Nomination guidelines - Be part of Queensland's largest youth performing arts show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Friday 13 and ...

Page created by Rebecca Austin
Nomination guidelines - Be part of Queensland's largest youth performing arts show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Friday 13 and ...
         Be part of Queensland’s largest youth performing arts show
         at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
         Friday 13 and Saturday 14 July 2018
                                                    Broadcast    Event     Radio    Program
         Principal partners         Major partner    partner    partner   partner   partner
Nomination guidelines - Be part of Queensland's largest youth performing arts show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Friday 13 and ...
Contact information................................................................................................. 1
What is Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage?............................................. 2
Nomination process................................................................................................. 3
1. VOCAL................................................................................................................ 6
     Featured and backing vocalist............................................................................................. 6

     Creative Generation Voices – Vocal division........................................................................ 7

     Choir.................................................................................................................................. 8

2. DANCE and DRAMA............................................................................................ 10
     Massed dance and regional massed dance.......................................................................10

     Featured and solo dance...................................................................................................12


3. INSTRUMENTAL................................................................................................. 15
     Symphony orchestra and solo instrumental......................................................................15

     Massed string orchestra....................................................................................................16

     Big band...........................................................................................................................16


4. VARIETY............................................................................................................ 18
5. PRODUCTION.................................................................................................... 19
     Student stage crew...........................................................................................................19

     Student media crew..........................................................................................................19

     Teacher stage crew...........................................................................................................20

FAQs...................................................................................................................... 22
Fact sheets............................................................................................................ 26
     Fact sheet 1 – Role of the coordinating teacher and supervisor.........................................26

     Fact sheet 2 – Participant responsibilities.........................................................................27

     Fact sheet 3 – How to nominate........................................................................................28

Forms.................................................................................................................... 32
     Student expression of interest form..................................................................................32

     CGEN 2018 Project Consent Form......................................................................................33

     CGEN nomination terms and conditions............................................................................40

     Network Ten Child Talent release form...............................................................................41

     Network Ten Adult Talent release form...............................................................................43

ii   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018                           Nomination guidelines
Nomination guidelines - Be part of Queensland's largest youth performing arts show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Friday 13 and ...
Contact information
       For general enquiries, please contact:
       Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage

       For specific category enquiries,
       please contact:
       Nicola White
       Dance, drama and costume coordinator
       Ph: 07 3328 6634

       To be confirmed
       Choir and drumline coordinator
       Ph: 07 3328 6628

       Raquel Gracey
       Symphony orchestra, massed string orchestra
       and big band coordinator
       Ph: 07 3328 6620

       Monica Collis
       Featured and Backing vocalist coordinator
       Ph: 07 3328 6636

       Emily Gilhome
       Student and teacher stage crew
       and media crew coordinator
       Ph: 07 3328 6630

       Photography: Atmosphere Photography
Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018   Nomination guidelines   1
Nomination guidelines - Be part of Queensland's largest youth performing arts show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Friday 13 and ...
What is Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage?
In 2018, Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage                         CGEN rehearsals provide an opportunity for students
(CGEN) will celebrate its 14th year as Queensland’s largest                  to display their talents and extend their networks with
youth performing arts event with performances on Friday                      professional artists beyond those ordinarily available in
13 and Saturday 14 July at the Brisbane Convention and                       schools. Auditions, workshops and rehearsals give students
Exhibition Centre (BCEC).                                                    a taste of the wider performing arts industry that has
                                                                             seen many Queenslanders achieve great success on the
CGEN continues to give students, teachers and school
                                                                             international stage.
communities the opportunity to be involved in a
professionally produced, award-winning arena spectacle.                      CGEN is a rewarding and enriching program for both
Since its inception in 2005, the large-scale event has grown                 students and teachers as it offers participants an unrivalled
from a cast of 550 students to more than 1800 and is                         opportunity to develop their creative potential, meet new
nationally renowned for its outstanding and vibrant display                  friends and take part in a professional arena production.
of state school talent.                                                      The confidence and experience gained from being involved
                                                                             helps students in their lives beyond the school gate.
The experience gives students the chance to acquire new
                                                                             Additionally, CGEN is a quality professional development
skills by working with many of Australia’s leading performers
                                                                             opportunity for teachers, allowing new skills, knowledge
in a world-class event. For many students taking part, it
                                                                             and practices to be brought back to the classroom.
is their first time performing on an arena stage, while for
others it is a valuable stepping stone in their career as                    CGEN is an incredible and unique experience for all. This
young artists in the performing arts industry.                               nomination guidelines document will help you find out how
                                                                             you can get involved. We look forward to working with you
                                                                             on CGEN 2018!
CGEN 2018 Timeline
2017                                      2018
NOVEMBER                                  FEBRUARY                                   APRIL                                   JULY

                                                   INVITATIONS and
          NOMINATIONS                                                                          REHEARSALS                       SHOW WEEK
Please note: performance dates are Friday 13th and Saturday 14th July 2018. Show week falls in school holidays, and nominees must be aware of all
requirements as outlined in these guidelines.

2   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018     Nomination guidelines
Nomination guidelines - Be part of Queensland's largest youth performing arts show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Friday 13 and ...
Nomination process
CGEN 2018 categories
In 2018, nominations can be submitted for any of the following categories:

          VOCAL                 DANCE and DRAMA                INSTRUMENTAL                      VARIETY                  PRODUCTION
•   featured vocalist        • massed dance                • symphony orchestra         • stand-alone item            • student stage crew
•   backing vocalist         • regional massed             • massed string              • specialty act or skill      • student media crew
•   CGEN Voices program        dance                         orchestra                                                • teacher crew
•   core choir               • featured dance              • big band
•   central choir            • solo dance                  • drumline
•   massed choir             • drama                       • solo instrumental

The nomination process
There are three steps to the nomination process:

       NOMINATION                                         INVITATION                                   ACCEPTANCE
Step 1 – Nomination                               Step 2 – Invitation                               Step 3 – Acceptance
An online nomination, including                   Selected students are sent an                     Acceptance notices are signed by
submission of audition footage and                invitation letter via their CGEN                  the required person/s noted on the
support material (if applicable) is               coordinating teacher. The invitation              form to acknowledge the student’s or
entered by the school’s coordinating              will outline the next step in the                 group’s acceptance into the program
teacher on behalf of the student/s.               process, which may include a call-                and returned to the relevant CGEN
                                                  back audition, a casting day, a                   category manager by the school’s
Coordinating teachers are required
                                                  workshop or a series of rehearsals.               coordinating teacher.
to complete all school contact
information and all participant
nomination information.
N.B: All students nominations must be endorsed by the school’s principal and students must have completed and returned to the school an unamended
CGEN 2018 project consent form and Network Ten release form. If forms are not returned, students will not be able to participate in the program.

