Sunday, May 15, 2022 - Parishes Online

Page created by Carol Hicks
Sunday, May 15, 2022 - Parishes Online
Sunday, May 15, 2022
St. Michael Parish warmly welcomes any guests or visitors who are joining us for Mass. If you are new to the area and looking for
a parish home, we kindly invite you to join our parish. Please visit the website or contact the Parish Office for registration
Sunday, May 15, 2022 - Parishes Online
Parish Information

STAFF LISTING                                                OUR MISSION
                                                             In the tradition of St. Michael the Archangel, Guardian of all, we are a Roman Catholic community
                                                             called to bear witness to Christ through sacrament, stewardship, worship, and proclamation of the
Rev. Carlos L. Melocoton Jr., Pastor                                         COUNCILS & COMMITTEES
Wendy F. Hinerman, Business Manager                          PARISH COUNCILS & COMMITTEES                                 Pastoral Council - Margaret Erickson, Chairperson
Diane Coughlan, Administrative Assistant                     Stewardship Council - Janet Boyle, Chairperson                               Buildings & Grounds - Denny Wilson, Chairperson
Mark Phillips, Parish Catechesis Coordinator                 Finance Council - David Barnett, Chairperson                                Personnel Council - John Moore, Chairperson
Margaret Erickson, Assistant Parish Catechesis Coordinator   Liturgy Committee - Carole Kliner, Chairperson                                  St. Michael Parish School Advisory Board - Tami Magruder, President
Chad Carter, Director of Liturgical Music

                                                             OFFICE OF SAFE ENVIRONMENT
Jenny Imer, Youth Director                                        To report an incidence of suspected child sexual abuse, please contact your
                                                             local law enforcement agency, or you may confidentially contact WV Child
                                                             Protective Services at 800.352.6513. In addition to civil authorities, to report
ST. MICHAEL PARISH SCHOOL                                    suspected cases of sexual abuse by personnel of the Diocese of Wheeling-
Kim Burge, Principal                                         Charleston to the Diocese, please contact the Diocese at 888.434.6237                                        or 304.233.0880. Please visit under “Accountability” for
Marcy Hartzell, Vice Principal                               additional information and reporting methods.
Michelle Patterson, SMPS Bookkeeper                                                                                      FIRST FRIDAY MASS                                                                                     Mount Calvary Cemetery has monthly First
Bailey Frederick, Development Director                                                                        Friday Masses at the Bishops’ Chapel.
                                                                                                              Please join us for the celebration of Mass
                                                                                                              Friday June 3 at 5:30pm wherein we
Nicole McConnaughy, SMPS Secretary
                                                                                                              remember all of our beloved dead,                                                                                   especially those buried at Mount Calvary.
Michelle Koval, SMPS Receptionist

CONTACT INFO                                                                                                              Regina Coeli
PARISH OFFICE                                                                                           During the Easter season, this prayer is
Our Parish Office is across the street
                                                                                                            prayed in place of the Angelus.
from the church
Phone: 304.242.1560 Fax: 304.243.5710                                                                Queen of heaven, rejoice, Alleluia.
Clergy Residence: 304.905.1377                                                                       For He whom you did merit to bear, Alleluia.
Email:                                                                     Has risen as He said, Alleluia.
Web:                                                                           Pray for us to God, Alleluia.
Facebook: St. Michael Parish - Wheeling, "Almost                                                     Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia
Heaven" West Virginia                                                                                For the Lord has truly risen, Alleluia

PARISH SCHOOL                                                Let us pray. O God, who by the Resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus
School Office: 304.242.3966                                  Christ, brought joy to the world. Grant we beseech Thee, that through the
Fax: 304.214.6578                                            intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may attain the joy of
Web:                                          eternal life. Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen

02                                                                                                            St. Michael Parish | Wheeling, WV
Sunday, May 15, 2022 - Parishes Online
Prayer + Worship

                                               WEEKLY READINGS & OBSERVANCES
                                               Readings for the week of May 15, 2022

                                               Sundays:     Acts 14:21-27/Ps 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13/Rv 21:1-5a/

