Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021 - - Visit Leicester

Page created by Bobby Sandoval
Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021 - - Visit Leicester
Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021
Your once a year opportunity to discover
Leicester’s hidden heritage

Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021 - - Visit Leicester
Yet again, our Heritage Open Days provide the opportunity for
Leicester to showcase its remarkable 2000-year history.

Leicester’s heritage buildings, parks, businesses, creative venues and
faith buildings will once again stage events to reveal their stories
and unseen heritage to visitors. Leicester has so many hidden
historical gems and stories to discover.

The programme is again made possible by the dedication and
enthusiasm of volunteers that the city is very fortunate to have.
They generously share their passion for our local history by
providing access and staging events encouraging people to discover
and appreciate the rich, diverse culture and heritage of our city.

This brochure provides all the information you need about the open
days. Whether you are visiting Leicester, or you are a tourist in your
own city, I hope you enjoy the city and what it has to offer.

Sir Peter Soulsby
City Mayor
Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021 - - Visit Leicester
EVENT                                      TIME                                          TOUR IN   LINE

At Risk War Memorials Project              2pm - 5pm                                          P

                                                                                     P        P
Belgrave Cemetery Self-Guided Tour         8am - 7pm

De Montfort Hall Behind the Scenes
At Risk War Memorials Project              3pm - 6pm

                                                                                     P        P
Belgrave Cemetery Self-Guided Tour         8am - 7pm

Belgrave Hall Guided Tour                  Tours: 11.15am, 12.30pm, 1.45pm and 3pm

                                                                                     P        P
De Montfort Hall Behind the Scenes
Granby Street Conservation Area Walking    2pm


Great Meeting Unitarian Chapel             10am - 5pm

LCB Creative Family Day                    12noon - 4pm

                                                                                     P        P
Leicester Cathedral Richard III Tour       Tours: 12noon and 2pm
Leicester Central Library Transport        10am - 1pm

Heritage Day

At Risk War Memorials Project              10am - 6pm
Leicester Print Workshop Old Type Letter   Tours: 11am, 12noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm

                                                                                     P   P
Press Activity

                                                                                     P        P
Leicester Royal Infirmary                  Tours: 10am and 12noon
Leicester St George's Serbian Orthodox     10am - 5pm


Magazine Gateway                           Tours: 11am, 12noon, 1pm and 2pm
St Margaret's Church                       10am - 4pm
Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021 - - Visit Leicester
EVENT                                          TIME                                          TOUR IN   LINE

                                                                                         P        P
Belgrave Cemetery Self-Guided Tour             8am - 7pm

Belgrave Hall Guided Tour                      Tours: 11.15am, 12.30pm, 1.45pm and 3pm

De Montfort Hall Behind the Scenes

                                                                                         P   P
Great Meeting Unitarian Chapel                 10am - 5pm

Grey Friars Legal Quarter Walking Tour         Tours: 11am, 1pm and 3pm

At Risk War Memorials Project                  2.30pm - 5pm

Guildhall Guided Tour                          Tours: 11.30am, 1.30pm and 3.30pm

                                                                                         P        P
Magazine Gateway                               Tours: 11am, 12noon, 1pm and 2pm
Secular Hall Open Day                          10am - 4pm

Abbey Pumping Station Beam Engine Tour         Tours: 11am, 12noon, 2pm and 3pm
Abbey Pumping Station Transport Shed           Tours: 11am, 12noon, 2pm and 3pm

                                                                                         P        P

Belgrave Cemetery Self-Guided Tour             8am - 7pm

De Montfort Hall Behind the Scenes

Winstanley House                               11am - 4pm
Y Heritage Summer Fete                         11am, 2pm and 5pm

Abbey Pumping Station Beam Engine Tour         Tours: 11am, 12noon, 2pm and 3pm
Abbey Pumping Station Transport Shed           Tours: 11am, 12noon, 2pm and 3pm

                                                                                         P        P

Belgrave Cemetery Self-Guided Tour             8am - 7pm

De Montfort Hall Behind the Scenes

LCB Depot and Makers' Yard Guided Tour         10am

                                                                                         P   P
Leicester Abbey Guided Walk                    10.30am

                                                                                         P   P
Leicester Cathedral History of Medicine Tour   2pm

Leicester Cathedral Pilgrimage Tour            12noon

Leicester Guildhall Guided Tour                Tours: 11.30am, 1.30pm and 3.30pm

The City Rooms                                 11am - 4pm

Winstanley House                               11am - 4pm
Y Heritage Summer Fete                         11am, 2pm and 5pm

