Overview of Major Congressional Actions COVID-19 for State, Local & Higher Education March 11, 2021

Overview of Major Congressional Actions COVID-19 for State, Local & Higher Education March 11, 2021
Overview of Major Congressional Actions
COVID-19 for State, Local & Higher Education
March 11, 2021
Overview of Major Congressional Actions COVID-19 for State, Local & Higher Education March 11, 2021

  o COVID-19 Congressional Action Overview                        3

  o American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act 2021                           4

  o Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021                          33

  o CARES Act                                                     50

  o Cares Act - Cities & Local Communities                        72

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.        2
Overview of Major Congressional Actions COVID-19 for State, Local & Higher Education March 11, 2021
    The Federal Government is enacting a series of bills to stabilize the economy and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Congress has passed six
    bills to date: HR6074, HR6201, HR748, HR266, HR133, and HR1319

    CV#1 –                                         CV#2 –                          CV#3 –                        CV#3.5 –                    CV#4 –                         CV#5 –

    Coronavirus                                    Families First                  Coronavirus Aid,              Paycheck Protection         Consolidated                   American Rescue
    Preparedness and                               Coronavirus Response            Relief, and                   Program & Health            Appropriations Act             Plan (ARP Act)
    Response                                       Act                             Economic                      Care Enhancement
    Supplemental                                                                   Security Act                  Act
    Appropriations                                                                 (CARES Act)
    Act                                                                                                                                                                   HR1319
                                             •   HR6201                       •   HR748                      •   HR266                   •   HR133                    •

                                                                                                                                                                          Enacted 3/11/2021
                                             •   Enacted 3/17/20              •   Enacted 3/30/20            •   Enacted 4/24/20         •   Enacted 12/27/2020       •

     Enacted 3/6/20
                                                                                                                                                                          Provides approximately
                                             •   Guarantees free              •   Provides approximately     •   Provides $310 billion   •   Provides $900 billion    •

     $8.3 billion                                                                 $2 trillion of financial       for the Paycheck            for additional COVID-        $1.9 trillion of financial
                                                 coronavirus testing,
     Emergency                                                                    aid to federal agencies,       Protection Program,         19 support to address        aid to federal agencies,
                                                 establishes paid leave,
     Appropriations                                                               nonprofit organizations,       $75 billion for             vaccinations, testing,       individuals, businesses,
     for COVID-19                                                                 individuals, businesses,       hospitals and $25           contact tracing,             and state and local
     Response                                                                     and state and local            billion for COVID-19        and Unemployment             governments
                                                 Insurance, enhances
                                                 food security initiatives,       governments                    testing                     Insurance
                                                 and increases federal
                                                 Medicaid funding

    Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                    3
Overview of Major Congressional Actions COVID-19 for State, Local & Higher Education March 11, 2021
American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act 2021
Overview of Major Congressional Actions COVID-19 for State, Local & Higher Education March 11, 2021
Major state fund provisions –
Department of Treasury
Major state fund provisions
  Treasury Department

              Program                                 Amount                                           Description                                            Keywords          Time Constraints

                                                                  $219.8 billion for States, territories, and Tribal governments to mitigate the fiscal   State, fiscal,
                                                                  effects with respect to the public health emergency. $25.5 billion would be equally     revenue, Covid-19
                                                                  divided to provide each state a minimum of $500 million. $169 billion would be          response, essential
                                                                  allocated based on the states’ share of unemployed workers over a three-month           employees,
                                                                  period, from October-December 2020.                                                     infrastructure,
                                                                   State-by-State Funding Allocations                                                     industries

                                                                  Funds to be distributed within 60 days from certification. The Secretary can withhold
                                                                  up to half of a state or territory’s allocation for as long as 12 months based on its
                                                                  unemployment rate and require an updated certification of its funding needs.

                                                                  Use of funds:
  Coronavirus State Fiscal
                                                                  • Respond to the COVID-19 emergency and address its economic effects, including
  Recovery Fund                                 $219.8 billion                                                                                                                  December 31, 2024
                                                                    through aid to households, small businesses, nonprofits, and industries such as
                                                                    tourism and hospitality
                                                                  • Provide premium pay to essential employees or grants to their employers.
                                                                    Premium pay cannot exceed $13 per hour or $25,000 per worker
                                                                  • Provide government services affected by a revenue reduction as a result of
                                                                    COVID-19 in the most recent full fiscal year of the State, territory, or Tribal
                                                                    government prior to the emergency
                                                                  • Make investments in water, sewer and broadband infrastructure.
                                                                  • Cannot use the funds towards pensions or to offset revenue resulting from a tax
                                                                    cut enacted since March 3, 2021
                                                                  • Allowed to transfer funds to private nonprofit groups, public benefit corporations
                                                                    involved in passenger or cargo transportation, and special-purpose units of state
                                                                    or local governments

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Major state fund provisions
  Treasury Department

              Program                                 Amount                                          Description                                             Keywords        Time Constraints

                                                                  $130.2 billion for metropolitan cities, nonentitlement units of local government, and   Counties, cities,
                                                                  counties to mitigate the fiscal effects with respect to the public health emergency.    nonentitlement
                                                                  Local Funding Allocations                                                               units of local
                                                                  Funds would be distributed in two tranches, with 50 percent delivered no later than     fiscal, revenue,
                                                                  60 days from the date of enactment, and the remainder delivered no earlier than one     COVID-19
                                                                  year later. Metropolitan Cities and Counties: Treasury shall directly allocate the      response,
                                                                  funds. Nonentitlement units of local government: States must allocate withing 30        essential
                                                                  days or request an additional 30-day extension. A nonentitlement unit cannot            employees,
                                                                  receive more than 75 percent of its budget as of January 27, 2020.                      infrastructure,
  Coronavirus Local Fiscal                                                                                                                                industries
  Recovery Fund                                 $130.2 billion    Use of funds:                                                                                               December 31, 2024
                                                                  • Respond to the COVID-19 emergency and address its economic effects, including
                                                                    through aid to households, small businesses, nonprofits, and industries such as
                                                                    tourism and hospitality
                                                                  • Provide premium pay to essential employees or grants to their employers.
                                                                    Premium pay cannot exceed $13 per hour or $25,000 per worker
                                                                  • Provide government services affected by a revenue reduction resulting from
                                                                  • Make investments in water, sewer and broadband infrastructure
                                                                  • Cannot use the funds towards pensions or to offset revenue resulting from a tax
                                                                    cut enacted since March 3, 2021
                                                                  • Allowed to transfer funds to the state

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Major state fund provisions
  Treasury Department

              Program                                 Amount                                          Description                                             Keywords           Time Constraints
                                                                  $10 billion for a Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund to carry out projects to support    Work, education,       FY21
                                                                  work, education and health monitoring during COVID-19. Each state will receive          health, rural,
                                                                  $100 million. The remaining amount to states will be based on:                          poverty                Secretary
  Coronavirus Capital                                             • 50 percent by population                                                                                     shall establish a
                                                $10 billion
  Fund                                                            • 25 percent by the number of individuals living in rural areas in each State                                  grant process within
                                                                  • 25 percent by the number of individuals with a household income that is below                                60 days of
                                                                     150 percent of the poverty line                                                                             enactment
                                                                  State Allocations for Capital Projects
  Local Assistance and                                            $2 billion for payments to revenue sharing counties and eligible Tribal governments,    Tribal governments,
                                                $2 billion                                                                                                territories            September 30, 2023
  Tribal Consistency Fund                                         including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

