Six workforce trends that will - Randstad USA

Page created by Sidney Sanders
Six workforce trends that will - Randstad USA
six workforce
            that will

dominate 2018.
                 human forward.
as we close the
books on 2017,

                       it’s time to
                 prepare for 2018.
As a trusted staffing partner in the post-digital world, Randstad’s executives
from across a broad range of disciplines weighed in on six key trends that will
impact the workplace in 2018 — and beyond.
Randstad experts identified several age-old challenges in addition to
emerging trends among digital, artificial intelligence (AI) and all things data.

money still talks — and employers
will finally start listening.
Wage stagnation has been rearing its ugly head
since the end of the Great Recession, leaving many
economists and business leaders wondering when
wage pressure will drive increases in compensation.
Nearly all Randstad executives agree that 2018 will
likely be the year that businesses will start paying up.
“Wage growth, while still rather anemic, will gain
momentum in 2018 due to the intense hunt for
talent,” said Jim Link, Randstad’s chief human
resources officer. “Those wishing to hire will need to
offer strong pay packages to attract the best talent.”
This is a greater reality for sectors that are having the
most difficulty securing hard-to-find talent, like IT.
“Many companies may not understand the impact
or the degree to which talent may cost them in
2018,” said Graig Paglieri, president of Randstad
Technologies and Engineering. “The war for talent has
driven up salaries and hiring managers need to weigh
the importance of the quality of a candidate versus
the cost to attain them.”
The slower pace of wage increases plaguing the
country’s labor market has allowed companies
to contain costs and regain capital — but the
honeymoon appears to be over. The increasing
turnover rates and recruiting difficulties for
companies can be directly attributed to the absence
of wage growth.
As Greg Dyer, president of Randstad’s Commercial
Staffing business, noted: “Some organizations have
yet to gain movement on wage inflation in order to
meet the continued pressure of finding the right
candidate for open positions. Companies that
continue to keep wages below market will struggle
with employee attraction and retention. It’s time to
realize that wages may win the people wars.”

growing importance of                             Flexibility in an organization’s workforce
                                                  model will also remain critical to achieving
flexibility in the attraction                     business objectives in 2018. “There’s a
                                                  misconception that, in order to attract the
and selection process.                            best candidate, you must limit your search
Offering flexible work options will continue      to hiring a full-time, permanent employee,”
to be table stakes for organizations seeking      Paglieri said. “However, as we know from
a leg up on their competition in attracting       our Workplace 2025 study, more companies
talent. Abundant research continues to            are expanding their use of agile talent to
show today’s candidates want and expect           fill one-time temporary resources, seasonal
the option to work from home, work part-          staffing needs, or bringing in highly-
time or have access to flexible scheduling.       specialized consultants to tackle critical
                                                  enterprise initiatives. The fact is, many
“If 2017 is any indicator of what’s to            workers are seeking project or consultant-
come, we’ll see a more flexible work day/         based work, with as much as 61 percent
week coupled with a more relaxed work             of the workforce choosing agile careers
environment,” Jodi Chavez, president of           by 2019.”
Randstad Professionals.
And, as Greg Dyer pointed out, flexible work
                                                  For additional insight into building an agile workforce,
arrangements will also be on the top of           read Randstad’s 5 Ways to Adapt Your HR Processes to the
many companies’ lists given the upside in         Growing Agile Workforce and Demystifying the
engagement and the potential to lower real        Future Workforce.
estate costs.
However, as we enter a new year, flexibility
will also be key in how hiring managers
and decision-makers approach the hiring
of talent. As talent pools become even
smaller in 2018 and the shortage of skilled
talent grows bigger, companies will need to
consider hiring for soft skills and culture fit
then upskilling for hard skills, or vice versa.
“Employers will need to become more
focused on training their existing or future
hires. The talent that exists doesn’t have
the depth of skills needed in many cases.
So, when they find the culture fit they are
looking for, it will be key to train those
candidates,” Chavez noted.

