Australian sweet lupin the natural way to meet the needs of the health-conscious consumer - Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council

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Australian sweet lupin the natural way to meet the needs of the health-conscious consumer - Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council

                                                                                                                         Photo credit: Kornelia Kaczmarska
Lupin in pod

Australian sweet lupin − the natural
way to meet the needs of the health-
conscious consumer
Move over quinoa and chia, the          reflected in the key consumer food     where more than one out of every
new superfood on the block is an        trends of 2017, many of which focus    three people is obese, rising to al-
ancient pulse called Australian         on an increased awareness of the       most every second person in some
sweet lupin. Perfectly placed to        important role of foods in improv-     Gulf countries (Sultan A.L. Nohair,
meet a number of growing con-           ing health and wellbeing and reduc-    Obesity in Gulf Countries, Interna-
sumer trends, Australian sweet          ing risk of chronic conditions such    tional Journal of Health Sciences,
lupin is set to take centre stage       as obesity and diabetes. Purchasing    Jan. 2014). In addition, almost 33 mil-
for people interested in optimis-       decisions are increasingly driven      lion people across the Middle East
ing their health and wellness. The      by these holistic wellness benefits.   are living with diabetes (WHO Glob-
diversity of functionality of this      Therefore, the companies that con-     al Report on Diabetes 2016).
pulse also allows it to be used in a    tinue to envision this growing trend     Health-conscious consumers are
variety of food formats, making it      and act upon evolving consumer de-     looking for foods that can help them
a must-have ingredient for product      mands are set for success.             manage or prevent these chronic con-
developers.                               Obesity and diabetes are signifi-    ditions and optimise their wellbeing.
                                        cant health issues driving consumer    At the same time, they want safe,
Health is not a niche anymore. Health   foods choices across the globe. This   natural foods that are good for the
is becoming an expectation. This is     is equally true in the Middle East     planet as well as their health. This is

D1     AMEFT 3| 2017                                                                 
Australian sweet lupin the natural way to meet the needs of the health-conscious consumer - Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council

driving the top consumer trends in-
cluding increased interest in natu-
rally functional foods, plant protein
and digestive wellbeing. Australian
sweet lupin (ASL) is well placed to
meet these trends.

A wealth of health benefits
While people may be familiar with
the European white lupin, which has
been used as an ingredient for many
years, they may not know its cousin:

                                                                                                                                   Photo Image: GIWA/GNLC
the Australian sweet lupin, or nar-
row leaf lupin. Just like chia or qui-
noa, ASL fits the bill of a naturally
functional food. Its unique profile of
macronutrients and phytonutrients
are thought to be the reason behind        A comparison of the nutrition profiles of lupin, quinoa, chia and chickpeas.
its health benefits in cholesterol and
blood glucose management.
   The low carbohydrate and high fi-       source of plant protein. A number of         is pectin and oligosaccharides which
bre content of ASL makes it an excel-      drivers are creating consumer inter-         are potent prebiotic fibres.
lent choice for people managing dia-       est in plant protein: the association          But ASL is more than just low GI,
betes. Lupins, including ASL, have         of high-protein diets with weight            packed with prebiotic fibres, high in
been shown to have both short-term         loss, increasing evidence of the link        plant protein. While not high in fat,
and long-term benefits on insulin and      between a diet high in plant protein         the fats in ASL are predominantly
glucose levels. Studies indicate they      and a longer life, as well as the sus-       unsaturated fats, linked to improved
can help maintain a healthy blood          tainability credentials of a diet lower      health. It is also a source of essential
glucose level after a meal. In addi-       in meat. Cereals, pulses and nuts all        nutrients including magnesium, iron
tion, a diet high in lupin flour was       offer plant protein, but ASL is par-         and B vitamins, all of which are im-
shown to significantly improve long-       ticularly high in protein. At 40% pro-       portant for unlocking the energy in
term insulin resistance, helping peo-      tein, ASL kernel has three times the         foods and fighting fatigue. ASL also
ple with diabetes live longer without      protein content of quinoa. It is par-        contains phytochemicals including
complications.                             ticularly high in the amino acid ar-         carotenoids which are good for eye
   ASL's low GI coupled with the sati-     ginine (3.6g / 100g) which is thought        health and gives lupin flour its dis-
ating effect of its high protein and fi-   to partly explain why it has a positive      tinctive yellow colour.
bre content is thought to explain the      effect on cholesterol levels.
benefits seen in helping to manage           ASL also answers the call for an-          Great for use in many foods
appetite and reducing overeating. A        other top trend for the health-con-          ASL is a versatile ingredient that can
study in which participants ate bread      scious consumer: digestive wellness.         be used in a range of food formats.
made with 40% lupin flour demon-           Consumers are beginning to under-            The bean can be eaten whole, split,
strated that people felt fuller for        stand the links between the food they        kibbled, flaked or milled to flour (ker-
longer and ate less at the next meal       eat, the effect on the bacteria in the       nel flour and wholemeal). Foods made
than those people who ate regular re-      gut and the myriad of health effects         with ASL range from flat breads to
fined wheat bread. This suggests eat-      the bacterial population has on              hummus-style dips.
ing lupin-enriched bread may lead to       health. A healthy population of good            Being naturally high in fibre and
reduced food intake and weight loss        bacteria in the gut has been linked to       protein, the addition of ASL can as-
over the long term (Lee et al, 2006,       a range of health benefits, from main-       sist in improving the nutritional pro-
Lupin-enriched bread increases sati-       taining a healthy weight to improved         file of wheat-based baked goods. In-
ety and reduces energy intake acute-       immunity and bone health as well as          clusion of 10 to 15% lupin flour
ly, Original Research Communica-           reduced risk of some cancers. One of         produces products with almost dou-
tion, American Journal of Clinical         the keys to promoting good bugs in           ble the amino acid score while retain-
Nutrition).                                the gut is prebiotic fibres which the        ing similar functional properties.
                                           bugs feed on to grow and flourish.           Protein and fibre fractions can also be
Packed with protein                        ASL has twice the fibre content of           isolated from the seed. Substitution
ASL also fits the bill as a sustainable    other pulses. Most of the fibre in ASL       for wheat flour also reduces the re-                                                                                      AMEFT 3| 2017   D2
Australian sweet lupin the natural way to meet the needs of the health-conscious consumer - Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council

