Evaluating the Single Financial Services Regulator Question

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Evaluating the Single Financial Services Regulator Question
ISBN 978-1-932795-66-0
                                                                                               Evaluating the Single
                                                                                                  Financial Services
                                                                                                 Regulator Question

                                                    Single Financial Services Regulator
                                                                                                               George A. Hofheimer
                                                                                                                             Chief Research Officer
                                                                                                                           Filene Research Institute

                                                                                                                                       Foreword by
                                                                                                     William E. Jackson III, PhD
ideas grow here
                                                                                                                              Professor of Finance
PO Box 2998                                                                                                             Professor of Management
Madison, WI 53701-2998
                                                                                          The Smith Foundation Endowed Chair of Business Integrity
Phone (608) 231-8550
                         PUBLICATION #187 (5/09)
                                                                                                                 Culverhouse College of Commerce
www.filene.org             ISBN 978-1-932795-66-0                                                                          University of Alabama
Evaluating the Single Financial Services Regulator Question
Evaluating the Single
Financial Services
Regulator Question

George A. Hofheimer
Chief Research Officer
Filene Research Institute

Foreword by
William E. Jackson III, PhD
Professor of Finance
Professor of Management
The Smith Foundation Endowed Chair of Business Integrity
Culverhouse College of Commerce
University of Alabama
Copyright © 2009 by Filene Research Institute. All rights reserved.
ISBN 978-1-932795-66-0
Printed in U.S.A.
Filene Research Institute

                                  Deeply embedded in the credit union tradition is an ongoing
                                  search for better ways to understand and serve credit union
                                  members. Open inquiry, the free flow of ideas, and debate are
                                  essential parts of the true democratic process.

                                  The Filene Research Institute is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit
                                  research organization dedicated to scientific and thoughtful
                                  analysis about issues affecting the future of consumer finance.
                                  Through independent research and innovation programs the
                                  Institute examines issues vital to the future of credit unions.

                                  Ideas grow through thoughtful and scientific analysis of top-
                                  priority consumer, public policy, and credit union competitive
                                  issues. Researchers are given considerable latitude in their
                                  exploration and studies of these high-priority issues.

                                  The Institute is governed by an Administrative Board made
                                  up of the credit union industry’s top leaders. Research topics
                                  and priorities are set by the Research Council, a select group
                                  of credit union CEOs, and the Filene Research Fellows, a blue
                                  ribbon panel of academic experts. Innovation programs are
     Progress is the constant
   replacing of the best there    developed in part by Filene i3, an assembly of credit union
is with something still better!   executives screened for entrepreneurial competencies.
    — Edward A. Filene            The name of the Institute honors Edward A. Filene, the “father
                                  of the U.S. credit union movement.” Filene was an innova-
                                  tive leader who relied on insightful research and analysis when
                                  encouraging credit union development.

                                  Since its founding in 1989, the Institute has worked with over
                                  one hundred academic institutions and published hundreds of
                                  research studies. The entire research library is available online
                                  at www.filene.org.


• Matt Bland, Association of British Credit Unions Limited, Man-
  chester, England, UK
• Martin Cihak, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC
• Diana Dykstra, San Francisco Fire Credit Union, San Francisco,
• Rob Folsom, USA FCU, San Diego, CA
• David Grace, World Council of Credit Unions, Madison, WI
• William E. Jackson, III, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
• Louise Petschler, Mark Degotardi, and Luke Lawler, Association
  of Building Societies and Credit Unions, Sydney, Australia
• David Snodgrass, Affinity FCU, Basking Ridge, NJ
• James Wilcox, University of California–Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

Table of Contents

             Foreword                                                ix

             Executive Summary and Commentary                        xi

             About the Author                                       xiii

Chapter 1    Introduction                                             1

Chapter 2    Benefits and Drawbacks of a Single Financial
             Services Regulator                                     11

Chapter 3    Is There a “Best” Financial Regulatory System?         21

Chapter 4    An Agenda for Reform and Regulatory
             Consolidation                                          27

Chapter 5    Implications for Credit Unions                         35

Appendix 1   A Brief History of U.S. Financial Services
             Regulation                                             43

Appendix 2   Types of Credit Union Regulatory Structures
             in G-20 Countries                                      45

             Endnotes                                               47

             References                                             49

             Additional Reading                                     53


By William E. Jackson III, PhD,   “The world has changed. The world is changing. The world will
          University of Alabama   continue to change.” This is an old saying that is especially relevant
                                  for our current dynamic financial system. Whether we like it or not,
                                  the U.S. financial system has changed. For example, who would have
                                  imagined that in the year 2009 there would not be even one major
                                  American investment bank—that they all would either go bankrupt
                                  or merge with a bank holding company or change their charter and
                                  become a bank holding company? Our financial system is changing,
                                  and it will continue to change. Because of these dramatic changes, it
                                  is imperative that the regulatory system and the structures that guide
                                  our financial system also change. And, changes to our financial regu-
                                  latory system are coming. This fact is apparent given the announce-
                                  ments and activities of Congress and the Obama administration.
                                  For example, consider the recent remarks of President Obama on
                                  April 14, 2009, at Georgetown University’s Gaston Hall:
                                     The first step we will take to build this foundation is to reform the
                                     outdated rules and regulations that allowed this [financial] crisis to
                                     happen in the first place. It is time to lay down tough new rules of the
                                     road for Wall Street to ensure that we never find ourselves here again.
                                     Just as after the Great Depression new rules were designed for banks
                                     to avoid the kind of reckless speculation that helped to create the
                                     depression, so we’ve got to make adaptations to our current set of rules:
                                     create rules that punish shortcuts and abuse; rules that tie someone’s
                                     pay to their actual job performance—a novel concept; rules that pro-
                                     tect typical American families when they buy a home, get a credit card
                                     or invest in a 401(k). So we’ve already begun to work with Congress
                                     to shape this comprehensive new regulatory framework—and I expect
                                     a bill to arrive on my desk for my signature before the year is out.
                                  The fact that major changes to our current financial regulatory sys-
                                  tem are coming raises at least three questions for credit unions:
                                  • What major changes are likely to occur?
                                  • How will these changes affect credit unions?
                                  • What should credit unions do to prepare for these changes or to
                                    become involved in the policymaking process that leads to these
                                  These are very timely and very important questions. Fortunately,
                                  these are also the exact questions that Filene Chief Research Offi-
                                  cer George Hofheimer addresses in this excellent report. With this
                                  report, Hofheimer has done a great service for the credit unions of
                                  America. This report provides value in every chapter—from an excel-
                                  lent summary of our current “fragmented” regulatory system to well-
                                  reasoned suggestions for what credit unions should do in the face of

