45,000 COPIES FOR FAMILIES OF
                        PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN
                     N WHERE GUIDE
 Edinburgh &
 The Lothians

     MAY 2022
     09 MAY - 12 JUNE

                               w w w. primar y times


                                                                                                                                                     Edinburgh & The Lothians

                                                                                                                                                                                                                May 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LINSEY BROWN

Dear Readers,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  07736 945 736

                                                                                                        04 SCOOP
Welcome to the May half term issue of Primary
Times! Now that the days are longer, the weather
is warmer and May half term is right around the                                                                                                                                                              PRODUCTION & DESIGN
corner, it’s the perfect time to enjoy some fun filled                                                                                                                                                              edinburgh
activities with the whole family!                                                                                                                                                                     
There is so much to look forward to this time of
year, from children enjoying a whole week off
school to celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
                                                                                                        06 WOW                                                                                                  PUBLISHED BY
Fill up this season by checking out our What’s                                                                                                                                                                  Schools Publishing

                                                                                                        12 BOX OFFICE
On Where guide, and see all the latest events                                                                                                                                                                 Limited, 6 Swan Court,
happening in your local area.                                                                                                                                                                                 Forder Way, Hampton,
Don’t forget to check the websites of any chosen                                                                                                                                                                  Peterborough,
venue before you head out on your family                                                                                                                                                                     Cambridgeshire, PE7 8GX
adventure, for the most up to date information.                                                                                                                                                                   01733 385300

                                                                                                        14 COMPETITIONS
Also, why not follow us on social media to see all
the newest events, competitions and posts directly
from our website. It’s a great way to stay in touch!

The Primary Times Team
     Primary Times is independently published and distributed free through national primary schools in Edinburgh & The Lothians. It aims to inform families and children about current educational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Total Average Qualified
     issues, forthcoming events, courses, attractions and to give teachers, pupils and parents the opportunity to participate in the magazine by adding to its contents or by joining in the competitions.
     It is NOT our intention to publish any racist, sexist or politically based material whatsoever. We also undertake not to carry any advertising which we would consider to be offensive to young
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Circulation: 47,497
     families or harmful to the best interests of young children. Primary Times would like to thank all the schools in Edinburgh & The Lothians for their assistance in distributing the magazine and for
                                                                                                                                                                                                              BPA March Statement 2019
     their contributions to its contents. We would also like to thank all the advertisers who have supported this publication and therefore made it possible. Please support their endeavours when and
     where you can. The copyright on all written material, logos and advertising artwork produced by our studio remains with Primary Times or with the relevant contributor. Primary Times is currently
     publishing over 2 million copies per issue under franchise licences throughout Britain.                                                                                                                                                                                                MAY 2022 03
  There to deliver                                                        Doodle Ceramics
  At La Favorita Delivered, they     ultimate authentic Italian pizza
                                                                          Spring has arrived and we       pottery to choose from and
  know exactly what genuine          takeaway experience.
                                                                          are approaching the end of      a wide range of colours.
  Italian food is all about.
                                                                          the school year. Why not        Call them on 0131 229
  Their 'master pizzaioli' use an    Grab their family deal for
                                                                          go along to Doodles and         1399 to book your two
  original wood-fired oven to        only £35
                                                                          paint that special teacher      hour painting slot. A £20
  cook their delicious thin-crust    • 1 x 14” Pizza
                                                                          a wonderful and personal        deposit is required at point
  pizzas - all laden with the        • 1 x Pasta
                                                                          end of year gift. They have     of booking.
  heavenly combinations of Italy's   • Garlic Bread
                                                                          lots of different shapes of
  most mouth-watering toppings.      • Mozzarella Sticks
  Add to that their gourmet          • Large Ice Cream
  Italian pastas - made to           • Your Choice of Drink
  order, healthy fresh salads
  and homemade desserts and          Available seven days a week.       Drama studio summer
  you can look forward to the
                                                                        clubs and term time classes
                                                                        At The Drama Studio's popular     creative students who love to
                                                                        summer clubs students will        express themselves.
                                                                        meet new friends doing            Go to www.thedramastudio.
                                                                        drama, art & crafts, puppets,     com for more information
                                                                        performing, costumes, ball        and to register for their
                                                                        and parachute games, and          holiday club or to find venues
                                                                        outside activities.               and times. Alternatively call
                                                                        Term classes are at               07702869514 or e-mail info@
                                                                        Fairmilehead, Liberton, 
                                                                        Bruntsfield and Wardie for        A great time guaranteed!

                                                                          Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Blawhorn Moss National Nature Reserve                                     The Mighty Oaks Holiday
                                                                          Club at the Royal Botanic
                                                                                                          with their fellow teammates,
                                                                                                          uncovering the powers of
                                                                          Garden Edinburgh is a fun       invisibility, folklore tales,
Pupils from Blackridge Primary       children explored the peatland
                                                                          packed week of exploring        prehistoric remains and
School were the guests of            and learned that Blawhorn is a
                                                                          nature like never before!       mysterious potions.
honour at the opening of a new       rare survivor of the raised and
                                                                          Children will learn all about   For children in years P4 to
boardwalk extension at a popular     blanket bogs that once covered
                                                                          the power of plants and         P7, aged around 7 to 11. The
West Lothian nature reserve.         much of central Scotland, with
                                                                          discover how they benefit       weekly sessions will start on
They joined NatureScot               over 8,000 years of history
                                                                          the world.                      4th, 11th, 18th and 25th July
reserve manager Amee                 locked into the peat layers.
                                                                          Activities include trails,      and will run from 9.30am to
Hood and board member                Pupils from P5-7 walked to
                                                                          challenges, games and           4pm, Monday to Friday.
Dr Heather Reid alongside            Blawhorn along an active
                                                                          crafts. Allowing children to    For details visit
GreenPower CEO Rob Forrest           travel path from the nearby
                                                                          grow new skills and bonds       holidayclubs
as they cut the ‘ribbon’ – a         village of Blackridge.
handmade rope woven with             There are lots of opportunities
moss – to officially open the        for outdoor learning for all
170m extended boardwalk              ages at Blawhorn Moss NNR.
at Blawhorn Moss National            For more information contact
Nature Reserve in March.   
While they were there, the           Image credit: NatureScot