                                                                  $21.5 billion for emergency rental assistance, including $2.5 billion for payments to   Rental assistance,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Funds must
                                                                  “high-need” grantees - the number of very low-income renter households paying           high-need
                                                                                                                                                                                 be reallocated to
  Emergency Rental                                                more than 50 percent of income on rent or living in substandard conditions. 40
                                                $21.5 billion                                                                                                                    other states if not
  Assistance                                                      percent of each such eligible grantee’s total will be allocated within 60 days of
                                                                                                                                                                                 utilized by October
                                                                  enactment. Up to 10 percent can be used for case management and up to 15
                                                                                                                                                                                 1, 2022
                                                                  percent can be used for administrative costs.
                                                                  $9.9 billion establishes a Homeowner Assistance Fund for states to prevent              Homeowners,
                                                                  homeowner mortgage delinquencies, defaults, foreclosures, loss of utilities, home       mortgage, internet,    September 30, 2025
                                                                  energy services, internet, homeowner's insurance and displacements of homeowners        utilities, insurance
                                                                  experiencing financial hardship after January 21, 2020. 60 percent shall be used to                            States must request
  Homeowner Assistance
                                                $9.9 billion      assist homeowners having incomes equal to or less than 100 percent of the area                                 funds from Treasury
                                                                  median income for their household size or equal to or less than 100 percent of the                             within 45 days or
                                                                  median income. State allocations will be based on unemployment and                                             they will be
                                                                  total mortgagors 30 days past due and foreclosures. Minimum state allocations: $50                             reallocated

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Major state fund provisions
  Treasury Department
              Program                                 Amount                                         Description                                             Keywords           Time Constraints
                                                                  Provides funds for state programs that support small businesses responding to and      Small business,
                                                                  recovering from the economic effects of the pandemic, ensure businesses                credit and
  State Small Business                                            enterprises owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged            investments,
                                                $10 billion                                                                                                                     September 30, 2030
  Credit Initiative                                               individuals have access to credit and investments, provide technical assistance to     technical assistance
                                                                  help small businesses applying for various support programs. Awards will be based
                                                                  on a state’s proportion of unemployed persons as a percentage of the national total.

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Healthcare provisions – ARP Act
Department of Health & Human Services and
Department of Agriculture
Healthcare provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services

              Program                                 Amount                                          Description                                               Keywords          Time Constraints

                                                                  $47.8 billion to HHS to carry out activities to detect, diagnose, trace, and monitor      Grants, cooperative
                                                                  COVID-19 infections and related strategies to mitigate spread. Funding can be used        agreements,
                                                                  for a variety of purposes, including to award grants or cooperative agreements to         contact tracing,
  COVID-19 Testing,                                               State, local, and territorial public health departments for detection, tracing, and       testing, mitigate,
  Contact Tracing, and                          $47.8 billion     monitoring activities or for establishing, expanding, and sustaining a public health      PPE
  Mitigation                                                      workforce; to implement a national strategy for testing, contact tracing, surveillance,
                                                                  and mitigation; to support the development, manufacture, procurement, distribution,
                                                                  and administration of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other supplies; and
                                                                  to invest in laboratory capacity.
                                                                  $1.8 billion to CDC to be used to:                                                        Genome
                                                                  • Conduct, expand, and improve activities to sequence genomes, identify mutations,        sequencing, virus
                                                                     and survey transmission                                                                identification
  Genomic Sequencing                                              • Award grants or cooperative agreements to State, local, Tribal, or territorial public
  and Surveillance –                                                 health departments or laboratories to increase capacity to sequence genomes,
                                                $1.8 billion
  Centers for Disease                                                identify mutations in viruses, use sequencing to identify outbreaks and clusters of
  Control and Prevention                                             infections, and develop effective response strategies
                                                                  • Enhance and expand informatics capabilities of the public health workforce
                                                                  • Award grants for the construction and renovation of facilities to improve
                                                                     sequencing and surveillance capabilities at the state and local level

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Healthcare provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services

              Program                                 Amount                                          Description                                            Keywords            Time Constraints

                                                                  $7.5 billion to CDC to conduct activities to enhance, expand, and improve nationwide   Vaccines, vaccine
                                                                  COVID-19 vaccine distribution and administration. Funds can also be used to provide    management,
                                                                  technical assistance, guidance, and support to, and award grants or cooperative        vaccine distribution,
                                                                  agreements to, State, local, Tribal, and territorial public health departments for     health equity, IT,
                                                                  enhancement of COVID-19 vaccine distribution and administration capabilities,          technology
                                                                  including:                                                                             modernization
                                                                  • The distribution and administration of vaccines
                                                                  • The establishment and expansion of community vaccination centers, particularly in
                                                                     underserved areas
  COVID-19 Vaccine                                                • The deployment of mobile vaccination units
  Activities – Centers for                                        • Information Technology, standards-based data, and reporting enhancements,
                                                $7.5 billion
  Disease Control and                                                including improvements necessary to support standards-based sharing of data
  Prevention                                                         related to vaccine distribution and vaccinations and systems that enhance vaccine
                                                                     safety, effectiveness, and uptake
                                                                  • Facilities enhancements
                                                                  • Public communication regarding vaccines
                                                                  • Transportation of individuals to facilitate vaccinations

                                                                  Also provides a supplemental funding opportunity for state, locality, and territory
                                                                  vaccine distribution grants from the December 2020 COVID-19 relief package
                                                                  (Consolidated Appropriations Act) based on entities receiving the higher of two
                                                                  distribution formulas (see Sec. 2301, ARP).

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Healthcare provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services

              Program                                 Amount                                           Description                                              Keywords       Time Constraints

                                                                  $7.6 billion to HHS to award grants and cooperative agreements to Community               Vaccine
                                                                  Health Centers (CHCs) be used to:                                                         management,
                                                                  • Plan, prepare for, promote, distribute, administer, and track COVID-19 vaccines,        contact tracing,
                                                                     and to carry out other vaccine-related activities                                      community
                                                                  • Detect, diagnose, trace, and monitor COVID-19 infections and related activities         outreach,
                                                                     necessary to mitigate the spread of the virus                                          healthcare
                                                                  • Purchase equipment and supplies to conduct mobile testing or vaccinations, to           workforce, PPE
  Community Health
                                                                     hire personnel or other staff
  Centers and Community                         $7.6 billion
                                                                  • Establish, expand, and sustain the health care workforce to prevent, prepare for,
                                                                     and respond to COVID-19, and to carry out other activities
                                                                  • Modify, enhance, and expand health care services and infrastructure
                                                                  • Conduct community outreach and education activities related to COVID-19

                                                                  Past expenditures: awardees may use amounts awarded to cover costs of awardee
                                                                  carrying out any of the qualifying activities during the period January 31, 2020 to the
                                                                  time of the award.
                                                                  $6.1 billion for Tribal health programs, including:                                       Tribal health,
                                                                  • $1.5 billion to detect, diagnose, trace, and monitor infections, and other activities   vaccine
                                                                     necessary to mitigate spread                                                           management, IT,
  Tribal Health                                 $6.1 billion      • $140 million for information technology, telehealth infrastructure, and the Indian      telehealth,
                                                                     Health Service electronic health records system                                        infrastructure,
                                                                  • $600 million to plan, prepare for, promote, distribute, administer, and track           health records
                                                                     COVID-19 vaccines