                                                                   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018    Nomination guidelines    3
Nomination guidelines - Be part of Queensland's largest youth performing arts show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Friday 13 and ...
Step 1 – Nomination                                                        KEY DATES
The CGEN nomination website is                                             • Friday 8 December 2017 – nominations close for all                                       categories except instrumental. Audition footage/
                                                                             support material is also required on this date.
Only one teacher per school can register as the coordinating
teacher during the nomination process. The coordinating                    • Friday 9 February 2018 – nominations close for
                                                                             students entering Year 7 or students at a new school
teacher must register the school using the nomination
                                                                             in 2018 except instrumental categories. Audition
                                                                             footage/support material is also required on this
Additional teacher contact information can be entered                        date.
during the nomination process and other teachers at the                    • Friday 23 February 2018 – nominations close for
school may access the nomination website using the login                     instrumental categories. Audition footage is also
details created by the coordinating teacher. It is suggested                 required on this date.
that the coordinating teacher use their departmental email
address and create a generic password that can be shared
                                                                         Audition footage
with other teachers at the school who require access to the
nomination website.                                                      • It is a requirement that audition footage be submitted
                                                                           for the following categories: featured vocalist, backing
Please refer to fact sheet 3 on page 28 of this document                   vocalist, core choir, regional massed dancers, symphony
for step-by-step instructions of how to submit your                        orchestra, big band, drumline, solo instrumentalist,
nominations. To assist teachers in collecting student                      variety and media crew.
information, students should complete a CGEN expression                  • It is preferred that student auditions be performed to
of interest form. This form is available in this document, on              accompaniment or backing track.
the CGEN nomination website and CGEN website.                            • Student auditions should be introduced with the
When submitting nominations, the coordinating teacher will                 following information:
be asked to check a box acknowledging:                                         – individual student or group name
• the school principal where the student is enrolled has                       – name of category
  endorsed the nomination                                                      – school
• all students nominating for a place in the program have                      – style or title of piece performed.
  completed and returned to the school an unamended
  CGEN 2018 project consent form and Network Ten                         • One file is to be submitted per nomination. Where a
  release form. If unamended forms are not returned,                       category requests two or more pieces of footage, please
  students are not able to participate in the program                      combine two pieces of footage into one file. (Please note
                                                                           the only exception is for symphony orchestra and big
• nomination and participation fact sheets 1 and 2                         band students nominating for more than one instrument.
  have been distributed and understood by all related                      Separate video files are required per instrument for
  personnel supporting the students’ participation in the                  distribution to specialists on the audition panel.)
                                                                         • Total file length per nomination must be 2–4 minutes
• parents/guardians and students understand the entire                     and should not exceed 50MB (except for symphony
  program, and the expectations and level of commitment                    orchestra, big band and media crew. See the relevant
  required                                                                 pages in this guideline for these requirements).
• all school team members supporting the students’                       • Please include current footage. Only media crew audition
  participation in the program understand the                              footage should be submitted in high resolution. Low
  expectations and level of commitment required                            resolution files are sufficient for all other categories
• all students (and parents/guardians of those students)                   provided that sound and image quality is adequate for
  understand the Department of Education and Training                      panel members to make a reasonable evaluation.
  is collecting personal information, and will handle this
  material in accordance with the Information Privacy Act
  2009 and the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006
                                                                         Supporting material
• they have read, understood and agree to the terms and                  It is a requirement that nominations for the following
  conditions of the program.                                             categories are supported by written documentation:
                                                                         • student stage crew
                                                                         • student media crew
                                                                         • teacher crew
                                                                         Written documentation may include a current résumé,
                                                                         letters of support, photos or newspaper clippings. Support
                                                                         material must not exceed four single A4 pages (two pages

4   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018   Nomination guidelines
Nomination guidelines - Be part of Queensland's largest youth performing arts show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Friday 13 and ...
Step 2 – Invitation                                                  • Monday 19 March 2018 for symphony orchestra and big
Students who are selected to be a part of CGEN will be sent          • Monday 26 March 2018 for drama auditions, student
an invitation letter via their CGEN coordinating teacher. The          and teacher stage crew
invitation will outline the next step in the process, which
may include a call-back audition, a casting day, a workshop          Some students may not be invited to be a part of the original
or a series of rehearsals.                                           nomination category they applied for, but may be offered a
                                                                     place in an alternative category. For example, an individual
Coordinating teachers will be sent the official invitations via      student nominating for the variety item category may
email by:                                                            instead be invited to attend the featured vocalist first call-
• Wednesday 7 February 2018 for featured and backing                 back audition.
  vocalists, solo instrumentalists and variety item
  performers                                                         Step 3 – Acceptance
• Tuesday 13 February 2018 for featured dance auditions
                                                                     After being signed by the required person/s noted on the
  and massed dance
                                                                     form to acknowledge the student’s or group’s acceptance
• Tuesday 20 February 2018 for choir                                 into the program, the acceptance notice must be returned
• Monday 26 February 2018 for massed string orchestra                by the coordinating teacher on behalf of the students to the
• Thursday 1 March 2018 for drumline                                 CGEN team member managing the category.
• Monday 5 March 2018 for media crew

                                                              Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018   Nomination guidelines   5
Nomination guidelines - Be part of Queensland's largest youth performing arts show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Friday 13 and ...
                                                                    Students can be nominated in any of the following categories:

                                                                     • featured and backing
                                                                     • CGEN voices
                                                                     • core choir
                                                                     • central choir
                                                                     • massed choir

                                                                    Featured and backing vocalists
                                                                    Featured vocalist, junior featured vocalist and featured
                                                                    vocal ensemble categories
                                                                    All featured vocalists (FVs) categories may perform as soloists
                                                                    in the show, or may perform as part of small or large vocal
                                                                    ensembles. Featured vocalist and featured vocal ensemble
                                                                    categories are open to students in Year 7 to 12. Students in
                                                                    years Prep to 7 will be allocated into the junior featured vocal
                                                                    category if successful upon audition.
                                                                    Featured vocalists will be selected for their vocal and
                                                                    performance skills; the suitability of the repertoire presented;
                                                                    their ability to understand and convey the intent of the song;
                                                                    the effort put into preparing the presentation; and their
                                                                    posture and deportment as displayed in the audition footage.

