Page created by Ivan Sherman
        Rev. William A. With, Pastor
  Rev. Michael C. Gribbon, Parochial Vicar
 Mrs. Margaret Foti, Director of Faith Formation
     Mr. Jake Montagnino, Director of Music
 Ms. Kaitlyn Hardy, Resurrection Sports Association
Also Ministered by The Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood
   2331 Gerritsen Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11229
    Phone: 718-743-7234 Fax: 718-743-0152
    Email:                              Sඝඖඌඉඡ Fඍඊකඝඉකඡ 27:
       Website:                       Eඑඏඐගඐ Sඝඖඌඉඡ එඖ Oකඌඑඖඉකඡ Tඑඕඍ
Weekday: 8:30 a.m.                                              Saturday 5:00 ඘.ඕ. - John Hindle, Sr.
Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m.                                                (1st Anniversary)
Sunday: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.                              Sunday 9:00 a.m. - The People of the Parish
Confession                                                          11:00 a.m. - Patricia Kienzle
Saturday: 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.                                      M඗ඖඌඉඡ, Fඍඊකඝඉකඡ 28:
(in crying room in the vestibule of Church)                     8:30 a.m. - Patricia (Patty) O’Malley
Other times: By arrangement with Priest.
Rectory Office Hours
                                                                         Tඝඍඛඌඉඡ, Mඉකඋඐ 1:
Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon                     8:30 a.m. - The Holy Souls in Purgatory
                     1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.                           Wඍඌඖඍඛඌඉඡ, Mඉකඋඐ 2:
(Closed on Saturday & Sunday)                                             Aඛඐ Wඍඌඖඍඛඌඉඡ
Administrative Assistant: Kaitlyn Hardy
ACA/Bulletin Editor: Mary Jane Young                              8:30 a.m. - Rev. Edward Bottino
                                                                     4:00 p.m. - Prayer Service
Resurrection Office of Faith Formation                             7:30 p.m. - Priest’s Intentions
Phone: 718-891-0888 Fax: 347-875-1175
Mrs. Margaret Foti, Director                                            Tඐඝකඛඌඉඡ, Mඉකඋඐ 3:
Mrs. Teresa Zwosta, Secretary                                        Sඉඑඖග Kඉගඐඉකඑඖඍ Dකඍචඍඔ
                                                                 8:30 a.m. - no intention requested
Good Shepherd Catholic Academy
1943 Brown Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229                                 Fඑකඛග Fකඑඌඉඡ, Mඉකඋඐ 4:
Phone: 718-339-2745 Fax: 718-645-4513                                       Sඉඑඖග Cඉඛඑඕඑක
Parish Membership:                                                  8:30 a.m. - Petrina D’Amico
Every parishioner should be formally registered. Like-
wise, parishioners are encouraged to use the Sunday
                                                                    Fඑකඛග Sඉගඝකඌඉඡ, Mඉකඋඐ 5:
collection envelopes. We invite you to register at the      8:30 a.m. - Pasqualino & Dorothy Lombardi
Rectory or complete a registration form, found in                         Sunday, March 6:
Church, and drop off at the Rectory or register online.
                                                                        First Sunday of Lent
Baptisms:                                                  Saturday 5:00 p.m. - Naomi Fives & Spike Schalk
Usually, on the second Sunday of the month at 12:15              9:00 a.m. - The People of the Parish
p.m. Parents wishing to have their child baptized must
attend a class prior to the Baptism. Classes are usually               11:00 a.m. - Ida Febres
held the first Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m..
Please call the Rectory to register.
                                                                       Saturday, February 26
Marriages:                                                              Blessed Virgin Mary
Arrangements must be made with the Priest at least 6
months prior to the wedding. One party should be a
                                                                     8:30 a.m. - Evelyn Deninno
For Pre-Cana visit:      The Eucharistic Gifts of Wine & Altar Breads for
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):               the Weekend Liturgies have been offered:
For those wishing to become Catholic or wish to receive
1st Communion or Confirmation. Please call the Rectory.              Lawrence E. Ryan, Jr.
                                                             Requested by: Chuck & Mary Jane Young
Anointing of the Sick:
Anyone scheduled to enter the hospital or is sick should
be anointed. The anointing of the sick is held every
Saturday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Just ask the Priest
and he will pray with you and administer the Sacrament
of the Sick.
Devotions:                                                 The Eucharistic Gifts of Wine & Altar Breads for
The Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary are recited            the Weekday Liturgies have been offered for:
after the 8:30 a.m. Mass every Monday. The Rosary is
recited everyday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.                      Deceased Members of the Lombardi
                                                                        & Motta Families
R. C. Diocese of Brooklyn Catholic Cemeteries:
Please contact 718-894-4888 for more information.                Requested by: Patricia Lombardi
Eighth Sunday in
                 You are all in our prayers.                                      Ordinary Time
              Praying that you and your loved                                   February 27, 2022
                 ones are well & stay safe.                                 Every tree is known by
                                                                            its own fruit. For people
                                                       do not pick figs from thornbushes, nor do they
                                                       gather grapes from brambles. — Luke 6:44
                The Sick of Our Parish
                Debbie Baisden, Lilianna Biscone,
                  Carol Cartmel, Charles Comi,
                 Danielle DelDuca, Lori DeMario,       As we approach the season of Lent, Paul’s first
  Vincent Ferguson, Teresa Ferrier, Judy French,       letter to the Corinthians gives us a sneak peek
   Bernadette Gallagher, Gerard Gribbon, Janet         of Easter, waiting for us on the other side:
   Jemec, Sr. Helen Kearney, Geraldine Kopp,           “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O
     Patricia Lombardi, Lauretta McDonough,            death, is your sting?” Paul’s conclusion, telling
   Marilyn Meyer, Fr. Peter Rayder, Ela Reyes,         us to remain steadfast and devoted to the
        Nicholas Rodick, Charles Shelley,
  Anthony Siconolfi, Mary Siconolfi, William Smith,
                                                       Lord’s work, could serve as a Lenten motto.
            Barbara Stilp, young Vivian,               The reading from Sirach provides a series of
     Joseph Wernersbach, Stephen Wiegand               adages regarding discipline of the tongue, and
                                                       of our speech. Maybe not a bad Lenten
  Kindly notify the Rectory with any updates.
                                                       practice to observe. Even Jesus in Luke’s
