Economia e storia economica

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Economia e storia economica

G. Acconcia, M. Mercuri (cur.), Migrazioni nel Mediterraneo. Dinamiche, identità e movimenti,
Milano, Angeli, 2019
M. A. Akinkunmi, Central bank balance sheet and real business cycles, Boston, De Gruyter, 2018
W. A. Allen, The Bank of England and the government debt. Operations in the gilt-edged market,
1928-1972, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019
F. Alvaredo (cur.), World inequality report 2018, Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 2018
I. Alvino, S. Ciucciovino, R. Romei (cur.), Il welfare aziendale. Una prospettiva giuridica, Bologna,
Il mulino, 2019
E. Amann, C. Azzoni, W. Baer (cur.), The Oxford handbook of the Brazilian economy, New York,
Oxford University Press, 2018
A. Amantia, L' industrializzazione del comprensorio del Vajont. Intervento speciale, ricostruzione
economica e sviluppo dopo la catastrofe (1963-2000), Bologna, Il mulino, 2018
V. Anderson (cur.), Debating nature's value. The concept of natural capital, Cham, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2018
G. Atkinson, S. Fankhauser (cur.), Sustainability economics, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2019
S. C. Aveyard, P. Corthorn e S. O'Connell, The politics of consumer credit in the UK, 1938-1992,
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018
R. Bahlieda, The economic gulag. Patriarchy, capitalism, and inequality, New York, Peter Lang,
B. Balkenhol, Microfinance. Research, debates, policy, London, Routledge, 2018
L. M. Ball, The Fed and Lehman Brothers. Setting the record straight on a financial disaster,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018
F. Barbera e T. Parisi, Innovatori sociali. La sindrome di Prometeo nell'Italia che cambia, Bologna,
Il mulino, 2019
E. Baroncelli, The European Union, the World Bank, and the policymaking of aid. Cooperation
among developers, London, Routledge, 2019
M. P. Barry, Retirement savings policy. Past, present, and future, Boston, De Gruyter, 2018
I. Bastiaens e N. Rudra, Democracies in peril. Taxation and redistribution in globalizing economies,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018
K. Basu, Economic policy and its theoretical bases. Using economic theory for policymaking in
emerging economies, New Delhi, Oxford University Press Global, 2018
B. Batiz-Lazo, Cash and dash. How ATMs and computers changed banking, Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2018
I. Baud (cur.), Building development studies for the new millennium, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan,
L. E. Bayardo Rodríguez, Entre el lujo, el deseo y la necesidad. Historia del gasto familiar y del
consumo moderno en la Ciudad de México, 1909-1970, Zapopan, Colegio de Jalisco, 2018
D. Bellingradt, P. Nelles, J. Salman (cur.), Books in motion in early modern Europe. Beyond
production, circulation and consumption, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
