Page created by Yvonne Barber

        Project List
         JUNE 2021

                 AREA + PROJECT PLANNING

COLUMBIA LOMBARD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Implementation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Plan-level cost
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     $ ($10 million)

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Columbia Blvd           NE Columbia          Fill sidewalk gaps and improve maintenance of           Medium--Needs       TriMet has proposed a new bus line along            $$
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Access to Transit,      Blvd (47th - Kill-   existing sidewalks on NE Columbia Blvd to improve       more project        Columbia Blvd by 2025. Will need to work
                                                                                                                                                                            Plan-level cost                   Segment 3               ingsworth)           safety and access to transit for proposed bus line      development         with TriMet to coordinate in the coming
                                                                                                                                                                                                      5                                                    along Columbia Blvd. Provide new bus stops and                              years. May need right-of-way acquisition
                                                                                                          Implementation                                                     $ ($10 million)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              11th/Columbia/          NE Baldwin St        Make needed street improvements (pavement,              High--Ready for     Project development is underway, and                $$
            Columbia Corridor Projects
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Lombard Freight         (10th - 11th)        curbs, stormwater) on Freight District Streets in the   funding             conversations have been initiated with
            Columbia Blvd        N/NE Columbia     Add infill street lighting along both sides to meet    High--Ready for     PBOT has experience with these kinds of               $                         District Street Im-     NE Russet St         11th/Columbia/Lombard area. Sidewalks will be           opportunities       property owners about a potential LID.
            Corridor Lighting    Blvd (Argyle -    current standards.                                     funding             lighting projects and has contractors to                                6       provements              (11th - 13th)        contingent on right-of-way dedication. Potentially                          Project has potential for BES funding to
            Improvements         82nd)                                                                    opportunities       do the work at a typical cost per mile.                                                                 NE 13th Ave          combine with 11th Avenue Multimodal Improve-                                address water treatment needs.
    1                                                                                                                         Recent funding requests indicate a high                                                                 (Columbia Blvd       ments project.
                                                                                                                              likelihood that these projects could be                                                                 - Lombard Pl)
                                                                                                                              implemented in the coming years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              North Columbia          N Borthwick Ave      Make needed street improvements (pavement,              Medium--Needs       No project development work to date, but            $$
            Columbia Blvd        N/NE Columbia     Reconfigure skewed intersections to reduce turning     High--Ready for     Safety analysis and high-level concept               $$                         Blvd Freight District   (Columbia            curbs, sidewalks, stormwater) on Freight District       more project        would be fairly straightforward to develop
            Corridor Safety      Blvd (Argyle -    speeds, upgrade aging traffic signals, install speed   funding             work indicate these are generally feasible                                      Street Improve-         - Halleck)           Streets surrounding N Columbia Blvd.                    development         these projects. Need investigation and
    2       Improvements         60th)             reader boards/automated enforcement and add            opportunities       and beneficial safety improvements, and                                         ments                   N Kerby Ave                                                                                      outreach with property owners to
                                                   raised medians or rumble strips where feasible.                            could be the basis for state or federal                                 7                               (Columbia                                                                                        determine likelihood of an LID. Project
                                                                                                                              safety funding.                                                                                         - Halleck)                                                                                       has potential for BES funding to address
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      N Halleck St                                                                                     water treatment needs.
            Columbia Blvd        N/NE Columbia     Fill sidewalk gaps and improve maintenance of          Medium--Needs       TriMet has proposed a new bus line along             $$
            Access to Transit,   Blvd (Argyle -    existing sidewalks on N/NE Columbia Blvd to            more project        Columbia Blvd by 2025. Will need to work                                                                (Albina
            Segment 1            21st)             improve safety and access to transit for proposed      development         with TriMet to coordinate in the coming                                                                 - Congress)
    3                                              bus line along Columbia Blvd. Provide new bus                              years. May need right-of-way acquisition                                        Northeast Columbia      NE Mallory Ave    Make needed street improvements (pavement,                 Medium--Needs       No project development work to date, but            $$
                                                   stops and enhanced crossings to support the new                            or dedication in some areas to provide                                          Blvd Freight District   (Columbia         curbs, sidewalks, stormwater) on Freight District          more project        would be fairly straightforward to develop
                                                   service.                                                                   minimum standard sidewalk width.                                                Street Improve-         - Halleck)        Streets surrounding NE Columbia Blvd.                      development         these projects. Need investigation and
            Columbia Blvd        NE Columbia        Fill sidewalk gaps and improve maintenance of         Medium--Needs       Scope is relatively straightforward, but no          $$                         ments                   NE Halleck St                                                                                    outreach with property owners to
            Access to Transit,   Blvd (21st - 47th) existing sidewalks on NE Columbia Blvd from 21st      more project        project development to date. Right-of-way                                                               (Mallory - Grand)                                                                                determine likelihood of an LID. Project
            Segment 2                               to 47th to improve safety and access to transit, with development         is limited, and utilities and topography
                                                                                                                                                                                                      8                               NE Kilpatrick St                                                                                 has potential for BES funding to address
                                                    33rd to 47th being the highest priority due to higher                     can present challenges. Crossing                                                                        (Mallory - Grand)                                                                                water treatment needs.
    4                                               level of transit service. Consolidate bus stop                            treatments and transit stop changes have                                                                NE Grand Ave
                                                    locations and provide enhanced pedestrian                                 not been determined. More work is                                                                       (Columbia
                                                    crossings at the remaining stops.                                         needed to assess cost and right-of-way                                                                  - Halleck)
Plan-level cost                                                                                                                                                                                 Plan-level cost
                                                                                                                                                                                estimate                                                                                                                                                                                        estimate
                                                                                                            Implementation                                                    $ ($10 million)

