Duke University Commencement 2010

Page created by Elizabeth Reeves
S u n d a y , t h e S i x t e e n t h o f M a y , Tw o T h o u s a n d a n d Te n
       t e n o ’ c l o c k i n t h e m o r n i n g ~ wa l l ac e wa d e s t a d i u m

Duke University Commencement ~ 2010

               One Hundred Fifty-Eighth Commencement
Notes on Academic Dress

Academic dress had its origin in the Middle Ages.
When the European universities were taking
form in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries,
scholars were also clerics, and they adopted                                            Mace and Chain of Office
robes similar to those of their monastic orders.
Caps were a necessity in drafty buildings, and
                                                                                        Again at commencement, ceremonial use is
copes or capes with hoods attached were
                                                                                        made of two important insignia given to Duke
needed for warmth. As the control of universities
                                                                                        University in memory of Benjamin N. Duke.
gradually passed from the church, academic
                                                                                        Both the mace and chain of office are the gifts
costume began to take on brighter hues and to
                                                                                        of anonymous donors and of the Mary Duke
employ varied patterns in cut and color of gown
                                                                                        Biddle Foundation. They were designed and
and type of headdress.
                                                                                        executed by Professor Kurt J. Matzdorf of New
The use of academic costume in the United                                               Paltz, New York, and were dedicated and first
States has been continuous since Colonial times,                                        used at the inaugural ceremonies of President
but a clear protocol did not emerge until an                                            Sanford in 1970.
intercollegiate commission in 1893 recommended
                                                                                        The Mace, the symbol of authority of the
a uniform code. In this country, the design of a
                                                                                        University, is made of sterling silver throughout.
gown varies with the degree held. The bachelor’s     Significance of Colors             It is thirty-seven inches long and weighs about
gown is relatively simple with long pointed
                                                     Colors indicating fields of        eight pounds. At the lower end of the hammered
sleeves as its distinguishing mark. The gown for
                                                     study and colors identifying       shaft is a gilt (gold-plated) pine cone. The
the master’s degree has an oblong sleeve with
                                                     some of the universities           upper end of the shaft displays the inscription
the rear part cut square and the front part with
                                                     represented by members             Universitas Dukiana 1838. This inscription is
a cutaway arc. The most elaborate academic
                                                     of the faculties of the            surmounted by a short, hammered neck followed
costume is the doctoral gown with velvet panels
                                                     University are:                    by the head which has eight flutings alternating
down the front and three bars of the same
                                                                                        with eight gilt ribs. Above the head of the mace,
material across the sleeves. The velvet is usually   Arts, Letters, Humanities: white   a band carries the motto of Duke University:
black, but it may be a color designating the         Business Administration: drab
                                                                                        Eruditio et Religio. The upper end of the mace is a
field of study to which the degree pertains. The     Dentistry: lavender
                                                     Divinity, Theology: scarlet        crown of gilt laurel leaves which carries the seal
gown itself, usually black like those of the lower
                                                     Economics: copper                  of Duke University surrounded by the three
degrees, may be of a color distinctive of a
                                                     Education: light blue              symbols of the Trinity to indicate that Duke
particular university.
                                                     Engineering: orange                University emerged from Trinity College.
The hood bears a still larger symbolic burden:       Fine Arts: brown
                                                     Forestry: russet                   The Chain of Office of the President of Duke
the width of its velvet trimming designates
                                                     Law: purple                        University is four feet long and is also made of
the level of the degree; the color heralds the       Medicine: green
major field of study; and the lining identifies                                         sterling silver throughout. The main part
                                                     Music: pink
the institution that granted the degree. Duke        Nursing: apricot                   consists of nine silver pine cones alternating
University is symbolized by a lining of Duke         Philosophy: dark blue              with ten gilt clusters of three laurel leaves each.
blue with a white chevron.                           Physical Therapy: teal             In the front hangs the gilt medallion with the
                                                     Science: golden yellow             official seal of Duke University surrounded by a
The cap, originally round, is usually a square                                          laurel wreath into which are set the three
mor-tar-board and is the same for all degrees.                                          symbols of the Trinity. In the back is the gilt coat
The standard tassel for the cap is black, but the                                       of arms of the Duke family with the motto
cap worn with the doctoral robe may have a                                              In Adversis Idem set in a sterling wreath of laurel
gold tassel. The Duke doctoral gown is in the                                           leaves and bearing the inscription Duke.
authentic Duke blue. The Duke University shield,
embroidered in blue on white, is applied to each
front panel. With this gown there may be worn
a black velvet, four-pointed, soft tam with a
square top and a gold metallic bullion tassel.
Two T h o u s a n d Te n C o m m e n c e m e n t

C ommen c e m e n t P rog r a m

Presiding                        Richard H. Brodhead, President of the University

                                 When the Wind Symphony sounds the fanfare for the entrance of the faculty,
                                 the audience and candidates will rise and remain standing through the prayer.

Processional March               Flourish for Wind Band Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
                                 Candidates for Degrees
                                 Members of the Faculty
                                 Members of the University Administration
                                 Members of the Board of Trustees
                                 Members of the Platform Party

National Anthem                  Nancy Cheng, Amanda Susan Cummings,
                                 Caroline Lanier Griswold, Katherine Anne Morrison
                                 Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts
                                 Georgia Hopkins Hoyler
                                 Candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science
                                 Genevieve Marie Lipp
                                 Candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering

Invocation                       Samuel Wells, Dean of the Chapel

Welcoming Remarks

Remarks by a Student             David Scott Distenfeld
                                 Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Conferring of Honorary Degrees   Introduction
                                 Daniel T. Blue, Jr., Chair, Board of Trustees

Commencement Address             Muhammad Yunus

Conferring of Earned Degrees     Introduction and Presentations
                                 Peter Lange and Deans

Concluding Remarks

Alma Mater                       Sara Avari Patrick Womble
                                 Candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts

                                 The audience stands for the Alma Mater and remains standing until the
                                 platform party and the faculty leave the Stadium.
                                 Dear Old Duke, thy name we sing.            And though on life’s broad sea
                                 To thee our voices raise, we’ll raise,      Our fates may far us bear,
                                 To thee our anthems ring                    We’ll ever turn to thee
                                 in everlasting praise.                      Our Alma Mater dear.
                                 —R. H. James ’24

Procession Out                   Crown Imperial William Walton (1902-1983)
                                 “… In Beauty Bearing the Crown Imperial…”
D u k e U n i v e r sit y C omme n ceme n t E x e r cises


                Hon o ra ry D e g r e e R e c ip ie nt

                                                 Te m p l e G r a n d i n
                                                 D octor of H umane L etters

                                                 Faculty Sponsor — Alvin L. Crumbliss
                                                 Trustee Sponsor — Janet Hill

                                                As Temple Grandin       Dr. Grandin has traveled the globe implementing
                                                likes to put it,        her unique design for curved livestock handling
                                                she is a professor of   chutes, which are now in almost half of the cattle
                                                animal science at       facilities in North America. She is considered an
                                                Colorado State          expert in flight zone and other principles of grazing
                                                University and an       animal behavior that reduce stress on animals
                                                expert in humane        during handling and are considered more humane.
                livestock facilities design and animal behavior
                who happens to be autistic. A native of Boston,         She is also one of the leading advocates and
                Dr. Grandin was diagnosed with autism at an             authorities on autism —a theme she writes about
                early age and struggled throughout her childhood        in her books Emergence: Labeled Autistic and
                as she adapted to the difficult aspects of her          Thinking in Pictures, both groundbreaking works
                disorder. By the time she reached high school,          that changed the way that healthcare professionals
                she began to flourish both academically and             and parents look at the diagnosis and treatment
                socially under the tutelage of a mentor, her high       of autism. She is the author of Animals in
                school science teacher and support from her family.     Translation and Animals Make Us Human, both
                A gifted student with a photographic memory,            New York Times best sellers.
                she graduated from Franklin Pierce College and
                                                                        This past February, HBO aired a full-length film
                received her master’s from Arizona State University
                                                                        based on Dr. Grandin’s life. She has also been
                and a Ph.D. in animal science from the University
                                                                        featured on NPR, BBC radio and was recently
                of Illinois.
                                                                        named one of Time’s “Most Influential People of
                                                                        2010.” She has been honored by the American
                                                                        Society of Animal Science, American Veterinary
                                                                        Medical Association, American Society for the
                                                                        Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the Autism
                                                                        Society of America.
Two T h o u s a n d Te n C o m m e n c e m e n t


Honorary D e g re e R e c ip ie nt

                               Joel Klein
                               D octor of H umane L etters

                               Faculty Sponsor — Charles T. Clotfelter
                               Trustee Sponsor — Marguerite W. Kondracke

