1143 N. 26th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Pastors John Streccius & Beth Walch "We love, serve and welcome all so each person knows God's grace in ...

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1143 N. 26th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Pastors John Streccius & Beth Walch "We love, serve and welcome all so each person knows God's grace in ...
1143 N. 26th Street
                                            Bismarck, ND 58501
                                   Pastors John Streccius & Beth Walch
        “We love, serve and welcome all so each person knows God’s grace in Christ.”
                Office Hours:                                           Worship
            Monday-Friday: 8:00 am-3:00 pm                    Sundays: 8:30 am & 11:00 am
                                                                  Wednesday: 6:15 pm

                                                       Wednesday March 16th, Lectio Divina - Focusing
"Be Still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10          on a particular scripture passage, this method hears
                                                       the Word of God in four readings, each time
"When you pray, go into your room and shut the         pausing to meditate on an ever deepening listening
door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And     of the spirit's calling.
your Father who sees in secret will reward
you." Matthew 5:6                                      Wednesday March 23rd, Kinesthetic Prayer - This
                                                       form of prayer involves the movement of the body.
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks     Walking, dancing, singing and even wailing are
in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in   forms of kinesthetic prayer.
Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit" 1
Thessalonians 5:16-19                                  Wednesday March 30th, Repetitive Prayer
                                                       - Prayers that repeat a verse, phrase, or longer set of
These are just a few of the many, many verses in the   words. Repetition can allow our minds to calm and
scriptures that encourage us to pray. When you         be open to the spirit's movement and motivation.
think of prayer I wonder what images come to
mind? Sitting? Kneeling? Standing? Prayer is           Wednesday April 6, Contemplative Prayer -
taught for most to be asking God for things we need    Perhaps one of the oldest methods of prayer,
or for people we love, confessing our sinfulness,      contemplative prayer is a regular practice of sitting
even bargaining with God. These are all good and       in complete silence for a set period of time. The
helpful forms of prayer. There are indeed many,        goal is to empty one's mind of all thought in order
many more ways to pray. This Lenten season             to commune with God.
during our mid week services here at Lord of Life
we will learn and experience 5 patterns of             The Lenten season is a time intended for growth in
prayer. Each week we will add a prayer station in      faith and love of God. Through connecting with the
the narthex of the church to display each of the       passion of Christ we see God's deep love for all of
patterns. Join us as we grow in ways of praying to     creation. Our response is to grow in faith by prayer,
our gracious God.                                      I invite you this Lenten season to learn and
                                                       experience new ways to pray. Prayer is very
Mid-Week Lenten Schedule:                              simply connecting with God and we all can do that
Wednesday March 2, Ash Wednesday with the              in many different ways. I hope you will join us on
imposition of ashes and communion.                     Wednesday evenings, starting with supper at 5:00
                                                       pm and then for worship at 6:15 pm.
Wednesday March 9th, Acrostic Prayer- Praying
through a simple pattern of themes using letters or    Peace and faith to you all... Pastor John Streccius
our fingers is intended to draw us closer to God’s
1143 N. 26th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Pastors John Streccius & Beth Walch "We love, serve and welcome all so each person knows God's grace in ...
Pastoral Acts
   Boone Buck Gordon, son of Cheydan Gordon and Brittany Puklich on January 23, 2022

                    3 Quilting Memorials – in memory of Jason VanMiddlesworth
                    1 Quilting Memorial – in memory of Irene Horner
                    1 Quilting Memorial – in memory of Beckie Bottjer

 MEN'S BIBLE STUDY will meet in person and through Zoom on Thursday evenings at
 7:00 pm. If you would like more information of how to join, please contact Mike Beck
 391-4384, Dave Kolding 220-5214 or call the church office at 223-2986.

 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am at Lord of
 Life. All are welcome to join our group!


 The evening quilters will meet on the first and third Monday of each month at 6:30 pm. The
 daytime quilters will meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 9:30 am. Experience
 isn't necessary to help with quilting. We need people to press, tie, pin and rip. Please join us as
 it is a good chance to meet some new people and have a good time!

