IN THIS ISSUE: Mangosuthu University of Technology

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IN THIS ISSUE: Mangosuthu University of Technology
ISSUE NUMBER 1 // 2016


              IN THIS ISSUE:
              • UK experience changes
                student’s life
              • MUT student conquers
                the Dusi marathon
              • DVC brings about R7 million
                in less than 10 months
              • Phiwo’s journey to unbelieable

IN THIS ISSUE: Mangosuthu University of Technology
     2      MUT unveils its values
     3      State of the University Address: Unpacking MUT Values
     4      From Effectiveness to Greatness: The 8th habit of highly effective people

     5      Induction of the student structures

     6      Construction begins on the new Engineering laboratories and the Student Centre
     7      Multilingualism at South African institutions, with particular emphasis on those in KwaZulu-Natal

            Being at the Forefront
    10      National Library Week at MUT
    11      Professor Zodwa Dlamini’s Next Generation Scholarship
    12      Enactus MUT Workshop
    13      Former VC calls on universities to reclaim their authority and autonomy
    14      Student Wellness Week lauded by MEC of Health in KZN

            Self-Respect and Respect
    15      US network facilitates community-based leadership training

    15      Kudos to Dr Zethu Qunta, Council member on her PhD!
    16      Prof Zodwa Dlamini, leading the MUT research agenda by example
    17      Dr Zilungile Kwitshana on living the spirit of Excellence
    18      Another feather in DVC: Research, Innovation and Engagement’s cap
    19      Dynamite comes in small packages: The tale of Pat Badenhorst

    20      GNF (Good News Friday) Celebrates turning 5
    21      IRDCE embarks on major projects

            Staff Achievement
    23      Prof Ngcobo taking MUT places
    24      Four MUT academics join the nGap programme
    25      MUT staff members recognised

            Student Achievement
    26      50 students receive scholarships from the Department of Human Settlements
    27      How the UK visit changed me – Zinhle Khumalo
    28      Accounting student conquers Dusi
    28      Mandisa Mkhungo flies the MUT flag high
    29      Meet our newly elected Sport Union
    29      MUT Soccer scores with new star players

            The Alumni Corner
    30      Phiwo’s journey to unbelievable success
    32      A gruelling but achievable task lies ahead

                                                                      EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Mbali Mkhize
                                                    EDITORS: Mbali Mkhize, Len Mzimela, Bheki Hlophe
                                                                         COPY-EDITOR: Elaine Young
                                                                 PROJECT MANAGER: Lisa Mbongwa
                                                                WRITERS: Mbali Mkhize, Bheki Hlophe

2              CONTRIBUTORS: Zama Sishi, Len Mzimela, Zwelakhe Shangase, Jade Kunene, Lisa Mbongwa
         PHOTOGRAPHERS: Zwelakhe Shangase, Ayanda Bulose, Lisa Mbongwa, Enactus MUT, Bheki Hlophe
IN THIS ISSUE: Mangosuthu University of Technology
               THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF,
               MBALI MKHIZE

               MUT has ‘kicked off’ the New Year               inspire action for change” (The Center for
               with many success stories. Fuelled by           Appreciative Inquiry).
               the values that the MUT community
               espouses, the MUT community has                 Many stories in this issue illustrate our
               pushed itself to become winners in              institution’s spirit of accomplishment.
               various fields.                                 There is the story about a head of
                                                               department, who took it upon herself
               As the first quarter of 2016 draws to a         to raise awareness among historically
               close, the MUT community can exhale,            disadvantaged communities about the
               breathe in deeply and look forward to           national, endemic worm problem. There
               new pursuits.                                   is also a story about a deputy vice-
                                                               chancellor, who used her publications’
               This issue salutes the spirit of                income to create a scholarship for needy
Mbali Mkhize   accomplishment among MUT staff,                 and successful MUT students.
               students and alumni.
                                                               Our readers will also be inspired by the
               We honour the spirit of integrity,              story about an acting vice-chancellor, who
               innovation, being at the forefront,             inspired, motivated and gave staff hope,
               accountability, self-respect, respect and       at a time of great uncertainty, in a State
               excellence. These MUT values have               of the University address. The story about
               steered this institution and enabled the        one of our students, who participated in
               MUT community to achieve beyond its             the Dusi marathon, and our story about
               wildest expectations. We say “IIFASE            a young student, who traveled to the UK
               iMUT.”                                          for the first time, will inspire our readers
                                                               to dream big dreams and to set lofty
               Our spirit of accomplishment entails a          goals.
               conscious shift into Appreciative Inquiry
               (AI). “AI is both a worldview and a             Reawakening MUT Values has ignited a
               process for facilitating positive change        spirit of accomplishment. It is our fervent
               in human systems, e.g., organizations,          hope that this publication fuels energy to
               groups, and communities. Its assumption         accomplish beyond our wildest dreams
               is simple: every human system has               and to raise MUT to even greater heights.
               something that works right–things that          Irrespective of the challenges that we
               give it life when it is vital, effective, and   face as individuals and a country, our
               successful. AI begins by identifying this       values and positive outlook will always
               positive core and connecting to it in ways      provide us with a tremendous sense of
               that heighten energy, sharpen vision and        accomplishment.

IN THIS ISSUE: Mangosuthu University of Technology

Some SA higher education                             The government expects staff to
institutions are in trouble, mostly                  appreciate what it does for the
over resources. Financial matters                    University,” he said.
are at the centre of this situation.
MUT has been shielded from all                       Prof Ramogale also said MUT
of this, thanks largely to its staff                 staff needed to set standards for
and students who have chosen to                      themselves, and aspire to reach
focus on the core business of the                    those in their quest for excellence.
University – teaching and learning,                  All of the six values would result
and providing support to these                       in a peaceful MUT, an institution
essentials. Both staff and students                  now used by others as a beacon.
have been praised for this. In his                   “Others now want to clone
State of the University address to                   MUT,” said Prof Ramogale, who
staff on 29 February, Acting Vice-                   regenerated the spirit of unity
Chancellor, Prof Marcus Ramogale,                    among staff when he requested
requested staff to continue working                  them to stand up to the song
as a team and adjust to the current                  “We shall overcome”, a song that
situation – six senior management                    suggests that it is faith that sustains
staff have been put on leave. “Be                    us during the difficult times - times
mentally strong. Stay focused and                    like the present spirit of ‘fallism’
look into the future with a sense of                 that is engulfing the higher
purpose,” he said.                                   education landscape.