upskilling will help solve                    “When you broaden the scope of STEM
                                              to look at specific skills, and not jobs, the
the STEM skills gap.                          true scale of the skills gap becomes even
                                              more evident,” Link said. “Upskilling your
The World Economic Forum report states
                                              existing employees to address STEM skill
that by 2020, two million new jobs will be
                                              deficiencies is beneficial on many levels.
added in STEM disciplines. Already facing
                                              Tapping into your existing team means they
a shortage of these skills, companies will
                                              already have knowledge and insight in to
need to upskill educated people to help
                                              your organization, and have proven their
shore up these gaps.
                                              value to the company.”
“High demand roles in STEM fields
                                              Link suggested that upskilling effectively
will continue to be a primary focus for
                                              means foregoing traditional, time-
employers in 2018,” Link noted. “Despite
                                              consuming workshops or training sessions.
much of the conversation around STEM
                                              Today’s workers prefer to learn any time,
focusing on high-level jobs that require
                                              anywhere and on any device. Online
advanced degrees, mid-level STEM jobs
                                              learning and gamification are two ways
like computer support specialists, web
                                              companies can deliver valuable training in
developers and engineering technicians
                                              the formats workers find most engaging.
are in highest demand. These are
vacancies that present a real opportunity
for employers to upskill workers in need of
                                              For more resources for upskilling your workforce, consider
gainful employment.”                          Randstad’s 6 Questions to Start Positioning Your Skills
                                              Development Culture to Compete. To learn more about
A common theme among both Randstad’s          solving STEM challenges, download Randstad’s STEM
STEM research and our experts’ insight is     research, Overcoming the Barriers to STEM.
the growing need to increase workers’ STEM
skills, regardless of a specific profession
or industry. In the U.S., 80 percent of the
fastest-growing jobs depend on a mastery
of mathematics and scientific knowledge
and skills.

automation will help                            there’s room for these tools to evolve
                                                with the end game being little distinction
humans — not replace them.                      between talking to a robot versus a human.
                                                It’s also important to remember that, while
According to Randstad Sourceright’s 2017
                                                bots may work to screen candidates, it
Talent Trends survey, a majority (84 percent)
                                                would be very hard for a bot to assess
of C-suite executives and human capital
                                                the cultural or non-technical traits a
leaders believe AI and robotics will have an
                                                person brings to a company. Having said
impact on the workplace in the next three
                                                that, the speed of innovation in AI and
to five years. And research firm IDC projects
                                                machine learning is lightning fast, so more
the overall market for AI is expected to
                                                sophisticated chatbots and machines will
cross $46 billion by the end of 2020.
                                                keep you wondering if you are interacting
But despite fears that automation will take     with a machine or a human.”
away jobs, the need for skilled humans to
                                                Randstad experts also agree that increased
operate, use and advance technologies
                                                use of AI and machine learning will create
will remain unequivocally necessary for
                                                opportunities for workers, not take them
the foreseeable future. A recent report by
                                                away, and we’ll soon see humans working
Forrester Research estimates that close to
                                                alongside machines to improve operations
15 million new jobs will be created in the
                                                and processes across the organization.
U.S. alone over the next decade as a result
of automation and smart machines. Overall,      “Automation should be viewed as an
Randstad experts believe automation will        enabler, not a detractor, for employees
impact the 2018 workplace in several ways       and organizations,” Link said. “In fact,
and has the potential to unleash significant    automation will create opportunities
benefits to efficiency and productivity as it   for employees to be more effective and
continues to evolve.                            efficient in their current roles. If anything,
                                                automation will highlight the need for
“From an automation and AI perspective,
                                                stronger STEM knowledge within the
we’re still at the infancy stage,” said Alan
                                                global workforce.”
Stukalsky, Randstad’s chief digital officer.
“There’s a lot of hype surrounding the
use of chatbots to deliver personalized         For more insights into how employers and employees view
experiences online and to streamline parts      automation, download Randstad Sourceright’s 2017 Talent
of the hiring cycle. However, I believe         Trends Report or 5 Reasons Why Robots Will Not Take Over
                                                Your HR and Recruiting Job.

advancements in                                Within the technology and digital sectors,
                                               soft skills play a slightly different role.
technology will drive                          According to Paglieri, “Many of our clients
                                               are still largely focused on technical skills,
demand for soft skills.                        and in most cases, hard skills still trump soft
In 2018, HR leaders and hiring decision-       skills. However, candidates who have both
makers will place greater emphasis on a        the technical capabilities and effective soft
new range of soft skills that stand to be in   skills go from being a B+ candidate to an A+
greater demand in an increasingly robotic      candidate.”
world. However, several industries will rely
                                               Stukalsky also noted that innovations
even more on finding hires with the right
                                               in technology are freeing up workers to
blend of technical and soft skills.
                                               take on more value-added and strategic
“Hard skill sets are critical for healthcare   initiatives, which require advanced soft
jobs, but the soft skills are playing a        skills and emotional intelligence (EQ).
bigger role as the industry adopts a value-
                                               “When I look at our digital team, many
based care system,” said Abigail Tremble,
                                               tasks that used to take a month now take
president of Randstad Healthcare. “The
                                               days, so team members are freed up to
healthcare industry is becoming more of
                                               build projects that have the most value. The
a service industry, particularly given the
                                               EQ and relationship side of jobs is going
increase in patient access and choice.
                                               to become more important as everyone
Given that, every job in the industry is
                                               experiences gains in productivity through
a service job that requires a high level
of interpersonal skills that make all the
difference in the patient experience.”         Similarly, within the engineering sector,
                                               technical expertise is a must, but soft skills
                                               are becoming equally important.
                                               “Communication skills, adaptability and
                                               curiosity are essential in a highly innovative
                                               field like engineering,” Paglieri said. “Given
                                               that many engineers work on projects as
                                               part of a team or with the end user, the
                                               ability to understand and communicate
                                               with others is critical. It’s also imperative
                                               that engineers have the ability to adapt
                                               and make adjustments quickly, which can
                                               impact the launch date of a new project or
                                               managing a major construction project.”

