The Messenger February 2021 - Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School San Clemente, California - Our Savior's Lutheran Church

Page created by Jose Cummings
The Messenger February 2021 - Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School San Clemente, California - Our Savior's Lutheran Church
The Messenger ~ February 2021
               Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and School ▪ San Clemente, California
                          “Inspired to Love, Encouraged to Think, and Sent to Serve”

Dear Friends in Christ,

Let me start by saying “thank you” for your terrific      and sought in our next pastor.” There were
response to the survey we sent out as a Transition        throughout the survey so many affirmations of
Team! Your combined on-line and mail-in responses         people and programs here, especially, the school, the
represented over 60 households in your congregation.      children, youth and family programs and the music
I said I would share with you some of what was            and office personnel. Your surveys reflected a
discovered in the surveys about who you are and           congregation that knows that the Christian life begins
what your hopes and needs are in looking to call a        with gratitude and is sustained by grace.
permanent pastor.
                                                          So What is Next?
I will highlight below three common themes that           From the data received from the surveys, the
came through in the surveys, and also share what is       Transition Team is writing the ELCA Ministry Site
next in the process of calling your permanent pastor.     Profile” for Our Savior’s. This is about 12 pages of
                                                          essay style questions that tell a prospective pastoral
Number One - “I was glad when they said unto              candidate who you are and what you are seeking in
me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.”                your next pastor. This will take several weeks to be
(Psalm 122:1)                                             written, edited, and finally approved by the Office of
Calling a pastor who has a passion for inspiring          the Bishop. It can then be provided to persons
worship and is able to work collaboratively with the      interested in being considered for this call.
gifted worship leaders of Our Savior’s is the top
priority revealed in the survey. Related to that is       At the same time, the Church Council is praying (as
calling a pastor who can provide interesting,             we all should be) for the Holy Spirit to guide their
biblically based preaching that can relate to the daily   responsibility to appoint a Call Committee. There
lives of congregation members.                            will be some overlap between a Council member (or
                                                          two) and the Call Committee, as well as other
Number Two - But you are a chosen race, a royal           persons who reflect different parts of your life
priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own           together, such as children and youth programs, music
possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies        interests, administrative foci, etc. You will be
of him who called you out of darkness into his            informed as soon as a Call Committee is appointed. I
marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9)                            am hoping it will happen in March.
The mission you see for the church and the next
pastor in the coming years is one with a passion for      In closing, Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
sharing the good news of Jesus with your neighbors        and give thanks in all circumstances; for this is
in a variety of ways. There is a strong desire to be      the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
intentional in inviting others to “Come and See”          (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
what God is doing within us and around us. It is clear    I think Paul says it pretty well in these words what
your prayer is to grow spiritually and numerically,       our tasks are in the coming weeks and months. Call
not just so the church is “bigger.” God does not care     me (Interim Pastor Rich) if you have any questions
about that, nor should we. But, so that through our       or concerns. I am really enjoying serving with you.
efforts people’s lives are touched and shaped by the      You are a great congregation.
living God. Your hope is for a pastor who can lead
with a missional mindset.                                 Peace and joy in the Living Christ,
Number Three - I thank my God in every                    Interim Pastor Rich Ajer
remembrance of you. (Philippians 1:3)
Highest rated in the survey was a sentence that said
in part, “this is a fine church...but, let’s not get
stagnant. New perspectives and energy are welcome
The Messenger February 2021 - Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School San Clemente, California - Our Savior's Lutheran Church
~ Birthdays ~                          ~ Anniversaries ~
Julia Schrofer                 2/4       Pat & M’Liz Kelly             2/4
Grace Buchan                   2/6       Pablo & Nancy Gonzalez        2/6
Kelly Frohner                  2/6       Dennis & Heidi Works          2/19
Bonnie Little                  2/6       Jim & Elsa Keisker            2/22
William Yeakel                 2/6
Matt Gordon                    2/7
Peyton Rennie                  2/7
Heidi Works                    2/7
Hannah Lawrence                2/8
Tracy Simon                    2/8
Joel Hoffmeister               2/9
Charla Rayl                    2/9
Ethan Greco                    2/11
Marilu Person                  2/11
Matthew Yeakel                 2/11       If you have a prayer request for
Levi May                       2/14        the Weekly Messenger and/or
Brent Davies                   2/15       Prayer Chain e-mail or call the
Samantha Bourgeois             2/17               church office at:
Logan Martello                 2/17  
Reaghan Mulligan               2/18               (949) 492-6164.
Jennifer Berschauer            2/20
Elizabeth Schmall              2/22
Hallie Stohler                 2/23
Kristen Greco                  2/25
Lisa Ellis                     2/26
Linda Butkus                   2/27
Nathan Tully                   2/28