                               Joel Klein has           After attending New York public schools himself,
                               been chancellor of       Mr. Klein went on to graduate from Columbia
                               the New York             University and to earn a law degree from Harvard
                               City Department          Law School. Before being named chancellor,
                               of Education,            he was chairman and chief executive officer of
                               the nation’s largest     Bertelsmann, Inc., one of the world’s largest media
                               public-school            companies, and assistant attorney general in
district, since 2002. He oversees more than 1,600       charge of the U.S. Department of Justice’s
schools, 1.1 million students, 136,000 employees,       antitrust division.
and a $21 billion operating budget.
                                                        Mr. Klein once told the New Yorker that he’d long
Mr. Klein’s effective yet sometimes controversial       felt a “passion” about education and was indebted
education-reform program, considered by many            to the “phenomenal teachers” who schooled him
to be the most sweeping reform platform ever            in his youth. He recounts that when he first got to
attempted in a major urban school system, has           Columbia, the dean told him, “you should shoot
transformed New York schools into an incubator          to graduate in the middle of your class; you come
for achievement. His “Children First” initiative        from poverty, you didn’t go to Andover or Exeter.”
has changed the way schools operate, giving             Thankfully, Klein’s teachers didn’t prepare him
principals greater control over how they run their      to graduate in the middle of the class. He graduated
schools while holding them accountable for              magna cum laude and works every day to ensure
results. He has also worked to end the tradition        that his students are taught the same lessons about
of social promotion, increase school options,           success as he was.
improve teacher quality and establish new support
structures for struggling students and their parents.
Combined, his many reforms have improved test
scores and increased graduation rates. Chancellor
Klein also helped found the Education Equality
Project, a national organization aimed at closing
the racial- and ethnic- achievement gap in
public education.
D u k e U n i v e r sit y C omme n ceme n t E x e r cises


                Hon o ra ry D e g r e e R e c ip ie nt

                                                 Alasdair MacIntyre
                                                 D octor of H umane L etters

                                                 Faculty Sponsor — Stanley M. Hauerwas
                                                 Trustee Sponsor — Charles M. Smith

                                               Alasdair MacIntyre      Since his first book, Marxism: An Interpretation,
                                               is a senior research    appeared in 1954, he has written more than thirty
                                               fellow at the           other books, including the influential triumvirate
                                               University of Notre     of recent works: After Virtue: A Study in
                                               Dame’s Center for       Moral Theory; Whose Justice? Which Rationality?
                                               Ethics and Culture      and Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry:
                                               and one of the          Encyclopaedia, Genealogy, and Tradition.
                most influential moral philosophers of our time.
                He has made prominent contributions to several         Professor MacIntyre has taught at colleges and
                fields including moral philosophy, political theory,   universities across the globe including Duke,
                philosophy of the social sciences, and philosophy      where he is a Professor Emeritus of Philosophy,
                of religion.                                           Oxford, Princeton, Brandeis, Boston University,
                                                                       Yale, Vanderbilt and Wellesley College. A native
                Among those he has influenced is Duke’s own            of Scotland, he earned his undergraduate degree
                distinguished theologian Stanley Hauerwas, who         from the University of London and his master’s
                has engaged with one of Professor MacIntyre’s          from Oxford and Manchester Universities.
                key arguments: that it’s not enough to do the
                right thing, but also to do it for the right reason.   Reverend Sam Wells, dean of Duke Chapel calls
                According to the MacIntyrian take on morality,         Professor Macintyre “quite simply the most
                truthfulness, justice, and courage are virtues that    significant philosopher of his generation.” Professor
                are necessary parts of any polity. But we also         MacIntyre’s works, he adds, have “transformed
                need to be aware of the context, the particular        the field of philosophical—and theological—ethics.”
                historical and sociological circumstances, from
                which those virtues arise.
Two T h o u s a n d Te n C o m m e n c e m e n t


Honorary D e g re e R e c ip ie nt

                              Sir John Pendry
                              D octor of S cience

                              Faculty Sponsor — David R. Smith
                              Trustee Sponsor — Thomas M. Gorrie

                               Sir John Pendry       Sir Pendry earned his undergraduate, master’s,
                               is a physicist who    and doctoral degrees from the University of
                               has had a major       Cambridge and has taught at Imperial College
                               impact on nearly      London since 1981, where he is a professor of
                               all areas of          theoretical solid-state physics. In recognition of
                               condensed-matter      his scientific and engineering breakthroughs, he
                               theory, notably       has won the Paul Dirac Medal and the Descartes
in the area of x-ray scattering. Also one of the     Prize, both considered to be prestigious honors
foremost innovators in the field of metamaterials,   in his field, and is a fellow of the Royal Society of
or unconventional materials which respond            London. In 2004, Professor Pendry was knighted
to light in entirely new ways, he is known for       for his contributions to science.
creating the first practical “invisibility cloak.”
Collaborating with a team of Duke scientists,        As he puts it, some of his earliest memories
he developed a recipe for a cloak that can hide an   are of his wide-ranging intellectual curiosity as
arbitrary object from electromagnetic fields.        applied to the mysteries of science. “I was
A version of this design has been implemented        interested in ‘why this’ and ‘how that,’ ” he
experimentally to the delight of science and         recalls. “When I got to university, I quickly saw
the science-fiction fans alike and has caught the    that theory, and in particular theoretical physics,
imagination of the world’s media.                    enabled you to cover a lot of ground and a
                                                     wide area of science.” He considers the practical
                                                     applications of his work, particularly in
                                                     metamaterials, to be limitless.
D u k e U n i v e r sit y C omme n ceme n t E x e r cises


                Hon o ra ry D e g r e e R e c ip ie nt

                                                 M u h a m m a d Yu n u s
                                                 D octor of H umane L etters

                                                 Faculty Sponsor — L. Gregory Jones
                                                 Trustee Sponsor — David M. Rubenstein

                                                  Muhammad                 there would have to be an institutional solution.
                                                  Yunus is a               Shortly thereafter he established the Grameen
                                                  Bangladeshi banker       Bank. Today, replicas of the Grameen Bank model
                                                  and economist            now operate in more than 100 countries.
                                                  who is considered
                                                  the father of            Dr. Yunus has also begun to apply his bottom
                                                  microfinance, a          up strategy for banking to healthcare, having
                concept he developed—as an economics professor—            established Grameen Healthcare, a trust dedicated
                of providing loans to entrepreneurs too poor to            to establishing sustainable best practices in a broad
                qualify for traditional bank loans. With his belief in     range of healthcare services to address the health
                the self-reliance of all people, he has altered the face   needs of Bangladesh and all of the world’s poor.
                of finance and entrepreneurship and has inspired
                                                                           In 2006, he and Grameen Bank were jointly
                millions worldwide to imagine their own potential.
                                                                           awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to
                Born in the city of Chittagong, Professor Yunus            create economic and social development from
                studied at Dhaka University in Bangladesh and              below. His Nobel Committee’s citation said, “Every
                received a Fulbright Scholarship to study economics        single person on earth has both the potential and
                at Vanderbilt University. He received his Ph.D.            the right to live a decent life. Across cultures and
                in economics from Vanderbilt in 1969 and the               civilizations, Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen
                following year became an assistant professor of            Bank have shown us that the poor can work to
                economics at Middle Tennessee State University.            bring about their own development.”
                He later returned to Bangladesh to head the
                                                                           He has served on the International Advisory Group
                economics department at Chittagong University,
                                                                           for the Fourth World Conference on Women,
                but found it difficult to teach economic theory in a
                                                                           the Global Commission on Women’s Health, the
                university classroom with the backdrop of a terrible
                                                                           Advisory Council for Sustainable Economic
                famine in Bangladesh. This revelation spurred him
                                                                           Development, and the U.N. Expert Group on
                to do something immediate to help those around
                                                                           Women and Finance. Last year, President Barack
                him. He lent $27 out of his own pocket to 42
                                                                           Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal of
                craftsmen in a little village, telling them that they
                                                                           Freedom, the United States’ highest civilian honor.
                could pay the money back when they could afford
                to. In the months that followed, he decided that
Two T h o u s a n d Te n C o m m e n c e m e n t

C a ndidate s Fo r D e g r e e s

G r a d u at e S c h o o l

Doctor of Philosophy                                                       P r e se n t e d by Dean David F. B ell

