Before & After AND We were off to a great start: Sanibel Historical Museum and Village

Before & After AND We were off to a great start: Sanibel Historical Museum and Village
Before (above): The 2020 Gala Committee,
led by co-chairs Sherry Halleran and Mary
Bondurant, presented “It Takes a Village” on
February 18. The Gala raised $135,000!

After (right): Emilie Alfino (left) and Jan
Symroski at the start of the 2020–21 season.

Before & After                                                   …AND
                                                                 AFTER THAT

         e were off to a great start:          shut our doors and canceled all events,
         The Village looked better             programs, and tours.
         than ever; we were seeing                 Although Sanibel and Captiva have
more visitors; great events were               their share of cases, fortunately it’s a
in the works; Twilight Talks were              relatively small share. Our sanctuary
hot tickets; the shop was thriving;            islands have been something of a haven.
volunteer training sessions were full          We’re ready to move forward.
to capacity; and docents were sharing              Prior to opening our doors for the
every fascinating nugget of Sanibel’s          season on October 20, we put in place a
history. We even had a super-                  long list of measures to keep everyone
successful fundraising Gala.                   as safe as possible. While we’re planning
    That was before. Then came the             some great events, others are on the
realization that the coronavirus was no        sidelines…for now.
longer confined to countries halfway               We’re incredibly grateful to our loyal,
around the world; the threat was at            enthusiastic supporters and volunteers—
our doorstep. On March 17, 2020, we            both before and after. Thank you

  A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 2 0 : P R E S E R V I N G , S H A R I N G A N D C E L E B R AT I N G S A N I B E L H I S T O R Y
Before & After AND We were off to a great start: Sanibel Historical Museum and Village
DEAR FRIENDS,                                             BY THE NUMBERS
As a long-time member
and docent and, most                                                                                        13%
recently president                             CITY OF SANIBEL                                              INVESTMENTS/
of the board, I’ve                                   ($50,000)                                              OTHER ($47,760)
been immersed in                                                                                            6% CONTRIBUTIONS
every aspect of our                                                                                         ($20,902)
wonderful Historical                                  14%
                                              ADMISSIONS                                                       4% MUSEUM
Village for many years.                         ($54,098)                                    *                 STORE ($13,381)
It’s been quite an
                                                                               INCOME                          3% TWILIGHT
                                                                                $379,856                       TALKS ($10,940)
    The experience has taught me more
than I could ever recount about Sanibel’s
fascinating history. My involvement has               16%
                                              MEMBERSHIP                                                    32%
also allowed me the opportunity to meet          ($61,916)                                                  FUNDRAISER
the dedicated volunteers, supporters,                                                                       ($120,858)
and staff members who make this
organization unique. Working with                                                                            10% CAPITAL
the board to plan the Village’s future                                                                       IMPROVEMENTS
has been a great honor. Leading many                         26%                                             ($28,743)
hundreds of tours has given me an             ADMINISTRATION                                                 7% TWILIGHT
                                                      ($75,576)                                              TALKS ($21,001)
appreciation for our visitors, as I see our
treasures through fresh eyes.
                                                                                                               6% FUNDRAISER
    While my term on the board is ending,                                                        *             ($17,117)
I’m not going anywhere. I’ll continue                                        EXPENSES                          5% PROGRAMS
to attend events and lead tours when                                            $286,466                       ($15,171)
we return to normal operation, and I’ll                                                                        3%
always take a keen interest in all that’s                                                                      MUSEUM STORE
happening at the Village.                                  42 %                                                ($8,158)
I look forward to seeing you soon!                   ($120,012)
                                                                                                         *August 1, 2019 to
                                                                                                       September 30, 2020

Bill Bachman, President                                          5,078 ADULTS
                                                                 394 CHILDREN
                         COUNCIL                                 241 MEMBERS
Bill Bachman
                         Betty Anholt
                         Clivie Goodwin                            55 NARM†
                                                                71 LIBRARY PASS
Bill Rahe                Steve Greenstein
Vice President           Marguerite Jordan
                         Alan Lessack
Pete Halliday
Gail Garlinghouse
                         Dottie Miller
                         Kevin O’Donnell
                         Ellen O’Neill
                                                               377 GROUP TOURS
                         Alex Werner

