Preventing Pandemics - With a mandate to anticipate next-generation threats, DARPA has helped lay technological foundations for ending COVID-19 ...

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Preventing Pandemics - With a mandate to anticipate next-generation threats, DARPA has helped lay technological foundations for ending COVID-19 ...

  With a mandate to anticipate next-generation threats,
DARPA has helped lay technological foundations for ending
       COVID-19 and preventing future pandemics
Preventing Pandemics - With a mandate to anticipate next-generation threats, DARPA has helped lay technological foundations for ending COVID-19 ...
vaccines has been transformational.                  is a remarkably simple and elegant                    trial also demonstrated that this new
                                                                                                                                    In 2012 with its ADEPT:PROTECT                       biological process,” says program                     type of vaccine could elicit protective
                                                                                                                                    program* (and usually known for short                manager Amy Jenkins, who now                          levels of antibodies in humans.
                                                                                                                                    as ADEPT), DARPA began investing                     oversees the P3 program along with
                                                                                                                                    in the development of gene-encoded                   other programs that could transform                   As the COVID-19 outbreak began early
                                                                                                                                    vaccines, a new category of preventive               and empower society’s responses to                    in 2020, former DARPA performers
                                                                                                                                    measures based on DNA or RNA. DNA                    infectious-disease threats.                           and others swiftly adapted their new
                                                                                                                                    is the celebrity biological molecule                                                                       nucleic acid vaccine platforms to create
                                                                                                                                    that encodes genes; RNA is a related                 DARPA’s investments in this R&D                       RNA and DNA vaccine candidates
                                                                                                                                    molecule that shuttles the DNA code                  space helped to reinforce an entire                   against SARS-CoV-2. Moderna’s RNA
                                                                                                                                    from the cell’s nucleus to cellular                  community of nucleic-acid vaccine                     vaccine was the first COVID vaccine
                                                                                                                                    machinery that converts that genetic
                                                                                                                                                                                         researchers and led directly, with                    to enter clinical trials and advanced
                                                                                                                                    information into proteins that do the                the biotechnology firm Moderna                        in July 2020 to Phase 3 studies in
                                                                                                                                    cell’s work, including neutralizing                  as a contracted performer on the                      30,000 subjects. On December 18,
                                                                                                                                    infectious agents. In this new vaccine               ADEPT program, to some of the first                   2020, the Moderna vaccine received
                                                                                                                                    strategy — which is at the basis of the              experimental vaccines based on                        FDA Emergency Use Authorization
The public health community has long        than years. Now those investments           an audacious portfolio of projects          highly effective COVID-19 vaccines                   so-called messenger RNA (mRNA).                       (EUA) approval for the prevention of
known that pandemics are sure bets,         are undergirding history’s most rapid       designed to generate pandemic-              that have begun to protect millions                  Initial targets for these new vaccines                COVID-19. Inovio, another DARPA
that they are certain to intermittently     mobility of innovation for quashing a       stopping know-how and to act on that        of people — genes that encode                        included emerging diseases such                       performer, reported positive findings
visit upon us devastating degrees of        raging pandemic. And given the broad        knowledge by dramatically reducing the      immune-stimulating antigens, such                    as Chikungunya (ChikV). Moderna                       for its DNA vaccine, with efficacious
illness, death, and economic loss. The      applicability of these technologies, this   time it takes to scale-up the means for     as the now infamous spike protein                    subsequently used company funding                     immune response observed in 34 of 36
current COVID-19 pandemic is just the       spate of public-health research will        preventing, diagnosing, and treating        on the surface of SARS-CoV-2, are                    to conduct a Phase I clinical trial with              (94%) subjects enrolled in the Phase
latest in a series of pandemics that        contribute to the desperately needed        any infectious disease that might arise,    delivered directly to a recipient’s body.            22 healthy volunteers using an mRNA-                  I safety study. The company initiated
historians have traced back thousands       technology base for meeting infectious      even ones the world has never seen          There, the instructions carried in the               encoded ChikV antibody. This marked                   Phase 2/3 studies to determine
of years. Caused by the severe acute        disease threats in the future, whether      before.                                     DNA or RNA elicit the body’s own                     the first safety demonstration of this                efficacy and dose protocols on
respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2          they are localized outbreaks or fast-                                                   cells to manufacture the antigenic                   RNA-based medical countermeasure.                     November 16, 2020.