                                                                                         P        P
                                                                                         P   P
Belgrave Cemetery Self-Guided Tour             8am - 7pm

Castle Hill Country Park Heritage Walk         2pm

                                                                                         P        P
De Montfort Hall Behind the Scenes
Granby Street Conservation Area Walking        2pm

                                                                                         P             P

High Street Heritage Action Zone               1pm - 3pm

LCB Depot and Makers' Yard Guided Tour         10am

Leicester Cathedral Richard III Tour           2pm

Winstanley House                               11am - 4pm
Y Heritage Summer Fete                         11am, 2pm and 5pm
Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021 - - Visit Leicester
EVENT                                      TIME                                   TOUR IN   LINE

Abbey Pumping Station Beam Engine Tour     Tours: 11am, 12noon, 2pm and 3pm       P
Abbey Pumping Station Transport Shed       Tours: 11am, 12noon, 2pm and 3pm       P
Belgrave Cemetery Self-Guided Tour         8am - 7pm                          P        P
Church Gate Conservation Area Walking      2pm                                P        P
De Montfort Hall Behind the Scenes                                                          P
ISKCON                                     Talk: 6pm                                   P
LCB Depot and Makers' Yard Guided Tour     10am                                   P
Leicester Abbey Guided Walk                2pm                                    P
Leicester Cathedral Carved in Stone Tour   12noon                             P   P
The City Rooms                             11am - 4pm                                  P
Western Park Heritage Walk                 2pm                                    P

Belgrave Cemetery Self-Guided Tour         8am - 7pm                          P        P
De Montfort Hall Behind the Scenes                                                          P
ISKCON                                     12noon - 4pm                                P
Leicester Cathedral Richard III Tour       12noon                                 P

Belgrave Cemetery Self-Guided Tour         8am - 7pm                          P        P
De Montfort Hall Behind the Scenes

                                                                              P        P
ISKCON                                     11am - 2pm

                                                                              P        P
Leicester Civic Society                    10.30am - 6pm

                                                                              P        P
Leicester Civic Society Heritage Walk      10.30am

                                                                              P        P
Leicester Civic Society Heritage Talks     1.30pm-3.30pm
Leicester St George's Serbian Orthodox     10am - 5pm

Magazine Gateway                           Tours: 11am, 12noon, 1pm and 2pm

                                                                              P        P
                                                                              P        P
Belgrave Cemetery Self-Guided Tour         8am - 7pm
Church Gate Conservation Area Walking      2pm


                                                                              P   P
De Montfort Hall Behind the Scenes

                                                                              P        P
Grey Friars Legal Quarter Walking Tour     Tours: 11am, 1pm and 3pm

Leicester Secular Hall Open Day            10am - 4pm

Leicester Synagogue                        10am - 4pm

Magazine Gateway                           Tours: 11am, 12noon, 1pm and 2pm
Stoneygate Tram Depot                      11am
Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021 - - Visit Leicester
Abbey Pumping                            Belgrave Cemetery                  Belgrave Hall
Station Museum                           Self-Guided Tour                   Guided Tour

Corporation Road,                        Belgrave Cemetery, Red Hill        Church Road, Leicester,
Leicester, LE4 5PX                       Way, Leicester, LE4 3EX            LE4 5PE