A. Bénassy-Quéré, Economic policy. Theory and practice, New York, Oxford University Press,
B. S. Bernanke, T. F. Geithner e H. M. Paulson jr., Firefighting. The financial crisis and its lessons,
New York, Penguin, 2019
A. Bernardi, S. Monni (cur.), Parole chiave per l'impresa cooperativa del futuro, Bologna, Il mulino,
E. Berr, V. Monvoisin e J. F. Ponsot, L' économie postkeynésienne. Histoire, théories et politiques,
Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 2018
G. Berta, L'enigma dell'imprenditore (e il destino dell'impresa), Bologna, Il mulino, 2018
G. Berta, Detroit. Viaggio nella città degli estremi, Bologna, Il mulino, 2019
A. Bihr, Le premier âge du capitalisme (1415-1763), Paris, Syllepse, 2018-2019, 2 voll.
R. Biswas, Emerging markets megatrends, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
F. L. Block, Capitalism. The future of an illusion, Oakland, University of California Press, 2018
M. Blum, C. L. Colvin (cur.), Economist's guide to economic history, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan,
J. P. Bodel, Walter Scheidel (cur.), On human bondage. After slavery and social death, Malden,
Wiley Blackwell, 2017
H. Bonin, L'empire colonial français. De l'histoire aux heritages (XXe-XXIe siècles),
Malakoff, Colin, 2018
H. Bonin, La firme Schneider dans la guerre industrielle en 1914-1918, Paris, Les Indes Savantes,
R. Bookstaber, The end of theory. Financial crises, the failure of economics, and the sweep of
human interaction, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2017
L. Bordogna e R. Pedersini, Relazioni industriali. L'esperienza italiana nel contesto internazionale,
Bologna, Il mulino, 2019
H. Borland (cur.), Business strategies for sustainability, London, Routledge, 2019
L. Bosi e L. Zamponi, Resistere alla crisi. I percorsi dell'azione sociale diretta, Bologna, Il mulino,
P. Bosi e M. C. Guerra, I tributi nell'economia italiana, Bologna, Il mulino, 2019
S. Boubaker, D. K. Nguyen (cur.), Corporate social responsibility, ethics and sustainable prosperity,
Singapore, World Scientific, 2019
G. Bovini, Bologna oltre il PIL. Lo sviluppo sostenibile in Emilia-Romagna e nella città
metropolitana, Bologna, Il mulino, 2019
M. Božina Beroš, Agencies in European banking. A critical perspective, Cham, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2018
E. Brancaccio e A. Califano, Anti-Blanchard macroeconomics. A comparative approach,
Cheltenham, Elgar, 2018
P. Brandon, N. Frykman, P. Roge (cur.), Free and unfree labor in Atlantic in Indian Ocean port
cities (1700-1850), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019
B. Brown, The case against 2 per cent inflation. From negative interest rates to a 21st century gold
standard, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
S. Bryant, The Hamlet fire. A tragic story of cheap food, cheap government and cheap lives, New
York, New Press, 2017
M. Buggeln, M. Daunton, A. Nützenadel (cur.), The political economy of public finance. Taxation,
state spending and debt since the 1970s, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017
M. T. Buntaine, Giving aid effectively. The politics of environmental performance and selectivity at
multilateral development banks, New York, Oxford University Press, 2018
S. Busetti e B. Dente, EXPOst. Le conseguenze di un grande evento, Bologna, Il mulino, 2018
Y. Cao, Strategies for internationalizing the Renminbi, Singapore, Springer, 2018
G. Carli, Mercato, Europa e libertà. Gli interventi alle Assemblee dell'ABI e alle Giornate del
risparmio, Bari, Laterza, 2018
R. W. Carney, Authoritarian capitalism. Sovereign wealth funds and state-owned enterprises in East
Asia and beyond, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
J. Cartelier, Money, markets and capital. The case for a monetary analysis, London, Routledge,
E. Cartwright, Behavioral economics, London, Routledge, 2018
V. Casadella, Innovation systems in emerging economies. MINT (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria,
Turkey), London, Wiley, 2018
Y. Cassis, G. Telesca (cur.), Financial elites and European banking. Historical perspectives, New
York, Oxford University Press, 2018
Y. Cassis, D. Wójcik (cur.), International financial centres after the global financial crisis and
Brexit, New York, Oxford University Press, 2018
V. Cattelan (cur.), Islamic social finance. Entrepreneurship, cooperation and the sharing economy,
London, Routledge, 2019
C. Champion, A critical study of Keynes's “General theory”, Kibworth Beauchamp, Matador, 2019
G. C. K. Cheung, China in the global political economy. From developmental to entrepreneurial,
Chaltenham, Elgar, 2018
C. D. Checherita-Westphal (cur.), Debt and economic performance, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2019
L. Chiaramonte, Bank liquidity and the global financial crisis. The causes and implications of
regulatory reform, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
G. A. Chiarva, Il banchiere galantuomo. Amadeo Peter Giannini da emigrante a padrone del mondo,
Roma, Gangemi, 2018
A. Chidlow (cur.), The changing strategies of international business. How MNEs manage in a
changing commercial and political landscape, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
A. Chowdhury, V. Popov (cur.), Macroeconomic policies in countries of the global South, New
York, Nova Science, 2019
A. Cittadella, Breve storia delle Alpi tra clima e meteorologia, Milano, Angeli, 2019
