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Supplementary Online Content

                     Min L, Hall K, Finlayson E, et al. Estimating postsurgical general and geriatric
                     complications using the VESPA preoperative tool. JAMA Surg. Published online
                     August 2, 2017. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2017.2635

                     eAppendix 1. Vulnerable Elders Surgical Pathways and Outcomes Assessment (VESPA)
                     For Elective Surgical Patients Aged 70 Years or Older
                     eAppendix 2. Evaluation of Implementation and Sustainability
                     eAppendix 3. Procedures of the Work-related Relative Value Units (WRVU) Groups
                     eAppendix 4. Outcomes (N=740)

                     This supplementary material has been provided by the authors to give readers additional
                     information about their work.

                                                           © 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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eAppendix 1. Vulnerable Elders Surgical Pathways and Outcomes Assessment (VESPA)
                     For Elective Surgical Patients Aged 70 Years or Older

                     Functional Status screen:
                                                                 Have you needed
                                                                                                                     Have you needed
                                                                    any help from
                                                                                                                   any help from another
                         Basic Activities of Daily Living        another person in      Instrumental Activities
                                                                                                                   person in the past two
                                    (BADLs)                     the past two weeks      of Daily Living (IADLs)
                                                                                                                     weeks to do any of
                                                                  to do any of the
                                                                                                                   the following activities
                                                                 following activities
                     (Eating and drinking, but not the                                  Administering own
                                                                No          Yes                                   No        Yes
                     preparation of food)                                               medication

                     (Moving into or out of bed, chair or
                                                                No          Yes       Preparing meals             No        Yes

                     (Getting to and from toilet, managing
                                                                No          Yes       Using the telephone         No        Yes
                     clothing before/after using the toilet,
                     and cleaning self after elimination)
                                                                                        Driving and
                     Dressing                                                           transportation
                                                                No          Yes                                   No        Yes
                     (Putting on and taking off clothes)                                (Calling a taxi or using
                                                                                        the bus)
                                                                                        Grocery shopping
                                                                                        (Choosing items in the
                     (Brushing/combing hair, washing            No          Yes                                   No        Yes
                                                                                        store and checking
                     face, brushing teeth, etc.)
                     Bathing                                                            (or other light
                     (Cleaning/rinsing self in shower, tub      No          Yes       cleaning, e.g.,             No        Yes
                     bath or sponge bath)                                               dishwashing, picking
                                                                                        up, wiping sinks)
                                                                                        Laundry (or other
                                                                                        heavy housework,            No        Yes
                                                                                        e.g., vacuuming)
                                                                                        Handling own
                                                                                        (Maintaining bank
                                                                                                                    No        Yes
                                                                                        account, paying bills,
                                                                                        using credit cards,
                                                                                        writing checks)

                                                               © 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Social History:

                     A. Household environment

                          1. When you go home after the surgery, will you have to use stairs
                             a. To get into your home?  Yes          No
                             b. To get to the bathroom for toileting?  Yes    No
                             c. To get to the bathroom for bathing?  Yes     No
                             d. To get to your bed?  Yes         No

                          2. Is your home equipped with:
                             a. Railings for all stairs including those to enter the home?  Yes  No
                             b. Grab bars in the shower/bath?  Yes           No
                             c. Other equipment such as shower chair/handheld shower head/ hospital bed?

                                         Yes        No   please list if yes: _____________________

                          3. Do you live alone?  Yes        No

                          4. Can you manage by yourself for several hours alone right after you are discharged home from the
                              Yes      No

                          5. Is there a family member, friend, or designated person who will be helping you upon discharge?
                              Yes        No

                                   Who? ________________________

                          6. Have you experienced any falls in the past year?  Yes       No

                     B. Two-Item depression screen

                          1. During the past month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
                              Yes       No

                          2. During the past month, have you often been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things?
                              Yes      No