S eptemb er 1, 2009
Rann Bar-On                                                                                              Alisha Marie Gaines
  ‡ Small Boolean Networks                                                                                 Spectacles of American Liberalism: Narratives of Racial Im/posture
Sara Jennifer Becker                                                                                     Laura Kathleen Grattan
  Longitudinal Association between Frequency of Substance Use and Quality of Life                          Promising America: Imagining Democracy, Democratizing Imagination
  among Adolescents Receiving a Brief Outpatient Intervention                                            Amanda Louise Gruver
Stephanie Helena Best                                                                                      Leptin Regulation of Thymopoiesis During Endotoxin-induced Acute Thymic Atrophy
  Experiential Avoidance in Chronic Tic Disorders: An Online Survey and Pilot                            Kristen Jean Guirguis
  Treatment Study using Habit Reversal and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy                               Observations and Simulations of the Western United States’ Hydroclimate
Merrill Jay Birdno                                                                                       Bethany Janna Haalboom
  Analyzing the Mechanisms of Action of Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation:                                   Encounters with Conservation and Development in Suriname: How Indigenous
  Computational and Clinical Studies                                                                       Peoples are Trying to Make Things ‘Right’ through Scalar Politics, Identity Framing,
Erica Dawn Blight                                                                                          and Hybrid Governance Arrangements
  Resolving Hydractiniidae and Hydroidolina Phylogeny using Mitochondrial Genomes                        Wady Haddaji
Bradley Allen Bower                                                                                        Corporate Governance and Corporate Control: Evidence from Trading
  Functional Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging                                        Jane Anne Healy
Edith Villette Bowers                                                                                      Defining Ankyrin-B Syndrome: Characterization of Ankyrin-B Variants in Mice and Men
  Receptor-Mediated Antigen Delivery by α2-Macroglobulin: Effect on Cytotoxic T                            and the Discovery of a Role for Ankyrin-B in Parasympathetic Control of Insulin Release
  Lymphocyte Immunity and Implications for Vaccine Development                                           Tim Heaton-Burgess
Michael Chapman Brady                                                                                      Theoretical and Computational Aspects of the Optimized Effective Potential
  A Party in the Conference Room: Partisan Politics and the Modern Conference Committee                    Approach within Density Functional Theory
Melissa Ann Brown                                                                                        Nathan Kyran Hensley
  Umbilical Cord Blood Derived Endothelial Progenitor Cells: Isolation, Characterization,                  Forms of Empire: Law, Violence, and the Poetics of Victorian Power
  and Adhesion Potential In Vitro and In Vivo                                                            Susan Elizabeth Henz
Debby Pei-Shan Chang                                                                                       The Role of Collagen VI in the Structure and Properties of the Knee Joint
  Mechanical and Tribological Study of a Stimulus Responsive Hydrogel, pNIPAAm,                          Michelle Heather Hersh
  and a Mucinous Glycoprotein, Lubricin                                                                    The Role of Seedling Pathogens in Temperate Forest Dynamics
Jason Patrick Clark                                                                                      Deanna Lynne Howarth
  The Many Faces of Reform: Military Progressivism in the U.S. Army, 1866-1916                             Characterization of Fxr Alpha in Medaka and its Involvement in Hepatobiliary Injury
Kathryn Helen Condon                                                                                     Stephen John Hsu
  Alteration of Golgi Apparatus Ion Homeostasis in Cellular and Mouse Models                               Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging of Myocardial Performance
  of Angelman Syndrome
                                                                                                         Haifeng Huang
Howard Jason Conyers                                                                                       Essays on the News Media, Governance, and Political Control in Authoritarian States
  The Effect of Wing Damage on Aeroelastic Behavior
                                                                                                         Katherine Conlon Hutchinson
Chad Howard Custer                                                                                         Parental Adjustment: An Examination of Caregivers of Pediatric Cancer Survivors
  A Nonlinear Harmonic Balance Solver for an Implicit CFD Code: OVERFLOW 2
                                                                                                         Richard Yi-Jen Hwang
Shu Dai                                                                                                    Circuitry and Genes of Larval Nociception in Drosophila melanogaster
  Bifurcations in the Echebarria-Karma Modulation Equation for Cardiac Alternans
  in One Dimension                                                                                       Tongyai Iyavarakul
                                                                                                           Essays in Law and Economics
Dahlia Doughty Shenton
  Pharmacological Targeting of the Mitochondrial Phosphatase PTPMT1                                      Sarah Ruth Jacobs
                                                                                                           The Role of Glucose Metabolism in T Cell Stimulation and Homeostasis
Carolyn Dwyer DuSell
  The Molecular Pharmacology of Endogenous and Therapeutic Estrogen Receptor                             Hillary Sandford Jenkins
  Modulators in the Breast and Skeleton                                                                    Amazon Climate Reconstruction Using Growth Rates and Stable Isotopes of Tree
                                                                                                           Ring Cellulose from the Madre de Dios Basin, Peru
Laura Ann Dyer
  The Role of Sonic Hedgehog in Outflow Tract Development                                                Charles Richard Jonassaint
                                                                                                           The Influence of the Serotonin Transporter Gene and Environmental Pathogens
Andrew Griffin Ekblad                                                                                      on Self-esteem during Adolescence and Early Adulthood
  Effects of Mindfulness Training on Attention and Emotion Regulation
                                                                                                         Lucas Neal Joppa
John Vincent Foreman                                                                                       Broad Scale Conservation: Protected Areas and Species Interactions
  Photoexcited Emission Efficiencies of Zinc Oxide
                                                                                                         Dawoon Jung
Elizabeth Dawn Frederick                                                                                   Mitochondria as a Target of Benzo[a]pyrene Toxicity in a PAH-Adapted and
  ZFP36L3: A Unique Member of the Tristetraprolin Family of RNA-Binding                                    Naïve Population of the Atlantic Killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus)
  CCCH Tandem Zinc Finger Proteins

‡ Dissertation Title
Note: The lists of candidates appearing in this program are not officially certified lists of graduates. Certification must come from the Registrar of the University.
D u k e U n i v e r sit y C omme n ceme n t E x e r cises


                Tanya Therese Kaefer                                                                            Vadim Steven Polikov
                  ‡ Implicit, Eclipsed, but Functional: The Development of Orthographic Knowledge                 An In vitro Model of the Brain Tissue Reaction to Chronically Implanted
                  in Early Readers                                                                                Recording Electrodes Reveals Essential Roles for Serum and bFGF in Glial Scarring
                Shannon Elizabeth Kelley                                                                        James Aaron Qiu
                  Seasons and Sovereigns: Succession in the Greenworld, 1579 – 1621                               Structure-Function Studies in Sulfite Oxidase with Altered Active Sites
                Megan Fuller Kendellen                                                                          Lei Ren
                  Distinct Functions of POT1 at Telomeres                                                         Optimization of Image Guided Radiation Therapy Using Limited Angle Projections
                Mark Philip Kolba                                                                               Alvaro Andrés Reyes
                  Information-Based Sensor Management for Static Target Detection Using Real                      Can’t Go Home Again: Sovereign Entanglements and the Black Radical Tradition
                  and Simulated Data                                                                              in the Twentieth Century
                Christian Anton Kunder                                                                          Caroline Rhim
                  Interactions of Mast Cells with the Lymphatic System: Delivery of Peripheral                    Stretch-Induced Effects on MicroRNA Expression and Exogenous MicroRNA Delivery
                  Signals to Lymph Nodes by Mast Cell-Derived Particles                                           in Differentiating Skeletal Myoblasts
                Yoonsung Lee                                                                                    Bianca Christel Robinson
                  Regulation of Progenitor Cell Proliferation during Zebrafish Fin Regeneration                   American Realities, Diasporic Dreams: Pursuing Happiness, Love, and
                Russell Joseph Leo                                                                                Girlfriendship in Jamaica
                  Affect Before Spinoza: Reformed Faith, Affectus, and Experience in Jean Calvin,               Christina Celeste Rush
                  John Donne, John Milton and Baruch Spinoza                                                      Disordered Eating and Binge Drinking among College Students
                Kaifeng Lisa Lin                                                                                Harshavardhan Sabbineni
                  The Role of Monocyte-derived Cells in Influenza-induced Pathology and Th1                       Location-Aware Protocols for Energy-Efficient Information Processing in
                  Immune Responses                                                                                Wireless Sensor Networks
                Francisco Javier López-Martín                                                                   Cindy Dawn Scipio
                  Representaciones temporales en la construcción del espacio y el sujeto atlántico                A Biopsychosocial Study of the Mammography Pain Experiences of Breast
                  en el siglo XVII                                                                                Cancer Survivors
                Jie Lu                                                                                          October Michael Sessions
                  Varieties of Governance: Rural-Urban Migration and Transformed Governance                       Dengue Virus Host Factors
                  in Rural China                                                                                David S. Siroky
                Simon Lunagomez                                                                                   Secession and Survival: Nations, States and Violent Conflict
                  A Geometric Approach for Inference on Graphical Models                                        Lijun Song
                Patrick John Lynch                                                                                Your Body Knows Who You Know: Social Capital and Health Inequality
                  Establishment and Regulation of Silenced Chromatin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae                John August Stanko
                Amy Renee Mariaskin                                                                               The Design and Synthesis of Novel Chiral Z-Nitrones with Applications Towards
                  The Roles of Parenting and Moral Socialization in Obsessive-Compulsive Belief                   the Syntheses of Enantiomerically Pure 4-Hydroxy Amino Acids
                  and Symptom Development                                                                       Philip Michael Collins Steer
                Khaled Ahman Mattawa                                                                              Unsettled Nation: Britain, Australasia, and the Victorian Cultural Archipelago
                  When the Poet is a Stranger: Poetry and Agency in Tagore, Walcott, and Darwish                Ronald Worth Sutherland
                Heather Bennett Miller                                                                            The Effects of Urbanization on Reptiles and Amphibians in the Sandhills Region
                  Investigating the Roles of Tat Specific Factor 1 in Both HIV-1 and Cellular Gene Expression     of North Carolina
                Ingrid Johanne Moen                                                                             Aner Tal
                  Marriage and Divorce in the Herodian Family: A Case Study of Diversity in Late                  Action Simulations in Acquisition Cost Estimates
                  Second Temple Judaism                                                                         John Richard Tangney
                Nicole L T Moore                                                                                  The End of the Age of Miracles: Substance and Accident in the English Renaissance
                  Adolescent Response to THC: Greater Learning Impairment and Lesser Cannabinoid                Maria Elisa Tanner
                  CB1 Receptor Desensitization in Adolescents than Adults                                         Recording Information into DNA
                Richard Bryon Neufeld                                                                           Michael Jon TeKippe
                  The Response of Hot QCD Matter to Hard Partons                                                  Immunity in Caenorhabditis elegans: A Tale of Two Transcription Factors
                Krystle Joli Nomie                                                                              Brooke Erin Tvermoes
                  Pumilio-mediated Repression of mRNAs in the Early Drosophila melanogaster Embryo                The Use of Comparative Genomics to Investigate Mechanisms of Cadmium
                Johannes Adrie Norrell                                                                            Induced Transcription
                  Network Dynamics and Systems Biology                                                          Giulia Vico
                Matthew Lester Odegaard                                                                           Hydrologic Controls on Vegetation: From Leaf to Landscape
                  Shared Metabolic Pathways in Fuel-Stimulated Insulin Secretion                                Michael Brett Wilson
                Paul Andrew O’Keefe                                                                               The Qur’an after Babel: Translating and Printing the Qur’an in Late Ottoman
                  The Situational Adaptiveness of Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Achievement               and Modern Turkey
                  Goal Orientations                                                                             Gang Ye
                Elizabeth Anne Pascoe                                                                             PSTD Method for Thermoacoustic Tomography (TAT) and Related
                  Tired of Prejudice: The Self-Regulatory Effect of Discrimination on Health-Related              Experimental Investigation
                  Behaviors                                                                                     Xiumei Zhu
                                                                                                                  Essays on Knowledge Intensive Groups
                                                                                                                David Alexander Zidar
                                                                                                                  Ligand Bias by the Endogenous Agonists of CCR7