                                                       Gospel gets into the act, encouraging a
                                                       cleansing of the heart (“A clean heart create for
                                                       me, God” we will sing in Psalm 51 during Lent),
             Updating our Sick List                    so that from the goodness of our heart we will
                                                       bring good into the world. Of course, these
As of the new year, we have updated our                insights from Sirach, Paul, and Luke serve us
sick list. If you were unable to notify us in          quite well year-round. What we truly do “in the
time and the name was removed, just call               Lord” is never done in vain.
the Rectory and we will be glad to add it                                                          Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
back on. Thank you.
                                                       Today’s Readings: Sir 27:4–7; Ps 92:2–3, 13–14,
                                                       15–16; 1 Cor 15:54–58; Lk 6:39–45
                 Please Pray for Vocations
              “Shine like lights in the world as you
              hold on to the word of life.” Are You    Reflection question: How can I help bring about
              called to belong to Christ alone as a    God’s peaceful reign?
              priest, deacon or through the            Collect text from the English translation of The Roman Missal, © 2010, International Commis-
                                                       sion on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
              consecrated life?                        Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company, Inc.
 Contact the Vocation Office at (718)827-2454 or
                                                                           READINGS FOR THE WEEK
             Jesus, Savior of the world, sanctify      Monday:   1 Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9, 10c;
              Thy Priests and Sacred Ministers.                  Mk 10:17-27
                       Please pray for:                Tuesday: 1 Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-
Sun. Feb. 27: Rev. Nicholas Appollonio                           31
                Seminarian Thomas Thornton             Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14,
Mon. Feb. 28: Rev. Francisco Ares                                   17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6,
                Seminarian Timothy Johnson                          16-18
Tues. Mar. 1: Pray for All Priests & Seminarians       Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25
Wed. Mar. 2: Pray for All Priests & Seminarians        Friday:   Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt
Thurs. Mar. 3: Pray for All Priests & Seminarians                9:14-15
                                                       Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32
Fri. Mar. 4:    Pray for All Priests & Seminarians
                                                       Sunday: Dt 26:4-10; Ps 91:1-2, 10-15;
Sat. Mar. 5:    Pray for All Priests & Seminarians               Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13
Resurrection Parish Mission Statement
          PARISH NEWS                                  We, the Body of Christ of Resurrection
                                                       Parish in Gerritsen Beach, Brooklyn,
                                                       proclaim our service to God, our Church,
      THIS WEEK AT RESURRECTION                        and our Community. We celebrate the
Sunday, February 27th                                  sacramental life of the Church to serve the
10:15am — Choir Rehearsal (Church)                     needs of our parishioners and neighbors
Monday, February 28th                                  always with faith, hope and charity to grow
9:00am — The Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary          in love and service to God and one another.
Rectory Closed                                         As a community of believers we will build
7:00-8:15pm—Faith Formation Classes                    up our parish as Jesus proclaimed that He
        Gr. 5 (Rectory) Gr. 4, 6, 7 (Church)           is “The Resurrection and the Life.”
Tuesday, March 1st
9:00am — Rosary (Church)                                 I am the Resurrection and the Life
Wednesday, March 2nd
                                                                   2021 PARISH SUPPORT PROGRAM
9:00am — Rosary (Church)
                                                                   All parishioners are asked to use the
3:30-4:45—Faith Formation Classes
                                                                   weekly offertory envelopes. Please
        Gr. 1 (Rectory) Gr. 2 & 3 (Church)                                 register at the rectory.
4:00pm—Prayer Service (Church)
                                                              February 27     Weekly Offering
7:30pm—Ash Wednesday Mass (Church)
                                                              March 2         Ash Wednesday
Thursday, March 3rd
9:00am — Rosary (Church)                                      March 6         Weekly Offering
                                                              March 6         Black & Indian Missions
Friday, March 4th
                                                       The funds are distributed as grants to dioceses
9:00am — Rosary (Church)
                                                       throughout the United States, supporting and
Saturday, March 5th
                                                       strengthening evangelization programs which
9:00am—Rosary (Church)
                                                       otherwise would cease.
10:30am—Baptism Class (Rectory)
4:00-4:30pm—Confessions (Church vestibule)
                                                                   The Lenten Pretzel Sale will be
                        Wednesday, March 2      nd                 held on Saturday, March 19th after
                         Day of Fast & Abstinence                  the 5 p.m. Mass and Sunday,
                              8:30am Mass
                                                                   March 20th after the 9 a.m. and
                          4:00pm Prayer Service                    11 a.m. Masses
                              7:30pm Mass              The pretzels are individually wrapped for safety
                                                       and they can be heated up at home.
                   Lent begins on Ash Wednesday
                   and ends with the Mass of the                          Rඍඛඝකකඍඋගඑ඗ඖ - 1250 CLUB
                   Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday                              next drawing for
                   Lent is a season in which                                   Mඉකඋඐ 20, 2022
                                                                          ਸ਼ਨਫਫ ਡਤ ਧਤਫਣ ਮਭ Mਮਭਣਠਸ Mਠ਱. 21ਲਲ਼
                   prayer, the reception of the
                   sacraments,     charity    and                           $10 D඗ඖඉගඑ඗ඖ
                   almsgiving are emphasized.             ඎ඗ක ඉ උඐඉඖඋඍ ග඗ ඟඑඖ ඉ ඘කඑජඍ ඗ඎ $1,250
                                                         Tඑඋඓඍගඛ ඉකඍ ඉඞඉඑඔඉඊඔඍ ඉග ගඐඍ කඍඋග඗කඡ

