Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification

Page created by Jesse White
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments
                                                                                   for Gifted Identification

                                                                                   Office of Gifted Education

The Office of Gifted Education at CDE has developed a resource matrix describing the most common assessments used in Colorado for the purpose of gifted
identification. It is important to note that the matrix is intended for informational purposes as CDE does not approve specific identification instruments. An
AU must consider the purpose, reliability and validity of a specific test to guide appropriate instrument selection for the purpose of identification. The scope of
the assessment should include items to measure exceptional ability and not just grade-level, foundational skills or behaviors. As a general rule of thumb, tests
that are based on constructs associated with giftedness and/or normed on samples that include exceptional students working above grade-level are valid for
identification. It is recommended to use the latest edition of an assessment.

Cognitive Measures
Most cognitive assessments may be used for gifted identification purposes as long as they claim to measure general intellectual ability (“g”) up to three standard
deviations above the mean. If they are designed for a smaller range, many gifted children will “top out” on such tests. Also, Administrative Units and gifted
educators should make sure that norms for the test are up-to-date. Norms older than 7-10 years do not reflect today’s demographics in their sampling.

Academic or Achievement Measures
Achievement tests that may be considered as qualifying evidence contain one or more of the following attributes:
   • Provides a national percentile ranking (NPR) score from a large, normative sample population within the last 5 – 8 years;
   • Questions that are adaptive in order to measure above, at or below grade-level abilities;
   • Items that measure a broad range of skills and standards within a content domain; and/or
   • Summative assessments that measure the mastery level of content skills/standards.

It is important to note that when identifying a student for a specific academic aptitude without a cognitive score, multiple assessment scores over a period of
time are considered valid and reliable data. Examining trends over time, especially for primary students, is important when reviewing qualifying data for a
specific academic aptitude identification.

Assessments used for grade-level benchmark screenings, to progress monitor a student’s attainment of a specific standard or diagnose a subject-area deficiency
are defined as diagnostic or inventory instruments. Diagnostic assessments or skill inventories measure proficiency of grade-level foundational skills. Although
these assessments may include an NPR, diagnostic and inventory assessments are not intended to measure exceptional abilities in a specific content
area. Because of this narrow focus, these instruments are not used as qualifying data. An example of this type of assessment might include a diagnostic test to
identify a reading deficiency or a skills inventory to measure how rapidly a student can compute math facts.
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   2

Formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to
improve their learning. Formative assessments that are short, periodic and often informal measures of how a student is progressing through a specific lesson or
content standard are not used as qualifying evidence.

State assessment data are used to measure student achievement and growth. The performance level of “Exceeds Expectations” is used as qualifying data for
gifted identification for specific academic aptitudes in the content areas assessed. Growth or state percentile data are not used for identification purposes. A
95th state percentile is not the same as a 95th national percentile ranking. The state percentile means the student scored at the 95th percentile compared to
other students in the state. This percentile may or may not equate to “exceeds expectations” depending on the scaled score for all participating students.

Observation Scales
Observation scales are qualitative measures that depend on the observation of and judgment about student behaviors by professionals who deal with the
student on a regular basis and/or the student’s parents. Normed observation scales designed specifically to examine behaviors associated through research with
giftedness may be used for identification. Observation scales that are designed to diagnose attention deficits and other specific conditions may not be used for
identification. Observation scales that are not normed referenced, but provide informative data on exceptional abilities, such as the Kingore Observation
Inventory (KOI), may be used as an indicator to move the student to the gifted identification assessment process. An exception to this standard is the use of
research-based scales developed for Specific Talent Aptitudes. Talent scales developed through analysis and research of the discipline may be considered as
qualifying evidence for dance, music, performing arts and visual arts. Two examples include the observation scales developed by Dr. Haroutounian or the CDE
Talent Observation Scales created by content experts.