                                        Young at Hearts

 Young at Hearts invites you to join us Tuesday, February 22 at 11:30 pm for a Potato Bar and
 board games and then again on March 22 at 2:30 pm for coffee, treats and a program by Tara
 Feil on finding joy in our everyday lives.

                       Lord of Life at Heaven’s Helpers Soup Café

 Lord of Life is on the schedule to help Heavens Helpers Soup Kitchen on the fourth Wednesday
 of each month! Our next scheduled dates are Wednesday, February 23 and Wednesday, March
 23. Sign up for a 2-hour shift anytime from 8 AM through 6 PM at
 https://www.soupcafe.org/volunteer/ or if you would like assistance signing up, please contact
 Shirley Klein at Shirley.klein7166@gmail.com or call 701-391-7166. Please remember to
 wear closed toe shoes and Lord of Life shirt if you have one.
1143 N. 26th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Pastors John Streccius & Beth Walch "We love, serve and welcome all so each person knows God's grace in ...

The Lord of Life Book Club will meet on February 2nd at 4:45 pm. We will be discussing the
book “Hidden Inheritance: Family Secrets, Memory, and Faith” by Heidi B. Neumark. Heidi
Neumark’s life changed forever when her daughter’s late-night online searching exposed a
generation of family secrets. Neumark discovered her hidden Jewish heritage―and uncovered
hundreds of questions: Did her grandfather really die in a concentration camp? How did she
never know her grandmother was a death-camp survivor? Why had the family history and faith
been rejected and hidden? Heidi’s search for the truth quickly became more than a personal
journey; it also became spiritual. It caused profound ponderings on her thirty-year vocation as a
Lutheran pastor. It was a shocking revelation that her Jewish roots and successive family loss
and trauma now suddenly and inherently connected her to the multi-ethnic, marginalized
community she had been ministering to for three decades. March 2nd at 4:45 pm we will discuss
“The Relentless Courage of a Scared Child” by Tana Amen. Tana Amen shares her incredible
story of transformation—of growing up in poverty, a bullied latch-key kid raised on sugary
cereal and junk food, to becoming a world-renowned food and fitness expert. Her challenging
past of neglect, poverty, sexual abuse, thyroid cancer, and bouts of anxiety and depression set
her on a path to find healing. Through her remarkable journey, we see more clearly the light that
can shine through our own broken places and ultimately heal us: body, mind, and soul.

                                        Cozy Comfort
The Cozy Comfort group meets on the first Monday of the month from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
through winter and mid spring. The dates for our upcoming meetings are as follows: February
7, March 7 and April 4 in the church library. Cozy Comfort is a welcoming group with varying
skills who knit or crochet prayer shawls and/or Lovie Blankets for children who are caught in
stressful situations. If you are interested, but don’t know how to knit or crochet, we would be
happy to help you get started. If you can’t make the meetings but want to knit or crochet prayer
shawls on your own, that will work too. If you have questions about joining the group or about
the Cozy Comfort ministry, please contact Deb Knudsen at 701-220-8688. If you know of
someone who could use a prayer shawl, please contact the church office at 701-223-2986. There
is no charge for the shawls and a person does not have to belong to Lord of Life to receive a

                                  Lord of Life Directory
The new Lord of Life Directories are now available. You can view them through the Instant
Church Directory App or a copy can be picked up in the church narthex. A suggested donation
of $5.00 will help offset printing costs.
1143 N. 26th Street Bismarck, ND 58501 Pastors John Streccius & Beth Walch "We love, serve and welcome all so each person knows God's grace in ...
March is Lord of Life's month to deliver Meals on Wheels. Two drivers are needed each
weekday from March 1-31. Just sign up by emailing the church office at
lordoflife@midconetwork.com by February 17, or look for a poster in the Narthex. Please
include the dates you can deliver, your name, address and phone number. Jerry Delzer, the
Meals on Wheels coordinator will contact you as to the route to be delivered and all the
specifics. You can sign up as often as you wish. Thank you - Congregational Care and Outreach

Pub Theology is back! Join Pastor John and Pastor Beth on the fourth Tuesday of the month at
Laughing Sun Brewery at 5:30 pm for food, drinks, fun and some great conversation.

