Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2019

Page created by Matthew Fuller
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2019
Theodor W. Adorno
Felix Bohr
Hans Blumenberg
Volker Braun
Michael Brenner
Paul Celan
Ann Cotten
Zoltán Danyi

Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Urs Faes
Gunther Geltinger
Durs Grünbein
Jürgen Habermas
Lea Haller
Christoph Hein
Heinz Helle
Eva Illouz
Uffa Jensen                                Rights List
Dirk Jörke
                                 London Book Fair 2019
Dževad Karahasan
Angela Krauß
Benjamín Labatut
Janina Loh
Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf
Philip Manow
Lutz Raphael
Judith Schalansky
Karl Schlögel
Clemens J. Setz
Maria Stepanova
Carlo Strenger
Stephan Thome
Philipp Weiss
Michael Wildt
Roman Yos
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2019
Authors and Estates
represented by Suhrkamp/Insel
A selection
Theodor W. Adorno          Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht              Ivan Nagel
Robert Alexy               Jürgen Habermas                    Angelika Neuwirth
Juri Andruchowytsch        Anna Katharina Hahn                Hans Erich Nossack
Friedrich Ani              Michael Hampe                      Albert Ostermaier
Ingeborg Bachmann          Peter Handke                       Katja Petrowskaja
Zsófia Bán                 Christoph Hein                     Andreas Pflüger
Wolfgang Bauer             Heinz Helle                        Marion Poschmann
Ulrich Beck                Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck   Doron Rabinovici
Jurek Becker               Dieter Henrich                     Andreas Reckwitz
Ulla Berkéwicz             Hermann Hesse                      Bärbel Reetz
Thomas Bernhard            Wolfgang Hildesheimer              Hartmut Rosa
Barbara Beuys              Ludwig Hohl                        Ralf Rothmann
Marcel Beyer               Axel Honneth                       Sasha Marianna Salzmann
Ernst Bloch                Eva Illouz                         Judith Schalansky
Hans Blumenberg            Rahel Jaeggi                       Wilhelm Schmid
Felix Bohr                 Uffa Jensen                        Gershom Scholem
Karl Heinz Bohrer          Hans Joas                          Lutz Seiler
Szilárd Borbély            Uwe Johnson                        Clemens J. Setz
Friedrich von Borries      Hans Jonas                         Peter Sloterdijk
Nora Bossong               Dževad Karahasan                   Manfred Sommer
Volker Braun               Anna Kim                           Andrzej Stasiuk
Bertolt Brecht             Esther Kinsky                      Maria Stepanova
Hermann Broch              Julia Kissina                      Wolfgang Streeck
Simone Buchholz            Alexander Kluge                    Carlo Strenger
Bernd Cailloux             Wolfgang Koeppen                   Peter Szondi
Paul Celan                 Siegfried Kracauer                 Uwe Tellkamp
Ann Cotten                 Benjamín Labatut                   Philipp Ther
Sigrid Damm                Christian Lehnert                  Stephan Thome
Zoltán Danyi               Svenja Leiber                      Hans Traxler
László Darvasi             Gertrud Leutenegger                Hans-Ulrich Treichel
Ljubko Deresch             Sibylle Lewitscharoff              Galsan Tschinag
Ulrike Edschmid            Niklas Luhmann                     Ernst Tugendhat
Nana Ekvtimishvili         Thomas Macho                       Peter Turrini
Hans Magnus Enzensberger   Enis Maci                          Siegfried Unseld
Urs Faes                   Nicolas Mahler                     Kevin Vennemann
Erika Fischer-Lichte       Andreas Maier                      Martin Walser
Rainer Forst               Philipp Manow                      Robert Walser
Manfred Frank              Friederike Mayröcker               Peter Weiss
                                                                                        Photo: Jürgen Bauer

Max Frisch                 Thomas Meinecke                    Philipp Weiss
Valerie Fritsch            Robert Menasse                     Bruno E. Werner
Markus Gabriel             Christoph Menke                    Lambert Wiesing
Efrat Gal-Ed               Winfried Menninghaus               Josef Winkler
Gunther Geltinger          Andreas Michalsen                  Christa Wolf
André Georgi               Alice Miller                       Raul Zelik

                                                                                                              Literary Fiction
Dagmar von Gersdorff       Heiner Müller                      Serhij Zhadan
Rainald Goetz              Stefan Müller-Doohm                Ulf Erdmann Ziegler
Durs Grünbein              Melinda Nadj Abonji                Slavoj Žižek
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2019
Prose                                                                                                         Poetry

Volker Braun                                                                         Paul Celan
Relocating the Secret Point                                                          Poems
                                                                                     Celan Year 2020 – 100th birthday and
                                                                                     50th anniversary of his death
Volker Braun’s poems, plays, essays,              Volker Braun                       Celan’s collected poems – for the first                                     Paul Celan
and prose are published in more than              Relocating the Secret Point        time in their entirety and with new com-                                   Poems
20 countries. On his 80th birthday, 7th           Writings and Speeches              mentary. Close to 60 more poems than                                       New complete and
May 2019, Suhrkamp Verlag is proud to             (Original title: Die               the 2003 edition.                                                          annotated edition
                                                  Verlagerung des geheimen                                                                                      Edited by Barbara
present new texts: writings, speeches, and                                           The history of their origins, sources,
                                                  Punkts. Schriften und                                                                                         Wiedemann. With 25
burlesques.                                                                          cross-references: broken down with sum-
                                                  Reden)                                                                                                        etchings by Gisèle Celan-
                                                                                     maries and individual notes.
                                                  approx. 320 pages                                                                                             Lestrange
Relocating the Secret Point gathers under-        Clothbound                                                                                                    (Original title: Die
                                                                                     For Paul Celan reading was always an
ground texts and speeches. The collection         Release: April 2019                                                                                           Gedichte. Neue
                                                                                     experience as well: the books, journals, and
opens with a satire of expatriation written in                                                                                                                  kommentierte
                                                                                     daily newspapers he read were as much a
January 1977 and is followed by the radical       Rights available                                                                                              Gesamtausgabe)
                                                                                     source of his poems as personal encounters
pamphlet Büchner’s Letters; it contains essays                                                                                                                  1.262 pages
                                                                                     and political events. When a complete and
on Shakespeare and Rimbaud, Goethe and            Born in 1939 in Dresden, Volker                                                                               Clothbound
                                                                                     annotated edition of Celan’s poems first                                   Release: July 2018
Kafka: poetry and politics, and points to a       Braun started working in a print
                                                                                     appeared in 2003, the indexing of such
shift in the work that will grow into a radical   shop and an open pit. Thereafter
                                                  he studied Philosophy in Leipzig   sources was still at its beginning. In the
change.                                                                                                                                                         Rights available
                                                  and worked at the Berliner         meantime editions of his most important
                                                  Ensemble until 1990. Today he      epistolary exchanges have been published,
                                                  lives in Berlin.                                                                                              Paul Celan was born in 1920
                                                                                     the critical editions have been completed,                                 in Czernowitz and passed
                                                                                     and research in Celan’s bequest library with                               away in April 1970 in Paris.
                                                                                     its literary traces and annotations has forged                             He is recognized throughout
                                                                                     ahead.                                                                     the world as one of the most
                                                                                                                                                                important authors of the

Coup                                                                                 On this basis, the 2003 edition could be
                                                                                     expanded by close to 60 poems, some of them
                                                                                     appearing for the first time, and all of his
                                                                                                                                                                twentieth century.