Identification Resources
When selecting nationally normed, standardized instruments for the identification of gifted and talented students, educators should consider the following
   • What is the purpose for the assessment?
   • Is the assessment valid for its purpose?
   • Is the assessment reliable?
   • Does the assessment measure exceptionality?
   • What is the age of the assessment?
   • When was the assessment last normed?
   • How large was the norming sample?
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   3

For additional information on Colorado guidelines for gifted identification, access the Gifted Identification Handbook at:

Cognitive Assessments
 Assessment            Content                Age             Time               Administration     Considerations                       Contact
 Batería III           Measures general       2:0 – 90+       Varies             Individually       Spanish version of the               Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
 Woodcock              intellectual ability                   depending on       administered       Woodcock Johnson III Tests of
 Muñoz                 and specific                           test,                                 Cognitive Abilities; Summary         lassroom/classroom-
 (Cognitive)           cognitive abilities                    approximately 5-                      report available in English and      solutions/assessment
                       in Spanish                             10 minutes per                        Spanish
                       speaking                               test
 Battelle              Developmental          Birth to 7:11   Complete BDI-2:    Individually       Available in Spanish; The BDI-2      Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
 Developmental         assessment for                         1-2 hours;         administered       Spanish can be administered
 Inventory,            early childhood;                       Screening Test:                       entirely in Spanish or English, or   lassroom/classroom-
 Second Edition        Personal-Social,                       10-30 minutes                         combinations of Structured           solutions/assessment
 (BDI-2)               Adaptive, Motor,                                                             items, completed by the child in
                       Communication,                                                               either language, can be
                       and Cognitive                                                                interspersed with the dominant
                       ability                                                                      language of the adult caregiver
 Bilingual Verbal      Provides measure       5:0 – Adult     30 minutes         Individually       Assessment available in 17           Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
 Abilities Test        of overall verbal                                         administered       languages; Any item that is
 (BVAT)                ability                                                                      skipped or answered incorrectly      lassroom/classroom-
                                                                                                    is administered in native            solutions/assessment
 Cognitive             Reasoning and          K-12            30-60 minutes      Group              Research studies show                Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
 Abilities Test Full   Problem Solving                        per session        administered       sensitivity to ELL and minority
 Battery Form 7 or     using verbal,                          depending on                          students; The new Form (7) will      lassroom/classroom-
 8 (CogAT)             quantitative,                          grade level                           include a Spanish Form               solutions/assessment
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   4

Assessment          Content              Age           Time               Administration    Considerations                      Contact
Differential        Measures verbal,     2:6‐17:11     Core battery 45‐   Individually      Spanish supplement available;       Pearson
Ability Scales‐II   nonverbal, and                     60 minutes;        administered      works well                          http://www.pearsonclinic
(DAS-II)            spatial reasoning                  Diagnostic                           with twice‐exceptional or 
                    abilities;                         subtests 30                          potentially twice-exceptional
                                                       minutes                              students
Kaufman             Various cognitive    3:0-18        25 to 55 minutes   Individually      More culturally and                 Pearson
Assessment          abilities based on                 (core battery,     administered      linguistically responsive           http://www.pearsonclinic
Battery for         CHC or Luria                       Luria model), 35                     (although contains verbal 
Children, Second    models                             to 70 minutes                        administration items),
Edition (KABC-II)                                      (core battery,                       Administration prompts
                                                       CHC model)                           translated into Spanish
Kaufman Brief       Measures verbal      4:0 -90:0     20 minutes         Individually      Correct responses in other          Pearson
Intelligence Test   and nonverbal                                         administered      languages are accepted, the         http://www.pearsonclinic
2nd Edition         intelligence                                                            Riddles subtest has Spanish
(K-BIT2)                                                                                    answers printed on the form for
                                                                                            easy scoring
Naglieri            Screens for          K-12          30 minutes         Group or          Reliable tool for screening         Pearson
Nonverbal Ability   general nonverbal                                     individual        individuals from diverse cultural   http://www.pearsonasses
Test, Second or     ability                                               administration    and linguistic backgrounds
Third                                                                                                                           sments
Screening           Measures             Elementary    Each subtest       Individual or                                         Prufrock Press Inc,
Assessment for      aptitude and         and Middle    requires           group                                       
Gifted              achievement –        School aged   approximately      administration
Elementary and      language arts,       students      20 minutes
Middle School       social studies,
Students (SAGES     math, science, and
2)                  nonverbal ability
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   5