  “Inspired to Love, Encouraged to Think, and Sent to Serve.”

         Your church council would like to thank all those
           who have returned the estimate of giving cards.
     It is not too late to get those cards returned to the office.
                If you did not receive a packet or have
              misplaced the card please contact Gay in
            the office. She will gladly send a card to you.
               Thank you for the continued support
              of the mission of Our Savior’s Church.
                 Ed Fox, Stewardship Ministry

The Messenger February 2021 - Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School San Clemente, California - Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Ash Wednesday
                                      at Our Savior’s

T heLentseason  of Lent begins this month. This year Ash Wednesday is on February 17th and the season of
          officially ends when the sun sets on Saturday, April 3rd, the night before Easter. Historically, we
do not count the Sundays in the Lenten season as a part of Lent, although the tone of worship on Lenten
Sundays tends to be a bit more somber than during the rest of the church year.

Lent has always been a period of preparation for living the Christian life. The practice of fasting and the
giving of alms (extra offerings) has been observed since apostolic times, although the practice was not
formalized until the First Council of Nicaea in 325 ad.

Repentance is at the core of both Lent and Christian living. Repentance was the first thing listed in Luther’s
95 Theses. During the season of Lent, we all become “penitents” with ashes on our foreheads. The ashen
cross is a reminder that we are mortal, and that we look forward to a life beyond the grave. The cross is a
sign of God’s reconciliation with us and with all creation. The absolution for the confession we make on
Ash Wednesday is technically on Maundy Thursday. In this way, the entire season of Lent is sort of like a
single worship service.

Ash Wednesday takes on a new meaning in 2021 due to the coronavirus. The coronavirus is sadly a daily
reminder of our mortality and of the preciousness and fragility of life.

This year on Ash Wednesday at Our Savior’s I (Pastor Rich Ajer) will be available from 10:00am - 5:00pm
at the church office to come out to your car for the imposition of ashes. I may also have an assistant. We
will say a prayer and impose (with masks in place) ashes with the familiar words, “Remember you are dust,
and to dust you shall return.” Anyone baptized is invited to receive ashes. If you prefer to come into the
pastor’s study to receive the ashes, that is fine, also.

At 6:00pm on Ash Wednesday (February 17th) the worship leaders and I will lead an online service with
music, prayers and a homily. Holy Communion will be done in the way we do it on Sundays. We will not
be setting up seating outside, however, if some of you wish to gather there and receive Holy Communion
outside at the end of the service, that is acceptable.

The remaining Wednesdays in Lent we will share a virtual soup supper and conversation at 5:30pm. I will
have a “get to know you” question, and we’ll go around and invite anyone who wishes to share an answer,
tell what soup they are enjoying, etc. Then at 6:00pm we will move into a brief 20 - 30 minutes of music, a
bible reading for the night, a short reflection, and prayer. This will replace; during the Lenten season the
Manna Bible Study. It will be done by ZOOM and a link will be sent out the day before by email. This
worship is accessible by both telephone as well as computer, so we hope you will choose to take part in the

Next month, we will share plans for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter in the newsletter.