During the State of the University                   MarComms is proud to lead the
(SOTU) address to staff, and later                   IIFASE discourse. “We believe
on during the SOTU for students,                     that embracing these values will
Prof Ramogale appealed to                            channel an Appreciative Inquiry
members of MUT to embrace six                        approach on how we relate to
core values, otherwise known as                      one another,” said Mbali Mkhize,
“IIFASE” – Integrity, Innovation,                    Senior Director: MarComms, in
Forefront, Accountability, Self-                     a brief address on MUT’s values
respect, Respect and Excellence.                     to Senate at Prof Ramogale’s
“Integrity requires that we be                       request. The values campaign will
honest to ourselves and in our                       be reinvigorated throughout the
dealings with others. We shouldn’t                   year, with an intensive campaign
cast aspersions to those put on                      for students and MUT graduands
leave. Let’s not judge them. We                      during the graduation week.
also need to account for our
actions, and protect the University’s
resources.                              Our Values

IN THIS ISSUE: Mangosuthu University of Technology

                                                         Various scholarly articles and studies of great men and women show an
                                                         interconnection between individual and organisational values. Acting Vice-
                                                         Chancellor, Prof Marcus Ramogale, used MUT’s State of the University
                                                         (SOTU) address to redefine what MUT finds most important. Like human
                                                         beings, MUT has to make decisions, it must do what is right, it has legal
                                                         limitations, and it has the potential to advance itself. MUT is a person - it is
                                                         all of us who make a living and get an education from MUT. The campaign to
                                                         raise awareness of MUT’s values comes at an opportune time for everyone
                                                         to undertake self-reflection and introspection in our annual resolutions.

                                                         MUT’s key values are: act with Integrity, Innovate, be at the Forefront,
Prof Marcus Ramogale, Acting Vice-Chancellor, middle,
                                                         be Accountable, Self-respect and Respect for others, and always strive
responding to questions from staff during the State of   for Excellence. The Department of Marketing and Communications
the University address. Flanking him are Prof Khehla     (MarComms) requested Prof Ramogale to unpack the meaning of some of
Ndlovu, DVC Resources and Planning; and Gona             these values.
Govender, Dean of the Faculty of Management Sciences

INTEGRITY: A person with integrity is             think before they speak or act, but will         education of our students. In whatever
one who comes across as being honest,             say and do the most outrageous things            you do, ask: “How will MUT students
does what is right and has restraint. As a        and only think afterwards. In my 30-year         benefit?” We must live within our means
member of MUT, you must constantly ask            higher education career, I have met such         and never spend needlessly. Gandhi
yourself: “In what way am I honest and            individuals in other universities and I have     once said: “A gain without work is one
are my actions right for the institution?”        seen how they come to grief.                     of the fundamental causes of violence in
Always remember to be guided by your                                                               the world.” This statement is especially
conscience.                                       We are blessed as MUT in that such               relevant to those who do the bare
                                                  individuals are few and have never               minimum and profit from the hard work of
SELF-RESPECT AND RESPECT FOR                      succeeded in derailing the University’s          others. Let us all contribute to the welfare
OTHERS: Over the past six years I have            academic project, because the goodwill of        and prosperity of MUT.
met MUT staff and students with the               the majority has always prevailed. Civility is
utmost self-respect and respect for each          not a sign of weakness; nor are arrogance        EXCELLENCE: Master yourself before
other. They are a blessing to MUT, and            and bravado a sign of strength.                  you seek to master others. You can never
daily contribute to the reputation of this                                                         lead unless you have learnt how to follow.
University. To paraphrase the English             As a demonstration of our adherence to the       To have inner peace, you must desire
novelist George Eliot, it is such small,          principle of respect for others, I urge you      nothing out there. The ethic of excellence
unheroic acts that add to the growing             not to cast aspersions on colleagues who         teaches us how to drain deep the chalice
goodness of the world and MUT of course.          are on special leave, for they are innocent      of courage. It teaches us how to stand up
In my six years at MUT, I have also met staff     until proven otherwise. Do unto others as        in the storm and to have compassion on
members and students, luckily in a minority,      you would have them do unto you.                 those who fall. It shows us how to face the
who have neither self-respect nor respect                                                          stress of difficulty and challenge and how
for others. These are individuals whose           ACCOUNTABILITY: Let us remember                  to develop an appetite for adventure over
yearning for heroism inevitably gives rise to     that MUT is a public institution funded by       the love of ease. It instructs how we should,
an insatiable desire for self-advertisement       the South African tax payer. We therefore        in the face of danger and calamity, disclose
and the phenomenon of the uncontrollable          exist for the public good. The first and         those qualities the Maker gave humankind
tongue. These are individuals who do not          foremost reason for our existence is the         when He created us in His own image.

IN THIS ISSUE: Mangosuthu University of Technology

“In today’s challenging and complex world, being highly effective is the price of entry
to the playing field. To thrive, innovate, excel, and lead in this new reality, we must reach
beyond effectiveness toward fulfilment, contribution, and greatness.” - Stephen Covey
                                                                                             Covey’s “seven habits of highly effective
                                                                                             people” as follows:
                                                                                             1. Be proactive.
                                                                                             2. Start with an end in mind.
                                                                                             3. Put first things first.
                                                                                             4. Think win-win.
                                                                                             5. S
                                                                                                 eek first to be understood, then to
                                                                                             6. Synergise.
                                                                                             7. Sharpen the saw.

