Page created by Irene Osborne

@CITY                                             7

# Housing                                         7

# Immigration procedures                          7
   Codice Fiscale (“Fiscal Code”)                 7
   European Union Citizens                        8
   Residence Permit 1st Application               9
   (non-EU Citizens)
   Residence Permit Renewal                       12
   Residence Permit Sample Payment Form           13
   Sample: € 70,46 Sample Payment Form            13

# Health                                          13
   Hospitals                                      13
   Insurance                                      14
   Sample: National Health Service Payment Form   17

# Services                                        18
   Banking and Post Offices                       18
   Telephone Services                             18
   Food                                           19
   Sports Facilities                              19
   Laundrettes                                    19
   Tools for Industrial Models                    20
   Leisure                                        20
   Events                                         20

# Travelling                                      20
   Public Transport                               20
   Bike Sharing                                   22
   Shuttles                                       22
   Railway                                        22
   Car Parking                                    22
   Taxi                                           22
MAPS                                                                 23

@POLITO                                                                 27
# Facilities                                                             27
   Campuses                                                              27
   Student Canteens                                                      27
   Computer Labs                                                         28
   PoliTO Wi-Fi                                                          28
   Study Rooms                                                           28
   Bookshops                                                             28
   Faxes and Photocopies                                                 28
   Libraries                                                             29
   Politecnico Medical Service                                           29
   Politecnico confidential counsellor                                   29
   Polincontri Association                                               29
   Student Associations                                                  29

# Education                                                              30
   Credit system                                                         30
   Grades                                                                31
   Exams’ rules                                                          31

# Documents                                                              31
   Transcript of records, declaration of stay and certificates           31
   Documents’ legalization                                               33

# Tools                                                                  33
   The Smart Card (Tessera studenti)                                     33
   Portale della Didattica                                               33
   PoliTO email account and the Ticketing service                        33

                                                               Take a look
                                                              at the MAPS
                                                            and CHECKLIST
                                                           special section!
@ACADEMICS                                                     34
# aT YOur arrIvaL                                              34
   Enrollment: steps to follow                                 34
   External taxes                                              34
   Learning Agreement                                          34

# DURING YOUR STAY                                             35
   Learning Italian                                            35
   Extension of stay                                           36
   Double Degree graduation for Bachelor of Science            36
   students @PoliTO
   Double Degree graduation for Master of Science              36
   students @PoliTO
   Internship information                                      37
   Part-Time jobs (only for Double Degree)                     38

# at your departure                                            38
   Academic conclusion of your mobility: steps to follow       38

# Practical info                                               39
   Safety rules                                                39
   Emergency numbers                                           39

Deadlines & holidays                                           40
PoliTO contacts                                                41
Academic glossary                                              42
Glossary                                                       44

Notes                                                          46
CHECKLIST                                                      48

  Important         Glossary        Contacts           Dates   Notes
@city                                        that is usually sent by the company
                                              via mail (depending on the bill type).
# HOUSING                                     Flats are usually completely furnished.
                                              Linen and bath-towels are not provided
Here you can find all the information         by landlords but usually there are
you need about hostels for a short            mattresses, pillows and blankets.
stay along with some useful advice
for renting an apartment
www.studyintorino.it/                         # IMMIGRATION
Generally the minimum timeframe               >Codice Fiscale (“Fiscal Code”)
for a booking in a hall of residence          The codice fiscale (“fiscal code” o “tax
or in an apartment is 5-6 months.             code”) is a code made up of letters
         PLEASE NOTE - We advise              and numbers on the basis of your first
         you not to contact private           name, family name, date and place of
         agencies as they might have          birth and it is used by the Italian public
         high commissions (usually a          administration in order to identify each
         non-refundable 2-month rent).        citizen living in Italy. All European and
By law, a landlord must provide the           non-European citizens staying in our
tenant with a contract copy stating           country need to have their own.
the rent duration, the amount and             The codice fiscale is necessary in order
when it is payable.                           to enrol at Politecnico, to apply for the
You should read through the contract          residence permit, open a bank account,
very carefully and be sure that you           enter into a tenancy agreement, receive
have understood all the terms and             a scholarship payment, earn a salary and
conditions. The typical rent agreement,       carry out other procedures or activities.
in terms of expenditure, involves:            If available, you can apply for it to
• a deposit, usually the equivalent           the Italian diplomatic representation
  of two/three-month rent (the deposit        (embassy or consulate) in your home
  is refundable at the end of the rental      country, before coming to Italy.
  agreement, subject to deductions for
  any damage or outstanding debts);
• one-month rent advance payment.
The rent amount can vary depending
on the area, the flat condition (etc.), but
you can expect to pay on average about
€ 250/350 per month for a single room
and about € 200/280 per month per
person for a twin room. Sometimes all
the bills (heating, electricity, water, gas
and cleaning) are included in the rent.            Please check in which campus
In other cases the rent can be lower, but                your courses will be held
you have to add to it the cost of all the                      before proceeding
utilities. Bills can be paid at the nearest       with the accommodation search
post office or bank by using the fee form

Otherwise, you have to apply for it             >European Union Citizens
    straight away after arrival. The office
    that issues it in Italy is called “Agenzia      Citizens from countries that belong
    delle Entrate” – VAT / Tax Office.              to the European Union (since April
    Usually in September the Tax Office             the 11th, 2007) must not apply for the
    service is available in the International       residence permit. Three months after
    Affairs Department. The rest of the             arrival you have to go to your local
    year, in order to obtain your Italian           Register Office (Anagrafe) if you are
    “fiscal code” you will have to go to one        going to spend more than three months
    of the local Tax Offices (Uffici Locali         in Italy and apply for a “temporary
    dell’Agenzia delle Entrate).                    registration” (iscrizione all’anagrafe
                                                    della popolazione temporanea)
    Required documentation:                         by submitting your:
    • your passport or identity card                • ID card
    • non-EU students: a photocopy of your          • European health card (TEAM)
      passport data page and of the visa            • codice fiscale
      page                                          • enrolment certificate
    • EU students: a copy of your ID card
                                                    The application can only be submitted
    The application form is available at            by appointment, four months after
    the Foreign Citizens Office. The codice         arrival. Please set an appointment
    fiscale is issued immediately when you          with the Anagrafe office staff by
    are attended and it is free of charge.          going to Anagrafe in person or by
                                                    emailing: prenotazioni.anagrafe@
    If your codice fiscale card is lost or gets     comune.torino.it. You have to include
    stolen, you can apply for a duplicate           your personal details in your request
    at the local Tax Office. In September           such as your full name, date and
    students have to apply for the codice           place of birth, citizenship, current
    fiscale in our International Department         address. We remind you that this
    where the Tax Office service is                 registration is not compulsory if you
    available every day.                            are residing temporarily in Turin
                                                    and do not wish to register.
                                                    For further information on this
                                                    application please visit the Anagrafe
                                                    website (only Italian version): http://
    VAT / Tax Offices                               moduli/residenzatemporanea/
    Corso Bolzano, 30
    Via Paolo Veronese, 199/A
    Via Sidoli, 35                                  Anagrafe Centrale
    Via Padova, 78
                                                    Via Della Consolata, 23
    These offices are open from Monday              Open from Monday to Thursday
    to Thursday from 9.00 a.m. to 1.15 p.m.         8.15 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.
    and on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
                                                    Friday 8.15 a.m. - 1.50 p.m.
    also from 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. Fridays from 9.00
    a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Saturdays closed.