Monday 13, Tuesday 14                    Friday 10 September -              Saturday 11 and Sunday
and Thursday 16 September                Sunday 19 September                12 September
Tours: 11am, 12noon, 2pm                 8am - 7pm                          Tours: 11.15am, 12.30pm,
and 3pm                                                                     1.45pm and 3pm
                                         Explore this Victorian Cemetery
Beam Engine Tour                         at your own pace, guided by        An 18th century period
Join Leicester Museums Technology        information points. Belgrave       house surrounded by
Association volunteers at Leicester’s    Cemetery was opened in 1881
                                         and offers visitors 5.5 acres of
                                                                            historic walled gardens;
Museum of Science and Technology,                                           Belgrave Hall provides an
displaying Leicester’s industrial,       natural beauty and many
technological and scientific heritage.   testaments to the stonemason’s     oasis of tranquillity. Located
They will conduct tours of the Beam      art.                               in the Belgrave Conservation
Engine house detailing the various                                          Area, the hall is surrounded
construction and operation aspects       If you have a smartphone with a    by fascinating historic
of the Beam Engines, including their     QR code reader, you can hear a     buildings including the
historical significance at the time of   spoken commentary telling you      National School, Cross
manufacture.                             more about what you can see        Corners and St Peter’s
                                         and who is buried beneath your
Transport Shed Tour                      feet.
                                                                            Church. Join a guided tour
Delve into the Abbey Pumping                                                of the hall and see areas
Station’s Transport Shed to discover     For further information:           which aren’t normally open
an array of fascinating vehicles. Join   E:             to members of the public.
Leicester Museums Technology             W: friendsofbelgrave
Association volunteers for a tour of                    No age restrictions however
several historic vehicles including                                         very young children may
the Aveling & Porter Steam Roller,
Bagnall Steam Locomotive “Leonard”,
                                                                            quickly lose interest.
Leicester Corporation buses, Dennis                                         Unfortunately, there is only
Fire Engines F8 and F7 and many more.                                       wheelchair access to the
                                                                            ground floor and gardens.
Tours last 1 hour. Transport                                                Max 15 people per tour.
shed tour is more suited to
Max 10 people per tour.                                                     Booking Details: To book
                                                                            please visit
Booking Details:                                                            W: leicestermuseums.
To book please visit                                              
W: leicestermuseums.
                                                                            For further information:
For further information:                                                    W:
W:                                                    /belgravehall
abbeypumpingstation                                                         E:
T: 0116 454 1292
                                                                            T: 0116 229 8181
Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021 - - Visit Leicester
Castle Hill Country                      Church Gate                    De Montfort Hall
Park Heritage Walk                       Conservation Area              Behind the Scenes
                                         Walking Tour
Astill Lodge Road entrance,                                   
LE4 1BA - meet beside the                Meet at the Clock Tower,
‘Love Parks’ flagpole                    Leicester, LE1 1ST             Friday 10 - Sunday 19
Wednesday 15 September                   Thursday 16 and Sunday
2pm                                      19 September                   Go behind the scenes of one
                                         2pm                            of England’s busiest and most
Leicester’s largest and perhaps least                                   popular live entertainment
known park. The park has over 100
hectares of grassland and woodland.      A walking tour of the Church   touring venues with an online
There are two scheduled monuments        Gate Conservation Area. It     backstage tour.
in the park. The Castle Hill             will cover archaeology,
earthworks, associated with the                                         De Montfort Hall, nestled
Knights Hospitaller and King Williams    history themes and
bridge: an old pack horse bridge         reference the ongoing          next to Victoria Park, has
which spans the Rothley Brook.           Heritage Action Zone on        been entertaining the people
                                         Church Gate and Granby         of Leicester, Leicestershire
Led by a Parks Officer, the walk                                        and beyond for nearly 110
provides an insight into the park’s      Street, showcasing some of
history and development, with            the projects currently under   years and is a Grade II listed
reference to site archaeology,           way. A “spot the detail”       building.
landscape features and woodland          handout will also be
management over the years.                                              A purpose-built concert hall,
Including reference to earlier           available for children.
medieval deer parks and
                                                                        we present a diverse and
development of the historic              Suitable for all ages.         exciting programme of
Beaumont Leys Estate.                    Tours last 30 minutes.         touring west-end musicals,
                                         Max 25 people per tour.        opera, dance, rock and pop
The walk also provides an insight into
modern day park management,
                                                                        gigs, comedy, family shows,
recent conservation and heritage                                        classical concerts and more.
initiatives and on-going
environmental improvement works,                                        Join our online tour and
many carried out in partnership with
Leicester Environmental Volunteers.
                                                                        learn little known facts
                                                                        about the hall and its history
The walk route incorporates gravelled                                   and explore, from the
tracks, mown paths and woodland                                         comfort of your own home,
trails, with some slopes.
                                                                        the areas you don’t usually
The walk lasts approximately 3                                          get to see or experience.
hours. Max 12 people.
                                                                        Booking Details:
Booking Details: To book please
contact Visit Leicester.
                                                                        To join please visit:
E:                                             W:
T: 0116 299 4444
Please leave a message and a
member of staff will return your
call as soon as possible.

