Animal welfare in Covid-19 pandemic: A impact and managemental - Pure and Applied ...

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Pure Appl. Biol., 10(3):872-877, September, 2021

Review Article

Animal welfare in Covid-19 pandemic: A
review on impact and managemental
Aneela Knawal1, Aiman Zahra1 and Tanveer Hussain2*
1. Department of Biology, Virtual University of Pakistan, Multan-Pkistan
2. Department of Molecular Biology, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore-Pkistan
*Corresponding author’s email:
Aneela Knawal, Aiman Zahra and Tanveer Hussain. Animal welfare in Covid-19 pandemic: A review on impact and
managemental strategies. Pure and Applied Biology.Vol. 10, Issue 3, pp872-877.
Received: 25/04/2020          Revised: 01/11/2020          Accepted: 30/11/2020    Online First: 30/12/2020
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19), third acute infectious illness, instigated by severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections, confirmed as infectious disease
pandemic globally by World health organization, spread rapidly in China and then worldwide. As
the novel coronavirus pandemic spreads globally with overwhelming outcomes on individual
health, pets and animals have also become unnecessary targets amongst the pandemic panic. In the
face of a global pandemic, domesticated and companion animals are relegated to the most
vulnerable stratification of society. Prolonged lockdown has greatly reduced food resources for
animals. This situation is worrying for all of us that so far the welfare of animals in lockdown
situations has not been managed. The author provides an overview of rapidly expanding COVID-
19 current perspective, its impact on domestic, pets, wild animals and managemental strategies are
also discussed. Inappropriately, even though pets and other animal species have continually served
as sentinels for emergent transmissible infections, they are currently not included in prerogative of
any federal agency and are not under reconnaissance. This review also highlights the role of
organizations that are providing food supplies for pets in this pandemic of COVID-19. This article
also emphasizes on programmatic and legislative developments of animal welfare and offers
suggestions to protect the nature, pets and wildlife during pandemic situations. There is also a need
to divert the attention of people towards the safety of domestic animals as well as wild animals are
compulsory for their survival.
Keywords: Animal; COVID-19; Domestic; Lockdown; Pandemic; Survival; Wildlife;
Introduction                                           ago, humans and domestic dogs are in strong
Domestic animals include dogs, cats, rabbits,          association [2] and role of dogs in our
cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats etc. and the          community is of great concern as they serve
most prevalent and common domesticated                 as working animals, providing protection,
mammals called Felis catus (cats) and Canis            being good companion and can be the sacred
femiliaris (dogs) have very well built                 icons while living with their owners[3].
interaction with human beings throughout the           Impact of cats on wild creature is negative
world [1]. For about fifteen thousand years            due to hybridization [4], disease [5] and

Published by Bolan Society for Pure and Applied Biology                                                872
Knawal et al.

predation [6]. Stray cats are listed among the         contact to infected people. This pandemic is
top 100 protruding creatures [7]           and         affecting the world including humans,
biologist are paying great attention on them           domestic animals, pets and wild creature in
due to their worst impact on wild creatures            different ways. This study aims to predict the
[8]. While certain problems are also                   impact of COVID-19 on domestic, pets and
associated with domestic dogs [9] like they            wild creatures, identifying the problems,
affect the economy of a country and can also           purposing the solutions by reviewing the
cause harm to their owners by biting. They             literature. By the current pandemic, we aim
also attack on livestock living in a herd and          to provide clear views regarding the adoption
also a source of transmission of certain               strategies, informing people about current
diseases like parasitic as well as viral like          issue, providing a platform for future
rabies [10]. Dogs are also responsible for             research and basis for collaboration among
transmission of about sixty different types of         human welfare and human health
zoonotic infections to humans [11].                    organizations.
Despite of domestic animals, wild animals              Current perspective
are also of great concern. There are more              Many viral as well as parasitic diseases have
chances of transfer of pathogens due to                effected humans and animals in different
frequent interaction of wild animals and               ways in past. These viral diseases like
humans. Migration of mammalian species                 Influenza, SARS and many other diseases
and variations in their body mass might                have affected a huge number of people
change the alliance among wild animals and             worldwide. In current scenario world is in
human beings. Development of agricultural              danger due to COVID-19 outbreak including
land, deforestation, urbanization, climate             humans as well as animals. Animals
change and intensification in domestic                 including domestic, wild and pets are the
animal production are the mass impacts of              victims of this pandemic viral disease.
phylogenesis leads towards lowering of                 During the current situation, humans having
number and variations of feral mammalian               animals as pets are in great trouble because if
creatures and results in number of pandemics           they get sick due to COVID-19, then who
cases. An example of this is migration of bat          will take care of their pets, is a question.
species in Malaysia which results in an                People having this viral disease have to take
outbreak of a new viral disease Nipah,                 proper precautions while dealing with their
transmitted to humans from pigs after getting          pets as they can get affected. According to a
infection through bats [12]. Diseases that can         report, a case has been reported by Chinese
be transferred from animals to humans                  Government that a dog got infected with
known as zoonotic disease either through               COVID-19 as its owner was also infected
direct means (Vector) or indirectly (Food)             with this virus. So it is suggested that humans
and vice versa like animals can also get               who are infected with COVID-19 are advised
infected from humans happened in past                  to stay away from their pets as there are
A(H1N1)pdmo9 influenza transferred to pigs             chances of transmission because it is a
from humans [13].                                      zoonotic infection (sharing of diseases
COVID-19 a new viral disease originated in             between humans and animals) (OIE, 2020).
Wuhan, a city of China in December 2019                Another case has been reported by the US
and about 76,769 people got affected across            Government in early April, a tiger named
the globe [14]. COVID-19, a zoonotic                   Nadia got infected with COVID 19 at Bronx
disease transmitted to humans from bats and            Zoo, New York City (Report by National
can also be transmitted to animals in close            Veterinary, Services Laboratory). Some cats