                                                                  6,216 TOTAL
Judy Addison             Jean Woodring
Mary Bondurant
Virginia (Ginny) Darby
Dorothy Donaldson
                         CITY COUNCIL
Bonnie Frankel
Sherry Halleran          Richard Johnson
                                                 A 20% increase over the same time period last year!
Annette Hendrick
Gayle Pence              EXECUTIVE
Nancy Siegel                                      † We participate in the North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM)
                         DIRECTOR                 association of more than 1,000 cultural institutions. Join the Historical
Tracey Tenney
Blair Wyatt              Emilie Alfino            Village at the $150 level or above to take advantage of free admission
                                                  and/or discounts at other member organizations.

Before & After AND We were off to a great start: Sanibel Historical Museum and Village
Caution Key                  as Village
                                       is                           DEAR MEMBERS
                                                                    AND FRIENDS,
                                                                    The Sanibel Historical
                                                                    Village was having a
                                                                    very good season last
                                                                    year—a record number
                                                                    of visitors, a successful
                                                                    Twilight Talk season, and
Even before the museum closed on March 17 in response to            a wonderful Gala event—
COVID-19, board and staff members sought to find ways to keep       until March 17, when we
everyone healthy and to reassure visitors, volunteers, and staff.   had to close our doors
After extensive research and study, we’ve initiated substantive     due to the COVID‑19 pandemic. Like so many
changes and guidelines to take us forward. Here’s an overview:      others, we suffered serious revenue losses as the
                                                                    spring and summer progressed.
Docents are stationed outside, rather than in the buildings.            Things still look very different as we head
They offer information, direct traffic flow around the Village,     into the 2020-2021 season. Twilight Talks
and remind visitors about masks and social distancing. Signs        are being planned but have not yet been
ask people to let others leave the buildings before they enter.     finalized, and we have canceled plans to hold
    Plexiglass shields, touchless credit-card processing,           our annual Gala. We are taking all necessary
sanitizing even more than usual, and other measures are in          steps to make our village as safe as possible
place. We’ve added such details as offering gloves to anyone        during this trying time. These measures are
who wants to thumb through the old newspapers in Bailey’s           detailed to the left. These steps have also
and antibacterial wipes to use on chairs in the video room.         resulted in substantial expenses for the
After watching the video from widely separated seats, guests        museum.
will exit through that room’s back door.                                We have some exciting plans for this
    The Gift Shop’s hours have been reduced, and a screen           upcoming year, including building a pavilion
blocks off the door when the shop is closed. Other doors in the     with an exhibit about The Sanibel Plan.
village are propped open to allow air circulation, and HEPA         The pavilion will also serve as a starting
filters improve air quality. Each building contains a hand-         point for tours and an educational place for
sanitizer station.                                                  visitors to rest.
    Capacity is limited to 50 percent. While we aren’t offering         We are still planning to have our Volunteer
daily tours, guests can arrange for private tours for from 6 to     Updates. These are casual, relaxed talks by a
10 people. The audio recordings in each building remain a           wide variety of island icons originally held for
valuable source of information, and visitors will use a pencil to   the benefit of our volunteers and expanded now
activate them, rather than touching the buttons.                    to include members at the $150 level and above.
    Everyone is required to wear a mask. Volunteers and staff           In addition, your $150-and-above
are asked to take their temperature before coming in. Water         membership entitles you to NARM reciprocal
bottle filling stations have been added to drinking fountains.      museum privileges, allowing you free admission
Hands-free fixtures and automatic towel and soap dispensers         to museum and historical venues throughout
and lighting are now in all bathrooms.                              the U.S., Canada, and beyond.
    We’re confident that we’re doing everything we can to               At this time, we ask you to support the Village
keep everyone safe. Rest assured that we’ll make adjustments        through both your membership and a pledge to
wherever and whenever advisable.                                    mitigate the effects of our canceled Gala.
                                                                        We know many are suffering during the time.
                                                                    We hope you will be able to help the Historical
                                                                    Village in this unusual year, when the need is so
                                                                    great. We thank you for your past support and
                                                                    hope to hear from you this coming season.