Assessment           Content                Age           Time               Administration    Considerations                     Contact
Stanford Binet       Fluid reasoning,       2 to 85 +     Takes              Individually                                         Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Intelligence         knowledge,             years         approximately 5    administered                               
Scales, 5th          quantitative                         minutes per                                                             lassroom/classroom-
Edition (SB 5)       reasoning, visual-                   subtest                                                                 solutions/assessment
                     spatial processing,
                     and working
Test of              The TOMAGS             K-6           Not timed          Individual or     *May also be used as a qualifier   Prufrock Press Inc,
Mathematical         measures                                                group             for math achievement for 
Abilities for        students' ability to                                    administration    specific academic aptitude and
Gifted Students      use mathematical                                                          count as qualifying evidence for
(TOMAGS)*            reasoning and                                                             a norm-referenced
                     mathematical                                                              achievement test.
                     problem solving.
Test of Nonverbal    General cognitive      6:0 – 89:11   15 to 20 minutes   Individually      Completely language free or        Pearson
Intelligence,        ability                                                 administered      also has directions in Spanish,    http://www.pearsonclinic
Fourth Edition                                                                                 French, German, Chinese  
Universal            Measures general       5:0 – 17:11   Depends on         Individually      Provides an assessment that        Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Nonverbal            cognitive ability in                 battery given –    administered      neutralizes the impact of
Intelligence Test    a completely                         10-45 minutes                        language on cognitive processes    lassroom/classroom-
Second Edition       nonverbal manner                                                          and abilities; Examiners use 8     solutions/assessment
(UNIT2)                                                                                        universal hand gestures to
                                                                                               explain tasks
Wechsler             Measures a child’s     6:0 – 16:11   Varies             Individually      Complimentary subtests can         Pearson
Intelligence Scale   intellectual ability                 depending on       administered      also measure academic              http://www.pearsonclinic
for Children, 5th    including visual                     age, between 1                       achievement in reading, writing
Edition (WISC-V)     spatial and fluid                    hour and 1.5                         and math
                     reasoning                            hours
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   6

Assessment          Content             Age         Time               Administration    Considerations                     Contact
Wechsler            General cognitive   2:6 – 7:3   Core subtests:     Individually                                         Pearson
Preschool and       ability                         Ages 2:6–3:11,     administered                                         http://www.pearsonclinic
Primary Scale of                                    30–45 minutes;                                                
Intelligence, 4th                                   Ages 4:0–7:3,
Edition (WPPSI-                                     45–60 minutes
Woodcock            Verbal Ability,     2:0 – 90+   BIA testing time   Individually      Spanish version (see Bateria)      Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Johnson Tests of    Thinking Ability,               – 10-15 minutes    administered                               
Cognitive           and Cognitive                                                                                           lassroom/classroom-
Abilities Fourth    Efficiency                                                                                              solutions/assessment
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   7

Achievement Tests
Assessment         Content                Age           Time                Administration     Considerations                      Contact
Aprenda: La        Reading, Lexile,       K-12          Testing time        Individual         Modeled after Stanford 10.          Pearson
prueba de logros   Math, Language,                      depends on          administration     Measures                            http://www.pearsonclinic
en espanol,        Spelling, Listening,                 grade/age           or                 Spanish speaking students’
Tercera edicion    Social Science,                                          group. Multiple    abilities in
(Aprenda 3)        Science                                                  choice, untimed    their native language. Reports
                                                                                               available in English and Spanish
ACT                Consists of subject    High School    Actual testing     Group              The test is offered in English      Registration online
                   area tests in:                       time is 2 hours                        only. Extended time testing is
                   English,                             and 55 minutes                         available only for students with    Fee required
                   Mathematics,                         (plus 30 minutes                       diagnosed disabilities and is not
                   Reading, Science                     if taking the ACT                      available solely on the basis of
                   and optional                         Plus Writing).                         limited English proficiency.
ACT Aspire         Summative              3-High        Full battery, 4-    Group              Vertically articulated,             ACT Aspire
Summative          assessment             School        4.5 hours           Online or Paper-   standards-based assessment          https://www.discoveracta
Assessment         measures math,                                           pencil             linked to ACT             
                   English, reading,
                   science and

