Human and Ape Molecular Clocks and Constraints on Paleontological Hypotheses

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Human and Ape Molecular Clocks and
                                                          Constraints on Paleontological Hypotheses
                                                          R. L. Stauffer, A. Walker, O. A. Ryder, M. Lyons-Weiler, and
                                                          S. Blair Hedges

                                                          Although the relationships of the living hominoid primates (humans and apes) are
                                                          well known, the relationships of the fossil species, times of divergence of both
                                                          living and fossil species, and the biogeographic history of hominoids are not well
                                                          established. Divergence times of living species, estimated from molecular clocks,
                                                          have the potential to constrain hypotheses of the relationships of fossil species.
                                                          In this study, new DNA sequences from nine protein-coding nuclear genes in great
                                                          apes are added to existing datasets to increase the precision of molecular time
                                                          estimates bearing on the evolutionary history of apes and humans. The divergence
                                                          of Old World monkeys and hominoids at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary (approx-
                                                          imately 23 million years ago) provides the best primate calibration point and yields
                                                          a time and 95% confidence interval of 5.4 ⴞ 1.1 million years ago (36 nuclear genes)
                                                          for the human-chimpanzee divergence. Older splitting events are estimated as 6.4
                                                          ⴞ 1.5 million years ago (gorilla, 31 genes), 11.3 ⴞ 1.3 million years ago (orangutan,
                                                          33 genes), and 14.9 ⴞ 2.0 million years ago (gibbon, 27 genes). Based on these
                                                          molecular constraints, we find that several proposed phylogenies of fossil homi-
                                                          noid taxa are unlikely to be correct.

                                                          Fossils of the earliest hominoids (21 mil-     preservation biases ( Fleagle 1999). All of
                                                          lion years ago) and the cercopithecoids        these factors make it difficult to impose
                                                          (Old World monkeys; 19 million years ago)      time constraints on the origin of living
                                                          are known from the early Miocene (Gebo         species of hominoids.
                                                          et al. 1997; Lewin 1999; Miller 1999; Pil-        With such uncertainty in the hominoid
                                                          beam 1996). Between then and the end of        fossil record, considerable attention has
                                                          the Miocene (approximately 5 million           been focused on molecular clocks during
                                                          years ago), hominoids decreased and cer-       the last three decades. During the first half
                                                          copithecoids increased in diversity in the     of the 20th century, anthropologists as-
                                                          fossil record ( Fleagle 1999). Relating the    sumed that the great apes formed a single
                                                          Miocene apes to living species has proven      evolutionary group distinct from the hu-
                                                          to be problematic (Pilbeam 1996). There        man lineage, with a divergence time of ap-
                                                          is no fossil species that is clearly a close   proximately 30 million years ago ( Lewin
                                                          relative of the gorilla, chimpanzee, or gib-   1999). However, the first applications of
                                                          bon. It has been debated whether Sivapi-       molecular techniques to this problem
                                                          thecus (8–13 million years ago) or other       showed that humans are closer to African
From the Department of Biology and Institute of Mo-       Eurasian fossil apes are close relatives of    apes than to Asian apes (Goodman 1962)
lecular Evolutionary Genetics (Stauffer, Walker, Lyons-
Weiler, and Hedges) and Department of Anthropology        the orangutan lineage (Pilbeam 1996;           and the human-African ape divergence oc-
(Walker), Pennsylvania State University, University       Ward 1997). Although the skull of one par-     curred only 5 million years ago (Sarich
Park, PA 16802, and the Center for Reproduction of En-    ticular Sivapithecus species from 8 million    and Wilson 1967). Many molecular studies
dangered Species, Zoological Society of San Diego, San
Diego, CA 92112-0551 (Ryder). We thank Mary T. Silcox     years ago is orangutan-like, postcranial       have been published since then ( Easteal
for comments. This research was supported by a grant      features and the morphology of the cheek       et al. 1995) and have clarified the branch-
from the Innovative Biotechnology Research Fund of
the Biotechnology Institute, Life Sciences Consortium,
                                                          teeth have suggested affinities with archa-    ing order (((( human, chimpanzee) gorilla)
Pennsylvania State University (to S.B.H. and A.W.). Ad-   ic hominoids (Pilbeam 1996). With this un-     orangutan) gibbon). However, divergence
dress correspondence to S. Blair Hedges, Department       certainty, the orangutan divergence is of      time estimates have varied considerably
of Biology, 208 Mueller Laboratory, Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA 16802, or e-mail:         limited value as a calibration point for mo-   ( Figure 1). If the ratios of the distances or This paper was delivered at a sympo-        lecular time estimates. The absence of         time estimates are considered, the results
sium entitled ‘‘Primate Evolutionary Genetics’’ spon-     Plio-Pleistocene fossil apes from Africa       are more consistent among studies. This
sored by the American Genetic Association at Town
and Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego,      contrasts strongly with the rich hominid       suggests that variation in time estimates
CA, USA, May 19–20, 2001.                                 fossil record during that same period and      is largely attributable to the calibration
 2001 The American Genetic Association 92:469–474        is most likely explained by ecological and     used in each study.

