Dynamic Memory based Attention Network for Sequential Recommendation

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Dynamic Memory based Attention Network for Sequential Recommendation
                                                                      Qiaoyu Tan 1 , Jianwei Zhang 2 , Ninghao Liu 1 , Xiao Huang 3
                                                                              Hongxia Yang 2 , Jingren Zhou 2 , Xia Hu 1
                                                                    Texas A&M University, 2 Alibaba Group, 3 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
                                                                           {qytan,nhliu43,xiahu}@tamu.edu, xiaohuang@comp.polyu.edu.hk
                                                                             {zhangjianwei.zjw, yang.yhx, jingren.zhou}@alibaba-inc.com
arXiv:2102.09269v1 [cs.IR] 18 Feb 2021

                                                                      Abstract                                2020). However, these methods ignore the temporal dynam-
                                                                                                              ics of user behaviors.
                                           Sequential recommendation has become increasingly essen-
                                           tial in various online services. It aims to model the dynamic         To capture sequential dynamics for user modeling, var-
                                           preferences of users from their historical interactions and pre-   ious sequential recommendation methods have been pro-
                                           dict their next items. The accumulated user behavior records       posed to make recommendations based on user’s past be-
                                           on real systems could be very long. This rich data brings          haviors (Hidasi et al. 2015; Tang and Wang 2018; Tan et al.
                                           opportunities to track actual interests of users. Prior efforts    2021). They aim to predict the next item(s) that a user is
                                           mainly focus on making recommendations based on rela-              likely to interact with, given her/his historical interactions.
                                           tively recent behaviors. However, the overall sequential data      Recently, a myriad of attempts that build upon sequential
                                           may not be effectively utilized, as early interactions might af-   neural networks, such as recurrent neural network (RNNs),
                                           fect users’ current choices. Also, it has become intolerable to
                                                                                                              convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and self-attention
                                           scan the entire behavior sequence when performing inference
                                           for each user, since real-world system requires short response     networks, have achieved promising results in various recom-
                                           time. To bridge the gap, we propose a novel long sequen-           mendation scenarios (Hidasi and Karatzoglou 2018; Yuan
                                           tial recommendation model, called Dynamic Memory-based             et al. 2019; Yan et al. 2019; Sun et al. 2019; Zhang et al.
                                           Attention Network (DMAN). It segments the overall long be-         2018). The basic paradigm is to encode a user’s historical
                                           havior sequence into a series of sub-sequences, then trains the    interactions into a vector using various sequential modules
                                           model and maintains a set of memory blocks to preserve long-       based on the behavior sequence, which is obtained by sort-
                                           term interests of users. To improve memory fidelity, DMAN          ing her/his past behaviors in chronological order.
                                           dynamically abstracts each user’s long-term interest into its         However, as many E-commerce and social media sys-
                                           own memory blocks by minimizing an auxiliary reconstruc-
                                           tion loss. Based on the dynamic memory, the user’s short-
                                                                                                              tems keep accumulating users’ records, the behavior se-
                                           term and long-term interests can be explicitly extracted and       quences have become extraordinarily long. For example,
                                           combined for efficient joint recommendation. Empirical re-         more than twenty thousand customers on the Alibaba e-
                                           sults over four benchmark datasets demonstrate the superi-         commerce platform have interacted with over one thousand
                                           ority of our model in capturing long-term dependency over          items from April to September 2018 (Ren et al. 2019). De-
                                           various state-of-the-art sequential models.                        spite the fertile information contained in these long behavior
                                                                                                              sequences, existing sequential recommendation algorithms
                                                                    Introduction                              would achieve sub-optimal performance in modeling long
                                                                                                              behavior sequences. The reason is that standard sequential
                                         Recommender systems have become an important tool in                 architectures (e.g., RNNs, CNNs, attention networks) are in-
                                         various online systems such as E-commerce, social me-                sufficient to capture long-term dependencies confirmed in
                                         dia, and advertising systems to provide personalized ser-            sequence learning (Graves, Wayne, and Danihelka 2014; Yu
                                         vices (Hidasi et al. 2015; Ying et al. 2018b). One core stage        and Koltun 2015; Dai et al. 2019). Directly applying them
                                         of live industrial systems is candidate selection and rank-          to model long behavior sequences would result in signifi-
                                         ing (Covington, Adams, and Sargin 2016), which is respon-            cant performance degeneration. Thus, in this paper, we tar-
                                         sible for retrieving a few hundred relevant items from a mil-        get at exploring sequential recommendation with extraordi-
                                         lion or even billion scale corpus. Previously, researchers re-       nary long user behavior sequences.
                                         sort to collaborative filtering approaches (Sarwar et al. 2001)         There are three major challenges in learning from long
                                         to solve it by assuming that like-minded users tend to exhibit       behavior sequences. 1) Given that the response time in
                                         similar preferences on items. Typical examples including             real-world systems is limited, it has become expensive to
                                         models based on matrix factorization (Sarwar et al. 2001),           scan over the entire behavior sequence at each prediction
                                         factorization machines (Rendle 2010), and graph neural net-          time (Zhu et al. 2018). Existing sequential recommender
                                         works (Ying et al. 2018b; Wang et al. 2019b; Tan et al.              systems often require read the whole behavior sequence.
                                         Copyright © 2021, Association for the Advancement of Artificial      A few recent long sequential recommendation methods ex-
                                         Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.                    plore splitting the whole input behavior sequence into short-
term and long-term behavior sequences and then explicitly                          Table 1: Notations summary.
extracting a user’s temporal and long-term preferences (Ying
et al. 2018a; Lv et al. 2019). Despite their simplicity, they           Notation     Description
still suffer from high computation complexity since they                   u         a user
need to scan over the whole behavior sequence during in-                   t         an item
ference. 2) It is crucial to model the whole behavior se-                  x         an interaction record
quence for a more accurate recommendation. A few attempts                  U         the set of users
have been made to focus only on short-term actions (Li,                    V         the set of items
Wang, and McAuley 2020; Hidasi and Karatzoglou 2018)                      Sn         the n-th behavior sequence
and abandon previous user behaviors. Nevertheless, stud-                   K         the number of candidate items
ies (Ren et al. 2019; Belletti, Chen, and Chi 2019) have                   N         the number of sliced sequences
demonstrated that user preferences may be influenced by                    L         the number of self-attention layers
her/his early interactions beyond the short-term behavior se-              m         the number of memory slots
quence. 3) It is hard to explicitly control the contributions of           D         the number of embedding dimension
long-term or short-term interests for user modeling. Some                  H
                                                                           e         the short-term interest embedding
studies resort to memory neural network (Graves, Wayne,                    H
                                                                           b         the long-term interest embedding
and Danihelka 2014) to implicitly preserve the long-term in-              M          the memory embedding matrix
tentions for efficient sequential modeling (Chen et al. 2018;              V         the output user embedding
Ren et al. 2019). But they may suffer from long-term knowl-
edge forgetting (Sodhani, Chandar, and Bengio 2018), due
to that the memory is optimized by predicting the next-item.       Notations and Problem Formulation
Therefore, an advanced sequential model is needed to ex-           Assume U and V denote the sets of users and items, respec-
plicitly model both long-term and short-term preferences, as       tively. S = {x1 , x2 , . . . , x|S| } represents the behavior se-
well as supporting efficient inference.                            quence in chronological order of a user. xt ∈ V records the
   To address the limitations above, we propose a novel            t-th item interacted by the user. Given an observed behavior
dynamic memory-based self-attention network, dubbed                sequence {x1 , x2 , . . . , xt }, the sequential recommendation
DMAN, to model long behavior sequence data. It offers              task is to predict the next items that the user might be inter-
standard self-attention networks to capture long-term depen-       acted with. Notations are summarized in Table 1.
dencies for user modeling effectively. To improve model               In our setting, due to the accumulated behavior se-
efficiency, DMAN truncates the whole user behavior se-             quence S is very long, we truncate it into a series of
quence into several successive sub-sequences and optimizes         successive sub-sequences with fixed window size T , i.e.,
the model sequence by sequence. Specifically, a recurrent at-      S = {Sn }N   n=1 , for the model to process efficiently. Sn =
tention network is derived to utilize the correlation between      {xn,1 , xn,2 , . . . , xn,T } denotes the n-th sequence. Tradi-
adjacent sequences for short-term interest modeling. Mean-         tional sequential recommendation methods mainly rely on
while, another attention network is introduced to measure          a few recent behaviors SN for user modeling. Our paper fo-
dependencies beyond consecutive sequences for long-term            cuses on leveraging the whole behavior sequence for a com-
interest modeling based on a dynamic memory, which pre-            prehensive recommendation. We first illustrate how to ex-
serves user behaviors before the adjacent sequences. Finally,      plicitly extract short-term and long-term user interests from
the two aspect interests are adaptively integrated via a neu-      historical behaviors, and then describe an adaptive way to
ral gating network for the joint recommendation. To enhance        combine them for joint recommendation. Finally, we intro-
the memory fidelity, we further develop a dynamic memory           duce a novel dynamic memory network to preserve user’s
network to effectively update the memory blocks sequence           long-term interests for efficient inference effectively.
by sequence using an auxiliary reconstruction loss. To sum-
marize, the main contributions of this paper are as follows:       Recurrent Attention Network
    • We propose a dynamic memory-based attention net-             This subsection introduces the proposed recurrent attention
      work DMAN for modeling long behavior sequences,              network for short-term interest modeling. Given an arbitrary
      which conducts an explicit and adaptive user model-          behavior sequence Sn as input, an intuitive way to estimate
      ing and supports efficient inference.                        a user’s short-term preferences is only consider her/his be-
    • We derive a dynamic memory network to dynami-                haviors within the sequence. However, the first few items
      cally abstract a user’s long-term interests into an ex-      in each sequence may lack necessary context for effective
      ternal memory sequence by sequence.                          modeling, because previous sequences are not considered.
                                                                      To address this limitation, we introduce the notion of re-
    • Extensive experiments on several challenging bench-          currence in RNNs into self-attention network and build a
      marks demonstrate our method’s effectiveness in              sequence-level recurrent attention network, enabling infor-
      modeling long user behavior data.                            mation flow between adjacent sequences. In particular, we
                                                                   use the hidden state computed for last sequence as additional
            The Proposed DMAN Model                                context for next sequence modeling. Formally, let Sn−1 and
                                                                                                          el        T ×D
In this section, we first introduce the problem formulation        Sn be two successive sequences, and H   n−1 ∈ R       denote
and then discuss the proposed framework in detail.                 the l-th layer hidden state produced for sequence Sn−1 . We
                                                   &                     #—

