Bulleti N - Central Tibetan Administration

Page created by Sheila Rose
Bulleti N - Central Tibetan Administration
                            The Official Journal   of the   Central Tibetan Administration
Volume 25- Issue 4                                                                                July - August 2021


                 The Great 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, a constant hope for humanity



         His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Conversation on Creating a Happier World


                                                       World Press

                     China Must Recognise Dalai Lama Key To Resolving Conflict:
                                     Tibet’s President-In-Exile


Bulleti N - Central Tibetan Administration

                                                                                                             B ulleti N
                                                                                                      Tibetan Bulletin is an official bi-monthly
12         The Great 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, a constant hope for humanity                                journal of the Central Tibetan


15           His Holiness the Dalai Lama Talks About Compassion in Healthcare

17           His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Conversation on Creating                                  Signed articles or quotations do not
             a Happier World                                                                          necessarily reflect the views of the Central
                                                                                                      Tibetan Administration.
20          His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Conversation with Indonesian Students
                                                                                                      Contributions are welcome and may be
                                                                                                      addressed to the editor, Tibetan Bulletin.
23           His Holiness the Dalai Lama talks about Compassion and Non-violence                      However the publisher regrets its inability
                                                                                                      to return unused articles unless they are
                                                                                                      accompanied by a self-addressed envelope
                                                                                                      with adequate postage.
World Press
                                                                                                      Tibetan Bulletin is distributed free of
26         China Must Recognise Dalai Lama Key To Resolving Conflict:                                 charge. To subscribe please email the
                                                                                                      circulation manager or see back cover.
           Tibet’s President-In-Exile
				                                                By NDTV                                           Jamphel Shonu
                                                                                                      Email: tibbul@tibet.net
27         Xi is the problem, not the people of China
                                                                                                      Asst. Editor
				By Savio Rodirigues, Sunday Guardian                                                              Tenzin Phende

29         What Beijing wants to tell the rest of the world                                           Layout & Design
                                                                                                      Tenzin Phende
				                                                By Vijay Gokhale, The Indian Express
                                                                                                      Circulation Manager
30 US red cards China over Xinjiang, Tibet and repression in Hong Kong                                Norbu Wangdue
				                                                                                                  Email: circulation@tibet.net
				                        By Shishir Gupta, Hindustan Times                                         Tibetan Bulletin is published by:
                                                                                                      Department of Information and
                                                                                                      International Relations,
                                                                                                      Central Tibetan Administration,
                                                                                                      Dharamshala - 176 215 H.P. India
                                                                                                      Tel: +91-1892-222510 / 222457

                                                                                                                   Vol. 25, Issue 4
                                                                                                               JULY-AUGUST 2021
     News From Tibet & Exile ......4
     Contact ................................. 31     Quotes ............................32
Bulleti N - Central Tibetan Administration
In the history of Sino-Tibetan relations,     objective of the agreement was to            against Chinese rule. The 155 Tibetan
two treaties stand out for their              make the Tibetans accept for the first       self-immolation protests and the deep
significance. The first was signed in         time in its long history that Tibet had      seated resentment against the Chinese
821-22 CE between Tibetan emperor             effectively become a part of China in        government is a testament to the fact
Ralpachan and the Tang emperor                an official document. It was hoped that      that China’s policies in Tibet have
Muzong. This treaty demarcated the            with this conciliatory approach, China       been a screaming disaster. The little
borders between the two countries and         could gradually build trust among the        development and economic aid that
demonstrated Tibet’s military strength        Tibetan elites, nurture patriotism among     China has brought in Tibet, it has been
and independence. The other was signed        the masses for China and eventually          offset by the brutal policies that China
by Tibetan delegates under duress with        facilitate complete integration of Tibet     has practiced in Tibet to annihilate
Chinese Communist representatives             into the Chinese nation. As a believer       Tibetan religion, culture, identity, and
on 23 May 1951. This treaty signified         in peace and non-violence, the Tibetan       freedom. Whatever China gave with
Tibet’s loss of independence, and for         government of the time led by His            one hand, it took it away with the
the first time in its history, Tibet was      Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama also made       other hand which only led to growing
forced to accept China’s sovereignty          earnest efforts to co-exist harmoniously     disenchantment among the Tibetan
over it. These two treaties illustrate two    with the Chinese in abidance with the        public with the Chinese leadership.
distinctly different eras and outcomes        agreement. However, it was not to be so.
for Tibet: one of independence and the                                                     Despite Tibet’s right to complete
other of invasion. China now claims           In March 1959, China violently attacked      statehood     given      its     historical
that Tibet has been a part of China           Tibet to quell a peaceful uprising           independence and the invalidity of the
since antiquity and that the seventeen        against the Chinese military’s increasing    seventeen point agreement, the Tibetan
point agreement signified Tibet’s return      brutality. With this attack, the seventeen   people now pursues a Middle Way
to the motherland. However, the fact          point agreement was effectively killed       Approach envisioned by His Holiness
remains that Tibet had effectively been       as China violated the points stipulated in   the Dalai Lama and proposed by the
an independent state for the entirety of      the agreement. The agreement died again      Central Tibetan Administration. It
its long and glorious history.                when Tibetans led by His Holiness the        seeks genuine autonomy for all three
                                              Dalai Lama repudiated the agreement          provinces of Tibet under a single Tibetan
Following the birth of the PRC in 1949,       as invalid from exile in India. From         administration within the Chinese state.
it has been China’s nation-building           that perspective, China’s glorification      However, China has labelled Tibetans
strategy to incorporate territories that it   and revival of a dead agreement as           seeking genuine autonomy as ‘splittists’
claimed it inherited from the previous        liberation and formal integration of         and arrested them irrespective of the
Qing and Nationalist governments.             Tibet into China is not only misleading      fact that Middle Way Approach doesn’t
Since Tibet wasn’t under either the           but also misrepresents the trajectory of     challenge China’s territorial integrity.
Qing or the Nationalist regime, Tibet         modern Tibetan history.
proved a dilemma for China’s nation-                                                       These prove that China’s claims of
builders as Tibetans have its own             This year’s 70th anniversary celebration     Tibet’s harmonious integration into the
conception of history and identity.           of the agreement was also accompanied        Chinese motherland is nothing but a sham
For that reason, although China won a         by China’s usual propaganda rhetoric         political rhetoric. It only wants to control
decisive victory over the Tibetan army        such as rapid economic development           Tibet in pursuit of its narrow geopolitical
in the battle of Chamdo, it adopted           and social harmony. The reality however      and security interests without addressing
a functionalist approach to facilitate        is far from the truth. China’s so-called     the genuine aspirations of the Tibetan
Tibet’s integration. Notably, this            development in Tibet in the last 70 years    people. China should stop blowing hot
approach in the form of the seventeen         is not even a fraction of the development    air into its so-called liberation of Tibet
point agreement was the only treaty that      that other parts of China has seen. There    but rather make fervent efforts to resume
China signed with an ethnic group that        exists a huge economic divide between        the stalled Sino-Tibetan dialogue with
it claimed sovereignty over. Given the        China’s western frontiers and its            Tibetan representatives. The only way
authoritarian streak of the Communist         eastern coastal regions. Moreover, the       forward in the resolution of the Sino-
party, this agreement has struck a few        beneficiaries of the state-led development   Tibetan conflict is through resumption
conciliatory notes as evidenced from the      programs have disproportionately been        of the stalled dialogue process.
points stipulated in the agreement such       Chinese migrants rather than Tibetans.
as regional autonomy, greater respect         Instead of social harmony, the forced
to Tibet’s unique traditions and forms        integration of Tibet have only resulted
of governance, etc. Such conciliations        in stiff and enduring resistance from the    Jamphel Shonu
were unheard of and unprecedented             people against Chinese rule. Decades         Editor
at the time in any other part of China.       have gone by and Tibet still remains
However, for China, the most significant      one of the hotbeds of active resistance
Bulleti N - Central Tibetan Administration