04 MAY 2022                                                                                      
es.c , there’s loads
                                                         im atio n H E R E
                                                                   o.u k/
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                                                    r y t n s p ir
N           W H AT ’g for m rima                S or
    If you are lookin    .p
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       more events w

 Ongoing                                        influence is revealed in this exhibition and         National Museum of Scotland                      a highly trained professional from Access
                                                looks at its role in society, arts, and popular                                    parkour. Classes run every Monday with
Talks and Feeds                                 culture. It traces the effect and evolution                                                           specific age brackets. 6:00pm - 7:00pm -
                                                                                                     This 10-week course uses selected items
Deep Sea World                                  of typewriters across more than 100 years,           from the museum’s collections as the             Under 13s.                            from weighty early machines to modern                basis for studying Victorian Scotland.
Learn about your favourite fish as you join     style icons.                                         Using a different historical object each
staff for a daily feed and talk in different                                                         week, students will consider the political,
areas of the aquarium. Check online for         Inspiring Walter Scott
                                                                                                     economic, industrial, imperial, cultural and
days and times.                                 National Museum of Scotland                          social history of Scotland in this period of
                                                                              enormous change and creativity.

Family Sessions                                 Following the 250th anniversary of Sir
Xtreme Trampoline Park                          Walter Scott's birth, experience his novels          Centre for Open Learning:

                                                                                                                                                                       SAEYR TO CHECK                  through objects that inspired him. In this           Georgian Scotland
The Family Session includes 60 minutes of       small exhibition discover how Scott drew             National Museum of Scotland
access to all areas in their Trampoline Arena                                                                                                        B            H
                                                                                                                                                                 “REMETMDETAILS WOIT
                                                upon real historical objects for inspiration,
for the whole family. The Trampoline Arena      placing objects alongside Scott's words,             This 10-week course explores
                                                                                                                                                                    V E N        B E F R E
                                                                                                                                                                  E          NUE
                                                                                                                                                                    THE VEAVELLING”
features 40+ Trampolines, a basketball area,    and the stories in which they feature. While         Scotland’s great changes and
air bag with Jump Towers, parkour area,         you view these fascinating objects, you              developments from 1714–1815. Making                                 TR
cardio walls and a wipeout system.              can listen to an actor reading extracts from         extensive use of National Museums
Bike Trails at Lochore Meadows                  these tales.                                         Scotland’s collections, the course covers
                                                                                                     the Enlightenment and the growth of
Lochore Meadows Country Park                    Book of Hours                                                                                 universities, trade, transportation and
                                                National Museum of Scotland                          industry, as well as the impact of Jacobite
They have a range of adaptive bikes for                                        rebellions and events overseas, from              Sat 14 May
hire including recumbent and upright trikes,    Explore the pages of an illustrated prayer           France and Spain to the American colonies.
adaptive wheelchair bikes and tandems.          book featuring a handwritten poem by a                                                                Edinbrick 2022
Groups with carers or families can come         young Mary, Queen of Scots in this display.                                                           Potterrow
along together to experience cycling in a
                                                                                                      Ongoing until Sun 17 Jul
traffic free area.                              Fast ForWord                                         Van Gogh Alive UK
                                                                                                                                                      With even more display space you can
                                                Raviv Scotland                                       Edinburgh West                                   expect to see NEW models from builders
                                                                                                                                                      from throughout Scotland and beyond,
                                                Fast ForWord is a series of computer-                Festival Square in the centre of Edinburgh

                                                                                                                                                      activities & the very popular tombola! All
                                                delivered brain fitness exercises designed           will host Van Gogh Alive, ‘the world’s

         SAW IYTOU
                                                                                                                                                      profits raised from this event will go to Fairy
                                                to produce dramatic language and reading             most visited immersive, multi-sensory
                                                                                                                                                      Bricks - a charity which brightens the lives
                                                improvements in a variety of student                 experience’ that exhibits the life and work of
                 IN                             populations by improving memory,
                                                attention and processing skills.
                                                                                                     the seminal Dutch artist.
                                                                                                                                                      of sick children through LEGO and will be
                                                                                                                                                      kept in Scotland.
                                                                                                      Ongoing until Wed 03 Aug
                                                Mercat Tours: Ghostly                                                                                  Fri 20 May to Sun 22 May
                                                Underground                                          Book of Hours
                                                                                                                                                      200th Anniversary Flotilla
                                                Blair Street Underground Vaults                      National Museum of Scotland
                                                                                                                               Various Locations
Go Wild at Dalkeith                                                                                                                         
                                                Daytime tour of Edinburgh's haunted vaults,          Free. Explore the pages of an illustrated
Dalkeith Country Park                                                                                prayer book featuring a handwritten poem by      Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the
                                                where you can hear more about mischief-                                                                        a young Mary, Queen of Scots in this display.    opening of the Union Canal, a major flotilla
                                                makers, murderers and vagrants.
Roe deer, otters, buzzards, foxes, badgers,                                                                                                           is being organised to take place on 20th -
hares and rabbits – they all call Dalkeith      The Mighty Oaks Holiday Club                          Ongoing from 03 May                             22nd May, encompassing the complete 31.5
Country Park their home. You might just be      Holiday Clubs at the Botanics                                                                         miles of the canal.
lucky enough to spot some of them as you                         Parkour Classes
head off on your Dalkeith adventure with a      Discover the plants that power our world,            Ryze Edinburgh                                    Sat 21 May
keen eye and just a little patience.                                                       
                                                enjoy trails, games, crafts, challenges. stories..                                                    Headlock Vintage Clothing Sale
                                                                                                     From the 3rd of May, Ryze Edinburgh is
The Typewriter Revolution                                                                            offering Parkour classes every Monday.           St Columbas by the Castle
National Museum of Scotland                      Ongoing until Thu 23 Jun                            They'll give exercises and pointers to                        Centre for Open Learning:                            improve balance, coordination and skill.         Headlock Vintage is holding a vintage
The typewriter's social and technological       Victorian Scotland                                   Attendees will be getting instructed from        clothing sale at St Columba's by the Castle

06 MAY 2022                                                                                                                                  
Ryze Edinburgh
    Jump around                                            Experience the ultimate
                                                           indoor trampoline park at
                                                           Ryze Edinburgh!
                                                                                                            family. They’re open seven
                                                                                                            days a week, with sessions
                                                                                                            starting from 10am daily.

    and have fun                                           Spend quality time with your
                                                           family at Ryze Edinburgh,
                                                           giving your whole family the
                                                                                                            Book now via

   with your family
                                                           chance to enjoy their giant
                                                           trampoline park.
                                                           Bounce your way through
                                                           their sea of interconnected
                                                           trampolines, tackle their ninja

  at Ryze Edinburgh                                        obstacle course, dive into
                                                           their foam pit, and take a leap
                                                           of faith on their giant airbag -
                                                           plus much, much more!
                                                           Jump around, feel free and
                                                           have fun with your whole

                     from                            £12
       Tickets start                                       WHAT WILL YOU CREATE?