            Columbia Corridor Projects                                                                                                                                                                         Columbia Corridor Projects

            33rd & Colum-         NE 33rd Ave at   Implement low-cost signing and striping improve-   High--Ready for           Striping, signage, and other low cost                $                         Columbia Blvd       NE Columbia        Restripe Columbia Boulevard between NE 60th and       High--Ready for     Initial project development work indicates          $$
            bia Multimodal        Columbia Blvd    ments to reduce conflicts around the 33rd &        funding                   improvements require minimal project                                           Freight Improve-    Blvd (60th - 80th) NE 80th to improve freight reliability. Coordinate    funding             project is feasible, low-cost, and fairly
            Improvements,                          Columbia Blvd interchange, particularly focused on opportunities             development and are an affordable way                                 14       ments, Phase 1                         with Columbia/Cully/Alderwood traffic signal          opportunities       straightforward. Ideally would be
            Phase 1                                the northbound movement on 33rd Dr approaching                               to address some safety issues. Concepts                                                                               project.                                                                  implemented along with Columbia/Cully/
    9                                              Holland Ct and the eastbound bicycle movement on                             have been prepared and appear to be                                                                                                                                                             Alderwood signal project.
                                                   Columbia Blvd from 33rd Dr to 33rd Ave. Add speed                            feasible. Bike lane extension can leverage
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Columbia Blvd       NE Columbia       Widen Columbia Blvd to five lanes between NE 60th      Low--Project not    Project is indicated in the travel demand          $$$
                                                   reader boards to reduce speeding off ramps.                                  upcoming 33rd Ave paving project.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Freight Improve-    Blvd (60th -      and NE 82nd if/when needed to address freight          yet needed and/     model as a long-term need, but not a
                                                   Extend bike lanes on 33rd Ave south to Holman St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ments, Phase 2      82nd)             capacity, and replace Columbia Blvd bridge over        or requires more    need in the near-term. Would be very
            33rd & Colum-         NE 33rd Ave at   Make improvements around 33rd & Columbia to         Medium--Needs            Concepts have been prepared and                     $$                                                               82nd Ave. Analyze feasability and benefits of          planning work to    costly, with major property impacts, and
            bia Multimodal        Columbia Blvd    address difficult merging, conflicts between modes, more project             appear to be feasible at a high level, but                            15                                             freight-only lanes to ensure improvements prioritize   advance             requires reconstruction of the bridge over
            Improvements,                          and sightlines. Restrict access from northbound NE development               slopes and turning radius issues may                                                                                 freight movement.                                                          82nd Ave. City and regional policies
            Phase 2                                33rd Avenue to westbound Columbia Boulevard                                  present challenges. More project                                                                                                                                                                require that other solutions be imple-
   10                                              and reroute traffic to a new stop sign at NE                                 development is needed to get these                                                                                                                                                              mented or considered before resorting to
                                                   Columbia Court. For southbound traffic on NE 33rd,                           projects ready for funding.                                                                                                                                                                     expanding roadway capacity.
                                                   a stop sign should be added for vehicles at
                                                                                                                                                                                                               MLK & Columbia In- NE MLK Jr Blvd & Make additional intersection and signalization           Medium--Needs       Project was developed at a high level               $$
                                                   Columbia Boulevard and the slip lane modified to
                                                                                                                                                                                                               tersection Improve- Columbia Blvd   improvements on MLK approaching Columbia with            more project        many years ago through a technical study,
                                                   allow continuous bike lanes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ments                               a dedicated northbound right turn lane, dual             development         but should be reassessed now that
            33rd & Colum-         NE 33rd Ave at   Replace 33rd Ave bridge over railroad, 33rd Ave          Medium--Needs       High-level concept work has developed a            $$$                16                                           southbound left turn lanes, and improved south-                              improvements on Columbia Blvd
            bia Multimodal        Columbia Blvd    flyover ramp over Columbia Blvd, and Columbia            more project        feasible solution that brings 33rd Ave and                                                                         bound MLK to westbound Columbia turning radius.                              approaching MLK have been completed.
            Improvements,                          Blvd bridge over 33rd Dr. Reconfigure interchange        development         33rd Dr together at an at-grade signalized                                                                         Also, add Leading Pedestrian Intervals and improve                           Needs extensive ODOT coordination and
            Phase 3                                to improve safety and connectivity for all modes,                            intersection with Columbia Blvd.                                                                                   bus stops.                                                                   approval.
                                                   address seismic resiliency and bridge condition                              However, property impacts and overall
   11                                              needs on a major emergency and freight route, and                            costs are very high, and more project
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Columbia Blvd       Columbia          Increase vertical clearance under railroad bridge to   Medium--Needs       Feasibility study (Appendix D) recom-              $$$
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Over-Dimensional    - Railroad bridge allow a higher percentage of over-dimensional          more project        mends replacing railroad bridge with a
                                                   simplify traffic operations and wayfinding by                                development work is needed to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Freight Improve-    adjacent to I-5   loads to use this segment of Columbia Blvd.            development         type that allows higher vertical clearance
                                                   providing at-grade signalized intersections instead                          project ready for funding opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ment                                                                                                             underneath. This would require a
                                                   of ramps and overpasses.                                                     Will likely require multiple funding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                double-track railroad bridge and need
                                                                                                                                sources given scale of the project.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                extensive railroad coordination and likely
            Columbia Corridor     Corridor wide    Replace and upgrade aging traffic signals along          High--Ready for     Signal upgrades are fairly straightforward          $$                                                                                                                                          a funding partnership. Benefit to