Sikyong Urges China to
                                                        Sikyong Penpa Tsering also called on
                                                        China to recognize His Holiness the
                                                                                                        Report: Four Tibetan
 Invite His Holiness the                                Dalai Lama as the key to resolving the              Monks Given
                                                        Sino-Tibetan conflict and earnestly
Dalai Lama to Tibet and                                 invite His Holiness the Dalai Lama to
                                                                                                       “Extraordinarily Harsh
  China on Pilgrimage                                   Tibet and China on pilgrimage without          Sentences” Following
                                                        any preconditions.
Sikyong Penpa Tsering of the Central
                                                                                                       China’s Crackdown on
Tibetan Administration expressed the                    “His Holiness the Dalai Lama is one
                                                        of the foremost guides of our time and
                                                                                                        Tengdro Monastery
Tibetan administration’s greetings
and paid rich tributes to His Holiness                  is one of the few individuals who can
the Dalai Lama for his visionary                        reorient Sino-Tibetan history toward
leadership of Tibet at the official 86th                a positive direction. The Chinese
birthday ceremony of His Holiness the                   government should therefore recognize
Dalai Lama at Gangchen Kyishong.                        that His Holiness the Dalai Lama is
The ceremony was attended by the                        the key to resolving the Sino-Tibetan
Chief Justice Commissioner Sonam                        conflict.”
Norbu Dagpo along with two justice
commissioners, chairman of the                          “It should utilize the opportunity offered
autonomous bodies, and senior officials                 by the mutually beneficial Middle
                                                                                                     Tengdro monks unjustly sentenced
of the Tibetan administration under                     Way Approach to foster a harmonious
Covid-19 safety regulations.                            environment where Tibetans and Chinese       The Human Rights Watch (HRW) has
                                                        can co-exist amicably. Therefore, we         released a report revealing the Chinese
                                                        appeal to the Chinese government to          authorities’ ever-increasing ruthless
                                                        earnestly invite His Holiness the Dalai      crackdowns and groundless persecutions
                                                        Lama to Tibet and China on pilgrimage        aimed at intimidating Tibetans from
                                                        without any precondition,” he stated.        communicating with Tibetans in exile
                                                                                                     and for showing any signs of loyalty to
                                                        The ceremony also included video             His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
                                                        greetings from the leaders of the various
                                                        Tibetan spiritual traditions for His         According to the report, Chinese
                                                        Holiness the Dalai Lama on his 86th          authorities last year had sentenced four
                                                        birthday.                                    Tibetan monks from Tengdro Monastery
Sikyong Penpa Tsering offering a ceremonial                                                          in Dingri (Tingri) county to long prison
Tibetan scarf to a portrait of His Holiness the Dalai
                                                        As part of the ceremony, the Tibetan         terms after a violent raid on their
Lama at the official 86th birthday celebration
of HIs Holiness the Dalai Lama at Gangchen              Public Service Commission felicitated        monastery in the “Tibet Autonomous
Kyishong, 6 July 2021. Photo/Tenzin Phende/DIIR         six senior Tibetan civil servants who        Region” (TAR). The raid came after the
                                                        have served for more than 25 years           discovery of a cell phone in September
                                                        in the Tibetan administration. It also       2019, mistakenly left at a café in Lhasa
Delivering the statement of the Kashag,                 presented awards to two distinctive staff    by a monk named Choegyal Wangpo,
Sikyong reaffirmed his firm commitment                  for excellence in service.                   that contained messages deemed
to the Tibetan charter and pledged to                                                                “illegal” by the Lhasa authorities after
strengthen Tibetan unity by resolving                   The ceremony also saw video                  they searched the device.
the minor differences within the Tibetan                presentations of special birthday songs
community by engaging in constructive                   composed and performed by Tibetan            The messages showed that Choegyal
discussion.                                             Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA).         Wangpo, a 46-year-old monk and
                                                                                                     leader of Tengdro Monastery, had sent
“When it comes to our struggle, we                                                                   monetary relief for Tibetans living in
must recognize our common opponent                                                                   Nepal, who were originally from Dingri,
and work towards resolving our                                                                       as a compensation for the loss suffered
differences by engaging in constructive                                                              in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake.
discussion. Our consolidated efforts                                                                 Lhasa police immediately detained
should be directed towards fulfilling our                                                            Choegyal Wangpo, reportedly beat him,
common goals which is the mandatory                                                                  and interrogated him.
and historic responsibility of the exile
Tibetan people,” he said.                                       For detailed news visit:             The detention prompted security forces
                                                                  www.tibet.net                      from Lhasa to travel to Wangpo’s home
                                                                                                     village of Dranak, and raided the village
4     TIBETAN BULLETIN                                                                                                       JULY - AUGUST 2021
Bulleti N - Central Tibetan Administration