tween the origin of hominids themselves           quence was available for Homo and at
                                                           and bipedal locomotion (the first major           least one other ape genus (Pan, Gorilla,
                                                           hominid adaptation) and environmental             Pongo, Hylobates), and (2) at least one cal-
                                                           change. It also is possible that extinction       ibration species (from Cercopithecidae,
                                                           rather than speciation events are correlat-       Artiodactyla, or Rodentia) and a mamma-
                                                           ed with climate change ( Foley 1994).             lian or avian outgroup species sequence
                                                                                                             was available for relative rate testing. Fur-
                                                                                                             thermore, all Pan and Gorilla sequences
                                                           Materials and Methods
                                                                                                             that were identical to the corresponding
                                                           Portions of complementary DNAs (cDNAs)            Homo sequence were deemed uninforma-
                                                           from the following nine nuclear genes             tive and were therefore eliminated. All
                                                           were amplified and sequenced for Gorilla          analyses were performed on both the
                                                           gorilla and Pongo pygmaeus: acyl-coA: cho-        group of rate-constant genes only and on
                                                           lesterol acyltransferase I, alcohol dehydro-      the entire dataset.
                                                           genase 1, beta-glucuronidase, Cd 46, CMP-            The relatively low pairwise distances for
                                                           N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase, in-          most protein coding genes in these com-
Figure 1. Molecular divergence time estimates for
apes and human. The results of selected studies pub-       terleukin-␣1, prostaglandin D2 synthase,          parisons of closely related species, com-
lished during the last four decades are shown, where       chemokine receptor 2, and muscarinic              bined with limited sequence lengths, fa-
an Old World monkey (cercopithecoid) also was in-
cluded. Left panel shows the ratio of the human-ape
                                                           acetylcholine receptor 5. A cDNA pool for         vors the more variable nucleotide data (all
divergence time divided by the hominoid-cercopithe-        each species was created by reverse tran-         three codon positions) instead of amino
coid divergence time. Right panel shows the actual         scription polymerase chain reaction (RT-          acid data. For time estimation, the Kimura
divergence times. Symbols represent the following di-
vergences: human-chimpanzee (open circles), human-         PCR) (Perkin-Elmer RNA Core kit). RNA             (1980) two-parameter with gamma model
gorilla (closed circles), human-orangutan (open            was extracted using the RNAqueous kit             was used, which accounts for rate varia-
squares), human-gibbon (closed squares), and human-        (Ambion, Inc., Austin, TX) from fibroblast        tion among sites. The gamma parameter
cercopithecoid (open triangles). The data are from the
following studies: 1 (Sarich and Wilson 1967), 2 (Sibley   cell cultures established and character-          was estimated by maximum likelihood es-
and Ahlquist 1987), 3 ( Bailey et al. 1992), 4 ( Easteal   ized at the Zoological Society of San Diego       timation ( Yang 1997) for each gene. Be-
and Herbert 1997), 5 ( Takahata and Satta 1997), 6 ( Ku-
mar and Hedges 1998), 7 (Arnason et al. 1998), 8 ( Yod-
                                                           (           tween-group distance estimation was
