The Messiah "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28 - June 2022 - Issue #647 - Messiah Lutheran Church

Page created by Edith Hayes
The Messiah "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28 - June 2022 - Issue #647 - Messiah Lutheran Church
The Messiah

             June 2022 - Issue #647
PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for next month’s Messenger articles is June 24.

 "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28
The Messiah "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28 - June 2022 - Issue #647 - Messiah Lutheran Church
                                  On Parapets and Guns
I write these words a couple days after a mass shooting took the lives of 19 children and two
teachers at a school in Texas. The event is sickeningly familiar in our country, which over the past
25 years has had a hundred times more mass shootings (defined as four or more people killed)
than other industrialized countries, and which has three times more gun homicides per capita than
other industrialized countries.
Assuming that Americans are not angrier or crazier or more violent than people in other countries,
it’s clear that what makes the difference is our laws. US laws allow much easier access to guns,
and when there are guns at hand, they are more likely to be used by angry or deranged people.
But my aim here is not to offer my views on gun laws. The basic information about that topic is
widely available anyway. I do want to point out an easily overlooked commandment in the book of
Deuteronomy that can help us think about guns and other dangerous objects and our
responsibility for how they are used.
 “When you build a new house, make a parapet around your roof so that you may not bring the
guilt of bloodshed on your house if someone falls from the roof” (22:8).
To follow the point here, it helps to know that roofs on ancient houses were flat, which made them
appealing places for people to hang out, especially when they wanted to enjoy a cool breeze on a
hot summer night. This feature of the roof made it likely that people would fall off the roof and be
injured or killed.
Therefore, the commandment instructs builders to take the precaution of installing a railing to
prevent people from falling off. The commandment assumes that builders who don’t take this
precaution are guilty of the injury that occurs from any fall, since the fall was easily foreseen.
The larger point of the commandment, then, is that we are responsible for the hazardous things
we make or own, and we need to take at least minimal precautions so that other people are not
easily harmed by them.
There is no talk of rights here, as in, “it’s my house and I have the right to build it as I like”; the
commandment assumes that we live in a community and are responsible for one another’s safety.
The commandment does not pretend to be able to prevent all falls from roofs. Accidents will
happen, and people will sometimes behave in reckless and unpredictable ways. Nevertheless, we
are responsible for doing the minimum to guard against the
obvious hazards and dangers that we have introduced into
the world.
Meditation on this commandment would transform the
debate about gun laws, the responsibility of gunmakers, and
the responsibility we all have for one another. It would lead
us to do much more to protect what the author of
Deuteronomy assumes to be precious beyond words: the
image of God in every person.
Faithfully, Pastor David

 The Messiah Messenger                         pg. 2                                      June 2022
The Messiah "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28 - June 2022 - Issue #647 - Messiah Lutheran Church
Again - We send our Thoughts and Prayers….
Give some thought to what needs to change to protect all God’s children
Give some thought about communicating these needs to those who
represent us that can make the changes
Pray for enlightenment for those who represent us - no matter where
they fall on the political spectrum.
Pray for the strength to lift your voice and demand an end to this
Prayer is a call to action - both for inward change and outward
manifestation toward the divine.

                             Where are the Safe Spaces?
My take: A reflection on gun violence

By Tim Brown May 25, 2022 (from Living Lutheran)

“A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she
refused to be consoled, because they are no more” (Matthew 2:18).
        A grocery store.
        A church.
        An elementary school.
        Buffalo. Laguna Woods. Uvalde.
When I was a little boy, I was told about “safe spaces.” These were places you could go if you
were lost or in trouble. The people there would help you. If you added “fire station” to the above
list, you’d have just about every space I was told would be a refuge.
In the span of just 10 days, all these supposed safe spaces have been drowned in tears and blood
and screams and gunfire. They’ve been exposed as not being safe at all in the presence of assault
Tell me, beloved, where should I tell my children to go?
We aren’t meant to bury our babies.
I’ve been told that having a heart broken over and over makes it nimble and compassionate, but
maybe having a heart broken over and over makes it numb. Or calloused. Or ineffective.
We must do something.
It’s beyond terrifying and sad that these incidents happen so frequently that denominations,
including our own, have had to include a “gun violence litany” in our worship resources. The litany
is powerful, expressing pain and sorrow. It’s one of those tools you hope you never have to use.
But we’ve had to haul it out three times in the past 10 days — including just last night, to stand
with parents who wouldn’t be tucking their babies into bed because we can’t seem to find a way to
come together to pry these weapons of mass destruction out of hands that harm or close the
stores that profit off them or shut down the gun lobbyists who care more about their bottom lines
than the souls who stare down the barrels.