                                                              © 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Mini-Cog Instructions
           Physical Exam:                                                                 1. Instruct the patient to listen carefully and repeat the
                                                                                          following: “Ball, Flag, Tree”.
           A. MINI-COG                                                                    2. Clock: Ask patient to draw the face of a clock. After
                                                                                          numbers are on the face, ask patient to draw hands to read 10
                     1. 3 object recall:  0       1        2     3                    past 11:00.
                                                                                          3. Ask patient to repeat the three words given previously. (1
                     2. Clock draw test:  Correct            Incorrect                  point for each)
                                                                                          Source: Borson et al, Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2011
                     If not completed, check reason below:
                      Patient refused/unable
                      Clinician did not have time to complete
                                                                                          Timed Get Up and Go Test (TUG) Instructions
                                                                                          The patient may wear their usual footwear and can use any
                                                                                          assistive device they normally use.
           B. Mobility                                                                    1. Have the patient sit in the chair with their back to the chair
                                                                                          and their arms resting on the arm rests.
                     1. Timed ‘Get Up and Go’ Test:  =20 sec     2. Ask the patient to stand up from chair and walk 10 ft. (3m).
                                                                                          3. Have the patient turn around, walk back to the chair and sit
                     2. Gait:  Normal            Unsteady                               down again.
                                                                                          Timing begins when the patient starts to rise from the chair and
                                                                                          ends when he/she returns to the chair and sits down.
                    Use of any assistance device? (E.g., walker or cane)
                                                                                          Predictive Results:
                                                                                          Seconds     Rating
                     If not completed, check reason below:                                20       Impaired mobility

                                                                                          Source: Podsiadlo, D., Richardson, S. J Am Geriatr Soc.
                                                                                          1991; 39:142-148

           C. WEIGHT LOSS

                1a. Height, inches                        Weight, lbs.                BMI

                1b. Most recent baseline serum albumin                     and prealbumin levels

                Ask patient:
                2a. Has your food intake declined over the past three months due to loss of appetite, digestive
                    problems, chewing or swallowing difficulties?  Yes        No

                2b. In the past 6 months, has the patient had unintentional weight loss of more than 10%?
                     Yes        No
                                                                                          Nutritional Status
                                                                                          Document patients with severe nutritional risk if they exhibit
                                                                                          any of the following:
                                                                                          a. BMI
Vulnerable Elders Surgical Pathways and Outcomes Assessment
                          (VESPA) (Short Form)

                          Total VESPA Points: _________

                          1. Gender:  Male  Female             (2 points for male)

                          2. Functional Status screen (total of 1 point for any “Yes”)
                                                                                     Have you needed any help
                                                                                     from another person in the
                                     Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
                                                                                    past two weeks to do any of
                                                                                        the following activities
                                                                                         No              Yes
                           (Moving into or out of bed, chair or wheelchair)
                                                                                         No              Yes
                           (Putting on and taking off clothes)
                           (Cleaning/rinsing self in shower, tub bath or sponge          No              Yes

                           Preparing meals                                               No              Yes

                           Grocery shopping
                                                                                         No              Yes
                           (Choosing items in the store and checking out)

                          3. Can you manage by yourself for several hours alone right after you are discharged home
                             from the hospital? (2 points for “No”)
                              Yes      No

                          4. Total Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) Score: ________ (2 points for CCI score >2)

                                                          Charlson                                         Charlson
                        Condition                                        Condition
                                                          Score*                                           Score*
                                                                          Diabetes with Chronic
                         Myocardial Infarction                1                                                  2
                         Congestive Heart
                                                               1          Hemiplegia or Paraplegia               2
                         Peripheral Vascular
                                                               1          Tumor                                  2
                         Cerebrovascular
                                                               1          Leukemia                               2
                         Dementia                             1          Lymphoma                               2
                         Chronic Pulmonary
                                                               1          Renal Disease                          2
                                                                          Moderate or Severe Liver
                         Rheumatologic Disease                1                                                  3
                         Peptic Ulcer Disease                 1          Metastatic Tumor                       6
                         Mild Liver Disease                   1          AIDS                                   6
                         Diabetes                             1