potential major changes to the current regulatory framework. What
about the question, What major changes are likely to occur? The
answers are in this report. And the question, How will these changes
affect credit unions? Hofheimer provides very intelligent scenarios to
address this question. And finally the question, What should credit
unions do to prepare for these changes or to become involved in the
policymaking process that leads to these changes? The answers to this
question provide perhaps the most valuable and thoughtful analysis
in the report. The answers are so good that I cannot help but give a
little preview here.
In 2009, it is commonplace to hear policymakers and financial
researchers speak about how our regulatory system has failed us. I
agree; it has. But, we must also recognize that we have failed our
regulatory system. We are currently in a major financial crisis. Who
has the moral authority to lead the United States out of this critical
situation? Certainly it is not the big banks, insurance companies,
investment companies, or mortgage brokers. Credit unions may be
the only major financial institutions that continue to have reputa-
tions for honesty, integrity, and fairness. As such, credit unions have
a unique opportunity to help lead the political process that results
in a new financial regulatory system for the United States. How
should credit unions prepare for this role of leadership? Read George
Hofheimer’s excellent report to find out.

Executive Summary and Commentary

This report explores the forthcoming reregulation of the financial
services sector in the United States with a special focus on the impact
a single financial services regulator may have on the credit union sys-
tem. I examine this specific topic because a variety of political, eco-
nomic, and social trends foreshadow its creation, and credit unions
stand against the creation of such an entity. My analysis is based on
an extensive and independent review of existing academic and policy
research on this topic.
I report the following:
• Financial regulation is a constantly shifting standard due to new
  innovations and marketplace realities.
• The U.S. financial regulatory system is viewed as “fractured” and
  “archaic” and full of regulatory gaps that don’t effectively police
  the complexities of the financial system.
• The current economic crisis is viewed, in part, as a failure of
  financial services regulation, and therefore a major overhaul of the
  regulatory system is necessary.
• The worldwide trend in financial services regulation has been
  toward a more consolidated structure.
• The benefits and drawbacks of a single financial services regulator
  are well documented.
• The academic literature is inconclusive and scant about the link
  between financial regulatory structure and financial sector safety,
  soundness, and/or performance.
• New frameworks, structures, and processes have been introduced
  and considered by key policymakers as the potential road map for
  a single financial services regulator.
Implications for credit unions:
• Beware the tide: Public and political opinion seems to be push-
  ing for a major overhaul in the financial regulatory structure. In
  normal times, such proposals would end up in the trash heap
  of previous modernization proposals, but these are not normal
  times. While I don’t expect credit unions to wither up and accept
  a new regulatory structure, it may be wise to prepare for a single
  regulator scenario.
• Getting to yes: If the tide of change is indeed too strong, credit
  unions should be proactive in getting what they want. The
  experiences of UK and Australian credit unions may be beneficial
  models to study and understand.

• Be helpful: Influential policymakers have extolled credit unions’
  behaviors leading up to and during the current economic crisis.
  Credit unions have the unique opportunity to influence the new
  public policy structure to benefit “simple” banking organizations
  like themselves. Paradoxically, credit unions may have the oppor-
  tunity to benefit in a new, more limited regulatory structure.
The days, months, and years ahead portend a financial services
regulatory structure that looks very different from the current model.
While it is foolish to predict what the exact regulatory structure will
look like, the probability of a more consolidated structure is quite
high. My aim with this report is to present an independent view
of this topic so that your credit union may traverse the future a bit
more confidently.

About the Author

George A. Hofheimer
George A. Hofheimer is the chief research officer for the Filene
Research Institute, where he oversees a large pipeline of economic,
behavioral, and policy research related to the consumer finance
industry. He is the current vice chairman of the board of directors at
the Williamson Street Grocery Cooperative, a $17 million natural
foods store. He earned a BBA and an MBA from the University of

Chapter 1

The current U.S. financial services regulatory
environment was recently described as “out-
dated,” “ill-suited to meet the nation’s needs,”
and “fragmented and complex” by an indepen-
dent study. The desire for a change to the finan-
cial regulatory system is not new. Regulatory
restructuring has been going on for more than
a century. Academics and practitioners have
offered dozens of serious reform proposals.
What Is the Purpose of Regulation?
In sports, referees, or umpires, play a critical role over the course of a
match. The best referees are barely noticed. They toil in the back-
ground by vigilantly applying a set of well-understood rules evenly
to both teams. At the end of a well-played match, the team that puts
forth the best effort, gets the
luckiest bounce, or has the most
talent usually prevails.                             Arguably, the ultimate test of a well-functioning
Much like in sports, many                         regulatory framework is whether it contributes to
businesses are bound by a set of                  the financial system’s intermediation capacity, while
rules that define what is per-                    decreasing the likelihood and costs of systematic
missible and what is forbidden                    financial crises.
on their playing field. In most                        —Martin Cihak and Alexander Tieman (2008, 4)
cases these regulations emanate
from legislative bodies and are
“refereed” by administrative groups like the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, and the National
Credit Union Administration. As each business operates under its
specific set of rules, the most innovative, most customer-centric, or
most flexible generally thrives and grows.
It is the regrettable moment when the referee becomes the central
focus of any endeavor—sporting, business, or otherwise. Sometimes,
due to close calls (however accurate), when much is at stake, referees
are unavoidably and even usefully visible. Other times, regulators
become prominent if they have “bad rules” or incorrectly enforce
“good rules.” One person’s estimation of a bad rule may be another
person’s permissible rule. Organizations may have different opinions
than regulators of what constitutes “risky behavior,” partly because
of their differing assessments of risk and partly because of how wide
their relevant purviews are.
These tensions are a natural, and likely constant, element of regu-
lated markets. This friction is captured in the following observations