                                                                    With our thanks,

                                                                    Emilie Alfino, Executive Director

Before & After AND We were off to a great start: Sanibel Historical Museum and Village
That Was the Year That Was
It’s remarkable how much we accom-                     Vintage toys were the focus of       history. Continuing a series, she wrote
plished in a season that came to a full            a delightful Village-wide holiday        profiles of volunteers including Mary
stop in mid-March, just when we would              exhibit, and volunteers added festive    Jean Green, John Barbieri, Mickey
have been most active. For example:                decorations.                             and Phil Mergener, Heidi Hazzard,
                                                       During a day of plein-air painting   and Alan and Edina Lessack. Emilie
                                                   last December, Sanibel Captiva           also introduced readers to new board
                                                   Art League members once again            members Ginny Darby, Annette
                                                   immortalized our buildings and           Hendrick, and Tracey Tenney.
                                                   landscapes in their artwork. For the         Unfortunately, the pandemic led
                                                   first time, some of their paintings      to cancellation of many exciting and
                                                   were used in Village advertisements      entertaining programs and events: a
                                                   throughout the island and also were      quilt show, some Twilight Talks and
                                                   offered for sale in our Gift Shop.       Volunteer Updates, and the volunteer
                                                       Twilight Talk speakers gave us       luncheon. We appreciate everyone
                                                   a proud in-depth look at CHR as          who supports the Village and urge you
                                                   our local Community Housing &            to look forward with us to better times
                                                   Resources organization celebrated its    ahead. Check out our calendar on the
Artist Susan Anderson with her portrait of the
Old Post Office, in front of the subject itself.   40th anniversary.                        next page to learn more.
                                                       We thoroughly
Through Volunteer Updates, we were                 enjoyed a volun-
treated to first-hand accounts by                  teer gathering in
longtime Sanibel residents who have                Jan and Ty Sym-
played an important part in the history            roski’s fabulous
of our island and the Historical Village.          tropical garden.
    “It Takes a Village,” the annual                   Our executive
Gala held at The Community House                   director, Emilie
on February 18, raised $135,000—the                Alfino, kept the
best result ever!                                  Village in the
    For the first time, donors at the              public eye through
$150 level or above were invited to at-            numerous news-
tend all Volunteer Updates. And these              paper articles
same donors can participate in the                 about our build-
North American Reciprocal Museum                   ings and Sanibel
program, which provides free admis-
                                                                                                                  Above: At the Feb. 18
sion and other perks at a wide variety                                                                            Gala (from left): Calli
of great destinations.                                                                                            and Richard Johnson,
    Not only did we remain open                                                                                      Executive Director
                                                                                                                      Emilie Alfino, and
during April-to-January construction                                                                               event co-chair Mary
of a new building by our next-door                                                                                           Bondurant
neighbor, BIG ARTS, the Village’s
                                                                                                                     Top: Expert basket
attendance numbers for                                                                                                    maker Gisela
the 2019–2020 season                                                                                                    Damandl on the
(before we shut our doors                                                                                                Rutland House
                                                                                                                       porch for a demo
due to the pandemic) were
significantly higher than                                                                                             Left: Representing
for the same period the                                                                                                 Sanibel Captiva
previous year.                                                                                                         Trust Company,
                                                                                                                      which sponsored
    On December 1, 2019,                                                                                                the Gala, (from
our volunteer-run Gift                                                                                              left) Ron Lisenbee,
Shop successfully partici-                                                                                           Robin Cook, Chris
                                                                                                                      Honeywell, Steve
pated in the global Museum                                                                                             Greenstein, and
Store Sunday event.                                                                                                           Gary Dyer