and the adjoining monastery of Tengdro.      or espionage, none of which appear to      Another monk by the same name who
The raid resulted in the arrest of 20        have been involved in this case”, added    was convicted in the same case and
Tibetans in the area on the suspicion of     the rights group.                          sentenced to ten years was released in
having contacted Tibetans living abroad,                                                2018.
of having contributed to the earthquake
relief sent to the Tibetans in Nepal, or         Tibetan Writer
having possessed photographs related to                                                  Tibetan Monastery in
the Dalai Lama. Later on, the Chinese        Continues to Remain in
                                                                                        Gansu Forced to Close
officials    immediately     commenced       Chinese Prison for Two
daily political education sessions with                                                 Down; Monks and Nuns
monks from the monastery and village           Years Without Trial
residents.                                                                                Ordered to Disrobe
                                             Konmay, a 45-year-old monk of
                                                                                        Recent video footage showed local
Three days after the police raid, a          Trotsik Monastery in Ngaba County,
                                                                                        authorities in Gansu Province forcibly
monk named Lobsang Zoepa, a monk             northeastern Tibet (incorporated into
                                                                                        removing its monks and nuns, making
at Tengdro monastery and a resident          China’s Sichuan Province) was arrested
                                                                                        them renounce their monastic life to
of Dranak, committed suicide in an           by Chinese authorities on 20 July,
                                                                                        shut down a Tibetan monastery called
apparent protest against the authorities’    according to Dharamshala-based Kirti
                                                                                        Kharmar (Ch: Hongcheng) Monastery.
treatment of his family and community.       monks Lobsang Yeshe and Kanyag
Shortly after the incident, internet         Tsering on 3 August.
                                                                                        According to a Chinese media outlet
connections to the village were cut off.                                                Mingde, the forced eviction and shutting
                                                                                        down of Kharmar Monastery began
According to the HRW report, other                                                      when, on 31 July 2021, the Yongjing
monks held without trials were released                                                 County government sent large numbers
after several months after pledging not                                                 of police to carry out the eviction of the
to carry out any political acts, but they                                               monks and nuns from the monastery. It
were not allowed to rejoin the monastery.                                               took place within several days after Xi
                                                                                        Jinping’s visit to Tibet on 21 and 22 July.
Four monks including Choegyal
Wangpo were later tried by the Shigatse      Konmay (left) from Trotsik Monastery and   Videos of the incidents were being shared
Intermediate People’s Court in secret        Lobsang Tenzin from Kirti Monastery.       on various social media platforms. In
on unknown charges in September                                                         one such clip, nuns are seen praying
2020 and were given extraordinarily                                                     while staging a sit-in protest in front of
harsh sentences. Choegyal Wangpo was         The reason for Konmay’s arrest and
                                                                                        the monastery under a huge banner. The
sentenced to 20 years; Lobsang Jinpa,        other details are currently unknown.
                                                                                        banner hung by the nuns reads, “Forceful
43, to 19 years; Norbu Dondrub, 64, who      Konmay was the disciplinarian monk
                                                                                        eviction of the monastic community is
sustained critical injuries from police      (དགེ་བསྐོས་) of Trotsik Monastery and
                                                                                        not tolerable by national law”.
beatings, was sentenced to 17 years; and     hails from Trotsik village in Ngaba. He
Ngawang Yeshe, 36, was sentenced to 5        joined the monastery at a young age.
                                                                                        Another clip shows scores of nuns being
years in prison.                                                                        forcefully dragged by plain-clothes
                                             Kirti Monk Lobsang Tenzin Released
                                                                                        detectives outside the temple while other
“The information available about the         after more than ten years
                                                                                        nuns were seen exiting the monastery’s
Tengdro case strongly suggests that the                                                 assembly hall. In another clip, nuns
defendants had not taken part in any         In other news, Kirti monk Lobsang
                                                                                        were seen crying while an elderly lama
significant criminal activity, even as       Tenzin was released from prison a few
                                                                                        walked past consoling the grieving nuns.
defined within Chinese law,” HRW said.       days ago after serving more than 10
                                                                                        In yet another shocking clip, a monk
                                             years, but news of his state of health
                                                                                        was seen standing on the edge of the
“While Tibetans in Tibet often avoid         has not emerged. Lobsang Tenzin was
                                                                                        monastery’s roof threatening to jump off
making politically sensitive remarks,        falsely accused of involvement in
                                                                                        it if the officials did not “go away”.
they routinely communicate with people       the death of Lobsang Phuntsok, who
in other countries by phone or text          committed self-immolation in protest
                                                                                        The actual reasons for the monastery’s
message, and no Chinese laws currently       against Chinese rule on 16 March 2011.
                                                                                        unexpected shutdown is not officially
forbid this. Sending funds abroad,           He was arrested on 23 March and on
                                                                                        known as attempts made by Radio
also present in this case, is likely to be   28 August, he was sentenced to 13
                                                                                        Free Asia to seek information from the
monitored but is not illegal in China        years in prison by the Ngaba Prefecture
                                                                                        officials of Yongjing County were met
unless it includes a specific offense        Intermediate Peoples Court. He has been
                                                                                        with denials and refusals to comment
such as fraud, contact with an illegal       released before completing his sentence
                                                                                        on the case. According to Mingde, the
organization, encouraging separatism,        and returned home.
JULY - AUGUST 2021                                                                                      TIBETAN BULLETIN         5
Bulleti N - Central Tibetan Administration

monastery has raised and donated over                                                            Dorjee Tashi is one of the most
300,000 yuans for the Covid-19 relief               Imprisoned High-profile                      successful Tibetan businessmen and
fund. This caught the local government’s                                                         a member of the ruling Communist
attention who then demanded that the
                                                    Tibetan Businessman in                       Party since 2003. He met the former
                                                        Serious Health                           Chinese president, Hu Jintao, and the
                                                                                                 former premier, Wen Jiabao, in 2005.
                                                    One of Tibet’s wealthiest businessmen,       With more than 10 companies to his
                                                    serving life imprisonment in Lhasa’s         name, he is known as one of the richest
                                                    Drapchi Prison falsely accused for           Tibetans. TCHRD reported that after his
                                                    donation to the exile Tibetan community,     sentencing, Chinese authorities seized
                                                    is reportedly in serious health condition.   Dorje Tashi’s properties, including 530
                                                                                                 million yuan, and took over the famous
                                                    Dorje Tashi, the owner of the famous         Yak Hotel and another hotel he owned
                                                    Yak Hotel in Lhasa, was detained             in Shigatse.
Local Chinese Authorities forcibly evicting monks   after the 2008 protests on suspicion of
and nuns from Kharmar monastery. Image:
                                                    providing covert support to Tibetan
                                                    protestors and for making donations
monastery share its wealth equally with             to the Tibetan community in exile. In        Representative Ngodup
the government. When the monastic                   2010, he was tried in secret by the Lhasa     Dongchung Meets US
community refused to oblige, the local              People’s Intermediate Court as his
authorities arrived in plainclothes to seal         family members were denied permission         CdA Ambassador Atul
                                                    to attend the trial. He was allegedly
off the monastery.
                                                    charged for “loan fraud”. The Chinese
According     to    the     International           media never reported on Dorjee Tashi’s       Representative Ngodup Dongchung
Campaign for Tibet, Kharmar, which                  sentence, who was named one of the           from the Bureau of His Holiness the
literally means “red fort” in Tibetan, is           “10 outstanding youth of Tibet” by the       Dalai Lama based in New Delhi met
located in the Linxia Hui Autonomous                Chinese government.                          US Charge d’Affaires Ambassador Atul
Prefecture, which directly borders the                                                           Keshap on 10 August.
Kanlho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.
The area was known as Gachu in Tibetan                                                           In a tweet shared by the US Charge
when it used to be part of the Tibetan                                                           d’Affaires on his official Twitter
Empire in history.                                                                               handle, he wrote: Enjoyed meeting with
                                                                                                 Ngodup Dongchung, Representative of
During the Mongol Empire, under the                                                              His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The U.S.
edict of Kublai Khan in the 13th century,                                                        supports the religious freedom and the
a pagoda was established on that site to                                                         preservation of Tibetans’ unique cultural
honor Drogon Chogyal Phagpa, the fifth                                                           and linguistic identities, and respects
leader of the Sakya school of Tibetan                                                            the @DalaiLama’s vision for the equal
Buddhism. Kharmar Monastery was                                     Dorje Tashi                  rights of all people.
later built at the site of the pagoda. Both
the pagoda and the monastery were                   According to exile reports, prolonged        Enjoyed     meeting     with     Ngodup
destroyed during Mao Zedong’s Cultural              torture suffered in prison for the           Dongchung, Representative of His
Revolution. It was later reconstructed              past years has left him with a severe        Holiness the Dalai Lama. The U.S.
in 2011. The monastery follows the                  heart condition, bruised body, and           supports the religious freedom and the
Sakya school, one of the four schools of            haemorrhoids. The Chinese officials          preservation of Tibetans’ unique cultural
Tibetan Buddhism.                                   rejected an appeal made by his family        and linguistic identities, and respects
                                                    members and lawyer to meet him.              the @DalaiLama’s vision for the equal
                                                                                                 rights of all people. pic.twitter.com/
                                                    The first appeal made to the Lhasa           zQoiMGAbLy
                                                    court by his lawyer in 2013 was left
                                                    unresponded for 6 years, only to be          — CdA Amb Atul Keshap                (@
                                                    rejected in November 2019. The               USAmbIndia) August 10, 2021
                                                    following month, a second appeal was
                                                    filed, which saw the meeting of Dorje
                                                    Tashi’s lawyer Wang Fei with his client
          For detailed news visit:                  in Lhasa prison on 6 January 2020,                   For detailed news visit:
            www.tibet.net                           reported Tibetan Centre for Human                      www.tibet.net
                                                    Rights and Democracy last year.
6    TIBETAN BULLETIN                                                                                                 JULY - AUGUST 2021
Bulleti N - Central Tibetan Administration