                                                                    Backing vocalist category
                                                                    Backing vocalists (BVs) will provide backing vocals for a
                                                                    variety of items in the show. It is critical students have
                                                                    experience in choral or vocal ensembles and possess
                                                                    the ability to read music and perform harmonies. BVs are
                                                                    predominantly upper secondary students.
                                                                    BVs will be selected for their vocal and performance skills,
                                                                    including the inherent timbre/tone of their voice, pitch and
                                                                    rhythmic accuracy; the suitability of the repertoire presented;
                                                                    their ability to understand and convey the intent of the song;
                                                                    the effort put into preparing the presentation; and their
                                                                    posture and deportment as displayed in the audition footage.
                                                                    BVs will also be required to perform a sight reading test from a
                                                                    written score at the second call-back audition.

                                                                    Audition process
                                                                    All FV and BVs successful in the nomination process will
                                                                    required to attend an individual audition in Brisbane on
                                                                    either 21, 22 or 23 of February 2018. Teachers will be sent a
                                                                    selection of 2018 show repertoire before call-back auditions
                                                                    for students to learn and perform as well as a song of their
                                                                    choice during their individual audition.
                                                                    If students are successful in the first call-back audition, they
                                                                    will be invited to attend casting auditions in Brisbane on
                                                                    17, 18 and 19 of March. Students who are successful at the
                                                                    casting auditions will be advised of their confirmed invitation
                                                                    into the FV and BV categories.
                                                                      Further audition information will be provided in the invitation
6 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018 Nomination guidelines
Nomination guidelines - Be part of Queensland's largest youth performing arts show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Friday 13 and ...
Audition footage requirements                                                         Creative Generation Voices – vocal
• Please ensure students showcase their most suited
  genres. Auditions pieces should be two contrasting                                  division
  styles (for example: different genre, era and/or tempo).
                                                                                      During the online nomination process, coordinating
• Students are required to perform their selected audition                            teachers will be requested to indicate whether students
  repertoire from memory                                                              are nominating for Featured and Backing Vocalist (only),
• Live audition footage is preferred. Please do not submit                            Creative Generation (CGEN) Voices – vocal division 2018
  produced audition videos or studio recordings.                                      (only) or both programs.
• Students are required to audition with a backing track                              CGEN Voices is a new program that celebrates students
  or accompaniment, with the exception of acapella
                                                                                      who excel musically as solo or group vocalists. All students
                                                                                      nominating for the featured and backing vocalist category
Category requirements                                                                 are encouraged to also nominate for the CGEN Voices. In
• FVs and BVs who performed in CGEN 2017 will                                         2018 vocal ensembles (up to 20 students) will be accepted
  automatically be invited to the first call-back audition on                         in the vocal division. In 2017, the CGEN Voices students
  receipt of their 2018 nomination.                                                   participated in a three-day workshop at The Judith Wright
• FVs and BVs (including those from regional areas) are                               Centre of Contemporary Arts, where they learnt from, and
  required to attend all rehearsals unless otherwise                                  worked with, Australian music luminaries Kate Miller-
  negotiated with the vocalist coordinator.                                           Heidke, Natalie Bassingthwaighte and Simon Gallaher as
                                                                                      well as multiple local artists to challenge, encourage and
Key timelines for featured and backing vocalists                                      prepare them as the next generation of performing artists.
Friday 8 December 2017       Nominations due
                                                                                      CGEN Voices Choral division will continue biennially and will
Friday 9 February 2018       Nominations due for new and Year 7 students              return in 2019.
Monday 12 February 2018      Invitations issued for first call-back audition
Wednesday 14 February 2018 Invitations issued for new and Year 7 students
                                                                                      Category requirements
                           for first call-back audition                               • Students who performed in CGEN Voices 2017 vocal
Wednesday 21 – Fri 23        First call-back audition                                   division will automatically be invited to the first call-back
February                                                                                audition on receipt of their 2018 nomination.
Monday 5 March 2018          Invitations issued for casting
                                                                                      • All other students nominating for the CGEN Voices
Saturday 17 – Monday 19      FV and BV casting audition
March 2018                                                                              2018 vocal division must submit audition footage.
Monday 26 March 2018         Invitations issued to join the CGEN cast                   Please ensure the audition footage satisfies the general
Saturday21 April 2018        First BV rehearsal (no FVs required)                       requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document.
Sunday 22 – Monday 23 April FV and BV vocal rehearsal                                 • Successful students are required to attend a three day
                                                                                        workshop and a live performance, held in April and May
Saturday 5 May 2018          Second BV rehearsal (no FVs required)
                                                                                        2018. Confirmation of dates will be released in early
Friday 18 May 2018 –         Featured artists’ workshop
Sunday 20 May 2018           (only selected students required)
Saturday2 – Sunday 3 June    FV and BV vocal rehearsal
Saturday 30 June 2018        Third BV rehearsal (no FVs required)
Sunday 1 July 2018           FV and BV movement rehearsal
Monday 2 – Tuesday 3 July    FV and BV direction days with executive
2018                         producer/creative director
Wednesday 4 July 2018        FV and BV vocal rehearsal
Saturday 7 July 2018         FV and BV contingency rehearsal
Sunday 8 July 2018           Sitzprobe
Wednesday 11 July 2018       Sound check
Thursday 12 July 2018        Full cast technical rehearsal
Friday 13 July 2018          Full cast dress rehearsal, schools preview
                             matinee performance and evening performance
Saturday 14 July 2018        Matinee and evening performance

Please note: these dates are a guide and schedule may change
depending on show requirements.

                                                                               Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018   Nomination guidelines   7
Nomination guidelines - Be part of Queensland's largest youth performing arts show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre Friday 13 and ...
Choir                                                                    Additional category requirements specific to core choir
                                                                         • Core choir students must be in Years 10 – 12 to
The core, central and massed choirs will incorporate                       participate.
approximately 500 students from both primary and                         • Core choir students and teacher/supervisors (including
secondary schools. From March to July, students will work                  those from regional areas) are expected to attend
with the choir director and assistant choir conductors to                  the live audition and all scheduled rehearsals unless
rehearse and perform up to 25 items in the show, and                       otherwise negotiated with the choir manager.
provide a spectacular aural and visual backdrop for the                  • Audition footage must be submitted for each individual
other performers on stage.                                                 student (not as a group). Please ensure the audition
Coordinating teachers will receive music scores, MP3                       footage meets the requirements outlined on page 4 in
teaching material and rehearsal videos for each choir piece.               this document.