                                                           birthday parties for all ages unique gifts for
                                                              all occasions clay classes baby prints
                                                             clay imprints take home kits vouchers
                                                           commissions 100s of colours to choose from
                                                           NEW EXPANDED PREMISES

            u t es fo r o n ly £17!                
                                                           27-29 Marchmont Cres EH9 1HQ 0131 229 1399

     90 min
   Keep your children active while
   having fun with an adrenaline-filled
   day out as they bounce through a
   sea of interconnected trampolines,
   jump into foam pits, swing on a
   trapeze, and take a leap of faith
   onto a stuntman airbag - plus SO
   Let them use up their energy and
   have loads of fun while you enjoy a
   coffee from the cafe.
   Ryze is open Monday to Sunday with
   sessions starting from 10am daily.

                  T R E M E    A I R   S P O R T S

  Book now via                                                                                               MAY 2022 07
Edinburgh & The Lothians

The ultimate summer
of fun with AccessEA!
Join AccessEA this summer                skills while having fun
for fun and flexible Holiday             with friends.
Camps, located at the                    Don’t need a full week’s
Edinburgh Academy                        camp? They have you
Sports Hub.                              covered with their Multi-
Open daily from 27th June                Activity Flexi-Pass, providing
– 16th August, 8am-6pm.                  you with the flexibility to
Their camps are open to all              choose one day or every
children aged 5-17.                      day of the holiday, morning,
Be spoilt for choice with                afternoon or full day.
over 20 camps to choose
from. Their Camps are run by             Find full camp details at www.
specialist coaches, making     
sure each child learns new               or contact

                  THE IMPORTANCE
                     OF SPORT
According to the NHS, children should aim to be       type 2 diabetes, and keeps blood pressure and          Social Activities
physically active for at least 60 minutes a day,      cholesterol at a healthy level.                        Sport activities are a brilliant way of socialising
with 30 minutes of this being outside of school
                                                                                                             and making new friends outside of the
times. Regular exercise is crucial for primary        Regular exercise has also been shown to help
                                                                                                             classroom environment.
school children to not only improve and maintain      children gain a be‫מּ‬er nights sleep, which in turn
their physical health, but also for their mental      helps children to concentrate during school lessons.
                                                                                                             Most sports, such as football or netball, require
and social wellbeing. Primary Times takes a look
                                                                                                             teamwork and team building skills, which can help
at these three important benefits to an active         Mental Wellbeing
lifestyle and provides tips on the best places to                                                            a child to feel connected within a group and build
                                                      As online learning, social media and video games
find out-of-school sports activities.                  become more popular with younger generations,          upon their own social confidence.
                                                      primary school children are at risk of spending
Physical Health                                       many hours of the day sat down, in front of a
                                                                                                             Where to go?
Being physically healthy is extremely important                                                              There are many places that cater to children’s
                                                      screen. Not only does this negatively impact a
for primary school children as their bodies begin     child’s physical health, it can also be a negative     sports and general exercise. Try checking out what
to grow and they develop active sporting habits       influence to their mental wellbeing.                    your local leisure centre or aﬞer school clubs have
that can carry through to adulthood. According to                                                            to offer. Sport classes are usually so much fun that
the Primary Teaching Services (PTS), one in three     Taking a break from screens to participate in a        your child might not even realise they are ge‫מּ‬ing
UK children leave primary school overweight. Daily    sport activity has been known to lower levels          any exercise at all, and regular a‫מּ‬endance will
exercise through sports activities will burn excess   of stress and anxiety in children. It also gives       build confidence and friendships too.
calories; keeping weight gain to a minimum and        children a chance to take a break from
benefi‫מּ‬ing a child’s bone and muscle strength.         schoolwork, get some fresh air and connect             You can also look to our What’s On Where guide
                                                      with the outside world. This can create a positive     in this issue of Primary Times to find fun sport
Consistent physical activity also promotes            a‫מּ‬itude towards sports and exercise, which can         clubs and activities in your local area that might
healthy heart and lungs, lowers the risks of          carry through to adulthood.                            interest you and your child.

08 MAY 2022                                                                                                       
Kip McGrath                                                           Successful learning
Kip McGrath Centres in
Marchmont & Inverleith, continue
                                   5 - to adult.
                                   Their results speak for
                                                                      starts with Raviv…
to provide professional tuition    themselves: ‘We wanted to let      Raviv supports Autism, Asperger’s
in maths & English, for both in    you know that Paula has got into   Syndrome, stroke and brain injury
centre and online. The huge        EA! Thanks to your hard work!      students, with the necessary
success of their online lesson     Appreciate it’                     accommodations as required.
delivery has meant that during     Call or text Indy on 07826525380   Fast ForWord’s online
lockdown they taught about         for a FREE assessment.             programmes help improve
10,000 lessons to all ages       language and cognitive skills,
                                                                      developing vocabulary, reading