                                                                      The CODICE FISCALE
                                                           (“fiscal code”) is the first thing
                                                           you have to obtain after arrival

Sample email:                                              >Residence Permit
“Gentilissimi, desidero prendere                           1st Application (non-EU Citizens)
un appuntamento per fare l’iscrizione
all’anagrafe della popolazione temporanea  Non-EU citizens spending more
e vi chiederei cortesemente di fornirmi    than 90 days in Italy have to apply
la lista della documentazione richiesta.   for the residence permit within 8
                                           working days after arrival. We remind
Le mie generalità sono: [FAMILY NAME, First Name]
                                           you that non-EU students with a
Luogo di nascita: [place of birth (country)]
Data di nascita: [date of birth]           study residence permit are allowed
Cittadinanza: [citizenship]                to work for a maximum of 20 hours
Indirizzo: [current address in Italy]      a week (totally 1040 hours/year).
Ringraziandovi per la disponibilità,       Non-EU citizens have to submit the
invio cordiali saluti.”                    residence permit application at any
[Readable Signature or your full name]     post office where there is a “Sportello
People with double nationality (Italian    Amico” counter. In order to collect
or EU + non-EU citizenship) don’t have to the application kit and for support in
apply for the residence permit since they filling in the application form please
have to enter Italy by using their Italian go to box office no. 12 in the
or EU passport. For all administrative     International Affairs Area, where
procedures both inside and outside         some cultural mediators will attend
Politecnico (registration, enrolment,      you. The total cost for a one-year
codice fiscale application, Anagrafe and   study residence permit is between
Register Office procedures, etc.) you      € 250 and € 300 (depending on
have to use your Italian or European       the health insurance type you
passport which you used for entering       choose). You have to gather the
Italy. Other Anagrafe Offices in Torino:   following documentation:

 Your passport
                                    • 2 photocopies of the page of your passport containing your personal data
 Passport copies                    • 1 photocopy of the page of your visa for Italy
                                    • 1 photocopy of the passport pages containing stamps/other visas
 A € 16,00 duty stamp
 (marca da bollo)                   You have to buy it at the Tobacconist’s (Tabaccheria shop)

 A photocopy of your
 “codice fiscale” (“fiscal code”)

 A photocopy of the Politecnico     Invitation letter reporting the course in which you are
 invitation letter                  enrolled, stamped by the Italian Consulate/Embassy in your
                                    home country - when your visa was issued

 “Autocertificazione”               Attesting the enrolment in Politecnico di Torino; you can print it from
 (enrolment self-declaration)       your personal page on Portale della Didattica by clicking on Segreteria
                                    online - Certificati - Stampa autocertificazioni - Stampa (print and sign it)
                                    • photocopy of a scholarship letter if you have it; otherwise,
 Income proof copy
 or self-declaration                • a self-declaration on your income (you can fill in a form available at our
                                      office desks no. 1 and 2 (autocertificazione sui mezzi di sostentamento)

 Health insurance copy              Please check chapter ‘Health > Insurance >> Non-EU Citizens’

           We advise you to keep a copy of all your documents and certificates
           (health insurance card, contract or payment receipt, residence permit,
           residence permit, renewal receipt, passport/ID card, codice fiscale, etc.)

because if we receive a letter from
                      You have to apply       the police about your residence permit,
               for the residence permit       we will contact you on that account.
                 within 8 working days        Please remember to always
                            after arrival     carry with you the postal receipt
                                              and your passport, until your
                                              residence permit is issued.
     During the month of September and for    At the post office you will be given
     a few weeks in February, some cultural   an appointment (day and time) for
     mediators are available everyday,        the fingerprinting at the Immigration
     from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m.     Office (in corso Verona 4).
     to 11:30 a.m. During the rest of the
     year, our mediators are on duty twice    On this appointment you will have
     a week, usually on Tuesdays and          to bring with you four identical
     Fridays, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.    passport photos and all the original
                                              documents whose copies you
     After filling out the application        enclosed in the application envelope,
     form with the help of our mediators,     including any document that could
     the application has to be handed         be missing from your application.
     in within a maximum of 2/3 days
     at any post office where there is                   It is mandatory to go and
     a “Sportello Amico” counter.                        get fingerprinted on the day
                                                         and at the time indicated
     The postal expenses amount to € 30.                 in the appointment sheet
     You will also have to pay € 70,46                   issued by the post office. The
     in order to obtain the electronic                   immigration office stops the
     residence permit card (the paying-                  applications of the students
     in slip is given by the cultural                    who missed the fingerprinting.
     mediators at box office no. 12).
                                              If you are spending more than one year
     The Poste Italiane employer will check   in Italy, on this appointment you will
     your passport (please do not seal the    have to sign an “integration agreement”.
     application envelope) and will give      From the Ministry information brochure:
     you a receipt (assicurata) containing
     a USER ID and a PASSWORD.                “[...] Through the signing of the
     Thanks to the USER ID and the            agreement, foreign nationals undertake
     PASSWORD found on your postal            to achieve specific integration objectives
     receipt, you will be able to check the   that shall be fulfilled during the period of
     status of your application not only      validity of the residence permit”:
     through the Foreign Citizens Office,     • acquiring a sufficient knowledge of
     but also on the following website          the Italian language (A2 level)*;
     www.portaleimmigrazione.it (click        • acquiring a sufficient knowledge of
     on the “Area riservata stranieri”          the Italian civic culture**;
     icon – bottom right – then enter your    • guaranteeing the fulfillment of
     PASSWORD and your USER ID).                compulsory education for minors.
     You can check if your residence permit
     is ready for collection at this link:
     by entering your PASSWORD
     (the one on your postal receipt).                Please remember to carry
                                                     with you the postal receipt
     You are advised to check frequently                     and your passport
     your Politecnico email account                       at all times until your
     (sMATRICOLA@studenti.polito.it)                 residence permit is issued
[…while] the State undertakes to support                Address               Office hours
the integration process of foreign
nationals.”                                             Via d’Ovidio 8        MONDAY - FRIDAY
                                                        Politecnico           8.20 – 1.35 p.m.
* the Italian language exam taken at Politecnico
can replace the official Italian language                                     SATURDAY
certificate, provided that its level is at least A2.                          8.20 – 12.35 p.m.
** the training session on civic education and          Via Alfieri 10        MONDAY - FRIDAY
life in Italy is replaced by your enrolment self-       Piazza San Carlo      8.20 a.m. – 7.05 p.m.
declaration.                                            (Centre of Torino)    SATURDAY
If you wish to participate in the Italian                                     8.20 a.m – 12.35 p.m.
language course and the training session
                                                       It is also possible to get free assistance
on civic education and life in Italy, a list
                                                       for the residence permit application
of the relevant schools is available at the
                                                       at any of the following aid offices
Foreign Citizens Office (desks no. 1 and
                                                       (patronati) in Torino:
2). These courses are free of charge.
Two years after your entry to Italy, you
will receive a letter from the Immigration
                                                        Name             Contacts
one-stop shop (Sportello Unico per                      CGIL- INCA       Via Pedrotti, 5 - Torino
l’Immigrazione) to the address you gave                                  T 011 2442399
for the first residence permit application.                              @ torinocentro@inca.it
If you don’t submit the Italian language                                 Opening time:
and the civic culture/enrolment proofs                                   Monday, Tuesday,
within a year, you will receive another                                  Thursday and Friday
letter soliciting you to do it as soon as                                2.30 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.
possible, otherwise you will be forced                                   Wednesday closed.
to leave the country if you don’t reach                                  Telephone booking required
30 points.
Failure to provide the required proofs will
                                                        ACLI             Via Perrone 3 bis/A
result in a reduction of fifteen out of the                              Telephone booking required
                                                                         by calling number
sixteen points awarded upon signing the                                  011.5712763
agreement. The integration agreement                                     or through the webpage:
“points” officially are called “credits”,                                http://planner.patronato.acli.
but they do not have to be confused                                      it/prenota/
with the exam credits, as they don’t
regard your study career, but only your                 ACLI -           Corso Palermo, 116/a
residence permit (http://www1.interno.                  SPORTELLO        T 011 2474356
gov.it/mininterno/export/sites/default/                 IMMIGRA-
it/sezioni/sala_stampa/speciali/accordo_                                 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
                                                        ZIONE            9.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.
You are strongly advised to check                       PATRONATO Via Onorato Vigliani, 123
the status of your residence permit                     INAC      T 011 6164201 / +7
application about 3 weeks after the                                      Opening time:
fingerprinting. Usually about one month                                  From Monday to Friday
and a half after the fingerprinting,                                     9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
the residence permit will be ready for                                   2.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.
collection at the Immigration Office in                                  Telephone booking
corso Verona 4. Please find below the                                    recommended
addresses of some post offices with a
“Sportello Amico” counter:

Via Arcivescovado, 9               USB            Corso Tassoni, 37/B
                    T 011 5628892                                     T 011 655454
                    Opening time:                                     @ piemonte@usb.it
                    Tuesday 09.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.                    (Please address the message
                    Wednesday 2.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.                   to Sportello Migranti)
                    Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.                      From Monday to Friday
                    By appointment (also outside                      9.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. (only
                    of the official opening time)                     by booking in the afternoon)
                                                                      Wednesday also
      SIAM MCL       Via Pietro Micca, 21                             1.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.
                     2nd floor
                     T 011 543483                      CITTà DI       Via Bologna 51
                     From Monday to Thursday           TORINO –       T 011 01120095
                     9.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.            SERVIZIO         011 01120088
                     2.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.             STRANIERI      Mon / Wed / Thu / Fri
                     Friday 9.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.                    9.00 a.m. -12.30 p.m.
                                                       E NOMADI
                     Telephone booking required                       Tuesday 2.00 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.
                                                                      Telephone booking required
      UIL – ITAL     Via Bologna, 9
                     T 011 2417103
                     F 011 2417123                    For information on the requirements for
                     From Monday to Friday            the residence permit renewal application
                     9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.            please report to the Foreign Citizens
                     2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.            Office, desks no. 1 and 2.
                                                               If you are holding the postal
                     Via Bologna, 11                           receipt for the residence permit
                     T 011 2417121
                     F 011 2417123
                                                               renewal you can leave and
                                                               re-enter Italy, provided that:
                     From Monday to Friday
                     9.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.           • you are holding a valid passport, the
                     2.30 p.m. - 5.00 p.m.              postal receipt and the expiring/expired
                                                        original residence permit;
                                                      • the travel does not include stopovers in
     >Residence Permit Renewal                          other Schengen countries.
     You can renew your residence permit no           Also in this case, if you are travelling
     earlier than 30 days before its expiration.      abroad in the Schengen Area or to
     By law you have to apply for the renewal         other countries, you are recommended
     before its expiry. Also for the renewal, in      to verify with the embassy/consulate
     order to collect the application “kit” and       of your destination if you need a visa
     for support in filling out the application       for entering that country, depending
     form, please go to box office no. 12 in          on your citizenship and your current
     the International Affairs Area, where            domicile. Before starting a journey and
     our cultural mediators will prepare the          buying a ticket, please enquire with the
     application form for you.                        Foreign Citizens Office.
     Mediators are on duty twice a week,
     usually on Tuesday and Friday, from 9.00
     to 11.30 a.m.
                                                                          Before starting
     IMPORTANT: in September mediators                              a journey and buying
     are on duty every day, only for the new                       a travel ticket, please
     students who apply for the first residence                  ask the Foreign Citizens
     permit. Students who need to renew it                         Office for information
     can do it at Politecnico until the end of
     July or starting from October.
>Residence Permit Sample Payment Form


                                                                                                     7 0 46
                      7 0 46                     70 46         SETTANTA / 46
      SETTANTA / 46             SETTANTA / 46

      NAME SURNAME               NAME SURNAME
      ADDRESS, CITY              ADDRESS, CITY

                                                                        ADDR ESS
                                                                        POST CODE C I T Y

>Hospitals                                               MARTINI                            Via Tofane, 71
There are many hospitals in Torino                                                          T 011 70951
that are open 24 hours a day, with
Emergency Rooms providing assistance                     SANT’ANNA                          Corso Spezia, 60
in urgent cases. You may have to pay                     (Gynaecology)                      T 011 6331633
a fee (“ticket”) for the tests that are
less urgent (usually starting from €                     CTO                                Via Zuretti, 29
25 for a code white). If you are moved                   (Traumatology)                     T 011 6933111
from an Emergency Room to a public
hospital, you will not have to pay for the
hospitalisation expenses.                                OSPEDALE                           Via Juvarra, 19
                                                         OFTALMICO                          T 011 5661566
Public hospital Emergency Rooms                          (Ophthalmology)
(pronto soccorso) in Torino:
                                                         AMEDEO DI SAVOIA Corso Svizzera, 164
 Hospital                      Address                   (Infectious diseases)              T 011 4393111

 MOLINETTE                     Corso Bramante,           ospedale maria                     Via Medail, 1
 (San Giovanni Battista)       88/90                     vittoria                           T 011 6331633
                               T 011 6331633
                                                         gradenigo                          Corso Regina
 MAURIZIANO                    Largo Turati, 62                                             Margherita, 8
                               T 011 5081111                                                T 011 8151211

 SAN GIOVANNI                  Piazza del Donatore       cottolengo                         Via S. Giuseppe
                               di Sangue, 3                                                 Benedetto
 BOSCO                                                                                      Cottolengo, 14
                               T 011 2401111
                                                                                            T 011 5294111