                                                                                                                                      6         ℒ12
                                    Long-term Attention Net
         Knowledge transfer
         Sigmoid function                                                                                             6
         Current input sequence    7"
                                                                                                                      ("*+   3145
                                                                                     Recurrent Attention Net          &
         Recurrent hidden state
                                                                                                                                    Attention    Attention
         Dynamic memory                                                                                               ("
                                                                  ("*+                                                &
                                        Dynamic Memory Net

                                                                                                                               Dynamic Memory Net
                                     ,+,+ ,+,/ … ,+,.                    ,"*+,+ ,"*+,/ ,"*+,.     ,",+ ,",/    ,",.
                                             '+                                  '"*+                    '"

Figure 1: Illustration of DMAN for one layer. It takes a series of sequences as input and trains the model sequence by sequence.
When processing the n-th sequence Sn , the recurrent attention network is applied to extract short-term user interest by using
the previous hidden state He n−1 as context. Meanwhile, the long-term attention network is utilized to extract long-term interest
based on the memory blocks M. Next, the short-term and long-term interests are combined via a neural gating network for joint
user modeling. Finally, the dynamic memory network updates the memory blocks via fusing the information in H          e n−1 , and
the model continues to process the next sequence. The overall model is optimized by maximizing the likelihood of observed
sequence, while the dynamic memory network is trained based on a local reconstruction loss Lae .

