CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW

Page created by Edgar Jenkins
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW

      Woman             Volume 61 No 05    October 2020


      CWA Awareness Week
        For all Women of NSW and the ACT
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Country Women’s Association of NSW Contacts
State Office                    State President                   State Vice President           Hospital Support
Level 2, 244 Coward St          Stephanie Stanhope                Ann Adams, OAM                 Committee Secretary
Mascot NSW 2020                 Ph: 0429 161 038                  Ph: 0428 387 753               Susan Hutchison
PO Box 222                        Ph: 02 6554 2185
Mascot NSW 1460                                                                                  susan.hutchison@bigpond.
                                State Honorary Secretary          State Vice President
Ph: 02 8337 0200                                                                                 com
                                Margaret Breust                   Judy Houghton
Fax: 02 8338 1595
                               Ph: 02 6342 3205               Agricultural &
                                0424 685 789                  Environmental Committee
Honorary Editor                                                   Chief Executive Officer        Secretary
                                State Honorary Treasurer
Sue-Ellen Hogan                                                   Danica Leys                    Robin Godwin
                                Anne Kotz
PO Box 1070                                                                                      Ph: 02 6888 5647
                                Ph: 0428 511 948                  Cultural Committee
Tamworth NSW 2340                                                                      
0409 929 632                    State International Officer       Yvonne Davis                   “The Land” Cookery
                                Lyn Braico                        31 Tripoli Way                 Committee Secretary
Communications and                                                Albion Park NSW 2527           Mary Hollingworth
                                Ph: 02 9487 2665
advertising                                                       Ph: 02 4256 4541               Ph: 0429 345 255
Leah Gaskell                                            
Ph: 02 8337 0200                State Agricultural &
communications@cwaofnsw.        Environmental Officer             Show Catering Committee        Social Issues Committee                          Tanya Jolly                       Secretary                      Secretary
                                Ph: 02 6975 6240                  Tracey Bonfante                Elizabeth O’Dwyer
Association Patron                                                Ph: 0402 508 856
                                                               Ph: 0421 452 646
Her Excellency the                                                elizabethmarynash@
Honourable Margaret             State Social Issues Officer
                                                                  Handicraft Committee 
Beazley AC QC, Governor of      Bronwyn Dunston
New South Wales                 Ph: 02 6576 4070
                                                                  Pam Wright
Journal Patron                                                    Ph: 02 6767 1044
Mrs Libby Fairfax                                       

Cover: Awareness Week activities: Top: Blackheath, Dorrigo, Terrigal Evening; Bottom: Moss Vale Evening, Mulwaree, Bonny Hills.

►► The Country Woman is the official publication of the Country Women’s Association
   of New South Wales.
                                                                                                       Honour to God
►►Average Circulation: 8,210 (September 2020)                                                       Loyalty to the Throne
                                                                                                   Service to the Country
►►Article Submission Information: Members are welcome to submit articles for
  publication. Articles must be received by the 10th day of the month prior to                    Through Country Women
  publication and have a limit of 150 words. Please send articles by email or post to               For Country Women
  the Editor’s home address.                                                                         By Country Women

►►The views expressed in The Country Woman are not necessarily the views of
  the Association. Acceptance of advertising for The Country Woman does not                          Photo Guidelines
  constitute endorsement of the advertisers’ products or services by the Association.
  The contents of this magazine are covered by copyright, but may be reproduced                    Photos for The Country
  by any Country Women’s Association of NSW Branch or Group. The Honorary                              Woman must be
  Editor reserves the right to select and edit materials submitted for publication. No              either full sized digital
                                                                                                     photos (sent via USB
  responsibility can be accepted for loss of photos.
                                                                                                       or attached to an
►►Privacy Policy: The Country Women’s Association of NSW collects members’                         email) or professionally
  personal details and maintains a database in the Association’s office. The Country                  developed original
  Women’s Association of NSW will never sell or give away personal member                           prints. Photos printed
  information. Any information provided to the Association by members will only be                   on home printers are
  used to assist the Association in providing and enhancing membership services and                      not suitable.
  to refer new members to the Country Women’s Association of NSW.                                   When posting photos
                                                                                                      please do not write
                                        directly on the back of
                                                                                                     photos. You may add
                        @cwaofnsw                                   labels or Post-It notes.

2  October 2020 The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
State President’s Letter                 4
CEO’s Report                             5
News from State Office                   5
Patron’s Message                         6
Make Water More Colourful                8
CWA Awareness Week 2020                  9
Advocacy Update                          11
What is ‘Green Exercise’?
Committee Reports
                                                                        6                                 8
COVID-19 guidelines                      20
Welcome New Members                      22
Sudoku                                   23
Letter from ACWW President               24
Telstra Update                           25
Celebrations                             26
Story of the Month                       26
From our Branches                        27
From our Groups                          32                           13                              20
 From the Editor
With Conference motion outcomes        allowed us to highlight the issue    We also took the opportunity to
published in the last edition of The   further with our branches and        meet with Domestic Violence
Country Woman and Awareness            local communities, and share the     Officers from NSW Police to find
Week in September, there has been      important advocacy work the CWA      out more about the issue in our
a large focus on CWA advocacy          is doing.                            local region and how domestic
over the last few months. Well done                                         violence reporting is handled from
                                       With our branch meeting falling in
to all the branches whose motions                                           a law and order perspective.
                                       Awareness Week, my branch took
were carried this year. For those
                                       the opportunity to invite a social   I hope you enjoying reading about
motions that were carried over, it
                                       worker to speak with us about        and seeing the activities that have
is great opportunity to re-visit and
                                       the personal aspects of domestic     taken place across the state. Thank
continue these discussions as we
                                       violence, how it can affect women    you to everyone that has shared
move into the new year.
                                       and families, and how we can         their branch stories this month.
This year’s Awareness Week             support those in a domestic
focus on domestic violence has         violence situation.                  Sue-Ellen Hogan, Hon Editor