(SARS-CoV-2), COVID-19 has become           growing epidemics and pandemics.            The pillars of DARPA’s pandemic             viral protein which, in turn, elicits an             Moderna reported these promising
the worst pandemic since the flu                                                        portfolio fall into the categories          immune response to the virus. “This                  results of its clinical study in 2019. The
pandemic of 1918-1919, which killed         Underscoring this point, representatives    of prevention, diagnostics, and
tens of millions of people around the       Jim Langevin and Elise Stefanik, the        treatments.
globe. As January 2021 was coming           chairman and ranking member of the
to a close, COVID-19 was closing in         House Armed Services Committee’s            PATHWAYS TO PREVENTION
on 100 million infections and already       Subcommittee on Intelligence and            Effective vaccines prevent people from
had surpassed 2.1 million deaths            Emerging Threats and Capabilities,          getting sick even if they are exposed to
worldwide, including well over 25           note in a joint op-ed published in          an otherwise infectious agent, whether
million infections and 420,000 deaths       The Hill on May 21, 2020, “DARPA’s          it be a seasonal flu virus, the measles
in the United States.                       investments in biotechnology and            virus (Rubeola), or SARS-CoV-2.
                                            pandemic preparedness have given us         Vaccines do this by mimicking a viral or
It’s DARPA’s job to anticipate and, if      our best chance at developing a rapid       bacterial threat in a way that mobilizes
possible, develop technologies for          testing and treatment capability for        the immune system into behaving as
pre-empting and even eliminating            COVID-19. DARPA’s projects aimed to         though the host is under attack and
threats that are likely to challenge the    revolutionize how our country develops      then retaining an ability to counter such
DoD’s ability to carry out its mission in   capabilities using the properties of        attacks in the future. Conventional
the coming years and decades. With          biology to protect our women and            vaccines achieve this effect by exposing
our warfighters deploying potentially       men in uniform, while simultaneously        the immune system to key pathogen-
anywhere in the world, infectious           preparing the nation to prevent and         borne proteins along with stimulating
disease is prominent among those            defend against biological threats.”         the immune system (e.g., with
challenges. In the past 15 years, DARPA                                                 adjuvant). Nearly all existing vaccine
has stepped up its commitment to            Just as massive wildfires can be            strategies, however, require laborious,
delivering the scientific understanding     prevented by putting out smaller            expensive, and lengthy development
and technologies required for               fires before they spread, so too can        time to counter each new threat.
preventing, diagnosing, and treating        localized outbreaks of disease be
infectious disease in timeframes            quashed or prevented before they grow       This is where DARPA’s groundbreaking        A follow-on effort to the ADEPT program, known as the Pandemic Prevention Platform program, aims to take pandemics off of the list of humanity’s angsts
much faster than have been possible         into pandemics. With that dynamic                                                       with a range of technologies and practices marked by early detection of an outbreak and, within 60 days, development and widescale deployment of protective
                                                                                        push to develop so-called nucleic-acid      countermeasures.
so far – weeks and months, rather           in mind, DARPA has been managing
Preventing Pandemics - With a mandate to anticipate next-generation threats, DARPA has helped lay technological foundations for ending COVID-19 ...
In addition to DARPA, the Department         (KC10, KC46, KC135, C5, C17, and            PATHWAYS TO DIAGNOSIS                      means that ECHO researchers are
of Health and Human Services (HHS)           C130J) were tested within one week                                                     on track to delivering diagnostic and
                                                                                         In partnership with prevention,
and the Joint Program Executive Office       and USTRANSCOM received valuable                                                       prognostic tools that are likely to help
                                                                                         diagnosis is a critical aspect of
for Chemical, Biological, Radiological       risk-assessment data by the end of                                                     guide individualized quarantine and
                                                                                         pandemic response. Rapid discovery,
and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND)             April 2020 to guide military transport                                                 treatment protocols.
