Three whys men Renters for life - More give up on ownership - The Ultimate Property ...

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Three whys men Renters for life - More give up on ownership - The Ultimate Property ...

Renters for life
More give up on ownership

Earthquake                                           Leading the
strengthening                                      amalgamation
Realistic target calms fears                             debate

Three whys men Renters for life - More give up on ownership - The Ultimate Property ...
        R E    E E
          N  T
  10 ARA
   GU           Professional Property

       Our tenants are so good we guarantee
        their rent during the entire tenancy
  You will like the way the RentPro Property Management         Dan Keller is Tauranga’s best-
  team looks after residential properties in Tauranga, Mt       known property manager.
  Maunganui and Papamoa. We are property investors
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  investments as we do our own.                                 > NZPIF Northern Rep
  Because we work so well together, sharing years of            > Awarded NZPIF Certificate of
  experience and expertise, we can guarantee your rent* for       Appreciation 2013
  the life of any tenancy where we get to select the tenants
  – at no extra cost.                                           > Former TPIA President for nine
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  RentPro - doing the job right. That’s real peace of mind.     > The residential rental problem
  We stand by our work and guarantee the rent* as well!
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                                                                A proven team: Dan Keller,
             *Terms and conditions apply                        Sue Brinkley and Lynley Taylor

Call us on (07) 571 4002 or
Three whys men Renters for life - More give up on ownership - The Ultimate Property ...

                                         We’re changing the name of
                                    Tauranga & Rotorua Property Investor
                                     to better reflect the full scope of the
              The magazine for          property investment industry.
            everyone who has an
             interest in property      As UP – the ULTIMATE PROPERTY magazine, we will
                                     help you reach a much wider market of people who are
                                        interested in property – their most valuable asset.

      015                                 To advertise, contact Natalie on 022 106 9329
June 2

                                                            Rebecca Smith      Tasha Ogilvy
Three whys men Renters for life - More give up on ownership - The Ultimate Property ...
                                                                                                              4       Make Home Shows work for you

                                                                                                              6       Earthquake strengthening target

                                                                                                              8       The name’s Bond - Tenancy Bond

                                                                                                                      Getting to grips with tenancy bonds

                                                                                                              10      Auckland a financial stability risk
                                                                                                                      The hot Auckland market makes the
                                                                                                                      Bay a cool place to be

                                                                                                              12      Significant changes in force for
                                                                                                                      residential building

                                                                                                              15      Bach to the future
                                                                                                                      IRD changes rules

                                          24                                                                  16      Merge like a zip
                                                                                                                      The debate is becoming louder about
                                                                                                                      amalgamating the Bay’s councils

                                                                                                              22      Making the Western Bay one

                                                                                                              24      Covering all the bases
                                                                                                                      Carpet Court teams up with property

                                                                                                              26      Mayor outlines Council plans

 12                                                                                                           28      Renters are here to stay

Editor at Large: Dan Keller
                                            BIG JUMP IN RENTS
                                            Weekly rents leapt 9% in January compared
Managing Editor: Paul Dykes                 to a year ago and the national median rent                     rose to a record high of $420/wk, according
M: 021 0207 0912                            to the TradeMe Property Rental Price Index.

Advertising Sales: Natalie Adams            Head of TradeMe Property Nigel Jeffries                   said the increase is the largest single-month
M: 022 106 9329                             rise recorded by TradeMe over the past five
                                            years. Median weekly rents clicked up $20/
Production: Think Marketing                 wk between December and January. The                   Bay of Plenty region rose 7.9% in the same
P: 07 544 1193
                                            period. Source: TradeMe

ASSOCIATIONS                                                         READ OUR BACK ISSUES AT
Tauranga Property Investors Association         
PO Box 15033, Tauranga 3144
P: 07 571 8159                            Disclaimer: The Tauranga & Rotorua Property Investor is a quarterly publication © Copyright 2015. Articles and illustrations may                           not be reproduced in any form without the permission of NewsAplenty Ltd. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those
                                          of, nor endorsed by, NewsAplenty Ltd, the Tauranga Property Investors Association (TPIA) or the Rotorua Property Investors
Rotorua Property Investors Association    Association (RPIA), unless stated otherwise. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy at the time of printing,
PO Box 881, Rotorua 3040                  under no circumstances will NewsAplenty Ltd, the TPIA or the RPIA be liable whatsoever for any loss, injury or damage
                                          arising directly or indirectly from any omission or error in respect of information contained in this publication (whether the
P: 021 131 6119                           result of negligence or otherwise). NewsAplenty Ltd, the TPIA and the RPIA do not accept any responsibility or liability for                           the views or claims expressed in this publication.

Three whys men Renters for life - More give up on ownership - The Ultimate Property ...
32   Council HQ under attack                           MORE PENSIONERS RENTING
                                                       The housing market will need to cope with the
34   Census shows property investors’                  needs of an ageing population.
     More than 84% of families renting in the          Twice as many over-60s are renting than
     Bay of Plenty rely on private landlords           there were 10 years ago, and the
                                                       Salvation Army says that could
37   Call for compulsory smoke alarms                  become a big problem in the
                                                       next three or four years.
38   Bus tour pulls out the stops                      Any sell-off of state houses, as
     TPIA members take an investment tour              signalled by the Government,
                                                       will exacerbate the problem.
41   Bayfair flyover tops wish list
                                                       Source: TV3 News

42   Property investors pack financial

43   Polytech house passes grade
     Relocatable finds new home in Rotorua

44   Rental market prices

  of all fire fatalities last year occurred
                                                  Bay of Plenty households pay rent to
                                                                                                     of TPIA members’ rental properties are
             in rental properties                 private landlords, trusts or businesses                        insulated