                                                                2021-2022 Baptism Class Dates
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: These are                 (1 or 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:30a.m.)

days of Fast and Abstinence from meat. There is a                   March 5, April 2, May 14
limit of one full meal on these days for all between            Please call the rectory to register
the ages of 18 and 59 inclusive.                                   2021-2022 Baptism Dates
All Fridays in Lent are Days of Abstinence: All              (2nd Sunday of the month at 12:15p.m.)
who have reached their 14th year are bound to            at other times by arrangement with the Priests
abstain from meat.                                                 March 13, April 3, May 15
What’s Happening Around Our Parish & Diocese
                                                     Congratulations and all God’s Blessings
                                                           to Father Joseph Zwosta
                                                     The Rector of Pope St. John XXIII Seminary in
                                                     Weston, Massachusetts has announced that he has
                                                     appointed Fr. Joseph Zwosta as Director of
                                                     Intellectual Formation and Academic Dean,
                                                     effective in May. This will be in addition to his
                                                     currect responsibilities for teaching and formation.
                                                     He is very grateful for this new opportunity to serve
                                                     the seminarians and faculty there.
                                                     Fr. Zwosta is a priest for the Diocese of Brooklyn/
                                                     Queens since 2012.

                                                     What does RCIA mean? RCIA stands for the Rite
                                                     of Christian Initiation for Adults. RCIA is the
                                                     process through which non-baptized adults prepare
                                                     for their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism,
                                                     Confirmation, & Eucharist), & through which those
                                                     baptized in other Christian faiths join into full
                                                     communion with the Catholic Church.
    GET THE BULLETIN E-MAILED                         For more information contact Fr. Mike Gribbon
   To receive a copy of the bulletin directly                         Resurrection accepts online
   emailed to you each week, subscribe at                                      donations                                 Visit
                                                                      Type Resurrection in the search box