                                                                      The Country Woman  October 2020       3
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
State President’s Letter
                                          activities. We all must be patient and    stronger organisation.
                                          work within the spatial and health
                                                                                    It was marvellous to get out and visit
                                          constraints remembering that our
                                                                                    a few branches, and with the onset
                                          actions from now on will affect more
                                                                                    of group AGMs, I am looking forward
                                          than just ourselves as we adapt to the
                                                                                    to meeting the members of these
                                          COVID-19 norms. It is unfortunate
                                                                                    groups. It will be a pleasure to make
                                          that we are unlikely to be able to live
                                                                                    time to include stops to meet with
                                          exactly as we once did but it is also
                                                                                    members not attending these AGMs.
                                          exciting to consider the possibilities
“The secret of change is to focus all     this change will give us.                 Planning for the Centenary of CWA
of your energy not at fighting the old,                                             of NSW in 2022 is underway. We
                                          Actually, change is inevitable.
but in building the new.” Socrates                                                  have been waiting for dates for
                                          Whether we want it to happen or
                                                                                    Vice Regal activities to be finalised
Once again Awareness Week has             not, change is the only constant in
                                                                                    before asking branches and groups
given us the opportunity to highlight     life. We can encounter change that
                                                                                    for dates of activities you propose to
an issue that we feel is important to     is very challenging. Some change
                                                                                    hold; however, these dates have not
regional and rural NSW. Domestic          can be dramatic. Other changes
                                                                                    been forthcoming, so it would be
violence affects thousands of             are uncomfortable. We have two
                                                                                    appreciated if you are planning local
families in NSW each year. Domestic       choices: continue resisting it or
                                                                                    activities, please send a report to the
and family violence and abuse takes       learn to embrace change. Often fear
                                                                                    Centenary Committee so a calendar
many forms—fear, intimidation,            is the main reason people cannot
                                                                                    of events can be created.
physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal      accept change; people are afraid of
abuse, emotional and psychological        the uncertainty that change forces        Keep safe and continue to be
abuse, financial abuse, social            upon their lives. However, change         innovative with your branch and
isolation, and technology abuse.          can be a good thing. It forces you        group activities.
                                          to grow as a person, and to evaluate
Research shows that families in
                                          where your priorities in life are and
regional, rural and remote areas                           1
                                          what you hold dear.   So, change is
are more likely to experience
                                          an opportunity for us to develop a
domestic or family abuse than those
in urban areas. Fears of stigma,
shame, community gossip and                New website and Database
lack of perpetrator accountability
often deters victims from seeking          CWA of NSW now has a new
assistance. It is important that           website and database system.
families in your communities are safe      You will need to to set up a
and supported. We can help make a          new password in order to
difference if we stand together and        gain access to members’ only
make the safety of everyone in our         areas of the website and your
communities a priority.                    account.
It is important to acknowledge             Go to
our partners, White Ribbon and             and click on the “member
Domestic Violence NSW, and the             login” image.
work that they do for victims and          Click “Forgot Password?” and
perpetrators of domestic violence.         enter your email address in the Username field and Click “Submit”.
Unfortunately,    with     COVID-19
restrictions, many of the usual            If you don’t have an email address listed in our database, please contact
community activities were not able         us.
to occur. Thank you for the ingenuity      A password reset link will be emailed to you, and you can return to the
that many branches used to work            site and log into the system. You can then click the quick link images
within the current restrictions to         to see the downloads page, Procedures Manual page or your account
promote the awareness, and extent,         under the “Edit My Details/Pay My Membership” link. You can also
of domestic violence within our            access your account, through the “My Account” link, located in the
communities.                               upper right between the “Sign Out” and “Cart”.
With the easing of COVID-19                If you have questions regarding the new system or your membership,
restrictions it is pleasing to see         please contact State Office, 02 8337 0200.
branches and groups resuming
4  October 2020  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
CEO’s Report
                                         and I would like to thank them for     an Advocacy Update detailing some
                                         their efforts. Another project that    of the recent areas of focus.
                                         has recently been completed is
                                                                                Although different this year in
                                         the implementation and adoption
                                                                                delivery and format, Awareness
                                         of a cloud-based accounting
                                                                                Week proved to be a great success.
                                         system, which will bode well for
                                                                                The issues highlighted, around the
                                         the organisation into the future.
                                                                                prevention of domestic and family
                                         Our accounts team, including
                                                                                violence, are important to advocate
                                         Elizabeth Jarque, Ray Zhong and
                                                                                on always but particularly at the
                                         Laura Soledad oversaw this project
                                                                                present time. Thank you to all of the
                                         and I express my thanks to them as
                                                                                branches and groups who worked
Even though our face-to-face             well as the entire State Office team
                                                                                so hard, at such a challenging time,
activities have been down in number      who all have taken on their role in
                                                                                to get the message out.
it is pleasing to see so much going      assisting with these projects with
on in the world of CWA as we adjust      enthusiasm.                            The renovation and upgrade
to our new normal. The same can                                                 works at CWA House are now fully
                                         We have been holding semi-regular
be said in relation to a number of                                              completed, with all non-compliant
                                         webinars on a variety of topics
different projects that we have been                                            cladding having been replaced, and
                                         and will continue to do this. They
working on at State Office.                                                     the foyer and level 5 rooftop area
                                         are always well-attended and the
                                                                                undergoing significant facelifts.
By now, you have hopefully seen          engagement amongst attendees is
the new website. There has been          very high. For those committees        We are still accepting applications
a lot of work done to bring this to      that would like to meet face-to-       for    drought      relief,   although
fruition, as it also coincides with a    face, CWA House meeting rooms          anticipate that this work will be
new database. Both updates mean          are open and available for use,        beginning to wrap up in the next few
there will be lots of new member-        under COVID safe conditions.           months. If you are aware of someone
friendly options for self-serve                                                 that is eligible for assistance, please
                                         Work always continues        on the
information and management of                              1                    encourage them to get in touch
                                         advocacy and lobbying front with
memberships. Luisa Deacon and                                                   with us here at State Office.
                                         various representations being made
Leah Gaskell have worked extremely
                                         on matters that were recently voted    Danica Leys,
hard on building the new website
                                         on in our postal voting process.       Chief Executive Officer
and associated database together
                                         This edition of the journal contains

 News from State Office
Reminder for Group and                   Handicraft        Officers      and
                                         International Officers should check     CWA of NSW closed
Branch Secretaries                       their Procedures Manuals for
As soon as you have elected your         relevant end-of-year forms.
                                                                                 Facebook Group
Office Bearers for 2020/2021,                                                    CWA of NSW’s member-only
please complete the relevant form        Membership Renewals                     Facebook   group       began    in
in the Procedures Manual and             Membership fees are now due.            December 2016 and now has over
send it to State Office (F1-1-716        The amount due to State Office          2,000 members. It is a convenient
for branches; F3-1-13 for groups).       for each member is $42.50 (which        way to discuss CWA-related
Branches should also complete            includes $5.50 for Conference Fee       topics and share ideas with
form F2-1-713 for their Group            and $1.00 for TSP) or a three-year      others members.
Secretary. Please ensure details are     membership is $127.50. Full-time        If you have Facebook, you can
accurate. “Fillable” versions of these   students aged between 18 and 25         join the group by going to
forms, which can be filled out online    are eligible for the student rate       w w
and emailed, are in the Procedures       of $33.50 if they provide proof of      cwaofnsw/ click join group and
Manual section of the website.           enrolment. Branches may collect         then reply to the automatic
                                         voluntary additional fees at the        message with your branch (and
End of year forms                        same time, so please check with         your name if it is different from
Agricultural  &     Environmental        your Branch Secretary or Treasurer      the name you use on Facebook).
Officers,    Cultural     Officers,      before making a payment.
                                                                          The Country Woman  October 2020          5
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Patron’s Message
                         Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC
                                           Governor of New South Wales

