Medical Research Education in Europe - Science Policy Briefi ng September 2012

Medical Research Education in Europe - Science Policy Briefi ng September 2012
46   Science Policy Briefing • September 2012

     Medical Research
     Education in Europe
     2 • Foreword                              6 • Policy recommendations for an improved
     3 • Introduction                              medical research education in Europe
     4 • Current status of medical research    9 • Conclusions
         education in Europe                  16 • Annex 1: Case studies
     4 • Main barriers to medical research    18 • Annex 2: Bibliography
         education in Europe                  19 • List of contributors
Medical Research Education in Europe - Science Policy Briefi ng September 2012

Fostering and improving medical research education is
crucial to biomedical research and clinical patient treatment.
It has been identified as the main challenge in every
biomedical research strategy report from the European
Science Foundation (ESF) and European Medical Research
Councils (EMRC). The EMRC White Paper, ‘Present Status
and Future Strategy for Medical Research in Europe’ (2007),
the EMRC White Paper II, ‘A Stronger Biomedical Research
for a Better European Future’ (2011), and the ESF Forward
Look strategy documents, ‘Investigator-Driven Clinical
Trials’ (2009) and ‘Implementation of Medical Research
in Clinical Practice’ (2011) all recommend increasing and
improving education and training in the broad field of
biomedicine as the most important basis for strengthening        © iStockphotos

medical research and implementing the best clinical
   This Science Policy Briefing on Medical Research
Education aims to analyse the overall situation across
Europe, identify concrete challenges, and formulate
practical recommendations building on existing resources
or practices to help overcome the challenges identified.
The recommendations include measures aimed at
achieving improved recruitment and early involvement in
and acknowledgement of research, improved curricula
incorporating multidisciplinary skills, harmonised and high-
quality common standards that enable much more mobility,
better access to cutting-edge research infrastructure and
resources, and more synergy among all stakeholders, from
the individual to institutions and governments.
    A warm thank you to Professor Giovanni Pacini, Chair
of this Science Policy Briefing and to all the international
experts who have contributed to this report. Finally, I would
like to acknowledge and thank the EMRC staff for their work
on this report.
    Education is the prerequisite for biomedical research
and clinical practice, and from EMRC we hope that this
report will provide the tools for strengthening this important
area, for the benefit of patients and societies worldwide.

Professor Liselotte Højgaard
EMRC Chair
Mr Martin Hynes
ESF Chief Executive

2                                                                                 Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012
Medical Research Education in Europe - Science Policy Briefi ng September 2012
Introduction                                                                  This context often results in a loss of cost-opportunity
                                                                          and a slow application of innovations that could save or
Our understanding of human health and disease has                         improve the lives of millions of patients worldwide, and
been redefined in the last decades due in great part to                   also stimulate the European economy. Efforts should
revolutionary discoveries and innovations based on long-                  therefore be made to increase the number of medical
standing and novel healthcare challenges to both the                      doctors exposed to cutting-edge research environments,
individual patient and world populations. High-quality                    conversant in research resources and methodologies,
medical research is a cornerstone in the development of                   and capable of generating and applying new knowledge
new and effective diagnostics and treatments that will                    faster and of triggering innovations throughout the
lead to improved medical care and a better quality of                     healthcare spectrum.
life. For excellent healthcare provision incorporating all                    Education is an area of national sovereignty across
emerging innovations, well-educated medical research-                     Europe, and thus the European Union (EU) cannot
ers are an essential element.                                             oblige its Member States to standardise their education
    Europe has around 440 medical schools that produce                    systems. In most European countries, medical research
some 70,000 medical graduates every year, accounting                      education lies at the interface between the competences
for a total of 2.5 million medical doctors that cater to a                of several governance institutions, namely Ministries or
population of 770 million people1. The appearance of                      Departments of Education, Healthcare, Research and
new demographic, social, behavioural and epidemiologi-                    Innovation, or even Economy, and a series of heteroge-
cal changes coupled with increased public expectations                    neous regional bodies. This administrative set-up makes
have revealed the mismatch between the competencies                       sense to a certain extent, because healthcare environ-
of most medical graduates and the current and future                      ments are by definition also educational settings, where
needs of the patients they mean to serve. In this regard,                 professionals work and train in parallel. The drawback
there is not enough emphasis on the acquisition of                        is that this complex network of stakeholders challenges
research skills throughout medical undergraduate and                      efforts to expedite reforms and make anyone in particu-
specialist training. This makes it challenging for the                    lar fully accountable.
average medical doctor to revisit concepts around health                      To add a layer of complexity to this setting, medical
and disease with a critical approach, challenge medical                   research education stakeholders are also placed among
dogmas, strive to seek new knowledge, and successfully                    opposing forces. Firstly, the Bologna Process aims at the
bridge the gap between the bench top and the bedside.                     harmonisation of academic standards and the mutual
This results in missed opportunities to transpose ques-                   recognition of degrees across Europe in order to increase
tions and answers from forefront research into medical                    mobility and competitiveness. In this process, medicine
practice, and to maximise the potential of translational                  has been granted an exceptional status. Secondly, the
research findings and transformative improvements for                     increasing autonomy that universities are acquiring in
human healthcare.                                                         some locations is leading to training schemes that are
    The number of medical doctors who acquire adequate                    potentially even more varied. Thirdly, the novel pro-
research training is relatively low in many European                      grammes and degrees that some European medical
countries, particularly in primary healthcare settings                    schools are developing in other locations such as Asia or
compared to academic hospitals. Against a backdrop                        the Middle East embody new opportunities for educa-
of constant redefinition of professional boundaries and                   tional experimentation and add further heterogeneity.
skills in healthcare professions, so-called basic medical                 Fourthly, there is political will within the EU to increase
research ends up being performed in many cases by non-                    collaborations with neighbouring countries, and this is
medical scientists such as biologists, pharmacologists,                   likely to have an impact on healthcare as well.
bioengineers, or biophysicists. However, these profes-                        For all these reasons, a solid overview of good prac-
sionals generally lack the tools for bridging the gap                     tices in medical research education would improve
between scientific knowledge and the issues generated                     ongoing and future policy reforms, resulting in many
in laboratories, clinics, operating theatres, and everyday                benefits for Europe. There are some interesting ini-
conditions of human populations.                                          tiatives in Europe as well as stakeholders aspiring to
                                                                          accelerate the process of benchmarking and harmonisa-
                                                                          tion (see Tables 1 and 2).
1. Frenk J, et al. Health professionals for a new century: transforming
education to strengthen health systems in an interdependent world.
                                                                              The objectives of this ESF EMRC Science Policy
Lancet. 2010. 4; 376(9756): 1923-58.                                      Briefing on Medical Research Education in Europe are

Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012                                                                               3
to provide a preliminary overview of the current status             Main barriers to medical
of medical research education in Europe, identify good
practices and the main barriers to change, and provide
                                                                    research education in Europe
recommendations for improving medical research edu-
cation in the future.                                               A review of the key reports published in the last dec-
                                                                    ade in Europe, plus direct consultations with relevant
                                                                    experts at national and pan-European levels, has high-
                                                                    lighted the following challenges.
Current status of medical
research education in Europe                                        Recruitment and career development

Medical research education is heterogeneous in Europe.              Few medical doctors are recruited into research, and
While this provides an opportunity for testing different            research career structures in the medical field are too
approaches, it also poses a challenge when attempting               heterogeneous.
to mutually recognise qualifications, benchmark qual-                   Medical students with an interest in research are
ity standards, and increase the mobility of professionals           often identified too late, or presented with insufficient
so as to achieve a true European Research Area and                  career options that encourage them to pursue training in
European Higher Education Area. A voluntary survey                  basic medical research or clinical research. In some coun-
conducted among several countries shows that in general             tries, research careers are seen as somewhat opposed to
terms, European countries adhere to an overall similar              clinical careers among physicians, and research activity
template (see Table 1).                                             is not considered a significant merit to further progress
    Common features include PhD programmes being                    in the medical career, thus discouraging scientific devel-
governed by individual universities with varying degrees            opment in clinicians.
of governmental or federal oversight, programme dura-                   In addition, many European PhD and postdoctoral
tion ranging from three to five years, doctoral candidates          students travel outside Europe to science- and health-
(or doctoral students2) joining PhD programmes either               care-hubs where research careers are better rewarded
in the middle of their medical studies or upon final                in terms of financial compensation, stability, and
graduation, and PhD supervisors being PhD holders                   social prestige1. After acquiring the relevant skills and
themselves. The requirement to publish peer-reviewed                expertise, their return to Europe varies according to
articles prior to defending a doctoral thesis is becom-             nationality, with situations ranging from a temporary
ing increasingly popular across Europe, ranging from                brain exchange to a permanent brain drain. European
advisable to mandatory. Funding of candidates is one of             countries that do not match non-European settings in
the aspects that show the greatest local variation, with            terms of career progression or financial compensation
remuneration ranging from very modest grants to full                fail to attract their medical graduates back, and thus fail
salaries.                                                           to reap the return on investment in individuals trained
    Table 1 summarises the countries studied, and Table             mostly in European public education systems heavily
2 shows the main categories of stakeholders involved in             subsidised by European tax payers.
medical research education in Europe.

                                                                    Curriculum design

                                                                    Medical education insufficiently incorporates
                                                                    research skills into its classic syllabus, and opportu-
                                                                    nities for multidisciplinarity are scarce.
                                                                        The average medical doctor spends four to six years
                                                                    in medical school, followed by a competitive special-
                                                                    ist training scheme lasting from three to six years.
                                                                    Throughout this training period, exceptionally good
2. For the purpose of this document, “PhD/doctoral candidate” and
                                                                    learning approaches in terms of methodology and con-
“PhD/doctoral student” will be considered as synonymous.            tent are only to be found in some European settings.

4                                                                                    Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012
Many environments are characterised by learning           Geographical and transdisciplinary
approaches that seem rather conservative, with outdated       mobility
classroom formats and master–apprentice relationships
that do not leverage the many advantages offered by           Medical education and research training are het-
novel participatory technologies and dynamic educa-           erogeneous within Europe, hampering mutual
tional approaches. In this context, the incorporation         recognition of skills and degrees and challenging
of research into the curriculum is deficient, and even        mobility and international collaborations.
highly motivated individuals find it challenging to find          A huge diversity of PhD (doctor of philosophy), DSc
time to engage in such activities.                            (doctor of science), MD (doctor of medicine), and par-
    In addition, compared to standard medical practice,       allel MD-PhD programmes exists within Europe. As
a research career is financially unattractive and profes-     mutual recognition of degrees is not yet automatic, it
sionally unstable. The average European medical doctor        is difficult for medical doctors to move freely between
often has no dedicated time for research or access to         countries and to pursue a pan-European research career.
appropriate research infrastructures.                         In addition, disparities in training standards, salaries
    Finally, a lack of multidisciplinarity in the curricula   and social security systems make the exchange of pro-
sometimes reduces opportunities for collaboration with        fessionals between countries even more difficult.
other fields of knowledge with potential links to medi-
cine, such as technology, humanities, social sciences, or
economics.                                                    Cooperation between universities,
                                                              research organisations, healthcare
                                                              centres and other public or private
Harmonisation, overarching quality                            agents
control and common standards
                                                              Universities generally have poor functional connec-
Harmonisation and mutual recognition of degrees               tions with public or private research stakeholders,
is still an issue in Europe, with standardised qual-          failing to maximise returns and explore new oppor-
ity assurance in medical research education being             tunities to synergise and make efficient use of people
largely absent, not only at the national level but also       and resources.
at the pan-European level.                                        Extramural partners often have the required state-
    There is no single overarching institution to ensure      of-the-art infrastructures, resources and expertise to
coherence and global quality controls. There are also no      add value to research programmes. Interaction between
comparable standards among countries or even among            clinicians and non-hospital researchers may often be
schools within the same country, potentially leading to       difficult due to time and human resource constraints
heterogeneous educational outputs.                            in the clinical world and to insufficient participation of
                                                              researchers from other organisations in hospital-based
Research infrastructures and allocation                           Thus, there is a risk of not connecting the right peo-
of resources                                                  ple to work on the right ideas, of duplicating efforts, of
                                                              wasting time and funds, and of failing to maximise the
In many countries, funding of MD‑PhD programmes               opportunities to improve European healthcare systems
and access to appropriate research infrastructures            and place Europe at a sustainable pole position in key
remains poor.                                                 healthcare domains.
   In many countries, research facilities and cut-
ting-edge small or large research infrastructures are
largely inaccessible to physician scientists in train-
ing. Information about resources and facilities at the
national and pan-European level is often disperse and
scant. A lack of adequate funding and institutional sup-
port further aggravates these issues.

Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012                                                                 5
Policy recommendations                                           Curriculum design
for an improved medical                                          Undergraduate and specialist medical education
research education in Europe                                     programmes should incorporate (multidisciplinary)
                                                                 research skills and principles of evidence-based
Recruitment and career development                               medicine as a regular part of their syllabus. Research
                                                                 programmes could also become more attractive by
Medical students and doctors should participate in               contemplating a well-tailored modular approach
research from the earliest stages of their training.             where candidates could sequentially complete
Their output throughout all stages of their career               accredited phases of shorter duration than a full-
must become acknowledged as a valuable career merit              time PhD programme.
alongside others, such as teaching, clinical work or                Research programmes should strive to incorporate
consulting in private and public work environments               hands-on, problem-based and systems-based approaches
across Europe. A PhD should be given the same                    along with top-notch theoretical science-based training.
career merit as specialist training. A well-funded               Educational systems should develop sustainable fund-
European Medical Scientific Training Programme                   ing models with relevant partners. This flexibility would
would transmit best practices, foster excellence and             offer more opportunities for candidates and increase the
increase collaborations and mobility across Europe.              diversity in the choice of thematic modules and institu-
    Research careers for medical doctors may develop             tions.
along diverse paths across Europe, but the milestones               Curriculum design should be ambitious and open-
and outputs should be comparable. As part of their               minded, and actively support multidisciplinarity and
mission of rendering service to society, educational             the practice of evidence-based medicine. In this regard,
institutions should provide support for research career          MD-PhD programmes could incorporate other disci-
progression steps by offering specific training in trans-        plines (e.g. physics, mathematics, statistics, economics,
ferable skills and subjects such as biomedical ethics and        ethics, social sciences and humanities, law or manage-
research integrity.                                              ment) and embrace active collaborations with other
    Career bridges should be designed to enable can-             healthcare professions, so that candidates could acquire
didates to tailor their curriculum and to allow full             tools to better formulate hypotheses, understand
comparison between merits from public or private sec-            research observations and results, and render a better
tors across Europe. Institutions must build and maintain         service to society.
active ties with collaborators outside healthcare centres           Amidst the global explosion of information and
so as to increase the impact that medical researchers may        greater accessibility to knowledge, educational institu-
have in other disciplines and sectors of the economy.            tions could consider revisiting their role and leveraging
    Researchers should be able to remain independent             on participatory technologies and other resources and
when choosing research career paths that best suit their         approaches to better train medical researchers for
skills, preferences and opportunities, and they should           the global interdependent context in which we live.
also be able to develop their careers at locations that          Continuous professional development programmes for
prove to be the most attractive. The design and assess-          senior medical researchers should also be part of this
ment of research careers must incorporate transparency,          comprehensive reform.
fairness and an equal-opportunities approach, ensuring
that gender, age and all other types of social diversity
features are respected. European funding schemes such            Harmonisation, overarching quality
as the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (FP7)3              control and common standards
and Erasmus Mundus4 should be promoted and further
supported with sustainable funds, and ideally linked to          In spite of the heterogeneity of schemes, Europe
similar initiatives at national and regional levels.             should aim at mutual recognition of degrees. The
                                                                 development of standards for the global recognition
                                                                 of degrees and the proactive identification of world-
                                                                 wide opportunities for advancement are needed.
                                                                 Pan-European career-tracking schemes can support
mundus_en.htm                                                    the development of world-class quality standards

6                                                                                Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012
in medical research education. This will in turn                                Medical universities should require that the PhD
increase the excellence and overall competitiveness                         candidate publishes peer-reviewed reports (namely arti-
of European researchers and research institutions.                          cles in specialised international journals), files patents,
    The development of common evaluation tools and                          or submits other proof of original research adapted to
indicators could well be a first step towards full har-                     the specificities of the medical field but in any case com-
monisation, benchmarking and an overall increase in                         plying with international quality standards.
the quality and mobility of professionals and knowl-
edge. European initiatives such as the Innovative
Medicines Initiative (IMI)5, the European Medicines                         Infrastructure and allocation of
Research Training Network (EMTRAIN)6, and the                               resources
Pharmaceutical Medicines Training Programme
(PharmaTrain)7 are positive steps forward. In parallel,                     The number of appropriately funded MD-PhD pro-
harmonisation should also allow physicians to combine                       grammes with the highest internationally accepted
their specialist training with intensive research expe-                     standards must be increased in Europe. Medical
rience to enable them to function afterwards as more                        researchers should maximise the use of informa-
effective clinical scientists.                                              tion technologies and attain exposure to the variety
    Independent, international evaluation panels may                        of research infrastructures across Europe, ranging
play a useful role in systematically assessing the output                   from the smallest ones at their local institution, to
of medical research programmes and identifying areas of                     the largest ones at the pan-European level. National
improvement. International research organisations could                     and/or pan-European initiatives for cataloguing
support these accountability exercises by sharing best                      these European infrastructures as identified by the
practices for merit review or ensuring research integrity.                  research community should be further supported by
    MD‑PhD candidates and their supervisors must                            greater funding, dissemination and overarching offi-
also play an active role in ensuring the highest quality                    cial endorsement.
of this process and its outcomes. Supervision must be a                         Medical researchers should comply with the high-
collective effort at doctoral schools, with clearly defined                 est research ethics standards and applicable regulations
responsibilities for all stakeholders in medical research                   affecting data protection when utilising these infra-
education. The role of faculty must be explicitly acknowl-                  structures and making use of any human specimen
edged and appraised, for these are the teachers, mentors                    collections hosted therein.
and role models for future generations of MD‑PhDs.                              The choice of the research infrastructure to be
Institutions must provide doctoral supervisors with pro-                    used will remain at the discretion of the candidate,
fessional development tools and opportunities.                              but access should be encouraged by appropriate fund-
    Objectivity and impartiality when judging PhD                           ing and access to European research infrastructures,
curricula and PhD theses must be ensured. Evaluation                        especially those under the IMI5, the European Strategy
criteria should be made public. Medical universities                        Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)8, the
should encourage PhD jury panels to include a consid-                       European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network
erable proportion of scholars from institutions outside                     (ECRIN)9 and the Mapping of the European Research
the home institution of the PhD candidate. PhD jury                         Infrastructure Landscape (MERIL) Project10 frame-
members should hold doctorates themselves. This does                        works. Overall funding of MD-PhD programmes needs
not preclude having a small proportion of jury mem-                         to be improved across Europe, and new models explored
bers that lack such a qualification but are nevertheless                    wherever appropriate.
well-recognised experts in a field pertinent to the PhD
thesis under evaluation. PhD supervisors should also be
doctors. In the case of co-supervision, at least one of the
supervisors must be a PhD.

5. Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), a joint undertaking between the
European Union and the pharmaceutical industry association (EFPIA).
6. European Medicines Research Training Network (EMTRAIN).                                                              8.
7. Pharmaceutical Medicines Training Programme (PharmaTrain).               9.                                                          10.

Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012                                                                                               7
Geographical and transdisciplinary                            shorter time. Institutions should allocate funds for part-
mobility                                                      nerships of this kind with players in different regions of
                                                              the world, and designate highly qualified officials to
Mobility and international collaborations at all              actively support researchers in this endeavour.
stages of the MD‑PhD career should be increased by                Collaborations may include the whole spectrum of
allocating greater funds to programmes, develop-              medical research education activities, ranging from edu-
ing standards for global recognition of degrees, and          cational programmes, to laboratory or field research joint
proactively identifying worldwide opportunities for           projects, joint workshops, student and staff exchanges,
advancement. Horizontal policies that help create a           or joint publications. Individuals from both public and
framework of trust among participants, such as com-           private organisations could be an asset and thus should
mon principles for peer review or research integrity,         be allowed to contribute. In this regard, European initia-
would yield very positive results.                            tives such as IMI5, EMTRAIN6 and PharmaTrain7 offer
    Geographical and transdisciplinary mobility are           valuable training resources.
a means to increase innovation and thus should be                 PhD candidates should be encouraged to link and
encouraged from the earlier career stages. In this            contribute to medical innovations from the very begin-
regard, pan-European programmes such as Marie Curie           ning of their research career. Training on intellectual
Actions3 and Erasmus4 are essential to nurture this           property rights and entrepreneurship should be made
objective and should attract far greater funds.               available as part of the doctoral curriculum, and oppor-
    Pan-European organisations are a useful agent             tunities to actively liaise with the private sector should
when trying to establish common principles and sets           be fostered.
of guidelines based on good practices and consensus.              Supervisors should ensure that all potential inno-
Recommendations contained in overarching policy               vative aspects of the doctoral work performed are
documents such as those of the European University            professionally managed from the beginning, with the
Association (EUA) or the Organisation for PhD                 support of dedicated staff employed by the university (at
Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the           technology transfer offices or similar support services).
European System (ORPHEUS), or specific ones such              These staff shall advocate on behalf of the best interest
as the ESF-ALLEA European Code of Conduct for                 of the PhD candidate, the supervisor and the institution,
Research Integrity or the ESF European Peer Review            and will advise on how best to interact with extramural
Guide are useful starting points for the community.           collaborators that may have competing interests.
    Fruitful models of cooperation ranging from                   Documents signed by candidates and supervisors
exchanges of faculty and students to private-public           upon starting any doctoral research programme should
consortia around well-targeted goals, or multinational        include confidentiality agreements and detailed insti-
joint degrees could all benefit from smarter uses of infor-   tutional policy and procedures regarding technology
mation technologies. This would help retain talented          transfer, regardless of the final topic of the PhD thesis
researchers and attract non-Europeans to Europe, to           that each candidate may chose. Due to the strategic rele-
contribute to the greater healthcare research enterprise.     vance this matter has for universities, candidates should
                                                              be offered educational materials and training on tech-
                                                              nology transfer and intellectual property rights.
Cooperation between universities,
research organisations, healthcare
centres and other public or private                             Elements to improve along the MD-PhD education pipeline

agents                                                                          O Rinecruitment   and early participation

Institutions offering medical research degrees should                           O Cmultidisciplinarity
                                                                                      urriculum design featuring
                                                                                                         and mobility
develop more numerous and more active connections                               O Access to cutting-edge resources
with public and private stakeholders, be they in their                          O Hassurance
                                                                                      armonisation of degrees and quality
immediate regional environment or worldwide.
    The development of tailored win-win collaborations                          O Candooperation  between governance, funding
                                                                                          policy players
would optimise the use of resources and skills, motivate
young and senior researchers to explore new pathways          Figure 1.
                                                              Elements to improve MD-PhD education
in translational research, and achieve useful results in a