                                                                                           Gyatso’s vehicle. His companion,
   Kashag Forms New                             One Tibetan Believed                       Rigdak, got out of the car, stepped in
   Permanent Strategy                            Dead after Chinese                        front of the Chinese police and asked
                                                                                           “Why are you inspecting our vehicle?
       Committee                               Police Pushed Him Off                       Which department do you belong to?”
                                                                                           This angered the police who told Rigdak
                                              Into River, Another Shot                     to “shut your mouth” and shoved him off
                                              In what appears as a fresh re-               into the nearby Drichu river. And when
                                              intensification of restrictions on online    Sherab Gyatso angrily confronted the
                                              communications in Tibet, especially          Chinese officials, one of them shot and
                                              with those in exile, Chinese officials       injured him.
                                              are making random inspections of
                                              cellphones and vehicles owned by             Bystanders and witnesses intervened
                                              Tibetans. Some of these inspections          and rushed Sherab to a hospital in time,
                                              have led to the arrest of Tibetans on the    and he is reportedly safe from serious
                                              spot.                                        injuries. However, Rigdak is feared dead
                                                                                           when no trace of his body could be found
                                              One such police check led to the arrest of   after hours of searching in the river.
                                              three Tibetans in Kyegudo (Ch: Jiegu),
                                              Yushul Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture         Rigdak, around 50, hails from Tridu
                                              on 4 August for sharing pictures on          (Ch: Chengduo) County and lives with
                                              social media, according to reports last      his wife, Sangmo and has two daughters.
                                              week. Another incident on 15 August          Sherab Gyatso, 26, is the son of Karma
                                              reported the death of a Tibetan man          and Tselha and belongs to a family of
In a circular issued in Tibetan by the
                                              who was pushed off a steep roadside          five. He is from Domda town.
Kashag Secretariat of the Central
Tibetan Administration on 13 August,          into Drichu (Yangtze) river by Chinese
                                              police after he asked them to produce        The incident happened in the backdrop
the Task Force on Sino-Tibetan
                                              their police identity card. His friend was   of the recent crackdown in Kyegudo
Negotiations established in 1998 has
                                              shot when he rushed out of the car to        which started with the forced celebration
now been dissolved and in its place, a
                                              confront the police.                         of the so-called 70th anniversary of the
new Permanent Strategy Committee has
                                                                                           founding of Yushu TAP on 4 August.
been constituted.
                                              The two men identified as Sherab
                                              Gyatso and Rigdak were travelling from       Three arrested for “sharing pictures” on
The circular states:
                                              Kyegudo to Domda when they were              WeChat
Ever since the Task Force on Sino-            stopped by police conducting random
                                              inspections on the road, reported the        On 4 August, Rinchen Dorjee and
Tibetan Negotiations was established
                                              Tibet Times. They were assaulted in          Kelsang Nyima, from Domda village
in 1998, the successive Kashags
                                              a confrontation that followed after          in Yulshul (Ch: Yushu), and Lhundup
have added new members with the
                                              they claimed that their vehicle had no       from Dza Sershul (ch: Shiqu) County
committee reaching a membership of
                                              prohibited items that needed checking.       in Karze (Ch: Ganzi) TAP were arrested
16. Most of the members were foreign
                                                                                           on suspicion of sharing contents deemed
residents or residing in diverse places
                                                                                           “illegal” in a WeChat group.
holding various public and private
responsibilities. Those residing in
                                                                                           According to RFA, the three men are
Dharamshala were also holding a
                                                                                           part of a WeChat group which has
variety of portfolios and responsibilities.
                                                                                           around 200 members from both inside
For these reasons, a reorganisation of
                                                                                           and outside Tibet. They have shared in
the committee was deemed necessary.
                                                                                           the group pictures of the “celebration”
Therefore, effective 13 August 2021,
                                                                                           of the so-called 70th anniversary
the current Task Force on Sino-Tibetan
                                                                                           of the founding of Yulshul Tibetan
Negotiations is officially withdrawn and
                                                                                           Autonomous Prefecture, with local
a new Permanent Strategy Committee
                                              According to the report, the incident took   attendees subjected to tight scrutiny
composed of relevant senior CTA
                                              place on 15 August, at around 3 pm local     at all times. However, similar pictures
officials is formed. This committee
                                              time, at a security check on a highway,      of CCP events were seen on official
will apprise the Sikyong on Tibet and
                                              60 kms from Drubgyue Township.               accounts for propaganda purposes.
Tibet-related issues and will also advise
the Sikyong on advocacy and strategy          Several plain-clothes policemen without
                                              any IDs and badges approached Sherab         “During one of the random police
                                                                                           checks, the police handcuffed the three
JULY - AUGUST 2021                                                                                        TIBETAN BULLETIN        7
Bulleti N - Central Tibetan Administration