>Insurance                                     provides general or first-level health
                                                    assistance, i.e., health care outside
     The health insurance is necessary in
                                                    the hospital, hence including medical
     order for you to get medical assistance
                                                    treatment in case of ordinary diseases
     and also for the residence permit.
                                                    or no-emergency health problems and
     >>Non-EU Citizens                              prescribes medicines and tests.
     The immigration law requires you               In order to subscribe, first you have
     to take out a health insurance during          to pay € 149,77 at a post office or a bank
     your stay in Italy.                            by filling in the “F24” payment form
     If you have a private insurance that has       (modello F24 - see the sample).
     been taken out in your country, please         After submitting your residence permit
     remember that - in order to be valid in        application, you have to select a general
     Italy for the residence permit - it needs      practitioner (medico di medicina gene-
     to have the following requirements:            rale) out of one of the lists available on
     • your name (in western characters)            the ASL websites (depending on the city
                                                    district where you live):
     • validity in the Schengen Area                http://www.asl102.to.it/mmgpls/elenco.
     • written in Italian (or in English/           html (ASL TO1)
       French/Spanish)                              http://www.aslto2.piemonte.it/_front/
     • the exact coverage period (no less than      front.php?p=1&idm=14&men-
       6 months / maximum 1 year)                   div= (ASL TO2)
                                                    Then you can go to your local “ASL”
     • the type of coverage for medical             office (ASL are the local administrative
       expenses                                     and health care facilities of the National
     Minimum ceiling: € 30.000 (expressed           Health Service) in order to subscribe and
     or converted into Euro). Please notice         collect the health card (tessera sanitaria).
     that the duration of the residence permit      Documentation to be showed
     will be connected to the duration of the       to the ASL employees:
                                                    • modello F24 payment receipt
     As an alternative, once in Italy, you can      • passport / ID card
     take out a private insurance through an        • residence permit and/or postal receipt
     Italian insurance company. In order to           if you have just applied for it
     be accepted by the Immigration Office
     it must have the above-mentioned               • Politecnico enrolment self-declaration
     requirements.                                  • codice fiscale
     It is also possible to enrol in the Italian    Please note that you can apply for
     National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario    the tessera sanitaria at any medical
     Nazionale / S.S.N., if you are spending        office belonging to the relevant ASL
     more than three months in Torino). The         in the area where you live (choose an
     price for the health card for students         office either within ASL 01 or ASL 02
     (tessera sanitaria) is € 149,77 per calendar   territory).
     year: it will expire on December the 31st      The Italian National Health Service
     of the year when you bought it.                card for non-EU citizens is not valid
     The Italian National Health Service            in other EU countries.
     public coverage provides full health                    IMPORTANT: before paying
     assistance - including the possibility                  through the F24 form, you are
     to choose a general practitioner (also                  suggested to ask the Foreign
     called “family doctor”). In the Italian                 Citizens Office for detailed
     health system, the family doctor                        information on how to fill it in.

Lastly, if you have a document proving       >>EU Citizens Spending more
your right to health assistance on             than 3 Months in Italy
the basis of treaties and bilateral          If you are from a European Union
agreements between Italy and your            member country and you hold a long-
home country (issued by the Italian          term TEAM card or the E106 Form
Embassy or Consulate in your country),       (statement for the original European
you can benefit from the health              Health Card issued by your home
services stated in the agreement.            Country, covering you for the whole
For more information, you can refer          of your stay in Italy), you can have the
to the ASL in the area where you live.       same services as Italian citizens within
Non-EU Erasmus+ students holding             the National Health Service (SSN). The
the project health insurance, can            assistance of a family doctor (medico di
contact the insurance company (you           base / medico di famiglia) is guaranteed
can find the emergency contacts in the       if you have an identity card and the
policy), in order to find out where to go    original European Health Card (TEAM)
and what to do for any health problem        or a substitutive statement (Modello
or in case of an emergency. In particular,   E106). In this case you can go directly
depending on your health problem and         to a general practitioner’s affiliated
on the insurance company, you might          with the National Health Service, both
be asked either to pay in advance and        for ordinary health problems and/
then to apply for a reimbursement of the     or for prescriptions for medicines or
treatment expenses, or not to pay at all.    specific examinations. The ASL (Local
                                             Health Authority) will request the
If you have a form proving the right
                                             reimbursement to the competent foreign
to health assistance on the basis
                                             institution, according to the rules of the
of treaties and bilateral agreements
                                             National Health Service in force in your
between Italy and your home country
                                             home country. If you need to go to a
– an authorization issued by the Italian
                                             hospital for a specialist’s examination,
Embassy or Consulate in your home
                                             you will need the general practitioner’s
country – you can use the health
                                             prescription and at the hospital you
services provided for by the agreement.
                                             will have to pay a fee called “ticket”.
Please check with your embassy/              The amount varies depending on the
consulate if you are entitled to             examination type. You can obtain more
be covered and if the NHS service            information about this at the ASL office
membership for you is payment.               in the area where you live. The list of
                                             doctors is available at any ASL or online
For more information please refer to         (please enter “ASL TO1” or ASL TO2”
the ASL (medical office) in the district     in the search engine and click on “Scelta
where you live. For the ASL addresses        o revoca medico” and “Elenco Medici di
and further information: Foreign             Medicina Generale”).
Citizens Office.
                                             >>Citizens Coming from a EU Country,
>>Occasional Medical Examinations              not Holding a European Health Card
   by a General Practitioner
It is possible to get a payment medical      If you are not holding a European
examination by a general practitioner.       Health Card or if you have a short-term
Before going to the doctor’s office,         “TEAM” card, there are two ways for
please contact him (or her) and ask if he    you to be covered by the National Health
is aware of this possibility. You may be     Service: To apply for the NHS (SSN) by
asked to make an appointment. Doctors’       paying € 149,77 just like non-EU citizens.
secretaries usually don’t speak English.     In this case the coverage is valid only
                                             on the Italian territory. To move your

official abode to Torino (through the             >>EU Citizens coming from
     “cambio di residenza” application at the             a non-EU Country
     Register / Anagrafe office) and for form          If you have the citizenship of a EU
     S1 (modello S1) to be issued by your EU           country, but you never lived there
     home country. The residenza application           and therefore you are not holding a
     requires about 45 days. This insurance            TEAM card or a substitutive statement
     will cover you both in Italy and in your          (Modello E106), you will have to pay for
     home country.                                     enrolling in the National health Service,
                                                       just like non-EU students.
     >>Citizens Coming from a EU Country,
                                                       >>EU Citizens Spending less
        Holding a Different Health Insurance Card
                                                       than 3 Months in Italy
     If your home country issues a social
                                                       If you are a European Union student
     security card that in your country works
                                                       spending a short term in Italy, you
     as the European health card, but which
                                                       can get emergency health assistance
     has a different design and doesn’t have
                                                       at the emergency unit (“pronto
     the EU logo, this card won’t be accepted
                                                       soccorso”) of any hospital and/or go to
     by Italian general practitioners,
                                                       a general practitioner’s for free. For the
     a tour public medical offices (ASL) and
                                                       prescriptions, the doctor will fill in the
     hospitals. Therefore, before coming to
                                                       back of the “impegnativa” (the red form
     Italy, you are advised to request the
                                                       used for prescriptions).
     European health card to the relevant
     authority in your home country,                   >> Italian Citizens Coming from
     so that you can also use it in Italy.             a non-EU country
     The same applies to citizens coming               If you have an Italian passport you can
     from a EU country who have a private              get the National Health System card
     health insurance and do not hold a                for free if you apply for residenza to the
     European/TEAM health card.                        Register office (Anagrafe). The residenza
                                                       application requires about 45 days.