                                                             Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35
                                               Monday:      Acts 14:5-18/Ps 115:1-2, 3-4, 15-16/Jn 14:21-26
SATURDAY, May 14                               Tuesday:     Acts 14:19-28/Ps 145:10-11, 12-13ab, 21/Jn 14:27-31a
7:30am     Survivors of Abuse                  Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6/Ps 122:1-2, 3-4ab, 4cd-5/Jn 15:1-8
4:30pm † Josephine Granata                     Thursday:    Acts 15:7-21/Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 10/Jn 15:9-11
                                               Friday:      Acts 15:22-31/Ps 57:8-9, 10 and 12/Jn 15:12-17
SUNDAY, May 15                                 Saturday:    Acts 16:1-10/Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 5/Jn 15:18-21
7:30 am † Linda Smith                          Next Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29/Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 [4]/
9:00 am † Leo Morgan                                         Rv 21:10-14, 22-23/Jn 14:23-2
11:30 am † Lisa Bryson Ames
6:30 pm † Deceased People of the Parish

MONDAY, May 16
7:30am † Yantha Family
5:30pm † Marie Lane & Family
                                               Observances for the week of May 15, 2022
7:30AM † William Thalman                       Sunday:         5th Sunday of Easter; St. Isidore
WEDNESDAY, May 18                              Tuesday:
7:30am † Ruth Grooms                           Wednesday:      St. John I, Pope and Martyr
8:30am † Suzanne Harf Reilly                   Thursday:
5:30pm † Deceased members of Oglebay Knights   Friday:      St. Bernardine of Siena, Priest
                                               Saturday:    St. Christopher Magallanes, Priest, and Companions,
7:30am † Barbara Johnson                                      Martyrs; Armed Forces Day
                                               Next Sunday: 6th Sunday of Easter; St. Rita of Cascia, Religious
FRIDAY, May 20                                 ©LP
7:30 am † John Charles Kruzeski
                                                Attendance: May 7th and 8th
SATURDAY, May 21                                4:30 pm–142 7:30 am–131 9:00 am-202       11:30 am– 213     6:30 pm– 73
7:30am † Arch Hartline                          TOTAL– 761
4:30pm † Mary Sacco

SUNDAY, May 22                                  Collections: May 7th and 8th
7:30 am † Deceased People of the Parish         1st Collection: $ 9,979        2nd Collection (School Support): $2,071.00
                                                Misc.: $4,717.00               Online: $1,562.27
9:00 am † Joyce Vogler
                                                TOTAL: $18,329.27
11:30 am † Nichelle Diane Alexi Smith
6:30 pm † M. Paul Wehrheim
                                                                     The Sanctuary Candle beside the tabernacle
† For the repose of souls
                                                                           burns this week in memory of:
 For Special Intentions
                                                                                Roseamund Grubler
                                                                          May she rest in the peace of Lord!

St. Michael Parish | Wheeling, WV                                                                                           03
Sunday, May 15, 2022 - Parishes Online
News & Announcements