Teachers are encouraged to rehearse the repertoire from the              Key timelines for core choir
sheet music provided between scheduled rehearsals.                        Friday 8 December 2017      Nominations due
                                                                          Friday 9 February 2018      Nominations due for new students
Category requirements                                                     Monday 5 February 2018      Invitations for core choir call back auditions
• Students must nominate as soprano, alto, tenor or bass                  Monday 12 February 2018     Acceptances due for core choir call back
  voice type.                                                                                         auditions
                                                                          Thursday 22 February 2018   Core choir call back auditions, 3.30 pm – 5.30
• Students and teacher/supervisors performing with the                                                pm
  choir are required to wear a CGEN white performance                     Friday 2 March 2018         Invitations issued for core choir
  shirt. Shirts will be available to purchase for $25.00 each             Friday 16 March 2018        Acceptances due back from schools
  including GST. If students have their choir shirts from                 Monday 19 March 2018        Core choir rehearsal
  previous years they may be re-used if they are still in a               Tuesday 20 March 2018       Core and central choir rehearsal
  presentable condition.                                                  Wednesday 25 April 2018     Core and central choir rehearsal
                                                                          Saturday 19 May 2018        Featured artists’ workshop – core choir rehearsal
Core choir                                                                Monday 28 May 2018          Core and central choir rehearsal
                                                                          Sunday 17 June 2018         Core, central and massed combined choir
The core choir will incorporate 32 secondary students                                                 rehearsal
from Years 10 – 12 who will be selected via a live audition               Wednesday 11 July 2018      Sound check
process. The core choir will sit within the central choir and             Thursday 12 July 2018       Core and central choir rehearsal and full cast
                                                                                                      technical rehearsal
will act as chorale leaders.
                                                                          Friday 13 July 2018         Full cast dress rehearsal, schools preview
                                                                                                      matinee performance and evening performance
Students will be selected based on the timbre/tone/balance
                                                                          Saturday 14 July 2018       Matinee and evening performance
of their voices; pitch and rhythmic accuracy of repertoire
performed; the accuracy of memory in performing the                      Please note: these dates are a guide and schedule may change
repertoire; the demonstrated effort put into preparing the               depending on show requirements.
presentation; their posture and deportment during the
presentation; and the ability to understand and convey the
intent of the song.

8   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018   Nomination guidelines
Central choir                                                                      Additional category requirements specific to massed
The central choir will incorporate approximately 100                               • Massed choir students must be in Years 4 – 12 to
secondary students from Years 7–12.                                                  participate.
School groups and students will be selected based on the                           • Massed choir students and teacher/supervisors are
timbre/tone/balance of their voices; pitch and rhythmic                              expected to attend rehearsals between March and
accuracy of repertoire performed; the accuracy of memory in                          July (except regional schools, who are encouraged to
performing the repertoire; the demonstrated effort put into                          participate from the June rehearsal). All rehearsals are in
preparing the presentation; their posture and deportment                             Brisbane and run by either the choir director or assistant
                                                                                     choir conductors.
during the presentation; and the ability to understand and
convey the intent of the song.                                                     • Audition footage is not required.

Additional category requirements specific to central                               Key timelines for massed choir
choir                                                                               Friday 8 December 2017     Nominations due
• Central choir students must be in Years 7–12 to                                   Friday 9 February 2018     Nominations due for new students
  participate.                                                                      Tuesday 20 February 2018   Invitations issued

• Central choir students and teacher/supervisors                                    Wednesday 28 February      Acceptances due back from schools
  (including those from regional areas) are expected
                                                                                    Monday 12 March 2018       North cell rehearsal
  to attend all scheduled rehearsals unless otherwise
                                                                                    Tuesday 13 March 2018      North cell rehearsal
  negotiated with the choir manager.
                                                                                    Thursday 15 March 2018     South cell rehearsal
• Audition footage may be submitted individually or as                              Friday 16 March 2018       South cell rehearsal
  part of a group.                                                                  Thursday 22 March 2018     West cell rehearsal
                                                                                    Friday 23 March 2018       West cell rehearsal
Key timelines for central choir                                                     Tuesday 22 May 2018        Massed choir A combined rehearsal
                                                                                    Wednesday 23 May 2018      Massed choir B combined rehearsal
Friday 8 December 2017     Nominations due                                          Sunday 17 June 2018        Core, central and massed combined choir
Friday 9 February 2018     Nominations due for new students                                                    rehearsal
Tuesday 20 February 2018   Invitations issued                                       Thursday 12 July 2018      Massed choir rehearsal and full cast technical
Wednesday 28 February      Acceptances due back from schools
2018                                                                                Friday 13 July 2018        Full cast dress rehearsal, schools preview
                                                                                                               matinee performance and evening performance
Tuesday 20 March 2018      Core and central choir rehearsal
                                                                                    Saturday 14 July 2018      Matinee and evening performance
Wednesday 25 April 2018    Core and central choir rehearsal
Monday 28 May 2018         Core and central choir rehearsal
                                                                                   Please note: these dates are a guide and schedule may change
Sunday 17 June 2018        Core, central and massed combined choir                 depending on show requirements.
Wednesday 11 July 2018     Sound check
Thursday 12 July 2018      Core and central choir rehearsal and full cast
                           technical rehearsal
Friday 13 July 2018        Full cast dress rehearsal, schools preview
                           matinee performance and evening performance
Saturday 14 July 2018      Matinee and evening performance

Please note: these dates are a guide and schedule may change
depending on show requirements.

Massed choir
The massed choir will include approximately 500 students.
The massed choir will be divided into four cells for rehearsal
purposes — north, south, west and regional (dependant on
nominations received). After the individual cell rehearsals,
the massed choir rehearses as massed A or B, which is
how the students perform during the show. Schools will be
allocated to a cell and either massed A or B when they are
invited into the program.
At least one teacher/supervisor must perform alongside
their students for performances and act as a supervisor
during show week.