The Country Woman is a journal I read avidly, jam-                   more difficult by COVID-19 restrictions.2 As Patron, I
packed as it is with intelligent and informative articles,           was, therefore, pleased to lend my voice in the form of a
reports, practical advice, branch news, policy motions               video message in support of the CWA Awareness Week
and advocacy updates. It is an important channel of                  campaign in September, to assist survivors and those
communication for regional and rural women.                          at risk of domestic violence in rural and regional areas.
It goes without saying that the regional and rural areas             With isolation, messaging has become even more
of our State have borne more than their fair share of                important. Since April, I have delivered 59 video
the nation’s burdens in recent times. Whilst everyone                messages and sent out 42 written messages. I have
knows we have endured a long and crippling drought,                  written to every school in NSW and to every hospital.
those of us in the city do not experience it in the same             Last week I sent out a letter to all HSC, IB and Year 12
way as those who live and breathe it daily, dust storms              graduating students, via their school principals. Since
and all. The added pressure of the bushfires, floods                 April, I have also ‘visited’ 86 organisations throughout
and now a pandemic must have been almost crushing,                   regional NSW and at last count, have completed 210
except for one huge quality that is endemic to people                other virtual engagements.
from the bush: some call it ‘resilience’, but in reality it is
                                                                     However, technology—as much as it has improved our
the ‘big heart’ of the bush that, as always, has kept you
                                                                     lives—can never replace people-to-people contact and
going and kept each other going, in these very difficult
                                                                     I look forward to the time when I can visit our rural and
                                                                     regional areas physically rather than via Zoom.
The pandemic has taught me that there are layers, levels
                                                                     What is in order for the next 12 months? Spring arrived,
and nuances to the meaning of ‘isolation’, or ‘Iso’, as many
                                                                     as if a crisp page in a new book had just been turned
have dubbed it. The isolation in the early months of the
                                                                     over, and I am so pleased that the long-range weather
pandemic affected different people in different ways.            1
                                                                     prediction for spring and summer is for a wetter season
For the elderly, especially those in nursing homes, and
                                                                     across most of New South Wales. This follows two per
for new mums, it has been especially hard. For those in
                                                                     cent more rainfall across most of the state from June
the city, isolation quickly morphed into a world of Zoom
                                                                     to August.
meetings, picking up a take-away ‘no-foam-skim-latte-
double-shot, please’ at the corner cafe or watching a                Thinking of the Bush Ballad competition, announced
failed sourdough starter culture. But for people in more             in the August edition, reminds me of a poem about
remote areas of the State, isolation is part of everyday             drought, bushfire and flood from my childhood: Said
experience. As I remarked to the Isolated Children’s                 Hanrahan by Australian bush poet John O’Brien, the
Parents’ Association, “you have much to offer the wider              penname of Roman Catholic priest Patrick Joseph
community, who can really draw on your strength and                  Hartigan. If you remember this poem, you will know
ingenuity” to help get them through the pandemic.                    these two verses:
Bringing up children with a disability or a condition can            And stop it did, in God’s good time;
be particularly isolating. Recently, I was delighted to              And spring came in to fold
spend time on a Friday evening, on Zoom, with mothers                A mantle o’er the hills sublime
from all over the State who join in the Muscular                     Of green and pink and gold.
Dystrophy NSW Online Mums Peer Connect Program.
                                                                     And days went by on dancing feet,
The meeting was filled with laughter, questions, shared
                                                                     With harvest-hopes immense
wisdom and practical solutions. But the underlying
                                                                     And laughing eyes beheld the wheat
stories of these wonderful mums were of the difficulties
                                                                     Nid-nodding o’er the fence.3
they face on a daily basis, made more difficult by
COVID-19.                                                            Until next time …
Isolation can also disguise and heighten issues that                 Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC
particularly impact on women in country areas.                       QC
Statistics show that 23% of women living outside major               Governor of New South Wales
cities experience violence from a partner, compared
to 15% of women in major cities.1 Those who do seek                  june/new-report-sheds-light-on-groups-vulnerable-to-fam
help can find difficulty in accessing services due to
                                                                     2. CWA Media Release
geographical isolation and lack of transport, all made
                                                                     3. 1919 Poem

6  October 2020  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Long-time friends find new freedoms
   as neighbours in retirement
When Anne Brady and Pat Dunkley met on a golf tee at                            “I was living on my own in a unit in Gunnedah and I was
the Gunnedah Golf Club more years ago than they care to                         starting to feel frightened, so I was ready to move too,” says
As the trusted name in retirement living for more than 15                       simple and affordable weekly fee that covers most of
count, they didn’t imagine that one day they’d be enjoying                      Anne. “I’d looked at Oak Tree before Pat moved here, and her
years, Oak Tree continues to be the dependable choice                           your regular outgoings. Everything from gardening, rates
tea as long-time friends and neighbours.                                        decision encouraged me to make up my mind.”
for seniors wanting an easier, more affordable lifestyle.                       and water to building insurance and recreational facility
Having both raised their children – for Anne it was six and                     “I talked to the family about it, and after looking into it with
                                                                                operations is covered under the pre-set fee, which is
for   anitexpanding
    Pat    was two –portfolio
                      and withof  over 30
                                a desire tovillages from
                                            do something                        me the decision was unanimous – go for it, they said! Of my
                                                                              1 six          under
                                                                                     children,     the Retirement
                                                                                               one son               Villages
                                                                                                       is a real estate  agent,Act
                                                                                                                                       added is an
for themselves,
Cairns           Anne
        to Hobart,  Oakand
                             hastook  up golf.
                                  a proven     Theyrecord
                                             track   did it of
independently   of one another,  but it was on  the golf course                 certainty. so for them, in particular, to have no hesitation I
understanding the needs of seniors, built on a platform        of
that they became friends.                                                       knew   the long-term,
                                                                                Over the    decision was
                                                                                                      thethe  rightfinancial
                                                                                                           unique   one.”     structure of our
certainty, confidence and credibility.
“The social golf was played on Tuesdays and Thursdays,”                         “It was the
                                                                                villages  willsame  for me,” says
                                                                                               help insulate      Pat. values
                                                                                                              property “My son    and daughter
                                                                                                                               against  the
Affordability  upfront                                                          told
says Pat. “It was fun and very friendly, and we all got to                      volatility of the wider market, says Oak Tree Director, just
                                                                                     me   to go for it too. They couldn’t fault a thing and
The   lots of different
                         of our Some   wonderful
                                villages          friendships
                                         offers a lower entry                   wanted me to be happy, and that’s certainly the case.”
                                                                                Mark Bindon.
were  formed,  and  ours was one   of them.”
price than similar homes, while at the same time avoiding                       Both Anne and Pat say they have found new freedoms,
                                                                               “Even in recessions, there is always demand for quality
Over  the years,
the costs        as Anne
           of stamp  dutyand
                                    We handicaps   decreased,
                                        offer a choice of                       which they consider to be an absolute bonus at this time in
                                                                                their lives. options, which maintains value. Additionally, our
their friendship grew. Being there for one another  is
pricing options to suit the needs of different residents,
something that will always be the case, and doing that has                      model is designed for long-term price stability, meaning we
                                                                                “We’re free to enjoy our lives instead of worrying about all
spreading the overall cost between the upfront and exit                         are responsibilities
                                                                                    less susceptiblethat
                                                                                                       to sudden   or even
recently been made easier by the fact that they are now                         the                        come with    livingslightly
                                                                                                                               on ourprolonged
                                                                                                                                       own,” says
fees in varying ratios, depending on the structure chosen.
neighbours at Oak Tree Retirement Village Gunnedah.                             Pat. “We can walk out and shut the door and notthat
                                                                                periods  of economic     downturn.  It’s  this model       allowed
At Oakliving
“I was Tree, in
              we’re transparent
                Curlewis – I wasabout
                                 on myour
                                            as myso there’s
                                                  husband                       us to weather
                                                                                about  a thing –the Global
                                                                                                  that’s realFinancial
                                                                                                              freedom.”Crisis and remain
no need
had died to worry
          – and     about
                 I felt like hidden or unexpected
                             the house              fees.too
                                        was just getting  You’ll                strong,”free
                                                                                “We’re    Mr to
                                                                                                join insaid.
                                                                                                        with the social activities that are
much  for me  to  manage,”    says Pat.
also have the added certainty of knowing the costs                              organised   if we want   to – andoutlook,
                                                                                With an uncertain economic        there areyou
                                                                                                                                  on have
“I was wearing
associated     withmyself   out maintaining
                    entering,   and I’d gottenandto the   stage
                                                     selling  yourI’d villa     – but we’re also free to keep to ourselves if we wish, without
                                                                                confidence talking to Oak Tree about your next move.
be  in tears  each  time  I locked   up to go away    to  visit family,         any worry and without feeling guilty,” says Anne.
are all governed under the Retirement Villages Act.
because I was so worried I had forgotten to do something                        To learn more about Oak Tree
Ongoing     certaintywould happen to the house while I was                      To learn more about Oak Tree
or that something                                                               Retirement Villages or for a personal
away.   In absolute
                                                                                Retirement Villages or for a personal
For many     seniors,contrast    to that,
                       the regular        now
                                      costs    all I have
                                            of living  are to   do is
                                                             a common           tour call 1300 367 155 or visit
pick  up  my  handbag    and  go.  I don’t have   a thing   to think            tour call 1300 367 155 or visit
concern. At Oak Tree, we take this stress away with a                 
about or worry about.”                                                