B. J. Cohen, Currency statecraft. Monetary rivalry and geopolitical ambition, Chicago, Chicago
University Press, 2019
R. D. Congleton, B. Grofman, S. Voigt (cur.), The Oxford handbook of public choice, New York,
Oxford University Press, 2019
C. Coquery-Vidrovitch, Les routes de l'esclavage. Histoires des traites africaines VIe-XXe siècle,
 Paris, Albin Michel, 2018
G. Cortés-Robles, J. L. García-Alcaraz, G. Alor-Hernández (cur.), Managing innovation in highly
restrictive environments. Lessons from Latin America and emerging markets, Cham, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2018
F. Cristaldi e S. Leonardi, Pensionati in fuga? Geografie di una nuova emigrazione, Todi, Tau, 2018
R. Crocker, K. Chiveralls (cur.), Subverting consumerism. Reuse in an accelerated world, London,
Routledge, 2018
J. Cromwell, The smugglers' world. Illicit trade and Atlantic communities in Eighteenth century
Venezuela, Williamsburg, The University of Carolina Press, 2018
D. Daianu, Emerging Europe and the Great recession, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, 2018
J. W. D’Arista, All fall down. Debt, deregulation and financial crises, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2018
J. C. Daumas, La révolution matérielle. Une histoire de la consommation (France XIXe-XXIe
siècle), Paris, Flammarion, 2018
H.-C. Davies, Transatlantic speculations. Globalization and the panics of 1873, New York,
Columbia University Press, 2018
J. C. Davis, From head shops to whole foods. The rise and fall of activist entrepreneurs, New York,
Columbia University Press, 2017
M. Deaglio (cur.), Il mondo cambia pelle? XXIII Rapporto sull'economia globale e l'Italia, Milano,
Guerini, 2018
G. Delille, The economy of God. Family and market in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, Roma,
Viella, 2019
M. Dellavalle, E. Vezzosi (cur.), Immaginare il futuro. Servizio sociale di comunità e community
development in Italia (1946-2017), Roma, Viella, 2018
D. De Masi, Il lavoro nel XXI secolo, Torino, Einaudi, 2018
G. De Rita e A. Galdo, Prigionieri del presente. Come uscire dalla trappola della modernità, Torino,
Einaudi, 2018
R. W. Dimand, H. Hagemann (cur.), The Elgar companion to John Maynard Keynes, Cheltenham,
Elgar, 2019
N. Dirindin, C. Rivoiro e L. De Fiore, Conflitti di interesse e salute. Come industrie e istituzioni
condizionano le scelte del medico, Bologna, Il mulino, 2018
N. Dirindin e E. Caruso, Salute ed economia. Questioni di economia e politica sanitaria, Bologna, Il
mulino, 2019
N. Dodd, J. Van der Merwe (cur.), The political economy of underdevelopment in the global South.
The government-business-media complex, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
G. Donna, L'università che crea valore pubblico. Modelli di strategia, governance, organizzazione e
finanza per gli atenei italiani, Bologna, Il mulino, 2018
M. Dorigny, Les abolitions de l'esclavage (1793-1888), Paris, PUF, 2018
L. Dowbor, The age of unproductive capital. New architectures of power, Newcastle upon Tyne,
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018
I. Dubert, Inmigración, trabajo y servicio doméstico en la Europa urbana, siglos XVIII-XX, Madrid,
Casa de Velázquez, 2017
M. D. Dulberger, America and its rivals. A comparison among the nations of China, Russia and the
United States, Lanham, Bernan Press, 2018
S. Edwards, American default. The untold story of FDR, the Supreme Court, and the battle over
gold, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2018
M. Elo, I. Minto-Coy (cur.), Diaspora networks in international business. Perspectives for
understanding and managing diaspora business and resources, Cham, Springer, 2019
J. Elvert, Europa, das Meer und die Welt Eine maritime Geschichte der Neuzeit, München,
Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2018
D. C. Engerman, The price of aid. The economic Cold war in India, Cambridge, Harvard University
Press, 2018
G. A. Epstein (cur.), The political economy of international finance in an age of inequality. Soft
currencies, hard landings, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2018
S. S. Ercetin, N. Potas (cur.) Chaos, complexity and leadership 2017. Explorations of chaos and
complexity theory, Cham, Springer, 2019
J. L. Espert, La Argentina devorada. Cómo sindicatos, empresarios prebendarios y políticos
sabotean el desarrollo del país y cómo vencerlo para despegar, Buenos Aires, Galerna, 2017
G. M. Esposito, Il governo delle programmazioni. Linee evolutive, Bologna, Il mulino, 2019
R. Faucci, La scienza dell'amor patrio. Cultura e politica degli economisti italiani dal Risorgimento
alla ricostruzione, Firenze, Olschki, 2018
J. Félix, A. Dubet (cur.) The war within. Private interests and the fiscal state in early modern
Europe, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
A. Feniello e A. Vanoli, Storia del Mediterraneo in 20 oggetti, Bari, Laterza, 2018
A. Ferrando, Cacciatori di libri. Gli agenti letterari durante il fascismo, Milano, Angeli, 2019
P. Ferri, Minsky's moment. An insider's view on the economics of Hyman Minsky, Cheltenham,
Elgar, 2019
F. Flachenecker, J. Rentschler (cur.), Investing in resource efficiency. The economics and politics
of financing the resource transition, Cham, Springer, 2018
Fondazioni Astrid, Circolo Fratelli Rosselli (cur.), Nuove (e vecchie) povertà. Quale risposta?