                                                       Rehearsals Sunday morning 10:15 in Church
                                                      & attendance at the 11 a.m. Mass on Sundays.
    Take your FAITH ON A JOURNEY to                   Interested in becoming part of our Music Ministry,
                                                       please see Jake, our Music Director, after Mass
Fátima, Lourdes & Shrines of Spain (Portugal,
                                                          or leave a message for him at the Rectory.
 Spain & France) on this 12 day experience
September 2nd, 2022—September 13th, 2022                             Do you knit or would like to learn?
 Your included destinations while on this Journey:                      Join YARNS of LOVE
  Lisbon-Santarém-Fatima-Braga-Santiago de                              We meet once a month
  Compostela, Spain, Burgos-San IIgnacio de                            in the Rectory Basement
     Loyola-Lourdes, France, Carcassonne-                  For more information, please contact
          Montserrat-Barcelona, Spain                        Phyllis Addalli at 917-385-5735
 Mass & Rosary will be offered throughout your
                                                                    ST. VINCENT de PAUL
journey. Land prices begin at $2099 p/p, based                     Car Program Gives Back
 on double occupancy. Deposit of $500 p/p will
              reserve your space.                         For every car, truck, or van (running or not)
                                                      St. Vincent de Paul will give back to Resurrection
     For further information or to register,                       $75 to $200 per vehicle.
  contact Brian or Eileen at 860-399-1785 or          Please call St. Vincent de Paul at 718-491-2525                      to donate your old or neglected vehicle.
What are you doing to enrich your Marriage?                     Lifeline for Marriages
       Visit                            RETROUVAILLE (pronounced Retro-Vi)
  Full of resources for engaged & married couples
                                                                 (a program for married couples facing
                                                                 difficult challenges in their relationship)
                                                      •   A marriage program that helps couples restore
                                                          their marriage and rebuild a loving relationship.
                                                      • A Christian marriage program, Catholic in
                                                          origin, where couples of all faiths or no faith
                                                          background are encouraged to attend.
                                                      • Primarily a practical program to improve
                                                          communication, build stronger marriages, and
                                                          help couples reconnect.
                                                      Presenters are not trained marriage counselors, but
                                                      rather couples sharing their personal stories of
                                                      marital struggles and the tools they used to
                                                      rediscover their love.
                                                              The next Weekend is May 13, 2022
                                                          Immaculate Conception Seminary, Huntington, NY
                                                                     Contact: 516-405-0323

                                                                 Love one another
                                                                as I have loved you
                                                            JEREMIAH PROJECT 2022 RETREATS
                                                                 High School —College Students
                                                          Vocation Discernment Retreats for Young Men
  2021 Tax Contribution Statements                                          Immaculate Conception Center
   If you wish to receive a statement of your                                 7200 Douglaston Parkway
                                                                               Douglaston, NY 11362
  donations to Resurrection for 2021, please                                      Fr. Chris Bethge,
complete the following form and place it in the                                   Vocation Director
collection basket or return it to the parish office
         during office hours. Thank you.                           March 11-13      April 8-10
                                                                    May 6-8      June 10-12
                                                               Arrive Friday evening at 5:00 p.m.
Name: ___________________________________                     Depart Sunday afternoon at 1:00 p.m.
                                                            or call the Vocation Office at 718-827-2454
Phone: __________________________________                   Visit our website:

                                                                      PLEASE HELP KEEP YOUR
                                                                        PARISH UP TO DATE
_________________________________________                                  If you are new to our parish,
                                                                                  please register.
                                                                      If you have a new address, phone #
Envelope # (a # followed by a letter) _____________
                                                                       or have an email address to add or
                                                                          are moving out of the Parish,
    Please mail ______    Will pick-up ______             please contact the Rectory at 718-743-7234.
                                                           or Email
Rඍඛඝකකඍඋගඑ඗ඖ Oඎඎඑඋඍ ඗ඎ
                   Fඉඑගඐ F඗කඕඉගඑ඗ඖ
                  Fඉච: 347-875-1175
                 Mකඛ. Mඉකඏඉකඍග F඗ගඑ
 Mondays 7:00 - 8:15 p.m.—Grades 4-7
Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 p.m.—Grades 1-3

Monday, February 28th - Classes Resume

 Wednesday, March 2nd - Ash Wednesday
Grades 1, 2, 3 meet @ 3:30 p.m. in Church
  *All Students will be dismissed from
 All 4-7 graders & family members are
  Welcome to attend Ash Wednesday
    Services at 4:00 p.m. in Church
  Saturday, March 26th - First Penance
      2nd Grade 11:00 a.m. in Church
                                        Timothy P. Byrnes, Licensed Manager
                                                                         Mary Ellen P. Byrnes, Licensed Director
  2384 Gerritsen Ave.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (718) 743-1099
             Law Offices of Steven Smith                                                           WHY IS IT
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Take your FAITH ON A JOURNEY.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Call us today at 860-399-1785 or email
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Consider Remembering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Your Parish in Your Will.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         For further information,
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