            Signal Improve-                        Columbia Blvd from Argyle to Killingsworth to            funding             projects.                                                             17                                                                                                                        over-dimensional freight is low compared
            ments                                  improve freight mobility, traffic flow, access to        opportunities                                                                                                                                                                                                       to other needs in the Columbia Corridor
                                                   surrounding areas, and safety.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               such as replacing bridges on Lombard/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Burgard, Columbia Blvd, and Portland Rd
            Columbia /            Corridor wide    Add signage approaching and along Columbia Blvd          High--Ready for     Wayfinding signage and traveler                      $
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                that are unable to accommodate heavy
            Lombard Corridor                       to highlight the street as a freight corridor, enhance   funding             information are relatively low-cost and
   13       Freight Operational                    freight wayfinding, and provide traveler informa-        opportunities       easy to implement, and multiple funding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                loads. However, it could benefit users of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                N Lombard and adjacent residents by
            Improvements                           tion.                                                                        sources are available.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                reducing the freight traffic on N Lombard.
Plan-level cost                                                                                                                                                                                   Plan-level cost
                                                                                                                                                                            estimate                                                                                                                                                                                          estimate
                                                                                                        Implementation                                                    $ ($10 million)

            Lombard Corridor Projects                                                                                                                                                                      Lombard Corridor Projects