from leading experts in financial regulation and helps get us closer to
                                  an understanding of the purpose of regulation:
                                  • “Government regulation helps to promote general financial
                                    stability and to protect investors and consumers against fraud.
                                    . . . [Regulation] must weigh the social costs and benefits of the
                                    contemplated intervention” (Bernanke 2007).
                                  • “Getting financial market regulation right is a difficult, painstak-
                                    ing job. . . . The ‘less’ vs. ‘more’ argument is not helpful. We don’t
                                    need more or less regulation; we need smarter regulation” (Rivlin
                                  • “On the one hand, we may want to encourage welfare-improving
                                    innovations by limiting the extent of regulation. On the other
                                    hand, because of possible systemic concerns, some policymak-
                                    ers may want to regulate innovative instruments and institutions
                                    even as they are developing” (Ferguson 2005).
                                  • “The regulation of credit unions (as with other depository institu-
                                    tions) should provide as much consumer choice as possible by
                                    promoting a competitive and innovative financial marketplace
                                    that recognizes the unique cooperative nature of credit unions,
                                    while insuring a safe and sound financial system” (W. Jackson
                                    2003, 104).
                                  • “I believe we, as the regulator, have the responsibility to ensure
                                    credit unions can respond to today’s challenges and are not
                                    restrained by burdensome and unnecessary regulations” (Hood
                                • “The National Credit Union Administration has the following
                                  stated goals: To ensure the safety and soundness of the credit union
                                  system; To foster cooperation between credit unions and NCUA
                                               (the regulator/insurer); To improve the efficiency and
Figure 1: Innovation vs. Safety                the effectiveness of NCUA’s supervision including
                                               reducing the regulatory burden; To ensure fair and
                                               equal access of financial services for all Americans”
                                               (National Credit Union Administration 2006, 8).
           n                                     Regulation, therefore, is best visualized as a seesaw,
         o                                       with “innovation” on one side and “safety” on the
        v                                        other side. In the middle is a precarious “regulatory”
       a                                  S
      t                                  a       fulcrum about which these competing interests are
     i                                  f        balanced. Move too far toward safety via heavy-
    o                                  e
   n                                  t          handed regulation, and innovation is squelched; shift
                                     y           too much toward innovation via laissez-faire oversight,
                                                 and safety is endangered. Further complicating the
                                                 issue of regulatory balance is that the external world
                                                 is not constant. New technologies, changing con-
                                                 sumer demands, macroeconomic events, and new

competitors can move the fulcrum as innovations and risks materi-
ally shift from year to year and even month to month. Such is the
nature of our dynamic financial markets.

The Current U.S. Financial Services
Regulatory Environment
The U.S. financial services regulatory system was recently described
as “outdated,” “ill-suited to meet the nation’s needs,” and “frag-
mented and complex” by an independent study undertaken by the
Government Accountability Office (GAO; Dodaro 2009). It is fair
to say that no one deliberately set out to design the system that has
evolved. Recent Senate testimony on the adequacy of the current
U.S. financial regulatory system by several experts went right to the
jugular, describing the current system as “archaic” (Davidoff 2009)
and “inefficient . . . redundant . . . wasteful” (H. Jackson 2008).
With these ringing endorsements, it is perhaps instructive to under-
stand the general organization of the current system so that we have
a common frame of reference for the remainder of this report.
• Federal Reserve System: The “Fed” is the central bank of the
  United States. In addition to its considerable role in regulating
  banking companies and activities, it has other responsibilities:
      ■■   Its board of governors guides monetary policy.
      ■■   Its Federal Open Market Committee works in conjunction
           with other internal parties to set the federal funds rate.
      ■■   Reserve banks are regional arms of the central bank that
           help coordinate monetary policy on a local basis. Addition-
           ally, reserve banks regulate the operations of all national
           banks and also oversee state-chartered banks that are part of
           the Federal Reserve System.
• Department of the Treasury: The Treasury’s main function is to
  manage the government’s revenues. Financial regulatory duties are
  conducted by two subagencies:
      ■■   The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) charters, regulates,
           and supervises federal savings and loans (S&Ls) and federal
           savings banks.
      ■■   The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
           charters, regulates, and supervises all national banks (banks
           that have “National” in their name or the letters “N.A.”
           after their name) and the federal branches and agencies of
           foreign banks in the United States.

• Federal Deposit Insurance
How Is the U.S. Financial System Different from the Finan-              Corporation (FDIC): The
cial Systems of Other Countries?                                        FDIC insures consumer
• Size and importance of U.S. capital markets are unmatched.            deposits at member banks
• Importance of investment banks in credit intermediation               up to $250,000. The FDIC
  process.                                                              examines and supervises
                                                                        some banks to ensure the
• Regionalized and localized nature of deposit-based banking
                                                                        health and stability of the
                                                                        Bank Insurance Fund (BIF).
• No national-level insurance regulation.
                                                                     • National Credit Union
• Government’s role in promoting home ownership and home                 Administration (NCUA):
  financing.                                                             The NCUA supervises
                                         ——Group of 30 (2009)            and charters federal credit
                                                                         unions and insures savings
                                                                         in federally chartered and
                                   most state-chartered credit unions across the country through the
                                    National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF).
                               • State banking regulators: In addition to federally chartered finan-
                                 cial depositories, the U.S. banking system permits state-chartered
                                 institutions. State-chartered institutions can theoretically be
                                 regulated by multiple parties: states and either the Federal Reserve
                                 or the FDIC or NCUA.1
                               • Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC): The
                                 FFIEC is a formal interagency body of the U.S. government
                                 empowered to prescribe uniform principles, standards, and report
                                 forms for the federal examination of financial institutions by the
                                 Fed, FDIC, NCUA, OCC, and OTS, and to make recommen-
                                 dations to promote uniformity in the supervision of financial
                               • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): The SEC regulates the
                                 U.S. securities markets, enforces securities law, and monitors the
                                 nation’s stocks and options exchanges along with other electronic
                                 securities markets.
                               • Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA): FINRA is the
                                 largest independent regulator for all securities firms doing busi-
                                 ness in the United States. It oversees nearly 5,000 brokerage
                                 firms, 173,000 branch offices, and 659,000 registered securities
                                 representatives. Its chief role is to protect investors by maintaining
                                 the fairness of the U.S. capital markets.
                               • Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC): The CFTC
                                 protects market users and the public from fraud, manipula-
                                 tion, and abusive practices related to the sale of commodity and
                                 financial futures and options, and fosters open, competitive, and
                                 financially sound futures and options markets.