8                                                                                Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012
Conclusions                                                             education, not only with greater funds but also with
                                                                        smarter curricular approaches, may contribute to shap-
Medical research education is a vital component of the                  ing the doctors of tomorrow, who will be equipped with
modern healthcare enterprise that improves patients’                    robust analytical skills and greater critical minds to
lives, generates innovations through new discoveries                    challenge inherited dogmas and strive to obtain and dis-
and inventions, and activates our economy. An overview                  seminate new knowledge.
of the different models available across Europe yields a                    With this objective in mind, all stakeholders need to
very heterogeneous picture from one country or region                   take an active and responsible role: individuals, research
to another, with some challenges remaining worryingly                   and educational institutions, oversight bodies, and gov-
persistent in spite of ongoing reforms.                                 ernments. Europe has led commendable improvements
    The key challenges identified and the recommenda-                   in this area, but much work lies ahead. The goal of this
tions proposed are summarised in Table 3 and Figure 1.                  ESF EMRC Science Policy Briefing is to constructively
The main barriers revolve around a lack of compa-                       contribute to the ongoing debate and efforts leading to
rable career progression steps; curriculum designs,                     reforms in medical research education across Europe.
educational resources and strategies that need to be
modernised; healthcare systems that could be made
more attractive for medical researchers; the need for
new private and public funding schemes that chan-
nel sustainable support into MD‑PhD programmes;
and overarching institutions and common policies and
practices that would ensure the highest quality so as to
enable mutual recognition of degrees and facilitate more
effective international collaborations.
    In the face of global competition for talent and
resources, and the unprecedented challenges set forth by
new demographic, social and epidemiological changes,
Europe must take on board all relevant stakeholders to
take firm and coordinated steps in terms of programme
reforms, updated governance structures, ambitious pol-
icy measures, and forward-looking resource allocations
to overcome these barriers and improve medical research
education for the long-term.
    However, expectations need to be realistic. Medical
research education is not the sole factor impacting
health systems worldwide11. Other societal issues such as
demographics, national economies, governance systems,
politics and similar factors have a profound impact on
the final outcome that citizens benefit from.
    Additionally, as the role of physicians within health-
care systems is also evolving, their own research training
needs to be fine-tuned in accordance with other profes-
sions contributing to the global picture. In this regard,
efforts to train other professionals in the basics of
healthcare research, and particularly its clinical aspects,
could also contribute to yielding faster and greater ben-
efits for patients.
    The increasing tide towards more evidence-based
policies worldwide suggests that improving research
11. Gordon D, Karle H. The state of medical and healthcare education:
A review and commentary on the Lancet Commission Report. World
Medical & Health Policy, 2012. vol 4: issue 1, article 9.

Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012                                                                           9
Table 1: Key features of selected countries

 Country                 Regulatory authority/(ies) of doctoral         Duration of PhD                  Candidates’ eligibility
                         programmes for MDs

 AUSTRIA                 • Universities regulate their own PhD          Three to five years.             • Candidates must normally obtain an MD
                           programmes.                                                                     prior to enrolling in PhD. Vienna has an
                         • In case of Austrian Science Fund (FWF)-                                         MD-PhD programme for elite students
                           funded graduate programmes, all aspects                                         where both run in parallel.
                           are evaluated by peer review.
 CROATIA                 • Medical schools abide by 2004 and            Three years for full time PhD    • Candidates must have completed masters
                           2005 ORPHEUS standards (“Zagreb              students, or longer, if the        or MD degree prior to enrolment. Selection
                           Declaration”) and the Salzburg Principles.   candidate is doing clinical        is based on previous academic records and
                           All have structured PhD programmes with      work in parallel.                  demonstrated interest for research.
                           research as the most important part.         Some PhD programmes              • Students can take part of the courses from
                                                                        are run jointly by medical         PhD programmes organised by other
                                                                        schools and the “Rudjer            universities in Croatia or other institutions
                                                                        Bošković” research institute.      abroad. There are also extramural
                                                                                                           candidates that enrol on PhD programmes
                                                                                                           at medical schools.
 CZECH                   • Curricula are set by universities. Some PhD Three to four years, with a       • Candidates join only after earning an MD
 REPUBLIC                  programmes are run jointly by universities maximum of eight years.              or finishing masters at the university
                           and research institutes.

 FRANCE                  • Programmes and outputs of all MD and         Three to four years.             • PhD programmes can be joined either after
                           PhD programmes are evaluated by a                                               completing second year of medical school
                           national independent agency (AERES).                                            and passing the EDI examination, or else
                                                                                                           after graduating after the sixth year.
                                                                                                         • Second year medical undergraduate
                                                                                                           students may take optional courses and an
                                                                                                           optional competitive examination to be
                                                                                                           selected for a MD+PhD course organised
                                                                                                           by the EDI Doctoral School, Inserm, and
                                                                                                           the -Liliane Bettencourt Foundation. This
                                                                                                           programme allows medical candidates to
                                                                                                           take doctoral studies either inserted after
                                                                                                           their second medical year, or else upon
                                                                                                           graduating in medicine.
 GERMANY                 • Universities run PhD programmes              Usually three years.             • Depends on the details of the programme
                           autonomously.                                                                   and the university. PhD candidate selection
                         • In case of German Research Foundation                                           follows defined excellence criteria.
                           (DFG)-funded graduate programmes, all
                           aspects are evaluated by peer review.
 ITALY                   • Public and private institutions can run      Three to four years.             • Candidates must have completed masters
                           their own PhD programmes upon approval                                          prior to enrolment. Candidates usually
                           of the national evaluation agency.                                              enrol once they graduate as MDs. If they
                                                                                                           took a specialisation course, then their
                                                                                                           PhD can last two additional years instead
                                                                                                           of three.

10                                                                                             Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012
Supervisors’ eligibility                              Requirements for obtaining a PhD                     Candidates funding

• Supervisors are selected by university              • Publication of a thesis.                           Candidates may receive a salary, the rate of
  according to their publication record,              • One first author publication in journal with       which is established by the Austrian Science
  grant support and experience in student               international peer review is required.             Foundation. Candidates are normally
  supervision.                                                                                             employed through extramural grants.

