PROGRAMME National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) - Kiwanis Music Festival

Page created by Theodore Caldwell
PROGRAMME National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) - Kiwanis Music Festival
National Capital Region
                                Music Festival (1945)

                                             Photos courtesy of Jamie Johnson, various concerts

Any errors are our errors and we
apologize for the inconvenience.
                                   Virtual Festival, April 2021      
  Please contact
        published Apr 3, 21
PROGRAMME National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) - Kiwanis Music Festival
Our heartfelt thanks goes to all the Kiwanis Clubs of
    the National Capital Region; their members who give
   so freely of their time (in a normal year you’d see them
   selling tickets at the venues and helping out back-stage
      at Music Theatre) and so generously of their hard-
                          earned funds.

    Since the mid-1980s, our community’s Kiwanis Clubs
      have been an integral part of the success of the
      Festival and have supported thousands of young
       musicians as they grow in their art and become
       successes in whatever life may bring to them.

          On behalf of our participants, our teachers,
              our parents, and the Festival itself,

                         Thank You!
      Special Note: If you see errors or omissions in this
      program, know that it is probably our error and we
               apologize for any inconvenience.
 Please contact or
                     to make corrections.

               National Capital Region Music Festival (1945)
                     o/a Kiwanis Music Festival - NCR
934A Hamlet Rd., Ottawa, ON K1G 1R5   Tel 613-226-7572 ||
                                                        Charitable # 118984251RR0001
PROGRAMME National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) - Kiwanis Music Festival

Patrons and Donors.................................................... 7
Lifetime Award Winners............................................... 9
OMFA Winners 2020.................................................. 10
Scholarships and Trophy Winners 2020........................ 13
Adjudicators............................................................ 21
Brass...................................................................... 31
Composition............................................................ 32
Guitar..................................................................... 35
Harp....................................................................... 36
Music Theatre.......................................................... 37
Orchestra................................................................ 44
Organ..................................................................... 44
Percussion............................................................... 44
Piano, Junior by Grade.............................................. 47
Piano, Junior by Age................................................. 55
Piano, Intermediate by Grade..................................... 60
Piano, Intermediate by Age........................................ 63
Piano, Senior by Grade.............................................. 66
Piano, Senior/Open by Age........................................ 70
Strings, Junior/Intermediate...................................... 73
Strings, Senior/Open................................................ 78
Voice, Junior/Intermediate......................................... 81
Voice, Senior/Open................................................... 87
Woodwinds, General................................................. 92
Woodwinds, Flute..................................................... 93
World Instruments, Chinese Instruments..................... 94

PROGRAMME National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) - Kiwanis Music Festival
Board of Directors                               Staff
Andrew Xhignesse, Chairperson                    Executive Director - Kim Chadsey
Vacant, Vice Chair                               Syllabus/Programme Coordinator -
James Puskas, Past Chair                                       Christopher Askwith
Geoff White, Secretary                           Office Admin - Anna McCready
Roger Lavictoire, Treasurer
Directors                                        Discipline Coordinators
Ron Catterall, Kiwanis Club of Sage              Susan Chadsey, Flutes/Woodwinds
Donnie Deacon, at large                          Richard Cherry, Jr and Sr Vocal
Elke McCumber, Kiwanis Club of Ottawa West       Anne Galla, Music Theatre
Riley McIntyre, at large                         Dorene Givens, Jr, Int, and Sr Piano
George Old, Kiwanis Club of Ottawa               Barbara Jeffrey, Jr and Sr Strings
Carmen Papalia, at large                         Donna Nicholson, Harp, Organ and Voice
                                                 Michael Pollard, Brass
                                                 Andy Xhignesse, Guitar
Volunteer Management
Pat MacDonald, Music Library
Vacant, Adjud. Assist. Coordinator
Ruth Smith, Membership Coordinator
Vacant, Trophy Coordinator
Vacant On-site Adjud. Coordinator
Vacant, Front-of-House Volunteers Coordinators

 There are many ways to get involved in the Kiwanis Music Festival.
       Visit to find out more.

PROGRAMME National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) - Kiwanis Music Festival
Circle of Patrons | Benefits and Privileges

Symphony Circle ($1,000+)
•   Tax receipt for residual value of donation. Eg. If you wish four Sonata Passes ($30 each,
    including Trophy Classes) and four Highlights Tickets ($27 each) then your donation is the
    difference between what you gave and the total value of the passes and tickets ($228). The
    difference must be $10 or more in order to receive a tax receipt.
•   e-Festival updates! Receive email newsletters and keep up-to-date with Festival activities
    throughout the year.

Concerto Circle ($500 - $999)
•   Tax receipt for residual value of donation. Eg. If you wish three Sonata Passes ($30 each,
    including Trophy Classes) and three Highlights Tickets ($27 each) then your donation is the
    difference between what you gave and the total value of the passes and tickets ($171). The
    difference must be $10 or more in order to receive a tax receipt.
•   e-Festival updates! Receive email newsletters and keep up-to-date with Festival activities
    throughout the year.

Cantata Circle ($100 - $499)
•   Tax receipt for residual value of donation. Eg. If you wish two Sonata Passes ($30 each,
    including Trophy Classes) and two Highlights Tickets ($27 each) then your donation is the
    difference between what you gave and the total value of the passes and tickets ($114). The
    difference must be $10 or more in order to receive a tax receipt.
•   e-Festival updates! Receive email newsletters and keep up-to-date with Festival activities
    throughout the year.

Sonata Circle ($30 - $99)
•   Tax receipt for residual value of donation. Eg. If you wish a Sonata Pass ($30, including
    Trophy Classes) then your donation is the difference between what you gave and the value of
    the pass. The difference must be $10 or more in order to receive a tax receipt.
•   e-Festival updates! Receive email newsletters and keep up-to-date with Festival activities
    throughout the year.

Sonatina Circle (up to $29)
•   Tax receipt for residual value of donation. Eg. If you wish a Sonatina Pass ($20, does not
    include Trophy Classes) then your donation is the difference between what you gave and the
    value of the pass. The difference must be $10 or more in order to receive a tax receipt.
•   e-Festival updates! Receive email newsletters and keep up-to-date with Festival activities
    throughout the year.

* Privileges and benefits for all levels are annual unless otherwise specified.
  Privleges and benefits are subject to change.

** Tax receipts will be issued for any donations with a minimum residual value of $10

PROGRAMME National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) - Kiwanis Music Festival
Cadenza Circle (Major and Planned Gifts)

The Cadenza Circle pays tribute to our patrons who have chosen to support the work of the
Kiwanis Music Festival - National Capital Region through a number of planned gift arrangements.
The Festival’s Cadenza Circle provides a wonderful opportunity for you to help secure the
artistic and financial stength of the Festival for future generations of young aspiring musicians
and music lovers. By including the Kiwanis Music Festival - NCR in your estate plan, you may
obtain significant income and estate tax savings. We will be pleased to work with you and your
advisors to assist you in developing a plan that meets your philanthropic and financial goals.