MUT executive, senior and middle management at a strategic planning workshop                 ‘From effectiveness to
                                                                                             greatness’ - the core message of
MUT Executive Management successfully          an understanding of the need for
convened its fourth breakaway session          strategic planning; and
                                                                                             the MUT Management lekgotla
for all levels of leadership. The purpose   • L ook at shortcomings and areas of
                                                                                             By understanding our inner selves, and
of the Strategic Management lekgotla is        improvement within MUT.
                                                                                             accommodating ourselves to working
to develop a cadre of MUT leaders that
                                                                                             and partnering with others, we could give
understands the MUT Strategic Plan and      Acting Vice-Chancellor, Prof Marcus
                                                                                             meaning to MUT’s values. Some take-
its goals and objectives. Fifty managers    Ramogale, delivered a spirited opening
                                                                                             home nuggets to help managers move
attended, including the executive, senior   address in which he compared MUT and
                                                                                             from effectiveness to greatness are:
management, directors and heads of both     higher education to an army. Referring to
                                                                                             • Have a clear understanding of what
support and academic departments. Most      a statement by General Douglas McArthur,
                                                                                                your KPIs mean.
agreed that they wanted to:                 the US General during the World War II,
                                                                                             • Work towards improving the KPIs for
• Learn how to contribute to the           about the duty of soldiers, and a statement
                                                                                                the 2017 APP since the 2016 APP has
    Strategic Plan’s short- and long        by Napoleon Bonaparte, the French
                                                                                                already been approved.
    term objectives, i.e. the Annual        ruler in the 19th Century, regarding the
                                                                                             • Develop indicators that are truly
    Performance Plan (APP);                 critical needs of an army to execute its
                                                                                                indicative of what is to be measured.
• See how practices and processes at       duties, Prof Ramogale indicated that the
                                                                                             • Revisit policy development and set
    MUT could be improved;                  core functions of a university - teaching
• Learn how to manage current              and learning, research and innovation
    challenges at MUT;                      and community engagement, cannot be
                                                                                             Professors Marcus Ramogale and Khehla
• Appreciate and implement MUT’s           successfully performed in the absence of
                                                                                             Ndlovu, expressed appreciation to all
    values within each unit;                effective support services. Prof Ramogale
                                                                                             that attended and said the team-building
• Ensure that MUT’s Strategic Plan is      furthermore referred to a message from
                                                                                             effort was essential in building a cohesive
    filtered down to everyone at MUT;       the Minister of Higher Education and
                                                                                             management team that are active
• Stimulate team-building and find ways    Training, about translating the broader
                                                                                             participants in institutional development
    to support each other during daily      higher education systems planning into
                                                                                             and growth.
    operations;                             institutional strategic and operational plans.
• Foster an attitude of planning and       The lekgotla resonates with Stephen

IN THIS ISSUE: Mangosuthu University of Technology


Forty-four leaders from various student    of being confident and overcoming            execute an event, they will have to
formations attended. The workshop          situations with a positive self-image        adhere to stipulated guidelines so
was officially opened by Mthoko Ntuli,     and positive body-language. She also         as to enhance the reputation of the
the Student Development Officer, who       interacted with the student leaders on       institution. He then opened the platform
outlined the programme and objectives      the importance of time management            for an engaging question-and-answer
of the workshop.                           skills, encouraged them to go beyond         session facilitated by Secretary to the
                                           their classroom reading, and urged them      Dean of Students, Xoli Mashaba. Much
Dr Lazarus Sentso from the Quality         to carry themselves well at all times        to the excitement of the facilitators, the
Management Directorate shared              since they represent the name of the         students jumped at this opportunity and
insights on quality management at MUT,     institution.                                 Mthoko gladly addressed their concerns
which includes five-yearly programme                                                    and questions.
reviews to ensure that students are well   Mxolisi Ngwenya, the Student
prepared for the working environment.      Development Assistant, explained the         The 2016 Induction Training and Capacity
“The current working environment           concept of a “ripple effect” in terms of     Building Workshop was labelled a “critical
is dynamic and ever changing and           student leaders transferring skills learnt   event” by one of the students. The
quality management ensures all student     at the workshop to the membership            student leaders relished the opportunity
programmes are rigorously evaluated,”      of their respective formations, thereby      to engage with the different speakers.
he said. He also mentioned that QMD        empowering all students. He further
is responsible for graduate surveys        stated that student leaders are the          There was a successful transfer of skills
which are done to observe the quality of   ‘cream of the crop’ because they have        from the Student Development Unit
students that the institution produces.    been elected to lead students.               through to the student leaders, who are
This involves the ethics, professional                                                  expected to sustain this programme
behaviour and leadership qualities         Mthoko then engaged with student             through information-sharing with their
displayed by our students in industry.     leaders on the different processes to        respective constituencies. Overall, the
                                           be followed when student structures          success of the event will be gauged
The Acting Dean of Students, Thembi        conduct their activities. For student        through increased rate of compliance to
Kweyama, emphasised the importance         formations to successfully host or           the rules.

IN THIS ISSUE: Mangosuthu University of Technology

    STUDENT CENTRE                                                                    The symbols of progress are already on the site

“In a few years you’ll need a GPS to find   The additions to the highly-regarded             sector. There will also be a programme
your way at MUT; the MUT landscape          Engineering faculty will be a big plus and       on renewable energy. Both programmes
is changing,” said Vice-Chancellor, Prof    a great output multiplier. The Dean of the       are a first in the province, and both will
Mashupye Kgaphola, a few years ago.         faculty, Prof Senzo Malinga CEM, said the        be offered through the Department of
                                            new labs would increase faculty capacity         Electrical Engineering,” said Prof Malinga.
The MUT transformation advanced             and help deliver competent graduates,
another step in February 2016 with the      while also developing postgraduate               The two projects will cost over R303.7
commencement of construction on the         offerings and research facilities. “We will      million, and are expected to create an
Engineering laboratories and Student        soon be able to offer new programmes             estimated 535 job opportunities, 85 of
Centre. Senior Director: Operations, Niki   like Biomedical Engineering. Students            them permanent. The two new buildings
Zungu, said the construction would take     will qualify as clinical technicians, a          are part of the decade long major MUT
18 months to complete.                      very important profession in the health          infrastructure development project.

IN THIS ISSUE: Mangosuthu University of Technology

MUT staff with the honourable guests, seated, from left, Njabulo   Prof Hlongwa of UKZN addressing the delegates
Simelane of PanSALB; Prof Hlongwa of UKZN, Dr Manyane Makua;
Senior Director of MUT’s TLDC, Prof Ralarala of CPUT, Prof Sandiso
Ngcobo; a Lecturer at MUT’s Department of Communications