er and Yang 2000), and 9 (Page and Goodman 2001).          Primers were designed from conserved re-          made using PHYLTEST ( Kumar 1996), and
                                                           gions of the cercopithecoid and human se-         two methods of time estimation were
                                                           quences in the public databases. Gene             used. The multigene method uses the
   To gain better and more precise esti-                   fragments were amplified (PCR) and com-           mean (or mode) of single-gene time esti-
mates of hominoid splitting we have col-                   plimentary strands were sequenced. Gene           mates ( Hedges et al. 1996; Kumar and
lected new sequence data from nine nucle-                  fragments for each gene were combined             Hedges 1998). The average distance meth-
ar protein-coding genes in selected apes.                  and aligned using CLUSTAL W ( Thompson            od is similar, but averages the concatenat-
Analyses of these data, along with all oth-                et al. 1994). All primer sequences, align-        ed distances, each weighted by sequence
er available sequence data, have helped to                 ments, and sequence accession numbers             length ( Lynch 1999; Nei et al. 2001). Rate
constrain hypotheses concerning the phy-                   for this project are available at http://         tests ( Takezaki et al. 1995) were made for
logenetic placement of important fossil                      all comparisons using PHYLTEST.
hominoids. One major element of uncer-                     primate/.                                            We used the hominoid-cercopithecoid
tainty is the time of the human-chimpan-                      The other nuclear genes analyzed were          divergence, set at 23.3 million years ago,
zee divergence. Although the hominid fos-                  5-hydroxytriptamine receptor 1a, alpha 1,3        as the primate calibration point. It is a fos-
sil record is relatively good, there are no                galactosyltrasferase, alanine: glyoxylate         sil calibration point, because the earliest
undisputed Pliocene fossils of African                     aminotransferase, atrophin, beta-nerve            fossils of each lineage are known from 19–
apes (chimpanzees and gorillas) and no                     growth factor, blue opsin, carbonic anhy-         21 million years ago (see above). The spe-
Miocene ape fossils that clearly constrain                 drase, c-myc oncogne, cytochrome oxi-             cific date used (23.3 million years ago) is
a lower limit to that divergence. An advan-                dase subunit 4, DDX5 (p68 RNA helicase),          the geologic boundary between the Oli-
tage of molecular time estimates is that                   decay accelerating factor, dopamine 4 re-         gocene and Miocene epochs ( Harland et
they measure the mean time of separation                   ceptor, dystrophin, eosinophil-derived            al. 1990). Most boundaries between geo-
rather than the minimum, and the amount                    neurotoxin, fusin, glycophorin A, hemoglo-        logic periods are times of major or cata-
of molecular data available has increased                  bin ␣1, hemoglobin ␤, hemoglobin ⑀, he-           strophic change in Earth history or cli-
in recent years. However, even the most                    moglobin ␥-␣, histamine receptors H1 and          mate, resulting in a greater than average
recent molecular studies (Arnason et al.                   H2, homeodomain proteins OTX1 and                 number of extinctions followed by adap-
1998, 2001; Easteal and Herbert 1997) have                 OPTX2, intracellular adhesion molecule 1,         tive radiation. The resulting faunal change
resulted in widely spaced estimates (3.6–                  interleukin ( IL)-3, IL-␤8 receptor, IL-16, in-   provides a sharp delineation or time mark-
14 million years ago) for the human-chim-                  volucrin, L-selectin, leptin, lysozyme C,         er in the fossil record. Thus, not consid-
panzee split. Because several major oscil-                 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors 2 and          ering other factors, it is more likely that
lations in global climate occurred over                    3, myelin basic protein, myoglobin, olfac-        the speciation event leading to these two