Acuity             Measures student       Grades K‐12   Less than one       Group                                                  CTB/McGraw‐Hill
                   growth and                           class period                                                               http://www.mheducation.
                   progress within                      per Performance                                                            com/prek-
                   and across grades.                   Task in                                                                    12/platforms/acuity.html
                                                        English Language
                                                        Arts and
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   8

Assessment         Content               Age           Time              Administration      Considerations                     Contact
Batería III        Measures              2 to 90+      Achievement       Individual          Access to all the tests and        Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Woodcock-          academic                            Standard 11                           interpretative options of the WJ
Muñoz              achievement                         tests (55–65                          III® for Spanish dominant          lassroom/classroom-
(achievement       levels of Spanish                   minutes)                              individuals                        solutions/assessment
tests)             speaking

Colorado           Standards-based       Grades 3-10   55-80 minutes     Group               Accommodations available for       Colorado Department of
Measures of        summative                           per section       administered        students with IEP, 504 or          Education Office of
Academic Success   assessment of                                                             NEP/LEP only, in U.S. 3-years of   Assessment
(CMAS)             English Language                                                          less                     
                   Arts (ELA),                                                                                                  us/offices/assessmentunit
                   Social Studies and
Galileo K‐12       K‐8 online test to    K‐12          Math,             Individual online                                      Assessment Technology
Online             assess student                      reading/English                                                          Incorporated
                   progress in                         Language Arts,                                                           http://www.ati-
                   reading, math,                      writing,                                                       
                   writing                             science
                   and science. It
                   provides a
                   analysis of student
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   9

Assessment            Content            Age          Time                Administration      Considerations                     Contact
Gates‐                Reading            K‐Adult      Time varies         Group               Alternate Forms for pre and        Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
MacGinitie,                                           depending on        administration.     post testing             
Forms S & T                                           level               Teacher                                                lassroom/classroom-
4th Edition                                           administered,       administered                                           solutions/assessment
                                                      from 55‐100

iReady                Reading and math   Grades 2-8   Adaptive and        Group               *Use the iReady Comprehensive      Curriculum Associates
Diagnostic*                                           user controlled     Online              Diagnostic Test covering all       http://www.curriculumass
Although                                                                                      strands of the content area.
assessment name                                                                               This test provides qualifying      dy/i-ready-standards-
states “diagnostic”                                                                           evidence when the student          mastery.aspx
this is an adaptive                                                                           scores at the 95th national
test that measures
                                                                                              percentile ranking (NPR) or
above grade-level
performance and
                                                                                              above. When identifying a
provides a national                                                                           student for specific academic
percentile ranking.                                                                           aptitude without a qualifying
Technology                                                                                    ability test score, look for a
enhanced items for                                                                            trend in qualifying NPR over
constructed                                                                                   time.
response, open-
ended response,
and selected
Iowa                  Comprehensive      K-High       Core: 2 hours, 35   Group, online or    Spanish language assessment        Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Assessments           assessment of      School       minutes             paper-pencil        Logramos                 
Form E                student progress   (depending   Complete: 3                                                                lassroom/classroom-
                      in major content   on content   hours, 55                                                                  solutions/assessment
                      areas              area)        minutes
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   10

Assessment        Content               Age             Time               Administration     Considerations                     Contact
Kaufman Test of   Measures              Ages 4-6        Pre-K: 30          Individual                                            Pearson
Educational       academic              through 25-0    minutes; Grades                                                          http://www.pearsonclinic
Achievement,      achievement in                        1-2: 50 minutes;                                               
(KTEA-3) Third    reading, math,                        Grades 3: 80
Edition           written and oral                      minutes