• Insurance regulators: The insurance industry is regulated on a
  state-by-state basis by an insurance commissioner. Each state
  insurance commissioner has different rules and regulations.
• Consumer protection: Each regulatory body has some form of
  consumer protection capabilities; however, the main body to
  deal with this topic is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). It is
  important to note that the FTC monitors all consumer protection
  topics—or in the words of its Web site, it “deals with issues that
  touch the economic life of every American.”
This alphabet soup of financial services regulators is, to any objective
eye, a complex web of interrelated but uncoordinated organizations.
Adding to this complexity are the increasingly influential un-
regulated financial firms and products such as hedge funds, private
equity, and credit default swaps. If you were to sketch out the cur-
rent regulatory landscape, you would probably need more than two
dimensions to get your point across, and you would probably end
up with something akin to a Rube Goldberg contraption. Figure 2
attempts to capture the complexity of this regulatory landscape.
For the current financial services players (banks, credit unions,
insurance firms, investment managers, etc.), the regulatory environ-
ment is a complex and sometimes vexing structure to operate within.
Time and again the industry has called for deregulation to make the
players’ jobs less complex, and until recently, the referees have largely
acquiesced. Since 2008, however, the issue has not been about more
or less regulation, but about wholesale reregulation. Or more specifi-
cally, the reach or coverage of regulations is very likely to be broad-
ened so that functions rather than charters are the defining sphere of

Why Reregulation?
The demands for reform of the regulation of our financial system are
ongoing and will become more insistent. Demands for regulatory
restructuring have been going on for more than a century. Academ-
ics, practitioners, Congress, and regulators have advanced dozens of
serious reform proposals since the 1930s. A 2005 paper published by
the FDIC documents many of these proposals. The study concludes:
   The dynamic tension created by the presence not only of state regula-
   tors but also of multiple federal regulators has led many banking
   commentators to observe that nothing will change the regulatory
   structure of the financial services industry unless the politics of the
   current system are taken into consideration. Unlike citizens of other
   countries, who may not worry about concentrations of power, U.S.
   citizens have demonstrated a clear preference for decentralization.
   Further, it is commonly said that regulatory reform in the United

Figure 2: Simplified Framework of U.S. Financial Services Regulatory Structure

States will be very hard to achieve without a big event to propel it
   forward. Although some tinkering around the edges may be possible,
   wholesale change—which would require congressional action—is not
   likely in the absence of a crisis that would minimize battles over turf
   and unite the entrenched constituencies. (Kushmeider 2005, 18)
Since then, a tsunami has rolled over our financial markets, damag-
ing them and the global economy. While it is beyond the scope of
this report, many experts agree this tailspin is primarily attributed
to the activities of the U.S. financial sector. Some of the most well-
documented examples include extension of risky loans to unqualified
borrowers, the securitization of these loans into collateralized debt
obligations, the emergence of credit default swaps, and the meteoric
growth of a highly leveraged (and unregulated) shadow banking sec-
tor. The regulatory system largely missed the boat on these activities.
As a result, the demand for change is loud and growing louder.
A proposal put forth by former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson
(2008), entitled Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory
Structure, could have been relegated to the historical trash heap if
not for the current economic environment. While it is unlikely the
Blueprint proposal will be implemented as originally proposed, the
paper enabled serious discussion and debate on the topic of regula-
tory restructuring.
Recently President Obama (2009) stated in a speech to his economic
advisory team, “The choice we face is not between some oppressive
government-run economy or a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism.
Rather, strong financial markets require clear rules of the road, not to
hinder financial institutions, but to protect consumers and inves-
tors and ultimately to keep those financial institutions strong.” This
sentiment is largely shared by legislators, who will be tasked with
developing a new framework to overcome what Kushmeider calls
“the entrenched constituencies.” These legislators—represented by
the current chairs of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing
and Urban Affairs and the House Committee on Financial Services
(Senator Dodd and Representative Frank, respectively)—are fairly
clear in their exhortations for regulatory consolidation. Frank states,
“While we will continue to work with the Obama Administration on
stabilization, it is now essential that we continue work on our reform
agenda and address the need for financial regulatory restructuring
to diminish systemic risk and to enhance market integrity.”3 Dodd
adds, “While we must ensure we do not unduly cramp innovation
and creativity, for me the need for stronger protections for ordinary
Americans is not negotiable. It is the key to restoring confidence in
our financial system and, as such, must be the bedrock foundation
upon which we build our new regulatory architecture.”4

Research Methodology
The remainder of this report explores the pros and cons of a new
regulatory structure in the United States. The focus is squarely on the
notion of a single financial services regulator for a variety of reasons.
First, the executive and legislative branches are calling for a consoli-
dation of financial regulators as part of the restructuring process.
Second, worldwide, the trend has been toward financial regula-
tory consolidation in such developed markets as South Korea, the
United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia. Third, the Credit Union
National Association (CUNA) lists financial services regulatory
restructuring as its number one legislative issue in 2009.5 My analysis
is based on a review of existing research on this topic.

Chapter 2
Benefits and Drawbacks of a Single
       Financial Ser vices Regulator

   While there is no consensus regarding the ideal
   structure of financial regulation around the
   world, the trend toward a more consolidated
   regulatory structure is evident. Still, there is a
   great deal of debate in policy, academic, and
   practitioner circles about the effectiveness of
   each approach.
Before we examine the benefits and drawbacks of a single financial
services regulator, it is important to define what a single financial
services regulator actually means in today’s interconnected economy.
A single “prudential” regulator6 regulates the safety, soundness,
and activities of banks, nonbank financial institutions (e.g., credit
unions), insurance firms, and securities markets. Whether a single
regulator would have others under its aegis, such as finance compa-
nies, is an open issue. As stated earlier, the United States currently
has multiple regulators for each major financial services sector.
Figures 3 and 4 provide a simplistic overview of two major single

Figure 3: Simplified Structure of South Korea’s Single Financial Regulatory


                                                                  Supervisory service   Financial investment
                                   Deputy governor
                                                                       division               division

                                                                                                               Corporate disclosure
   Strategic planning

                                                                                                                 Capital markets
 Consumer protection                                               Banking services

                                                                       Nonbanking                                  Accounting
                                                                        services                                    services

                                                                  Insurance services

                                Mutual savings

                             Cooperative finance
                               (credit unions)

 Full version available at www.fsc.go.kr/eng/ab/img/organization_img02.gif.

