Moving From Analog To Digital - The Future Of Consumer Goods: Accenture

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Moving From Analog To Digital - The Future Of Consumer Goods: Accenture
The Future Of
Consumer Goods:
Moving From Analog
To Digital.
Moving From Analog To Digital - The Future Of Consumer Goods: Accenture
Disrupt With Digital.
Growth In The Future of
Consumer Goods Will Require It.
Digital is blurring the boundaries between consumers,
stores and consumer brands. This holds major opportunities
for consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies prepared to
radically reshape for the digital world—and clear risks for
those who fail to.
    From Nairobi to Nanjing to New         use them. Consumers can, and               The Digital Consumer:1
    York, consumers across the globe       increasingly do, compare prices,
    have clearly embraced the digital      while seeking and sharing opinions         • Online sales are growing
    world. They have rapidly adapted       digitally. Great products are rapidly        rapidly by 18%.
    to shopping for groceries during       amplified across a social media
                                           network, causing spikes in demand.         • Online grocery shopping
    the daily commute; downloading
                                           So too are dreadful reviews, which           is growing and most
    books, music or films on the move;
                                           can wipe out a new product launch.           prevalent in Asia.
    or tweeting, pinning and sharing
    their purchasing decisions on social   The pace of change has surpassed           • 19% of brand purchase
    networks. This expectation of          all prior shifts in the nature of an         decisions are made in
    ‘anytime, anywhere’ consumption        industry: it took just seven years from      store. While 81% are
    has grown exponentially, bolstered     the launch of the internet in the US         made from home.
    by the rise of a mobile, social,       for it to become a mass medium,
    cloud-based era of computing.          faster than any prior innovation. Today,   • 5 billion apps were
                                           digital is ubiquitous. It crosses all        downloaded within 6
    The rise of digital technology is      boundaries: age, geography and stage         months of iPhone’s launch.
    empowering consumers, shifting         of economic development. Kenya, for
    power from corporate to the            example, leads the world in mobile         • eBay® generated over
    individual. Consumers and shoppers     banking uptake, and Korea has the            $400M in sales from
    have access to a wider range of        world’s fastest broadband network,           its iPhone app in the
    products and services—and they         while six in ten Japanese consumers          first full year.
                                           go online with their phones today.2

Moving From Analog To Digital - The Future Of Consumer Goods: Accenture
CPG Companies Struggling With
Digital Disruption
While CPG companies are usually            We are on the threshold of a dramatic         Digital Revolution:
adept at exploiting new trends, and        digital disintermediation. It will
although we are seeing some exciting       literally re-write the rules of doing         We’ve seen this happen in other
innovations in the digital space,          business. It will disrupt existing CPG        industries: a decade ago, the
we fundamentally believe that the          relationships, whether they are with          shift to digital allowed low
CPG industry has not yet grasped           suppliers, retailers, or consumers. It will   cost airlines to steal a mark
the scale of the change ahead.             affect all aspects of CPG businesses—         from more expensive rivals by
                                           how they are structured internally;           making passengers print their
Most CPG companies’ experiments so         how they train employees; how they
far are tactical rather than strategic                                                   own boarding passes and check
                                           engage with their supply chain and            themselves in. Today, digital
responses to the challenge of the          retailers; how they create and market
digital revolution: digital add-ons to                                                   travel has become the norm.
                                           their products; and how they interact
an existing, analog business. They         with consumers and shoppers.
are still primarily focused on digital
marketing, and happen in pockets of
the organization, limiting return on
investment. Of course, as the lines
                                           It’s time to stop dabbling with digital.
between manufacturer, distributor,
retailer and consumer blur, there has
                                           It’s time to disrupt with digital!
been much experimentation with
digital, from both consumer goods
companies and retailers. Nespresso, for
example, has successfully introduced its
own brand boutiques to showcase their
coffee machines and capsules, while
closely integrating these with their
online ordering and fulfillment services
for consumers. Supermarket giant Tesco
has created a virtual store in Korea’s
subway system where consumers shop
by scanning QR codes. And Brazil’s
Magazine Luiza has invited consumers
to create social media ‘stores’ on
Facebook, with the company providing
fulfillment and paying ‘storeowners’ a
commission. Over 33,000 consumers
opened Facebook stores in one month.3

But if CPG companies are going
to enjoy sustained growth into
the future, they need to take a far
more holistic approach that places
the consumer at the center.