NWEA-Measures     Computer          Grades 2-12         Untimed, but a     Individually       Spanish version for Math. If       Northwest Evaluation
of Academic       adaptive interim                      typical student    administered on    circumstances necessitate non-     Association
Progress (MAP)    assessment of                         completes in       computer           standard accommodations  
                  Reading, Language                     under 60                              (such as an Individualized
                  Usage and                             minutes /subject                      Education Plan, 504 plan, or
                  Mathematics                           area                                  English for Speakers of Other
                  (additional                                                                 Languages program), the MAP
                  Science test is                                                             test does not preclude districts
                  available)                                                                  from making those
PSAT              The PSAT Subject      Grades 9-11     3 hours;           Group              Documented disabilities may be     The College Board
                  Tests are designed    Grade 8 for     Assigned dates     Colorado PSAT      eligible for accommodations        National Office
                  to assess             Rocky           by College Board   10 is                                                 https://www.collegeboard
                  academic              Mountain                           administered to                                       .org/?navId=aru-cb
                  readiness for         Talent Search                      all 10th graders
                  college in areas of   Grade 10 for                       for state
                  Reading, Writing      state                              assessment
                  and Math              assessment
Renaissance       Computerized          K‐12            20 minutes         Individually       Standards-based, adaptive          Renaissance Learning
Learning STAR     screening and                                            administered on    assessment providing a national    https://www.renaissance.
Assessments       progress                                                 the computer       percentile ranking                 com/products/assessment
                  monitoring                                                                                                     /star-360/star-reading-
                  assessment of                                                                                                  skills/
                  Reading and Math
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   11

Assessment       Content               Age             Time               Administration     Considerations                     Contact
SAT              College placement     Grades 11-12    3-4 hours           Group             Documented disabilities may be     The College Board
                 test to assess                                           SAT is             eligible for accommodations        National Office
                 critical reading,                                        administered to                                       45 Columbus Avenue
                 writing and math                                         all 11th graders                                      New York, NY 10023
                                                                          for state                                             Phone: 212-713-8000
Stanford 10      Reading, Lexile       K‐12            30 minutes per     Individual         Modifications for LEP students     Pearson
                 Measure,                              subtest,           administration     report on                          http://www.pearsonclinic
                 Mathematics,                          abbreviated        or                 website                  
                 Language,                             version also       group. Multiple    Available in Spanish
                 Spelling,                             available          choice, untimed
                 Listening, Science,
                 Social Science
Scantron         Online, adaptive      Math K-12       Adaptive           Group              Some items include audio           Scantron
Performance      assessment to         Reading K-12    20 – 60 minutes                       support                  
Series           measure               LA 2-8                                                                                   /
                 achievement and       Science 2-8
                 growth in reading
                 and math
TerraNova, 3rd   Reading, Math,        K‐12 (some      Time depends       Group or           SUPERA is the Spanish version      DRC Assessment Solutions
Edition          Language,             subject areas   on subject         Individual.        of the                             http://www.datarecogniti
                 Science,              are not         and grade level,   Teacher            TerraNova series of      
                 Social Studies        available for   time limits        administered       assessments                        t.aspx
                                       all             apply
                                       grade levels)
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   12

Assessment         Content            Age            Time             Administration     Considerations                     Contact
Test of Early      Measures           Ages 3-0       40 minutes       Individual         Studies included show the          PRO-ED, Inc., 8700 Shoal
Mathematics        mathematics        through 8-11                                       absence of bias based on 
Ability-Third      performance in                                                        gender and ethnicity               /customer/default.aspx
Edition (TEMA)     multiple domains

Test of Early      Assesses mastery   Ages 3-6       30 minutes       Individual         Studies included show the          PRO-ED, Inc., 8700 Shoal
Reading Ability-   of early           through 8-6                                        absence of bias based on 
Third Edition      developing                                                            gender and ethnicity               /customer/default.aspx
(TERA-3)           reading skills

Test of Early      Two subtests       Ages 4-0       30-50 minutes    Individual         Characteristics of the normative   PRO-ED, Inc., 8700 Shoal
Written Language   measure Basic      through 11-                                        group correspond to those for
(TEWL-3)           Writing and        11                                                 the 2010 census data relative to   /customer/default.aspx
                   Contextual                                                            geographic region, gender,
                   Writing                                                               ethnicity, Hispanic status,
                                                                                         household income, educational
                                                                                         attainment of parents, and
                                                                                         exceptionality status.
Test of Language   Measures           Ages 4-0       30 -60 minutes   Individual                                            PRO-ED, Inc., 8700 Shoal
Development        semantics and      through 8-11                                                                
Primary Edition    grammar;           (Primary)                                                                             /customer/default.aspx
and Intermediate   listening,         Ages 8-0
Edition (TOLD-     organizing,        through 17-
P:4)               speaking; and      11 (Inter.
                   overall language   Edition)
                   ability -
                   designed to
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   13