Serenade Circle (Gifts in Honour or in Memory)
There are many opportunities to commemorate family members, friends, or colleagues on an
anniversary or other occasion. These gifts are greatly appreciated by the people being honoured
and their families, as well as by the Kiwanis Music Festival. Naming opportunities include but are
not limited to:
• Creating a named scholarship, fund or award to help support a specific musical class,
   instrument or service offered by the Festival
• Honouring a loved one by having his or her name attached to a specific trophy to be awarded
   during the Festival.
• Dedicating one regular Festival competition, series of competitions or Highlights Concert
   performance. This can be a one-time memorial or a perpetual dedication, depending on the
   gift level.
Gifts in Honour: You will receive a receipt for your donation and your gift recipient will receive
a personal letter from the Festival telling him or her that you made a gift in his or her honour.
Gifts in Memory: As per your instructions, family members or friends will receive a letter from
the Festival informing them of your memorial donation. We will send you a receipt for your

Canon Circle (Matching Gifts)
Increase your contribution to the Kiwanis Music Festival - NCR with your company’s matching
gift program and you may even receive additional privileges. To find out if your company
participates, and the amount they will match, please contact your company’s human resources
                        Tax receipts will be issued for all donations.
  A “donation” is the residual value of your contribution minus the value of any items that you
 receive such as Festival Passes or Highlights Tickets. For example, a $100 donation where you
      ask for a Sonata Pass (at a value of $37) means that your tax receipt will be for $63.
                                       This is a CRA rule.
For additional information or to become part of our Circle of Patrons, please contact:
Kim Chadsey, Executive Director
Kiwanis Music Festival - NCR
934A Hamlet Rd, Ottawa, ON K1G 1R5
613-818-4664 (cell)
* Privileges and benefits for all levels are annual unless otherwise specified.
  Privleges and benefits are subject to change.
** Tax receipts will be issued for any donations with a minimum residual value of $10

PROGRAMME National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) - Kiwanis Music Festival
Circle of Patrons
                       Symphony Circle
                        Cathay Holdings Inc.
                            Duck Family
                   Friends of the NAC Orchestra
                           Pomer Family
                      Kiwanis Club of Nepean
                       Kiwanis Club of Ottawa
                       Kiwanis Club of Rideau
                    Kiwanis Club of Ottawa West
                          Musical Arts Club
             Musicians’ Association of Ottawa Gatineau
                 Ottawa Pianos / Yamaha Canada
            Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival

                          Concerto Circle
Mrs. Dorene Givens                           Tsippi Guttmann-Nahir
Optimist Club of Nepean                                Jackie Morris
The Ottawa Music Club           Royal Canadian College of Organists
Glenn Scullion

                          Cantata Circle
Mr. F. Blander                                         Peter Dooher
Maryann Dunn                                             Linya Feng
John Flook                                             Elaine Keillor
Ms. Judy Kropp                           Fred MayNicholas McHaffie
Ms. S. McGugan                                        Chunson Park
Mrs. W. Poon                                             Nita Smith
Mr & Mrs K Sziladi                           Yoriko Tanno-Kimmons
Ellen Tsai                                             Dongmei Wei
Lawrence Wilson

              Ontario Registered Music Teacher’s Ass’n
                       Harmelodic Music Club
                         Kanata Music Club
            Long & McQuade Musical Instruments Ottawa
                      Ottawa Flute Association
                       Ottawa Welsh Society

PROGRAMME National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) - Kiwanis Music Festival
Sonata Circle
Cathy Babyak Shelley Brown     Leslie-Ann Chang
Shu Chen     Karen Fung-Harris Gustave Goldmann
Jiangping Yu Victor Li         Terry McGovern
Hasib Mamtaz Anne Naylen       Vincent Pham Jiye
Shen		                         Christos Yannakis
Lii Zhao

                                Sonatina Circle
Jason Bennett                   Laurel Boucher                    Nichole Brenes
Sarah Dolan                     Aimee Garcia                      Julie Grabowy
Matthew Hong                    Samuel Hong                       Marta Lamosova
Taylor Lee                      Zhuomin Liu                       Emily Marks
Tina Pucci                      Frank Qin                         Yang Qu
Samantha Schneider              Dan Sun                           Chris Van Barr
Patrick Yang

  Note that there were numerous anonymous donations of various
         amounts. Many thanks to all our generous donors.

                                Serenade Circle
                         (Gifts in Honor or in Memory)
                                Norman Albert Memorial
                           Aruna-Rupa Anantaraman Memorial
            Laura & Harris Arbique Memorial | Gladys Barnes Memorial
                                 Jean Burgess Memorial
                   Joan Burnside Memorial | Carl Craig Endowment
    Andrew Paul Denis Memorial | Irene Duck Memorial | Ronald Duck Memorial
                   Joseph Engler Memorial | Peter Evans Memorial
                    Glebe St. James UC Provincial Delegate Bursary
             Muriel & Bill Goodwin Memorial | Grimes-Landry Memorial
                            Ann & Douglas Harvey Memorial
                  Marion Hewitt Memorial | Harry Hodder Memorial
                    Sid Holmes Memorial | Margo Huber Memorial
                 Sid Ingrey Memorial | Millicent Kavanagh Memorial
                  Elaine Kruse Memorial | Isabel Laidlaw Memorial
              Kathleen Lett McLaine Memorial | Sheila Mah Memorial
    Ken Mercer Memorial | Edith Merrill Memorial | Margaret Misericordia Memorial
                     Bill Navan Memorial | Phyllis Osler Memorial
                     Nita “Taw” 80th Commemoration Scholarship
           Senator Norman Paterson Memorial | Barbara Ross Memorial
          W.H. Bill Scrivens Memorial | Duncan & Muriel Shearer Memorial
             Adele Starcher Memorial | Mr & Mrs Takio Tanno Memorial
              Harold Turkington Memorial | Robert Van Dine Memorial
                   Janet VanZyl Memorial | Douglas Voice Memorial
        Irene Woodburn Wright Mozart Memorial | Peter Xhignesse Memorial
PROGRAMME National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) - Kiwanis Music Festival
James E. Brough Awards
            Exceptional Contribution and Devoted Service
                    to the Kiwanis Music Festival

                            James E. Brough
Ross Hadwen                                                  Barb Perrin
Shirley Tomblin                                            Joan Darnley
June Joe                                                   Janet vanZyl
Hattie Shinkle                                             Mark Arbique
Dr. O B Wilson                                           Ian MacDonald
George Hobson                                                Kit Dinning
Elaine Kruse                                           Duncan Shearer
Bruce Wanamaker                                             Dick Papalia
Rob Cartwright                                       Steve Georgopolis
Nita Smith                                               Dorothy Rowat
Millicent Kavanagh                            Richard and Louise Proulx
Michael Pollard                                            Lisa Zawalek
Duncan Shearer                                            Richard Arrigo
Peggy Brough                                  Maria Lotbiniere-Harwood
Susan Palmai                                               Marg Demers
Robert Palmai                                               Gary Morton

      This recognition program was closed in 2016 and replaced with

          Lifetime Membership Awards
            Exceptional Contribution and Devoted Service
                    to the Kiwanis Music Festival

                      Nita Smith and Margie Ritchie
                        Gary and Marlene Morton
                          Jim and Peggy Brough

PROGRAMME National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) - Kiwanis Music Festival
Results from Provincials 2020
Discipline                      Name                            Placement