Figure 4: Simplified Structure of the United Kingdom’s Single Financial Regulatory


                                                                                      Wholesale and
                                                       Retail markets
                                                                                   institutional markets

                      Cross-sector industry leaders: Banking, insurance, retail and mortgage, asset management
                      Cross-sector thematic leaders: Auditing/Accounting, capital markets, financial stability

  Major retail groups                                                                                       Wholesale firms

       Retail firms                                                                                              Markets

       Small firms                                                                                           Prudential risk

   Retail policy and                                                                                         Wholesale and
       conduct                                                                                              prudential policy
                                                                                                           Financial crime and
                                             Mortgages and credit

Full version available at www.fsa.gov.uk/pages/About/Who/PDF/orgchart.pdf.

                                       regulator countries and where credit unions fall in the supervisory
                                       structure. The common theme of all single regulatory structures is
                                       prudential supervision of all financial firms; the organizational charts
                                       and details of this supervision vary by locality.
                                       While there is no consensus regarding the ideal structure of financial
                                       regulation around the world, the trend toward a more consolidated
                                       regulatory structure is evident in Figure 5.
                                       Still, there is a great deal of debate (and a little research) in policy,
                                       academic, and practitioner circles about the qualities of each
                                       approach. The following is a summary of the benefits and drawbacks
                                       of such a single regulator structure.

Figure 5: Number of Fully Integrated Supervisory Agencies, 1985–2006



No. of agencies





                       1985                       1990                               1995                              2000                               2005

    Source: Author’s calculations, based on data in Central Banking Publications (2005), information in the International Monetary Fund’s Article IV reports, and Web
    sites of the regulatory agencies; Cihak and Podpiera (2006, 4). Data are through October 2006.

                  What Is “Prudential” and “Non-Prudential” Regulation?

                  Regulation is prudential when it is aimed                                                     operations and do not ultimately aim
                  specifically at protecting the financial                                                      to protect the solvency of the financial
                  system as a whole as well as protecting                                                       system. These rules tend to be easier to
                  the safety of deposits (and perhaps other                                                     administer because government authori-
                  liabilities) in individual institutions. When a                                               ties do not have to take responsibility for
                  deposit-taking institution becomes insol-                                                     the financial soundness of the organiza-
                  vent, it cannot repay its depositors. If it is                                                tion. These issues include, among others,
                  a large institution, its failure can undermine                                                consumer protection; fraud and financial
                  confidence enough so that the banking                                                         crimes prevention; credit information
                  system suffers a run on deposits. There-                                                      services; interest rate policies; limita-
                  fore, in prudential regulation, the govern-                                                   tions on foreign ownership, management,
                  ment attempts to protect the financial                                                        and sources of capital; tax and account-
                  soundness and solvency of the regulated                                                       ing issues; and a variety of cross-cutting
                  institutions.                                                                                 issues surrounding transformations from
                                                                                                                one institutional type to another.
                  Non-prudential rules encompass regu-
                  lations about the institution’s business                                                      Source: CGAP/World Bank.

What Are the Benefits of a Single
Financial Services Regulator?
The following high-level benefits have been widely acknowledged
in various academic and independent studies and are based on the
experiences of policymakers here and around the world.

Consolidated View
The financial services marketplace has become more complex (see
sidebar on pages 16–17). Deregulation and financial innovation have
been rapid and extensive over the past few decades. For the handful
of mega-sized financial institutions, the lines between banking, secu-
rities, and insurance are so blurred that it is often difficult to clas-
sify these organizations into a neat taxonomy. With the emergence
of such conglomerates as AIG, Citigroup, UBS, HSBC, and Bank
of America, the argument for a single financial services regulator
“is advantageous because it mirrors the nature of modern financial
markets” (Ferran 2003, 13). For example, in the United States, Citi-
group’s various business units have been supervised (sufficiently or
not) by multiple regulators according to each unit’s function. How-
ever, no one regulator had authority over the entire conglomerate’s
activities and resolution. It is thought that a single regulator could
effectively fill the regulatory gaps, take a consolidated view, and
effectively assess and mitigate groupwide risks (Cihak and Podpiera
2006, 9). Filling the regulatory gaps is important because “experience
has shown that, while firms generally claim to have financial firewalls
between their various operations, they are often proven to be largely
illusory when serious difficulties arise” (Abrams and Taylor 2000,
10). One only has to consider the experience of AIG to understand
the importance of this observation.

Economies of Scale
Much like individual credit unions, each U.S. financial services regu-
lator conducts a variety of overlapping activities. For example, each
regulatory body has costly operational functions like information
technology, facilities, and personnel. The following list provides esti-
mates of the number of employees at the major regulatory agencies:
• FDIC: ~5,000
• OCC: ~3,000
• OTS: ~1,000
• NCUA: ~1,000
• Federal Reserve System: ~24,0007
• SEC: ~4,000
• FINRA: ~3,000
• CFTC: ~500
The Changing Face of Financial Services

Financial services are much more com-                     doing business is a powerful example of
plex today mostly due to regulatory                       this new complexity.
changes over the past several decades
                                                          Source: Correspondence with William
(see Appendix 1). The list of activities now
                                                          E. Jackson, III, professor of finance,
permissible and executed by “new” finan-
                                                          University of Alabama, March 2009.
cial firms contrasted with the “old” way of

Figure 6: The Old World Order of Financial Services

    Financial       Commercial   Investment   Insurance               Finance     P. Equity
     service          bank          bank       company    S&L        company       V. Cap.     Other
 Start-up capital                                                                   XXX
 Checking              XXX                                XXX
 Growth capital                                                                     XXX
 Plant                 XXX                      XXX
 Asset-based           XXX                                             XXX                         XXX
 Insurance on                                   XXX
 IPO stock                          XXX
 Credit cards          XXX
 Brokerage                          XXX
 Mortgages                                                XXX
 Real estate
 IPO debt                           XXX
 Risk                  XXX          XXX         XXX
 Seasoned                           XXX

The Changing Face of Financial Services (continued)