            Lombard Corridor    Corridor wide     Add ITS upgrades on Hwy 30 Bypass between I-5         High--Ready for     Project development is underway, and ITS             $                         Lombard Corridor   N/NE Lombard        Improve safety on Lombard by modifying lanes           Medium--Needs       Safety analysis and high-level concept               $$
            ITS Improvements                      and I-205. These upgrades include detection,          funding             projects can be implemented relatively                                         Safety Improve-    St (Mississippi -   and/or lane widths to provide a wider centerline/      more project        work indicate these are generally feasible
                                                  bluetooth, cameras, communication fiber, truck        opportunities       quickly and affordably compared to more                                        ments, Segment 3   11th Ave)           median, adding turn pockets at Albina Ave,             development         and beneficial safety improvements.
   18                                             signal priority, and other similar improvements at                        capital-intensive projects. Multiple                                                                                  upgrading traffic signals, and adding enhanced                             Need more project development work to
                                                  major intersections to improve traffic and freight                        funding sources for this kind of work are                                                                             pedestrian crossings. Further evaulate access                              determine preferred concept, exact
                                                  safety and reliability.                                                   available.                                                            22                                              management between NE MLK Jr and NE 11th                                   locations of treatments and put together
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  avenues.                                                                   a request for funding. More coordination
            Lombard Corridor    NE Lombard St    Add infill street lighting on both sides to meet       High--Ready for     PBOT has experience with these kinds of              $
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with ODOT and approvals are needed.
            Lighting Improve-   (11th - 42nd)    current standards.                                     funding             lighting projects and has contractors to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Good potential for next round of STIP
            ments               NE Portland Hwy                                                         opportunities       do the work at a typical cost per mile.
                                (42nd - Killing-                                                                            Recent funding requests indicate a high
   19                           sworth)                                                                                     likelihood that these projects could be                                        Lombard Corridor   NE Lombard St       Improve safety by upgrading the existing traffic       Medium--Needs       Still needs project development to come              $$
                                NE Killingsworth                                                                            implemented in the coming years.                                               Safety Improve-    (11th - 42nd)       signals, adding center medians periodically,           more project        to agreement internally and with ODOT
                                St (Portland Hwy                                                                                                                                                           ments, Segment 4   NE Portland Hwy     managing access, narrowing lane widths, and            development         on cross-section in advance of next STIP.
                                - Sandy Blvd)                                                                                                                                                     23                          (42nd - 60th)       providing buffered/protected bike lanes from 11th                          Segment has been a strong candidate for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to 60th with conflict markings at intersections. Add                       repaving in recent rounds of STIP. Good
            Lombard Corridor    N Lombard St      Extend the lane reconfiguration with bike lanes       High--Ready for     Project development is largely complete,            $$                                                                new traffic signals at intersections with sufficient                       potential for next round of STIP or ARTS
            Safety Improve-     (Delaware         from Delaware to Denver Ave or the Fenwick/           funding             and projects are well-scoped and feasible.                                                                            traffic volumes or safety issues to warrant them.                          funding.
            ments, Segment 1    - Interstate)     Concord greenway. Include enhanced pedestrian         opportunities       ODOT coordination indicates general
                                                  crossings where feasible. Upgrade traffic signal at                       agreement on project scopes. Good                                              Lombard Corridor   NE Portland Hwy     Improve safety by narrowing travel lanes, enhancing High--Ready for        Safety analysis and high-level concept               $$
                                                  Denver Ave, including protected left turns from                           potential for next round of ODOT STIP                                          Safety Improve-    (60th - Killing-    bike lanes, installing a center median where         funding               work indicate these are generally feasible
                                                  Denver to Lombard, and redesign the intersection                          funding, building off upcoming project                                         ments, Segment 5   sworth)             feasible, adding enhanced crossings at bus stops,    opportunities         and beneficial safety improvements.
   20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             upgrading traffic signals, and slowing down turns at                       ODOT coordination is underway. Good
                                                  to improve visibility. Replace aging half-signal at                       west of Delaware. PBOT is has done some                               24                          NE Killingsworth
                                                  Fenwick with a new traffic signal and two-way bike                        project development work on Fenwick/                                                              St (Portland Hwy    intersections.                                                             potential for next round of STIP or ARTS
                                                  connection for the Concord/Fenwick neighborhood                           Concord and Denver intersections.                                                                 - Sandy Blvd)                                                                                  funding.
                                                  greenway. Implement safety improvements at
                                                  Lombard & Interstate such as leading pedestrian
                                                  intervals, no turn on red, and turn calming.                                                                                                             Lombard St Side-   NE Lombard St       Add sidewalks along the south side of the corridor.    Low--Project not    Available right-of-way is very limited, and          $$
                                                                                                                                                                                                           walk Infill        (11th - 60th)                                                              yet needed and/     utilities and topography present major
            Lombard Corridor    N Lombard St      Provide an enhanced, at-grade, accessible crossing    Medium--Needs       Project development is underway, but                $$                                                                                                                       or requires more    feasibility and cost challenges. Needs
            Safety Improve-     (Interstate       of southbound I-5 ramp and consider removal of        more project        feasibility issues remain due to sight                                25                                                                                                     planning work to    extensive project development work.
            ments, Segment 2    - Mississippi)    aging spiral overcrossing structure. Provide          development         distances, locations of nearby driveways,
   21                                             improved signage for pedestrians on north side                            and other factors. ODOT coordination

                                                  approaching I-5 directing them to accessible                              and approval are needed.
Plan-level cost                                                                                                                                                                                Plan-level cost
                                                                                                                                                                                estimate                                                                                                                                                                                       estimate
                                                                                                            Implementation                                                    $ ($10 million)