Reddito d'inclusione, reddito di cittadinanza, e oltre, Bologna, Il mulino, 2018
P. Formica, Parole e voci dell'innovazione. Per una cultura del mutamento, Bologna, Il mulino,
M. Fortis, L'Italia non merita una nuova crisi, Bologna, Il mulino, 2019
R. Fouquet (cur.), Handbook on green growth, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2019
F. Fourquet, Penser la longue durée. Contribution à une histoire de la mondialisation, Paris, La
Découverte, 2018
M. Fox, The new stock market. Law, economics and policy, New York, Columbia University Press,
N. Fraser e R. Jaeggi, Capitalism. A conversation in critical theory, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2018
T. Fratus, Il bosco è un mondo. Alberi e boschi da salvaguardare in Italia, Torino, Einaudi, 2018
J. B. Freeman, Behemoth. A history of the factory and the making of the modern world, New York,
Norton & Co., 2018
C. B. Frey, The technology trap. Capital, labor and power in the age of automation, Princeton,
Princeton University Press, 2019
A. S. Funk, Crowdfunding in China. A new institutional economics approach, Cham, Springer,
F. P. Gale, The political economy of sustainability, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2018
W. A. Galston, Antipluralism, The populist threat to liberal democracy, New Haven, Yale
University Press, 2018
N. Geiger e V. Kufenko, Business cycles and economic crises. A bibliometric and economic
history, London, Routledge, 2019
N. Gennaioli e A. Shleifer, A crisis of beliefs. Investor psychology and financial fragility,
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2018
T. Gerocs, M. Szanyi (cur.), Market liberalism and economic patriotism in the capitalist world-
system, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
J. Gest, The white working class. What everyone needs to know, New York, Oxford University
Press, 2018
N. L. A. Gharala, Taxing blackness. Free Afromexican tribute in Bourbon New Spain, Tuscaloosa,
University of Alabama Press, 2019
F. Giangrande, Terre di scambio. Vite translocali tra il delta del Nilo e Roma, Bologna, Il mulino,
P. Giardullo, Non è aria. Cittadini e politiche contro l'inquinamento atmosferico, Bologna, Il
mulino, 2018
M. J. Gilbert, South Asia in world history, New York, Oxford University Press, 2017
R. P. Gilles, Economic wealth creation and the social division of labour, Cham, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2018
A. Giraudo, Histoires extraordinaires des matières premières, Paris, Éditions François Bourin, 2017
B. Goldfarb, Bubbles and crashes. The boom and bust of technological innovation, Stanford,
Stanford University Press, 2019
G. M. Gómez, Monetary plurality in local, regional and global economies, London, Routledge,
C. Goodhart, D. P. Tsomocos (cur.), Financial regulation and stability. Lessons from the global
financial crisis, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2019
G. Gorton, Fighting financial crises. Learning from the past, Chicago, University of Chicago Press,
J. P. Gourevitch, La Mediterranée. Conquête, puissance, déclin, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 2018
M. G. Grillotti Di Giacomo, P. De Felice, Land grabbing e land concentration. I predatori della terra
tra neocolonialismo e crisi migratorie, Milano, Angeli, 2018
M. van Groesen, Amsterdam's Atlantic. Print culture and the making of Dutch Brazil, Philadelphia,
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016S.