Call 1300
     1300 367
          367 155
              155                                                                              The Country Woman  October 2020               7
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
5 Ways to Make Water More Colourful
Water is vital to health and drinking    ½ Lebanese cucumber
more of it can also help you skip
                                         1 handful of mint
the urge to snack. That’s why we’re
sharing five easy ways to add some       Method
pep to your H-2-ho-hum with these
                                         1.   Pour water into jug
colourful fixes.
                                         2.   Wash cucumber and mint
Wonderful Watermelon &
                                         3. Thinly slice cucumber (leaving
Berry Water                                 skin on)
A refreshing summer favourite            4.   Pick mint leaves off stems.
with red berries and watermelon               Squeeze mint leaves in your
sweetness.                                    hand to slightly crush
Ingredients                              5.   Mix water, cucumber and mint
1 jug plain water (approximately              together
1.5L), either tap or sparkling
                                                                                   ▪▪ Plums cut into thin segments
                                         6. Add a handful of ice cubes
                                                                                   ▪▪ Blueberries (fresh or frozen)
1 cup fruit selected from:
                                         Citrus spritzer                           ▪▪ Blackberries (fresh or frozen)
 ▪▪ sliced red apple (leaving skin on)                                             ▪▪ Figs cut into thin segments
                                         Make vitamin enriched water
 ▪▪ diced watermelon                     by infusing lemons, oranges,             Method
 ▪▪ sliced strawberries                  grapefruits and other citrus fruits
 ▪▪ raspberries (fresh or frozen)        in your glass.                           1.   Pour water into jug

Method                                   Ingredients                              2.   Wash fruit

1.   Pour water into jug                 1 jug plain water (approximately         3. Prepare fruit by slicing or dicing
                                         1.5L), either tap or1 sparkling             as necessary
2.   Wash fruit
                                         Choose from:                             4.   Mix water and fruit together
3. Prepare fruit by slicing or dicing
   as necessary                           ▪▪ ½ medium lemon and ½ medium          5.   Add a handful of ice cubes
                                             orange (variation 1)
4.   Mix water and fruit together                                                 Apple & Ginger Water
                                          ▪▪ 1 medium orange (variation 2)
5.   Add a handful of ice cubes                                                   Fresh ginger and green apple flavour
                                         Method                                   up water for a fresh tantalising
Cucumber and mint                        1.   Pour water into jug                 taste.
infused water                            2.   Slice lemon and orange thinly       Ingredients
Muddled      mint    and  smooth              (variation 1) or cut orange into    1 jug plain water (approximately
cucumber give a green twist to                quarters, squeeze juice into        1.5L), either tap or sparkling
fresh or sparkling water.                     water jug and then place orange
                                              quarters into jug (variation 2)     1 apple (skin on) sliced
                                         3. Mix water and fruit together          3cm piece of ginger, peeled and
1 jug plain water (approximately
                                                                                  sliced into thin strips like match
1.5L), either tap or sparkling           4.   Add a handful of ice cubes          sticks
                                         Grape, plum and berry                    Method
                                         bomb                                     1.   Pour water into jug
                                         Fresh or frozen berries, plums,          2.   Add in sliced apple and ginger
                                         grapes and figs enhance water to
                                         give a mellow sweetness.                 3. Mix water, apple and ginger
                                                                                  4.   Add a handful of ice cubes
                                         1 jug plain water (approximately
                                         1.5L), either tap or sparkling           © The State of Queensland
                                                                                  (Queensland Health) 2020. Printed
                                         1 cup fruit selected from:               with permission.
                                          ▪▪ Seedless purple grapes cut in half
8  October 2020  The Country Woman
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
CWA Awareness Week 2020
                                                                           Dorrigo Branch organised a display at the local library with a number of
                                                                           CWA resources including the cashew recipe/DV line cards and the Home
                                                                            Free book as well as books from this year’s country of study “Ecuador”.
                                                                              Barbara Ainley and Edwina Whitworth are pictured at the display.

Blackheath Branch held a street stall during Awareness Week on Leura
Branch’s verandah. They raised over $800 and handed out a number of
                recipe cards and books to customers.