                                                                                                                                                                Barbara Wiedemann, literary
                                                                                     texts underwent careful examination. The                                   scholar and a professor at the
Considering contemporary conditions, what         Volker Braun                       commentary has also been reorganized and                                   University of Tübingen, is the
possibilities does a writer have of effecting     Coup                                                                                                          editor of Paul Celan’s works
                                                                                     expanded considerably, especially thanks                                   and letters.
change? On intimate terms with all literary       (Original title:                   to the editor’s intensive research of Celan’s
traditions, Volker Braun makes use of tried       Handstreiche)
                                                                                     reading of the press. Special attention has
and tested prose forms to come closer to          approx. 112 Seiten
                                                                                     been paid – in line with his poetology – to
an answer: aphorisms, pieces of dialogue,                                            the ›inscribed date‹ of every poem. With
                                                  Release: April 2019
quotes. In his workshop dreams, puzzling

                                                                                                                                      Photo: Wolfgang Oschatz
                                                                                     this new edition the reader is given a
fragments, and stubborn truths all come to                                           great wealth of clearly demonstrable
light.                                            Rights available
                                                                                     information for understanding Celan’s
This series of coup-like attacks unfolds          Selected Backlist:
from a rogue’s-eye-view: for a rogue              Collected Poetry International
founds his thinking and actions on                Sales: English world rights
the practical plane of how to deal with           (Seagull), France (Gallimard)
things, making use of coarse appeals, at-         Collected Works International
tacks and defences, burlesques, manipu-           Sales: Chinese simplex rights
lations, hints, and jabs to the ribs.             (People’s Literature Publishing
                                                  House), Italy (Mimesis)
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2019
Literary Fiction

Ann Cotten
»We wanted to be better, but at the same time
didn’t want to change.«

Ann Cotten has grown up, a fact which                                                                     Ann Cotten
catapults us somewhat into the future. She                                                                Lyophilia
claims that all she is interested in now is                                                               (Original title: Lyophilia)
a constructive approach to a functioning,                                                                 approx. 437 pages
reasonable life for everyone (if possible).
                                                                                                          March 2019
A philanthropic robot, so to speak. But her
strangely labyrinthine yet overly respectful
                                                                                                          Rights available
way of confronting problems still shows
traces of the experiences she gathered as a
                                                                                                          Ann Cotten, born in Iowa in
young poet.                                                                                               1982, grew up in Vienna. She

                                                                                 Photo: Inge Zimmermann
                                                                                                          has been living in Berlin since
In Proteus both the eternally young
                                                                                                          2006. In 2011, she spent four
protagonist and his lover, a successful                                                                   months in Nagoya, Japan. For
Slovenian politician with two children, are                                                               her first poetry collection,
exported into a parallel universe in which                                                                Fremdwörterbuchsonette
any thought at all becomes reality.                                                                       (2007), she was awarded the
In the meantime, however, the aging                                                                       Reinhard Preissnitz Prize and
                                                                                                          the Clemens Brentano Prize
inhabitants of the settlement asteroid Amore
                                                                                                          for Literature of the city of
(KAFUN), which went bankrupt shortly after      »Politics, philosophy and                                 Heidelberg. For Florida-Räume
its foundation, continue to hold to clichés
and running gags. They hope to discover an
                                               aesthetic calculation come                                 (2010), she received the
                                                                                                          Hermann Hesse Literature
end to grief, which proves to be a greater          together in oscillating                               Prize. In 2014, Ann Cotten was
danger than being without the Internet,           structures which are as                                 awarded the Adelbert-von-
                                                                                                          Chamisso-Prize; in 2015, she
cosmic radiation or humanitarian instant                 engaged in revolt                                was the first recipient of the
noodles combined. However, an Antigone-
                                                   as they are in beauty.«                                newly founded Klopstock-Prize
like mission saves the heroes from going to                                                               for Contemporary Literature.
                                               From the decision of the jury for the
ground in their own survival.                                                                             In 2017, she was awarded the
                                                             Hugo-Ball-Prize 2017                         Hugo-Ball-Prize for her œuvre.
A collection of stories like a shot in the
knee. What Ann Cotten has somewhat                                                                        Selected Backlist:
cheekily referred to as »science fiction                                                                   Verbannt (2016)
on a Hegelian basis« over the last few                                                                    Der schaudernde Fächer
years has finally arrived. Lyophilia is like                                                               (2013) International Sales:
the special effects in a Tarkovsky film:                                                                    Netherlands (Leesmagazijn)
a formulation held up to the real world,                                                                  Florida-Räume (2010)
where, once the possibly realistic has
come to an end, hot and throbbing emo-
tion bursts forth.
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2019
Literary Fiction                                                                                     Literary Fiction / Illustrated

Zoltán Danyi                                                                                                              Urs Faes
The Carcass Remover                                                                                                       The Twelve Days of Christmas
»The Carcass Remover is a perfect book of paradoxical beauty that                                                         »A gentle, thoughtful book!« Annette König, SRF 1
deals with the ugly within us.« Süddeutsche Zeitung

They had heard about five dead foxes,                                                  Zoltán Danyi                       After years abroad a man returns to the                                          Urs Faes
lying in the road by the Hungarian-Serbian                                             The Carcass Remover                forlorn yet familiar valley in the Black                                         The Twelve Days of
border. But when the men from the disposal                                             Novel                              Forest. He walks the old paths through                                           Christmas
                                                                                       (Original title: A                 the heavy snow, remembers the bitter                                             With illustrations by
unit arrive, there are dozens of carcasses,
                                                                                       dögeltakarító, published                                                                                            Nanne Meyer
dogs and cats, too – shot, it seems, by border                                                                            inheritance dispute surrounding his fa-
                                                                                       in June 2015 by Magvető,                                                                                            (Original title: Raunächte)
guards to pass the time. The war in the                                                                                   ther’s farm, and Minna, who rejected him
                                                                                       Budapest)                                                                                                           84 pages
Balkans is long over, and yet incidents like                                                                              for his brother. He listens for the call of
                                                                                       (Translated German title:                                                                                           Clothbound
these haul the narrator back into his past.                                            Der Kadaverräumer.                 the dark goblins, who during the twelve                                          Release: September 2018
                                                                                       Roman)                             days of Christmas, that strange space of
Sitting in the garden of a Berlin clinic where
                                                                                       264 pages                          time between Christmas and the Epiph-
he is stuck until his terrible digestion issues                                                                                                                                                            International Sales:
                                                                                       Clothbound                         any, commit their deeds, gazes into the
are treated, he is overcome by the music of a                                                                                                                                                              English world rights
                                                                                       Release of the German              ceaselessly falling white, and, marked by
Kusturica film and he starts to sob: »perhaps                                                                                                                                                              (Harvill Secker)
                                                                                       edition by Suhrkamp:               illness, waits for his brother in order to
because it brought it all back to the surface,                                         September 2018                     finally have a conciliatory talk.
all he tried to run away from, those desolate                                                                                                                                                              Urs Faes, born in Aarau in
years of hollowing-out, years that seemed                                              Rights available                                                                                                    1947, lives and works in Zurich
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and in San Feliciano (Italy).
without end, nor desirous of an end, and on
                                                                                                                                                                                                           In 2008 he was awarded the
they endured.«                                                                         Zoltán Danyi, born in 1972
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Preis der Schweizerischen
                                                                                       in Senta, Yugoslavia, studied
Who is this narrator, who stumbles back                                                Philosophy and Literature in
and forth between the scenes of his life in a                                          Novi Sad and Szeged. In 2003,                                                                                       Selected Backlist:
torrent of speech that threatens to sweep him                                          he made his debut as a poet,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Liebesarchiv (2007)
away; part of a carcass-collecting unit that                                           publishing poems and short                                                                                          International Sales: Chinese
had once completed a rather different task?               »The great success of        stories. He completed a PhD
                                                                                                                            »Cautious and tender,while at                                                  simplex rights (Alpha Books),
Is he a victim, a perpetrator? A survivor who                                          in 2008 on the Hungarian                                                                                            Bulgaria (Atlantis)
is seeking a cure through speaking?
                                                      The Carcass Remover is           writer Béla Hamvas, and went              the same time confident
                                                        not entirely down to its       on to work as an editor and         and without a word too many.«                                                   Ombra (1997)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           International Sales: Czech
The war in Yugoslavia and its afterlife
                                                     aesthetic quality, but also       schoolteacher. His first novel,                        Hans Ulrich Probst, SRF                                       Republic (Archa - published,
have never lessened their hold on Zol-                                                 The Carcass Remover, won the
tán Danyi – for almost two decades he             its shocking timeliness, the         Miklós-Mészöly-Prize. Danyi,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           rights reverted), Lithuania

failed in his attempt to comprehend the              permanent contemporary            a member of the Hungarian
                                                                                                                          »There are certain texts in which                                                (Alma Littera - published, rights
monstrous reality that almost entirely                     nature of history, its      minority in Serbia, now lives as                    everything fits –
devoured him. One day, the sound was              continual return, the death
                                                                                       a rose grower in Senta.               the tone, the atmosphere, the
there – a sound that makes for compelling
                                                   of culture, of humanity, of                                               rhythm, the choice of words –
reading. The writing shimmers like the
                                                       the myth of Europe. The                                                and this slender book by Urs