Pure Appl. Biol., 10(3):872-877, September, 2021

also become ill as the virus entered into their           barking deer, porcupines and jackals came
body after exposure to a zookeeper who was                down and wonder with joy in empty places as
suffering with this virus, reported by CDC                humans are under lockdown due to COVID-
and the World Health Organization for                     19 (IWMB, 2020).
Animal Health. However, pets are not the                  On the other hand in Paris, due to scarcity of
cause of spreading of virus. But pet owners               food, wild animals got a chance to enter the
have to be careful and should take hygienic               big cities in search of food as streets are
measures while dealing with their pets. It is             empty due to lockdown. It has been reported
better to stay away or ask another person to              that a deer is seen on underpass searching the
take care of their pets because pets also play            food in Nara, a city of Japan while a Wild
a great role in our daily lives as they are our           Boar has also found in Barcelona. In capital
best companion said the Dr. Gail Hansen,                  city of Uttarakhand, Dehradun, India, a stage
DVM (Humane Society Veterinary Medical                    picture goes viral on social media. A group of
Association).                                             Wild Turkeys is also roaming on the streets
Impacts of COVID-19 on pet animals                        of Oakland, California reported.
To the best of my knowledge, coronavirus is               In china wildlife trade is banned due to
not transmitted directly from humans to                   COVID-19 outbreak as they think Pangolin
animals in Pakistan. However certain indirect             are an intermediate host for its transmission.
losses occurred due to the onset of this virus.           A numerously sold small wild animal on the
In Pakistan, several pet animals died at pet              earth is being snatched from the forests of
shops due to improper feed and care during                Africa and Asia reported by IUCN
continuous lockdown across the country. In                (International Union for Conservation of
Karachi’s Empress Market, about 70% of                    Nature). They brought into the local markets
pets were found dead. As pet shops owners                 of Vietnam and China and being sold in black
business was blocked due to lockdown, they                and used in preparation of some medicines
were also unable to feed their pets,even they             despite of the fact that they are not medically
have to lock them in cages at night (The Daily            important. In January 2020, China imposed a
newsletter, COVID 19).                                    ban on the trade of Pangolin including many
During this pandemic, so much fake news are               other wild animals due to COVID-19
circulating like animals are a source of                  pandemic. This results in negative impact on
transmission and spreading of COVID-19.                   wild animals.
Due to this fear, people in China thrown out              Strategies
their pet dogs and cats in the streets in city of         Certain strategies have adopted to save the
Shanghai and Tianjin city, Hebei Province,                animals from this COVID-19 pandemic,
China. About 30 pet cats and 40 dogs have                 discussed below:
brought into the a shelter as their owners got            Tool kit
scared from rumors that dogs and cats can                 COVID-19 spread fear among people as well
transmit COVID and think that they can’t                  as animals, here is a good news for animals
feed them any more (Israel Society for the                that researchers made a tool kit which rescues
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).                        the employee at shelters and working with
Impacts of COVID-19 on wild creature                      animals in case of being positive. The aim of
COVID-19 also has some impact on wild                     this tool is to help out the staff and prepare
animals like according to a report, Margala               them if there is any pets influx (Humane
Hills National Park, Islamabad, Pakistan, has             Society of United States).
3 families of common leopard. Wild                        Role of organizations
creatures including martins, fox, wild boars,

Knawal et al.