Assessment        Content               Age            Time              Administration     Considerations                     Contact
                  identify students
                  who are
                  significantly below
                  their age range in
                  development and
                  to progress
                  monitor remedial

Test of Reading  Measures word           Ages 7-0      45 minutes or     Individual                                            PRO-ED, Inc., 8700 Shoal
Comprehension    identification and     through 17-    less                                                          
(TORC-4)         contextual             11                                                                                     /customer/default.aspx
                 meaning -
                 designed to
                 identify students
                 who are
                 significantly below
                 their age range in
                 development and
                 to progress
                 monitor remedial
Wechsler         Paper and pencil       PreK through   Varies by grade   Individual or                                         Pearson
Individual       or online              grade 12,      level and         group                                                 http://www.pearsonclinic
Achievement Test achievement test       and for ages   number of                                                     
- Third Edition  identifies             4:0–50:11      subtests
                 academic                              administered
                 strengths and
                 weaknesses in 16
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   14

Assessment     Content             Age             Time               Administration    Considerations                     Contact
Woodcock-      Standard Battery    Ages 2 to 90+   Varies, about 5    Individual                                           Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Johnson - IV   measures reading,                   minutes per test                                              
               writing and math,                                                                                           lassroom/classroom-
               the Extended                                                                                                solutions/assessment
               Battery includes
               reading, writing,
               math, science and
               social studies
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   15

Norm-referenced Observation Scales
Assessment           Content                 Age            Time           Administration    Considerations                     Contact
Gifted Evaluation    Scales measure          5:0-18:0       15 minutes     Teacher rating                                       Hawthorne Educational
Scale, 3rd Edition   intellect,                                            form                                                 Services, Inc,
(GES-3)              creativity, specific                                                                                       https://www.hawthorne-
                     aptitude,                                                                                                  tml
                     leadership ability,
                     and performing
                     and visual arts –
                     the motivation
                     scale is optional
Gifted Rating        Scales designed         GRS-P: 4:0     5-10 minutes   Teacher rating                                       Pearson
Scales (GRS)         measure general         through 6:11                  form                                                 http://www.pearsonclinic
                     intellectual ability,   years GRS-S:                                                             
                     language arts,          6:0 through
                     mathematics,            13:11 years
                     science, social
                     studies, creativity;
                     and leadership.
Scales for           Home Rating Scale       Ages 5                        Home Rating       Spanish version available          Prufrock Press Inc,
Identifying Gifted   and School Rating       through 18                    Scale and                                  
Students (SIGS)      Scale work                                            Teacher Rating
                     together to                                           Form
                     measure general
                     intellectual ability,
                     language arts,
                     science, social
                     studies, creativity,
                     and leadership.
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   16

Research-based Performance Observation Scales for Talent Areas

Assessment          Content           Age      Time              Administration      Considerations                     Contact
CDE Performance     Dance, Music,     K - 12   45 minutes –      Juried              The CDE assessment protocols       Office of Gifted Education
Assessments for     Performing Arts            one hour          performance         may be used as qualifying          website for Talent ID
Dance, Music,       and Visual Arts                                                  evidence. Experts complete the
Performing Arts                                                                      CDE Talent rubrics to evaluate a   us/gt/talentpath
and Visual Arts                                                                      performance.
Arts Talent ID by   Dance, music,     K - 12   15 – 30 minutes   Completed by a      The person who complete the        Royal Fireworks Press
Dr. Haroutounian    performing arts                              person              scale needs to have a    
                    and visual arts                              knowledgeable       sophisticated understanding of
                                                                 of the content      the arts.
                                                                 area who works
                                                                 directly with the
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   17