RENT RISES REFLECT DEMAND                                                  ROTORUA ON THE MOVE
With rent increases being reported in the media, I                         Rotorua is a changing city with many new devel-
wonder if a perfect storm of future rent increases is                      opments taking place, including a new Countdown
on the horizon. Locally, current demand for qual-                          supermarket on Fairy Springs Rd and a new Big
ity rental properties is outstripping supply, putting                      Save site on Lake Rd, to name just a few.
upward pressure on market rents (the median                                Tourism numbers this year have been extremely
rent percentage change for a 3-bedroom house in                            high and with the huge Crankworx Festival sched-
Tauranga is up 6% in one year).                                            uled to return for the next two years, and local council and police
The continued call for a mandatory rental warrant of fitness scheme        working extremely hard with the community to ensure crime is kept
for rental properties and proposed Reserve Bank “five-property             at its lowest, the outlook for Rotorua is brilliant.
control measures” (classifying residential property loans as com-          Many contrarian investors have set their eye on the city. They can see
mercial loans), if implemented, would no doubt increase the cost           that it is starting to boom and are buying up properties, just as other
to landlords. This would in all likelihood be passed on to tenants as      investors - sick of waiting for the boom in Rotorua prices - are sell-
rental increases.                                                          ing up (often at a loss) and taking their funds back to the big smoke.
TPIA members who can properly manage rising costs, and potential           They have watched prices rising in other regions.
future costs, will see an opportunity to provide more quality, warm,       To buy when others are despondently selling and to sell when others
safe and dry properties at fair market rents to meet the market            are euphorically buying takes the greatest courage, but provides the
demand.                                                                    greatest profit.
Our February bus tour was another roaring success, with a local tour
of members’ investment properties and a large-scale development
                                                                           Debbie Van Den Broek, RPIA President
in Te Puna, providing an excellent opportunity for members to learn
from fellow successful investors in a social and fun way (page 38).

Grant Harris, TPIA President

                                                                                                           TAURANGA & ROTORUA PROPERTY INVESTOR 3
Three whys men Renters for life - More give up on ownership - The Ultimate Property ...
Make Home Shows work for you
Seize the opportunity to stand out                           BY PAUL DYKES

The success of the Tauranga Spring Home          It was clear at the Spring Home Show at      shop front at their place of work, being
Show at the ASB Arena in October in            ASB Arena in October, however, that some       tradespeople or manufacturers, so attracting
attracting thousands of potential customers    exhibitors weren’t doing enough to make        the eye and attention of passers-by is an
proves that the concept is working.            the connection with the passers-by. While      unfamiliar art.
   How else would the exhibitors have man-     some booths were flat out fielding questions      It is simply not enough these days to
aged to place their offering in front of so    and selling product, other exhibitors just     just set out your stall and expect people
many people in such a short space of time?     sat back and watched the world go by – and     to bother to find out what’s on offer.
They just had to stand there, and thousands    their wallets with them.                       Exhibitors have to offer something, a hook,
of interested, receptive people strolled by.     Many of the exhibitors do not have a         to get the walking wallets to pause. They

Three whys men Renters for life - More give up on ownership - The Ultimate Property ...
need a call to action – a special incentive
that is available to show-goers only.
   The same logic applies to advertising.
Some people simply identify their company          neither show really delivering totally for the
in an advert, without highlighting a key rea-      exhibitors,” he says.
son why the reader or viewer should show             Rotorua and regions have roughly half
some interest. What is your selling point?         the population of the Tauranga/Western
Can we see that at a glance?                       Bay market. The two Tauranga Home
   Tauranga-based Bay Events Ltd, which            Shows now attract about 20,000 people over
runs both the Tauranga Home Show in May            the combined six show days, with combined
and the rebranded Spring Home Show held            exhibitor numbers totalling 350 in 2014.
in October, is rightly pleased with its efforts.     “It’s also important to have a nice venue,”
   Bay Events director Graeme Martin says          says Graeme. “The ASB Arena is a great
the success of both shows last year was a          place to do business, with easy, single-level
first for the region.                              access (for both visitors and exhibitors) and
   “It’s hard doing two good Home Shows            heaps of free car parks on site.”
in the one city in the same year,” says              The show dates for 2015 are 8-10 May
Graeme. “Tauranga is only just big enough          for the Tauranga Home Show and 16-18
to cope with the two events being successful       October for the Spring Home Show.
concurrently. Rotorua has two Home Shows           Exhibitor enquiries can be sent to Sheryl
run by competing organisations and it’s a          Gray via or phone
real bun fight in such a small market, with        07 576 0513.

Every May there comes a time for all home          home maker,” says Graeme. “There’s some-
makers, home builders, home renovators and         thing for you as well.”
home buyers – the Tauranga Home Show at
                                                   The Tauranga Home Show is the biggest
the ASB Arena, Baypark.
                                                   lifestyle event of its type in the wider Bay of
Set to open at 10am on Friday 8 May, this          Plenty and attracts 10,000 visitors over its
year’s Tauranga Home Show will feature one         three show days from 8-10 May 2015.
of the biggest single home show prizes ever
                                                   With more than 2,000 free car parks and easy
offered in Tauranga.
                                                   access for even the most limited, the show
A beautiful Palazzo kitchen and appliance          has attracted a loyal following over the past
package worth $30,000 will be won by one           15 years.
lucky show visitor.
                                                   “We get lots of folk who return year after
“There are more show prizes of course,             year,” says Graeme. “At only $10 to get in
but this one is the biggie,” says organiser        with under-13s no charge, it’s always a great
Graeme Martin from Bay Events.                     day out.”

