Customer Experience Strategy 2021-24 - Lambeth Council

Page created by Lawrence Manning
Customer Experience Strategy 2021-24 - Lambeth Council
Customer Experience Strategy
Customer Experience Strategy 2021-24 - Lambeth Council
3 Lambeth Council | Customer Experience Strategy 2021–24


Contents                                                   In creating a customer experience                       The customer experience strategy has not been
                                                                                                                   written to gather dust on a virtual bookshelf, but
                                                           strategy our motivation is simple;                      rather has been designed to be responsive - we will
Introduction                                      3
                                                           we want to make sure our services                       continue to listen and work collaboratively with you,
                                                                                                                   our residents, to understand the changes we need
Our borough, our customers                        4        deliver what you really want, when                      to make to improve our services and to measure
Our engagement with you                           5
                                                           you want, and that you are able                         our success in delivery.
                                                           to access those services in a way                       We love Lambeth, as you do: its vibrancy and
Our strategic vision and objectives               6                                                                culture, and in delivering this strategy we will make
                                                           that suits you best.                                    significant improvements to how we serve you,
Delivering our vision                             7                                                                therefore ensuring our borough continues to thrive.
                                                           The challenge for all local authorities is to provide
                                                           excellent customer service to our residents in a
The customer experience journey                   9
                                                           period of diminishing resources. To help us achieve     Councillor Andy Wilson
                                                           this, we are introducing new customer standards         Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance
How will we know we’ve got it right?             10
                                                           which will clearly set out our promise to you and
                                                           how we will go about improving our services.
                                                           We have redesigned our customer contact centre in
                                                           response to what users of the Town Hall said was
                                                           working, and what was not; we have also launched
                                                           our digital strategy that will enable even greater
                                                           access to our services using modern technology,
                                                           providing support for those who need it to ensure
                                                           that no one is disadvantaged.

                                                                  his strategy outlines the transformation we want to achieve within
                                                                 the council. We want all customers to receive an accessible, efficient
                                                                 and excellent customer experience and we are committed to
                                                                 delivering this.
                                                                 Bayo Dosunmu Strategic Director Resident Services
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4 Lambeth Council | Customer Experience Strategy 2021–24

Our borough, our customers
Our customers are anyone who needs or chooses to interact with us. This includes residents,
businesses, visitors, partners, community groups and even our own staff

 328,000                 2,437                    145,000             Over 60           22,906              38,000               1.7 million
 population              parking permits          households paying   parks and         council tenancies   school children      visits to libraries in
                         renewed online           council tax         open spaces                           within 93 school     a typical year
                         (Jan 2021)                                                                         settings

 over 150                4,154                    16,000              9,480             3,900               674                  1.6 million
 languages spoken        planning                 registered          leasehold         receive long-term   marriages and        waste collections
                         applications             businesses work     properties        adult social care   civil partnerships   each month
                         in 2020                  from the borough                                          over 2019/20

 232,000                 834,575                  9,142               23,000            4,902               11,568               3 million
 people registered       calls in to the call     business rate       housing benefit   deaths registered   births registered    visits to the council’s
 to vote                 centres (end Feb         payers              claimants         over 2019/20        over 2019/20         website every year
                         2020 – Mar 2021)
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5 Lambeth Council | Customer Experience Strategy 2021–24

Our engagement with you
We wanted to know what improvements we should prioritise, and this is what you told us…