S. Guzzi-Heeb, P. Dubuis (cur.), Organisation et mesure du temps dans les campagnes européennes
de l'époque moderne au XX siècle, Sion, Archives de l'État du Valais, 2019
G. Guzzone, La formazione di un economista-filosofo. Claudio Napoleoni e le riviste italiane del
dopoguerra (1948-1961), Firenze, Olschki, 2018
H. Hagemann, S. Seiter, E. Wendler (cur.), The economic thought of Friedrich List, London,
Routledge, 2019
D. Halliday, The inheritance of wealth. Justice, equality and the right to bequeath, Oxford, Oxford
University Press, 2018
D. Hancock, The countercultural logic of neoliberalism, London, Routledge, 2019
W. Hare, The rise of labour and the fall of empire, edited by H. Kumarasingham, London,
Cambridge University Press, 2019
D. M. Harrison, Price and financial stability. Rethinking financial markets, London, Routledge,
P. Hartmann, H. Huang, D. Schoenmaker (cur.), The changing fortunes of central banking,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018
D. Harvey, Spaces of global capitalism. A theory of uneven geographical development, London,
Verso, 2019
J. Hasseldine (cur.), Advances in taxation, Bingley, Emerald, 2018
L. D. Haydon, Corporate culture. National and transnational corporations in Seventeenth-century
literature, London, Routledge, 2019
J. W. Heinzen, The art of the bribe. Corruption under Stalin, 1943-1953, London, Yale University
Press, 2016
E. Helpman, Globalization and inequality, Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 2018
J. D. Hey, Experiments in economics. Decision making and markets, Singapore, World Scientific,
P. T. Hoffman, Dark matter credit. The development of peer-to-peer lending and banking in France
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2019
R. G. Holcombe, Political capitalism. How economic and political power is made and maintained,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018
D. Huang, China's fiscal and monetary policies in the new era, Reading, Paths International, 2019
M. Huang, X. Xu, X. Mao (cur.), South-south cooperation and Chinese foreign aid, Singapore,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
G. Huerlimann, W. E. Brownlee, E. Ide (cur.), Worlds of taxation. The political economy of taxing,
spending, and redistribution since 1945, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
B. Ingrao e C. Sardoni, Banks and finance in modern macroeconomics. A historical perspective,
Chelthenham, Elgar, 2019
Istituto Giuseppe Toniolo, La condizione giovanile in Italia. Rapporto giovani 2019, Bologna, Il
mulino, 2019
Istituto di studi sulle società del Mediterraneo (ISSM-CNR), Rapporto sulle economie del
Mediterraneo, Bologna, Il mulino, 2018
Italiadecide, Democrazia degli interessi e interessi della democrazia. Migliorare la qualità della
decisione pubblica. Rapporto 2019, Bologna, Il mulino, 2019
W. H. Janeway, Doing capitalism in the innovation economy. Reconfiguring the three-player game
between markets, speculators and the State, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018
R. O. Jenkins, How China is reshaping the global economy. Development impacts in Africa and
Latin America, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019
B. Jessop, H. Overbeek (cur.), Transnational capital and class fractions. The Amsterdam School
perspective reconsidered, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018
P. Jocelyn, H. Flam (cur.), Critical junctures in mobile capital, Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 2018
J. N. Kallianiotis, The European Union and its debt crises. The deception of the Greeks, New York,
Nova Science, 2018
B. Kapossy et al. (cur.), Markets, morals, politics. Jealousy of trade and the history of political
thought, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2018
D. Kenner, Carbon inequality. The role of the richest in climate change, London, Routledge, 2019
J. M. Keynes, Teoria generale dell'occupazione, dell'interesse e della moneta e altri scritti, progetto
editoriale e saggio introduttivo di G. La Malfa, Milano, Mondadori, 2019
T. Kikuchi, M. Sakuragawa (cur.), China and Japan in the global economy, London, Routledge,
J. Kilian, Krieg auf Kosten anderer. Das Reichsministerium der Finanzen und die wirtschaftliche
Mobilisierung Europas für Hitlers Krieg, Berlin, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2017
J. Kocka, Capitalism and its critics. A long-term view, London, German Historical Institute, 2018
J. M. Kovacs (cur.), Populating no man's land. Economic concepts of ownership under communism,
Lanham, Lexington, 2018
M. Krul, “The new institutionalist economic history” of Douglass C. North. A critical interpretation,
Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
I. Kumekawa, The first serious optimist. A.C. Pigou and the birth of welfare economics, Princeton,
Princeton University Press, 2018
D. F. Kuratko, Sherry Hoskinson (cur.), The challenges of corporate entrepreneurship in the
disruptive age, Bingley, Emerald, 2019
D. van Laak, Alles im Fluss. Die Lebensadern unserer Gesellschaft - Geschichte und Zukunft der
Infrastruktur, Frankfurt, Fischer, 2018
G. Lafer, The one percent solution. How corporations are remaking America one state at a time,
Ithaca, ILR Press, 2017
J. Lauer, Creditworthy. A history of consumer surveillance and financial identity in America, New
York, Columbia University Press, 2017
S. Lavery, British capitalism after the crisis, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
C. Leal, Landscapes of freedom. Building a postemancipation society in the rainforests of Western
Colombia, Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 2018
T. J. Lecain, The matter of history. How things create the past, Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 2017
S. Leone (cur.), I giovani delle differenze. La condizione giovanile in Campania, Bologna, Il
mulino, 2019
S. Levati, Storia del tabacco nell'Italia moderna. Secoli XVII-XIX, Roma, Viella, 2017
N. Levy, J. Bustamante (cur.), Financialisation in Latin America. Challenges of the export-led
growth model, London, Routledge, 2019
Y.-W. V. Li, China's financial opening. Coalition politics and policy changes, London, Routledge,
F. Louçã e M. Ash, Shadow networks. Financial disorder and the system that caused crisis, Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 2018
