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Table of Contents

Chairperson’s Message                                    4
CEO’s Message                                            5
Key Note Speakers                                        6
Women’s Football Department                              7
Women’s Football Department Update                       9
Education Workshops                                     10
Promotion and Marketing                                 13
Grassroots Programmes                                   15
Elite                                                   19
International                                           23
Domestic                                                29
Administrator Update                                    31
Frequently asked questions                              32
Calendar of events                                      33
Other FAI Programmes                                    34
Referees                                                34
Schools and Third Level                                 37
Summer Soccer Schools                                   41
Women’s Football Committee                              42
East Women’s Regional Football Committee Update         43
Midlands Women’s Regional Football Committee Update     44
Mid-West Women’s Regional Football Committee Update     45
North East Women’s Regional Football Committee Update   46
North West Women’s Regional Football Committee Update   47
South East Women’s Regional Football Committee Update   49
South West Women’s Regional Football Committee Update   50
West Women’s Regional Football Committee Update         53

                                      I am delighted to welcome repre-           who attended get real benefit from
                                      sentatives of clubs and leagues to         their presence here today. To that
                                      the first Annual Convention for those      end, in addition to the prescribed
                                      involved in womens and schoolgirls         business of the Convention we are
                                      football.                                  delighted to have Rachel Pavlou
                                                                                 from the FA here to share her
                                      The full integration of women’s            experience in the keynote address.
                                      football into the structures of the FAI    We’re also delighted to take the op-
                                      became a reality in mid-2016 with          portunity to introduce Irish leagues
                                      the establishment of the FAI Wom-          and clubs to the fantastic UEFA
                                      ens’ Football Committee and the            #TogetherWePlayStrong Campaign
                                      Womens Regional Football Com-              and we’d like to thank Noel Mooney
                                      mittees. The transition to the new         for his attendance here today.
                                      structures has been an interesting
                                      process with the joining together of       Finally, we’re delighted that John
                                      many people who had previously             Delaney, CEO of the FAI joins us
                                      been involved in the Womens Foot-          for the Convention. The integration
                                      ball Association of Ireland (WFAI)         of womens’ football into the main-
                   NIAMH O’DONOGHUE   with others from many other areas          stream structures of the FAI was a
                    WFC CHAIRPERSON   of the game including the FAIS, the        project that was led from the outset
                                      WSCAI, and the WNL.                        by John and he has honoured all
                                                                                 commitments made and more.
                                      Building a focus on the devel-             The decision by the Board to ask
                                      opment of the game rather than             the FAI AGM to bring forward the
                                      on competition alone has been a            promised inclusion of the Chairman
                                      challenging journey. Considerable          of the WFC on the Board of the FAI
                                      efforts have been made to facili-          indicates the commitment of the
                                      tate the identification of priorities at   Association to the development of
                                      regional level and to launch new           the women’s game.
                                      initiatives to try and strengthen the
                                      game. The support provided by the          I’d like to thank all my colleagues
                                      Womens Football Unit and the FAI           on the WFC for all their work over
                                      Development Officers makes a real          the course of the last year in em-
                                      difference to these new arrange-           bedding the new structures and
                                      ments. You will see and hear today         helping set a strategic direction for
                                      just what this means in each of the        all involved in womens football. I’d
                                      regions.                                   also like to thank the staff of the
                                                                                 Womens Unit, Emma, Dave, and
                                      In arranging the first Annual Conven-      Clare under the leadership of Sue
                                      tion, the Womens’ Football Com-            for all their work over the course of
                                      mittee wanted to ensure that those         the last year.


                                        ciation in their support of women’s        has been evolution too. Colin Bell’s
                                        football programmes and that blue          appointment as the first full-time
                                        chip organisation has been a terrific      head coach of the senior Women’s
                                        support to the Women’s National            National Team shows that commit-
                                        League. The establishment of the           ment and I wish Colin and his team
                                        league in 2011 has provided our            the very best as they attempt to
                                        top level players with a platform to       qualify for the FIFA Women’s World
                                        test themselves against their peers        Cup in France in 2019.
                                                                                   Our underage international sides
                                        Shelbourne LFC proved once                 continue to make an impact in
                                        again this year that our national          UEFA competition, with the WU17s
                                        club teams can compete at UEFA             qualifying for the UEFA Finals earlier
                                        Women’s Champions League level             this year with WNT Head Coach
                                        with an unbeaten campaign and the          Colin Bell set to work with that age
                                        Continental Tyres Women’s National         group going forward.
                       JOHN DELANEY     League continues to become more
                             FAI CEO    competitive. We’re planning the            With Dave Connell also ensuring the
                                        introduction of an underage na-            WU19 sides continue to compete at
                                        tional league for top female players       the highest level and Sharon Boyle’s
I am very pleased to welcome all of     and this will also have a significant      work in introducing talented young
the delegates to the first annual FAI   impact on bringing the best players        players to the international stage at
Women’s Football Convention.            together more regularly, earlier in        WU16 level, the standards are not
The development of football for         their careers.                             just being maintained at representa-
female players has long been a                                                     tive level but continue to be raised.
priority of the FAI Board. I have       The restructure and growth of the
always made it clear that as a father   Gaynor Tournament, with Fota               Women’s football is in a very strong
of twins, a boy and a girl, my goal     Island Resort on board as the title        place at this moment, and with
is that each would have the same        sponsor, is further proof of the           continued growth, increased inter-
opportunities to play our game.         evolution of elite football for our best   est from the public and media, and
 Our commitment as an Association       young female players with 45 teams         through the steady improvements in
to the growth of women’s football       and over 1000 players taking part in       the quality of the Women’s game,
has been strong and while change        Limerick this year.                        the future is very exciting for the
does take time to be felt, there have                                              Association and for the country in
been many progressions across           Our national competitions allow the        general.
football for females of all abilities   best club teams at all levels from
in this country. The establishment      U14 up to adult senior, intermediate       Our challenge is to ensure that the
of the new governance structure         and junior grades to test themselves       determination to improve never
with the creation of the Women’s        against the other top sides in the         wavers and that young Irish females
Football Committee, working with        country and we believe these com-          know that this sport can offer them
eight regional committees, has          petitions will continue to grow.           fabulous opportunities. I know that
given women’s football in Ireland a                                                the Women’s Football department,
platform for growth, which the FAI is   The Aviva Soccer Sisters pro-              headed by Sue Ronan, is very fo-
committed to supporting.                gramme has been a tremendous               cused on maintaining the progress
                                        success and again, a top tier              made to date, across all aspects of
The growth of women’s football          sponsor has helped impact on the           the game.
is one of the key pillars of the FAI    numbers of girls playing our game
Strategic Plan which was published      and being introduced to football in a      Finally my thanks to all of our
in 2016 and the appointment of the      fun and safe environment.                  speakers at this convention and in
chairperson of the Women’s Foot-                                                   particular a warm welcome to Noel
ball Committee, Niamh O’Dono-           We’ve also seen the numbers of             Mooney from UEFA, who is driv-
ghue, onto the FAI Board ensures        females on the            ing UEFA’s Marketing Campaign
that commitment to women’s              FAI Summer Soccer Schools grow             for Women’s Football, and Rachel
football will continue.                 and that too is a very positive sign       Pavlou from the FA, who will share
                                        of the health and interest in football     her experiences in England and that
Continental Tyres has been a            amongst young girls.                       country’s successful growth and
tremendous partner to the Asso-         On the national team front there           retention of women players.