 The Messiah Messenger                        pg. 3                                    June 2022
The Messiah "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28 - June 2022 - Issue #647 - Messiah Lutheran Church
Safe Spaces (continued)
The issue is complex, but for the life of me — for the lives of those babies, teachers, churchgoers
and daily-bread shoppers — I can’t understand how something can be so complex that it paralyzes
the halls of power.
The ELCA’s “60-day journey toward justice” provides an excellent path for communities of faith to
walk with one another, exploring ways to grieve, advocate and live into Christ’s call to be
peacemakers. I commend it to you and your community to use together.
We must do something.
In the second chapter of Matthew, we find the matriarch of the faith, Rachel, weeping over the
slaughter of the innocent children of Bethlehem, having been sacrificed on the altar of political
power and fear.
I can’t help but think that Rachel wept again last night, joining her tears with ours and joining her
voice with the anguished cries coming from Uvalde.
But if crying and prayers alone worked, we wouldn’t be here again. We must cry and pray with our
shoes on, ready to do the next best thing, as hard as it may be.
Tim Brown is a pastor, writer, and ELCA director for congregational stewardship.

                         Our prayers continue to be with the people of Ukraine including members of
                               our partner church, Hope Advent, and their relatives in Ukraine.
                          Helping the People of Ukraine: Lutherans are working with partners in
                         Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, as well as with the Lutheran World
                            Federation and Church World Service, to provide humanitarian aid.

                         WHAT’S HAPPENING IN JUNE
    The season of Pentecost begins with Pentecost
                 Sunday on June 5th.
Pentecost is one of the great festivals of the Church. In modern
popular culture it isn't nearly as well-known as Christmas or
Easter, but for Christians it's profoundly significant. It marks the
coming of the Holy Spirit on the disciples and their transformation
from frightened and confused people to men who would face
martyrdom for what they believed.
Pentecost is the fulfilment of two promises. One promise is in the
Old Testament – Joel 2:28, which says "I will pour out my Spirit
on all people", and one in the New, where Jesus says he will send
another Counsellor, the Spirit of truth (John 16: 5-15).
Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. It marks the beginning of Christianity as a purposeful
movement and a new community. When Peter preached immediately afterwards, around 3,000
people believed and were baptized.

 The Messiah Messenger                         pg. 4                                     June 2022
The Messiah "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28 - June 2022 - Issue #647 - Messiah Lutheran Church
Prayer for Pentecost
Breath of Life, on this Pentecost Sunday, we ask that You breathe on
us once again. Make our consciences tender to Your touch. We
hunger for the life-changing power that Your Holy Spirit brings. Lord,
we thank You for the transforming work of Your Holy Spirit in our
lives and through our lives toward others. We thank You that You
have given us boldness to proclaim the Gospel. May our lives
exemplify the fruit of Your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Remind us to use Your power to do the work You have given us.

                                         Holy Trinity Sunday – June 12th
                             Holy Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost to honor the Holy
                             Trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. While the word “trinity” does
                             not appear in in Scripture, it is taught in Matthew 28:18-20 and 2
                             Corinthians 13:14 along with many other Bible passages. The Bible tells
                             us, “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on
                             earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all
                             nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
                             the Holy Spirit’” (Matthew 28:18-20). The concept of the Holy Trinity can
                             never be completely understood. That is the mystery. But it is clearly
                             taught in Scripture. Understanding this comes through the work of the
Holy Spirit; therefore, it is appropriate that this mystery is celebrated the first Sunday after
Pentecost, when the outpouring of the Holy Spirit first occurred.