                      What’s Happening in Children’s Ministry?

Unfortunately, we have not yet found a suitable candidate for this open position. The job
continues to be posted and until the position is filled, Pastor Beth will focus some of her time
each week on the needs of these important programs in our church. She will work closely with
the Education Committee and with the support of your time and talents we will continue to have
a vibrant and wonderful ministry for kid’s birth to 6th grade. Be sure to check out the children's
ministry calendar for more information about what's coming up!
Lent 2022
                                    “Pray All Ways”

We begin our midweek worship with Ash Wednesday on March 2nd at 6:15 pm. This begins the
40 day Lenten journey when we hear God’s call to repent and we remember our mortality with
the mark of ashes on our foreheads. Each week, following a community meal at 5:00 pm in
fellowship hall, we will join Pastor John, Pastor Beth and Lee as we engage in the many ways
to pray.

   • March 9: Acrostic Prayer

   • March 16: Lectio Divina

   • March 23: Kinesthetic Prayer

   • March 30: Repetitive Prayer

   • April 6: Contemplative Prayer

Lenten meals are back! Join us Wednesday evenings during Lent (March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April
6th) for a simple supper together as a church community. Our Council teams and confirmation
students will prepare and serve you from 5-6 pm followed by worship at 6:15. Take the night
off from meal prep and join your friends here at church! PB&J will be available each week as
an option, and we will accept free will donations to support our 7th graders to attend summer
camp. Watch the weekly e-news for more information.

Women of Lord of Life are invited to pick up a Blessings Calendar to count our blessings in
February. The calendar gives us ideas each day of the things we have and gives us the
opportunity to donate to those who aren’t as fortunate. Have fun counting your blessings and
helping WELCA support programs for women and children by adding change to a small bag or
keep a tally and write a check to LOL WELCA. Calendars are also available at the Information
Desk. Please bring your contributions to the church by March 9th.