                                                                            Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018         Nomination guidelines      9
                                                                         Students can be nominated in any of the following

                                                                             DANCE and DRAMA
                                                                          • massed dance
                                                                          • regional massed
                                                                          • featured dance
                                                                          • solo dance
                                                                          • drama

                                                                         The featured and massed dance cast includes more than
                                                                         700 students from both primary and secondary schools.
                                                                         From April to July, students have the opportunity to work
                                                                         with professional choreographers and artists in rehearsals
                                                                         and workshops leading up to performances.
                                                                         Students are selected for placement in dance items covering
                                                                         genres such as:
                                                                         •      contemporary
                                                                         •      musical theatre
                                                                         •      jazz
                                                                         •      hip hop
                                                                         •      tap
                                                                         •      ballet
                                                                         •      traditional
                                                                         All dancers who nominate and accept their invitation are
                                                                         cast in the massed dance component, dependent on
                                                                         numbers. This includes, but may not be limited to, one
                                                                         massed dance item and the finale item.
                                                                         A select group of students are invited to participate
                                                                         in featured dance. Featured dance is a considerable
                                                                         commitment and involves rehearsals most weekends in
                                                                         the lead up to the performances. Students selected into
                                                                         featured dance are cast into smaller group items including
                                                                         solos, pas de deux and company items.
                                                                         Casting of students will depend on a number of factors
                                                                         including the requirement for particular dance genres in
                                                                         the show; technical capabilities; creative concept; and
                                                                         the number of dancers required, as dictated by the final
                                                                         production concept.
                                                                         It is not a requirement that students nominating undertake
                                                                         dance lessons at school or are enrolled in dance training
                                                                         after school hours.

                                                                         Category requirements
                                                                         • All featured dancers and metropolitan massed dancers
                                                                           are expected to attend all rehearsals and performance
                                                                         • All featured dancers and massed dance schools will have
                                                                           access to music for all dance items to enable students to
                                                                           rehearse in their own time.

10   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018   Nomination guidelines
• Footage for each massed item will be available to                  material will be supplied to schools in regional areas no
  regional schools in late May.                                      later than the week beginning 7 May 2018. Regional footage
• Footage of rehearsals will be uploaded via an online               will be available via the CGEN Participant Gateway and a
  platform, which will allow students to view the routines           regional dance rehearsal will be held on Tuesday 10 July
  between weekend rehearsals, assisting in keeping them              2018 to allow students to work directly with choreographers
  up to date with choreography.                                      before the massed dance blocking day at the BCEC.
• Costume sizes will be collected during nominations.
                                                                     Key timelines for massed dance
  Costume fees vary in accordance with performer and
  show requirements and any student who withdraws after               Friday 8 December 2017     Nominations due (audition footage due for
  Friday 20 April 2018 will be charged for the entire cost of                                    regional schools only)
  their costumes.                                                     Friday 9 February 2018     Nominations due (audition footage due for
                                                                                                 regional schools only) for new students
• Metropolitan secondary students are required to                     Tuesday 13 February 2018   Invitations issued for the senior massed casting
  attend the casting audition day on Saturday 10 March                                           day
  2018. This audition is compulsory, as not all students              Saturday 10 March 2018     Secondary massed dance casting day (metro
  nominated are guaranteed a position in the dance cast.                                         schools only)
                                                                      Sunday 11 March 2018       Specialty dance auditions (genres TBC)
• Only regional massed dance students are required to                 Monday 19 March 2018       Invitations and casting sent to all schools
  submit footage as part of the nomination process to                 Thursday 29 March 2018     Dance acceptance forms are due back from
  assist in casting. Regional dance footage should only                                          schools today
  feature students who are nominating for CGEN 2018.                  Saturday 21 April 2018     Massed dance rehearsal*
  Please ensure the audition footage meets the general                Sunday 22 April 2018       Massed dance rehearsal*
  requirements as outlined on page 4 in this document.                Saturday 28 April 2018     Massed dance rehearsal*
                                                                      Sunday 29 April 2018       Massed dance rehearsal*

Massed dance and regional massed dance                                Saturday 12 May 2018
                                                                      Sunday 13 May 2018
                                                                                                 Massed dance rehearsal*
                                                                                                 Massed dance rehearsal*
Massed dance includes primary and secondary students                  Saturday 19 May 2018       Massed dance rehearsal*
with an interest in dance, who have musicality, enthusiasm            Sunday 20 May 2018         Massed dance rehearsal*

and are capable of performing a variety of simple                     Saturday 26 May 2018       Massed dance rehearsal*
                                                                      Sunday 27 May 2018         Massed dance rehearsal*
movements. The level of choreography will be beginner to
                                                                      Saturday 2 June 2018       Massed dance rehearsal*
intermediate and teachers must ensure that all students
                                                                      Sunday 3 June 2018         Massed dance rehearsal*
nominated are able to manage the requirements of                      Saturday 9 June 2018       Massed dance rehearsal*
rehearsals and performances.                                          Sunday 10 June 2018        Massed dance rehearsal*
                                                                      Saturday 16 June 2018      Massed dance rehearsal*
Massed dancers are invited to perform in at least two items,
                                                                      Sunday 17 June 2018        Senior and Junior Massed dance rehearsal –
including the finale item, but certain students, based on                                        costume distribution day
casting auditions or footage, may be invited to participate in        Saturday 30 June 2018      ACT 1 dress rehearsal with director and lighting
additional items dependant on production requirements.                                           designer
                                                                      Sunday 1 Jul 2018          ACT 2 dress rehearsal with director and lighting
In 2018, there will be four massed dance groups:                                                 designer
                                                                      Tuesday 3 July 2018        Senior Massed dance rehearsal*
• Senior massed A (up to 6 items)
                                                                      Tuesday10 July 2018        Regional dance rehearsal
• Senior massed B (up to 4 items)                                     Wednesday 11 July 2018     Combined dance rehearsal and blocking
• Regional massed (up to 4 items)                                     Thursday 12 July 2018      Full cast technical rehearsal
                                                                      Friday 13 July 2018        Full cast dress rehearsal, schools preview
• Junior massed (up to 3 items)                                                                  matinee performance and evening performance
                                                                      Saturday 14 July 2018      Matinee and evening performance
Metropolitan massed dancers will be required to attend all
rehearsals. A supervisor from each school is required at             *These dates are a guide until choreographers and rehearsal schedules
every massed dance rehearsal.                                        are complete. Each massed dance item usually rehearses between 10
                                                                     – 12 hours across three or four rehearsals. Rehearsals will be held in a
Regional massed dancers are not required to travel to                central location and items grouped where possible in order to minimise
Brisbane for rehearsals until show week in July. Teaching            the number of days students are committed to rehearsals.