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Healthcare provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services

              Program                                 Amount                                           Description                                               Keywords           Time Constraints

                                                                  $7.7 billion to HHS to carry out activities related to establishing, expanding, and        Public health
                                                                  sustaining a public health workforce, including by making awards to State, local, and      workforce, contact
                                                                  territorial public health departments.                                                     tracing, community
                                                                                                                                                             health, PPE, data
                                                                  Use of funds for public health departments:                                                management,
                                                                  • Costs related to recruiting, hiring, and training case investigators, contact tracers,   administrative costs
                                                                    social support specialists, community health workers, public health nurses, disease
  Public Health Workforce                       $7.7 billion
                                                                    intervention specialists, epidemiologists, program managers, lab personnel,
                                                                    informaticians, communication and policy experts, and other resources employed
                                                                    by State, territorial, or local public health departments or nonprofit private or
                                                                    public organizations with expertise in implementing public health programs
                                                                  • PPE, data management and other technology, or other necessary supplies
                                                                  • Administrative costs and activities necessary for awardees to implement activities
                                                                  • Subawards from recipients to local health departments

  Department of Agriculture

              Program                                 Amount                                           Description                                               Keywords           Time Constraints

                                                                  Establishes an emergency pilot program within 150 days to provide emergency                Rural health,
  Emergency Grants for                                            grants for rural health care to increase vaccine distribution capacity, provide medical    vaccine
                                                $500 million                                                                                                                        September 30, 2023
  Rural Health Care                                               supplies, reimburse for COVID-19 related expenses and lost revenue, increase               distribution,
                                                                  telehealth capabilities, among other uses.                                                 telehealth

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Human services provisions –
Departments of Agriculture, Health & Human
Services, and Housing & Urban Development
Human services provisions
  Department of Agriculture

              Program                                 Amount                                           Description                                               Keywords       Time Constraints

  Supplemental Nutrition                                          Extends a 15 percent increase to monthly benefits under SNAP through September             SNAP
                                                N/A                                                                                                                             September 30, 2021
  Assistance Program                                              30; currently scheduled to lapse on June 30.
                                                                  Provides funding for state SNAP agency administrative costs to process increased           SNAP,
  Supplemental Nutrition
                                                $1.2 billion      SNAP applications and implement COVID-19 emergency measures. Majority of the               administration     September 30, 2023
  Assistance Program
                                                                  funding is for grants to each state agency for FY21 – 23.                                  costs
                                                                  Expands the Pandemic EBT program through any school year during a designated               P-EBT, nutrition
                                                                  public health emergency and the following summer period. The program, which                assistance
  Pandemic-EBT                                  N/A               provides food aid to families during school closures, had initially been limited to FY20
                                                                  and FY21 and to school year 2020-2021, and now includes select American
                                                                  Increases the amount of the cash-value voucher provided under the WIC program up           WIC, vouchers
  Women, Infants and
                                                $490 million      to $35 during the pandemic. Participating states can apply the increase for as long as                        September 30, 2021
                                                                  four months after opting in.
                                                                  Increases participation in WIC through outreach and program modernization.                 WIC, program
  Women, Infants and
                                                $390 million      Temporarily expands the age of eligibility to 25 for the Child and Adult Care Food         modernization      September 30, 2024
                                                                  Program (CACFP) at emergency homeless shelters.

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Human services provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services

              Program                                 Amount                                           Description                                              Keywords          Time Constraints
                                                                                                                                                            CCDBG, block          Available through
                                                                  $15 billion for the Child Care Development Block Grant Program
                                                                                                                                                            grants, child care,   September 30, 2021
                                                                                                                                                            essential workers
                                                                  Use of funds:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Payments made to
  Child Care Development                                          • States, territories, Indian Tribes, and Tribal organizations are authorized to use
                                                $15 billion                                                                                                                       states, territories,
  Block Grant Program                                               such funds to provide child care assistance to health care sector employees,
                                                                                                                                                                                  tribes shall be
                                                                    emergency responders, sanitation workers, and other workers deemed essential
                                                                                                                                                                                  obligated in FY21 or
                                                                    during the response to coronavirus by public officials, without regard to the
                                                                                                                                                                                  the succeeding 2
                                                                    income eligibility requirements of the program
                                                                                                                                                                                  fiscal years
                                                                  $24 billion for child care stabilization grants to be awarded to states’ lead agencies.   CCDBG, block
                                                                  Lead agencies are directed to make subgrants to qualified child care providers            grants, child care
                                                                  regardless of such providers’ previous receipt of federal assistance.

                                                                  Use of funds:
                                                                  • Qualified child care providers that receive funds through subgrants must use the
                                                                    funds for at least one of: personnel costs, including payroll, benefits,
                                                                    recruitment/retention costs; rent or mortgage obligations, utilities, facility costs,                         Available through
  Child Care Stabilization                      $24 billion
                                                                    and insurance; PPE; other goods to resume or maintain child care services; or                                 September 30, 2021
                                                                    mental health supports for children and employees

                                                                  • Lead agencies shall reserve not more than 10 percent of grant funds to administer
                                                                    subgrants, provide technical assistance and support for applying for and accessing
                                                                    the subgrant opportunity, publicize the subgrants, and provide technical
                                                                    assistance to child care providers to implement necessary policies

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Human services provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services

              Program                                 Amount                                           Description                                               Keywords           Time Constraints

                                                                  Permanently increases the total funding for the Child Care Entitlement to States from      Child care,
                                                                  $2.9 billion to $3.05 billion (increase of $130 million).                                  appropriation
  Child Care Entitlement                        $130 million
                                                                  Waives state matching funds for 2021 and 2022.
                                                                  $1 billion to be allocated to Head Start agencies for one-time grants; each agency         Head start, grants,
                                                                  shall be allocated an amount based on the proportion of enrolled children served by        children               Available through
  Head Start                                    $1 billion
                                                                  the Head Start agency as compared to the total number of enrolled children served                                 September 30, 2022
                                                                  by all Head Start agencies.
                                                                  $250 million for HHS for community-based grants for the prevention of child abuse          Children, protective
                                                                  and neglect.                                                                               services,
  Child Abuse Prevention                                          • Of the total, each state shall be allotted an amount proportional to the number of       grants                 Available through
                                                $350 million
  and Treatment                                                     children under the age of 18 to the total number of children under the age of 18                                September 30, 2023
                                                                    in all States

                                                                  $100 million for grants to states for improving child protective services systems.
                                                                  $150 million to the Health Resources & Services Administration for grants to serve         MIECHV,
                                                                  families with home/virtual visits; to pay hazard pay or other staff costs; to train home   technology, family
  Maternal, Infant, and
                                                                  visitors; to provide technology to support virtual home visits; to provide emergency       support                Available through
  Early Childhood Home                          $150 million
                                                                  supplies; to provide reimbursement for supplies; and to provide prepaid grocery                                   September 30, 2022
  Visiting Program
                                                                  cards to eligible families participating in the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood
                                                                  Home Visiting Program.
                                                                  $1 billion for the Pandemic Emergency Fund for Temporary Assistance for Needy              Pandemic, benefits,
                                                                                                                                                                                    States must expend
  Pandemic Emergency                                              Families, which provides allotments to states for one-time benefits such as cash and       administrative
                                                $1 billion                                                                                                                          funds within 12
  Fund                                                            vouchers to eligible families with low incomes. States may not expend more than 15         costs,
                                                                                                                                                                                    months after receipt
                                                                  percent of the funds allotted for administrative purposes.