                                                                                                        Yamba Branch held a stall at the Yamba
                                                                                                      Farmers Market during Awareness Week. It
                                                                                                       was advertised through social media and
                                                                                                      had great interest in the domestic violence
                                                                                                     awareness. Members had been busy making
                                                                                                       masks and sold 30 on the day. The Market
                                                                                                     Coordinator gave the area free of charge and
                                                                                                              helped promote the cause.


                                                Harrington Branch set up a prominent display in
                                                 the local library with information on domestic
Tullibigeal Branch had a display in the local    violence support services, as well as the fauna
               store’s window.                          and flora—whales and waratah.

 Mulwaree Branch held a stall at Goulburn         Pambula-Merimbula Branch donated a variety of goods to the South East Women and Children
Square handing out information on domestic       Services. The Staying Home Leaving Violence program provides support and advocacy for women
     violence for CWA Awareness Week.                          who wish to stay in the home following domestic and family violence.

                                                                                            The Country Woman  October 2020                    9
CounTry Woman - CWA of NSW
Bonny Hills Branch held an Awareness Week Stall and raised over $1,000 which       Belmont Branch donated a gift basket of goods to Eastlakes
               has been forwarded to Hastings Women’s Refuge.                     Family Support Services to assist them in their Staying Home,
                                                                                    Leaving Violence program as part of Awareness Week. The
                                                                                 Branch also had a display on CWA information and resources on
 Port Macquarie Branch held a display in their Tea Rooms window highlighting                domestic violence at a local market stall.
       the local Liberty Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Services.

                                                                                   Mascot Evening Branch held a stall at local shopping centre
                                                                                  during Awareness Week. There were a variety of items sold and
                                                                                   members of the public were provided with information about
                                                                                 CWA of NSW and the issue of domestic violence. Over $4,000 was
                                                                                 raised for the Bayside Women’s Shelter, a local organisation who
                                                                                    assists women and children affected by domestic violence.
                                                                                  Terrigal Evening Branch set up displays in local libraries as well
                                                                                 as an afternoon tea and talk on domestic violence. The event was
                                                                                   a sell-out with the capacity of 29 people in their hall reached.

   Moss Vale Evening Branch had a display at a local bank in Moss Vale for
 Awareness Week. As well as offering the cashew recipe/DV line cards and the
  Home Free books, the branch sourced lots of information from the various
                     services in the local community.

                                                                                    Walgett Branch held a stall at the Walgett Markets with the
   Tamworth Evening Branch spoke to their local news stations about CWA          proceeds to be donated to Walgett’s Women’s Refuge. They also a
Awareness Week and highlighting the difficulty for rural and regional women to   variety of information available including cashew recipe/DV line
                   access support for domestic violence.                                           cards and Home Free books.

10  October 2020  The Country Woman
Advocacy Update
We have written to the relevant         Murray Darling Basin Authority.        of NSW, and have recently joined
NSW and ACT Ministers with our                                                 their Maternity Services Alliance to
                                        A number of issues arose in relation
new policy positions as confirmed                                              action the new and existing CWA
                                        to the cross-border restrictions
via the postal vote and printed                                                of NSW policy about maternity
                                        between the NSW and Queensland
in the last edition of the journal.                                            services in regional and rural NSW.
                                        border, such as boarding school
Through this process we are
                                        student access, health services        We continue our discussions with
seeking meetings with a number of
                                        and treatment access for northern      Transport for NSW about road
Ministers including the Minister for
                                        NSW residents, as well as farm         safety. Currently we are working
Agriculture and Western NSW, the
                                        workers and harvest concerns. We       with the Social Issues Committee
Health Minister, and the Minister
                                        worked with the Queensland CWA         about improving communication
for the Prevention of Domestic
                                        and the CWA of Australia to write      about the resources available for
Violence. We have continued
                                        to the Premier of Queensland in        older road users. Through these
to stay in regular contact with
                                        September.                             discussions we have also connected
NBN and Telstra throughout the
                                                                               with COTA NSW (Council on the
pandemic as connectivity issues are     We gave a verbal submission at the
                                                                               Ageing). Members are encouraged
of critical importance with many        Independent Planning Commission
                                                                               to bring forward any concerns in
people working and learning from        (IPC) hearing for the Narrabri
                                                                               relation to these topics to the policy
home. Members are encouraged to         Gas Project in July and provided a
                                                                               manager, Adair Garemyn.
bring any connectivity concerns or      written submission highlighting
examples to the policy manager.         the CWA of NSW concerns with the
Awareness Week was again a
                                        project including environmental,           CWA of NSW
                                        economic and social concerns. The
resounding success despite some
                                        IPC determination of the Project is     Disaster Relief Fund
lingering COVID-19 restrictions,
                                        now due on the 30th September.
branches around the state came up                                               The CWA of NSW Disaster Relief
with innovative ways to share the       The Social Issues Committee             Fund     allows  tax-deductible
messages and promote the work           is participating in a number of         donations to be made to support
of the CWA of NSW. Media pickup         inquiries and reviews.
                                                          1    Thank you to     people in need.
was strong and branches embraced        the members who responded to the
                                                                                If you would like to make a tax-
the theme of domestic violence and      E-News article seeking feedback
                                                                                deductible donation to the
we continue our partnership with        on the NSW School Curriculum.
                                                                                Disaster Relief Fund please
Domestic Violence NSW in seeking        All feedback as well as the CWA of
                                                                                complete the details below and
action on domestic violence as          NSW relevant policy was included
                                                                                you will be provided with a
well as a parliamentary forum to        in a submission into the Inquiry in
                                                                                receipt for taxation purposes.
discuss regional domestic violence      August.
concerns.                                                                       Name _ _______________
                                        The Legislative Council is currently
We have continued advocacy on the       inquiring into Health Services in        _ ___________________
Inland Rail project in partnership      Regional NSW. We are developing
with the NSW Farmers Association,       a member survey to seek feedback        Address:_ ______________
and have engaged Holding Redlich        on the many and varied issues            _ ___________________
lawyers to assist with seeking          surrounding health services, which
the correct information from the        will be used to form a written          _______ Post Code: ______
Australian Rail Track Corporation       submission to the inquiry in
                                                                                Telephone: _ _____________
and the relevant Government             December.
agencies as to route selection,                                                 I wish to make a gift of: $______
                                        In September we met with the
hydrology and other impacts such
                                        Shooters Fishers and Farmers            Please make cheque or money
as private land acquisition concerns.
                                        party about their Bill on Registered    order payable to “CWA Disaster
The Agricultural & Environmental        Nurses in Aged Care. CWA of NSW         Relief Fund”.
Committee are keeping a close eye       supports this Bill which would
on the developments under the           require at least one registered         Send to:
Murray Darling Basin Plan (MDBP),       nurse on duty at all times in NSW       CWA of NSW
and recent announcements in             Aged Care facilities. The Bill will
                                                                                PO Box 222
relation to ceasing “buyback” of        be sent to Committee for inquiry.
irrigation water under the MDBP,        We are members of the Aged              Mascot, NSW 1460
and the separation of regulation        Care Roundtable facilitated by the      Donations of $2.00 or more are
and compliance from within the          Nurses and Midwives Association         tax-deductible.