intervals of a few million years in the late               tory receptor, preproinsulin, protamine           major groups occurred at the boundary
Miocene and Pliocene (Crowley and North                    p2, relaxin, rhesus-like factor, RNase k6,        rather than slightly earlier or later. Also,
1991; Pagini et al. 1999), much greater pre-               Sp100-HMG, testis-specific protein Y, and         the same time of 23.3 million years ago for
cision in time estimation is necessary to                  zinc finger Y. All genes included in the          the hominoid-cercopithecoid divergence
establish postulated relationships be-                     analyses satisfied two criteria: (1) a se-        was obtained by analysis of protein se-

470 The Journal of Heredity 2001:92(6)
Table 1. Divergence time estimates (million years ago) between the four major lineages of hominoid primates and the human lineage based on analyses of
nuclear and mitochondrial DNA

                                 Chimpanzee                            Gorilla                       Orangutan                           Gibbon
                                 Time      SE            Genes         Time      SE       Genes      Time        SE         Genes        Time       SE        Genes

 Primate calibration, MG          5.41      0.55          36            6.41      0.74     31         11.29       0.68       33           14.94      1.01      27
                                 (4.87)    (0.52)        (25)          (5.49)    (0.65)   (22)       (10.64)     (0.70)     (23)         (14.56)    (1.07)    (21)
 Nonprimate calibration, MG       4.65      0.68          22            6.35      1.43     18         10.54       1.29       16           10.73      2.12       6
                                 (4.54)    (1.07)        (12)          (4.48)    (0.76)   (10)        (8.07)     (1.01)     (10)          (9.28)    (2.99)     (4)
 Primate calibration, AD          4.31                                  6.21                          10.03                               12.99
 Unadjusted, MG                   5.9       0.49         11             7.8      0.59     11         13.2        0.76        11           15.4       0.63     11
 Adjusted, MG                     4.8       0.59         11             6.4      0.71     11         12.3        0.83        11           14.6       0.70     11

The four comparisons are chimpanzees (Pan) versus humans, gorillas (Gorilla) versus humans ⫹ chimpanzees, orangutans (Pongo) versus humans ⫹ chimpanzees ⫹ gorillas,
and gibbons (Hylobates) versus humans ⫹ other apes. In all cases, a gamma model was used. Results using only genes passing rate constancy tests are shown in parentheses.
AD ⫽ average distance method; MG ⫽ multigene method. For the mitochondrial DNA estimates, results are based on a primate calibration; rate-adjusted times involve a
correction for the long branch in orangutan. Time estimates based on the optimal combination of data and methods are indicated in bold.

quences from 56 nuclear genes calibrated                        vious studies, we also analyzed the com-              sites (47 genes), Gorilla 29,999 sites (39
with nonprimate divergences ( Kumar and                         plete mitochondrial genomes of Homo sa-               genes), Pongo 32,966 sites (41 genes), and
Hedges 1998).                                                   piens, Pan troglodytes, Pan paniscus, Gorilla         Hylobates 19,307 sites (28 genes). The ef-
   We compared the results obtained using                       gorilla, Pongo pygmaeus, Hylobates lar, and           fects of eliminating the earliest and latest
the primate calibration with application of                     Papio hamadryas, using the same methods               date from the arithmetic and weighted av-
a nonprimate calibration. Two nonprimate                        described above. As in previous studies               erages to account for possible paralogy
calibration points were selected: one was                       by other authors, we excluded NADH6                   problems ( Kumar and Hedges 1998) were
the divergence between ferungulates (car-                       from the analysis due to its unusual loca-            examined and found to have little effect on
nivores and artiodactyls) and primates (92                      tion on the opposite strand, and COXII be-            divergence estimates (not shown).