                                   Father’s Day!
                   We celebrate the important men in our lives on
                                 Sunday, June 19th!
   A Prayer for Special Male Figures in Our Life
 Dear God, We come together to lift up the fathers and father figures
 in our lives. We know that blood alone is not the requirement for a
 man can to be a father in someone's life, and because of that, we
 pray for those who have chosen to step up in the roles of mentorship,
 adviser, and supporter in the lives of others.
 Please bless their kindness and sacrifice, give them wisdom in their
 journey of care, and pour out Your Spirit upon them as they seek to
 help others in this world. It is a gallant effort to take on the role as a
 spiritual father; on this day, help us celebrate all the men we consider
 fathers by making them feel seen, appreciated, and commended.
 In Jesus' Name, Amen.
 A special prayer from Crosswalk.

 The Messiah Messenger                         pg. 5                                     June 2022
The Messiah "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28 - June 2022 - Issue #647 - Messiah Lutheran Church
                Thank You to Our CCC Staff!!
                          Now that the school year is ending and we’re transitioning into summer
                         schedules, we want to be sure to thank the staff of our Child Care Center!
                           Normally, the work of CCC staff can be somewhat challenging, but the
                                  pandemic added a whole new dimension to their work!
                        So, we send an EXTRA BIG THANK YOU to these dedicated staff members:

                          Bob Black               Kelly Brown           Cindy Decker
                          Rose Marie DeVito       Laura Hauser          Bette Hagstrom
Terri Hogan               Sue Johanson            Maggie Kicmal         Kirstin Kida
Rita Kotowski             Cristina Krueger        Jen Krueger           Jackie Large
Deanna Mugnolo            Suzanne Priore          Cathy Shaughnessy     Diana Slepowronski
Karen Tompkins            Amanda Whittinghill     Diane Wojda           Karen Black, Director

Messiah Book Club
The next will meet Thursday, June 9, 2021 at
7:00- 9:00 pm both in person and on FB
Messenger Rooms. The next selection is Saint Maybe by Anne Tyler.

Summary: In 1965, the Bedloe family is living an ideal life in Baltimore. But an accident
shatters their peace forever, and seventeen year-old Ian Bedloe is guilt-wracked over the
accidental death of his brother. Unable to live under the weight of his self-punishment,
he espies a second chance in a stereotypical, and therefore, unlikely, place.
All are welcome to attend and if you have questions, please contact Paul Holzer.

                    Men’s Brotherhood Breakfast
                    Men’s Brotherhood has resumed meeting in person at Jimmy’s
                    Restaurant in Des Plaines located at 1440 Rand Rd. The next breakfast
                    gathering will take place on Saturday, June 11th at 9:00 a.m. All
                    Messiah men are invited to participate. Contact Rich Seggeling or Paul
                    Holzer if you have questions.
    June Reminders:
   Sunday, June 5th – Pentecost Sunday
   Thursday, June 9th – Messiah Book Club
   Saturday, June 11th – Brotherhood Breakfast
   Sunday, June 12th – Holy Trinity Sunday
   Sunday, June 19th – Father’s Day

The Messiah Messenger                           pg. 6                                  June 2022
The Messiah "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28 - June 2022 - Issue #647 - Messiah Lutheran Church
                              Dorothy Pollack
                        December 6, 1920 – May 7, 2022
                      Long time Messiah member, Dorothy Pollack passed away at 101
                      on May 7, 2022. Dorothy was living at the Summit in Park Ridge
                      but hadn’t been able to attend church in recent years, although
                      she continued to support Messiah. The Pollack-Klunder family
                      joined the church soon after it was officially organized. Dorothy
                      and Wally Pollack had both lost their first spouses, married each
                      other and joined their families of 5 children, before having a 6th
                      child together. Dorothy worked hard to manage their household
                      of 5 boys and 1 girl, all under 10! Dorothy and her family were
                      active in many aspects of church life through the years. Dorothy
                      was the beloved wife of the late Willard Klunder and later the late
Walter Pollack. She was the loving mother of the late Willard (Kathy) Klunder, Walter
(Barbara) Pollack Jr., Scott
(Rovenna) Klunder, Paula
(Michael) Dwyer, James
(Sheri) Pollack and the late
John Klunder. Dorothy was
the proud grandmother of
thirteen grandchildren and
thirty-five great-