In some cases starting last may not be         to implement the teaching of IsiZulu as         from students who formed part of
such a bad thing after all! Some higher        an academic requirement; all registered         the delegates. It has also saved and
education institutions in the country have     students would have to pass at least            created jobs in the IsiZulu Department,
gone a long way towards transforming           one module of IsiZulu, or prove their           reflected through the increasing number
themselves into dual language institutions.    competence in the language. According to        of registering students. Prof Sandiso
Mangosuthu University of Technology            Prof Nobuhle Hlongwa, Dean of Teaching          Ngcobo of MUT’s Department of
(MUT) has just begun the process, and          and Learning in the College of Humanities,      Communication said the departments
the project is going to take some time.        UKZN, the purpose of this approach is to        of Education and Medicine had already
However the task will not be as daunting       empower citizens in a province that speaks      piloted this idea with great success, even
since MUT has found partners who will          mainly IsiZulu. Knowing the language will       before the announcement was made that
work with it. These partners have set up       make assimilation within the province easy,     the whole university would go “dual”.
structures that have turned them into true     and will contribute towards efficient service
South African higher education institutions,   delivery and easy transfer of culture, thus     Another KZN institution that has
and now they have made themselves              lessening possibilities of misunderstanding     embraced dualism is Durban University of
available to work alongside MUT.               and conflict. Prof Hlongwa was speaking         Technology’s (DUT) Media, Language and
                                               to delegates on 25 February 2016 during         Communication (MLC) Department. MLC’s
In KwaZulu-Natal the University of KwaZulu-    a Multilingualism Colloquium in Higher          Translation Unit has worked together with
Natal (UKZN) has led the way and has           Education hosted by MUT.                        UKZN on a research project funded by
become the leading institution in the                                                          the Norwegian Government toward the
philosophy of multilingualism. Towards the     UKZN’s implementation of the plan               development of content subjects’ terms
end of 2013 UKZN announced its plans           has received resounding support                 for use in different faculties.

IN THIS ISSUE: Mangosuthu University of Technology
Prof Ngcobo said students that are           African languages because one of the
taught through their home language (L1)      main reasons students fail is due to
                                                                                          The process of implementing
perform much better than those that use      misunderstood instructions. Students
a second or first additional language        could also be allowed to provide answers
                                                                                          bi-/multilingual education does
(L2). In the Western Cape where the          in a language of their choice, as done by    not linguistically discriminate,
majority speaks Afrikaans, matriculation     the University of Stellenbosch.              oppress or exclude because
results are always the best in the country                                                everyone has a choice -
because of the dominant use of Afrikaans     For Prof Ngcobo, these concerns and
                                                                                          something that cannot be
in that province’s schools. Moreover,        issues point to a strong need for MUT
                                                                                          said when English is the only
universities in the Western Cape, such as    to seriously consider implementing the
the University of Stellenbosch, provide      Language Policy in Higher Education
                                                                                          language of instruction. It
education in students’ language of           of 2002, which seeks to enable African       happened in 1976 and it is
choice at all levels of their study.         students to be taught in languages which     happening 40 years later in 2016
                                             will provide them success in education.      as black students are fighting
Prof Ngcobo said the results are equally     The urgency here is further intensified by
                                                                                          against language oppression
impressive among English speakers who        the Use of Official Language Act No. 12
                                                                                          at the universities of Pretoria
study through their home language.           of 2012, through which universities are
In contrast, the failure rate among the      expected to provide regular reports on       and Stellenbosch. The majority
majority of black students and learners      their multilingual development activities.   of our citizens are not happy
who use L2 is rather high. For instance,                                                  and they are tired of waiting for
a study conducted by Prof Ngcobo at          MUT is fortunate to have many bilingual      transformation when we have
MUT a few years ago found that in some       lecturers who can use both IsiZulu and
                                                                                          long been supposed to be free.
departments at MUT, there wasn’t a           English when teaching to facilitate
single student that graduated in record      effective teaching and learning. Students
                                                                                          - Prof Ngcobo
time. Prof Ngcobo discovered that many       are more likely than not to discuss their
students would either drop out in their      studies amongst themselves in ALs than
first year, or end up repeating a number     in English, and to converse in ALs with      As much as it would seem MUT has a
of subjects.                                 their lecturers within and outside the       long way to go, Prof Ngcobo advised that
                                             lecture venues.                              MUT Management and the University
South Africa is, by and large, an English                                                 Council embrace the Constitution and
speaking country. Therefore there is a       Resources are available all over             many policies emanating from it. This
need to learn this language, but not to      the country on how the issue of              would require a willingness to appoint
the detriment of the African languages.      multilingualism has been handled by          key personnel and spending funds
Prof Ngcobo said English could be            other universities, and MUT can now          appropriately to ensure that the project
learnt in two ways. It can be taught as      use the material that other universities     is done well. On the issue of costs, Prof
a language, as done all over the world,      have created. For instance, teaching         Ngcobo said it costs a lot more for
while content subjects are taught in         Engineering in IsiZulu needn’t be a          parents, universities and the government
students’ African languages. Another         mammoth task. “The majority of terms         when students fail, or graduate without a

approach could be to use the African         used in Sciences and Engineering are         clear knowledge of their field.

languages (ALs) as a resource alongside      not originally English. English, like many
                                                                                          “For the industry, it means a wastage
English to facilitate effective teaching     other languages, borrows from other
                                                                                          of production time as employers have
and learning in English. This could be       languages and terms are developed as
                                                                                          to retrain incompetent workers. The
done by providing terminology lists          the need arises. For instance, the isiZulu
                                                                                          government has to seek assistance from
in ALs, tutorials in ALs and instruction     term for AIDS is Ingculazi. This term was
                                                                                          other countries, such as Cuba, to provide
in two languages, as done in English         coined by the SABC’s Thokozani Nene,
                                                                                          us with their skilled citizens that we still
and Afrikaans in other universities in       when the need arose,” said Prof Ngcobo.
                                                                                          have to teach our languages. It is well
South Africa. Furthermore, questions
                                                                                          known that we also send our children
during tests and examinations could
                                                                                          to Cuba to develop scarce skills like
be explained in both English and
                                                                                          medicine in the language of that country,

rather than doing so in our own language.      recognised by many countries such as the        not made in English but through sheer
As recent reports indicate, the majority of    USA which encourages its citizens to learn      understanding of how the job should
the students that study in Cuba fail and       other languages. Yet it is common to            be done.” He cited industries such as
engage in activities that are inappropriate    hear people in South Africa arguing that        Mercedes Benz (SA) and Toyota (SA)
because of numerous frustrations they          South Africans should learn everything in       where people use their own languages
experience,” said Prof Ngcobo.                 English so they can adapt successfully in       (it does not have to be formal) and the
                                               foreign countries. Prof Ngcobo pointed          production is just as good. Some of the
In conclusion, said Prof Ngcobo, it is         out that success is not only based on           products of these foreign investors even
clear that the benefits of bi-/multilingual    understanding a particular language.            give recognition to our languages, such
education far surpass the disadvantages        “Sometimes it is not just a language but a      as the Toyota Quantum Sesifikile and the
for the majority of the people. Being          well-developed skill that ensures success       Nissan Impendulo. Talk about adaptability
able to speak more than one language           in your field of work. Most technological       and respect!
is a great advantage that has been             and engineering developments are

During the week of the MUT Multilingualism Colloquium in Higher Education we published an online survey on Facebook to engage
our students on the matter and encourage them to voice their opinions. The survey results show an informed and highly articulate

MUT student population which is abreast of contentious issues concerning higher education.