                                                                                                                                                                              Photo: Ekko von Schwiechow
surface of a contaminated body of water.
Layer by layer it is laid bare. A book con-         fact that here and now we                                                     Faes is just such a text.«
                                                                                                                             Charles Linsmayer, Neue Zürcher Zeitung
structed like a complex musical composi-          are also living in wartime.«
tion whose beauty contains both distance                      Orsolya Bencsik, Müut
and an intimate touch.                                                                                                    »The Twelve Days of Christmas
                                                           »The beauty of the                                                   is an atmospherically rich,
                                                       language with which a                                                 incredibly empathetic tale. ...
                                                     manic narrator wrestles                                               Urs Faes’ language settles itself
                                                    his demons, chapter after                                                  down like a soft, white coat
                                                     chapter, is astonishing.«                                             across the reader’s shoulders.«
                                                                   Literatur Spiegel                                               Gallus Frei-Tomic,
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2019

                                                                                Hans Magnus Enzensberger
                                                                                An Expert Review in 89 Numbers
                                                                                On the winning formula of humanity:
                                                                                the division of labour without any morals

                                                                                Nature has treated people somewhat like          Hans Magnus
                                                                                a stepmother would. Other animals are            Enzensberger
                                                                                stronger, can swim and fly better, give birth    An Expert Review in 89
                                                                                less awkwardly and do not need as much time      Numbers
                                                                                                                                 With a Dialogue between
                                                                                to become adults. How can it be then that
                                                                                                                                 Nature and an Unhappy
                                                                                this weak creature came to be the strongest
                                                                                                                                 Man: On the Demon that is
                                                                                on earth? The answer, if you believe the
                                                                                                                                 the Division of Labour
                                                                                author, has to do with the division of labour.   With illustrations
                                                                                Thanks to this trick every one of us, he         (Original title: Eine
                                                                                believes, can achieve something pretty good,     Experten-Revue in 89
                                                                                even if it remains impossible for a person to    Nummern. Mit einem
                                                                                do everything.                                   Dialog zwischen der Natur
                                                                                                                                 und einem Unzufriedenen:
                                                                                But when every person can be an expert           Vom Dämon der
                                                                                the question becomes: what exactly is his        Arbeitsteilung)
                                                                                speciality, what makes him the best? In order    380 pages
                                                                                to find out, one has to pay close attention.     Clothbound
                                                                                It doesn’t matter whether we’re looking at       Release: May 2019
                                                                                a passionate bus driver, a comet hunter, a
                                                                                specialist for mousetraps or plastic bags,       Rights available
                                                                                a con artist or a number theorist – we can
                                                                                thank the demon of the division of labour for    Hans Magnus Enzensberger
                                                                                our temporary victory over this planet, for      was born in Kaufbeuren in
                                                                                                                                 1929. As a poet, essayist,
                                                                                our insanity and our defeats.
                                                                                                                                 writer, publisher and translator,
                                                                                Through eighty-nine familiar and                 he is one of the most
                                                                                                                                 influential and internationally
                                                                                spectacular variations Enzensberger
                                                                                                                                 renowned German intellectuals.
                                                                                unfolds this fancy of nature, which
                                                                                compensates our defects and has made
                                                                                our survival possible. His examples range
                                                                                from the ancient world to the present day,
                                                                                from the discovery of the spiral and the
                                                                                alphabet to the art of making manhole
                                                                                covers more attractive.

                      90th birthday on 11 November 2019 of one of the most   influential and internationally renowned German intellectuals
Photo: Jürgen Bauer
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2019
Literary Fiction

A Handful of Anecdotes                                                                                                 Survival Artists – 99 Literary Vignettes
                                                                                                                       from the 20th Century
»One of Germany’s leading public intellectuals.« London Review of Books                                                A subjective-historical revue

»It is hard to shake off one’s date of birth.                                          Hans Magnus                      The 20th century was the heyday of writers                                         Hans Magnus
M. drags his around with him, too.« The                                               Enzensberger                     who had survived state terror and purges                                           Enzensberger
first twenty years of life are baggage that                                            A Handful of Anecdotes           with all the ethical and political ambivalences                                    Survival Artists
a person is forever stuck with. But mem-                                              Also Opus incertum               that this entailed. How did they manage                                            99 Literary Vignettes
                                                                                      With 122 illustrations                                                                                              from the 20th Century
ory is a fragmentary and untrustwor-                                                                                   to do that? Were they too steadfast to bend
                                                                                      (Original title: Eine Handvoll                                                                                      With 99 images
thy guide. That is why the author avails                                                                               to the powers that be? Did they owe their
                                                                                      Anekdoten, auch Opus                                                                                                (Original title:
himself of the freedom of stage director                                                                               survival to their foresight, their intelligence
                                                                                      incertum)                                                                                                           Überlebenskünstler. 99
and collage-maker, gathering together                                                 239 pages                        or sharpness, their belief in themselves,                                          literarische Vignetten aus
themes, images, and anecdotes into an                                                 Clothbound                       their connections or their tactical skill? Was                                     dem 20. Jahrhundert)
Opus incertum. That is how the ancient                                                Release: October 2018            it serendipitous circumstances bordering                                           366 pages
Romans referred to a particular construc-                                                                              on a miracle that helped them escape from                                          Clothbound
tion technique: »irregular work«.                                                     International Sales:             prison, camps and death, or was it strategies                                      Release: April 2018
                                                                                      France (Gallimard)               that spanned from ingratiation to disguise?
Through impressions, leaps and digressions,
                                                                                                                       If only it was possible to make a clear-cut                                        International Sales:
we follow the author’s memories of his
                                                                                                                       distinction!                                                                       English world rights
childhood, youth and student days, from
1929 to the beginning of the 1950s. Hans                                                                               In 99 pointed, deliberately subjective                                             (Seagull), France
Magnus Enzensberger writes subjectively,                                                                               portraits, Hans Magnus Enzensberger                                                (Alma), Italy (Ein-
with energy, wittily and with deliberate gaps                                                                          describes the lives and particular surviv-                                         audi), Serbia (Laguna);
about family bonds and first love, an early                                                                            al strategies of international writers, but                                        Domestic Rights Sales:
passion for reading and an addiction to the                                                                            also the objective reasons for which they                                          German Book Club
media, a plethora of evasive manœuvres                                                                                 managed to survive the 20th century, the                                           (Büchergilde Guten-
around false authority, an unsuccessful         A childhood and young                                                  »Age of Violence«. Despite the seemingly                                           berg)
foray into explosions, desertion, the black     adulthood in a totalitarian                                            overwhelmingly powerful opponent of                 »Enzensberger shares the
market and then the happiness in academic       state and beyond (1929-                                                thoroughly formed societies and authori-           various strategies authors
freedom at university.                          1955) – freely narrated                                                tarian, death-or-glory governments. That                 employed to make it
                                                                                                                       we could learn from this in our present
                                                                                                                       situation is not, according to the author,
                                                                                                                                                                           through the 20th century
                                                Witty, exuberant, with el-                                                                                                      and in so doing has
                                                                                                                       out of the question.
                                                                                                                                                                         produced a portrait gallery
                                                                                                                                                                          of that most ideological of
                                                    »... not only is he one of
                                                                                                                                                                                   centuries.« Die Welt
                                                     the most influential, he
                                                   is also one of the busiest
                                                German intellectuals in the                                                        »This book is a gallery of authors, some addicted to the
                                                global cultural scene. He is                                                       great man theory, some becoming great success stories,
                                                always ahead of the times.                                                         some flashy in the way of the parvenu, and some going
                                                He is versatile, witty, quick.                                                        to ruin in grinding poverty. But Enzensberger knows
                                                  With his Anecdotes, Hans                                                         how to talk about all of these intellectual heavyweights
                                                      Magnus Enzensberger                                                                    from first-hand experience.« Frankfurter Rundschau
                                                   has published one of his
                                                most beautiful late works.«
                                                Manfred Papst, Neue Zürcher Zeitung
                                                                       am Sonntag
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2019
Literary Fiction

                                                  Gunther Geltinger
                                                  A gripping road trip through southern Africa

                                                  This isn’t the first time Alexander and Vinz                                                          Gunther Geltinger
                                                  have taken a trip together because their                                                              Fuel
                                                  relationship has reached a crisis point. The                                                          Novel
                                                  road trip through South Africa is meant to                                                            (Original title: Benzin.
                                                  give them clarity, and Vinz, the writer, hopes
                                                                                                                                                        377 pages
                                                  to get a new idea for a novel. Careening past
                                                  street markets, Chicken Inns and hitchhikers,
                                                                                                                                                        March 2019
                                                  the two Germans make their way through a
                                                  country where wealth and poverty collide,
                                                                                                                                                        Rights available
                                                  where homosexuality is taboo, and where
                                                  they must face up to the part they too play in                                                        Gunther Geltinger was born
                                                  the general obliviousness of the white tourist.