For further information:
Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021 - - Visit Leicester
Granby Street                    Great Meeting                   Grey Friars Legal
Conservation Area                Unitarian Chapel                Quarter Walking Tour
Walking Tour
                                 45 East Bond Street,            Meet at the junction of
Meet outside the Merchant        Leicester, LE1 4SX              Millstone Lane and
of Venice, 173-175 Granby                                        Wycliffe Street, Leicester,
Street, Leicester, LE1 6FE       Saturday 11 and Sunday          LE1 5LS
                                 12 September
Saturday 11 and                  10am - 5pm                      Sunday 12 and Sunday 19
Wednesday 15 September                                           September
2pm                              The Great Meeting               Tours: 11am, 1pm and 3pm
                                 Unitarian Chapel is the
A walking tour of the            earliest brick building of      A walking tour of the Grey
Granby Street Conservation       significance in Leicester.      Friars legal quarter -
Area and beyond.                 Originally built by             Millstone Lane, Wycliffe
                                 dissenters in 1708, it still    Street, Friar Lane, New Street
The walk will cover the          stands witness to reason,       and Peacock Lane with a
history of retail buildings in   freedom and tolerance in        commentary covering the
Granby Street and the            religion. A series of plaques   period 1750 – 2021. The
temperance movement in           commemorate the lives of        legal history of Grey Friars is
Leicester and associated         prominent Leicester             one of tour guide Andrew
buildings, with brief            citizens.                       Harper’s current research
diversions to the Baptist                                        interests.
Chapel on Belvoir Street
and Halford House the                                            The tour lasts between
former Temperance Building                                       45 minutes and 1 hour,
Society HQ on Charles                                            suitable for all adults and
Street.                                                          young people.

The walk will also reference                                     Max 20 people per tour.
the ongoing Heritage Action
Zone on Church Gate and                                          Booking Details:
Granby Street, showcasing                                        To book please contact
some of the projects                                             Visit Leicester
currently under way.                                             E:
                                                                 T: 0116 299 4444
Suitable for all ages.                                           Please leave a message
Max 25 people per tour.                                          and a member of staff will
                                                                 return your call as soon as

                                                                 For further information:
                                                                 W: greyfriarsheritage.
Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021 - - Visit Leicester
High Street Heritage             ISKCON, former                   LCB Depot and
Action Zone Virtual              Leicestershire Banking           Makers’ Yard Guided
Newsroom                         Corporation HQ                   Tour and Family Day

Granby Street and Church         31 Granby Street, Leicester,     31 Rutland Street, Leicester,
Gate, Leicester                  LE1 6EJ                          LE1 1RE