                                              Do you prefer lectures to be conducted          Would you pass a module better if it
                                              in English or your mother tongue?               was explained in English, your mother
                                                                                              tongue or both?

                                                                        56.4%                                                       17.5%


                                                                         38.5%                            77.5%

    NUMBER OF DAILY RESPONSES                                              Votes      %                                           Votes       %
                                                       English                  15   38.5%                Both?                     31      77.5%
                                                       Mother Tongue             2    5.1%                English only?              7      17.5%
     28                                                A bit of both?           22   56.4%                Mother tongue only?        2       5%

                                              Do you think learning in your mother            What is your view of multilingulism in
                                              tongue could give you the competitive           Higher Education?
                                              edge in industry?

               7                                                          35.9%

                                                                           Votes      %                                                       Votes    %
                                                       Yes?                     14   35.9%       Is it a good thing?                           19     48.7%
                                  2                    No?                      13   33.3%       The matter has been delayed for too long?     14     35.9%
                        1                              I don’t know?            12   30.8%       I don’t know?                                  6     15.4%
    Day 1    Day 2     Day 3     Day 4


 “Libraries will give you life-long lessons,” say Zolile Machi

                                                               Students attending the MUT National Library Week training session

 MUT Library took part in the National         lifelong learning through creating formal     The programme offered the Library
 Library Week activities from 14-18            and informal opportunities for people         Services staff a chance to share
 March. The primary aim of this week is        to learn,” said Zolile Machi, the Library’s   their thoughts on how to make
 to explore ways to empower students in        projects co-ordinator.                        better use of online resources in
 developing multiple ways of acquiring                                                       teaching, learning and research.
 knowledge and to encourage them to            “It is impossible for one medium to           The staff ran training sessions for
 continue learning beyond graduation.          entirely substitute another. In fact,         Advanced Diploma students to help
 The theme of this year’s event was            e-books may rescue some of the                them enhance the literature review
 #librariesforlifelonglearning. The Library    out-of-print books from the archives,”        sections of their research projects.
 Week’s programme aimed to raise               he added. E-resources make it easier          Nompumelelo Ndlovu, a third year
 awareness about the changing role of an       for students to gain access to reliable       Nature Conservation student, said she
 academic library and to promote better        sources of interesting reading and            learnt that there were easy ways to
 usage of e-resources in facilitating          study materials.                              acquire information without travelling
 effective teaching techniques.                                                              to campus, and also realised the
                                               “Combined with the declining costs,           importance of good referencing.
 “Lifelong learning is essential for all our   the ubiquitous nature and the ‘cool           Library staff also lectured academic
 citizens to be able to find jobs and keep     factor’ of mobile devices, students can       staff on the possibilities of integrating
 up with the rapid changes in technology.      find greater enjoyment in reading for         e-books and multimedia into their
 The theme is an acknowledgement of            recreational purposes and also improve        curriculum.
 the key role of libraries in facilitating     learning for study purposes,” said Zolile.


               Prof Dlamini, third from left, with Cynthia Nkosi of Financial Aid Bureau (FAB), right, and the scholarship recipients

In an unprecedented move, Prof               That is how I came to be where I am,”         PhD and post-doctoral fellowship and
Dlamini has opted not to personally          said Prof Dlamini.                            throughout my entire academic and
benefit from her research publications                                                     research career, followed by the South
income. Instead she sought advice            Four students will each receive R12           African Medical Research Council,” she
from the Registrar, Mr Mike Naidoo,          750 based on merit and financial need.        said.
on how best she could help needy             One of the students has to come from
students. She has thus introduced            Mahlabathini. “I was also a recipient         The launch of this scholarship comes at
her Next Generation Scholarship. “I          of many bursaries and would not have          a time when nationally, the awareness
have called it the Next Generation           been where I am today had it not been         of a lack of funding has seen the rise
Scholarship because I would like to          for Prof Otty Nxumalo’s scholarship that      of a ‘Fallism Movement’. “I am hoping
create a legacy of giving while at           saw me through St Francis College, as         this small gesture may grow and be
the same time working harder on              well as Prince Mangosuthu’s scholarship       replicated both here and across our
my research publications which will          that enabled me to undertake my               universities. With more publications,
make the scholarship programme               undergraduate studies and Honours             I should be able to absorb more and
sustainable. Because I benefitted from       degree at the University of the Western       more students into my Next Generation
scholarships all my life, I would like       Cape.                                         Scholarship.”
every generation to create a legacy:
work harder and leave something for          The National Research Foundation
the next generation.                         has funded me through my Masters,


From left, Mxolisi Ngwenya, Enactus former President; Xoli Mashaba, mentor; Thulasizwe Bohlela, Enactus member; Fanyana Ntuli,
Faculty Advisor (Also lecturer); Sduduzo Nhlabathi, Enactus member; Pinky Ngcobo, Core Faculty Advisor; Sanele Cebekhulu,
Enactus PRO; Sthembile Maphumulo, Enactus Project Coordinator

After the 2015 Enactus World Cup hosted      to MUT Enactus in identifying some of      beings and eradicating poverty across all
in Sandton, Enactus South Africa - in        the errors which often hinder project      African countries. This year, MUT Enactus
partnership with the Centre for Local        progress. They also realised the need to   is working on five community-based
Economic Development (CENLED) -              plan and consult relevant stakeholders     projects which aim to empower the local
decided to empower all South African         before tackling an Enactus project. On     community, thereby also uplifting the
teams through project management             Day Two, participants delved deeper        image of MUT.
workshops. Enactus MUT, together with        into project planning and the different
Durban University of Technology (DUT),       software that can be used to improve
attended a two-day workshop on 11-12         planning and execution. Enactus MUT         LESSONS LEARNT - A
March 2016, hosted by DUT and led by         decided to implement such methods in        STUDENT’S PERSPECTIVE
Herman Groenewald from CENLED.               all their projects.
                                                                                         “We learnt the art of efficiently
                                                                                         executing our projects and how to
Day One dealt with the first phase           Enactus South Africa resolved to adopt
                                                                                         fine tune the details of a Business
of project management, focusing on           the 17 Sustainable Development Goals
conducting feasibility studies and project   of the United Nations, which involve        Plan for our beneficiaries. We also
planning. This session was of great use      the supply of clean water to all human      had a briefing session on time
                                                                                         management skills as we are still
                                                                                         students, and balancing between
                                                                                         study requirements and Enactus
                                                                                         responsibilities is crucial towards our
                                                                                         success and ensuring sustainable
                                                                                         progress in our projects. At Enactus
                                                                                         MUT we believe that through the
                                                                                         great relations we have with the
                                                                                         Student Affairs Department, we can
                                                                                         take MUT to even greater heights.”