The Messiah Messenger                     pg. 7                                 June 2022
The Messiah "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28 - June 2022 - Issue #647 - Messiah Lutheran Church
          Sunday                   Monday                          Tuesday
29                       30                               31
10:15am Worship          5:00am HKCC AM Prayer            5:00am HKCC AM Prayer
2:00pm HKCC Worship      11:00am Assistance Ministry      12:30pm Center of Concern
3:30pm HKCC Fellowship   1:00pm MLC Staff Meeting         lunch
                         7:00pm Al-Anon Meeting

5                        6                                7
10:15am Worship          5:00am HKCC AM Prayer            5:00am HKCC AM Prayer
2:00pm HKCC Worship      11:00am Assistance Ministry      12:30pm Center of Concern
3:30pm HKCC Fellowship   1:00pm MLC Staff Meeting         lunch
                         7:00pm Al-Anon Meeting

12                       13                               14
10:15am Worship          5:00am HKCC AM Prayer            5:00am HKCC AM Prayer
2:00pm HKCC Worship      11:00am Assistance Ministry      12:30pm Center of Concern
3:30pm HKCC Fellowship   1:00pm MLC Staff Meeting         lunch
                         7:00pm Al-Anon Meeting           6:00pm CCC Board Meeting

19                       20                               21
10:15am Worship          5:00am HKCC AM Prayer            5:00am HKCC AM Prayer
2:00pm HKCC Worship      11:00am Assistance Ministry      12:30pm Center of Concern
3:30pm HKCC Fellowship   1:00pm MLC Staff Meeting         lunch
                         1:00pm Newsletter Articles Due
                         7:00pm Al-Anon Meeting
                         7:30pm EC Meeting

26                       27                               28
10:15am Worship          5:00am HKCC AM Prayer            5:00am HKCC AM Prayer
2:00pm HKCC Worship      11:00am Assistance Ministry      12:30pm Center of Concern
3:30pm HKCC Fellowship   1:00pm MLC Staff Meeting         lunch
                         7:00pm Al-Anon Meeting

 The Messiah Messenger                  pg. 8                                     June 2022
The Messiah "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28 - June 2022 - Issue #647 - Messiah Lutheran Church
JUNE 2022
        Wednesday                Thursday                         Friday                Saturday
1                           2                     3                                4
5:00am HKCC AM Prayer       5:00am HKCC AM Prayer 5:00am HKCC AM Prayer            11:00am HAC Worship
9:15am Child Care Chapel    12:30pm Center of           12:30pm Center of Concern 1:00pm HAC Fellowship
12:00pm Bulletin Articles   Concern lunch               lunch                      8:00pm HKCC PM
Due                         3:15pm Women About          6:00pm Scout Pack 105      Prayer
12:00pm CCC Staff Meeting Business                      Meeting
12:30pm Center of Concern                               7:00pm HAC Bible Study &
lunch                                                   Rehearsal
8:00pm HKCC PM Prayer
8                           9                     10                               11
5:00am HKCC AM Prayer       5:00am HKCC AM Prayer 5:00am HKCC AM Prayer            9:00am Brotherhood
9:15am Child Care Chapel    12:30pm Center of           12:30pm Center of Concern Breakfast
12:00pm Bulletin Articles   Concern lunch               lunch                      11:00am HAC Worship
Due                         7:00pm Messiah Book         6:00pm Scout Pack 105      8:00pm HKCC PM
12:00pm CCC Staff Meeting Club                          Meeting                    Prayer
12:30pm Center of Concern                               7:00pm HAC Bible Study &
lunch                                                   Rehearsal
8:00pm HKCC PM Prayer
15                          16                    17                               18
5:00am HKCC AM Prayer       5:00am HKCC AM Prayer 5:00am HKCC AM Prayer            11:00am HAC Worship
9:15am Child Care Chapel    12:30pm Center of           12:30pm Center of Concern 8:00pm HKCC PM
12:00pm Bulletin Articles   Concern lunch               lunch                      Prayer
Due                                                     6:00pm Scout Pack 105
12:00pm CCC Staff Meeting                               Meeting
12:30pm Center of Concern                               7:00pm HAC Bible Study &
lunch                                                   Rehearsal
8:00pm HKCC PM Prayer
22                          23                    24                               25
5:00am HKCC AM Prayer       5:00am HKCC AM Prayer 5:00am HKCC AM Prayer            11:00am HAC Worship
9:15am Child Care Chapel    12:30pm Center of           12:30pm Center of Concern 8:00pm HKCC PM
12:00pm Bulletin Articles   Concern lunch               lunch                      Prayer
Due                                                     6:00pm Scout Pack 105
12:00pm CCC Staff Meeting                               Meeting
12:30pm Center of Concern                               7:00pm HAC Bible Study &
lunch                                                   Rehearsal
8:00pm HKCC PM Prayer