                                                                          The Country Woman  October 2020       11
                                            “Check your
                                             bone health

                                            Michelle Bridges
                                            Know Your Bones Ambassador


12  October 2020  The Country Woman
What is ‘Green Exercise’?
It would be easy to think it’s another   exploring.                             many trainers are setting up
health craze but “green exercise”                                               outdoor exercise classes in public
                                         You don’t need to leave town to
is actually a phenomenon that                                                   parks. Commit to an outdoor boot
                                         fit some green exercise into your
researchers have been studying for                                              camp, participate in sunrise yoga or
some years.                                                                     join a free Heart Foundation walking
                                         2. Leverage Your Lunch                 group to fit a bit more nature into
It turns out that exercising in the
                                                                                your workout.
presence of nature can have health       Break
benefits beyond getting your                                                    4. Get Your Green Thumb
blood pumping. Studies show that
exercising in natural environments                                              On
can have positive effects on self-
esteem and improve your mood,
and the effect is especially noticed
in people with mental illnesses like
depression and anxiety.
Exercising around water may be
optimal but any natural environment
is beneficial. You don’t have to be
outside for hours at a time; just ten
minutes will be enough to have an
So how can you green it up? First
of all, it’s important to remember       How often do you eat at your desk,
to always practice sun safety            or skip your break altogether, even
when you’re outside, as UV levels        though you know it’s bad for you?
in many parts of Australia remain        Taking your lunch1 break allows you
high throughout the year and keep        to refuel, gives your brain a break
                                                                                Gardening has proven benefits for
hydration in mind while exercising.      and is a great opportunity to switch
                                                                                your physical and mental wellbeing.
                                         up your body posture.
Once that’s taken care of, follow the                                           It’s a great way to get some gentle
steps below to get green.                Get the benefits of having lunch       exercise and de-stress at the
                                         as well as being outside by finding    same time, while getting a sense
1. Explore Your                          out where the nearest park, lake       of satisfaction from helping things
                                         or riverside walkway is and take       grow.
Environment                              a stroll or jog during lunch a few
                                                                                If you don’t have a yard to dig into, a
                                         times a week.
                                                                                few pots or portable planters will do
                                         3. Have A ‘Ditch The Gym’              or you can get involved with your
                                                                                local community garden or farm.
                                                                                5. Go On A Photography

Discovering a different nearby
national park each weekend is
a great way to get to know your          No, this isn’t permission to throw
surrounds and get some incidental        in the towel on exercise altogether!
exercise. Pack a healthy picnic and      With low overhead costs and the
plenty of water, grab a mate and go      beauty of working out outdoors,

                                                                         The Country Woman  October 2020         13
Get your hashtags ready and take          What If I Can’t Go Green?                 mental health, regardless of where
your camera out for a walk in nature.                                               you do it.
Whether you focus on fine details         Exercising outdoors isn’t going to
                                          be an amazing all-ailments panacea.       But if you do get the occasional
or wider landscapes, you’ll get the
                                          Any exercise is better than none,         chance to go for a bushwalk or hang
benefits of green exercise without
                                          so if it’s easiest for you to pop in      out in a park or garden, chances are
even realising you are exercising
                                          to the gym on your lunch break or         you’ll feel better for taking it.
at all. If the great expanse of the
outdoors intimidates you, keep a          do some squats in front of the TV,        © The State of Queensland
few photo prompts in mind to help         don’t sweat it. There are numerous        (Queensland Health). Printed with
guide your lens.                          studies showing that all exercise         permission.
                                          can be great for your mood and

Agricultural & Environmental
Hello members,                            “government to guarantee that             in conjunction with NSW Farmers.
                                          Australia has sufficient long term        As per our policy we are in favour
Last September I was talking about
                                          fuel reserves” is very timely as I read   of the Inland Rail but they need
the fires in the north of our state and
                                          there are already some discussions        to more transparent and answer
it’s pleasing to now see the green
                                          taking place on this.                     questions that we have asked at all
everywhere from much waited for
                                                                                    Round table meetings CWA have
and needed rain. Although we need         We are constantly keeping up with,
                                                                                    attended. Danica continued up to
rain now in our area.                     and having input on, submissions
                                                                                    Moree for a meeting the next day
                                          with Policy Manager, Adair on a lot
Crops are looking magnificent. It                                                   for the same thing.
                                          of policy matters, the CSG, Inland
seems so long since I’ve been able
                                          Rail, Koala Habitats, Biosecurity &       Hope you all enjoy studying the new
to write that, from Queensland
                                          Murray Darling Basin are what we          Flora, Fauna & Foe.
to Victoria the harvest season is
                                          have been concentrating on lately.
looking so good. Getting workers                                                    Our pork industry still needs our
is the next challenge for many            Robin Godwin and  1   I along with        help so “get some pork on your
growers.                                  Danica attended the Inland Rail           fork” and remember buy Australian
                                          meeting in Gilgandra recently.            pork, bacon and ham.
In this edition of the journal we
                                          This was mainly for the property
usually have reports from members                                                   On a personal note I would like to
                                          owners that will be affected by the
who attended the Agricultural &                                                     say thank you for your messages of
                                          greenfield track, from Narromine
Environmental Seminar; however,                                                     love and support shown to me on
                                          to Narrabri. This meeting was well-
due to COVID-19 it was cancelled.                                                   the passing of my beautiful sister.
                                          received from those attendees.
COVID-19 restrictions are becoming
                                          There was so much hurt, anger             Stay safe everyone and keep smiling.
a part of our lives now. Who would
                                          and frustration voiced at the lack
have thought we would adapt to                                                      Tanya Jolly, Agricultural &
                                          of information being supplied
this new way of life so quickly?                                                    Environmental Officer
                                          to these affected farmers by the
Our    new     policy    on    urging     ARTC. This meeting was to be held

    Foe 2021:                              Fauna and Flora 2021:
   Parthenium                               Possums and Pimelea

14  October 2020  The Country Woman
Handicraft Report
Things have been very quiet for         questions regarding the Branch           20. It can be any technique and it
the Handicraft Committee over           Project. Members were not sure if        must be made from a natural fibre.
the last two months due mainly to       more than one member could work          So if there is any member who
COVID-19. However I hope those          on the making of the apron. To           feels that their work is not up to
ladies who enjoy doing handicraft       clarify this, four members can work      competition standard, here is your
have been busy doing what they          on the one apron. For instance, one      chance to enter.
love to do.                             can buy the material, one can cut
                                                                                 Please make sure you read the
                                        out, one can sew and the other can
With the cancellation of the                                                     Schedule every year, which is
                                        finish it off. This way it gives every
2019/2020 Competition, remember                                                  printed in the April Journal, as there
                                        member in the branch a chance to
all items that would have been                                                   are changes made from time to
                                        participate in the Branch Project
entered in that Competition can be                                               time.
                                        especially if they do not sew.
entered in the 2020/2021 or if you
                                                                                 The tickets for our State Handicraft
have made something this year that      For those members who have never
                                                                                 raffle next year will be delivered
you want to enter, this will also be    entered anything in the Handicraft
                                                                                 to Group Handicraft Officers in
accepted.                               Competition, remember there is
                                        now a section for a novice to enter
Our Secretary has received a few
                                        in The Land Competition, Section         Diana Frost, Chairperson

