Marketing, and Content
                                                                   (Staff Liaison)
 2020-2021 Charges                                                 Latisha Harrison,
                                                                   Manager, Continuing Education
1) Work with staff and the consultant to monitor the 2020-2021
   Emerging Leaders Program looking for adaptation that may
   be necessary and providing support as needed.
2) Evaluate the effectiveness of the virtual program and make
   a recommendation to the NSPE Board regarding the 2021-
   2022 program delivery method. The recommendation should
   include any proposed use of consultants as well as the goals
   regarding content, number of participants and pricing/costs.
3) Consider the development of an alumni program that could
   be incorporated into the annual PECon events.

Page 22 of 48                                                      2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Engineers Joint Contract Documents
 Composition                                                          2020-2021
 EJCDC delegates have traditionally been chosen from active           NSPE Engineers Joint Contract
 EJCDC committee members, observers, and liaisons to fit the          Documents Committee
 needs of specific families of documents (i.e., construction,
 design-build, P3, engineering).                                      William Beery,
                                                                      Delegate (Guam), 2010-2021
                                                                      Bruce Firkins, Delegate (MN), 2012-2021
 Purpose & Authority                                                  Eric Michnovez,
 The NSPE EJCDC furthers the mission of NSPE by:                      Delegate (Guam), 2013-2020
 • contributing to the creation, development and                      Matt Skidmore, Delegate (NC), 2020-
    enhancement of programs, publications, contract                   2021
    documents, forms, agreements and relationships in                 Neil Van Dyke,
    collaboration with the other partners in EJCDC (ACEC and          Delegate (WI), 2010-2020
                                                                      James M. DiLouie, Observer, (PA)
    ASCE) in order to provide authoritative contract documents
                                                                      Kent Lackey, Observer, (NC)
    for professional engineers’ use in their professional practice.
                                                                      Rajarshi Sarkar, Observer (MD)

 Standing Charges
 1) Provide subject matter expertise to EJCDC in its activities to
    strengthen the language contained in the EJCDC families of        Support Staff
    documents, including:
    a) Engineering (Owner-Engineer, Engineer-Sub-Consultant)          Kimberly Granados, Sr Director,
    b) Construction (Owner-Contractor)                                Membership, Marketing, and Content
                                                                      (Staff Liaison)
    c) Design-Build
    d) Environmental Remediation
    e) Procurement (Buyer-Seller)
 2) Publish white papers and conduct regular seminars and
    other educational events to ensure NSPE members are
    aware and receive benefit from EJCDC.
 3) Seek participation of representatives and liaisons from
    related organizations including the American Bar
    Association, the American Institute of Architects, the
    American Public Works Association, the USDA Rural Utility
    Service, the Construction Management Association of
    America, the Water & Wastewater Equipment
    Manufacturers Association, and others.

Page 23 of 48                                                         2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Executive Director & CEO Search
                                                                    Executive Director & CEO Search
 The chairperson and members of the Executive Director & CEO        Committee
 Search Committee serve at the pleasure of the NSPE President.
                                                                    David P. Martini, Chair, 2020-2021
                                                                    Rick J. Guerra, 2020-2021
 Purpose & Authority                                                Tricia H. Hatley, 2020-2021
 The Executive Director & CEO Search Committee supports and         Adam Jones, 2020-2021
 furthers the NSPE mission by:                                      Austin S. Lin, 2020-2021
 • Working through a process to obtain staff and member input       David L. McCullough, 2020-2021
                                                                    Stacey Ober, 2020-2021
     regarding the role and expectations of the Executive
                                                                    Eric G. Strack, 2020-2021
     Director                                                       Kodi Jean Verhalen, 2020-2021
 • Identifying and vetting candidates for the position and
     making a recommendation to the Board of Directors.
                                                                    Support Staff
 Standing Charges
                                                                    Elizabeth Ryan-Drewyer, Director,
 n/a                                                                Human Resources & Administration
                                                                    (Staff Liaison)
 2020-2021 Charges                                                  Wendel Stewart, Interim Executive
                                                                    Director and Chief Operating Officer
 1) Work with Interim Executive Director and the staff liaison to
     identify candidates for the Executive Director/CEO position.
     Review qualifications and select candidates to interview.
     Make recommendation to the Executive Committee.
 2) Review position description and make changes as
 3) Facilitate on-board process and assist with 3 and 6-month
     reviews of the performance of new ED/CEO.