The more than 200 exhibits and displays            The show has appeal for the whole family,
range from whiteware to beds to kitchens to        with the popular 2-for-1 entry prices for the
showers to landscaping to interior living to       over 65s on the Friday.
just about everything you’ll ever need for your
                                                   For further details, check out the new
perfect Bay of Plenty lifestyle.
“And even if you rent your home, you’re still a

                                                                                                     TAURANGA & ROTORUA PROPERTY INVESTOR 5
Three whys men Renters for life - More give up on ownership - The Ultimate Property ...
                                              target set                                                    BY DENIS MCMAHON

As the dust begins to settle on the review          This raises the whole argument about
process into what is required in the way
of a consolidated approach to a standard
                                                  whether building owners need to take into
                                                  account what their local market requires in
in respect of seismic strengthening, some
certainty has emerged for owners of com-
                                                  the way of a seismic rating, as opposed to
                                                  the minimum 34% set by the government.
mercial property.
   The Government has made it very clear
                                                                                                 SET ON 34%
that the minimum level of 34% of code will                                                       Building and Housing Minister Nick
be acceptable from a national perspective.                                                       Smith was reported in the Nelson Mail
The government has been under pressure                                                           in January saying the Government
from some local authorities and other                                                            had settled on the 34% NBS (National
groups to have a higher minimum thresh-                                                          Building Standard) level, and that he
old, but has settled on the 34% figure.                                                          hoped to finalise the legislation in the
   The rationale behind this is that no one                                                      next few months.
was killed in the Christchurch earthquakes        This will vary from town to town and
                                                                                                 He said it was inconsistent to have
in a building with a seismic rating of 34%        region to region. For example, in Tauranga
                                                                                                 each of New Zealand’s local councils
or above. This is a fairly rational approach      we know that we have a pool of national
                                                                                                 taking a different approach and the
in setting the level at 34% in my view.           tenants requiring a minimum of 67% of
                                                                                                 new law would over-rule their individ-
   I have spoken with several structural engi-    code to occupy a building, but such tenants
                                                                                                 ual policies.
neers since the earthquakes and they have         may not exist in smaller provincial centres
all said that specifying a higher figure could    and therefore the need for higher thresholds   The NBS takes into account the
be rendered meaningless as the damage             does not exist either.                         different level of earthquake risk
sustained in any earthquake will depend on          If the government had gone along             around New Zealand, with Nelson at
factors such as the depth of the earthquake,      with the idea of a much higher minimum         the mid-level of risk on the “Z scale”
its duration, the type of motion produced         requirement, it quite literally could have     applied in the standard.
and so forth.                                     spelt the end of the main streets of small-
                                                                                                 Smith said this meant that a building
   The effects of setting the threshold at        town New Zealand, and this would benefit
                                                                                                 in Auckland constructed to 34% of
34% are already significant for commer-           no one.
                                                                                                 NBS would be a third of the standard
cial property owners, with one local CBD            As things now stand, we have a threshold
                                                                                                 needed for a building in Nelson to
property recently selling for a fraction of its   that makes commercial buildings safer in the
                                                                                                 achieve that percentage, and a quarter
value of 10 years earlier.                        event of an earthquake and leaves building
                                                                                                 of Wellington’s required strength.
   My own company, Property Managers              owners with the option to upgrade to a
Ltd, is currently involved in a seismic           higher standard if that is what their market   “A building in Wellington with a 34%
upgrade of another CBD property at a              requires. That has to be a good outcome in     standard has to be four times stronger
cost of several million dollars, but there is     my book.                                       than in Auckland.”
an upside to that in that, as a direct result     * Denis McMahon is a director of Property
of the upgrade, we have secured a national        Managers Ltd and Ray White Commercial,
tenant on a decent lease.                         Tauranga

Three whys men Renters for life - More give up on ownership - The Ultimate Property ...
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                                                                                                                           TAURANGA & ROTORUA PROPERTY INVESTOR 7
Three whys men Renters for life - More give up on ownership - The Ultimate Property ...
The name’s Bond
         – Tenancy Bond
         Getting to grips with tenancy bonds
                                                                                                                                    BY JULI ANNE TOLLEY*

         The purpose of a bond is to cover any tenant damage or unpaid rent          exposed to potential losses should the tenant make a silly decision
         or associated costs at the end of a tenancy.                                to stop paying rent. A tenancy has to be 21 days in arrears before an
            In a successful landlord/tenant relationship, all the rent and related   eviction can be awarded, and then you may have cleaning or damage
         tenancy charges are paid in full, and there is no residual damage from      to sort out after that.
         the tenancy. As a result, the tenant receives their bond back in full.         Logically speaking, you want to obtain the maximum protection as
         The idea behind the bond is that there is some financial security for       a safeguard to preventing such situations. A larger bond can contrib-
         both the landlord and tenant should something go wrong.                     ute to the motivation of a tenant to keep their side of the agreement
            How much should you collect? The answer to that question in              so that they get their money back and the larger the sum, the more
         short is – the maximum allowed. The Residential Tenancies Act 1986          motivation.
         (RTA) states that a landlord may request a bond of an amount equiv-            It is important to understand that while the bond is held as secu-
         alent to a maximum of four weeks’ rent.                                     rity, it is still the tenant’s money. A landlord cannot simply decide to
            Bonds are lodged with and paid to the Ministry of Business,              keep the bond. Both parties must agree to the claims against a bond,
         Innovation and Employment (MBIE), and the RTA clearly states                and both the landlord and tenant must sign the completed refund
         that the bond must be paid to the MBIE within 23 days of receipt of         form.
         monies.                                                                        If a tenancy ends with issues such as unpaid rent, excessive clean-
            Collecting anything more than four weeks is a violation of the           ing required, or damage that can be clearly attributed to the tenant,
         RTA, and doing so could expose you to fines. This includes so-called        then you can make a claim for compensation from the bond.
         “pet bonds”. An applicant may suggest that they would be willing to            The tenant must indicate agreement to the claim by signing the
         pay a “pet bond” in addition to their normal bond.                          refund form. If no tenant signature is included on the form, then
            The fact is there is no such thing. You can only collect up to four      the MBIE will put the request on hold and contact the tenant for
         weeks and nothing further regardless of pets or any other variation         approval.
         of a tenancy. While it sounds tempting to cover yourself in case their         Typically, issues are resolved reasonably and quickly if both parties
         beloved Fluffy damages the carpet, it is just not legal.                    take their responsibilities seriously. However, if you still cannot reach
            Why do I suggest the maximum? The reality is that it isn’t a lot of      an agreement, you can file with the Tenancy Tribunal to present your
         money when compared to the value of your property. If you are only          case for claiming against the bond.
         collecting the equivalent of two weeks rent, you are leaving yourself

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The following steps provide an insurance policy of sorts for a
smooth tenancy and easy bond process at the end.
                                                                                                        COMMON BOND CLAIMS
  1       Clearly document any special arrangements or instructions                                      • Carpet cleaning for stain                • Final water rates
          about the property as part of the tenancy agreement.                                            treatment or excessive path               • Replacement of missing

                                                                                                          marks                                       chattels.
          Provide the tenant with documentation and instructions for
          appliances, alarms, and anything installed at the property.                                    • Final rent                               • Cleaning costs required to

  3       Collect the maximum bond at beginning of tenancy.
                                                                                                         • Damage to walls, doors, or                 return property to a reason-

                                                                                                          windows                                     ably clean and tidy state
          Encourage tenants to carry contents insurance. You cannot
          legally require it, but you can encourage them to do so.