Why should you consider boarding at Dallam?
                                                                      fluency and comprehension skills.
                                                                      The Raviv Method and Fast
                                                                      ForWord programmes are
Choosing a secondary school        rehearsed in how to help           suitable from five years to adult.
for your child is an important     students settle in quickly and     For further details please contact
decision; there are many           make friends. Boarding can         Karen: 07711 623605
things to consider. Some           help your child achieve the
schools in your catchment          best they can academically,
area may be good but               ensuring they have fun and
oversubscribed. You may            stay active and healthy and
want your child to have the
opportunity to mix with a
                                   develop into a responsible
                                   young adult. With homework
                                                                      PROFESSIONAL TUITION
different group of children
than those from their primary
                                   taken care of at boarding, it
                                   allows families to enjoy quality
                                                                      IN MATHS & ENGLISH
school. What are the travel
implications of getting them
                                   time together at weekends.
                                   Monday-Friday boarding at
                                                                      FOR ALL AGES
to school and home from            Dallam School could make a         CENTRES IN MARCHMONT & INVERLEITH
after-school clubs every day?      significant positive change for
Do the schools offer enough        your child and your family.
extra-curricular activities to     Visit
enrich your child’s learning       to find out more and secure a
and experiences?                   place for your child’s future.
As an international state
boarding school, students                                              KIP MCGRATH EDINBURGH CENTRAL & NORTH
choose to join Dallam from
across the UK and around
the world. Their welcoming                                   
and inclusive ethos and
highly skilled team are well
                                                                       CALL INDY ON 0131 610 6110          /KipMcGrathEdinburghCentralTutors                                                                                                   MAY 2022 09
Edinburgh & The Lothians

on Saturday 21st May.                           Your Art World | Live in the gallery               Sat 04 Jun                                       learn from these different species?
                                                National Galleries of Scotland
Dino's Outdoors: Protect the Park                                                                 Dino’s Family Drop-in Day: Bioblitz
                                                                                                                  Thu 23 Jun to Sun 26 Jun
Dynamic Earth                                                                                     Dynamic Earth
                                                Parents! Not sure where to start with art?                                                          The Royal Highland Show                                                                  
                                                This Saturday morning session will help                                                             Royal Highland Centre
Discover why wild places need protection                                                          Go outdoors for the Dynamic Earth Biolbliz.
                                                you, and your family, to grow your own                                                    
by exploring Holyrood park to discover                                                            Join their team in games and activities to help
                                                ideas and explore your own creativity.
some of its hidden wonders.                                                                       them identify as many plants and animals          One of Scotland's most iconic events, The
                                                Each month's art-making will be inspired
                                                                                                  living around the building. Sessions run          Royal Highland Show, returns to the Royal
Dino's Outdoors: Talented Trees                 by a different word, picture or question                                                            Highland Centre between the 23rd and 26th
                                                                                                  throughout the day at 10am, 1pm and 3pm!
Dynamic Earth                                   challenge set by children across Scotland.                                                          June 2022!                          Expect fun, supportive, open-ended
                                                creative play for your whole family to enjoy,      Sun 05 Jun to Sat 11 Jun                         Royal Highland Show
Did you know that trees can remove
Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere              together. Free!                                   Leith Festival                                    Royal Highland Centre
helping everyone fight climate change! Get                                                        Leith Festival                          
outdoors to uncover the hidden talents of                                                                            The show has something for everyone, from
trees and find out why they are so important                                                      Leith Festival is all about the community         competitions to shopping, live music and
to us and our planet.                                                                             of Leith. It gives the opportunity for            tasty food and drinks - It’s the one place
                                                                                                  professional and amateur groups alike to          you can meet, touch, smell, taste and take

                                                                                                  be involved in theatre, music, arts, history,     home the best in the country.
 Mon 23 May
                                                                                                  song, in fact pretty much anything within
Your Art World | Live on Zoom

                                                                 SAEYR TO CHECK
                                                                                                  their local community.                             Sat 25 Jun
Online Event                                                                                                                           BGCP Comic Con
                                                                               H                   Sat 11 Jun
                                                                   B                                                                                Reconnect Regal Theatre
Parents! Not sure where to start with art?                 “REMETMDETAILS WOITE                                                           
                                                            EVEN VENUE BEF R
This online after-school art club will help
                                                                                                  Dino's Outdoors: Beautiful Botanicals
you, and your family, get creative and grow                  THE AVELLING”                        Dynamic Earth                                     BGCP Comic Con is coming to Bathgate,
your own ideas. Each month's art-making                         TR                                                  with an array of awesome themed activities,
                                                                                                  Learn about different methods to capture          traders and fun for all ages.
will be inspired by a different word, picture
or question challenge set by children                                                             images, take your own nature ‘photograph’,
across Scotland. Expect fun, supportive,                                                          and have a go at plant dissection and              Sat 25 Jun to Tue 16 Aug
open-ended creative play for your whole                                                           biological sketching!                             Summertime Discoveries
family to enjoy, together                                                                                                                           Almond Valley Heritage Centre
                                                 Sat 28 May to Sun 29 May                          Sat 11 Jun to Sun 12 Jun               
 Fri 27 May to Sat 28 May                       Wooly Weekend                                     Day Out With Thomas                               Down in the woods there are quests and
                                                National Museum Of Scotland                       The Scottish Railway Preservation                 experiments, things to create, and strange
Midstock Festival
                                                                           Society                                           stories to be told.
Dalkeith Country Park                   Free with museum admission and Annual   
                                                Pass. See the shearer at work with the            Book Day Out With Thomas! Enjoy mini               Fri 01 Jul to Thu 14 Jul
Midstock Festival invites families, music-
                                                Scottish Blackface sheep and enjoy wool-          shows with Rusty & Dusty, Thomas                  The Nickelodeon Experience
lovers and party animals alike to dance
                                                themed family crafts and activities.              & Friends Story telling, sing-a-longs,            Royal Highland Centre
into darkness to an eclectic mix of daytime
fun, big name DJ’s, and the best of bands.                                                        imagination Station activities and more.
                                                Traquair Medieval Fayre
At the heart of the festival is local people    Traquair House                                                                                      Brand new outdoor immersive event Nickle-
bringing you a variety of music, food, drink                                 Sat 18 Jun                                       odeon Experience is launching this summer,
and loads of fun; what could be better on a     This is truly a family event with Jousting        Your Art World                                    promising to be an epic adventure for the
lovely May day! This family friendly festival   down the great grassed avenue of Traquair         Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art           entire family. This first-of-its-kind experience
has something for everyone. So grab your        as well as a cannon firing display to start                         will be touring the UK from July 2022, kick-
dancing shoes (and maybe your wellies)          the event, archery, military drills and                                                             ing off in Scotland before venturing around
                                                                                                  Parents! Not sure where to start with art?
and experience Scotland’s biggest small         the occasional skirmish throughout the                                                              the UK to Manchester and Knebworth.
                                                                                                  This Saturday morning session will help you,
festival at Dalkeith Country Park.              weekend. Tickets online.                          and your family, to grow your own ideas and
                                                                                                  explore your own creativity. Each month's          Fri 01 Jul to Mon 29 Aug
 Sat 28 May                                      Thu 02 Jun                                       art-making will be inspired by a different        Giraffe About Town
Ediburgh Marathon Festival                                                                        word, picture or question challenge set           Around Edinburgh
                                                Anniversary of the
                                                                                                  by children across Scotland. Expect fun,
Edinburgh                                       Coronation Gun Salute                                                                            supportive, open-ended creative play for          Edinburgh Zoo is working with creative
                                                Edinburgh Castle                                  your whole family to enjoy, together.
5k Junior Race - Registration donation of                                                                            producers Wild in Art to present Giraffe
£5. Fundraising target of £30. 2k Junior                                                          Ranger Led Grounds Walk                           About Town – a large-scale public art event
                                                Edinburgh Castle are known for hosting
Race 1 - Registration donation of £5.                                                                                                               in Edinburgh in the summer of 2022. The
                                                a series of gun salutes to mark special           Hopetoun House
Fundraising target of £25. 1.5k Junior Race                                                                             event will feature more than 40 sculptures
                                                occasions. Each gun salute unless
1 - Registration donation of £5. Fundraising                                                                                                        that will form a free trail of discovery for
                                                otherwise stated takes place at 12 noon.          Details: This Ranger led walk will guide
                                                                                                                                                    local people and visitors of all ages to
target of £15                                                                                     you through the nature and history of
                                                                                                                                                    explore and enjoy.
                                                 Thu 02 Jun to Sun 05 Jun                         Hopetoun’s designed landscape and aims
                                                                                                  to compliment the information offered
                                                Enduro World Series
                                                                                                  inside the House. Look out for wildlife