Moving From Analog To Digital - The Future Of Consumer Goods: Accenture
Globalization Amplifying The Need
    For Digital Capabilities In CPG
Digital strategies are doubly            are in rural areas or communities           diverse tastes around the world and
important when considering the           lacking modern infrastructure. An           profitably compete. Digital technology
impact of globalization on CPG           estimated 15 million new retail             is able to bring products and services
companies. First, the dismantling        outlets would be required to reach          to communities that it would be
of political and trade barriers          these new consumers, which would            economically unfeasible to reach
around the world brought new             be a significant cost for retailers         with a physical store, whether that’s
workers, consumers and shoppers          (construction, staff and operations),       due to the price of real estate, or
into the global economy. Combined        additional supply chain costs for all,      a lack of infrastructure and time.
with rapid falls in transport            and many new consumers who will
and communications costs, this           likely require their localized tastes are   To sustain the business they have
provided huge opportunities              met and very competitive pricing.           and capitalize on the opportunities
for businesses of all types to                                                       for growth in this digital age, CPG
prosper in a globalized world.           Meanwhile, consumers in developed           companies should evolve to a digital
                                         markets are aging and looking to            operating model. Leveraging digital
The second factor is the rise of         live longer, healthier lives, but they      technologies alone will not be
the emerging market middle-class         are also cash-strapped, due to the          enough. The entire CPG enterprise
consumer (by 2015, there will            stagnant economy, and seeking               needs to have shared digital
be at least one billion), which is       value. Quite simply, leveraging             strategies and technologies to enable
opening up a vast new potential          digital technology will be the              the necessary agility required of a
market. But here many consumers          only economically viable way for            true consumer-centric approach.
                                         CPG companies to deliver on the

                             Dramatic Disintermediation

    Emerging Market                                                                    End of Domininance of
    Challenge                                                                          Bricks & Mortar Retail

    From Product                                                                       Digital Media
    Marketing                                                                          Ownership

    From Product                                                                       Mass
    Innovation                                                                         Customization

    From Enterprise                                                                    The Collaborative Business
    Boundaries                                                                         Model—Consumers, Suppliers,

                                     Geography is no longer the basis
                                     for management and organization

Moving From Analog To Digital - The Future Of Consumer Goods: Accenture
The justification for                                       One billion
truly digital operations                                    new consumers
Over the last two decades, consumer                         by 2015
goods companies have skillfully                                                           Leveraging
aligned their businesses to a changing
world. This has led them on a                                                             digital
journey from their predominantly                                                          technology is
local roots, to boldly reshape their                        Newly affluent
                                                                                          the only way it’s
operating models and become first                           emerging
regional, and then global, giants.
                                                            market middle                 economically
Their vision has been rewarded:
every stage of the journey has been                         class                         viable to
accompanied by significant growth.                                                        compete and
The first stage of the journey saw                                                        win in this
companies extend their operations                           The 15 million                environment
regionally and win new consumer
segments in countries adjacent to,
                                                            new outlets
or with similar characteristics to,                         needed to
their home market. They began to                            reach them
segment consumers by type as well
as geography, to introduce shared
services and outsourcing, and to         The next stage of the journey            capturing the hearts, and wallets, of
consolidate their manufacturing          combined the best of the regional        emerging consumers and shoppers
and supply chains regionally. All        and global models together to            with desirable snacks and drinks,
these measure dramatically reduced       create “Super Global-Super Local”        cosmetics, toiletries and household
costs and improved margins. The          companies. The sophistication of         goods, CPG companies have grown
majority of the industry now runs        consumer segmentation increased,         revenues by almost 7 percent
a regional operating model.              and consumer and shopper archetypes      CAGR5 in the last two years, despite
A few companies have moved to the        were created to drive product            depressed global economic growth.
next stage, and ‘gone global’. They      development and engagement.
                                         At the same time, unique local           However, many firms are likely
focused on global consumer segments,                                              to find that, as globalization
and developed priority global brands     products supplemented global
                                         propositions. Only a handful of          continues and consumer growth
with target segments stretching                                                   increases, their margins and
from Tokyo to Turin to Toronto. They     companies operate like this today.
                                                                                  business growth will come under
introduced global operating models,      This transformational journey is         challenge. It is time for them to
supported by ERP systems, regional       associated with increased earnings       radically reshape their existing
management and supply hubs, and          and profitability in the CPG industry.   business models and strategies
shared services. They standardized       Global consumer goods companies          to benefit from the digital world.
operations, processes, supply            have achieved more than double digit     Importantly, this isn’t about some
chains, products and marketing,          growth in earnings before interest       kind of digital façade; it’s a far more
thus cutting costs and substantially     and tax in every year since 19954; and   transformational change requiring
increasing revenue and profitability.    earnings have outpaced sales growth      new processes and technology.
                                         in all but the last two years. But, by