Wednesday 15 September           Thursday 16 September            Creative Family Day:
1pm - 3pm                        6pm Talk on the history of       Saturday 11 September
                                 Granby Street                    12noon - 4pm
Find out about Leicester’s       Friday 17 September              Tours: Tuesday 14,
High Street Heritage Action      12noon - 4pm Drop in and         Wednesday 15 and Thursday
Zone, Building Roots campaign,   public consultation              16 September
cultural events programme        Saturday 18 September            10am
and how you can help to          11am - 2pm Drop in
make Granby Street and                                            Discover the history and see behind
Church Gate more attractive,                                      the scenes in a combined tour of
                                 This former bank, the HQ of
engaging and vibrant places                                       Leicester Creative Business (LCB)
                                 the Leicestershire Banking       Depot that was previously Leicester
to live, work and spend time.
                                 Corporation, is a gem of the     City Bus depot, remodelled in 2004
                                 Victorian era. It was built in   into a workspace hub for creative
A two-hour newsroom live                                          businesses and the Makers’ Yard a
                                 1874 and is a masterpiece of
streamed via the Documentary                                      former hosiery factory/warehouse
                                 Joseph Goddard. You can
Media Centre’s Facebook                                           opened in 2013 as studios for
                                 come and see the grand           designer-makers. Tours start at the
page. Drop in anytime to
                                 Banking Hall, have a wander      LCB Depot and then go onto the
hear interviews with local
                                 around the building and          Makers' Yard.
businesses, updates on
                                 hear about plans for its
restoration projects, local                                       Visitors can also enjoy refreshments
                                 development.                     at our café-bar Grays. Look out for
history and young people
involved in the project.                                          special Leicestershire dishes during
                                 For further information:         the HODs festival!
Booking Details:                                                  The Creative Family Day is aimed
                                 E: pradip@iskcon                 at children and families. Some
To book please visit
                                           stairs at Makers’ Yard are quite
                                                                  steep and narrow.
                                                                  Max 20 people per tour.
                                                                  Booking Details:
                                                                  Family Day: Drop in event
                                                                  Tours: To book your place please
                                                                  contact LCB Depot
                                                                  T: 0116 261 6800 or pop in to
                                                                  LCB Depot Reception Monday
                                                                  to Friday 9am to 5pm.
                                                                  For further information:
Friday 10 - Sunday 19 September 2021 - - Visit Leicester
Leicester Abbey                Leicester Cathedral             Leicester Cathedral
Guided Walks                   Carved in Stone Tour            History of Medicine
                                                               and Links to St
Abbey Grounds car park in      Leicester Cathedral
Abbey Park, opposite Pets      Peacock Lane, Leicester,
                                                               Martin’s Parish Tour
Corner by the ruins, LE4 5AP   LE1 5PZ
                                                               Leicester Cathedral
Tuesday 14 September           Thursday 16 September           Peacock Lane, Leicester,
Tour: 10.30am                  Tour: 12noon                    LE1 5PZ
Thursday 16 September
Tour: 2pm                      This tour explores the stone    Tuesday 14 September
                               of Leicester Cathedral, from    Tour: 2pm
Take a guided tour of the      the ancient to the present
Leicester Abbey ruins. Learn   day. Taking in the visible      The history of medicine is
about the different rooms,     remnants of its Norman          rich and varied. This tour
what it would have been like   origins and paying homage       looks at the superstitions at
to live there, what the        to the Romans, the tour will    the heart of medical care
rooms were used for and        focus primarily on the          during the Middle Ages, the
what was found during          Medieval and Victorian eras     role of the church in
excavations.                   whilst also looking carefully   ministering to the sick and
                               at the tomb of Richard III.     how this changed over the
The tour is more suitable                                      centuries. Local eminent
for adults and takes around    Family groups welcome.          figures with connections to
90 minutes to complete. It     Max 8 people.                   the Cathedral and its parish
includes 6 steep steps with                                    also add interest to this
a handrail but is mostly on    Booking Details:                fascinating tour.
the flat with little           To book please
opportunity for shade and      E: Rebecca.Hale@                Family groups welcome.
seating. Therefore, please               Max 8 people.
wear appropriate clothing
and sturdy footwear, bring     For further information:        Booking Details:
water and wear sunscreen       W:       To book please
and or a sunhat. Max 10        T: 0116 261 5362                E: Rebecca.Hale@
people per tour.                                     

Booking Details:                                               For further information:
To book please                                                 W:
E: up                                     T: 0116 261 5362
to 2 days before the event.

For further information:
Leicester Cathedral             Leicester Cathedral             Leicester Central
Pilgrimage Tour                 Richard III Tours               Library – Transport
                                                                Heritage Day
Leicester Cathedral,            Leicester Cathedral,
Peacock Lane, Leicester,        Peacock Lane, Leicester,        Central Library,
LE1 5PZ                         LE1 5PZ                         Bishop Street, Leicester,
                                                                LE1 6AA
Tuesday 14 September            Saturday 11 September
Tour: 12noon                    12noon & 2pm                    Saturday 11 September
                                Wednesday 15 September          10am - 1pm
The act of pilgrimage, or       2pm
taking a journey in search of   Friday 17 September             During this event there will
meaning, has gained new         12noon                          be the opportunity to talk
prominence in recent years.                                     to local experts and see
This tour explores the          Leicester Cathedral is the      documents and items
history of pilgrimage,          site of Richard III’s burial.   relating to the transport
focusing particularly on St     The tour takes in the tomb,     history of the city.
Martin’s Church as a place      the Richard III redemption
of pilgrimage during the        windows and the pall that       For further information:
Middle Ages. More broadly,      covered the coffin whilst he    T: 0116 299 5440
it focuses on those aspects     lay in repose.
that draw the modern
visitor in reverence and        Family groups welcome.
prayer and what this tells      Max 8 people.
us about ourselves.
Family groups welcome.          Booking Details:
Max 8 people.                   To book please
                                E: Rebecca.Hale@
Booking Details:      
To book please
E: Rebecca.Hale@                For further information:               W:
                                T: 0116 261 5362
For further information:
T: 0116 261 5362
To help you navigate around the city on foot look out for the on-street map signage or pick up a more detailed, free
city centre map at Visit Leicester Information Centre. Discover more destinations with unique heritage and
cultural highlights not to be missed as well as a myriad of shopping experiences and tantalising places to eat,
drink and relax at