men and took them away in a police
vehicle without explanation. There is                 TPI Holds Conference on Tibet and Kinnaur
a possibility that they were arrested in
relation to their WeChat posts”, reported
                                                    Relations on Raja Virbhadra Singh’s 49th Day of
the source.                                                             Demise
Other      sources      reported     an                                                             “Along with this prayer service, we are
unconventional increase in the number                                                               also organising a daylong session on
of Chinese officials around the time                                                                the rich historical bond shared by Tibet
of the 70th anniversary celebration. In                                                             and Kinnaur in the form of religion,
Kyegudo town’s market square, a new                                                                 language, people, medicine, etc. As
police check post has reportedly been                                                               advised by the Sikyong, we have invited
constructed and the number of security                                                              various scholars, professors, and Lamas
cameras increased in the region.                                                                    from Kinnaur region to address today’s
                                                                                                    session in the hope that the future
                                                                                                    generation can appreciate our shared
     Karnataka Minister                          The prayer service to mark former Chief Minis-
                                                 ter Raja Virbhadra Singh’s 49th day of demise at   history,” he added.
    Approves 300 Lac for                         Sikyong hall in Gangchen Kyishong, 26 August
                                                 2021. Photo/Tenzin Phende/CTA
                                                                                                    Speaking briefly about the Kinnaur
     Road Development                            To mark the 49th day of Raja Virbhadra             region popularly known as Khunu in
                                                 Singh’s demise, the Tibet Policy
    Project in Mundgod                           Institute (TPI) of the Central Tibetan
                                                                                                    Tibetan, Director Dawa Tsering said:
                                                                                                    “The Kinnaur region lies downstream
        Settlement                               Administration held a prayer service and           of the Satluj river originating in Tibet’s
                                                 a daylong conference on Tibet and the              Ngari region. In the 17th century,
Shri Arbail Hebbar Shivram, Minister of
                                                 erstwhile Bushahr (Kinnaur) kingdom’s              Tibetan military general Gaden Tsewang
Labour Department in the Government
                                                 historic relations.                                and Raja Kehri Singh of Kinnaur signed
of Karnataka State, has approved 300
Lac Rupees for road development                                                                     a treaty of friendship between the two
                                                 Raja Virbhadra Singh is a former Chief             countries. The treaty declared that the
in Doeguling Tibetan settlement,
                                                 Minister of Himachal Pradesh and the               friendship between the two countries
                                                 hereditary king of the erstwhile princely          will endure until the crow turns white,
                                                 state of Bushahr (today’s Kinnaur                  Mansarovar lake turns dry or the snow
                                                 Region) which is contiguous to Tibet               on Mount Kailash melts,” he explained.
                                                 before it was occupied by China. Raja
                                                 Virbhadra Singh passed away on 8 July.             “Since that time, the bond between the
                                                                                                    two regions have grown even stronger.
                                                 In his introductory remarks, Dawa                  The bond is also reflected in Tibetan
                                                 Tsering, Director of Tibet Policy                  Buddhism as Kinnaur is home to a
                                                 Institute, hailed Raja Virbhadra Singh             number of reputed Tibetan Buddhist
                                                 as a lifelong friend and supporter of the          scholars and Rinpoches. Khunu Lama
Tibetan settlement officer Lhakpa Tsering with   Tibetan movement. He also spoke about              Tenzin Gyaltsen, one of His Holiness
Shri Arbail Hebbar Shivram, Minister of Karna-   the rich historical bond shared by Tibet           the Dalai Lama’s spiritual teachers, is
taka State.                                      especially the Guge Kingdom of Ngari               also from Kinnaur. Tibet Mirror, the
                                                 and the princely state of Bushahr in               first Tibetan language newspaper was
On behalf of the Central Tibetan
                                                 present day India’s Kinnaur region.                brought out by a person of Kinnauri
Administration and the Tibetan people,
Lhakpa Tsering, the Tibetan settlement                                                              origin. The Khunu Almanac is also
                                                 “For the past sixty years, late Raja               widely used in Tibet and was perhaps
officer of Mundgod, thanked the
                                                 Virbhadra Singh has been instrumental              published earlier than the one brought
minister and the state government of
                                                 in sustaining and strengthening the                out by Mentseekhang,” he remarked.
Karnataka state for its kind support. He
                                                 historic bond shared by the two peoples
offered a ceremonial Tibetan scarf and
                                                 of Tibet and Kinnaur. He was also close            Tempa Gyaltsen Zamlha, Deputy
shawl to express the gratitude of the
                                                 to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and                 Director of Tibet Policy Institute,
Tibetan people.
                                                 has been steadfast in providing support            moderated the introductory session and
                                                 to the Tibetan refugees. This affinity is          also delivered the vote of thanks.
Karnataka state is home to five of the
                                                 based on a treaty signed between the two
largest Tibetan agricultural settlements
                                                 peoples in the past. We remain grateful            The daylong session include topic on
and several large Tibetan monasteries.
                                                 to him and therefore we are organising             various subject.
It is also home to the largest Tibetan
                                                 this prayer service in his memory,”
community in exile.
                                                 Director Dawa Tsering said.

8    TIBETAN BULLETIN                                                                                                    JULY - AUGUST 2021
Bulleti N - Central Tibetan Administration

                 Statement of the Kashag on the 86th Birth Anniversary of
                               His Holiness the Dalai Lama
His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai
Lama, was born at Taktser, a small
hamlet in Amdo Province’s Kumbum
region on 6 July 1935 to Choekyong
Tsering and Dickyi Tsering. Raised
under the protection of Palden Lhamo,
Lhamo Dhondub was recognized as the
undisputed reincarnation of the Great
13th Dalai Lama and brought to Lhasa
at the age of five to be enthroned in
the Potala Palace. While undergoing
his monastic studies, the Chinese
government began illegally invading
Tibet’s Kham and Amdo regions. In
1950, the Tibetan troops stationed at
Chamdo suffered defeat under the
marauding Chinese army. As a result
of the invasion, the Tibetan political       Sikyong Penpa Tsering delivering the official statement of the Kashag on the 86th birthday of His Holiness
administration, economy, and the             the Dalai Lama. Photo/Tenzin Phende/DIIR
general Tibetan society underwent a
severe crisis, like an oil-exhausted lamp    His Holiness the Dalai Lama, followed                  a proclamation of the Constitution
flickering in its last dying flame. At       by about 80,000 Tibetans, escaped into                 for a Future Tibet. In 1967, in the
such a critical period in Tibet’s history,   exile in India, Nepal and Bhutan.                      heat of China’s devastating Cultural
His Holiness the Dalai Lama, at the                                                                 Revolution, His Holiness embarked on
tender age of sixteen, was compelled by      After coming into exile, most Tibetans                 his first international visit from exile to
circumstances to shoulder the spiritual      initially worked as road construction                  Thailand and Japan. In 1974, following
and temporal leadership of Tibet.            laborers in India. Despite the enormous                a visit to Europe in 1973, His Holiness
                                             hardships of food, clothing and shelter                discussed with the then exiled Tibetan
In 1951, under threats of further Chinese    in the early days of exile, under the                  leadership to explore ways to resolve the
military invasion, the seventeen-point       vision and guidance of His Holiness                    Sino-Tibetan conflict through dialogue
agreement was thrust upon the Tibetan        the Dalai Lama, gradually established                  based on the Middle Way Approach. In
people. However, His Holiness the            Tibetan settlements, schools and                       1979, while His Holiness was on a visit
Dalai Lama’s efforts to initiate reforms     monasteries on the land leased by the                  to the US, China was going through a
in Tibet was curtailed by the Chinese        Indian government. These institutions                  brief respite from the political turmoil
government.                                  now serve as the custodian of Tibetan                  of the past due to a series of liberal
                                             national identity. In 1960, His Holiness               reforms. Coinciding with these liberal
Barely a few years after taking the          the Dalai Lama brought about major                     reforms, Deng Xiaoping expressed a
political responsibility of Tibet, His       democratic reform in the Gaden                         desire to negotiate and the first Sino-
Holiness the Dalai Lama embarked on          Phodrang government by instituting the                 Tibetan contact was established after a
an official visit to China and India in      first Tibetan parliament composed of                   gap of twenty years. This renewed Sino-
1954 and 1956 respectively and met the       representatives from all three provinces               Tibetan contact led to several exploratory
leaders of the two Asian giants. Based       and religious schools of Tibet. This laid              talks and fact-finding missions to Tibet.
on his experiences and observations          the foundation of the nascent Tibetan                  It also allowed the reunion of Tibetans
of the two different forms of political      democracy in exile, and it was done with               inside and outside Tibet which enhanced
systems in Democratic India and              the foresight to empower the Tibetan                   the restoration of Tibetan monasteries
Communist China, His Holiness the            public to perform its own political and                and reinvigoration of the monastic
Dalai Lama made earnest efforts to co-       administrative functions in the long run.              community which had been undermined
exist harmoniously with the Chinese                                                                 by the Cultural Revolution. It also led to
in abidance with the seventeen-point         In 1959, 1961 and 1965, consequent                     a brief period of the revival of Tibetan
agreement for eight long years. However,     to emphatic international lobbying                     Buddhism, Tibetan language education,
in March 1959, sensing an inevitable         on Tibet, the United Nations General                   and Tibetan arts, culture and tradition.
threat to the life of His Holiness from      Assembly passed three resolutions                      All these are a clear outcome of the
the Chinese troops stationed in Lhasa,       on Tibet. In 1963, His Holiness made                   passionate efforts initiated by the 10th