M. de S. R. Lukic, La crise de la fiscalité au Brésil, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2018.
J. Lust, Capitalism, class and revolution in Peru, 1980-2016, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
T. S. Lyons, Using entrepreneurship and social innovation to mitigate wealth inequality, Boston, De
Gruyter, 2018
E. Makédonsky e J. Makédonsky, La fin de l'empire colonial portugais. Témoignages sur un
dénouement tardif et tourmenté, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2018
H. Makhavikova, Determinants of FDI in Central and Eastern Europe. The effects of integration
into the European Union, Cham, Springer, 2018
T. R. Malthus, An essay on the principle of population. The 1803 edition, edited by S. C. Stimson
New Haven, Yale University Press, 2018
G. Mann, In the long run we are all dead. Keynesianism, political economy, and revolution,
London, Verso, 2017
M. Mann, Wiring the nation. Telecommunication, newspaper-reportage, and nation building in
British India (1850-1930), New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2017
E. J. Martin, R. D. Torres e M. S. Pimentel, Capitalism and critique. Unruly democracy and
solidarity economics, New York, Routledge, 2019
B. Maurer (cur.), A cultural history of money, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2019, 6 voll.
D. G. Mayes, P. L. Siklos, J.-E. Sturm (cur.), The Oxford handbook of the economics of central
banking, New York, Oxford University Press, 2019
B. Means, J. W. Yockey (cur.), The Cambridge handbook of social enterprise law, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, 2018
L. Mercalli, Non c'è più tempo. Come reagire agli allarmi ambientali, Torino, Einaudi, 2018
M. Migliorelli (cur.), New cooperative banking in Europe. Strategies for adapting the business
model post crisis, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
P. Mihalyi, I. Szelényi, Rent seekers, profits, wages and inequality. The top 20%, Cham, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2019
J. Miklian, R. M. Alluri, J. E. Katsos (cur.), Business, peacebuilding and sustainable development,
London, Routledge, 2019
M. B. Miller, Quantitative financial risk management, Hoboken, Wiley, 2019
J.-L. Moineau, La découverte de l'Afrique orientale et australe par les explorateurs, Antony, Les
Éditions de l'Officine, 2018
J.-L. Moineau, La découverte du Sahara et de l'Afrique noire par les explorateurs du XIXème siècle,
ingraAntony, Les Éditions de l'Officine, 2016
E. Monnet, Controlling credit. Central banking and the planned economy in postwar France, 1948-
1973, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018
I. A. Moosa e N. Moosa, Eliminating the IMF. An analysis of the debate to keep, reform or abolish
the fund, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
P. A. Mori, J. Sforzi (cur.), Imprese di comunità. Innovazione istituzionale, partecipazione e
sviluppo locale, Bologna, Il mulino, 2018
M. H. Morris, Poverty and entrepreneurship in developed economies, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2018
S. Mura (cur.), Per una storia del CNEL. Antologia di documenti (1946-2018), Bologna, Il mulino,
C. Nair, The sustainable state. The future of government, economy and society, Oakland, BK Barret
Koehler, 2018
F. Negro, Scribendo nomina et cognomina. La città di Vercelli e il suo distretto nell'inchiesta fiscale
sabauda del 1459-60, Vercelli, Società Storica Vercellese, 2019
R. B. Nelson, Modern evolutionary economics. An overview, Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 2018
D. O. Nijhuis (cur.), Business interests and the development of the modern welfare state, London,
Routledge, 2020
M. de M. Oliveira Jr., F. R. Cahen, F. M. Borini (cur.), Startups and innovation ecosystems in
emerging markets. A Brazilian perspective, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
N. Olsen, The sovereign consumer. A new intellectual history of neoliberalism, Cham, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2019
M O’Neill, S. Orr (cur.), Taxation. Philosophical perspectives, New York, Oxford University Press,
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