1. Abbey Park                                               15. Leicester Print Workshop

2. Abbey Pumping Station                                    16. Leicester Royal Infimary

3. All Saints Church                                        17. Leicester Secular Hall

4. Belgrave Cemetery                                        18. Leicester St George’s
                                                                Serbian Orthodox Church
5. Belgrave Hall
                                                            19. Leicester Synagogue
6. Castle Hill Country Park
                                                            20. Magazine Gateway
7. Clock Tower
                                                            21. Millstone Lane
8. Granby Street
                                                            22. St Mary De Castro Church
9. Great Meeting Unitarian
   Chapel                                                   23. St Margaret's Church

10. ISKCON                                                  24. The City Rooms

11. LCB Depot and Makers’ Yard                              25. The Y Theatre

12. Leicester Cathedral                                     26. Western Park

13. Leicester Central Library                               27. Winstanley House

14. Leicester Guidhall
Leicester City, County         Leicester Civic Society                Leicester Guildhall
& Rutland At Risk War          - Celebrating 50 years                 Guided Tour
Memorials Project              of Championing
                                                                      Guildhall Lane, Leicester,
                               Leicester’s Built                      LE1 5FQ
The Chancel, behind All        Heritage
Saints Church, Highcross
                                                                      Sunday 12 and Tuesday
Street, Leicester, LE1 4PH                                            14 September
                               St Mary De Castro Church,
                               Castle View, Leicester,                Tours: 11.30am, 1.30pm
Thursday 9 September                                                  and 3.30pm
                               LE1 5WH
2pm - 5pm
Friday 10 September                                                   Built in 1390, a Guildhall
                               Saturday 18 September
3pm - 6pm                                                             tour will take you on a trip
                               10.30am - 6pm
Saturday 11 September                                                 through time. Discover the
                               Tours/talks at various times
10am - 6pm                                                            many uses of the site down
Sunday 12 September            All Day: Displays and information      the centuries. Its first role as
2.30pm - 5pm                   about Leicester Civic Society          a meeting place for the Guild
                               Tour: 10.30am - 12.30pm:               of Corpus Christi to the
                               A heritage walk, starting at the       Police Cells dating back to
View over 45 different types   London Road Train Station, exploring
of war memorials which         South Highfields, a Victorian          the Victorians.
have been taken into care      suburb. Led by Richard Warren.
from closed churches,
                               Talk: 1.30pm - 2.30pm: “Homes Fit      Suitable for all ages. The
                               for Heroes” a talk by Ned Newitt on    upper floor is accessible
chapels, clubs and factories   the provision of quality council
which otherwise would have     housing and gardens in Leicester       only via steps with a hand
been lost. Each one has a      after the First World War.             rail. Uneven floors relative
story board telling of its
                               Talk: 3.30pm - 4.30pm: “Kenneth        to the age of the building.
                               Browne’s Townscape of Leicester”
history and how it was         a talk by Mike Taylor (Quality of
rescued, often in dramatic     Leicester author).                     Booking Details:
circumstances. Past visitors   Leicester Civic Society Awards: 5pm    To book please visit
have discovered ancestors
                               Best Heritage Restoration, Best        W: leicestermuseums.
                               New Building Design, The Best
and have had the               Heritage Champion in Leicester.
opportunity to see their       Leicester Civic Society, founded
family members honoured.                                              For further information:
                               in 1971, have planned a day of
                               celebration to be held in the          W:
All ages welcome.              beautiful St Mary De Castro's          /leicesterguildhall
Max 30 people at a time.
                               Church. There will be the              E: the-guildhall@
                               opportunity to look around   
                               the ancient, Grade I listed church,
For further information:       located within the former bailey       T: 0116 253 2569
W:    of Leicester Castle.
E: mail@atriskwar              Refreshments can be purchased                throughout the day.
                               Booking Details: For the heritage
                               walk starting from London Road
                               Train Station, booking is required
                               on arrival. Max 25 people per tour
                               (first come first served).
Leicester Print               Leicester Royal                  Leicester Synagogue
Workshop                      Infirmary - 250th
Old Type Letterpress          Anniversary                      40 Highfield St, Leicester,
                                                               LE2 1AD
                              Victoria Building Entrance,
                                                               Sunday 19 September
Leicester Print Workshop,     Infirmary Road, Leicester,
                                                               10am - 4pm
50 St George Street,          LE1 5WW
Leicester, LE1 1QG                                             The Orthodox Jewish
                              Saturday 11 September
                                                               Synagogue is over 120 years
Saturday 11 September         Tours: 10am and 12noon           old and is a Grade II listed
Tours: 11am, 12pm, 1pm,                                        building.
2pm and 3pm                   2021 is the 250th
                              anniversary of the opening of    Work has been completed
Come and see how              the Leicester Royal Infirmary.   recently in creating a Visitor
letterpress was printed on    Find out more about the          Centre with the help of a
the Leicester Print           history of the hospital and go   substantial grant from the
Workshop's amazing            on a tour around the historic    National Lottery Heritage
Columbian press and try       areas of the site. Some          Fund.
your hand at printing using   heritage artefacts will be on
a beautiful collection of     display for people to view       There will be informal tours
wooden type.                  and hold.                        around the building
                                                               together with explanations
Tours last 45 minutes.        Tours last 1 hour 30 minutes.
                                                               by members of the
                              Max 10 people per tour.
                                                               community about its use
Booking Details:                                               and the Jewish faith.
To book please contact        Booking Details:
Leicester Print Workshop      To book please contact
                                                               All ages welcome.
E: k.kneller@leicesterprint   Visit Leicester:                  E:
                                                               For further information:
T: 0116 251 4174              T: 0116 299 4444
                              Please leave a message and
                                                               T: 0116 271 5603
For further information:      a member of staff will return
W: leicesterprint             your call as soon as possible.
T: 0116 251 4174              Tour is not suitable for