                                                                                         validation, and manufacture of
have both invested heavily in clinical       safety measures. Commercial aircraft
                                                                                         diagnostic tools that the public-health
development and/or manufacturing to          (B737-800, A319, B767-300, and                                                         ECHO program performers already
                                                                                         community can use to detect any
bring these nucleic-acid vaccines to the     B777-200) were also tested to assess                                                   have received EUA approval for a
                                                                                         disease threat, anytime, anywhere
clinic, and – in the case of Moderna’s       exposure risk to crew members and                                                      direct viral saliva test. This is the first
                                                                                         is the raison d’etre of two DARPA
RNA vaccine – to the American public.        passengers. Those studies, coordinated                                                 manufacturer’s EUA for diagnosis of
                                                                                         programs: Detect It with Gene Editing
                                             with aircraft manufacturers, involved                                                  COVID-19 from saliva. The performers
                                                                                         Technologies (DIGET) and Epigenetic
Another pillar of prevention in public       aerosol sources placed in different seat                                               will be submitting an EUA application
                                                                                         CHaracterization and Observation
health is the detection of even low          locations to represent “sick” individuals                                              to the FDA in February 2021 for
levels of disease agents and DARPA           and highly spatially-resolved sampling                                                 additional host-based diagnostics.
has been developing potentially game-        and analysis to map out the movement                                                   Meanwhile, DARPA is coordinating
                                                                                         Current diagnostic tools screen blood,
changing technologies in this arena too.     of aerosolized particles throughout the                                                further development of the saliva test
                                                                                         saliva, and other body fluids from
The DARPA SIGMA+ program, for one,           aircraft.                                                                              in partnership with NIH’s RADx (Rapid
                                                                                         infected individuals to detect molecular
is on its way to delivering networked                                                                                               Acceleration of Diagnostics) program.
                                                                                         signatures – usually nucleic acids (DNA
sensors that can detect chemical,            Testing on military aircraft found
                                                                                         and RNA) or protein – of a virus. With
biological, radiological, nuclear and        that smoke barriers offer excellent                                                    Somewhat earlier in the DARPA pipeline
                                                                                         DIGET and ECHO, DARPA is supporting
explosive threats. One of the SIGMA+         protection to particle penetration                                                     are next-generation diagnostics
                                                                                         innovators whose sights are on new
projects seeks to reduce the time to         between cabin zones, especially in the                                                 based on CRISPR technology, which
                                                                                         diagnostic technologies that detect
sample and monitor even low levels of        KC135, KC46, and KC10. Testing on                                                      usually is associated with gene
                                                                                         ultra-low amounts of viral nucleic acid
environmental pathogens from thirty          commercial aircraft cabins indicated                                                   editing. DARPA program managers are
                                                                                         as well as the subtle but detectable
minutes to a few seconds. In response        that even those passengers in                                                          instead pursuing it as an approach to
                                                                                         “genetic marks” that past and current
to the pandemic, DARPA program               neighboring seats to a “sick” passenger                                                detecting virus-revealing nucleic-acid
                                                                                         infections can leave behind along gene-
manager Mark Wrobel has tasked               are at extremely low exposure risk                                                     sequences. CRISPR-based diagnostics
                                                                                         carrying chromosomes and that reflect
researchers to update the sensors            due to the high air-exchange rates                                                     may offer advantages compared to
                                                                                         an individual’s likely response to an
with the ability to identify molecular       (25 CFM per passenger), HEPA                                                           state-of-the-art technologies. For
signatures for SARS-CoV-2. This will         filtration, and downward air flow. More                                                example, they appear more amenable
open the way to sensor systems that          specifically, the analysis suggested                                                   to simultaneous analysis of multiple
                                                                                         When the COVID-19 outbreak began
persistently monitor for the virus in        that all passengers within 40 rows of                                                  pathogens, allowing a single test to
                                                                                         spreading early in 2020, DARPA
large public spaces such as airports,        a COVID-19 infected individual in a                                                    distinguish, for example, SARS-CoV-2
                                                                                         recognized the potential for the ECHO
transportation hubs, and hospitals. To       commercial aircraft (B777-200 and                                                      infections from the flu and other
                                                                                         and DIGET programs to aid in the fight
further that cause, DARPA is working         B767-300) with the specified HVAC                                                      respiratory infections.