     Here is a list of the A.S.L. offices in Torino:

      ASL TO 1                                          ASL TO 2
      Via San Secondo, 29 bis                           Via del Ridotto, 3/9
      From Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m.              Mon/Wed/Fri 8.00 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.
      (also for health bilateral agreement between      Tue/Thu 8.00 a.m. – 3.30 p.m.
      Italy and home country)
                                                        Via Cavezzale, 6
      Corso Corsica, 55                                 Only for health bilateral agreement
      From Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m.              between Italy and home country
      Via Farinelli, 25                                 Via Montanaro, 60
      From Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m.              From Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m.
      Via Gorizia, 114
      From Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m.
      Via Monginevro, 130                               ASL TO 5 (Moncalieri e Nichelino)
      From Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m.
                                                        Via Vittime di Bologna, 20 – Moncalieri (TO)
                                                        From Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m.
      ASL TO 3 (Collegno)
                                                        Via Debouchè, 8 - Nichelino
      Via Torino, 1 (Villa Rosa) Collegno (TO)          Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri 07.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.
      From Monday to Friday / 8.30 a.m. – 2.45 p.m.     Wed 07.30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

National Health Service Payment Form (modello F24)

# SERVICES                                    (bancomat), credit cards (Visa, American
                                                   Express, Master Card, etc.) and cheques.
     >Banking and Post Offices                     Debt and credit cards are usually
                                                   accepted in hotels, restaurants, railway
     Italian banks usually apply a € 5 charge      stations, shops and supermarkets.
     for any foreign currency exchange
     transaction. An Exchange Bureau can           There is a bank inside the Politecnico
     also be found at the main entrance            main Campus. The entrance is located
     of Porta Nuova Railway Station. We            in via Enrico d’Ovidio, near “Bar Pizza”
     recommend you not to carry all your           on the south wing of the building.
     cash with you. Please watch out for           Online banking can make you save
     pickpockets on buses and in crowded           money in operating costs.
     places. If withdrawing money from             Another banking option is to open a
     cashpoints with non-Italian credit/debit      current account called “Conto Banco
     cards (ATM) proves to be too expensive        Posta” at any post office. For enquiries
     (please check with your bank in your          on the conditions and terms please
     home country that the PIN number is the       refer to: www.poste.it/bancoposta/
     same), we advise you to open a new bank       In order to open a Banco Posta account
     account as soon as you arrive to Italy.       please go to the nearest post office with:
     In order to open a bank account
     you will need:                                • a copy of your ID card or passport
                                                   • non-EU students: your residence
     • your ID card (or passport:                    permit or the postal receipt
       non-EU students)
                                                   • a copy of your codice fiscale
     • residence permit or the postal receipt
       (non-EU students)                           There is a post office in the Politecnico
     • enrolment self-declaration                  building on the ground floor, beside
                                                   the bank (in via Enrico D’ovidio 8).
     • “fiscal code” (codice fiscale)
                                                   Most post offices in Torino are open
     • permanent address in Italy                  from Monday to Friday from 8.20 a.m.
     • Italian mobile phone number                 to 13.35 p.m. and on Saturdays from
     Please be reminded that, although most        8.20 to 12.35. Some are open until 7
     Italian banks do not usually charge           p.m. Other post offices in Torino:
     any fees for closing an account, some         www.poste.it/online/cercaup/
     still do, even though the account has
     just been opened. In any case, please
     remember to close your Italian bank           >Telephone Services
     account before leaving Italy, in order        >>MOBILE PHONES
     to avoid additional charges or interests.     Since making all your calls in the
     Remember that every bank or post              roaming mode is quite expensive,
     office account in Italy is subject to a tax   we suggest you to buy a new pre-paid
     (called imposta sostitutiva di bollo).        Italian SIM card. The GSM network
     Hence, before signing any contract            operators in Italy are: Carrefour
     or agreement, please be advised to            UnoMobile, CoopVoce, ERG Mobile,
     visit an ample enough choice of banks
     or check their websites, in order to
     find out more about the possible
     charges of an account and the                           You are recommended to
     relevant terms and conditions.                            buy an Italian SIM card
     Payments within the Italian territory                        as soon as possible
     can be settled through ATM cards

Fastweb, Ho. Mobile, Iliad, Lyca Mobile,    and sports activities for students and
Noitel, Noverca, Poste Mobile, Ringo        academics. Special events are organised
Mobile, 3, Tim, Tiscali-mobile, Visitel,    for foreign students and special
Vodafone, Wind.                             conditions apply to them.
After choosing the operator you prefer,     Please note that CUS will ask for a
you can go to one of its telephone shops    health certificate for practicing any
and sign the contract, or purchase it       kind of non-competitive sports activity
online. In order to buy a SIM card,         (certificato medico per attività sportiva
you need to provide:                        non agonistica). In order to obtain it
                                            ask directly the CUS secretariat in via
• a double-sided photocopy                  Braccini no.1. A non-competitive health
  of your Italian codice fiscale            certificate for Erasmus+ and foreign
• a photocopy of your ID card               students is available at a special price.
  or passport data page.                    Reservation is compulsory by going to
It only takes a few minutes to obtain       the CUS office in via Braccini 1, which is
a new telephone number.                     open from Monday to Friday from 9 to
                                            7.00 p.m. When you submit the health
>Food                                       certificate, the CUS staff will give you the
                                            CUS card - free of charge for students.
Any kind of food can be purchased
at supermarkets. Please find here a
list of the supermarkets available in       C.U.S.
Torino: https://www.paginebianche.it/       Via Braccini 1 (near Corso Mediterraneo)
ricerca?qs=SUPERMERCATI&dv=                 T 011 388307 / 011 337221
How to find the supermarket list on         Open Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.
the white pages: in the field “Nome,        Via Panetti 30
Cognome o Ragione sociale” please           T 011 6057106 / 011 6056231
enter “supermercati”; in the field             www.custorino.it
“Località, indirizzo” please enter          segreteria@custorino.it
“Torino (TO)”; then click on “Trova”.       erasmus@custorino.it
As an alternative to supermarkets, in
Torino you can find many marketplaces.      Otherwise you can apply for the
Among the most popular ones you             certificate also at:
can find: “Porta Palazzo” which is
the biggest and most international          SUISM - Centro Servizi
marketplace in Torino; the “Balôn” (held    Centro di Medicina Preventiva e dello
on the second Sunday of each month) is      Sport dell’Università degli Studi di Torino
a flea market and it gets its name from     Piazza Bernini 12, Torino
the area at the back of Porta Palazzo.      T 011 7764708
Apart from Porta Palazzo and Balôn,         Doctors are on duty every day from Monday
Turin hosts a number of fairs and           to Friday and reservation is required by calling
                                            the number above (8.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.).
marketplaces of all sizes all year round,
located in corso Racconigi, Santa Rita,
corso Palestro, corso Brunelleschi,         >Laundrettes
Crocetta (via Cristoforo Colombo),          In Torino there are some coin-operated
Piazza Benefica and many others             laundrettes that are open 7 days a week
http://mercati.comune.torino.it/            from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. In the Yellow
>Sports Facilities                          Pages website www.paginegialle.it,
                                            under the heading “LAVANDERIE SELF
CUS Torino (Centro Universitario            SERVICE” you can find the list and
Sportivo) organises several fitness         addresses of the laundrettes in Torino.