                              For further information:
                              E: ArtsandHeritageatUHL
Magazine Gateway -             Secular Hall Open Day           St George’s Serbian
Guided Tour                                                    Orthodox Church
                               75 Humberstone Gate,
Newarke Gateway                Leicester, LE1 1WB              Rutland Street, Leicester,
(Magazine), Oxford Street,                                     LE1 1RD
                               Sunday 12 and Sunday 19
Leicester, LE1 5WH             September
                               10am - 4pm                      Saturday 11 and Saturday
Saturday 11, Sunday 12,                                        18 September
Saturday 18 and Sunday 19      Leicester Secular Hall, a       10am - 5pm
September                      Grade II listed building,
Tours: 11am, 12pm 1pm          opened in 1881 and is home      St George’s was the first
and 2pm                        of Leicester Secular Society,   church built in Leicester
                               the oldest Secular Society in   since the Reformation. Built
The Magazine Gateway, a        the world. Find out more        in 1823-7 by William
building people regularly      about the history of the        Parsons; the chancel was
walk, cycle and drive past,    society and its hall in the     added by Sir Arthur
opens its doors for Blue       special exhibition and          Blomfield in 1879.
Badge guided tours.            information leaflets. There
                               will be guided tours of the     The church was adopted in
Originally a 15th century      building with an opportunity    1983 by the Serbian
gateway into the former        to see old Dutch tiles which    Community in Leicester. The
Newarke religious precinct,    are not usually on view.        church continues to serve
this building was later used                                   the people of the Christian
as a munitions store during    Ned Newitt will be              Orthodox faith today with
the English Civil War. The     presenting a display of         services held regularly on
tour includes fascinating      historic images of what is      most Sunday mornings.
architectural features and     now the Cultural Quarter.
graffiti dating back to the    This will include pictures of   Take an opportunity to see
16th century.                  the old Wholesale Market        this beautiful church and
                               area and Humberstone Gate.      look through the altar at
Not suitable for young                                         the breathtaking stained
children, or those with        Children welcome, but more      glass windows.
mobility issues.               suitable for ages 12+.
Max 8 people tour.                                             Children to be supervised by
                               For further information:        a responsible adult.
Booking Details:               W: leicestersecularsociety
To book your place contact
Newarke Houses Museum          E:
T: 0116 225 4980
St Margaret’s Church                 Stoneygate Tram Depot           The City Rooms

St Margaret's Way,                   Sunday 19 September             16 Hotel St, Leicester,
Leicester, LE3 3EB                   11am                            LE1 5AW

