Page created by Albert Adams
prospectus                                  PA K U R A NG A CO L L EG E
                                            AUCKLAND • NEW ZEALAND
       A F O R W A R D -T H I N K I N G , F U T U R E - F O C U S E D S C H O O L
our vision                                                                                                                                                       IT IS MY PRIVILEGE TO INTRODUCE YOU
                                                                                                                                                                 TO THE PAKURANGA COLLEGE LEARNING
                                                                                                                                                                 I look forward to sharing an outstanding
                                                                                                                                                                 learning partnership with you, that will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    problem-solving. Rather than being
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ‘repositories’ of knowledge, we expect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    them to explore, investigate and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    create innovative solutions, using the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    many resources around them. These
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    are the skills that we believe our
                                                                                                                                                                 supportive and successful for your child.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    students will need for knowledge-
 TO EMPOWER YOUNG PEOPLE TO BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE;                                                                                                             At Pakuranga College we place an emphasis          based societies of the future.
                                                                                                                                                                 on ownership of learning and being actively
 EQUIPPED AND INSPIRED TO COURAGEOUSLY SHAPE TOMORROW’S WORLD.                                                                                                   involved, so that our students are well equipped
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pakuranga College is an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    exceptional school because
                                                                                                                                                                 to succeed both now and in the future.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    there is a balance between

 our guiding principles
                                                                                                                                                                 The role of our teachers is to establish high      demanding the highest academic
                                                                                                                                                                 quality learning environments, in which            and behavioural standards, and
                                                                                                                                                                 students can discuss and share existing            the expectation that students, staff
                                                                                                                                                                 knowledge and interact with new information,       and parents are accountable for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               their actions. There is also
 INCLUSIVITY:              INTEGRITY:                CARE:                      INNOVATION:                  PARTNERSHIP:             EXCELLENCE:                                                                                 emphasis on providing
 KOTAHITANGA               NGAKAU PONO               MANAAKITANGA               AUAHATANGA                   RANGAPU                  HIRANGA                                                                                       a caring, personal and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     respectful environment, in
           We are a                 We hold                  We build                     We are                       We work                 We believe
            community                true to our              positive                     creative and                 better when             there are                                                                            which everyone is treated as an
            that                     beliefs and              relationships                have the                     we work                 lots of ways                                                                         individual and afforded respect
           celebrates               have the                 that reflect                 courage to                   together.               to excel. We                                                                         and dignity at all times.
      diversity and             courage to do            our empathy,                 solve problems              We share the             inspire passion and                                                                 As you begin your educational
 individuality, where      the right thing, at the   respect and care for       in new ways. We              responsibility with      pride in all members of                                                       journey with us, we hope you enjoy the
                                                                                                                                                                 concepts and ideas. This level of engagement
 being yourself is         right time. We expect     ourselves, others and      believe that curiosity       whanau to grow           our learning community,                                                       incredible opportunities that are available, and
                                                                                                                                                                 is developed through quality relationships
 encouraged and            transparency at all       the environment. We        when combined with           well-rounded, happy      by providing a wide                                                           take advantage of our outstanding facilities, the
                                                                                                                                                                 with students, families and whanau. Teachers
 respected. We are         levels. Being honest      are always mindful of      critical thinking inspires   and resilient young      range of opportunities                                                        wide range of co-curricular activities, and the
 dedicated to fostering    and building trust is     the wellbeing of each      innovation. Our future       citizens. Open and       for them to be the         challenge students to think, reflect and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    exceptional teaching and support staff. We look
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PAKURANGA COLLEGE PROVIDES
 an environment in         at the heart of what      individual. Our learning   focused community            honest communication     best they can be.          evaluate their own progress.
 which all members         we do.                    community celebrates       actively seeks new           is the core of our       Success is the result of   Students are also encouraged to be interactive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    forward to welcoming you into the Pakuranga         A VERY SPECIAL LEARNING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    College family.
 of our learning
 community can feel
                                                     the joy of learning and
                                                     personal discovery.
                                                                                learning to meet
                                                                                tomorrow’s challenges.
                                                                                                             relationships.           purposefully learning
                                                                                                                                      from failures and
                                                                                                                                                                 with teachers, technology and their peers,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Michael Williams
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ENVIRONMENT. IT IS FOCUSED ON
                                                                                                                                                                 to develop real understanding and, most
 a sense of belonging.                                                                                                                challenges.                importantly, to apply their knowledge to           Principal                                           DEVELOPING OUTSTANDING CITIZENS
 Our differences are our
 strength.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              WHO ARE MORAL AND RESPECTFUL.