>Tools for Industrial Models                 “Torinosette” magazine is a useful
                                                  tool to find information on exhibitions,
     Should you need the necessary material
                                                  cinemas, theatres, concerts, festivals
     for industrial models, please look for
                                                  and nightclubbing. It is published
     the hobby shops by entering “bricolage
                                                  every Friday as a section of La Stampa
     e fai da te” in the yellow pages search
                                                  newspaper (in Italian):
     engine: www.paginegialle.it
     City Council website providing useful        # TRAVELLING
     information and orientation for students
     in Torino about available facilities,        >Public Transport
     transportation in and around Torino,
     accommodation, leisure and lots more:        GTT is the Torino local transport
     www.studyintorino.it                         company.Website: http://www.gtt.
                                                  to.it/cms/en/ and http://www.gtt.to.it/
     City Council tourist information website     cms/ In order to purchase a bus ticket
     on cultural events taking place in Torino    (single tickets, daily tickets, urban and
     and around the Piemonte region: www.         suburban single tickets, 5-trip tickets
     comune.torino.it/promozione/ (in Italian).   and “Formula U” weekly tickets), users
     Torino City tourism information website      may pay with a debit or credit card:
     on the territory (how to get there,
     where to sleep, what to do and tailored      • go to one of the points of sale in Torino
     information to fit everyone’s needs):          (newsagents, tobacconists, and bars);
     www.turismotorino.org                          please find the complete list at this
     www.inpiemonteintorino.it/web/en               link: http://www.gtt.to.it/cms/risorse/
     www.piemonteitalia.eu/                       • use one of the automatic vending
     www.piemonteoutdoor.it/web/en/                 machines available at the metro
     Torino and Piemonte Museum card:               stations.
     https://piemonte.abbonamentomusei.it/        The weekly, monthly or yearly ticket can
     (in Italian).                                be purchased at the above-mentioned
               Politecnico has a multi-ethnic     points of sale but it is necessary to upload
               choir composed of about 100        them on your student Smart Card or
               Italian and foreign students.      on the GTT Bip Card. The cost of the
               Its name is POLI TNICO!            Bip Card is € 5. The GTT Bip Card is an
     If you have some singing skills              electronic card that can be purchased at
     and wish to join it you can write            any “Centri di Servizi al Cliente GTT”:
     to this email address: coro@polito.it        http://www.gtt.to.it/cms/dialoga/uffici-
                                                  aperti-al-pubblico#centri. It is necessary
                                                  to show your passport or ID card. Single
     >Events                                      tickets can also be purchased on the
     Turin and Piedmont hold various              parking machines available by all payment
     events and festivals throughout the          parking zones in Torino (recognizable by
     year. There is something different           the blue lines). You can pay cash or use
     every week so look out for the events        a credit or debit card. Since May 2017, all
     and enjoy your stay in Torino!               ticket types have to be validated on one
     For further information, please visit:       of the blue devices immediately when
     www.comune.torino.it/infogio/                you get on the bus/tram. The tickets can
     welcome.htm (in Italian)                     only be used by one person.
     www.comune.torino.it/torinoplus/             City ticket urban + suburban 100
     english/                                     minutes - € 1,70: it is valid for 100
                                                  minutes from the first validation on

urban and suburban network (and for a         riconosciute_2018.pdf. The cost of the
single journey on the metro).                 yearly ticket at the reduced fare depends
Daily ticket urban + suburban 1 day - €       on your “ISEE”. ISEE is a document
4,00: it is valid for an unlimited number     attesting the economic status of your
of journeys in a single day, starting         family according to their income and
from the first validation until the end       assets. It is issued by “CAF” offices. The
of the service on the entire GTT urban        list of CAF office in Piemonte region,
and suburban network.                         which are authorized to issue the “ISEE
                                              Parificato”, is available at: https://
48 /72 hours special tickets: it is           didattica.polito.it/tasse_riduzioni/index_
valid for 48 or 72 hours from the first       en.html.
validation on urban and suburban lines
(metro included). A 48-hour ticket costs      • € 158,00 is the cost of the yearly ticket
€ 7,50; a 72-hour ticket costs € 10,00.         with an ISEE of up to € 12.000,00
                                              • € 178,00: yearly ticket with an
Weekly ticket (Settimanale Formula              ISEE ranging from € 12.001,00 to €
U): it is valid from Monday to Sunday           20.000,00
on the urban network. It has to be be         • € 208,00: yearly ticket with an
validated the first time you get on the         ISEE ranging from € 20.001,00 to €
bus and it costs € 12.                          50.000,00
Monthly ticket (under 26 years old):          Documents required for the GTT
this ticket costs € 25 and it is valid for    yearly ticket: If you are still waiting
one month; it is necessary to validate it     to be enrolled (without the Politecnico
on the first day of the month or starting     student “Smart Card”): € 5 for the “Bip
from the 28th day of the previous month.      card”, passport, 1 passport-size picture,
You can use this ticket on any bus,           enrolment self-declaration.If you are
tram, underground within the urban            enrolled and are holding the Politecnico
and suburban network of Torino. It is         student card: passport, PoliTO “Smart
necessary to bring with you at all times      Card”, enrolment self-declaration.
an identification document like your          Night public transport: “Night Buster”
passport or ID card or residence permit.      is the GTT night-time public transport
Ordinary yearly ticket (under 26 years        service. Its 10 lines are working from 0.30
old): it costs € 258,00 and it can be         am to 4.30 a.m. on Fridays, Saturdays
used on any bus, tram, underground            and on the days preceding holidays. You
within the urban and suburban network         can use your daily seasonal ticket. Safety
of Torino. It is valid for 1 year and it      is guaranteed by cameras and the staff.
can be purchased any month. It is             Lines and itineraries are available on this
necessary to bring with you at all times      webpage: http://www.gtt.to.it/cms/linee-
an identification document like your          e-orari/torino-e-cintura/urbana/5125-rete-
passport or ID card or residence permit.      notturna-nightbuster-estiva-2018.
Yearly ticket (under 26 years old) –          >Bike Sharing
reduced fares: it is reserved to all people   [To]Bike: The Torino bike sharing
under 26 years old. It is necessary to        service is available 24 hours a day. You
be residing or domiciled in Torino with       can pick up and return a city bike at any
a regular rental contract, registered         of the stations located around Torino
under your name, or to live in one of the     where you can find availability.
university halls of residence recognized      On the website or on the application you
by the City of Torino. The list of the        have to download on your mobile phone
residences is available on this webpage:      you can see the availability of bikes and
http://www.gtt.to.it/cms/risorse/urbana/      free places at [TO]BIKE stations.