• Supervisors must be PhD holders and                 • The thesis can be a monograph or                   Some PhD students receive a fellowship from
  must have a university position as docent             compendium of several articles published           the Croatian Ministry of Science Education
  (associate professor) or research degree as           in internationally recognised journals.            and Sport, while others are sponsored by
  research associate.                                   Requirements regarding the amount of               clinical or other institutions, or are self-
• Supervisors are not necessarily employed              articles published, the impact factor of the       sponsored.
  by the medical school organising the PhD              journals, and the authorship position of the
  programme.                                            candidate differ across programmes.
                                                      • Regardless of the form of the PhD thesis, it
                                                        is mandatory to publish articles prior to the
                                                        thesis defence.
• Supervisors must have a PhD degree, and             • Conditions are defined by each university.         Candidates may receive stipends or salaries,
  fulfill minimum conditions (e.g. having               Three publications in journals with impact         but compensation varies widely.
  authored at least three papers in relevant            factor are usually required (although not
  journals during the last three years).                mandatory), the candidate being first author
  Supervisors can either work at university             in at least one of them.
  or at extramural organisations (research            • Candidates are also required asked to
  institute, hospital, etc.), but must always be        contribute to teaching or clinical duties,
  approved by the specialisation council.               depending on their home departments.
• PhD supervisors must hold the “Habilitation         • At least one paper as first author in an           Students admitted to the Inserm-Liliane
  à Diriger des Recherches” national diploma.           international journal with significant impact      Bettencourt joint MD PhD programme receive
                                                        factor.                                            funding for medical and scientific stages. The
                                                      • Positive evaluation of the thesis work given       Liliane Bettencourt Fondation is the only
                                                        by two scientists holding the “Habilitation        foundation which financially supports PhDs
                                                        à Diriger des Recherches” national diploma         for medical students, provided that they have
                                                        and external to the scientific campus of the       been selected by the EDI.

• For DFG-funded programmes, the quality of           • Requirements are defined by university.            In DFG-funded programmes, funding comes
  researchers and supervisors is subject to peer        Usually at least one first-author paper in a       either through full stipends or employment
  review assessment.                                    peer-reviewed journal in addition to thesis        positions.
                                                        work, and a completed research training
• Supervisors are selected by the Doctorate           • Publication of a thesis that reports the results   Universities sponsor candidates through
  Board, or are members of it, on the basis of          of three years of research.                        fellowships or even funds from joint
  scientific merit.                                   • Publication of articles before dissertation is     programmes established with other
• A PhD supervisor needs not hold a PhD.                not mandatory.                                     institutions. Self-sponsored (voluntary) or
                                                                                                           industry-sponsored doctoral candidates are
                                                                                                           also permitted.

       Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012                                                                                              11
Country       Regulatory authority/(ies) of doctoral          Duration of PhD                  Candidates’ eligibility
              programmes for MDs

NORWAY        • The Norwegian Association for Higher          Three years (180 ECTS).          • Candidates must have completed a five-
                Education sets the framework for PhD                                             year masters degree. Medical students in
                regulations at universities.                                                     the MD-PhD programme are half-way to a
              • All PhD programmes have a mandatory                                              PhD as soon as they complete their seventh
                course featuring introduction to medicine                                        year of training (taking into account that
                and research methods, and rules,                                                 MD training takes six years).
                regulations, and ethical aspects of medical

PORTUGAL      • Each university regulates its own PhD         Full-time: three to four years. • Depends on the specific programme. In
                programmes, which must be approved by a       Part-time: up to eight years      most programmes, candidates are required
                national independent agency (A3ES).           (mostly within a restricted       to be MDs, and admission to the PhD
                                                              novel programme of                programme is based on individual merit (as
                                                              internship/PhD for clinical       assessed by CV, letters of recommendation,
                                                              residents or for clinicians       performance during interview, and
                                                              who maintain clinical duties).    even quality of the research proposal
                                                                                              • There is one school offering an MD-
                                                                                                PhD programme where undergraduate
                                                                                                medical students are admitted to the PhD
                                                                                                programme based on their experience in
                                                                                                research during specific summer laboratory
SPAIN         • Universities define PhD programmes in a       Three to five years of           • Most MD-PhDs first graduate from
                somewhat autonomous manner, fulfilling        research after completion of       medical school to later enrol on PhD
                common legal requirements but without         doctoral courses.                  programmes. Usually PhD programmes are
                a mandatory, nation-wide programme.                                              joined in parallel to postgraduate specialist
                Some programmes feature official label of                                        training (residency). Candidates may enrol
                excellence awarded by the Government.                                            early research education during their MD
                                                                                                 studies, but PhD can only be completed
                                                                                                 upon MD graduation.

THE NETHER-   • Standards are set by universities.            Three to four years, with        • Candidates can join doctoral programmes
LANDS                                                         unstructured training              during their MD studies, or else upon
                                                              depending on topic and             graduation as an MD, in parallel with
                                                              supervisor.                        another occupation.
UNITED        • Each university regulates its own PhD         Three to four years (or longer • Any time after completion of a Bachelor
KINGDOM         degrees. The quality assurance of these       if the candidate is doing        degree, or equivalent. Therefore, a medical
                regulations, and of the degrees awarded, is   clinical work in parallel) or    student who has completed a science
                the responsibility of the national Quality    for non-clinical students,       Bachelor degree during the medical
                Assurance Agency for Higher Education.        who are registered part-time     course may do a PhD then, returning to
                                                              for their PhD.                   complete the medical degree after the
                                                                                               PhD. Normally candidates enrol once
                                                                                               they are at the specialty registrar level and
                                                                                               have completed MRCP examinations or
                                                                                             • A few universities have combined MB-
                                                                                               PhD degree courses, where students are
                                                                                               admitted to a combined course similar to
                                                                                               American MD-PhD degrees. Most medical
                                                                                               graduates studying for a PhD degree do
                                                                                               so after completing medical qualification,
                                                                                               often when part-way through specialist
                                                                                               clinical training. Prior completion of a
                                                                                               masters degree is not required.