Before & After AND We were off to a great start: Sanibel Historical Museum and Village
On the Horizon
                                Museum Store Sunday, a worldwide
                                celebration, was a success for the
                                                                                                             SPECIAL EVENTS
                                Village. Volunteer Karen Roberts was
                                                                                                             S U N DAY, N OV E M B E R 2 9
                                on hand for the event last December.
                                                                                                             Museum Store Sunday
                                                                                                             (Gift Shop ONLY)
                                                                                                             D E C E M B E R 4 –1 1
                                                                                                             Luminary Week
                                                                                                             Toy Show through holidays,
                                                                                                             10% off books
                                                                                                             M O N DAY, F E B R UA RY 2 2
                                                                                                             Annual Meeting
                                                                                                             10 a.m. at Shore Haven.
                                                                       Shop volunteers Mickey Mergener
                                                                       and Susan Rosenberg processed many
                                                                       sales during last December’s Museum   Please note: There is no Gala
                                                                       Store Sunday.                         planned for spring of 2021.

TWILIGHT TALKS                                                            VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES
F E B R UA RY 2 (February 3 rain date)
                                                                          Updates                            Trainings
“Fishy Stories”                                                                                              1 p.m. at Shore Haven
                                                                          Noon at Shore Haven (except 3/1)
4:30 p.m. Village Grounds
                                                                                                             J A N U A RY 1 8
                                                                          DECEMBER 7
F E B R UA RY 1 7 (February 18 rain date)                                                                    J A N U A RY 2 5
                                                                          “The Matthews”
“Fishy Stories”                                                           with Dorothy Donaldson
4:30 p.m.Village Grounds
                                                                          J A N U A RY 1 1
MARCH 10                                                                  “Shelling and Its
Lighthouse Video                                                          Sanibel History”
Community House TBD                                                       with Betty Anholt and
APRIL 7                                                                   Charles LeBuff
                                                                                                             Gayle Pence and Blair Wyatt
Lighthouse Video                                                          F E B R U A RY 1
Community House TBD                                                       Black History Month
                                                                          Topic TBD
Ralph R. Ferguson atop                                                    MARCH 1
the Sanibel Lighthouse                                                    Trip to White Heron House
when it was a U.S. Coast
Guard facility. This                                                      Hosts Mary Woodard
                                                                          and daughter                       Volunteers hard at work
picture, taken around
1943, is one of a large
collection of photos the
Ferguson family donated
and which we’re                                                                                  Betty
organizing.                                                                                     Anholt

                                                                                                             Volunteers felt the warmth, in
                                                                                                             spite of the cool temps, during
                                                                                                             a volunteer gathering in Jan
                                                                                                             and Ty Symroski’s multiple
                                                                                                             garden “rooms.”