                                                                         An Introduction to Restorative Justice

                                                                                               On Wednesday, May 18, from
May 18— Restorative Justice 6:00-8:30pm
                                                                                               6:00PM - 8:30 PM, St. Michael
May 18— Pastoral Council
May 26— Faith & Business Luncheon Noon                                                         Parish will host an introduction to
May 30— Memorial Day-Parish Office closed                                                      restorative practice and talking
June 2— Financial Council                                                                      circles. Circles are used in the
June 2— Building and Grounds                                                                   criminal justice system for
June 4— Parish Rummage Sale
                                                                                               alternative sentencing; in the
June 14— Stewardship Council
June 15— Pastoral Council                                                                      workplace for employee relations;
June 19— Father’s Day                                                                          in schools and colleges for
June 20—Juneteenth-Parish Office closed                           addressing discipline issues and improving school climate;
July 4— Independence Day– Parish Office closed                    and in parishes for building community, holding difficult
                                                                  conversations, and dealing with challenging circumstances.
July 28— Faith & Business Luncheon Noon
                                                                  The purpose of a restorative circle is to create a safe,
Sept 5— Labor Day-Parish Office closed
                                                                  respectful environment where people can meet and
Sept. 26 & 27-Jason Evert, PURIFIED
                                                                  meaningfully share their authentic reactions to an event or
                                                                  We hope that you will join us for a chance to experience the
                                                                  circle process and become familiar with its abilities as a
St. Michael Parish Finance Council invites you to join them for   community-building and healing process. Light supper will be
                        a new initiative:
                        Faith & Business                          provided for those in attendance. Space is limited; to make a
This program will be a series of luncheons exploring ways to      reservation, please contact Mark Phillips at
incorporate faith in our business lives. On a bimonthly basis, or 412-720-1604.
guests will be treated to lunch and a presentation by a guest
speaker. The meeting will follow a one-hour format which
                                                                                          Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
allows time for lunch, presentation and casual discussion.
                                                                                           Please join us after the 9am Mass
                                                                                          each Sunday in the Angelus Center
Dr. James Comerci, Presenter:
                                                                   May 15, 2022-Catholic Mystagogy: The Experience of the
      May 26, 2022
                                                                    Liturgy and the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist
      Noon - 1:00pm
                                                                   May 22, 2022-Catholic Mystagogy: Life in the Holy Spirit and
     Angelus Center
                                                                    Continual Conversion.
RSVP Diane Coughlan: 304-242-1560
                                                                  For additional information AND to register, please contact a
                                                                  member of our RCIA team:
                                                                  Father Carlos Melocoton (304.242.1560)
                                                                  Louis Volpe (304.277.5211)
   St. Michael Stewardship                                        Peg Krall
 Committee will be collecting
  eye glasses and eye glasses                                                   The Knights of Columbus will beholding a Rosay
cases from May 12-29. Please put your donations in the                          celebration every Sunday during May at
box at the back of church. All donations will be given to                       6:30pm at their home at 118 Edgington Lane,
     the Lions Club. Thank you for your donations!                              Wheeling .

04                                                                                          St. Michael Parish | Wheeling, WV
Sunday, May 15, 2022 - Parishes Online
News & Announcements
                                          Greetings from the St.                 St. Michael Parish Spiritual Enrichment Opportunities
                                          Michael Parish Pastoral
                                                                       Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (Parish Office) 304-242-1560
                                                 Council,              Lector (Parish Office) 304-242-1560
                                                                       Altar Server (Parish Office) 304-242-1560
                                         After considerable            Sacristan (Parish Office) 304-242-1560
                                                                       Usher (Parish Office) 304-242-1560
                                         dialogue, discussion, and
                                                                       Youth Group (Jenny Imer) 304-280-0853
                                         discernment the Parish        Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Jenny Imer) 304-
                                         Pastoral Council has           280-0853
selected three primary goals as part of their long-term action         Music Ministry (Chad Carter) 304-233-0880
                                                                       Eucharistic Adoration (Gretchen Wilson) 304-280-
plan. The three areas of focus chosen are the Spiritual
Enrichment, Evangelization, and Stewardship of our St. Michael         Email Prayer Tree (Gretchen Wilson) 304-280-1451
Parish and School. We are beginning with the goal of Spiritual         Weekly Rosary Devotion (Denny Wilson) 304-281-
Enrichment focusing on the following three action items:                2813
                                                                       Daily Morning Rosary Devotion 304-243-
*Maximize educational opportunities within our Faith Formation         Bereavement Ministry (Janet Boyle) 304-242-3892
  Groups and Parish Community
*Provide enhanced training for our Liturgical Ministries              Faith Formation Groups:
                                                                      Christian Mothers Christian Women (Amanda Voellinger) amanda-
*Expand Group Liturgy and Sacrament Study Sessions
                                                                       304-639-2939, (Patty Patrick) 304-336-7171
We are already underway with some of these action items but we        Pro-Life Committee (Anita Smith) 304-242-5053 or 304-830-6525
will need your help moving forward in making these goals              PSR (Mark Phillips) 412-720-1604,
                                                                      (Margaret Erickson) 304-243-5540
successful so we will be reaching out to various resources within
                                                                      RCIA (Lou Volpe) 304-277-5211
our Parish Community for assistance. If you have some ideas or        Christian Life Fellowship (David Post) 412-997-
want to help with these initial action items, we invite you to         0556
contact a member of our Parish Pastoral Council.                      Scouts of America (Keith Zoeckler) 304-312-7608
                                                                      Saturday Morning Scripture Study (Denny Wilson)
 To the right is a list of Spiritual Enrichment Opportunities that    Serra Club (Joe Pangilinan)
are available within our Parish Community. This list is also          Veteran’s Faith Group (Andy Coleman)
displayed on our website. Please consider getting involved in one     Knights of Columbus Council 504 (Mike Bush) 304-242-9570