The Messenger February 2021 - Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School San Clemente, California - Our Savior's Lutheran Church
February 2021 Music Notes
In my work as a music therapist, I often organize my sessions around “themes” relating to calendar events.
February is a wealth of things to celebrate: Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Mardi Gras.…

The church will observe Ash Wednesday on Wednesday, February 17. You will more than likely NOT see
Ash Wednesday decorations at Walmart or Ash Wednesday cards at the Hallmark store. However, Ash
Wednesday is the start to Lent – 40 days of preparation before Holy Week and Easter.

Even though Ash Wednesday has not made the list of “popular” holidays in the sense of public celebrations, I
have had some memorable public experiences after our Ash Wednesday services. I remember several years
ago I went to a local gas station after our service. The young lady working at the mini-mart at 8:45 p.m. on a
Wednesday night looked at the ash cross on my forehead and broke into a smile. She said, “God Bless You”,
as she took my payment. Another year I had to stop and get some groceries on the way home from the service.
Again, people would look me in the eye and smile or say “God Bless You” as they passed me in the aisle.
Was I doing anything out of my ordinary shopping “routine”? No, but this visible sign of God in my life spoke
to others. This year, as with most things this past 11 months, our observance will look a little different.
However, we will still have the opportunity to receive ashes on our forehead. Even when wearing our masks,
this symbol of Lent will be visible.

I found a statement on a website that I liked. It speaks to the unity that is created by a
ritual such as the imposition of ashes. It also mentions the unity created by song:

That is what Ash Wednesday does for all of us – young and old. It gives us a place to stand grounded and
rooted. And a little bit of song might just help us take down our medicine more easily. You may be an adult
singing in a formal service, or a child humming in a playroom – the truth is, “ashes, ashes, we all fall down.”
And the same loving Creator who formed us from the dust continues to hold us up in eternal love.

I look forward to the day when we can sing praises together. But until then, I am thankful for all that unifies
us, our rituals such as the imposition of ashes and our belief in our God.

In His service,

Karen Skipper,
Director of Music

    The word “Lent” means “Spring”. Here is a “Coffee with Jesus” comic that talks about growing.

The Messenger February 2021 - Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School San Clemente, California - Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Youth and Children’s Page
                    by Bob Cooper - Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry

              A Matter of Trust

T        rust in God, I have heard that all of my life,
         literally all of my life and we seem to be hearing
         a great deal of talk about trust these days as the
pandemic continues to overshadow life as we know it. Of
course, it goes without saying that we can trust God to
keep the world spinning and the Sun rising, and to love
us unconditionally. Where I always get stuck is with the           YOUTH EVENTS | February 2021
more personal little things, I mean does the all being
master of time, space, and dimension really pay attention
to the minutia of my tiny little life? Does the creator of                  February 1 - Monday
the universe care if I have enough time to get to all of the            Preschool Chapel 9:00am, Sanc
appointments that fill my calendar? That my car will                         February 2 -Tuesday
make it home without leaving me stranded on the side of                    Kids Club 4:00pm, Patio
the road? That I’ll know what to write for this month’s                   February 3 - Wednesday
newsletter article?                                                          MSYG 6:30pm, Patio
                                                                           February 6 - Thursday
Is it just a random set of incredible coincidences that                 Preschool Chapel 9:00am, Sanc
makes everything ultimately turn out alright? Could the                      February 7 - Sunday
favorable outcomes be attributed to my own planning                          HSYG 6:00pm, Patio
and effort? Maybe… sometimes it seems that my                               February 8 - Monday
planning is just a soft punchline these days. Or is it that             Preschool Chapel 9:00am, Sanc
God almighty is indeed looking out for me and making                    Welcome INN 4:00pm, Doheny
sure that I never get in deeper than I can manage, I like to              February 10 - Wednesday
think so.                                                                    MSYG 6:30pm, Patio
                                                                           February 11 - Thursday
The short answer is I don’t know, straight up, I just don’t             Preschool Chapel 9:00am, Sanc
know. What I do know is that worrying about these                           February 14 - Sunday
things has done me absolutely no good whatsoever. To                         HSYG 6:00pm, Patio
quote a very wise fellow*, “can all of your worries add a                   February 15 - Monday
single moment to your life?”                                            Preschool Chapel 9:00am, Sanc
                                                                            February 16 -Tuesday
In youth ministry it is always an interesting conversation                 Kids Club 4:00pm, Patio
when these kinds of questions come up. The kids look to                   February 17 - Wednesday
the adults in their lives to answer these VERY big                    Ash Wednesday 6:00pm, Live Stream
questions. But these are questions for which there are no                         No MSYG
concrete answers and the best we can do is offer our best
                                                                           February 18 - Thursday
experience, again profess our faith, and remind them that
praying for guidance is always a good idea.                             Preschool Chapel 9:00am, Sanc
                                                                            February 21 - Sunday
One thing that I know for sure is that God is always there                   HSYG 6:00pm, Patio
for us and is always able to listen to our prayers, he                      February 22 - Monday
promised. So if God is responsible for my making it to an               Preschool Chapel 9:00am, Sanc
appointment on time or if I simply get lucky with the                     February 24 - Wednesday
traffic light sequence, some things remains certain, I can                   MSYG 6:30pm, Patio
offer all things to God in prayer and he will always                       February 25 - Thursday
listen, his love will never fail, and his holy word will                Preschool Chapel 9:00am, Sanc
stand forever. Praise be to God!                                            February 28 - Sunday
                                                                             HSYG 6:00pm, Patio
In God I trust,

Bob Cooper
Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry

*The very wise fellow was Jesus (Matthew 6:27)
The Messenger February 2021 - Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School San Clemente, California - Our Savior's Lutheran Church
What’s Happening at Our Savior’s


Beginning Sunday, February 7, 2021 we will
discontinue the streaming serving for the 10:00am
service, and instead hold the service outside on the
                                                               New Lenten At-Home Sunday School
patio. Everyone is required to wear a mask and                      Materials and Activities
remain socially distanced. You are welcome to bring                         To access online go to:
your own lawn chairs and help with setting up and      
taking down of chairs and worship equipment. The                               education-ministry
8:30am Live Streaming only service will continue in
its present form and be available either live or for                Parents, caregivers and grandparents,
later viewing as a recording. We feel this option of                   please contact the church office
onsite or virtual worship will serve our church well                to receive a set of Lenten Activities.
at this time in adjusting to the pandemic. Thank you                          Activities include:
for your continued support of worship and for your
regular offerings.                                             ♦ Frolic Coloring Pages from the Holy Week
                                                                 and Easter stories.
                                                               ♦ Four 11 x 17 Activity Placemats that keep
                                                                 kids entertained while encouraging
                                                                 exploration of
                                                                the seasons of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter.
                                                                One family-friendly mini lesson for Jesus Is
                                                                 Risen! An Easter Pop-Up Book.
           First (Early) Communion                              One toddler- and preschooler-friendly Bread
            Sunday, March 14 & 21                                in a Bag Recipe.
    11:00am - 12:30pm Location: Sanctuary                       Two Art Activities that help families
   Our Savior's will be offering First Communion                 experience Holy Week and Easter.
  Classes on Sunday, March 14 & 21 from 11:00 -                 One Play Dough Mat to work kids’ fine
 12:30pm. Each class is necessary and one or more                motor skills and get them thinking about
 parent/guardian needs to attend with the child. The             seasonal symbols.
targeted age is 3rd grade; but there is always a great          Holy Week & Easter Story Puppets to help
  variety of ages. Please talk to Pastor Rich or Bob             families retell the stories of Jesus’ death and
   Cooper if you have any concerns in regards to                 resurrection.
              'readiness' or participation.                     Bedtime Ritual Cards written especially for
                                                                 parents of infants, toddlers, or preschoolers to
     Baptism is considered a prerequisite for                    lead their children in a daily Lenten practice.
    Holy Communion; please let us know if we
       need to talk about Baptism as well!                    We can either email them to you or print them for
  First Communion will be celebrated during                    you to pick up. Please call the church office at
         Maundy Thursday Worship                             (949) 492-6164 or email to
           Thursday, April 1, 2021
                Time...TBD                                   Blessings,
                                                             Roberta Wall, Deacon
The Messenger February 2021 - Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School San Clemente, California - Our Savior's Lutheran Church
What’s Happening at Our Savior’s, cont.