                                        KEY NOTE SPEAKERS
                                        Noel Mooney
                                        Senior Manager National Associations Business Development
                                        Noel is responsible for sup-        marketing and promotions
                                        porting all 55 member asso-         Noel was also a goalkeeper
                                        ciations in growing the game        with Limerick FC, Cork City
                                        in a strategic and systematic       and Shamrock Rovers.
                                        manner through the dedicat-         Noel achieved academic de-
                                        ed development programme            grees from the Dublin Institute
                                        UEFA GROW.                          of Technology and the Irish
                                        Before joining UEFA in 2012,        Management Institute and is a
                                        he held roles with the Football     recent graduate of the Execu-
                         NOEL MOONEY
                                UEFA    Association of Ireland - most       tive Master in European Sport
                                        recently as head of league          Governance.

                                        Rachel Pavlou
                                        National Women’s Football Participation Manager
                                        The FA
                                        Rachel has over 25 years of         She has been a key member
                                        sports development experi-          in the implementation of the
                                        ence, particularly specialising     FA Women’s Super League,
                                        in the last 19 years in the         has managed the talent de-
                                        development of women’s              velopment programme, leads
                                        football at The Football Asso-      on the changes to mixed
                                        ciation.                            football and initiated and
                                        Rachel is currently the FA          developed the Kick Off Your
                       RACHEL PAVLOU    National Women’s Football           Career campaign. She insti-
                               THE FA   Participation Manager. Her          gated the Lionesses Player
                                        main area of focus is to dou-       Appearance Programme,
                                        ble participation. She is also      Conti Festivals, Soccercise,
                                        a designated UEFA Expert in         the FA Girls’ Youth Cup, the
                                        Women’s Football Develop-           Premier League and English
                                        ment and a Trustee at Aston         Football League Trust female
                                        Villa FC Foundation.                participation programme and
                                        During her time at The FA,          the SSE Wildcats FC.
                                        Rachel has secured over             Rachel has played competi-
                                        £14.5m of external funding          tively at many sports, particu-
                                        into both the participation and     larly football and hockey, and
                                        talent programmes to devel-         still plays league tennis for her
                                        op the game. This included          club. She is a season ticket
                                        influencing sponsors Tesco,         holder in the Holte End at
                                        Continental Tyres and SSE to        Aston Villa FC and is even in
                                        invest in grassroots “girls only”   their away scheme.
                                        football projects.


                             Sue Ronan has a long distin-      the Women’s National Team
                             guished career in Women’s         in 2010. During her time with
                             Football, firstly as a national   the WNT, she also led Team
                             team player, then as a coach      Ireland’s Women’s Football
                             and now as an administrator.      Team at three World Universi-
                             She started full-time in the      ty Games.
                             Association in March 2006         Sue stepped down from her
                             as National Coordinator for       position with the WNT in 2016
                             Women’s Football. For the         to become Head of Women’s
                             previous 10 years, she was        Football in the FAI, a newly
                             part of the coaching staff in     created position as part of the
                             a voluntary capacity with our     new governance structure of
                             underage national squads,         women’s football. Sue heads
                SUE RONAN
  HEAD OF WOMEN’S FOOTBALL   first as Manager of the U16’s,    up the women’s department
                             then as Mick Cooke’s assis-       who work closely with the
                             tant with the U18’s.              Women’s Football Committee
                             Sue became Head Coach             and Regional Committees to
                             with the WU19’s in 2000,          develop all elements of the
                             a role she held for 10 years      game, under the 5 pillars of
                             before moving on to coach         the Women’s Strategic Plan.

                             Emma has been involved            as kit manager during that
                             with developing Women’s           period.
                             and Schoolgirls football since    In 2015, Emma became Na-
                             2004, through her local club      tional Coordinator for Wom-
                             and league in Cork, while also    en’s Football and has been
                             being heavily involved with       heavily involved in the devel-
                             third level football with the     opment and implementation
                             WSCAI committee.                  of our Women’s Strategic
                             Emma began working with the       Plan over the past number of
                             FAI in May 2008 as a Wom-         years.
                             en’s Development Officer for      Emma’s current role involves
                             South Leinster. In 2011, she      working with the WFC and
                             moved to FAI headquarters as      WRFC’s to roll out our Wom-
              EMMA MARTIN    Women’s Programme Assis-          en’s Strategic Plan while also
     NATIONAL CO-ORDINATOR   tant.                             coordinating all grassroots
                             From 2011-2015 she also           programmes and events for
                             joined the WNT staff, working     increasing female participation.


                                        WOMEN’S FOOTBALL
                                        Dave Connell played for           Rovers in August 1989 and
                                        Bohemians, Dundalk and            in his three years at the club
                                        Shamrock Rovers F.C.              won two consecutive Player
                                        amongst others during his 20      of the Year awards. He made
                                        year career in the League of      a total of 126 appearanc-
                                        Ireland. He played for Bohe-      es scoring 6 times for the
                                        mians in the famous 3-2 win       Hoops.
                                        over Rangers in 1984.             Dave started working for the
                                        Dave also captained Ireland at    Football Association of Ire-
                                        schoolboys Under 15 level in      land in 2006 and is currently
                                        1974/75 playing and scoring       the Head Coach of the U19
                        DAVID CONNELL   twice against a Dutch side        Republic of Ireland Women’s
                NATIONAL COORDINATOR    which included Ruud Gullit,       National Football Team and
    GIRLS EMERGING TALENT PROGRAMME     and a Welsh side that boast-      National Coordinator for Girls
                                        ed Ian Rush.                      Emerging Talent Programme.
                                        Dave signed for Shamrock

                                        Clare Conlon is a retired         the Women’s Soccer
                                        Women’s National League           Colleges Association
                                        Player, playing with both         of Ireland for a number of
                                        Wexford Youths and Raheny         years.
                                        United during her career,         Clare started working with the
                                        winning 2 League Titles, 2 FAI    Football Association of Ireland
                                        Senior Cups, a League Cup         in 2012 and has been in her
                                        and League Plate as well as       current role since March 2015
                                        3 Champions League Cam-           She is currently the Adminis-
                                        paigns.                           trator for Women’s Football, a
                                        Clare has also been involved      Child Welfare tutor for the As-
                       CLARE CONLON
                                        in the Women’s game in a          sociation as well as part time
                                        voluntary role when she was       Kit Manager or the Women’s
                                        in the position of secretary of   Senior National Team.


