NEWS AND NOTES for February, 2022 -

Page created by Jennifer Lyons
NEWS AND NOTES for February, 2022
                                 12:00 Noon Mass for Opening of Catholic Schools Week followed by Open House in School
      Sunday, January 30
                                 and Scholastic Book Fair 1:00-3:00 pm
     Thursday, February 3        2nd Trimester Progress Reports available for download on MSP after 1:00PM
                                 8:30 AM First Friday Mass for PK4 – Grade 8; DEC & JAN Peacemakers certificates
      Friday, February 4
                                 awarded after Mass                         1:00PM DISMISSAL after lunch; NO PM CARES
                                 3:30 – 6:30pm Registration for new students BY APPOINTMENT ONLY
   Wednesday, February 9
                                 5:00-6:00PM Swap Shop (Change from 1st Wednesday to coincide with registration)
   Wednesday, February 16        7:00pm First Penance
    Thursday, February 17        6th Grade Connolly Trip to the Adventure Aquarium
      Friday, February 18        Teacher Inservice                           NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
    Monday, February 20          Presidents’ Day                             NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

Tuition Schedule for 2022-2023
The parish finance council has established the tuition schedule for the upcoming school year. You will notice the
increase in the tuition rate is slightly more than it has been in the previous years. Because of the pandemic, the increase
was maintained at only $100 per year for the past two years even though the school operating costs were increased.
Now, with the continued costs in cleaning and sanitizing, as well as the rise in the regular school operating costs, it was
decided that the tuition would be raised $200 for the upcoming school year. Be assured that they did not make this
decision lightly. They compared tuition and fees from all surrounding schools and realized that our tuition is in line with
the other parishes once you consider that our tuition is all inclusive whereas the other parishes have additional fees and
charges as well as parish contributions factored into their totals. The tuition schedule can be found on the school
website at

Registration for 2022-2023
Before we can accept new students we need to know if you plan to return for the 2022-2023 school year. To make it
easier for you and the school office, we have created a Google Form for you to fill out and submit to us. Please click on
the following link to access the form. It is very important that you re-register
your child as soon as possible. We need to get a sense of our numbers now in order to determine how many spots we
have for new students as well as how many teachers will be needed for next year. Any open slots will be offered to new
families after 2/1/2022.

In addition, you must fill out and return the Tuition Contract as well as the Act90-195 form which also includes the
Acceptable Use Policy for Technology. The forms can be found on the school website at Re-Registration for 2022-2023 -
Resurrection Regional Catholic School - Philadelphia, PA ( The registration fee is per family.
[Kindergarten through Grade 8 - $200; PK 3 or PK 4 - $175; Family Rate (Registering a PK child and a child in K-8) - $325]
If you do not have a printer, we would be happy to send the forms home with your child. Please call the school 215-742-
1127 to request the forms.

After submitting the online form, please send in all forms along with your registration fee with your child or mail them to
Resurrection Regional Catholic School, 2020 Shelmire Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19152. Your registration is not complete
until we have received all forms and the registration fee.

If you are registering a sibling who is not currently in our school, please add that child’s name to the tuition contract
but you also must complete a New Student Registration form for that child. The form can be found ON THE SCHOOL
WEBSITE New Student Registration INFORMATION AND Forms for 2022-2023 - Resurrection Regional Catholic School -
Philadelphia, PA ( Return this form to school along with the child’s birth certificate, Baptismal
certificate and Immunizations.

                                                                                                          Month of February
If you know of someone else in your family or neighborhood who would like to send their child to our school, please
pass on the following information. New student registration for families not currently at Resurrection Regional will
take place BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. At this point we have scheduled only one evening time, Wednesday, February 9,
2022 from 3:30-6:30 pm. All forms must be filled out and brought to the appointment. Forms can be found at New
Student Registration INFORMATION AND Forms for 2022-2023 - Resurrection Regional Catholic School - Philadelphia, PA
( Additional days and times will be added as needed. Call 215-742-1127 to schedule an

Snow Days, Early Dismissals and Delayed Openings
Please keep in mind that Resurrection Regional does not make the decisions about closing due to inclement weather.
The Office of Catholic Education makes the decision for “All Philadelphia Archdiocesan Schools.” You must listen for
that announcement on the radio or TV. As soon as we get the notification, we will try to post it on our website as well
as email parents and send a text/voice message.