                                                                                                 We need to
                             Partners often need to work                                       become more
                                with, or alongside, other                                   collaborative across
                                                                                                                                     Our colleagues would
                               partners that they do not                                     departments, take
    Our partners want us                                              You told us you                                                 like more training in
                                have a relationship with.                                   ownership of queries
   to improve the contact                                            don’t always trust                                                 customer service,
                                Sometimes this causes                                           and improve
     channels to access                                              our online services                                             accessibility, diversity
                             breakdowns in the customer                                         accessibility
       council teams.                                             and feel that the phone                                                 and inclusion.
                              journey and something we                                          out-of-hours.
                                                                    will get you a faster
                             should focus on improving.
                                                                   response to an issue.
                                                                                                                    Our colleagues would
                                                                                                                   like to have up-to-date
                                                               You want us to
                                                                                        You use email as               information of our
                                                            improve our contact
                                Our partners told us                                  an alternative to the          internal organisation
                                                            channels, online and                                                               Our colleagues are
  Housing partners have       they are happy with the                                 phone when you are                 and networks.
                                                              phone, making it                                                               proud of our schools,
     noticed significant      improvements made to                                    not happy with how
                                                            easier to get in touch                                                             parks and how we
    improvements over         the complaints process                                   long it takes us to
                                                                and be kept                                                                  care for the vulnerable
     the last 6 months          - making it easier for                               answer the phone, or if
                                                                 up-to-date.                                                                  - especially over the
   and feel strategically     them to respond to and                                 you can’t find the right
                                                                                                                                                 last 12 months.
  aligned to the council’s      manage complaints.                                       contact easily.
     visions and goals.
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6 Lambeth Council | Customer Experience Strategy 2021–24

Our strategic vision and objectives

Why we need a strategy
                                                                                                          Our Vision
Lambeth has a vibrant and                                                                          We make access to all
                                                                                                 council services simple for
diverse population with a mix of                                                                  all, ensure that we offer a
customers and communities that                                                                   quality customer-focused
                                                                                                  service end-to-end, and
need, or want, to engage with us.                                                                      enable maximum
                                                                                                     self-service for those
We want to provide you, our customers, with the                                                             that can.
best possible experience 24 hours a day, seven
days a week.
This strategy has been developed in partnership
with you. It outlines what we have agreed
to achieve.
We know that in the past we have not always                                                Objective 2                    Strategic                     Strategic
                                                               Strategic               Design our services in            Objective 3
provided a consistent customer experience.                    Objective 1                                            To invest in technology
                                                                                                                                                       Objective 4
                                                                                       such a way that makes                                     Create the environment,
We want to change that.                                    To deliver an improved       them easy to access,         to enable us to deliver
                                                                                                                                                 facilities and advocacy
                                                               and consistent         whilst delivering the right       services in a way
                                                           customer experience.                                            that meets             to support those that
This strategy clearly sets out;                                                         outcomes in the most                                           most need it.
                                                                                             efficient way             your expectations.
„ what we want to achieve;                                                                     possible.

„ how we will achieve it; and
„ how we will measure improvements
  in your customer journey.
                                                            Shared             Customer          Empowered             Strong             Innovative        Choice of
                                                           principles          standards           staff            partnerships         technology         channels

                                                                        Feedback from you | Feedback from staff | Feedback using data
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7 Lambeth Council | Customer Experience Strategy 2021–24

Delivering our vision

    Shared                                                   Customer                                               Empowered
   principles                                                standards                                                staff

We will apply principles that                              We will live up to our                                   We will empower
we designed together                                       customer standards                                       our staff
„ Always put you at the heart of everything we do          „ We make it easy for you to access services and         „ Provide our staff with the right skills, tools and
  ensuring we understand what you need from us               to interact with us                                      technologies
„ Provide a joined-up experience across our                „ We resolve our queries at the first point of contact   „ Create a culture of customer excellence
  services so that you don’t have to tell us twice or        and keep you updated if it takes longer
                                                                                                                    „ Support our staff to get it right, first time
  chase us for updates
                                                           „ We say sorry if we get things wrong and put it
                                                                                                                    „ Design efficient processes across all our services
„ Make our services easy to use and accessible so            right, quickly
  everyone can access them no matter your skills
                                                           „ We listen to your feedback and take it into
  or abilities
                                                             account when making improvements to
„ Continuously review our services and seek                  our service
  feedback and evidence to improve how we
                                                           „ We will only collect relevant information from you,
  do things
                                                             store it safely and use it appropriately
„ Support our staff to provide the best possible
                                                           „ We are an accessible and transparent council
  experience to you, and to invest in their training
  and understanding of good customer service
„ Invest in the right technology to meet
  our ambitions
„ Provide a reliable and secure service
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8 Lambeth Council | Customer Experience Strategy 2021–24