                                                                                                                                  Photo: Jürgen Bauer
                                                                                                                                                        in 1974 in Erlenbach, and
                                                  After running into a young man, they are                                                              currently lives in Cologne. He
                                                  dragged ever deeper into contradictions: on                                                           studied Script-Writing and
                                                  the one hand, they feel responsible towards                                                           Drama at the University of
                                                                                                                                                        Music and Performing Arts in
                                                  him and pay him when he offers to be their
                                                                                                                                                        Vienna and at the Academy of
                                                  guide. On the other, their new companion                                                              Media Arts in Cologne.
                                                  increases the tension between them, and                                                               His critically-acclaimed debut
                                                  Vinz begins to fear more and more for their         »As long as he had been                           Mensch Engel was published in
                                                  own safety. When he finally comes upon an                                                             2008, followed by his second
                                                  idea for his novel that will take him to the
                                                                                                            able to think his life                      novel, Moor, in 2013; Fuel is his

                                                  Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, all three toss          had revolved around the                           third novel.

                                                  their original plans to the wind.                      touch that would save                          Selected Backlist:

                                                  With Fuel Gunther Geltinger articulately             him, it was the nucleus                          Moor (2013) International
                                                  and hauntingly depicts what it means for             of his unhappiness and                           Sales: English world rights
                                                  one’s own world to fall apart. He spells            the motor of his writing,                         (Seagull)

                                                  out the inner turmoil of his figures in                    and those people he
                                                  twenty-six chapters, from A to Z, while
                                                  conjuring up atmospheric images that,
                                                                                                     incorporated into himself
                                                  little by little, lead to a larger whole –            in the process were the
                                                  a story about stereotypes and sovereign-          fuel he consumed at great
                                                  ty, trust and betrayal.                                  speed.« Gunther Geltinger

                                                    »With an ear perfectly tuned to registering emotional shade and
                                                   recognizing the involuntary episodes of self-deception within our
                                                     emotional and psychological landscapes, Geltinger manages to
                                                tell a tale that would not have itself be told. That is something that
                                                                           only great literature can do.« Die Zeit on Moor

Meticulously researched, atmospherically told                            »Geltinger risks everything and wins.« KulturSpiegel
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2019
Poetry                                                                                                   Literary Essays

Durs Grünbein                                                                                                  Christoph Hein
From the Dream (Files)                                                                                         Counter Eavesdropping
A philosophical-poetic arc of prose, poems,                                                                    By autumn 2019 the Wall will have been gone 30 years.
and photographs                                                                                                This is Christoph Hein’s most personal book yet.

The title of a book of poetry could not be any                                Durs Grünbein                    He is considered the chronicler of German-                                        Christoph Hein
more provocative, and still the poet allows no                                From the Dream (Files)           German relationships, the precise dissector                                       Counter Eavesdropping
room for doubt: »In general, that which we call                               Essays and Notes                 of a formerly divided nation which still hasn’t                                   Anecdotes from the Last
reality is greatly overestimated.« Therefore,                                 With illustrations               found its way back together completely, and                                       German-German War
                                                                              (Original title: Aus der                                                                                           (Original title: Gegen-
with all the power of his imagination, in the                                                                  as a powerful teller of stories. On the occasion
                                                                              Traum (Kartei). Aufsätze                                                                                           Lauschangriff. Anekdoten
first half of his book he leads us into the stormy                                                             of his seventy-fifth birthday, bestselling
                                                                              und Notate)                                                                                                        aus dem letzten deutsch-
areas of that reality which most people consider                                                               author Christoph Hein, who, until now, has
                                                                              approx. 573 pages                                                                                                  deutschen Kriege)
the measure of all things.                                                    Clothbound                       been telling other people’s stories above all,                                    approx. 123 pages
                                                                              Release: February 2019           now relates his own personal experiences                                          Paperback
The discrepancy between reality and dream
                                                                                                               at last: including how Thomas Brasch was                                          Release: March 2019
is visible in the world-historical experience
                                                                                                               betrayed by his father. How the director of
of the collapse of a state, the GDR, and the                                  Rights available
                                                                                                               »The Lives of Others« asked him about his                                         Rights available
metamorphoses of that society up through
                                                                                                               personal experiences. About censorship and
today. Examining the binaries of freedom and                                  Durs Grünbein, born 1962
                                                                              in Dresden, lives in Rome and    the (lack of) freedom to travel. And, last but
solidarity on the one hand, hate and division,                                                                                                                                                   Born in 1944, Christoph Hein
                                                                              Berlin.                          not least, how all of this became history.
Germany and Europe, on the other, in the                                                                                                                                                         lives in Berlin. He has written
second half of his book the author develops his                                                                                                                                                  novels, novellas, short stories,
                                                                              Awards (selection):              This time around Christoph Hein ap-                                               plays, essays and children’s
idea of resistance to the fetishization of crude                                                               proaches German-German relations dif-
                                                                              Peter-Huchel-Prize (1995)                                                                                          books. He has garnered
reality through imagination. In addition, where                                                                ferently: on the basis of personal experi-
                                                                              Georg-Büchner-Prize (1995)                                                                                         numerous literary awards for his
do dream and reality lie closer together than in                              Friedrich Nietzsche-Prize        ences which are at times funny, at times                                          work. When the PEN Centres
art?                                                                          (2004)                           bitter, and sometimes both at the same                                            in East and West merged,
                                                                              Premio Pasolini (2006)           time.                                                                             Christoph Hein was President
In the third section, the author turns to those                               Tomas-Tränströmer-Prize                                                                                            of the German PEN Centre from
poets and philosophers whose aesthetics and                                   (2012)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 1998 to 2000.
ideas have sharpened his own. The arc spans
from the ancient world to the present, from
                                                                                                               Selected Backlist:                                                                Awards (selection):
Ovid to Pascal, from Descartes to Celan.
                                                                                                               Glückskind mit Vater (2016) International Sales:                                  2017: Grimmelshausen-
Durs Grünbein’s latest book is a collection                                                                    Arabic world rights (Sefsafa), France (Métailié), Italy                           Literaturpreis
of writings of various genres connected by                                                                     (e/o), Denmark (Gyldendal), Bulgaria (Atlantis);                                  2013: Stefan-Heym-Preis
                                                                                                               Domestic Rights Sales: German Audiobook (DAV),                                    2012: Uwe-Johnson-Preis
leitmotifs: essays, reflections, dream frag-
                                                                                                               German Entire Radio Reading (MDR)                                                 2010: Eichendorff-Literaturpreis
ments, lectures, spoken text and poems.                                                                                                                                                          2008: Walter-Hasenclever-
Their very existence is due to the poet’s                                                                      In seiner frühen Kindheit ein Garten (2005)
                                                     Photo: Tineke de Lange

                                                                                                                                                                         Photo: Heike Steinweg
                                                                                                               International Sales: English world rights
unique way of working. Using the files he                                                                                                                                                         2004: Schiller-Gedächtnispreis
                                                                                                               (Metropolitan), France (Métailié), Italy (e/o), Denmark
keeps of the key words he employs in his                                                                       (Gyldendal)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 des Landes Baden-Württemberg
work, he has created a special kind of re-                                                                                                                                                       2002: Österreichischer
                                                                                                               Landnahme (2004) International Sales: English world                               Staatspreis für Europäische
cord, one that proves productive on every
                                                                                                               rights (Metropolitan), Arabic world rights (Kanaan),                              Literatur
page.                                                                                                          France (Métailié), Italy (e/o), Denmark (Gyldendal),                              2000: Solothurner Literaturpreis
                                                                                                               Slovakia (Kalligram), Hungary (Europa), Bulgaria                                  1998: Peter-Weiss-Preis der
                                                                                                               (Emas), Georgia (Ibis), Israel (Hakkibutz Hamecheud);                             Stadt Bochum
                                                                                                               Domestic Rights Sales: German Book Club                                           1994: Bundesverdienstkreuz
                                                                                                               (Bertelsmann), German Book Club Special Edition                                   1990: Erich-Fried-Preis (Wien)
                                                                                                               (Büchergilde Gutenberg)                                                           1983: Deutscher Kritikerpreis
Suhrkamp Insel Rights List London Book Fair 2019
Literary Fiction

Heinz Helle
Overcoming Gravity
»A great philosophical excursion. It revives a genre in a beautiful
way: the brother novel.« SWR

A couple of beers, and then a couple more –                                                              Heinz Helle
that’s all it takes for a sense of closeness. Yet                                                        Overcoming Gravity
the two brothers know that the warmth of                                                                 Novel
the alcohol is not really a match for the cold                                                           (Original title: Die
                                                                                                         Überwindung der
outside as they go from pub to pub. The older
                                                                                                         Schwerkraft. Roman)
brother has long been one to cradle a drink
                                                                                                         208 pages
with no special occasion required, simply
saddened or furious at a world governed by                                                               Release: September 2018
pain and suffering, wars and violence. That
evening however, he talks to his younger                                                                 Rights available
brother not only about Stalingrad and Marc
Dutroux, he also tells him that he is soon to                                                            Heinz Helle was born in 1978.