  The Messiah Messenger                         pg. 9                                         June 2022
The Messiah "I will pour out my Spirit on all people" Joel 2:28 - June 2022 - Issue #647 - Messiah Lutheran Church
                        Check out Pastor Knutson’s web page for his activity in South Africa.
                               We look forward to Pastor Knutson’s visit in August!!

Music Ministry
Thanks to Bill Decker, Music Coordinator, and all our
Music Assistants for another great year of leading us in
worship music!!

Assistance Ministry
Hello June! I can’t believe we are already saying this!
Assistance Ministry continues to welcome vaccinated guests for indoor dining and to look through
our donated clothing and food pantry. We generally serve 18 to 32 guests each week. With
food prices going up, our guests really appreciate our meals, sack lunch to go and our pantry.
Thanks for your continued generosity in supporting this ministry through your prayers, financial
contributions and food/ clothing donations. Amazingly, when our supplies are low or if guests
have specific needs, a donation comes through.
If you are looking for a meaningful way to volunteer, please
consider joining us on Monday mornings. It’s a nice way to
start the week…to make a difference….and to have fun doing
Connie Kaufman

                                        Quilts & Kits
                  124 Personal Care Kits and 100 School Kits are all packed and taped in boxes
                  and ready to be transported to Elgin! We just have to figure out getting them
                  there! Now, to finish the quilts that have already been pinned!
                  We’ll start the search for school kit items this summer! And making new quilts!

                  If you want to check out the Quilts & Kits program at Lutheran World Relief, go
Trudi Handzel & Carol Hrodey

The Messiah Messenger                        pg. 10                                    June 2022
Christian Education
                               We congratulate Henry Allemeier on completing three years of
                               study to complete his confirmation. His extended family and
                               church members were on hand to witness his affirmation of his
                               baptism on Sunday, May 22 and then celebrate with cake!

                         Messiah Lutheran Child Care Center
CCC June Schedule:
Thursday, June 2nd – last day of 2021-2022 school year
Friday, June 3rd & Monday, June 6th – Friday, June 10th closed for year-end cleaning
Monday, June 13th – summer program begins for 3-9 year olds!
                   There are still openings for the Fall 2022-2023 Program.
  For more information on CCC Activities and Programs contact CCC Office at 847-825-3767 or
                        see the website at

The Messiah Messenger                       pg. 11                                     June 2022
Christian Education (continued)
                Positions Open at Messiah Child Care Center:
                                             The committee working on the search for a new CCC
                                               director has three strong candidates who will be
                                               touring the center and completing the interview
                                                                process soon.
                                                 If you have any questions, contact the search
                                                committee which is chaired by Paul Holzer with
                                                members Eric Grove, Sue Kopij, Rita Kotowski,
                                                      Cindy Decker and Pastor David Heim.
                                               Messiah CCC is also looking to hire lead and
                                           assistant teachers and a lunchroom manager. The
                                            hours for all positions are flexible and range from
                                             10 to 40 hours per week. For more information,
  contact the CCC main office at 847.825.3767 or email at