                                                            Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018       Nomination guidelines        11
Featured and solo dance
                                                                         Featured and soloist dancers are primary and secondary
                                                                         students who are dedicated to dance who display
                                                                         competence across a range of dance genres.
                                                                         Rehearsal and performance commitments for featured dance
                                                                         are much greater than that of massed dance. All featured
                                                                         students are required to attend all assigned rehearsals, with
                                                                         limited allowance made for absent students. Featured dance
                                                                         rehearsals are held most weekends from April to July.
                                                                         Teachers are required to consider these factors and to use
                                                                         professional judgment when nominating students for the
                                                                         featured dance category. Students nominating for featured
                                                                         dance from regional schools have the same commitment
                                                                         expectations as that of students at metropolitan schools.
                                                                         In 2018, there will be five featured dance groups:
                                                                         • CGEN Company: up to 25 secondary students who
                                                                           display outstanding performance and technical
                                                                         • Senior ensemble: Years 9–12 students who display a
                                                                           high level of performance and technical capabilities
                                                                         • Middle ensemble: Years 7–9 students who display a
                                                                           high level of performance and technical capabilities
                                                                         • Junior A ensemble: Years 4–6 students who display
                                                                           strong performance and technical capabilities
                                                                         • Junior B ensemble: Prep – Year 3 students who display
                                                                           strong performance capabilities.
                                                                         Secondary students nominating for featured dance
                                                                         are required to attend up to three auditions across two
                                                                         weekends in March. All students wishing to audition must
                                                                         be available for all specified dates, including specialty
                                                                         auditions. These dancers may be expected to purchase,
                                                                         make and/or hire up to 12 different costumes.
                                                                         Primary students are required to attend an audition. These
                                                                         auditions are similar to a dance rehearsal and are a fun and
                                                                         positive environment for all participating.
                                                                         Solo dancers may be students in Years 9 – 12 who display
                                                                         outstanding performance and technical capabilities, are
                                                                         dedicated and committed to dance and competent in
                                                                         a range of dance genres. Commitment as a solo dancer
                                                                         is high as the selected students are required to attend
                                                                         every assigned rehearsal for their item/s. Rehearsals
                                                                         will be decided in consultation with the soloists and
                                                                         choreographer, and will be on selected weekends/weekdays
                                                                         from April to July.
                                                                         Teachers are required to consider these factors and to use
                                                                         professional judgment when nominating students for the
                                                                         solo dancer role. Students nominating from regional schools
                                                                         have the same commitment expectations as that of students
                                                                         at metropolitan schools.
                                                                         Students nominating for this category are required to attend
                                                                         the featured auditions across two weekends in March.
                                                                         All students wishing to audition must be available for all
                                                                         specified dates, including specialty auditions.

12   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018   Nomination guidelines
Key timelines for featured and soloist dance                                       Sunday 20 May 2018          Featured artists’ workshop – day 3 – CGEN
                                                                                                               company and Senior Ensemble
Friday 8 December 2017     Nominations due (audition footage due for
                                                                                   Sunday 20 May 2018          Featured dance rehearsal*
                           regional schools only)
                                                                                   Saturday26 May 2018         Featured dance rehearsal*
Friday 9 February 2018     Nominations due (audition footage due for
                           regional schools only) for new students                 Sunday 27 May 2018          Featured dance rehearsal*

Tuesday 13 February 2018   Invitations issued for the featured dance               Saturday 2 June 2018        Featured dance rehearsal*
                           auditions                                               Sunday 3 June 2018          Featured dance rehearsal*
Saturday 3 March 2018      Featured dance auditions – secondary                    Saturday 9 June 2018        Featured dance rehearsal*
Sunday 4 March 2018        Featured dance call backs – secondary                   Sunday 10 June 2018         Featured dance rehearsal*
Saturday10 March 2018      Featured dance auditions – primary                      Saturday 16 June 2018       Featured dance rehearsal*
Saturday 10 March 2018     Secondary massed dance casting day (all                 Sunday 17 June 2018         Featured dance rehearsal – costume distribution
                           students auditioning for senior featured dance                                      day
                           must attend this audition)                              Saturday 30 June 2018       ACT 1 dress rehearsal with director and lighting
Sunday11 March 2018        Specialty dance auditions (genres TBC)                                              designer
Monday 19 March 2018       Invitations and casting sent to all schools             Sunday 1 Jul 2018           ACT 2 dress rehearsal with director and lighting
Thursday 29 March 2018     Dance acceptance forms are due back from                                            designer
                           schools today                                           Monday 2 July 2018          Featured dance rehearsal*
Saturday 21 April 2018     Featured dance rehearsal*                               Tuesday 3 July 2018         Featured dance rehearsal*
Sunday 22 April 2018       Featured dance rehearsal*                               Wednesday 4 July 2018       Featured dance rehearsal*
Saturday 28 April 2018     Featured dance rehearsal*                               Wednesday 11 July 2018      Combined dance rehearsal and blocking
Sunday 29 April 2018       Featured dance rehearsal*                               Thursday 12 July 2018       Full cast technical rehearsal
Wednesday 2 May 2018       Choreographic content days – CGEN dance                 Friday 13 July 2018         Full cast dress rehearsal, schools preview
                           company, senior and middle ensemble                                                 matinee performance and evening performance
Thursday 3 May 2018        Choreographic content days – CGEN dance                 Saturday 14 July 2018       Matinee and evening performance
                           company, senior and middle ensemble
Saturday 12 May 2018       Featured dance rehearsal*                              *These dates are a guide until choreographers and rehearsal schedules
Sunday 13 May 2018         Featured dance rehearsal*                              are complete. Each massed dance item usually rehearses for between
                                                                                  10 – 12 hours across three or four rehearsals. Each featured dance item
Friday 18 May 2018         Featured artists’ workshop – day 1 – CGEN
                                                                                  rehearses between 6 – 10 hours across two or three rehearsals. Each
                           company only
                                                                                  massed dance item usually rehearses between 10 – 12 hours across
Saturday 19 May 2018       Featured artists’ workshop – day 2 – CGEN              three or four rehearsals. Rehearsals will be held in a central location and
                           company and Senior Ensemble                            items grouped where possible in order to minimise the number of days
Saturday 19 May 2018       Featured dance rehearsal*                              students are committed to rehearsals.