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Human services provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services

              Program                                 Amount                                         Description                                             Keywords    Time Constraints

                                                                                                                                                       Block grant       Amounts awarded
  Community Mental
                                                                                                                                                                         to states shall be
  Health Services Block                         $1.5 billion      $1.5 billion to HHS in FY21 for Community Mental Health Services Block Grants.
                                                                                                                                                                         expended by
                                                                                                                                                                         September 30, 2025
                                                                                                                                                       SAMHSA,           Amounts awarded
  Prevention and
                                                                  $1.5 billion to SAMHSA in FY21 for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse       substance abuse   to states shall be
  Treatment of Substance                        $1.5 billion
                                                                  Block Grants.                                                                                          expended by
  Abuse Block Grant
                                                                                                                                                                         September 30, 2025
  Certified Community                                             $420 million to SAMHSA in FY21 for grants to Certified Community Behavioral Health   SAMHSA, health
                                                $420 million
  Behavioral Health Clinics                                       Clinics.                                                                             clinics
                                                                  $450 million to the Administration for Children & Families for programs under the    ACF
  Family Violence
                                                $450 million      Family Violence Prevention and Services Act, including $198 million for grants to
  Prevention and Services
                                                                  support survivors of sexual assault.

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Human services provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services

              Program                                 Amount                                          Description                                          Keywords          Time Constraints

                                                                  $1.4 billion to the Administration for Community Living for Older Americans Act      Elderly, nutrition,
                                                                  programs, including:                                                                 family assistance,
                                                                  • $750 million to support nutrition programs for older Americans                     prevention
                                                                  • $25 million for services for Native American communities
  Older Americans Act                                             • $460 million to support home and community-based support services programs,
                                                $1.4 billion
  Programs                                                           including support for COVID-19 vaccination outreach and coordination and
                                                                     addressing social isolation
                                                                  • $44 million for evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention
                                                                  • $145 million for the National Family Caregiver Support Program $10 million for
                                                                     the long-term care ombudsman program
                                                                  $4.5 billion to the Office of Community Services for the Low-Income Home Energy      LIHEAP, energy
  Low-Income Home                                                 Assistance Program (LIHEAP).                                                         assistance
                                                                                                                                                                             Available through
  Energy Assistance                             $4.5 billion
                                                                                                                                                                             September 30, 2022
  Program                                                         50 percent of the funds allocated according to the FY21 formula, and the remaining
                                                                  50 percent allocated according to a new formula.
                                                                                                                                                       Family planning
  Title X Family Planning                       $50 million       $50 million in FY21 for the Title X Family Planning program.                                               FY@!

                                                                                                                                                       Technology            Funds not
                                                                  $20 million in FY21 to HHS to award grants to each American Health Benefits          modernization,        distributed in FY21
                                                                  Exchange established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Award funds may be         state health          to remain available
  Exchange Modernization                        $20 million
                                                                  used to modernize or update any system, program, or technology utilized by such      exchanges             until September 30,
                                                                  Exchange to ensure such Exchange is compliance with all applicable requirements.                           2022 to carry out
                                                                                                                                                                             this section

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Human services provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services

              Program                                 Amount                                          Description                                               Keywords          Time Constraints

                                                                  Requires state Medicaid to cover vaccines and COVID-19 treatment without any cost         Medicaid, vaccines,   One year after the
  Medicaid                                      N/A               sharing and extends the period of this policy for one year after the end of the Public    public health         end of the Public
                                                                  Health Emergency.                                                                                               Health Emergency
                                                                  States that extended a Medicaid option to provide testing and treatment to                Medicaid, testing,
  Medicaid                                      N/A
                                                                  uninsured people must also do so without cost-sharing.                                    treatment
                                                                  Provides a five-year state plan option of health coverage for women enrolled in           Medicaid, women,
  Medicaid                                      N/A
                                                                  Medicaid for 12 months after the birth of a child, instead of the previous 60 days.       postpartum
                                                                  Eliminates the cap on the rebate amount manufacturers are required to pay Medicaid        Drug rebate, cap,     Begins 2024
                                                                  on covered drugs, starting in 2024. Currently, the cap is limited to 100 percent of the   Medicaid
  Medicaid                                      N/A
                                                                  average manufacture price. Once this cap is reached prescription drug manufacturers
                                                                  can raise their prices without increasing the net rebates that have to be paid.

                                                                  Requires CHIP to cover vaccines and COVID-19 treatment without any cost sharing           CHIP, vaccines,       One year after the
  Children’s Health                                                                                                                                         public health
                                                N/A               and extends the period of this policy for one year after the end of the Public Health                           end of the Public
  Insurance Program
                                                                  emergency.                                                                                                      Health Emergency

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                        21
Human services provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services
              Program                                 Amount                                           Description                                              Keywords      Time Constraints
                                                                  Increases federal FMAP to 100 percent for vaccine costs through one year after the        Vaccine, public   One year after end
  Federal Medical
                                                N/A               end of the Public Health emergency.                                                       health, FMAP,     of Public Health
  Assistance Percentage
                                                                                                                                                            Medicaid          Emergency
  Federal                                                         Provides a temporary (two-year) 5 percentage point increase in the Medicaid FMAP          ACA, FMAP,
  Medical Assistance                            N/A               to states that enact the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Medicaid expansion and covers        expansion,        Two-years
  Percentage                                                      the newly eligible adult population per requirements of the ACA.                          Medicaid
                                                                  Provides an 85 percent FMAP for the first three years that a state covers mobile crisis   Mobile crisis
                                                                  intervention services for mental health or substance use disorders, expiring after five   intervention,     Expiring after five
  Medical Assistance                            N/A
                                                                  years.                                                                                    mental health,    years
                                                                                                                                                            substance abuse
  Federal                                                         Provides 100 percent FMAP for services to Medicaid enrollees, who access care in the      FMAP, tribal,
  Medical Assistance                            N/A               Urban Indian Health Programs or the Native Hawaiian Health Care System for two            health,           2 years
  Percentage                                                      years.
                                                                  Increases the federal FMAP by 10 percentage points for state expenditures on home         FMAP, home and
  Federal Medical
                                                N/A               and community-based services (HCBS) for four fiscal quarters.                             community-based   4 fiscal quarters
  Assistance Percentage

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                     22
Human services provisions
  Department of Housing & Urban Development

              Program                             Amount                                                Description                                              Keywords         Time Constraints

                                                                  For emergency Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers. HUD would have to provide the              Housing vouchers,
                                                                  vouchers through public housing agencies to individuals and families who are currently or   homelessness
  Emergency Housing
                                                $5 billion        recently homeless, and to those who are fleeing domestic violence, sexual assault, or                           September 20, 2030
                                                                  human trafficking. Public housing agencies couldn’t reissue the vouchers after September
                                                                  30, 2023.
  Homelessness                                                                                                                                                Homelessness
                                                                  Allocated to state and local governments to provide supportive services for homeless and
  Assistance and
                                                $5 billion        other at-risk individuals. Permitted expenditures would include acquiring non-congregate                        September 30, 2025
  Supportive Services
                                                                  shelter units, such as motel rooms, that could be converted into permanent housing.

