COPING with FLOODS and CLIMATE CHANGE - 5 November 2020 Marco Favaro - Eurocities

Page created by Shannon Garcia
COPING with FLOODS and CLIMATE CHANGE - 5 November 2020 Marco Favaro - Eurocities
            5 November 2020

              Marco Favaro   Tidal Forecasting and
                                   Early Warning Centre
COPING with FLOODS and CLIMATE CHANGE - 5 November 2020 Marco Favaro - Eurocities
Tidal Forecasting and
Early Warning Centre

                        Tidal forecasting in Venice

                               Marco Favaro

                     Directorate Municipal Police
             Tidal Forecasting and Early Warning Centre
                           (Centro Maree)
                            City of Venice
COPING with FLOODS and CLIMATE CHANGE - 5 November 2020 Marco Favaro - Eurocities
Venice and the high water
COPING with FLOODS and CLIMATE CHANGE - 5 November 2020 Marco Favaro - Eurocities
TIDES in venice

                     “Acqua Alta” (High Tide)

         140 cm exceptional high tide
        110 ÷ 139 cm very high tide
        90 ÷ 109 cm high tide

         -50 ÷ 89 cm     NORMAL TIDE

        -90 ÷ -51 cm tide under the normal level
        < -90 cm    exceptional low tide

                  “Acqua bassa” (Shallow water)
COPING with FLOODS and CLIMATE CHANGE - 5 November 2020 Marco Favaro - Eurocities
Tidal Forecasting and Early Warning Centre (Centro Maree)
Tasks of Centro Maree
• Meteo-mareographic monitoring in the lagoon of Venice and in the
sea facing it
• Calculation of the astronomical tide in Venice
• Forecasting of tide level
• Forecasting on the state of the sea
(wave height/direction)
• Information and early warning
• High tide walkways system management
COPING with FLOODS and CLIMATE CHANGE - 5 November 2020 Marco Favaro - Eurocities
Tidal Forecasting and Early Warning Centre (Centro Maree)

Meteo-mareographic                   Monitoring stations:
                                     11 in the lagoon
Monitoring Network                   3 at the inlets
                                     2 offshore
                                     2 repeaters

                                     Measured parameters:
                                     - sea level
                                     - waves height
                                     - atmospheric pressure
                                     - wind speed and direction
                                     - humidity
                                     - air and water temperature
                                     - solar radiation
COPING with FLOODS and CLIMATE CHANGE - 5 November 2020 Marco Favaro - Eurocities
Peripheral monitoring stations
COPING with FLOODS and CLIMATE CHANGE - 5 November 2020 Marco Favaro - Eurocities
Tidal Forecasting and Early Warning Centre (Centro Maree)

  Calculation of the Astronomical Tide in Venice
COPING with FLOODS and CLIMATE CHANGE - 5 November 2020 Marco Favaro - Eurocities
Tidal Forecasting and Early Warning Centre (Centro Maree)

  The forecast of tide level in Venice
                                         Forecasting models:

                                         3 deterministic models
                                         23 statistical models
COPING with FLOODS and CLIMATE CHANGE - 5 November 2020 Marco Favaro - Eurocities
The forecast of tide level in Venice
                                                                            Analysis of the current
                                                                            meteorological and marine data


             Palazzo Cavalli
                                         S. Nicolò
                      Punta Salute
                                              Diga Sud Lido

      Diga Nord Malamocco
                                                          Piattaforma CNR

                          Diga Sud Chioggia
     Chioggia Città

 Analysis of the modelling
Tidal Forecasting and Early Warning Centre (Centro Maree)