                                                                         Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018        Nomination guidelines        13
Drama                                                                    Key timelines for drama
                                                                         The dates listed below are dependent on the repertoire
Opportunities for drama students may include physical
                                                                         requirements, additional rehearsals may be scheduled and
theatre, roaming performance, film opportunity and
                                                                         dates are subject to change.
backstage reporting. Only Years 8–12 students may apply.
                                                                          Friday 8 December 2017      Nominations due
Selected students will demonstrate:
                                                                          Friday 9 February 2018      Nominations due
• discernment in the selection and application of the                     Monday 26 March 2018        Invitations issued for auditions
  dramatic elements, particularly: focus, tension, timing,                Tuesday 1 May 2018          Drama auditions
  rhythm, space, mood, contrast and sound                                 Tuesday 8 May 2018          Invitations issued to drama cast
                                                                          Friday 18 May 2018          Featured artists’ workshop
• ability to use expressive skills; voice, movement, facial
                                                                          Saturday 19 May 2018        Featured artists’ workshop
  expression and gesture
                                                                          Late May – Early July 2018** Drama rehearsals
• outstanding stage presence and energy                                   Wednesday 11 July 2018      Drama blocking and sound check
                                                                          Thursday 12 July 2018       Full cast technical rehearsal
Invitation and casting will depend on a number of factors,
                                                                          Friday 13 July 2018         Full cast dress rehearsal, schools preview
including the requirement for the particular style of                                                 matinee performance and evening performance
performance in the show, the technical capabilities of each               Saturday 14 July 2018       Matinee and evening performance
performer and the final production concept as directed by
the executive producer/creative director.                                *Rehearsals will be held on weekends, in a central location. Exact dates
                                                                         and venues will be confirmed once drama contractors are engaged in
                                                                         early 2018.
Category requirements
• All nominated students will be invited to a live audition,
  where they will be required to present a solo monologue
  and partake in group activities, including improvisation
• Students interested in content writing and interviewer/
  presenter opportunities should also consider nominating
  for the CGEN media crew. Information is available on
  page 19.

14   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018   Nomination guidelines
3. INSTRUMENTAL                                                                  Category requirements
                                                                                 • Students are asked to prepare an audition of two pieces
                                                                                   or excerpts in different styles, lasting no more than
Students can be nominated in any of the following categories:                      five minutes in total, and one chromatic scale of the
                                                                                   student’s choice that demonstrates their full range.
                                                                                 • An accompanist or CD backing may be used.
• symphony orchestra
• massed string                                                                  • A student nominating for two or more instruments (for
  orchestra                                                                        example trumpet and bass) must upload separate
• big band                                                                         footage files for each instrument.
• drumline                                                                       • Students nominating for percussion should prepare
• solo instrumental                                                                pieces or excerpts on timpani, snare drum and mallet.
                                                                                 • Students nominating for flute are encouraged to include
Symphony orchestra and solo                                                        one piccolo solo in addition to their two prepared pieces
                                                                                   or excerpts.
                                                                                 Key timelines for symphony orchestra
The CGEN symphony orchestra features secondary school
                                                                                 Please note an additional rehearsal to the dates listed below
students (Years 7–12) and provides musical accompaniment
                                                                                 may be scheduled depending on repertoire requirements.
to the majority of vocal, dance and feature items in the
show. The repertoire is varied, covering a wide range of                          Friday 23 February 2018   Nominations due
classical and popular music styles.                                               Monday 19 March 2018      Invitations issued
                                                                                  Tuesday 17 April 2018     Symphony orchestra rehearsal 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm
Metropolitan students will be required to attend all                              Sunday 22 April 2018      Symphony orchestra tutorials 10am – 1pm
scheduled rehearsals. A rehearsal schedule for regional                           Tuesday 24 April 2018     Symphony orchestra rehearsal 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm
students will be developed through negotiation with the                           Sunday 13 May 2018        Symphony orchestra rehearsal (contingency only)
symphony orchestra manager on a case-by-case basis once                                                     10am – 12pm

invitation letters have been issued.                                              Friday 6 July 2018        Symphony orchestra rehearsal (contingency only),
                                                                                                            times TBC
Year 7–12 students who are proficient on the following                                                      Lower brass tutorial, times TBC
instruments are invited to nominate:                                              Saturday 7 July 2018      Symphony orchestra rehearsal (full day)
                                                                                  Sunday 8 July 2018        Sitzprobe (full day orchestra rehearsal)
Flute             Tenor saxaphone**   Minimum audition level
                                                                                  Wednesday 11 July 2018    Sound check (full day)
Trumpet           Alto saxaphone**    Level 5, Instrumental Music Curriculum
                                                                                  Thursday 12 July 2018     Full cast technical rehearsal (full day)
Clarinet                              (approximately Grade 6–7 AMEB)
                                                                                  Friday 13 July 2018       Full cast dress rehearsal, schools preview matinee
Violin                                                                                                      performance and evening performance (full day
Oboe              Bassoon             Minimum audition level                                                and evening)
Bass clarinet     French horn         Level 4, Instrumental Music Curriculum      Saturday 14 July 2018     Matinee and evening performances
Double bass       Trombone            (approximately Grade 5–6 AMEB)
Bass trombone     Tuba                Please note: Special consideration may
                                      be given to students who have not yet      Please note: these dates are a guide and schedule may change
Viola             Cello                                                          depending on show requirements.
                                      achieved the above levels, depending
Harp              Percussion*         on the level of nominations received.
Baritone Saxaphone**

* Percussionists should be proficient on both tuned and untuned percussion.
** Although saxophones are not usually included in a symphony
orchestra, there are opportunities for alto, tenor and baritone saxophone
players. Due to the nature of orchestral repertoire, saxophones may not
be required to perform in all orchestral numbers and this may be an
important consideration for students wishing to nominate.

                                                                        Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018         Nomination guidelines      15
Massed string orchestra                                                         Big band
More than 100 massed string orchestra students will be                          The big band comprises of students in secondary school
joined by the symphony orchestra to perform a spectacular                       (Year 7 to 12) only. The big band features throughout CGEN
feature item in the show.                                                       as a stand-alone and integrated component of the show’s
                                                                                musical accompaniment and students have the opportunity
Massed string students will also participate in the finale
                                                                                to workshop and rehearse with professional musicians and
item but will not be required to play their instrument.
                                                                                performers from across the state in the lead up to CGEN
Category requirements                                                           performances.
• Massed string orchestra students and teacher/                                 Big band students may also be invited to perform as featured
  supervisors are expected to attend three rehearsals in
                                                                                instrumentalists (solo or ensemble) in other items in the show.
  May and June and show week (regional schools do not
  need to attend the May/June rehearsals). All rehearsals                       Metropolitan students will be required to attend all
  and performances will be held in Brisbane with the                            scheduled rehearsals. A rehearsal schedule for regional
  massed string orchestra conductor.                                            students will be developed through negotiation with the
• Students must nominate as violin, viola, cello or double                      big band manager on a case-by-case basis once invitation
  bass.                                                                         letters have been issued.
• Audition footage is not required.                                             Year 7–12 students who are proficient on the following
Key timelines for massed string orchestra                                       instruments are invited to nominate.