                                                                        Women's Regional
                                      FAI Board      FAI Committees         Football
                                                                         Committees x 8

                                        Fitzgerald                          East WRFC

                                                                            North East
                                      Conway (Vice     International
The last twelve months have            President)

been an exciting time for
                                      John Delaney                          North West
Women’s Football in Ireland.             (CEO)
A priority of the Women’s
Strategic Plan, launched in                                                 Mid-West
                                      Michael Cody      Domestic
2015, was a change in our                                                    WRFC

governance structure. That
new structure involved the full       Eddie Murray
                                                        Legal and
                                                                           West WRFC
integration of women’s foot-
ball into the structures of the
                                        Eamon                               South West
FAI; the establishment of an           Naughton
FAI Women’s Football Com-
mittee; and the establishment            Paraic                             South East
of 8 Regional Football Com-             Treanor                               WRFC

mittees. This structure allows
us to get to the coalface                Jim                                 Midlands
                                       McConnell                              WRFC
of what is required in every
corner of the country in order
to further develop the game in        John Earley

those areas.
Our 8 regional committees are
                                      Mick Hanley
made up of stakeholders from
all strands of the game within
those areas bringing a lot of            Niamh
knowledge and experience
to the table. They meet on a
bi-monthly basis setting out      New Governance Structure of Women’s Football
priorities and targets under
each of the five pillars of our
strategic plan, supported by
the Women’s Department. A
huge amount of good work
has already taken place in
each of the regions, which
you will see outlined in more
detail further on in this


                                   EDUCATION WORKSHOPS
Education is a key pillar in the   The workshops proved to be a       FIFA SEMINAR
Women’s Strategic Plan and         huge success, with our clubs
as a result, we have held a        and leagues making great           Part of FIFA’s support for
number of workshops over the       strides in this area.              women’s football is to send
last year to help up-skill those                                      one of their panel of experts to
who work in every aspect of                                           deliver on a specific topic, as
women’s football - managers,       UEFA GROW2020 WORKSHOP             requested by a National Asso-
coaches and administrators.        On the 20th of August, twenty      ciation. These experts have a
                                   one representatives from our       long history and involvement in
                                   underage leagues and clubs         the game, so are well placed
VOLUNTEER WORKSHOPS                around the country attended a      to deliver on the required topic.
Volunteers play a vital and        workshop in Belfast, delivered
pivotal role in any sport and we   by UEFA’s Grow2020 Team,           At the beginning of our new
have many thousands of good        led by Noel Mooney, a former       governance structure and
people involved in football all    FAI staff member. The work-        following discussions with
around the country, doing          shop focused on the following      the members of our regional
great work in their local com-     topics, which are currently        committees, it was agreed
munities, however there is still   problem areas in every sport:      to provide them with some
a huge shortage in this area.                                         guidance and support as they
With that in mind we delivered     1. Recruitment                     were about to embark on a
a Club Development and Vol-        2. Retention                       new role. The following topics
unteer Recruitment Workshop                                           were suggested as areas in
in each of our eight regions       The workshop took the form         which more knowledge would
to look at innovative ways of      of many break-out sessions         be very beneficial:
getting more people involved       to discuss the above, which
in the game at all levels within   provided for great interaction     •   How to grow the game
the clubs.                         and discussion amongst the             locally
                                   participants. With domestic        •   How to market and com-
These Workshops were deliv-        and international experiences          municate women’s football
ered by Paul Martyn, Coach         also shared, there were many           locally & nationally
Education National Tutor, and      takeaways for the participants     •   How can local leagues and
centred on the five pillars of     as they look to increase and           clubs attract sponsors
club development; volunteer        retain their players.              •   Time management and Ad-
recruitment, club structures,                                             ministration of committees
fundraising, club plan and         Following the workshop, the        •   Discuss status, potential
vision, player and coach           group got to experience at             and future of women’s
development. Through lively        first hand a top level underage        football
discussions and group break-       international match, the 2017      •   Exchange information and
outs, the participants were en-    European Championships                 best practices
couraged to take an in-depth       WU19 Final between France
look at their own club and look    and Spain, with Spain eventu-      FIFA’s expert, Ebru Koksal,
at ways to improve on the five     ally winning 3-2 in an enthrall-   delivered a fantastic two day
pillars within their club.         ing game.                          workshop in FAI Headquarters


in October 2016 where all of
the areas above were dis-
cussed and debated in great
detail. Feedback received
from participants following the
workshop confirmed that it
was a great benefit to them.

                                  players and or coaches.            COACH EDUCATION WORKSHOPS
Our Coach Education De-           There have also been a num-        FOR EMERGING TALENT
partment have developed           ber of PDP1 and PDP2 Cours-        COACHES
a specific course for Any-        es held around the country
body Working Female Game          specifically for females. While    A key part of our educational
(AWFG). This came about           we welcome and want male           process is to deliver work-
following a request by the        coaches involved in women’s        shops for coaches working
Cork Women’s and Schoolgirls      football, the idea for these       with our young elite players,
League who were looking for       ‘gender specific’ courses is to    specifically those working
innovative ways of attracting     encourage more women to get        on our Emerging Talent Pro-
more coaches. A specialist        involved. Statistics show there    gramme. These coaches
Educational Programme can         is a real shortage of female       are invited to observe train-
be then devised from the          coaches all around the world       ing sessions relevant to elite
workshop for male and female      so it is a key focus for both      players, including female
coaches currently working, as     FIFA and UEFA. One of the          specific warm-ups, which are
well as coaches targeted to       main issues identified is a lack   delivered by our Underage
work in the female game. The      of confidence in a male domi-      International Coaches and our
programme will see coaches        nant environment. So with that     Head of Fitness. The coaches
complete the required contact     in mind, we decided to provide     also receive advice on other
hours and qualification to be     females at the beginning of        important areas when dealing
acknowledged as National D        their coaching journey with an     with elite athletes such as:
Licence Holders. One of the       environment where they could       • Diet / Nutrition
key aims of the programme is      feel comfortable, thus encour-     • Strength / Conditioning
to cater for the involvement of   aging them to go further up        • Advice for Parents
coaches from U14 and U16          the Coach Education ladder.        • High Performance Culture
upwards, this will allow for      Ultimately when they do move       Two such workshops took
these players to begin their      on to the higher end courses       place in the past 12 months at
coaching process early and        which are male dominated,          FAI Headquarters, with plans
hopefully ensure to keep them     they will feel more confident in   to roll out another before the
in the game longer either as      that environment.                  end of the year.