of these areas and let’s work together to make our St. Michael
                                                                      Councils and Committees:
Parish the ultimate Synodal Church, a church that listens, shares     Liturgy Committee (Carole Kliner) 304-242-1560
its mission, and encourages responsible dialogue.                     Parish Pastoral Council (Margaret Erickson)
                                                                      Finance Council (David Barnett)
God Bless our Endeavors and God Bless our St. Michael Parish.
                                                                      Personnel Council (John Moore) 304-242-1560
                                                                      Stewardship Council (Janet Boyle) 304-242-3892
St Michael Parish Pastoral Council                                    Buildings & Grounds (Denny Wilson) 304-281-2813
                                                                      St. Michael School Advisory Board (Tami Magruder) 304-242-3966

Our St. Michael Parish Pastoral Council is now recruiting for three new members for a term beginning in August of this year. The
Pastoral Council assists the Pastor in his leadership role in the parish. Council members foster unity and a sense of community as
they promote, coordinate, and implement activities for the common good of the parish. The candidates we seek will possess the
following qualifications:

Be a participant in the sacramental life of our church
Be supportive of the Pastor of St. Michael Parish
Have a desire for spiritual growth in oneself and in our parish
Be enthusiastic about the future direction of our parish

We will begin our nomination period June 1st and meet with prospective candidates at our Discernment Session in July. Selected
new Pastoral Council Members will begin their term with an orientation session at our August meeting. For more information,
please contact Margaret Erickson 304-243-5540 or David Post 412-997-

St. Michael Parish | Wheeling, WV
Sunday, May 15, 2022 - Parishes Online
News & Announcements

       Jackson Joseph Adams                                                               Luke Timothy McCabe
        Bode Jason Burge                                                                       Brandon Ty Miller
     Anna Faith Contraguerro                                                                 Grady Richard Mullin
  Isabella Renee Contraguerro                                                               Finn Michael O’Connell
     Matthew Stephen Criniti                                                                  Alyssa Lucille Parker
           Gavin Forget                                                                     Vincent Andrew Rodak
         Ave Marie Harris                                                                     Eli Daniel Sancomb
      Michael John Hutnick                                                                  Michael Daniel Steiniger
     Parker Alexander Jasko                                                                      Lucelus Swartz
      Nino Ernesto Jerrome                                                                   Jaelyn Mae Vunderink
        Caleb Joseph Kim                                                                        Karli Ann Yocum
  Raymond John Konkoleski, III                                                                 Sara Grace Zende
          Michah Kramer                                                                     Bridget Audrey Zoeckler
      Luke Allen Magruder                                                                    Luke Samuel Zoeckler
      Amelia Kate Mandel

                                                STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL
How can we help?
The St. Michael Parish Stewardship Council believes we are all called to connect more deeply with God, our Church and
one another. Like many of our fellow parishioners, we give our time, talent and treasure, and we also provide avenues for
others to do the same.

Do you see a need in our parish or in the larger community that we might help to meet? Please let us know. Our
Stewardship Council has been involved with projects such as collecting toiletries and supplies for the House of Hagar and
Catholic Charities, providing meals for the freeze shelter, e-cycling and shredding events, the annual prayer service for
people who suffer from mental illness and our new Angel ministry that comforts bereaved people.

We are always interested in hearing about new ways we could help. If you have an idea for a project you’d like to see the
parish undertake, you can reach out to any member of our council: Lou Volpe, Launa Post, Wendy Hinerman, Craig
O’Leary, Larry Finneran, Sandy Pell or Janet Boyle, or you can leave a message with Diane Coughlan, our parish secretary,
at 304.242.1560 or Thank you for any ideas you care to share. We would also welcome your

06                                                                                   St. Michael Parish | Wheeling, WV
Sunday, May 15, 2022 - Parishes Online
News & Announcements

                                               The Queen of May!
The month of May is a special month with devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Michael Parish and St. Michael Parish School have
many special events including praying the rosary, prayers, presentation of flowers to Mary in our courtyard and the May Crowning.