12                                                                                   Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012
Supervisors’ eligibility                             Requirements for obtaining a PhD                  Candidates funding

• Two supervisors are required per candidate.        Completing organised academic training (30       • Most candidates are offered PhD research
  The main supervisor must hold a position at        ECTS), independent research (PhD project)          grants and are employed by the universities.
  university.                                        – normally published as three (between             Some clinical PhD students are employed by
                                                     one and four) manuscripts (which are or in         the hospital, but the PhD programme is run
                                                     condition to be published in scientific journals   by the university.
                                                     with referee – normally first authorship in
                                                     at least two of the manuscripts), PhD thesis
                                                     (includes the manuscripts plus introduction
                                                     and discussion), public defence and a lecture
                                                     evaluated by the opponents.
• Supervisors must be PhD holders, be active         A thesis is always required. Publication of the • Medical doctors usually join PhD
  researchers in the field of the PhD, and be        results of the PhD research in peer-reviewed      programmes in parallel with their residency
  part of a doctoral programme approved              journals and first authorship prior to the        training and are able to apply for additional
  by University and A3ES national agency.            award of the doctoral degree is mandatory         time for research and supplementary funding
  Professors may also serve as supervisors for       in only some schools, but it is gradually         from FCT-National Research Funding
  thesis work carried out at other institutions.     becoming the norm. Requirements are defined       Agency and the Ministry of Health.
• In the cases of doctoral grants funded by          by each programme/university.                   • Some PhD programmes feature specific
  National Research Funding Agency-FCT,                                                                scholarships for their students. Most
  the quality of researchers and supervisors is                                                        students maintain their clinical duties and
  subject to peer review assessment.                                                                   have no complementary funding.
• Joint supervision by two supervisors is                                                            • Funding for research is provided by the host
  frequent.                                                                                            laboratories.

• Supervisors must be PhD holders and be             Upon completion of doctoral courses and           • Candidates are not necessarily funded,
  part of a doctoral programme approved              independent research, candidates are required       although diverse grants from public and
  by University. Professors may serve as             to publish a doctoral thesis and defend it          private sources are available. National
  intramural supervisors for thesis work             publicly. Requirements regarding publishing         agencies offer predoctoral fellowships
  carried out at other institutions.                 original articles prior to the doctoral             and post-specialist contracts to support
                                                     dissertation vary from one institution to the       candidates at different stages of their career.
                                                     other, ranging from optional to mandatory           Medical doctors usually conduct PhD
                                                     and in peer- reviewed journals with impact          programmes in paralell with their residency
                                                     factor.                                             training without supplementary funding.
• Supervisors need to hold a PhD degree.             The thesis is a compendium of three to five       • Full-time candidates can get a salary.
  The promoter should be a professor (with           articles published in journals with impact
  an appointment at university), and the co-         factor.
  promoter needs to have a PhD degree.
• Supervisors must hold a substantive or             A thesis is always required. Publication of the   • There is a wide range of sources, from
  honorary university appointment, and are           results of the PhD research in peer-reviewed        public sources (research councils and
  expected to be active researchers in the field     journals is not mandatory before the degree is      universities), to charities or private
  of the PhD.                                        awarded, but is becoming more common.               sponsors. Some PhD students are self-
• Joint supervision by two supervisors is                                                                funded or supported by loans. PhDs taken
  frequent.                                                                                              after medical qualification, during higher
                                                                                                         (specialist) clinical training may be funded as
                                                                                                         fellowships by research councils or medical
                                                                                                         research charities, often with a salary for the
                                                                                                         PhD student equivalent to a clinical salary.
                                                                                                         Additional research training grants would
                                                                                                         cover for consumables, equipment, PhD
                                                                                                         course fees, conference travel, etc.

      Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012                                                                                           13
Table 2: Main stakeholders involved in medical research education across Europe

 General                   • Universities and colleges offering MD and/or PhD degrees
 stakeholders              • Academies, learned societies and medical councils
                           • Research institutions, research funding organisations, and research performing organisations
                           • Hospitals, clinics and primary healthcare centres
                           • Faculty/supervisors and undergraduate and post-graduate students
                           • Policy makers from regional and national administrations
                           • Industry (especially pharmaceutical and medical devices companies and healthcare publishers)
                           • European Union bodies and agencies

 Specific                  • Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
 stakeholders              • European Medical Research Training Network (EMTRAIN)
                           • European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (EURODOC)
                           • Organisation for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System (ORPHEUS)
                           • European University Association (EUA)
                           • League of European Research Universities (LERU)
                           • European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE)
                           • European Federation of National Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA)
                           • Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM)

14                                                                                          Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012
Table 3: Summary of main challenges and recommendations to help overcome them

 Topic                      Challenge                                         Recommendation