Enactus MUT organised fashion show as one of their projects

In a speech that called for a return to the
basics, Dr Jairam Reddy - a former Vice-
Chancellor of the University of Durban-
Westville and a guest speaker at the
Registrars’ Imbizo, hosted by MUT on 7-8
March - advised university management
teams across the country to reclaim their
position and power. Dr Reddy mentioned
a number of issues that he regards as
detrimental to the future of universities
and said university management should
assert their authority so their autonomy
could be reaffirmed. The campaign by
students to force university management
not to increase fees is already having dire     Registrars from the country’s higher education sector at the Registrars’ Imbizo
consequences for universities. The fact
that it was the government that took a          Dr Reddy also warned against over-            “We also looked at the throughput
decision for all universities not to increase   managing and under-leading. He said           rate. There is a high rate of dropout,
fees meant that the powers of university        there was no evidence that creating           particularly at first year level. This is very
management were undermined. This                many management posts resulted in             costly as so much is invested in each
could be made worse by the Higher               improvement in teaching and learning.         student, some of whom don’t graduate.”
Education Amendment Bill before                 Instead, he said, this practice is very       Discussions included the need for better
Parliament, which seeks to give the             costly.                                       articulation between Technical Vocational
Minister of Higher Education and Training                                                     Education and Training (TVET) colleges
the right to determine the transformation       “The appointment of Executive Deans           and universities of technology.
agenda at universities and pronounce            instead of the formerly elected Deans
on the powers of the Administrator. Dr          by the Faculty is one manifestation           Naidoo added that some of these
Reddy also pointed out that the violence        of managerialism. There is a plethora         issues spoke directly to MUT’s strategic
that accompanied the campaign against           of senior managers unfolding on the           objectives of enhancing the quality of
fee increases was very costly, amounting        campuses. In one recently merged              teaching and learning, and promoting
to over R100 million according to media         university there is one Vice-Chancellor,      academic excellence. Some of the
reports.                                        three Deputy Vice-Chancellors, 14 Chief       key discussions included the National
                                                Executives, 26 Deans and four other           Student Financial Aid Scheme’s fee
“...In one recently merged                      senior managers - making a total of 58        arrangement plans for the 2016/17,
university there is one Vice-                   senior managers. The salary bill for these    and managing risk at higher education
                                                58 managers is a whopping R52 528 000.”       institutions. “The Imbizo was also a
Chancellor, three Deputy Vice-
                                                                                              platform to induct new persons in our
Chancellors, 14 Chief Executives,
                                                The Registrars’ Imbizo is an annual           field and orientate them on the crucial
26 Deans and four other senior
                                                event hosted on a rotational basis.           work that we put in on a daily basis.”
managers - making a total of
                                                MUT’s Registrar, Mike Naidoo, said the        Naidoo said the resolutions made will
58 senior managers. The salary                  discussions at the Imbizo focused on          play a crucial role in mitigating some of
bill for these 58 managers is a                 issues that have had an impact on the         the issues facing universities.
whopping R52 528 000.”                          education sector.

On 8 February 2016 the Student Affairs
Department rolled out the week-long
Student Wellness Programme whose
highlight was the unveiling of an HIV/
AIDS signpost on the same date by Dr
Sibongiseni Dhlomo, KwaZulu-Natal
Health MEC. The post is a visible sign of
MUT’s commitment to the support and
treatment of those infected and affected
by HIV/AIDS. This is part of the annual
Wellness Programme, called First Things
First, by which the University seeks to
care for the general MUT community.

The First Things First Programme was
launched by Dr Aaron Motsoaledi in
March 2013 and addresses wellness from
various angles - physical, emotional,
academic and so on. The main goal
of the programme is to ensure that
students get all the necessary help so
                                            Dr Dhlomo, right, and Prof Ramogale unveiling the symbol
they can study and graduate. The Head
of Campus Health Services, Sister Nomsa     MUT’s holistic view of wellness issues        However, MUT’s students are different,
Mkhwanazi, once said: “We would like        provides an atmosphere where students         thanks to some decisions taken by MUT
our students to be free of diseases         excel in both academic and non-               Management, together with MUT student
for the duration of their stay with us,     academic activities. On the subject           leadership. Prof Marcus Ramogale,
and beyond. For those that have been        of HIV/AIDS, Dr Dhlomo said: “If you          Acting Vice-Chancellor, told the MEC
affected by any disease, one way or the     are not infected, abstain from sex, or        that landlords prefer MUT students
other, they should know that we are         use dual protection” - which protects         because these students fully support
available for them. This also goes for      against sexually transmitted diseases         MUT’s ‘no alcohol’ policy. “It’s a Monday,
staff.”                                     and unwanted pregnancy. He explained          but look, our students are sober,” the
                                            that one of the reasons why university        Acting VC said. This sobriety has resulted
                                            students are most affected by HIV/AIDS        in many accolades like our award-winning
He explained that one of the                is their age - 18 to 24 - which makes them    choir, the constructive communication
reasons why university students             attractive to unscrupulous individuals like   between student leadership and MUT
are most affected by HIV/AIDS is            ‘sugar daddies’.                              Management, and improvement in
their age - 18 to 24 - which makes                                                        students’ academic performance.
them attractive to unscrupulous             “Most of these are married men driving
individuals like ‘sugar daddies’            fancy cars by which they lure the             Some of the services which were
                                            students,” said Dr Dhlomo. Dr Dhlomo          provided during the Student Wellness
                                            was disappointed by men who take              Week were eye testing, HIV counselling
Speaking during the keynote address,        advantage of some of the students’            and testing, family planning education,
Dr Dhlomo repeatedly praised MUT’s          shaky economic situation, and end up          pap smear, health and fitness screening,
Student Services for their constructive     interfering with their future.                and anti-drug and substance abuse
attitude towards health-related issues.                                                   education.