Figure 6: The New World Order of Financial Services

   Financial       Commercial   Investment   Insurance          Finance   P. Equity
    service          bank          bank       company    S&L   company     V. Cap.    Other
Start-up capital      XXX          XXX         XXX                          XXX       XXX
Checking              XXX          XXX         XXX       XXX
Growth capital        XXX          XXX         XXX       XXX     XXX        XXX       XXX
Plant                 XXX                      XXX       XXX     XXX                  XXX
Asset-based           XXX                      XXX       XXX     XXX                  XXX
Insurance on          XXX          XXX         XXX       XXX     XXX
IPO stock             XXX          XXX         XXX       XXX     XXX        XXX       XXX
Credit cards          XXX          XXX         XXX       XXX     XXX                  XXX
Brokerage             XXX          XXX         XXX       XXX                          XXX
Mortgages             XXX          XXX         XXX       XXX     XXX                  XXX
Real estate
IPO debt              XXX          XXX         XXX       XXX     XXX        XXX       XXX
Risk                  XXX          XXX         XXX       XXX     XXX        XXX       XXX
Seasoned              XXX          XXX         XXX                          XXX       XXX

A single regulator should theoretically be able to rationalize a
number of overlapping functions and activities to deliver a more             Benefits of a Single Regulator
efficient regulatory regime under a single management structure,             • Consolidated view.
saving firms and the government money.                                       • Economies of scale.
                                                                             • Economies of scope.
Economies of Scope
                                                                             • Consistent objectives.
Similar to the economies of scale argument, a single regulator
may be able to deliver a greater scope of services than regulators           • Accountability.
could individually. The scope of these services could include the            • Flexibility.
• Standards setting (prudential and non-prudential) for the
  entire financial services industry.
• More comprehensive supervision of individual firms.
• Development of a high-powered staff.
• Ability to address financial services-wide risk issues.

Consistent Objectives
A single regulator would provide a consistent regulatory framework
simply because it is the only game in town. This regulatory con-
sistency would eliminate turf wars between competing regulatory
bodies over the interpretation of rules or attraction of specific entities
under their charter specifically because they have different regula-
tions.8 Additionally, consistency would eliminate the regulatory, or
jurisdictional, arbitrage many financial firms use to their advantage
regarding a particular product or market niche. Finally, consistent
objectives and practices would create a level playing field of rules and
regulations each player would have to abide by.

Who is responsible for the current financial crisis? Various reports,
congressional testimony, and media coverage put the onus on
consumers, speculators, the SEC, the Community Reinvestment
Act, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Phil
Gramm, Democrats, Republicans, and greed. With a single regula-
tor, one of the primary goals of granting it statutory authority is to
allow it to protect the safety and soundness of the financial system.
In other words, the buck stops here. In the current patchwork of
regulatory bodies, the tendency for a “blame disbursement strategy”
is present (Abrams and Taylor 2000, 15).

Because of the “coherence and clarity of its mandate” (Ferran 2003,
21), a single regulator may be more flexible in dealing with the
emergence of new innovations in the marketplace. As with any

organization, the better defined its mandate, the more likely it is to
                               deal with exigencies not specifically stated in its specific charter.

                               What Are the Drawbacks of a
                               Financial Services Regulator?
                               The following high-level drawbacks are sourced from a variety of aca-
                               demic papers, independent research, and experience of policymakers
                               around the globe. Many of these drawbacks focus on the difficulties
                               inherent in a major change process since most single regulator struc-
                               tures evolve from a legacy structure that embeds differing objectives,
                               personnel, traditions, and skills.

                               Unclear Objectives
                               Developing a single regulator structure involves drafting specialized
                               legislation to define the purpose and charter of a new regulatory
                               organization. The legislative process, often referred to as “sausage
                               making,” may result in an ambiguous mission and an unclear set of
                               objectives. If the objectives are unclear, the risk of a single regula-
                               tor “can give rise to problems of holding the regulatory agency to
                               account for its activities. Vague objectives may also provide little
                               guidance for when (as inevitably will be the case) its different objec-
                               tives come into conflict” (Abrams and Taylor 2000, 17).

                                      Change Process
Drawbacks of a Single Regulator
                                      Even if the single regulator’s objectives are clearly stated, the
• Unclear objective.
                                      enormous risk of change management remains. Imagine for
• Change process.                     a moment the difficulties of consolidating different agencies’
• Unrealized synergies.               cultures, IT systems, and personnel. The addition of com-
• Too large to be effective.          pletely new regulatory duties (e.g., shadow banking sector
                                      activities) will need to be integrated with established regula-
• Moral hazard.
                                      tory bodies. This is not a trivial issue.

                               Unrealized Synergies
                               The main bet for any organizational merger is that the whole is
                               greater than the sum of its parts. The risk is that the economies of
                               scale and scope synergies imagined in the section above may fail to
                               materialize. These unrealized synergies are likely to happen because
                               of conflicting cultures and insufficient change management programs
                               among the various insurance, banking, and securities regulators.

                               Too Large to Be Effective
                               As stated above, consolidating regulatory agencies may create gener-
                               ous economies of scale, but the flip side is that a single regulator
                               may also become too big to be effective. The regulatory monopoly

enjoyed by a single regulator necessarily creates a large bureaucracy
that may lead to slowness and rigidity. An additional hazard can be
what Abrams and Taylor (2000, 10) term the “Christmas-tree effect.”
This situation results in the piling on of noncore, nonstatutory regu-
latory responsibilities, such as real estate broker regulation, to the
sole financial services regulator.

Moral Hazard
If a certain party perceives it is insulated from risk, it may behave
differently than if it were fully exposed to the risk. The most com-
mon example of moral hazard is a person who buys fire insurance
for his or her home and then is more negligent than before about
risky activities such as smoking in bed or replacing batteries in the
fire detector. In a single financial services regulator model, moral
hazard refers to the assumption “that all creditors of all institutions
supervised by an integrated supervisor will receive the same protec-
tion” (Cihak and Podpiera 2006, 11). For example, bank investors
may assume they have the same protection as bank depositors. This
so-called moral hazard may cause regulated firms to act in an overtly
risky manner.

This chapter outlined the major benefits and drawbacks of a single
financial services regulator as sourced from various academic papers,
independent researchers, and policymakers from around the world.
In the next chapter I will examine whether the consolidation of
financial services regulation into a unified body has benefited
selected financial systems. Again I access the most relevant research
available on the topic.

Chapter 3
         Is There a “Best” Financial
                Regulatory System?