                                                                                    Photo: Max Zerrahn
become a father. What neither of them know                                                               He studied Philosophy in Munich
is that this is the last time they will see each                                                         and New York. He has worked
other. They talk on the phone once. The next                                                             as copywriter for advertising
call, nine months later, brings the news of                                                              agencies, and is a graduate of the
the older brother’s death. What he leaves                                                                Swiss Literature Institute in Biel.
behind are memories and questions: What is                                                               He lives in Zürich.

it all about? What is it we are looking for in
                                                                                                         Selected Backlist:
the world? What is the meaning of it all, this        »Heinz Helle has written
living and dying?                                    one of the most beautiful                           Eigentlich müssten wir tanzen
With virtuosic skill, Heinz Helle inter-               books about brothers in                           International Sales: English
weaves the quest for traces of the dead             recent German literature.«                           world rights (Serpent’s Tail),
                                                                                                         Chinese simplex rights (People’s
brother with the quest for answers to                 Paul Jandl, Neue Zürcher Zeitung                   Literature Publishing House),
the major questions of life. The precision
                                                                                                         Arabic world rights (Al Kotob
with which he dissects the brothers’ per-
sonalities is painfully beautiful: a care-
                                                        »Overcoming Gravity                              Khan), France (Piranha)

fully aimed punch in the stomach, shot                      is written in long,                          Der beruhigende Klang von
                                                                                                         explodierendem Kerosin (2014)
through with solace and hope.                          elaborately constructed                           International Sales: English
                                                    sentences that one quickly                           world rights (Serpent’s Tail),
                                                                                                         Russia (Text), Bulgaria (Funtasy),
                                                               learns to trust.«                         Turkey (Kafka Yayinevi); Domestic
                                                                                   taz                   Rights Sales: German Audiobook
                                                                                                         (Hörbuch Hamburg)

Shortlisted for the                                    »With a glass-clear but
Swiss Book Prize 2018                               poetic voice Helle touches
                                                        upon the existential.«
                                                                         Focus Online
Literary Fiction                                                                                               Literary Fiction

Dževad Karahasan                                                                                             Angela Krauß
A House for the Wearied                                                                                      Flow
Masterful short stories by one of the great European writers

Sarajevo, September 1914. In a newspaper                                Dževad Karahasan                     It’s summer. The poet is having lunch in her                               Angela Krauß
editorial office, at the national bank and in                             A House for the Wearied              spot next to the piano, her patron is playing                              Flow
other official locations, letters arrive with                             Five Stories                         tennis seventeen hours away by plane, the                                  (Original title: Der Strom)
considerable delay, often years later. Yet it                           (Original Bosnian title:             owner of the French restaurant always                                      approx. 93 pages
                                                                        Kuća za umorne. Pjesme o                                                                                        Clothbound
is not the war that has thrown the imperial                                                                  serves her himself. The olives are black,
                                                                        ljubavi u smrti)                                                                                                Release: February 2019
and royal mail into confusion, but rather                                                                    hard, and sharp. This sensual reference to
                                                                        (Translated German title:
a postman in love who has fallen on the                                                                      the world stands in contrast to an ascetic
                                                                        Ein Haus für die Müden.                                                                                         Rights available
battlefield of the world war just unfolding.                            Fünf Geschichten)                    existence to which no one is allowed access.
                                                                        239 pages                            Both habitats – the table and hermit’s cell –
Love and loss, progress and memory are the                                                                                                                                              Angela Krauß was born in
                                                                        Clothbound                           can be found in the backward part of the city,
themes of these five long short stories with                                                                                                                                            1950 and lives in Leipzig.
                                                                        Release of the German                that area where thirty years ago they said:
which Dževad Karashan leaves the far-distant                                                                                                                                            Her books have won countless
                                                                        edition by Suhrkamp:                 The Russians are gone. Just like the poet                                  prizes, including the Ingeborg
epoch of the setting of his opus magnum,
                                                                        January 2019                         gathers together particles of memory and the                               Bachmann Prize (1988), the
The Solace of the Night Sky and returns to the
                                                                                                             future until there is a sudden compression,                                Berlin Literature Award (1996),
twentieth century. Communism arrives in                                 Dževad Karashan, born in
                                                                                                             one night an unknown source of electricity                                 the City of Hanover’s Gerrit
the backwoods of Bosnia. In the small towns,                            Duvno, Yugoslavia, in 1953,
                                                                                                             shoots through her, as if to cast her out of her                           Engelke Prize (2001) and the
surrounded by lonely, majestic landscapes,                              lives in Graz and Sarajevo. He
                                                                        is a great romancer, short story     body with the intense pressure. It is time for                             Malkowski Prize (2010). In
Karahasan’s protagonists sense that a time
                                                                        writer, a dramatist, essayist        her to pack up her things.                                                 2004, she was the annual
is beginning in which there will not be a                               and academic. His works have                                                                                    Visiting Lecturer on Poetics at
place for them any more. They are in denial                             been translated into more than       Poetic existence unfolds in Angela Krauß’                                  the University of Frankfurt/
– radical old men, stubbornly facing the                                ten languages. In 2004, he was       magical language, a language in which                                      Main.
world, insisting on their right to dream, to                            awarded the Leipzig Book Prize       reality vibrates – and dreams become
grieve, and to be tired, quite simply.                                  for European Understanding.          tangible.                                                                  Selected Backlist:

                                                                                                                                                                                        Im schönsten Fall (2011)
Letters that do not reach their destina-                                Selected Backlist:
tion because death and world history                                    Što pepeo priča (Simurg Media,
                                                                                                                                                                                        Wie weiter (2006)
get in the way of love, are a leitmotif in                              2015) (German: Der Trost des                                                                                    Die Überfliegerin (2002)
A House for the Wearied. Karahasan de-                                  Nachthimmels, Suhrkamp 2016)                                                                                    International Sales: France
scribes growing older – a looking back at                               International Sales: Chinese                                                                                    (Metailié), Netherlands (De
                                                                        simplex rights (Shanghai                                                                                        Bezige Bij)
a world changing more quickly than the
                                                                        Translation Publishing House),
individuals in it can keep up with.                                     Bulgaria (Paradox), Slovenia
                                                                        (Beletrina), Turkey (Iletisim),
                                                                        Greece (Hestia), Iran (Donya-
                                                                        e-Eqtesad), Part 1: Macedonia

                                                                                                                                                                Photo: Isolde Ohlbaum
   »A brilliant storyteller.«
                                                 Photo: Claus Gretter


                                                                        Sara i Serafina (Durieux, 1999)
                               Der Standard
                                                                        (German: Sara und Serafina,
                                                                        Suhrkamp 2014) International
»An event of the decade.«                                               Sales: Spanish world rights
                                                                        (Galaxia Gutenberg – published,
                     Neue Zürcher Zeitung                               rights reverted), France (Laffont –
         about The Solace of the Night Sky                              published, rights reverted), Italy
                                                                        (Il Saggiatore – published, rights
                                                                        reverted), Sweden (Bosnisk-
                                                                        Hercegovinska Riksförbundet
                                                                        i Sverige – published, rights
                                                                        reverted), Slovenia (Cankarjeva
                                                                        Založba – published, rights
                                                                        reverted), Turkey (Ketebe)
Literary Fiction