            Lombard Corridor Projects                                                                                                                                                                          Multimodal Connectivity Projects

            Lombard & 33rd    NE Lombard St        Redesign ramps and intersections from Lombard to         Low--Project not    Precise scope will depend on other                  $$                         Alberta Neighbor-   NE Alberta St       Extend neighborhood greenway east on Alberta St, High--Ready for        Project development has been complet-               $$
            Ave Ramp Redesign at 33rd              33rd to reduce motor vehicle speeds, address             yet needed and/     projects first being implemented on                                            hood Greenway       (72nd - 73rd,       while going around Sacajawea Park using NE 73rd    funding              ed. Project is feasible and a good
                                                   turning conflicts, and consolidate access points.        or requires more    Lombard and 33rd to know how they                                                                  75th to 92nd)       Ave., NE Roselawn St, and NE 75th Ave. Connect to  opportunities        candidate for active transportation grant
   26                                              Close one of the two ramps and signalize the             planning work to    should connect. Ramps are owned by                                                                 NE 73rd Ave, NE     Killingsworth via 89th and Parkrose / Sumner                            funding. Contingent on development of
                                                   remaining ramp. Provide a pedestrian and bicycle         advance             ODOT, and will require extensive project                                                           Roselawn St, NE     Transit Center via 92nd and Sandy. Provide signage                      Roseelawn housing development for
                                                   connection from Lombard St to 33rd Ave.                                      development and data collection.                                                                   75th Ave            and markings to direct bikes to use north-side                          new/improved roads on NE Roselawn and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      30                           NE 92nd Ave         sidewalk on Sandy Blvd bridge to cross freeway and                      NE 75th avenues. Requires paving 92nd
            Lombard & 42nd    NE Lombard St        Redesign ramps and intersections from Lombard to         Low--Project not    Precise scope and need will depend on               $$
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Alberta - Sandy)   access transit center.                                                  from Alberta to Sandy.
            Ave Ramp Redesign at 42nd              42nd to reduce motor vehicle speeds, address             yet needed and/     projects first being implemented on
                                                   turning conflicts, and consolidate access points. Pro-   or requires more    Lombard and 42nd to know how they                                                                  NE Sandy Blvd
                                                   vide pedestrian and bicycle connection from              planning work to    should connect. Ramps are owned by                                                                 (92nd - Park-
   27                                                                                                                                                                                                                              rose/Sumner TC)
                                                   Lombard St to 42nd Ave.                                  advance             ODOT, and will require extensive project
                                                                                                                                development and data collection.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Parkrose/Sumner     NE Alberta St &     Construct a ped/bike overcrossing of I-205 from     Medium--Needs       High-level feasibility study indicates             $$$
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Ped/Bike Overcross- 92nd Ave to         Alberta & 92nd to the Parkrose / Sumner Transit     more project        project is likely feasible, but will be
            Lombard & I-5 Inter- N Lombard St at   Redesign freeway interchange to allow for sidewalk       Low--Project not    Project requires extensive planning,             $$-$$$                        ing                 Parkrose/           Center light rail platform.                         development         high-cost and requires major coordina-
            change Redesign      I-5               to be added to north side of bridge over I-5 and for     yet needed and/     technical studies, alternatives analysis,                                                          Sumner MAX                                                                                  tion and approval processes with ODOT
                                                   ramps to be signalized. Analyze feasability of           or requires more    and project development. Major ODOT                                   31                           Station (over                                                                               and TriMet. In terms of phasing, makes
   28                                              removing cloverleaf ramps.                               planning work to    coordination needed for such a major                                                               I-205)                                                                                      more sense to do this following the
                                                                                                            advance             interchange redesign.                                                                                                                                                                          Alberta Neighborhood Greenway