You can subscribe online and obtain          you have to download the Mobike
     a personal electronic card for the           smartphone application.
     annual (€ 25), weekly (€ 8) or daily (€ 5)   oBike: “oBike” is the other private bike
     memberships.Other options: 4FORYOU (€        sharing service available in Torino.It
     8: up to 4 hours/day) and 8FORYOU (€ 13:     is free for the first two months; then:
     8 hours/day to be used within 48 hours).     € 0,50 per half hour. The € 5 deposit is
     Public-liability insurance: € 5 per year.    refundable on your credit card. Also oBike
     The card is not transferable.                can be used very easily through an app to
     The use of the bike is free if you return    be downloaded on your smartphone.
     it within 30 minutes and it is available
     (payment) for up to 4 hours a day. The       >Shuttles
     bicycle can be used only in the city         From the bus terminal located in corso
     area (not outside Torino) and also from      Vittorio Emanuele II, 131/H, buses to
     Grugliasco for the students living in the    other European cities are available.
     EDISU hall of residence located in via       There are also bus connections to
     Berta 5.                                     Milano Malpensa airport.
     The traffic laws and driving rules also      For more information please visit:
     have to be observed by bikers.               www.autostazionetorino.it/
     You are advised to follow cycle ways
     whenever possible. The use of a bicycle      >Railway
     helmet is always recommended.                Trenitalia is the main train company
     Online subscriptions:                        in Italy: www.trenitalia.com
     www.tobike.it/frmAbbonati.aspx               Italo is an Italian railway company
                                                  operating with high-speed trains on
     Please visit this Web site and find out      three main routes: www.italotreno.it
     more about the cycle tracks in Torino
     and our region:                              >Car Parking
     www.piste-ciclabili.com/provincia-           Only the staff is allowed to the car parks
     torino (cycle tracks and itineraries)        of Politecnico where parking is strictly
     (route planner)                              controlled. Payment parking where you
                                                  see the blue lines are almost everywhere
     Offices where you can subscribe              in Torino, except for suburban areas
     to [TO]BIKE:                                 (white lines represent toll-free parking).
     • [TO]BIKE, via Santa Chiara 26/F,           Costs are on display on the payment
       open form Monday to Friday from            machines and on street signs - from €
       10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.                    1.30 to 2.50 per hour, depending on the
     • TurismoTorino, piazza Castello 161,        district: www.gtt.to.it/cms/parcheggi
       open every day from 9.00 a.m.              There are special weekly and monthly
       to 6.00 p.m.                               charges (vouchers). Parking vouchers can
     • TurismoTorino, piazza Carlo Felice/corso   be bought at the Politecnico “Polincontri”
       Vittorio Emanuele II, 3017 (facing Porta   box office or at Newsagents’ or
       Nuova railway station), open every day     Tabaccheria shops (selling also stamps,
       from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.                postcards and the like).
     Mobike: “Mobike” is a private bike
     sharing service that you pay per route       >Taxi
     (€ 0,69 cents every time you use it). Half   Pronto Taxi / T 011 5737
     an hour will cost you € 0,30. You can        www.prontotaxi5737.it
     subscribe for 30/90/180/260 days. You        Radio Taxi / T 011 5730 / 011 3399
     can upload your subscription on your         From Porta Nuova to Caselle Airport
     Politecnico student “Smart Card” or on       you may expect to spend approximately
     a “BIP card”. In order to use “Mobike”       € 40/50.

Map of the main campus


                                                                                          Via P.C.Boggio                   Via P.Borsellino

        aule P
                 Corso Peschiera


                                                                                      Corso Mediterraneo
                                   Corso Castelfidardo                                                           Corso Castelfidardo

                                                                                  6                   4

                                                                                                                       5               Corso Montevecchio
                 Corso Einaudi


                                   14                   10 11
                                        Via G. Peano                         13                                            16
                                                           Via E. d’Ovidio

                                                                             12 11                    7      8         Piazzale
                                                                                         1                             Sobrero
                                                                                         2        9

                                                                                  Corso Duca degli Abruzzi

LEGEND                                        Services
                                              7      Bookshop

                                                     Printing Service (downstairs)
     Cover parking                            8
                                                     (centro stampa)

                                                     Porter’s Lodge
                                              9      (portineria)

                                              10     Polincontri and CUS Shops

1              Foreign Citizens Office

                                              11     (bar)
2              Incoming Mobility Office

                                              12     Bank
               Registrar’s Office
               Segreteria Studenti

               Stage & Job Placement Office   13     Post Office
4              (Ufficio Stage & Job)

               CLA                                   Medical Service
5              Language Center (downstairs)

               Orientation Office
6              (Ufficio Orientamento          15     Student Canteen
               e Tutorato)

                                              16     Students’ Associations

In order to find the maps
of the main sites of PolitTO                  17     Library
(rooms, laboratories, Registrar’s
office, Departments...),
you can visit this link:
www.polito.it/ateneo/sedi/                           Study Room

Map of the Mirafiori campus

                             Corso L. Settembrini

       Parking       Models lab                Study room

                     Computer lab              Registrar’s   Student
       Building      (first floor)             Office        canteen