 Recruitment and    Few medical doctors are recruited into                    • Medical students and doctors should participate in
 career development research, and research career structures in the             research from the earliest stages of their training. Their
                    medical field are too heterogeneous.                        output throughout all stages of their career must become
                                                                                acknowledged as a valuable career merit alongside others such
                                                                                as teaching, clinical work or consulting in private and public
                                                                                work environments across Europe. A PhD should be given the
                                                                                same career merit as specialist training.
                                                                              • A well-funded European Medical Scientific Training
                                                                                Programme would transmit best practices, foster excellence
                                                                                and increase collaborations and mobility across Europe.
 Curriculum design          Medical education insufficiently incorporates     • Undergraduate and specialist medical education programmes
                            research skills into its classic syllabus, and      should incorporate (multidisciplinary) research skills and
                            opportunities for multidisciplinarity are           principles of evidence-based medicine as a regular part of their
                            scant.                                              syllabus.
                                                                              • Research programmes could also become more attractive
                                                                                by contemplating a well-tailored modular approach where
                                                                                candidates could sequentially complete accredited phases of
                                                                                shorter duration than a full-time PhD programme.
 Harmonisation,             Harmonisation and mutual recognition of           • In spite of heterogeneity of schemes, Europe should aim at
 overarching                degrees is an ongoing issue in Europe, with         mutual recognition of degrees. The development of standards
 quality control and        standardised quality assurance in medical           for the global recognition of degrees and the proactive
 common standards           research education being mostly absent not          identification of worldwide opportunities for advancement are
                            only at the national level but also at the Pan-     necessary.
                            European level.                                   • Pan-European career-tracking schemes can support the
                                                                                development of world-class quality standards in medical
                                                                                research education. This will in turn increase the excellence
                                                                                and overall competitiveness of European researchers and
                                                                                research institutions.
 Research                   In many countries, funding of MD‑PhD              • The number of appropriately funded MD-PhD programmes
 infrastructures            programmes and access to appropriate                with the highest internationally accepted standards must be
 and allocation of          research infrastructures remains poor.              increased in Europe. Medical researchers should maximise the
 resources                                                                      use of information technologies and attain exposure to the
                                                                                variety of research infrastructures across Europe, ranging from
                                                                                the smallest ones at their local institution, to the largest ones at
                                                                                the Pan-European level.
                                                                              • National and/or pan-European initiatives for cataloguing
                                                                                these European infrastructures as identified by the research
                                                                                community should be further supported by greater funding,
                                                                                dissemination and overarching official endorsement.
 Geographical and           Medical education and research training are       • Mobility and international collaborations at all stages of the
 transdisciplinary          heterogeneous within Europe, hampering              MD‑PhD career should be increased by allocating greater
 mobility                   mutual recognition of skills and degrees            funds to programmes, developing standards for global
                            and challenging mobility and international          recognition of degrees, and proactively identifying worldwide
                            collaborations.                                     opportunities for advancement.
                                                                              • Horizontal policies that help create a framework of trust
                                                                                among participants, such as common principles for peer review
                                                                                or research integrity, would yield very positive results.
 Cooperation                Universities have generally poor functional       • Institutions offering medical research degrees should develop
 between univer–            connections with public or private research         more numerous and more active connections with public
 sities, research           stakeholders, failing to maximise returns and       and private stakeholders, be they in their immediate regional
 organisations,             explore new opportunities to synergise and          environment or worldwide.
 healthcare centres         make efficient use of people and resources.
 and other public or
 private agents

Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012                                                                                             15
Annex 1. Case studies                                        Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland,
                                                             Norway and Sweden)
A small number of European and non-European coun-            Nordic countries share strong historical, cultural and
tries that voluntarily provided information about their      linguistic ties, which reflect on the flexible approach
MD-PhD educational systems were studied in further           they have in place when it comes to collaborating in
detail to illustrate the variety of approaches that exist.   research, participating in each other’s doctoral juries and
The participating countries were the United Kingdom,         evaluation panels, and mutually recognising PhD quali-
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia,          fications. In general, Nordic countries favour a combined
Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia,          MD PhD training approach. A PhD is composed of an
France and Australia.                                        initial theoretical part (accredited courses or similar),
                                                             followed by an experimental phase where the PhD can-
United Kingdom                                               didate performs original research under supervision and
Until about 1970, it was rare for a British medical gradu-   often publishes the results as scientific papers for obtain-
ate to study for a PhD degree. Since then, it has become     ing the doctoral degree.
more common, and it would now be unusual for an                  Candidates are mostly funded by national research
individual to be appointed to an academic position in        councils, universities or private organisations. In the spe-
a university medical school without a PhD. Also, there       cific case of medical doctors, they may also be employed
are clinicians in hospital appointments who have a PhD       by hospital departments. Less frequently, candidates are
degree in addition to their basic medical qualification      also allowed to join PhD programmes bringing in their
and clinical specialist qualifications, and clinicians of    own funds. In countries such as Sweden, Norway and
this type often remain active in research.                   Denmark, a PhD is regarded as an additional merit for
    The qualifying medical degree in British universities    MDs aiming at high-level positions at academic hospi-
is normally a bachelor of medicine and surgery, abbrevi-     tals.
ated in many different ways – MB BS, MB BChir, BM                In spite of overarching similarities, some differences
BS, and so on. Most universities allow students to take      persist. One of these is the length of the programmes.
an extra year during the medical course to complete a        Sweden and Finland have four-year programmes, while
bachelor degree in a relevant subject, such as biochem-      Denmark, Norway and Iceland have three-year pro-
istry, molecular biology, pharmacology, medical ethics,      grammes. Expectations regarding the relative weight of
etc. This is called an intercalated degree. The MD degree    the research component and output measurement are
– doctor of medicine – is a research degree, normally        also different. A joint committee to start work in autumn
with requirements very similar to those of a PhD degree.     2012 has been established to harmonise these aspects.
    The PhD degree can be taken at any time after the
student has completed a bachelor degree or equivalent:       Central and Eastern European countries
the student may take extra time during the undergradu-       (Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia,
ate medical course to complete a PhD degree as well as       Hungary and Croatia)
the qualifying MB degree; a PhD degree can be done           Different countries take different approaches to expos-
immediately after medical qualification; or a medical        ing medical students to research.
graduate can take time out of his or her postgraduate            In general, doctoral programmes across Central and
specialist medical education to study for a PhD degree.      Eastern Europe last three to four years, with some excep-
    The PhD degree may also be an advantage when             tions (e.g. in Estonia four years for internal study, and
applying for high-level clinical positions. There have       five years for external study). In the Czech Republic,
been few studies of the outcome of PhD training for          the maximum duration of external PhD study is eight
medical graduates. However, the Wellcome Trust               years, and if the dissertation is not successfully defended
examined the later careers of all PhD students funded        within this period, the programme is terminated.
through its Medical Graduate Fellowship scheme (which            In most countries, MD‑PhD candidates can only be
supports PhD studies during postgraduate special-            admitted to a PhD programme upon obtaining an MD
ist training) and found that almost all former Medical       degree. The exception is Hungary, where students still
Graduate Fellows had highly successful clinical aca-         at the end of their MD studies are allowed to enrol in a
demic careers.                                               PhD programme.
                                                                 In most countries the framework of PhD education is
                                                             defined by the different national governments, but indi-

16                                                                            Medical Research Education in Europe | September 2012
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