Brass Gr 6                      Gillianne Smith                    1st
Brass Gr 8                      Duncan Hunter Neale                1st
                                Amanda Vadon                       adj only
Guitar Gr 1                     Dahlia Rostom                      1st
Guitar Gr 5                     Mathilde Cabasson                  2nd
Guitar Gr 6                     Kristina Duran                     2nd
Guitar Gr 7                     Melanie Kung                       1st
                                Bridget Furey                      2nd
Guitar Gr 8                     Raul Cipcigan                      2nd
Guitar Gr 10                    Marc-Etienne Leclerc               1st
Guitar Open                     Samuel Anatole Trejo Blanchet      2nd
Harp Gr 2                       Alexis McNamer                     1st
Harp Gr 6                       Noelle Aldous                      1st
Harp Gr 10                      Audrey Morris                      1st
Lower Strings Gr 9              Joshua Kwan                        1st
                                Delphine Wallace                   3rd
                                Alli Miles                         Hon Mention
Lower Strings Gr 10             Sandrine Long-Albert               2nd
Music Theatre 10 yrs Gr A Sophia Pierce                            1st and
		                                                                   Best of Class
Music Theatre 11 yrs Gr A Anistasio Deller-Siguenza                Hon Mention
Music Theatre 12 yrs Gr A Kali Jade Lafontine                      Hon Mention
Music Theatre 12 yrs Gr B Carson Cameron                           Hon Mention
Music Theatre 12 yrs Gr C Chelsea Spence                           3rd
Music Theatre 13 yrs Gr B Carmen Rose Nicholson                    Hon Mention
Music Theatre 14 yrs Gr A Caroline Landry                          3rd
                          Ella Wile                                Hon Mention
Music Theatre 14 yrs Gr B Lily Richardson                          3rd
Music Theatre 15 yrs Gr A Gillian Bennett                          3rd
                          Bianca de Belle                          Hon Mention
Music Theatre 16 yrs Gr A Olivia Smart                             3rd
Music Theatre 16 yrs Gr B Kaylee Garcia                            3rd
                          Sarah McLinton                           Hon Mention
Music Theatre 16 yrs Gr C Clarke Burger                            Hon Mention
Music Theatre 17 yrs Gr A Asia Csabi                               2nd
Piano Gr 1 Group A              Joyce Qui                          1st
                                Miya Liu                           3rd
Piano Gr 1 Group B              Lilian Wang                        2nd
Piano Gr 2 Group B              Ocean Pak                          1st
                                Zihan Li                           3rd
                                Keriana Hodson                     Hon Mention
Discipline                     Name                 Placement

Piano Gr 3 Group A         Tristan Zhou               Hon Mention
Piano Gr 3 Group C         Victor Li                  1st
                           Antoine Antonov            2nd
                           Vincent Pham               3rd
                           Jiahang (Liam) Gu          Hon Mention
Piano Gr 4 Group A         Chloe Chai                 1st and
		                                                      Best of Class
                           Joy Lu                     2nd
                           Chase Harris               3rd
Piano Gr 4 Group B         Zixin (Andy) Wang          2nd
Piano Gr 5 Group A         Lucas Liu                  3rd
Piano Gr 5 Group B         Dana Lu                    3rd
Piano Gr 5 Group C         Allan Bordovsky            1st
Piano Gr 6 Group A         Layla-Bjort Taherzadeh     2nd
Piano Gr 6 Group B         Sabrina Meng               Hon Mention
Piano Gr 7 Group A         Naomi Lee                  2nd
                           Yuxuan Han                 3rd
Piano Gr 7 Group D         Cathy Zhang                2nd
                           Athena Liao                Hon Mention
Piano Gr 8 Group B         Natalie Paravalos          1st
                           Kate Huang                 3rd
                           Spencer Song               Hon Mention
Piano Gr 8 Group D         Ethan Qi                   2nd
Piano Gr 9 Group A         Adam Zheng                 1st
Piano Gr 9 Group B         Charlotte Hsu              1st and
		                                                      Best of Class
                           Maria-Alexandra Gagnon     2nd
Piano Gr 9 Group C         Khanh Mai                  1st
                           Leqi Shen                  3rd
                           Catherine Qu               Hon Mention
Piano Gr 9 Group D         Sonia Wu                   2nd
Piano Gr 10 Group A        Jinyi Lu                   2nd
                           Enah Cheng                 3rd
                           Edmund Chan                Hon Mention
                           Jonathan Moellman          Hon Mention
Piano Gr 10 Group B        Alexander Hou              2nd
Piano Gr 10 Group C        Kevin Liu                  2nd
Piano Gr 10 Group D        Jinyi (Lily) Wang          2nd
Piano Gr 10 Group E        Brianna Dai                2nd
                           Eloise Daoust              3rd
                           Jasmine Yang               Hon Mention
Piano Diploma Group A      Nathan Clark               3rd
Piano Diploma Group B      April Zheng                1st
                           Jasmine Liu                3rd
Piano Diploma Group C      Eric Y. Lee                1st
Piano Diploma Group D      Nicole Wu                  2nd
                           Jeffrey Jin                3rd
                           Laura D’Souza              Hon Mention
Piano Open Group A         Emily Hou                  1st
                           Natania Fok                Hon Mention
Piano Open Group B         Alice Yang                 2nd
Piano Concerto, Elementary Spencer Song               2nd

Discipline                           Name                     Placement

Piano Concerto, Junior - Level 8 -   Layla-Bjort Taheradeh      3rd
Piano Concerto, Junior - Level 9 +   Khanh Mai                  Hon Mention
Piano Concerto, Interm               Marie-Alexandra Gagnon     3rd
Piano Concerto, Senior               Anne Zeng                  3rd
Upper Strings Gr 6         Vincent Pham                         1st
Upper Strings Gr 7         Benjamin Yang                        1st
Upper Strings Gr 8 Group A Paul Moellman                        3rd
Upper Strings Gr 8 Group B Maria-Alexandra Gagnon               1st and
		                                                                Best of Class
                           Gemina Chen                          3rd
                           Gabriel Moellman                     Hon Mention
Upper Strings Gr 10        Jonathan Moellman                    2nd
                           Clara Moellman                       3rd
Woodwinds Gr 9                       Xudong (Ray) Zheng         Hon Mention
Voice Gr 5 Group B Lilly Richardson                             3rd
Voice Gr 8 Group A Liam English                                 2nd
Voice Gr 9 Group A Nikan Ingabire Kanate                        1st and
		                                                                Best of Class
Voice Gr 9 Group B Asia Csabi                                   Hon Mention
Voice Diploma      Samantha Robinson                            1st
                   Pamela Chu                                   3rd
Voice Open         Sherrie Spelchuk                             2nd
                   Rebecca Shew                                 Hon Mention

Senior Scholarships are special, endowed Scholarships awarded annually to participants at a
senior level who are pursuing careers in music. There is a rigid application process which are
             carefully considered by the Senior Scholarship Selection Committee.

                             Marion Hewitt Memorial $2,000
                                  Yuyang Xie (Piano)

                               Sid Holmes Memorial $750
                                 Ray Zheng (Trumpet)

                               Bill and June Joe $1,500
                             Sophie van der Sloot (Cello)

                                 Ottawa Music Club $850
                                     Delia Li (Violin)

                     Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Harry S. Brown $750
                              Tessa Fackelman (Voice)

                           Chamberfest Jacob Siskind $1,000
                               Christ Habib (Guitar)

                             Ottawa Pianos / Yamaha $750
                                 Samuel Lee (Organ)

                         Friends of the NAC Orchestra $1,000
                              Maria Sophia Pera (Violin)

                James Puskas Sr Scholarship for Composition $1,000
                           Anita Pari (Composition)

               Many thanks to the members of the Senior Scholarship Committee
                           for all their hard work with this program.

                   2020 Special Trophies
 Special Trophies were not awarded in 2020 due to the very quick turn-
               around from in-person to by-video entries.