                      Benjamín Labatut
                      A Terrible Verdure

                      In Un Verdor Terrible, Benjamín Labatut            »Among the few possessions         Benjamín Labatut
                      writes about the fine line between genius                                             A Terrible Verdure
                      and insanity and about the ambivalence
                                                                             Fritz Haber had with him       (Original title: Un Verdor
                      of scientific discoveries in four chapters             when he died was a letter      Terrible, to be published
                                                                                                            in 2020 by Anagrama,
                      that are as sensuous as they are bizarre.            written to his wife. In it, he   Barcelona)
                      The text portrays the life of scientists Fritz
                                                                              confessed that he felt an     approx. 200 pages
                      Haber, Werner Heisenberg, Alexander
                      Grothendieck and Erwin Schrödinger as              unbearable guilt; not for the      Clothbound
                                                                                                            Release of the German
                      that of daredevil dreamers and passionate           part he had played, directly      edition by Suhrkamp/Insel:
                      trailblazers. We read of their Eureka!-                or indirectly, in the death    2020
                      moments, their triumphant epiphanies, but
                      also of their ethical shortcomings, their               of untold human beings,
                                                                                                            International Sales:
                      mental lows and their narcissism. With                but because his method of       UK & ANZ (Pushkin
                      virtuosity, in rich detail and strikingly vivid,        extracting nitrogen from      Press), France (Seuil),
                      Labatut unlocks historic connections and
                      writes, seemingly en passant, a history of
                                                                             the air had so altered the     Italy (Adelphi), Nether-
                      20th-century European science that is not             natural equilibrium of the      lands (Atlas|Contact)
                      only shaped by the great wars, but that,                planet that he feared the     Benjamín Labatut was born in
                      in turn, also has a major influence on the
                      course of those wars. A book about human
                                                                          world’s future belonged not       Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in

                      eccentricity and the glorious yet terrifying          to mankind, but to plants,      1980. He grew up in The Hague
                                                                                                            and Buenos Aires and currently
                      power of science.                                    as all that was needed was       lives and works in Santiago de
                                                                                a drop in population to     Chile. His literary works have
                                                                                                            been awarded various prizes,
                                                                              premodern levels for just     including the 2013 Premio
                                                                                 a few decades to allow     Municipal de Literatura de

                                                                          them to grow without limit,       Santiago de Chile. Un Verdor
                                                                                                            Terrible is his third book.
                                                                               taking advantage of the
                                                                            excess nutrients humanity
                                                                             had bestowed upon them
                                                                               to spread out across the
                                                                           earth, increase in number,
                                                                              be fruitful, multiply, and
                                                                            finally cover it completely,
                                                                          suffocating all forms of life
                                                                          beneath a terrible verdure.«
photo: Juana Gomez.
Literary Fiction

                                                                  Judith Schalansky
                »A literary sensation.« Stern
                                                                  An Inventory of Certain Losses
                                                                  Wilhelm-Raabe-Prize 2018

                                                                  World history is full of things that have                                                                     Judith Schalansky
                                                                  gone astray – willfully destroyed or mislaid                                                                  An Inventory of Certain
                                                                  over the course of time. In her new book,                                                                     Losses. With 12 illustrations
                                                                  Judith Schalansky dedicates herself to that                                                                   (Original title: Verzeichnis
                                                                                                                                                                                einiger Verluste)
                                                                  which the lost leaves behind: dying echoes
                                                                                                                                                                                252 pages
                                                                  and disappearing steps, whispers and
                                                                  legends, apostrophes and phantom pains.
                                                                                                                                                                                Release: October 2018
                                                                  Beginning with objects from nature and
                                                                  art like an incinerated painting of Caspar                                                                    International Sales:
                                                                  David Friedrich, an extinct species of tiger,                                                                 UK & Commonwealth
                                                                  a Roman baroque villa, the holy writings of                                                                   (MacLehose Press),

                                                                                                                                                          Photo: Jürgen Bauer
                                                                  a vanished religion or a sunken island in the                                                                 Spanish world rights
                                                                  Pacific, she presents a panorama of the long                                                                  (Acantilado), Catalan
                                                                  lost and disappeared, a panorama which                                                                        rights (Mésllibres),
                                                                  traces the world’s blank spaces together with                                                                 Chinese simplex rights
                                                                  those within natural and cultural history
                                                                                                                                                                                (China CITIC Press /
                                                                  while opening up areas of knowledge where
                                                                                                                                                                                Sight), Chinese complex
                                                                  delivery has failed. The protagonists of these
                                                                                                                                                                                rights (Locus), Portugal
                                                                  short stories are outsiders: a bizarre old man   depicts the lost. As such, the collection
                                                                  hoarding the knowledge of humankind in           proves itself to be a document of the power                  (Elsinor), Italy (notte-
                                                                  his garden in Tessin, a lunar researcher from    of print, the book a more efficacious and                      tempo), Netherlands
                                                                  Bohemia who gives up all earthly curiosity       long-lasting medium of transmission than                     (Atlas/Contact), Den-
                                                                  for a position in the Archive of the Moon, an    any other.                                                   mark (Vandkunsten),
                                                                  aged Greta Garbo who dreams of appearing                                                                      Sweden (Pequod), Nor-
                                                                                                                   After her Atlas of Remote Islands, in this,
                                                                  on the silver screen as Dorian Gray, Judith                                                                   way (Press), Greece
                                                                                                                   her Inventory of Certain Losses, Judith
                                                                  Schalansky’s own father who left the family                                                                   (Antipodes); Domestic
                                                                                                                   Schalansky once again sounds the spaces
                                                                  before she could even form a memory of                                                                        Rights Sales: German
                                                                                                                   between reality and imagination, truth
                                                                  him. These texts speak about beginnings                                                                       Audiobook (DAV)
                                                                                                                   and myth, fact and fiction. The result is a
                                                                  and endings – and at the same time are an
                                                                                                                   lively evocation of the lost and the remote,
                                                                  autobiographical trip into a country that                                                                     Judith Schalansky, born in
                                                                                                                   which suggests that perhaps the difference                   Greifswald in 1980, lives in
                                                                  no longer exists: childhood, the GDR of the
                                                                                                                   between presence and absence is only                         Berlin as a writer, editor and
                                                                                                                   marginal as long as memory still exists –                    book designer. Her work, which
                                                                  Each of the twelve stories in this collection    that, and a literature which reveals just how                includes the internationally
                                                                                                                                                                                successful bestseller Atlas of
                                                                  sketches its own world through a subject-        close preservation and destruction, loss and
                                                                                                                                                                                Remote Islands and the novel
                                                                  specific language, a world in which the          creation, really are.                                        The Giraffe’s Neck, has been
                                                                  boundaries between presence and absence                                                                       translated into more than twenty
                                                                  have disappeared as much as have those                                                                        languages and has won several
                                                                  between fiction, memoir and essay, while
                                                                                                                      »There are no gains without                               prizes.
                                                                  simultaneously questioning the reliability       corresponding losses, no losses
»Judith Schalansky’s latest book is a collection of tales on an                                                     without corresponding gains.«                               Selected Backlist:
                                                                  of our individual and collective memories as
                                                                  well as future instruments of transmission.                                                                   Der Hals der Giraffe (2011)
 important theme: loss. What we gain, however, is literature,     Moreover, every one of the 16-page stories
                                                                                                                                                  Agnes Heller
                                                                                                                                                                                For International Sales and

  the kind one encounters on only the rarest of occasions.«       begins and ends with a black page, which,
                                                                                                                                                                                further information please see
           Andreas Platthaus, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung      as in a photofit picture, suggests more than                                                                  buecher/the_giraffe_s_neck-
Literary Fiction                                                                                                                                                 Literary Fiction

Maria Stepanova                                                                                                                              Clemens J. Setz
Post-Memory                                                                                                                                  The Comfort of Round Things
»Post-Memory is the most important Russian novel of 2017.« GQ                                                                                On the absurd and the grotesque of human coexistence