PAKURANGA COLLEGE OFFERS AN                             NCEA is based on the principle of ‘standards-based
                                                                                                                   INNOVATIVE AND FLEXIBLE CURRICULUM,                     assessment’. This means that a student’s achievement
                                                                                                                   DESIGNED TO PROVIDE BOTH BREADTH                        is assessed against agreed standards, rather than
                                                                                                                   AND DEPTH. OUR PHILOSOPHY IS BASED                      another’s performance. Most progressive countries
                                                                                                                   ON BUILDING LEARNING PROGRAMMES                         are now moving towards this approach, because
                                                                                                                   DESIGNED TO MEET THE NEEDS OF EVERY                     it provides much more explicit information about
                                                                                                                   STUDENT.                                                individual achievement, rather than simply an overall
                                                                                                                                                                           percentage score.
                                                                                                                   JUNIOR CURRICULUM
                                                                                                                                                                           There are three levels of NCEA. At each level
                                                                                                                   In Years 9 and 10 the curriculum is designed for        students must achieve a certain number of credits,
                                                                                                                   students to build a solid foundation across core        and these can be gained over more than one year.
                                                                                                                           (compulsory) subject areas as English, Maths,
                                                                                                                                Science, Social Studies and Physical       Students in the Senior school meet with their
                                                                                                                                    Education/Health.                      subject teachers every day for one hour. This
                                                                                                                                                                           significant amount of daily tuition helps to provide
                                                                                                                                       However, students are also          depth and academic rigor in all courses of study.
                                                                                                                                        able to choose from a wide
                                                                                                                                          variety of subjects within       All students are encouraged to achieve Excellence,
                                                                                                                                           the faculties of The Arts,      which is now recognised through endorsement
                                                                                                                                            Technology and Languages.      certificates awarded at each level and in each course.
                                                                                                                                            Each subject selected within   ADDITIONAL SUPPORT
                                                                                                                                            these areas is studied for
                                                                                                                                           a minimum of half a year.       For those students who require additional
                                                                                                                                           This process allows students    support in their learning, the Optimal Learning
                                                                                                                                         to experience a variety of        Centre (OLC) runs core classes in Years 9 and 10.
                                                                                                                                       options, enabling them to make      These have been modified in pace and content to
                                                                                                                                      more informed choices for NCEA.      ensure that students learn at the rate which enables

                                                                                                                               Both core and option subjects are
                                                                                                                                                                           them to succeed.                                         STUDENTS SHOULD FEEL POSITIVE
                                                                                                                                                                           Students are in these classes to gain confidence, fill
                                                                                                                          taught by specialist subject teachers.
                                                                                                                                                                           in their learning gaps, and receive extra support to     THAT WHAT THEY LEARN TODAY WILL
                                                                                                                   SENIOR CURRICULUM                                       prepare them for NCEA. [CONTINUED OVER]
                                                                                                                   In Years 11-13, students complete their NCEA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    BE RELEVANT TO THEM AND HELP
                                                                                                                   (National Certificate of Educational Acheivement).                                                               THEM TO GROW INTO WHO AND WHAT
                                                                                                                   This qualification provides rigorous and relevant
                                                                                                                   information about student achievement and enables
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    THEY WANT TO BE IN THE FUTURE.
                                                                                                                   students to access universities around the world.
At Pakuranga College, we recognise students
who may be gifted and talented in a range of
ways and we aim to provide experiences both in
and outside of the classroom which will extend          PAKURANGA COLLEGE OFFERS
and stretch them.                                       A WEALTH OF EOTC ACTIVITIES
These may include, for example, extension
classes and multi-levelling, collaborative              AT A LOCAL, NATIONAL AND
problem-solving events, academic conferences
which challenge thinking and a wide range of
                                                        GLOBAL LEVEL. GROUPS OF
co-curricular activities on offer within the            STUDENTS HAVE VISITED
school community.
                                                        A RANGE OF LOCATIONS IN
                                                        AUCKLAND, IN NEW ZEALAND
                                                        AND ACROSS THE WORLD,
                                                        INCLUDING JAPAN AND EUROPE.
Students enrolled at Pakuranga College engage in a
range of EOTC opportunities, that offer authentic,
real-world learning contexts.
EOTC or Education Outside the Classroom, is
curriculum-based learning activities that go beyond
the walls of the classroom. This includes any
curriculum-based activity that takes place outside
the school, ranging from a museum or marae visit, to
a sports trip, field trip, or outdoor education camp.