We understand that Early Dismissals and Delayed Openings are difficult for working parents so we encourage you to
have an emergency plan in place prior to it happening. After school CARES is not available for early dismissals since our
staff needs to get home safely as well. In addition, keep in mind that if there is a delayed opening, morning CARES will
have a delayed opening as well. For example, if it is announced, “Philadelphia Archdiocesan schools will have a 2 hour
delayed opening,” we will open school at 10:00 am and CARES will be available starting at 8:30 am since CARES usually
begins at 6:30am. If you do not usually use morning CARES but would like to use it on days that have delayed openings,
you may drop your child off at the door near the breezeway. The cost is $6.00 which must be sent in with your child that
day along with contact information should an emergency occur.

Catholic Schools Week 2022
The CSW 2022 theme is “Catholic Schools: Faith, Excellence, Service.” Catholic schools have a specific purpose to form
students to be good citizens of the world, love God and neighbor and enrich society with the leaven of the gospel and by
example of faith. As communities of faith, Catholic schools instill in students their destiny to become saints. Academic
excellence is the hallmark of Catholic education intentionally directed to the growth of the whole person – mind, body
and spirit. Finally, service is fundamental to Catholic education and the core of Catholic discipleship. Service is intended
to help form people who are not only witnesses to Catholic social teaching, but also active participants through social

This year’s CSW logo emphasizes that the Catholic school, like the Catholic Church, is not a
building or an institution, but it is the people. As the people of God, we work together to bring
the Kingdom of God to Earth and raise up the next generation to do the same. The image of
teachers and students forming the foundation of the school shows that they are active people of
faith who serve others and God. May we all strive to live in active service of Jesus and his
mission as we nationally join together during Catholic Schools Week and always.

We will kick off our Catholic Schools Week at the 12:00 Noon Mass on Sunday, January 30th. We would like parents and
students to join as at this Mass. Students should wear their school uniforms and, rather than sitting with their classes as
in previous years, they are to sit in the pews with their families. Following Mass, we will have an Open House at school
from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. At the same time, there will also be a Scholastic Book Fair in the cafeteria. Parents, friends and
relatives are encouraged to stop by and purchase a few books. The students will be bringing home a flyer showing the
books that are available and they will also be given an opportunity to purchase books during Catholic Schools Week

Here are the themes and some activities for each day of Catholic Schools Week. Due to the pandemic, some activities
had to be cancelled or curtailed but the committee still came up with some fun activities in which the school can
participate while following CDC guidelines.

Monday: Community/Nation
  ● Students may add red, white or blue to their uniform
  ● Student Council representatives will be making goodie bags for the local Police District.

                                                                                                          Month of February
Tuesday: Parent Appreciation Day
   ● Each class will honor their parents

Wednesday: Student Appreciation Day
   Color Wars - Rather than each grade being assigned a color, this year each class will divide the students up into
      four color groups, red, blue, yellow, green. That way, the entire school will participate by color, PK through 8th
      grade – all blues, all reds, all greens and all yellows. Each color team will have all week to earn points for their
      color team. May the best color win!
  ● Students are asked to donate $1.00, so we as a school can make a donation to a Catholic Charity.
  ● Grades Pre K - 5 DANCE PARTY! We will be stopping and dancing at 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 in the classrooms via
  ● Grades 6-8 will play trivia on Kahoot! The class that wins will be treated to a pizza party

Thursday: Vocations
   ● Virtual vocation presentations by grade
   ● Sister Francis and Fr. Jim are being asked to visit all classrooms.

Friday: Teacher/Staff/ Volunteers 1:00 DISMISSAL after lunch
     Teachers will be treated to breakfast.
     Lunch mothers, bus drivers and crossing guards will receive a special treat.

Announcing Our January Peacemakers                                         CONGRATULATIONS!
 Grade Room               Student                            Grade           Room           Student
           17        Claudio Treshaj                                           9           Ryan Chen
  PK                                                             4
           20       Samantha Bonilla                                          10      Christopher Patton
           19       Matthew Moraes                                            11        Matthew Kahn
   K                                                             5
           24           Peyton Lim                                            12       Lincoln Bradford
           29          Elias Goffney                                          13         Keion Salmon
   1                                                             6
           30         Chase Morales                                           14        Aislinn Murray
           25        Kaique Oliveira                                          16          Olivia Miller
   2                                                             7
           28          Aubrey Bass                                            18      Jordan Rivera-Seda
            7          Colbie Perry                              8             5          Joao Batista
            8           Luis Huesca                              8             6            Fiona Lin
Due to the snow day in January, December peacemaker certificates were not given out. Both December and January
certificates will be handed out at the First Friday Mass on Friday, February 4 th. Please plan on joining us to honor our
December and January Peacemakers!

