University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Strategic Plan 2017 2022

University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Strategic Plan 2017 2022
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022
University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Strategic Plan 2017 2022
Contents                             Foreword by the Vice-Chancellor
                                              and the Chair of Council

3.       Foreword by the Vice-Chancellor      The University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD)        At the heart of our Strategic Plan is a commitment to
         and the Chair of Council             is the oldest Royal Chartered University in Wales and      all our learners and specifically to Wales – to its culture,
                                              is proud to have as its Patron His Royal Highness, the     its heritage and its language, and to the prosperity and
                                              Prince of Wales. We are part of the UWTSD Group,           long-term health of its citizens. We recognise our local,
                                              a multi-institutional collaborative venture owned and      national, international and civic role as a provider of
4.       Mission                              governed by the University, with Coleg Sir Gâr and         higher education, and the responsibilities that we bear.
                                              Coleg Ceredigion as constituent colleges. The Group        As a reflection of this commitment, we have placed the
                                              offers an integrated, dual sector approach to education    seven goals and the five ways of working of the Well-
                                              for the benefit of learners, employers and communities,    Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 at the
5.       Values
                                              and will be enhanced later this year through merger with   core of our planning, and have ensured that our own
                                              the University of Wales. The merger will complete the      aspirations are closely aligned with those expressed
                                              establishment of a transformed University, and will be     by the Welsh Government in Taking Wales Forward
6.       Strategic Priorities                 an opportunity to celebrate the historic contributions     2016-21.
                                              that all members of the UWTSD Group have made to
                                              education in Wales.                                        At the end of the current planning period in 2022
                                                                                                         we shall celebrate the bicentenary of the University’s
14.      Enablers                             This Strategic Plan is therefore presented at a time of    Royal Charter. This historic occasion will also provide
                                              continuing change for the University and for education     an opportunity for us to reflect and build on the
                                              more generally, and in a period of considerable            considerable achievements of the UWTSD Group
                                              uncertainty stemming from external factors, including      since its much more recent inception. We believe
                                              reductions in funding and the UK’s planned withdrawal      that the Strategic Plan sets an ambitious but realistic
                                              from the European Union. We recognise the significant      agenda for the next five years, the achievement of which
                                              challenges in the current climate. However, we enter       will be fundamental to the continuing success of the
                                              the new planning period with confidence in the             UWTSD Group and to the prosperity and resilience of
                                              strategic direction of the UWTSD Group, and in the         the communities that we serve.
                                              distinctive education that we offer on our campuses
                                              across Wales, in London, and through our collaborative     Professor Medwin Hughes, DL
                                              partnerships. We are proactive in seeking opportunities    Vice-Chancellor
                                              for development, and our capacity to work across
                                              traditional boundaries equips us well for the challenges   The Venerable Randolph Thomas
                                              that lie ahead.                                            Chair of Council

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University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Strategic Plan 2017 2022
Mission                                       Values
Transforming Education;
Transforming Lives.

Vision                                        Through our activities we promote:

                                              Excellent teaching informed by scholarship                Sustainable development, by behaving in a way
                                              and professional practice, and applied research           which ensures that the needs of the present are met
Our vision is to be a University for          that influences knowledge and policy in Wales             without compromising the ability of future generations to
Wales, with a commitment to the               and beyond.                                               meet their own needs, and by systematically embedding
well-being and heritage of the nation                                                                   this principle in our approach to teaching and learning.
at the heart of all that we do.               Inclusivity, by removing barriers to participation
                                              and supporting people from all backgrounds and            The concept of global citizenship, through
Central to our vision is the promotion        circumstances to fulfil their potential.                  the development of multi-national activities and
and embedding of a dual-sector                                                                          opportunities for our learners, staff and partners.
educational system which educates             Employability and creativity, by offering
                                              educational programmes that develop entrepreneurial       Wales and its distinctiveness, through embedding
learners of all ages and backgrounds,
                                              and creative skills, enabling learners to have the best   the goals of the Well-Being of Future Generations
and stimulates economic development                                                                     (Wales) Act in all of our activities, and by celebrating
                                              opportunities to gain employment and to contribute
in our region, across Wales                   to the prosperity of their communities.                   the vibrant culture, heritage and language of Wales.
and beyond.
                                              Collaboration through strategic relationships,
                                              working with others to provide educational and
                                              commercial opportunities and to ensure that Wales
                                              is connected to the wider world.