Thirty-three percent of countries have imple-
mented a single regulator structure as of 2007.
An additional 26% have so-called semi-
­integrated, or “twin peak,” regulation, where a
 single entity supervises two of the three major
 financial services sectors (banking, securities,
 and insurance). Finally, an additional 41% of
 countries, preferring a decentralized regulatory
 environment, employ a model similar to the
 U.S. model.
As stated in Figure 7, 33% of the countries have implemented a
single regulator structure as of 2007. An additional 26% of countries
have so-called semi-integrated, or “twin peak,” regulation, where
a single entity supervises two of the three major financial services
sectors (banking, securities, and insurance). Finally, an additional
41% of countries, preferring a decentralized regulatory environment,
employ a model similar to the U.S. model.9 Given this diverse set
of structures, which approach is most effective? True to the age-
old economists’ maxim, “It depends.” Unfortunately there is scarce
research about the impact of regulatory form vis-à-vis financial insti-
tution performance and/or overall financial sector safety and sound-
ness. This chapter reviews the few studies that address this important

             The benefits of financial regulation are multi-faceted and likely vary across jurisdictions.
             Even once specified, many of these benefits are difficult to measure. . . . Thus, the task of
             comparing marginal costs to marginal benefits in the field of financial regulation may be
             fundamentally intractable, and international comparisons of the sort . . . may be highly
                                                                           — Howell Jackson (2007, 255)

In “Is One Watchdog Better than Three?” International Monetary
Fund (IMF) economists Martin Cihak and Richard Podpiera (2006)
review international experience with different forms of financial
regulation and supervision. They conclude integrated financial
regulators are characterized by more consistent and higher-quality
supervision, although a significant amount of these advantages can
be explained by the comparatively high level of economic develop-
ment in single regulator countries. For example, the higher quality of
regulation in Denmark is attributable to both the economic develop-
ment10 of the country and the structure of financial regulation. They
also discover that the presence of a single regulator does not necessar-
ily create noticeable economies of scale, refuting one of the benefits
listed in Chapter 2.

Figure 7: Jurisdictions with Single, Semi-Integrated, and Sectoral Prudential Supervisory
Agencies, 2006
                                                                   Agency supervising two types of financial
    Single prudential supervisor for                                                                                                        Multiple sectoral supervisors (at least
     the financial system (year of                          Banks and                    Banks and               Securities firms           one for banks, one for securities firms,
            establishment)                                securities firms                insurers                and insurers                       and one for insurers)
  Australia (1998)               Kazakhstan*                     Finland                    Canada                      Bolivia                    Albania*                       Italy*
   Austria (2002)                Korea (1997)                Luxembourg                    Colombia                   Bulgaria*                  Argentina*                      Jordan*
  Bahrain* (2002)                Latvia (1998)                   Mexico                    Ecuador                       Chile                    Bahamas*                     Lithuania*
  Belgium (2004)              Maldives* (1998)                Switzerland                El Salvador                    Egypt*                   Barbados*                  New Zealand*
 Bermuda* (2002)                Malta* (2002)                   Uruguay                   Guatemala                   Jamaica*                   Botswana*                      Panama
    Cayman Isl.*                Netherlands *                                             Malaysia*                  Mauritius*                     Brazil*                   Philippines*
      (1997)                       (2004)
Czech Rep. (2007)*            Nicaragua * (1999)                                              Peru                     Ukraine*              China (Mainland)                   Portugal*
 Denmark (1988)                Norway (1986)                                              Venezuela                                                Croatia*                      Russia*
  Estonia (1999)                Poland (2007)                                                                                                      Cyprus*                     Slovenia*
 Germany (2002)               Singapore* (1984)                                                                                               Dominican Rep*                   Sri Lanka*
  Gibraltar (1989)               Slovak Rep.*                                                                                                       Egypt*                       Spain*
 Guernsey (1988)                South Africa *                                                                                                     France*                     Thailand*
  Hungary (2000)               Sweden (1991)                                                                                                       Greece*                      Tunisia*
   Iceland (1988)                UAE* (2000)                                                                                                     Hong Kong                       Turkey
  Ireland* (2003)                  UK (1997)                                                                                                         India*                     Uganda*
   Japan (2001)                                                                                                                                  Indonesia*                       USA*
                                                            As share of all countries in the sample (percentage)
                         33                                          6                         11                          9                                         41
Note: The table focuses on prudential supervision, not on business supervision (which can be carried out by the same agencies or by separate agencies, even in the integrated model). Also, we do
not consider deposit insurers here, even though they play an important role in banking supervision in a number of countries and can do so under any regulatory model.
* Banking supervision is conducted by the central bank.
Source: Author’s calculations, based on data in Central Banking Publications (2004) and on Web sites of supervisory agencies.

                                                                 In “Bank Safety and Soundness and the Structure of Bank Supervi-
                                                                 sion” (Barth, Dopico, Nolle, and Wilcox 2002), a group of academ-
                                                                 ics study whether supervision structure impacts bank safety and
                                                                 soundness. The research team concludes, “Countries with multiple
                                                                 authorities tend to have lower bank capital ratios and to have higher
                                                                 liquidity risk. Thus, the results indicated that having multiple
                                                                 banks supervisors (rather than one supervisor) is consistent with a
                                                                 ‘competition in laxity’. This finding that multiple supervisors tend
                                                                 to reduce equity capital ratios and increase liquidity risk comports
                                                                 with the hypothesis that having multiple bank supervisors weakens
                                                                 corporate governance of banks.11 We also find that, when a coun-
                                                                 try’s central bank also supervises banks, its banks tend to have more