2020 Trophy Winners
               BANDS - None awarded this year

             Burkholder Trophy - Amanda Vadon
      Omar G. Armstrong Trophy - Ambrose Van Der Sloot
              Con Brio Trophy - Amanda Vadon

              CHORAL - None awarded this year

            Ann Eggleston Trophy - Éloïse D’Aoust

 Kiwanis Club of Vanier Trophy - Samuel Anatole Trejo Blanchet

                       MUSIC THEATRE
       Ain’t Seen Noth’n Yet Youth MT Award - Ella Wile
    Company of Musical Theatre Trophy - Jr - Caitlyn Fitzel
    Company of Musical Theatre Trophy - Sr - Pamela Chu
        George Stewart Memorial Trophy - Clark Burger
       Goya Canadian Music Theatre Award - Asia Csabi
   Jeannette Dagger Trophy - Clark Burger & Kaylee Garcia
Mary Louise Burns Memorial Trophy - Kaylee Ross & Maya Chow
         Peter Evans Memorial Trophy - Evelyn Shaw
           Stars of the Future Award - Sophia Pierce

            ORCHESTRA - None awarded this year

                 PIANO – JUNIOR BY AGE
     Douglas Voice Memorial Trophy - Junior - Khanh Mai
         Kiwanis Club of Bytown Trophy - Sonia Wu

      Douglas Voice Memorial Trophy – Int. - Alice Yang
    Laurentian Junior Music Club Trophy - Éloïse D’Aoust
       Mildred L. Creed Memorial Trophy - Brianna Dai
       Musical Arts Club Trophy - Eleanore Brin-Delisle
       Sandra Coupal Memorial Trophy - Kevin Chang
 Leon Veira Memorial Bach Scholarship & Trophy - Emma Bao

                 PIANO – SENIOR BY AGE
         Canadian Foundation Trophy - Natania Fok
Dorene Givens J.S. Bach Invitational Trophy - Jingyi (Lily) Wang
            Dorothy Hogben Trophy - no entries
      Faculty of Arts, U of Ottawa Trophy - Natania Fok
     Irene Woodburn Wright Mozart Trophy - Emily Hou

Janet Mooney Memorial Trophy - Adrienne & April
               Margaret Jenkins Trophy - Emilie Dallaire
                Ottawa Music Club Trophy - Emily Hou
 Ottawa West Jr Music Club Violet Patten Memorial Trophy - No entries
     Pro Musica Society of Ottawa Trophy, Classical - Adam Zheng
Pro Musica Society of Ottawa Trophy, Modern and Romantic - Nichole Wu
     Trophy donated by the pupils of Sybil Pink Grobba - April Yang

        PIANO – SKILLS CLASSES - None awarded this year

                 George Piers Trophy - Vincent Pham
      Richard Casselman Trophy - Vincent Pham & Mary-Jane Xia
  Trophée Mathieu Froment-Savoie Trophy - Maria-Alexandra Gagnon

                        STRINGS - SENIOR
            Aruna-Rupa Anantaraman Trophy - no entries
          Edythe Young Browne Trophy Trophy - Danilo Krstic
               James Rattray Wilson Trophy - no entries
              Kinsmen Club Shield - Grace van der Sloot

                          VOICE - JUNIOR
                 Accompanists Trophy - Rose Stratford
           Brent Banyarn Memorial Trophy - Sarah McLinton
                 Cora Warren Fallis Trophy - no entries
          Dr. Otto Bettmann Memorial Trophy - Sophia Pierce
              Eunice Baker Keizer Trophy - Caeden Rose
                  I. Norman Smith Plaque - no entries
              Lauzon Jewellers Trophy - Noah Calendino
           Miriam Anderson Memorial Trophy - Neve Ramos
          Richard G. Proulx Memorial Trophy - Sophia Pierce
     Stephanie Hamilton-Donegal Memorial Trophy - Jazia Djoudad
              Vocal Secretaries’ Trophy - Sarah McLinton

                          VOICE - SENIOR
           Barbara Ross Memorial Trophy - Rebecca Shew
           Cathryn Carter Memorial Trophy - Preston Smith
           Ottawa Choral Society Trophy - Sherrie Spelchuk
             W.H. Scrivens Trophy - Samantha Robinson

                Mr & Mrs C Monty Trophy - Owen Tayler
                  Musicare Trophy - Genevieve Bertin
         Ottawa Flute Ass’n Trophy - Lisgar CI Flute Ensemble
                Ottawa Temple Choir Trophy - no entries
                St John’s Music Trophy - Leopold Ehrlich
            Viola Evelyn Armstrong Trophy - Florence Aubin
2020 Performance Scholarship Winners
                                       Bands - none awarded

Anne & Douglas Hamilton Memorial Scholarship      Ambrose Van der Sloot $100
Kanata Music Club Scholarship                     Gillianne Smith       $100
Kiwanis Club of Ottawa East Scholarship           Amanda Vadon          $100
Musicians’ Association of Ottawa Gatineau,
   Robert Langley Award                           Constance Prost       $250
Friends of the NAC Orchestra Award                Jackson Kelly         $250

                                Chamber Strings - none awarded

Musical Arts Club                                     Éloïse D’Aoust                    $450

Glebe St James UC Prov Delegate Bursary                 Marc-Etienne Leclerc            $100
Pauline Taylor Scholarship                              Melanie Kung                    $100
Harold Turkington Memorial Scholarship                  Samuel Anatole Trejo Blanchet   $100

Anonymous Scholarship                                   Audrey Morris                   $200
Kiwanis Club of Rideau, Bill Navan Endowment            Sarah Dolan                     $200
Anne & Douglas Hamilton Mem Scholarship                 Jacinta Ponesse                 $100

Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, Arnt Loa Scholarship            Aurora Xu                       $350
                                                        Minako Uchino                   $250
Royal Canadian College of Organists Scholarship         Aleesha Katary                  $400
                                                        Yi Zhou                         $100

                                          Piano - Junior
Edith Merrill Memorial Scholarship                     Kate Hwang                        $50
Grace McGugan Scholarship                              Sonia Wu                         $100
Margo Huber Memorial Scholarship                       Joel Mastrangelo                 $100
Norman Albert Memorial Scholarship                     Kate Hwang                       $100
Peter Xhignesse Memorial Scholarship                   Xavier, Phoenix, Ocean Pak       $100
Optimist Club of Nepean, Grade 1                       Luthando Rosine                   $50
Optimist Club of Nepean, Grade 2                       Riantsoa Andriamihamisoa          $50
Optimist Club of Nepean, Grade 3                       Alioune Sanogo                    $50
Optimist Club of Nepean, Grade 4                       Caleb Penner                      $50
Optimist Club of Nepean, Grade 5                       Aiden Xiao                        $50
Optimist Club of Nepean, Grade 6                       Celeste Soh                       $50
Glenn Scullion Scholarship                             Spencer Song                     $500

Piano - Intermediate
Andrew Paul Denis Memorial Scholarship                Juliette Aubin                $225
Antoinette Patry Memorial Scholarship                 Nathan Clark                  $300
Elaine Kruse Memorial Scholarship                     Eloise Daoust                 $500
Grimes-Landry Scholarship                             Eleanore Brin-Delisle         $500
Muriel & Bill Goodwin Memorial Scholarship            Alice Yang                    $300
Kathleen Lett McLaine Memorial Scholarship            Athena Liao                   $250
Kiwanis Club of Rideau, Bill Navan Endowment          Gabriel Wan                   $300
Leon Veira Memorial Trophy and Scholarship            Emma Bao                      $300
Optimist Club of Nepean Grade 7                       Gabriel Wan                    $50
Optimist Club of Nepean Grade 8                       Isabel Lau                     $50
Phyllis Osler Memorial Scholarship                    Isabel Lau                    $225
R Bruce de Lotbiniere-Harwood Mem Schol.              Kevin Chang                   $250

                                      Piano - Senior/Open
Laura & Harris Arbique Memorial Scholarship           Natania Fok                  $1,000
Laura & Harris Arbique Memorial Scholarship           Adam Zheng                     $300
Laura & Harris Arbique Memorial Scholarship           Jasmine Liu                   $100
Laura & Harris Arbique Memorial Scholarship           Nicole Wu                     $100
Dorene Givens JS Bach Scholarship                     Jingy (Lily) Wang             $500
Gladys Barnes Memorial Scholarship                    Khanh Mai                     $100
Glenn Gould Memorial Scholarship                      Eric Y. Lee                   $100
Isabel Laidlaw Memorial Scholarship                   Eric Y. Lee                   $235
Irene Woodburn Wright Mozart Mem Scholarship          Emily Hou                     $500
Joseph Engler Memorial Scholarship                    April Zheng                   $500
Lorna McGill Hancock Scholarship                      Alice Yang                    $415
Millicent Kavanagh Memorial Scholarship               Anne Zeng                     $400
Ottawa Music Club Commemorative Scholarship           Emily Hou                     $830
Optimist Club of Nepean, Grade 9                      Khanh Mai                       $50
Optimist Club of Nepean, Grade 10                     Jingyi (Lily) Wang              $50