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University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Strategic Plan 2017 2022
Strategic Priorities                            The learner is central to the UWTSD Group
                                                and our commitment to providing an
                                                                                                            Measures of success
                                                excellent learning experience is at the                     Within the planning period we will measure our
                                                heart of our activities.                                    success through the following:
Our Values are reflected in four Strategic
Priorities for the planning period:             We believe that education changes lives and, working        •   Achievement of specific recruitment and
                                                in partnership with the Students’ Union, we are                 continuation targets, to enable us to provide
                                                committed to supporting learners to achieve their               vibrant and viable programmes of study
                                                potential within learning environments that are
                                                                                                            •   An increase in the number of learners progressing
                                                welcoming, inclusive, supportive and secure.
Strategic Priority 1:                                                                                           from further education to higher education within
                                                                                                                the UWTSD Group
                                                We will therefore
Putting Learners First                                                                                      •   Achievement of specific targets for the recruitment
                                                                                                                and continuation of under-represented groups,
                                                •   Provide all of our learners with a high quality,            including part-time undergraduate learners, Welsh-
                                                    supportive and inclusive learning experience to             domiciled learners from identified deprived areas,
                                                    enable them to achieve their full potential                 and learners in receipt of the Disabled Students
Value                                           •   Work in partnership with our learners to encourage          Allowance (DSA)
                                                    their full engagement with their programmes of          •   Maintenance of the proportion of our learners
                                                    study and their full participation in our decision-         who achieve a good honours degree in line with
                                                    making processes                                            sector norms
Inclusivity, by removing barriers to
participation and supporting people             •   Offer attractive and relevant academic programmes       •   Learner involvement in internships, ambassador
                                                    that enable our learners to develop the skills that         schemes, mobility opportunities and learner-led
from all backgrounds and circumstances
                                                    they need for employment and to ensure that they            initiatives such as Green Impact
to fulfil their potential.
                                                    can, in turn, make a direct contribution to the well-   •   Continuing improvement in our performance in
                                                    being and prosperity of their communities                   The National Student Survey (NSS) and other
                                                •   Continue to develop our portfolio of programmes             satisfaction surveys
                                                    that are delivered flexibly, allowing learners to       •   An improvement in our performance in the
Value                                               access study opportunities in a manner that suits           Destination of Leavers in Higher Education
                                                    their lifestyle and commitments                             (DLHE) survey and other measures of
                                                •   Contribute to the creation of a more equal Wales            graduate employment
Employability and creativity, by offering           through the promotion of participation by under-        •   Completion of our Swansea Waterfront
educational programmes that develop                 represented groups, by providing accessible                 Campus and the successful migration of
entrepreneurial and creative skills, enabling       learning opportunities and by removing barriers to          learners on relevant programmes
learners to have the best opportunities to          participation, ensuring that those who choose to
gain employment and to contribute to the            study with us are provided with excellent support
prosperity of their communities.                    throughout their period of study
                                                •   Continue to enhance our campuses and facilities,            Key Performance Indicators
                                                    ensuring that learners are provided with attractive,
                                                    supportive, inclusive and sustainable environments          KPI 2: Academic Profile and Market Position
                                                    in which to study
                                                •   Complete our Swansea Waterfront Campus and
                                                                                                                KPI 7: Student Experience
                                                    continue to enhance the buildings that we use               KPI 9: Estates and Infrastructure
                                                    across all campuses