A ground-breaking grant has been                  members of the Talloires network for the       objective of this short course is to equip
obtained by Dr Phumelele Kunene-                  implementation of best practices; and          students with leadership skills in order to
Ngubane of the Institute for Rural                ultimately to stimulate leadership qualities   create a socially responsible citizen/leader.
Development and Community                         amongst students through community
Engagement (IRDCE) at MUT. This grant,            engagement.                                    “As a result, the proposal sent to Talloires
which amounts to $10,000 and is aimed at                                                         Network requested financial support for
training MUT students on leadership, was          “As the focal person for MUT student           the training of 50 MUT student volunteers
received from the Talloires Network which         volunteerism, I applied for the funding in     in the first semester of 2015. Those trained
is administered by Tuffs University in the        September 2015 in order to find ways to        will, in turn, be required to train at least one
United States.                                    enhance MUT students’ skills in community      other student during the second semester
                                                  engagement and etiquette. I then               in a training-of-trainees programme which
The theme for this grant is ‘University           developed the funding proposal based on        will be coordinated through a collaboration
Education for Transformative Leadership           information obtained during one of the         between MUT and Stellenbosch
in Africa’ and it was awarded to ten African      SAHECEF meetings, in which Stellenbosch        University,” she said. The 50 students who
universities (four in South Africa). Its aim is   University shared that they were offering a    will be trained during the first semester will
to support engaged teaching and learning          short course entitled ‘Leadership through      be required to pay a subsidised fee of R100
and research in institutions of higher            Community Interaction’ for students,” said     which will go into the IRDCE’s fund raising
learning; to share experiences amongst            Dr Kunene-Ngubane. She added that the          account.


One of our Council members is Dr                  and streamlining these could go a long
Zethu Qunta, a founder and managing               way in saving the state resources and/or
member of ZBQ Consulting. She recently            result in significant efficiency gains.
graduated with a PhD in Philosophy from
Wits University and also holds a Master           Dr Qunta says the study has relevance for
of Commerce degree from the University            higher education as it “will enable higher
of Pretoria and a Master of Business              education to understand the constraints
Administration from Oxford Brookes                within which the state operates, policy
University.                                       imperatives, skills development and
                                                  management resource allocation and
She undertook her PhD research on the             management. The importance of
Development Finance Institutions (DFIs)           governance arrangement in state entities
operating in KZN. One of her major                (of which MUT is a part) was revealed in
findings was that not all DFIs are effective      respect of what challenges they face and
in delivering on their mandate/services,          how best they can be managed.”                 Well done! Dr Qunta and a relative



Njabulo Gumede a lecture in the Department of Chemistry, left, and Prof Zodwa Dlamini, DVC: Research, Innovation and
Engagement (RIEP)

Prof Zodwa Dlamini, notwithstanding her       Research Council for 2016 for the project       Besides this grant, Prof Dlamini has
hectic schedule, has delivered her first      “Targeting the abnormal MicroRNA and            brought with her over R450 000 in
project as DVC: Research, Innovation and      Splicing Signatures in HIV-associated           international grants from the National
Engagement (RIEP) at MUT. She recalls         cancers”. This is pioneering work which         Research Foundation, which assist her in
that she joined MUT in June 2015 when         could create great value in delivering          being able to engage with international
almost everyone was on vacation. “I had       clinically validated oncology targets from      partners. She mainly uses her funding
to call the deans for a meeting in order to   which new drug discovery programmes             for international travel and thus is not
get going. They were on holiday and they      could emerge.                                   dependent on the university budget for
obliged. I am indebted to them for having                                                     international engagements. She currently
risen to the occasion as that helped me get   Prof Dlamini is the lead PI for this project.   supervises two PhDs, three post-doctoral
a baseline understanding of our research      Within MUT, a collaboration with Mr             fellows and two M.Sc students in her own
status per faculty,” said Prof Dlamini.       Njabulo Gumede, an academic staff               field of Molecular Genetics and Disease,
                                              member in Chemistry, is being crafted           especially cancer. Within 10 months
“This fuelled me to develop a concept         to jointly work on Cancer Therapeutics/         of arriving at MUT, she has published
document for my first project as MUT’s        Drug Discovery with the strategic intent        seven journal articles within international
DVC: RIEP, and the proposal was               of sharing expertise, attracting national       journals with high scientific standing.
subsequently approved,” she continued.        and international collaboration, as well as     She has also published two conference
The result has been a R6 million grant to     sourcing funding. The DVC sees this as          proceedings and currently has a few
be staggered over three years she has just    also benefitting MUT staff who work and         publications under review.
received from the South African Medical       wish to work in this area.


THE SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE                                                                    FACTS ABOUT
                                                                                            NEGLECTED TROPICAL
Apart from her day-to-day work as head         The national survey spans all 52 districts   DISEASES AND SA’S
of the Biomedical Sciences department          of SA. It started with KZN and Limpopo       DATABASE
in MUT’s Faculty of Natural Sciences, Dr       schools, and the other seven provinces
                                                                                            South Africa is the only country that
Kwitshana (Lungi) is involved in various       will follow soon. The KZN sample
                                                                                            does not have nationwide data on
public duty portfolios. She is the co-         consisted of 160 schools, and a total of     the prevalence of parasites. As a
founder of the National Parasite Control       8 000 specimens from the province were       result WHO cannot update its global
Task Team, together with the National          analysed at MUT.                             prevalence. Essentially SA has two
Department of Health’s (DoH) director                                                       types of these NTD’s: Schistosomiasis
and her deputy, with whom she works on         “The project has been of benefit to MUT.     (commonly known as Bilharzia or
Neglected Tropical Diseases.                   Our staff and students were trained by       isichenene) and So il-transmitted
                                               WHO personnel in preparation for the         Helmiths (commonly known as worms).
Earlier on in her career Dr Kwitshana          survey and for analysing the specimens.
worked with worm infections among              Our Biomed alumni were involved in           These infections are very common
schoolchildren and noticed how the             mobilising the schools to participate, and   among children. It has been shown that
medical fraternity downplayed these            also collected samples from schools. MUT     children infected with these parasites
occurrences. “In fact globally, these          Biomed microscopists have analysed           perform poorly at school as a result of
infections are neglected (hence the            samples from the 11 districts of KZN. This   poor cognitive development, and also
name Neglected Tropical Diseases). So I        is history in the making because it is the   experience other physical development
mobilised everyone who was working in          very first time that SA has undertaken       challenges, malnourishment, etc.
this field in academic institutions, which     this national survey, and MUT is the key
at the time was UKZN and the South             laboratory that analysed all the samples     For this reason we also engaged with
African Medical Research Council, and          from KZN,” said Dr Kwitshana.                other departments, mainly the National
                                                                                            Department of Basic Education, the
together with the deputy director of
                                                                                            National School Nutrition Programme
Communicable Diseases in the National          The staff and students have been trained
                                                                                            (NSNP), the Integrated School Health
DoH, we formed a National Task Team            in a specialised method of detecting the
                                                                                            Programme (ISHP) and the Department
in 2010. From then on we have been             parasites: the Kato Katz technique which
                                                                                            of Social Development. The Minister of
engaging several stakeholders to get buy-      is used for detecting hookworms. “Three
                                                                                            Basic Education launched a National
in for the country’s first National Parasite   of our staff members will be doing their
                                                                                            Deworming Programme on 16 Feb 2016.
Survey. It’s been a long five-year journey,    Masters degrees using the data from this
but very worthwhile,” Dr Kwitshana says.       survey,” she added.
                                                                                            Before the deworming programme was
                                                                                            rolled out, we needed to know how big
                                                                                            the problem is countrywide. This gave
                                                                                            rise to our efforts, together with the
                                                                                            National DoH and the WHO country
                                                                                            office, to analyse the prevalence of
                                                                                            these parasites among school children
                                                                                            across the country. The DoH is very
                                                                                            grateful to MUT Biomed for providing
                                                                                            microscopists (a very rare skill) and
                                                                                            also the labs and the personnel. Ms
                                                                                            Tsakane Furumele, the director for
                                                                                            Communicable Diseases, National
                                                                                            Department of Health, personally came
                                                                                            to say thank you to Dr Kwitshana and
                                                                                            team BioMed MUT!
Dr Kwitshana, HOD, Biomedical Sciences