Montpellier, 1908: the photograph of a                                                                    Maria Stepanova                    An Alsatian soldier in the First World War                                                                                     Clemens J. Setz
young woman by an easel or »Grandma                                                                       Post-Memory                        discovers the constellation of the Great Young                                                                                 The Comfort of Round
on the barricades«, as the family calls it.                                                               (Original Russian title:           Kid in the night sky, but it is so awful that                                                                                  Things
Pre-Revolution portraits, postcards from                                                                  Памяти памяти, published           he can’t tell anyone about it. A young man,                                                                                    Stories
                                                                                                          by Novoe in November                                                                                                                                              With illustrations
Venice, Montpellier, or Nizhny Novgorod,                                                                                                     who has fallen in love with the blind Anja,
                                                                                                          2017)                                                                                                                                                             (Original title: Der
pieces from the »library of a very different                                                                                                 discovers that her apartment is covered with
                                                                                                          (Translated German title:                                                                                                                                         Trost runder Dinge.
and lost visual culture«, letters, childhood                                                                                                 insults from floor to ceiling. Marcel, sixteen
                                                                                                          Nach dem Gedächtnis.                                                                                                                                              Erzählungen)
souvenirs – these are the things that the                                                                 Roman)                             years old, leaves his mobile number behind                                                                                     Approx. 320 pages
author examines in astonishment. Who were                                                                 408 pages                          in the toilet-stall of a sex shop along with                                                                                   Clothbound
these people who travelled all throughout                                                                 Clothbound                         the name Suzy. Jean-Henri Fabre, an insect                                                                                     February 2019
Europe yet lived in Russia? Who did their                                                                 Release of the German              researcher, receives the 1914 Nobel Prize for
best to remain anonymous and who made                                                                     edition by Suhrkamp:               Literature – a catastrophe for the ninety-one-                                                                                 Domestic Rights Sales:
little effort to make history seem interesting?                                                           October 2018                       year-old.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            German Audiobook
But it is precisely the unspectacular nature                                                                                                 The completely unexpected smashes into                                                                                         (Griot)
                                                                                                          International Sales:
of the find which turns the author’s research                                                                                                the lives of Clemens J. Setz’ figures. Their
in the Russian context into something new:                                                                USA/Canada (New                    creator compassionately, almost tenderly,                                                                                      Clemens J. Setz, born 1982,
»Everyone else had a family made up of people                                                             Directions), UK/                   tells their stories. Through trapdoors he                                                                                      lives in Graz.
participating in history; mine was made up                                                                Commonwealth                       allows us glimpses into the puzzling oc-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Prizes and distinctions
only of their tenants.« Destined to become                                                                (Fitzcarraldo),                    currences and secret abysses of everyday                                                                                       (selection):
victims of persecution and repression, they                                                               Spanish world                      life, while we run into revenants and sen-                                                                                     Berliner Literaturpreis 2019
all still managed to survive the 20th century.                                                            rights (Acantilado),               tences that make us click our tongues.                                                                                         Literaturpreis der Steiermark
How was that possible? This is the question                                                               Chinese simplex                    The Comfort of Round Things is a book                                                                                          2017
and point of departure for Maria Stepanova’s                                                                                                 full of will-o-the-wisps and false floors –                                                                                     Wilhelm Raabe-Literaturpreis
                                                                                                          rights (China CITIC                                                                                                                                               2015
first great work of prose.                                                                                Press), France (Stock),            radically told and full of thrilling details.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Longlisted for the German Book
In dialogue with, among others, writers                                                                   Italy (Bompiani),                                                                                                                                                 Prize 2015 (for Die Stunde

like Roland Barthes, W.G. Sebald, Jacques                                                                 Netherlands (De Bezige             »›I was never sixteen.‹                                                                                                        zwischen Frau und Gitarre)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Literaturpreis des Kulturkreises
Rancière, and Susan Sontag, imbued with                                                                   Bij), Sweden (Nirstedt/            ›You weren’t?‹
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            der deutschen Wirtschaft 2013
a passion for thought and a wonderfully                                                                   litteratur), Finland               ›No. Why should I have been? I simply                                                                                          Leipzig Book Fair Prize 2011
                                                               Photo: Valery Shibanov/Seledka newspaper

soft, poetic voice derived from sensual as                                                                (Siltala), Poland                  upgraded from fourteen to eighteen,                                                                                            (for Die Liebe zur Zeit des
well as intellectual observations, Stepanova                                                              (Prószyński), Bulgaria             bam, like that.‹                                                                                                               Mahlstädter Kindes)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Literature Prize of the City of
assembles her found pieces into a panorama                                                                (Janet 45), Romania                And Gregor smiled, which made                                                                                                  Bremen 2010
of an entire age. At its heart lives a large                                                              (Humanitas)                        endearing little wrinkles appear                                                                                               Shortlisted for the German
family of doctors, architects, librarians,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Photo: Max Zerrahn
                                                                                                                                             around his eyes.                                                                                                               Book Prize 2009 (Die
accountants, and engineers, unheroic indi-                                                                Maria Stepanova, born in
                                                                                                                                             ›Ah, I see‹, I said, though I didn’t                                                                                           Frequenzen, 2009)
viduals who did not attach themselves to any                                                              Moscow in 1972, is a poet,                                                                                                                                        Ernst-Willner-Preis 2008 at
                                                                                                          essayist, and journalist and       understand a thing.«                                                                                                           the Ingeborg-Bachmann-
great project but who in uncivilized, violent
                                                                                                          one of the most visible figures                                                                                                                                    Wettbewerb
times attempted to live quiet, civilized lives.
                                                                                                          of contemporary literary life in
                                                                                                          Russia. Editor-in-chief of the
                                                                                                                                             Selected Backlist:
                                                                                                          online newspaper, in
»A meta novel like this appears only once every ten years – a great                                       2018/2019 Maria Stepanova          Die Stunde zwischen Frau und Gitarre (2015) International Sales: Spanish world rights (Malpaso),
literary reconstruction, which has created a whole new genre and                                          will take up the Siegfried         France (Jacqueline Chambon), Italy (La Nave di Teseo), Bulgaria (Paradox)
                                                                                                          Unseld Guest Professorship in
sounds the relation between memory, time, and history.« Literratura                                       Berlin.
                                                                                                                                             Indigo (2012) International Sales: USA (W. W. Norton / Liveright), UK (Serpent‘s Tail), Chinese complex rights
                                                                                                                                             (China Times), Japan (Kokusho Kankokai), France (Jacqueline Chambon), Denmark (Vandkunsten), Czech Republic
                                                                                                                                             (Fra), Hungary (Europa), Bulgaria (Funtasy), Croatia (Hena Com)

                                                                                                                                             Die Liebe zu Zeiten des Mahlstädter Kindes (2011) International Sales: Arabic world rights (Al‘Asreya),
                                                                                                                                             France (Actes Sud / Jacqueline Chambon), Denmark (Vandkunsten), Czech Republic (Fra), Hungary (Europa),
                                                                                                                                             Bulgaria (Funtasy), Romania (Univers), Macedonia (Blesok)
Literary Fiction / Historical Novel

                     Stephan Thome
                     God of the Barbarians
                     A master of thorough portraits delivers his first historical novel:
                     the story of one of the bloodiest wars in human history

                     China, mid-nineteenth-century. A Christian                                          Stephan Thome
                     revolutionary movement swamps the Empire                                            God of the Barbarians
                     with terror and destruction. A young                                                Novel
                     German missionary, who wants to help with                                           (Original title: Gott der
                                                                                                         Barbaren. Roman)
                     the modernising of the enormous Empire,
                                                                                                         719 pages
                     travels full of idealism to Nanjing, in order
                     to gain an impression of the rebellion. There
                                                                                                         Release: September 2018
                     he finds himself caught between the fronts
                     where, ultimately, he loses everything that                                         International Sales:
                     is important to him. At the conflict hotspots–                                      Chinese complex rights
                     in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing – we                                                (Linking); Domestic
                     encounter a cast of characters as tattered as                                       Rights Sales: German
                     they are fascinating: among them Lord Elgin,
                                                                                                         Audiobook (Griot),
                     the British High Commissioner in China;
                                                                                                         German Entire Radio
                     and a Chinese scholar, appointed warlord,
                                                                                                         Reading (NDR)
                     who has grown so powerful that even the
                     Emperor has reasons to fear him.                                                    Stephan Thome, born in
                                                                                                         1972 in Biedenkopf, studied
                     In his enthralling new book, Stephan                                                Philosophy and Sinology at the
                     Thome tells a story that precedes our cri-                                          Freie Universität in Berlin and
                     sis-ravaged present day. Under the com-                                             at various universities in China,
                     mand of a Christian convert who believes                                            Taiwan and Japan. He has worked
                                                                                                         in East Asia for ten years and has
                     to be God’s second son, rebels in China
                                                                                                         also lived in Lisbon. His novels
                     create a religious state that, in a devastat-                                       Border Crossing (original title:
                     ing way, pre-empts the terror movements
                     of our days. A major novel with a far-
                                                                         Shortlisted for the             Grenzgang, 2009) and Centrifugal
                                                                                                         Forces (original title: Fliehkräfte,
                     reaching gaze on religious fanaticism, on        German Book Prize 2018             2012) were both shortlisted for
                                                                                                         the German Book Prize. His work
                     how easily we can be seduced, and on the
                                                                                                         has won several prizes. Stephan
                     loss of orientation in a radically chang-                                           Thome lives in Taipei.
                     ing world.
                                                                                                         Selected Backlist:
                                                                                                         Fliehkräfte (2012) International
                                                                                                         Sales: English world rights
                                                                                                         (Seagull), Chinese simplex rights
                                     On the loss of our certainties in chaotic times                     (People’s Literature Publishing
                                                                                                         House), Chinese complex rights
                                                                                                         (Linking); Domestic Rights
                                »His writing assumes a flow in which the portraits of the                 Sales: German Audiobook