                ‡ Dissertation Title
Two T h o u s a n d Te n C o m m e n c e m e n t


Decemb er 30, 2009
Attiya Ahmad                                                                                Siyuan Huang
  Limits of Conversion: Islamic Dawa, Domestic Work and South Asian Migrant                   Studies on Bicultural Identity Integration in Organizations
  Women in Kuwait                                                                           Rebecca Elizabeth Ingram
Kadji Jane Amin                                                                               Spain on the Table: Cookbooks, Women, and Modernization, 1905-1933
  Agencies of Abjection: Jean Genet and Subaltern Socialities                               Elizabeth Randall Irish
Nicholas Baumbach                                                                             An Investigation into Molecular Recognition at a DNA Nanostructure-Metal Interface
  Impure Cinema: Political Pedagogies in Film and Theory                                    Matthew William Irvin
Sean Toshio Berthrong                                                                         “In Propria Persona”: Artifice, Politics, and Propriety in John Gower’s Confessio Amantis
  The Effect of Afforestation on Soil Microbes and Biogeochemistry Across Multiple Scales   Justin Warren Jaworski
Ergin Beyret                                                                                  Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis of Flexible High Aspect Ratio Wings Including
  Function of The Mouse PIWI Proteins and Biogenesis of Their piRNAs in                       Correlation with Experiment
  The Male Germline                                                                         Chunlin Ji
Martha Grier Bomar                                                                            Advances in Bayesian Modelling and Computation: Spatio-Temporal Processes,
  Ubiquitin Recognition by Ubiquitin-Binding Domains in Y-Family DNA Polymerases              Model Assessment and Adaptive MCMC
Gregory Michael Bonito                                                                      Hyun-Seok Kim
  Systematics and Ecology of Truffles (Tuber)                                                 Measurement and Modeling of Radiation and Water Fluxes in Plantation Forests
Alan P. Boyle                                                                               William Pearson Knight
  Studies on Human Chromatin using High-Throughput DNaseI Sequencing                          Scriblerian Ethics: Encounters in Satiric Metamorphosis
Lisa Ann Scott Carnell                                                                      James Robert Knowles
  Delivering Electrical and Mechanical Stimuli through Bioactive Fibers for                   Love, Labor, Liturgy: Languages of Service in Late Medieval England
  Stem Cell Tissue Engineering                                                              Nathan Brion Kundtz
Phillip Martin Carter                                                                         Advances in Complex Electromagnetic Media
  Speaking Subjects: Language, Subject Formation, and the Crisis of Identity                Jason Dole Lee
Alexa Joy Connell                                                                             Role of the Type III TGF-beta Receptor Cytoplasmic Domain in Breast Cancer Progression
  The Characteristics of Depressive Subtypes among Adolescents and Their Role               Ming-Whey Christine Lee
  in the Relationship Between Weight and Depression                                           Critical Realism: An Ethical Approach to Global Politics
Laura Mary Custer                                                                           Ruopeng Liu
  Functional Analysis of the Cordon-bleu Protein in Mouse                                     Designing and Building Microwave Metamaterials
Michael Zachary Darnell                                                                     Andrés Carlos Luco
  Spawning Biology of Female Blue Crabs, Callinectes sapidus                                  Desire and the Rationality of Virtue
Sandeepa Dey                                                                                Kai Mao
  Mouse Pheromone Receptors: The Molecular Basis of Surface Trafficking and                   Nonparametric Bayesian Models for Supervised Dimension Reduction and Regression
  Ligand Selectivity
                                                                                            Jason Christopher Maynard
Sofia Dolutskaya                                                                              Identification of Essential Functions of GRP94 in Metazoan Growth Control and
  Environmental Activists as Agents of Social Democratization: A Historical Comparison        Epithelial Homeostasis
  of Russia and Mexico
                                                                                            Kathleen Ruth McClancy
Sara Kathleen Doyle                                                                           Back in the World: Vietnam Veterans Through Popular Culture
  Scaling Patterns and Ecological Correlates of Postcranial Skeletal Robusticity in
  Canis and Ursus: Implications for Human Evolution                                         Ian Robert McDonald
                                                                                              Migration, Polarization, and Sorting in the American Electorate
Chadwick Lee Eggleston
  “See and Read All These Words”: The Concept of the Written in the Book of Jeremiah        Thomas Patrick McNicholas
                                                                                              Structure and Morphology Control in Carbon Nanomaterials for Nanoelectronics
Stuart Tamotsu Endo-Streeter                                                                  and Hydrogen Storage
  Structural Studies of Arabidopsis thaliana Inositol Polyphosphate Multi-Kinase
                                                                                            Ernesto Menéndez-Conde
Marcelo Fernández-Osco                                                                        Arte abstracto e ideologías estéticas en Cuba
  El Ayllu y la Reconstitución del Pensamiento Aymara
                                                                                            John David Miles
Scarlett Gabriel Thoreau Geunes-Boyer                                                         The Afterlives of King Philip’s War: Negotiating War and Identity in Early America
  Cryptococcus neoformans Interactions with Surfactant Proteins: Implications for
  Innate Pulmonary Immunity                                                                 Heather Sue Mitchell
                                                                                              ‘Dost Thou Speak Like a King?’: Enacting Tyranny on the Early English Stage
Christopher Lee Gilchrist
  The Effects of Extracellular Matrix Mechanics and Composition on the Behaviors            Samantha Astrid Noel
  of Nucleus Pulposus Cells from the Intervertebral Disc                                      Carnival is Woman!: Gender, Performance, and Visual Culture in Contemporary
                                                                                              Trinidad Carnival
Justin H. Guinney
  The Geometry of Cancer                                                                    Janaina Hernandez Pantoja
                                                                                              Neuronal Correlates of Reward Contingency in the Rat Thalamocortical System
Jeffrey John Headd
  Analysis and Error Correction in Structures of Macromolecular Interiors and Interfaces    Erika Alisha Patall
                                                                                              The Motivational Benefits and Limits of Choice
Chia-Yu Hsu
  Fan Jing                                                                                  Thomas Petersen
                                                                                              In Vitro Development of Engineered Lung Tissue
Ling Huang
  Three Essays on Analyses of Marine Resources Management with Micro-data
D u k e U n i v e r sit y C omme n ceme n t E x e r cises