                                        The following is an updated financial report submitted by Dave Barnett, Chairperson.

St. Michael Parish | Wheeling, WV
Sunday, May 15, 2022 - Parishes Online
St. Michael Parish School

                                  The Parish Festival is July 7, 8 and 9!
The Festival Committee has been busily and joyously planning for a triumphant return. Get ready for three nights of
fun, food, and friendship. Keep watching the bulletin every week for details about food booths, children’s games, bas-
ket raffles, incredible auction items, and more!

   This week, we are excited to share the LIVE music line
up...Strike up the band...our party on National Road is back!           One Mission One Day to Make a Difference!

   Thursday, July 7:
           6:00-7:30 Brother Randall and Friends
           8:00-10:00 Easy Street

   Friday, July 8:                                                   THANK YOU to the 156 donors who supported St.
           5:00-7:30 The Muddle                                              Michael Parish School during our
           8:00-11:00 MSM                                             2022 One Mission, One Day to Make a Difference
                                                                     Campaign! With your help, we were able to reach
   Saturday, July 9:                                                               our goal of $47,500!!!
                                                                     The money raised will help provide for a multitude
           5:00-7:00      Jule Carenbauer at the Old
                                                                        of operational expenses including classroom
                           Fashioned Chicken Dinner
                                                                     enhancements, technology upgrades and salaries.
           5:30-7:30      Taylor Jo and the Copper
                           Creek Band                                Please accept our sincere gratitude to everyone
           8:00-11:00     Eli & The Mojo Kings                      who helped with this financial campaign and to ALL
                                                                      who support our school by sharing their time,
                                                                                  talent, and treasure!

08                                                                                 St. Michael Parish | Wheeling, WV
Sunday, May 15, 2022 - Parishes Online
Upcoming Events
                                         LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE
 Saturday, 14, 4:30pm                            Saturday, May 21, 4:30pm                      Saturday, May 28 4:30pm
 Lector: Tom Conti                               Lector: Marcy Hartzell                        Lector: Brann Altmeyer
 EMoHC: Nancy Conti                              EMoHC: Sarah Rotilio                          EMoHC: Tom Conti
 Servers: Amelia & Seth Mandel/                  Servers: Ben Phillips/Leah & Kaylee           Servers: needed-please volunteer
 Giannah Mueller                                 Rotilio                                       ********************************
 ********************************                ********************************              Sunday, May 29, 7:30am
                                                 Sunday, May 22, 7:30am                        Lector: Mary Jo McGinley
 Sunday, May 15, 7:30am
                                                 Lector: Michelle Champion                     EMoHC: Edie Fuller
 Lector: Denny Wilson
                                                 EMoHC: Jeep Naum                              Servers: Eli & Luke Sancomb/Claire
 EMoHC: Cathy Leahy
                                                 Servers: Connor & Eddie Ball/ Levi Rine       Phillips
 Servers: Eli & Luke Sancomb/Claire                                                            ********************************
 Phillips                                                                                      Sunday, May 29, 9:00am
                                                 Sunday, May 22, 9:00am
 ********************************                Lector: MUSTANG MASS                          Lector: Rob Krall
 Sunday, May 15, 9:00am                          EMoHC: MUSTANG MASS                           EMoHC: David Post
 Lector: Camille Basinger                        Servers: MUSTANG MASS                         Servers: Isaac Patrick/Claire Henson/
 EMoHC: Kerry Przybysz                           *****************************                 Giuliana Voellinger
 Servers: Grace & Paul Przybysz/Bryn             Sunday, May 22, 11:30am                       ********************************
 Yocum                                           Lector: Doug Blanco                           Sunday, May 29, 11:30am
 ********************************                EMoHC: Kristy Riedel                          Lector: Margaret Zoeckler
 Sunday, May 15, 11:30am                         Servers: Luca & Lana Benson/Zack &            EMoHC: Ted Erickson
 Lector: Mary Ellen O’Connor                     Sara Zende                                    Servers: Luke Zoeckler/Zack Zende/
 EMoHC: Jeep Naum                                ********************************              Byrn Yocum
                                                 Sunday, May 22, 6:30pm                        ********************************
 Servers: Seamus & Liam White
                                                 Lector: Vince Rodak                           Sunday, May 29, 6:30pm
                                                 Servers: Blatt Family                         Lector: Kathy Bonenberger
 Sunday, May 15, 6:30pm                                                                        Servers: Mullin Family
 Lector: Rosemary Frasnelli                                                                    ********************************
 Servers: Jack & Sophia Adams/
 Kamden McNamra