Norm-referenced Assessments for Talent Aptitudes

Assessment           Content                 Age             Time               Administration     Considerations                     Contact
Musical Aptitude     Seven                   Grades 4 - 12   The entire test    Individual or      The test is hand scored and        GIA Publications
Test                 components:                             takes about 3.5    group              must have a CD player.   
                     tonal imagery                           hours to                                                                 m/products/P-
                     (melody and                             administer (each                                                         musicaptitudeprofile.cfm
                     harmony), rhythm                        battery takes
                     imagery (tempo                          about 50
                     and meter), and                         minutes)
                     musical sensitivity
                     balance, and
Profile of           Measure of              Ages 5 –        30 – 40 minutes    Individual or      Home rating scale is available     PRO-ED, Inc., 8700 Shoal
Creative Abilities   creative ability        14:11                              group              Two subtests measure two 
(PCA)                                                                                              aspects of divergent production    /customer/default.aspx

Torrance Tests of    Overall measure         K-Adult         30 - 45 minutes    Individually       The Figural TTCT is available in   Scholastic Testing Services
Creative Thinking    of creativity;                          depending on       administered       Spanish                  
(TTCT)               Figural and Verbal                      test                                  Available in Spanish
                     tests - examinees
                     reflect on their life
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   18

Other supportive resources, but cannot be used as qualifying data
Assessment           Content               Age           Time             Administration     Considerations                     Contact
HOPE Teacher         Teacher               K-12          5 – 10 minutes   Paper-pencil or    Helpful information for            Prufrock Press
Rating Scale         nomination                          (more if hand    Online             screening students to move
                     instrument with                     scoring)                            forward for gifted assessment.     m/Default.aspx
                     11 items that                                                           Data may be helpful for
                     measure academic                                                        nominating students from
                     and                                                                     underrepresented populations,
                     social/affective                                                        but are not used to qualify for
                     components of                                                           formal identification.
                     Invariant when
                     used to identify
                     students from
                     low-income and
                     culturally diverse
Kingore              Identifies GT         K‐8           Time depends     Group              Has been used in the US,           Professional Associates
Observation          behaviors in                        on curriculum    administration     Canada, Australia,                 Publishing,
Inventory            students and                        usage by         (integrated into   and Mexico to find students
2nd Edition (KOI)    provides                            teacher          school             with potential
                     differentiation                                      curriculum,
                     instruction to                                       classroom
                     teachers to                                          activities,
                     properly educate                                     literature
                     their GT                                             activities)
Renzulli Hartman     14 scales identify    Grades 3‐12   15‐30 minutes    Teacher rating                                        Prufrock Press,
Scales for           students strengths                                   form                                        
Rating the           in all academic                                                                                            /
Behavior             and social learning
Characteristics of   areas
Matrix of Commonly Used Assessments for Gifted Identification, 2019   19

Assessment        Content              Age            Time             Administration      Considerations                     Contact

Slocumb‐Payne     Allows teachers to   K‐12                            Teacher rating      This tool is designed to be used   aha! Process, Inc.
Teacher           rate their                                           form                with students in low socio‐        http://www.ahaprocess.c
Peceptions        perceptions of a                                                         economic populations.              om/
Inventory         student, both
                  positive and
TAB (Traits,      Teacher                                              Individually                                 
Aptitude,         observation rating                                   completed                                              V/SAT/docs/G04_Traits_a
Behavior)         tool for                                             for each student                                       ptitudes_behavior_teache
Dr. Mary M.       observing core                                                                                              rs.pdf
Frasier           attributes of
USTARS~Plus,      A student            K‐3, but may   To be used       Observations        This tool is designed to be used   Council for Exceptional
TOPS (Teacher's   observation tool     be used        systematically   recorded            with students in underserved       Children
Observation of    to assist            at upper       over 3‐6         for all initially   populations.             
Potential in      teachers in          elementary     weeks by all     and then                                               /Special-Ed-
Students)         recognizing          grades.        teachers         continued for                                          Topics/Specialty-
                  children with                       observing all    those                                                  Areas/Gifted/U-STARS-
                  outstanding                         students.        students as                                            PLUS
                  potential                                            needed,
                                                                       based on gifted
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