ERASMUS PLUS                      ular target groups. The first      in England. The objectives of
                                  was specifically for coaches       the visit was to learn what our
We have been able to ac-          working with elite players, so     counterparts in England do in
cess some funding through         we invited those working on        the following areas in terms of
the Erasmus Plus Programme        both our Emerging Talent Pro-      growing their clubs:
which can be used for educa-      gramme and with our National
tional opportunities.             League Clubs to the 2016           •   Creating links within the
                                  WU19 European Finals in                local community
                                  Slovakia. The group observed       •   Increasing participation
                                  both semi-final games and          •   Marketing, Promotion and
                                  the final, learning about styles       Communications
                                  of play, match analysis and        •   Best Practice to attract
                                  current international trends for       sponsors
                                  elite players. Each participant
                                  was required to devise a train-    The group visited both Read-
                                  ing plan based on the match        ing WFC and Arsenal WFC,
                                  observed.                          where they were met by staff
                                                                     who shared their knowledge
                                  In May of this year we invited     on the topics above. Our del-
                                  delegates from the Women’s         egates gained a lot of insight
                                  National League clubs who          and knowledge from the visit,
                                  are responsible for the mar-       taking away some vital learn-
As a result of this funding, we   keting side of the club, to join   ings which they will implement
have organised two separate       a group who visited two clubs      in their own clubs.
overseas visits for two partic-   in the Women’s Super League


                                  tional League.             , plus a big presence on
                                                                       Twitter and Facebook with live
                                  At this year’s Fota Island           goal updates and video clips
                                  Resort Gaynor Tournament,            for selected matches. We
                                  we had a full-time presence          also have match reporters at
                                  from our communications              every game and the FAI Senior
                                  department at the event. They        Cup Final forms part of a dou-
                                  produced a daily highlights          ble-header which is televised
                                  package and provided daily           live on RTE.
                                  social media coverage for the

  Women’s                         duration of the tournament.          We are also continually work-
                                                                       ing with the clubs to help them

  Football                        We also have partnerships in
                                  the print media including the
                                                                       improve their own media out-
                                                                       put, as was evident with the
                                  Irish Daily Mail, Irish Daily Star   Erasmus Trip to England.
         @FAIWomen                and, a women’s mag-
                                  azine with a particular interest     The Women’s National Team
                                  in profiling females in sport.       is the pinnacle of women’s
         @FAIWomen                There has also been increased        football in any country, so we
                                  coverage of women’s football         try as much as possible to               over the last few years on TV,       promote the team and their
                                  with Aviva currently running         fixtures. There is an exten-
                                  advertisements for the Soccer        sive communications plan
This is a very important pillar   Sisters Programme on TV3             in place, with a press officer
of the Strategic Plan and a lot   while the Women’s Nation-            ever present with the squad
of strides have already taken     al Teams home competitive            for every fixture and training
place in this area.               fixtures have been covered live      camp. An individual plan is
                                  on TV.                               devised around each fixture
At domestic level we have                                              with a huge presence on
sponsors for most of our          At local level, the women’s          social media in the lead-up to
programmes including Aviva        department and the develop-          the games. We particularly
for our Soccer Sisters Pro-       ment officers run promotional        look to use creative behind-
gramme, Fota Island Resort        campaigns to advertise local         the-scenes footage in order
for the Gaynor Tournament,        events which includes leaflet-       to drive engagement. There
Castleknock Country Golf and      ing in local schools, clubs and      is also full Communications
Country Club for our Centres      other local promotions.              Department support for all our
of Excellence and of course                                            underage squads in the lead-
Continental are a long time       The Women’s National League          up to games.
sponsor of the Women’s Na-        has a dedicated website (wnl.

For what matters to you


FAI Aviva Soccer Sisters has
been one of the driving forces
behind the increase in number
of girls in grassroots football
over the past number of years.

The Aviva Soccer Sisters Club
Programme is an FAI Pro-
gramme created under the “In-
troduction to Football” banner,
with the aim of increasing the
number of girls playing football
and utilising facilities coun-
trywide. It is also designed to
attract new volunteers into the
game, i.e. parents and guard-      disciplines and fundamental        more clubs have developed
ians who it is then hoped may      rules of the game and are          new teams as a result of being
get involved in the game in        also encouraged to forge new       involved in the Aviva Soccer
some capacity. Taking place        friendships and develop inter-     Sisters Programme.
at venues countrywide girls        personal skills.
can learn to play football in a                                       This year was yet another
fun, friendly and safe environ-    All girls should have an equal     record breaking year with 124
ment.                              opportunity to get involved in     clubs taking part in the Aviva
                                   football and the Aviva Soccer      Soccer Sisters Easter camps,
The children are introduced        Sisters provides this opportuni-   which saw over 3,400 girls
to basic movement and foot-        ty. As girls’ football continues   participate.
ball skills. They learn the        to grow each year, more and
                                                                      In 2017, we’ve also contin-
                                                                      ued the Aviva Soccer Sisters
                                                                      Nursery programme. As we
                                                                      build on the strong founda-
                                                                      tions we’ve developed over
                                                                      the past decade, it’s import-
                                                                      ant we encourage girls to get
                                                                      involved from a younger age.
                                                                      This year the Soccer Sisters
                                                                      Nursery academy programme
                                                                      was predominantly focused in
                                                                      the North East region, work-
                                                                      ing closely with a number of
                                                                      clubs to promote and develop
                                                                      the 5-8 year old age group


within their clubs. This will be   •   Inspire young girls to play
followed by mini-blitzes, which        football
create fun events for them to      •   Create a positive experi-
engage in.                             ence
For more information on the        •   Break down prejudice
Aviva Soccer Sisters                   against women’s football
Programme contact                  •   Turn women’s football into                  a sport for the masses in
                                       the long run
FIFA LIVE YOUR GOALS               •   Make professional
                                       women’s football popular
The FAI in conjunction with
FIFA is running one of FIFA’s
very successful campaigns
to introduce more females to
the game of football. ‘Live
Your Goals’ was launched and
promoted in 2011 as part of                                          Meath, Limerick, Roscommon,
the FIFA Women’s World Cup                                           Leitrim, Kildare, Dublin, Kerry
in Germany.                                                          and Kilkenny and a total of
                                                                     over 1,400 girls taking part.
Live Your Goals (LYG) cam-
paign objectives are to:                                             For more information about the
• Spark, foster and establish      This is the sixth year we have    FIFA Live Your Goals pro-
    excitement for women’s         rolled out the LYG programme      gramme in Ireland email
    football                       with festivals taking place in



Women’s football have one
more supporter at our Wom-
en’s National Team games
and grassroots programmes
as our new mascot, Cara, was
introduced to Tallaght Stadium
in November 2016!