calculate the hidden state of sequence Sn as follows.                                Long-term Attention Network
                                                     e l )> )V                       In this subsection, we present another attention network for
 el =
 H n    Attenlrec (Q
                   el ,K
                       el ,V
                           el )
                             n       = softmax(Qe l (K
                                                  n    n
                                                             el ,
                                                               n                     long-term interest modeling. With the recurrent connection
 Q =H
 e          f >,
      e l−1 W               and     l
                                  K =H W ,
                                  e        l−1 f >                                   mechanism defined in Eq. 1, our model can capture corre-
   n       n        Q               n        n       K
                                                                                     lations between adjacent sequences for interest modeling.
            f >,
 e l = Hl−1 W
 V n    n     V                                                                      However, longer-range dependencies beyond successive se-
   l−1    l−1
 Hn = Hn k SG(H
        e        e l−1 ),                                                            quences may still be ignored, since the recurrent connec-
                                                                (1)                  tion mechanism is limited in capturing longer-range correla-
where Attenlrec (·, ·, ·) is the l-th layer self-attention network,                  tions (Sodhani, Chandar, and Bengio 2018; Sukhbaatar et al.
in which the query, key and value matrices are denoted by Q,                         2015). Hence, additional architecture is needed to effectively
K and V, respectively. The input of the first layer is the se-                       capture long-term user preferences.
quence embedding matrix Xn = [xn,1 , . . . , xn,T ] ∈ RT ×D .                           To this end, we maintain an external memory matrix
Intuitively, the attention layer calculates a weighted sum of                        M ∈ Rm×D to explicitly memorize a user’s long-term pref-
embeddings, where the attention weight is computed be-                               erences, where m is the number of memory slots. Each user
tween query i in Sn and value j obtained from previous se-                           is associated with a memory. Ideally, the memory comple-
quences. The function SG(·) stands for stop-gradient from                            ments with the short-term interest modeling, with the aim to
                            e l−1 , and k denotes concatenation.                     capture dependencies beyond adjacent sequences. We leave
previous hidden state H       n−1                                                    how to effectively update the memory in later section and
In our case, we use the extended context as key and value
                                                                                     now focus on how to extract long-term interests from the
and adopt three linear transformations to improve the model
                                                                                     memory. Specifically, let Ml ∈ Rm×D denote the l-th layer
flexibility, where {W   f Q, W fK, W  f V } ∈ RD×D denote the
                                                                                     memory matrix, we estimate the long-term hidden state of
parameters. The extended context not only provides precious                          sequence Sn using another self-attention network as
information for recovering the first few items, but also al-
                                                                                                  b l = Attenl (Q
                                                                                                  H             bl ,Kbl ,Vb l ),
lows our model to capture the dependency across sequences.                                          n             n    n    n
In practice, instead of computing the hidden states from                                 Q l
                                                                                         b ,K  l
                                                                                              b ,V  l
                                                                                                  b =H     l−1   >     l−1 c > , Ml−1 Wc >.
                                                                                                           n WQ , M        W
                                                                                                         b     c
                                                                                           n   n    n                         K           V
scratch at each time point, we cache the hidden state of
last sequence for reuse. Besides, masking strategy and po-                           Similarly, Attenl (·, ·, ·) is a self-attention network. It takes
sitional embeddings are also included to avoid the future in-                        the last layer hidden state H     b l−1 as query and uses the
formation leakage problem (Yuan et al. 2019) and capture                             layer-wise memory matrix Ml−1 as key (value). The in-
sequential dynamics (Kang and McAuley 2018; Wang et al.                              put of the query is Xn . By doing so, the output hidden
2019a). The final short-term interest embedding is defined                                 b l ∈ RT ×D is a selective aggregation of m mem-
                                                                                     state H n
as Hen = H  e L.                                                                     ory blocks, where the selection weight is query-based and
varies across different queries. {W
                                  c Q, W
                                       cK, W c V } are train-      fore, we consider train the abstraction function with an aux-
able transformation matrices to improve model capacity.            iliary attention-based reconstruction loss as follows.
Since the memory is maintained to cache long-term user in-                      L
terests that beyond adjacent sequences, we refer to the above                   X
attention network as long-term interest modeling. The final        Lae = min          ||attentlrec (Q
                                                                                                    e l, K
                                                                                                         e l, V
                                                                                                              e l ) − attentl (Q
                                                                                                                                e l, K
                                                                                                                                     b l, V
                                                                                                                                          b l )||2
long-term interest embedding for sequence Sk is denoted as
Hbn = H  b L.                                                       el = H
                                                                    Q    el , K
                                                                              el = V
                                                                                   e l = Ml k H
                                                                                              el , K
                                                                                                   bl = V
                                                                                                        b l = Ml ,
           n                                                               n                   n−1
Neural Gating Network                                              where attenlrec (·, ·, ·) is the self-attention network defined in
                                                                   Eq. (1). We reuse the recurrent attention network but keep
After obtaining the short-term and long-term interest em-
                                                                   the parameters fixed and not trainable here. We employ the
beddings, the next aim is to combine them for comprehen-                          e l of Sn as query for two attention networks.
sive modeling. Considering that a user’s future intention can      hidden state H   n
be influenced by early behaviors, while short-term and long-       The first attention outputs a new representation for the query
term interests may contribute differently for next-item pre-       via a weighted sum from the old and new memories, while
diction over time (Ma et al. 2019), we apply a neural gating       the second from the abstracted memories. By minimizing
network to adaptively control the importance of the two in-        the reconstruction loss, we expect the primary interests can
terest embeddings.                                                 be extracted by fabs as much as possible. Note that we con-
                                                                   sider a lossy objective here because the information that is
           Vn = Gn H  e n + (1 − Gn ) H b n,                       no longer attended to in Sn can be discarded in order to cap-
                                                            (3)    ture the shifting of user interests to some extent.
           Gn = σ(H
                  e n Wshort + Hb n Wlong ),