                                                                                         against the pandemic through rapid
with researchers in the SIGMA+               settings would experience at least a
                                                                                         and early detection. DARPA program
program to collect additional field data     99.7% reduction in exposure risk (or                                                   DARPA also has been supporting other
                                                                                         managers quickly refocused their
and to soon move toward operational          3 orders of magnitude). The average                                                    diagnostics-based efforts, including
                                                                                         diagnostic research teams to target
demonstrations of the technology.            exposure risk reduction was 99.99% for                                                 ones that reveal how the technology
                                                                                         the novel coronavirus as a test of
                                             passengers in the B777-200 and B767-                                                   can help move society back toward
                                                                                         their developing technologies. In one
In tandem with this maturing research,       300 while in flight with the specified                                                 normalcy. Among these studies is
                                                                                         uplifting result in light of the large
DARPA has initiated the SenSARS              HVAC settings.                                                                         one undertaken with the U.S. Marine
                                                                                         amount of disease transmission from
program to rapidly survey technologies                                                                                              Corps and the Naval Medical Research
                                                                                         symptom-free people infected with
that may provide real-time detection         Several commercial aircraft operators                                                  Center and known as CHARM, which
                                                                                         SARS-CoV-2, a test developed in the
of SARS-CoV-2 in offices, classrooms,        immediately acted on this information                                                  stands for COVID-19 Health Action
                                                                                         ECHO program demonstrated 99.1%
conference rooms, and buildings to           to minimize exposure risk in their                                                     Response for Marines (CHARM). DARPA
                                                                                         accuracy in diagnosing COVID-19. By
help accelerate a safe return to work        flights. All of the testing data has been                                              provided near-real-time diagnostic
                                                                                         harvesting specific cells from saliva,
and school for the U.S. population.          made available to the public through                                                   results for over 3,500 Marine recruits
                                                                                         mucus, or blood, this technology has
With the same view on returning              the USTRANSCOM website to help                                                         to ensure that training at Parris Island
                                                                                         shown that it is not only possible to
to normalcy, DARPA responded to              manufacturers and commercial aircraft                                                  could continue through the entirety
                                                                                         diagnose COVID-19 36 hours earlier
a request from the Commander of              carriers in their own studies to evaluate                                              of 2020 and into 2021. Data from
                                                                                         than conventional tests, but also that
USTRANSCOM to evaluate the risk              countermeasures and risk-mitigation                                                    this investigation led to updated CDC
                                                                                         within the first five days of infection,
of aerosol exposure to SARS-CoV-2            strategies for improving the safety of                                                 quarantine guidelines that reduced
                                                                                         the severity of a patient’s yet-to-
among individuals in military and            passengers during the pandemic.                                                        the necessary quarantine period from
                                                                                         show symptoms can be predicted
commercial aircraft. All military aircraft                                                                                          14 to 10 days for individuals testing         DARPA researchers at Vanderbilt University working on antibody discovery.
                                                                                         based on these genetic marks. This
Preventing Pandemics - With a mandate to anticipate next-generation threats, DARPA has helped lay technological foundations for ending COVID-19 ...
positive for COVID-19, as outlined in a                                                                                                          of two antibodies discovered by                     against COVID-19. The drug Zotatifin,      or APIs, which are the critical
November 2020 New England Journal                                                                                                                scientists at Vanderbilt University and             a protein-synthesis inhibitor identified   ingredients for final drug formulations.