  5       Complete a property condition report at the beginning of
          the tenancy. Have the tenant review it with you, make any
          agreed adjustments, and then both parties should sign it.
                                                                                                     Keep in mind that your claim must be a legitimate tenant charge,
                                                                                                  and you will have to provide evidence to support your claim. Claims

  6       Take photos of the property at the beginning of the tenancy                             related to damages must be only for the item or area damaged.
          as evidence on how the property was handed over to the                                     For example, if the tenant accidentally puts a hole in the wall, they
          tenant, and provide a copy to the tenant.                                               are responsible for patching it and painting the patch with matching

                                                                                                  paint. You cannot claim to have the entire wall painted.
          Complete regular inspections, and address issues that are
                                                                                                     Additionally, you will need to be prepared to prove the age of
          noted during the inspection immediately with the tenant. The
          inspection also enables you to keep tabs on needed mainte-
                                                                                                  the item damaged as its value may be depreciated based on the IRD
          nance and minimise costs.                                                               depreciation table in the settlement. For example, if two-year-old

                                                                                                  carpet is stained, the adjudicator could first adjust the value down
          Complete regular maintenance on the property. A main-                                   to apply to just the affected area and then further depreciate that
          tained property demonstrates to the tenant that you care                                amount based on the Complete
                                                                                                                            age of the carpet.  your
          about your investment and encourages them to do the
                                                                                                     At the end of thepower
                                                                                                                          day, goodteam.   procedures and documentation are
                                                                                                  crucial in managing    a property, especially when you are dealing with

                                                                                                                      When investing in rental
          Keep communication channels open with your tenant, and                                  another person’s money.       The
                                                                                                                      properties,        bond
                                                                                                                                  you need        is there to secure the goodwill of
                                                                                                                                              to build
                                                                                                                      a strong team of professionals
          foster a positive business relationship. Encourage them to                              the tenant, and most     of  the    time,    it
                                                                                                                      around you to support your   works
                                                                                                                                                     goals. well.
          notify you immediately of maintenance issues or concerns.                                  When it doesn’t,Wethe   bond
                                                                                                                          provide      will provide the financial coverage of
                                                                                                                                   a focused,
          Make it clear how to communicate with you (phone, email,                                most claims if youprofessional,
                                                                                                                        obtain the   full management
                                                                                                                                          maximum bond at the beginning of a
                                                                                                                      service so you are free to
          text).                                                                                  tenancy.            spend  your  time   and energy on

                                                                                                                        investment activities and living
          Complete the final inspection promptly and be clear on                                                        your life. Let us take away the
          anything that needs attendance.                                                                               worry.

                                 Complete               yourThey must be truly                                          Cliff and Juli Tolley                     Your dedicated property manag
          Be reasonable in any claims     you make.                                                                     + Juli Anne Tolley is a member of the TPIA and Principal
          the tenant’s responsibility, and you team.    must have evidence                                              at Quinovic Property Management in Tauranga.
                                 When investing in rental                                                               Call
                                                                                                                        P.     us 9620
                                                                                                                           07 579 for an     obligation free appraisal!
          proving damage aboveproperties,
                                   normal       wear
                                           you need        and tear.
                                                      to build

                                      a strong team of professionals
                                      around you to support your goals.
          If the tenant disagrees,Wehave      a conversation with them to
                                      provide a focused,
          go over the concerns andserviceevidence.
                                          so you are free to This is best done in
                                  professional, full management

                                  spend your time and energy on
          person, face-to-face. investment activities and living
                                      your life. Let us take away the
                                      Cliff and Juli Tolley               Your dedicated property management team.

                                      Call us for an obligation free appraisal!                     (07) 579 9620

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     service plans we have available from as
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                                                                                                                                                TAURANGA & ROTORUA PROPERTY INVESTOR 9
Auckland a financial
stability risk
The hot Auckland market makes the Bay a cool place to be
                                                                                               BY SHARON ZOLLNER*