                                                                   Implementation of abstraction function fabs We pa-
where Gn ∈ RT ×D is the gate matrix learned by a non-              rameterize fabs with the dynamic routing method in Cap-
linear transformation based on short-term and long-term em-        sNet (Sabour, Frosst, and Hinton 2017) for its promising
beddings. σ(·) indicates the sigmoid activation function,          results in capturing user’s diverse interests in recommenda-
denotes element-wise multiplication, and Wshort , Wlong ∈          tion (Li et al. 2019). Suppose we have two layers of capsules,
RD×D are model parameters. The final user embedding                we refer capsules from the first layer and the second layer
Vn ∈ RT ×D is obtained by a feature-level weighted sum             as primary capsules and interest capsules, respectively. The
of two types of interest embeddings controlled by the gate.        goal of dynamic routing is to calculate the values of interest
                                                                   capsules given the primary capsules in an iterative fashion.
Dynamic Memory Network                                             In each iteration, given primary capsules vectors xi (input
                                                                   vector), i ∈ {1, . . . , T + m} and interest capsules x̄j (out-
In this subsection, we describe how to effectively update the
                                                                   put vector), j ∈ {1, . . . , m}, the routing logit bij between
memory M to preserve long-term user preferences beyond
                                                                   primary capsule i and interest capsule j is computed by
adjacent sequences. One feasible solution is to maintain a
fixed-size FIFO memory to cache long-term message. This                                     bij = x̄>
                                                                                                    j Wij xi ,                         (6)
strategy is sub-optimal for user modeling due to two reasons.
First, the oldest memories will be discarded if the memory is      where Wij is a transformation matrix. Given routing logits,
full, whether it is important or not. This setting is reasonable   sj is computed as weighted sum of all primary capsules
in NLP task (Rae et al. 2019) as two words that too far away                                    m+T
in the sentence are often not correlated. But it is not held in                          sj =
                                                                                                       αij Wij xi ,                    (7)
recommendation because behavior sequence is not strictly
ordered (Yuan et al. 2019) and users often exhibit monthly
or seasonal periodic behaviors. Second, the memory is re-          where αij = exp(bij )/ j 0 =1 exp(bij 0 ) is the connection
dundant and not effectively utilized, since user interests in      weight between primary capsule i and interest capsule j. Fi-
practice is often bounded in tens (Li et al. 2019).                nally, a non-linear ”squashing” function (Sabour, Frosst, and
   To avoid these limitations, we propose to abstract a user’s     Hinton 2017) is proposed to obtain the corresponding vec-
long-term interests from the past actively. Assume the model       tors of interest capsules as
was processed sequence Sn , then the memory is updated as
                                                                                                           ksj k2    sj
                  Ml ← fabs
                            (Ml , H
                                  e l ),                    (4)                x̄j = squash(sj ) =                        .            (8)
                                    n−1                                                                  1 + ksj k2 ksj k
where fabs     : R(m+T )×D → Rm×D is the l-th layer ab-            The routing process between Eq. (6) and Eq. (8) usually re-
straction function. It takes the old memory and the context        peats three times to converge. When routing finishes, the
state Hel                                        l
         n−1 as input and updates memory M to represent
                                                                   output interest capsules of user u are then used as the mem-
user interests. In theory, fabs requires to effectively pre-       ory, i.e., M = [x̄1 , . . . , x̄m ].
serve the primary interests in old memories and merges con-
textual information. Basically, fabs can be trained with the       Model Optimization
next-item prediction task end-to-end. Nevertheless, memo-          As the data is derived from the user implicit feedback, we
ries that differ from the target item may be discarded. There-     formulate the learning problem as a binary classification
Table 2: The dataset statistics.                   short-term and long-term interests, we also set HPMN (Ren
                                                                     et al. 2019) as a baseline. It is based on the memory network.
 Dataset            #Users          #Items      T     K              Thrid, DMAN variants. To analyze the contribution of each
 MovieLens           6,040          3,952       20    10             component of DMAN, we consider three variants. DMAN-
 Taobao             987,994       4,162,024     20    10             XL discards the long-term attention network to verify the
 JD.com            1,608,707       378,457      20    10             effectiveness of capturing long-term interests. DMAN-FIFO
 XLong              20,000        3,269,017     50    20             adopts a FIFO strategy to validate the usefulness of the ab-
                                                                     straction function in extracting primary interests. DMAN-
task. Given the training sample (u, t) in a sequence Sn with         NRAN replaces the recurrent attention network with vanilla
the user embedding vector Vn,t and target item embedding             attention network to demonstrate the effectiveness of ex-
xt , we aim to minimize the following negative likelihood            tending context for effective user modeling.
              X X
  Llike = −            log P (xn,t |xn,1 , xn,2 , · · · , xn,t−1 )   Experimental Settings
                u∈U t∈Sn                                             We obtain the behavior sequence by sorting behaviors in
                 X X             exp(x>t Vn,t )                      chronological order. Following the traditional way (Kang
           =−              log P          >
                                                   .                 and McAuley 2018), we employ the last and second last in-
                u∈U t∈Sn        j∈V exp(xj Vn,t ))
                                                                     teractions for testing and validation, respectively, and the re-
                                                            (9)      maining for training. We follow the widely-adopted way (Li
The loss above is usually intractable in practice because the        et al. 2017; Lv et al. 2019) and split the ordered training se-
sum operation of the denominator is computationally pro-             quence into L consecutive sequences. The maximum length
hibitive. Therefore, we adopt a negative sampling strategy           of a sequence is T . The statistics of four datasets are listed in
to approximate the softmax function in experiments. When             Table 2. We repeatedly run the model five times and report
the data volume is large, we leverage Sampled Softmax tech-          the average results.
nique (Covington, Adams, and Sargin 2016; Jean et al. 2014)
to further accelerate the training. Note that Eqs. (9) and (6)       Evaluation metrics For each user in the test set, we treat
are separately updated in order to preserve long-term inter-         all the items that the user has not interacted with as neg-
ests better. Specifically, we first update Eq. (9) by feeding a      ative items. To estimate the performance of top-K recom-
new sequence and then updating the abstraction function’s            mendations, we use Hit Rate (HR@K) and Normalized Dis-
parameters by minimizing Eq. (6).                                    counted Cumulative Gain (NDCG@K) metrics, which are
                                                                     widely used in the literature (He and Chua 2017).
                Experiments and Analysis
                                                                     Parameter settings For baselines, we use the source code
Datasets                                                             released by the authors, and their hyper-parameters are tuned
We conduct experiments over four public benchmarks.                  to be optimal based on the validation set. To enable a fair
Statistics of them are summarized in Table 2. MovieLens 1            comparison, all methods are optimized with the number
collects users’ rating scores for movies. JD.com (Lv et al.          of samples equals 5 and the number of embedding dimen-
2019) is a collection of user browsing logs over e-commerce          sions D equals 128. We implement DMAN with Tensor-
products collected from JD.com. Taobao (Zhu et al. 2018)             flow and the Adam optimizer is utilized to optimize the
and XLong (Ren et al. 2019) are datasets of user behav-              model with learning rate equals 0.001. The batch size is
iors from the commercial platform of Taobao. The behavior            set to 128 and the maximum epoch is 8. The number of
sequence in XLong is significantly longer than other three           memory slots m and attention layers L are searched from
datasets, thus making it difficult to model.                         {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30} and {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, respectively.