            Killingsworth &     Killingsworth/     Redesign northbound I-205 to westbound Killing-          Medium--Needs       A high-level concept has been prepared             $$$                         82nd Ave Trail      NE 82nd Ave         Provide a multi-use path or other pedestrian and    Low--Project not    No project development to date.                     $$
            I-205 Interchange   Sandy/I-205        sworth off-ramp to improve safety for westbound          more project        and shared with ODOT, but will need                                                                (Alderwood          bicycle connection along or parallel to 82nd Ave.   yet needed and/     Alignment and connections to neighbor-
            Safety Improve-     Interchange        bike lane. Redesign I-205 Path connection through        development         extensive project development and                                                                  - Killingsworth)                                                        or requires more    hoods are unclear. Some difficult pinch
   29       ments                                  the interchange.                                                             coordination to verify feasibility and get                            32                                                                                                   planning work to    points exist under multiple bridges.
                                                                                                                                project ready for funding opportunities.                                                                                                                                   advance             Coordination needed with Port, ODOT,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and railroad.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               92nd Drive Trail    NE 92nd Dr          Provide a multi-use path or other pedestrian and    Low--Project not    No project development to date. Unclear             $$
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Columbia           bicycle connection along 92nd Dr from bridge over   yet needed and/     how to connect this path to the neighbor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Slough              the north Columbia Slough to Columbia Blvd.         or requires more    hoods south of railroad and Killingsworth.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      33                           Trail - Columbia                                                        planning work to    Constrained areas going over slough
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Blvd)                                                                   advance             present major challenges.
Plan-level cost
                                                                                                                                                                               Plan-level cost                                                                                                                                                                                         estimate
                                                                                                                                                                                  estimate                                                                                                                      Implementation                                                       $ ($10 million)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Multimodal Connectivity Projects
            Multimodal Connectivity Projects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cully Park to      Cully Park to        Ped/bike bridge connecting Cully Park to the future    Low--Project not    No project development work to date,                   $$
            47th to Cornfoot    NE 47th Ave        Connect Cornfoot Rd trail to new bike/ped facilities   High--Ready for     Addresses last critical ped/bike gap                    $$                         Colwood Park Over- Colwood Park         Colwood Park.                                          yet needed and/     alignment is uncertain, and needs Parks
            Bikeway Gap         (Cornfoot Rd       on NE 47th Ave using new bridge over Columbia          funding             remaining between upcoming Cornfoot                                                crossing                                                                                       or requires more    approval. Requires a Colwood Park
                                - Crystal Ln)      Slough or making improvements to existing bridge.      opportunities       Rd and 47th Ave projects. Project                                                                                                                                                 planning work to    Master Plan process to determine feasibil-
   34                                                                                                                         development has been completed, and it                                                                                                                                            advance             ity, landing location, benefits/impacts, etc.
                                                                                                                              finds the project is feasible and cost is in                              39                                                                                                                          Likely very expensive and difficult given
                                                                                                                              line with potential funding sources.                                                                                                                                                                  change in elevation. Not as urgent a need
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    as Cully Blvd and Alderwood improve-
            Cully Blvd Multi-   NE Cully Blvd      Add curbs, sidewalks and bike facilities on NE Cully   High--Ready for     Project development is underway, and                    $$
            modal Improve-      (Columbia          Blvd between US30 Bypass and Columbia.                 funding             project is relatively straightforward within
            ments               - US30 Bypass)                                                            opportunities       existing right-of-way. Good potential for
   35                                                                                                                         LID leverage funding and future grant                                              60th Ave Multimod- NE 60th Ave          Upgrade 60th Ave connection with sidewalks under       Low--Project not    No project development do date. May be              $$-$$$
                                                                                                                              opportunities. Connects to upcoming                                                al Improvements    (Columbia            railroad bridge. Upgrade traffic signals at Columbia   yet needed and/     challenging to retrofit under existing
                                                                                                                              Cully/Alderwood/Columbia signal project.                                  40                          - Lombard)           and Lombard.                                           or requires more    bridge. May need new railroad bridge.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                planning work to    Requires ODOT and Union Pacific