non‑performing loans. Our finding that non-performing loans
are higher when the central bank supervises banks supports the
hypothesis that a more focused bank supervisor might strengthen
the monitoring and control of banks” (185). Their conclusions,
therefore, hint that the regulatory structure currently present in the
United States may be more lax and risky than a single regulator or a
similarly structured regulatory regime in another part of the world. It
is important to note that one of the drawbacks of a single regulatory
structure mentioned earlier, moral hazard, appears to rear its head in
the fragmented regulatory structure as well.
In “Quality of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision around
the World,” IMF Economists Martin Cihak and Alexander Tieman
(2008) attempt the Herculean task of measuring and comparing the
quality of the world’s financial regulatory regimes. They state, “The
main finding of this paper is a confirmation that there are significant
differences in the quality of regulation and supervisory frameworks
across countries, and that the level of economic development is an
important explanatory factor. . . . On balance, therefore, our research
cautions that despite the higher grades obtained by high-income
countries, the supervisory knowledge about the financial strength of
their institutions may not be higher than that for low- or middle-
income countries. Indeed, the developments in the global financial
system in late 2007 and early 2008 suggest that the higher quality
of supervisory systems in high-income countries may not have been
sufficient given the complexity of their financial systems” (20). In
short, the authors offer little in the way of a definitive answer to the
question of whether regulatory structure impacts supervisory quality.
“A Cross-Country Analysis of the Bank Supervisory Framework and
Bank Performance,” by James Barth, Daniel Nolle, Triphon Phu-
miwasana, and Glenn Yago (2002), attempts to provide a system-
atic and empirical analysis linking supervisory structure and bank
performance. They conclude, “Our results indicate, at most, a weak
influence for the structure of supervision on bank performance . . .
given the dearth of empirical evidence on the issues, advocates of one
form or another of supervisory structure have asserted that a particu-
lar change is likely to affect (favorably or adversely, as the advocate
sees fit) the performance of banks. Our results provide little support
at best to the belief that any particular bank supervisory structure
will greatly affect bank performance” (1). So, this group of research-
ers can’t find a link either.
“A Pragmatic Approach to the Phased Consolidation of Financial
Regulation in the United States,” by Harvard law Professor Howell
Jackson (2008), reports a much more definitive view, “Consolidated
oversight as implemented in leading jurisdictions around the world
offers a demonstrably superior model of supervision for the modern

financial services industry.” Jackson goes on to expound on the
                                  benefits of a single regulator model, including, “consistent regulatory
                                  requirements across different sectors . . . capacity to attract and retain
                                  higher quality staff . . . develop[ment] of broadly-based consumer
                                  financial education programs . . . accountability have been hardwired
                                  into many modern supervisory structures” (3–4). Jackson also raises
                                  questions about the current U.S. financial regulatory system: “The
                                  emergence of a near consensus among other jurisdictions regarding
                                  the desirability of a more consolidated financial regulatory oversight

Formation of the UK Financial Services Authority

The first stage of the reform of financial               infancy, although there are certainly many
services regulation in the United King-                  possible signs, in particular the emphasis
dom was completed in June 1998, when                     on an integrated approach to regulation
responsibility for banking supervision                   across all parts of the financial services
was transferred to the Financial Services                industry” (28). Much has been written
Authority (FSA) from the Bank of England.                about the United Kingdom’s experience in
In May 2000 the FSA took over the role of                the development of the FSA, but there is
UK Listing Authority from the London Stock               a dearth of analysis on its effectiveness.
Exchange. The Financial Services and Mar-                A recent report, though, slams the FSA’s
kets Act, which received approval in June                supervisory role in the recent run on North-
2000 and was implemented in December                     ern Rock, a large UK bank. This report is a
2001, transferred to the FSA the respon-                 black eye to the idea of the world’s most
sibilities of several other organizations,               integrated regulator and one that has many
including the regulation of financial institu-           similarities to the U.S. financial system.
tions, securities, and insurance firms. The              Additionally, in 2008 the UK Financial Ser-
legislation also gives the FSA some new                  vices Compensation Scheme (FSCS; similar
responsibilities—in particular, taking action            to FDIC) paid out £20 billion to consum-
to prevent market abuse and mortgage                     ers who had money in financial services
regulation.                                              firms since September 2008. According
                                                         to David Hall, the chairman of this orga-
Cambridge University law Professor Ellis
                                                         nization, “Between December 2001 and
Ferran (2003) reflects on the lessons other
                                                         September 2008, the FSCS paid about
countries can learn from the United King-
                                                         £1bn in compensation” (5). (www.fscs.org.
dom’s experience in adopting the single
regulator structure. He states, “Political
support for change [to a single regulator]
will be greater where the existing system                Source: Adapted from www.fsa.gov.uk/
is, or is perceived to be, malfunctioning.               Pages/About/Who/History/index.shtml.
. . . It is impossible to draw firm conclu-
sions because the new regime is still in its

should at least raise questions as to whether our [U.S.] national resis-
tance to regulatory consolidation is well-founded” (15).
This “under-researched” (Abrams and Taylor 2000) topic does not
allow us to make sweeping conclusions about the “best” or “right”
regulatory structure for the U.S. financial system. The papers
referenced are inconclusive: Some report significant benefits of a
single regulator structure, while others fail to correlate structure
to financial industry safety and soundness. Also important to note
is all the research studies quoted above were performed before the
current financial crisis. If the authors were to replicate their studies
today, they might get materially different findings. A recent paper
by Cihak and Podpiera (2006, 24) provides a sufficiently balanced
perspective on this topic by stating, “Integrated supervision may be
associated with substantial benefits, particularly in terms of increased
supervisory consistency and quality. This strengthens the case in
favor of integrated supervision in the medium-to-long term. Country
authorities considering whether to integrate their supervisory frame-
work need to compare the likely medium- and long-term benefits
with the short-term challenges and risk involved in the integration
process and in the chosen model.”
Given the political and economic climate in the United States, it is
likely that policymakers will view short-term dislocations as a neces-
sary means to the medium- and long-term ends of a more consistent
and higher-quality regulatory system. Therefore, the final chapter
explores a number of serious reform proposals for the creation of a
single financial services regulator in the United States.

Figure 8: A Summary of Major Research on the Impact of
Financial System Regulatory Structure
                      Title                                      Conclusion
 “Is One Watchdog Better than Three?”           Structure is important, but economic
 (2006)                                         development of a country may be more
 “Bank Safety and Soundness and the             Countries with multiple regulators and central
 Structure of Bank Supervision” (2002)          banks as regulator may be more lax and risky
                                                for banks
 “Quality of Financial Sector Regulation and    Higher-income countries have better
 Supervision around the World” (2008)           supervision and regulation than low-income
                                                countries, but complexity of higher-income
                                                countries’ financial systems may negate this
 “A Cross-Country Analysis of the Bank          Supervisory structure does not impact bank
 Supervisory Framework and Bank                 performance to any statistically significant
 Performance” (2002)                            manner
 “A Pragmatic Approach to the Phased            Consolidated supervision is a superior
 Consolidation of Financial Regulation in the   model for a variety of reasons and should be
 United States” (2008)                          implemented in the United States

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