 The Land Cookery Report
Our October elections are coming        could be included in our schedule,       We had a special session as these
up or have been held in some form       bear in mind that it is to be on         ladies only had their cake judging
or other. We will have some new         display for a week in plastic; please    badge and our committee have
officers and some continuing,           send it to us with 1 a costing so we     made a decision that from now on
congratulations to all—it can be very   can try and taste.                       there will not be separate judging
rewarding.                              It’s nearly time to get thinking about   badges. This will be a complete
I hope you have all been practicing     practicing your light fruit cake to      badge from now on which covers
your banana bread and accepting         make for our competition and share       The Land Cookery Schedule.
our challenge, which is to see how      with family.                             Till next report, happy cooking,
many Branch entries we can achieve      I would like to congratulate Erin        remember if at first you don`t
and I will recognise this at state.     Campbell, Mid North Coast and            succeed your running about average.
You may have seen some Cherry           Ellice Schrader, Hunter River for        Denise Hawdon,
Blush cakes on social media. Just       obtaining their full cookery badge.      Chairperson
have some fun with the colour. As
I explained in the June Journal you
must use glacé cherries, wash, dry       The Land Cookery Schedule and Recipes on website
them and toss in a little flour when
                                         Did you know that The Land Cookery Schedule and all the recipes are
adding to your mixture.
                                         on the CWA of NSW website? Go to to
Our slices are all 5cm x 3cm. I          view or download all the information you need to participate in this
am sorry that was missed in our          year’s competition.
schedule for the Gluten Free Slice.
As you may or may not know our           Banana Bread Challenge
Land Cookery competition is open         This year, The Land Cookery Committee are running a challenge to see
to the general public as well as         which branch can produce the most banana bread entries at their branch
members.                                 competition. This will be recognised at
When branches are having their           State Conference. The banana bread recipe
cooking days maybe you could             is very cost effective (about $4.00 to make)
advertise in your local paper and        so it’s easy to encourage those in your
schools; this may encourage non-         branch and your community to give it a
members to our CWA competition           go. Remember: anyone can enter The Land
and in turn become financial ones.       Cookery Competition—they don’t have to
                                         be members.
If ever you have a great recipe that
                                                                         The Country Woman  October 2020         15
International Report
Hi everyone!                             for the link to download and save it    the existing Country until State
                                         to your computer. Not all members       Conference. Perhaps this could help
Well, who would have thought
                                         can access the internet, so perhaps     with succession planning where the
that we would still have a number
                                         you can show these at a Branch/         outgoing officer can assist in the
of restrictions in place and be
                                         Group Day once you have them            transition. Hopefully International
wearing a mask to do my shopping
                                         saved to laptop, etc. Many thanks.      Officers will complete a three year
in Sydney? Crazy times we are living
                                                                                 term with this badge on, so it’s only
in.                                      COVID-19 has seen our Royal
                                                                                 the first year that this phenomena
                                         Easter Show, State Conference, and
21st      September       was      UN                                            happens. All Ecuador International
                                         International Seminar cancelled
International Day of Peace. A day                                                Competition guidelines are in your
                                         and now the ACWW South Pacific
where there is still global unrest and                                           Procedures Manual, however, if
                                         Area Conference in Port Moresby
national upheaval largely thanks                                                 you have any questions, please just
                                         has been affected too. No longer
to COVID-19. Families are being                                                  ask me via email or phone. The
                                         are we able to travel to Papua New
torn apart—either unable to escape                                               International Handicraft item this
                                         Guinea next year, so in a world
domestic violence or visit loved                                                 year is the Shigra Bag. Have fun and
                                         first, the ACWW SPA event will be
ones in care facilities or hospitals—                                            be creative ladies.
                                         totally online. Mrs Gail Commens,
it is indeed an emotional time for us
                                         our South Pacific Area President,       Thank you to everyone for their
all. Hopefully once this pandemic
                                         is working with the ACWW Head           wonderful    PNG    entries, the
is under control, women and
                                         Office Staff in London to bring this    winners list is on the website
children around our state, country
                                         event to you totally online. At this    in the International Section.
and world, will be able to find true
                                         stage the Conference will be held for   Congratulations to everyone for
peace and safety, unity and love in
                                         a few hours over two consecutive        their beautiful work and I look
their everyday lives in the hope that
                                         days—8th & 9th March 2021,              forward to seeing your Ecuador
we won’t need the United Nations
                                         with other information and video        entries.
to gazette “Special Days” to remind
                                         clips on the ACWW website for
us of our basic human right—peace.                                               It is not long now until Christmas! I
                                         members and guests1     to download.
I always think of the scenes in the                                              say bring on 2021 and find a vaccine
                                         Very disappointing for our PNG
comedy film “Miss Congeniality”                                                  and cure for COVID-19 ASAP please.
                                         organisers, yet this will be great
where the beauty contestants are
                                         news for many Societies who were        Hugs to all and please stay safe and
all questioned about what they
                                         unable to travel to Port Moresby.       kind, and yes, I really do want world
want. “That’s easy”, they all reply,
                                         They will now be able to access,        peace!
“World Peace”. If only achieving
                                         view and share the Conference
World Peace was as easy as simply                                                Lyn Braico,
                                         throughout the South Pacific. I will
being the theme for fictitious                                                   State International Officer
                                         keep you up to date on this project.
beauty pageant! Let’s all work on
                                         Perhaps Branches and Groups can
achieving peace within our families
                                         organise a few gatherings on the
and communities to start the ball                                                 Photo taking tips
                                         Conference days, somewhere with
                                         internet capability, so that everyone     ▪▪ Make sure your photo is well
Our Country of Study Ecuador, how        can enjoy this ACWW milestone.              lit. If possible, use natural
do you share this beautiful nation                                                   light.
                                         I have had members asking me
whilst in lockdown? This has been
a challenge; however, our Zoom
                                         about their International Branch          ▪▪ Don’tbe afraid to take some
                                         and Group Reports for Ecuador.              extra shots from different
sessions are proving very successful.
                                         The Group Officers report is due            angles. You can pick the best
The Ecuador Ambassador and his
                                         to me by 1 February each year,              one later.
staff, Luviat Pty Ltd and the Aust.
                                         so please check with your Group
Ecuador Friendship Assoc. have
                                         International Officer as to when          ▪▪ When you are taking a group
all provided us with a wonderful                                                     shot try to get the people in 2
                                         they want to receive Branch
program with interesting speakers                                                    or 3 rows, eg. the first row of
                                         Reports, so they have time to
and topics. We sincerely thank them                                                  people sitting down and the
                                         collate your activities into their
all for their ongoing assistance                                                     back row standing behind
                                         Group Report before this deadline.
and look forward to these weekly
information events until the end
                                         Similarly, some ladies have queried       ▪▪ If you have a device with
                                         the timing of the election of new           different     resolution  and
of October. Zoom meetings are
                                         International Officers. All elections       quality settings, always use
recorded, so please share these
                                         take place in October each year and         the highest resolution and the
programs with members and if you
                                         then the incoming officer runs with         best quality.
have missed one, please contact me
16  October 2020  The Country Woman
Social Issues Report
Hello members,                            National     Inquiry    Prevention        cost of stamps, priority posts etc.
                                          Strategy.                                 were some of the issues raised. If
It is nice to see some “normality”
                                                                                    you have an issue regarding the
coming back into our world, with        Work in progress:
                                                                                    reduction in postal services in
Branches     having   face-to-face      ▪▪ Still waiting to meet with Keeping       your local area, please contact
meetings, small social gatherings,         Women Out Of Prison (KWOOP)              the Committee.
to name a few.                             regarding forming branch in a
                                           women’s prison. This is part of       ▪▪ Patient Transport: CWA of NSW
The Social Issues Committee still                                                   does not have any policy on this
are following with great interest:         CWA of NSW Strategic Plan.
                                                                                    but if your community does have
 ▪▪ Royal Commission into Aged          Issues that have been raised from           any issues regarding the Patient
    Care Quality and Safety; still      members that we are still following-        transport, please contact the
    waiting for the final report         ▪▪ Baby Health Clinics: CWA of NSW         SIC.
 ▪▪ Review of the Narcotic Drugs Act        has the following motion: “That      The Committee received a lovely
    1967                                    the Department of Public Health      letter from Donna Sadler, our first
 ▪▪ Review of Fair Trading                  be requested to employ sufficient    recipient for the CWA of NSW
    Amendment          (Cash     Loan       Baby Clinic Sisters to staff all     Social Issues Palliative Care grant.
    Machines) Bill 2019; Many of the        Centres during annual leave of       Donna told us about some of the
    ads on TV have disappeared but          the regular Sister” (1960). The      challenges she encountered during
    the SIC will watch this space           Committee would be interested        the COVID-19 lockdowns. We wish
    closely.                                to know if your local area has any   her all the best with her studies.
                                            issues replacing staff (nurses/
 ▪▪ Special Commission of Inquiry           sisters) when annual leave/          Please contact us if you have any
    into Drug “Ice” submission                                                   issues in your community.
                                            holidays are taken.
 ▪▪ Cannabis Medicines Prescribing       ▪▪ Australia Post reduction in          Bronwyn Dunston,
    Guidance submission
                                            services: Postal deliveries, the     State Social Issues Officer
 ▪▪ Reading the draft review of