Good luck comes in threes. The Research           competitive basis after vigorous review         and Prof Sylvester Lyantagaye from the
Directorate has now received official             by national and international scientific        Department of Molecular Biology and
notification of Prof Zodwa Dlamini’s              experts in the field.”                          Biotechnology at the University of Dar
three grants, worth a total of R905 000,                                                          es Salaam in Tanzania.
to cooperate with China, Tanzania and             The grants are as follows:
Italy. “Research requires one to make it a        1. ITALY/South Africa Research              These grants support several research
calling. It is just by adding more time to my        Cooperation Programme, 2015-2017          postgraduates under the DVC, and have
research programme that I get rewarded               - “Exploiting MiRNA and Splicing          enabled her to produce seven recent
for my efforts. This is the spirit I would like      Signatures in HIV-Related Cancers”        international journal articles for MUT,
to inculcate at MUT,” she said with humility.        (R325 000). The Italian partner is Prof   thus adding to the research output of
                                                     Giovanni Blandino of the Regina Elena     the university. MUT staff will also benefit
The three international cooperation                  Cancer Institute in Rome, Italy.          from this international cooperation
grants for work on anti-cancer splicing           2. C hina/South Africa Research             that Prof Dlamini has established. The
and drug discovery have been transferred             Cooperation Programme, 2015-2017          collaboration between Prof Dlamini and
to MUT. These grants are from the                    - “Signal transduction of medicinal       Mr Njabulo Gumede, a lecturer in the
Department of Science and Technology                 plants with anti-cancer activity”         Department of Chemistry, will combine
and governed by the National Research                (R400 000). The Chinese partner is Dr     the genomics expertise of Prof Dlamini
Foundation. Prof Dlamini said, “The                  Wu Yingli of the Shanghai Jia Tong        with the Chemistry background of Mr
main aim is to internationalise the                  University School of Medicine in          Gumede (whose PhD has recently been
science and technology environment                   Shanghai, China.                          submitted for examination). Prof Dlamini
in achieving the national social and              3. T anzania/South Africa Research          will make resources available to him
economic development imperatives and                 Cooperation Programme, 2015-2016 -        and connect him with her international
thus positioning internationalisation as a           “Targeting disease-specific alternative   partners. “I would like to see him spend
crosscutting agenda. This is also to grow            splicing ‘signatures’ with natural        time developing his scientific career at
and transform the country’s Science,                 products that may serve as novel drugs    international laboratories,” she added.
Technology and Innovation programme.                 or lead compounds” (R180 000). The
The NRF awards these grants on a very                Tanzanian partners are Dr Rose Masalu     Prof Dlamini is currently in the process
                                                                                               of seeking out other staff members
                                                                                               who would like to be developed in this
                                                                                               area at MUT, and who could also spend
                                                                                               some time at the international partners’
                                                                                               laboratories to build their research skills.

                                                                                               Prof Dlamini has also been asked to
                                                                                               join the research delegation of the
                                                                                               Department of Science and Technology’s
                                                                                               Multilateral Cooperation Directorate
                                                                                               to visit the EMBL (European Molecular
                                                                                               Biology Laboratories) in Europe and the
                                                                                               United Kingdom in 2016. The objective
                                                                                               of the visit is to strengthen international
                                                                                               research cooperation in life sciences
                                                                                               between South Africa and these countries,
                                                                                               which will happen once the DST has
                                                                                               finalised its memorandum of agreement
Prof Dlamini DVC Research, Innovation and Engagements                                          with the EMBL countries.

Pat Badenhorst, Information Librarian: E-resources

During the Strategic Management              We asked her what kind of support             them to find literature to support their
lekgotla held from 3 to 5 March 2016,        she provides. Pat explained: “Basically       research.”
Acting Vice-Chancellor, Prof Ramogale        I provide support to both staff and
indicated that “The core functions of        students to enable them to access             Pat believes that “Success on my part
a university (teaching and learning,         information easier and from anywhere.         would be when our students and staff are
research and innovation and community
                                             For academics it’s to support them with       independent in doing their own searches
engagement) cannot be effectively
                                             teaching material that can be integrated      using our e-resources. That would
performed in the absence of effective
                                             within the institution’s e-learning system.   increase the usage statistics, thus giving
support services.”
                                             For students it’s to bring the library to     us as the library a return on investment
To give a sense of how the library           where they are, but giving them access        whilst also supporting the institution’s
is achieving this, we chatted to Pat         to a vast number of e-resources at            strategy of being a hybrid institution”.
Badenhorst, Information Librarian:           their own convenience, without them           When we asked Mrs Lindiwe Ndaki
E-resources. Pat is like a mobile library,   being bound to come to the library            about the gem she has in the Library,
carrying with her a laptop to train people   building. For researchers, it’s assisting     she chuckled, “I have my A-Team in the
and help them succeed. Many a time she       them in making the process of research        Library”.
has saved the day when some staffers         less complicated by training them on
needed to manage their reference             reference management tools and helping
sources.                                     them with search techniques to enable

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