                                 MESSIAH UPDATES
                        EC Corner:
                      Focus of May meeting included:
                                        Call process – review of Call Committee recommendation &
                      vote to proceed with next steps
                                        Review of CCC hiring process
                                        Website donation page updated to include Pay Pal option
               Use of parsonage – Initial talks are taking place with LSSI about the possibility of
                using Messiah's parsonage as a group home for the disabled. LSSI will assess the
                suitability of the site for such a program.
               ComEd LED lighting project completed in CCC areas
               Ascension Day Concert & Worship Service
               Pastor Knutson will visit in August
               Additional property and church activities

Call Committee Update
The Call Committee has recommended a candidate for Messiah's part
time pastor to the Executive Committee. The EC has reviewed the
recommendation and voted to present the candidate to the
congregation. The EC communicated with the candidate via phone and
will schedule an opportunity for the congregation to meet the candidate
prior to a special congregation meeting to vote on extending a call to
the candidate. Dates to be determined.

The Messiah Messenger                        pg. 12                                     June 2022
Supporting Messiah
Please continue to remember to offer financial support to Messiah to be sure
we can continue to maintain the campus and our ministries.
A variety of avenues to contribute include Messiah’s Facebook page, Pay Pal,
Amazon Smile and Good Shop. See the website for descriptions of ways to

Worship Service Update:
At this time wearing a mask during worship is optional for those
who have been fully vaccinated and boosted. A mask is still
recommended for those unvaccinated and those with special
health concerns.
As they have been, the Executive Committee and Pastor David will continue to monitor the
situation and provide updates if they change.
As a reminder, church services will continue to be available through two different online
avenues. All of the services are posted on the Messiah Facebook page as well as our YouTube
channel under the name Messiah Park Ridge. The YouTube channel can be found at this web
address, Services are posted at 10:15 am Sunday
mornings, but can be watched at any time. If you need help accessing either viewing platform,
please reach out to the church office and we can help. Continued thanks to Paul Holzer for
making sure we can participate virtually in worship!

                         THIS MONTH IN WORSHIP
Experts of Grace
A Gospel Message from Sunday and Seasons
The disciples experience Jesus to be an unbelievably
authentic teacher, healer, and miracle worker, but Jesus has
made some bold claims about himself. They have just heard
him say, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life”
(John 14:6). They have questions. It is Philip who asks Jesus
to show them the Father. Thomas has already asked how
they can know the way to where Jesus is going.
In response to these questions, Jesus points them to his
unity with the Father, but more so to his works. Just as the art expert looks deeply into the work
on canvas, Jesus invites the disciples to go beyond his words and examine his works. He is
training them to be experts at spotting God’s grace operating all around them. They will have
the Holy Spirit to assist along the way, but the world will neither see nor know the Spirit.
In worship we gather around the waters of baptism, we hear God’s word, and we share in the
bread and wine. These experiences are part of our training to be experts of grace. At the end of
worship, we are sent out with the power of the Holy Spirit to look for grace at work, to share our
good works, and to glorify our Father in heaven.

The Messiah Messenger                        pg. 13                                    June 2022
                                          The following are the scripture readings for June
           1st Reading                        Psalm                        2nd Reading                     Gospel
                                           June 5        – Day of Pentecost
                                                                                                     John 14:8-17, 25-
        Acts 2:1-21                   Psalm 104:24-35                Romans 8:14-17
                                             June 12th – Holy Trinity

 Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31                      Psalm 8                    Romans 5:1-5                   John 16:12-15

                                June 19th – Second Sunday of Pentecost

      Isaiah 65:1-9                   Psalm22:19-28                  Galatians 3:23-29                 Luke 8:26-39

                                  June 26th – Third Sunday of Pentecost
 1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-                                               Galatians 5:1, 13-
                                           Psalm 16                                                    Luke 9:51-62
          21                                                                 25
                                          Worship Teams for June
                             June 5            June 12                June 19               June 26