We ran a competition through
social media and clubs, asking
supporters to create a mas-
cot for the Women’s National
Team. After an incredible          overwhelmed by the response         Stadium to support our Girls
amount of entries, we chose        to the mascot competition and       in Green, as well as across
Cara as the winner. Cara           the quality of the entries was      many Grassroots programmes
Griffin, 14, penned the entry      excellent. “We’d like to thank      throughout the year from Aviva
below with a fantastic story       everyone who entered the            Soccer Sisters camps, to
behind the new mascot Cara!        competition but we had to have      the Aviva Stadium to see the
                                   a winner. It was really difficult   men’s team play. She also
She wrote: “Cara the mascot,       but for us, Cara had a fantastic    appeared at many FIFA live
like myself, started playing       back story and it is one which      your goals festivals and visited
soccer at age 5 and joined her     is relatable to a lot of young      numerous clubs.
local boys’ team where she         girls in the country.               If your club is running an event
discovered her love for soccer                                         for girl’s football, perhaps Cara
and loved learning new skills.     “Cara played at our FAI Soccer      will be able to pay a visit. We
“She then joined the girl’s team   Camps as well so I think a lot      cannot guarantee availability for
in a village nearby and made       of the children who attend our      all events but we’ll do our best
loads of new friends. Her          matches will be able to relate      to accommodate all requests.
confidence grew and she built      to Cara in a great way and          Email for more
a great bond with her team-        make her easily approachable.       information.
mates. “She looked forward to
meeting her ‘Soccer Sisters’ at    “It’s a great move forward to
the FAI Soccer Camps every         have a mascot, not just for the
summer. Soccer has given           Women’s National Team but
Cara a sense of belonging, a       also our ever expanding grass-
chance to meet new friends,        roots programme, and I’m sure
a huge amount of skills, dis-      the young children who attend
cipline and a lovely chance to     our matches will enjoy Cara’s
travel to different places!”       company.”

Women’s Football Co-ordinator      Cara has made many appear-
Emma Martin said: “We were         ances especially to Tallaght


RECREATIONAL FOOTBALL                                          SCHOOL CLUB LINK PROGRAMME

In an ever changing world,                                     This programme was intro-
where there are greater de-                                    duced in 2016 in an effort to
mands on people’s time and                                     assist clubs develop closer
long working hours, some-                                      links with their local schools.
times the ability to commit to                                 Coaching sessions are deliv-
a club for weekly training or                                  ered by an FAI coach which
matches can be a challenge.                                    is then followed by an ‘Open
With this in mind we are                                       Training Session’ in the club,
looking to provide recreational                                whereby the girls from the
options for female players to                                  local school can come along
get involved. Recreational                                     and get involved in the local
leagues, playing small side                                    club. This programme has
games, have been piloted in                                    led to many clubs gaining new
a number of areas in 2017.        A participant from our       girls teams.
We are also catering for old-     Football For All Programme
er women through ‘Walking
Football’. For more information
on both of these programmes
please email


LEAGUE ACADEMIES                     players take part in what was        2017 PARTICIPATING LEAGUES
                                     then a new programme on our
The aim of the League Acad-          player pathway. That number            Metropolitan Girls League
emies is to provide a local          has steadily increased with      Donegal Women’s and Girls League
opportunity for the best players     22 leagues taking part in the    Inishowen Schoolboy/Girls League
at U12’s, 14’s & 16’s within         programme in 2017, catering                Wexford League
a league to train together in a                                                      CWSSL
                                     for approximately 1,100 girls.
                                                                              Sligo Leitrim League
structured environment, un-                                                       Mayo League
der the guidance of licensed                                                     Galway League
coaches who adhere to criteria                                                 Waterford League
as laid down by the FAI. The                                                      Clare League
League Academy is the first                                                  South Tipperary League
step on the Elite Player Path-                                               North Tipperary League
                                                                           Limerick Desmond League
way for talented players, with                                              Limerick County League
the best from each Academy                                                    Mid-Western League
being invited to attend one                                                       Kerry League
of our 8 Regional Centres of                                                    Kilkenny League
Excellence.                                                                          NECSL
                                                                                Midlands League
League participation has
                                                                                Longford League
steadily grown over the last                                                     Kildare League
few years. In 2010 we had                                                        Carlow League
18 leagues and approx. 700

The annual Gaynor Tour-
nament takes place in the
University of Limerick and is
considered to be the premier
tournament for underage
girl’s football in Ireland. It has
evolved over the years from
an inter-provincial tournament,
to a tournament at 3 different
age-groups. The 2017 event
involved four days of action at      the course of the tournament.    of Ireland WU17 side at the
the U14s & U16s age-groups,                                           European Championships, en-
while semi-finals and final          In the U16 Gaynor Cup Final,     sured her side lifted the trophy,
games in the U12 age catego-         Metropolitan Girls League        presented to them by Republic
ry also featuring at the event.      claimed a 1-0 win over Galway    of Ireland WNT Head Coach
This was the first year we had       and District League thanks       Colin Bell.
all three age-groups together        to a first-half penalty from
at the same time and it provid-      Alannah McEvoy. McEvoy,          In the U14 Final, Galway and
ed for a feast of football over      who starred for the Republic     District League triumphed in


an all-Connacht affair against     forward to play their semi-final   of the tournament and the path
Sligo Leitrim and District         and final at the Gaynor Tourna-    that it has led for many past
League. In an enthralling final    ment in University of Limerick.    players.
between two unbeaten sides,        In a very closely fought final
Orlaith Conlon scored the          the Metropolitan Girls League      Present Senior Internationals
winning goal after great work      edged out last year’s winners      Stephanie Roche, Megan
by Anna Fahey. Galway were         Galway District League on          Campbell, Denise O Sullivan
presented with the trophy by       penalties.                         and upcoming stars of the
FAI CEO John Delaney as                                               future Katie McCabe, Roma
Galway reached the final in all    This hugely popular compe-         McLaughlin, Amanda McQuil-
three age-groups (U12, U14         tition, has been influential in    lan have all played at the Gay-
and U16).                          the development of female          nor Cup. This year we were
                                   footballers with many of the       delighted to have Fota Island
The U12s Gaynor Cup saw a          current Republic of Ireland        Resort as the main sponsor of
record number of twenty one        Women’s teams made up of           the event. Having such a rep-
leagues take part in this year’s   past participants.                 utable partner as Fota involved
competition. A total of 300                                           in women’s football, added
young girls competed in four       To play in the Gaynor Com-         greatly to the success of the
separate regional blitzes with     petition is considered to be an    Gaynor Tournament and the
the winner of each blitz going     honour, considering the history    profile of the game in general.