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                        23
Labor Provisions – ARP Act
Department of Labor
Labor provisions
  Department of Labor

              Program                                 Amount                                            Description                                          Keywords        Time Constraints

  Pandemic                                                                                                                                               Unemployment, UI,
                                                                  Extends Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) to 79 weeks until September 6,
  Unemployment                                  $300 per week                                                                                            PUA                 September 6, 2021
  Emergency                                                                                                                                              Unemployment, UI
                                                                  Extends through September 6, 2021 a provision in the CARES Act to provide federal
  Unemployment Relief
                                                N/A               support to cover 75 percent of the costs of unemployment benefits for employees of                         September 6, 2021
  for Gov’t Entities and
                                                                  state and local governments and non-profit organizations.
  Nonprofits (ext.)
                                                                                                                                                         Unemployment, UI,
  Federal Pandemic
                                                                  Extends the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) supplement to            FPUC
  Unemployment                                  $300 per week                                                                                                                September 6, 2021
                                                                  all state and federal unemployment benefits at $300 per week to September 6, 2021.

  Fed. Funding of the First                                                                                                                              Unemployment, UI
                                                                  Extends through September 6, 2021 the CARES Act provision which reimbursed
  Week of Compensable
                                                                  states for the cost of waiving the “waiting week” for regular unemployment
  Regular Unemployment                          N/A                                                                                                                          September 6, 2021
                                                                  compensation. States may receive full reimbursement for weeks of unemployment
  for States with No
                                                                  that ended after December 31, 2020.
  Waiting Week (ext.)
  Emergency State                                                 Provides states with temporary, limited flexibility to hire temporary staff, re-hire   Workforce, surge
                                                N/A                                                                                                                          September 6, 2021
  Staffing Flexibility                                            former staff, or take other steps to quickly process unemployment claims.              capacity

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                  25
Labor provisions
  Department of Labor

              Program                                 Amount                                         Description                                           Keywords        Time Constraints

  Pandemic Emergency                                              Extends Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) to September             Unemployment, UI,
  Unemployment                                  $300 per week     6, 2021; increases the number of weeks of benefits an individual may claim through   PEUC                September 6, 2021
  Compensation                                                    the PEUC program from 24 to 53.
  Short-Time                                                                                                                                           Short-time
                                                                  Extends through September 6, 2021 the CARES Act provision which provided
  Compensation Payments                                                                                                                                compensation
                                                N/A               temporary 100 percent federal financing for Short-Time Compensation (“work-                              September 6, 2021
  for States Without
                                                                  sharing”) programs which are established in state law.
  Programs in Law
  Short-Time                                                                                                                                           Short-time
  Compensation                                                    Extends through September 6, 2021 the CARES Act provision which provided a 50        compensation
  Agreements for States                         N/A               percent subsidy to non-statutory, temporary state Short-Time Compensation                                September 6, 2021
  Without Programs in                                             programs.
  Extension Of Temporary                                                                                                                               Unemployment
                                                                  Extends the emergency administration grants to the accounts of the States in the
  Assistance For States                         N/A                                                                                                    Trust Fund, state   September 6, 2021
                                                                  Unemployment Trust Fund.
  With Advances                                                                                                                                        advances
  Full Federal Funding of                                         Extends through September 6, 2021 the provision in the Families First Coronavirus    Unemployment, UI
  Extended                                                        Response Act which provided temporary full federal financing of Extended Benefits
                                                N/A                                                                                                                        September 6, 2021
  Unemployment                                                    (EB) for high-unemployment states. States are normally required to pay 50 percent
  Compensation                                                    of the cost of EB, which is a program in permanent law.

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                26
Labor provisions
  Department of Labor

              Program                                 Amount                                          Description                                              Keywords         Time Constraints

                                                                  $2 billion to detect and prevent fraud, promote equitable access, and ensure the         UI, unemployment,
                                                                  timely payment of benefits with respect to unemployment compensation programs:           fraud, claims
                                                                  Uses include:                                                                            program integrity,
  Funding For Fraud                                               • Federal administrative costs                                                           timely payment
  Prevention, Equitable                                           • Systemwide infrastructure investment and development
  Access, And Timely                            $2 billion        • Grants to States or territories administering unemployment compensation
  Payment To Eligible                                               programs for establishment of procedures or the building of infrastructure to
  Workers                                                           verify or validate identity, implementing Federal guidance regarding fraud
                                                                    detection and prevention, and accelerating claims processing or process claims
                                                                    backlogs due to the pandemic. The Secretary may require specific use such
                                                                    program integrity tools and conduct user accessibility testing on any new system
                                                                    developed by the Secretary
                                                                  In the case of any taxable year beginning in 2020, if the adjusted gross income of the   Tax, unemployment
  Suspension Of Tax On
                                                                  taxpayer for such taxable year is less than $150,000, the gross income of such           compensation
  Portion Of
                                                N/A               taxpayer shall not include so much of the unemployment compensation received by                               Tax Year 2022
                                                                  such taxpayer (or, in the case of a joint return, received by each spouse) as does not
                                                                  exceed $10,200.

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                    27
Other provisions – ARP Act
Federal Communications Commission, Departments
of Commerce, Education Homeland Security, and
Other provisions
  Federal Communications Commission
              Program                                 Amount                                          Description                                           Keywords         Time Constraints
                                                                  Creates a fund to reimburse eligible schools and libraries for, among other things,   Broadband,
  E-Rate / Emergency
                                                $7.2 billion      eligible connected devices, internet service, and Wi-Fi hotspots to students and      internet service     September 30, 2030
  Connectivity Fund
                                                                  teachers for internet use at home.

  Department of Commerce
              Program                                 Amount                                          Description                                           Keywords         Time Constraints
                                                                  Provides funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 and expenses          Tourism, grants,
  Economic Development                                            related to economic injury. 25 percent of this amount is set aside for states and     economic recovery,
                                                $3 billion                                                                                                                   September 30, 2022
  Administration                                                  communities that suffered economic injury due to job losses in travel, tourism, and   economic
                                                                  outdoor recreation sectors.                                                           development

  Department of Education
              Program                                 Amount                                          Description                                           Keywords         Time Constraints
                                                                                                                                                                             Regulations would
                                                                  Makes changes to the federal 90/10 rule, which prohibits for-profit colleges from     universities,
  For-profit Colleges                           N/A                                                                                                                          not take effect until
                                                                  receiving more than 90 percent of their revenue from federal aid programs.            proprietary
                                                                                                                                                                             January 2023