of Medicine.                                                                                                                                     licensed by AstraZeneca — entered                   by Panacea performers with their           Under Make-It, researchers automated
                                                                                                                                                 large-scale Phase 2/3 clinical studies              interactome map, is entering a Phase       and expanded production to enable
PATHWAYS TO ANTIBODY-                                                                                                                            in August and November 2020,                        1 clinical trial with investment support   the flexible and scalable manufacture
BASED TREATMENTS AND                                                                                                                             respectively. Based on the results,                 from the Defense Health Agency.            of a broad range of APIs. Current
PROPHYLACTICS                                                                                                                                    bamlanivimab received FDA EUA on                                                               efforts focus on addressing regulatory
                                                                                                                                                 November 9, 2020, for treatment of                  It is one thing to discover new            approval requirements and adapting
If it becomes too late to prevent                                                                                                                recently diagnosed COVID-19 among                   pharmaceutical treatments;                 the technology for producing critical
an infection, and if a diagnosis                                                                                                                 individuals at high risk of developing              manufacturing and distributing             medicines and precursors needed to
confirms a patient has COVID-19,                                                                                                                 severe disease. Studies evaluating                  them in amounts sufficient to treat        treat critical-care COVID-19 patients.
then it falls to treatment to save                                                                                                               AZD7442’s clinical efficacy are ongoing.            everyone who can benefit is another.
the patient and minimize additional                                                                                                              Additionally, P3 performers are                     Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic has          PREVENTING PANDEMICS
transmission. Through novel antibody                                                                                                             developing RNA-encoded monoclonal                   highlighted vulnerabilities in the U.S.
treatments, rapid drug discovery,                                                                                                                antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2 and                 pharmaceutical supply chain. With          When DARPA initiated research on
and domestic manufacture of key                                                                                                                  are aiming for clinical studies in 2021.            its programs aimed at transforming         rapid disease response more than a
medicinal compounds known as active                                                                                                                                                                  how chemists synthesize molecules          decade ago, no one could predict what
pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs),                                                                                                               Another potential route for rapidly                 and manufacture chemicals in               diseases would emerge and when,
DARPA has been leveraging its ongoing                                                                                                            discovering treatments amidst the                   sufficient quantities, DARPA also is       only that they would. Now, the results
research base to hasten the availability                                                                                                         sudden arrival of new infectious agents             tackling this practical part of outbreak   of these DARPA projects are playing
                                             Among the many organ-on-chip modules that have been delivered under the MPS program is this Lung-
of COVID-19 treatments.                                                                                                                          is to mine already FDA-approved drugs               prevention and management.                 a leading and catalytic role in today’s
                                             on-a-Chip, which was developed by researchers at the Wyss Institute.
                                             (Photo courtesy of the Wyss Institute)                                                              for ones that might be repurposed into              Under DARPA’s Make-It program, for         fight against COVID-19. In typical
A key part of P3, notes program                                                                                                                  effective treatments. DARPA started                 example, researchers are developing        DARPA fashion, the agency conducted
manager Jenkins, always has                  from COVID-19 have antibodies in                  less than 90 days as opposed to the               taking steps to make this possible a                and commercializing technology             technology development efforts years
been to develop antibody-based               their blood that bind to SARS-CoV-2.              years it previously had taken.                    decade ago when the agency initiated                that directly addresses these supply       before they were needed, leading to
countermeasures for preventing               In fact, they often have thousands of                                                               its MicroPhysiological Systems (MPS)                vulnerabilities to enable an end-to-end,   high-impact technologies that are key
disease outbreaks from spreading             different antiviral antibodies that range         As the COVID-19 outbreak began early              program. That led to a pathbreaking                 deployable, and scalable capability for    to mitigating the current pandemic.