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5. Surgery complexity (based on Work-related Relative Value Units of the primary
                             Low  Moderate          High    (2 points for “Moderate” and 9 points for “High”)

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eAppendix 2. Evaluation of Implementation and Sustainability
                     This is a more detailed description of methods used to evaluate the success of implementation and
                     sustainability of the VESPA initiative within the larger UMHS system over a two-and-half year period
                     from July 9, 2008 to January 5, 2011. We first collected all hospital administrative records for any patients
                     with a visit to the general surgery pre-operative clinic during the evaluation period. We applied age criteria
                     (age 70 or older on the day of their pre-operative visit) and excluded any patients who did not have an
                     operative procedure at UMHS within 3 months. An operative procedure was defined by the primary
                     Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes or International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision
                     (ICD-9) procedure code (if primary CPT code was missing) matching any of 244 Clinical Classifications
                     Software for Services and Procedures, a method developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
                     Health Care Utilization Project (HCUP) to identify patients who receive procedures of at least minor
                     surgical involvement.25 Thus, the HCUP procedure categories allow for rapid identification of surgical
                     patients by CPT and ICD-9 procedure codes, grouping them into a more manageable number of procedure
                     types, such as lumpectomy/quadrantectomy of the breast or colorectal excision. We excluded all non-
                     operating room categories such as endoscopy or bedside interrogation of devices.
                     Not all Physician Assistants (PAs) working for the UMHS pre-operative surgery clinic participated in the
                     VESPA project at all times, because the PA champion (WP) initially trained a core team of PAs at the start
                     of the project, however, PA turnover occurred over the next 3 years. Although we ideally wished to
                     evaluate only the efforts of those participating Physician Assistants (PAs), it was not possible using
                     administrative billing data to identify which patients in the health system were seen by a particular PA.
                     Therefore, we used specific HCUP procedure categories as a proxy for the surgical areas served by
                     participating PAs in the VESPA program. Thus, we used the HCUP classification of surgery type to match
                     the VESPA patients (the numerator) with all older patients age 70+ who also underwent similar surgeries in
                     the health system within 3 months of their pre-operative clinic visit. Thus, we measured sustainability of
                     the VESPA tool over time by considering each 6-month increment over a 2.5 year period (for a total of 5
                     periods), calculated as the number of patients with a VESPA evaluation (“VESPA patients”) divided by all
                     the eligible patients identified during that period (VESPA + matched control patients not evaluated by

                                                                                                               All Patients Age
                                                                                                               70+ Seen in Pre-
                       Pre-op Evaluation                                                Screening Rate         op Clinic with a
                                                      VESPA         Patients Not
                         Time Interval                                                       (%)                Surgery in 90
                                                                    Evaluated by
                                                                                                                Days following
                                                                                                               the Pre-op Visit

                              Overall                     736            2357                  23.8                   3438

                        July 9, 2008-
                                                          247             337                  42.3                    470
                      December 31, 2008

                        January 1, 2009-
                                                          229             401                  36.4                    558
                         June 30, 2009

                        July 1, 2009-
                                                          85              465                  15.5                    783
                      December 31, 2009

                        January 1, 2010-
                                                          102             560                  15.4                    806
                         June 30, 2010

                         July 1, 2010-
                                                          73              594                  10.9                    821
                        January 5, 2011

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These longitudinal results show that during the initial 12 months of implementation, greater than one-third
                     of eligible patients were provided with the VESPA evaluation. Over the next 1.5 years, however, the
                     evaluation rates decreased to 15% and 11% by the end of the study.