The Auckland housing market is proving a tricky beast to tame, with                Auckland house prices have risen by more than 40% over the past
strong population growth and low interest rates a potent combina-               three years, compared to around 25% in Canterbury and less than
tion. Auckland housing is the single biggest factor standing in the way         10% elsewhere. Auckland median house prices are about eight times
of a cut in interest rates – indirectly holding up the exchange rate.           regional median household incomes, as compared to under six for
    It is a financial stability risk for the economy – if not an inflation      other centres.
risk at present given benign inflation elsewhere – but the blunt tools             Of course, there are good reasons for this: Census data shows that
the Reserve Bank (RBNZ) has at its disposal would cause collateral              Auckland’s urban population has increased by roughly 50% since
damage.                                                                         1991, as opposed to 17% for the rest of the country – and housing
    It could be the situation resolves itself relatively quickly, but the       supply has not been keeping up. The number of building consents
cure could be worse than the disease. Meanwhile, the Bay of Plenty              issued for new dwellings in Auckland has more than doubled since
has experienced a net population gain from Auckland as people                   its early 2009 trough, but is still only a shade higher than historical
respond rationally to the housing cost differential.                            averages. Higher house prices are the market’s way of telling Adam
    The Auckland housing market is enjoying a second wind. Indeed,              Smith’s invisible hand to pick up a hammer.
it has had so many second winds in the past couple of decades that                 But it adds up to a quandary for the RBNZ. The Auckland housing
it is verging on hyperventilating. But the latest upturn is particularly        market represents a financial stability risk for the nation. It would
interesting because it has happened despite RBNZ restrictions on                normally also at this point – five years into an economic upturn –
                                  high loan-to-value mortgage lending.          represent an inflation risk, but a global disinflation wave is preventing
                                         The latest data from Barfoot and       that. However, the fact remains that the Auckland housing market
                                           Thompson for January showed          is the single biggest hurdle to the Reserve Bank cutting the Official
                                               three-month average house        Cash Rate (OCR) in response to low general inflation.
                                                   prices in our largest city      It is unfortunately logistically impossible to set different interest
                                                       up 12% on a year         rates in Auckland versus the rest of the nation, and attempting to
                                                            ago, with house     introduce a regional aspect to mortgage lending would also lead to
                                                              price inflation   all kinds of unintended distortions. And thus unpleasant trade-offs
                                                              by this measure   present themselves.
                                                              barely dipping       Take on Auckland (and to a lesser extent, Christchurch) with
                                                              out of double     tougher macro-prudential weapons (for example, tighter lending
                                                               digits since     restrictions, higher bank risk weightings for property investors to
                                                               mid-2012.        push up their interest rates) and kick the rest of the nation while it’s
                                                                                down? Keep the OCR high against a global cutting trend and damage
                                                                                the export sector with the resulting high exchange rate?
                                                                                   Of course, the most palatable solution is not down to the RBNZ
                                                                                at all. In a speech in early February its Governor Graeme Wheeler

said: “Resolving the housing shortages is             Federal Reserve follows through on its            sales in December were about a third higher
key. In Christchurch, this issue is expected          threat to raise the global benchmark interest     than a year previous, versus around 25% for
to be resolved, although with longer delays.          rate off the floor. Even just the threat of       New Zealand as a whole, perhaps reflecting
But in Auckland, much more needs to be                it has seen the US dollar soar; the Fed may       a degree of catch up.
done, especially in creating opportunities for        yet lose their nerve. However, there is no           However, house price inflation has under-
residential construction in Auckland.”                getting around the fact that much of the          performed, up around 2.5% year-on-year
   We agree, but there is no quick fix. The           increase in global asset prices in recent years   versus more than 5% nationally. By ANZ
Government is pulling out all the stops, but          has been due to artificially cheap money, not     Bank estimates, the Bay of Plenty region
increasing housing supply takes time – and            sound fundamentals. Plunging commodity            actually has an emerging housing shortage,
historical experience both in New Zealand             prices are telling us that the global economy     which should support prices going forward.
and overseas suggests a housing supply                is slowing dramatically. This will prove an          The Auckland housing market cannot
surge typically arrives just in time to exacer-       acid test for global housing markets, equity      soar onward and upward in defiance of
bate a downturn.                                      markets, commercial property markets, you         affordability metrics forever. Gravity will
   There are a couple of factors that could           name it.                                          eventually come calling in the form of
mitigate the excess demand in the Auckland               Of course, house prices are subject to         either an outright fall in prices, or a lengthy
housing market without a surge in housing             global, national and local factors. Turning       period of flat nominal prices with broader
supply, at least temporarily. Exceptionally           our focus local, those who do not have to         inflation providing the real price adjustment.
strong net migration has benefited Auckland           be based in Auckland have a strong incen-            The RBNZ faces a tricky dilemma
the most, as it is the preferred destination          tive to sell up and buy a relative mansion        on whether to wait it out, or take it on.
for new migrants. Statistics NZ data for              elsewhere – or fund a large chunk of their        Certainly addressing the housing shortage
December showed a 10% fall in seasonally              retirement – with the proceeds. 2013 Census       needs to be part of the long-term solution.
adjusted monthly permanent and long-term              estimates point to a small internal migration     In the meantime, the Bay of Plenty has
arrivals. The data is volatile, but it is the first   outflow from Auckland to other centres (as        been benefiting as Aucklanders vote with
suggestion of a peak that we’ve seen.                 distinct from international migration, which      their feet.
                                                      does benefit Auckland disproportionately).
                                                         Waikato and the Bay of Plenty have             * Sharon Zollner is a Senior Economist at ANZ
                                                      been the two big beneficiaries of internal        Bank.
                                                      migration out of Auckland, proving that
                                                      market forces do work; the price differential
                                                      between Auckland and the rest of New
                                                      Zealand houses can’t stretch indefinitely.
                                                         You can see the attraction across the
   On the other hand, the Australian econ-            Bay of Plenty: reasonable proximity to
omy continues to weaken, and the numbers              Auckland, more affordable housing, and
heading long-term across the Tasman are               good growth prospects. The region’s
already down about a third on a year ago.             growth strategy is critical both in terms of      Disclaimer: This material is for information purposes
                                                                                                        only. You should seek professional advice relevant to
Net migration will continue to put pressure           attracting new businesses and people and          your individual circumstances. While ANZ has taken
on housing for some time yet, but it is pos-          supporting existing ones. People shift for        care to ensure that this information is from reliable
sible the worst is behind us.                         opportunities; they shift out when they can’t     sources, it cannot warrant its accuracy, completeness
                                                                                                        or suitability for your intended use. To the extent per-
   A less palatable “solution” would be               see them.                                         mitted by law, ANZ does not accept any responsibility
a loss of confidence that the Auckland                   So how has the Bay of Plenty housing           or liability arising from your use of this information.
housing market goes only one way. Globally,           market shaped up of late versus the New
asset prices are riding for a fall if the US          Zealand average? REINZ data shows house

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                                                                                                               TAURANGA & ROTORUA PROPERTY INVESTOR 11
Significant changes
in force for residential
building                                                 BY MICHELLE PADDISON *