Experiences outside the classroom reinforce learning
by enabling students to make connections between
what they have learned in school and the world
beyond the classroom. EOTC experiences give
students opportunities to develop their learning
habits in a different context.
                                                                                      CLASSICS TRIP 2019

                                                                                                           DUKE OF EDINBURGH 2019
The world is changing, and schools have had to change     Technology has enabled lots of new learning               real world learning in authentic scenarios via a digital   THE INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA SAFELY AND
too. Technology has flooded our lives, and there are      opportunities that were never possible before. For        device has also been shown to improve student
now very few jobs that don’t require us to interact       example, we’ve used Skype to beam a NASA astronaut        engagement. We know that when students are                 RESPONSIBLY. WE BELIEVE THAT PART OF OUR ROLE
with it at some level. As a result, we have a duty to     into the classroom, so that students can speak directly   engaged and motivated to learn, this leads to better
ensure that our students are lifelong learners who are    to them in Houston, Texas!                                educational outcomes.                                      IS TO EDUCATE AND GROW GOOD DIGITAL CITIZENS
prepared for the future.
                                                          This is obviously far more exciting than reading about    At Pakuranga College, students are taught to use their     WHO ARE RESPECTFUL OF OTHERS ONLINE.
Being able to remember and repeat information is          space in a book. Students are now able to share their     device effectively and appropriately. They have the
no longer the focus of a good education. Now,             work and ideas with a worldwide audience, making          flexibility to choose the best tool for each task, and
teaching and learning is less about the delivery of       learning more authentic and relevant.                     some lessons may require no device use at all.
facts to students, and more about what they do
with this information.
                                                          WHY BYOD?                                                 TECHNOLOGY & NCEA
                                                          We have an effective BYOD programme at the College        NCEA exams for senior students are moving to an
At Pakuranga College, we aim to grow and nurture          that has been in place since 2011. This programme         online environment. There are over 30 subject areas
skills in our students, such as creativity, innovation,   requires all students to bring a device for learning.     that now provide online examinations at the end of
problem solving, communication, and the ability to        When every student in the school has their own            the year. Student feedback, both nationally and at our
work together in teams. These are all essential for       device, this opens up a huge range of possibilities       school, has been very positive regarding the use of
the future.                                               in the classroom. It enables teachers to personalise      devices, and doing examinations digitally has become
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CLIVE FRANCIS
                 WHAT IS ELEARNING?                       lessons for each student. It also enables students to     the choice of most students.                                                                               FACILITATOR, CORE EDUCATION
                                                          explore and present their learning in a way that suits
                       Here at Pakuranga College, we
                                                          their learning style.
                                                                                                                    SAFETY & SECURITY                                                                                          PAKURANGA COLLEGE HAS A LONG HISTORY OF
                         are leaders in eLearning and                                                               At Pakuranga College, we provide access to our
                           are constantly approached      Another huge benefit of a student having their own
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN ELEARNING AND THE
                                                                                                                    wireless network for all students. We have one of the
                             by other schools to share    device is that they can access their learning 24/7.                                                                                                                  INNOVATIVE USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION.
                                                                                                                    best school networks in the country. It is extremely
                               our vision and practices   Students no longer learn just at school during the day;   fast, stable and secure. Students authenticate their
                                around its use.           they can be learning and accessing resources at any                                                                                                                  WHAT STANDS OUT FOR ME IS THE SUPPORT GIVEN
                                                                                                                    device at the start of each day and we can track an
                                  eLearning doesn’t
                                                          time from our online environments. All of our             individual’s activity on our network 24/7.                                                                 TO TEACHERS TO ADOPT INNOVATIVE PRACTICES
                                                          teachers use Google Classroom, which is an online                                                                                                                    THAT INCORPORATE APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY
                                  simply involve
                                                          space where resources, instructions, tasks and
                                  putting technology                                                                                                                                                                           USE, AS WELL AS THE INVOLVEMENT OF STUDENTS
                                                          real-time conversations can take place.
                                  and devices into
                                  a classroom. It is a    Evidence regarding digital devices used in schools
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AS PARTNERS TO CO-CONSTRUCT WHAT THAT
                                 complete change in the   indicates that students are more engaged in                                                                                                                          PRACTICE LOOKS LIKE FOR THEM SO THAT IT IS
                                way teachers approach     their learning when using a device, due to the                                                                                                                       TRULY EFFECTIVE TO ENHANCE THEIR LEARNING
                              teaching and learning.      personalisation that it provides. Being able to provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AND UNDERSTANDING.