                                                Innerleithen                                      whilst enjoying the specimen trees and

        SAW IYTOU                                                                                                                                         ORGANISING
                                                                    plants of the designed landscape. Meeting
                                                ELITE athletes from across the world              Place: Main Visitor Car Park at Hopetoun
                IN                              are set to return to Peeblesshire for a
                                                mountain bike festival this summer. It will
                                                                                                  House Cost: Grounds only admission: Adult
                                                                                                  £6.00, Child £4.00. Book online.                         AN EVENT?
                                                be a weekend of racing, entertainment, live
                                                music, local food, kids events, ride outs, film   Design a platinum
                                                nights and more.                                  plate: Family workshop
                                                                                                  The Palace of Holyroodhouse
Ranger Led Grounds Walk                          Fri 03 Jun to Sun 05 Jun                                                              SEND THE
Hopetoun House                                  Family Fun Festival
                                                                                                  In the past special china has been designed
                                                                                                  to commemorate jubilees- in this Platinum
                                                                                                                                                        DETAILS OF YOUR                              Newhailes House and Gardens
                                                                                                  Jubilee year, it’s your turn to get creative as      EVENT TO THE EMAIL
Details: This Ranger led walk will guide
you through the nature and history of           With everything from Highland Dancers,
                                                                                                  you design your own special platinum plate
                                                                                                  to take home!
                                                                                                                                                        ADDRESS BELOW.
Hopetoun’s designed landscape and aims          Food and Beverage stalls, Live music,
to compliment the information offered           Family fun and much, much more. Soak up           Dino's Outdoors: Whose Habitat?
inside the House. Look out for wildlife         the atmosphere across Newhailes estate            Dynamic Earth
whilst enjoying the specimen trees and          on this long bank holiday weekend, relax                                 EDINBURGH@
plants of the designed landscape. Meeting
Place: Main Visitor Car Park at Hopetoun
                                                and enjoy. Everyone will find something to
                                                join in with and loads of family fun for all
                                                                                                  You will be exploring habitats around               PRIMARYTIMES.CO.UK
                                                                                                  Dynamic Earth, looking for different plants,
House Cost: Grounds only admission: Adult       ages. Adults £2, Children £1, under 2 free.       creepy crawlies and other critters. What
£6.00, Child £4.00. Book online.                10am-4pm.                                         lives in the undergrowth? What can you

10 MAY 2022                                                                                                                                
Edinburgh & The Lothians

Explore Edinburgh                                                     Love Drama
You are lucky to live in a         or discover more about             Love Drama’s Weekly
vibrant city with a wide variety   Scotland’s history and culture     Classes are packed with
of attractions, parks and          by visiting a gallery or castle.   fun and exciting activities
outdoor spaces to explore.         There are plenty of places to      led by professional drama
By walking, wheeling, biking       stop and get a coffee and bite     practitioners. The 4-7s
or using public transport, you     to eat, or prepare yourself for    are led by a teacher in
can reach places all around        the famous Scottish weather        role performance and is
Edinburgh where you can            and bring a picnic!                lots of fun. In the 8-11s,
enjoy spending time with           You could go to one place or       they encourage devised
friends and family.                plan a route that takes in a       performance and in the 12-          longer and more thought
Take the children to a new         couple of stops.                   18s, they take a more in depth      provoking performances. They
playpark, go for a walk with       Visit        look at where performance           are affiliated with Children’s
a friend around one of the         letsgo to find places you can      skills derive from and              University and these classes
beautiful parks or beaches,        go in Edinburgh.                   challenge the pupils to create      count towards learning hours!