The aim of the Girls Centres
of Excellence is to further raise    Midlands – Willow Park Athlone
the technical ability of all elite    Cork/Waterford- Cappoquin
players through the provision          Donegal/Sligo – Drumkeen
of further training and lifestyle      Dublin South – Stepaside
development at regional level,        Dublin North – AUL Complex
ultimately preparing them for         Galway/ Mayo – Headford &
the step up to international                    Castlebar
football.                                Limerick – Pike Rovers
                                          Wexford – Bunclody
The programme allows our
best players the opportunity to
train and play with each other,
under the watchful eye of fully
qualified FAI coaches, who
provide them with a more chal-
lenging level of training than
they receive at their clubs.

This year the programme ran
for a 12 week period from
July to September, with the
coaches at each centre pre-
dominantly FAI Development
Officers, following a coaching
syllabus as set out by our High
Performance Director. These
Centres of Excellence provide
the ideal environment for our
international coaches to evalu-
ate the best players in Ireland
in a challenging environment.

Aine O’Gorman of Republic of Ireland in action against Gunnhildur Yrsa Jónsdóttir of Iceland during
the Women’s International Friendly between Republic of Ireland and Iceland at Tallaght Stadium in Dublin.

WOMEN’S NATIONAL TEAM              ber where Leanne Kiernan and      nie Roche and Aine O’Gorman
                                   Stephanie Roche found the         scoring. Next up was a 0-0
Sue Ronan was still in charge      net in a 2-1 win.                 draw with Hungary then Bell’s
of the team when the season                                          side topped their group thanks
began with 2 training games                                          to a 1-0 win over Wales with
in Wales. A youthful Irish side                                      McCabe clinching the three
drew 0-0 with the hosts be-                                          points. In the fourth placed
fore winning 2-1 in the second                                       play-off against Korea DPR the
game thanks to a Katie Mc-                                           Irish succumbed to a 2-0 loss.
Cabe double.
                                                                     In the FIFA Women’s World
Unfortunately the 2017 Eu-                                           Cup draw Bell’s Ireland have
ropean Qualifying campaign                                           been grouped with Nether-
came to a disappointing end        Former UEFA Women’s               lands, Northern Ireland, Nor-
in the final group game with a     Champions League winning          way and Slovakia with the
1-0 loss to Portugal in Tallaght   coach Colin Bell was appoint-     campaign set to start with a
Stadium in September. After        ed as Head Coach in Febru-        trip away to Northern Ireland
this game, Ronan opted to          ary and led the team for the      on Tuesday, September 19th.
step down as Head Coach in         first time in the annual Cyprus   We wish Colin and the team
order to put her entire fo-        Cup, where Ireland finished       well as they embark on their
cus into her role as Head of       5th, the highest ever placing     journey which hopefully will
Women’s Football. Her final        for the team. Bell began his      lead to qualification for the
game was against the Basque        reign with a 2-0 win over the     World Cup Finals in France,
Country in Tallaght in Novem-      Czech Republic with Stepha-       2019.


                                                                     in the impressive victory in

                                                                     Kiernan then continued her
                                                                     excellent form, scoring both
                                                                     goals in a 2-0 victory over
                                                                     Wales. The Shelbourne Ladies
                                                                     sharpshooter made it six goals
                                                                     in two games in a victory that
                                                                     secured qualification to the
                                                                     Elite Round.

                                                                     The Irish topped their group
                                                                     with three wins from three after
                                                                     a 2-0 win over Italy. Saoirse
                                                                     Noonan and Chloe Moloney
                                  WU19                               scoring the goals.

                                  The Republic of Ireland wom-       They faced Scotland, Fin-
                                  en’s U19 side began their          land and Ukraine in their Elite
                                  season in September with a         Round Qualifying Group which
                                  friendly game against Belgium,     was held in Limerick in April.
                                  where they fell to a 2-1 defeat.   Unfortunately, the group didn’t
                                  It was then on to the UEFA         go according to plan, with
                                  WU19 Championship qualify-         only one victory from the three
                                  ing games, where Ireland got       games not enough to see the
                                  off to the perfect start against   team qualify for the finals. An
                                  FYR Macedonia, recording an        opening defeat to Scotland,
                                  emphatic 10-0 victory. Leanne      was followed two days later
                                  Kiernan bagged four goals,         with victory against Ukraine to
                                  with Niamh Prior and Alex          keep the group alive.
                                  Kavanagh recording a brace         Unfortunately, a defeat in the
                                  each. Jamie Finn and Eleanor       final game against Finland saw
                                  Ryan-Doyle scored one each         the Irish eliminated.


                                   hard fought 2-1 victory over
                                   the hosts Serbia. Next up was
                                   Scotland, and although Ireland
                                   dominated the game, they
                                   could not break the deadlock
                                   and the game finished in a
                                   draw. The final group game
                                   was a 1-0 victory against
                                   Hungary with Heather Payne’s
                                   goal sealing qualification for
                                   the European Finals.
                                   The final tournament took
                                   place in the Czech Republic.
                                   Unfortunately for the Irish, they
                                   were on the wrong end of a
                                   5-0 loss to England in their
WU17                               opening fixture. They then
                                   went down 1-0 to Norway
The women’s U17’s began            which unfortunately saw them
their season last September        exit in the group stages.
with an away friendly in Helsin-   Ireland went in to their last
ki where they were defeated        game against Netherlands
by Finland’s U18 team.             determined to get a result
However Dave Bell’s side           and showed real character to
began their European Qual-         end the campaign with a 0-0
ifying campaign with a 6-0         draw against the team who
victory over the Faroe Islands.    topped their group. All in all it
Carla McManus grabbed a            was a great achievement for
second-half hat-trick to com-      this young squad to reach the
pliment an Alannah McEvoy          finals along with 7 of the top
brace and an Orla Casey goal.      nations in Europe. The expe-
                                   rience gained will stand them
Bell’s side made it two wins       in good stead in their future
from two a couple of days later    careers.
against Belarus, before also       We would like to take this
defeating Iceland 4-1 in the       opportunity to congratulate
final group game to qualify for    and thank Dave Bell for all his
the Elite Phase.                   achievements during his time
A 2-2 friendly draw against        with the team and wish Colin
Switzerland would precede          Bell, who takes over on an
the Elite Round which took         interim basis, the best of luck
place in March. Ireland began      for the upcoming European
that qualifying group with a       Qualifiers.


The Republic of Ireland U16
Women’s team competed in
the annual UEFA Development
Tournament in Mayo in May of
this year. These tournaments
offer vital preparation for young
players as they replicate the
U17’s European Champion-
ship Qualifying Rounds.