                                                                                                                                                Photo credit: GIWA/GNLC
Lupin being harvested.

fined, highly digestible carbohydrate             people with gluten intolerance and              it is an obvious choice for inclusion
content.                                          coeliac disease.                                in foods that are aimed at the health-
   Being naturally high in fibre and                                                              conscious consumer. ASL is well
protein, the addition of ASL can as-              Allergy/intolerance caution                     placed to become the next superfood
sist in retaining the clean label con-            The prevalence of lupin allergy is not          adding a new dimension to healthy
sumers are seeking, without the use               well known but thought to be small.             eating. |
of isolates.                                      However, it is advisable that people
   ASL is also naturally gluten-free.             with allergies, especially to peanuts
Gluten-free foods are now showing                 and legumes, are tested for allergic
                                                                                                  Dr Shyamala
up everywhere after being confined                reaction to lupin. Sweet lupin also             ­Vishnumohan,
to health-food stores for years. Super-           contains prebiotic FODMAPs. These                Consultant with
market aisles are flooded with prod-              are beneficial for most people, help-            the Grain Industry
ucts proudly labelled 'gluten-free',              ing to promote levels of good bacteria           Association of
                                                                                                   Western Australia

                                                                                                                                                Photo credit: GIWA
and many restaurants now offer glu-               in the gut, but may cause problems
ten-free options. One of the un-                  for those suffering from irritable
healthy aspects of this trend is that             bowel syndrome. The sustainable
the gluten-free products are often                and unique nutritional credentials
made with refined grains, and are low             of lupin as a food to the community             Michelle Broom,
                                                                                                  former General
in nutrients. ASL is a nutrient-dense             as a whole, especially those at risk of         Manager of the
option that can make gluten-free                  chronic diseases, are vast. Coupled             Grains & Legumes
products healthier and is suitable for            with its versatility as an ingredient           Nutrition Council,
                                                                                                                                                Photo credit: GLNC


 Key messages
 1.	Australian sweet lupin (ASL) is an ideal ingredient to meet a number of consumer trends
     on the rise across the globe.                                                                The authors:
     40% protein | 34% fibre | negligible starch | low GI | gluten-free | not genetically
     modified | sustainably produced
                                                                                                  Food scientist and registered nutritionist
 2.	A SL is the world’s richest natural source of combined plant protein and fibre. (Belski      Dr Shyamala Vishnumohan is a consult-
     R and Kouris Blazos A, 2016, Health Benefits of legumes and pulses with a focus on           ant with the Grain Industry Association of
     ­Australian Sweet Lupin, Asia Pacific Journal Clinical Nutrition)                            Western Australia.
 3.	Naturally high in fibre and protein, inclusion allows clean labelling that is so important
                                                                                                  Michelle Broom is an accredited nutrition-
      to the health-conscious consumer, with huge potential in growing sectors: vegetarians,
      vegans and people with intolerance or allergy to gluten, soya, milk, or egg.                ist and accredited practising dietitian and
 4.	A SL has a range of health benefits in connection with diabetes and obesity.                 was General Manager of the Grains &
 5.	A SL is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a range of food formats.                  Legumes Nutrition Council of Australia
                                                                                                  until May 2017.

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