                            Monday                 Tuesday                  Wednesday                    Thursday               Friday                  Saturday
                                              1                     2                              3                      4                      5
Count your                                    Psalm 26:7            Psalm 105:2                    Psalm 35:28            Psalm 107:21           Psalm 35:18
blessings and                                 That I may            Sing to him, sing praise to    My tongue will         Let them thank the     “I will give you
add change                                    proclaim the voice    him; tell of all his           speak of your          Lord for his           thanks in the great
to a small bag or                             of thanksgiving and   wonderful acts.                righteousness and of   steadfast love, for    assembly; I will praise
keep a tally and                              tell of all Your      Computer/laptop/               your praises all day   his wonderful          You among many
write a check to                              wondrous works.”      E-reader/Ipad                  long.                  works to the sons      people.”
LOL WELCA.                                    Pairs of women’s      $.25 each                       Faucets >1            on men.                Beds $.10 each
                                              shoes > 4- $.75                                      (inside & out) $.20    Women’s coats
                                                                                                   each                   $.05 each
6                    7                        8                     9                              10                     11                     12
Psalm 30:4           Psalm 79:13              Psalm 68:19           Psalm 69:30                    Psalm 71:8             Psalm 86:12            Psalm 147:1
Sing to the Lord,    So we, your people       Praise be to the      I will praise God’s name in    My mouth is filled     I will praise you, O   Praise the Lord. How
you saints of his;   and sheep of your        Lord, to God our      song and glorify him with      with your praise,      Lord my God, with      good it is to sing
praise his holy      pasture, Will give you   Savior who daily      thanksgiving. Recliners        declaring your         all my heart; I will   praises to our God,
name                 thanks forever, We       bears our burdens.    $.15 each                      splendor all day       glorify your name      how pleasant and
Cans/bottles of      will show forth your     Homemade                                             along.                 forever.               fitting to praise him!
pop/sports           praise to all            Quilts $.10 each                                     Diamond jewelry        Candy in house         Purses $.05 each
drinks in home       generations.”                                                                 >1 $.50                $.25                   purse
$.05 each            Pets $.25 each
13                   14                       15                    16                             17                     18                     19
 Psalm 140:13        Psalm 118:28You are      Psalm 84:4            Psalm 95:2                     Psalm 96:2             Psalm 100:4            Psalm 105:1
“Surely the          my God, and I will       Blessed are those     Let us come before him         Sing to the Lord,      Enter his gates        Give praise to the
righteous shall      praise you! You are      who dwell in thy      with thanksgiving and          praise his name;       with thanksgiving      Lord, proclaim his
give thanks to       my God, and I will       house, ever singing   extol him with music and       proclaim his           and his courts with    name; make known
Your name, The       exalt you!               thy praise.           song.                          salvation day after    praise; give thanks    among the nations
upright shall        Boxes/bags of cereal     Loads of laundry      Vacuums/iron $.10 each         day.                   to him and praise      what he has done.
swell in Your        $.10 each                /week $.05/load                                      Board /electronic      his name.              A/C in home $.50
presence.”                                                                                         games $.50             Microwave 0.50
Bible>1 0.25
20                   21                       22                    23                             24                     25                     26
Psalm 107:15         Psalm 107:1              Psalm 106:1           Psalm 118:1                    Psalm 136:3            Psalm 28:6             Psalm 136:2
Let them give        Give thanks to the       Praise the Lord,      Give thanks to the Lord,       Give thanks to the     Praise be to the       Give thanks to the
thanks to the        Lord, for he is good;    Give thanks to the    for he is good! His faithful   Lord of lords: His     Lord, for he has       God of gods. His love
Lord for his         his love endures         Lord for he is        love endures forever.          love endures           heard my cry for       endures forever.
unfailing love       forever.                 good; his love        Cell Phone                     forever.               mercy.                 Each day you didn’t
and his              Had a massage this       endures forever.      $.50                           Have a checking or     Bought over the        do devotions/pray
wonderful deeds      month $.25               Fast Food Meal                                       savings account        counter or             $.05
for mankind.                                  $.15 each time this                                  $.50                   prescription
Books >10                                     month                                                                       medicine this
$.25                                                                                                                      month $.50
27                   28
Psalm 145:3          Psalm 136:26
Great is the Lord    Give thanks to the
and most worthy      God of heaven. His
of praise; his       love endures forever.
greatness no one     Vehicles $.25 each
can fathom.
TVs $. 10 each

Thank you everyone who helped with our Angel Tree Gift Cards, tying of blankets, assembling
care bags, and making ornaments. We were able to donate 150 gift cards to children in need, 8
warm blankets to Ministry on the Margins, and we delivered 38 care bags and gifts to members
and friends. A big THANK YOU to Lyla Hildremyr’s 8th grade confirmation class for donating
gifts! Ornaments were put on a tree and set up at Missouri Slope for the residents to enjoy.

When everyone shares a little, we can make big differences in peoples lives. Thank you all very
much for your generosity!

CCO Team

                          Dear Lord of Life Parishioners,
                      As always thank you so much for the generous
                       gift cards. This year we were able to bring joy
                    to 43 Wachter Students. Many times, our students
                           don't always receive a gift on Christmas
                            but your gift cards allow them to spoil
                     themselves a little during the Christmas holiday.

                                  Thank you again!!
                                Wachter Staff and students

        Are you pregnant and expecting a baby, or adopting soon? Let the
                church office know so we can celebrate with you!
As in the past, we will be collecting candy for the Holy Week scavenger
     hunt. Bags of individually wrapped candy can be dropped off at the church
                         anytime during March. Thank you!