The philosophy that underpins the
curriculum and every part of daily life
in the school places students at the
centre of our thinking, and they are
                                          STRIVE                                 CONNECT                              CREATE                                REFLECT                             RESPECT
encouraged to be active participants in
                                          STRIVE FOR OUR                         MAKE CONNECTIONS                     BE CURIOUS                            QUESTION AND THINK                  BUILD POSITIVE
the learning process.                     PERSONAL BEST                          WHAKAWHANAUNGATANGA                  AND DISCOVER                          HURITAO                             RELATIONSHIPS
                                          NGANA                                  - WORK TOGETHER                      WAIHANGA                              - ANALYSE                           MANAAKITANGA
                                                                                 - PARTICIPATE AND LEAD                                                     - EVALUATE
                                          - SET GOALS                                                                 - EXPLORE                                                                 - EMPATHISE
                                                                                 - DISCUSS WITH OTHERS                                                      - ORGANISE
                                          - SEEK CHALLENGE                                                            - INNOVATE                                                                - COMMUNICATE
                                          - NEVER GIVE UP                        Connecting with others and working   - PROBLEM SOLVE                       Reflecting on the quality of our    - CARE FOR OURSELVES, OTHERS
                                                                                 together makes our learning more                                           learning is key to understanding      AND THE ENVIRONMENT
                                          We aim for the best possible                                                Curiosity leads to the discovery of
                                                                                 fun and engaging.                                                          obstacles recognising what we can
                                          outcome in everything we do,                                                new and innovative ideas.                                                 By respecting those around us,
                                                                                 SHAVON CLAASSEN,                                                           do to progress.
                                          aiming for excellence in everything.                                        SIMON MENEZES,                                                            and creating a positive atmosphere,
We value student voice highly.                                                   YEAR 10                                                                    CHARLOTTE TUKIRI,
                                          ANAHITA MISTRY,                                                             YEAR 13                                                                   our learning and educational
All students are given the opportunity                                                                                                                      YEAR 11
                                          YEAR 13                                                                                                                                               experiences will thrive.
to provide feedback and direction
                                                                                                                                                                                                IMANI RANASINGHE,
on what happens in classrooms and                                                                                                                                                               YEAR 13
around their school. As we have
examined how young people learn, we
have worked with students to identify
a series of learning values.
                             To encourage a sense of belonging, each student
                             belongs to one of six Houses. This is your child’s
                             school ‘whanau’.
PAKURANGA COLLEGE HAS A      Each House has a Dean and an Assistant Dean,
                             who are responsible for the academic success
RICH LEGACY OF ENSURING      and wellbeing of its students. Within each House,
AN INCLUSIVE AND CARING      students belong to a tutor group with other
                             students from Years 9 to 13. Tutor teachers work
ENVIRONMENT, IN WHICH        closely with each student and their parent(s) or
                             caregiver(s) to ensure their time at Pakuranga College
EVERY STUDENT FEELS VALUED   is enjoyable and successful. Senior students also take
                             an important role in supporting our junior students
AND DEVELOPS A STRONG        as Peer Support Leaders.
SENSE OF BELONGING.          At the start of each year, Year 9 camp is held to help
                             students settle into their new school and House.
                             New students from each House, along with Peer
                                Support Leaders, Deans and tutor teachers spend
                                   three days at a variety of outdoor venues,
                                     establishing relationships with their teachers
                                       and peers. This is an excellent opportunity
                                        for students to make new friends and
                                         form bonds that will last throughout
                                          their time at Pakuranga College.
                                        To build connections and a sense of
                                        belonging and ownership we organise
                                        various of inter-House sporting and arts
                                      events throughout the year. These are
                                     eagerly anticipated by the students and
                                    hotly contested between the six Houses.
HEALTH AND WELLBEING                                   In addition, the Student Support Faculty runs a           We also make use of Facebook and Instagram to
                                                       range of proactive programmes designed to meet            highlight upcoming events and celebrate student
The work of the Deans and tutors is supported
                                                       students’ needs.                                          achievement, both inside and outside of school.