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eAppendix 3. Procedures of the Work-related Relative Value Units (WRVU)


                     Low WRVU Group:

                      Text description of reported Common                                  Prevalence within the
                      Procedural Terminology codes                                         Group
                      Acell graft trunk/arms/legs                    0                     0.82
                      Acellular graft, f/n/hf/g                      0                     0.82
                      Removal of forehead wrinkles                   0                     0.41
                      Removal of face wrinkles                       0                     0.41
                      Larynx surgery procedure                       0                     0.41
                      Laparoscope proc spleen                        0                     0.41
                      Excision of rectal lesion                      0                     0.41
                      Laparoscope procedure liver                    0                     0.41
                      Laparo proc hernia repair                      0                     0.41
                      Place needle wire breast                       0.63                  0.41
                      Remove sutures same surgeon                    0.78                  0.41
                      Exc tr-ext b9+marg 0.5 cm<                     0.9                   0.41
                      Change of bladder tube                         0.9                   0.41
                      Exc face-mm b9+marg 0.5 cm/<                   1.05                  0.41
                      Diagnostic laryngoscopy                        1.1                   0.82
                      Biopsy eyelid & lid margin                     1.18                  0.41
                      Place needle wire breast                       1.27                  0.82
                      Incision of eyelid fold                        1.27                  0.41
                      Excision of mouth lesion                       1.36                  0.82
                      Exc tr-ext b9+marg 1.1-2 cm                    1.45                  0.41
                      Skin sub graft trnk/arm/leg                    1.5                   0.82
                      Stereotact guide for brst bx                   1.59                  0.41
                      Exc tr-ext mal+marg 0.5 cm/<                   1.63                  11.07
                      Exc f/e/e/n/l mal+mrg 0.5cm<                   1.67                  1.64
                      Percut bx lung/mediastinum                     1.93                  0.41
                      Retr bone flap to fix skull                    2                     0.41
                      Exc f/e/e/n/l mal+mrg 0.6-1                    2.17                  0.41
                      Cystoscopy                                     2.23                  0.41
                      Exc tr-ext mal+marg 1.1-2 cm                   2.27                  0.41
                      Biopsy shoulder tissues                        2.3                   0.41
                      Esoph endoscopy dilation                       2.34                  0.41
                      Cystoscopy & ureter catheter                   2.37                  0.41
                      Cystoscopy w/biopsy(s)                         2.59                  6.15
                      Exc f/e/e/n/l mal+mrg 1.1-2                    2.62                  0.41
                      Deb musc/fascia 20 sq cm/<                     2.7                   0.41
                      Exc tr-ext mal+marg 2.1-3 cm                   2.82                  0.41
                      Placement of seton                             3                     0.41
                      Probe nl duct w/balloon                        3.06                  0.41
                      Exc s/n/h/f/g mal+mrg 2.1-3                    3.11                  0.41
                      Laryngoscopy w/biopsy                          3.16                  0.41
                      Exc tr-ext mal+marg 3.1-4 cm                   3.17                  2.05
                      Upper GI endoscopy/tumor                       3.2                   0.41
                      Biopsy of breast open                          3.23                  0.41