Many international organizations are
engaged in providing shelters to pets are
enlisted in (Table 1).
Table 1. Name of international animal welfare organizations
                  Name of organization                               Role
             Fairfax Country Animal Shelter               Provides shelter to animals
                 Human Rescue Alliance                      Supply food to animals
            Loudoun County Animal Services                 Provide shelter to animals
     Prince William County Animal Control Bureau           Provide shelter to animals
       William George’s County Animal Services          Supply food and provide shelter
          Animal Welfare League of Arlington               Provide shelter to animals
          Animal Welfare League of Alexandra               Provide shelter to animals

Provision of food supplies                              shelters (Humane Society of Southern
Many organizations are providing food                   Arizona, 2020). A huge number of people
supplies for pets in this COVID-19                      rush into shelters to adopt pets and this makes
pandemic. An organization naming Humane                 shelters empty. New owners feel comfortable
Rescue Alliance is providing food to pet                with their new companion animals (Report
animals according to their weight and                   by Riverside County animal shelter in South
species. Resource depletion due to COVID-               California, 2020). After Kiwis responded to
19 pandemic is affecting the whole family               SPCA’S call for help, about eight hundred
along with their pets,words by vice president           animals were adopted and brought to new
of community programs Lauren Lipsey at                  places to live. At the onset of level 4
Humane Rescue Alliance.                                 lockdown aimed COVID-19, organizations
Adoption of animals                                     gave a call for charity.It’s a golden time for
To protect the nature and wildlife, adoption            public to adopt furry friends, said Andrea
of animals is on increase now a days. About             Midgen, CEO SPCA. As it will be ideal
fifty five percent of dogs have been adopted            period for KIWIS by adopting furry family
which is a high number as compared to last              members and spending quality time with
year. There is also a decrease in pet prices to         them. And Kiwis also gave a good response
ease the people during this pandemic (Report            to this call by adopting about 828 animals.
by HALO Animal Rescue in Phoenix, 2020).                Caretakers for pets
Meanwhile there is good news that these                 Certain steps have taken by the society for
abandoned pets, cats and dogs got adopted by            their pets in collaboration with an
lot of pet lovers (Tel Aviv SPCA) and the               international animal welfare organization,
number goes up to 40. A thought also hitting            Eight DC, Maryland Virginia during this
that when the coronavirus time will over,               pandemic COVID-19. It becomes need of
people who owned these abandoned animals                hour as many people are in quarantine
may return them back due to their busy                  leaving their pets alone with no care. The
routine or money issue said Haya Beili, a               society has to take the precautionary
volunteer and member of board at Jerusalem              measures for their pets in case if owner is
animal shelter. This time is precious for               suffering with COVID-19. The best and safe
people to build relations between new owners            place for pets is to keep them at homes by
and their pets.                                         appointing a person who should take care of
People must have to contribute in adoption of           them. In case of unavailability of such person
living creatures and reduce their numbers in            the next option is to avail boarding facility

Pure Appl. Biol., 10(3):872-877, September, 2021

with complete instructions including tagging,            animal product markets. People should avoid
vaccination and prescriptions etc.                       touching eyes, nose or mouth of animals, and
Discussion and Conclusion                                sanitize hands after touching animal products
The interdependence of environment,                      like meat, milk etc. They also have to take
animals and humans is a topic of attention               care while visiting live markets to avoid
because it is a cyclic process of transmission.          direct contact with stray cats, dogs and bats
Due to increase in population, less living               etc. (WHO, 2020).
space, frequent travelling and migration of              To the best of our knowledge adoption of
animals is at its peak now a day. All these              living creature will be a source of harmony
things need proper monitoring as chances of              during this CPVID-19 pandemic. People
viral transmission among animals, humans                 have to adopt the animals to engage
and environments are increasing day by day               themselves with furry companions during
and sociological affects are also a part of              this     lockdown       situation.     Pakistan
consideration (COVID-19 One World-One                    Government and health care organizations
Health, 2020).                                           must have to take steps for the care of wild
Wild animal trade is a point of discussion as            creatures. Pet animal at homes and at shops
they are a source of pandemics like COVID -              also needs to be monitored properly.
19 (New York Times, 2020). Although this                 Authors’ contributions
pandemic COVID-19 have originated from                   Conceived and designed the experiments: T
Chinese market but such markets also exist               Hussain, Performed the experiments: A
throughout the world and can be the reason of            Kanwal & A Zahra, Analyzed the data: A
such type of viral pandemics in future. So               Kanwal & A Zahra, Contributed materials/
wildlife trade needs some restrictions.                  analysis/ tools: A Kanwal, A Zahra & T
Tropical diseases tend to have animal                    Hussain, Wrote the paper: A Kanwal, A
reservoir (conservation News, 2020). Human               Zahra & T Hussain.
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