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Strategic Priority 2:                         Fundamental to the achievement of our Mission
                                              is a commitment to academic excellence through
                                                                                                          Measures of success
Excellence in Teaching,                       the provision of high quality teaching, informed
                                              by staff scholarship, research and professional
                                                                                                          Within the planning period we will measure our success
                                                                                                          through the following:
                                              practice, and delivered through methods that
Scholarship and                               engage and challenge our learners.                          •   Continuing improvement in our performance in
                                                                                                              The National Student Survey (NSS) in measures
Applied Research                              Building on the historical achievements of our founding
                                              institutions, we are also leading new approaches to
                                                                                                              specifically related to the quality of teaching and
                                                                                                              learner challenge
                                              the delivery of teacher education in Wales, working         •   An increase in the proportion of staff who have
                                              with schools to equip the next generation of teachers           attained Higher Education Academy (HEA)
                                              with the skills that they need to raise standards and           Fellowship
Value                                         inspire pupils. We are committed to improving our           •   Achievement of a ‘Silver’ rating in the Teaching
                                              research performance primarily through an emphasis on           Excellence Framework
                                              applied research which has commercial potential, thus
                                              maximising our contribution to the regional economy.
                                                                                                          •   Achievement of appropriate Initial Teacher Training
Excellent teaching informed by scholarship                                                                    recruitment targets
and professional practice, and applied                                                                    •   Implementation of new strategies for research,
research that influences knowledge and        We will therefore                                               applied research and commercialisation
policy in Wales and beyond.                                                                               •   An increase in income from research and
                                              •   Provide excellent and stimulating teaching across all       commercialisation activities
                                                  programmes of study, informed by staff scholarship
                                                                                                          •   Achievement of a judgement of ‘Meets UK
                                                  and professional practice
                                                                                                              Expectations’ in external quality assessment review
                                              •   Support our staff to innovate and to achieve the
                                                  highest standards of teaching practice, including
                                                  through increased use of technology enhanced
                                                  learning and the establishment of the Global
                                                  Campus platform                                             Key Performance Indicators
                                              •   Seek accreditation for new Initial Teacher
                                                  Education programmes through Yr Athrofa                     KPI 5: Pure and Applied Research
                                                  Institute of Education                                      KPI 8: Teaching and Learning
                                              •   Maintain and enhance the international excellence
                                                  of the research of the Centre for Advanced Welsh
                                                  and Celtic Studies and other areas of research and
                                                  innovation associated with the University of Wales,
                                                  and in selected areas of the transformed University
                                              •   Maximise opportunities for all staff and learners
                                                  to engage in scholarship, professional practice,
                                                  applied research and commercialisation activities
                                              •   Maintain the high academic standards of our
                                                  awards, and continue to participate in external
                                                  assessments of teaching and research excellence
                                              •   Enhance our academic governance arrangements
                                                  to enable governors to make full and informed
                                                  judgements about academic quality and quality

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University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Strategic Plan 2017 2022
The Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales)                       Academy and the development of a number of
                                               Act 2015 requires organisations to collaborate,                    high-quality, international partnerships, linked to

Strategic Priority 3:                          to involve stakeholders and to integrate
                                               objectives with those of other organisations for               •
                                                                                                                  the University’s faculties
                                                                                                                  Develop and enhance our participation in the work