                Daniel Ray Radiloff                                                                         Angela Tarango
                  ‡ Functional Analysis of Trefoil Factors 1 and 3 in Tumorigenesis                           “Choosing the Jesus Way:” The Assemblies of God’s Home Missions to
                James Robert Rigby                                                                            American Indians and the Development of an Indian Pentecostal Identity
                  Intermittency and Irreversibility in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System                     Yi-Hsin Erica Tsai
                Richard William Roberts                                                                       Host Constraints on the Post-Glacial Migration History of the Parasitic Plant,
                  Maternally Inherited Peptides Are Strain Specific Chemosignals That Activate                Epifagus virginiana
                  a New Candidate Class of Vomeronasal Chemosensory Receptor                                Mark Joseph Vignola
                Alexander Lawrence Ruch                                                                       The Phospholipase cPLA2 Regulates the Expression of Type I Intereferons and
                  Fictions of the Afterlife: Temporality and Belief in Late Modernism                         Intracellular Immunity to Chlamydia trachomatis
                Joel Alden Schlosser                                                                        Hilary Erin Wade
                  Engaging Socrates                                                                           Multimodal Regulation of Gene Transcription by Progestins
                Joshua Barton Scott                                                                         Heather Anne Wake
                  Divine Exposures: Religion and Imposture in Colonial India                                  Modeling, Fabrication, and Test of a CMOS Integrated Circuit Platform for
                                                                                                              Electrophoretic Control of On-Chip Heterogeneous Fluids: Toward Particle Separation
                Amanda J. Sheets                                                                              on a Custom CMOS Chip
                  Cha-Cha-Cha: Variable Adhesive Activity of the Haemophilus Cryptic Genospecies
                  Trimeric Autotransporter Cha                                                              Graham Meldahl West
                                                                                                              A Covalent Modification Technique for Protein-Ligand Binding Analysis Using
                Alexander A. Shestopalov                                                                      Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Platforms
                  Chemical Reactions and Self-Assembly in Nano-Confined Environments:
                  The Development of New Catalytic Microcontact Printing Techniques and                     Cord James Whitaker
                  Multicomponent Inorganic Janus Particles                                                    Race and Conversion in Late Medieval England
                Swati Shresth                                                                               Jennifer Ann Woodruff
                  Sahibs and Shikar: Colonial Hunting and Wildlife in British India, 1800-1935                Learning to Listen, Learning to Be: African-American Girls and Hip-Hop at a
                                                                                                              Durham, NC Boys and Girls Club
                Laura Anne Simmons Kovacs
                  Defining Roles for Cyclin Dependent Kinases and a Transcriptional Oscillator              Liang Zhai
                  in the Organization of Cell-Cycle Events                                                    Imaging and Characterizing Human Prostates Using Acoustic Radiation Force
                Jesse David Slone                                                                           Hao Zhang
                  Analysis of the Drosophila Sugar Receptor Genes                                             Forebrain Acetylcholine in Action: Dynamic Activities and Modulation on Target Areas
                April Helen Spesock                                                                         Mingtao Zhao
                  Poxvirus Modulation of the Immune Response                                                  Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography System Development for
                                                                                                              In Vivo Ophthalmic Imaging
                Changchun Sun
                  Characterizations and diagnostics of Compton Light Source                                 Zhiya Zhao
                                                                                                              Dopant Incorporation in InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors

                May 16, 2010
                Abayomi Alexander Adigun                                                                   Wei Chen
                  Adenylyl Cyclase Cell Signaling as a Target and Underlying Mechanism for                   A Measurement of the Differential Cross Section for the Reaction γn → pi{-} p
                  Persistent Effects of Early-Life Organophosphate Exposure                                  from Deuterium
                Kathleen Marie Bader                                                                       Ruey-Kuang Cheng
                  Tentative Embrace                                                                          Neural Coding Strategies in Cortico-Striatal Circuits Subserving Interval Timing
                Jason Ryan Blevins                                                                         Patrick Ilukol Chiyo
                  Essays in Industrial Organization and Econometrics                                         Socio-ecology and Behavior of Crop Raiding Elephants in the Amboseli Ecosystem
                Twyla Michelle Blickley                                                                    Katie Lynnann Ciesienski
                  The Toxicological Effects of Engineered Nanoparticles, Quantum Dots, in Estuarine Fish     Design of Photocage Ligands for Light-Activated Changes in Coordination of
                Jeremy Nathan Block                                                                          d-block Transition Metals
                  NMR Structure Improvement: A Structural Bioinformatics & Visualization Approach          Laura Cobian
                Bruno de Moura Borges                                                                        Transcending Borders: The Transnational Construction of Mexicanness, 1920-1935
                  Technology and Development: The Political Economy of Open Source Software                Matthew Simon Cook
                Fred Allison Bower III                                                                       Hijacking Germ Cells for Cancer: Examining a ‘Dead End’ in Male Germ Cell
                  Technology Impacts of CMOS Scaling on Microprocessor Core Design for                       Development
                  Hard-Fault Tolerance in Single-Core Applications and Optimized Throughput in             Dominic Joseph Crotty
                  Throughput-Oriented Chip Multiprocessors                                                   Development of an Integrated SPECT-CmT Dedicated Breast Imaging System
                Catherine Christiane Bowler                                                                  Incorporating Novel Data Acquisition and Patient Bed Designs
                  Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel                                     Earl Brigham Daniels
                Samuel Loren Brady                                                                           Credible Commitments, Credible Threats, and Environmental Policy
                  Development of Radiochromic Film for Spatially Quantitative Dosimetric Analysis          Radhika Das
                  of Indirect Ionizing Radiation Fields                                                      Identification of Novel Imprinted Domains in the Therian Lineage
                Julia Ling-Yu Chen                                                                         Rachael N. Deagman
                  Cellular Responses to Lactic Acidosis in Human Cancers                                     Learning to Love