million years ago) and the other was the                        cause of its accelerated rate of evolution               Remarkably, divergence times were rel-
divergence between rodents and primates                         (in primates) compared with other mito-               atively consistent across genomes (mito-
(110 million years ago). These two calibra-                     chondrial genes. Because of the long                  chondrial versus nuclear), calibrations
tion points are themselves molecular time                       branch length of Pongo in trees of mtDNA,             (primate and non-primate), rate consis-
estimates from an analysis of 333 and 108                       possibly causing a bias, the divergence               tency of gene, and time estimation meth-
nuclear proteins, respectively ( Kumar and                      time of Pongo was also calculated using a             ods ( Table 1). Across all of these variables
Hedges 1998). In turn, they derive from a                       lineage-specific method described else-               the divergence time estimates for human
fossil calibration of 310 million years ago                     where (Schubart et al. 1998). Essentially             versus chimpanzee ranged from 4.2 to 6.3
for the separation of reptiles and mam-                         the time was estimated using only the                 million years ago, although most esti-
mals. The advantage of these particular                         Homo ⫹ Pan ⫹ Gorilla lineage. Further-                mates were between 5 and 6 million years
calibrations is the availability of sequenc-                    more, Pongo mtDNA was excluded from                   ago. The optimal method of analysis in-
es of cattle (Bos taurus) and mouse (Mus                        pairwise length calculations of Pan, Goril-           volves nuclear genes, primate calibration,
musculus) for most of the genes used. For                       la, Hylobates, and Papio to prevent possi-            and multigene method. Divergence times
the nonprimate calibration, we obtained                         ble skewing of results caused by extended             (and 95% confidence intervals) between
an average rate by linear regression, with                      branch length.                                        the human lineage and apes using that
the regression line fixed through the ori-                                                                            method ( Table 1) are 5.4 ⫾ 1.1 million
gin.                                                                                                                  years ago (chimpanzee), 6.4 ⫾ 1.5 million
   For comparison of our results with pre-                      Results                                               years ago (gorilla), 11.3 ⫾ 1.3 million
                                                                Of the genes newly sequenced, only beta-              years ago (orangutan), and 14.9 ⫾ 2.0 mil-
                                                                glucuronidase, Cd46, chemokine receptor               lion years ago (gibbon) ( Figure 2).
                                                                2, IL-␣1, and prostaglandin d2 synthase                  The difference between time estimates
                                                                demonstrated nucleotide substitution rate             from rate-constant genes versus all genes
                                                                constancy. In addition, IL-␣1 and alcohol             is relatively small, and therefore the use of
                                                                dehydrogenase 1 could not be amplified                all genes is preferred because it yields a
                                                                for Pongo, and so the new sequences con-              lower variance. The multigene method
                                                                tributed 7082 base pairs of Gorilla se-               yielded similar estimates to the average
                                                                quence and 5556 base pairs of Pongo se-               distance method except in the case of the
                                                                quence to the analyses for these two                  human-chimpanzee divergence, where it
                                                                species. The new sequences in this article            was slightly low (4.3 million years ago). A
                                                                have been deposited in the GenBank data-              variety of weighting schemes can be used
Figure 2. Time tree of catarrhine primates based on
                                                                base (accession nos. AF354622–AF354638).              with the average distance (or ‘‘concate-
divergence time estimates from this study (nuclear                 Total aligned nucleotide sites and the             nated distance’’) method, besides the one
genes, Table 1). Time estimates are shown with ⫾ 1 SE           number of genes (in parentheses) exam-                used here (sequence length), but the sta-
( heavy bar) and 95% confidence interval (narrow bar).
Abbreviations are Oligo (Oligocene), OWM (Old World             ined for each species divergence (com-                tistical properties of this method are not
monkey), Plio (Pliocene), and Q (Quaternary).                   pared with human lineage) are Pan 40,668              well known and deserve further study

                                                                                                                      Stauffer et al • Human and Ape Molecular Clocks 471
( Nei et al. 2001). We include those esti-      in recently diverged populations and neg-        using the molecule (especially with many
mates here for comparison, but emphasize        ligible in ancient splitting events of spe-      nuclear genes available) or to use only a
the better-known multigene method.              cies ( Edwards and Beerli 2000). The             primate calibration. Taking the latter
   The time estimates from mtDNA ( Table        amount of overestimation depends on              course in this study, we have obtained
1) are similar to those from nuclear DNA.       knowledge of population parameters (e.g.,        time estimates and time ratios for mtDNA
However, we present these times only for        population size and generation time) that        more consistent with the fossil record and
comparison with the nuclear results and         are difficult to estimate for extinct species    other molecular datasets.