Baselines                                                            Comparisons with SOTA
To evaluate the performance of DMAN, we include three                In this section, we compare our model with different base-
groups of baseline methods. First, traditional sequential            lines. Tables 3 and 4 report the results. In general, we have
methods. To evaluate the effectiveness of our model in deal-         three aspects of observations.
ing with long behavior sequence, three state-of-the-art rec-
ommendation algorithms for sequences with a normal length            Influence of modeling long behavior sequence for tra-
have been employed, including GRU4Rec (Tang and Wang                 ditional sequential methods From Table 3, we observe
2018), Caser (Kang and McAuley 2018) and SASRec (He                  that GRU4Rec, Caser, and SASRec improve their perfor-
and Chua 2017). Second, long sequential methods. To eval-            mance when considering longer behavior sequence. There-
uate the effectiveness of our model in extracting long-term          fore, modeling longer behavior sequence has proved to be
user interests with dynamic memory, we include SDM (Lv               effective for user modeling. Besides, different sequential
et al. 2019) and SHAN (Ying et al. 2018a), which are tai-            modules have varied abilities in handling long behavior se-
lored for modeling long behavior sequences. To evaluate              quence. Specifically, SASRec, GRU4Rec, and Caser im-
the effectiveness of our model in explicitly capturing user’s        prove 24.74%, 29.36%, and 13.42% on Taobao in terms of
                                                                     HR@50, while SASRec consistently performs the best. It in-
       https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/1m/                  dicates the ability of self-attention network in extracting se-
Table 3: Sequential recommendation performance over three benchmarks. ∗ indicates the model only use the latest behavior
sequence for training; otherwise, the whole behavior sequence. The second best results are underlined.