Creation of                                    long-term benefit.
                                                                                                                  of the International University of Malaya-Wales
                                                                                                                  Continue to enhance our engagement with our
                                               We recognise that working across traditional                       alumni and graduates.
Opportunities through                          boundaries is essential to the achievement of our
                                               Mission. We are enhancing the linkages between
Partnerships                                   further and higher education to create unique pathways         Measures of success
                                               for skills enhancement for the benefit of our learners,
                                               their communities and the economy.                             Within the planning period we will measure our success
                                                                                                              through the following:
                                               We are committed to the economic development of the
Value                                          region through the continuing development of our links         •   An increase in the number of learners progressing
                                               with industry, with other educational providers and with           from further education outside the UWTSD Group
                                               national institutions within Wales and beyond, and to              to UWTSD higher education programmes
                                               the creation of opportunities through partnerships that        •   An increase in the number of accredited
Collaboration through strategic                will enable our learners to achieve their full potential and       programmes, and programmes developed in
relationships, working with others to          the economy to thrive.                                             collaboration with employers or in response to
provide educational and commercial                                                                                employer demand
opportunities and to ensure that                                                                              •   Enhanced work-based learning opportunities to
Wales is connected to the wider world.         We will therefore                                                  build our learners’ skills
                                               •   Develop and enhance our partnerships and                   •   An increase in the number of apprenticeships,
                                                   confederations with other institutions, to maximise            including higher level apprenticeships, offered
                                                   higher education and progression opportunities for             through the UWTSD Group
Value                                              learners                                                   •   Continuation of the ‘Pledge’ arrangements with
                                               •   Continue to work closely with regional employers to            local authority partners
                                                   identify areas of need and to develop a skilled and        •   Continued representation and engagement with
                                                   educated population, including through work-based              Public Services Boards and contribution to Local
The concept of global citizenship,                 learning opportunities                                         Well-being Plans
through the development of multi-              •   Continue to enhance our portfolio of vocational            •   Delivery of our obligations under the Swansea Bay
national activities and opportunities              and technical awards, including through the                    City Region City Deal
for our learners, staff and partners.              development of higher level apprenticeships                •   Achievement of specific targets for the recruitment
                                               •   Support the economic development of the region                 of global learners
                                                   through strategic engagement with business and             •   Establishment of new partnerships with selected
                                                   civic partners                                                 former collaborative centres of the University of
                                               •   Continue to work closely with the local authorities            Wales and achievement of satisfactory quality
                                                   where we have campuses to maximise benefits                    assurance outcomes in any external reviews of
                                                   through geographical partnerships                              those partnerships
                                               •   Actively engage with public bodies and Public              •   Full establishment of the Chin Kung Foundation on
                                                   Services Boards across Wales, focusing on our                  the Lampeter Campus and Wuhan Ligong College
                                                   shared commitment to the seven goals and five                  at Swansea
                                                   ways of working of the Well-Being of Future                •   Development of the potential of the International
                                                   Generations (Wales) Act 2015                                   University of Malaya-Wales, including opportunities
                                               •   Engage fully in the Swansea Bay City Region                    for staff and learner exchanges
                                                   City Deal
                                               •   Develop our external engagement activities focused
                                                   on economic opportunities such as the Tidal
                                                   Lagoon                                                         Key Performance Indicators
                                               •   Continue to recruit Professors of Practice to
                                                   enhance our learners’ access to examples of the                KPI 4: Establishing an International Profile
                                                   practical application of knowledge and research
                                               •   Contribute to the international position of Wales
10 | University of Wales Trinity Saint David       through the establishment of the Wales Global                                             Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022 | 11
University of Wales Trinity Saint David - Strategic Plan 2017 2022
Our location is fundamental to our identity,                Measures of success
                                               our history and our ambitions. A commitment
                                               to the culture, heritage and language of Wales,             Within the planning period we will measure our success
Strategic Priority 4:                          and to improving its social, environmental,
                                               economic and cultural well-being, underpins
                                                                                                           through the following:

A University for Wales                         all of our activities.                                      •   Incorporation of the Well-Being of Future
                                                                                                               Generations (Wales) Act 2015 goals and ways of
                                               We have the highest percentage of Welsh-domiciled               working into the strategic planning of faculties and
                                               learners of any higher education institution in Wales,          professional departments
                                               and we work in a bilingual environment in which staff       •   Implementation of sustainability commitments within
Value                                          and learners are encouraged and supported to develop            Faculty and Departmental strategic plans
                                               their language skills.                                      •   Completion of curriculum audits to support well-
                                                                                                               being and sustainability commitments
                                               As we reach our bicentenary, we recognise and
Sustainable development, by behaving in        celebrate the unique position that the UWTSD Group
                                                                                                           •   Recording environmental sustainability data and
                                                                                                               carbon management plan information to underpin
a way which ensures that the needs of the      already holds within its communities, and we seek to
                                                                                                               sustainable campus environments
present are met without compromising           maximise the educational and cultural opportunities
the ability of future generations to meet      created through the integration of the University of        •   Achievement of specific targets for Welsh-medium
                                               Wales for the benefit of our current learners and for           provision through expansion in the number of
their own needs, and by systematically
                                               future generations.                                             programmes offered bilingually and the number of
embedding this principle in our approach to
                                                                                                               learners studying through the medium of Welsh
teaching and learning.
                                                                                                           •   Activities undertaken to promote Welsh heritage
                                               We will therefore                                               through project work, development of new curricula
                                                                                                               and the building of relationships with external
                                               •   Continue to develop and enhance our commitment              partners
                                                   to embedding sustainability in the curriculum and in
Value                                              all of our activities
                                                                                                           •   Achievement of specific recruitment targets for the
                                                                                                               Wales International Academy of Voice
                                               •   Continue to develop programmes and research
                                                                                                           •   The number of organisations offering innovative and
                                                   focused on protection and enhancement of the
                                                                                                               commercial opportunities through the Swansea
Wales and its distinctiveness, through             environment and natural resources
                                                                                                               Waterfront and Yr Egin developments
embedding the goals of the Well-Being of       •   Contribute to the vibrancy of Welsh culture, visual
                                                                                                           •   An increase in the number of graduate start-up
Future Generations (Wales) Act in all of our       arts, heritage and language through the continued
                                                                                                               companies and in the number still un business after
activities, and by celebrating the vibrant         provision of high-quality Welsh-medium education
                                                                                                               three years of operation
culture, heritage and language of Wales.           and activities which encourage community
                                                   participation in arts, sports and recreation            •   Creation of additional programmes within the health
                                               •   Contribute to the prosperity, security and resilience
                                                   of Wales through the promotion of creative skills,      •   Continued delivery of physical literacy programmes
                                                   entrepreneurship and tech hubs, and through                 to teachers, professionals and parents and
                                                   supporting our graduates to start their own                 assessment of the impact of such programmes on
                                                   businesses                                                  the health and well-being of communities
                                               •   Contribute to the health of Wales through continued     •   Achievement of full constitutional merger of the
                                                   development of programmes and research focused              University of Wales and the UWTSD Group
                                                   on physical and mental wellbeing                        •   Monitoring the implementation of the Adduned
                                               •   Continue to champion the internationalisation of            Cymru – The Wales Pledge
                                                   Wales by taking the best of Wales to the world and
                                                   bringing the best of the world to Wales
                                               •   Safeguard the legacy of the University of Wales for
                                                   future generations through Adduned Cymru – The              Key Performance Indicators
                                                   Wales Pledge, thus ensuring that the assets serve
                                                   the purpose for which they were intended                    KPI 3: Embedding Sustainability
                                               •   Continue to develop and enhance the work of the             KPI 6: Culture and Heritage
                                                   University of Wales Press
                                               •   Complete harmonisation and integration following
                                                   the constitutional merger with the University of
                                                   Wales in 2017
                                               •   Continue to support and facilitate strategic
12 | University of Wales Trinity Saint David       initiatives in Welsh higher education                                                 Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022 | 13
Enablers                                        Enabler 1: Financial Security                              Enabler 7: Continuous
                                                We seek to deliver a financially secure UWTSD Group,       Improvement
                                                investing in areas of academic strength and potential,
Achievement of our strategic priorities is      disinvesting where appropriate, and generating             We are committed to systematically reviewing our
dependent upon a range of supporting            surpluses for future investment in areas that will         performance at all levels, and we continually seek to
enablers, the details of which are set out in   benefit our learners and communities.                      enhance the quality of what we offer and deliver.
operational plans:
                                                Enabler 2: People
                                                We recognise our staff as a key resource to the
                                                                                                              Key Performance Indicators
                                                successful delivery of this plan, and are committed to
                                                                                                              KPI 1: Institutional Sustainability
                                                providing an inclusive environment where individuals are
                                                supported and encouraged to reach their full potential.       KPI 10: Staff
                                                                                                              KPI 11: Governance
                                                Enabler 3: Estates
                                                and Infrastructure
                                                We are committed to the provision of a high-quality
                                                                                                           Measures of Success
                                                sustainable, low carbon physical environment to
                                                                                                           Our measures of success for the planning period
                                                enhance the learner experience and support the
                                                                                                           2017-2022 are quantified through specific targets
                                                delivery of innovative and accessible approaches to
                                                                                                           which are set and reviewed annually. We regularly
                                                teaching and learning.
                                                                                                           assess our institutional health through our series of
                                                                                                           Key Performance Indicators.
                                                Enabler 4: Governance
                                                Our Council members are involved in organisational
                                                activity and are provided with high quality information
                                                and resources to inform effective decision-making.

                                                Enabler 5: Leadership
                                                and Management
                                                We are committed to providing effective leadership and
                                                management that is proactive and allows us to adapt
                                                successfully to emerging opportunities and challenges.

                                                Enabler 6: Equality
                                                We are committed to a more equal Wales, and
                                                we promote learning, teaching, social and working
                                                environments and practices that are accessible,
                                                fair and inclusive.

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