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                      29
Other provisions
  Department of Education
              Program                                 Amount                                          Description                                            Keywords            Time Constraints
                                                                  $36 billion is allocated to public and private non-profit institutions to remain       Colleges,
                                                                  available through September 30, 2023. Institutions must spend at least 50 percent of   universities,
                                                                  their allocation on emergency financial aid grants provided directly to students.      institutions of
                                                                  Institutions can use remaining funds to replace lost revenue, reimburse for            higher education,
                                                                  emergency expenses, implement public health measures, and support financial aid        grants, Pell, student
                                                                  applicants. Funds are allocated as follows:                                            aid
                                                                  • 37.5 percent based on full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment of Federal Pell Grant
  Higher Education
                                                $40 billion       • 37.5 percent based on headcount enrollment of Pell recipients                                                September 30, 2023
  Emergency Relief Fund
                                                                  • 11.5 percent based on FTE enrollment of non-Pell recipients
                                                                  • 11.5 percent based on headcount enrollment of non-Pell recipients
                                                                  • 1 percent based on the relative share of FTE enrollment of students who were
                                                                     Federal Pell Grant recipients and who were exclusively enrolled in distance
                                                                     education courses prior to the qualifying emergency
                                                                  • 1 percent based on the relative share of the total number of students who were
                                                                     Federal Pell grant recipients and who were exclusively enrolled in distance
                                                                     education courses prior to the qualifying emergency
                                                                  Supports the identification, enrollment, and school participation of children and      Student aid,
  Homeless students                             $800 million      youth experiencing homelessness, including through wrap-around services. Grants        welfare, grants
                                                                  shall be made to each State educational agency.
                                                                                                                                                         Loan forgiveness        From December 31,
  Student loans                                 N/A               Treats any student loan forgiven or discharged on a tax-free basis.                                            2020 to January 1,
  Non-Higher Education
                                                                  Provides funds for institutions with the greatest unmet need related to the pandemic   universities,
  Emergency Relief Fund                         $200 million
                                                                  or those not served by the HEER formula.                                               proprietary

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                       30
Other provisions
  Department of Homeland Security

              Program                                 Amount                                           Description                                               Keywords           Time Constraints

                                                                                                                                                             Medical response,
                                                                  $50 billion for COVID-19 and other disaster assistance to states and localities.           PPE, emergency
                                                                  Provides for 100 percent federal cost share assistance to state and local                  and disaster
  FEMA / Disaster Relief
                                                $50 billion       governments. Uses include personal protective equipment, vaccine distribution,             declarations,          September 30, 2025
                                                                  sanitization of schools, public transit, and courthouses, health care overtime costs,      emergency
                                                                  and other needs.                                                                           assistance, Stafford
                                                                                                                                                             Act, logistics
                                                                                                                                                             readiness, planning,
                                                                                                                                                             prevent, prepare,
  FEMA / Emergency                                                                                                                                           respond,
                                                                  Provided to state and local emergency management agencies to help communities
  Management                                    $100 million                                                                                                 development of         September 30, 2025
                                                                  address COVID-19 and facilitate vaccine rollout.
  Performance Grants                                                                                                                                         tools and
                                                                                                                                                             strategies, crisis
                                                                  $400 million made available for FEMA’s Food and Shelter Program, primarily                 Housing, nutrition
  FEMA / Emergency Food
                                                $510 million      supporting non-profit organizations and local government, with $110 million                assistance,            September 30, 2025
  and Shelter Program
                                                                  reserved for related humanitarian relief.                                                  humanitarian relief
  FEMA / Assistance to
                                                                  $100 million shall be for assistance to firefighter grants and $200 million shall be for   response,
  Firefighters Grants                           $300 million                                                                                                                        September 30, 2025
                                                                  staffing for adequate fire and emergency response grants.                                  emergency
                                                                                                                                                             personnel, training

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                          31
Other provisions
  Department of Homeland Security
              Program                                 Amount                                           Description                                            Keywords             Time Constraints
                                                                                                                                                          Stafford Act,
  FEMA / Disaster-Related                                         Provides disaster-related funeral expenses to individuals and households at 100
                                                N/A                                                                                                       assistance, disaster     September 30, 2025
  Funeral Expenses                                                percent federal cost share.
                                                                                                                                                          response, funeral

  Department of Transportation
              Program                                 Amount                                           Description                                            Keywords             Time Constraints
                                                                  $30. 5 billion in grants to transit agencies for operating expenses including payroll   PPE, payroll, transit,
                                                                  costs and purchasing personal protective equipment.                                     rural

                                                                  The funding includes:
                                                                  • $26.1 billion for Urbanized Area Formula Grants to urbanized areas based on data
  Federal Transit                                                   contained in the National Transit Database
                                                $30.5 billion
  Administration                                                  • $2.2 billion for urban area and rural area grantees that need additional assistance
                                                                    because of the pandemic
                                                                  • $1.7 billion for Capital Investment Grants
                                                                  • $317.2 million for rural areas formula grants
                                                                  • $100 million for bus operators
                                                                  • $50 million for enhanced mobility of seniors and individuals with disabilities
                                                                  Airport sponsors, or public agencies and private owners of public-use airports will
                                                                  receive funding, which will be available through the end of FY24. Airports that were
                                                                  allocated in excess of 4 years of operating funds to prevent, prepare for, and
  Airports                                      $8 billion                                                                                                                         September 30, 2024
                                                                  respond to the pandemic in FY20, are not eligible for the funding. Airports that
                                                                  receive funding will be required to retain at least 90 percent of personnel employed
                                                                  as of March 27, 2020 through September 30, 2021.

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                         32
COVID-19 Funding in
Consolidated Appropriations
Act (CAA) 2021
Major state fund provisions - CAA 2021
Department of Treasury
Major state fund provisions
  Treasury Department
                                                                                                                                                                     State Match       Time
           Program                             Amount                                            Description                                       Keywords
                                                                                                                                                                     Requirement     Constraints
                                                                  Extends the deadline to December 31, 2021 for incurring already               State and local
  Coronavirus Relief                                                                                                                                                               December 31,
                                           N/A                    appropriated CRF funds. No additional flexibility or funding is provided in   funding, CRF
  Fund (CRF)                                                                                                                                                                       2021
                                                                  the bill for CRF.
                                                                  Appropriates Emergency Rental Assistance through Treasury to provide to       Rental assistance,
                                                                  state and local government entities, including $400 million for U.S.          homelessness
                                                                  territories and $800 million for Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and
                                                                  Native Hawaiians (with the District of Columbia treated as a state). Funds
                                                                  would be required to be allocated to state and local governments
                                                                                                                                                                                   acceptance of
                                                                  (“grantees”) within 30 days of enactment. Eligible households are defined
                                                                                                                                                                                   award terms must
                                                                  as renter households who: (1) have a household income not more than 80
                                                                                                                                                                                   be submitted on
                                                                  percent of AMI; (2) have one or more household members who can
  Emergency Rental                                                                                                                                                                 January 12, 2021.
                                           $25 billion            demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability;
                                                                  and (3) have one or more household members who qualify for
                                                                                                                                                                                   Bill funding runs
                                                                  unemployment benefits or experienced financial hardship due, directly or
                                                                  indirectly, to the pandemic. Assistance would be prioritized for renter
                                                                                                                                                                                   December 31,
                                                                  households whose incomes do not exceed 50 percent of AMI as well as
                                                                  renter households who are currently unemployed and have been
                                                                  unemployed for 90 or more days. Financial assistance provided under this
                                                                  section is non-taxable for households receiving such assistance. Link to
                                                                  Guidance; FAQs (updated 2/21/21); state and local allocations.