Before & After AND We were off to a great start: Sanibel Historical Museum and Village
OUR VOLUNTEERS *                                               OUR BENEFACTORS *
    Judy Addison         Neal Halleran       Mary Miller           Charles & Linda Adams        Allan & Elise Hall
    Tom Addison          Sherry Halleran     Norm Minsky           Thomas & Judy Addison        Neal & Sherry Halleran
    Carole Albero        Jan Halliday        Martha Ann Murray     Allegra Printing & Imaging   Peter & Janet Halliday
    Catherine Anderson   Pete Halliday       Jaye Nagle            Edward & Catherine           Gene & Mary Jo Hardy
    Bill Bachman         Shirley Harris      Donna Oberhill           Anderson                  Martin & Brenda Harrity
    Gail Bachman         Heidi Hazzard       Deirdre O’Donnell     William & Gail Bachman       Heidrick & Co. Insurance
    Bill Badgley         Kate Helman         Kevin O’Donnell       Bailey’s General Store/      Ed & Annette Hendrick
    John Barbieri        Annette Hendrick    Ellen O’Neill            Sanibel Packing Company   Robert & Jane Holder
    Sheila Barboza       Ed Hendrick         Annette Pacyga        Bank of the Islands          Island House Restaurant DBA
    Laura Beckenbaugh    Ann Heymann         Peg Palange           Jeffrey Beale                   Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grill
    Dennis Berry         Ted Hoesel          Gayle Pence           Mike & Bea Becher            Island Real Estate Associates
    Jane Boehly          Jane Holder         Gerri Perkins         Cliff & Susan Beittel        Island Sun
    Mary Bondurant       Andrew Jacob        Bill Rahe             Karen Bell                   Island Yacht Sales
    Sally Borgetti       Terry Jacob         Stephanie Rahe        James & Susan Berg           Friedrich & Daniela Jaeger
    Jeanine Bradford     Jewel Jensen        Katie Reid            Berger Foundation            John Grey Painting
    Barbara Broadhurst   Shirley Jewell      Bruce Richardson      Fred & Mary Bondurant        Kenneth & Sharon
    Carol Brodersen      Terry Jewett        Karen Roberts         Wayne & Linda Boyd              Kaltenmark
    Lynne Campean        Connie Jump         Susan Rosenberg       William & Ruth Brooks        King Contracting Services of
    Annette Cantalupo    Sharon Kaltenmark   Barry Roth            Mary Buck                       Sanibel
    Kathy Choquette      Kathy Kapalin       Carolyn Ruff          Peter & Connie Bukowick      KingFisher Real Estate, Inc.
    Lois Codair          Carol Kaplan        Joanne Rukavina       Captiva Cruises              LAT Foundation
    Robin Coleman        Cathy Kebbekus      Karen Searles         William & Judy Cheney        Billy & Salli Kirkland
    Betsy Cox            Gary Kebbekus       Sally Shelton         David & Robin Coleman        Alan & Edina Lessack
    Patti Daly           Sally Kennedy       Nancy Siegel          Scot & Melissa Congress      Raymond & Mary Jo Luebbers
    Ginny Darby          Celina Kersh        Alan Smith            Alan & Adrienne Cross        Jack & Inky Meng
    Pete Darby             Monte-Sano        Anita Smith           Ralph & Billye Curtis        Philip & Mickey Mergener
    Carol DiCorpo        Julie Kocourek      Helane Smith          Pete & Ginny Darby           Frank & Pat Middendorf
    Mike DiCorpo         Jim Komsa           Georgianna Sorensen   Dorothy Donaldson &          Stephen & Jeanette Milhaly
    Martha Dilger        Linda Kramer        Summer Stewart           Aaron Cohen               Edward & Dorothy Miller
    Dorothy Donaldson    Nanette Laurion     Ty Symroski           Tracy Drake                  Michael & Mary Miller
    Linda Drasnin        Jim LaVelle         Dusty Tenney          Jim & Catharina Drotleff     Vincent Monte-Sano &
    Sally Duffy          Kathy Lear          Tracey Tenney         James & Sally Duffy             Celina Kersh Monte-Sano
    Barbara Eisenberg    Alan Lessack        Nancy Terelle         Fred & Maria Fielding        Robert & Patty Moore
    Lois Fox             Edina Lessack       Sally Thorburn        David & Mika Filkins         John & Kay Morse
    Bonnie Frankel       Charlie Lombardo    Frankie Tozzi         Ralph & Bonnie Frankel       Kevin & Deidre O’Donnell
    Raf Frankel          Jeri Magg           Nancy Travis          Roland & Gail Garlinghouse   Timothy & Julia O’Neill
    Barbara Freeman      Wanda Malone        Cynthia Trimbey       Gene’s Books                 Ellen O’Neill
    Gail Garlinghouse    Judy McBroom        Gerry Verblaauw       Douglas & Sherry Gentry      Jeannie Olinger
    Kenneth Gerson       Peter McCurdy       John Wahlfeld         Kenneth & Carol Gertsen      Bruce & Harriet Pattison
    Carol Gertsen        Kay McDonald        Brenda Wentworth      William & Mardi Glenn        Wayne & Gayle Pence
    Deb Gleason          Peg McGann          Alex Werner           Porter & Mariel Goss         James Pigott
    Ken Gnazzo           Mickey Mergener     Mary Woodward         Steven & Amanda              Philip & Roberta Puschel
    Clivie Goodwin       Phil Mergener       Blair Wyatt              Greenstein                William & Stephanie Rahe
    Ron Gould                                                      Roger & Sandy Grogman        Charles & Nancy Roach
    Mary Jean Green                                                William & Jeanie Haas        Rosemary Ryan
    Susan Greenberg                                                Steve & Laurie Hafener       Sanibel Captiva Trust
    Steve Greenstein                                                                               Company
    Buzz Griffin                                                                                William & Karen Sartoris
                                                                                                Shawn & Laura Shaffer
                                                                                                Tom & Judie Sharbaugh
                                                                                                Ada Shissler
                                                                                                Steve & Nancy Siegel
                                                                           Left: Board          John Simler
                                                                           members              Robert & Anita Smith
                                                                           Sherry Halleran      Steve & Georgianna Sorensen
                                                                           (left) and           Robert & Nancy Sperte
                                                                           Ginny Darby          Lee Tauck
                                                                                                Maurice & Tracey Tenney
                                                                                                Times of the Islands
                                                                                                The Garlinghouse Foundation
                                                                                                The Grog Shop
                                                                                                LeaAnne Trout
                                                                                                Martin Uhle
                                                                                                Rodney & Gerry Verblaauw
                                                                                                Alexander Werner & Karen
                                                                                                Edward Wheeler
                                                                                                Margaret White
                                                                                                John & Antoinette White
                                                                                                Dennis & Blair Wyatt Berry
                                                                                                Bill & Patty Zimmerman