            Alderwood Trail     N Alderwood Rd     Multi-use path on the west side of the street.         Medium--Needs       Needs more project development work,                    $$                                                                                                                        advance             coordination.
                                (Cornfoot                                                                 more project        especially crossing the Columbia Slough.
                                - Columbia)                                                               development         A portion of this project is tied to Colwood                                       Piedmont Bikeway    N Vancouver Ave     Enhance bike lanes on N Vancouver between           High--Ready for        Projects are relatively low-cost, feasible,             $
                                                                                                                              Park redevelopment. Connects to                                                    Network Improve-    (Columbia           Stafford and Columbia Slough Trail, and enhance     funding                and located on City-owned roadways.
   36                                                                                                                         upcoming Cully/Alderwood/Columbia                                                  ments               Slough              crossing of Vancouver at Columbia Slough Trail. Add opportunities          Could be implemented in segments with
                                                                                                                              signal project and to upcoming Cornfoot                                                                Trail - Stafford)   bike lanes to Albina from Bryant to Lombard, and                           local funding, or could pursue grant
                                                                                                                              Rd multi-use path.                                                                                                         provide a neighborhood greenway on Albina from                             funding for a larger package of improve-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     N Albina Ave
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (Bryant             Lombard to Baldwin. Provide a neighborhood                                 ments.
            Cully Park, Phase   NE 72nd Ave &      Upgrade 72nd Ave traffic signal, add new traffic       Low--Project not    Some project development has been                       $$                                             - Winchell)         greenway on Baldwin St, with an enhanced crossing
            2 Transportation    NE Killingsworth   signal at 75th Ave, and improve 75th Ave with          yet needed and/     completed, but project is contingent on                                                                N/NE Baldwin St     of Vancouver Ave. Provide a neighborhood
            Improvements        NE 75th Ave &      sidewalks to serve as a new entrance to Cully Park,    or requires more    implementation of Cully Park, Phase 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                        41                           (Albina - Rodney)   greenway on Buffalo St, with enhanced crossings of
                                NE Killingsworth   as required by the traffic impact analysis for Cully   planning work to    (currently unfunded), so both park and                                                                 N Mississippi       Albina, Vancouver, and MLK.
   37                                              Park, Phase 2.                                         advance             transportation will need to be coordinat-                                                              Ave (Bryant -
                                                                                                                              ed together to be ready for funding for                                                                Buffalo)
                                                                                                                              both the park and transportation                                                                       N/NE Buffalo St
                                                                                                                              improvements.                                                                                          (Mississippi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - 8th)
            52nd Ave Railroad   NE 52nd Ave        Add a pedestrian overcrossing of the railroad tracks Medium--Needs         Some feasibility analysis has been done,                $$
            Overcrossing        (Columbia          at 52nd Ave to provide access from neighborhoods more project              indicating project is likely feasible but very
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Concord/Fenwick at N Concord/           Reconstruct traffic signal at Fenwick & Lombard and High--Ready for        Project had been previously funded, but                $$
                                - Portland Hwy)    to major destinations north of Columbia Blvd.        development           costly, with major property impacts. Will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Lombard Neigh-     Fenwick Ave &        provide an offset bikeway crossing for the Fenwick/ funding                due to a funding shortfall only has
                                                   Includes new enhanced crossings of Columbia and                            be difficult to meet approval criteria for
   38                                              Lombard.                                                                   pedestrian crossings, especially of NE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 borhood Greenway Lombard St             Concord Neighborhood Greenway.                      opportunities          enough funding for design. By early 2021
                                                                                                                              Portland Hwy, an ODOT facility. Will need                                 42       Crossing                                                                                                           project will be fully designed and ready to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    construct should funding be identified.
                                                                                                                              railroad coordination for overcrossing.
Plan-level cost                                                                                                                                                                                Plan-level cost
                                                                                                                                                                                estimate                                                                                                                                                                                       estimate
                                                                                                          Implementation                                                      $ ($10 million)