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                        35
Healthcare provisions – CAA 2021
Department of Health & Human Services
Major state fund provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services
                                                                                                                                                                           State Match      Time
           Program                             Amount                                                Description                                          Keywords
                                                                                                                                                                           Requirement    Constraints
                                                                  $8.75 billion to plan, prepare for, promote, distribute, administer, monitor, and     Vaccines,
                                                                  track coronavirus vaccines to ensure broad-based distribution, access, and            vaccine
                                                                  vaccine coverage. Of this amount, $4.5 billion goes directly to states, localities,   distribution,
  Centers for Disease
                                                                  and territories; $210 million is transferred to the Indian Health Service; and        state vaccine                    September 30,
  Control and                              $8.75 billion
                                                                  $300 million is for high-risk and underserved populations (bill page                  assistance,                      2024
  Prevention (CDC)
                                                                  1832) . Initial awards to state are coming thru CDC Immunization and Vaccines         underserved
                                                                  for Children cooperative agreement. Link to HHS Release and state
                                                                  Mental Health Services Block Grant: $1.65 billion, of which, no less than 50          Mental health,
                                                                  percent of funds shall be directed to behavioral health providers.                    substance abuse
  Substance Abuse and
                                                                  Substance Abuse and Prevention Treatment Block Grant: $1.65 billion.
  Mental Health
                                                                  Project AWARE: $50 million to support mental health once children return to
  Services                                 $4.25 billion
  Administration –
                                                                  Emergency Grants to States: $240 million for flexible emergency grants.
  Grants and Programs
                                                                   $125 million shall be provided to Native American tribes.
                                                                  Link to state allocations.
                                                                  Includes $22.4 billion for testing, contact tracing, and surveillance. $2.5 billion   Contact-tracing,
  Public Health and                                               is for high risk and underserved populations and $790 million is transferred to       contact tracing,
                                                                                                                                                                                         September 30,
  Social Services                          $25.4 billion          the Indian Health Service. (Bill page 1836). Initial awards to states are coming      testing,
  Emergency Fund                                                  thru CDC Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) cooperative                       underserved
                                                                  agreement Link to HHS Release and allocations.

                                                                  $3 billion in additional grants for hospital and health care providers to be          Hospital, health
                                                                                                                                                        care providers                   Applies to
  Public Health and                                               reimbursed for health care related expenses or lost revenue directly
                                                                                                                                                                                         losses incurred
  Social Services                                                 attributable to the public health emergency resulting from coronavirus, along
                                           $3 billion                                                                                                                                    in Q3 and Q4 of
  Emergency Fund                                                  with direction to allocate not less than 85 percent of unobligated funds in the
                                                                                                                                                                                         CY2020 and Q1
                                                                  Provider Relief Fund through an application-based portal to reimburse health
                                                                  care providers for financial losses incurred in 2020.
Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                            37
Major state fund provisions
  Department of Health & Human Services
                                                                                                                                                                         State Match      Time
           Program                             Amount                                              Description                                          Keywords
                                                                                                                                                                         Requirement    Constraints

  Extension of eviction                                           Extension of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 264), entitled ‘‘Temporary   Housing,                          January 31,
  moratorium                                                      Halt in Residential Evictions To Prevent the Further Spread of COVID–19’’.         eviction                          2021

                                                                  New program that will help low-income families cover the costs of their
                                                                  drinking water and wastewater utility bills. This program will provide grants to
  Low-Income water                                                                                                                                   Utilities, water,
                                           $638 million           states and tribes, who in turn will provide funds to owners or operators of
  utility bill assistance                                                                                                                            wastewater
                                                                  public water systems or treatment works to reduce arrearages and rates to
                                                                  low-income households. 3% of the funds will be set aside for tribes.

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                       38
Labor provisions – CAA 2021
Department of Labor
Major state fund provisions
  Department of Labor
                                                                                                                                                             State Match       Time
           Program                             Amount                                           Description                                    Keywords
                                                                                                                                                             Requirement     Constraints
  Federal Pandemic                                                Restores the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC)             Unemployment,
  Unemployment                                                    supplement to all state and federal unemployment benefits at $300 per      UI, FPUC
                                           N/A                                                                                                                             March 14, 2021
  Compensation                                                    week, starting after December 26 and ending March 14, 2021. Link to
  (FPUC) ext.                                                     Guidance; additional guidance.
                                                                  Creates MEUC, a program that allows states the option to participate or    Unemployment,
  Mixed Earner                                                    not. MEUC provides an additional $100 per week in supplemental benefits    UI, MEUC
  Unemployment                                                    to individuals receiving certain unemployment insurance benefits who
                                           N/A                                                                                                                             March 14, 2021
  Compensation                                                    received at least $5,000 of self-employment income in the most recent
  (MEUC)                                                          taxable year ending prior to the individual’s application for regular
                                                                  unemployment compensation. additional guidance.
                                                                  Extends Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) to March 14, 2021 and       Unemployment,
                                                                  allows individuals receiving benefits as of March 14, 2021 to continue     UI, PUA
  Unemployment                             N/A                                                                                                                             March 14, 2021
                                                                  through April 5, 2021, if the individual has not reached the maximum
  Assistance (PUA)
                                                                  number of weeks. Link to Guidance;
                                                                  Extends through March 14, 2021 a provision in the CARES Act which          Unemployment,
                                                                  amended the Families First Coronavirus Response Act to provide federal     UI
  Unemployment Relief
                                           N/A                    support to cover 50% of the costs of unemployment benefits for                                50%        March 14, 2021
  for Gov’t Entities and
                                                                  employees of state and local governments and non-profit
  Nonprofits (ext.)
                                                                  organizations. Link to Guidance;
  Fed. Funding of the                                                                                                                        Unemployment,
  First Week of                                                                                                                              UI
                                                                  Extends through March 14, 2021 the CARES Act provision which
                                                                  reimbursed states for the cost of waiving the “waiting week” for regular
  Regular                                  N/A                                                                                                                  50%        March 14, 2021
                                                                  unemployment compensation. Sets the reimbursement percentage for
  Unemployment for
                                                                  weeks ending after December 26, 2020 at 50 percent. Link to Guidance;
  States with No
  Waiting Week (ext.)

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                             40
Major state fund provisions
  Department of Labor
                                                                                                                                                              State Match       Time
           Program                             Amount                                           Description                                     Keywords
                                                                                                                                                              Requirement     Constraints
                                                                  Extends Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) to              Unemployment,
                                                                  March 14, 2021 and allows individuals receiving benefits as of March 14,    UI, PEUC
  Pandemic Emergency
                                                                  2021 to continue through April 5, 2021, if the individual has not reached
                                           N/A                    the maximum number of weeks; increases the number of weeks of                                             March 14, 2021
                                                                  benefits an individual may claim through the PEUC program from 13 to 24;
  (PEUC) ext.
                                                                  provides rules for states about sequencing these benefits with other
                                                                  unemployment benefits. Link to Guidance;
  Short-Time                                                                                                                                  Short-time
                                                                  Extends through March 14, 2021 the CARES Act provision which provided
  Compensation                                                                                                                                compensation
                                                                  temporary 100 percent federal financing for Short-Time Compensation
  Payments for States                      N/A                                                                                                                              March 14, 2021
                                                                  (“work-sharing”) programs which are established in state law. Link
  Without Programs in
                                                                  to Guidance;
  Law (ext.)
  Short-Time                                                                                                                                  Short-time
  Compensation                                                                                                                                compensation
                                                                  Extends through March 14, 2021 the CARES Act provision which provided
  Agreements for
                                           N/A                    a 50 percent subsidy to non-statutory, temporary state Short-Time                              50%        March 14, 2021
  States Without
                                                                  Compensation programs. Link to Guidance;
  Programs in Law
                                                                  Extends through March 14, 2021 the provision in the Families First          Unemployment,
  Full Federal Funding
                                                                  Coronavirus Response Act which provided temporary full federal financing    UI
  of Extended
                                           N/A                    of Extended Benefits (EB) for high-unemployment states. States are                                        March 14, 2021
                                                                  normally required to pay 50 percent of the cost of EB, which is a program
  Compensation (ext.)
                                                                  in permanent law. Link to Guidance;