Delivering our vision (continued)

   Strong                                                    Innovative                                     Choice of
 partnerships                                               technology                                      channels

We will strengthen                                         We will introduce new and                     We will provide a choice
our partnerships                                           innovative technology                         of channels
„ Together we will deliver the objectives within           „ Provide online access 24 hours a day,       „ Our website will be available 24 hours a day all
  this strategy                                              7 days a week                                 year round
„ Together we will innovate and improve                    „ Provide you with a choice of channels to    „ Our face-to-face services will be available for
                                                             contact us                                    those who need it
„ Together we will make sure we are delivering
  joined-up services                                       „ Keep you updated with messages and alerts   „ Our trained staff will be available on phone lines
                                                                                                           for when you need to talk to us
„ Have flexible contracts to allow us to adapt to
  changing demand                                                                                        „ We will make social media channels available for
                                                                                                           you to interact with us
                                                                                                         „ We will make sure everybody has equal access
                                                                                                           to services
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9 Lambeth Council | Customer Experience Strategy 2021–24

The customer experience journey
We will manage delivery of our                                 2021                2022                  2023                 2024              2025+
vision and objectives against
the five levels of our customer
experience model.
We recognise that true change does not happen
overnight and have set ourselves a target to reach         LEVEL 1             LEVEL 2               LEVEL 3              LEVEL 4            LEVEL 5
level 4 by 2024.                                           Customer            Customer              Customer             Customer           Customer
At the launch of this strategy, we are moving from         experience is       experience is still   experience is        experience is a    experience
level 1 to level 2.                                        important to us.    important to us.      critical to us.      core part of all   is part of the
                                                                                                                          of our corporate   council’s DNA.
                                                           We will raise       We will further       Leaders and
                                                           awareness           progress our          staff alike will                        Our customer
                                                           of our vision       customer              understand and       We will refresh    experience
                                                           and consumer        experience and        support the          our strategy       strategy will be
                                                           standards through   digital agenda        change. There will   based on           at the centre
                                                           engagement          across the council    be a fundamental     measures and       and forefront
                                                           and promotion       and create the        connection           feedback.          of everything
                                                           with our staff      links between         between                                 that we and our
                                                           and range of        this strategy         customer                                partners do.
                                                           customers.          and others such       experience and
                                                                               as the council’s      the council’s
                                                                               borough plan,         overall goals and
                                                                               digital strategy,     objectives.
                                                                               strategy, data
                                                                               strategy and
                                                                               financial strategy.
10 Lambeth Council | Customer Experience Strategy 2021–24

How will we know we’ve got it right?
We will refresh this strategy
regularly, to ensure that our
objectives remain current, relevant
                                                            FEEDBACK                   FEEDBACK                  FEEDBACK
and valid and to check we are                               FROM YOU                   FROM STAFF                USING DATA
measuring the right things.                                 „  Customer surveys        „ Annual staff survey     „ Web analytics
                                                            „  Public consultations    „ Regular mini surveys    „ Volumes of compliments
We will do this by listening to you and learning to         „  Community groups        „ One-to-ones and           and complaints
keep improving our services.                                „  Engagement with           appraisals             „ Analysis of themes
To measure our success, we will use a mix of                    focus groups           „ Focus groups               and trends
methods - gathering feedback from you and from              „ Customer satisfaction   „ Staff forums            „ Contact volumes
our staff, and analysing the information we collect.            results                „ Ideas and innovation      by channel
                                                            „ Feedback from              forum                  „ Service measures
Things we measure include:                                      compliments and                                     (KPIs and SLAs)
„ How easy it is to use our website?                            complaints

„ How easy is it for you to contact us?
„ How helpful and polite our staff are to you?
„ How useful are the online services we provide?
„ How quickly we resolve your issues first time?
„ How quickly we respond when you ask for help?

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