                                                       New law puts onus on builders

On 1 January 2015 a new law came into force that requires residen-           they should receive from builders before and after the building work
tial builders to provide certain information and documentation to            and the remedies that are available to them if the building work is
homeowners, and increases their potential liability to homeowners.           defective.
Who needs to be aware of the changes?                                          Some of the new laws also apply to people who build houses
Residential builders must comply with the new law’s requirements or          themselves, or with the assistance of others, and then on-sell or who
they could be subject to instant and significant fines and disciplinary      sell built houses in trade.
action by the Building Practitioner’s Board.
   The new laws are intended as consumer protection measures for
homeowners. Homeowners should be aware of what information

What are the requirements before the building work begins?                  Once the 12-month defect repair period is up, it is up to the
For a building contract costing $30,000 or more (including GST            owner to prove the defect before the building contractor is required
and including any work carried out by subcontractors) or when the         to fix it.
homeowner requests, the builder must provide:                               There are implied warranties for all residential building work for
• A standard disclosure statement that discloses the builder’s back-      10 years and there are new ways for homeowners to take action
  ground, information on the building company, the insurance that         when the warranties have not been met.
  they carry and the guarantees and warranties that apply to their          A homeowner can take action for breach of warranties even if
  materials and workmanship;                                              they were not a party to the original building contract.
• A standard checklist that advises the homeowner to consider the         Who else can be caught by the new laws?
  risks they face.                                                        An “on-seller” who sells a house has the same warranty obligations
• A written building contract that must include key information           as a building contractor. An “on-seller” is someone who:
  (for example, an expected start date and an expected completion         • Builds a household unit by himself or herself or with the assis-
  date, dispute resolution, the process for varying the contract). If       tance of others; or
  the required clauses are not in the contract, certain clauses will be   • In trade arranges for the household unit to be built or acquires the
  included by default.                                                      household unit from a person who built it or arranged for it to be
  The requirements do not apply to subcontractors.                          built.
What are the requirements after the building is completed?
The building contractor must provide certain information and doc-                                               *Michelle Paddison is an Associate at
                                                                                                                Harris Tate Ltd
uments regardless of the price of the work, such as information/
                                                                                                                Phone: 07 578 0059
copies of ongoing insurance policies, guarantees, product warranties.                                 
What protection is available to homeowners after the building                                         
work is completed?
There is a 12-month “defect repair period” from completion of the         Disclaimer: This article is general in nature and should not be treated as pro-
                                                                          fessional advice. It is recommended that you consult your advisor. No liability is
building work where the building contractor has to repair the defects     assumed by Harris Tate Ltd for any losses suffered by any person relying directly
unless the building contractor can prove it was not their fault.          or indirectly upon the article above.

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Bach to the future
IRD changes the rules                                                     removal of depreciation on building structures means you get hit
On the face of it, the new mixed-use asset rules (those which apply          There is some relief in that if you can specifically identify a cost
to the Kiwi bach amongst other things) appear quite complex.              that was incurred when the holiday home was rented out (e.g. a
They’re actually not.                                                     tenant breaks a window) or relates solely to the income earning use
   Consider a simple yet familiar example of a holiday home rented        (e.g. advertising), then a full income tax deduction is available for
for 12 weeks a year, used by the family for 8 weeks a year and unoc-      that cost. However, for those generic costs, such as rates, insurance
cupied for 32 weeks a year.                                               and the big one, interest, the new apportionment rules will apply.
   In the old days, assuming the holiday home was “available for             The adjacent tables show the change. But it’s actually worse than
renting” for the entire year, expenses were deducted based on a sim-      this! In the old days the rental loss of $30,030 would be entered
ple 44/52 basis (52 weeks available less 8 used privately).               into your tax return to reduce income from other sources (salary,
   In other words, rates, insurance, and most significantly, bank         interest, dividends, etc) and therefore the tax savings of $9,909 were,
interest, would be 85% deductible. Even with the removal of the           essentially, immediate.
depreciation deduction for the house, there was often a tax loss that        From the 2014 tax year, this may no longer be the case. The loss
would be offset against your salary and result in a significant tax       of $16,380 calculated above cannot be offset against other taxable
refund. Unfortunately, those days are over.                               income if the rental income received ($7,200) is less than 2% of the
   From the 2014 tax year (1 April 2013 for most of you) Inland           value of the holiday home.
Revenue no longer counts the full 52 weeks in the year, so deductible        So, assuming the holiday home is valued at say $400,000, 2%
expenses are now calculated based on actual usage. This includes          would be $8,000. As the rental income is only $7,200, the loss of
private and rented.                                                       $16,380 has to be carried forward to a future year and it can be
   So, in our example, the total use for the year is 20 weeks (12 + 8).   offset only if the holiday home makes a taxable profit, or if the 2%
Even though the holiday home might have been available for the            rule allows a deduction.
other 32 weeks, that period is ignored for working out deductions.           And if you’re thinking of clever ways to increase the rent or
   This means that expenses are deductible only to the extent of          days rented, Inland Revenue has that covered and can counter any
rental use divided by total use i.e. 12/20. Available deductions there-   contrivances.
fore go from 85% (44/52) down to 60% (12/20). And the previous            * Janine Hellyer is a Director at BDO Tauranga Chartered Accountants

                 THE GOOD OLD DAYS                                                    NOW FROM THE 2014 YEAR
RENTAL INCOME (12 weeks at $600 / week)                      $7,200       RENTAL INCOME (12 weeks at $600 / week)                       $7,200

EXPENSES                                                                  EXPENSES

Depreciation                                                 $4,500       Depreciation                                                           -

Insurance                                                      $800       Insurance                                                      $800

Interest                                                   $30,000        Interest                                                    $30,000

Rates                                                        $3,500       Rates                                                         $3,500

Repairs                                                      $5,000       Repairs                                                       $5,000

Total Expenses                                             $43,800        Total Expenses                                              $39,300

Less Private Weeks (8/52 x $43,800)                          $6,570       Less Private Weeks (8/20 x $39,300)                         $15,720

Claimable Expenses                                         $37,230        Claimable Expenses                                          $23,580

Loss                                                       -$30,030       Loss                                                       -$16,380

Tax Savings at 33%                                           $9,909       Tax Savings at 33%                                            $5,405