                             MovieLens                                Taobao                              JD.com
                  HR@10      HR@50 NDCG@100             HR@50      HR@100 NDCG@100          HR@10      HR@50 NDCG@100
   GRU4Rec∗        17.69      43.13    16.90             10.42       14.01    4.23           27.65      38.73    23.40
   Caser∗          18.98      45.64    17.62             13.71       16.51    6.89           29.27      40.16    24.25
   SASRec∗         21.02      47.28    19.05             16.41       22.83    9.23           33.98      44.89    27.41
   GRU4Rec         19.78      47.40    18.75             13.48       16.53    5.81           35.28      47.52    27.64
   Caser           20.80      48.12    19.28             15.55       17.91    7.35           36.76      49.13    28.35
   SASRec          22.96      50.09    20.36             20.47       24.48    9.84           38.99      52.64    31.32
   SHAN            21.34      49.52    19.55             18.87       21.94    8.73           37.72      50.55    29.80
   HPMN            22.84      50.54    19.77             19.98       24.37    9.66           39.14      53.22    32.24
   SDM             23.42      51.26    20.44             21.66       25.42   10.22           40.68      55.30    34.82
   DMAN            25.18      53.24    22.03             24.92       29.37   11.13           44.58      58.82    36.93
   Improv.         7.51%      3.86%    7.77%            15.05%      15.53%   8.90%           9.58%      6.36%    6.05%

 Table 4: Performance on long user behavior data XLong.                          Table 5: Ablation study of DMAN.

