Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features

Page created by Milton Griffin
Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features
            December 2022 # 98

 Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features

This is the second year of lighting up
Kirkpatrick Memorial Park with our
Trail of Lights. New lighted areas
this year include lighting the outer
trees around the trail, a
Messerschmidt donated collection of
holiday lights, a Christmas train,
beach snowmen and wave of lights
in the area of the Lexington Family
Aquatic Center.

Dawson Public Power District
donated time to light the southeast
section of the trail, including several
tall spruce trees and a large linden.
Shotkoski Hay Company once again
donated hay bales throughout the
park, the largest section being the
hay bale Christmas tree that stands
more than 30 feet high. Many
volunteers helped decorate the park
along with a long list of sponsors
who donated some of the large
holiday scenery throughout the
park. A list of sponsors that helped
make this project possible is
displayed on the trail.

     City Offices:          406 E 7th Street   Lexington, NE 68850          308-324-2341
Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features
December 2022     2

Veterans Pavilion Project Making Great Progress

Construction has recently started
on a Veterans Memorial Pavilion at
the south end of Kirkpatrick
Memorial Park. When finished, the
project will include an
amphitheater and five stations
honoring five branches of the
military. The project has been
made possible by many generous
donations and fund-raising work
by the Veterans Memorial Steering
Committee and the Lexington
Community Foundation. The goal
is to have the project completed in    (looking northwest)
time for a grand opening on
Memorial Day weekend 2023.

                                        (looking northeast)

     City Offices:        406 E 7th Street            Lexington, NE 68850      308-324-2341
Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features
December 2022          3

                      Library                                                        Library Hours
                                                                                 Mon-Thur: 9 am - 8 pm
                      News                                                       Fri & Sat: 9 am - 5 pm
                                                                                   Sunday: CLOSED
                                               907 N Washington
                                                (308) 324-2151

by Jennifer Norton
Library Director                     “When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy
                                          food and clothes.” - Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus

                    Booked for                                               December’s Family Fun
                    Lunch is                                                 Night will be Monday,
                    back! Join                                               December 19, from 5:30 -
                    us for a light                                           8:00 p.m. We’ll do crafts,
                    lunch and a                                              cookie decorating, snowman
                    fun                                                      dress-up and more! A light
                    program on                                               meal will be provided.
                    December 8
                    at 11:30          December’s program features
                    a.m. Please       holiday music with Cheryl and                         Like us
pre-register with the library         Dennis Burnside.                                      on

      City Offices:         406 E 7th Street           Lexington, NE 68850               308-324-2341
Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features
December 2022     4

City Offices:   406 E 7th Street   Lexington, NE 68850      308-324-2341
Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features
December 2022              5

               EnergyWise Tip: Holiday Efficiency Savings

by NPPD Energy Efficiency           and off at the appropriate times –    a window to cool down is
Program Manager                     typically on at dusk and off at       very inefficient, especially if
Cory Fuehrer                        bedtime. To safely control exter-     you forget to close the
                                    ior lights around your home, use      window afterward. If you are
The cost of decking the halls,      a weatherproof outdoor timer.         baking, turn the oven off
devouring delectable holiday                                              when finished and leave the
treats, imbibing fine spirits and   Consider decorations with few or      door open to circulate extra
celebrating with family and         no lights. Reflective ornaments,      heat into the room.
friends over the holidays can       candles, ribbons and garland
really add up. Here are a few       make the most of low-lighting         For those who may feel a
efficiency ideas to lighten their   conditions. They can be used          little chilled, add another
impact on your finances,            throughout the house to               layer of clothing or grab a
schedules and the                   decorate staircases, entryways,       blanket rather than turning
environment.                        mantels or wherever else you          the thermostat up.
                                    want to add some holiday cheer.

Decorating                          When operating holiday lights,        Considering this is the only
If you haven’t already, switch      turn off room lights. This            time of the year you can get
to LED Christmas lights. LED        enhances the holiday mood             away with wearing your
Christmas lights last longer        while providing sufficient lighting   favorite ugly Christmas
and only use about 10% of           for most activities. Note that        sweater or Santa hat, why
the electricity when compared       fireplaces also provide warm,         not take advantage of the
to traditional incandescent         ambient light. Just remember to       opportunity?
bulbs that produce the same         close the flue when the fireplace
amount of light. Pre-lit, fiber     is cold and not in use to ensure      Cooking
optic trees and decorations         heat isn't escaping up the            While creating your culinary
also use LEDs with the added        chimney.                              delights, keep the lid on pots
benefit of being shatterproof,                                            and pans and the oven door
shock-resistant, and cool to        Heating                               closed. Food will cook faster
the touch.                          When you have guests, turn            and require less energy while
                                    down the thermostat and take          cooking. Use a timer to
Use a timer for all holiday         advantage of the body heat they       prevent overcooking and the
lights. Set it to automatically     generate. Waiting until guests
turn your holiday lights on         are too warm and then open-ing                     (continues on next page)

    City Offices:           406 E 7th Street          Lexington, NE 68850              308-324-2341
Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features
December 2022         6

Holiday Efficiency Savings
                                                        The City’s website has tools
(continued from previous page)                      to help you save energy and money.

oven light to check on your food’s
progress. Remember it takes about the
same amount of energy to heat an oven
full of food as it does a nearly empty one.
When possible, bake several dishes at the
same time.