                ‡ Dissertation Title
Two T h o u s a n d Te n C o m m e n c e m e n t


Charles Joseph Del Dotto                                                                   Jing Huang
  Engaging and Evading the Bard: Shakespeare, Nationalism, and British Theatrical            Coherent Structures in Land-Atmosphere Interaction
  Modernism, 1900-1964                                                                     Marjorie Letitia Hubbard
Scott William Dianis                                                                         The Effect of Structural Microheterogeneity on the Initiation and Propagation of
  Harmonic Source Wavefront Correction for Ultrasound Imaging                                Ectopic Activity in Cardiac Tissue
Stefan Paul Dolgert                                                                        Brian O’Neal Ingram
  Citizen Canine: Humans and Animals in Athens and America                                   Biochemical Characterization of Lipid A Modification Enzymes from Rhizobium
Sinziana Dorobantu                                                                           leguminosarum and Rhizobium etli
  Political Competition and the Regulation of Foreign Direct Investment                    Katelin Patricia Isaacs
Songyun Duan                                                                                 Women’s Retirement Insecurity across U.S. Birth Cohorts
  Simplifying System Management through Automated Forecasting, Diagnosis,                  Patrick Jagoda
  and Configuration Tuning                                                                   Network Aesthetics: American Fictions in the Culture of Interconnection
Bülent Eken                                                                                Alvaro Esteban Jarrin
  Stevens after Deleuze: The Effects of a New Ontology on the Problems of Poetics            Cosmetic Citizenship: Beauty, Affect and Inequality in Southeastern Brazil
Erdem Serkan Erdo an                                                                       Jeffrey Loren Jauregui
  Efficient Test Methods for RF Transceivers                                                 Mass Estimates, Conformal Techniques, and Singularities in General Relativity
Marie-Joelle Estrada                                                                       Hongsheng Jiang
  Testing the Romantic Construal Model: The Impact of Personalization, Specialness,          The Paris Commune in Shanghai: The Masses, the State, and Dynamics
  and Value in Evaluating Romantic Actions                                                   of ‘Continuous Revolution’
Angelo Marsiglia Fasolo                                                                    Cong Jin
  Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy for Small Open and Emerging Economies                   Particulate Allergens Potentiate Allergic Asthma through Sustained IgE Mediated
Lisa Fazio                                                                                   Mast Cell Activation
  Understanding the Hypercorrection Effect: Why High-Confidence Errors are                 Carrie Elizabeth Johnson
  more likely to be corrected                                                                Understanding the Cellular Response to Cytosolic Cytochrome c
Christy A. Fernandez                                                                       James Adlai Joseph
  Computational Spectral Microscopy and Compressive Millimeter-wave Holography               Precision Measurement of the Sound Velocity in an Ultracold Fermi Gas through
David Cunningham Fink                                                                        the BEC-BCS Crossover
  Divided by Faith: The Protestant Doctrine of Justification and the Confessionalization   Roxolana Oresta Kashuba
  of Biblical Exegesis                                                                       Bayesian Methods to Characterize Uncertainty in Predictive Modeling of the Effect
Simone Colette Gray                                                                          of Urbanization on Aquatic Ecosystems
  Spatial Modeling of Measurement Error in Exposure to Air Pollution                       Michael Paul Kennedy
Alexis Pauline Gumbs                                                                         Echo
  “We Can Learn To Mother Ourselves”: The Queer Survival of Black Feminism                 Sehoon Keum
Kathryn Louise Haas                                                                          Genetic Modifiers in Response to Ischemia
  Copper at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology: New Insights into hCtr1 Function       Anna Luise Keyte
  and the Role of Histidine in Human Cellular Copper Acquisition                             The Development of Limbs and Somites in the Opossum, Monodelphis domestica:
Deborah Lee Hall                                                                             A Study of Heterochrony, Heterotopy and the Origins of Neonatal Adaptation
  Outgroup Similarity as Cognitive Dissonance: An Investigation of the Turncoat Effect     Mary Frances Kidd
James Michael Harrington                                                                     Double-Beta Decay of 150Nd to Excited Final States
  Physicochemical Characterization of Chelation and Transport of Iron by Low               Jongmyeong Kim
  Molecular Weight Chelators                                                                 A Discrete Monolayer Cardiac Tissue Model for Tissue Preparation Specific Modeling
Giles Burgess Harrison-Conwill                                                             Koonyong Kim
  Inhabiting the City: Citizenship and Democracy in Caracas                                  The Spatial Unconscious of Global America: A Cartography of Contemporary
Dianne Grayce Hendricks                                                                      Social Space and Cultural Form
  Investigation of the roX RNAs and the RNA Helicase MLE in Dosage Compensation            Sangroh Kim
  in Drosophila melanogaster                                                                 Cone Beam Computed Tomography (cbct) Dosimetry: Measurements and
Valerie Mary Hickey                                                                          Monte Carlo Simulations
  A Tale of Three Disciplines: Navigating the Boundaries at the Nexus of Conservation      Madhumita Lahiri
  Science, Policy, and Practice                                                              Beautiful Infidels: Romance, Internationalism, and Mistranslation
Meleah A. Hickman                                                                          Bonnie E. Lai
  Gene Duplication and the Evolution of Silenced Chromatin in Yeasts                         Reduction of HIV-virion Transport for Prevention of HIV Transmission
Elizabeth Byrd Holmberg                                                                    Ariel Bybee Laughton
  A New Approach for Complex Problem Solving: The Independent Systems                        Virginity Discourse and Ascetic Politics in the Writings of Ambrose of Milan
  Dynamics Elicitation Method                                                              Gregory Woodae Lee
Sarah Rapisardo Horn                                                                         Figural Reading in the Epistle to the Hebrews: A Dialogue with Augustine and Calvin
  Regulation of Mitochondrial Dynamics during Apoptosis and the Cell Cycle                 Phoebe Szu Pei Lee
Hisani Nzinga Annie Horne                                                                    The Mechanism of Mitotic Recombination in Yeast
  The Role of the Myelin and Lymphocyte Protein (MAL) in Breast and Ovarian Cancer         Tae Jun Lee
Gabriel Philip Howles-Banerji                                                                Quantitative Analysis of Cellular Networks: Cell Cycle Entry and Bacterial Infection
  Active Staining for In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of the Mouse Brain             Jingbo Li
                                                                                             Coordinated Analysis of Sprites with High Speed Images and Remote
                                                                                             Electromagnetic Fields
D u k e U n i v e r sit y C omme n ceme n t E x e r cises


                Xiang Li                                                                                 Supriya Shaunak Munshaw
                  ‡ Radiation Dose and Diagnostic Accuracy in Pediatric Computed Tomography                Computational Methods to Study Diversification in Pathogens, and Invertebrate
                Zheng Li                                                                                   and Vertebrate Immune Systems
                  Non-linear Adaptive Bayesian Filtering for Brain Machine Interfaces                    Tamisha Dawn Navarro
                Klaus Libertus                                                                             Virgin Capital: Foreign Investment and Local Stratification in the US Virgin Islands
                  Object-Directed Action Experiences and their Effect on Cognitive and                   Kinohi Stephen Sadao Nishikawa
                  Social Development                                                                       Reading the Street: Iceberg Slim, Donald Goines, and the Rise of Black Pulp Fiction
                Melissa Evelyn Libertus                                                                  Gregory John Nusz
                  Behavioral and Electrophysiological Markers of Number Sense in Infancy                   Label-free Biodetection with Individual Plasmonic Nanoparticles
                  and Adulthood                                                                          Kian Ming Ong
                Thomas Middleton Limbert                                                                   The Emergence, Maintenance and Defeat of Dominant Party Authoritarian Regimes
                  Timepiece                                                                                (DPARs)
                Treva Blaine Lindsey                                                                     Joshua Samuel Osterberg
                  Configuring Modernities: New Negro Womanhood in the Nation’s Capital, 1890-1940          Ecotoxicology of Natural and Anthropogenic Extreme Environments
                Alexander Carl Loney                                                                     John William Paisley
                  Narrative Revenge and the Poetics of Justice in the “Odyssey”: A Study on “Tisis”        Machine Learning with Dirichlet and Beta Process Priors: Theory and Applications
                David Bryant Lowry                                                                       Roberto Pancrazi
                  Integrating Genetics, Geography, and Local Adaptation to Understand Ecotype              Essays on Macroeconomics in the Frequency Domain
                  Formation in the Yellow Monkeyflower, Mimulus guttatus                                 Prachi Pandit
                Vincent Chi-Ann Mao                                                                        Non-Cartesian MR Microscopy for Cancer Imaging in Small Animals
                  The Thermo-Mechanical Dynamics of DNA Self-Assembled Nanostructures                    Amanda Baumann Parrish
                Nathan Douglas Martin                                                                      Regulation of Apoptosis following Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Release
                  Social Class and Elite University Education: A Bourdieusian Analysis                   Amit Patel
                Jennifer Ashley Martinez                                                                   Reeb Spaces and the Robustness of Preimages
                  The Innate Immune Response to Vaccinia Viral Infection                                 Michael Andrew Patterson
                John Christakis Mavropoulos                                                                Spatiotemporal Kinetics of AMPAR Trafficking in Single Spines
                  Dietary Carbohydrate Restriction Slows Prostate Tumor Growth                           Margaret Elizabeth Peloso
                Jennifer Lynn McCulley                                                                     Adapting to Rising Sea Levels
                  Tel1p and Mec1p Regulate Chromosome Segregation and Chromosome                         Kristen Elizabeth Pleil
                  Rearrangements in Saccharomyces cerevisiae                                               Region-specific Mechanisms of Estrogen and Age on Neuronal Ensemble Activity
                David Wallace McIvor                                                                       during Spatial Navigation
                  Mourning in America: Racial Trauma and the Democratic Work of Mourning                 Kevin Michael Preuss
                Thomas A. McWatters III                                                                    The Role of Threshold Size in Insect Metamorphosis and Body Size Regulation
                  Religious Conviction, Respect, and the Doctrine of Restraint in the                    Elizabeth Ann Rach
                  Exclusionist-Inclusionist Debate                                                         The Spatial and Temporal Regulatory Code of Transcription Initiation in
                Janet Hart Melonakos                                                                       Drosophila melanogaster
                  A Paradoxical Role for PTEN in the Cellular Response to Hypoxia                        Lu Ren
                Louis Eugene Metzger IV                                                                    Modeling Temporal and Spatial Data Dependence with Bayeisan Nonparametrics
                  Characterization of Peripheral-Membrane Enzymes Required for Lipid A Biosynthesis      Faisal Reza
                  in Gram-Negative Bacteria                                                                Computational Molecular Engineering Nucleic Acid Binding Proteins and Enzymes
                Colin Douglas Miller                                                                     Jennifer Soome Rhee
                  The Practice of the Body of Christ: Human Agency in Pauline Theology after MacIntyre     Anthropomorphic Attachments in U.S. Literature, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence
                David McCheyne Moffitt                                                                   Timothy John Robinson
                  A New and Living Way: Atonement and the Logic of Resurrection in the Epistle             Detecting Changes in Alternative mRNA Processing From Microarray Expression Data
                  to the Hebrews
                                                                                                         Bogdan Florin Romanescu
                Emily Victoria Moran                                                                       Cost-effective Designs for Supporting Correct Execution and Scalable Performance
                  Seed Dispersal, Gene Flow, and Hybridization in Red Oak                                  in Many-core Processors
                Adam Remy Morris                                                                         Adesoji Sajuyigbe
                  Ribonomic and Mechanistic Analysis of the Human Pum1 RNA Binding Protein                 Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Antenna Applications
                Jennifer Lee Morse                                                                       Suzanne N. Schneider
                  Farm Fields to Wetlands: Biogeochemical Consequences of Re-Flooding in                   Coons, Queers, and “Human Curiosities”: White Fantasies of Black Masculinity,
                  Coastal Plain Agricultural Lands                                                         1840-1915
                Kenneth Darrel Morton, Jr.                                                               Amy B. Schulting
                  Bayesian Techniques for Adaptive Acoustic Surveillance                                   The Kindergarten Home Visit Project: A Kindergarten Transition Intervention Study
                Benjamin Mudrak                                                                          Woochoel Shin
                  Secretion and Lipopolysaccharide Binding of Heat-Labile Enterotoxin                      The Company that You Keep: When to Buy a Competitor’s Keyword
                Sarah Victoria Mudrak                                                                    Claire Jarvis Parker Siburt
                  Studies of Spontaneous Oxidative and Frameshift Mutagenesis in                           Thermodynamic Investigations of Metalloproteins: Metal as Probe and Protein as Probe
                  Saccharomyces cerevisiae