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Nasal/sinus endoscopy surg                     3.26                  0.41
                      Circum 28 days or older                        3.32                  0.41
                      Bronchoscopy w/biopsy(s)                       3.36                  0.41
                      Repair eyelid defect                           3.47                  0.41
                      Exc tr-ext b9+marg >4.0 cm                     3.52                  0.82
                      Laryngoscopy w/bx & op scope                   3.55                  3.28
                      Exc s/n/h/f/g mal+mrg 3.1-4                    3.62                  0.41
                      Repair eyelid defect                           3.75                  0.41
                      Exc leg/ankle tum < 3 cm                       3.96                  1.23
                      Exc neck les sc < 3 cm                         3.96                  0.82
                      Cystoscopy and treatment                       4.05                  0.41
                      Deb bone 20 sq cm/<                            4.1                   0.82
                      Remove tonsils and adenoids                    4.22                  0.41
                      Place gastrostomy tube                         4.32                  0.41
                      Nipple exploration                             4.44                  0.41
                      Incise & drain bladder                         4.49                  0.82
                      Larynscop w/tumr exc + scope                   4.52                  2.05
                      Nasal/sinus endoscopy surg                     4.57                  0.41
                      Exc s/n/h/f/g mal+mrg >4 cm                    4.61                  0.41
                      Cystoscopy and treatment                       4.62                  0.82
                      Cystoscopy and treatment                       4.99                  0.41
                      Exc tr-ext mal+marg >4 cm                      5.02                  1.64
                      Removal of anorectal lesion                    5.12                  0.41
                      Removal of ethmoid sinus                       5.14                  0.41
                      Diag laparo separate proc                      5.14                  0.41
                      Removal of breast tissue                       5.31                  0.41
                      Remove anal fist inter                         5.42                  0.82
                      Cystoscopy and treatment                       5.44                  2.05
                      Laparoscopy biopsy                             5.44                  0.41
                      Endoscopy maxillary sinus                      5.45                  0.82
                      Implant spine infusion pump                    5.6                   0.41
                      Removal of breast lesion                       5.92                  1.64
                      Repair eyelid defect                           6.05                  0.41
                      Excise submaxillary gland                      6.14                  0.41
                      Repair eyelid defect                           6.19                  0.82
                      Mohs 1 stage h/n/hf/g                          6.2                   0.82
                      Remove vc lesion w/scope                       6.3                   0.41
                      Tis trnfr trunk 10 sq cm/<                     6.37                  0.41
                      Biopsy/removal lymph nodes                     6.43                  1.23
                      Rpr umbil hern reduc > 5 yr                    6.59                  0.82
                      Amputation toe & metatarsal                    6.64                  0.82
                      Excision breast lesion                         6.69                  5.33
                      Remove in/ex hem groups 2+                     6.73                  0.41
                      Biopsy/removal lymph nodes                     6.74                  0.82
                      Removal of wrist prosthesis                    6.77                  0.41
                      Repair brow defect                             6.82                  0.41
                      Removal of ethmoid sinus                       6.95                  0.41
                      Repair of nasal septum                         7.01                  0.82
                      Removal neck/armpit lesion                     7.11                  0.41
                      Implant neuroelectrodes                        7.15                  0.41
                      Incision of windpipe                           7.17                  0.41
                      Cystoscopy and treatment                       7.5                   2.05
                      Revise eyelid defect                           7.5                   0.41

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Repair eyelid defect                           7.59                  0.41
                      Exc neck tum deep < 5 cm                       7.66                  0.41
                      Incision of prostate                           7.78                  0.41
                      Prp i/hern init reduc >5 yr                    7.96                  11.07
                      Mediastinoscopy incl biopsy                    8.05                  0.41
                      Exc rect tum transanal part                    8.13                  0.41
                      Exc abdl tum deep < 5 cm                       8.32                  0.41
                      Contour of face bone lesion                    8.39                  0.41
                      Repair rectum-vagina fistula                   8.71                  0.41
                      Remove eye/insert implant                      8.84                  0.41
                      Repair ing hernia sliding                      8.93                  0.41
                      Tis trnfr e/n/e/l 10 sq cm/<                   9.23                  0.41
                      Excise parotid gland/lesion                    9.57                  0.82
                      Tis trnfr s/a/l 10.1-30 sqcm                   9.72                  0.41
                      Total                                                                100.00

                     Moderate WRVU Group:

                      Text description of reported Common                                  Prevalence within the
                      Procedural Terminology codes                                         Group
                      Resect face tum < 2 cm                        9.89                   1.22
                      Create tear duct drain                        9.9                    0.41
                      Create tear sac drain                         9.96                   0.41
                      Rerepair ing hernia reduce                    9.99                   1.22
                      Excision of bone lower jaw                    10.03                  0.41
                      Repair eardrum structures                     10.05                  0.81
                      Create tear duct drain                        10.1                   0.81
                      Partical mastectomy                           10.13                  17.07
                      Skn splt a-grft fac/nck/hf/g                  10.15                  0.41
                      Repair bladder neck                           10.15                  0.41
                      Skin full grft face/genit/hf                  10.41                  0.41
                      Cataract surg w/iol 1 stage                   10.43                  4.88
                      Laparoscopic cholecystectomy                  10.47                  8.94
                      Appendectomy                                  10.6                   0.41
                      Pedcle fh/ch/ch/m/n/ax/g/h/f                  10.7                   0.41
                      Tis trnfr f/c/c/m/n/a/g/h/f                   10.83                  0.81
                      Partial thyroid excision                      11.23                  1.63
                      Laser surgery of prostate                     11.3                   0.41
                      Rerepair ing hernia blocked                   11.48                  0.41
                      Revision of scrotum                           11.78                  0.41
                      Island pedicle flap graft                     11.8                   0.41
                      Remove palate/lesion                          11.86                  0.41
                      Av fuse uppr arm cephalic                     11.89                  0.41
                      Rpr ventral hern init reduc                   11.92                  1.22
                      Lap vent/abd hernia repair                    11.92                  0.41
                      Revise middle ear bone                        12.03                  0.81
                      Exc rect tum transanal full                   12.13                  0.41
                      Repair bladder defect                         12.13                  0.41
                      Laser surgery of prostate                     12.15                  0.41

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Rerepair ventrl hern reduce                   12.37                  4.47
                      Repair of abdominal wall                      12.41                  0.81
                      Reconstruct cleft palate                      12.53                  0.41
                      Rpr hern preemie reduc                        12.53                  0.41
                      Exploration of abdomen                        12.54                  0.41
                      Mastoidectomy                                 12.56                  0.41
                      Open biopsy of lung pleura                    12.91                  0.41
                      Resect forearm/wrist tum
Mast simple complete                          15.85                  4.00
                      Reduction of large breast                     16.03                  0.40
                      Excision of stomach lesion                    16.34                  0.40
                      Remove spine lamina 1/2 lmbr                  16.43                  0.40
                      Resect abd tum < 5 cm                         16.69                  0.80
                      Laser treatment of retina                     16.74                  0.40
                      Lap inc hern repair comp                      16.84                  0.40
                      Reconstruction of urethra                     17.02                  0.40
                      Mast radical                                  17.46                  0.40
                      Removal of thyroid                            17.62                  0.40
                      Reopening of abdomen                          17.63                  0.40
                      Resect shoulder tum < 5 cm                    17.66                  0.80
                      Implant cochlear device                       17.73                  4.40
                      Removal of chest wall lesion                  17.78                  0.40
                      Explore adrenal gland                         18.02                  0.80
                      Mast mod rad                                  18.23                  0.80
                      Extensive jaw surgery                         18.37                  0.40
                      Freeing of bowel adhesion                     18.46                  1.20
                      Remove kidney open                            18.68                  2.40
                      Muscle-skin graft leg                         19.04                  0.40
                      Removal of spleen total                       19.55                  0.80
                      Fusion of ureters                             20.07                  0.40
                      Reconstruction of urethra                     20.7                   0.40
                      Laparo ablate liver cryosurg                  20.8                   0.40
                      Removal of small intestine                    20.82                  0.40
                      Laparo ablate renal mass                      21.36                  0.40
                      Transab esoph hiat hern rpr                   21.46                  0.40
                      Removal of thyroid                            22.01                  0.40
                      Lumbar spine fusion                           22.09                  0.40
                      Transthor diaphrag hern rpr                   22.12                  0.40
                      Partial removal of colon                      22.59                  4.00
                      Lap colectomy part w/ileum                    22.95                  0.80
                      Removal of thyroid                            23.2                   4.00
                      Vit for membrane dissect                      23.24                  0.80
                      Fuse esophagus & stomach                      23.31                  0.40
                      Removal of lymph nodes neck                   23.95                  1.20
                      Repair bowel-skin fistula                     24.2                   0.40
                      Partial removal of kidney                     24.21                  2.80
                      Extensive prostate surgery                    24.29                  3.20
                      Removal of stomach partial                    24.51                  0.40
                      Extensive prostate surgery                    24.63                  0.40
                      Suture small intestine                        24.72                  0.40
                      Repair rectum/remove sigmoid                  24.8                   7.20