          Method        Recall@200       Recall@500                   Dataset       Method           Recall@100      NDCG@100
        GRU4Rec∗           0.079            0.098                                  DMAN-XL              0.237          0.094
          Caser∗           0.084            0.105                                 DMAN-FIFO             0.263          0.108
         SASRec∗           0.105            0.123                                 DMAN-NRNA             0.257          0.104
        GRU4Rec            0.046            0.063                                   DMAN                0.293          0.111
          Caser            0.023            0.041                                  DMAN-XL              0.021          0.013
         SASRec            0.061            0.096                                 DMAN-FIFO             0.036          0.017
          SHAN             0.091            0.115                                 DMAN-NRAN             0.043          0.019
          HPMN             0.118            0.136                                   DMAN                0.054          0.022
           SDM             0.107            0.129
          DMAN             0.132            0.163
                                                                     rectly handling long behavior sequence, and lose to long se-
                                                                     quential models in all cases. These results demonstrate the
quential patterns, and also validates our motivation to extend       necessity of developing new architectures tailored for long
self-attention network for long behavior sequence modeling.          behavior sequence modeling. Another unexpected observa-
                                                                     tion is that HPMN outperforms SDM on average. It further
Comparison with baselines on general datasets As                     implies the ineffectiveness of attention network in attending
shown in Table 3, our model DMAN achieves better re-                 relative messages over long sequence. By equipping atten-
sults than baselines across three datasets. In general, long         tion network with the dynamic memory, our model allows
sequential models perform better than traditional sequen-            us to actively update user’s long-term interests in the mem-
tial methods, excepting SASRec. SASRec performs better               ory and outperforms HPMN.
than SHAN and comparable to HPMN in most cases. This
further implies the effectiveness of self-attention network          Ablation Study
in capturing long-range dependencies. The improvement of
                                                                     We also conduct experiments to investigate the effectiveness
SDM over SASRec shows that explicitly extract long-term
                                                                     of several core components of the proposed DMAN. Table 5
and short-term interests from long sequence is beneficial.
                                                                     reports the results on two representative datasets. Obviously,
Considering DMAN and SDM, DMAN consistently out-
                                                                     DMAN significantly outperforms the other three variants.
performs SDM over all evaluation metrics. This can be at-
                                                                     The substantial difference between DMAN and DMAN-XL
tributed to that DMAN utilizes a dynamic memory network
                                                                     shows that recurrent connection is not enough to capture
to actively extract long-term interests into a small set of
                                                                     user’s long-term interests. The improvement of DMAN over
memory blocks, which is easier for the attention network
                                                                     DMAN-FIFO validates that the proposed abstraction func-
to effectively attend relative information than from a long
                                                                     tion is effective to extract user’s primary long-term inter-
behavior sequence.
                                                                     ests. Besides, DMAN outperforms DMAN-NRAN in gen-
Comparison with baselines on long behavior dataset                   eral, which verifies the usefulness of extending current con-
Table 4 summarizes the results of all methods on XLong,              text with previous hidden sequence state for short-term in-
where the length of behavior sequence is larger than 1000 on         terest extraction.
average. Obviously, DMAN significantly outperforms other
baselines. Compared with the findings in Table 3, one in-            Hyper-parameter Analysis
terest observation is that traditional sequential methods, i.e.,     We further study the impacts of our model w.r.t. the num-
GRU4Rec, Caser, and SASRec, performs poorly when di-                 ber of memory slots m and attention layers L on Movie-
0.54                                                  0.6                                                         8
                                                                         Top-10   Top-30   Top-50
             0.53                                                  0.5


             0.52                                                  0.4

                                                        Hit Rate

             0.51                                                  0.3                                                         4

              0.5                                                  0.2

             0.49                                                  0.1                                                         1

             0.48                                                   0
                    2     4   6    8   10    20   30                       1           2            3         4       5            0.5   1.0    1.5   2.0   2.5   3.0   3.5   4.0   4.5   5.0

                        (a) Memory slots m                                        (b) Layer size L                                             (c) Learning curve