                ‡ Dissertation Title
Two T h o u s a n d Te n C o m m e n c e m e n t


Andrew Joseph Simnick                                                                      Hao Wang
  Affinity-Modulation Drug Delivery using Thermosensitive Elastin-Like Polypeptide           Bayesian Multi- and Matrix-variate Modelling: Graphical Models and Time Series
  Block Copolymers                                                                         Shilyh J. Warren
Michael Sirivianos                                                                           Real Politics and Feminist Documentaries: Re-Visioning Seventies Film Feminisms
  Toward Trustworthy Distributed Systems by Means of Social Trust                          Bayly Simpson Wheeler
Daniel Isaac Speiser                                                                         The Role of Genomic Sequence in the Spatial and Temporal Propagation of
  The Form and Function of Scallop Mantle Eyes                                               Heterochromatin
Peggy St. Jacques                                                                          Melanie Ann Wilson
  Functional Neuroimaging of Autobiographical Memory                                         Bayesian Model Uncertainty and Prior Choice with Applications to Genetic
Isilay Talay Degirmenci                                                                      Association Studies
  Asymptotic Analysis and Performance-based Design of Large Scale Service                  Sarah Jeanne Evens Wong-Goodrich
  and Inventory Systems                                                                      Mechanisms by which Early Nutrition Influences Spatial Memory, Adult Neurogenesis,
Wanli Tang                                                                                   and Response to Hippocampal Injury
  Regulation of Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome to Control M Phase Exit               John Patrick Woock
Ashley Lauren Taylor                                                                         Control of Bladder Function by Electrical Stimulation of Pudendal Afferents
  From Dennis-the-Menace to Billy-the-Kid: The Evolving Social Construction                Jessica Lee Wood
  of Juvenile Offenders in the United States from 1899-2007                                  Keys to the Past: Building Harpsichords and Feeling History in the
Matthew Thiessen                                                                             Postwar United States
  Genealogy, Circumcision, and Conversion in Early Judaism and Christianity                Catherine Courtney Workman
Rachel L. Thomas                                                                             The Foraging Ecology of the Delacour’s langur (Trachypithecus delacouri) in
  Time-Scaled Stochastic Input to Biochemical Reaction Networks                              Van Long Nature Reserve, Vietnam
Sally Elizabeth Thompson                                                                   Kevin Matthew Wright
  Spatial Patterns in Dryland Vegetation and the Significance of Dispersal, Infiltration     Theoretical and Empirical Investigations into Adaptation
  and Complex Topography                                                                   Eugenia Ching Wu
Rebecca Marie Tippett                                                                        When Bittersweet is as Good as Sweet: How Emotion Norms Shape
  Household Debt across the Life Course: An Analysis of the Late Baby Boomers                Consumption Choices
Bradley Ryan Trick                                                                         Phillip M. Wu
  Sons, Seed, and Children of Promise in Galatians: Discerning the Coherence in              Electron Correlations and Spin in Asymmetric GaAs Quantum Point Contacts and
  Paul’s Model of Abrahamic Descent                                                          Signatures of Structural Transitions in Hall Effect of FeSe
Esther Marie Tristani                                                                      Cory Robert Wyatt
  Molecular Recognition in Host-Guest Ionophore-Siderophore Assemblies                       Development of MR Thermometry Strategies for Hyperthermia of Extremity
                                                                                             and Breast Tumors
Nicholas Ross Troester
  Rethinking International Law: Hugo Grotius, Human Rights and Humanitarian                Huidong Xu
  Intervention                                                                               Dynamics of Electronic Transport in Spatially-extended Systems with
                                                                                             Negative Differential Conductivity
Jenny Tung
  Functional and Evolutionary Genetics of a Wild Baboon Population                         Jie Yang
                                                                                             Essays in Corporate Finance: On the Topic of Capital Structure
Felicity Mary Turner
  Narrating Infanticide: Constructing the Modern Gendered State in                         Mark Owen Yeisley
  Nineteenth-Century America                                                                 The End of Civilizations: The Role of Religion in the Evolution of Subnational Conflict,
Nurgul Beyshenbekovna Ukueva
  Migration, Remittances and Growth                                                        Yongcheng Ying
                                                                                             I. Total Syntheses and Biological Studies of Largazole and Brasilibactin A. II.
Sandra Viviana Vergara                                                                       Stereoselective Synthesis of 2,6-Cis- and 2,6-Trans-Piperidines through an
  Post-transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression in Response to Iron Deficiency          Organocatalytic Aza-Michael Reaction
  in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
                                                                                           Chunjie Zhang
Briana Noelle Vogen                                                                          Views from the Other Side: Colonial Culture and Anti-Colonial Sentiment in
  Inkless Soft Lithography: Utilizing Immobilized Enzymes and Small Molecules to             Germany around 1800
  Pattern Self-Assembled Monolayers via Catalytic Microcontact Printing
                                                                                           Xing Zong
Marija Vukotić                                                                              First Study of Three-body Photodisintegration of 3He with Double Polarizations at HIGS
  Essays in Empirical Macroeconomics
                                                                                           Sarah Zubairy
Ashwin Ashok Wagadarikar                                                                     Explaining the Effects of Fiscal Shocks
  Compressive Spectral and Coherence Imaging
D u k e U n i v e r sit y C omme n ceme n t E x e r cises


                M a s t e r o f s c i en c e                     P r es ent ed by Dean David F. B ell

                S eptemb er 1, 2009
                Philip Reid Brown               Linda Deng                       Kathryn Diane Ness Hedlund      Kristin Ann Maloney                Tian Zhang
                Mark Andrew Castoro             Gianluca Di Muro                 Jianan Hou                      Matthew Peter Sayler               Zhaobo Zhang
                Abrita Chakravarty              Xin Guo                          D’Vone Courtez Jackson          Ravi Shekhar
                Minhua Chen                     Amrita Ramesh Halappanavar       Jung Min Lee                    Minghui Shi
                Nihshanka Debroy                Lehan He                         Gilbert Randolph Lee IV         Nicole Marie Walley

                Decemb er 30, 2009
                Rachel Julia Alfie Insung Hwang                                  Jacob Michael Montgomery        Susanna Maria Ricco                Gavin William Taylor
                Jiefu Chen         Botao Jia                                     Bjorn Omarsson                  Casey James Rubin                  Nobel James Vale
                Ionut Constandache David Murray Kahler                           Frederick Owusu-Nimo            Arun Mathew Sebastian              Jie Xiong
                Neha Girish        Taeha Kim                                     Darshin Shashi Patel            Kriti Sharma                       Huidong Xu
                Asli Nur Goktug    Theodore Clarence Lyman                       Brian R. Piazza                 Jennifer Lynn Shore                Yi Zhang
                Da Huang           Varun Marupadi                                Kalyan Edavally Reddy           Jay Ketan Shridharani