Saturday 11 September                Hear the fascinating story      Tuesday 14 and Thursday 16
10am - 4pm                           of the Edwardian Tram           11am - 4pm
                                     Depot located on London
St Margaret's Church opens its       Road through a Zoom             The City Rooms are opening
doors and welcomes you to            presentation. Opened in         their grand doors to reveal
visit and discover what lies         1904 it was only a Tram         the beauty of the inside of
within.                              Depot for 18 years. Over        the building. The City
                                     the next 99 years it has had    Rooms is a Georgian Grade I
A large Medieval church              many uses including a
steeped in local history. Visitors                                   listed venue in the heart of
are invited to search for the
                                     period as a Railway             Leicester city centre. Built in
wooden church mouse and              Museum. The depot is now        1792 it has undergone major
enjoy the Victorian stained          looked after by the Leicester   restoration in recent years
glass windows. See monuments         Transport Heritage Trust        which has transformed it
of well known people and in the      who have big plans for its      into a stunning wedding and
churchyard the tomb of Lord          future.                         conference venue. Steeped
Rollo. See extremely old and                                         in history, the centerpiece is
rare items of furniture,             To receive the Zoom meeting
including a tithe chest which is
                                                                     a magnificent ballroom
                                     invitation e-mail:
complete with nail head                                              which runs the entire length
decorations. The North Aisle                                         of the building which also
also has a Children's Corner.                                        retains many period
                                                                     decorative features.
For further information:
W:                                          For further information:
                                                                     T: 0116 251 5337
Western Park                           Winstanley House                 Y Heritage Summer
Heritage Walk                                                           Fete
                                       Hinckley Road, Leicester,
Hinckley Road Entrance,                LE3 1HX                          The Y Theatre, East Street,
Leicester, LE3 6HX                                                      Leicester, LE1 6EY
                                       Monday 13, Tuesday 14
Meet in car park, besides              and Wednesday 15
children’s play area                   September                        Monday 13, Tuesday 14 and
                                       11am - 4pm                       Wednesday 15 September
Thursday 16 September                                                   Sessions: 11am, 2pm & 5pm
2pm                                    This historic building is set
                                       within 160 acres of parkland     Join us in the Y Theatre, a stunning
A leisurely walk around this           and has been sympathetically     Grade II listed building close to
attractive late Victorian park. Led                                     the centre of the City and a stone’s
by a Parks Officer, the walk
                                       restored into a boutique
                                                                        throw from Leicester railway
provides an insight into the park’s    hotel and entertainment
                                                                        station. Built in 1900, The Y is the
history and development. During        venue.                           oldest surviving theatre in Leicester.
the walk you will find out about                                        Go back in time and have fun at
Western Park's archaeological and      Winstanley House, formerly       The Y Heritage Summer Fete
landscape history. Learn about         Braunstone Hall, was created     with original sideshows, Edwardian
how the woodland has been
managed over the years and
                                       for Clement Winstanley the       and mid-20th century games.
Medieval parks.                        wealthy owner of the             All sideshows and games will be
                                       surrounding estate. It           free and can be played by adults
The walk also provides an insight                                       and children alike making it
into modern day park management,
                                       became the family's primary
                                                                        perfect for a family Heritage
recent conservation initiatives and    residence in the 18th
                                                                        Open Day visit.
on-going environmental                 century. Since 1932 it has
improvement works.                     been many things, including      Traditionally dressed “Barkers”
                                       a school and the Divisional      will be on hand to encourage
The walk route is mainly along                                          visitors to play, show you the
mown paths and woodland trails,        Headquarters to the US
                                                                        tricks to make you a winner and
with some slopes. Toilets available    82nd Airbourne Division          how to avoid the showman’s
on site, besides the children’s play   during World War Two.            traps. There might even be prizes
area/car park. Parts of the site
                                                                        for the winners!
may be subject to waterlogging
                                       This is an opportunity to
following wet weather. Sturdy                                           Younger children should be
footwear is recommended.               drop in and discover this        supervised by a responsible adult.
                                       historic building and grounds    Each session lasts up to 2 hrs.
The walk is approximately              and to view the restoration
2 hours. Max 12 people.                                                 Max 30 people per session.
                                       and transformation that has
Booking Details: To book please
                                                                        Booking Details:
                                       brought it back to life today.   To book your place please visit
contact Visit Leicester.
T: 0116 299 4444
                                       For further information:         Booking is essential.
Please leave a message and a           W:
                                                                        For further information:
member of staff will return your       T: 0116 366 5642                 W:
call as soon as possible.                                               youth-community/our-work/
For further information:                                                y-heritage
For further details of events and access
information, please visit:

    heritageopenday #leicester

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this guide is correct
and accurate at the time of going to print. We apologise for any changes which
may be necessary.
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