                                                       Figure 2: The proposed DMAN analysis

Lens. As we can see in Figure 2(a), DMAN achieves satis-                                                dle, Freudenthaler, and Schmidt-Thieme 2010; Cheng et al.
factory results when m = 20 and the gain slows down with                                                2013) or hider-order (He and McAuley 2016; He et al. 2016;
less than 2% improvement when m further increases. In ex-                                               Yan et al. 2019) Markov-chains to capture the user state dy-
periments, we found 20 is enough for MovieLens, Taobao,                                                 namics. The third stream applies deep neural networks to
JD.com and XLong. From Figure 2(b), we observe that the                                                 enhance the capacity of feature extraction (Yuan et al. 2019;
number of attention layers has positive impacts in our model.                                           Sun et al. 2019; Hidasi and Karatzoglou 2018). For exam-
To trade-off between memory costs and performance, we                                                   ple, Caser (Tang and Wang 2018) applies CNNs to pro-
set L = 2 for all datasets since it already achieves satis-                                             cess the item embedding sequence, while GRU4Rec (Hidasi
factory results. Besides, we also plot the learning curve of                                            et al. 2015) uses gated recurrent unit GRU for session-based
DMAN on Taobao dataset in Figure 2(c), we can observe                                                   recommendation. Moreover, SASRec (Kang and McAuley
that DMAN converges quickly after about 2 epochs. Similar                                               2018) employs self-attention networks (Vaswani et al. 2017)
observations have been observed on other datasets. Specif-                                              to selectively aggregate relevant items for user modeling.
ically, DMAN tends to converge after 2 epochs on Taobao,                                                   However, these methods mainly focus on making recom-
JD.com and XLong datasets, while 50 epochs for Movie-                                                   mendations based on relatively recent behaviors. Recently,
Lens data. These results demonstrate the training efficiency                                            a few efforts attempt to model long behavior sequence data.
of our model.                                                                                           For instance, SDM (Lv et al. 2019) and SHAN (Ying et al.
                                                                                                        2018a) split the whole behavior sequence into short-term
                                  Related Work                                                          and long-term sequences and then explicitly extract long-
General Recommendation                                                                                  term and short-term interest embeddings from them. But
                                                                                                        they are difficult to capture long-term interests shifting and
Early recommendation works largely focused on explicit                                                  suffer from high computation complexity. HPMN (Ren et al.
feedback (Koren 2008). The recent research focus is shift-                                              2019) uses the memory network (Graves, Wayne, and Dani-
ing towards implicit data (Li and She 2017; Hu, Koren, and                                              helka 2014; Chen et al. 2018) to memorize important histor-
Volinsky 2008). The typical examples include collaborative                                              ical behaviors for next-item prediction. Nevertheless, mem-
filtering (Sarwar et al. 2001; Schafer et al. 2007), matrix                                             ory network may suffer from long-term dependency forget-
factorization techniques (Koren, Bell, and Volinsky 2009),                                              ting dilemma, as the memory is optimized by recovering the
and factorization machines (Rendle 2010). The main chal-                                                next item. Our model focuses on combing external memory
lenge lies in representing users or items with latent embed-                                            and attention networks for effective long user behavior se-
ding vectors to estimate their similarity. Due to their ability                                         quence modeling, which conducts an explicit and adaptive
to learn salient representations, neural network-based mod-                                             modeling process.
els (Guo et al. 2017; Su and Khoshgoftaar 2009; Tan, Liu,
and Hu 2019) are also attracted much attention recently.
Some efforts adopt neural networks to extract side attributes                                                                 Conclusions
for content-aware recommendation (Kim et al. 2016), while                                               In this paper, we propose a novel dynamic memory-based
some aim to equip matrix factorization with non-linear inter-                                           attention network DMAN for sequential recommendation
action function (He and Chua 2017) or graph convolutional                                               with long behavior sequence. We truncate a user’s overall
aggregation (Wang et al. 2019b; Liu et al. 2019). In general,                                           behavior sequence into a series of sub-sequences and train
deep learning-based methods perform better than traditional                                             our model in a dynamic manner. DMAN can explicitly ex-
counterparts (Sedhain et al. 2015; Xue et al. 2017).                                                    tract a user’s short-term and long-term interests based on the
                                                                                                        recurrent connection mechanism and a set of external mem-
Sequential Recommendation                                                                               ory blocks. To improve the memory fidelity, we derive a dy-
Sequential recommendation takes as input the chronologi-                                                namic memory network to actively abstract a user’s long-
cal behavior sequence for user modeling. Typical examples                                               term interests into the memory by minimizing a local re-
belong to three categories. The first relies on temporal ma-                                            construction loss. Empirical results on real-world datasets
trix factorization (Koren 2009) to model user’s drifting pref-                                          demonstrate the effectiveness of DMAN in modeling long
erences. The second school uses either first-order (Ren-                                                user behavior sequences.
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