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Partial removal of pancreas                   26.32                  0.40
                      Laparo partial colectomy                      26.42                  1.20
                      Laparo partial nephrectomy                    27.41                  0.40
                      Partial removal of colon                      27.79                  0.80
                      Extensive thyroid surgery                     28.42                  0.40
                      Partial removal of colon                      28.58                  0.40
                      Revise & repair chest wall                    29.3                   0.40
                      Lap gastric bypass/roux-en-y                  29.4                   0.80
                      Removal of pancreas                           29.45                  2.40
                      Removal of rectum                             30.76                  0.40
                      Resect apical lung tumor                      31.74                  1.20
                      Removal of bladder & nodes                    34.18                  10.80
                      Removal of colon/ileostomy                    34.42                  0.40
                      Removal of stomach partial                    35.14                  1.20
                      Remove bladder/revise tract                   36.33                  1.60
                      Lap remove rectum w/pouch                     36.5                   1.60
                      Free myo/skin flap microvasc                  36.94                  0.80
                      Partial removal of liver                      39.01                  3.60
                      Craniofacial approach skull                   39.13                  0.40
                      Removal of esophagus                          44.18                  0.80
                      Remove bladder/create pouch                   44.26                  1.20
                      Infratemporal approach/skull                  47.04                  0.40
                      Pelvic exenteration                           49.1                   0.40
                      Fuse liver ducts & bowel                      52.19                  0.40
                      Pancreatectomy                                52.79                  0.40
                      Partial removal of pancreas                   52.84                  4.00
                      Total                                                                100.00

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eAppendix 4. Outcomes (N=740)

                                                             Outcomes                                           No. (%)
                                                                          Delirium                              43 (5.8)
                                                                      Pressure Ulcer                             6 (0.8)
                                                                            Fall                                10 (1.4)
                                                                       Malnutrition                            104 (14.1)
                                                              Any Geriatric Complication                       131 (17.7)
                                                 NSQIP Traditional Post-surgical Complication§                  99 (13.4)
                          Surgical                                 Death in 30 days                              7 (0.9)
                        Complication                           Unplanned Readmission                            33 (4.5)
                                                              Any Surgical Complication                        114 (15.4)
                                           Any Geriatric or Surgical Complication                              187 (25.3)

                     §Prevalence of Each NSQIP Traditional Post-surgical Complication

                              NSQIP Traditional Post-surgical Complication Description                        No. (%)
                                                    Acute Renal Failure                                       4 (0.5)
                                               Transfusion Intraop/Postop                                     3 (0.4)
                                                  DVT Requiring therapy                                       5 (0.7)
                                                  Peripheral Nerve Injury                                     1 (0.1)
                                                           Pneumonia                                          13 (1.8)
                                                   Pulmonary Embolism                                         1 (0.1)
                                                             Sepsis                                           4 (0.5)
                                                   Unplanned Intubation                                       2 (0.3)
                                                  Urinary Tract Infection                                     45 (6.1)
                                                          Septic Shock                                        2 (0.3)
                                                 C. Diff Positive or Colitis                                  8 (1.1)
                                                      Atrial Fibrillation                                     8 (1.1)
                                                Significant Postop Delirium                                   3 (0.4)
                                                           Pancreatitis                                       1 (0.1)
                                                           Arrhythmia                                         12 (1.6)
                                                          Cardiac Arrest                                      1 (0.1)
                                                    Fascia Dehiscence                                         2 (0.3)
                                          Deep or Organ/Space Incisional SSI                                  13 (1.8)
                             Superficial Incisional SSI and Superficial Wound Disruption                      32 (4.3)

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