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                              41
Major state fund provisions
  Department of Labor
                                                                                                                                                                    State Match       Time
           Program                             Amount                                           Description                                        Keywords
                                                                                                                                                                    Requirement     Constraints
  Requirement for                                                                                                                               Requirements,
  States to Verify                                                Requires states to have procedures in place to verify or validate the         program
  Identity of Applicants                                          identity of PUA applicants, and for timely payment of benefits; clarifies     integrity, fraud,
  for Pandemic                                                    that expenses to implement such procedures qualify as an administrative       waste, abuse
  Unemployment                                                    cost and may be reimbursed as part of PUA operation.
                                                                  Effective 30 days after enactment, requires states to have methods in place   Requirements,
                                                                  to address situations when claimants of unemployment compensation             return to work,
                                                                  refuse to return to work or refuse to accept an offer of suitable work        unemployment
                                                                  without good cause including:
  Return to Work                                                  • A reporting method for employers to notify the state when an
                                                                                                                                                                                  Effective 30 days
  Reporting for CARES                      N/A                       individual refuses employment.
                                                                                                                                                                                  after enactment
  Act Agreements                                                  • A plain language notice to claimants about state return to work laws,
                                                                     rights to refuse to return to work or to refuse suitable work and
                                                                     information on contesting a denial of a claim, as well as what
                                                                     constitutes suitable work, including a claimant’s right to refuse work
                                                                     that poses a risk to the claimant’s health and safety.

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                       42
Human services provisions –
CAA 2021
Departments of Agriculture and Health & Human
Major state fund provisions
  Department of Agriculture
                                                                                                                                                                 State Match       Time
           Program                             Amount                                           Description                                      Keywords
                                                                                                                                                                 Requirement     Constraints
  Supplemental                                                    Temporarily increases SNAP’s monthly benefits using 115% of June 2020       SNAP                             Beginning
  Nutrition Assistance                     N/A                    value of the Thrifty Food Plan and requires report on redemption rates                                       January 1, 2020
  Program (SNAP)                                                  during benefits increase period.                                                                             to June 30, 2021
                                                                  Provides $100 million in FY21 for state SNAP agency administrative costs    SNAP,
                                                                  to process increased SNAP applications and implement COVID emergency        administration
                                                                  measures. 75% of the amounts available for fY21 shall be allocated to       costs
  Supplemental                                                    States based on the share of each State of households that participate in
  Nutrition Assistance                     $100 million           SNAP for the most recent 12-25 month period for which data are                                               FY21
  Program (SNAP)                                                  available. 25% the amounts available FY21 shall be allocated to
                                                                  States based on the increase in the number of households that participate
                                                                  in SNAP over the most recent 12-month period for which data are
  Food & Nutrition                                                Provides $614 million for nutrition assistance grants to Puerto Rico,       Puerto Rico,
                                           $614 million
  Service                                                         American Samoa, and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.           nutrition grants
  The Emergency Food                                                                                                                          Food assistance
                                                                                                                                                                               September 30,
  Assistance Program                       $400 million           Provides additional $400 million for TEFAP.
  Supplemental                                                    Partially (55%) reimburses school food authorities and covered daycare      SNAP
  Nutrition Assistance                     N/A                    centers for costs incurred during sudden COVID-19 emergency school
  Program (SNAP)                                                  closures in Spring 2020.
  Supplemental                                                                                                                                SNAP, work
                                                                  Temporarily suspends work requirements for SNAP-eligible college
  Nutrition Assistance                                                                                                                        requirements
                                           N/A                    students while work-study programs may not be operating during COVID
  Program (SNAP)

Copyright © 2021 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.                                                                                                                                   44
Major state fund provisions
  Department of Health and Human Services
                                                                                                                                                              State Match       Time
           Program                             Amount                                            Description                                   Keywords
                                                                                                                                                              Requirement     Constraints
                                                                  Child Care and Development Block Grants: $10 billion for child care,      Grants, child-
  Administration for
                                                                  including direct support for child care providers for fixed costs and     care, childcare                 September 30,
  Children and Families                    $10 billion
                                                                  operating expenses, to help ensure working parents have access to child                                   2024
                                                                  care so they can work or return to work. Link to guidance.
  Administration for                                                                                                                        Grants, child-
                                                                  Head Start: $250 million to help Head Start programs address additional                                   September 30,
  Children and Families                    $250 million                                                                                     care, childcare
                                                                  costs related to COVID-19.                                                                                2024
  Administration for                                              Provides $100 million for elder justice and adult protective services
                                           $100 million
  Community Living                                                programs.
  Community Services                                              Waives caps on increases in funding for small states with respect to      Block grants
  Block Grants                                                    Community Services Block Grant funds appropriated in the CARES Act.

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Education provisions – CAA 2021
Department of Education
Major state fund provisions
  Department of Education
                                                                                                                                                                      State Match       Time
           Program                             Amount                                             Description                                         Keywords
                                                                                                                                                                      Requirement     Constraints
                                                                  Additional dedicated funds for HBCUs, tribal colleges, and other minority-       HBCUs, financial
                                                                                                                                                                                    The deadline for
                                                                  serving institutions: provides grants directly to institutions of higher         aid
                                                                                                                                                                                    submission of the
                                                                  education to help defray expenses related to COVID-19, provide additional
  Higher Education                                                                                                                                                                  signed
                                           $1.7 billion           financial aid to students, and provide additional services to students for
  Emergency                                                                                                                                                                         Certification and
                                                                  authorized activities. $113.5 million for institutions with the greatest unmet
  Relief Fund                                                                                                                                                                       Agreement is
                                                                  needs or those not served by the primary formula, such as independent
                                                                                                                                                                                    February 8, 2021.
                                                                  graduate schools. Link to State Allocations.
                                                                  Public and private nonprofit colleges: provides grants directly to               College, higher
  Higher Education                                                institutions of higher education to help defray expenses related to COVID-       education
                                           $20 billion
  Emergency Relief                                                19, provide additional financial aid to students, and provide additional
  Fund                                                            services to students for authorized activities.
                                                                  Provides flexible funding to Governors to be used for early childhood            Governors,
                                                                  education, elementary and secondary education, or higher education,              higher education
  Emergency Education                      $4.05 billion
                                                                  based on the needs of the state, of which $2.5 billion is for Emergency
  Relief Fund
                                                                  Assistance to Non-Public Schools.

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