JULY - AUGUST 2021                                                                                                    TIBETAN BULLETIN              9

Panchen Lama Choekyi Gyaltsen as              over 140 awards including 50 honorary        The level of education and economic
well as other Tibetan spiritual leaders,      degrees in the US alone. His Holiness        condition of the exile Tibetan
scholars, and the general Tibetan public.     the Dalai Lama is also the recipient of      community       has    also   improved
                                              over 150 global awards including the         considerably since the early days of
As a result of the Five Point Peace Plan      Nobel Peace Prize, UN Environment            exile. Tibetans are now relatively self-
and the Strasbourg Proposal made by           Award, US Congressional Gold Medal,          sufficient. This is also a fruit of His
His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the US         John Templeton Award, etc.                   Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 60 years of
Congress in 1987 and the European                                                          hard work and fund-raising efforts that
Parliament in 1988 respectively, and his      As part of his equitable care to all         was done either directly or through the
firm commitment to resolve the Tibet          Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and his         Central Tibetan Administration with
issue through the mutually beneficial         efforts to revive the Nalanda Tradition,     countries like India and the US as well
Middle Way Approach, His Holiness             His Holiness made annual visits to           as with international aid groups. The
garnered immense international respect        Bodh Gaya and other Tibetan Buddhist         Tibetan people must not only realize
and recognition. For these efforts,           monasteries to impart sacred teachings.      but also remember the benevolence of
His Holiness the Dalai Lama was also          His Holiness has also conferred 34           His Holiness the Dalai Lama. However,
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize which           Kalachakra teachings and has recognized      a few misguided individuals, instead
heralded an upsurge in international          at least 1337 reincarnations from all the    of expressing gratitude, resorts to the
support for Tibet. The year 1991 was          schools of Tibetan Buddhism between          baseless denigration of His Holiness
also marked as the International Year of      1960 and 2020. His Holiness has also         the Dalai Lama. As expressed many
Tibet, and in 1997 a special coordinator      administered at least 4,203 novice           times earlier, we shall resolutely face
for Tibetan issues was appointed in           vows and 16,126 full ordination vows         these challenges firmly and effectively.
the US state department. In 2002, the         to Tibetan Buddhist monks. In order to       Fervent prayers will also be offered to
Tibetan Policy Act was adopted by the         make Tibetan Buddhism compatible with        the two-state oracles and the virtuous
US government. Two years earlier, a           modern science, His Holiness the Dalai       Tibetan protector deities to peacefully
resolution on the Sino-Tibetan dialogue       Lama has engaged in discussion with          combat these bad deeds and aspirations.
was passed in the European Parliament         numerous scientists and philosophers
on the birthday of His Holiness the           for the benefit of the entire sentient       His Holiness the Dalai Lama is one of the
Dalai Lama. Various other democratic          beings. His Holiness has also initiated      foremost guides of our time and is one
nations along with their government and       interfaith dialogues and has advised         of the few individuals who can reorient
public have expressed strong support          the need to inculcate science education      Sino-Tibetan history toward a positive
and solidarity with the Tibet issue. The      in Tibetan monastic schools which is         direction. The Chinese government
singular reason that the Tibet issue has      being practiced by Tibetan monasteries       should therefore recognize that His
been able to stay alive throughout the        now. His Holiness is also highly revered     Holiness the Dalai Lama is the key to
world is because of His Holiness the          by the people in the Himalayan regions       resolving the Sino-Tibetan conflict. It
Dalai Lama’s deep commitment and              who share a common Tibetan Buddhist          should utilize the opportunity offered
promotion of universal moral values.          culture, as well as by Buddhists in          by the mutually beneficial Middle
                                              Southeast Asia and Mongolia.                 Way Approach to foster a harmonious
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is an                                                          environment where Tibetans and Chinese
international advocate of world peace,        The deep-rooted harmony and unity            can co-exist amicably. Therefore, we
and a stalwart of morality, and inter-        between spiritual leaders of the various     appeal to the Chinese government to
faith harmony. His Holiness is also           schools of Tibetan Buddhism, and the         earnestly invite His Holiness the Dalai
deeply committed to the Tibet issue           strong belief in Tibetan national identity   Lama to Tibet and China on pilgrimage
particularly the preservation of Tibetan      among the Tibetan people is also             without any preconditions.
culture and religion and conservation of      unprecedented since the disintegration of
Tibet’s environment. As part of his four      the Tibetan empire. This is a testament to   For over 60 years, His Holiness the Dalai
main commitments in life including the        His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s visionary      Lama has made tireless efforts through
revival of ancient Indian knowledge such      leadership of Tibet.                         the four phases of democratic evolution to
as epistemology, philosophy, meditation                                                    establish the Administration, represented
and secular ethics, His Holiness has          In the exile Tibetan community, there        by members of the three provinces and
travelled across 60 countries on 300          is almost no one who has not received        the different Tibetan religious traditions.
different occasions and have met over         teachings from His Holiness the Dalai        Since this administration is for the
490 world leaders including presidents,       Lama. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is         benefit of all the provinces and religious
prime ministers, chief ministers, judges,     the root guru for almost every Tibetan       traditions, for an effective and efficient
leaders of political parties, and spiritual   and as disciples, we need to understand      administration, we need a system of
leaders of different religious traditions.    and implement the essence of his             governance that is based on rule of
His Holiness has also delivered speeches      teachings and abide by the guidance and      law rather than the individual. Rule of
at over 60 renowned universities and          blessings offered by His Holiness the        law is the first prerequisite to foster a
research institutes and has received          Dalai Lama.                                  just and equitable society. Deviating
10   TIBETAN BULLETIN                                                                                            JULY - AUGUST 2021