                                   Strings - Junior/Intermediate
Ida and Jack Blander Memorial Scholarship                Alicia Bai                 $200
Ida and Jack Blander Memorial Scholarship                Jacob Kang                 $200
National Capital Suzuki School of Music                  Iris Shen                  $250
Nita Taw 80 Commemoration Scholarship                    Victor Li                  $100
Pauline Taylor Scholarship                               Josephine Van Der Sloot     $50
Pauline Taylor Scholarship                               Yichen Zhai                 $50
Pauline Taylor Scholarship                               Yuzhou Wang                 $50
Sziladi Family Scholarship                               Maria-Alexandra Gagnon     $350

Strings - Senior/Open
Jackie Morris Scholarship                               Charlotte Van Barr      $500
Friends of the NAC Orchestra
   John Gazsi Mem Scholarship                           Jonathan Moellman        $250
Kiwanis Club of Ottawa East Scholarship                 Alicia Ingalls           $250
Kiwanis Club of Rideau, Carl Craig Endowment            Alli Miles               $100
Kiwanis Club of Rideau, Carl Craig Endowment            Dominic Rochon           $100
Laurentian Chapter I.O.D.E. Marion Ruddick Award        Danilo Krstic            $500
Musicians’ Association of Ottawa Gatineau               Sophie Van der Sloot     $250
Pomer Family Scholarship                                Grace Van der Sloot    $1,000

                                 Vocal - Choral - none awarded

                                     Vocal - Music Theatre
Irene Duck Memorial Scholarship                       Caroline Landry           $215
Kiwanis Club of Manotick Scholarship                  Alexandra O’Farrell       $100
Kiwanis Club of Manotick                              Carson Cameron            $100
Kiwanis Club of Manotick                              Sabrina Panetta           $100
Kiwanis Club of Manotick                              Gillian Bennett           $100
Kiwanis Club of Manotick                              Pamela Chu                $100
Loretta Dooher Award                                  Clark Burger              $250
Margaret Misericordia Memorial Scholarship            Jillian Texeira           $250
Norma Mellon Memorial Scholarship                     Kaylee Garcia             $100
Orpheus Musical Theatre Award                         Asia Csabi                $250

                                    Vocal - Junior/Intermediate
Accompanist Scholarship and Trophy                      Rose Stratford          $100
Gloucester Music Teachers’ Association Award            Sarah McLinton          $300
Jean Burgess Memorial Scholarship                       Alicia Miguelez         $100
Ken Mercer Memorial Scholarship                         Katherine Harb          $100
Kiwanis Club of Ottawa East                             Carmen Nicholson        $200
Kiwanis Club of Rideau, Bill Navan Endowment            Jazia Djoudad           $200
Kiwanis Club of Rideau, Carl Craig Endowment            Sophia Pierce           $100

                                        Vocal - Senior/Open
Barbara Ross Memorial Scholarship                       Rebecca Shew            $175
Harmelodic Music Club                                   Nikan Kanate            $400
Harry Hodder Memorial Scholarship                       Preston Smith           $350
Joan Maxwell Scholarship                                Sherrie Spelchuk        $300
Sid Ingrey Memorial Scholarship                         Alexandra O’Farrell     $375
Takio-Tanno Memorial Scholarship                        Asia Csabi              $200
W. H. “Bill” Scrivens Memorial Scholarship              Samantha Robinson       $500
Musicians’ Association of Ottawa-Gatineau               Irina Hawryluck         $250

Cammie Howard Scholarship                            Chris McMinn                   $150
Chinese Community Assoc of Ottawa Scholarship        Florence Aubin                 $200
Gary Morton Scholarship                              Xudong Zheng                   $500
Kiwanis Club of Rideau, Bill Navan Endowment         Thomas de Jong                 $170
Musicians’ Assoc. of Ottawa Gatineau
   Michael Scorah Award                              Avery Kennedy                   $250
Ottawa Flute Association Scholarship                 Lisgar CI Flute Ensemble        $500
Ottawa Youth Orchestra Academy Scholarship           Sara LeBlanc                    $200
Ronald Duck Memorial Scholarship                     Marika Verbrugge                $100
Ronald Duck Memorial Scholarship                     Lisgar CI Flute Ensemble      $1,000


                  If a composer could say what he had to
                  say in words he would not bother trying
                             to say it in music.
                                                                         Gustav Mahler

Since 2009 your National Capital Region Music Festival (1945) has had
    a weekly bingo session at Overbrook Bingo Palace (on Lola Street and
    now run by the Lola Charitable Gaming Association).

     The centre is now OPEN and looking forward
     to showing off the newly renovated facilities.
    The funds accumulate each year cover the cost of our world-class
    Adjudicators. In this way we guarantee that our participants get the best
    adjudications possible from high-level music professionals from all over
    North America.
    Our sincere thanks to our friends at Overbrook Bingo Palace, OLG and
    our trusty volunteers who have managed our session every week all
    these years.

       THANK YOU

 A full list of names will be
posted on our website at the
end of the Festival as well as
celebrated in our Highlights
     Concert program.

Our Adjudicators

Marion Abbott (Music Theatre)
Marion Abbott is a proud graduate of the
Musical Theatre Performance Program at
Sheridan College. Upon graduating, she
was immediately hired to teach for the
program and was later named one of the
top twenty graduates of the program.
She has her Grade 10 Voice and A.R.C.T.
in Piano Performance from The Royal
Conservatory of Music. Marion produced
over 400 productions in Toronto and
other cities. Of the many (many!) shows
Marion has worked on, some of her
favourites include The Scarlet Pimpernel,
All Shook Up, Anne And Maud, No Safe
Harbour, Ragtime, Streetcar Named
Desire and Passion. As a private teacher, Marion has taught voice, piano and acting
for 29 years to students of all ages. From festivals to recitals to performing in Disney
World, Marion cherishes her memories of her time with her students dearly. Many of her
former students now work in the arts full time. Marion is now in demand as a director-
music director, consultant, adjudicator and private coach. She has also uploaded over
400 accompaniment tracks on her YouTube Channel for Singers and Voice Teachers to
utilize: Marion LOVES Walt Disney and tries
to get to Walt Disney World in Florida at least once a year. Her favourite rides are Splash
Mountain and the Tower of Terror. Marion is married to visual artist Giancarlo Piccin and
they have a son, also named Giancarlo. The three of them are addicted to movies. www.

                         Melissa Bencic (Junior Voice)
                         Melissa Bencic is the Founder and Artistic Director of Bravo
                         Academy for the Performing Arts in Toronto where she works
                         extensively in developing innovative performing arts programs
                         for young and emerging professional artists. In addition, Melissa
                         is part of the Vocal Faculty at Sheridan College. Melissa has been
                         dedicated to teaching and developing performing arts programs
                         for over 20 years. She is active as a voice instructor, adjudicator,
                         master class clinician, producer, stage director, consultant and
                         performer. She holds a M.Mus. in Opera Performance from
                         McGill, a B.Mus. in Opera Performance from UBC and studied
Opera at Liceo Musicale “F. Manzato” in Treviso, Italy. Melissa has produced over 150
musicals and stage directed over 50 musicals and operas. Melissa performs both
nationally and internationally and favorite roles include Susanna (Le Nozze Di Figaro),
Zerlina (Don Giovanni), Gretel (Hansel & Gretel), Adele (Die Fledermaus) and Serpetta
(Die Gartnerin aus Liebe). Recent credits include directing a workshop production of
Dean Burry’s new opera Pygmalion as part of COSI (Centre for Opera Studies in Italy)
and producing Canada’s first live virtual musical Super School the musical.