                                                                                                        TAURANGA & ROTORUA PROPERTY INVESTOR 15
                                          like a zip

The debate is becoming louder about the Bay’s councils
“It is interesting that our region is commonly referred to as Western        Tauranga Mayor Stuart Crosby (see below) suggests his city’s bound-
Bay of Plenty. It is that for most purposes, except Local Government,        aries be pushed out to encompass the main urban growth areas,
which is perverse and an anachronism that needs to be changed.”              leaving the Western Bay of Plenty District Council to control a largely
                                                                             rural populace.
So say Paul Adams, John Gordon and Graeme Horsley – the three
men behind a recent plan to ask the Local Government Commission              Generally, there is a yearning for a cohesive, visionary government for
to assist a voluntary merger (see page 22).                                  the whole region on the eastern side of the Kaimai Ranges from Waihi
                                                                             Beach to Pukehina.
They have held back from making the application while the various
local bodies gather data on the likely outcomes, a SWOT analysis of          Various local leaders and commentators have provided the following
the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats inherent in such        thoughts, without seeing what their colleagues have written. Several
a move. This should be ready by June.                                        people declined to comment, given their employment status. Others
                                                                             simply did not reply before deadline.
There is some consensus that the region should come up with its own
solution, rather than have one foisted on it by Wellington. Others argue     These thoughts are presented below, as received.
that there is no need to merge the councils – they already co-operate
in many areas.

Tauranga                                             TAURANGA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
Whenever I hear the topic of local govern-           The Tauranga Chamber of Commerce Board supports the rationalisation of Tauranga City
ment reform discussed, the word amalga-              Council and Western Bay of Plenty District Council activities from an operational and struc-
mation is never far behind. I am supportive          tural perspective.
of the Bay of Plenty-wide project “Local
                                                     Streamlining processes and making it easier for businesses to operate across the districts
Government Futures” currently underway
                                                     of both councils is something the Tauranga Chamber of Commerce Board endorses.
to ensure that discussions around the future
of local government are evidence based.              The Chamber recognises that there are different options for achieving this. Amalgamation is
   While many are quick to point to the              one possibility although fraught with difficulty.
potential advantages of amalgamation, we
                                                     Another is to use existing statutory powers to merge activities. There is no legal barrier to
also need to turn our mind to the down-
                                                     the two councils having a single District Plan, a single set of bylaws and much more.
sides. Perhaps the most significant being the
perceived or real dilution of local represen-        Improved decision-making for the region as a whole would result by rationalising activity
tation and sovereignty.                              and the Chamber urges the two councils to make this a priority.
   In this sub-region alone we have
                                                     Whether or not amalgamation happens, at least this would mean there are common sets of
very unique communities of interest.
                                                     plans and rules and common decision-making processes for the Western Bay as a whole.
Conversations about the future form of
local government should acknowledge and
respect the rural/urban divide that exists
between us and our neighbours.
   My view on amalgamation will be
                                                   PETER MCKINLAY Local government analyst and commentator
informed by evidence of both the pros and          On a careful reading of the draft proposal             The reason lies in the detail of schedule
cons. In the meantime, the immediate chal-         for the Wellington region, it’s clear that the      three of the Local Government Act 2002,
lenge for our sub-region is managing the           Local Government Commission took the                especially the matters to which the com-
growth expected over the next 50 years. In         view it really had no alternative other than        mission must have regard in choosing its
this, we are also unique from other areas in       to recommend a single unitary proposal for          preferred option, and the criteria for good
the Bay that are facing challenges associated      greater Wellington.                                 local government.
with static growth or population decline.            It’s more than likely it would take the              The objectives that proponents for a
   Successfully managing growth requires a         same approach in respect of the Bay of              merger of Tauranga and Western Bay
collaborative approach across jurisdictional       Plenty. What this means, for example, is a          appear to have could actually be achieved
boundaries. Over the past decade we have           proposal to amalgamate the Tauranga and             without the need for an application to the
worked through SmartGrowth, which has              Western Bay Councils, leaving the Regional          Local Government Commission if the two
seen TCC, WBDC, Regional Council, tan-             Council untouched, would actually trigger a         councils were prepared to put in place the
gata whenua and NZTA agree to implement            process that would result in a final re-            structural and other changes needed using
one “settlement pattern” spanning from             organisation scheme recommending a single           the tools they currently have available to
Waihi Beach to Paengaroa.                          unitary Council for the whole of the Bay.           them.

                                                                                                              TAURANGA & ROTORUA PROPERTY INVESTOR 17
ROSS PATERSON Mayor of Western Bay of Plenty                              BILL FAULKNER Former TCC councillor
District Council
                                                                          The case for amalgamation of Tauranga City and Western Bay
Everybody is entitled to an opinion on whether local bodies should        Councils is overwhelming and overdue.
amalgamate and how far that should extend. There’s nothing wrong             There was a poor case for Western Bay’s continued existence in
with this – in fact, it’s all part and parcel of democracy.               the 1989 Local Government reforms. Its ratepayer base was/is too
   What’s important to Western Bay, though, is that we can’t keep         small.
basing the discussion on anecdotal, untested assumptions and politi-         In the interim, Western Bay has been living under the coat-tails of
cal rhetoric – ratepayers deserve far more than this.                     Tauranga City’s ratepayers’ infrastructure. I won’t get into mone-
   Ratepayers deserve a debate based on sound evidence, not ideol-        tary detail, but here are a few examples of how Western Bay gets
ogy that assumes bigger is always better, or that amalgamation is the     by with token or no cash contributions: Baycourt, ASB Arena, Bay
only way to improve efficiency.                                           Park Stadium, sports grounds, parks, libraries, wastewater/sewerage
   Councils provide a wide range of public services and regulation.       (Omokoroa), New Waiari Water Project, and Route K.
Some services may benefit from bigger scale and some may not.                Witness traffic jammed to get in and out of the city each day from
Some aspects of regulation may benefit from more centralised deci-        Western Bay using Tauranga ratepayer-funded services, then leaving,
sion-making, but for others it may become less effective.                 making little meaningful financial contributions to those services,
   We also need to consider the different identities and interests of     creation or maintenance.
our communities, and make sure any changes take account of that.             Amalgamation won’t be one way either. Western’s Bay’s not
   Besides, amalgamation is not the only way to achieve efficiencies      insignificant debt will have to be carried over to a new entity.
of scale. Other options – for example, shared service delivery and        Amalgamation of the Mount and Tauranga proved there will be no
joint contracting, should be evaluated and compared to what amalga-       “savings”, but there will be financial equity over time and the big
mation might achieve.                                                     gains will be in consistent development principles, planning, building
   This is why the majority of mayors in the Bay, including me, have      regulations, roading and, most of all, a cessation of parish pump
agreed to get this evidence together, rather than assuming what’s         politicking from Local Government politicians – many driven by
best for ratepayers in the future.                                        re-election prospects.
   From Western Bay’s perspective, if this evidence provides compel-         You could also throw the Regional Council in the mix. Port
ling reasons for change – reasons that deliver savings for ratepayers     company dividends could help fund the new structure, instead of
and better outcomes for their communities – we’ll talk to our com-        subsidising rates.
munities and ask them for their view.
   If they tell us they want something different based on this evi-
dence, who are we to stand in their way? After all, it’s about what
communities want, not us telling them what they should have.