Page 24 of 48                                                       2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Honor Awards Committee
                                                                   Honor Awards Committee
 The Chairperson and members of the Honor Awards Committee
                                                                   Brent D. Chesnut, Chair, 2020-2021
 serve at the pleasure of the NSPE President.                      Michael C. Harris, Board Liaison, 2020-
 Purpose & Authority                                               Joseph P. Cherry, 2020-2021
 The Honor Awards Committee supports and furthers the mission      Sara Deem, 2020-2021
 of NSPE by:                                                       Harvey D. Hnatiuk, 2020-2021
                                                                   John Ho, 2020-2021
 • identifying and recognizing outstanding engineers and their
                                                                   Bradley M. Ludens, 2020-2021
     contributions to society and NSPE.                            Roxanne L. Pillar, 2020-2021
 • overseeing and sponsoring the selection of the Federal          Randal E. Riebel, 2020-2021
     Engineer of the Year Award winner.                            James L. Szatkowski, 2020-2021

 Standing Charges
 1) Solicit and review nominations for NSPE awards including the   Support Staff
    NSPE Distinguished Service Award, NSPE Young Engineer of
                                                                   Erik Schonher, Chief Engagement
    the Year Award, and the NSPE Award.
                                                                   Officer (Staff Liaison)
 2) Engage State Societies and encourage members to
    nominate deserving individuals.

 2020-2021 Charges
 1) Form a working group to develop an implementation plan
    for the recommendations as outlined in the committee’s
    December 2019 report to President Martini. The working
    group should include representation of the various interest
    groups and stakeholders involved in the proposed changes.

Page 25 of 48                                                      2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Leadership Engagement and
 Effectiveness Task Force
                                  Leadership Engagement and
 TBD                              Effectiveness Task Force

                                  David P. Martini, Chair, 2020-2021
 Purpose & Authority              Members TBD

 2020-2021 Charges
                                  Support Staff

                                  Wendel Stewart, Interim Executive
                                  Director and Chief Operating Officer
                                  (Staff Liaison)
                                  Kelly Ann Gull, Sr Manager,
                                  Governance & Executive Office

Page 26 of 48                     2020-2021 NSPE Committee Charges
NSPE Legacy Interest Groups
                                                                      2020-2021 NSPE Legacy Interest
 NSPE has not treated Interest Group affiliation as a form of
                                                                      Professional Engineers in Construction
 membership with associated dues since 1999. (Eight of 52 State       (PEC) Executive Board
 Societies do offer Interest Group membership as a form of            Chair: Colin J. McKenna
 membership at the state level, some with dues associated.            NSPE Board (Interest Group
 Individual NSPE members may self-identify with one or more           Representative: Megan J. Schultz, 2020-
 Interest Groups for the purposes of directing products and           2022
 services and establishing networking connections on a practice
 area-specific basis. No dues are associated.                         Professional Engineers in Government
                                                                      (PEG) Executive Board
                                                                      Chair: Randal J. Braker
 Each of the five legacy Interest Groups are supported by a
                                                                      NSPE Board (Interest Group
 standing Executive Board of 7 to 11 members, which establish         Representative): Randal J. Braker, 2019-
 their own operating, nomination and election processes.              2021

 Purpose & Authority                                                  Professional Engineers in Higher
 Each Interest Group supports the goals of NSPE by encouraging        Education (PEHE) Executive Board
                                                                      Chair: Dennis Irwin
 professional licensure of engineers in their practice area through
                                                                      HOD Delegate: TBD, 2020-2022
 networking opportunities; by working to enhance the value of
 the professional license within their practice area; and by          Professional Engineers in Industry (PEI)
 collaborating with other NSPE groups in broader professional         Executive Board
 issues that impact professionals in their practice area.             Chair: Christopher Peckham
                                                                      HOD Delegate: Christopher Peckham,
 Standing Charges                                                     2019-2021
 1) Create content relevant to PEs in their practice area for
                                                                      Professional Engineers in Private
    distribution through all media channels.                          Practice (PEPP) Executive Board
 2) Create relevant content for and foster and support wider          Chair: Ross A. Cassman
    participation of members in Interest Group forums on NSPE’s       HOD Delegate: TBD, 2020-2022
 3) Review the list of NSPE members within their practice area
    who are unaffiliated with an Interest Group and encourage
    their affiliation and participation in the IG network.
                                                                      Support Staff


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