>Student Canteens

                                            EDISU Piemonte (the Regional Authority
                                            for the Right to Higher Education) runs
                                            several canteens where you can have
                                            a meal near the main campuses where
                                            courses are held. In the university
                                            restaurants Castelfidardo, Olimpia and
                                            Principe Amedeo it is possible to have
>Campuses                                   gluten-free meals.
The Politecnico di Torino is made up        In order to book a gluten-free meal, you
of various teaching centres, in addition    have to download the proper booking
to the central headquarters of corso        form from this website: https://www.
Duca degli Abruzzi 24.                      edisu.piemonte.it/en/services/food-
Main Campus - Corso Duca                    services/canteens/gluten-free
(Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24)              You can have both lunch and dinner in
The main campus houses the                  the student canteens. All the students
Politecnico governing and                   participating in exchange programmes
administrative bodies, as well              (Erasmus+, Double Degree, Bilateral
as its secretarial headquarters.            Agreement) benefit from the lowest fees.
Mirafiori Campus                            Your Politecnico student ID will allow
(corso Settembrini, 178)                    you to eat at the student canteens.
It is located between corso Orbassano                IMPORTANT: should you
and corso Settembrini and hosts                      extend your stay at Politecnico
the Industrial Design and Visual                     in the frame of an exchange
Communication and Automotive                         programme, ask the Incoming
Engineering degree courses.                          Mobility Office about how to
Valentino Castle Campus                              recharge your student card for
(viale Mattioli, 39)                                 keeping the lowest canteen fee.
This historical and artistic building,      For further information concerning
that was first created as a residence for   the EDISU canteens: https://www.
the Royal House of the Savoy, belonged      edisu.piemonte.it/en/services/food-
to the Regia Scuola di Applicazione per     services/canteens. These are
gli Ingegneri since 1859 and is now an      the student canteens in Torino:
important part of the Politecnico.
It hosts some courses at the Master
of Science level in Architecture.             Address
You can reach the Valentino Castle
by tram/bus 9, 16 or 34.                      Via Principe Amedeo, 48 – the closest one
Boggio Campus                                 to the Università degli Studi di Torino
(via Boggio, 71/A)
                                              Corso Castelfidardo 30/A – this is the closest
This is a branch of Politecnico for           one to the main Campus, with another entrance
both engineering and architecture             from via Pier Carlo Boggio 59, ex Fonderie
students; it is situated near the central
headquarters. You can reach the Boggio        Via Paolo Borsellino, 42 –
Campus by tram/bus 15, 16, 33, 33/, 42.       University restaurant “Taberna 1”
More information:
www.polito.it/ateneo/sedi/?lang=en            Lungo Dora Siena, 102/B (Olimpia)

These are the student cafeterias              and password to access the wireless
     in Torino in the Politecnico di Torino        network. Your first password is your
     facilities (no smoking areas):                date of birth (day/month/year); you will
     • Bar Denise and Bar Ambrogio                 immediately be asked to enter a new
       main campus                                 password. For assistance, please refer
                                                   to Informazione e assistenza per gli
     • Bar Smad – campus, via Pier Carlo           studenti. Monday to Friday 9-13
       Boggio 53                                   T 011 564 7965 or send an email
     • MixTO – campus, corso Castelfidardo         to WiFi@studenti.polito.it
       34/A bar-and-grill, open on Sunday
       (5 p.m. – 1 a.m.), Monday to Saturday       >Study Rooms
       (7 a.m. – 7 p.m.).
                                                   You can get access to the study rooms
       Lounge bar: Thursday to Saturday            thanks to your STUDENT I.D. CARD.
       (8 p.m. to 1 a.m.). Free wi-fi, summer      Study rooms are located around the
       open-air section                            main campus and will allow you to
     • Bar Castello del Valentino –                study between the classes or in the
       Architecture Departments, Castello del      evening in a quiet and comfortable
       Valentino, viale Mattioli 39                environment. All study rooms are
     • Pic-nic area – in the campus                provided with a newspaper reading
       courtyard, beside the Segreteria            room, photocopiers and vending
       Studenti-Cittadella Politecnica.            machines and have facilities for
                                                   disabled students.
     >Computer Labs                                >Bookshops
     Computer labs are available for
     students in all Politecnico sites.            In the Politecnico central headquarters in
     Students can check online the “LAIBs”         corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 you can find:
     availability and find more information        • CLUT (Engineering): 5% up to 20%
     on this website: https://didattica.polito.      discount on books on becoming
     it/laboratori_en.html                           a member – € 2,60 (www.clut.it)
                                                   There are also many second-hand
     >PoliTO Wi-Fi                                 bookshops near the Politecnico
                                                   and Turin Universities.
     In order to access the PoliTO Wi-
     Fi wireless LAN network you need
     a Politecnico email address. Each
                                                   >Faxes and Photocopies
     Politecnico student has an email address      >>SENDING A FAX
     related to the matriculation number           Personal faxes can be sent from
     (sMATRICOLA@studenti.polito.it). For          Polincontri box office (inside Politecnico),
     example, if your matriculation number         from any copy shop or from the
     is 123456, your email address will be:        tobacconists (tabaccherie) that own
     s123456@studenti.polito.it.                   a fax machine (the price depends on
     You just need to use your email address       the time/destination of the message).

      Study rooms in Torino
      EDISU study rooms             ls-and-other-services/study-halls

      Politecnico study rooms       https://didattica.polito.it/sale_studio_en.html

>>PHOTOCOPIES                                       (infermeria). At the infermeria you can only
We would like to inform you that,                   get assistance in an emergency situation,
according to Italian Law, it is forbidden           not for ordinary medical treatment.
to make photocopies of entire books, only
15% is allowed. Please note that there              Infermeria Location
is a “Centro Stampa” in all Politecnico
facilities. There are card-operated                 Ground floor (next to Bar Denise) - main building
photocopy machines; these prepaid cards             From Monday to Friday / 8.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.
can be purchased and charged at any                 T 011090.7943
Centro Stampa. The fees are displayed
by each machine (the price of self-service          >Politecnico confidential counsellor
copies depends on the size of the sheet             Politecnico di Torino university has
of paper). There are many copy shops in             an external employee, the Confidential
corso Einaudi or next to the Università             Counsellor, that offers free assistance
di Torino (via Sant’Ottavio 20).                    and advice to anyone who has been
                                                    victim of moral or sexual harassment
Centro Stampa                                       in the workplace or study place. The
Main Politecnico site in Corso Duca degli Abruzzi   Counsellor position is covered by lawyer
From Monday to Friday / 8.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.       Arianna Enrichens.
Inside the Valentino Castle                         How to access to the service: it is
From Monday to Friday / 8.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.       necessary to set an appointment writing
                                                    to consigliera.fiducia@polito.it or calling
                                                    0110907853 on Thursdays from 1.00
>Libraries                                          p.m. to 2,30 p.m..
In order to facilitate your access to
university books and other educational              >Polincontri Association
work, EDISU Piemonte (the regional                  Polincontri (Associazione per la cultura,
authority for the right to higher                   lo sport, il tempo libero) is an association
education) set up and runs two libraries.           whose offices are located on the ground
All students enrolled in the Universities           floor in the main corridor from corso
of Piedmont can gain admission to this              Einaudi (the Polincontri box office is
service by taking along the student                 next to Bar Denise). Members have
card. This service is free. Books may               discounts in many shops, libraries and
be borrowed from Politecnico central                sport facilities, free access to many clubs
libraries or from Department libraries.             and discounts when buying tickets
                                                    for cinemas, theatres and concerts.
                                                    Other special events are organised by
EDISU Loan Service (University Books)               Polincontri. For further information call
                                                    011.090.7926 or visit the home page:
Via Michelangelo Buonarroti, 17 bis
lending-books-service                               >Student Associations
                                                    Students interested in the University
Politecnico Central                                 life gather in students’ associations
and Departmental Libraries                          and organize cultural, theatrical,
  http://www.biblio.polito.it/en/                   recreational and sports activities.
                                                    Associations, along with student
>Politecnico Medical Service                        representations elected in the
You can find a full-time professional               government body of the University,
nurse at the Politecnico Medical Service            have at their disposal some facilities

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