                                    Birth to 3 Years Old

Do you love babies? Do you want to support young parents navigating parenthood? Do you
have 2 hours a month to volunteer for our Birth to Three Ministry? Pastor Beth is revitalizing
this ministry and needs a helper to prepare the monthly mailings to families whose children hit
growing milestones. Each child will receive a mailing when they reach 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36
months. All the materials will be ready for you to stuff and mail to families and can be done at
your convenience each month. Contact the church office if this sound like just what you have
been looking to do!
February Service Group List
February Leaders: Justine and Byron Bennes (471-0615)

Luverne & Bernice Albright                   Corey & Chrystal Bartuska
Ruby Altringer                               Jason & Jaime Batke
Dallas & Beth Anderson                       Cait Bauer
Mike & Brenda Anderson                       Ron & Terri Bear
Kallie Anderson                              Mike & Holly Beck
Vern & Linda Anderson                        Lavina Benkendorf
Levi & Bethany Andrist                       Byron & Justine Bennes
Steve & Barbara Andrist                      Margaret Bentz
Mark & Kari Assel                            Kathy Bien
Jesse & Ashley Atkinson                      Jenn Bina
Randy & Susan Axvig                          Helen Binegar
Kathy & Mark Baerlocher                      Randy & Pam Binegar
Bob & Deb Bartosh

                              March Service Group List
March Leaders: Bev and Doug Doolittle (224-0785)

Janice Bitz                                  Sue Brown
Brad & Renell Block                          Justin & Andrea Bubach
Bruce & Peggy Boe                            Mike & Deb Burke
Lisa Boehm                                   Karl & Sarah Carlson
Shastity Boehm                               Valorie Cartwright
Wallace Bolte                                Gretchen Cash
Steven (Kayla) Bourgois                      Gary & Diane Chepulis
Tom & Sandra Bourgois                        AJ & Jacey Chmielewski
Darlene Boustead                             Brandi & Casey Christmann
Jim & Linda Boyd                             Dave & Diane Clinton
Amber Braaflat                               Kevin & Renee Connell
Paula Brosseau                               Andrew & Mary Cooper
Erik & Heather Brousseau                     Alex & Traci Craigmile

           Thank you to all who helped serve in December & January!
Youth Ministry

New beginnings are always a mixed experience. Moving across the country and establishing
my life here in North Dakota while learning the ropes of a new church, and position is one of
the more daunting experiences I’ve had in my life. And with this personal new beginning, I am
excited to take part in this fresh start for our youth and family program.

The past few years have been a struggle for many of us on an organizational, and personal level,
and we can’t overstate the added stress that this has added to our younger members.

Going forward, we hope to offer a place in our program that these young people can turn to and
trust that they will be heard, and know they can find guidance, and a respite from the pressure
of the world.

With our faith and our opportunity to come together, we will trust the Lord to guide us in this
unstable time with the knowledge that he will remain steadfast for us and the future.

Youth Director,
Lee Bryant

Upcoming Youth Events

February 26 Movie & Pizza night. Join us for the movie Encanto starting at 7:00 pm

March 13th Caramel Rolls

March 19th Trivia game night with prizes starting at 7:00 pm
Financial Stewardship News

Lord of Life’s income and expense summary ending December 31, 2021 is as follows:

                                                                         2021 Year to
                   Description                       December 2021        Date Totals
 Income                                               $ 71,359.45        $ 602,826.87
 Expenses                                             $ 45,632.02        $ 507,670.96

 Income over (under) Expenses                          $ 25,727.43        $ 95,155.91

 Projected Income ending December 31, 2021
 based on our approved budget is:                      $ 50,170.50        $ 602,046.00

 Actual income over (under) budgeted income            $ 21,188.95          $ 780.87

 General Envelope Giving                               $ 67,062.91        $ 582,698.43

The Financial Stewardship Team did not meet in January.

Please consider automatic giving options such as Simply Giving or using your bank's online bill
pay features to set up recurring offerings. Using your credit card is another method. Simply
Giving is an excellent way our members can help assure that our giving is more equally
distributed throughout the year. If you'd like to sign up for this feature go to our web site at
www.lordoflifebismarck.org and click on "online donations" or visit your banks online

We have been blessed with generous support for God's mission at Lord of Life and look
forward to continuing and expanding this work throughout 2022. If you have any questions or
suggestions please feel free to contact any of the team members. They are Keith Demke,
Melody Karlberg, Larry Klundt, Jordan Nygaard and Bud Reiner.
Lord of Life Council Minutes - December 14, 2021

COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: President Roxanne Gardner, Vice President Steve Andrist,
Secretary Lucas Brendel, Lark Welch; Youth, Sheryl Hardy; Nominations and Placement, Bud Reiner;
Financial Stewardship, Mike Beck; Congregational Care and Outreach, Arlyce Malarkey; Worship
and Music, Craig Nelson; Education.

STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Pastor Beth Walch, Pastor John Streccius

Roxanne called a meeting to order at 7PM. Pastor Beth led devotion. Roxanne called for approval of
the November 2021 minutes with modification of addition of Pastor Dale Nabben. Lark motioned to
approve. Sheryl seconded the motion. Vote passes, motion carries.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Bud Reiner reported November income of $45,879.99 and expenses of


  - Lee is interested in taking on the Children and Family Ministry Position, will be discussed more
    as Pastor John comes on staff.
  - The Facility Manager position is being considered to be dropped to 10 hours per week.

  - Due to expected upcoming changes in the ELCA Synod Model Constitution, the requested
    Bylaw modifications by Becky Salveson will be put on hold so that a better plan can be put in
    place for how to adopt and reduce the changes down to one time.

  - Officially starts December 15.

  - Will be presented in January during the Annual Meeting

  - Will be held on January 23.
  - Lucas will need to provide sign-ins and member lists
  - Lark moves to transfer 957 and 960 into 911 and eliminate 957 and 960 as dedicated accounts.
    Renaming 911 as Youth Event & Mission Trips. Lark motions, Bud seconds the motion. All
    approve, motion passes.
  - Current budgets are mostly left unchanged from the last meeting.
  - Pastor Beth asked about the reduction to the Workers Compensation, and it was believed to be
    reduced due to no new claims this year.
  - Steve moves to take the recommended $30,000 that Financial Stewardship is proposing to spend
    down as outreach and benevolence and take the Executive team recommendation for how it is to
    be distributed. With the final $4175 to be used under the other option 2. Bud seconds the
    motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
  - Bud motions to approve the budget with the additional changes. Craig seconds the motion. All
    in favor. Motion carried.


  - May be able to qualify for potential credits.


  - Only opening left in CCO team for Council Member
  - Cindy Anderson will take the Vice President position

Roxanne led closing in the Lord's prayer. Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted
Lucas Brendel, Secretary

Note: Minutes are not approved until voted on by the council at the next months meeting.
Lord of Life Council Minutes - January 11, 2022

COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: President Roxanne Gardner, Vice President Steve Andrist, Secretary Lucas
Brendel, Lark Welch; Youth, Sheryl Hardy; Nominations and Placement, Bud Reiner; Financial Stewardship,
Arlyce Malarkey; Worship and Music, Karl Carlson; Property and Maintenance, Craig Nelson; Education, Joel
Ostendorf; at large.

STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Pastor John Streccius, Pastor Beth Walch

GUESTS: Denise MacDonald; Congregational Care & Outreach

Roxanne called a meeting to order at 7PM. Lucas led devotion. Roxanne called for approval of the December
2021 minutes. Sheryl motion to approve. Lark seconded the motion. Vote passes, motion carried.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Bud Reiner reported December income of $71,359.45 and expenses of $45,632.02.


  - Children & Family Ministry Coordinator
        - Beth will assist with some of the responsibilities for the rest of the school year.
        - The position will be reposted to search for a candidate.
  - Facility Manager
        - Two congregational members interested
        - Pastoral staff and Property team will be considering interviews

  - Continuing conversations with AlliantGroup to better understand what is involved and if this is a path
    we wish to consider.
  - Karl motions to sign Scope of Work with AlliantGroup, Joel seconded the motion. Vote passes, motion

   - Budget approved in the December Council meeting has had modifications.
   - A mistake has been corrected.
   - The new benevolence spending has been added.
   - Steve makes a motion to approve the proposed budget with the modifications for the annual meeting.
     Bud seconds the motion. Vote passes, motion carries.