Moving From Analog To Digital - The Future Of Consumer Goods: Accenture
Figure 1: Digital is a fundamental change for CPG companies and is                                              Wherever each company is on its
    equivalent to previous macroeconomic changes                                                                    journey, the digital world will affect
                                                                                                                    the future of its business profoundly.
                    Improve Margins         Double Size            Increase
                      Through Cost          of Business          Profitability                                      The path ahead is challenging. But it
                       Reduction                                                                                    also offers the prospect of stronger
                                                                                                                    revenues and profitability for those
                                                                    10s                                             companies that can successfully
                                                                   Digital           Market
                                               00s                                   of One                         enfranchise new emerging market
                                                                                                                    consumers and digitize their businesses.
                          90s                                             Margin
                        economy                                Reach




      Local            Regional         Global         Super Global/      Digital             Fluid
                                                        Super Local Disintermediation

    Figure 2: Processes and Technology have to evolve to support the journey in each step

                                                               CPG Push              Ecosystem Leverage                   Consumer Pull
Relationship &

                     Real Time

                                                                                                                                                 Enabling Capabilities

                                                                                                      Very Few


                    Archetypes                                                       Some
                                                                       Most of the
                    Consolidated                                       Industry

                                                    Few and Far

                                                       Local           Regional      Global           Super Global/      Digital         Fluid
6                                                                                                      Super Local Disintermediation
Moving From Analog To Digital - The Future Of Consumer Goods: Accenture
Moving From Analog To Digital - The Future Of Consumer Goods: Accenture
Moving From Analog To Digital - The Future Of Consumer Goods: Accenture
Evolving To A Digital Operating Model

                                          Moving to a digital operating model will involve a
                                          fundamental rethink of corporate structures, customer and
                                          consumer engagement, product development, supply chain,
                                          marketing and sales.

1      Organize by consumer
       and market archetype
       rather than geography.

For CPG companies, structuring their      to succeed. Given the sheer number
business operations geographically        of different markets, it is necessary    Defining Commercial
made sense in a world of high             to understand where groups of            Success Models:
transport and communications              markets share the same commercial
costs, and limited globalization. In      success model and organize by            •   Capability assessment:
today’s era, companies will need to       these Market Archetypes.                     Assesses the importance
structure their businesses in socially                                                 of key commercial
and economically coherent groups,         CPG companies can determine the              capabilities—route to
such as types of consumer and             commercial success model required            market, pricing, portfolio,
route to market, to be successful.        to win in each market or market-             trade promotion, distributor
For Consumer Archetypes, this             type, typically through evaluating           management, and marketing
might include groupings of culturally     capability, channel, and KPIs. Markets       investment—in each market
similar markets—so Australia grouped      can be grouped according to their
                                          attractiveness (size and growth)         •   Channel assessment:
with the UK (similar language and
                                          and the complexity inherent in               maps out the route to
customs), rather than nearby Indonesia,
                                          their route to market structure and          market in each country
for example. More radically, they
should structure themselves and           general maturity and stability.
                                                                                   •   KPI assessment: Highlights
their propositions around distinct                                                     the core KPIs that are
                                          Similar markets and consumer
consumer groups, such as working                                                       applicable to measuring
                                          segments are not always geographically
mothers, or the recently retired.                                                      performance in specific
                                          contiguous. Both these routes will
                                          require fundamental organizational           markets
When it comes to delivering the
capabilities required to win in the       change. Companies will need to
local market, there is no one size fits   organize their systems and processes,
all and not every market requires the     supply chains, distribution, sales,
most advanced capabilities in order       branding and marketing activities
                                          around these archetypes.