Before & After AND We were off to a great start: Sanibel Historical Museum and Village
Donald & Betty Abbott
Carole Anne Albero
                            Tom Edgar
                            Barbara Eisenberg                  More than ever, we appreciate our volunteers,
Emilie Alfino               Jack Elias
Susan Andrews               Donald & Deanna Engen              benefactors, and supporters. You all go the extra mile,
Christine Armbrecht         John & Elizabeth English
James & Valorie Babb        David & Linda Essig                and then some, to help the Historical Village thrive,
William Badgley & Carol     Cecy & Walter Faster
   McEntee Badgley
Mary Lou Bailey
                            James & Kathryn Felsenthal
                            William Fetherston
                                                               and we can’t thank you enough!
Joseph & Anne Balboni       Virginia Fleming
John & Judy Barbieri        James & Lois Fox
Ken & Patricia Barbour      Byron & Shirley Frank
Sheila Barboza              John & Jane Fredericks
Sally Barsley               Barbara Freeman
Clair Beckman & Ron Nixon   John & Pam Fridlington
Walter & Wendy Berninger    John & Debbie Friedlund
Larry Bessert               Stephen & Victoria Fuchs     Jim & Barbara Kallman       Donna Oberhill                 Ralph Stevens
Frances Bingham Kerr        Lillian Gailius              John & Kirsten Kaltenmark   Margaret Palange               Hannah Stevens
Naomi Bloom & Ron Wallace   Richard Garcia               Kathy Kapalin               Roger Passarella               Stephen Stockwell
Bill Boehly                 Kevin & Esther George        Eliott & Irene Kaplan       Rod & Virginia Paulsen         Edward & Virginia Stringer
Thomas & Mary Jane Bolon    Carol Gestwicki              Peter & Carol Kaplan        Steve & Sue Peltzman           Ellen Strobel
Alexandra Bordiuk           Marvis Gillison              Gary & Cathy Kebbekus       Dan & Gerri Perkins            Ty & Jan Symroski
Susan Boren & Steve King    Deborah Gleason              William & Patricia Kelley   Gil & Margie Peters            Tarpon Bay Explorers
David & Sally Borgetti      Henry Glissman               Michael Kelly               Rob & Mindy Pierce             Richard & Anna Teerlink
Michael & Patricia Boris    Kenneth & Kaye Gnazzo        John & Kathleen Kennedy     Maria Pignataro                Dee Templeton
Crosby & Julia Boyd         Rick & Alice Godfrey         Jack & Sally Kennedy        Joe & Laurie Porter            Jeff & Veronica Tenut
Philip & Helen Bradbury     John & Cheryl Goodnow        Charles & Helen Ketteman    George & Nancy Poulsen         Terrence & Clara Terrana
Katherine Branam            Clivie & Nancy Goodwin       Sally Knaub                 Paul & Barbara Powers          August & Maureen Thoma
William & Sue Breda         Chauncey Goss                Robin Krivanek              Sharon Purdy                   Sally Thorburn
Ray Brennan                 Ron & Joan Gould             Philip Lacovara             R.S. Walsh Landscaping, Inc.   George & Linda Toft
Barbara Broadhurst          Carolyn Graham               Deborah LaGorce             Charles & Jane Ramseth         Susan Tracey
Roy & Carol Brodersen       Ira Grasgreen                Arnold & Martha Langbo      George & Maggie Rapp           Kirk Trachy
Barry & Judy Bronstein      Ronald & Mary Jean Green     James & Mary LaVelle        John & Katie Reid              Charles & Kay Trainor
Susan Buck                  Susan Greenberg              Law Office of Janet M.      James & Joan Reynolds          Nancy Travis & Kevin Tidd
Robert & Judy Burgstahler   Alice Greenspan                 Strickland, P.A.         Geoffrey & Robbie              Cynthia Trimbley
Rodney Burt                 Phyllis Gresham              Marcia Leslie                  Roepstorff                  Thomas & Linda Uhler
Tom & Maggie Butcher        Robert Guerrera              Joel & Shirley Levine       Don & Nancy Rolley             Robert & Betty Van Tassel
Bonnie Byrne                Jill Haft                    Tom & Merni Libonate        Paul Roney                     Priscilla Viets
John & Sarabess Cahill      Lisa & John Hammon           Bob & Jeanne Lindman        William Rosenberg & Carol      Rick & Judith Wagner