                                             We're using SignUp (the leading
                                             online signup and reminder tool)
                                             to organize our Summer
                                             Liturgical Schedule (June, July,
                                             and August). You should have
                                             received an email. If you did not,    May 22— High School Youth Group will meet from
                                             please call the office and let us     6-7:30pm.
                                             know!                                      CAMP ZION COMING SOON! June 5, 2022

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:                                                       Watch for information from Mrs. Imer!!
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on SignUp:
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on               St. Michael Morning Rosary Schedule
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - SignUp will send you an automated
confirmation and reminders. Easy!                                                 Week of May 16                      Week of May 23
Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer         Gretchen Wilson                       Anita Smith
not to use your email address, please contact Diane at the Parish Office and
she can sign you up manually.
Thank you!!

St. Michael Parish | Wheeling, WV                                                                                                   09
Sunday, May 15, 2022 - Parishes Online
Community News
                 UNPLANNED PREGNANCY RESOURCES                                                                        CCHS Performing Arts
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, we are here to help you
with non-judgmental support and care. Call or visit any of these local                                                Department presents Little
pregnancy resource centers. You and your baby are always welcome.                                                     Shop Of Horrors on Friday and
         For food, clothing, furniture, and emotional support
Wellspring Pregnancy Center & Aftercare                                                                               Saturday, May 20 & 21
1315 Center St, Moundsville, WV 26041                                                                                 beginning at 7:30pm in the
(304) 810-0292
(877)942-9735                                                                                                         CCHS Great Hall! Cost is $10                                                                    for adults and $5 for students.
Gabriel Project of West Virginia – Northern Panhandle Chapter                                                         Come on out for an evening of
1409 Chapline St, Wheeling WV 26003                                                                                   music and fun!
(304) 639-5039

Central West Virginia Center for Pregnancy Care
8 Meadow Street Buckhannon, WV 26201
(304) 473-1122
(877) 472-1122

                For pregnancy testing and ultrasounds
Aim’s Women’s Center
248 N. 5th Street Steubenville, OH 43952
(740) 346-6707

For those who in need of post-abortion healing, please contact one of
                          these resources.

Silent No More Awareness
(800) 707-6635

Rachel’s Vineyard
(412) 352-5848 (Pittsburgh)
(877) 467-3463

                  Please pray for these men and women currently serving and also those who have served our country in the military:

               Petty Officer First Class Eric J Auber, US Navy                             Major Christopher Nodurft, US Marine Corps
                Staff Sergeant Robert Michael Baker, US Marine Corps                       Seaman First Class Cody Patterson, US Navy
                Major Jeremy Deguzman, US Air Force                                        Sr.A Kaylee Pizor, US Air Force
                Sergeant Anthony DiBias, US Army                                           Specialist Seth Sleime, US Army
                Specialist Matthew Graney, US Army                                         Chief Warrant Officer 2 Christopher Snyder
                Lieutenant Andrew Klug, US Navy                                            Sergeant Major Stephen Spohn, US Army
                Captain Zach Lehman, US Marine Corps                                       Sergeant First Class Wendy Spohn, US Army
                Staff Sergeant Sierra E. McKenna, US Air Force                             Lieutenant Colonel Aaron P. Tillman, US Air Force
                SSG Jason McNamara, US Army                                                Airman First Class Taylor Wilkinson, US Air Force
                LTJG Luke Miller, US Navy                                                  Lt. Col. Christopher G. Wilson, Air National Guard
                  Sr.A Austin Morris, US Air Force                                         Lt. Commander Brian M. Wood, Us Navy SeaBees
                Capt. Michael Neuman, US Army

                                                                         God bless our heroes!

St. Michael Parish | Wheeling, WV                                                                                                                 10
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