Moving From Analog To Digital - The Future Of Consumer Goods: Accenture
2          Expand into online
            sales—through eRetailers
            and/or directly through
                                                                                           3       Ensure integration
                                                                                                   throughout the value
                                                                                                   chain to enable a seamless
                                                                                                   shopping experience.

     Much of the growth in retail today is       product ranges beyond the capacity        The integration of physical and virtual
     in convenience or impulse shopping          of a physical store. And they have cut    shopping experiences, across the
     and non-store business—including            costs and passed some of the savings      lifecycle of a product, continues to
     online, via mail order, and TV. For         on to the shopper in reduced prices.      develop rapidly. This is making the
     example, Asia has been progressive in                                                 previously intangible aspects of how
     selling outside traditional bricks and      As a result, they have taken a bite       consumers discover and value goods
     mortar retail—being the first to accept     out of the profits of traditional         far more valuable—from how they are
     mobile payments. Although online sales      retailers. This is why, despite the       paid for, delivered, used, and disposed
     are still a relatively small part of the    rising profits in the CPG industry over   of. This demands that these fragmented
     market, their compound annual growth        the last decade, profits at bricks and    aspects of the value chain can no
     rates of 18 percent are far outstripping    mortar retailers have stagnated.          longer be arm’s length processes:
     that of urban retail sectors and            This retail revolution is not so much     they need to be integrated with the
     shopping malls.6 With lower costs and       the disintermediation of retailers, but   manufacturer’s brand. Nespresso’s
     greater flexibility, so-called etailing     the disintermediation of the physical     market strength is partly wrapped up
     will lead the way. But in turn, this will   store. Tesco, for example, has halted     in its tight integration of all these
     disrupt the traditional structure of the    construction on new stores. Retailers     aspects, ensuring a seamless consumer
     industry, as CPG companies discover         are developing their own online and       experience from its concept stores,
     new opportunities to sell direct to         virtual offerings, and integrating        to its online fulfillment channels,
     consumers, and build relationships          them with their stores to drive           to its dedicated support lines.
     with them, more than ever before.           traffic and interest across channels.     In a survey 7 Accenture undertook
     In the past, CPG companies have             If retailers can’t insulate themselves    last year into consumer expectations
     relied on bricks and mortar retailers to    from digital disintermediation;           and habits, 8 out of 10 consumers
     sell their products. But in the digital     nor can CPG companies. What is            said that the ability to pay for their
     world, digital retailers will be king.      happening today in retail will happen     goods anytime-anywhere-anyhow,
     Urban retail sectors and malls have         tomorrow in consumer goods.               and the ability to arrange delivery
     been among the first to feel the sharp      CPG companies need to act now             at their convenience, was important
     end of digital disruption. Etailers         to adapt their business model.            to them. This means that tangential
     have come into their market. They                                                     capabilities—such as payments
     operate without the overhead costs of                                                 processing, and customer order
     physical stores. They carry extensive                                                 management and delivery—become
                                                                                           core to the delivery of brands.

                                                 Build engaging, relevant
                                                 and customized brand
                                                 relationships with
                                                 target consumers.