                May 16, 2010
                Farah Akbar                     Mark A. Ewing                   Yang Jiang                      Carolyn Madeleine Nohejl          Dipti Jagdish Talreja
                Christina Lee Arnaout           Bryan Ethan Fleming             Erfan Mohammad Karim            Chern-Han Ou                      Yuankai Kenny Tao
                Hussam Al-Deen Mohammad Ashab   Peter James Franklin            Kendal Alyson Kernstine         Daniel S. Pages                   Lauren Teresa Tippets
                Xuan Bao                        Matthew Stouten Freeman         Kyu Hyun Kim                    Lissette Perez                    Kai Wang
                Nedyalko Krasimirov Borisov     Poornima Gadamsetty             David Scott Kittle              Michael Alexander Pierquet        Lincoln Jon Webb
                Natalya Anna Brikner            Harishanker Gajendran           Lei Kong                        Baris C. Piyade                   Kevin Scott Weiss
                Adam Miles Brooks               Yaohuan Gao                     Wei Kong                        Shreya Rajkumar Purohit           Chia-Lung Wu
                Harish Chandran                 Travis Chad Greene              Brandon David Le                Sushravya Madanapalli Raghunath   Jie Xiao
                Chun-Chi Chang                  Zhiqiang Gu                     William Weiham Lee              Caroline Lee Ring                 Shenren Xu
                Jennifer Amy Chao               Kritika Pradeep Gupta           Brian Liau                      Arturas Rozenas                   Amol Prakash Yadav
                Andrew Y. Chou                  Christina Danielle Herring      Jae Shik Lim                    Ami Saheba                        Il Yang
                Te-Wei Chu                      Sara Ashley Hinds               Yang Liu                        Taichiro Sakagama                 Xiaoyan Yin
                Stephen Thomas Clark            Bang-Ning Hsu                   Kelly A. McGrady                Sara Salahi                       Yu Zeng
                Lauren Dinneen Courlas          Fang-Yao Hu                     Deep S. Mehtaji                 Erich Adler Schnell               Liwei Zhang
                Jacob Hascal Cox, Jr.           Samreen Jatana                  Justin Vincent Migacz           Alexandra Nicole Scott            XiaoXi Zhang
                Al-Hafeez Zahir Dhalla          Tian Jiang                      Abhishek Mitra                  Lee Edward Stunja

                Master of Arts                           P r e s e n t e d by Dean David F. B ell

                S eptemb er 1, 2009
                Senem Acar                      Kirsten Marie Clemens            Cherno Omar Kebbeh              Evan David Peet                    Doron Wilfand
                Sejung Ahn                      Caroline M. Cozza                Alex Herschel Kotch             Timothy Daniel Rankin              Yael Wilfand
                Seher Merve Akbas               Maria Gabriela Farfan Bertran    Chanchal Kumar                  Deborah Tammy Rho                  Eric James Wilson
                Serdar Akbas                    Christopher Scott Geissler       Christina Cherie Leinneweber    Teresa Foy Romano                  Lai Xu
                Jonas Eduardo Arias             Sarah Kennedy Griffin            Andrea Meredith Lockhart        John Bradley Ross                  Elaine Yee
                Rajesh Bansal                   Junko Hioki                      Emily Bridget Lynch             Timothy John Schwuchow             Abdullah Yurekturk
                Nikki Lynn Boatenhamer          Amy Kathleen Hopson              Dana Whitfield Mangum           Anju Sharma                        Ahmad Zaki Yusuf
                Lea Raye Bromell                Shinichi Itagaki                 Amani Nabil McHugh              Kilho Song
                Ryan Palmer Brown               Alimamy Kamara                   Amar Nath                       Analía Andrea Viola
                Serap Cansizoglu Oz             Alper Kara                       Dong Hwan Oh                    Jeremy Lee Ward
Two T h o u s a n d Te n C o m m e n c e m e n t


Decemb er 30, 2009
Joanne Elizabeth Abel          Julia Ann Dockens                 Rebecca Elizabeth Keegan      Megan Marie Orloski              Hiromi Tanigaki
Holly Marianne Kileff Borham   Steven Larrimore Foy              Aaron Scott King              Samuel Cooper Osborne            Yair Taylor
Samuel Ian Burleson            Zheng Gao                         Christopher Jun-heng Lau      Joseph Anthony Palumbo           Kenan Tekin
Horacio Antonio Carias         Eden Abigail Goldman              Otto Woelke Leithart          Erin Deborah Parish              Angela Jeannette Watson
Judith Alexandra Carrasco      Rebecca Sarah Hatch               Congcong Li                   Reginald Dewight Patterson       Yingyi Zhang
Julie Noel Chamberlain         Brenna K. Heitzman                Daina Kristin Lind            Anne Marie Phillips              Jing Zuo
Celina Anne Charles            Linda Lani Jacobsen               Shishi Z Luo                  Sandra Penelope Press
Seth Daniel Cohen              Cong Jin                          James Donald Luther           Melanie Dawn Sereny
Prisha Meghna Dass             Jennifer Deer Johnson             Sandra Yvonne Nay McCourt     Cody Allen Short
Christopher David DeSante      Trudy Allyson Jones               Francis James Orlando         Zvia Shwirtz

May 16, 2010
Kofi Francis Joseph Acquah     Jennifer Katherine Crow           Gavin Franklin Jocius         Ryan John McFadyen               Nathan Robert Schick
Kevin Engel Adair              Blair Jordan Deans                Charles Wilson Johnston Jr.   Stephen Joel McIntyre            Andrew Sehayek
Jordan Marie Anderson          Katherine de Vos Devine           Harry Portlock Jones          Katrina Elizabeth Mergen-Adams   Linda Marie Skalski
Zeynep Attar                   Paula Franco Domingos             Kip Michael Kelly             Dorottya Katalin Mozes           In Seo Son
Shanjun Bao                    Benjamin Evan Douglas             Hea Min Kim                   Darren Mueller                   John Daniel Stadt
C. Quay Barnett                Jatin Dua                         Sanghyo Kim                   Ingrid Verónica Mújica           John Joseph Steenbergen
Alon Pinhas Brav               Patrick Michael Duggan            Sowmya Krishnamoorthy         Kathleen Bridget O’Donnell       Heather Stevenson
Ashley Katrina Brown           Susan Stevens Dunn                Susan René Langford           Kotaro Oe                        Sandeep Vaheesan
Nathan David Brown             Michael Samuel David Els          Sang Ho Lee                   Nicholas Alexander O’Hara        Valerie Kay Frances Van Ho
Phyllis Laney Bryant           Nicole Elena Ferrari              Venus Behrouzjou Liles        Hye-Jin Park                     Natalya J. Wallin
Wendy Dawn Brynildsen          Emanuel Angelo Fiano              Zidi Liu                      Angsoka Yorintha Paundralingga   Ce Wang
Rose Marie Buckelew            David Kirkland Garner             Daniel Loftus                 Daria Margaret Pelech            Huihui Wang
Katherine Ratliff Calhoun      Cynthia Renee Greenlee-Donnell    Yana Alexandrovna Lowry       Edward Raymond Philpot           Xian Wang
Kelly Elizabeth Carraway       John T. Grimaldi                  Zhongjin Lu                   Sara Tova Pilzer                 Jinran Yi
Ava Gail Cas                   Timothy Robert Hambourger         Roger J. Lucey                Harrison David Parke Potter      Wonsup Yoon
Jess A. Cheney                 Robert Duncan Hardegree           Brittany Aletea Lyons         Stephen Edward Pysnik            Jovan Lamar Young Gang
Jennifer Chien                 Amanda Gayle Harder               Wishnu Mahraddika             Victor Erik Ray                  Zhang
Chia-Ju Chou                   Daniel Russell Holodnik           Peter Taylor Maniloff         Katherine Louise Record          Yanlong Zhang
Kelvin Deshaun Clark           Stephen Michael Impink, Jr.       Eve Louise Marion             Deborah Hope Reid Murphy         Lixian Zhong
Andrew C. Clyne                Daniel Alexander Jardin           Katherine Matsuura            Megan Marie Reynolds             Yun Zhou
Chad Robert Dodds Colwell      John Erskine Jennison             Albert Lee McClure            Lina Maria Rondon A.
Amanda Thalassa Corbett        Lisa Kay Jindra                   Lauren K. McCormick           Saena Ryu

M a s t e r o f A r t s i n Tea c h i ng                                Pr es ent ed by Dean David F. B ell

S eptemb er 1, 2009
Shayla Danielle Adams          Alexa Rose Garvoille              Beth Marie Jarvis             Keith Michael Radke              Jonathan Erin Tyus
Tara Kathleen Blalock          Michael Edward Irving             Andrew John Marchetto-Ryan    Elizabeth Bonann Simpson         Seth Kyle Van Horn
Ashley Morgan Dawkins          Robert David Jansen               Emily Nelle Plunkett          Jaclyn Renee Turnwald            Jacqueline Teresa Wigfall

M a s t e r o f P ub l i c P o l i c y                          P r e s e nt ed by Dean David F. B ell

S eptemb er 1, 2009
Emily C. Wei

May 16, 2010
Jeremy Nathan Block
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