Sharon Boyle’s team started
on a high, putting six goals
past Northern Ireland in their
opening fixture and keeping a       Next up for the Girls in Green   Ireland ended the UEFA De-
clean sheet in the process.         was Lithuania in Castlebar.      velopment Tournament on the
                                    Boyle’s team impressed again,    wrong end of a 4-3 penalty
There were six different scor-      scoring five and again conced-   shoot-out loss against Den-
ers on the day in Nadine Clare,     ing none. Mia Dodd scored        mark following a 1-1 draw. It
Aoife Slattery, Louise Master-      the opener, and Slattery,        was a week of many positives
son, Amy Boyle Carr, Lucia          Whelan, a Sinead Donovan         with twelve goals scored and
Lobato and substitute Emily         penalty and substitute Boyle     just one conceded.
Whelan.                             Carr finished the scoring.


WU15 FAI SCHOOLS                   from April 9th to 12th. The
                                   Irish drew 0-0 with Wales in
The FAI Schools development        the opening game but lost out
squad welcomed Northern            3-1 on penalties for the bonus
Ireland to the AUL Complex on      point.
March 2nd for their first com-
petitive friendly of the season.   The Republic of Ireland went
                                   on to defeat Scotland 4-3 in
The Republic of Ireland put        their next group game, which
in a solid performance to win      set up a third versus fourth
7-1. This was followed up a        place play-off game with club
fortnight later when the Irish     representative side Shelbourne
took on England in the annual      Ladies FC. Lorraine Couni-
John Read Cup. The Republic        han’s side won 6-1 to ensure
of Ireland continued winning       a third-place finish.
ways by defeating the visitors     Wales went on to win the
2-1 to claim the title.            tournament defeating Northern
FAI Schools hosted the Bob         Ireland 2-0 in the final to claim
Docherty Cup this year and         the honours for the first time
the annual four-day event took     since the inception of the Cup
place in the AUL Complex           back in 2002.


CONTINENTAL TYRES WOMEN’S                                          exceptional as they pulled the
NATIONAL LEAGUE                                                    Wexford defence apart and
                                                                   scored almost at will. It was
It was a year to remember for                                      Kiernan, however, who really
Shelbourne Ladies as they                                          caught the eye as the teenag-
completed the domestic dou-                                        er completed a superb hat-
ble, and they did so in style.                                     trick.
After merging with Raheny                                          It was all Shelbourne in the
United to form a new club it     their revenge against Wexford     Continental Tyres Women’s
was always going to take time    Youths WFC in November            National League too. They
for them to settle. But nobody   2016 as they romped to a 5-0      eventually won their first ever
told the group of players as-    triumph at Aviva Stadium.         title by eight points, but their
sembled that as they reached     Under the guidance of Mark        record of 43 goals scored
the Continental Tyres FAI        Leavy and Shaun Maher,            and only 8 conceded said it
Women’s Senior Cup Final in      Shelbourne were unstoppable       all about their dominance over
2015.                            and dazzled on Irish football’s   the course of the season.
                                 biggest stage.                    UCD Waves pushed Shel-
It wasn’t to be that time for    Leanne Kiernan, Noelle Mur-       bourne all the way, while
the Red Pandas but they got      ray and Gloria Douglas were       Peamount United finished in


third place thanks to a youthful
team made up of Republic of
Ireland U19 and U17 stars.
In fact, each of the clubs had
international representation at
some age group, which high-
lighted the quality across the
Kilkenny United WFC and Cork
City WFC made big improve-
ments on their previous cam-
paigns, while Galway WFC
and Wexford will feel that they
could have delivered more in
the title race. Still, the strength
of each club made the League
as a whole, a lot stronger.           In the FAI Women’s Intermedi-     League Cup was a thriller with
                                      ate Shield Manulla FA ran out     the Cork Women’s & School-
Now in its seventh season, the        3-1 winners over Terenure and     girls Soccer League winning
Continental Tyres Women’s             Shelbourne did pick up further    4-3 against the Metropolitan
National League is going from         silverware in the FAI Women’s     Girls League in April.
strength to strength each year.       U16 Cup, with a 3-0 win over
2017 saw the league move to           Enniskerry FC.                    For the first time in their history
a calendar season, kicking off                                          Cregmore/Claregalway were
in March and running parallel         The FAI Angela Hearst Inter       crowned national champions
to the SSE Airtricity League.         League Cup was captured           as they won the FAI Women’s
This year’s league finale will        by the Combined Counties in       U14 Cup in Eamonn Deacy
take place in October.                a 3-0 victory over the Carlow     Park.
                                      League in April.
DOMESTIC COMPETITIONS                                                   Goals in the first half from Sao-
                                      Peamount United ran out           irse Healy and Allannah Griffin
As mentioned above, the FAI           6-2 winners over Cregmore         put the hosts 2-0 up before
Continental Tyres Women’s             Claregalway to claim the FAI      half time and Aoibheann
Senior Cup saw Shelbourne             Women’s U18 Cup at Eamonn         Costello added a third. Kilm-
Ladies produce a devastat-            Deacy Park in March. Creg-        ore battled back to provide a
ing display to claim a 5-0 win        more’s Sinead Donovan and         thrilling finish, Keisha Hutton
over Wexford Youths at Aviva          Emma Connolly found the net,      and Rugile Auskalnyte scoring
Stadium. Shelbourne were              while Peamount’s Aisling Spill-   the goals.
denied the cup double when            ane, Doireann Fahey, Shauna
their younger side were beaten        Martin, Carla McManus, Niky       In the FAI Women’s U12
2-1 by Boyne Rovers Ladies            Plunkett and Louise Masterson     National Blitz the Cup winners
in the FAI Women’s Interme-           also found the net.               were Kilmore Celtic and the
diate Cup Final at Whitehall in                                         Shield winners were Westport
September.                            The FAI Womens U18 Inter          United.