The moments of truth are                  Marketing departments have long
converging, and to achieve the kind       been expert in the art of monologue:         From Monologue To Dialogue:8
of seamless experience consumers          endlessly highlighting a brand’s merits
and shoppers want, CPG companies          to consumers. Now they need to learn         •   A Brazilian department
will have to have a presence at every     the art of dialogue; they need to                store, C&A Fashion Like,
stage of the shopper’s journey—from       find the points of intersection between          has created clothes hangers
initial product discovery, to purchase,   what they want to say and what a                 that display live data on the
delivery, first usage, and so on. They    consumer wants to hear, through                  number of ‘likes’ a product
will need to engage with and manage       multiple channels. Content needs to be           receives on Facebook.
their whole value chain—outside           customized, timely and continuously
                                                                                       •   Nestle created Marktplatz
their enterprise, as well as within it.   relevant to individual consumers.
                                                                                           in Germany in 2011
And the blurring of the boundaries        The digital world enables, and now               allowing shoppers to
will also encourage CPG companies         demands, engagement through                      rate their products.
to sell directly to target consumers.     numerous interconnections between
                                                                                       •   Having launched a popular
This is a development that lends          the consumer or shopper, product,
                                                                                           Stain Solver website for
itself primarily to upmarket brands,      brand, retailer, digital and social
                                                                                           its Vanish brand, Reckitt-
as consumers and shoppers will have       networks. There’s a great opportunity
                                                                                           Benckiser took the concept
a limited appetite for shopping for       here. CPG companies get the chance to
                                                                                           a stage further with a ‘tip
commodity items from multiple sites.      build direct relationships with target
                                                                                           exchange’ Facebook page
Direct-to-consumer consolidation sites,   consumers. But there are significant
                                                                                           where users share their top
such as in the US try to get    challenges too. In the digital world,
                                                                                           stain removing tips.
around this issue. Other manufacturers    the consumer and shopper will decide
are trialing eStores and subscription     whether to engage or ‘consume’
services for bulk or repeat purchases.    any given piece of marketing. If
                                                                                    Together, they have the power to
                                          the content isn’t engaging and
                                                                                    create personalized engagement,
                                          relevant, it will be disregarded.
                                                                                    based on a 360° view of consumers’
                                          Achieving a personalized digital          digital interactions that will allow
                                          relationship with individual              companies to anticipate shoppers’
                                          consumers and shoppers will require       tastes, habits and expectations.
                                          investment in automation, technology
                                          and analytics. They can take
                                          relationships beyond transactional.
5      Expand product ranges
       as the constraints set by
       physical space decrease.          6      Enable consumer
                                                co-creation, allowing
                                                individuals to customize
                                                their chosen products.
The size of stores, competition among    Companies used to exploiting the
CPGs for shelf space, and supply chain   mass market, will have to learn to
costs has limited product ranges. This   exploit the market of ONE. Focus on
physical constraint will decrease with   the individual consumer, influencer,
the digital revolution. We foresee an    and shopper—they are all digital and
exponential expansion of product         expect specific attention. This could be
ranges to meet consumers’ diverse        highly profitable: we already know that
needs and tastes around the world.       the more specific a product is to an
Advances in technology will turbo-       individual, the more value they assign
boost this trend by making mass-         to it, and the more they are willing to
customization of products a reality.     pay for it. As advances in technology
                                         make the mass-customization of
                                         products an economical reality, allow
                                         consumers to specify products to
                                         suit their individual tastes, such as
                                         fragrance, flavor, pack size and color.
Making Sense Of A New Landscape

 These trends are blurring the
 boundaries in the consumer goods
                                         being led tactically by the IT function.
                                         Internal boundaries between functions                It’s time to disrupt
 industry. Product manufacturers are
 becoming retailers, distributors and
                                         need to come down, blurring the
                                         lines between sales, marketing, R&D,
                                                                                              with a digital
 media operators. On the demand-
 side, consumers are no longer just
                                         the supply chain and consumer
                                         service – enabling a holistic view
                                                                                              operating model.
 passive shoppers: they are critics,     of consumers, the capabilities to
 product co-creators, and, in some       deliver customized messages and
 instances, even digital storeowners.    offers, and the agility to adjust
                                         quickly as consumer needs change.
 Although CPG companies are talking
                                         1 eMarketer, “The Global Media Intelligence
 about the need to digitize their          Report Asia Pacific”, 2012
 businesses, they are still a long way   2 eMarketer, The Global Media Intelligence Report:
 from understanding the scale of           Asia-Pacific, September, 2012 pgs. 38,39