with previous studies. The relatively large     in the distant past. However, the closeness         In one recent study ( Easteal and Her-
amount of rate variation in this molecule       of our molecular time estimate of the hu-        bert 1997) the time estimate for the hu-
makes it less desirable for use in time es-     man-chimpanzee divergence to the fossil          man-chimpanzee divergence (3.6 million
timation and may explain (in part) why          record constraint ( Haile-Selassie 2001)         years ago) postdates the first appearance
previous time estimates and time ratios         suggests that the overestimation due to          of hominid fossils. This raised the possi-
from mtDNA have varied (Arnason et al.          coalescence may be small.                        bility that chimpanzees evolved from an
1996, 1998; Yoder and Yang 2000) ( Figure          Noncoding DNA sequences also have             upright hominid such as Australopithecus
1).                                             been used to time human and ape diver-           ( Easteal and Herbert 1997) and that chim-
                                                gences, although higher rates of sequence        panzees later lost the many morphological
                                                change limit comparisons to closely relat-       adaptations to bipedalism. Our dates us-
                                                ed species. Therefore the cercopithecoid         ing a larger dataset are more consistent
Hominoid Divergence Times                       calibration usually is not available. In a re-   with the hominid fossil record.
The divergence time estimates and time          cent study (Chen and Li 2001) using ap-
ratios from these new sequence data are         proximately 24 kb of noncoding sequence,         Temporal Constraints on Hominoid
robust to different methods and calibra-        the time ratio (extrapolated from orangu-        Evolution
tions ( Table 1). In general, calibrations      tan) for gorilla versus human (0.26) was         Knowledge of an accurate timescale of pri-
that are closer to the time estimate are        similar to the coding DNA value reported         mate evolution can help constrain inter-
preferred because they require less ex-         here, but the human-chimpanzee ratio             pretations of phylogeny and the relation-
trapolation and therefore we advocate use       (0.20) was lower than the corresponding          ships of fossil to living taxa. For example,
of the primate ( hominoid-cercopithecoid)       value here (0.23). Assuming the orangutan        the Early Miocene (21 million years ago)
calibration. Using this calibration as a ref-   divergence time estimated here (11.3 mil-        Morotopithecus from Uganda was suggest-
erence point, and the nucleotide-gamma          lion years ago), the resulting human-chim-       ed to be either a primitive great ape or the
method ( Table 1), the resulting time ratios    panzee divergence time with those non-           sister taxon of all living hominoids (Gebo
(divergence with human lineage) are 0.23        coding data (4.7 million years ago) still is     et al. 1997). Under the timescale support-
(chimpanzee), 0.28 (gorilla), 0.48 (orang-      within the 95% confidence limit of our es-       ed here, the first alternative can be reject-
utan), and 0.64 (gibbon). Here we have as-      timate (5.4 ⫾ 1.1 million years ago).            ed because the split between the great
sumed that the hominoid-cercopithecoid             Mitochondrial DNA has figured promi-          and lesser apes is estimated as 14.9 ⫾ 2.0
divergence was 23 million years ago, for        nently in the timing of human and ape di-        million years ago and 21 million years ago
the reasons described above. In the fu-         vergences in recent years. In large part,        is not included in the 95% confidence in-
ture, additional molecular evidence will        this is because of the availability of com-      terval. The second hypothesis is not re-
give increased precision to these distance      plete mitochondrial genomes for the spe-         jected by our data. Phylogenetic interpre-
and time ratios, but the actual time esti-      cies. However, much of the variability in        tations of some Eurasian fossil apes
mate will continue to depend on the cali-       divergence time estimates and time ratios        provide another example. The divergence
bration. For example, if hominoid or cer-       concerns different analyses of these same        of the orangutan lineage from the African
copithecoid fossils are found at 30 million     data ( Figure 1). For example, in some           ape and hominid lineage, 11.3 ⫾ 1.3 mil-
years ago, the molecular time estimates         studies (Arnason et al. 1996, 1998, 2001)        lion years ago, is only barely consistent
would be pushed back by 30%, yielding           time estimates were two to three times           with Sivapithecus (12.75–7.0 million years
(for example) a human-chimpanzee split          greater than in other studies, whereas the       ago) (Ward 1997) being on the orangutan
of 6.9 million years ago. However, a similar    time ratios were not unusually large or          lineage; a smaller confidence interval