by treating those who are vulnerable         in effectiveness in neutralizing the              in 2020, DARPA alerted P3 research                drug-screening technology based on                  the production of medicines made from      Perhaps even more consequential is
to exposure — perhaps because                virus. By identifying the most powerful           teams to be ready to address the                  human “organ-on-a-chip systems,”                    readily available ingredients that can     the generic nature of many of these
they are in the vicinity of infected         antibodies, it is possible to develop             novel coronavirus as the next test.               which are versatile laboratory                      be sourced within the U.S.                 disease-fighting technologies, i.e., the
individuals — with pathogen-stopping         targeted and potent antibody-based                Once blood samples were recovered                 surrogates for whole-animal and human                                                          applicability to what the World Health
antibodies. “The ability to use these        treatments and prophylactics.                     from some of the earliest COVID-19                clinical tests. Now these commercially-             The Make-It technology began taking        Organization refers to as “Disease
same preventive antibodies [to treating                                                        patients, it took only three weeks for            available systems are being used to                 shape under DARPA’s Battlefield            X,” which signifies an infectious and
those who do become infected] is an          Years before the current pandemic,                potent antibodies to be discovered.               rapidly screen drugs to treat COVID-19.             Medicine program nearly a decade           contagious illness that no one has
awesome side-effect of their utility and     DARPA had scored a success in                     Manufacturing of these antibodies                 Adding to this drug-screening strategy              ago. That program sought to                seen before. COVID-19 is just the
so that became a focus for COVID-19          manufacturing an antibody that                    started soon after that. The first clinical       is work in DARPA’s Panacea program                  establish proof-of-concept for a field-    latest Disease X. There will be more
because we had few other treatment           binds to the Ebola virus. It became               trial of a P3-discovered antibody                 that yielded the first published human/             deployable pharmacy kit to assist          of them and DARPA’s extensive and
options,” said Jenkins.                      the basis of one of the two approved              product began on June 1, 2020 –                   SARS-CoV-2 protein interactome map.                 military medical personnel treating        continuously growing platform of
                                             Ebola treatments and is a large part              under 90 days from receipt of the first           This data-rich tool describes how                   service men and women in forward           pandemic-stopping technologies
More specifically, a primary treatment       of the reason why Ebola is becoming a             blood samples. Two additional P3-                 the proteins in and on SARS-CoV-2                   operations. Researchers in the program     – spanning from prevention to
and prophylaxis strategy DARPA is            manageable infectious disease rather              discovered antibodies were combined               particles interact with human cells and             demonstrated the ability to produce        diagnostics to treatment – will be ready
pursuing capitalizes on the successful       than one dreaded for its pandemic                 into a “cocktail” or combination                  it has been used worldwide in the fight             four active pharmaceutical ingredients,    to use in humanity’s defense.
immune responses of people who have          potential. However, the actual Ebola              product, and this treatment entered
recovered from COVID-19. When people         antibody-discovery work, performed                clinical studies in August 2020. HHS
fight off a viral infection, their immune    by the National Institutes of Health,             and JPEO-CBRND have both invested
systems manage to identify and then          took years. In FY2016, DARPA initiated            significant funds with major drug
mass-manufacture antibodies. These           the P3 program aimed squarely at                  manufacturers to make and test P3-
are specialized protein molecules with       the rapid discovery, testing, and                 derived antibody products.
astonishing abilities to specifically bind   manufacture of antibody treatments
to molecular motifs on pathogenic            to fight any emerging disease threat.             Following successful Phase 1 clinical                                                                                                            *Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable
particles such as viruses. That antibody     Using influenza, Zika, and MERS                   safety trials, both of these antibody                                                                                                            Prevention and Therapeutics (ADEPT):
response hobbles the virus particles         (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome)                products – bamlanivimab, the antibody                                                                                                            Diagnostics on Demand (DxOD);
and flags them for destruction by            as test cases, researchers in the P3              discovered by AbCellera Biologics and                                                                                                            Prophylactic Options to Environmental
other components of the immune               program demonstrated how to find and              licensed by Eli Lilly; and AZD7442,               An organ-on-chip module developed by the Wyss Institute undergoes testing.                     and Contagious Threats (PROTECT)
system. Those who have recovered             manufacture neutralizing antibodies in            the combination product comprised                 (Image courtesy of the Wyss Institute)
Preventing Pandemics - With a mandate to anticipate next-generation threats, DARPA has helped lay technological foundations for ending COVID-19 ...
A researcher from the University of Nebraska Medical Center suits up to
               collect samples from a COVID-19 patient.

                            Latest revision on 1/29/2021
Preventing Pandemics - With a mandate to anticipate next-generation threats, DARPA has helped lay technological foundations for ending COVID-19 ... Preventing Pandemics - With a mandate to anticipate next-generation threats, DARPA has helped lay technological foundations for ending COVID-19 ... Preventing Pandemics - With a mandate to anticipate next-generation threats, DARPA has helped lay technological foundations for ending COVID-19 ... Preventing Pandemics - With a mandate to anticipate next-generation threats, DARPA has helped lay technological foundations for ending COVID-19 ...
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