                        Church Council has
                        several empty seats
                          around the table.             Enjoying the Live Streams?
                         Won’t you please               Do you ever wonder what goes into producing the live
                        consider joining us?            stream webcast worship services that we do each week
                         We would love to               here at Our Savior’s? Well I can tell you that they don’t
                             have you.                  happen by accident, a great deal of attention goes into
                                                        bringing the word of God to the world, live as it
                                                        happens. As of right now there is only one person in
           Meetings are held on the second              the entire congregation that is solely responsible for
         Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm.               making this happen, and that is not a good situation, we
       If you would like more information on            need a team. The production does not require a great
               any of these positions,                  deal of technical ability, just a willingness to learn and
                                                        since I have had to learn all of this myself then I can
                                                        explain everything in the easiest to understand way
                                                        possible. Here are the requirements to be part of the
                                                        “Stream Team”:

                                                         Be onsite and ready to work by 7:15am Sunday
                                                          (there’s the deal breaker, eh?)
                                                         Ability to count to 12
                                                         Ability to see if a light is on or off
                                                         Ability to read the English language
                                                         Love the idea of getting the Gospel out to the world
Walking Group
The walking group continues to meet each Tuesday         As you can see there are not many requirements other
morning at 8:00am on the corner of Vista Hermosa           than a willingness to serve so please let me know
and Costa Azul, to walk the Sea Summit Trails.               if you can help, it’s actually pretty fun and a
All OWLs and OWLs in training                                     creative way to engage in worship.
(those below 55) are welcome to join us!                             Please contact Bob Cooper at
                  Blessings,                                         or text/call at (949) 291-1251
                 Roberta Wall
                                                        Thank you and God bless  Bob Cooper

                                                 Women’s Read & Pray Fellowship
                                               Tuesday’s ǀ February 2 & 16 @ 10:00am
                                                        OSLC Founders Room
                                Please bring your own chair, copy of Gather Magazine, drink, and snack.
                                Questions contact Collette: ǀ (760) 271-1955.

The Messenger February 2021 - Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School San Clemente, California - Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Our Savior’s                                      Happy Valentine’s Day
                         Lutheran Church                                   from your OSLC Council!
                         Financial Report                                   Yes, it's already February
                          December 2020                                    the month of LOVE ❤
                                                               So after almost a year of Covid-19 restrictions, masks,
Average Weekly Offering                      $ 9,271           hand sanitizer, Zoom meetings, Interim Pastor, Bridge
                                                               Pastor, people leaving California, people moving up to
Budget Requirement                               $ 9,886       heaven (which is a much better place) we are still moving
                                                               forward with so much to be thankful for. This council is
Offering                  Dec 2020       Jul - Dec FY          very dedicated and consistent.