from this commitment by delaying or         is the fundamental basis to strengthen       The current global political climate
compromising will not only go against       the Tibetan political movement. Under        offers a golden opportunity to highlight
the basic tenets of democracy but also      whatever circumstances or conditions,        the Tibet issue. We should therefore
against meaningful democracy. When we       we cannot remain entangled in past           duly proceed with His Holiness the
face disagreements on political positions   mistakes and should move forward             Dalai Lama’s blessings in our hearts
and ideas, we should find solutions from    and not backwards, based on legal            to strengthen Tibetan unity. That will
the provisions of the Tibetan Charter.      provisions.                                  be our greatest gift to His Holiness the
The Tibetan charter is the lifeline of                                                   Dalai Lama on this birthday and I urge
Tibetan democracy without which there       The Kashag, on its part, will perform        everyone to do the same.
cannot be equality and justice, neither     its functions of fulfilling its objectives
can such a democracy sustain itself in      with deep-rooted conviction and faith        In conclusion, may His Holiness live
the long run. Therefore, I urge everyone    in the Tibetan charter and the principle     for aeons. As per the aspirations of the
to pay serious attention to these issues.   of check and balance amongst the three       living and will of the dying, may His
                                            pillars of democracy.                        Holiness the Dalai Lama be able to visit
When it comes to our struggle, we must                                                   Tibet as soon as possible. May the Sino-
recognize our common opponent and           His Holiness the Dalai Lama has              Tibet conflict be resolved as early as
work towards resolving our differences      dedicated his entire life to the welfare     possible, which will pave the way for
by engaging in constructive discussion.     and upliftment of the sentient beings in     the Tibetans inside and outside Tibet to
Our consolidated efforts should be          general and the welfare of the Tibetans      reunite at the earliest.
directed towards fulfilling our common      in particular. Therefore, the Tibetan
goals which is the mandatory and historic   people also should study and practise the    Kashag
responsibility of the exile Tibetan         profound teachings of His Holiness the
people. The exile Tibetan community is      Dalai Lama and refrain from engaging         6 July 2021
an outcome of political circumstances       in any activities that will cause concern
and not economic conditions. We are a       to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. We                    For detailed news visit:
people with the responsibility to fight     should also abstain from partaking in
for our cause and not merely to make a      unnecessary squabbles on social media                  www.tibet.net
living. Consolidating our united effort     and narrow partisan strife.

   His Holiness the Dalai Lama Condoles the Demise of Shri Virbhadra Singh

                                                                                         “Historically there have long been close
                                                                                         ties between the people of the erstwhile
                                                                                         princely state of Bushahr, to which ‘Raja
                                                                                         Sahib’ belonged, and their neighbours in
                                                                                         western Tibet.

                                                                                         “Here in Himachal Pradesh, Shri
                                                                                         Virbhadra Singh, our longest serving
                                                                                         Chief Minister, will be sorely missed.”

                                                                                         His Holiness concluded his letter, “With
                                                                                         my prayers.”

On receiving the news this morning that former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh,
Shri Virbhadra Singh, had passed away, His Holiness the Dalai Lama wrote to his
widow, Smt Pratibha Singh, to offer his condolences.

“Dedicating himself to the service of others,” His Holiness wrote, “Virbhadra Singh
led a long and meaningful life. I admired the way he listened to people’s needs with
deep affection and compassion. I am personally grateful for the warm friendship he
showed me over the many years we knew each other.

JULY - AUGUST 2021                                                                                      TIBETAN BULLETIN        11

          The Great 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, a constant hope for humanity
                                                       “So long as space remains,
                                              So long as sentient beings suffer and remain,
                                                    I will remain in order to serve.”
                                                                                                    By-Novanita Sharma
One of the most beloved and revered           The People’s Republic of China didn’t         permanent seat of His Holiness the 14th
Spiritual leaders of the modern time, the     hesitate in showing their overt intentions    Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government
14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, Tenzin Gyatso       of aggressive expansionist ideology.          in exile for the past 62 years. This small
has a unique story. He was born as the        The Chinese hegemony continued in             hill station in India undeniably became
8th child in a peasant family on 6th July     the polity and social life of Tibet. The      the nerve center for the non-violent
1935, in a small hamlet located in Takste,    following years were marked by well-          Tibetan movement for freedom and
Amdo in the Northeastern Tibet. At the        conceived coercive political ploys            human rights. Hi Holiness upheld the
age of two, the child who was named           by the invading communist Chinese             highest practice of tolerance and non-
as Lhamo Dhondup by his family was            government and violent repression             violence in his 6 decades long peaceful
recognized as the reincarnation of the        of Tibetans in all across Tibet. The          struggle to give justice to the 6 million
13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso. He           growing angst amongst the Tibetan             Tibetans who bestowed upon him their
was soon to follow a life extraordinaire      people led to revolts; the revolts grew       trust and leadership in one of the most
as the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet as per the    in the Eastern Tibet when the Chinese         difficult time in the history of Tibet.
religious and cultural tradition of Tibet.    begin destroying monasteries and              His message of universal responsibility,
He left Amdo, his birth place to join the     imposition of collectivization. The           oneness of humankind, religious
rigorous monastic training in Lhasa,          violent repression of the Tibetans by         harmony and dialogue connected our
the capital city of Tibet at the tender       the communist Chinese government and          diverse worlds from East to West in a
age of 6. He was enthroned as the 14th        the palpable threat to their culture and      rather unusual human kinship. Dalai
Dalai Lama of Tibet in 1940. The Dalai        religion brought thousands of Tibetans to     Lama calls himself a simple Buddhist
Lamas are believed to be manifestation        the streets of Lhasa on 10th March 1959       monk, who carries the golden words
of Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig,              in the biggest uprising for the freedom of    and philosophy of Lord Buddha to the
the Bodhisattva of compassion and             Tibet. The 23 years old 14th Dalai Lama       7 billion human brothers and sisters.
patron saint of Tibet. According to           was forced to escape to India on 17th         True to his words, the 14th Dalai Lama
the Mahayani Buddhist philosophy,             march 1959 amidst brutal suppression of       has remained a stringent adherent and
Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings           the Tibetan national uprising by Chinese      advocate of non-violence and peace
who have postponed their own nirvana          troops. His Holiness and thousands of         all through these years of consistent
and chosen to take rebirth in order to        Tibetan refugees found asylum in India        struggle and trials. There can’t be any
serve humanity. The present 14th Dalai        after a grueling ordeal of physical and       denying to his merits in spreading the
Lama is an embodiment of this lineage.        emotional trauma. His Holiness reached        golden words of peace, compassion and
He grew up amidst a period of intense         NEFA (now Arunachal Pradesh) after            kindness of Buddha Dharma across the
political upheaval not only in Tibet but      crossing the treacherous Himalayan            globe. An embodiment of Buddha of
the world at large. The world witnessed       range on foot for 15 days. Since then         compassion, the 14th Dalai Lama has
the second world war from 1939-1945,          he has been living in exile in India for      enabled the world warm up to the true
Tibet remained a neutral ground and           the past 62years, continuing his struggle     spirit of humanity through his exemplary
refused permission for the Americans          to give justice to 6 million Tibetans         service towards the benefit of mankind
or the Chinese nationalists to transport      who lost their freedom and human              based on his firm commitment to
military supplies through Tibetan             rights under the forceful occupation of       promote peace and compassion amongst
territory. Later in the year 1949 the world   Tibet by the racist, draconian regime         all. Through his words he awakened
saw the rise of the People’s Republic of      of communist China from 1959 to the           the slumbering conscience of humanity
China, the surge communism in Asia;           present date. The 14th Dalai Lama was         towards the significance of altruism.
the self-styled Chinese communist             followed by 80,000 Tibetan refugees           According to him, the basic human
supremo, Mao Zedong immediately               into a life of exile in India in 1959. Many   nature is compassionate; we are all the
announced his intention to ‘liberate          more thousands followed his route in          same in fundamental level. We have the
Tibet from foreign imperialists’. The         the coming decades. At present India          similar need of love and all of us want to
14th Dalai Lama, then 15 years old was        his home to more than 1 lakh Tibetan          overcome pain and suffering in our life.
compelled to take charge as the political     refugees. This exodus continues till date.    In our mental state, we all stand united.
leader of Tibet in 1950. The same                                                           We all experience similar feelings and
year, the Chinese crossed the Yangtse         Nestled amidst the snow clad ranges           emotions, the human emotions; our minds
River into the Central Tibet without          of Himalayas, Dharamsala, a remote            work in the same way. This fundamental
any provocation and claimed that Tibet        hill station in the Kangra district of        unity of human beings has been most
has always been Chinese territory.            Himachal Pradesh, India became the            convincingly conveyed to the entire