Friday 23 February 2018    Nominations due                                       Alto saxophone            Minimum audition level
Monday 19 March 2018       Invitations issued                                    Tenor saxophone           Level 5, Instrumental Music Curriculum
                                                                                 Trumpet                   (approximately Grade 6 – 7 AMEB)
Thursday 29 March 2018     Acceptances due back from schools
                                                                                 Baritone Saxophone        Minimum audition level
Tuesday 15 May 2018        Rehearsal (Brisbane students), 5.30–7.30pm
                                                                                 Trombone                  Level 4, Instrumental Music Curriculum
Sunday 24 June 2018        Rehearsal (Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine
                                                                                 Bass Trombone             (approximately Grade 5 – 6 AMEB)
                           Coast students), 10.00am–12.00pm
                                                                                 Percussion*               Please note:
Tuesday 10 July 2018       Rehearsal (all students)
                                                                                 Double bass               Special consideration may be given to students
Wednesday 11 July 2018     Sound check                                                                     who have not yet achieved the above levels,
Thursday 12 July 2018      Full cast technical rehearsal                                                   depending on the level of nominations received.
Friday 13 July 2018        Full cast dress rehearsal, schools preview            Drum kit                  Students with excellent reading ability may be
                           matinee performance and evening performance           Piano                     selected on these instruments.
Saturday 14 July 2018      Matinee and evening performance                       Guitar
Please note: these dates are a guide and schedule may change
depending on show requirements.                                                 * Percussionists should be proficient on both tuned and untuned

                                                                                Category requirements
                                                                                • Students are asked to prepare an audition of two pieces
                                                                                  or excerpts in different styles, lasting no more than
                                                                                  five minutes in total, and one chromatic scale of the
                                                                                  student’s choice that demonstrates their full range.
                                                                                • One item must be a jazz style and demonstrate the
                                                                                  student’s ability to improvise.
                                                                                • An accompanist or CD backing may be used.
                                                                                • A student nominating for two or more instruments (for
                                                                                  example, trumpet and bass) must upload separate
                                                                                  audition footage files for each instrument.
                                                                                • Students nominating for drum kit, piano, guitar or bass
                                                                                  do not need to prepare a chromatic scale.

                                                                                Key timelines for big band
                                                                                 Friday 23 February 2018   Nominations due
                                                                                 Monday 19 March 2018      Invitations and rehearsal schedule issued.
                                                                                                           Final schedule is dependent upon the
                                                                                                           membership of the band.
                                                                                 Tuesday 10 July 2018      Sound check
                                                                                 Thursday 12 July 2018     Full cast and technical rehearsal
                                                                                 Friday 13 July 2018       Full cast dress rehearsal, schools’ preview
                                                                                                           matinee performance and evening performance
                                                                                 Saturday 14 July 2018     Matinee and evening performance

16   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018          Nomination guidelines
Drumline                                                            • All performers must supply their own or their school’s
                                                                      marching drums, with a harness, except for djembe
The drumline will consist of 60 – 75 student drummers from            drums which will be supplied. Instrument stands are
Years 5–12.                                                           recommend for rehearsals (keyboard, glockenspiel and
                                                                      snare drum stands).
The drumline will use the American Marching drumline
                                                                    • All students and teacher/supervisors are expected to
technique and will be made up of:
                                                                      attend rehearsals between April and July in Brisbane
• Marching snare                                                      with the drumline director (except for regional schools
• Tenors – quads and quints (trios not included)                      who are only required to attend the July rehearsals).
• Multiple bass drums (pitched bass drumlines)                      • Featured drumline may be required to purchase a
                                                                      costume pending their performance item.
• Djembes
All students are required to submit video audition footage          Key timelines for drumline
for consideration. Regional students will be judged on their         Friday 23 February 2017      Nominations due
video footage only, whilst metropolitan students will be             Friday 9 February 2018       Nominations due for new and Year 7 students
invited to a live audition. Students who are successful will         Thursday 1 March 2018        Invitations issued for metropolitan auditions
                                                                     Saturday 17 March 2018       Drumline auditions (metro only)
be invited to join drumline.
                                                                     Friday 23 March 2018         Invitations issued to join drumline and djembe
                                                                                                  (metro and regional)
Featured drumline                                                    Friday 20 April 2018         Acceptances due back from schools
                                                                     Saturday 28 April 2018       Rehearsal and techniques workshop
Of these successful students, up to 16 outstanding student           Saturday 5 May 2018          Featured rehearsal
drummers from Years 9-12 will be asked to join the featured          Friday 18 May – Saturday 19 Featured Artists’ Workshop – featured drumline
drumline and participate in a featured solo in the drumline          May 2018                    rehearsal
item.                                                                Sunday 3 June 2018           Rehearsal
                                                                     Saturday 16 June 2018        Rehearsal
Rehearsals will be held between April and July and will              Saturday 23 June 2018        Featured rehearsal
be facilitated by a specialist percussion tutor. Featured            Saturday 7 July 2018         Rehearsal – marching
drumline are required to attend additional rehearsals to             Tuesday 10 July 2018         Rehearsal
learn a more complex repertoire. Regional schools are not            Wed 11 July 2018             Sound check and rehearsal

required to travel to Brisbane until show week commencing            Thurs 12 July 2018           Full cast technical rehearsal
                                                                     Friday 13 July 2018          Full cast dress rehearsal, schools preview
Tuesday 10 July 2018.                                                                             matinee performance and evening performance
Coordinating teachers will be provided with music scores             Saturday 14 July 2018        Matinee and evening performance

and MP3 teaching material. Students are required to play
                                                                    Please note: Djembes rehearsals to be confirmed following acceptances
their music from memory by the June rehearsal. Style and            in April. Drumline rehearsal to be confirmed with invitation.
performance elements will be taught during the rehearsals.

Category requirements
• Students must nominate their drum type as either snare,
  tenor, bass or djembe.
   – Preference is given to high tension drums, with high
     tension drum heads for their cleanliness and sound.
   – It is expected that all performers have the correct
     sticks and mallets. For example, marching snare
     sticks, marching tenor sticks, marching bass drum
• Audition footage must be submitted for each individual
  student (not as a group). Footage should be no longer
  than 90 seconds and include:
   – a 30-second piece that includes accented and non-
     accented notes (to be played with a metronome)
   – a single stroke roll, double stroke open roll, and
     paradiddle from slow to fast (not to be played with a
• Student and drum are to be visible in the footage (not
  hidden by music stand).
• To achieve a good quality video, students may wish to
  play using a practice pad or record audio via an external
  microphone. Please also ensure audition footage meets
  the requirements outlined on page 4.
                                                           Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2018         Nomination guidelines         17
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