Unrestricted Gifts         $37,083           $221,532
                                                                The Transition Team has sent out surveys as we move
                                                                   toward a new permanent pastor. Our constitution and
Budget                     $42,839           $257,035              by-laws are being updated from about 25 years ago.
                                                                Our church finances are in need of pledges to be
                                                                   honored and just a bit of a push. When folks watch
 Our members and visitors continue to be faithful in               online it's so difficult to pass the collection
    their stewardship.. We collected 86% of our                    plates! Please don't forget to give. Everything counts.
 December budgeted amount. Fiscal year to date we               Charles aka Chuck aka Santa aka Charlie etc.. has
 have funded 86% of the approved budget. We truly                  been painting, installing, landscaping, getting
appreciate your dedication to Our Savior’s Lutheran                estimates for things I guess when a property turns
Church. We continue to be prudent in our spending.                 almost 70 it needs supplements. Chuck is the
                                                                   nutritionist to the buildings!
Designated Gifts            Dec 2020     Jul - Dec FY           Ed from Stewardship says that a few more pledge
World Hunger                    $390              $2,391           cards came in as I already knew that because it caused
                                                                   the Happy Dance in the church office!! Sometimes it's
Habitat for Humanity            $240              $1,390           best to just remain seated.
                                                                Hallie Stohler had to take a break from Social
          Total                 $630              $3,781           Concerns so filling in for her is Heidi Works
                                                                   shadowed by Linda Howard. There are many
     Fellowship Hall Building Fund Balance:                        concerns in this committee so if you are concerned or
           December 2020: $585,876.76                              need to be more concerned please give them a hand.
                                                                Roberta has Sunday School by streaming or on the
  Building 300 Classrooms Mortgage Balance:                        internet or she can mail you something but there are
           December 2020: $ 439,113                                projects for you kids while you are watching
         Projected loan payoff: September 2031                     church! Call the church office for more information
         Thank You For Your Stewardship!
                                                                Speaking of kids, our church has programs like High
                                                                   School Youth, Middle School Youth and Elementary
                                                                   school youth programs. Please get a hold of Mr. Bob
                                                                   Cooper and let him know what you think would be a
                                                                   fun thing to do! This is a great time to be creative
                                                                Collette has started a Bible Study IN PERSON
                                                                   although No shoes, No shirt, No mask, No
                            If you prefer to                       entry. Actually you don't have to wear shoes! Hand
                         donate electronically                     sanitizer will be provided. It's mostly so we can see
                               Venmo us                            each other and have a real - in person conversation. It
                                                                   is held in the Founders Room or at a nearby park if
                    “@OurSaviorsSanClemente”.                      the weather is nice.
                  We truly appreciate your generosity.         So what has the secretary of the council been
                              Thank you!                       doing?? Looking and finding things to be grateful for
                                                               each and every day. Unfortunately these things I am
                                                               finding are usually found with M & M on them. Some
                                                               days I am way too grateful.

                                                               Submitted by THEE very mediocre
                                                               Church Council Secretary, M'Liz Kelly
The Messenger February 2021 - Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School San Clemente, California - Our Savior's Lutheran Church
              Just a friendly reminder that ALL activities are open to all: Congregation,
                        School Families and Friends. We are all Sent to Serve!