                                                                                                          Love Drama
                                                                                                         Weekly Classes
                                                                                                     St Peter’s Church Hall,
                                                                                                    Musselburgh, EH21 7AD
                                                                                         4-7s: 4pm-5pm - £5 per week
                                                                                       8-11s: 5pm-6:30pm - £7 per week
                                                                                     12-18s: 6:30pm-8:30pm - £9 per week
                                                                                                First class is Free!
                                                                                 To Book: E-mail
                                                                            Love Drama: Inspiring confidence through creativity
                                                                            Twitter: @lovedramacouk | Instagram: @lovedramacouk

                                                                      If you are feeling anxious you are not alone!
                                                                      At the Parenting with Anxiety       Half of the parents will do
                                                                      Project at the University of        the course and the others
                                                                      Sussex, they are focused on         will just answer questions,
                                                                      finding ways to help parents        but everyone is playing an
                                                                      and children navigate the           important role in helping
                                                                      world with confidence.              children with anxiety.
                                                                      If you feel anxious you may find
                                                                      yourself feeling worried about
                                                                      your children. Their research
                                                                      shows that with the right
                                                                      support parents can help their
                                                                      children become more confident.
                                                                      They now want to find out if
                                                                      families will benefit from an
                                                                      8-module online course. If
                                                                      you would describe yourself
                                                                      as high in anxiety with a child
                                                                      aged 2-11 they would love you
                                                                      to join them.                                                                                               MAY 2022 11
 Assembly Roxy                            seminal Dutch artist.                    30 instruments, and countless            is powerfully told through theatrical                                                              musical puzzles to solve. Join them      storytelling and dance.3-5 years.
                                           Howden Park Centre                      for an extraordinary theatrical
 Thu 12 May to Sun 15 May                      experience where music will               Usher Hall
Little Murmur                              Fri 08 Jul                              happen in ways you have never   
Based on the true story of a child                                                 seen before. 6 - 11 years.
                                          The Gruffalo                                                                       Sat 11 Jun
who one day realises they have
                                          Based on the picture book by Julia
been misspelling their own name.
                                          Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. Tall        The Queens Hall Edinburgh               Scottish Fiddle Orchestra -
Little Murmur is about discovery
                                          Stories presents The Gruffalo. A                  Summer Concert
and overcoming the odds. An                                                                                                 Join the Scottish Fiddle Orchestra
                                          mouse took a stroll through the           Fri 20 May to Sun 22 May
honest, funny and heartfelt journey                                                                                         for an evening of traditional music
                                          deep dark wood... Join Mouse on a
about the trials and tribulations
                                          daring adventure through the deep,       Graeme Hall The Dogfather                at its best. They will provide a
of living with dyslexia and seeing                                                 For the first time ever, dog and         rich mix of slow airs, marches,
                                          dark wood in Tall Stories' magical,
things differently. Combining visual                                               puppy owners up and down the             strathspeys, jigs, reels and
                                          musical adaptation of the classic
design and technology with dance                                                   country will have the chance to          well known songs. Their lively
                                          picture book by Julia Donaldson
and humour Little Murmur explores                                                  seek advice from "Britain’s best         programme is guaranteed to get
                                          and Axel Scheffler.
the warped and exaggerated                                                         dog trainer" (The Telegraph) for all     your toes tapping!
realities of living in a world you                                                 their canine concerns. This specially
struggle to process. Ages 7 - 17.          King's Theatre                          crafted 90-minute show is full of
                                                  tricks, memories, heart-warming
                                           Sun 05 Jun                              surprises, and an exclusive Q&A,
                                                                                   all presented in an intimate and

                                          Funbox present Jungle Party              relaxed live setting.

         SAW IYTOU
                                          FUNBOX present JUNGLE PARTY as
                                          they return to The King's Theatre         Fri 27 May
                 IN                       in Edinburgh. It’s time to stop ‘lion’
                                          around, pack up your ‘trunks’, be        George Hinchliffe’s Ukulele
                                          a ‘snappy dresser’ and get up to         Orchestra of Great Britain
                                          some ‘monkey business’ because           Tap your toes with the royalty of
                                          FUNBOX are having a JUNGLE               the ukulele scene, the independent
                                          PARTY – and you’re all invited! Join     rock-stars of the “bonsai guitar”,
                                          Anya, Kevin and Bonzo (formerly of       who have plucked and sung, joked
 Edinburgh Playhouse                      The Singing Kettle) as they swing        and whistled with Clean Bandit,                       into their latest musical adventure      Robbie Williams, Madness, Cat
                                          and follow the sound of the drums        Stevens, The Ministry of Sound and
 Thu 02 Jun                               in search of the ultimate jungle         Blue Peter.
Disney’s The Lion King                    boogie. There are songs to sing,
Having played in more than 100            keys to find and new friends to           The Studio Edinburgh
cities in 20 countries on every           discover along the way.         
continent except Antarctica, THE
                                                                                    Fri 13 May to Sun 15 May
LION KING’s worldwide gross                Lyra Theatre
exceeds that of any film, Broadway                    light!
show or other entertainment title                                                  light! is a performance in which
in box office history. The landmark        Thu 12 May to Sun 15 May                the light is dancing. Tiny lights
musical, which has now been               About We Touch,                          and big spots traverse the stage.
seen by over 110 million people           We Play, We Dance                        The light dances in rounds and
worldwide, last visited Edinburgh         A beautifully crafted, gentle and        the performers follow suit. The
Playhouse in 2019.                        playful experience that reaffirms        audience slowly discovers a world
                                          the power of touch and dance. It's       of nuances and light intensity – the
 Festival Theatre                         a show filled with surprises and         gloom of a torch, the bright light                  joys where children can listen and       of a larger spot, each radiating a
                                          watch or let loose and join in. 4        different atmosphere. 3 - 7 years.
 Sat 09 Jul to Wed 13 Jul                 months - 3 years.
Zog and the Flying Doctors                                                          Traverse Theatre
Based on Julia Donaldson and Axel          Scottish Storytelling Centre   
Scheffler’s bestselling sequel, Freckle                     Thu 12 May to Sat 14 May
Productions (Zog, Stick Man, Tiddler
& Other Terrific Tales, Tabby McTat)       Tue 10 May to Thu 12 May                Birdboy
                                                                                   Once there was a boy who wished                Primary Times would like
bring the creative team behind Zog,       Hermit                                                                                    to thank all the school
Emma Kilbey and Joe Stilgoe, back         With a background in music theatre       he was a bird. He wished he could                receptionists, teaching
together for this truly modern take       and modern mime, Simone de Jong          just fly away and be free of all his           assistants, administrators,
on the classic fairy tale.                creates work based around music,         worries.Birdboy is a trip inside               teachers and other school
                                                                                   his head, through his interior                   staff who hand out our
                                          movement and imagination, with                                                              magazine to pupils.
                                                                                   landscape of growing up in a world
 Festival Square                          performances which appeal to the
                                          multiple senses of its young audience,   where fitting in is hard to do. In his
                                          in a secretive way. 2 - 6 years.         whirring mind, thoughts, worries,
 Thu 17 Mar to Sun 17 Jul                                                          fantasies and external stimuli all
                                                                                   compete for space. 8 - 15 years.
Van Gogh Alive                             The Brunton Theatre
UK Edinburgh West                
Festival Square in the centre of                                                    Tue 31 May to Wed 01 Jun
Edinburgh will host Van Gogh Alive,        Tue 10 May to Fri 13 May                SPIKE! - a dinosaur caper
‘the world’s most visited immersive,      WhirlyGig                                A wonderful tale of a little girl, her
multi-sensory experience’ that            A madcap musical adventure.              grandmother and her favourite
exhibits the life and work of the         WhirlyGig is four brave musicians,       dinosaur, SPIKE! is a dinosaur caper