Assisting Ministers        Karen B             Trudi H               Diane B               Cindy N

     Readers                Dave H             Trudi H                Rich S                Larry R

Projection & Video       Jim H & Paul H     Jim H & Paul H         Jim H & Paul H        Jim H & Paul H

     Counter                 Jim H              Jim H                  Jim H                 Jim H

 The Messiah Messenger                                    pg. 14                                            June 2022
  We pray for each other, our congregation, our families, our community, our state, our
                  country and the world during this challenging time.
Those who mourn:
Our love and prayers are with the Pollack family as they mourn the
death of Dorothy, a long-time member of Messiah.

Those who are ill, in recovery, or facing adversity:
The Dumerer Family The Hauser Family Mary Jane Kovach
Trudi & Jim Handzel Richard Levy            Carol Hrodey
The Bonilla Family    David Jensen
Matthew Seggeling (son of Rich and Jean Seggeling)
Maria Raicia (mother of Laura Hauser)
Sonja Snell and Martha Jacobs (family and friend of Bill and Cindy
Katie Brandon and Carol Rudy (friends of Dotti Burger)
Domonic & Leah Mareuccilli Family, Anne Flick (Friends of the Lippert Family)
Pat & Ted Gradt, Joanna, Newenka, and Deb (friends and family of the Jensen Family)
Ron, Margot, Maggie, Steve W., Mary, Bruce, and Terry DeSchepper (friends of David Swanson)
Ed, J.T., Sandi, Donna, Mark, Becky, and Carmelina (family & friends of the Handzel Family)
Joshua Harady (friend of Tim Saul)
Brady Nelson, Julie Thomas and Jeff Brown (friends of Alaine Wong)
George and Rosie (siblings of Cookie Bonilla)

Those who are homebound:
Arlene Baranowski Barb Loverme     Eva Thoren

Those serving in the armed services and first responders:
(those known to us & all those who serve)
Brandon Ajyek Tim David             Tyler Daye  Jarred Engvall Bobby Hanson
Jenni Hanson    Andreas Johnson Claudine Ward Jason Koesler Joey Rosequist
Brian Nagel     Eric Nagel          David Nagel

Those attending college and graduate school:
Phil Holzer   Nick Levy      Novena Christal  Haley Lippert Adam Hauser Ryan Hauser
Kevin Kovach  Nikolas Ryczek Michael Yager   Caitlin Levy   Mikey Hanson
Matt McGannon

Those who celebrate:
Matthew Seggeling 6/1, Bennett Nugnis 6/1, Christine Ruterschmidt 6/2, Vikki Hanson 6/3,
Susan Bromstad 6/7, Nancy Boomer 6/13, Susan Kopij 6/13, Pat Kovach 6/14,
Natalie Norberg 6/17, David Divita 6/19, Barbara Loverme 6/22, Mary Jane Kovach 6/23,
Michael Yager 6/24, Floyd Yager 6/26, Jake Saul 6/29, Jessica Saul 6/29, and
Zachary Clauser 6/29

Anniversaries this month
No anniversaries this month.
 The Messiah Messenger                      pg. 15                                 June 2022
                                Worship begins at 10:15 am Sunday mornings. All are welcome!

                                Child Care Center
                                Year- round 3-K
                                Monday - Friday 6:30 am - 5:30 pm
In this issue:
From the Pastor                 Other Schedules
What’s Happening in             Pastor’s Office Hours
    June & Calendar             Available upon request
Thank you CCC Staff
Messiah Ministries              Church Office
Messiah Updates                 Mondays, Wednesday, & Fridays
This Month in                   9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Prayers of the People           Assistance Ministry
                                Monday 11:00 am – 12:30 pm


 1605 Vernon Avenue
 Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
 Phone: (847) 823-6984
 Fax: (847) 823-6996
 Child Care Center Phone: (847) 825-3767
 Child Care Email:
 Child Care Homepage:
                                                                    RETURN SERVICE

 The Messiah Messenger                                pg. 16                       June 2022
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