Richard & Marcy Calkins     Albert & Sally Hanser        Sara Lindsay                   Holland                     John & Jill Wahlfeld
Fran Cameron                Libby Hanson-Dickinson       Calvin & Patricia           Susan Rosenberg & Ken          John & Norma Walley
Roland & Glenda Campbell    Patrick & Lee Ellen Harder      Linnemann                   Gerson                      Anne Walter
George & Lynne Campean      Laura Harkey                 Marcus & Barbara Low        Barry Alan Roth                John & Jane Wardell
Rocco & Annette Cantalupo   Steven & Shirley Harris      James & Gale Lynch          Herbert & Judith Rubin         Tom & Judy Ware
Anne Sharpe Carter          Linda Harvey                 Deirdre MacGuire            Carolyn Ruff                   John & Ann Wellauer
Cedar Chest Fine Jewelry    Heidi Hazzard                John MacLennan              Robert Russell                 Andrew & Eileen Weltcheff
Kathleen Choquette          Hanns & Christel Heidecker   Karl & Jerilyn Magg         Katharine Dupont Sanger        Jim & Sandy Westwick
Thelma Clark                Kate Helman                  Wanda Malone                Sanibel Captiva Beach          Robert & Kathy Wiesemann
Ronald & Sheelagh Clarke    Jonathan & Nancy             Angela Marsland                Resorts, LLC                Kay & Fred Wightman
Dennis & Mary Clifford         Helmreich                 Mike Marston                Sanibel Captiva Conservation   Barbara Wilgus
Lois Codair                 John & Jane Henshaw          John & Judith McBroom          Foundation, Inc.            Dave Williams
Roger & Ann Cogswell        Mal & Jill Hepburn           Peter McCurdy               Sanibel Public Library         Robert Williams
Richard & Robin Cohan       Donald & Bluma Herman        Louise McDonald             Sanybel’s Finest               Barry Wilson
Gregory & Diane Cortese     JoAnn Reece Hilliard         Kay McDonald                James & Sandy Sauer            Willie Winkler
Betsy Cox                   Gregory & Joan Hoskins       John & Janet McLaughlin     Robert & Sherry (Jean)         George Witte
Merilyn Cummings-Kirby      Janie Howland & Jack         Bill & Barbara Millar          Scherer                     Michael & Marilee Wood
Harold Curran                  Thomas                    Thomas & Nancy Miller       Verena Scheu                   Ralph & Jean Woodring
Sean & Patti Daly           Guy & Judith Hunter          Norman Minsky               Shirley Schulz                 Mary Woodward
Jerry Edelman & Maryanne    Sandra Hutchings             Joseph & Linda Mondelli     Heather Scott                  Lawrence & Judith Yenkole
   Daly                     David & Cynthia Jacob        Phillip & Elizabeth         Peter & Ellen Scrivner         Frederick & Diane Zimmer
Peter & Sue Danford         Andrew & Teresa Jacob           Mosbaugh                 Linda Seifert
Holly Davies                Richard & Mary Jalkut        Robert & Rebekah Moyle      Edward & Penny Sessa
James Davis                 Edward Jayne                 Ernst & Lisette Muhlemann   She Sells Sea Shells           * Lists cover the period
Mark & Nancy Deputy         James & Sue Jefferson        Thomas & Cheryl Mulqueen    Dwight & Sally Shelton         from August 1, 2019 through
Henry DeRonck               Tom Jessen                   John Muskoff                Joseph & Joyce Sirkin          September 30, 2020. If your
Benjamin Diamond            Richard & Shirley Jewell     Mary Nagle                  Dean & Shirley Skaugstad       name should be on these lists
Michael & Carol DiCorpo     Skip & Terry Jewett          John & Kathryn Namovic      Ley & Lois Smith               but has been omitted, or if the
Ken & Martha Dilger         Patricia Johannesen          Michael & Carol Newhouse    Alan & Helane Smith            information is incorrect, we
Molly Downing               Campbell & Barbara           Edward & Susan Nickson      Craig & Julie Spitzfaden       apologize. Please let us know
Thomas & Barbara Dunham        Johnstone                 Randall & Marilyn Niehoff   Ann Marie Sprott               at
Bill Dunn                   Connie Jump                  Fred & Marjorie Nordstrom   Tony & Myra St. John           or 239-472-4648.