               Lenten Offering                                                              Winter Warmth
            Lutheran Social Services                                                        for the Homeless
          Southern California (LSSSC)                                                   You are invited to donate
                                                                                        new and gently used
Ash Wednesday is coming up February 17th and we                                         warm winter clothing
have chosen a special non-profit to receive our Lenten                                  throughout the winter
offerings. Founded in San Diego in 1944, LSSSC                                          months for our friends at
today provides a full spectrum of social programs and        Welcome INN. Most needed are men’s water-proof
services to those in need at 18 locations throughout         jackets, sweatshirts, flannel shirts, beanies, knit
Southern California - 6 counties from Ventura down           gloves and mittens, rain ponchos, and new white
to San Diego counties and inland to San Bernardino           athletic socks and dark colored masks (something a
county. They provide both emergency services and             man would wear). Tarps to lay on the ground and
ongoing case management to hundreds of clients at            keep belongings dry are also useful. Items may be
each location. Pastor Rich is on the board of Central        new or gently used, but please donate only things that
City Lutheran Mission in San Bernardino, one of              are clean and in good condition. Socks and masks
LSSSC’s programs, and can personally attest to its           must be clean and new.
effectiveness in serving the community. We believe
our gifts to LSSSC will be well-used, especially             Thank you for your generosity and thank you to
during the ongoing covid-19 crisis.                          Thrivent for approving an Action Team project of
                                                             $250 to purchase additional items. Last month we
      Please bring or mail your gifts to the                 gave out 30 packages to each Welcome INN guest
   church office throughout the Lenten Season                with a pair of socks, a mask, and a pair of gloves.
             February 17 to April 28.                        They were so grateful!
You may also Venmo to @OurSaviorsSanClemente.
         Please memo: Lenten offering.                       Please bring your items to the church office or
         Thank you for your generosity!                      Narthex or contact Linda Howard for pick-up.
LSSSC Mission and Vision
Ignited by faith, we live out God’s love by embracing,
equipping and empowering vulnerable people in Southern
                                                                       Welcome Inn Meal Service
California. Sharing the love of Christ, we are a                     Monday ǀ February 8 & March 8
community to care and be cared for…where the
vulnerable are safer and stronger; where the dependent       Thanks to all who participate in this ministry. Your
are self-sustaining; where the isolated dwell in             hot meal and bag lunch donations are lovingly served
community, where the weary will be given hope.               the second Monday of each month. Our homeless
                                                             and working-poor neighbors are most grateful.
                                                             Special thanks to Jim Wall and Ed Fox for their
                                                             creative menus and faithful attendance serving the

                                                             Please respond to Sign-Up Genius if you are able to
                                                             provide food and make sure it is in the church
                                                             kitchen before 2:00pm so the meals can be
                                                             assembled on-campus.
          Like us on Facebook
                               Church                                                      Our Welcome INN
                                                                                          coordinator is Jim Wall
                                                                                             (209) 534-9584.

The Messenger February 2021 - Our Savior's Lutheran Church and School San Clemente, California - Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Preschool News | February 2021
                                                               We continue to enroll students for the remainder of
                                                               this year and now have 185 spots filled. We added a
                                                               Tuesday/Thursday class for four-year-old students
                                                               and a Tuesday/Thursday class for 2-3-year-old
                                                               students. We welcome Janie Custer and Ingrid Lopez
                                                               to our growing preschool staff. Janie and Ingrid were
                                                               both Saddleback College students who completed
                                                               their hours here at Our Savior's Lutheran Preschool
                                                               and Infant Center so they are familiar with the
     The Social Concerns Ministry thanks you                   routine and the students. We are so happy to
   for benevolence gifts given in December 2020                welcome them to our team.
           over and above general giving:
            ELCA World Hunger: $390                            We are also so happy to report that we have had no
         Habitat for Humanity of OC: $240                      positive Covid-19 cases in our preschool and we are
          Social Concerns Ministry: $200                       grateful to the staff and preschool families for
          International Sanctuary: $1,000                      adhering to CDC guidelines and we pray that trend
     Welcome INN: Food, Socks, Masks, Gloves                   continues. Charles Simon continues to keep up the
  Christmas Giving Tree Project: $910 plus gift cards          growing facility needs of the preschool but we sure
       Connections Ministry: baby layette items                could use some help. If you are good with fixing
                                                               broken toys and preschool furniture or if you could
         Your generosity is so appreciated!                    paint or just move furniture, we would love to hear
                                                               from you. Thank you, Charles, for all your hard
       The Giving Tree Was a Success!                          work.