ANDREW COLLINS President of the BOP branch of the Property Council New Zealand
Along with my colleagues on the Property         of the SmartGrowth partners are to be             Plenty and I fear that this option could get
Council (Bay of Plenty), I have spent con-       commended.                                        caught up in all sorts of wrangles and be
siderable time thinking about what would be         At the Property Council, we’ve consid-         difficult to get across the line in the short
the best local government structure for the      ered a range of options including the status      term.
Tauranga/Western Bay of Plenty area.             quo, shared services, boundary adjustments,          I’d be happy to be proven wrong, but if
   I personally want to see strong and           territorial level (city/district) mergers and     the wider complexities of a unitary author-
visionary local government for the com-          unitary authority models (city/district/          ity model mean delays and leaving us with
bined Tauranga and Western Bay of Plenty         region all combined such as in Auckland).         the status quo for many more years, then
area to ensure that our highly integrated           While there are pros and cons for each         I’d rather support a two-step process with
rural and urban community continues to           model, I am of the view that the merger           the first step being the merger of TCC and
grow and thrive.                                 of Tauranga City Council and Western              WBDC as soon as possible.
   With Tauranga now straddling artificial       Bay of Plenty District Council is desirable,         We should at least have one strong terri-
local authority boundaries that were set over    important and probably inevitable. I say          torial authority to represent and advocate
a quarter of a century ago, I feel that there    bring it on!                                      for us at a national level; to strategically
is a degree of unnecessary duplication and          I am tempted to go the next step and           manage Tauranga/Western Bay’s growth
bureaucracy.                                     support a unitary authority model for the         and infrastructure efficiently, to better
   We need visionary, effective, efficient,      Western Bay of Plenty and I would do so if        leverage off the growth and success of the
accessible and accountable local govern-         I thought that this could be achieved in the      port and to manage the Tauranga harbour
ment. Unfortunately, I don’t think that our      short term.                                       environs in a consistent and unified way.
current model (three separate city, district        However, the unitary authority model
and regional councils) consistently delivers     raises a number of politically vexed issues
this, even though the collaborative efforts      that extend well beyond the Western Bay of

DOUG LEEDER Chairman, Bay of Plenty Regional                                                       SIMON BRIDGES MP for Tauranga, Matua resident
                                                                                                   The following is my personal view. The Government does not take
The first and most important point really is that it’s not up to coun-                             a view on proposed council amalgamations as any decisions need to
cils to make any calls either way on this topic. It is completely up to                            be community led and are best made by those who will be affected
the people in the community to engage in the debate – if they want                                 by any changes – the locals. My interest and view is as a local Matua
to – and to make that call.                                                                        resident who has chosen Tauranga as a place to work, live and raise
   I believe that one of councils’ responsibilities is to keep trying to                           a family.
do better for our current and future communities. Like in any busi-                                   I am broadly in favour of an amalgamated Council for two main
ness, continuous improvement should always be one of our aims.                                     reasons. The first is improved efficiencies and reduced costs for
We owe it to our communities to consider all possibilities for that,                               ratepayers. At this stage, the business case and evidence needs to be
within current structures and across them.                                                         laid out and demonstrated in more detail.
   There are enough challenges facing our region as it is. We should                                  The second reason is that a single unified Council will lead to
be focusing on supporting our communities to meet those chal-                                      stronger, clearer vision for the Bay of Plenty that is better for
lenges, and grow and prosper over time.                                                            everyone. We have already seen the success of collaboration between
   In regard to the Western Bay, I don’t really think anyone has                                   TCC and WBOPDC. Priority One covers both councils and is deliv-
enough solid evidence yet on what would be best from a pure                                        ering economic benefits for the entire region. In roading funding, by
logic perspective. Councils can, and should, be helping to sort the                                agreeing on what they wanted in roading across boundaries, we have
fact from the rhetoric and providing unbiased information to our                                   arguably received more than our fair share.
communities.                                                                                          Formalising this cooperation in a single entity will lead to even
   And that’s what we’re trying to gather up at the moment on a                                    better outcomes for the Bay of Plenty and enable us to face the
region-wide level, through the joint Local Government Futures                                      opportunities and challenges that lie ahead with one strong voice.
project – to build an evidence base for consideration.                                                My support comes with one main concern that needs to be at the
   But, at the end of the day, once that unbiased information is pro-                              forefront of this discussion – local representation. I think this can
vided to communities, it is – and should be – completely community                                 be addressed by having a strong local board structure with represen-
preference as to what shape they want their own local government                                   tation on the main Council to ensure the local boards and commu-
to take. Different communities will have different views on this, and                              nities are heard. I look forward to further discussion on this very
in the end that’s what local government and democracy is all about.                                important matter and the future direction of our region. →

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