Before & After AND We were off to a great start: Sanibel Historical Museum and Village
Nonprofit Org.
                                                                                                                                       U.S. Postage
                                P.O. Box 413                                                                                           Fort Myers, FL
                                Sanibel Florida 33957                                                                                  Permit No. 554

       A G L A N C E AT T H E P A S T
       I N TO T H E F U T U R E

Planning Supervisor Roy Gibson and City Manager   Volunteers Kathy Lear and Lois Codair                  Volunteers Dorothy Donaldson, Blair Wyatt, Gayle
Judie Zimomra, with Docent Alan Lessack (left).                                                          Pence, Jan Halliday, and Ellen O’Neill.

                                                                                                                     10 am–4 pm, Tues.–Sat.
                                                                                                                     May, June and July:
                                                                                                                     10 am–1 pm, Tues.–Sat.
                                                                                                                     Closed Sundays, Mondays,
          Emilie Alfino               Jan Symroski           Susan Ruberry                Sandy Nering               and holidays
           Executive                    Volunteer               Finance                     Front Desk
            Director                   Coordinator              Assistant                    Assistant               ADMISSION
                                                                                                                     Members: free
       Welcome, Susan Ruberry, Our New Finance Assistant                                                             Ages 18 and over: $10
       Our new Finance Assistant, Susan Ruberry,            rewarding and also get me involved in the                Children under 18: free
       hails from Washington, D.C. She and her              community,” she said.
       husband purchased a home on Sanibel in                  Among her responsibilities at the                     Barbara Freeman, Editor
       2017 and have been full-time residents               Historical Village are paying bills,
       since February of 2019. They have two                processing payroll, overseeing the donor
       children and three dogs.                             database, and filing regularly scheduled
          After working as a managing director              reports, including quarterly City of Sanibel
       for a human-resources consulting firm                reports and IRS filings.
       since 2014, and as a self-employed finance              “Susan’s skills are an excellent match
       and accounting consultant before that,               with our needs,” said Executive Director
       Susan was ready for a change when                    Emilie Alfino. “We’re so pleased she was
       she moved to Sanibel. “I wanted to do                willing to join our small team, and I look
       something that would be useful and                   forward to a long and happy collaboration.”

Before & After AND We were off to a great start: Sanibel Historical Museum and Village Before & After AND We were off to a great start: Sanibel Historical Museum and Village
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