 the revolution that is coming. Right    3 Retail Planet, Global Trends & Forecasts,
                                           2013:Retail Horizons – Looking Forward to
 now, too many companies are simply        2020, December 2012, pages 25,54, 55
 seeing the digital revolution as a      4 Planet Retail
 technology issue: adding another        5 Captial IQ, FMCG Sales and Profit 1995-2012
 channel to reach consumers. It is far   6 Planet Retail, “Global Channel Trends”, May 2013
 more. It is a commercial revolution     7 Accenture Seamless Retail Study
 that must be addressed strategically    8 Retail Planet, Global Trends & Forecasts, 2013:
 across the enterprise, rather than        Retail Horizons – Looking Forward to 2020,
                                           December 2012, page 34

Figure 3: The degree of functional change for CPG companies as they evolve through the stages of the journey

                                  As companies expand globally, they evolve to
                                  global brands, and ultimately develop line
                                  extensions to appeal to localized tastes.

       R&D                                                                             Global Brands
                                                                                                                               Break down functional silos to
                                                                                                                               have one holistic view of consumer

     Marketing                                      Regional Brands                    Global Brands                 Global & Some Local Brands
                                                                           No longer organize by geography,
                                                                           and instead by consumer and                                                         Converge to
                                                                           market archetype                                                                     Work from
                                                                                                                          Route to market through               Consumer
       Sales                                                                                                                market archetypes
                                                                                                                                                               Back & End-
                                                                                                                         Enabling local agility                  to-End
                                                        Creating cost efficiencies
                                                                                                                         and service

   Supply Chain                               Regionalize Supply Chain               Some Globalization/                 Local Fulfillment
                                                                                       Value Creation
                      Eliminating redundancy and                                            Driving global operating
                      increasing cost efficiency                                            efficiency, innovation and

                                                    Regionalize                                                                GBS
        HR                                            Shared                                                                  Service
                                                      Services                                                                 Line


    0% Change
    50% Change
    100% Change          Local                          Regional                          Global                         Super Global/                              Digital
                                                                                                                          Super Local

Contacts for more information:     Shaping the Future                        About Accenture
Fabio Vacirca                      of High Performance                       Accenture is a global management
Global Consumer Goods              in Consumer Goods                         consulting, technology services
Managing Director                                                            and outsourcing company, with
Milan, Italy                       Our Consumer Goods industry
                                                                             approximately 281,000 people serving        professionals around the world work
                                                                             clients in more than 120 countries.
+39 (02777) 58483                  with companies in the food, beverages,
                                                                             Combining unparalleled experience,
                                   agribusiness, home and personal care,
                                                                             comprehensive capabilities across all
John Jackson                       consumer health, fashion and luxury,
                                                                             industries and business functions,
Managing Director—                 and tobacco segments. With decades
                                                                             and extensive research on the world’s
Consumer Goods;                    of experience working with the world’s
                                                                             most successful companies, Accenture
Growth & Strategy                  most successful companies, we help
                                                                             collaborates with clients to help
London, England                    clients manage scale and complexity,
                                                                             them become high-performance         transform global operating models to
                                                                             businesses and governments. The
+44 (20) 7844-2779                 effectively serve emerging and mature
                                                                             company generated net revenues of
                                   markets, and drive growth through
Keith Barringer                                                              US$28.6 billion for the fiscal year
                                   evolving market conditions. We provide
North America Consumer Goods                                                 ended Aug. 31, 2013. Its home
                                   end-to-end business services as well as
Managing Director                                                            page is
                                   individual consulting, technology and
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
                                   outsourcing projects in the commercial
                                   and supply chain areas, enterprise
+1 (678) 657-7783
                                   solutions and integrated business
Mark Austin                        services. To read our proprietary
Europe and Latin America           industry research and insights, visit
Consumer Goods Managing Director
London, England
+44 (20) 7844-7193

Rajat Agarwal
Asia Pacific Consumer Goods
Managing Director
New Delhi, India
+91 (11) 429-0185

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