       by our Guidance Counsellors, youth
             workers and the school nurse. Students    PARENT PARTNERSHIP                                                        THE INCREDIBLE PEER-SUPPORT
                are able to access any of these        We believe that communication with                                        PROGRAMME THAT WE HAVE HERE
                   support people during the           parents and caregivers is essential to                                      HELPS STUDENTS TO BOND AND
                     school day.                       each student’s learning as it supports                                       FORGE RELATIONSHIPS, WHICH
                       Counsellors work with           the learning partnership between the                                          LAST THROUGH THEIR YEARS
                       students on a confidential      student, caregivers and the College.                                          AT PAKURANGA COLLEGE AND
                        basis and can also provide     Students receive four progress reports                                       BEYOND. ON THE FIRST DAY,
                        referrals to other agencies,   throughout the year. There are also                                         EVERYONE IS A BIT NERVOUS, BUT
                        if appropriate.                a number of Tutor Evenings, Group                                         IT BECOMES A SHARED EXPERIENCE
                         Parents are welcome to        Conference Days and Verbal Report Evenings,                            BETWEEN STUDENTS THAT KINDLES THE
                        contact the guidance team      which provide an opportunity to meet your child’s                  FLAMES OF LONG-LASTING FRIENDSHIPS. OUR
                       at any time if they have        teachers and discuss their learning.                      HOUSES BECOME OUR FAMILY AT PAKURANGA COLLEGE.
                     concerns about their child’s      Parents have access to their child’s progress,            YOUR DEANS WILL SUPPORT YOU WHOLEHEARTEDLY
                  emotional wellbeing. Our youth       attendance and academic reports at any time via our       THROUGHOUT YOUR TIME HERE, AND THE MEMORIES MADE
              workers provide another level of         online Parent Portal. In addition, a digital newsletter   AT INTER-HOUSE EVENTS WILL LAST A LIFETIME.
         support to students through mentoring         is sent out every two weeks, to keep parents and          ANAHITA MISTRY
and friendship.                                        caregivers up to date with what is happening.             YEAR 13, HOUSE CAPTAIN
SPORTING OPPORTUNITIES                                  We have access to excellent school and
                                                        community facilities including an athletics track,
Sport is a great opportunity for students
                                                        indoor cricket facilities, hockey turf, netball and
to experience teamwork, to develop their
                                                        tennis courts, large year-round heated swimming
communication skills and to learn about
                                                        pool, gymnasiums, weights rooms, and extensive
commitment. The College employs three full time
                                                        rugby and soccer grounds.
                                                                                                                AT PAKURANGA COLLEGE, WE
sports staff and offers all major codes. We also
employ specialist coaches in a wide range of sports     THE ARTS                                                ARE COMMITTED TO PROVIDING
so that students are given the very best coaching
available. A large number of teachers and parents
                                                        The co-curricular programme supports and                A HOLISTIC EDUCATION THAT
                                                        extends the formal Arts curriculum by providing
also offer assistance in the various sporting events.   opportunities for all students to participate           INCLUDES OPPORTUNITIES
We encourage fair play, participation and enjoyment,    and learn.
with a commitment to achieving excellence to the                                                                FOR PARTICIPATION IN A WIDE
                                                        In Music, students can sign up for individual
highest possible level. This includes competing
at national tournaments and taking part in
                                                        instrument lessons regardless of the level – beginner   RANGE OF ACTIVITIES. WE OFFER
                                                        through to advanced.
international sports tours.
                                                        We also offer a wide range of music opportunities
                                                                                                                OUTSTANDING FACILITIES AND
    PAKURANGA COLLEGE UNDERSTANDS HOW                   in the form of organised groups; from orchestra,        AN EXTENSIVE CO-CURRICULAR
    IMPORTANT MY CRICKET IS TO ME AND MY                chamber music ensembles and quartets, through
      TEACHERS WERE REALLY SUPPORTIVE IN                to the College jazz band, rock bands and choirs.        PROGRAMME, THAT ENABLE
                                                        The emphasis is on performance, and we provide
        AND MY SPORTING CAREER. WITH THEIR HELP         frequent opportunities for students to do this both
                                                                                                                STUDENTS TO EXCEL AND FULFIL
        I WAS ABLE TO MAINTAIN GOOD RESULTS IN MY       at school and in external competitions.                 THEIR POTENTIAL OUTSIDE THE
        STUDIES, AT THE SAME TIME AS ACHIEVING MY       Each year the College puts on a major musical
       SPORTING GOALS. I’M REALLY EXCITED TO BE         production; most recently Guys & Dolls and High         CLASSROOM.