  - Occurring January 23, 2022 at 9:30 a.m.
  - There will be a Zoom call available.
  - Lucas & Lark will be managing the sign-in table for members
  - Latest round of infections within the building have raised concerns if any existing protocols should be
  - Any protocols on masks will remain as they have been.
  - The air sanitizer will be used again between services.

  - $25,000 in matching funds being pledged in donation to finishing the new MSLCC chapel.
    Congregation members of Lord of Life requested to match up to $25,000.
  - Letters for the campaign have gone out this week.

  - Would need to host five meals, not including Ash Wednesday.


  - Sheryl finishing with Nominations & Placement
  - Craig finishing with Education
  - Bud finishing Financial Stewardship
  - Roxanne finishing with Executive as President
  - Lucas finishing with Executive Secretary

  - Will occur on April 24, 2022


  - New directory will be done by the annual meeting.
  - Will be requesting a free will donation for paper copies, original quoted price has increased.

  - Thanks to Confirmation students and other members for helping decorate the church for Christmas

Roxanne led closing in the Lord’s prayer. Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted
Lucas Brendel, Secretary

Note: Minutes are not approved until voted on by the council at the next months meeting.
February 2022
        Sunday                  Monday                       Tuesday                     Wednesday               Thursday              Friday         Saturday
                                                 1                                2                        3                      4             5
                                                 9:30 am: Piecemakers             4:45 pm: Book Club       9:30 am: Brunch with
                                                 10:00 am: Staff Meeting          6:15 pm: Worship         Beth
                                                 5:00 pm: Worship Team Meeting    7:00 pm: Church School   3:00 pm: Executive
                                                 5:00 pm: Nominations Team        & 4th Grade Milestone    Team Meeting
                                                 Meeting                          Class                    6:00 pm: Stewardship
                                                 5:30 pm: Newcomers               7:00 pm: Confirmation    Team Meeting
                                                 5:30 pm: Property Team Meeting                            7:00 pm: Men’s Bible
                                                 6:30 pm: Youth Team Meeting                               Study
                                                 7:00 pm: Education Team
                                                 7:00 Boy Scouts
6                        7                       8                                9                        10                     11            12
8:30 am: Worship         11:30 am: PEO           9:30 am: Women’s Bible Study     6:15 pm: Worship         9:30 am: Brunch with
9:45 am: Church School   Meeting                 10:00 am: Staff Meeting          7:00 pm: Church School   Beth
9:45 am: Adult Ed        2:00 pm: Cozy Comfort   12:30 pm: PEO Meeting            7:00 pm: Confirmation    7:00 pm: Men’s Bible
9:45 am: Choir                                   7:00 pm: Council Meeting                                  Study
Rehearsal                                        7:00 pm: Boy Scouts
11:00 am: Worship
13                       14                      15                               16                       17                     18            19
8:30 am: Worship         6:30 pm: Piecemakers    9:30 am: Piecemakers             6:15 pm: Worship         9:30 am: Brunch with
9:45 am: Church                                  10:00 am: Staff Meeting          7:00 pm: Church          Beth
School/Kindergarten                              7:00 pm: Boy Scouts              School/Kindergarten      7:00 pm: Men’s Bible
Pictures                                                                          Pictures                 Study
9:45 am: Adult Ed                                                                 7:00 pm: Confirmation
No Choir Rehearsal
11:00 am: Worship
12:00 pm: 9th Grade

20                       21                      22                               23                       24                     25            26
8:30 am: Worship                                 10:00 am: Staff Meeting          LOL at Heaven’s          9:30 am: Brunch with                 7:00 pm: Youth Movie
No Church School                                 11:30 am: YAH’s                  Helpers                  Beth                                 & Pizza night
9:45 am: Adult Ed                                5:30 pm: Pub Theology at         6:15 pm: Worship         7:00 pm: Men’s Bible
No Choir Rehearsal                               Laughing Sun Brewery             7:00 pm: Church School   Study
11:00 am: Worship                                7:00 pm: Boy Scouts              7:00 pm: Confirmation