            Multimodal Connectivity Projects                                                                                                                                                                   Multimodal Connectivity Projects

            Argyle/Denver Bike- N Argyle Rd/St    Add bikeway on Argyle from Columbia Blvd to             Medium--Needs       Concept design and estimate was                       $$                         11th/Lombard/Co-     NE 11th Ave       Improve NE 11th Ave railroad crossing safety and     High--Ready for    Project development is underway and                  $$
            way Improvements (Columbia            Denver Ave. Enhance bike lanes on N Denver Ave          more project        prepared many years ago for Argyle, but                                          lumbia Multimodal    (Holland          multimodal connectivity by improving roadway with funding               project has potential for multiple funding
                                - Denver)         between Argyle and Columbia Slough Trail.               development         needs to be updated to account for                                               Safety Improve-      - Columbia)       sidewalks and bike lanes, adding a traffic signal at opportunities      sources including ODOT Rail safety
   43                           N Denver Ave                                                                                  recent street design changes. Denver Ave                                         ments                                  11th & Columbia, and re-routing traffic currently                       funding, Local Improvement District
                                (Argyle                                                                                       upgrades require ODOT coordination and                                  48                                              using Lombard Place to use 11th Ave instead to                          funding, BES stormwater funding, and
                                - Schmeer)                                                                                    approval.                                                                                                               access Lombard St. Includes signal rebuild and                          other funding sources. Coordination with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      realignment at 11th & Lombard. Provide a bicycle                        BES, ODOT, and property owners has
            Commercial Ave       N Commercial     Provide a neighborhood greenway on Commercial           Medium--Needs       This project includes a new enhanced                  $$                                                                connection south from Lombard to Holland as part                        been promising.
            Neighborhood         Ave (Bryant -    Ave, with an enhanced crossing of Lombard.              more project        crossing of Lombard St, an ODOT facility.                                                                               of the project.
            Greenway             Baldwin)                                                                 development         Thes will require extensive data collection,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Woodlawn to          NE 11th Ave       Provide a bikeway connection using 11th Ave         Low--Project not    Alignment is generally known, but needs              $$
                                                                                                                              project development work, and approval
   44                                                                                                                         processes, and approval is not guaran-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Columbia Slough      (Columbia Blvd    right-of-way and through private property to the    yet needed and/     project development and requires
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Connector Trail      - South Slough    south Columbia Slough levee, then along levee to    or requires more    coordination with MCDD, Army Corps of
                                                                                                                              teed. Project will also be more expensive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Levee)            connect to Columbia Slough Trail near MCDD.         planning work to    Engineers, Portland Parks & Rec, and
                                                                                                                              than other greenways in the area.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      49                            South Slough                                                          advance             Metro. Potential to leverage Levee Ready
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Levee (11th Ave                                                                           Columbia project. Near-term priority is
            Rodney Ave Neigh-    NE Rodney Ave    Provide a neighborhood greenway on Rodney Ave,          Medium--Needs       This project includes a new enhanced                  $$                                              - Columbia                                                                                connection along 11th Ave from Lombard
            borhood Greenway     (Bryant          with an enhanced crossing of Lombard and street         more project        crossing of Lombard St, an ODOT facility.                                                             Slough Trail)                                                                             to Argyle.
                                 - Baldwin)       paving just north of Lombard. Alternatively, extend     development         Thes will require extensive data collection,
                                                  N Williams Ave neighborhood greenway north to                               project development work, and approval
   45                                             Baldwin, with an enhanced crossing of Lombard.                              processes, and approval is not guaran-                                           Columbia Slough      N Vancouver       Connect gap in Columbia Slough trail between        Medium--Needs       Project development is underway for                  $$
                                                                                                                              teed. Project will also be more expensive                                        Trail Gap: Vancou-   Ave/Way to just   Vancouver and 33rd Ave. Requires pathway under      more project        section from Vancouver to MLK, but it has
                                                                                                                              than other greenways in the area.                                                ver - 33rd           east of MLK,      MLK bridge over slough or a new Vancouver Way       development         major feasibility challenges due to bridges
                                                                                                                                                                                                      50                            then along        tunnel under MLK.                                                       and topography. Section east of MLK has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Columbia Slough                                                                           property owners unwilling to grant
            Winchell Street Ped/ N Winchell St    Build a pedestrian and bicycle overcrossing of I-5 at   Low--Project not    No project development has been done                  $$
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    levee and Elrod                                                                           easements.
            Bike Overcrossing    (Interstate      Winchell St, and provide a neighborhood greenway        yet needed and/     to date, and will require extensive ODOT
                                 - Albina),       on Winchell St from Interstate Ave to Albina Ave and    or requires more    coordination and approvals. More urgent
   46                            N Albina Ave     connecting down to Baldwin.                             planning work to    need in near term is to improve the I-5                                          Columbia Slough      Alignment         Connect gap in Columbia Slough trail between 33rd   Medium--Needs       Multiple alignments have been identified.            $$
                                 (Winchell                                                                advance             crossing at Lombard and improve the                                              Trail Gap: 33rd -    uncertain         Ave and NE 47th Ave.                                more project        Needs alternatives analysis for portion
                                 - Baldwin)                                                                                   surrounding bike network.                                               51       47th                                                                                       development         through Runway Protection Zone, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              needs project development for whichever
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              alignment is feasible.
            8th/13th Ave         NE 8th Ave       Provide neighborhood greenways on 8th Ave,              High--Ready for     Projects are relatively low-cost, feasible,            $
            Neighborhood         (Bryant          Holland St, and 13th Ave. Neighborhood greenway         funding             and located on City-owned roadways.                                              Columbia Slough      NE Cornfoot Rd    Connect gap in Columbia Slough trail between 47th   High--Ready for     Project has been taken to a high level of            $$
            Greenways            - Holland),      on 13th Ave includes an enhanced crossing of            opportunities       Could be implemented in segments with                                            Trail Gap: 47th -    (47th - Alder-    Ave and Alderwood by building a multi-use path      funding             design by PBOT, but there is insufficient
                                 NE Holland St    Dekum St and improvements to the pathway                                    local funding, or could pursue grant                                             Alderwood            wood)             along the north side of NE Cornfoot Rd.             opportunities       funding for construction. Project needs
   47                                             adjacent to Woodlawn Park.                                                  funding for a larger package of improve-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      52                                                                                                                      easements from the Port, requiring a
                                 (8th - 13th),
                                 NE 13th Ave                                                                                  ments.                                                                                                                                                                                          process with the FAA. Good candidate for
                                 (Holland                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Metro trail funding.
                                 - Holman)
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