12 MAY 2022                                                                                                       
Edinburgh & The Lothians

Van Gogh Alive                                                                       Love trees? So do we.
Having dazzled over 8.5                space as you accompany Van
million visitors worldwide,            Gogh on a journey through
the immersive, multi-sensory           the Netherlands, Arles, Saint
experience makes its hotly             Rémy and Auvers-sur-Oise,
anticipated Scottish debut             where he created many of his
in Edinburgh’s iconic Festival         timeless masterpieces. Set to
Square this March.                     an evocative classical score, a
Hosted within a stunning,              thrilling display of over 3,000
purpose-built venue from March         inspirational images transforms
17th to July 17th, this Covid-safe     every surface that surrounds
and family-friendly experience         you in what has been
is anticipated to become               described as an “unforgettable
Scotland’s biggest visitor             multi-sensory experience”.
attraction; providing a truly          At Van Gogh Alive you don’t
world-class cultural experience        just look at his paintings, you
in the heart of Edinburgh.             step inside them and feel
Prepare to transcend time and          their power.

                                                                                       There aren’t many industries planting
                                                                                     trees these days, but the paper industry
                                                                                         plants and grows far more than it
                                                                                     consumes. As the most recycled product
                                                                                      in the world paper remains one of the
                                                                                      more environmentally friendly products
                                                                                    due to its ability to be recycled over again.
                                                                                               Please remember to
                                                                                           recycle Primary Times once
                                                                                           you have finished reading it.

       Primary Times chats with Cressida Cowell, best selling author of How To Train Your
       Dragon, about her Life-changing Libraries campaign and the effect it has had on children so far.
       Cressida Cowell, the Waterstones Children’s    then, and I must have read practically every        primary schools has no library provision.
       Laureate 2019-2022 and best selling            single book in that entire library. It allows a     Does yours? I’ve been struck by how many
       author, launched the Life-changing Libraries   child to experiment, find out what they like.        people are surprised that we even need
       campaign last year. The campaign aims to       I was convinced then about the importance           to make this ask. Oﬞen, people know that
       place primary school libraries at the heart    of libraries – both local and school libraries      reading for pleasure is important, but don’t
       of the governements yearly investments         – and I’m more convinced than ever of their         know quite how life-changing it is. Reading
       aﬞer it highlighted a severe long-term         magical power to create life-long readers.          opens up a world of new possibilities for
       underfunding. Primary Times caught up                                                              children and develops aspiration, with
       with Cressida to understand the importance     “The project spotlights the four pillars of         research showing that it can drive social
       of libraries, and to see the impact that the   a successful school library – space, book           mobility and mitigate the effect of social
       campaign has made so far.                      provision, expertise, and whole-school and          inequality. But, how can a child become a
                                                      parent involvement – through the creation           reader for pleasure if their parents or carers
       “The benefits of engaging with books and        of ‘pilot’ libraries in six very different primary   cannot afford books, and their primary
       becoming a reader for pleasure are life-       schools. It has been extraordinary to see           school has no library, or that library is
       changing,” Cressida explains. “Decades of      how these beautiful new spaces, since               woefully insufficient?
       research show a reader for pleasure is more    opening last June, have become the beating
       likely to be happier, healthier, to do be‫מּ‬er   heart of these six schools, encouraging             “We are nearing the end of these year-long
       at school, and to vote – all irrespective of   the development of well-being, empathy,             pilots and will be sharing our findings in
       background. The more a child reads, the        learning and a whole school reading culture.        June – but the words of a young boy in
       greater the benefits. And that is where                                                             Griffin primary school, where we introduced
       libraries come in. Libraries are where the     “What has been clear from the reaction to           a new ‘Life-changing Library’ keep returning
       magic happens. They are like sweetshops        the campaign is that people assume that             to me. When asked, ‘What does this library
       where all the sweets are FREE. When I was      all primary schools have libraries, and that        mean to you?’, his reply was: ‘Well, it means
       a child in the 1970’s, we went to the public   those are well-stocked and resourced. But,          I don’t have to read the same book, again
       library once a week, that was the norm back    this is simply not the case. One in eight           and again and again.’”                                                                                                                      MAY 2022 13
To enter these competitions simply go to

 CELEBRATION PACKAGE!                                                       WIN A FAMILY TICKET TO
 Innoflate Livingston are celebrating their 3rd birthday, as                THE ROYAL YACHT BRITANNIA
 part of their birthday celebrations they are doing a birthday              Discover all five decks of Her Majesty The Queen’s former
 giveaway. The prize will be an amazing opportunity for the                 floating palace, The Royal Yacht Britannia in Edinburgh. Enjoy
 winner to have a birthday package for 10 people. Package                   stunning waterfront views and lunch in the Royal Deck Tea
 includes a 60minute bounce, 30mins in the party room, party                Room, with cakes, scones and sandwiches made on board in
 host, unlimited juice, sandwiches, crisps, and party invites.              the Royal Galley. Remember to spot all the corgis in the Cuddly
 This will be valid for a year.                                             Corgi Treasure Hunt!
 Simply answer: When is Innoflate Livingston's birthday?                    Simply answer: How many decks does Britannia have?
 A) 1st April             B) 12th April            C) 23rd April            Closing date: 10th June
 Clue: "If you don’t guess correct, the jokes on you."                      T&Cs apply
 Closing date: 10th June

 WIN A COPY OF FANTASTIC FIN                                                                                                                         SCAN ME
 Fantastic Fin wants to feel brave but his fears and worries
 stop him. Can he use his imagination to build his courage
                                                                                                                                                     TO ENTER!
 and succeed? This delightful, rhyming story will capture the
 imaginations of children, especially those who love dinosaurs,
 super spies, knights, superheroes and sharks.
 Simply answer: Can you name the sea animal that features
 in the book?                                                                  FIND OUT MORE and enter online at
 Closing date: 6th June                                                        or call our team on 0333 321 2114.                                    Entries close 31.05.22.
                                                                               Office opening hours: Mon - Fri: 08:30 - 17:00. Sat: 09:00 - 17:00.         Ts&Cs apply.

