2022 PROGRAM - Artback NT

2022 PROGRAM - Artback NT
2022 PROGRAM - Artback NT

Artists on Tour is an Artback NT
initiative delivering a suite of artistic
programs to all corners of the Northern
Territory. Fuelled by fun and creativity,
workshops are designed to inspire and
engage participants while they are
learning and developing new skills.
2022 PROGRAM - Artback NT
4                                                                                                                         5
                                                                           Croker Island
                                                                                  Goulburn Island
                                                                          Maningrida            Galiwin’ku (Elcho Island)
                                           Darwin                                                         Yirrkala
                                        Palmerston                                            Ramingining
                                        Bees Creek                                Gunbalanya (Oenpelli)
                                                     Nauiyu (Daly River)

                                                  Katherine                     Beswick
                                                          Mataranka              Jilkminggan


                                                                                                O R
                                                                                          R I T
                                                                                    T E
                                                                              R N

                                                                                                Murray Downs Station
Locations                                                                              Wilora

Artback NT brings Artists on Tour              Yuendumu               Yuelamu
to urban, remote and very remote                            Papunya
                                           Walungurru (Kintore)
locations across the vast and diverse                                                  Alice Springs
                                                                                           Santa Teresa
Northern Territory. Our artists are                       Watarrka
                                         Kaltukatjara (Docker River)
highly experienced in remote program                                          Imanpa

delivery and cross cultural work.
2022 PROGRAM - Artback NT

Art Forms
Programs can be tailored to meet
individual or group capabilities and
needs across all age levels from Early
Learning to Year 12. Workshops can
be delivered as an out of school
activity or targeted as professional
development for adults.
Visual Arts
painting | printmaking | sculpture | drawing

hip hop | break dancing | Bollywood | contemporary

Physical Theatre
circus | acrobatics | clowning

Theatrical Theatre
drama | acting | writing | movement

Music and Film
singing | song writing | video clips

Collaborative Outcomes
murals | mosaics | music film clips | performance
2022 PROGRAM - Artback NT

Artists on Tour is a recognised
service provider through the
Northern Territory Government’s
Remote Sports Vouchers Scheme.
Vouchers can be used as part of your
exempt schools, afterschool or
school holiday programs.
Schools: working with teachers to
deliver programs during school hours
Afterschool programs: working
with local government sport and
recreation teams
School Holidays: full day workshops
can run for consecutive days and
are a great opportunity to program
larger projects such as producing
a mural or performance

Professional development
These workshops focus on developing
skills for an adult audience –
beginner to intermediate artists,
teachers, educators, youth workers
or community members.
Arts workers working with remote art
centres: develop new skills through
coordinating hands on practical
learning experiences for artists working
in their communities and homelands
Teachers: learn new creative practical
tools to take back to the classroom
Youth workers: participate in up
skilling practical workshops that
can be delivered in community
The Northern Territory
                                      Our stories, our art, our place
                                      Expanding the Australian narrative

           For more information about the Artists on
         Tour program, or to book a workshop, contact
       Laura Shipp, Arts and Cultural Program Coordinator
                             T 08 8941 1444 or
                       E projects@artbacknt.com.au

        Front cover: Circus workshop with Hemlock Mejarne, Borroloola School, 2020.
                                 Photographer: Luth Wolf
Page 2: Screenprinting workshop with Tarzan JungleQueen, Mackillop Catholic College, 2019.
                     Photograph courtesy of Mackillop Catholic College
Page 5: Delivery of Artists on Tour programs though the Northern Territory from 2016 to 2020
Page 6: Contemporary dance workshop with Ghenoa Gela, Borroloola Secondary School, 2021.
                      Photographer: Benjamin Warlngundu Ellis Bayliss
   Page 9: Mural workshop with Amina McConvell featuring Shinara Woods at WYDAC Hall,
                       Nyirrpi, 2019. Photographer: Amina McConvell
  Page 10: Charlee Shone participating in a professional development workshop for the Art
Educators of the Northern Territory with Kamahi Djordon King, 2019. Photographer: Eve Pawlik
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