Scholarship News
Children’s Scholarship Fund Philadelphia (CSFP)
The CSFP application is now available online and remains open until March 1, 2022. Apply at CSFP conducts a priority lottery in
December. Any applications not selected in this initial lottery will automatically be entered into a second lottery in
March. Winners in both lotteries will be notified via email with next steps for registration.

                                                                                                          Month of February
All BLOCS scholarships have been given out for the 2021-2022 school year. The application for the 2022-2023 school
year is now available through your FACTS account. Many families have already applied for this scholarship so be sure to
complete the application if you are interested.
Bridge scholarships for 2021-2022 have been awarded and families have been notified. The application for the 2022-
2023 school year should be available in April. As soon as it is available it will be posted on the school website.

CYO News
Coaches are needed for Cadet Basketball, Grades 3 & 4, boys and girls. If no one volunteers, then this group will be
cancelled. If you are interested or would like more information, contact Eleanor Hennessey at 267-303-8472.

Shop Amazon Smile and Benefit Our School
Our school is registered with Amazon Smile! AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support our school
every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase
price to our school! To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to from the web browser on your
computer or mobile device and select Resurrection Regional Catholic School. You may also want to add a bookmark
to to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.

Box Tops for Education
As most of you have heard the program is transitioning away from the standard clipping and encouraging people to
download the box tops app from the Apple store or the Google Play store where you can scan your receipts to get credit
for our school. Receipts must be scanned within 2 weeks of purchase and if you do not want to add apps on your phone
please send them in in a timely manner as Mrs. Berkhimer can scan them for you. Additionally we are still accepting the
clipped boxtops until they disappear which currently looks like 2023. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Berkhimer
at or call the school at 215-742-1127. Thanks for your help!

SCRIP Program
The SCRIP program offers gift cards for various stores and supermarkets. It doesn’t cost you anything to participate and
not only does it benefit our school but it also benefits you by giving you rebates on your tuition. Consider buying SCRIP
on a regular basis. It’s definitely a WIN/WIN plan. Our SCRIP coordinator is Rosemarie Kazoroski and she has an office in
the rectory.

In addition to stopping by the Scrip office during operating hours, (Sunday 9AM to 11AM; Monday 9AM to 11AM;
Wednesday 6PM to 8PM; Friday 9AM to 11AM AND 6PM to 8PM; Saturday 9AM to 11AM) we are now set up to sell
SCRIP and accept payments for SCRIP online. There are hundreds of retailers and setting up an account for your family is
easy! Go to the following website, Our school has been given a
new code for buying SCRIP online. If you want to order online, please email our SCRIP coordinator, Rosemarie at or call the SCRIP office at 215-745-5021.

                                             UPCOMING EVENTS
        Wednesday, March 2                8:30 AM Mass for Ash Wednesday
Friday, March 4 – Thursday, March 10      TerraNova Testing for Grades 3,4,5,6,7
          Friday, March 11                End of 2nd Trimester
          Friday, March 18                Faculty Retreat                          NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
           Friday, April 1                Teacher Inservice                        NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
           Friday, April 8                1:00 & 7:00 pm Living Stations
         Wednesday, April 13              NOON DISMISSAL for Easter Holidays
          Tuesday, April 19               Classes resume

                                                                                                        Month of February
Resurrection Regional Catholic School Contact List
PERSON                     PROGRAM/POSITION             PHONE           EMAIL/WEBSITE
Fr. Jim DeGrassa           Pastor                               215-745-3211
Mr. Jack Bellantoni        Principal                            215-742-1127
Mrs. Maryanne DeCree                                                     
                           School Secretaries                   215-742-1127
Mrs. Cris Kiessling                                                      
Ms. Annemarie Garvey       My Students Progress; Scholarships   215-742-1127
Ms. Nadine Holzshu         Tuition Manager                      215-745-3211
Mrs. Catherine Estudante   Home and School President                     
Mrs. Alyssa Berkhimer
                           Boxtops and Labels Coordinator                
Mrs. Melissa Fleming
                           SCRIP Coordinator Office Hours:
Mrs. Rosemarie Kazoroski   Sun, Mon, Fri, Sat 9AM to 11AM;      215-745-5021
                           Wed, Fri, 6PM to 8PM
Ms. Karen Fitzgerald       P.R.E.P.                             215-742-1127 x120
                           Amazon Smile                               Register at:

                                                                                                  Month of February
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