                            characters and the portrait of the times merge seamlessly.« SZ               (DAV), German Book Club Rights
                                                                                                         (Büchergilde Gutenberg)
                                                                                                         Grenzgang (2009) International
                                                 »Imagination distilled into words.« rbb kulturradio     Sales: Chinese simplex rights
                                                                                                         (Jiangsu People’s Publishing
                                                                                                         House), Chinese complex rights
                                                   »A great master of emotional nuance.« Die Welt        (Linking), Netherlands (Cossée);
                                                                                                         Domestic Rights Sales: Film
                                                                                                         rights (WDR), German Audiobook
                                                                                                         (Griot), German Book Club
Photo: Max Zerrahn

                                                                                                         (Büchergilde Gutenberg)
Literary Fiction

Philipp Weiss
On the edge of the world man
sits and laughs
1000 pages, five volumes – one novel
In On the edge of the world man sits and                             Philipp Weiss
laughs, Philipp Weiss recounts the world’s                           On the edge of the world
transformation during the Anthropocene –                             man sits and laughs
that epoch of earth’s history in which the                           Novel
                                                                     (Original title: Am
human being became the central constitutive
                                                                     Weltenrand sitzen die
power. Between France and Japan, from the
                                                                     Menschen und lachen.
19th to the 21st century, this bold novel
depicts a Panopticon of our fleeting reality.                        With many colour and black
Each one of the five volumes has its own                             and white images
form: encyclopaedia, manga, novella, audio-                          1064 pages
transcription and notebook.                                          Five volumes with cover

                                                Photo: Max Zerrahn
                                                                     flaps in a box
One novel, five books – as                                            Release: September 2018
independent from one another
as they are closely interwoven                                       International Sales:
                                                                     Chinese simplex rights
» ... an impressive large-scale                                      (East China Normal
novel about progress and                                             University Press / Vi
humanity’s looming self-                                             Horae), France (Seuil)
destruction.« Richard Kämmerlings,                                   Philipp Weiss was born in 1982
Die literarische Welt                                                in Vienna, where he currently
                                                                     lives and works. He studied
»This project of a novel from                                        German studies and Philosophy
Philipp Weiss is a literary jewel                                    and has published theatre plays
                                                                     and short stories. On the edge of
of tremendous intellectual,
                                                                     the world man sits and laughs is
poetic and formal strength. It is                                    his first novel. In 2018, he has
nothing less than the daring and                                     been awarded the Literary Prize
ultimately successful attempt to                                     of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation.
make the complexity of the world
in which we live tellable.« ORF ZIB1
Philosophy / Current Affairs

                                            Theodor W. Adorno
                                            Aspects of Contemporary
                                            Right-Wing Radicalism
                                            On 6 April 1967 Theodor W. Adorno gave                                                            Theodor W. Adorno
                                            a lecture at the University of Vienna as                                                          Aspects of Contemporary
                                            a guest of the Socialist Students of Aus-                                                         Right-Wing Radicalism
                                                                                                                                              A Lecture
                                            tria, a lecture which, from today’s point
                                                                                                                                              With an afterword by
                                            of view, is not only of historical interest.
                                                                                                                                              Volker Weiß
                                             Against the backdrop of the rise of the
                                                                                                                                              (Original title: Aspekte des
                                            NPD, which in the first two years after its                                                       neuen Rechtsradikalismus.
                                            founding in November 1964 had already                                                             Ein Vortrag)
                                            seen surprising success at the polls, Adorno                                                      approx. 100 pages
                                            analyses the goals, resources, and tactics of                                                     Paperbound
                                            the new right-wing radicalism of his time.                                                        Release: July 2019
                                            Contrasting it with »old« Nazi-Fascism, he
                                            gives a close examination of the reasons                                                          Rights available
                                            for which extreme right-wing movements
                                            were finding a positive reception – 20 years                                                      The collected works of

                                                                                            Photo: Peter Zollna
                                            after the end of the war – in segments of the                                                     Theodor W. Adorno (1903-
                                            population of the Federal Republic.                                                               1969) are published by
                                                                                                                                              Suhrkamp Verlag and have
                                            Since then a lot has changed, but some                                                            been translated into more than
                                            things have remained the same or even,                                                            40 languages.
                                            50 years on, come back again. And thus
                                                                                                                                              Volker Weiß, born in 1972,
                                            Aspects of Contemporary Right-Wing Rad-
                                            icalism reads like a message-in-a-bottle to                                »How these things      is a historian and publicist.
                                                                                                                                              His research and publications
                                            the future, whose value for our present                                     continue, and the     focus on 19th-century and
                                            Volker Weiß presents in his afterword.                                                            20th-century German history
                                                                                                                    responsibility for how    as well as the history and

                                                                                                                            they continue,    present state of right-wing
                                                                                                                                              extremism in Germany.
                                                                                                                  ultimately lies with us.«

                                                                       »It is very often the case that convictions and
                                                                         ideologies assume their demonic, their truly
                                                                      destructive nature once they are no longer that
                                                                                substantial in the objective situation.«
Photo: Uwe Dettmer

                     Academic Non-Fiction
Contemporary History

Felix Bohr
The War Criminals’ Lobby
The eternal desire to draw a line under it

Immediately after the Second World War,                                                          Felix Bohr
National Socialist war criminals were taken                                                      The War Criminals’
into custody by many Western European                                                            Lobby
countries. Given the Federal Republic of                                                         West German aid for Nazi-
                                                                                                 perpetrators taken into
Germany’s links to the West, the majority
                                                                                                 custody abroad
were released. In Italy and the Netherlands
                                                                                                 (Original title: Die
alone, five Germans remained in police
custody: SS man Herbert Kappler as the                                                           Bundesdeutsche Hilfe für
Gestapo commander responsible for the                                                            im Ausland inhaftierte
Ardeatine massacre, and the »Breda Four«                                                         NS-Täter)
who had played a significant role in the                                                         558 pages

                                                                           Photo: Max Zehrrahn
murder of Dutch Jews. High-ranking German                                                        Clothbound
politicians, among them the social democrat                                                      Release: October 2018
German Chancellors Brandt and Schmidt,
aided in securing their release.                                                                 Rights available

Felix Bohr outlines the Federal Repub-                                                           Felix Bohr, born in 1982, is an
lic’s activity on behalf of the Nazi perpe-                                                      historian and journalist. The
trators arrested abroad. He reveals how                                                          War Criminals’ Lobby is his first
                                                     »Bohr succeeded in                          book.
church groups, veterans associations
and diplomats formed an influential
                                                writing a brilliant book
network of interests that offered legal          about the way in which
and financial help. While victims of the             the remaining Nazis
Nazi regime struggled for re-entry into          in West Germany used
society and restitution, the lobby organ-
ized support for the war criminals at the
                                                   and manipulated the
highest political level. Based on sources         country’s politics and
hitherto inaccessible, Bohr directs an        how at the same time they
all-encompassing gaze toward a chapter          claimed the prerogative
of West Germany’s history that has been
                                                 of interpretation of the
narrowly explored until now.
                                                      national memory.«
                                                        Klaus Hillenbrand, taz
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