 Information and early warning


Tidal Forecasting and Early Warning Centre (Centro Maree)
Sirens warning system
In the city of Venice and surrounding main islands there are 23
sirens. They are activated 3-4 hours before maximum expected
>= 110 cm. The sound depends on the forecasted level
Sirens warning system
Mobile pedestrian raised walkways in case of high tide
Joint Research and Collaborations
Joint Research and Collaborations
Agenzia Regionale Prevenzione ed Ambiente del Veneto: Centro
Meteorologico Teolo (ARPAV CMT)
Agenzia Regionale Prevenzione ed Ambiente dell'Emilia Romagna:
Servizio Meteorologico Regionale (ARPAER SMR)
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)
Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA)
Centro Euromediterraneo per lo studio dei Cambiamenti Climatici
Centro Nazionale Meteorologia e Climatologia Applicata dell'Aeronautica
Militare Italiana (CNMCA-AM)
Consorzio Venezia Nuova (CVN), Venezia
Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Offenbach, Germania
Drzavni Hidrometeoroloski Zavod (DHZ)
                                                                          European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi (ENI)                                          (EUMETSAT)
Epson Meteo                                                               European Sea level Service (ESEAS)
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF),               Istituto Nazionale di Scienze Marine (ISMAR-CNR)
Reading, UK
                                                                          Istituto Nazionale di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima (ISAC-CNR)
European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
(EUMETSAT)                                                                Istituto Nazionale di Scienze Polari (ISP-CNR)
                                                                          Istituto di BioEconomia (IBE-CNR)
                                                                          Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS)
                                                                          Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA)
                                                                          Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
                                                                          Magistrato alla Acque, Venezia
                                                                          Osservatorio Meteorologico dell'Arpa Friuli Venezia Giulia
                                                                          Protezione Civile, Venezia
                                                                          Protezione Civile Friuli Venezia Giulia
                                                                          Università degli Studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di Ingegneria
                                                                          Università degli Studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di Scienze
                                                                          Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di ingegneria idraulica
The Venice “acqua granda”

Venice 12-13th of November 2019
Exceptional tidal events in autumn 2019
Exceptional tidal events in autumn 2019
Exceptional tidal events in autumn 2019
Exceptional tidal events in autumn 2019

                         In two month (November and
                         December 2019) it occurred
                         one fifth of the cases registered in
                         almost 150 years
Mean sea level rise in Venice
Mean sea level rise in Venice
Mobile barriers at the lagoon inlets (MOSE)
The mobile barriers at the lagoon inlets are being constructed by Ministry
of Infrastructure and Transport. Work began in 2003 and it’s expected to
be completed by the end of 2021.
Venice and its lagoon are on the northern Adriatic sea

 (immagine da Consorzio Venezia
Meteorological factors and storm surges
  at the origin of high water in Venice
How EU projects are helping our job

I-STORMS and STREAM are two integrated projects.

These projects are inspired by a basin scale aproach.

To increase the accuracy and reliability of sea storm forecasts
is important to use the right scale, that is the adriatic-ionian
area. This is only possible through the transnational
The I-STORMS project

    I-STORMS is a project co financed            Common
    by the INTERREG Adrion programme
    and led by the City of Venice
    I-STORMS aimed at enhancing                                    knowledge
    innovative policies and develop joint
    strategies to safeguard the ADRION          Increased skills
                                                                               I-STORMS Network
    area from sea storm emergencies                                              and Permanent
                                                                                 and Permanent
                                                                                cooperation table
    by:                                                                         cooperation table

    -fostering transnational cooperation
    to by sharing knowledge, data and                                           Increased
    forecasts among involved countries
    -improving their capacities in terms
    of early warning and civil protection
    procedures                              Effective early
                                            warning systems
    -increasing accuracy and reliability
    of sea storm forecasts and thus be
    able to improve risk preparedness in
    the Adriatic-Ionian coastal areas
The STREAM project
Strategic development of flood management

STREAM aims to increase the
management capacity to promptly react
to flood disasters in the Adriatic coastal
area by developing:

    Efficient risk monitoring tools and early
    warning procedures
    flood risk management plans
    flood forecasting system

Data sharing, flood cadastre, flood risk
maps, exchange of practices and capacity
building schemes for the emergency
                                                4th November 1966

The project will also contribute to raise
awareness about the flood risks in the
areas involved and to people will learn
how to behave in case of flood hazards.
Tidal Forecasting and
Early Warning Centre

Thank you!
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