Currently, Melissa is directing The Theory of Relativity with Bravo Academy’s Advanced
Teen Music Theatre Troupe which will be performed as a live digital musical. Melissa
holds much experience teaching artists of all ages a variety of styles of music and acting.
Many of Melissa’s students have gone on and are professional working artists performing
internationally in opera, music theatre, theatre, film and pop. Melissa is a member of
the Music Theatre Educators’ Alliance (MTEA), MTEA Voice, National Alliance of Music
Theatre, Theatre Ontario, Toronto Alliance of the Performing Arts, Ontario Registered
Music Teachers’ Association and the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Melissa
loves adjudicating and working with young artists and is excited to be a part of OKMF!

                             Robin Best (Harp)
                             Robin Best, a native of Ottawa, is a laureate of the OSM
                             Competition, winner of the Elora Festival Young Performers
                             competition, and recipient of the National Arts Centre
                             Orchestra Bursary. She has been Principal Harpist with the
                             Drummondville Symphony Orchestra since 2015. Robin has
                             presented solo recitals at the National Arts Centre, the Elora
                             Festival, and Hart House at the University of Toronto, and
                             performed at the World Harp Congress in Vancouver in 2011.
                             She has performed at the Aldeburgh Festival in England and
                             the Edinburgh Festival in Scotland. Robin holds a Bachelor
                             of Music degree and an Artist Diploma from the Schulich
                             School of Music at McGill University, where she studied with
OSM Principal Harpist Jennifer Swartz, and a Performer Diploma from the Jacobs School
of Music at Indiana University, where she studied with Distinguished Professor Susann
McDonald. Robin enjoys an active freelance career based in Montréal, performing
regularly with the Orchestre Symphoniqe de Montréal, l’Orchestre Métropolitain, and
many regional orchestras. She is also co-founder of the chamber music collective projet
iso, with flutist Jeffrey Stonehouse.

Patti Chan (Chinese Instruments)
Patty Chan is a second-generation Chinese
Canadian erhu musician, educator, and author.
She is the Music Director of the Toronto
Chinese Orchestra, and Director of Centre for
Music Innovations (
As an erhu musician, Patty has collaborated
with many ensembles and organizations,
including the Strings of St. John’s, Red Snow
Collective, the Toronto Masque Theatre, and
the Canadian Children’s Opera Company.
She has performed in world premieres of
theatre/opera productions such as Red Snow
(2012), The Lesson of Da Ji (2013), Comfort
(2016), and The Monkiest King (2018). Patty’s
composition, Redemption: The Chan Kol Nidre (2015) for erhu and viola da gamba has
been added to the archives at the Beit Hatfutsot in Tel Aviv, a museum for the Jewish
Patty has taught erhu and Chinese music at York University, Ryerson University, and
Carleton University. She has led and participated in music exchanges and tours to
Vancouver, Edmonton, Hong Kong, Beijing, Henan, Xi’an, and Taiwan. Patty published
Playing Erhu – Bridging the Gap (2011), the world’s first erhu instruction book in English
which has been sold in over 30 countries. She is currently creating a Chinese music
database for English readers at the Centre for Music Innovations in partnership with the
Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra in Taiwan.
Sharing the beauty of traditional and contemporary music to a new generation and a
new audience has always been her passion.

                            Michelle Cheramy (Flute)
                            Flutist Michelle Cheramy has been a full-time member of the
                            faculty at Memorial University for more than twenty years,
                            one of only a handful of flutists in Canada to hold such a
                          Over the course of her career she has taught students
                          ranging in ability from beginner through professional,
                          and has enjoyed mentoring aspiring performers, music
                          educators, composers, and students bound for a host of
                          other professions. Michelle has been an invited clinician at
                          flute fairs and competitive music festivals in Canada and the
                          US, including the Ottawa Kiwanis Music Festival, the Halifax
                          (now Nova Scotia) Kiwanis Music Festival, and the Syrinx
                          flute festival in Winnipeg. She has also presented pedagogy-
                          related workshops at the annual convention of the National
                          Flute Association and is author of one chapter of the NFA’s
                          second pedagogy anthology. As a performer, Michelle has
                          appeared in recital across Canada and the US, and as soloist
                          with orchestras in Canada, the United States and Russia;
                          she has also been featured in numerous radio broadcasts
nationally on the CBC (Symphony Hall, In Performance, Two New Hours, The Signal).
She is the flutist of the Trinitas Chamber Ensemble ( with whom
she has performed in Washington, D.C., Ontario, Alberta, B.C., Newfoundland, and
throughout the U.S. Midwest. Michelle is a past winner of the National Flute Association’s
research competition, the Canadian Concerto Competition, and was a prize winner in the
Montreal Symphony’s Standard Life competition. She holds degrees from the University
of British Columbia (B.Mus.), Indiana University (M.M.) and Rice University (D.M.A.).

Pierre-André Doucet, Intermediate Piano
                           Renowned for his vivid soundscapes and inventive texts,
                           pianist and writer Pierre-André Doucet is a leading voice
                           among Canada’s newest generation of artists.
                           He has been hailed for “the emotion of his playing and his
                           impeccable control” (Audiophilia), and was recognized by CBC
                           Radio 2 as one of the best Canadian classical musicians under
                           30 (2015). Recently, he has performed in Canada, Austria,
                           France, Germany, Spain, South Africa, and the United States,
                           as well as across Asia, Europe and the South Pacific as one
                           of the inaugural Lincoln Center Stage artists aboard Holland
                           America Line ships. Several of his performances have been
                           broadcast on Radio-Canada, CBC Radio and NPR.
                           Winner of the Knigge Music Competition, as well as the
                           Eckhardt-Gramatté National Music Competition (with soprano
                           Alexandra Smither), Mr. Doucet has also been awarded top
prizes for his performances of contemporary works, namely at the Prix d’Europe, and the
Ibiza International Piano Competition. He holds a doctoral degree from l’Université de
Montréal, where he studied with Maneli Pirzadeh, and where he has also been a visiting
professor. Further, he has benefited from masterclasses at the Franz-Schubert-Institut,
the Gijón International Piano Festival, Songfest, the Music Academy of the West, and
the Tanglewood Music Center with such luminaries as Elly Ameling, Julius Drake, Margo
Garrett, Marilyn Horne, Graham Johnson, Warren Jones, Kiri Te Kanawa, Martin Katz,
Robert MacDonald, Dawn Upshaw and Roger Vignoles.
A prize-winning writer, Mr. Doucet was recently named Interim Executive Director of the
Frye Festival, Atlantic Canada’s largest literary event. Alongside pianist Julien LeBlanc,
he has also been Co-Artistic Director of Barachois Summer Music since 2012.
Reconnu pour la vivacité de ses paysages sonores et l’inventivité de ses textes, le
pianiste et écrivain Pierre-André Doucet est l’une des voix principales de la nouvelle
génération d’artistes canadiens.
Il a été salué pour « l’émotion de son jeu et son contrôle impeccable » (Audiophilia), et
a été nommé par CBC Radio 2 comme étant l’un des meilleurs musiciens canadiens sous
l’âge de 30 ans (2015). Dernièrement, il s’est produit au Canada, en Afrique du Sud,
en Allemagne, en Autriche, en Espagne, aux États-Unis et en France, ainsi qu’un peu
partout en Asie, en Europe et dans le Pacifique Sud en tant qu’artiste de Lincoln Center
Stage, à bord de navires de Holland America Line. Plusieurs de ses prestations ont été
diffusées aux ondes de Radio-Canada, CBC Radio et NPR.
Gagnant du Concours de musique Knigge, ainsi que du Concours de musique national
Eckhardt-Gramatté (avec la soprano Alexandra Smither), M. Doucet a aussi été
récompensé pour ses performances de musique contemporaine, notamment au Prix
d’Europe et au Concours de piano international d’Ibiza. Il détient un doctorat en
interprétation du piano de l’Université de Montréal, où il a étudié avec Maneli Pirzadeh,
et où il a également été professeur invité. De plus, il a bénéficié de classes de maitres

au Franz-Schubert-Institut, au Festival de piano international de Gijón, à Songfest, à la
Music Academy of the West, et au Tanglewood Music Center, auprès de sommités telles
Elly Ameling, Julius Drake, Margo Garrett, Marilyn Horne, Graham Johnson, Warren
Jones, Kiri Te Kanawa, Martin Katz, Robert MacDonald, Dawn Upshaw et Roger Vignoles.
Écrivain primé, M. Doucet a récemment été nommé directeur général par intérim du
Festival Frye, le plus grand événement littéraire au Canada atlantique. Aux côtés du
pianiste Julien LeBlanc, il est aussi co-directeur artistique de l’Été musical de Barachois
depuis 2012.