12   TIBETAN BULLETIN                                                                                             JULY- AUGUST 2021

world through the words and actions of       philosophy; he carried the essence           one commitment to encourage people
His Holiness. His exemplary practice         of this ancient tradition all across the     to be happy – he is concerned with
of tolerance against his adversary and       world. The roots of Tibetan Buddhism         educating people to realize the real
his unwavering commitment to solve           are deeply engraved in India, several        cause of happiness. His genuine
the world problems through dialogue          renowned Indian Buddhist scholars            warmth and compassionate actions
steers the future generations on the path    and philosophers nourished the growth        truly showed the world the true essence
to hope and peace. His present lifetime      and establishment of Buddha Dharma           of happiness; it all lies in our mind.
testifies the strength of his Dharma of      in Tibet. In similar footings with his       Inner peace and happiness resides in a
peace and non-violence to those who          predecessors of the great Nalanda lineage    trained compassionate mind, material
were in doubts; his determination to         of Buddhist philosophy, His Holiness         comforts can’t give us happiness. A
counter the ruthless oppression of Tibet     very eloquently delivered, and to a great    disturbed mind could never be at peace,
by the communist Chinese regime              extent bolstered the core values and         a disturbed mind with physical comforts
through non-violence and compassion          philosophy of Buddha Dharma as taught        could never be happy. On the other hand,
is the biggest victory of Tibetan            by Lord Buddha two thousand years ago        if the mind is at peace, even physical
culture and civilization. His Holiness       in India. He himself is a practitioner       pain is bearable. So, our happiness
received worldwide recognition for his       of Tibetan Buddhism, Gelugpa Sect;           depends on the state of our mind. His
outstanding humanitarian service; he         but His Holiness never fails to draw         Holiness advocates the cultivation of
was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize       inspiration from the human values            warm heartedness amongst all. He says
in 1989. The 14th Dalai Lama is one of       taught by other religions of the world.      “our work is to educate people that the
the most prominent flag bearers of peace     He successfully drew world attention to      ultimate source of the happy individual,
in the modern human world. The Nobel         the unifying ethical ground of the major     happy family, happy community; and
Peace Prize Committee called the vision      world religions to the forefront. When it    finally happy humanity – even happy
of His Holiness as the ‘philosophy of        comes to cultivating love, compassion,       world- ultimately depends on warm-
peace’, this embraces the whole drama of     patience, contentment or the observance      heartedness”. He encourages human
human world, it encompasses interfaith       of self-discipline and ethical principles,   values like forgiveness, compassion,
harmony,      universal    responsibility,   most spiritual traditions are more or less   contentment, tolerance and self-
peace and reconciliation, human rights,      the same. The underlying fundamental         discipline amongst all. According to him
protection of environment, education         differences bring to us the wide range       all human beings are same in wanting
and science. The Dalai Lama has played       of metaphysical views and philosophies       to be happy and do not want suffering.
an unequivocal role in showing the           which is very important for the diversity    Hence, the purpose of our life is to be
world population the most dignified          of human civilizations and cultures.         happy, but we ought not to confuse it with
and amicable way of living through           This pluralistic human existence is but      material gains. His Holiness often insists
every aspect of his life. He renounced       held in unison through the oneness of        in his public talks, his popular writing
his political leadership as the political    our minds and according to His Holiness      that humankind must engage in inner
head of Tibet in 2011, making way            all the major spiritual traditions possess   disarmament, we ought to replace our
for a democratically elected political       the same potential to train our minds to     negative emotions with warm hearted
leadership for the Tibetan people. He        act with love and compassion. Our paths      compassion in order to lead a more
set his journey ahead as the spiritual       may differ but the goal is the same. The     healthy and happy life. According to
leader of Tibet after setting a firm         path towards our own improvement lie         His Holiness, the problems and violence
precedence of dialogue and non-              in our choices, it is possible through the   of 21st century are not only man-made,
violence to follow its course in finding a   practice of compassionate thoughts and       but many a times are made by educated
permanent solution to the Tibetan cause      actions. The 14th Dalai Lama succeeded       people. This reflects the lack of moral
in future. His able leadership during        in translating about the mysterious          principles in our existing education
the time of worst political, cultural and    phenomena called ‘mind’ to the western       system. The present education system is
humanitarian crisis of Tibet saved the       world and along with it he brought           more focused on material progress, not
Tibetan culture, language and heritage       to them a plausible understanding of         much importance been given on inner
in its best preserved form in India. The     the feeling of ‘compassion’ and the          values. This need to change, the 21st
Tibetan diaspora, living as refugees in      relevance of its practice in the modern      century education system must teach
different countries across the world,        world. The ancient wisdom from the           the future generations about the inner
command respect and honor from the           East once again pervaded through all         values, our academic curriculum must
host Nations because of their cultural       sectarian, political and geographical        include this heart-education to create
integrity and resilience.                    boundaries through the golden words of       a happier and more resilient world in
                                             His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He is      future. His vision of making the inner
His Holiness never fails to reiterate        a world leader in true sense, a leader who   values an academic subject is beautifully
about the significance of ancient Indian     encourages warm heartedness amongst          captured in his words, “just as we take for
traditions of Ahimsa, Karuna and             the 7 billion human beings.                  granted the need to acquire proficiency
Maiytree. He proudly calls himself                                                        in the basic academic subjects, I am
as the disciple of ancient Indian            His Holiness considers it his number         hopeful that a time will come when we
JULY - AUGUST 2021                                                                                        TIBETAN BULLETIN         13
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