27                       28
8:30 am: Worship         6:00 pm: CCO Meeting
9:45 am: Church School   6:30 pm: PEO Group
9:45 am: Adult Ed        in F.H.
9:45 am: Choir
11:00 am: Worship
March 2022
         Sunday                   Monday                       Tuesday                     Wednesday                Thursday             Friday           Saturday
                                                   1                                2                        3                      4             5
                                                   9:30 am: Piecemakers             Ash Wednesday            9:30 am: Brunch with                 1:00 pm: WELCA Board
                                                   10:00 am: Staff Meeting          4:45 pm: Book Club       Beth                                 meeting
                                                   5:00 pm: Worship Team Meeting    6:15 pm: Worship         3:00 pm: Executive
                                                   5:30 pm: Property Team Meeting   No Church School or      Team Meeting
                                                   6:30 pm: Youth Team Meeting      Confirmation             6:00 pm: Stewardship
                                                   7:00 pm: Education Team                                   Team Meeting
                                                   Meeting                                                   7:00 pm: Men’s Bible
                                                   7:00 Boy Scouts                                           Study

6                          7                       8                                9                        10                     11            12
8:30 am: Worship           11:30 am: PEO           9:30 am: Women’s Bible Study     5:00 pm: Lenten Meal     9:30 am: Brunch with
9:45 am: Whole Family      Meeting                 10:00 am: Staff Meeting          6:15 pm: Worship         Beth
Church School              2:00 pm: Cozy Comfort   12:30 pm: PEO Meeting            7:00 pm: Church School   7:00 pm: Men’s Bible
9:45 am: Adult Ed                                  7:00 pm: Council Meeting         7:00 pm: Confirmation    Study
No Choir Rehearsal                                 7:00 pm: Boy Scouts
11:00 am: Worship

13                         14                      15                               16                       17                     18            19
Caramel Rolls              6:30 pm: Piecemakers    9:30 am: Piecemakers             5:00 pm: Lenten Meal     9:30 am: Brunch with                 7:00 pm: Youth Trivia
8:30 am: Worship                                   10:00 am: Staff Meeting          6:15 pm: Worship         Beth                                 Game Night
9:45 am: Church School                             7:00 pm: Boy Scouts              7:00 pm: Church School   5:00 pm: Boy Scouts
9:45 am: Adult Ed                                                                   7:00 pm: Confirmation    F.H.
9:45 am: Choir Rehearsal                                                                                     7:00 pm: Men’s Bible
11:00 am: Worship                                                                                            Study

20                         21                      22                               23                       24                     25            26
Newsletter Deadline                                10:00 am: Staff Meeting          LOL at Heaven’s          9:30 am: Brunch with
8:30 am: Worship                                   2:30 pm: YAH’s                   Helpers                  Beth
9:45 am: Church School                             5:30 pm: Pub Theology at         5:00 pm: Lenten Meal     7:00 pm: Men’s Bible
9:45 am: Adult Ed                                  Laughing Sun Brewery             6:15 pm: Worship         Study
9:45 am: Choir Rehearsal                           7:00 pm: Boy Scouts              7:00 pm: Church School
11:00 am: Worship                                                                   7:00 pm: Confirmation

27                         28                      29                               30                       31
8:30 am: Worship                                   10:00 am: Staff Meeting          5:00 pm: Lenten Meal     9:30 am: Brunch with
9:45 am: Church School                             7:00 pm: Boy Scouts              6:15 pm: Worship         Beth
9:45 am: Adult Ed                                                                   7:00 pm: Church School   7:00 pm: Men’s Bible
9:45 am: Choir Rehearsal                                                            7:00 pm: Confirmation    Study
11:00 am: Worship
Non-Profit Organization
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                                             Permit No. 173 PAID
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1143 N. 26th St.
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: 701-223-2986
Fax: 701-223-2987
Email: lordoflife@midconetwork.com


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              events and reminders!
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http://www.lordoflifebismarck.org                2022
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