                                               For more on building soft skills among your workforce,
                                               read Randstad’s advice on 4 Ways to Upskill Your Soft Skills
                                               in an Automated Workplace.

people and predictive                           like wellness and corporate social
                                                responsibility,” Stukalsky continued. “As
analytics will move                             Millennials seek out organizations aligned
                                                to their desire to improve the world, social
beyond HR-specific data.                        platforms are facilitating the engagement
Fueled by the widespread adoption of            of workers in philanthropic and community
cloud-based HR platforms, people analytics      involvement opportunities.”
is in the midst of a makeover. Once
                                                Although Randstad experts foresee HR
reserved for finding and flagging interesting
                                                technologies expanding beyond the
information about talent engagement and
                                                traditional roles of HR, they all agreed that
retention, people analytics is now being
                                                continued advancements will change the
used for daily decision-making and applied
                                                way organizations source and hire talent.
to nearly every part of business operations.
Randstad’s experts predict that as we move      “You can’t replace recruiters, but you
into 2018, HR leaders will need to adopt a      can use technology and analytics to help
more comprehensive view of data that            streamline the process,” Paglieri said. “The
goes beyond the internal HR function and        ability for analytics and machine learning to
uses people data for a wider range              match candidates with the right recruiters
of business challenges.                         or to do an initial screening will make the
                                                hiring process faster and more streamlined.
“Historically, HR has been at the tail end
                                                We know that long, drawn-out recruiting
of digital innovation. But as talent becomes
                                                processes are a top reason why good
a hot button issue for the C-suite and
                                                candidates may no longer be available
unemployment levels drop to record
                                                when a company is ready to make a
lows, HR leaders are now exploring where
                                                decision. The ability for us to automate part
to invest in emerging technologies,”
                                                of the search function to speed up a match
Stukalsky noted. “These investments are
                                                is exciting.”
moving beyond the traditional scope of
reporting, engagement and retention.            However, as Chavez pointed out, the human
Now it’s more about how to build better         side of talent processes will
teams, make more processes agile and            remain vital.
using data to truly predict the output of
cross-functional teams.”                        “While technologies have the ability to
                                                reach a wider audience and help screen and
According to Stukalsky, more companies          identify talent, the need to have a personal,
will look to people analytics and HR            human touch during the interview and
technologies to analyze utilization of          hiring process will remain at the forefront of
resources across the company, identifying       important hiring practices,” she said.
areas of overtaxed resources that may
trigger the need to bring on additional
contract, temporary or part-time resources
in real time.
We’re also seeing people analytics and
HR technologies moving into areas
roles we’ll       Abigail Tremble,      Alan Stukalsky,          Graig Paglieri,          Jodi Chavez,
                  President, Randstad   Chief Digital Officer,   President, Randstad      President, Randstad
see more          Healthcare            Randstad North           Technologies &           Professionals
of in 2018                              America                  Engineering
                  • Pharmacists                                                           • Business Analyst
                                        • Data Scientists        • Cybersecurity
                  • Travel Registered                                                     • Financial Analyst
                    Nurses              • Robotics Architects
                                                                 • Automation
                  • Case Review         • AR/VR Engineers
                                                                 • Agile Coaches
                                                                 • Robotics Engineers

top non-          • Wellness perks      • Corporate social       • Competitive leave      • Feedback and
                                          responsibility           time for maternity       input programs
traditional       • Student debt
                                          programs                 and paternity
                                        • On-site fitness        • Free commute
for 2018          • Free food
                                          centers                  options (Uber, Lyft)

putting it all
Even amid sweeping and dynamic changes within the U.S. labor
market, this is undoubtedly an exciting time for anyone in talent
management. The spread of technology and digital platforms
is fundamentally changing the way companies and their
contributors work. In 2018, business leaders will need to adapt
and evolve alongside these changes, applying new tools and
strategies to every phase of the employment lifecycle.
It’s imperative to identify, study and apply the digital trends that
stand to have the biggest impact and ROI for the organization.
But no matter what changes come in 2018 and beyond, one
thing will remain constant: HR is the link between talent and
corporate profitability. The competitive business landscape will
be dominated by organizations making investments for talent
attraction, upskilling and training, team-building, engagement
and those who embrace an agile workforce model.


                          forward. | © Randstad North America, Inc. 2017
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