     GOING TO AUT TO STUDY PHYSIOTHERAPY                School Musical. We are also very proud of our
  NEXT YEAR.                                            annual Dance Showcase event, for which tickets
SKYE BOWDEN                                             are always in high demand. In addition, students
NZ WOMEN’S INDOOR CRICKET TEAM,                         are involved in a wide range of activities and
NZA WOMEN’S CRICKET DEVELOPMENT SQUAD                   competitions from Stage Challenge to the College’s
                                                        own Shakespeare players. [CONTINUED OVER]
THE ARTS [CONTINUED]                                    In the Junior school (Years 9 and 10), students are      creating musical performances that showcase
All of these activities provide opportunities           also encouraged to be involved in the student            their cultural heritage. In addition to the Cultural
for students to be involved: on stage, backstage,       councils, many of which have a junior leadership         Council, we have a wide range of culture groups
through music, sound & lighting and set                 group within them.                                       which enhance and extend education
construction. They are also a great way for them                                                                 and leadership opportunities
                                                        In addition, we run a leadership training programme
to take on authentic leadership roles, as well as                                                                for our students.
                                                        specifically for junior students. This is conducted
just helping out.                                       by senior students, (a leadership role for them),
Another highlight in our co-curricular calendar         and aims to help our younger students think more
is the House Arts Challenge, in which students          explicitly about their leadership skills and how to
from each House create and perform a piece              develop them.
or pieces from disciplines of Dance,
                                                                  LEADERSHIP ENTAILS HELPING EVERYONE
Drama, Music and Visual Arts. As with
                                                                    REALISE AND MAXIMISING THEIR
our inter-House sporting events,
the title and associated bragging                                     INNER LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL. AT
rights are hotly contested                                              PAKURANGA COLLEGE, LEADERSHIP
each year.                                                              SKILLS ARE DEVELOPED THROUGH
                                                                        EVERYDAY ACTIONS AND SMALL ACTS
STUDENT LEADERSHIP                                                      OF KINDNESS AS WELL AS TAKING
At Pakuranga College, we place                                         INITIATIVE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE
considerable emphasis on the                                         WIDER COMMUNITY. OUR SCHOOL
development and support of student                                 STRONGLY VALUES THE PRACTICE OF
leadership at all levels. To provide                          SELF-LEADERSHIP, NOT ONLY TO BECOME
authentic opportunities for students to develop
                                                        BETTER VERSIONS OF OURSELVES, BUT TO DEVELOP
their leadership skills, we have empowered our
                                                        A SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY IN A COLLECTIVE VISION.
student councils, which cover every aspect of
                                                        JASON PENG
school life, to make a real difference both within      YEAR 13, HEAD STUDENT
the College and beyond.
The House Leader and House Captain roles also
                                                        CULTURAL OPPORTUNITIES
provide important opportunities for students to         The wide cultural diversity of the College is
get involved and exercise leadership. These roles       represented in a number of groups ranging from
link closely with our Peer Support Programme,           tangata whenua to the Pacific, Africa, Asia, and the
which aims to assist in new students’ transition        Indian sub-continent.
into the College.                                       Our diversity is a source of great pride, and it is
In all of our co-curricular activities, whether it is   celebrated and promoted with the help of the
sport, the arts, cultural groups or student councils,   student Cultural Council. This group organises a
we enable and expect our students to take on            range of activities throughout the year, including the
leadership roles that are critical to the team or       Cultural Expo and the much-anticipated Cultural
group running successfully.                             Evening, for which students spend several weeks
              HEATED               COMPLEX
               POOL    GYM

                                                                                                                        IN RECENT YEARS, THESE FACILITIES HAVE INCLUDED:
                                                                                                                        • New sports complex with gymnasium       • Classroom upgrades
                                              SITE OF                     OUR BOARD OF TRUSTEES FEELS IT IS VITAL         and classrooms                          • Additional car parking for staff and
                                                                                                                        • Sports fields upgrade                     community members who use our
                                             BUILDING                     THAT OUR STUDENTS HAVE THE BEST POSSIBLE                                                  facilities after hours
                                             - 2021               ASTRO                                                 • Swimming pool upgrade

                                                                   TURF   LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. AS RESULT, IT HAS       • Fitness centre                          Our most recent project is a new
 HALL                                                                     INVESTED IN EXCESS OF $6 MILLION OF LOCALLY   • Creation of Visual Arts suite           building containing 12 classrooms, which
                                                                                                                                                                  is due to be completed in April 2021.
                                                                                                                        • New astro-turf
                                                                          RAISED FUNDS OVER THE LAST FOUR YEARS IN      • Cricket practice wickets
                                                                                                                                                                  Construction is currently underway
                                                                                                                                                                  adjacent to the Pakuranga Highway.
                                                                          PROVIDING UPGRADED FACILITIES.                • IT infrastructure (this is now one of   This is a joint venture with the Ministry
                                                                                                                          the best in the country)                of Education, with the College
                                                                                                                        • Construction of exterior decking and    contributing almost $1M to the project
                                                                                                                          shelter areas                           to ensure it goes ahead.