                             Michael Faulkner (Junior Piano)
                             An active member of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’
                             Association (ORMTA) Kingston Branch and National
                             Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) Michael Faulkner
                             holds a Bachelor of Music Degree from Queen’s University,
                             Kingston and is also a graduate of the Royal Conservatory of
                             Music A.R.C.T. (Piano Performer and Teacher, Vocal Performer
                             and Teacher). Michael is also a member of the Canadian
                             Music Festivals Adjudicators Association (CMFAA) and has
                             adjudicated numerous music festivals, competitions as well
                             as giving Masterclasses and performances within these
                             communities across Canada.
                             Known for his musical insight, beautiful tone and technical
                             command, Michael began his music studies at age four,
                             participating in numerous music festivals and competitions
                             receiving many top awards and distinctions.
                             Michael enjoys a rewarding career as teacher of more
than 60 weekly students of all ages and levels in piano, voice, pedagogy and theory.
He teaches in person and online to students from across the country. His YouTube
educational music channel is used by music students worldwide. Many of his students
have received top honours, distinctions and awards throughout Canada and a large
number have pursued careers in music as well. He also actively performs in his own
community and across Canada and is well versed in Opera, Oratorio and Music Theatre
repertoire. As an accompanist Michael is in high demand working with singers and
instrumentalists of all ages and abilities from beginner to professional level. Michael has
also enjoyed working for a number of years with Conservatory Canada as an examiner
in piano and voice. He is a member teacher with Music for Young Children (MYC) and
believes the start of music education at an early age is very important. For more than
35 years Michael has worked as a Church musician and frequently is asked to provide
musical service and guidance to many Worship denominations. Michael’s community
choir in the Quinte region “Let’s Make a Choir” and already has more than 50 voices
singing for various charities and he has now started the “Let’s Make a Choir Childrens’
Choir” which is a joy to hear the young voices in song together. Michael believes
that music is a lifelong passion and is always looking for new musical challenges and
enrichment. Michael is an avid animal lover and enjoys skiing, hiking, attending music
concerts and theatre.

Michael Fedyshyn (Brass)
Michael Fedyshyn has held the position of Principal Trumpet of the
Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra since 2007. Prior to joining the
Philharmonic as second trumpet, he held the position of Principal Trumpet
of the Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra. Michael has performed as guest
Principal Trumpet with the National Arts Centre and Montreal Symphony
Orchestras and also can be heard regularly in concerts with the Toronto
Symphony Orchestra, NACO and the Canadian Opera Company. He is a
member of the Canadian National Brass Project, a large brass ensemble
made up of players from orchestras across Canada.
As soloist he has performed with 13 Strings of Ottawa, G27 Ensemble, Silverthorn
Symphonic Winds and the Friends of Alec Wilder concert series in New York City as well
as the Thunder Bay Symphony and the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. Most recently
he premiered Abigail Richardson-Schulte’s “The Mermaid and the Fisherman” with the
HPO, as well as the Hamilton premiere of John Estacio’s Trumpet Concerto. Michael can
be heard on a number of recordings, some of which include The Hockey Sweater (2019)
with the HPO, Life Reflected (2017) with NACO, Baroque Treasury (2017) also with
NACO, the Juno Award-nominated Palej: The Poet and the War (2013) with G27, and
Brahms on Brass (2011) with the Canadian Brass.
A committed teacher, Michael has given clinics and provided coaching in a variety of
settings including the RCM Glenn Gould School, University of Ottawa, York University,
ScotiaFest, Ottawa Youth Orchestra, Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra, and the
Hamilton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra as well as abroad in Utrecht, Netherlands and
Copenhagen, Denmark. He also acts as a brass mentor for the National Academy
Orchestra of the Brott Music Festival. He is currently an Instructor in Trumpet at Mohawk
Originally from Cornwall, Ontario, Michael attended University of Ottawa, before
continuing studies at The Glenn Gould School of the RCM. His teachers include Robert
Oades, Vincent Cichowicz, and Andrew McCandless.
Michael is a Bach (Conn-Selmer) artist and plays Bach Bb and C trumpets and cornets,
and the Conn Vintage One Flugelhorn.

                           Corey Hamm (Senior Piano)
                           Pianist Corey Hamm has premiered over three hundred solo,
                           chamber, and concerto works by composers from all over the
                           world. His CD of Frederic Rzewski’s hour-long solo piano epic
                           The People United Will Never Be Defeated! won Spotify’s
                           Best Classical Recording 2014, and Best Classical Recording
                           at the 2014 Western Canadian Music Awards (WCMA).
                           Frederic Rzewski received Corey Hamm’s interpretation as
                           one of the finest to date. “Excellent! Bravo! This may be the
                           best recording.” He has performed the work over 80 times.
                           Corey Hamm’s extensive work in the 1990s with the great
                           French composer Henri Dutilleux will come to fruition in his
                           upcoming plan to record Dutilleux’s complete works for solo
                           piano and chamber with piano. Other upcoming recordings
                           include those by PEP (Piano and Erhu Project), The Nu:BC
                           Collective, and others of solo piano works written for Corey
by Rzewski, Finnissy, Psathas, Zolty, Chang, Morlock, Nobles, Hamel, Yedidia, and
Recent and upcoming concerto performances include Prokofiev Piano Concerto 3, the
world premiere of Dorothy Chang’s Gateways (for erhu and piano soloists) with PEP and
the VSO, Bartok 2, Fauré Fantasie, and Lutoslawski. He has given many masterclasses
and judged competitions nationally and internationally for such organizations as The
American Piano Association Competition, Hong Kong Schools Music Competition, Seattle
International Piano Festival, and the CMC National Finals.
Dr. Hamm is Professor of Piano at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, where
he was awarded the prestigious Killam Teaching Award, and the Dorothy Somerset
Award for Artistic Excellence. He is on the Piano Faculty of the Summer Institute for
Contemporary Performance Practice (SICPP) at the New England Conservatory (NEC)
in Boston, MusicFest Perugia, in Italy, and the Great Lakes International School of
Music (GLISM). His beloved teachers include Lydia Artymiw, Marek Jablonski, Stéphane
Lemelin, Ernesto Lejano, and Thelma Johannes O’Neill.

Andrew Harris (Percussion)
Canadian percussionist Andrew Harris (M.Mus.) is
based in Ottawa where he enjoys performing with
many of the finest ensembles in the region. He is
Principal Percussion with the Ottawa Symphony
Orchestra and has performed regularly with the
National Arts Centre Orchestra and Montreal
Symphony Orchestra. Andrew teaches both
privately and as a member of the percussion
faculty at the University of Ottawa. He is co-
founder of the percussion-focused instrument
rental company Percussion Warehouse and is a
proud artist/endorser of Remo drumheads and
Zildjian cymbals.