increase in the synapsid-diapsid (mam-          skewed, suggesting that the difference was       would reject that hypothesis for at least
mal-bird) divergence, to approximately          in the calibration. In another case ( Yoder      the earlier specimens of Sivapithecus. New
400 million years ago, would place it ear-      and Yang 2000), both the time estimates          hominoid fossils named Orrorin tugenensis
lier than the fish-tetrapod transition in the   and time ratios were skewed (e.g., human-        from the approximately 6.0-million-year-
fossil record ( Benton 1997), which would       chimpanzee divergence was one-seventh            old deposits of the Lukeino Formation of
be unlikely. The fact that the nonprimate       of hominoid-cercopithecoid divergence)           Kenya (Pickford and Senut 2001; Senut et
and primate calibrations now yield similar      compared with other studies ( Figure 1).         al. 2001) are said to be the earliest homi-
time estimates suggests some stability to       Most or all of these problems with timing        nids, and this date is included in our 95%
the calibrations used here.                     primate divergences using mtDNA proba-           confidence interval for the chimpanzee-
   In theory, the divergence times estimat-     bly stem from the well-known rate in-            human split. However, the describers of
ed here may be overestimates of the ac-         crease in the primate lineage in this mol-       these fossils postulate that African great
tual population divergences because of          ecule (Penny et al. 1998) and use of             apes and hominids split 8.5 million years
coalescence (earlier divergence) of alleles     nonprimate calibrations. Although rate ad-       ago, and this is not supported by our es-
within ancestral populations ( Edwards          justments can and have been made, in cas-        timate. The recently described hominid
and Beerli 2000; Takahata and Satta 1997).      es like this where such major rate differ-       fossils of Ardipithecus from Ethiopia ( Hai-
The overestimation is likely to be greatest     ences are known, it might be best to avoid       le-Selassie 2001), dated at between 5.2 and

472 The Journal of Heredity 2001:92(6)
Table 2. Comparisons of paleontological hypotheses of primate phylogeny with molecular time                          and fossils ( Begun DR, Ward CV, and Rose MD, eds).
estimates                                                                                                            New York: Plenum; 29–58.
                                                                                                                     Arnason U, Gullberg A, Burgeuete AS, and Janke A,
                          Age                                                                        Consistent      2001. Molecular estimates of primate divergences and
                          (million                                                                   with            new hypotheses for primate dispersal and the origin of
                          years      Postulated fossil relationship                                  molecular       modern humans. Hereditas 133:217–228.
Fossil genus of group     ago)       or event                       Reference                        timescale
                                                                                                                     Arnason U, Gullberg A, and Janke A, 1998. Molecular
Orrorin                    6         Stem hominid                   Pickford and Senut (2001)        Yes             timing of primate divergences as estimated by two non-
Orrorin                    8.5       African ape-hominid split      Pickford and Senut (2001)        No              primate calibration points. J Mol Evol 47:718–727.
Ouranopithecus             9.5       Stem African ape               Andrews et al. (1997)            Yes             Arnason U, Gullberg A, Janke A, and Xu X, 1996. Pattern
Ouranopithecus             9.5       Stem hominid                   DeBonis and Koufos (1997)        No              and timing of evolutionary divergences among homi-
Samburupithecus            9.5       Stem African ape               Ishida and Pickford (1997)       Yes             noids based on analyses of complete mtDNAs. J Mol
Dryopithecus              10         Stem African ape               Begun and Kordos (1997)          Yes             Evol 43:560–661.
Dryopithecus              10         Orangutan clade                Moya-Sola and Kohler (1996)      Yes
Otavipithecus             13–12      Stem African ape               Pickford et al. (1997)           Yes             Bailey W, Hayasaka K, Skinner C, Kehow S, Sieu L, Sigh-
Sivapithecus              12.75      Orangutan clade                Ward (1997)                      Yes             tom J, and Goodman M, 1992. Reexamination of the Af-
Proconsul                 20         Stem great ape                 Walker and Teaford (1989)        No              rican hominoid trichotomy with additional sequences
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474 The Journal of Heredity 2001:92(6)
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