Through careers education and guidance, our team of
                                                                          NATHAN ROBERTS                             NATHAN MORTON                              LINDSAY DANIELS                                 BENNY SHEN                               JESSICA WILLIS                             SIONE MAAMA
           Careers Advisors helps students to make decisions about        ELECTRICAL APPRENTICE,                     VIDEO JOURNALIST,                          PROFESSIONAL ACTRESS.                           BDS DENTISTRY,                           MARKETING &                                CO-OWNER,
             their future, and supports their successful transition       ETCO AND DALTON ELECTRICAL.                NEW ZEALAND HERALD.                                                                        UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO.                     PRODUCTION COORDINATOR,                    GI RISE BASKETBALL ACADEMY.
                                                                                                                                                                After attending Pakuranga College,
               from school to further education or work. Our
                 education programme encourages students to               I’ve always been a hands-on person         I’ve always been a media fanatic - with    I went on to The University of Auckland         I chose Dentistry because I wanted       OXYGEN EVENTWORKS,                         After studying Business at AUT, I am
                                                                          and sitting at a desk doesn’t appeal to    a passion for filming, editing, news and   and gained a Bachelor of Arts, majoring         to combine my love for science,          NEW YORK.                                  now running GI Rise – a basketball
                  realise their full potential by helping them to
                                                                          me, so I chose to do an apprenticeship     everything in between! When I was in       in Drama and minoring in English. During                                                                                            coaching academy that I started with
                   develop self-awareness and foster their personal                                                                                                                                             health and interpersonal relations.
                                                                          rather than going on to tertiary study.    my third year at Pakuranga College,        this time, I was represented by an acting                                                After studying for a Bachelor of Arts in   my brother while still at university.
                   qualities. They learn to explore the world of work                                                                                                                                           It’s extremely exciting for me because
                                                                          The great thing about having a trade is    I was given an internship opportunity      agency.                                                                                  Event Management at AUT, I applied         We work with individual athletes from
                   and training and manage career decisions and                                                                                                                                                 I get to use my own hands to make
                                                                          that it gives you the option of running    at the local paper where I was able to                                                                                              for the AUT Internz International          amateur to professional level and even
                   opportunities for themselves.                                                                                                                I’ve done a variety of projects such as         quite dramatic improvements to a
                                                                          your own company in the future, plus       begin building towards a future in news                                                                                             Scholarship Programme to live and          sell our own merchandise online.
                                                                                                                                                                TV commercials, short films and guest           patient’s wellbeing.
                 Work experience and our Gateway programme                you don’t get into debt while you          and broadcast.                                                                                                                      work in New York City for a year.
                                                                                                                                                                appearances. However, my career                                                                                                     I have also started a junior Tongan
                provide students with opportunities to experience         are training.                                                                                                                         I love the tight-knit student
                                                                                                                     One thing led to another and my            highlights so far have been securing a                                                   No two days are the same – from            basketball academy here in Auckland,
              ‘real life’ situations in different industries, to enable                                                                                                                                         community and culture here at
                                                                          I love the mental and physical             small steps taken in college led to        role on Shortland Street in 2016, as well                                                weddings to concerts to marketing          which is funded by a Pacific community
            them to make informed decisions about their future                                                                                                                                                  Otago University, and living away
                                                                          challenges of what I do, and I recently    being accepting into the New Zealand       as a leading role (Malika) in drama series                                               launches to fancy cocktail parties. I      company. In addition, I run the ‘Pak
          education, training and employment.                                                                                                                                                                   from home is definitely a bonus. It’s
                                                                          represented the companies that I work      Broadcasting School. A year on I’m         ‘Alibi’ in 2018 (TVNZ on demand).                                                        get to work with and meet amazing          Basketball Academy’. This targets all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                also a fantastic way to transition       people. We’ve organised events for
                                                                          for at the national finals of the ECANZ    working as a video journalist for the      To make it in this industry you have to be                                                                                          development players, (those who don’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                into being a more independent adult.     Maybelline, NYFW, Google, Mini
                                                                          Challenge, which is an electrical skills   New Zealand Herald (Local Focus).          talented, hard-working and thick skinned.                                                                                           make top teams) and helps them to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cooper, Mont Blanc and Ray Ban.
                                                                          competition.                                                                          I was once told, “Auditioning is the work.      I hope to work as a dental house                                                    develop their skills and confidence
                                                                                                                     I’ve even had the honor of being
                                                                                                                                                                Work is the perk”, and this is a quote I live   surgeon in hospital after I graduate,    What I love about event management         both on and off the court.