Thanks to all who were willing to pivot this                   Since so many of our preschool moms are pregnant
Christmas and donate gift cards so that Family                 Linda Howard is working with a group of women to
Assistance Ministries clients could purchase new               provide a gift for the baby from the Church. The first
pair of shoes for their children. It was disappointing         blanket was sent out to the Feldner family. This is a
to not hand out shoes at the annual Christmas party            great outreach and everyone seems to love it. Thank
this year (which did not take place), but we were still        you, Linda and her team, for making it happen.
able to provide gift cards for over 110 pairs of shoes.
                                                               It is time to register for the 2021/2022 school year for
Thank you so very much and we all look forward to              the Preschool (ages 2-6 years) and the Infant Center
the return of the Christmas party “shoe store” next            (3-24 months)
                                                               Registration is as follows:
                                                                Feb 1 - 5: Registration for Our Savior’s Church
                                                                Feb 8 - 19: Registration for currently enrolled
                                                                  returning students and their siblings.
                                                                Feb 22: Registration opens to the public.

                                                               You can take a virtual tour of the classrooms on our

                                                               Please call the office at (949) 492-6165 to have the
                                                               paperwork needed to register emailed to you.
                                                               Joan Lundbohm,
                                                               Preschool Director

              Sun                   Mon                 Tue                      Wed                         Thu                          Fri                        Sat
                              1                  2                      3                           4                           5                          6

                                                 8:00 OSLs Walk         6:30 Manna ZOOM             9:00 PS Chapel
                              9:00 PS Chapel
                                                                        6:30 MSYG
                                                 10:00 Read & Pray

                                                 4:00 Kids Club

     7 World Hunger           8                  9                      10                          11                          12                         13
                                                 8:00 OWLs Walk
                              9:00 PS Chapel                                                        9:00 PS Chapel
          8:30 Bold Worship                                             6:30 Manna ZOOM
                                                 5:15 Executive Mtg,
     10:00 Classic Worship    4:00 Welcome INN   ZOOM                   6:30 MSYG
             No HSYG                             6:30 Council Mtg,


     14                       15                 16                     17                          18                          19                         20
                              Church & School
                              Closed             8:00 OSLs Walk
                                                                        10am-5pm Imposition
                                                                                                    9:00 PS Chapel
          8:30 Bold Worship                      10:00 Read & Pray      of Ashes
     10:00 Classic Worship                                              6:00 Ash Wed, ZOOM
                                                 4:00 Kids Club
             6:00 HSYG                                                  No MSYG

     21 Building Fund         22                 23                     24                          25                          26                         27

          8:30 Bold Worship   9:00 PS Chapel     8:00 OWLs Walk         5:30 Soup & Talk            9:00 PS Chapel
     10:00 Classic Worship                                              6:00 Midweek ZOOM
             6:00 HSYG                                                  6:30 MSYG

     28 Habitat
                                                                                                                                                                Holy Communion
          8:30 Bold Worship
     10:00 Classic Worship
             6:00 HSYG
                                                                       First Sunday of the month   Third Sunday of each month   Last Sunday of the month
                                                                                                                                                               Served every Sunday
Non-Profit Org
                Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and School                                             U.S. POSTAGE
                200 Avenida San Pablo  San Clemente  California  92672                                Paid
                                                                                                     Permit No. 40
                                                                                                    San Clemente, CA

                                       RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

                               At this time our regular activities are subject to change.
                      Please confirm all meetings, events and information with the church office.

                                               The Messenger
                                               February 2021
                            “Inspired to Love, Encouraged to Think, and Sent to Serve”
                                              Sunday Worship Hours
                                        8:30am ǀ Bold Worship, Live Stream
                                          10:00am ǀ Classic Worship, Patio
                                     6:00pm ǀ High School Youth Group, Patio

Inside this issue:

Message Pastor Rich Ajer                           1        What’s Happening, cont.                                   7

Birthdays, Anniversaries & More...                 2        December 2020 Financial Report, Council Notes             8

Ash Wednesday & Lenten Wednesday’s                 3        Social Concerns                                     9 & 10

Music Notes                                        4        Preschool News                                           10

Youth & Children’s Ministry, Youth Calendar        5        February 2021 Calendar                                   11

What’s Happening @ OSLC                            6        In This Issue                                            12

                  Church Office                                                School Office
       (949) 492-6164  Fax (949) 492-2904
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