                                Gordon Johnston (Organ)
                                Organist, conductor and composer Gordon Johnston is
                                a native of Calgary, Alberta. He has performed organ
                                recitals across Canada and in the United States, as
                                well as in England, Wales, Italy and Israel. Since 1986
                                he has been the Director of Music at the Church of St
                                John the Evangelist in Ottawa, where he oversees an
                                active, diverse music programme which includes two
                                organs: a two-manual tracker and a four-manual digital
                                organ. For 25 years he was the Director of Music in the
                                Anglican Studies Programme at Saint Paul University,
                                performing regularly on the Casavant organ there. He
                                holds a Doctorate in Sacred Music (summa cum laude)
                                from the Graduate Theological Foundation, and is a
                                Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Organists. A
                                long-time examiner for the College, he is currently the
                                Chief Examiner of the RCCO.
Frédéric Lacroix (Composition)
Frédéric Lacroix has performed in Canada, the United
States, Europe, and Asia as soloist, chamber musician,
and collaborative pianist. Frédéric has devoted part
of his time to the study and performance of music
on period keyboard instruments, for which he was
recognized as the Westfield Center Performing Scholar
for the 2008-09. Sought after as a chamber musician,
Frédéric has played with some of the most distinguished
musicians from Canada and abroad. Frédéric is also
active as a composer, having composed for the Ottawa
Chamber Music Festival, the Society of American Music,
the Canadian University Music Society, the Choeur
Classique de l’Outaouais, the Ottawa Recitalists (voice
and piano team with tenor Denis Boudreault), and other
noted Canadian musicians. He currently teaches piano and composition at the University
of Ottawa and works regularly with the National Arts Center.
Frédéric Lacroix s’est présenté en concert à travers le Canada, les États-Unis, en
Europe et en Asie an tant que soliste, chambriste, et pianiste collaborateur. Il joua sur
pianoforte des concertos de piano de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart avec les orchestres
symphoniques d’Albany, de Cape Cod, l’orchestre de chambre d’Ottawa, et l’orchestre
de l’université Cornell et se présenta aussi comme soliste avec l’orchestre symphonique
d’Ottawa, Thirteen Strings et l’ensemble Fusions. Intrigué par la diversité musicale
quasi-infinie de la musique nouvelle, Frédéric a collaboré avec plusieurs compositeurs et
interprètes dans la création d’œuvres canadiennes et américaines. De plus, il est actif en
tant que compositeur, ayant composé pour le festival de musique de chambre d’Ottawa,
la Society of American Music, la Canadian University Music Society, le Chœur Classique
de l’Outaouais, les Ottawa Recitalists (duo qu’il a formé avec le ténor Denis Boudreault)
et autres interprètes canadiens importants. Il détient des diplômes de l’Université de
Montréal, de l’Université d’Ottawa et de l’université Cornell. Frédéric enseigne le piano et
la composition à l’université d’Ottawa et travaille régulièrement au Centre National des

                            Tony Leong (Senor Strings, String Ensembles)
                            Dr. Tony Nam-Hai Leong completed his PhD at the University
                            of Toronto in addition to a Master’s degree in Computer
                            Applications. Dr. Leong’s research areas include string
                            education, technology, adolescents and community music.
                            His publications include the Canadian and Ontario Music
                            Educators’ Association Journals, as well as presentations of
                            his research both at the international and provincial levels.
                           Dr. Leong has guest lectured courses at the undergraduate
                           and graduate levels at the University of Toronto, York
                           University, and the University of Western Ontario, as well as
                           having given presentations across Canada and the USA on
                           the topics of string education and technology in the music
                           classroom. He is currently a Conn-Selmer Educational
Clinician; MusicFest Canada’s Chairman of the Orchestra/Strings Division; Past-President
of the Ontario Music Educators’ Association’s board of directors; Treasurer for the
Canadian Music Educators’ Association; co-founding member of the Ontario Strings
Association; conductor and lecturer with the University of Toronto Scarborough String
Orchestra; an instructor at Queen’s University; Head of the Performing Arts Program
at Sir Oliver Mowat C.I.; and has been a past member on the Board of Directors of the
Coalition for Music Education in Canada.

                            Lance Ouellette (Junior/Intermediate Strings)
                            Lance Ouellette has been a featured soloist, chamber player,
                            and orchestral musician across Canada sharing his love
                            for music with audiences for over twenty years. He has
                            worked for film, radio, and television studios in a variety of
                            productions for organizations such as the CBC, NPR, and
                            Currently Lance holds the position of Associate
                            Concertmaster the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra
                            and the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as the
                            Concertmaster position for the Spiritus Ensemble.
                            As an educator, Lance teaches violin for the University
                            of Waterloo and has a keen interest in giving private
                            violin lessons using the online teaching method. He has
                            collaborated with the National Academy Orchestra of Canada
                            and the National Youth Orchestra of Canada as a mentor and
                            masterclass clinician.
Having won top awards in both the Federation of Canadian Music Festivals and the
Canadian Music Competition, Lance now serves as an adjudicator for both organizations
travelling across the nation passing on the yearly tradition.
Aside from classical music, Lance enjoys utilizing a variety of technology to find new
ways to express the joy of music. By utilizing the electric violin, effect pedals, and a
variety of synthesizers and software, the range of possibilities is continually expanding.

Joey Roy (Guitar)
Born and raised in Thunder Bay, ON, Joseph
(Joey) Roy earned his HBmus from Lakehead
University where he studied classical guitar
with Sean Mundy. He received his MusM from
the University of Toronto under the guidance
of Jeffrey McFadden, simultaneously earning a
performers ARCT from the Royal Conservatory
of Music. Joey has participated in many
masterclasses for renouned guitarists and artists
such as John Holmquist, Ricardo Cobo, Jorge
Morel, Manuel Barrueco and Benjamin Zander.
Since 2002, Joey has been a Sessional Lecturer
at Lakehead University teaching classical guitar,
Guitar Literature, and Music Theory. He has also
taught Form and Analysis, small ensembles, World Music and Popular World Music. Joey
also maintains a thriving private studio.
Krisztina Szabó (Senior Voice)
Hungarian-Canadian mezzo-soprano Krisztina Szabó
is highly sought after in both North America and
Europe as an artist of supreme musicianship and
stagecraft, and has become known for her promotion
and performance of contemporary Canadian works.
Opera Canada declared her to be an “exceptional
talent” and Schmopera Opera Blog wrote that “her
instrument is one-of-a-kind and she has cemented
herself as a darling of Canadian experimental music
and opera…her sensibility and sensitivity to the
material is truly inspiring”. In her hometown of
Toronto, Canada, she has been nominated twice for
a Dora Award for Outstanding Female Performance.
Krisztina Szabó was a member of Voice Faculty at the
University of Toronto for 6 years and was recently
appointed Assistant Professor of Voice and Opera at
the University of British Columbia School of Music.

                                         Mike Tremblay, Woodwinds
                                         Mike Tremblay is a Canadian saxophonist and
                                         woodwind specialist with more than 35 years
                                         experience. He is an Associate Performance
                                         Faculty member and Contract Instructor
                                         at Carleton University where he teaches
                                         saxophone, jazz improvisation, ensembles, and
                                         is theca-founder and Director Director of their
                                         annual Jazz Camp. He frequently preforms
                                         with many ensembles including the National
                                         Arts Centre Orchestra, Ottawa Jazz Orchestra
                                         and several theatre companies. Mike’s latest
                                         recording “Apple Face” was recorded with co-
                                         leader Mark Ferguson and Canadian jazz icons
                                         Dave Young and Terry Clark. Mike is well known
for his masterclasses, and he adjudicates for Musicfest (regionals and nationals), and the
Kiwanis Music Festival.

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