                                                                          In the future I’d like to have my own      nominated for a national award,
                                                                          business and I’m also interested in        only months after starting my job! It      by. The NZ film industry is really starting     and then move into private practice.     are the people, the music, networking      As far as studying goes, I’m currently
AT PAKURANGA COLLEGE WE PROVIDE                                           working in the TV production industry.     all started from simply taking each        to boom and there is so much more                                                        and the upbeat atmosphere. It’s such       in the middle of a Tongan language
                                                                                                                                                                opportunity for young NZ talent coming                                                   a fast-paced industry and each day is
OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL STUDENTS TO REALISE                                 Fortunately, I’ll have lots of options!    opportunity at Pakuranga College as it
                                                                                                                     came. The rest just fell into place.       from both American and Australia. My                                                     different. I didn’t want to settle for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    course at Manukau Institute of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Technology. This is important to me
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         job where money was the focus, and it
THEIR OWN PERSONAL VISION OF SUCCESS.                                                                                                                           future goal is to become successful
                                                                                                                                                                internationally and I am working hard to                                                 has proven to be more than worth it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    as I’ve grown up around the Tongan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    culture, and not being able to speak
                                                                                                                                                                achieve this by continuing to train and                                                  Not a day feels like work!                 the language fluently has been
                                                                                                                                                                develop my skills.                                                                                                                  something I knew needed to change to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    enable me to push Tonga basketball to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    where it needs to be.
We value the diversity and
                 vibrancy that international
                    students have been
                      bringing to our school
                       for more than 20 years.
                          Our students come
                          from a wide range of
                          countries including
                          France, Mexico,
                         Spain, Bolivia, Brazil,
                        Cambodia, Chile, China,
                      Colombia, Germany, Hong
                    Kong, Italy, India, Japan,
                 Macau, Malaysia, South Korea,
             Solomon Islands, Switzerland,
     Tahiti, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.         ESOL classes are provided at all levels, where                                  STUDYING AT PAKURANGA
                                                   required. International students are encouraged                                  COLLEGE IS AS JOYFUL AS IT
                                                   to enter NCEA, New Zealand’s internationally                                      IS EXCITING. I HAVE BEEN
                                                   recognised secondary school qualification.                                         LUCKY ENOUGH TO BE A
                                                   International students should bring digital devices                                2020 POHUTUKAWA PEER
                                                   to New Zealand, e.g. laptops or iPads, to use in their                             SUPPORT LEADER, SCIENCE
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                             lessons. A digital translator is also encouraged for                              CLUB EXECUTIVE, AS WELL
                                                   students who require language assistance. Our online                            AS ONE OF THE INTERNATIONAL
ARE INTEGRATED INTO REGULAR                        Parent Portal is especially useful for parents overseas                      HEAD STUDENTS FOR 2020.
                                                   who can use this facility to access their children’s
CLASSES WITH LOCAL STUDENTS.                       attendance and NCEA results.
                                                                                                             THROUGH EACH OF THESE ROLES, MY LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                             SKILLS HAVE IMPROVED AND I’VE BEEN ABLE TO
THEY CAN CHOOSE FROM A WIDE                        Our international students live with families in the      ENLARGE MY SOCIAL CIRCLE. IT IS SUPER EASY TO GAIN
                                                   Pakuranga College area. These families are carefully
RANGE OF SUBJECTS AND ARE                          selected by our dedicated and experienced
                                                                                                             CONFIDENCE AND MAKE DECENT PROGRESS IN ENGLISH
                                                                                                             WITH THE HELP OF MY CLASSMATES AND TEACHERS.
                                                   homestay staff, who regularly interview both
ABLE TO MIX WITH A VARIETY OF                      students and families.                                    HERE AT PAKURANGA COLLEGE, I’M ABLE TO DO STUDY
                                                                                                             COURSES SUCH AS BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,
OTHER STUDENTS.                                                                                              THAT I PARTICULARLY ENJOY DOING. AFTER LEAVING
                                                                                                             COLLEGE, I WOULD LIKE TO STUDY DENTAL SURGERY OR
                                                                                                             DENTISTRY AS MY MAJOR AT UNIVERSITY.
                                                                                                             LEO LIU, CHINA
                                                                                                             YEAR 13, INTERNATIONAL HEAD STUDENT
      Pigeon Mountain Road I Half Moon Bay I Auckland 2012 New Zealand
          PO Box 82090 I Highland Park I Auckland 2143 New Zealand
T: (09) 534 7159 I I
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