For smaller cooking tasks, use kitchen
appliances like the microwave or toaster
oven. Save the oven for larger and longer
cooking projects like roasting a turkey or
ham. Rather than grabbing a pot for tasks
like melting chocolate, making cocoa or             Interactive Energy Home
warming up leftovers, use the microwave
to reduce energy usage by 50% or more.

Give the gift of energy efficiency. When                        Look for this button at
considering household appliances and        
electronics, look for the ENERGY STAR®
label. ENERGY STAR-certified products use
up to 60% less electricity than non-certified
products. Visit for a
list of qualified ideas to ensure your gift will
save energy for years to come.

Shop locally. Not only will it save time and
energy by not making an extended
shopping trip, but it also helps support
small businesses in your area. Are you
more of an online shopper? Check out                          Like us on Facebook!, https:// and               Get the latest scoops about what’s going
for a huge selection of great gifts from                           on in Lexington!
retailers right here in Nebraska.
                                                     Facebook users: be sure to search for “City of
Lexington Utilities System, in partnership             Lexington, Nebraska” (not to be confused
with Nebraska Public Power District, want              with the generic page the Facebook folks
to help you make the most of this holiday              created). Only our official page gives you
season! For additional ways you can                          the latest news and updates.
become more EnergyWiseSM, visit with
Lexington Utilities System or go to

    City Offices:                406 E 7th Street   Lexington, NE 68850              308-324-2341
Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features
December 2022      7

                                                         HOLIDAY SCHEDULE
                                                          Friday & Saturday
                                                          December 23 & 24
                                                          City Offices closed
                                                           Monday, Dec. 26
                                                           City Offices closed
                                                          Monday, January 2
                                                           City Offices closed

City Offices:   406 E 7th Street   Lexington, NE 68850            308-324-2341
Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features
December 2022     8

                       GGC Happenings

                                              407 East 6th Street

             Joining us for our Birthday Luncheon will be Roger and
             Deb Wells, a local couple who perform a musical duo
            featuring guitar and soprano voice. Both are incredibly
              talented and we’re fortunate to have them perform for
               us. Come to the Grand Generation Center on Friday,
               December 9, and enjoy some nice Christmas music!

City Offices:        406 E 7th Street        Lexington, NE 68850         308-324-2341
Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features
December 2022     9

Lexington Receives “Free Fall Trees”
                                                     This flowering
                                                     crab tree was
                                                     planted on the
                                                     north side of the
                                                     Northwest Hike-
                                                     Bike Trail Phase
                                                     1. Shown left to
                                                     right: Tree Board
                                                     members Dave
                                                     Stenberg and
                                                     Tom Nelson, and
                                                     Assistant City
                                                     Manager Dennis

Lexington received five free fall trees this fall,
which were planted along the hike-bike trail
in the northwest. All five were received
through a “Free Trees for Fall Planting” grant
offered through the Nebraska Statewide
Arboretum, and funded by the Nebraska
Environmental Trust. The Nebraska Forest
Service was also instrumental in organizing
the program. One goal of the grant is to
remind Nebraskans that fall is an excellent
time to plant trees.

Earlier this year the Lexington Tree Board
applied for this competitive grant. This is the
11th consecutive year Lexington has received
free fall trees so, since 2012, that’s 105 free
trees for Lexington so far!

In 2023 and beyond, the City will plant more
trees along trails, and in parks, cemeteries,
green spaces, and in new developments.

     City Offices:         406 E 7th Street          Lexington, NE 68850      308-324-2341
Trail of Lights Open with More Lights and Features
December 2022          10

                   ice removal
Lexington snow and ice removal
Winter weather is upon us and            announcements of possible Snow               In addition, during a Snow
the City would like to remind            Emergency situations where            Emergency, parking in the
citizens of the following points         substantial snowfall is               Downtown area is prohibited. In
related to snow removal. There is        experienced or anticipated.           non-emergency times, citizens are
also an Emergency Snow Route                                                   still encouraged to move their
map on the next page.                                                          parked vehicles off of the street in
     Property owners are required                                              a reasonable period of time after
to remove snow and ice from                                                    snowfall to allow City crews
sidewalks abutting their prop-                                                  access to remove the snow and
erty, within 48 hours of the                                                        ice. Information regarding the
snowfall. Removal of snow                                                             removal of snow in your area
and ice from sidewalks not                                                            of the City can be obtained
only ensures safe passage                                                              by contacting Tom Nelson
for pedestrians (including                                                             at 308-324-5995.
school children), but also
limits liability. Someone who                                                         The City of Lexington would
sustains injuries from slipping                                                    like to reiterate that snow
on ice might claim their injuries                                                and ice removal is important
resulted from property owner                                                   for vehicular traffic as well as
neglect. Please remember that                                                  Pedestrian traffic.
snow and ice removed from your
property is not to be placed into the         In times of a declared Snow          Please take the time to do
street. Instead move it to non-          Emergency, parking along streets      your part to keep our streets and
paved areas.                             in the designated Snow                sidewalks safe. The City of
     The City needs the cooperation      Emergency Route is prohibited.        Lexington thanks everyone for
of all citizens as we work to remove     Commercial Areas may also be          their cooperation and prompt
snow and ice from the streets.           included (see Snow Route map).        attention to this issue.
Citizens are encouraged to listen to          Citizens living along these
local radio stations or read the local   routes are encouraged to comply
newspaper (including online) for         with the prohibition and move