14 MAY 2022                                                                                                                  

                                                                   PG100516.001 PGL_Cold Ad_90mm x 135mm_CMYK.indd 1                                                      27/04/2022 17:12   MAY 2022 15
            Kids Activity Corner
 For more information or to request the Love Paper logo contact: / +44 (0)1327 262920

           We love paper at
      10mm when using the Love Paper logo without the URL.

           Primary Times...

•     15mm when using the Love Paper logo with the URL.                                               Instructions:

                                                                                                      Name the animals below and fill in the empty spaces! When you’ve
e Love Paper logo must have a minimum height of:                                                      finished, make sure you colour in the animals to bring them to life!
        We have teamed up with
        to promote
s recommended    thatthe
                          logo withofthe
                                         URL isand
                                                used where possible.
        we have some fun paper based
        activities for you to enjoy:

           DID YOU KNOW?
           ❱ There aren’t many industries planting trees these days, but the paper
           industry plants and grows far more than it consumes. As the most recycled
           product in the world paper remains one of the more environmentally friendly
           products due to its ability to be recycled over again.
                               #CC738B                                                         #634B71                                                                          #4A5D70
                               HEX                                                             HEX                                                                              HEX
           ❱ 74% of paper and paper packaging is recycled into new products;
           one of the highest   115, 139rates of any material in Europe!
                              recycling                                                        99, 75, 113                                                                      74, 93, 112
                               RGB                                                             RGB                                                                              RGB
           ❱ 62% of the energy used to produce paper and paper packaging in
                          18, 64,
           Europe comes from      28, 4 sources.
                               renewable                                                       66, 72, 29, 20                                                                   73, 53, 38, 26
                               CMYK                                                            CMYK                                                                             CMYK
           ❱ European forests, which provide wood for making paper, paper-based
           packaging and many other products, have been growing by 1,500 football
           pitches every day!
                               #000000                                                         #FFFFFF                                                                          #7CB78D
           Source: Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI), 2020.
           CEPI represents 92% of European pulp and paper production
                                                                                               HEX                                                                              HEX
                         0, 0, 0                                                               255, 255, 255                                                                    124, 183, 141
                         RGB                                                                   RGB                                                                              RGB
                 The wood used to make the paper
                         0, 0, 0, 100
                     Primary Times is printed
                         CMYK                                                                  CMYK
                                                                                                    Origami Frog
                                                                                               0, 0, 0, 0                                                                       53, 0, 51, 10
                     on comes from a certified                                                       Ages 5+ (Adult supervision recommended)
                   sustainably managed forest.
                                                                                                     Origami Frog
e URL must remain black, unless using the reversed/white logo.Agesis 5+
                                                            Origami        (Adultandsupervision
                                                                      the ancient                       recommended)
                                                                                      beautiful art of folding paper into shapes, like animals and objects.
                                                            Did you know, the word origami comes from the Japanese words oru (to fold) and kami (paper).
                                                                                                     Using a square piece of paper, carefully follow the guide below to
                                                                                                      create this Using a square piece of paper, carefully follow the guide below to create this frog.
e Love Paper logo can only be produced in black, reversed/white  and the following colour values.
                Word Search                                 Origami is the ancient and beautiful art of folding paper into shapes, like animals and objects.
                                                                                                     Did you know, the word origami comes from the Japanese words oru (to fold) and kami (paper).

olour Styles
                Can you find these words relating to the paper industry?                             Instructions: Using a square piece of paper, carefully follow the guide below to create this frog.
                r Forest                         r Environment                r Grow
                r Recycle                        r Renewable                  r Paper
                r Sustainable                    r Planting                   r Preserve
                r Energy                         r Seeds                      r Material

                  E      N      V      I     R      O     N      M      E     N   T   W    Q
    more information
              V N Qabout
                     W E using
                           T YtheWlogo,
                                     I please
                                        P S SgetAin touch.
                  E      S      E     E      D      S     O       S     F     H   E   U    K
oduced using recycled fibres. The logo must only be used on paper products which are fully recyclable.
           L Z C R B R N W P R R S Y
e logo can be used on paper-based products which are either sourced from sustainably managed forests or
                  B      I      P     A      G      D      G     G      R     J   O    T   L
monstrate and
           A Lpromote
                  X V Npaper’s
                           Y N sustainability.
                                Q E E F A A
e new Love WPaper
              T Slogo
                    U gives
                       U Obrands,
                             I   P retailers,
                                    S A D printers,
                                               I I  publishers and paper producers a fantastic opportunity to
           E F about
gaging content
           N   M
                   H AtheJ sustainability
                   V   X T
                             L T Z E and
                             P  N  I    R Y
                                            C N R
                                            T   A
                                          X attractiveness
                                                           of print, paper and paper packaging.
ve Paper, part of the Two Sides campaign, reaches tens-of-millions of people around the world with highly
                  E      L      K      J     H      E      A     G      V     F   D    B   T

BOUT              R
                                             L     W
                                                    C      L
                                                           P     A
                                                                  E     E

                                                                                                    We’d love to see what you’ve done!                                            @LovePaperUK
                                                                                                    Share on social media using #LovePaperCreations                               @LovePaperCampaign

                                                                                                    For more great activities, go to                  @LovePaperUK
                                                                                                      We’d love to see what you’ve done!                                               @LovePaperUK
                                                                                                      Share on social media using #LovePaperCreations                                  @LovePaperCampaign
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