                                                                          The Country Woman  October 2020        17
State Cultural
Here’s hoping this report finds you    to speak and some interference        ▪▪ Poem—“Looking Back”
happy, healthy and feeling safe.       from technological “goblins”—we       ▪▪ Bush Ballad—“The Rodeo Clown”
                                       managed to do quite well.
The Cultural Committee continues                                             Junior
to be busy on your behalf. Our         New competition topics have been
last meeting was ‘interesting’ with    set and will be announced in the
                                                                              ▪▪ Photography—Travelling Along
three members physically present       December Journal. This allows for      ▪▪ Short Story—“A Visit from the
at State Office, another at home       the current entries to arrive for         Wizard”
navigating Zoom and others, also       judging by 15 November. You still      ▪▪ Poster—My Home (Junior Poster
enjoying the comfort of their own      have time to compose an entry.            entries due—15 February 2021)
homes, participating on the phones.
                                       In case you’ve overlooked them the    The Committee welcome to Lyn
Discussing the business of the
                                       current topics are:                   Haynes our new Representative
Committee and some of our future
                                                                             from Executive Committee.
plans was challenging; however,        Senior
in    restricted   circumstances—       ▪▪ Photography—A: Dust, B: Friends   A Comic Song Writing webinar is
numbers, social distancing, physical                                         to be developed and options for
separation, the inability to ‘see’
                                        ▪▪ Short Story—“Life is in the       progressing the Art Competition
when someone else was starting                                               are being explored. These include
                                                                             a draft schedule for evaluation
                                                                             and adoption by the Committee,
          Scott & Broad China Painting Competition                           canvassing potential opportunities
                    Coupon No. 1: Entry Coupon                               around digital art and developing a
                                                                             virtual exhibition online.
 Entry forms to reach State Cultural Committee Secretary by
 15th February 2021                                                          Wendy Cornish, Phillip Group’s
                                                                             Cultural Officer, has notified us that
 Name of Artist Mrs/Miss/Ms _______________________________                  her Group is sponsoring an exercise
                 Address: __________________________________
                                                 1                           around     members’      experiences
                 _______________________ Post Code:__________                with COVID-19. They invite you
                  Branch: ___________________________________                to submit an A4 size page, with
                                                                             a packet of Smarties prize for all
 Painting Title: ______________________Section:______________                who send in a written response,
  For Sale: Price:  Not for Sale                                           a cartoon or a drawing. Although
 Painting Title: ______________________Section:______________                not a competition the best effort
  For Sale: Price:  Not for Sale                                           will also receive a certificate. The
 Painting Title: ______________________Section:______________                Cultural Committee have agreed
                                                                             that the responses can be displayed
  For Sale: Price:  Not for Sale
                                                                             at the next State Conference.
              Committee receives 20% commission
                                                                             Stories     are fundamental       to
                                                                             preserving and enhancing culture.
                                                                             They are captivating and promote
           Scott & Broad China Painting Competition
                                                                             understanding,     wisdom       and
            Coupon No. 2: To accompany each entry                            humanity in a powerful way. We can
 China Painting to be delivered to the Conference Venue                      genuinely share experiences, wit,
                                                                             compassion, integrity, love, growth,
 Name of Artist Mrs/Miss/Ms _______________________________                  resilience and healing through
                 Address: __________________________________                 story telling.
                 _______________________ Post Code:__________                Told orally, or through written
                   Branch: __________________________________                and other artistic forms, stories
 Painting Title: ___________________________________________                 can open doors to greater
                                                                             understanding and enrichment
 Section: ________________________________________________                   of our cultural experiences. Story
  For Sale: Price:  Not for Sale                                           tellers help us make sense of
             Committee receives 20% commission.                              complexity, confusion and chaos by
   Please photocopy this coupon if you have more than one                    shining a light to help us realise new
               entry. Attach to back of each entry.

18  October 2020  The Country Woman
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