                                                    ● dispose of furniture, appliances, pallets, and
                                                      other large items (small fee may apply)
                                                    ● recycle paper, plastic, and cardboard
                                                    ● pick up free wood chips or compost
                801 West Vine St.
                   Mon. - Fri.
                 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

      City Offices:            406 E 7th Street          Lexington, NE 68850                308-324-2341
December 2022     11

City Offices:   406 E 7th Street   Lexington, NE 68850      308-324-2341
December 2022     12

City Offices:   406 E 7th Street   Lexington, NE 68850      308-324-2341
December 2022     13

City Offices:   406 E 7th Street   Lexington, NE 68850      308-324-2341
E  L●●E
                      C ●● S
                                          Y                               ●
                                                                                 B  U●●L
S p a c e Heater
          H e a t e r Safety
                      S afe t y
You might be turning on a space          on the heater and start a fire.
heater to keep warm in this cool       ● Do not use extension cords with
weather. However, you might not          space heaters unless absolutely
know that thousands of fires are         necessary. If you have to use
caused every year by space               an extension cord, make sure it
heaters, especially improperly used      has a power rating as high or
ones. The National Fire Protection       higher as that of the heater
Association says in 2011, space          itself. Keep the cord stretched
heaters were involved in about           out and do not allow it to
17,850 home fires.                       become buried under rugs
                                                 or carpeting. Don’t place
                                                 anything on top of the
                                                 cord. If the cord ever
                                                                                   ● Space heaters take a lot of
                                                 feels even slightly
                                                                                     electricity. They can overload the
                                                 warm, discontinue use.
                                                                                     home’s wiring, especially if other
                                                  ● Inspect the heater's
                                                                                     high-wattage appliance are on at
                                                  cord periodically to look
                                                                                     the same time. This may cause
                                                  for frayed wire or
                                                                                     overheating of circuits, which may
                                                  damaged insulation. Do
                                                                                     lead to fires.
                                                  not use a space heater
                                                                                   ● Make sure the space heater you
                                                  with a damaged cord.
                                                                                     are buying is certified and labeled
                                                  ● Check periodically for
                                                                                     as such on the box (such as
                                                  a secure plug/outlet fit. If
                                                                                     Underwriters Laboratory).
                                                  the plug becomes very
                                                                                   ● If you have a liquid-fueled space
                                                  hot, the outlet may need
                                                                                     heater, use only the fuel
                                       to be replaced by a qualified
Here are some safety tips from                                                       recommended by the
                                       technician. This could be the sign
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and                                                   manufacturer. The wrong fuel
                                       of a potential home wiring issue.
other sources:                                                                       could burn hotter than the
                                                                                     equipment was designed for and
● Always read and follow the                                                         cause a serious fire.
  manufacturer's                                                                   ● When refueling, turn off the heater
  recommendations.                                                                   and let it cool down completely
● Every level of your home should                                                    before adding fuel. Wipe away
  have a working smoke detector                                                      any spills promptly.
  that is tested on a monthly basis.                                               ● Before you buy a kerosene
● Keep all space heaters three feet                                                  heater, check with your local fire
  away from anything that could                                                      department to ensure that it is
  catch on fire.                                                                     legal in your area.
● Make sure the space heater                                                       ● Kerosene heaters have a different
  includes a tip-over switch to                                                      type of threat with the potential of
  ensure that it shuts off if it                                                     carbon monoxide poisoning, so
  accidentally tips over.              ● Use space heaters only as a
                                                                                     take that into consideration.
● NEVER leave a space heater             supplementary, small-area
  unattended.                            sources of heat. They are not
● NEVER use a space heater in            intended to replace the home's
  the room where you will be             heating system, and turning the
  sleeping.                              central heating system down too
● NEVER place heaters on                 low may result in water pipes
  furniture. They are designed to        bursting.
  be placed on the floor.              ● Don’t use a space heater to dry
● Unless the heater is designed for      your wet clothes or pull it closer
  use outdoors or in bathrooms, do       when you are in a bath tub.
  not use in damp, wet areas.          ● Keep pets and children away
● NEVER place heaters where              from space heaters.
  towels or other objects could fall
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