                     Leagues Affiliated to the WFC            Season     Underage or Adult
 Carlow & District Football League                            Winter          Adult
 Carlow Juvenile League                                       Winter        Underage
 Clare Schoolboys/Girls Soccer League                        Summer         Underage
 Combined Counties                                            Winter          Adult
 Cork Women's & Schoolgirls' Soccer League                    Winter        Underage
                                                             Summer           Adult
 Donegal Women's Soccer League                               Summer            Both
 Dublin Women's Soccer League                                Summer           Adult
 Drogheda Children’s Soccer League                            Winter        Underage
 Galway & District Soccer League                              Winter        Underage
                                                             Summer           Adult
 Inishowen League                                            Summer            Both
 Kerry Schoolboy/Girls League                                 Winter        Underage
 Kildare & District Football League                          Summer           Adult
 Kildare & District Underage League                          Summer         Underage
 Kilkenny & District Soccer League                            Winter        Underage
 Limerick County & District Underage League                   Winter        Underage
 Limerick Desmond Ladies Football League                      Winter          Adult
 Limerick Desmond Schoolboy/Girls League                      Winter        Underage
 Limerick Women's & Schoolgirls' Soccer League               Summer            Both
 Longford & District Schoolboy/Girls Soccer League            Winter        Underage
 Mayo Schoolboy/Girls & Youths Association Football League   Summer         Underage
 Mayo Women's League                                         Summer           Adult
 Metropolitan Girls League                                    Winter        Underage
 Mid-Western Girls League                                    Summer         Underage
 Midlands Schoolboys/Girls League                             Winter        Underage
 North Eastern Counties Schoolboys/Girls League               Winter        Underage
 North Tipperary Schoolchildren's Football League             Winter        Underage
 Sligo Leitrim Underage Soccer League                         Winter        Underage
 Tipperary & District Women's Soccer League                  Summer           Adult
 Tipperary Schoolboys/Girls Southern & District League        Winter        Underage
 Waterford Women's District Soccer League                     Winter        Underage
                                                             Summer           Adult
 West Cork League                                             Winter          Adult
 West Cork Schoolboy League                                   Winter        Underage
 Wexford Women’s Football League                              Winter           Both
 Women's Soccer Colleges Association of Ireland               Winter          Adult


                                           ASKED QUESTIONS

                                             The WFC is a committee           Can I girl playing in a girls league
           What is the WFC?             of the FAI, tasked with governing        also play in a boys league
                                            the women and girls game
                                                                                      at the same time?


             Do the WFAI                     No. The WFAI dissolved
        not govern the game?               in 2016 replaced by the FAI
                                                   via the WFC

                                                                                 8 regional committees have
                                                                             replaced the 4 traditional provincial
       If my league runs underage                                           associations which previously existed
                                                    What are the                 under the remit of the WFAI.
        football for girls do I need
                                                regional committees?            These committees are tasked
           to apply to run adult
                  football?                                                   with developing the game in line
                                                                                     with the FAI Women’s
                                                                                     Strategic Plan within
                                                                                          their region

           What do I need to
                                         1. Contact details (spreadsheet             Do I have to notify
            submit with my
                                               provided by WFC)                  the WFC of our AGM date?
             affiliation fee?
                                                2. Copy of Rules

            When is our                   Summer Season: 30th June;
           Affiliation due?              Winter Season: 31st December

                                                                                   1. You want to take part in
                                                                               any competition not approved
                                                                                           by the WFC
                                                                              2. You want to travel outside the
                                                   When do I need                jurisdiction of the FAI to play
          When should I notify                   to apply to the WFC          3. You want to host a tournament
          the WFC of a change                       for permission?                 4. You want to establish
             in committee?                                                                a new league
                                        As soon
                                       as possible


EVENTS?                          CALENDAR?
                                                                   The Women’s Calendar of
The terms of reference of the    You can download the Wom-         Events is a very useful docu-
Women’s Football Committee       en’s Annual Calendar of           ment for Clubs and Leagues
includes framing and moni-       Events by using the below link.   to have at their disposal as it is
toring an annual calendar of     It is an active document and is   a great tool for assisting Clubs
events. The Women’s Football     updated on a regular basis, so    and Leagues in the planning of
Department created an easily     please ensure to check the FAI    their fixtures and events.
accessible document to assist    Women’s Calendar on a reg-        The calendar aims to provide
the WFC with their efforts to    ular basis to ensure you have     our affiliates with the most up
monitor the annual calendar of   the most up to date version.      to date information on inter-
events.                                                            national fixtures and training
                                                                   camps, FAI Schools fixtures
                                                                   and training camps, grassroots
                                                                   events, national competitions,
                                                                   coach education, meetings
                                                                   and workshops and so on so
                                                                   as to cause minimal disruption
                                                                   to Clubs and Leagues in the
                                                                   planning of their own calendar
                                                                   and to promote FAI events that
                                                                   may be of interest to those
                                                                   interested in the Women’s


                                   OTHER FAI PROGRAMMES
                                   - REFEREES
REFEREES                                ment plan.                       geting recruitment at specific
                                   • Providing information on            audiences such as the Third
In response to the most recent          the geographic location of       Level Institutions.
UEFA Audit, the National Ref-           the referees as well as their    For further information please
eree’s Committee authorised             grades, level they officiate     contact
a revamp of the manner in               at, etc.               
which the Association provides     • Most importantly, identi-
training for our female referees        fying the training that the
                                                                         REFEREE FEATURE – MICHELLE
operating at grassroots level.          referees have received to
This led to the development             date and what their ongo-
of a specific plan for training         ing training needs are.          Michelle started refereeing in
and recruiting female referees.    • Introducing ideas such as           2008 and was selected for
Implementation of this plan             mentoring, career planning       the School of Excellence in
commenced early in 2017.                etc.                             2009. She became a National
The plan was also presented        Having reviewed the informa-          League Assistant referee in
to UEFA at their most recent       tion provided, paying partic-         2010.
Referee Assistance Programme.      ular attention to the identified      Michelle also has a FIFA Wom-
To date a census of all female     training gaps, work has begun         en’s Assistant Referees Badge
                                   to produce training materials         since 2011 where she offici-
                                   specific to female referees. All      ates at International level. She
                                   referees are obliged to attend        has officiated on games at FAI
                                   3 ‘Grassroots’ development            Cup, EA Sports Cup, Premier
                                   modules per year; it is pro-          and First Division League,
                                   posed that in future 2 out of         Women’s National league and
                                   these 3 modules will have             Cup.
referees registered with the FAI   specific content for our female       Her consistency on the line
has been completed. This was       referees and will be delivered        has seen O’Neill, 38, rapidly
followed by a questionnaire        to them alone. This is being          progress on the international
addressed to all of these and      rolled out as part of the current     scene. In 2015 she officiated
a response level in excess of      Grassroots programme.                 at the FIFA Women’s World
50% was achieved. While a lot      The other aspect of impor-            Cup in Canada and domesti-
of this information would have     tance is the recruitment of           cally she continues to impress
been easily available from the     female referees. As well as our       in high profile encounters.
referees department these          ongoing programme of begin-           In March this year she worked
actions had specific purposes      ner’s courses, it is proposed         with Polish referee Moni-
such as:                           to run a specific beginners           ka Mularczyk on the UEFA
• Making stakeholders aware        course for women only, some-          Women’s Champions League
     that there is a specific      time before the end of 2017.          quarter-final between Lyon and
     plan for developing female    In order for this to be success-      Wolfsburg.
     referees.                     ful it is essential that it is pub-   “I was at the preparation work-
• Introducing the member           licised to the widest possible        shop in Netherlands last week
     of the National Referee’s     audience using all channels           and we were put through
     Committee responsible for     available to the Association.         our paces in terms of fitness
     implementing the develop-     We also propose to look at tar-       testing, analysis and overall

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